Sailing Tahiti, Iron Wind & WHALES || Cost & Fuel Economy of a Catamaran Sailboat

We're sailing to little Tahiti for the Billabong surf competition, share some info on how much diesel we burn and have two massive whales stop by! JOIN OUR SAILING CREW ⛵ OUR TOP CAMERA GEAR 📷 🎥 🎶 AWESOME tunes for vids: - Artists: Giants and Pilgrims, C3NC GET SOCIAL with us 📱 WANT MORE? Check out our SWEET Site: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We plan to sail around Tahiti and our 'sail' turns into a motor! So we decide to share a little insight on our catamaran fuel economy, how much the diesel costs here in Tahiti and how we calculate our Gallons Per Hour (sort of like the Miles per Gallon) fuel burn rate. Of course mother nature shows off in full force with stunning scenery and a couple of humpback whales. Oh, and one of the most epic sunsets we've seen so far in French Polynesia. Man this place is amazing! Hope you enjoy, and please let us know what you think in the comments below. We love hearing from fellow travelers and dreamers. Shared with LOVE 💕 from all of us here aboard s/v Curiosity, - Jason, Nikki, Cleo and Singa 😻 ❗❗ You can always find exclusive photos, experiential tips, honest opinions & links to our favorite gear on our website: ❗❗ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy our vids? Want to give us a virtual high-five? Treat us to an espresso? Or pitch in on a tank of fuel? Click over to see how you can support our productions (most of the ways won’t cost you a dime): If you wanna get social with us we're all over the place, hop in and join the adventure here: Without your support we wouldn’t be here…so, THANK YOU from the bottom of our salty hearts. 😍 #GoneWithTheWynns #Sailing #FrenchPolynesia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © Gone With the Wynns 2019

Sailing Tahiti, Iron Wind & WHALES || Cost & Fuel Economy of a Catamaran Sailboat sentiment_very_dissatisfied 52

Sailing 5 years ago 80,044 views

We're sailing to little Tahiti for the Billabong surf competition, share some info on how much diesel we burn and have two massive whales stop by! JOIN OUR SAILING CREW ⛵ OUR TOP CAMERA GEAR 📷 🎥 🎶 AWESOME tunes for vids: - Artists: Giants and Pilgrims, C3NC GET SOCIAL with us 📱 WANT MORE? Check out our SWEET Site: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We plan to sail around Tahiti and our 'sail' turns into a motor! So we decide to share a little insight on our catamaran fuel economy, how much the diesel costs here in Tahiti and how we calculate our Gallons Per Hour (sort of like the Miles per Gallon) fuel burn rate. Of course mother nature shows off in full force with stunning scenery and a couple of humpback whales. Oh, and one of the most epic sunsets we've seen so far in French Polynesia. Man this place is amazing! Hope you enjoy, and please let us know what you think in the comments below. We love hearing from fellow travelers and dreamers. Shared with LOVE 💕 from all of us here aboard s/v Curiosity, - Jason, Nikki, Cleo and Singa 😻 ❗❗ You can always find exclusive photos, experiential tips, honest opinions & links to our favorite gear on our website: ❗❗ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy our vids? Want to give us a virtual high-five? Treat us to an espresso? Or pitch in on a tank of fuel? Click over to see how you can support our productions (most of the ways won’t cost you a dime): If you wanna get social with us we're all over the place, hop in and join the adventure here: Without your support we wouldn’t be here…so, THANK YOU from the bottom of our salty hearts. 😍 #GoneWithTheWynns #Sailing #FrenchPolynesia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © Gone With the Wynns 2019

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Most popular comments
for Sailing Tahiti, Iron Wind & WHALES || Cost & Fuel Economy of a Catamaran Sailboat

MJ Sailing
MJ Sailing - 5 years ago
Ok, I HAVE to know. Does the sun actually look as big in person as it does in your shots? Because those sunsets look UNREAL!!
nicholas kavowras
nicholas kavowras - 5 years ago
Where do you get that beautiful Orchestral music you’ve been using as a soundtrack?
Zac Brown
Zac Brown - 5 years ago
Nikki and Jason, what was the name and artist of the first song on the video? Having difficulties Shazaaming it.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
I can't name the tune, but Nikki always lists the artists in the video description box and at the end of each blog post:
Curious Minion
da vid
da vid - 5 years ago
Another really excellent video; I always look forward to each new episode. Jason talked about boat speed and using one or two engines and queried why using two engines (both at a relatively high rpm) gave only a moderate increase in speed through the water compared with only one engine at the same rpm. I know you have an interest in understanding basic principles (I remember your experiments with the power produced by selected shading of solar panels about a year ago).  My experience of speed, engine power and fuel economy comes from aviation where we have fuel flow meters to monitor, and the ability to adjust constant speed (variable pitch) propellers to give the best economy within the limitations of the engine for a given aircraft cruising speed. From my understanding of the complicated physics and maths, the effects of drag in hydrodynamics are very similar to aerodynamics. For example, if speed is increased by 5 (from 3 to 8 knots), the drag is increased by the square of 5, ie 25. However, to achieve this speed increase, much more power is required to compensate for the huge effects of drag. This explains why running both engines (at 2000 rpm) does not result in doubling the speed through the water. Much of the power from using the second engine is lost to drag. To achieve the best economy for Curiosity, may I suggest (and others with more knowledge might help here) that you check out the rpm that gives the maximum torque (turning power) for your engines and use that as the prime rpm setting, rather than the maximum power rpm? This value can be surprisingly low for a diesel engine. If your engine instrumentation has the capability to measure fuel flow, then measure fuel flow for this rpm and the resultant speed through the water. If you vary the rpm, measure the speed and run both engines, you should gather enough data to plot and determine the best rpm to run your engine(s) to get the best settings to determine best speed and best economy. It could also demonstrate that reducing rpm from 2000 to 1900 could result in a major reduction in fuel consumption. It would be best to start gathering these data with a clean, smooth hull and on a calm windless day. If your engine instrumentation does not support fuel flow data, there are a variety of relatively cheap fuel flow meters available that simply clip on around fuel pipes to provide this information; no need to cut into fuel pipes! Of course keeping safe is the primary thought and if you have to motor as fast as possible to reach a safe harbour, then fully forward on the throttles and go for it! My apologies for the length of this comment, but I warmed to my theme as I went along. Sorry.
da vid
da vid - 5 years ago
Thanks for your reply. One further point that I should have emphasised and I hope was obvious is that by making a slight reduction in rpm (eg from 2000 to 1900) Curiosity may forfeit a very small amount of speed through the water, but gain a large amount in fuel economy. The use of fuel flow meters would be the only practical way to determine this and present the information immediately the change in rpm was made after the boat speed had settled.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Interesting thought about the flow meter! 2000 rpm is not max throttle for Curiosity, so I suspect Nikki and Jason have arrived at that setting as a place the engine is comfy running that gives them decent fuel economy. I don't know if their instruments can relay fuel flow, but I'll make sure they see this comment.
Curious Minion
rpbajb - 5 years ago
Interesting stuff. Thanks for taking the time to explain it.
me a
me a - 5 years ago
Will you ever go out RV ing again ??????
We've 60 mph winds , here at home ( Southwest Illinois )
I wished you would've went to Maui and Oahu , Hawaii .
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
We are planning some RVing in New Zealand and Australia, so stay tuned!
David Tordoff
David Tordoff - 5 years ago
That was a good'un! It did seem odd about the wind direction after rounding the point. Think you are correct as possibly the wind wraps around the island and stays in your face. Thank for all the hard work editing. Really fun!
Herbert Hall
Herbert Hall - 5 years ago
awesome videos thanks
Bruce Roessler
Bruce Roessler - 5 years ago
Dear Wynns: greetings from Sebring, FL, home of the "12 Hours of Sebring" car races...just beginning today, Wed/Mar/13th/2019, and ending with big 12/hour race on Saturday. One question, if we may: what is the water that shoots out the side of your boat when sailing? It seems most boats have this: is it sea water pumped in to cool engine, and then jettisoned for cooler water, like a cycle? Also: check out this song for your videos: "In love with you", by Roz Bell (Canadian)/3:12. It's the theme song for movie "Old Fashioned", a great production, by Director/Actor Ryk Swartzwelder, whom my wife and I have had the pleasure of meeting, via e-mail. I don't know if using the song violates any copywrite rules, you'll decide. Godspeed.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Race on! Yes, it's cooling water when the engine is running.
formerly 987946216430
formerly 987946216430 - 5 years ago
Thar she blows! Awesome whale inclusive episode. Merry Middle of March from PEI Canada, Bryan.

10. comment for Sailing Tahiti, Iron Wind & WHALES || Cost & Fuel Economy of a Catamaran Sailboat

John Richards
John Richards - 5 years ago
I stopped watching the Wynns a couple of years ago when they went with the cataraman. I was worried that they may be over their head and headed for trouble. Here it is a few years later and I see they've made it all the way to Tahiti. What a relief to say the least. It looks like l have a couple of years to catch up on. I feel silly for ever doubting you. I'm back on board and I've resubscribed.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Welcome back and thanks for sailing with us!
saywen - 5 years ago
You guys have the 3 big C`s down pat ! Cool , Calm and collected . Great vibes from the 2 of you .
roderick mchardy
roderick mchardy - 5 years ago
another first class video ,,, but ,, Nikki , your choice in sun glasses does not get any better !!
Dave West
Dave West - 5 years ago
That sunset, so magical!
LL Lew
LL Lew - 5 years ago
Thanks for sharing! That was beautiful!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Hey Pamela. I'll make sure they see this but they're a long way from there at the moment. Is there perhaps a broker you could hire to go take a look for you? They could also give a professional assessment of the boat condition.
Curious Minion
SVNovaSatus - 5 years ago
Just cruised thru Great Harbour in the Berries to clean up some beaches. Thanks to your vid we knew what to look for!
Perry McDonald
Perry McDonald - 5 years ago
Do you think you will ever go to Guam or Samoa?
parkwest11 - 5 years ago
What brand of paddleboard do you two have?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
They're in the Gear Store on the blog and there's even a discount code!
Curious Minion
Brian Brown
Brian Brown - 5 years ago
Excellent as usual!!!

20. comment for Sailing Tahiti, Iron Wind & WHALES || Cost & Fuel Economy of a Catamaran Sailboat

Cougar Tpt
Cougar Tpt - 5 years ago
Hi guys just onedring do you have a PS4 and can you play on line games
Cougar Tpt
Cougar Tpt - 5 years ago
Have a new seawind on the way going to Vietnam 3 months to go
Oranje Manatee
Oranje Manatee - 5 years ago
Don't buy a boat. You won't like it.
William Lawton
William Lawton - 5 years ago
As I’ve come to expect another great video keep having fun
Jho Lu
Jho Lu - 5 years ago
PPACJ PPA - 5 years ago
Limon bay, Panama.
petronics2454 - 5 years ago
I really enjoy that you superimpose the live instrumentation on the live video footage. Could you please provide a link on how to do that. I can't find a tutorial anywhere on how to do this. I really enjoy your Vlogs, your personalities and those gorgeous cats. Cheers pete
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
It's the VIRB camera which interfaces with their instruments. It can do this for a variety of things, so if you're into mountain biking it can display your speed, etc. There are links in this post in the Gear Store
Curious Minion
Brandi Lynn
Brandi Lynn - 5 years ago
Hey guys! My boyfriend just met you guys two days ago on a small atoll near Tahiti. His name is Cohl, and the horrible French captain he was with drunkenly forced him off the catamaran (Lyre). Well now he is an American who has lost his home of 6 months out of nowhere, and is now stranded on that atoll. The flights from the airport are few and far between and he has to be in Papeete this Saturday to fly back to the US. If you guys would be willing to help we’d be more than willing to help pay you similar to the cost of a plane ticket.

Please thumbs up this comment if you want to help a wayward sailor find his way home.
Michael Kerr
Michael Kerr - 5 years ago
Is the red right returning rule backwards in Tahiti? Must be judging by your entrance in to the channel at 10 minute mark.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
I believe so. They commented on a previous video that channel marking varies from country to country.
Curious Minion
Nagib Darwiche
Nagib Darwiche - 5 years ago
WOW!! Its a brazilian song!!
maiseydoodle - 5 years ago
I’m wondering if the cats have ever fallen overboard? Is that something you worry about?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Singa has fallen in several times while they are at anchor. He likes to "fish" from the sugar scoops. Every time he goes in, he hauls himself right back out. They keep the kitties inside when the seas are rough and at night, and they just watch them carefully the rest of the time.
Curious Minion
Bill and Kelley Adventures
Bill and Kelley Adventures - 5 years ago
The whales were so awesome!!! I was hoping in a few years to go on a sailboat for a week or so in the Carribean Islands looks like fun.

30. comment for Sailing Tahiti, Iron Wind & WHALES || Cost & Fuel Economy of a Catamaran Sailboat

Bob Shaw
Bob Shaw - 5 years ago
Decades ago while on an Alaskan cruise I went on a whale watch out of Juneau on a jet boat in the morning . The fog never lifted to fly to a glacier on a helicopter in the afternoon . I was so bummed out . I spent all that money to go to Alaska on the cruise .
Bob Shaw
Bob Shaw - 5 years ago
Do either of you or both of you know how to surf ?
Bob Shaw
Bob Shaw - 5 years ago
Thanks for the treat @ the end The Sunset was so beautiful ! Cheers !
Bob Shaw
Bob Shaw - 5 years ago
When underway ya's make me nervous by not wearing life preserver jackets .
Zartymil - 5 years ago
Were you listening to Brazilian music at the end? I'm Brazilian! It's fun to see that music can reach that far
Wilfred Darr
Wilfred Darr - 5 years ago
"being a sailboat the ideal number would be zero". Not necessarily. Sails are expensive, and the more you use them the more often you have to replace them. So the ideal number is actually how much works for you: for your safety and for your comfort and lifestyle. The reason I make a thing of it is because I'm tremendously cheap myself, and have to keep this thought front of mind so I don't become a slave to my sails: I have to remember that just because I'm not burning money today doesn't mean I'm not burning money.
Alaskan_DawG Cheely
Alaskan_DawG Cheely - 5 years ago
Mark Jennings
Mark Jennings - 5 years ago
Love that you'll spend ages doing your makeup and hair to front a bluewater sailing channel? Thanks for making the effort.
hotel snob
hotel snob - 5 years ago
as u were watching the sunset, i wondered if you've ever heard of or seen the "green flash" and no, its not the bottom of a green beer
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Haha, yep. In the blog we likened it to the fuel economy of a Ferrari...but a sports car doesn’t have a bed, kitchen and cats :)
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Right?!? What a freaking amazing day!
Scot Fenn
Scot Fenn - 5 years ago
Next time, try to play some nice music. They love music.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Like Mozart style or more pop? We’ll try anything to get them to hang out ;)
Ron Buckner
Ron Buckner - 5 years ago
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Haha, LOL. Slack ye lines and hard to starboard ;)
Bryan A.Cal
Bryan A.Cal - 5 years ago
why dont you ever mention what/where/style you guys have, sunglasses(both) and sun dresses worn and always have? FUN!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
We have a couple of nice pairs of sunglasses but most of mine (Nikki) just come off the rack at the discount store. As for where the clothes come from we are big time bargain shoppers so H&M, TJ Maxx and that kind of thing. It's really not a designer kind of thing.
Roy D
Roy D - 5 years ago
NIkki, you are great at piloting the boat.
rhondalyn134 - 5 years ago
The Wynns: Bringing smiles for miles...:-)
Tom Williams
Tom Williams - 5 years ago
I really like the data screen you overlay. It shows so much information. Would it be too difficult to mount a camera on top of the mast to help see the shallows in front of the boat?
Love you guys. Safe travels from your friend in Syracuse NY
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Yeah, kinda. If you want to permanently mount it you'd have to power it somehow by running a 65' cable inside the mast. Otherwise it's up & down in the bosuns chair to put it up every time you need it.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Haha, there always seems to be a hundred or so, but the kindness far outweighs the negative!
Rick Nicholson
Rick Nicholson - 5 years ago
Iron spinnaker.
Rick Nicholson
Rick Nicholson - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns was surprised you responded to my short comment, must be a slow sailing day (kind of like a slow news day). So I was thinking, once you do your earth circumnavigation and have had enough of swimming in bright blue waters with sharks and mantarays, tired of drinking margaritas at the local hacienda and living in bathing suits, you might want to do the West coast of British Columbia, up into Alaska and a circumnavigation of the American and Canadian Arctic.

Here's a link to motivate you:

If another reply also appears from me, I had computer hick ups.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Ha, or would be an iron code 0 since we’re sailing into the wind? Hmmmmmmm. :)
David T
David T - 5 years ago
Do you switch off to the different engine since you only use "one engine" most of the time( or is that possible )?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Yes we alternate. You can choose to run either one or both at the same time.
Cesar Gonzalez
Cesar Gonzalez - 5 years ago
Nothing like seeing whales live! Had my opportunity last year staring out to sea at Ocean Beach San Francisco, I saw four whales breaching the surface in unison feeding, they continued doing this for about 10 minutes, and then to top off the show a large pod of dolphins passed next to them. That moment is on my top 10 coolest things I've seen so far :-)
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
4 in unison?!? We’ve seen whales in HI, AK, Mexico, California and a now in French Polynesia...ive’ never seen 4 at once :) Cool!
Steve Bunte
Steve Bunte - 5 years ago
I’m on the island of Moorea now , was looking out yesterday to see if I can spot your boat but it looks like you’re in Tahiti side , have fun at the surf contest , would like to see that too
Steve Bunte
Steve Bunte - 5 years ago
Gone with the Wynns ok , yes I see those islands on the map , and wow there’s a lot of them , how awesome to explore em , do it for me ! Lol
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Shoot we are out in the Tuamotus for a few weeks
jennifer jones
jennifer jones - 5 years ago
Those random surfers were so cool to watch. And love the kitty love and sunset.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Right, I thought about cutting the surfer and wave a bit shorter but I really like seeing the wave curl, then he catches and rides the wave all the way in. Such a cool experience to witness.

50. comment for Sailing Tahiti, Iron Wind & WHALES || Cost & Fuel Economy of a Catamaran Sailboat

Weekend Pirate
Weekend Pirate - 5 years ago
Florida fuel prices never let us down. We have a reputation to uphold. Lol
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Ha! Yep. What is the price in the marinas now? I remember it being around $4 when we were there 2 years back.
jim page
jim page - 5 years ago
Outstanding surfing video
Jasper Revilleza
Jasper Revilleza - 5 years ago
Javer Jimbau
Javer Jimbau - 5 years ago
Aren't you afraid of sailing over the edge of our flat Earth?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Yep, and of those ugly squid-looking sea monsters on all of the charts!
Richard Hobbs
Richard Hobbs - 5 years ago
Your 'docking' at the start appeared perfect. On approach, went to reverse and shift your rudder = slid in so smooth!
andy fields
andy fields - 5 years ago
dope, some sarfin footie!
MrJp318 - 5 years ago
You guys have gone a long ways since you got screwed in Alaska!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Haha, yep. the other day I rebuilt our starter :). Now that’s progress!
shananagans5 - 5 years ago
Gotta love the efficiency of a cat. Five knots, 10 mpg in less than favorable conditions. You can't beat that. If anyone scoffs at 10 mpg, just keep in mind a similar sized power boat will get maybe 2 at lower speeds and a planing hulled boat will be in the gallons per mile range.
On the extreme "gas hog" side, these 100' steel hulled yachts typically burn 3 to 5 gallons per mile at 8 to 10 knots. Could you imagine burning 140 to 150 gallons to go 35 miles? YIKES!!
lol I want to be rich. About a 130' classic Feadship, Oh Yea!!!! Even if I could afford it, I would still choke at the fuel docks though.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
And when we get wind it’s more like 100 mpg (or gph) :). Like the stock market we consider it ‘dollar cost averaging’ when we have to motor unexpectedly.
Pez Pengy
Pez Pengy - 5 years ago
i was teaching sailing classes aboard a 28' sailboat for the University of Hawaii... we were becalmed off of Waikiki, just floating about and half asleep, when one of the students lounging on the forepeak screamed and ran back to the cockpit. The other instructors and i ran to the front of the boat, i looked in the water and not 20' away from me there was an absolutely enormous EYE looking back at me! I just about screamed until i realized it was attached to a friendly humpback. We started the motor and slowly idled away (as required by law) but in a long life spent on various boats it remains my single most memorable experience at sea. Whales are great. :)
Monty Montaño
Monty Montaño - 5 years ago
FYI notifications weren't working this week.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
gdcat777 - 5 years ago
Those two cats decided one day, "I think we need to go on a cruise. How should we go about doing that....? I know, we'll get them to take us." Then they telepathically put the idea into your minds to take on this adventure. That's how they did it.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Yea, we didn’t want to go sailing they mind controlled us into it ;). Totally a cat thing to do.
SoyLaArmando - 5 years ago
Klint Krossa
Klint Krossa - 5 years ago
The water dragon showed up!
1bike10 - 5 years ago
So somewhere around 10 miles per gallon? About the same as your RV was?
1bike10 - 5 years ago
It's pretty odd how close the two vehicles are in fuel efficiency. Something I always wondered about. Also, I think it would be very interesting for you to do an RV life vs Sailing life. To be honest, you guys seemed happier in an RV? Curious how you feel about it?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Yep, right about the same MPG. Only difference is when we have wind we get more like 100 mpg or better :)
I'd rather be riding
I'd rather be riding - 5 years ago
I could swear the music being played at the anchoring area was in Portuguese. As in Portuguese from Brazil. But what would make it, since it is not a style made internationally known like Bossanova or Samba, popular in this part of the world? Maybe it has something to do with the surfing event? Anyway, loved those sunset and surfing images with the Brazilian "sertanejo?" music on the background at the end. Surreal. Looking forward to what's next.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
We had several people comment that it's Brazilian country music.
ChrisandEileen - 5 years ago
i WOULD LOVE to see a underwater camera setup.. just for these instances with the Whales.. Is that even possible on a boat thats moving ? I know of underwater cams.. but they are stationary.
ChrisandEileen - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns Thanks for the reply.. fanboy moment now.. gushes.. with smiles.. :).. Just a crazy idea.. with the underwater camera.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
We've used the selfie stick to put a camera in when we were anchored but I'm not sure I wanna risk that underway.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Both...and a local paddling his VA’A so much to take in with one little sunset.
Peter Asquith
Peter Asquith - 5 years ago
Another great Vid with detail. Quick Q. Notice you had a lot of extra fuel containers up the front. How much diesel do you carry/capacity and also how much spare petrol for the outboard and how? Moving onto our Cat next year so any info much appreciated. Kind regards and safe travels from Peter & Kartini.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Extra details are always in the blog post and that includes jerry can capacity
Patty Sternjacob
Patty Sternjacob - 5 years ago
As always, an awesome video. The sunset was amazing. Thanks.
Cal Xtra
Cal Xtra - 5 years ago
Awww no little meows at the end of the video! ... Loving the sailing vids and Tahiti looks amazing!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Dang...I totally forgot to add it in. :(
aulii11 - 5 years ago
WOW, great exhibition of maneuvering skills bringing Curiosity into the dock! I speak from experience, having moved boats from/to their slips with a single screw towboat as a boatyard employee.
Sealight Adventures
Sealight Adventures - 5 years ago
Docking like riding a bike. LOL. Wind and current in unknown place. It will always be stressfully in a nice cat like yours. Flipside - Enjoy your channel because you are both amazing. Todd.
Sealight Adventures
Sealight Adventures - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns oh yea. Lol.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Ok. Perhaps we should have said riding a unicycle...on a dirt country road :)
itsnotme07 - 5 years ago
In the words of Scotty on Star Trek IV..."Captain, there be whales here!". Always awesome and cool to see that! Even if I am almost 5000 miles away outside Dallas. And by "Captain", you both know I mean Singa...right? HAHA! Keep on sailing!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Singa might be the Captain but everybody answers to Admiral Cleo!
Kathy Rakes
Kathy Rakes - 5 years ago
I just love you watching you guys ! That sun set was out of this world beauitful! Great job sharing ! Thanks
Andrew Tubbiolo
Andrew Tubbiolo - 5 years ago
Have you heard whale song thru the hull yet?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
We have while swimming with them, but not through the hulls!
John B
John B - 5 years ago
Just retired at 45. Sold my house and all of my possessions. Purchased a Catalina sailboat for $22,000 and am living on it full time. Thanks for the inspiration and all of the “how to” video’s. Downsizing my life and getting away from monthly payments for everything helped make it possible. Now I am living my best life thanks to you two (I still need to learn to sail though). It is possible people!!! YOLO.
formerly 987946216430
formerly 987946216430 - 5 years ago
Awesome John! I'm still house living, but bought a sailboat (SMALL) last year to force my wife and I to learn how so we'll be ready when it's time to ditch land living :) Best of luck sir! Cheers from PEI Canada, Bryan.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Congrats and thanks for the kind comment! The sailing part is easy, it’s everything else that comes along with living small and owning a boat that can be challenging. But with the right attitude it’s all good!
Margaret Modrovsky
Margaret Modrovsky - 5 years ago
Your videos are always so awsome. Your in a class by yourself. Love you guy's and your cats.
AXECUT TIMBER - 5 years ago
Living the dream , oh what a wonderful world !!!
Al Lamb
Al Lamb - 5 years ago
You guys are awesome.
Gary Hall
Gary Hall - 5 years ago
Great videos, if you ever make it to San Francisco I would love to see your boat and take you out on a mono hull. I'm sailing the world with you! Fair winds
Klancee Call
Klancee Call - 5 years ago
Nikki and Jason I love you two and you do such a wonderful job of videoing. Nikki you were talking about how long you have not docked. What do you do for diesel in that time or does your diesel last that long? I love your new pink glasses. When using only one engine can you switch and use one this time and next time use the other? Wow the whales
were awesome and the surfers was great.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
They fueled up in Ecuador for the Pacific passage so they were probably full at that point. But the hardly turned an engine on during the whole passage so I suspect this might be the first time they've needed refueling since they got to FP. Diesel fuel doesn't store very well so you'd want to use this up before adding more to the tank. As for engines yes, they can choose which one to run or can run both at the same time. Jason has previously said that he hates doing the regular service and fuel filter changes on both at the same time so they track hours used for each one so he can stagger the service intervals.
Curious Minion
myjeepzia - 5 years ago
Great shots awesome video, thanks
layra Thompson
layra Thompson - 5 years ago
Love your videos! I miss Jason's mom! I loved your comment- that you would be friends even you were not in laws :)
57 Vette
57 Vette - 5 years ago
You're becoming irrelevant. Even if your egos keep you fueled. There was a guy named Magellan that already did this, yet he had the foresight to not flaunt it. Poor little rich kids, first world problems. Tell us about your 2000$ fridge again.......
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Like we often say “we’re not doing anything that someone else hasn’t already done”. We’re not flaunting we’re sharing our experience to help others live their own dreams.
caddyzig—John - 5 years ago
How do you decide which engine to run? Do you just alternate? Or is one more efficient than the other?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
They are identical. Jason has previously said that he hates doing the regular service and fuel filter changes on both at the same time so they track hours used for each one so he can stagger the service intervals.
Curious Minion
Luscious3174 - 5 years ago
I'm wondering if going hybrid here would be feasible on a cat like that (replace the 2 diesel engines with a pair of electric motors). Obviously you would need to add more lithium batteries, but the weight extra may not be all that much. Open water is prime for maximum solar. Would you be able to add more panels?
Luscious3174 - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns Thanks for that link. Wasn't aware you guys already "covered" it, pun intended
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
They're kinda maxed out on where they can put panels and batteries. And yes, open water seems optimal until you remember that there's a LOT of rigging, masts, booms, etc. that are shading some of the panels, and that makes them really inefficient. They did a short video on panel shading:
Curious Minion
Paul On THe Move
Paul On THe Move - 5 years ago
Great video and all that was in it. Love to see you on the move and handling the boat so well and relaxed. Stay safe.
santos Naldo
santos Naldo - 5 years ago
listening to Brazilian music, Paula Fernandes.Good winds
santos Naldo
santos Naldo - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns , Because it is almost like music style country . Because singing backwoods, asks Rose what she explains better. My english is very bad
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Ahhhh ha. Makes sense considering a Brazilian won the competition :)
Luiz Goldfeld
Luiz Goldfeld - 5 years ago
Congratulations from Brazil, just fyi It was not local music, it was brazilian country music.
Ricky Breaux
Ricky Breaux - 5 years ago
Zanne - 5 years ago
So cool. Singa makes a great first mate. Amazing to see the whales that close. I'm sure that gives you pause to see how big they are that close to your boat.
Raymond Race
Raymond Race - 5 years ago
Thank you for letting us follow your adventures!!
rabinfo - 5 years ago
What cool Brazilian music + -10: 20. I'm a fan of your channel
rabinfo - 5 years ago
I am brazilian
lupaofpack - 5 years ago
I'm curious about your theme music :) Where and how did you pick it out? I apologize if this information is somewhere and I missed it. Love seeing the girls, I just lost my bengal to cancer so hearing Singa talk to you is sorta like hearing my Rosa, it makes me smile. Amazing sunset and awesome views. As always, a joy to watch the two of you life your best life. Thanks for sharing.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
So sorry to hear about your Rosa. We have a couple of ways to get DRM free music - Patreon and Artlist mostly. There's a link to Artlist in the blog post with a referral discount if you're interested.
AFS Consultants
AFS Consultants - 5 years ago
So Gorgeous!! How warm is it? Is the water warm? Niki..It could be dark gray overcast, rain and lightning in the distance and you would say.. Did you see that cool light! ahh that rain feels good.. the sky is like beautiful black Always such a great attitude <3 Thanks for sharing your travels U4... We get a lot of whales where I live, that ARE huge!! and curious..
AFS Consultants
AFS Consultants - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns Thanks for your reply.. 80's ! so nice
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
The water is in the low 80’s during winter. Our temperature readings on CURIOSITY stopped working so we’re not exactly sure.
Ken Pole
Ken Pole - 5 years ago
Sit corrected, that is.
Ken Pole
Ken Pole - 5 years ago
I sis corrected. Small fin threw me off. Best wishes.
Tom Clements
Tom Clements - 5 years ago
JIM G - 5 years ago
Beautiful sunset
moz - 5 years ago
love your filming, love your cats and love what you do, be safe and well

100. comment for Sailing Tahiti, Iron Wind & WHALES || Cost & Fuel Economy of a Catamaran Sailboat

Peaceful Chaos
Peaceful Chaos - 5 years ago
Thank God it's Sunday...get my GWTW's fix! Great vid guys, thanks.
On Tilt Sailing Dale Hudson
On Tilt Sailing Dale Hudson - 5 years ago
Wow, this video went by so fast! I had to check to make sure it was really over!
stilcrazychris - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns that is great. Would like to hear about it in a video. That away the news can spread quicker. I'm kind of lazy bc I hate to read.. lol... Plus I lean better that away to. I'm just backwards hillbilly from Missouri.
Great to hear back. Be safe,
Chris from Missouri
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Awe, thanks for the love! We have recently signed up as ambassadors for to spread awareness where we can. Check them out.
Chris Brady
Chris Brady - 5 years ago
Do whales hear people screaming and wahooing?
Chris Brady
Chris Brady - 5 years ago
Dear Jason, (I'm only assuming the reply was from you and if I'm mistaken...Dear Nikki) ;-)...after many years of following your exquisitely produced terrestrial and aquatic lifaphobic adventures, primarily from my residences in Africa and more recently from the significantly less exotic Northern hemisphere it's an absolute pleasure to receive a reply from which I would consider my most inane comment. Here's the problem, whenever I observe humans interact with the 'natural (bush) world' they have the innate ability to overindulge the vocal chords as opposed to being in the moment. This majestic blue marble does indeed operate under very different acoustic parameters and your analogies make perfect sense (yes, I dive).. active sonar devices employed on an industrial scale force cetaceans deeper to obviate the annoyance and, it may be proven leads to their premature demise. I fully understand the dynamics of YT and the pressures to entertain but it would be a first if such encounters were relayed with a large cocktail, feet up on the deck, Singa & Cleo by your side and silence..perhaps with some soft blues ballad overdubbed in the background......which I have written just for you, it contains the lines "shrimp clacking their claws, parrot-fish crunching coral and bulldogs eating porridge", don't ask!! Have a cracking week in paradise. Sooo envious.
Curious George.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
They may, but compared to the sounds the are hearing in the water it's probably insignificant. If you've ever been snorkeling or diving you know how loud things like boat engines sound. You can even hear shrimp clacking their claws and parrotfish crunching coral. Also not sure of the range of a humpback's hearing, but most marine animals are geared to hear very low frequency sounds, which travel much farther in water. Our puny little high pitched voices may sound like mosquitoes buzzing to them!
Curious Minion
SanSan - 5 years ago
Picture postcards all the way! Your videos are the best!
J Han
J Han - 5 years ago
Aloha guys, have you ever jumped in around the whales? If they are in the area you can hear them under the water. And no you don't need to be very close. Love the channel. Mahalo nui loa.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Yes! We posted a few pics on social media when it happened and there was some teaser footage in our Christmas message. Stay tuned - vids are coming!
Greg Hare
Greg Hare - 5 years ago
When you motor on one motor, how do you determine which motor? Do you alternate to keep the hours the same in each or do you run on the same motor most of the time to keep one motor in better shape and minimize maintenance cost/time? Thinking doing rebuilds on both engines at the same time would be tough on the budget.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Jason has previously mentioned that he likes to stagger the maintenance intervals because it's a huge pain to service both engines at the same time. So yes, they track how often each one runs. Rebuilding both at the same time would be a punch to the wallet, but having to be in a marina twice for separate service is also a royal PITA, so it might be worth the hit to just do it and get it over with. As little as Nikki and Jason run them and as meticulous as they are with service, I suspect the diesel Yanmars might outlast their time on Curiosity before needing a rebuild.
Curious Minion
Wallace Loper
Wallace Loper - 5 years ago
You are alternating the engine so your maintenance schedule will be about the some?
Wallace Loper
Wallace Loper - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns That ok I think that's just the jet machine in me.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Good question, but Jason has mentioned that it takes so long to service both engines that he prefers to stagger their service interval.
Curious Minion
Marc Wolf
Marc Wolf - 5 years ago
Zinga is one cute kitty I have two black short hair boys
Kate RH
Kate RH - 5 years ago
Beautiful beautiful animals. People (especially the Japanese) need to stop murdering whales in the fake name of research.
Travelin' Tides
Travelin' Tides - 5 years ago
We have been following along with y'all since your RV days. You guys helped inspire our van life and now sailing life. We have a 1984 Catalina 30 and are preparing to set sail around the Gulf of Mexico and into the Caribbean. We hope to someday be able to share a craft beer or glass of wine or a coffee with some laughs with you guys one day on the water. Fairwinds.
DaKat - 5 years ago
Always beautiful, informative and such a joy to join you and watch
petnzme01 - 5 years ago
just out of curiosity... have you eaten polynesian food yet?
saluki 83
saluki 83 - 5 years ago
Your videos are never a disappointment, always a joy. Thank you.
Walking Zed's Push Bike
Walking Zed's Push Bike - 5 years ago
I have to say, you are badly mistaken about their videos never being a disappointment. Every one of them are disappointing. The second that they end for me is a big disappointment to me.
Ray Atkinson
Ray Atkinson - 5 years ago
Great vlog again planning to buy a catamaran but with only a small sailing budget once bought. Hoping to sail for 6 months and back to work until we have 20k saved up any thoughts you may have would be welcome
Ray Atkinson
Ray Atkinson - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns even more inspired thank you. Ray
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Where there’s a will there is a way. We see all types of boats out here in French Polynesia. Small, large, expensive, homemade and everything in between.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
The dates covered by the video are usually in the description box or at the end of the blog post. In this case, August 2018.
Curious Minion
David Kissane
David Kissane - 5 years ago
Thanks for the great video
Matthew Govier
Matthew Govier - 5 years ago
Hi guys, the song around 10.35 is not local. Its Brazilian music. If there are some important surfing events on, it would be explained as there will be quite a few of us around. There are several versions but it sounded like it might be this one
Matthew Govier
Matthew Govier - 5 years ago
BTW, great video as always!
Saffron's World
Saffron's World - 5 years ago
And Singa, famous world traveler, what do you have to say about the rigors and pleasures of catamaran sailing?

Dwight Turner
Dwight Turner - 5 years ago
Great interview.
madwldgrp1 - 5 years ago
Short and sweet, thank you for more great in-tell on Tahiti. Fair Wynns!! Like, Subscribe, comment!
S Holdsworth
S Holdsworth - 5 years ago
It is so sweet to see how spontaneously you both get so bubbling over with childlike excitement at the whales... priceless
Trish Page
Trish Page - 5 years ago
I was thinking Game of Thrones too! Have you guys watched all the seasons? Did you download them before you left from someplace? So cool! Love the whales! Dream life! Thanks for the video!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
We don’t have the last season...yet :)
Joe the Computerguy
Joe the Computerguy - 5 years ago
Yes yes yes, Jason has this fuzzy math thing going on.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaa, BEST sunset Evah!!!!!!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
I tend to over exaggerate...that’s the beauty of editing I can go in and ‘fix’ my mistakes :)
Scarlet Henderson
Scarlet Henderson - 5 years ago
Thank you for sharing your experience love your videos
Katherine Miller
Katherine Miller - 5 years ago
I sure miss Tahiti!
Stephen Steele
Stephen Steele - 5 years ago
Glad you're getting to choops. It's a beautiful wave.
Gary Bowers
Gary Bowers - 5 years ago
When the whales show their tales, they are going deep, usually to feed. If you’re patient, you may see them breech the surface as they come up.
francisa751 - 5 years ago
So the second engine is almost brand new, seeing it barely works.
francisa751 - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns Thanks, that was enlightening.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
There are times when they need them both, but when they're only running one engine most skippers will alternate between them. An engine that doesn't run and sits for long periods is going to develop issues with old fuel, gummed filters, etc. etc. Jason has previously mentioned that he likes to stagger the use so that he doesn't have to change fuel filters & do the regularly scheduled maintenance on both at the same time, so they do track how many hours each engine has run so that they can space the service interval. Some skippers favor one engine over the other (maybe one has a larger alternator for faster battery charging or something similar) but I don't Curiosity has any mechanical reasons to favor one engine. Hope that helps.
Curious Minion
Laura P. Ruiz-Miner
Laura P. Ruiz-Miner - 5 years ago
Seriously you guys, THE SUNSET... was absolutely breathtaking. Thanks for always sharing with us. Safe sails. <3
SV JUS DREAMING - 5 years ago
I have a question we have been sailing our sailboat for 2 years and we want to cross the Atlantic from North Carolina and our insurance company says that we need a third person on the boat for this Crossing. I'm wondering who is your insurance company? Because they won't let us go without a third qualified sailor on board for ocean Crossings.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Info on their company and the agent who helped them purchase it are in this post:
Good luck!
Curious Minion
armando camilleri
armando camilleri - 5 years ago
Please be quite around whales !!!
Webster Smith
Webster Smith - 5 years ago
You never mentioned how many gallons of capacity the boat has, or the cost on a typical fill-up
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Each week the blog post that goes with each video will always have much more detail and will have links to products and gear that was used during the video. In the post this week, they do mention the fuel capacity of the boat and how many jerry cans they also fill, and Nikki talks about why they don't always fill the tanks completely full. Check it out here:
Curious Minion
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Awe, thanks for the love and for leaving a comment. It really helps us out!
T Sav
T Sav - 5 years ago
What would modern boaters and other navigators do without Garmin instruments!
Paul Chapin
Paul Chapin - 5 years ago
Run aground like thousands of boats did before GPS. Lots still do but not as many.
Susan C
Susan C - 5 years ago
Oh my goodness! What a sunset! Those mystic mountains...and the whales!!
Brian Joyce
Brian Joyce - 5 years ago
Amazing in many respects. Comes to mind, no worries of U. S. Domestic affairs, world affairs, news etc. Man(woman), I’m jealous. Please enjoy for all that can’t/won’t. Fair winds Wynn’s!
Rimona Gale
Rimona Gale - 5 years ago
Whale of a time! Yay!
Aboard Ohana
Aboard Ohana - 5 years ago
Great job again.. by the way my new favorite band....”Wynn’s and Roses”. It was so great of you guys to collaborate with Ruby Rose on sharing your lives.
Aboard Ohana
Aboard Ohana - 5 years ago
On one of their recent posts they were so complimentary of you both, and what professionals you both are. They loved the boat as well. Keep up the great work.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Haha it was so much fun!
Tom Barker
Tom Barker - 5 years ago
From this amateur sailor. If the wind is at your bow. Don't you tack from side to side? At the anchorage you had some pitfalls but on the way there you could have sailed.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Correct. The issue with sailing is we were going to an sail would have taken 24 hours or more and there was potential we’d miss part of the event. Sometimes it’s easiest to motor when schedule is involved, otherwise we would have waited for a good weather window and sailed the entire way.
Paul Chapin
Paul Chapin - 5 years ago
It took 7 hours to motor, they did not want to take 24 hours or more to sail.
Ernest Dougherty
Ernest Dougherty - 5 years ago
Another good video great docking job Nikki and that was beautiful watching them humpback whales beautiful always love watching them but stay the distance away give them their safe distance always like waking up to Sunday morning watching y'all make' s my day Fair winds be safe
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
The rules here in FP are 300 meters away, leave engines running, stop propulsion...which is exactly what we did.
HighJack*DOG* - 5 years ago
7:47 the correct saying would be " There she blows " lol love you guys keep the Wynns at your backs :)
Ashley Marks
Ashley Marks - 5 years ago
I wonder if the island creates a coanda effect of sorts.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
It does create it’s own weather and wind, so predictions are not often accurate.
Richard Chasse
Richard Chasse - 5 years ago
Just a great vlog of a day-in-the-life. Loved the fuel analogy and cost data !!!!
Jim Hummel
Jim Hummel - 5 years ago
The whales were totally grand! It must have been so incredible to be so close to those lovely creatures! And Singa sure was hamming it up for the camera! So very cute!! Thanks for making such an enjoyable #Wynnday !!!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Singa knows how to work it for sure.
Michael Turner
Michael Turner - 5 years ago
Cape CodBob
Cape CodBob - 5 years ago
Nikki, I can't believe you let Jason do all the work hooking up the lines, fenders etc. and all you do sit on your butt jiggling the throttles ! LOLOLOLOL
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
- Jason
Rose - 5 years ago
Indeed a dream life    good adventures
daverjax - 5 years ago
One thing, Yall tend to BEAT A LOCATION TO DEATH. Tahiti'd OUT. ENOUGH! DONE!
Peter åman
Peter åman - 5 years ago
Another great episode from you guys . It might only be me but that diesel cost diagram seems incorrect. And in sweden a gallon of Diesel would cost around 6usd
Left Turn in Albuquerque
Left Turn in Albuquerque - 5 years ago
Lol...the "pucker effect", I laughed out loud when you said that! Another great video with a nice mix of information & pleasure, I was wondering about the fuel consumption...and WHALES! Thanks and stay safe!
Jim Bigner
Jim Bigner - 5 years ago
It costs that to go up the tollway and not near as fun.
spacesaverbob - 5 years ago
Once upon a time, back in the RV days (yours, not mine) I used to wonder about that whole "travelling with cats" thing. Well, I'm now certain that the entertainment value far outweighs any other "animal husbandry" considerations.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
They are totally worth it. ♥
spacesaverbob - 5 years ago
Oh and, speaking of our RV days and fuel consumption, Some folks would ask, "How's the gas mileage?" To which I would invariably answer, "Well, it gets good mileage for a house." And leave it at that. I figured, if you can't afford to go....then, it's just not for you.
Connie Wilson
Connie Wilson - 5 years ago
Always a pleasure to watch you and also your respect for our whales
Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob - 5 years ago
The "Iron Genoa" goes well to windward!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Christina H.
Christina H. - 5 years ago
Great simple information if you've never sailed before. I worked for North Sails doing spinnaker design and layout. And raced on the Commodore's S&S 45' of the SDYC.
Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen - 5 years ago
How many gallons of diesel do you carry?  The purple & orange sunset at the end of the video was calling me to paint it!! Sail On!!!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
All that info is in the blog post, right down to the jerry cans.
Curious Minion
MV Solitude
MV Solitude - 5 years ago
On my lunch break watching your video is so relaxing. It’s great medicine for this nurse... Thanks for sharing your life on the water
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Happy to be there with you...BTW what’d you have for lunch? We like food :)
bill4nier - 5 years ago
Nike, you nailed that docking!! Really nice video! Have you ever thought of putting up the drone when coming in to an ankerage on a cloudy day? Something I've noticed when folks come into an iffy ankerage (do to clouds), anker, then put up a drone to show the area, you can see the bommies much more clearer. But the drone needs to be mast hieth or hiegher. Thanks!
Maus 02
Maus 02 - 5 years ago
Hey check out the Breeze cat litter system for your cats. Better than sand. It uses pee pads and reusable litter.
Bayard Taylor
Bayard Taylor - 5 years ago
Why. Is dirty ? Did your spill a lot of diesel
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
I think just climbing in and out of the storage lockers to get the fenders and jerry cans, it's hot and there's no breeze down in the lockers, and diesel is kind of oily so if it's on the nozzle when you're fueling up your hands get oily, that kind of thing.
Curious Minion
Captain Bob
Captain Bob - 5 years ago
Watching you folks is killing me!  ;-)  Here in New England, I have 20 inches of snow in my yard and we are currently getting freezing rain. 10th of March right?   Yuk!  Stay warm, stay safe!
Richard Slater
Richard Slater - 5 years ago
Oh my, what a fantastical video adventure! You put a smile on my face and sent chills up my spine by taking me whale watching with you. Your skills in video creation and editing are world class. Thank you both so much for sharing. Fair winds and following seas. Give the kitties a pat from me.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Aw, thanks Richard and thank you for leaving the comment and passing the love along. Kitties scratched!
Luciano Augusto
Luciano Augusto - 5 years ago
11:18 isnt local music, its brazilian music!! hahahah
Luciano Augusto
Luciano Augusto - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns im brazilian, thats how i know it! by the way, love the channel!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
I think she meant that the locals on shore were the ones cranking the volume. Cool that you know it though.
Curious Minion
Marc Andre Robert
Marc Andre Robert - 5 years ago
Hi guys.
Howard Lute
Howard Lute - 5 years ago
Getting bored with Tahiti? Where do you go from here? Good luck to you two and your very fine Kats!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Not yet!
Guy Outten
Guy Outten - 5 years ago
love your videos, learned a lot from you guys.
Quest to Aesthetics
Quest to Aesthetics - 5 years ago
She is so beautiful!
kjdyatta - 5 years ago
6:25 yes it does
Shelagh Egar
Shelagh Egar - 5 years ago
In my naivité, for a long time I thought the paw print on your sail was to honour your kitties...and not actually the emblem of your Leopard Cat!
KIM I - 5 years ago
>}}}> ~~~~~~ just amazing.............enjoy..........xx
Iexpedite1 - 5 years ago
She was talking about docking. One need only spend a little time standing on a busy small boat ramp to see a comedy of errors. I myself have loaded and unloaded a boat more times than I care to count. I still make mistakes. Especially if it’s been a few months or if the ramp is exceedingly busy. A friend of mine lost his boat off of a roller trailer driving up a ramp without tying it down. I man from my work lost his truck and trailer when his parking brake failed. I've seen kids back trucks up until they flooded the interiors of their parents SUV. I saved a guy from smashing the hull of his boat because he didn’t get his trailer deep enough. Comedy of errors and not as easy as one would think.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
That was one of our favorite past times when we owned our small wake boarding boat in TX. Man people get angry fast when launching and docking :)
Clay Willoughby
Clay Willoughby - 5 years ago
When are we going to have an epic GOT length GWTW episode? I need more than 5 minutes of the cats! lol
James Zilch
James Zilch - 5 years ago
P.S. it is a great idea to keep you engine hours in balance when doing the "single engine" method of fuel economy.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
They do track the hours. Jason has mentioned previously that he hates doing filter changes and maintenance on both at the same time, so they track hours to stagger the service intervals.
Curious Minion
dean mclamb
dean mclamb - 5 years ago
Another Sunday with the Wynns. Living a dream through your eyes. Tahiti is beautiful!
Here Then Gone
Here Then Gone - 5 years ago
Doesn't that look so "mist"ical? Haha. Well played.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Nigel Donald
Nigel Donald - 5 years ago
$1 U.S. per U.S. gallon is very cheap! Fuel in Australia is about $1.40au per litre & Europe is about double the price of Australia
Andy Bushnell
Andy Bushnell - 5 years ago
I"m amazed the fuel lasted that long. How much fuel did you burn on the trip from South America to Tahiti?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
I think they didn't use the engines at all on the crossing until they were almost to Tahiti. I haven't seen a figure for that though.
Curious Minion
James Zilch
James Zilch - 5 years ago
I am glad that someone has told you about the advantage of operating on a single engine. The only exceptions(2) that I can think of if your headwind is greater than the power of a single engine and when in a marina. On the subject of fuel usage information, there are flow meters that also total gallons used and can be reset to zero at fill up (such as in a car or private airplane.
I love the quality and content of your videos.
Suggestion: do a video on each of your back stories. Do you also have a land business to support your sailing interest?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
All good suggestions and they've already done a bit of that. The "about" section of the blog tells what they were doing when they met and how they made a living until they hit the road. There's even info on Cleo and Singa. This post talks about their families and why they decided to do DNA testing: And there's a whole section on the blog called "make money and travel" that talks about how the Wynns and other nomads do just that.
Curious Minion
Ella Bella
Ella Bella - 5 years ago
The part of me that lives near LA kind of freaks out when you say 7 hours to go 35 miles. Can’t you go any faster.??? LOL! But who needs fast when you have that view and the only traffic jam is caused by whales. (Darn that Moby Dick! ) And Singh tries to help *cough get in the way cough*. You don’t get that in a car on the freeway. Thanks for sharing a more relaxing way to travel
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
It is frustrating sometimes...when we’ve been sailing overnight and then we can see our destination in the distance and we think to ourselves “we’re almost there”...then it’s breakfast, lunch and finally at dinner we arrive! We’re often ‘almost there’ for several hours :)
Andy Bushnell
Andy Bushnell - 5 years ago
good video
pvdneste - 5 years ago
lucky you, In the Netherlands Diesel is about 5$ per gallon !
pvdneste - 5 years ago
+Walking Zed's Push Bike well, 0.5$ would be much better! :-)
Walking Zed's Push Bike
Walking Zed's Push Bike - 5 years ago
In my opinion that is too cheap. :')
Ric Bis
Ric Bis - 5 years ago
Might want to check the xpf conversion.. $0.0095 USD
Sharon Labrecque
Sharon Labrecque - 5 years ago
Love you guys.
billy cute
billy cute - 5 years ago
You should do a video about watching tv and reading/ what you do to stay busy besides explore and care for the boat
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Ha...ummm we do normal chores and work on the computer. Not a very captivating episode.
Andrew Holmes
Andrew Holmes - 5 years ago
We just need MUNEH, and some GODDAMN FAITH
WHAT is TAQIYYA on YOUTUBE? - 5 years ago
How did you get the fuel in all of those months without docking on shore? In the cans?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
They may not have needed to fuel up. I'm sure they took on enough in Ecuador to get them most of the way to Tahiti, but I don't think they even turned the engines on until they were almost to the Marquesas. And since diesel will go bad I'm sure they've been trying to use most of it up before they put more in.
Curious Minion
Robert Gordon
Robert Gordon - 5 years ago
The heaviest wave is an understatement! I was hoping you would catch the competition......Cheers from New Bern,NC!
Nealie Anderson
Nealie Anderson - 5 years ago
Your video making is awesome dudes! Like the preview addition as well!
J Don76
J Don76 - 5 years ago
My Dad always called it the “iron genny”
Elizabeth M
Elizabeth M - 5 years ago
Beautiful closing sunset. Thank you for the view!
journey2fifty - 5 years ago
Iv wondered about fuel usage for you guys for some time now. The way you break it down it doesn’t seem nearly as bad as I expected.
Beta Thinker
Beta Thinker - 5 years ago
I really liked this video! you are both so young sweet and beautiful! Your videos are so uplifting to me in my condition. I really enjoy seeing places that i cant travel. You two seem like so much fun. I watch you often and you brighten my day every time. I am reminded of when i was your age. thanks for sharing your lifestyle with us. the world needs a bit of uplifting news these days. God bless you both! im Art in Tennessee.
Laurie Ashley
Laurie Ashley - 5 years ago
How often do you have to fill your fuel tanks?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Nikki mentions in the blog post that they only like to take on what they think they'll need (with a little margin) because diesel will go bad over time. And of course it depends on wind & weather as to how much they have to run the engines. They do mention the full fuel capacity of the boat in the blog post:
Curious Minion
Igor Andrejev
Igor Andrejev - 5 years ago
You are such an amazing team...thank you for your blog...lots of likes from me and subscription
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Thanks for subscribing - it helps a lot!
James Robertson
James Robertson - 5 years ago
Can you do a video on how you guys manage to do your laundry on a boat??
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Curiosity has the same combo washer/dryer that they had in their RV. In their post about making water, Nikki mentioned that while running the generator to make water, they also did laundry and a few other power-hungry tasks. I think they hang it to dry though rather than using the drying cycle on the machine (it uses more power and takes a longer time to dry in a combo machine).
Curious Minion
Bob Woodward
Bob Woodward - 5 years ago
Loved this video. Thank you so much.
Peter Briggs
Peter Briggs - 5 years ago
We always call it running the “Iron Jenny”
dml505 - 5 years ago
being in the auto industry, I may be wrong, but that second engine might take stress off the first engine and make it more efficient. Even though you only gain a few knots you may find you actually save money and time by the first engine not having to struggle to keep the pace. Just a thought.
dml505 - 5 years ago
+Oranje Manatee it doesn't matter if its marine or auto, or horse drawn wagon, its common physics, moving mass with 2 is more efficient than 1.The question becomes is it enough to be beneficial to the end result you are trying to obtain....Im sure super man would agree
Oranje Manatee
Oranje Manatee - 5 years ago
Take stress off? On a diesel? hahahah. Do you tell Superman to lift Lois with his knees, not his back?

No, marine diesels are not at all like an auto gasoline engine. An auto engine spends its life loafing (rolling down the highway), with periodic high power output (taking off from a traffic light). Marine diesels, indeed (non-automobile) diesels in general, need to be run fairly hard continuously, with only short periods of low power (docking / marina operation) or they'll carbon up their cylinders, exhaust, and injectors.

If you do too much loafing, you need to throttle up periodically and clear it out. (AKA "Italian tune up.") Yanmar (a very, very popular provider of marine diesels) suggests going from idle, to full speed, back to idle, in neutral, 5 times every 2 hours if you have to operate at low power for prolonged periods.
Hans Logtenberg
Hans Logtenberg - 5 years ago
Not on a boat at 2000 rpm I would say this engine runs at only 50% maximum load while the prop is most likely variable pitch and I can't find a way of overpowering with that device. Using one engine up to 80% of max load is both practical (less overall engine hrs)and economical in fuel used vs miles gained
Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner - 5 years ago
A whale hit me last year. Never saw it comming while i was under power looking dead ahead.
We side swiped. Port side bottom paint was taken off at impact. I felt the bump like a giant log then the a explosion of water showering me in the cocpit. Thought i hit a bomb then saw the whales fluke as it slapped the water 5 times. A pilot whale. I guess it was pissed.i did not turn around to ask.
Never seen a whale in 12 years in malaysia. But i hit one. Had lots of close calls in mexico, hawaii and australia ,even in indonesia. I think i prefer lightning to whales.but not positive.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
That's crazy!
Michael Williams, D.O.
Michael Williams, D.O. - 5 years ago
So day I hope to see in person. Joann fueled up our Cessna for the first time yesterday and is hard at work on her private pilot ground school. I take my check ride today for my biannual sign off which means I am PIC (pilot in command)once again after a long hiatus from flying since 1998.
Thx safe guys!
rudolf peter udo
rudolf peter udo - 5 years ago
You know guys having been in a similar situation with with whales broaching so close, sort of makes you feel insignificant in the scheme of things doesn't it?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
And it's even better when you're in the water with them. We were in the water so much our toes were pruny.
Peter John Cantimprate
Peter John Cantimprate - 5 years ago
Are you guys planning to sail for the whole of your life?? Coz i'm planning to quit my job and build a sailboat a catamaran actually and sail around the world of my entire life:)
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Maybe not sailing the whole time but we'll keep adventuring as long as we can.
Chevy Chase
Chevy Chase - 5 years ago
Now that's what I call a Sundowner!
William Ribeiro
William Ribeiro - 5 years ago
The music in background is Brazilian country, so funny!!
Minimal Millionaire Mom
Minimal Millionaire Mom - 5 years ago
What a wonderful video to wake up to! I ❤️ whales.
Tom D.
Tom D. - 5 years ago
I think I've finally watched all of your sailing videos. Thank you for making me feel like I'm onboard with you. You're taking me to beautiful places I'll never see in person. Looking forward to next week's adventure.
Debbie Mrad
Debbie Mrad - 5 years ago
Once again a fantastic "a day in the life of Nikki & Jason". Your intro music and pics set the best mood for me, and the videos are like icing on the cake.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Aw, thanks for letting us know. It really helps.
Nicholas Huttie
Nicholas Huttie - 5 years ago
Another great video. I've been following along since the RV days. Not sure if there are other weather geeks out there who would be interested in air/water temp, dew point data, etc. Just a thought.
saxonsoldier67 - 5 years ago
Adding observations of their environment would be interesting.
Erica's Adventures
Erica's Adventures - 5 years ago
I'm assuming since you run just one engine, that you alternate which one you use to try to keep roughly equal hours on each? (This is all new to me and I doubt I'll ever own a boat, but heck, somehow it's fascinating to learn about anyways.)
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Yes, they do run them both and track the time on each engine. Jason has previously mentioned that he hates doing filter changes and maintenance on both at the same time, so they track run time to stagger the service intervals.
Curious Minion
donnyboy - 5 years ago
I feel so much better now, thanks to you's.! It is cold, cloudy, and raining in southern Ontario. May the sun continue to shine on you both.!
sharon riome
sharon riome - 5 years ago
So very nice to see you respect the whales by keeping your distance and turning off your motor!!
MATHIEU LE MONNYER - 5 years ago
Gone with the Wynns
Bonjour. Nice videos and music. Juste to inform you that there are some regulations regarding whales in Tahiti. There is an association on Tahiti that monitors whales and police around them. The association is Mata Tohora ... please you will find them in Facebook. Merci again for tour videos. enjoy Tahiti
Scot Fenn
Scot Fenn - 5 years ago
I've had whales all around my boat. For hours. And they came to me. From my personal experiences I don't think smaller pleasure vessels are much of a concern to whales. They have come right up to us many times in the open pacific northwest.
Bunyip Dan
Bunyip Dan - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns Ok guys, i think everyone would agree that you savour every chance you get to interact with these wonderful creatures, it should just be done with the up most respect and consideration. It is more important not to place yourself directly in their path, chase them down, or in anyway harass them (especially if they have calves). There are a few schools of thought regarding turning off engines, I feel it is more important to take your vessel out of gear, engine noise can give whales a possitive idea where you are rather than going completely silent. Humpback whales like these seem to tolerate vessels but tail and flipper slapping can be a signal to keep your distance.
As for dolphins many species enjoy bow/wake riding but there are also quite a few species which are quite shy and dont interact with boats, best bet here is to maintain a steady speed and course, and not go plowing through a pod.....let them decide to interact if they want to. I have seen several propeller wounds on it can happen.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
For one thing, it wasn't their dinghy and they were passengers. For another, dolphins love to surf the bow wave and wake of vessels. You can find video after video after video of dolphins playing like this. They cross under the boat and weave around each other but they don't hit each other or the boat or the prop. In fact I think you'd have a hard time hitting a healthy dolphin even if you were trying.
Curious Minion
kragseven - 5 years ago
When they are in the dingy they have no problem racing up close to whales and dolphins . Once they went right through a pod of dolphins yelling with joy
Matt™ - 5 years ago
Thank you for not featuring the dumb cats too much...
jmcmurrah - 5 years ago
Lovely video - what sort of whales are they?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Those are humpbacks.
Curious Minion
Ken Pole
Ken Pole - 5 years ago
Whales probably finbacks, second only to blues in size.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
I think only humpbacks are found in French Polynesia? Nikki specifically says they're humpbacks in the blog post.
Curious Minion
Jeff B
Jeff B - 5 years ago
Yeah, I stopped the video and said , whoa, that would be $300 per gallon with that math they showed. Knew something was off.
geoffj3191 - 5 years ago
There are a few issues in that table but the result seems right.
Dennis Chartier
Dennis Chartier - 5 years ago
The pucker effect? Lol Nickie!
nemo227 - 5 years ago
Easy to understand. I ran aground with my rowboat once and it was a helpless feeling. Don't ever want to do it with a bigger boat.
Travel with Aaron
Travel with Aaron - 5 years ago
Whales are amazing. Still don’t know why people want to hunt them and eat them.
Steve Gable
Steve Gable - 5 years ago
Have you considered changing one engine to electric and adding a wind and hydro generator to help offset the power consumption?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
They talk about all of those in this video if I'm not mistaken:
Basically the answers are "sure if you want to pay for it" "wind generators won't make enough of a difference and we don't have a good place to mount one", and "no good place to mount one."
Curious Minion
mmclem1112 - 5 years ago
Great Video. Do you know what types of whales you saw?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
Yes, humpbacks.
Dave P
Dave P - 5 years ago
Those are humpback whales.
Rubens de Souza Moreno
Rubens de Souza Moreno - 5 years ago
Nikki, the "local music" is a brazilian country music.
Luv you.
jesse florian
jesse florian - 5 years ago
I made sure to wake up early for this :)
yakyakyak69 - 5 years ago
Would a gimbal stabilized mast camera with polarized uv filter & night vision help spot coral? Is such a thing even available?
Walking Zed's Push Bike
Walking Zed's Push Bike - 5 years ago
I can't remember which video it was but they were going under a bridge, I had asked them if they could mount a camera on the top of the mast so they could check to see if they could clear... I don't remember what their reply was. :')
parishm - 5 years ago
with diesel quality and contamination varying greatly around the world, do you use and additional filtering or polishing systems ?
arms length
arms length - 5 years ago
My thoughts too. I'd use a filtering funnel for fueling up, maybe a pair of large replaceable canisters in series (one for water, one for particulates & tars etc) with a funnel at the top and nozzle at the bottom. And maybe drop in a trace amount of bactericide during the fill-up. I'd also have a respectable tank-access hatch and a device to vacuum out deposits on the bottom of the tank every half year. And would put in some additional, oversized commercial engine filters for the fuel line upstream from the fuel pump.
The Glamping Guys
The Glamping Guys - 5 years ago
+Gone with the Wynns Thank you!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 5 years ago
When you are in "international waters" (the distance from shore varies depending on where you are) it is in fact legal to dump your black tank or compost. If you're inside that limit the regulations on dumping tanks can vary depending on where you are.
Curious Minion
Ross and Bek
Ross and Bek - 5 years ago
So relaxing watching your videos, we're going to have to get on a boat sometime soon ✌
supertaco22 - 5 years ago
these 2 and a hand full of others alike ,have me browsing for boats.
Oliver Jeffs
Oliver Jeffs - 5 years ago
Have you thought about sailing to Indonesia? It would be amazing to have you come and see this beautiful country.
radsdad1 - 5 years ago
Love the intro music.
Rob Collins
Rob Collins - 5 years ago
I see Singa is on total chill
Jeff Wallace
Jeff Wallace - 5 years ago
Yay it's Sunday! Thanks for the video. Stay safe.
Macallan - 5 years ago
You are living my absolute dream life! I'm only 16 and plan on sailing round the world for my life goal
Bob Shaw
Bob Shaw - 5 years ago
+Cape CodBob Thank You for your reply . What are you living in up there ? Any trouble with pipes & sewer hose freezing up on you ? I'm sure it's pretty darn cold there Bob ? Is dw dear wife ? Sorry your a dav . Are you 100% service connected ? My dad & 3 Uncles all were WWII US Navy Veterans . Dad was on the USS Cogswell , 1 Uncle was on the USS Hogan . My brother was a submariner on the USS Sam Ray Burn ported over in Holy Loch , Scotland . It is now a training vessel up at a base in the Carolinas . My brothers home base was at the sub base in New London , Connecticut . He lived in near by in Gales Ferry , Connecticut .
Cape CodBob
Cape CodBob - 5 years ago
+Bob Shaw I am dav, navy . Currently homesteading @ hanscom afb famcamp with the dw. Served 64-68. Destroyer. Thank you also for your service.
Bob Shaw
Bob Shaw - 5 years ago
+Cape CodBob Are you a fellow Veteran ? If so Thank You for your Service Sailor . I'm a US Air Force Veteran . I served ' 71 - ' 75 . Also a VA retiree since 8/97 & live in Florida on the west coast . I'm from a mostly US Navy Family .
Ron Buckner
Ron Buckner - 5 years ago
Macallan, you're too young to have dreams! That's just a goal, so start saving! Dreams are things beyond reach there is nothing beyond your reach at the age of 16!
jesse florian
jesse florian - 5 years ago
I'm 17, turning 18 in May, and im feeling the same way you are. they are living my dream! I even have written all the countries and islands I wish to sail too, but of course, I would need a partner for this ;^) let's let our dreams of sailing come true
Chris - 5 years ago
DO IT!! Pull the plug and make it happen, Fair Winds!!
Macallan - 5 years ago
Cape CodBob omg! These are great tips thank you! I'll check out and I will definitely write it down!
Cape CodBob
Cape CodBob - 5 years ago
Write down all your goals and keep them where you can see them. People that do this are more likely to succeed. I'm sure when you are of age you can get a job on s boat.By the time I was 20 I'd already been around the Caribbean twice thru the Panama canal, Hawaii and PI. Go for it. Join the United States Navy !
Bucket List Retreats
Bucket List Retreats - 5 years ago
Yay!!! Up early & it posted ... off to watch! XO, Kelly
mr. pizzaman
mr. pizzaman - 5 years ago
Hi I'm your friends grandson
AndrewSL429 - 5 years ago
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina - 5 years ago
First again, as a ferry Captain I have to dock around 5700 times a year.
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina - 5 years ago
Bob Shaw, on the Yarra River in Melbourne Australia
Bob Shaw
Bob Shaw - 5 years ago
WOW Captain that is a lot of times a year . Where are you a Ferry Captain ?

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