Sailboat Plumbing DIY (Replace Copper Pipes w/ PEX) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips/Sailing Video #27

Sailboat Plumbing DIY; Replace copper pipes w/ PEX. Patrick Childress Sailing Tips/Sailing Videos #27. This DIY Sailboat repair/Sailboat how to video is all about replacing the water plumbing on Our bluewater Sailboat. It explains how to replace copper pipes on Cruising Sailboats using PEX pipe, plumbing on sailboats, how to replace a seacock when we had a broken seacock valve, and upgrading sailboat plumbing. Copper piper pipes on sailboats need to replaced, and water plumbing can easily be done DIY. Using PEX piping on sailboats is the best way to accomplish this. DIY seacock replacement in the water, is possible using a bung from underwater! There is even an idea about how to repair a broken seacock handle. Patrick Childress shows how to replace a seacock in the water. This may just be one the best sailboat how to Videos of the year! Video #27 More "How to" videos are at Please click the "Subscribe" button and click on the bell so you get notified of new videos! Here is the PEX hose that I used : The connectors I wish I had, along with the proper tool : Good to have these in a variety of sizes...I had ONE onboard: An o-ring Kit like this one is invaluable to have onboard. Tubing Cutter: Electricians Fish Tape : **As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases** ✘✘ MY CAMERA GEAR ✘✘ ▬▬ FOLLOW ALONG! ▬▬ ✩Instagram: ✩ Twitter: ✩ Facebook: ✩Our blog: : ✩Youtube: ✩Tshirts and other: 🍯(Tip Jar) ⛵️ TWO FREE SAILING COURSES: ⏩ Amazon shopping here: here: #PatrickChildressSailing #TravelAnimals #SailingTips

Sailboat Plumbing DIY (Replace Copper Pipes w/ PEX) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips/Sailing Video #27 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Sailing 6 years ago 10,116 views

Sailboat Plumbing DIY; Replace copper pipes w/ PEX. Patrick Childress Sailing Tips/Sailing Videos #27. This DIY Sailboat repair/Sailboat how to video is all about replacing the water plumbing on Our bluewater Sailboat. It explains how to replace copper pipes on Cruising Sailboats using PEX pipe, plumbing on sailboats, how to replace a seacock when we had a broken seacock valve, and upgrading sailboat plumbing. Copper piper pipes on sailboats need to replaced, and water plumbing can easily be done DIY. Using PEX piping on sailboats is the best way to accomplish this. DIY seacock replacement in the water, is possible using a bung from underwater! There is even an idea about how to repair a broken seacock handle. Patrick Childress shows how to replace a seacock in the water. This may just be one the best sailboat how to Videos of the year! Video #27 More "How to" videos are at Please click the "Subscribe" button and click on the bell so you get notified of new videos! Here is the PEX hose that I used : The connectors I wish I had, along with the proper tool : Good to have these in a variety of sizes...I had ONE onboard: An o-ring Kit like this one is invaluable to have onboard. Tubing Cutter: Electricians Fish Tape : **As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases** ✘✘ MY CAMERA GEAR ✘✘ ▬▬ FOLLOW ALONG! ▬▬ ✩Instagram: ✩ Twitter: ✩ Facebook: ✩Our blog: : ✩Youtube: ✩Tshirts and other: 🍯(Tip Jar) ⛵️ TWO FREE SAILING COURSES: ⏩ Amazon shopping here: here: #PatrickChildressSailing #TravelAnimals #SailingTips

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Most popular comments
for Sailboat Plumbing DIY (Replace Copper Pipes w/ PEX) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips/Sailing Video #27

wayne mazan
wayne mazan - 5 years ago
Been there... done that... get sharkbite fittings...
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Wayne, it was pure luck to stumble across a roll of real PEX in an out of the way Indian Ocean island. This aint America or is bumfunk in the middle of no where. In the big city of Dar Es Salaam, in Tanzania, I could only find heavy duty PEX in a coil which is made for burying underground. For installation in buildings, that more flexible PEX only comes in 3 meter lengths. "SharkBite"? They have no clue when I ask for that, there is a different system for joining their PEX . Don't wait till later, fix and outfit your boat in America where everything is far cheaper and best....available.
Sea Horse
Sea Horse - 5 years ago
Loved the through hull trick!Much appreciated.ty.Fair winds
Francis Cambron
Francis Cambron - 5 years ago
that pointy tool on the pipe cuter is called a reamer. did you forget to mention stainless steel pipe clamps?
Armando Flores
Armando Flores - 5 years ago
Thank you Patrick.
Michael Read
Michael Read - 5 years ago
I bet you were an engineer in a previous life. Rational, systematic, creative, dogged ... and great to watch.
Julio Oyarzabal
Julio Oyarzabal - 5 years ago
Not only you will need the PEX fittings, but a oversized special camp to compress the fittings. Pex is awesome if you have all you need.
Tool Maker
Tool Maker - 6 years ago
You Could be a TOOLMAKER!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
I agree...This is Rebecca talking ;)
Knoklsnedkr - 6 years ago
hmm.. Maybe it's time to stock up a good thru hull valve for those cases when you're far from everything. ;)
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Or, install good name brand ones that have reliable stainless steel valve shafts.

10. comment for Sailboat Plumbing DIY (Replace Copper Pipes w/ PEX) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips/Sailing Video #27

The Sailing Kiwi
The Sailing Kiwi - 6 years ago
very useful tip - re the magnet
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
There have been plenty of times when I wish I had "left well enough alone" but these copper tubes were 42 years old and gave me no choice. All is back together and ready for another 42 years. Thanks for watching and for your comment.
jonas gamborn
jonas gamborn - 6 years ago
Check out Trudesign from New Zealand composite valves. Never rusts. Pex pipes with Speedfit couplings also composite parts. Easy to install, just cut of the pex and push it in the Speedfit connector.
I am living permanentely onboard my yacht, it´s a Danish design, a Kaskelot (Spearm Whale) the boat is from 1988 and all of the old plumbing had to go and were replaced with composite valves and skin fittings, pex and speedfit connectors. No corrosion, no leaks, no worries. I have the same type of parts for my central heating system. This is my third winter onboard here in Sweden. All plumping and heating has worked without any problems whatsoever.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
All great ideas and I am sure viewers who read this will benefit from it. In my own situation, I am in bumfunk nowhere. There is no real hardware store or marine store for thousands of miles. I was lucky to stumble onto the roll of PEX tubing but they had no fittings for what I needed to do. The only PEX like pipe here in the biggest city in Tanzania is very thick walled stuff made to be put in the ground so dump trucks can run over it....and it does not come in a long enough length to have one continuous run in my boat. The joins actually screw together like a galvanized threaded pipe with a threaded join. I envy you guys who are near real resources. Thanks again for the great tip.
Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson - 6 years ago
At the end of the video you mentioned looking for a fitting to go from PEX to copper. It is called a "sharkbite" and makes a push on leak proof reusable joint
billvm1 - 5 years ago
Use them all the time
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Just today, we received 4 of them. What an incredibly expensive deal to get them shipped to Tanzania from the U.S.. Now to see if they will fit the brand of PEX I happened to find in the island of Reunion. As an aside, the only PEX in longer than a 10' section I could find in Tanzania, is thick walled stuff made for burying in the ground and have the weight of dump trucks running over it. It is not easy fixing a boat once you leave the U.S..
kyle stansbury
kyle stansbury - 6 years ago
This is exactly the kind of content I have been looking for. Thanks for your work.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Thanks for the compliment and for watching.
Lyfan Deth
Lyfan Deth - 6 years ago
Chinese number one export grade marine bronze. Oh sure. Patrick, if you call the six top names in the US or the world and ask them "what alloy is your bronze?" the answers will make you run screaming for genuine Marelon.
Lyfan Deth
Lyfan Deth - 6 years ago
Patrick, if you had heard their responses, you'd still run to Marelon. One called their alloy bronze--but the ingredients defined it as brass. Then there's whether brass is or isn't bronze, no one totally agrees on what the alloys can be. And one of them actually said their alloy was proprietary, they couldn't comment on what was in it. Uh, couple of six packs and a pizza in a lot of college labs will get that alloy on the board in less than 15 minutes. It just seems like everyone in the business wants to say THEIR product is the only one that is any good, and everything else is evil. I'd be afraid to ask them what kind of steel they were putting in their secret parts.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
It is not the bronze that fails in these fittings. It is the stainless steel valve and shaft, to which the handle is attached that disintegrates.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Thank you Eire.
Ralph Sickler
Ralph Sickler - 6 years ago
Pat when are we going to get a tour of the boat?
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Ralph, that is on the list to do.....but I recently lost my GoPro5 and I can't do the moving around the deck videoing with the big, clunky, unstabilized Canon camera. A real bummer. We are still in Tanzania and because of the lack of local availability and high cost of importing, it could be a long while before it is replaced.
Jonathan Ware
Jonathan Ware - 6 years ago
I read once where that bluewater cruising is the equivalent of fixing your boat in exotic locations. Videos like this help to set the expectations for folks considering this life. Thank you very much and big ups for your tenacity and ingenuity!
Jonathan Ware
Jonathan Ware - 6 years ago
+Patrick Childress Sailing Fortunately I really enjoy working on repairing and upgrading own stuff. I am hoping this and a somewhat smaller boat will help to keep costs lower. Maybe not low but at least lower. Also hoping my skills and interests offer a chance to offset my own costs by working on other folks boats. If you get a chance I would like to see a segment on sewing machines.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Nearly every cruising boat I know of is a maintenance treadmill. Fortunately we have tons of spares and repair materials on board which makes quick work of many jobs. There are many cruisers who had to end their sailing and return to work because of the cost of boat repairs.
ScubaTony Anschutz
ScubaTony Anschutz - 6 years ago
Another good one. I hate plumbing! It is always the same can O worms. Worst still if you can't get parts. I am in Philippines now finishing off my Catamaran and plumbing has been the worst for me also. Luckily I pre ordered my electrical supply from the states so all of that is quality.
ScubaTony Anschutz
ScubaTony Anschutz - 6 years ago
+Patrick Childress Sailing Actually no. I'm on Panglao South of Cebu. Andy Smith boat works is here and has been building Wharram boats for 25 years.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Any chance you are at Ocean View, on Samal Is.?

20. comment for Sailboat Plumbing DIY (Replace Copper Pipes w/ PEX) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips/Sailing Video #27

Richard Thomas
Richard Thomas - 6 years ago
I'm new to your channel but have been going back through your videos and have found them very informative and full of great ideas and lessons. Your experiences as a long distance cruiser are much different than most who are coastal or rarely leave the dock. The international prospective is great as well. I subscribed and look forward to your continued insight and sharing in your journey. Godspeed
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Thank you Richard for the great compliment. I have been fortunate to sail on a lot of different boats over the years and pick up a little here and there, yet there is still plenty to learn.
Kevin - 6 years ago
Patrick, you have the most useful videos on boat maintenance and repairs I have seen on youtube. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into making these videos for us.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Thank you Kevin. I will try to keep putting up a video every other week.
Brick House
Brick House - 6 years ago
Patrick forgot to mention his/our blog at We hope you will subscribe to this YouTube channel, as well as our blog, so you won’t miss a post!
Mr. E
Mr. E - 6 years ago
Did our boat in PEX. No regrets.
Sailing Channel Marinus
Sailing Channel Marinus - 6 years ago
Patric is going plumb crazy! Don’t sleep with a drip, call Childress.
Mike Bishop
Mike Bishop - 6 years ago
Didn't know about plugging the through hull from the outside trick. Good info. Thanks
Tool Maker
Tool Maker - 6 years ago
You don't Know the Story of the Dutch Boy With his Finger in the Dyke!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
There are small projections inside of the thruhull but the tapered plug is soft enough to dent and form to fit. Even though I pounded hard on the plug, there was a very slight leak....but no big deal.
Reload 'n Charge!
Reload 'n Charge! - 6 years ago
Excellent video Patrick...your experience is so similar to troublesome component leads to another, and another....sadly, my eyes are constantly on the lookout for suspect bits in every nook and cranny! While sorting out a plumbing leak I notice a terminal block corroding, when I replace all the wiring and terminal block I notice a window or two leaking, which leads to replacing all 10, which leads to suspect hatch leaking....However, am on top of most of it now, having near enough rebuilt or replaced all the old funky systems! Keep the videos coming..I learn a new trick or two each offering! Thx Drew
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Thanks for the comment Andrew. These sailboats are a maintenance treadmill. We have done extensive work in Colombia, Fiji, New Zealand....and now I am looking to haul out for several months in S. Africa.
Patrick Laine
Patrick Laine - 6 years ago
A great 'how to' video for those of us who spent too much time in offices (or on the phone to a plumber).   Thanks for showing the tools and process.
Gary Anderson
Gary Anderson - 6 years ago
Patrick its great to hear from you waiting for some vids from you... I have found a few great channels like this one that focus more on real life instead of other stuff if you know what I mean and yours is one of them Thank you both for all you do.
Patrick Laine
Patrick Laine - 6 years ago
Very kind of you.  Wish I had your 'practical' skills.   Enjoying your videos very much.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Thank you, Patrick. From you, that is a great compliment. I do enjoy your videos.

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