Sailing Wisdom: On Our Way! | Ep 90

Our 90th episode starts off with a bang as we pull away from the dock and finally continue South! Along the way, we notice that the blue super moon has created some intense tides that render floating docks and ramps along the ICW completely useless! We cook and continue on our way until we decide to take the advice of many of our YouTube followers by anchoring with only a 4 to 1 scope. Watch until the end to see how that turns out for us! For painting commissions: Our Swag: Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Music: Music provided by Bensound Music: Music provided by Spike

Sailing Wisdom: On Our Way! | Ep 90 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Sailing 7 years ago 3,481 views

Our 90th episode starts off with a bang as we pull away from the dock and finally continue South! Along the way, we notice that the blue super moon has created some intense tides that render floating docks and ramps along the ICW completely useless! We cook and continue on our way until we decide to take the advice of many of our YouTube followers by anchoring with only a 4 to 1 scope. Watch until the end to see how that turns out for us! For painting commissions: Our Swag: Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Music: Music provided by Bensound Music: Music provided by Spike

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Most popular comments
for Sailing Wisdom: On Our Way! | Ep 90

Josef Roesler
Josef Roesler - 7 years ago
Maddie, I don't think you needed to make balls if you are just gonna mash them flat. Just mash them in your hand and drop them in. Wet your hands and they won't stick to you.
Josef Roesler
Josef Roesler - 7 years ago
Hey, so far you've turned out to be a book I would have judged wrong by it's cover, so I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, you've been a trooper with all the other crap that's gone down.. For everyday cooking, it's ok to let yourself be relaxed, rules and measurements only apply to French cooking.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Thanks haha. I'm not very kitchen savvy
Bradshaw TX
Bradshaw TX - 7 years ago
Sorry for all your problems, You might look at getting a Mantus anchor. I know they have excellent holding capabilities.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
We currently use a 65 lbs Mantus :)
Andy name
Andy name - 7 years ago
Have you tried Bahamian anchoring?.... You get lots of chain out, and you can make the drift scope small. I doesn't take that much longer to get out and retrieve once you're practiced.
warp21drive - 7 years ago
Herbie, when you read the anchoring guide on BoatUS did you also read the recommendations about checking the depth in the swing area around you anchoring location for obstructions & shallows. That I believe was you problem not dragging. You were on the edge of The channel beside the shallows. You drifted over the shallows probably at slack water . Tough luck .
An all chain rode will make a lot of noise especially at tide direction change when it can drag over its self .
Cheers Warren
BOATUS guide
Dave Ashman
Dave Ashman - 7 years ago
That’s great the right anchor for the job. Thankfully most sea anchorage’s are straightforward and with good security. You are in a difficult place in the world to anchor, like the Bristol Channel in the UK. Lots of mud and a big range of tide up the 13m. You know how to do it, and you are a reader of books to understand the process well. So workout were problems start. When the anchor is set, I like to think of it lying on the sea bed with nothing to disturb it quiet the weight of the chain making it more secure. When on your anchor watch, plan and adjust the chain/rope to the needs of the conditions and placing the boat in the right place . At low tide keeping the boat in a channel use a short scope, may also need a chum to keep your chain down and the anchor quiet As the tide comes in, wind and current need to be dealt with, so more length needed. Once again to keep the anchor -quite. Have you sea room, does the wind direction take the boat over shallow water later as the tide turns? Readjustments need to be made as the tide goes out, to once again get the boat back into the channel In the day this is all taken in your stride as you go about your days routines, but at night, key times have to be planned in the anchor watch. Get it right - happy ship. Local knowledge from harbour masters and fishermen is always a good. I’d like to say I’m impressed with your safety onboard and the amount of equipment you have. Keep going, try try and try again. Looking forward to more of your videos
spencer marshall
spencer marshall - 7 years ago
Yes, your scope formula is most correct and 7:1 is considered minimum especially for the currents encountered regularly in the ICW.
Robert Orzech
Robert Orzech - 7 years ago
It was only -27 below 0 F here last night . When you go out and feel the 27 degrees , just imagine 54 degrees colder then that ! 49 N  89 W  When it gets up to 27 degrees that's when I go outside take off my shirt and sun tan to get some well needed vitamin D.   Cheers ! and thanks for sharing.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Holy moly! That's just torture!
No Job
No Job - 7 years ago
Can't help myself I'm watching this episode again waiting on the ending when the boat looks like Hurricane Erma sucked the water out of all the river's and put their boats on keels & 1 side.
Kent - 7 years ago
Herb and Mattie your boat was built for open water sailing take a look at these sailing channels. Free Range Sailing Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe Sailing Uma Sailing Catalpa.
Would love to see you get out on open water and enjoy the freedom your boat was built to offer people. Go Sailing Rigging Docter
Fair winds and following seas.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Trust me, we know! Can't wait to get out there after Georgetown!!! Thanks for watching :)

10. comment for Sailing Wisdom: On Our Way! | Ep 90

Lydia Johnson
Lydia Johnson - 7 years ago
So sorry, but I had to chuckle when I saw your boat healing so far. Also, sorry about all the arm chair critics who don't know your boat. So, trust yourself. You are the captain. Never explain good decisions to people who think they know your circumstances, but really don't. The best captains I watch hardly ask for advice from viewers. Trust your resources and yourself.

You know, I think I'll take a pass on the ICW. You are nearly in better waters and better temperatures. Love your positive attitude, Cpt. Herby.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Thanks Lydia!! We're soooo close! Can't wait to get back on the big wide ocean
Lydia Johnson
Lydia Johnson - 7 years ago
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
John Johnson
John Johnson - 7 years ago
Maddie the magic Chef! Love it! Hope you guys are ok, you looked way heeled :(
Norman Boyes
Norman Boyes - 7 years ago
I think you may have dragged more due to the bottom conditions rather than any multiplier of scope per se.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
We will show in the next video how that was not the case.
Snake Plisken
Snake Plisken - 7 years ago
Hey Guys, just thought I would share this funky shirt. I thought you'd like this design:
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Wow good for her!
Snake Plisken
Snake Plisken - 7 years ago
Cool! This one was designed by my wife :-)
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Haha it's very cute! I have 11 shirts from threadless. No joke. -Maddie
Dale Hudson
Dale Hudson - 7 years ago
Poor Wisdom, she looks like a beached whale in the vids!
I don't think your choice of scope was the issue, it was more likely the bottom condition and the exstream current from the exstream tides. Don't get mad at the "scope police" yet. A lot of places there you do need two anchors. I'm just glad you guys and Wisdom are alright .
Well at least the last few days where really nice, and I hope you were able to put some good miles under your boat.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Soon! It will be bitter sweet when you get on the move again, but it will be very awesome!
Dale Hudson
Dale Hudson - 7 years ago
There are allways so many things to consider, Just do what you feel safe with, you are your best adviser!
I just wish I was heading south myself. Good on ya!!!
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Oh yeah, we have finally made it to South Carolina :)
We are not mad at the scope police, nothing bad happened, but it was rather annoying because that day had great winds to sail that we missed.
It was just enough people who were telling me that we had too much scope so I finally decided to try it. Everyone I met told me the opposite of what I had read. If everyone does it this way, it must work, right?
Then we had our problem.
Randy Schmittou
Randy Schmittou - 7 years ago
did you change the prop when you went electric drive?
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Nope. Same prop! They size the pulleys of the motor to shaft, based on the size of your prop (diameter and pitch).
S/V Thirteen Winds
S/V Thirteen Winds - 7 years ago
Fast Q for Herbie... The electric yacht engine... Is there any type of water cooling? If not.. which I'm assuming there isn't...Any over heating issues? Either with or without using the gennie a lot?
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
There are water cooled models, but ours is air cooled. To generate a lot of heat, you need to run them really hard for a long time. The batteries simply don't exist to do that at this point.
The nice thing about air cooled is we can motor through nasty water where others are getting clogged strainers with no issues :)
Mr - 7 years ago
I would suggest not using an anchor do what the boat was meet to do get off shore and sail you would be in warm weather a lot faster
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
I know we can't wait to do that!! As soon as we hit Georgetown, we're going out.
Dave Ashman
Dave Ashman - 7 years ago
Less chain is correct you may have to use two anchors in a v from the bow. Use the right type of anchor from the ground around you. Fisherman’s anchor for stone rock and kelp. Keep trying remember it’s an art.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
We carry many anchors for the different bottoms we may encounter. We have a Fortress for soft mud. A Bruce for mud and sand (as a second anchor). A Mantus for mud and sand (this is our primary anchor). And the Fisherman for rock and weed.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
I think we're going to just keep doing what has always worked for us and let out more scope. It's much easier than setting and retrieving 2 anchors.

20. comment for Sailing Wisdom: On Our Way! | Ep 90

Project Manaia - Ocean Conservation & Research
Project Manaia - Ocean Conservation & Research - 7 years ago
Fair winds and cal seas guys! Take care!
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
Well kiddos...I have to say your vids are some of the most entertaining. And, I get why you're using that much scope and therefore never said anything. But nice of you to explain where you're coming from so the scope police get it too! HA! So cute to hear Mattie yelling..."I HATE THE ICW!" That was the best! PEACE OUT!
Andrew Barron
Andrew Barron - 7 years ago
Can I ask what anchor you are using?
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
It's all chain! The catenary curve was cut short by using a short scope. When we do 7:1, it is practically pulling horizontally on the anchor and the harder we pull the deeper it digs. With short scope, it simply pulls it to the surface and out of the bottom.
Andrew Barron
Andrew Barron - 7 years ago
Rigging Doctor are you all chain or chain and rode? My only other guess is you aren’t getting a deep enough centenary angle.
pate allan
pate allan - 7 years ago
yeah, thats a crazy good anchor too
Andrew Barron
Andrew Barron - 7 years ago
Rigging Doctor Wow! You should not be dragging.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
65 pound Mantus
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
But actually! Our friends pass over spots and complain that it was shallow in their 4 foot draft boats, then we hit it and get stuck there for hours while they keep on going.
clidiere - 7 years ago
Not sure it's a good idea to toss an anchor aft in the case of our friends here. The shape of a sailboat's hull offers much more drag if it's not facing current. Why would you put the boat length into the equation? Weight is not necessarily the answer. What matters for the anchor is the surface area and the design. Maybe the Mantus is not that good in mud?
Allyn Onderdonk
Allyn Onderdonk - 7 years ago
It seems so hard for you on the ICW. That Morgan is such a nice boat, but it was a deep water design, built for speed. Maybe it is time to let her fly!! Though sometimes the ICW is so fun because of whom you meet.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
The only reason we didn't go offshore for this leg is Herby wants to see the Wacamaw river. Once we hit Georgetown, we are going offshore the rest of the way.
We plan to negotiate the big inlets and anchor just inside them and avoid the shallow ICW from there on out!
The weather has been really easy on us in here, 30 knots of wind is no issue since there is no fetch in here, but the bottom is just waiting to snag us every few miles!
Mark Mahan
Mark Mahan - 7 years ago
OMG! I can't believe you were heeled over that much in about one foot of water! It all just lookes so WRONG! Did you actually try to sleep on board during that? GAH! By the way, I have never given you advice about your scope, can't blame me Herby. I can't wait for the next video.....should be a hoot!
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
It wasn't you, but it was too many people to be named, and people we met along the way. They all commented about excessive scope and when I would break down the math, they would agree that the numbers were right but the total rode just sounded wrong. I kept hearing that modern roll bar anchors should be set on 3:1, so we gave it a shot and quickly regretted it! Haha
Sleeping was nottttt great. It felt like sleeping on the side of a wall!

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