Sailing the Storms of Africa/Passage Preparation (Zanzibar-Dar) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #36
Sailing 5 years ago 20,691 views
Sailing the Storms of Africa/Passage Preparation - Zanzibar to Dar. Patrick Childress Sailing Tips -Part One....One of the best Sailing Channels Of 2019! Patrick Childress demonstrates provisioning and sailing preparations before sailing away on an Offshore Passage... testing water for microbes and measuring TDS at the dock before filling watertanks, taking the bag off of the prop(method to reduce growth on prop, even with Propspeed) ,and general offshore sailing Preparations for Sea, getting ready to leave the dock for sailing the African Coast as we continue our sailing around the world and make Sailing Videos like this one. This episode, we sail in stormy seas from Zanzibar to Dar Es Salaam Tanzania on the mainland. We quickly provision and prepare for a 1700 mile nonstop offshore passage, dodging storms along the Mozambique coast to South Africa. After analyzing a Predictwind forecast that shows weather at sea will be from the north for a long time after Mozambique Cyclone Ida, we depart sooner than expected for this long coastal passage on the African Coast. Please, start your Amazon shopping here: here: Want to help support the creation of more of our Videos? Here is our Tip Jar: ✘✘ MY CAMERA GEAR ✘✘ ▬▬ FOLLOW ALONG ▬▬ ✩Instagram: ✩ Twitter: ✩ Facebook: ✩Our blog: : ✩Youtube: ✩Tshirts and other: Wish we were on Patreon? We aren’t...but you can support us in 5 other ways: 🍯(Tip Jar) ⛵️ TWO FREE SAILING COURSES: ⏩ Amazon shopping here: ⏩ West Marine Shopping here: ✩Tshirts and other: Music Credit: Enter the Maze: Enter the Maze by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Decay: Decay by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: #SailingTips #PatrickChildressSailing #TravelsAnimals
As a fellow sailing YT creator your videos are a constant inspiration. Safe Sailing! CSM
10. comment for Sailing the Storms of Africa/Passage Preparation (Zanzibar-Dar) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #36
im tryied to help you, u should thank me and defintly not follow FDAs recomendations because they follow pharmas intrests and uses thier own bias studies as guidelines, its a fact.. its like beliving that the waponindustry wants peace.. anyway I should not waist my time- but i do have to correct u, because you are very wrong. and if agry is true, one person would have to drink silver directly from the bottle everyday for many years, and thats not what im saying u should do, you just put som small amount into your drinkingwater, or better yet buy some shugnite if you misstrust colloidal silver- anything is better than Sodium Hypochlorite- think about it, if you get that stuff in your eyes, you go blind.. u shouldnt give this to your friends..
look at the video link.. in the videolink they interwiew some scientists about silver, and they tell the opposit to what u found on wikipieda..
“Colloidal silver can cause serious side effects. The most common is argyria, a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin, which is usually permanent. Colloidal silver can also cause poor absorption of some drugs, such as certain antibiotics and thyroxine (used to treat thyroid deficiency).
In 1999 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that these colloidal silver products were not considered safe or effective. Colloidal silver products marketed for medical purposes or promoted for unproven uses are now considered "misbranded" under the law without appropriate FDA approval as a new drug. There are currently no FDA-approved over-the-counter or prescription drugs containing silver that are taken by mouth. However, there are still colloidal silver products being sold as homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements.”
What do you think of the no antifouling and regular scrubbing option for cruising?
Absolutely. People have passed us, and we have passed others...we all go a different speed out you are will happen someday! It’s a small world!
Where are you leaving from...maybe we will share an anchorage someday!
20. comment for Sailing the Storms of Africa/Passage Preparation (Zanzibar-Dar) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #36
Ike it and enjoying so much. On my Facebook page almost 5,000 people following"
P.s. I would love to see just raw footage of you guys going through some really rough waters. no need to edit alot of that stuff... just good commentary.. take care..
Thailand? xD Hehe, I'm from Denmark. :)
He should just have watched the video then he would know, you explained it well.. :)
First video i've seen from you, imma go watch some more ;p
And photos at the end is a must! :D People can just skip it if they don't want to see...
30. comment for Sailing the Storms of Africa/Passage Preparation (Zanzibar-Dar) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #36
I prefer the sailing videos over the land videos . But it is all part of the adventure so, include them. You are documenting your adventure.
50. comment for Sailing the Storms of Africa/Passage Preparation (Zanzibar-Dar) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #36
Warren s/y Legend
However, your interaction with the places you visit are also more realistic for the "average" wannabe cruiser, so please, keep giving us clips of the places you visit and your interaction with the locals.
Your channel is very well rounded, and greatly appreciated.
It's an honor for us to be allowed to feel part of your sailing life.
By the way, although I have watched other channels, yours is fast becoming my go to channel. Slick editing is ok, but that is not what I am trying to learn. It's ok with me if your editing skills remain as they are, it's the information that counts. I still get a chuckle with the vid that says, "Title here" I love it. Take care and thanks again.
How did you guys fare with that awful cyclone that hit Mozambique?
Also is that a on demand water heater attached to the rear rail?
But...I have a good start on an article or blog about sure to subscribe to our blog to know when it comes out...
Looks like your deck is going to need new paint soon. Work never ends, lol
Hopefully my wife and i will be sailing the world soon. I am currently looking for a boat. A video on areas of the world to avoid, visit using caution, or must gos would be awesome!
Appreciate the videos, all the best, Ken
Also, all your videos seem good to me, the valiant 40 tour was or is the best in my opinion, but then again.. I have one of those now so I'm blazed. I think this video was solid.
I personally enjoy the fact you guys deliver content and not an overabundance of pictures. I suppose certain types of pictures may help the bottom line.. but the not so picturesque stuff like plastic bags on propellers helps a lot more. Also maybe more shorter videos could be nice too, I have two kids and my wife.. so sometimes it is hard to get 20 minutes to sit down and watch whereas 5 minutes is easier...
Any rate just my opinion, at the end of the day we all have them. Do whatever you guys want, I think I'll be around regardless.
100. comment for Sailing the Storms of Africa/Passage Preparation (Zanzibar-Dar) Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #36
Tnk's for sharing!