Sailing Safety - Do You Know Your Anchor's Swing Circle?

Captain John with 25+ years of experience shows you the no-nonsense cruising skills you need for safer sailing worldwide. Visit his website at and sign up for his highly popular Sailing Tip of the Week. Discover how you can gain instant access to hundreds of sailing articles, videos, FREE e-Books and much more!

Sailing Safety - Do You Know Your Anchor's Swing Circle? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Sailing 12 years ago 32,734 views

Captain John with 25+ years of experience shows you the no-nonsense cruising skills you need for safer sailing worldwide. Visit his website at and sign up for his highly popular Sailing Tip of the Week. Discover how you can gain instant access to hundreds of sailing articles, videos, FREE e-Books and much more!

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Most popular comments
for Sailing Safety - Do You Know Your Anchor's Swing Circle?

anonymous anonymous
anonymous anonymous - 9 years ago
Pls can u tell how vl you check other ships at anchor whether are dey dragging on u...
Captain John's Skipper Tips
Captain John's Skipper Tips - 9 years ago
+anonymous anonymous Take a bearing to one specific part of the hull (bow, mast, stern). Record the bearing in the log. Shoot another bearing later on to the same exact spot. Compare it to the first bearing. It should be pretty close. You can also use a natural range and check how the boat lines up with a point of land or object ashore. If they split apart, this could indicate dragging. Both of these methods are similar to taking drag bearings for your own boat. Before you lower the anchor, tour the anchorage. Stay away from boats that are are on too short of a scope (the visible part of their rodes may appear to be straighter than others nearby). Also, favor boats with a similar design as your boat (hull, freeboard, superstructure). Boats like this will most likely swing together.
Timucin Edman
Timucin Edman - 10 years ago
Thanks for sharing.
Would you explain what is the Freeboard ?
Timucin Edman
Timucin Edman - 9 years ago
+Captain John's Skipper Tips Perfect. I got it. Thanks Cap.
Captain John's Skipper Tips
Captain John's Skipper Tips - 9 years ago
+Timucin Edman Timucin, freeboard is the height of the hull above the water, measured from the waterline to the intersection of the hull with the deck. The bow will be higher, so the freeboard will be greater at the bow than at the stern.
Safe Sailing
Safe Sailing - 12 years ago
BTW, the one mistake I always make is to set my GPS anchor alarm AFTER the anchor is fully set. Too late cause the GPS swing circle is not the same as what the boat is experiencing. I should set the GPS alarm just before letting the anchor drop but I always forget.
Safe Sailing
Safe Sailing - 12 years ago
Captain, always enjoy your videos which are remarkably concise in explaining sometimes difficult concepts. But in this case I have to agree with rbarnesy. The precision gained from the formula is just not helpful cause just adding the rode plus boat length gives about the same result.
rbarnesy - 12 years ago
Thanks for the tip though. I actually forget about adding my boat length to the swing length often.
rbarnesy - 12 years ago
Like all of your videos, this one is a great tip. But I do have to say that I will translate it into much simpler terms: Make sure you add your anchor rode length+ boat length to calculate swing. You don't need all the roots. Try it in a spreadsheet with any combination of rode, depth, free-board and boat length and you will be withing 2 feet of the more complex method which is way more accurate than you will pay out rode :)

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