Sailing the mississippi river to florida

Hey shantyboat followers, its onto the Tom Bigbee river now and down 400 miles to the Gulf, I had engine trouble but this Guy on the river fixed it for me no charge

Sailing the mississippi river to florida sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Sailing 13 years ago 20,578 views

Hey shantyboat followers, its onto the Tom Bigbee river now and down 400 miles to the Gulf, I had engine trouble but this Guy on the river fixed it for me no charge

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Most popular comments
for Sailing the mississippi river to florida

Carey Feazel
Carey Feazel - 7 years ago
I watch to watch the whole trip and I have lots of Questions
knightfive - 7 years ago
life on the water...I miss it...THANKYOU
Capt Larry -
Capt Larry - - 7 years ago
German guy is a real sailor.. hats off !  He is part of a very old tradition of single handed sailors.. who sail the worlds oceans, relying on knowledge and skill to get them trough, rather than fancy gear which wont help you if you don't have knowledge and skills !
Capt Larry -
Capt Larry - - 7 years ago
Well, like Marylin Monroe said" He's got a top to his head, it's been established."
Rudra Pawo
Rudra Pawo - 7 years ago
did you have to portage around any dams?
Eric Smith
Eric Smith - 7 years ago
I've lived in a small town on the Ohio river all my life. That's just how people are. Boone just did what any of my towns people would have done. You help out your neighbor. The world is still full of great people.
ba77le - 8 years ago
So many nice adventures , so many nice clips . Thank You . And yes even we Germans cant understand that kind of Hamburg accent , most of us are not sure if its German or something strange .... God save you on all of your ways ...
The Real Wayne's world
The Real Wayne's world - 8 years ago
+ba77le Thanks Peace...
Craig - 9 years ago
Going through these vids and you never seem to hit the Mississippi. Just checked the map and see your route now by a couple town names you gave out, interesting. Would have never thought of going that way ever.
Robyn Buxton
Robyn Buxton - 7 years ago
The Real Wayne's world we live in Columbus, Mississippi and are on the Tenn Tom. We would love to take our boat down to mobile bay. Advice?
The Real Wayne's world
The Real Wayne's world - 9 years ago
+Mysoulisatuningfork Yes I was on the Mississippi only for a short time Then on Tenn Tom river down to mobile Bay most boaters go this way due to less Barge traffic..
sc1212able - 9 years ago
Wayne, what are you using for a navigation device???? if its an android phone what APP are using???

10. comment for Sailing the mississippi river to florida

Thomas Stookey
Thomas Stookey - 10 years ago
You did this a long time ago, I just came on it today and am really enjoying your trip down the river. That was a beautiful spot you were in. Have you usually found you were better off by not drawing attention to yourself on the river??
Hazadom - 10 years ago
Nice I'm going to do this, can't what wait
MrRantek24 - 10 years ago
Hey Wayne! I just found your channel a few days ago and I love the videos! I was wondering, like when you pulled up under that bridge by the rocks in Sav Tenn, How did you get to the WalMart? How did you secure your belongings from thieves? Just wondering! Thanks!! MrRantek24.
s west
s west - 11 years ago
never boring captn
The Real Wayne's world
The Real Wayne's world - 11 years ago
I had Locks t go thru about 70 of them No really close calls Just watch out for the Barges and the Current wind and inclement weather that comes up on the river..Mobile Bay was rough to cross. Down in Mobile alabama
ohlolololololollol - 11 years ago
ronewi39 - 12 years ago
Just found this, I'am from Ks. but keep a boat at Two Rivers marina umr 283, I hope to head south to the tenntom in 2014.
elbosausage - 12 years ago
good people...i love these vids!
Scott T
Scott T - 13 years ago
I love that boat
Walter Horton
Walter Horton - 13 years ago
There are good people in the world! sometimes you just have to weed through some aholes to find them! Lovin the vids brother!

20. comment for Sailing the mississippi river to florida

pickleme101 - 13 years ago
Not borring at all. The engine is a little quiter in the video but you may have a window or door closed ? Cold front coming for a couple of days. I have tried to find best route and times for crossing the Atlantic but no success. I wonder if that is something you learn on the water. Stay Dry. Stay warm

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