Sailing to Little Harbor on Catalina Island onboard SV Triteia

Hello Friends! On this episode we awake under hook at Santa Barbara Island. We get a visit from our marina neighbor Sam of SV Yardbird who sailed up and dropped his hook at sunset. Yardbird is a 23ft Ranger and Sam is a complete maniac ! He hand paddled over to us with his flippers because he lost his oars at Catalina. Sam is currently preparing to sail to Hawaii on Yardbird this April and has since added a windvane steering system, Solar and more. A True Sailing Maniac! check out his youtube channel at : After breakfast, some drone flights and some skinny dipping, we pushed off for the backside of Catalina but not before circumnavigating this small island. Our viewer Dennis Patrick suggested we give more information about the island itself and its history on our last video so we took his advice. Here is the transcript from the voice over talking about this small island. "Santa Barbara Island is a small island 35 nautical miles from the California Coast. It is the smallest in the Channel islands chain, only a mile and a half wide and a mile long, It is entirely treeless and covered in gently sloping grassland that meets the sea as cliffs, a number of endemic plants and a rare night lizard call the island home There is also a large sea lion rookery on the western side just past Arch point and is a great nesting habitat for sea birds including the world's largest breeding colonies of the rare Scripps's Murrelets. The highest peak on Santa Barbara Island is Signal Hill that stands 634 ft above the sea and gives sweeping 360-degree views. Sutil Island, which is more of a very big rock, sits just off the islands southern most edge. Native American peoples, probably the Chumash and Tongva, occupied Santa Barbara Island periodically for millennia. Archaeological sites dating to as much as 4,000 years ago have been documented on the island, which may have served as a stopover or refuge point for voyagers between the mainland and the other Channel Islands. Today there is a ranger station, and only those rangers and the occasional campers and cruisers visit Santa Barbara Island. Even fewer people visit now since the landing was washed out in a storm. Even though it’s a little lonely, we’re looking forward to coming back some day, especially to dive the immense kelp beds surrounding this tiny chunk of California. " After making our way through the kelp beds and past Sutil Island we had a slow sail / motorsail to Catalina and spent much of the day naked in the sun, just has boat living should be! Due to the lack of wind and our lack of leaving at sunrise we arrived into Little Harbor after dark and had our first experience with night anchoring.... but more about that next week. Also this week we have our first "A STERN VIEW PODCAST" episode together so check that out on iTunes. Thanks for all of your wonderful congratulatory comments last week! We are grateful for your support and kindness and are happy to get to share this sailing trip with you! Thanks to our Patrons, Your contributions help us get the boat in order to do big things! Until Next Week, James & Camille & SV Triteia Patreon: website: Instagram:

Sailing to Little Harbor on Catalina Island onboard SV Triteia sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Sailing 5 years ago 31,195 views

Hello Friends! On this episode we awake under hook at Santa Barbara Island. We get a visit from our marina neighbor Sam of SV Yardbird who sailed up and dropped his hook at sunset. Yardbird is a 23ft Ranger and Sam is a complete maniac ! He hand paddled over to us with his flippers because he lost his oars at Catalina. Sam is currently preparing to sail to Hawaii on Yardbird this April and has since added a windvane steering system, Solar and more. A True Sailing Maniac! check out his youtube channel at : After breakfast, some drone flights and some skinny dipping, we pushed off for the backside of Catalina but not before circumnavigating this small island. Our viewer Dennis Patrick suggested we give more information about the island itself and its history on our last video so we took his advice. Here is the transcript from the voice over talking about this small island. "Santa Barbara Island is a small island 35 nautical miles from the California Coast. It is the smallest in the Channel islands chain, only a mile and a half wide and a mile long, It is entirely treeless and covered in gently sloping grassland that meets the sea as cliffs, a number of endemic plants and a rare night lizard call the island home There is also a large sea lion rookery on the western side just past Arch point and is a great nesting habitat for sea birds including the world's largest breeding colonies of the rare Scripps's Murrelets. The highest peak on Santa Barbara Island is Signal Hill that stands 634 ft above the sea and gives sweeping 360-degree views. Sutil Island, which is more of a very big rock, sits just off the islands southern most edge. Native American peoples, probably the Chumash and Tongva, occupied Santa Barbara Island periodically for millennia. Archaeological sites dating to as much as 4,000 years ago have been documented on the island, which may have served as a stopover or refuge point for voyagers between the mainland and the other Channel Islands. Today there is a ranger station, and only those rangers and the occasional campers and cruisers visit Santa Barbara Island. Even fewer people visit now since the landing was washed out in a storm. Even though it’s a little lonely, we’re looking forward to coming back some day, especially to dive the immense kelp beds surrounding this tiny chunk of California. " After making our way through the kelp beds and past Sutil Island we had a slow sail / motorsail to Catalina and spent much of the day naked in the sun, just has boat living should be! Due to the lack of wind and our lack of leaving at sunrise we arrived into Little Harbor after dark and had our first experience with night anchoring.... but more about that next week. Also this week we have our first "A STERN VIEW PODCAST" episode together so check that out on iTunes. Thanks for all of your wonderful congratulatory comments last week! We are grateful for your support and kindness and are happy to get to share this sailing trip with you! Thanks to our Patrons, Your contributions help us get the boat in order to do big things! Until Next Week, James & Camille & SV Triteia Patreon: website: Instagram:

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Most popular comments
for Sailing to Little Harbor on Catalina Island onboard SV Triteia

abarronboy - 5 years ago
Just found your channel and subscribed.....thanks guys✌️
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
thanks so much!
Greg H
Greg H - 5 years ago
12:30 thats why i clicked
Joe Casson
Joe Casson - 5 years ago
Life SUCKS in the Midwest. Nothing to do if you aren't a redneck/hillbilly hunter and fisherman... flying your confederate flag, drinking cheap beer, getting DUIs, and spending 100 hours talking about the 5 hours you went fishing. Driving your beat up, ragged-out muddy pickup everywhere you go, guzzling the gasoline and not caring at all about it... and no girls in even regular bikinis... and definitely never a thong or g-string, even in the states where they are legal. In the states where they aren't legal, someone can spend a night in jail for that... so miserable, so conservative, and so prudish in the disgusting Midwest. :(
marra - 5 years ago
Che schifo
John Cosgrove
John Cosgrove - 5 years ago
More viewers you'll get if we get treated to multiple shots of her bare feet.
max perez
max perez - 5 years ago
Loved the video. I have to get out to the channel islands some time.

I'm envious of the warm conditions! its definitely not sunbathing weather here in northern california.

If you don't mind a suggestion, I recommend keeping the preventer line pretty tight and stopping even the small amout of movement to reduce likelihood of damage or the line parting. You prob already know this, just sayin.
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Hi max, yeah its been chilly down here lately as well but nothing compared to up there. You guys got a lot of storms this winter it seems! Thanks for the comment! Since these videos were shot I found a much more effective way to run my preventer line, from the boomend to a block far forward then back to the cockpit winch/cleat. makes for easing it before a gybe much easier and helps me control it better and keep it tight.
Sail Before Sunset
Sail Before Sunset - 5 years ago
Dude, nighttime into Little Harbor would not be fun. We've been there many times, but always in the day. If we were coming in at night we would have come into Cat and anchored on the south side, then sailed into Little Harbor the next morning. Done that many times. Lobster fishing at Little Harbor can be amazing, but at Cat Harbor, too.
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
yeah we ended up anchoring a little further out and it was a very very rolly night. pulled up the hook when the sun came up and tucked in close to shore.
telemetryz - 5 years ago
Wow... your a real nice looking guy.
Dan Knox
Dan Knox - 5 years ago
Enjoyed that. Thanks for posting.
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Thanks Dan!
John Jolly
John Jolly - 5 years ago
Hey there Sailor James. Enjoyed your vid. Brought back lots of memories. I started sailing on the gulf coast much like you are doing now. Older boat and gear. On a budget. Loved your backstay jury rig! You guys are living proof that you can adjust and make dreams come true. Just be safe. Make sure your gear will hold up. No need to rush. Well, maybe a little. Fair winds my new friends.
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Howdy John, Yeah make due with what ya got right? The backstay isn't jury rigged, it was set up that way by the previous owner to be an antenna for a single side band radio. I will be changing out the entire rig this summer which will be a big project. Thanks for the comment and for watching the video!

10. comment for Sailing to Little Harbor on Catalina Island onboard SV Triteia

Mick OBrien
Mick OBrien - 5 years ago
Great video, looks like all your hard work is paying off. My boat is 5 hrs away at the moment, but hopefully back on her next week. Thanks for sharing. I have made a few videos and appreciate its harder than it looks. Great choice of crew by the way. Have fun and be lucky.
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
I will know your pain on the boat being far away at some point, we plan on leaving her in Mexico between cruising seasons and I am already getting stressed out and its a year away, I just subscribed to your channel, thanks for the comment Mick, what kind of boat is she?
Symphony Farm
Symphony Farm - 5 years ago
To add to all the awesome comments! 1.) great layout of footage, and tunes (none of which seam like cookie cutter royalty free? keep it up!) 2.) love hearing just the sounds of the motor, the waves, your voices. 3.) A trip like this seems like something a day sailor could go and do! Far more relatable than over night cruises in the carribean!
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Thanks so much! practice makes perfect and me and Camille are both very particular about music so we spend a fair amount of time sourcing it or writing it myself. I am glad you appreciate the quite moments, I feel like most sailing channels fill every pause with corny music. One of the best things about sailing is the stillness. We try and edit our films to feel like you guys are just hanging out with us on the boat and its nice to represent California as there doesn't seem to be many California based Youtubers that I know of.
Natalie Smith
Natalie Smith - 5 years ago
Nice narration, Camille.  Great drone shots you guys. Dolphin pod shots were amazing!
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Funny story about that drone shot. I flew it around the back side of the island to try and get a shot of the sea lion rookery and we lost contact with the drone because of the island. I was terrified!!!!! An alarm started going off! Luckily the Mavic Pro has a built in setting so that if it does lose contact I flies up high and returns to the remote on its on. Thanks for the comment Natalie!
Sakura Dag
Sakura Dag - 5 years ago
Why ?
Dan SV Dukes on Sunday
Dan SV Dukes on Sunday - 5 years ago
Effin loved this video. Down to earth people doing exactly what i dream of. Excellent drone footage, narrating, editing and a smiling beauty. Thanks James and Camille
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Thanks so much Dan! I hope you smiled all day during your sail yesterday, It sure looked beautiful out!
ron savell
ron savell - 5 years ago
Hi James and Camille, a late congratulations on your wedding. Enjoyed the channel already and Camille is a lovely addition
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Thanks so much!! We are stoked to have found each other! To be honest I am a very shy person so it was always tricky for me to make the videos, I just do my best, but Its much easier now that I have someone to film and interact with. Thanks for watching and the comment!
Crazyirish _
Crazyirish _ - 5 years ago
I’m so happy for the both of you. You guys make a great couple and team. Can’t wait for some Baja cruising. Thanks for taking us with you on your trips.
Crazyirish _
Crazyirish _ - 5 years ago
Sailor James yes, I did survive. Thanks.. Probably need a water maker when going down to Mexico. Sailing doodles used a different type of water maker when they went from Canada to Thailand.
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
WE CANT WAIT EITHER!!!!! We were considering sailing to Hawaii this summer till my friend Noah talked me out of it until we get a windvane steering system on the boat. We plan on heading south next spring and spending 3-4 months in the Sea of Cortez sailing and diving. Thanks for the comment "Crazyirish" glad to see you survived St. Paddy's day ;)
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
I dunno what took her so long... I am sick of seeing myself talk hahahahahahaha
roderick anderson
roderick anderson - 5 years ago
Very nice episode, thanks!
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Thanks Roderick !
Coconut Woman
Coconut Woman - 5 years ago
Sooo many dolphins!! You and camille make a great team :)
Coconut Woman
Coconut Woman - 5 years ago
+Sailor James last day at the slip is the 6th! Seems like I'll just miss you. I have to check in at SD, get some parts to put the stanchions back on, and then I can hop on over to Catalina
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
❤️ ! When you heading North???? We might actually be in Ensenada the 2nd week of April on a delivery if you are still around!

20. comment for Sailing to Little Harbor on Catalina Island onboard SV Triteia

Sir Merlin
Sir Merlin - 5 years ago
@Glassman51 Please you could click on the 3 dots on the right and edit your writing if you wish .. I am sitting here looking and it appears to be metal with a double crimp , If I understand what you were looking at ,,,,,insulator at about time mark 1.19 ..... Hey James let me know if those are SS or not steel would be rusty by now and lead would have oxidized so it would look whitish and what Diam. Cable and I will look it up in the riggers but it looks correct and are the bitter ends of the cable still completely out of the crips and dose the cable make a loop around the inside of the insulator ....
Sir Merlin
Sir Merlin - 5 years ago
+Sailor James Please do yourself a favor , keep all standing rigging the same age, keep the adjustable split backstay or at least a split backstay . The insulators are normally used when you have a SSB radio on board that piece of cable is the Ant.. I personally would always keep this option , even if I did not have a radio at the time , you or new owner may want one if and when you may sell .. Also you can get heated static line like Colligo Dux , you may have to readjust once after install and then every so many months . , I prefer synthetic over 1/19 strand myself because the weight aloft and I keep my turnbuckles , you will notice a large difference in the lean when under sail , and the mast swing even at anchor ... It's all personal preference and please do what you feel comfortable with its your boat ... O by the way YOU Were Offshore sailing .. Thank you PS buy the way nicopress crimps are ugly but they do work if use correctly and are much cheaper .. I used to keep one on board just in case of a failure . and their is a snap on cover that hides them .
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Its all done correctly, just old. I have actually already ordered an backstay and will be replacing it next month. The rig is stable but I agree with the concerns about this technique, not a fan. I thought about going with Dux rigging but I don't like the fact that it stretches so much, so I will be replacing it with 1/19 wire.
glassman51 - 5 years ago
Sorry about the typos, Fairwinds to you and Camille
glassman51 - 5 years ago
Hey James, I appreciate your videos and as a lifelong sailor and cruiser would like to give me some advice before you lose your rig. Your backs day under any load will part quite easily as that is not what anyone would consider real rigging especially around the insulator. Those lead collars are not even adequate for lifelines
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Hi, They are actually ok, I hate them but they are stable, I wouldn't go off shore with them and will replace the backstay next month actually. thanks for looking out though
Art Of Hookie
Art Of Hookie - 5 years ago
glassman51 if your talking about Nicopress fittings when done properly are more than adequate on any sized yacht. Not trying to pick a fight just saying.
mikefree - 5 years ago
One of the best vdo ,you getting she hotttt
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Thanks! serious fire hazard on the boat!
SailorSam - 5 years ago
you've got a hard on
SailorSam - 5 years ago
+Sailor James lol only the best :) with respect- you are only human in the presence of a goddess, much love.
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
happens to the best of us
george lambertson
george lambertson - 5 years ago
Sailor James and 1ST mate Camille this vlog has been this best since I've watched your channel and content and drone footage top notch...
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Thanks so much, we are doing out best!
Mark Mahan
Mark Mahan - 5 years ago
A very enjoyable episode, looking forward to the next one. More nude scenes please....
Mark Mahan
Mark Mahan - 5 years ago
+Sailor James good to see you both in your birthday suits!
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Camille is mostly naked on the boat, its tricky to film around actually hahaha
Van L
Van L - 5 years ago
Nice work...
Sir Merlin
Sir Merlin - 5 years ago
Camille Thank You for the narration so much better than music as you pan the Island views ..... I had to stop watching to make sure I left this because I normally do not comment Thank you James and Camille for sharing
Sir Merlin
Sir Merlin - 5 years ago
+Sailor James I think music is overused, ambient noise makes the listener feel more on the scene so to say. Camille You have a very good speaking voice , buch better than James sorry James . You may want to consider doing Voice work for Audio books . Seriously !! Please also consider leaving a way for commenters to know who responded to them . It may become a thing to get the Camille mark of approval , who knows , just putting it out there. Thank you again for letting us see what you see ..
Sailor James
Sailor James - 5 years ago
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, one of our viewers suggested we do the voice over and talk about the islands history and I agree it makes a big difference. Glad you enjoyed the video!

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