SIRENS OF SAILING - Day 5 - Grenadines, Caribbean!

We start out on Union Island on the reef at Happy Island, setting sail for the turquoise waters of the Tobago Cays in the Grenadines! We are joined by our next crewmate Natalia from Poland as she arrives by private sailboat at Mayreau... Now we have an international crew representing Canada, Poland, Brazil, and USA! We begin the next adventure exploring several islands including Petit Tabac where some famous scenes of Pirates of the Caribbean were filmed! Join us as we shop the local markets, swim with sea turtles, and hike the islands with our African Grey Parrot, 'Lucky'... Fun to be had for all! More like this at Priduced by Sponsored in part by Clarkes Court Bay Marina in Grenada

SIRENS OF SAILING - Day 5 - Grenadines, Caribbean! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 64

Sailing 12 years ago 275,975 views

We start out on Union Island on the reef at Happy Island, setting sail for the turquoise waters of the Tobago Cays in the Grenadines! We are joined by our next crewmate Natalia from Poland as she arrives by private sailboat at Mayreau... Now we have an international crew representing Canada, Poland, Brazil, and USA! We begin the next adventure exploring several islands including Petit Tabac where some famous scenes of Pirates of the Caribbean were filmed! Join us as we shop the local markets, swim with sea turtles, and hike the islands with our African Grey Parrot, 'Lucky'... Fun to be had for all! More like this at Priduced by Sponsored in part by Clarkes Court Bay Marina in Grenada

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Most popular comments
for SIRENS OF SAILING - Day 5 - Grenadines, Caribbean!

MNY-Patentcatalog - 7 years ago
just great
Michele Lustrissimini
Michele Lustrissimini - 7 years ago
bellissimo video
bendiksss - 8 years ago
7.50 твой попугай????your parrot???
Eric Wiedemann
Eric Wiedemann - 8 years ago
the beginning credits were way to fast to read btw
Hec. Davila
Hec. Davila - 8 years ago
rick moore is a beep
bradspicks - 8 years ago
You've entered the no butt hurting zone lol lol
tuna in Water
tuna in Water - 9 years ago
Her hair looks greatttttttttttt braided!!!!!
Odyssey4x4Spatran - 9 years ago
Hi from Greece;Really good videos -Thank(s)
Mount Ocean
Mount Ocean - 9 years ago
Great Job on the vids and awesome adventures. Sweet music. Were just starting our own and can't wait. Perhaps we'll see you out in the great Pacific!


10. comment for SIRENS OF SAILING - Day 5 - Grenadines, Caribbean!

MartyLeBeast - 9 years ago
What's the length of your yacht?
Stephon Rodriguez
Stephon Rodriguez - 9 years ago
I would like to visit the Grenadines
DealioTV - 9 years ago
Don't think I would buy food from a women who picked her nose
Jim intheWeb
Jim intheWeb - 10 years ago
Shiver me timber.
See me a fello pirate try’N to hide behind a Hairoun @ 03:41 .
And hear me some sigh reens!
Hoist me Jolly Roger N make way !  .  .  I can smell the locker of Davey Jones.

Sex N the Sea, Adalene Alicea?  You ever been somewhere or done something that inspired you to do it over & over & over again & again?  And then your progeny want some of the same?  Well, the same goes with fill’N the mainsle (the main sail) close hauled or run’N with the spinaker out full for the first time.  Ya just can’t get enough.  Thus, Sex N the Sea.  
(good enough, master Rick?)
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  :-}}
Barncle Bill
Barncle Bill - 10 years ago
Did the tall dark hair girl find that bird or did she bring it along with her?
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 10 years ago
+Barncle Bill the bird is "Lucky", our African Grey Parrot onboard.. you can search the channel and find she has her own playlist, with almost half a million viewers!  :)
ckbond41 - 10 years ago
I like the hairstyle of the girl with the plats.... it looks really cool..
S\V Eros
S\V Eros - 11 years ago
Is there a soundtrack for this music? Who is it by?
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 11 years ago
this is all custom music that we purchase for use in our videos.. it is available at
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 11 years ago
Thanks for your feedback Marcus, and this is something we've been debating for quite a while... the name was something the girls actually came up with to ride on the series "Sex in the City" which of course is one of the most popular TV series in history. The only thing we haven't touched on yet is the relationship side of things because we'd have to get permission from every guy in the video if they started interacting on a personal level. What would you call the series?
Marcus Gaskamp
Marcus Gaskamp - 11 years ago
I'd like to agree but like the word "love" without context the mind wanders to the most common meaning of the word. On the internet using this word basically screams porn without explicit context. I'm really not trying to be a downer but it's true.
Marcus Gaskamp
Marcus Gaskamp - 11 years ago
I agree, I wanted to link this off to my wife but I'm not sure she'd watch it because the name. Given a frame or two of the cast and setting along with the name I'd think it was a hippie version of Jersey Shore which does not seem to be what it ends up being.
Dursun Aslantürk
Dursun Aslantürk - 7 years ago
asdf asdf

20. comment for SIRENS OF SAILING - Day 5 - Grenadines, Caribbean!

Doreen Cohanim
Doreen Cohanim - 11 years ago
SEX AND THE SEA Is Actually appealing, because it's associates passion, love, attraction, beauty, flexibility, Imaginations, etc.
Doreen Cohanim
Doreen Cohanim - 11 years ago
Wow, It looks so tempting and reminds me when I used to go on my yearly vacations. I am up and open to be part of this show. Any openings? lol
Flits Paal
Flits Paal - 11 years ago
Hey Rick, is Katie Dutch? If so, how did she (and the other girls) end up on your boat?
pantiesfuck12 - 12 years ago
Get video,, only thing is at the end,,,, the 4 girls look like red lobsters,,,,,
Oregon Matthew
Oregon Matthew - 12 years ago
I look forward to it! I am in the process of selling my house with plans to buy a boat and sail to the south pacific in search of great surfing. I would love to see a video of tips and things to consider for someone interested in becoming a live aboard cruiser. Just an idea...
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
Glad you're enjoying them though, and don't forget to share them to help us build the audience to keep going! :)
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
We still have Day 6 & 7 to edit and the entire trip prior to this one with different set of girls onboard... just haven't had time to edit yet as other projects have taken priority for a bit
Oregon Matthew
Oregon Matthew - 12 years ago
I love these videos Rick. When will there be another episode?
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
it's actually 18 tons net but still has a theoretical hull speed around 8.5knots... having said that, I've had it over 10knots many times in the right conditions
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
sure, just if you don't mind, put links back to my Youtube channel, and AmbientRealLife website as credit. Thanks! Rick Moore

30. comment for SIRENS OF SAILING - Day 5 - Grenadines, Caribbean!

2ftpmarco - 12 years ago
may i ask what the maximum speed is at sail, of the Jeanneau International 51 ? with 13 tons and 51 foot its a very light ship !
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
Yes, we've been tracking all the stats from each video and at least the actual percentages are starting to grow slowly on the female audience... will take time before they realize what it is really about and become more interested. Until then, the guys will keep getting us views on Youtube so we can keep getting paid, Lol
2ftpmarco - 12 years ago
Top demographics Male, 45-54 years Male, 55-64 years Male, 35-44 years
TheSailingChannel.TV - 12 years ago
That's always the problem with boat shoots. You really need a dedicated camera person that doesn't have any sailing duties. For this project, two production crew, with no sailing duties, would be ideal: one to shoot, the other to direct the talent and drive the storyline. You could manage yourself, if you have another person skippering the boat.
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
Read above! ;o)
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
That would surely lose us about 90% of the female audience, Lol... whereas if you remember "Sex in the City", it gained practically the largest female audience in the history of TV series!
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
Read above, Lol
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
Firstly, sex is not allowed on Youtube, you'll have to look to other sights for that type of entertainment. Secondy. Sex is not only a verb used to describe the act, it is also an adjective used to describe the gender... in this case the female gender as they are represented here exploring a life of discovery on the sea. Thanks for watching, more coming soon!
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
We're working on all that, problem is I'm the one who has to lead most of those activities, which makes it hard to be film crew at same time, Lol
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
Not on Youtube! ;o)
TheSailingChannel.TV - 12 years ago
I agree with comments regarding the series title. "Sex" is off-putting. And let's have more sailing segments, helming the boat, working with the chart plotter, going aloft in a bosun's chair, fixing things - that's what sailors constantly do. Splice a line, change the engine oil, patch a sail, trace a electrical problem, unglog the head. Deal with a storm. What's it really like to live aboard and sail the Caribbean. The scenery is great. I'm sure the crew will have more to say in the final cut.
bbman58 - 12 years ago
misleading title..where's the sex..
C Brad
C Brad - 12 years ago
1 man vs 4 ladies on a boat in the Caribbean.. living the Hugh Hefner lifestyle.
NoodleNinjah - 12 years ago
I'm gonna agree with this. Series title doesn't bother me but leaves people with the impression that the show is about intercourse on the high seas. hahahaha
2ftpmarco - 12 years ago
i agree, lets call it Sail and the sea !
2ftpmarco - 12 years ago
2:34 wtf ?
Adalene Alicia
Adalene Alicia - 12 years ago
Why is this called sex and the sea. I really enjoy the vids but the name is unappealing.
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
We're planning on doing their interviews next week in Dominica
Captain Rick Moore
Captain Rick Moore - 12 years ago
She's from Poland, just added it to the description
John Ahern
John Ahern - 12 years ago
Where did the 4th girl come from? lol...

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