Sea Of Thieves Tips And Tricks (Noob Guide)

My top 10 tips and tricks for new players who want to become better pirates in Sea Of Thieves Merch: Follow me on Twitch: Follow Me on Twitter:

Sea Of Thieves Tips And Tricks (Noob Guide) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 124

Sailing 7 years ago 140,461 views

My top 10 tips and tricks for new players who want to become better pirates in Sea Of Thieves Merch: Follow me on Twitch: Follow Me on Twitter:

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Most popular comments
for Sea Of Thieves Tips And Tricks (Noob Guide)

VERTiiGO GAMING - 7 years ago
well this wasnt supose to publish today....... guess its too late now lol (was meant to come out close to release)
Maga Prez
Maga Prez - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING I keep my lights on because I'm always looking for a fight.
saumya verma
saumya verma - 7 years ago
keep making these VERTiiGO GAMING , 100 plus episodes like RUST
Stork Clips
Stork Clips - 7 years ago
Frank Wall
Frank Wall - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING video should be called, common sense things for people without common sense. Waste of time to watch. Only real tip was the sword trick. Then you lie in comments about releasing vid early but part with sword trick you mention that you don't know if sword trick will be in full game. Trolling ya half wit subs I see. Good vid, bad tips. Nice production just wish there was actually tips in here.
life sucks
life sucks - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING when is part 3 coming out?
Ernie G & Big Daddy
Ernie G & Big Daddy - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING just a quick one
i recently discovered your arma 3 lif of a criminal.
it touched me i felt like it was me going through those horrible times, it felt real and i loved it so much i am addicted. but episide 6 finished and i couldnt find episode 7 my life fell through my hands and now im lonely again. please help me find de wae and bring Brendon back PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
maximuskk - 7 years ago
But you said in the video that people would be playing in a couple of months...which is when the release date is?
john campbell
john campbell - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING might be different by then right?
Thomas Maples
Thomas Maples - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING you need a full crew! Also I hope you put out a bunch of these videos, keep up the good work and the likes keep coming!
NextGen Anthill
NextGen Anthill - 7 years ago
china team
china team - 7 years ago
Maximus 155
Maximus 155 - 7 years ago
Hey Ed the game is not released yet
Hey Ed
Hey Ed - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING where can I get this game
Maximus 155
Maximus 155 - 7 years ago
Basil you're*
Maximus 155
Maximus 155 - 7 years ago
Better late than never eh?
Kevin Wilson and everything aquariums
Kevin Wilson and everything aquariums - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING vert, do you have to have xbox live to play this multiplayer on pc?
DrTubeman - 7 years ago
Bonus tip and the most important tip of all, what ever you do no matter the circumstances never ever ever let your cutlass down or go trusting that scurvy sea dog scum, shannagin pulling, silver tongued sweet talker, with one ball missing. he be Capt Vertiigos The Throat Slitter Most Glorious. Not even one beaked parrots trust the Glorious!! i
K9 Jazaar
K9 Jazaar - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING Thank you for some of these tips and tricks (didn't know the one about the sails and the steps) btw how did you got a bigger ship is it if you are with a crew or just an upgrade?
starhalo56 Plays
starhalo56 Plays - 7 years ago
doctadrey3000 - 7 years ago
Release? Pfft way better to do it now
Angus - 7 years ago
you can upload a video and set youtube to automatically release it at a later date
Hammy - 7 years ago
Please make this a long time series like the rust series!
David Nicolas
David Nicolas - 7 years ago
who else could be more qualified? :D
Alpha Cristi
Alpha Cristi - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING a noob doing a noob guide....oh it hurts
David Nicolas
David Nicolas - 7 years ago
accidently records and cuts video material and uploads it to youtube woa woa woa eaasy little fella. my bad, sorry guys.
Robin Ranum
Robin Ranum - 7 years ago
how do you accidently upload a video
Zamal - 7 years ago
Pepe Frog
Pepe Frog - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING So the story I’m about to tell you is true, it will change your life forever so if you choose to continue reading on I must advise you to read with caution. For if you’re weak minded or have lack of self control psychologically then it will destroy you internally and turn you into a nihilistic condescending sociopath, who will never accomplish his endeavors. You’ve been warned................................... The story begins with a cuck helping his wife’s lover insert his phallus into his wife’s vagina. As the cuck watched his wife moan and groan..... oh shit my bad wrong story I sometimes get confused with cuckold anonymous and Pepe the savior of the world. Different stories of course. Any ways moving on, now where was I.... fuck I just realize I haven’t even started the story about Pepe the frog. Geeze autism can be a bitch sometimes. Any-who the story begins with a beloved frog who never found his purpose in life and felt like a complete failure, little did he know he would grow up to be a god amongst men and frogs. So as Pepe the frog was doing frog things he couldn’t help but realize all the pain and devastation in the world, he wanted to do something about it “but what” he thought. Then with a glimmer of hope he realized he would need to talk to the old prophet known as ME see ME carried the divine power known as autismosis which could help vanquish the evil in the world. But little did Pepe know that ME lived in a dark mysterious place known As 4chan. Pepe heard abhorrent stories about that place. He than felt confused “why would a prophet who could vanquish evil live in and beside evil” Little did Pepe know this was his first test, he would need to rely on his discernment. So reluctantly he went to the deep dark place known as 4chan to meet with ME. On his journey he came across this ancient scroll that said “feels bad man”. In the scroll it taught Pepe how to harness the power of good and evil known as weaponize autism. From their Pepe knew he had to speak to ME to find out what was causing all the evil in the world. So after many brutal nights and days. He arrived at 4chan to speak with ME. When Pepe arrived his second test awaited this test was harder than the last, for Pepe knew of trolls but never came face to face with one. Then suddenly a troll appeared out of the darkness and asked in a sickening voice “what is it that you desire little one” Pepe replied “nothing” the troll said “oh well be on your way then”. Pepe said “k” he inadvertently defeated the troll in a very anticlimactic way. But his journey was far from over see ME Lived on a mountain known as the day of the rope mountain and only the strong and only the hard could climb that mountain. Pepe was a weak little bitch that knew it would be impossible so after trying over and over to no prevail, Pepe decided to open the scroll of feels bad man where it taught him true strength is with in ones self. So Pepe tried to climb the mountain once more and to his astonishment it was working the power with in was revealing its true form so with several jumps and with several grabs he finally made it to ME’s house. Pepe was hesitant to knock on ME’S front door, however he was still determine to get to the bottom of what was causing true evil in the world. So he knocked and knocked and continue to knock until finally ME appeared and said You their that harnesses the true power what is it that you seek. Pepe replied “to learn who is behind all the evil in the world. ME looked at him with a blank stare and laughed and said in a loud voice “THE JEWS”. So the moral of our endeavor is to out Jew the Jews my child the end.
Serial Killer
Serial Killer - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING good trick....i like it so much thanks vertz
Chuckleberry ' the toxic berry '
Chuckleberry ' the toxic berry ' - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING you're the best captain ever I love your sea of thieves videos keep it going man
Rinus Willems
Rinus Willems - 7 years ago
Just take it ofline bruh
Basil - 7 years ago
Xbossgameing101 Your spastic, and learn how to spell. *gaming
Xbossgameing101 - 7 years ago
james halley march 20 lol
james halley
james halley - 7 years ago
Basil thanks basil,I just took a look,20th March it's says,but thanks for the reply anyhow mate.
Basil - 7 years ago
james I think it's in march, but i cant remember look on their website.
GOG MARK - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO play more rust
Joshua Styles
Joshua Styles - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING good job babe
james halley
james halley - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING when is the full release mate?
XeX shadow V5
XeX shadow V5 - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING oh well still was good lol
Tristan Dragon
Tristan Dragon - 6 years ago
Nooooooo OOOOOOOO this is not star wars asshole
MainGoldDragon - 6 years ago
2:08 Your controller will also vibrate
3:53 Same thing, Your controller will vibrate too
Ryan Mc Connell
Ryan Mc Connell - 6 years ago
The North Star could be useful during storms when the compass has a spasm attack
Prong Productions
Prong Productions - 6 years ago
Also, while using the compass close to your face, you kind of nod, as seen in the video. That can also be used to count your steps.
okarnando88 - 6 years ago
Lmao what kind of tip is "get friends"
Eggmanjames - 6 years ago
lol did all this on day 1
Chris Topher
Chris Topher - 6 years ago
Does anyone have an xboxone?
GrandNoble - 6 years ago
"this tip is not 'really' useful" - put it as #3

10. comment for Sea Of Thieves Tips And Tricks (Noob Guide)

camillo monaco
camillo monaco - 6 years ago
The most annoying thing about the game for me is the fact you can't pause it..
rottenominous - 6 years ago
Good video thanks, but allow me to say something, I play xbox, been on xboxlive for 13 years, I cant stand 90% of the people yelling coughing, playing music, parents yelling, all things that just make me feel like shutting down the system. So I threw out my headset 2 years ago. The mic shouldnt be needed, a good team should beable to play the game together without all this talking. I want to play not talk. *no rudeness intending here) just wanted to let anyone reading this know why "some" of us dont use a mic. have a good day, and fun on the game.
Kyle Mcdougall
Kyle Mcdougall - 6 years ago
This is just the most basic stuff. If you don’t know these ten facts, have you even played the game! A useful tip would be storing chests/loot and gun powder on the crows nest and top of sails rather than in the hull.
Max Heijnen
Max Heijnen - 6 years ago
Anyone on X1: you can get SoT for just 10 euro through the xbox game pass. Meaning you will pay 10 euro per month to play a wide variety of games (among which is SoT)
Tom Petty
Tom Petty - 6 years ago
Why does everyone hate solo, I actually love solo, don't take on any missions just sail out on the sea and look for hidden treasures with no real destination it's actually super fun
Ray Pottle
Ray Pottle - 6 years ago
Great Info ! thanks for the tips
Logan Occhionero
Logan Occhionero - 6 years ago
I find it very interesting that they put Polaris in the sky. I don’t think any other games have done that.
Brandon Walthers
Brandon Walthers - 6 years ago
Don't have any friends
Bob Ross
Bob Ross - 6 years ago
Great video, very useful. Yesterday I got sunk at least 6 times, I didn't accomplish a single quest and even now I don't know where my ship is and you know what? That is still preferable to playing with a bunch of people that I don't know. Sorry, I'm not gonna "find friends". Too many psychos out there.
TheRag DollGamer
TheRag DollGamer - 6 years ago
The "whadaya hear whadaya say" thing, is that an Aussie expression?

20. comment for Sea Of Thieves Tips And Tricks (Noob Guide)

guild of calamitous intent
guild of calamitous intent - 6 years ago
I like solo. I haven't gotten far AT ALL but it's a cool ass game
Zombie Cookie
Zombie Cookie - 6 years ago
These were great tips. Some I figured out on my own, but some of these were so helpful! I love the paces counting! Can’t wait to use the knowledge in game! I’ve already come across crappy crews and communicative crews! Communication makes such a big difference! I’m hoping to be able to play with friends, but otherwise I’ll have to hope for the best. Happy looting.
BloodGed - 6 years ago
just because you put number 1 as get friends - downvote. This game for such high price should be sold with at least 1 more account for a friend so you never play solo. As solo you are just playing Sea of Grinders: Water Simulator ;)
Scott Werner
Scott Werner - 6 years ago
Joined a new crew and they locked me in the brig but they had a couple powder kegs next to the brig, needless to say their ship was no more
Percy Reynolds
Percy Reynolds - 6 years ago
The northern star is great because in storms ur compass dosnt work
Red Sovine
Red Sovine - 6 years ago
Nice music for the video,whats it from?
That Guy Zeppo
That Guy Zeppo - 6 years ago
The map tip. Thank. You. So. Much.
Ragnar TheBat
Ragnar TheBat - 6 years ago
Vert how can i play something with you man. Been watching your vidz for awhile now. Id like to play games with ya. RagnarTheBat is my name on steam xbox ps4
Moxen Wolf
Moxen Wolf - 6 years ago
Great tips!
Scruffygitt - 6 years ago
what are friends? :(

30. comment for Sea Of Thieves Tips And Tricks (Noob Guide)

Карасик Вяленый
Карасик Вяленый - 6 years ago
Find some friends he said... *crying
TheDuckumz - 6 years ago
Fuck i hope they dont remove the power lunge trick, nothing pisses me off more than slow locomotion...
Unlucky Gambler
Unlucky Gambler - 6 years ago
Do you know will this game in the future be avaliable for every Windows not jsut Win10???
Jack_ Carlson
Jack_ Carlson - 6 years ago
You’re only good as your shittiest crewman
magicpyroninja - 6 years ago
Now everyone knows about the sails good job
Tyclone - 6 years ago
Pre ordered it last night! Can't wait to play!! :)
NC gamer
NC gamer - 6 years ago
No all of it is called nowing your ship and now wut you are doing
SpicySharp - 6 years ago
Can’t wait for this game, the open beta was amazement
Triggerhappy TDW
Triggerhappy TDW - 6 years ago
This game is amazing I enjoyed the final beta so much even when I got destroyed lol
Peyton Schurr
Peyton Schurr - 6 years ago
I have a mic but I don,t know if it works I don,t know if people can hear me the mics new and it,s for Xbox that's what I,m gonna play on.
ChuggyNation - 6 years ago
without friends or a decent crew with mics the game is terribly boring just sayin played the beta for 2 hours and was a literal waste of time no one had mics no tutorial or tips or anything to guide the player you just spawn randomly anywhere with nothing xD and they expect people to pay 80$ yea ok good luck with that I guess really hope I'm wrong I love pirates.
tiotito31 - 6 years ago
Instead of dropping the anchor, you could also raise the sails to be more "agile" where your turning is more fine tuned, and it won't take as long to lower back down the sails compared to raising the anchor. The anchor is definitely great for sharp U-turns, but for making quick turns use the sail length.
Pandava Parapara
Pandava Parapara - 6 years ago
The northern star was useful already in beta!
in the storm your compass goes wild and u cant cant rely on it!
Zinon Paparis
Zinon Paparis - 6 years ago
Vertigo.... (arrow flashbacks)
Great vid!
micheal huertas
micheal huertas - 6 years ago
hope they figure out how to allow better teamwork into the game, meaning being able to track friends or clan mates. another thing i want them to add is a way to track other ships in view. say you see or spot a enemy ship. i wonder if they can do some thing to the ship map to show where the person is. the other thing i want them to add is a rogue system like they had in division. where player killer are shown. pirates who shoot first and ask questions later. this can be added to the pirate legend mechanics already in game. you can have people then collect on a bounty for those infamous pirates. that and i have great ideas to add into the game in the form of loot progression rather than skins. such as swivel guns for small ships, upgraded hauls to control ships space and mount trophies like kraken tenticles etc. that and special weapons and swords from different pirate eras and cultures. sabers to be lighter faster but less damage, knives to be alot faster but replaces the block with a sidestep, the buckler to block bullets, cross bows to be silent, or multi barrel rifles and pistols like they had back then.
Zach Conaughty
Zach Conaughty - 6 years ago
I cant wait for this game or for episode 3 in SOT
Pillar Productions
Pillar Productions - 6 years ago
It be sweet if you had to navigate without compass in the ocean where your i spins constantly and all your equipment goes haywire.
Romangutan Orangutan
Romangutan Orangutan - 6 years ago
Is it me or did anyone else have a helluva time trying to find the islands on the map....super noobish I know but what am I doing wrong?
Jon Cremer
Jon Cremer - 6 years ago
It’s a lie! Anchors are your enemy!
KamidakeRed - 6 years ago
Solo makes you a better Captain don't listen to him. Being able to manage a ship alone is a valuable skill I play solo so everything I've accomplished is because of my own skill.

50. comment for Sea Of Thieves Tips And Tricks (Noob Guide)

KamidakeRed - 6 years ago
I just really hope that RARE, overlooks the sword lunge.
I know they're aware of it but I just hope they go "oh okay what the hell, leave it in".
Jordan Marshall
Jordan Marshall - 6 years ago
Another great tip! You can drop sail and catch it before it fully hits the bottom allowing you to let it the bottom when you want more accurately and useful for another stuff
DrugxSirus - 6 years ago
when droping the anchor to turn, you don't have to stay on the wheel(unless in storm ofc), so you can set wheel, lower anchor, then start immediately raising anchor when it finishes lowering and it should be up by the time the turn is done when using the sloop, so just go to wheel right after and straighten up.
Gabriel Gonzalez
Gabriel Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Nice, i didn't know about the northern Star! Oh and pro tip! Ring the ships Bell. It calls Sharks near your ship.
Yan Romano Monteiro
Yan Romano Monteiro - 6 years ago
That beautiful north star - <3
FlushStroke - 6 years ago
Number 2 is a bad tip for not only unnecessarily losing speed. But a good captain would realize unless in a storm, the wheel stays where you leave it. So no reason not to just get off it, have a quick look and then go back to the wheel. But a captain who glues themselves to the wheel and just stands there when no maneuvers need to be made anyway isnt a captain id want.
Wasteland DV
Wasteland DV - 6 years ago
I don’t get why everyone thinks the Captain should pilot the ship. Helm is a separate position. The Captain needs to be free to maintain command and control.
OX11 - 6 years ago
The ghost lantern tip saved me 960 gold
Dieter Reichstag Keeper of the Heer
Dieter Reichstag Keeper of the Heer - 7 years ago
In fights Raise the Sail to Battle Position. 7:15 he has it at Half Mast or close enough. But to avoid damaged sails Put them almost all the way up So the Sails are protected & you still can move if need be.
Tony Kunnari
Tony Kunnari - 7 years ago
These features, the little detail, are that make the best depth in games. I hope that sword launch trick doesn't make the cut, haha.

While hilarious and fresh, the advantage with the cutlass when it comes to water doesn't fit. Too long launch. Make it a lot shorter to make it believable enough. Same thing with pirates landing the shores after they are shot thorough the cannons. At least adding parachutes or cushions would make it more comically enjoyable as well. LOL
Ms Dunlap
Ms Dunlap - 7 years ago
play Worlds Adrift...
Revoflame1 - 7 years ago
i don't have friends...
BigTunaJim - 7 years ago
I hope I get to play with you upon release and I am exited to see new videos.
Old Man Gamer (OMG)
Old Man Gamer (OMG) - 7 years ago
wow spent 100+ hours in the alpha/ beta so far and had no idea about the north star. Thanks for the video Vertiigo. Absolutely loving all the content.
Stace McMarc
Stace McMarc - 7 years ago
plz more funny pirate antics with ur friends!
Bigg X
Bigg X - 7 years ago
Good tips... I didnt know a few of those. You might know this already but your ship makes tighter turns with less wind. Meaning 1/4 to 1/8 mast of sail makes really tight turns at slow speeds. Ive never tried using it while full wind in a battle but i do use it in very tight areas when Im trying to hide my sloop inside a open island or islands with rocks all around it in the sea. HIDING YOUR SHIPS SILHOUETTE IS IMPORTANT. Also with sails all the way up for no wind, you can 180 the ship in place to slowly turn it around in very tight spots. I also noticed but not 100% sure, If your really close to land the faster you move out the more chance you have to get damage. I use a controller so i feel the rumble when Im slightly running on land or very near it. I have noticed that every time i moved out slow i got no damage but whenever i went full sail I always got damage. I am one to get as close to land as possible to where there is almost no swimming :) CHEERS! Love your video!!!
Rusty Therapist
Rusty Therapist - 7 years ago
I'm very grateful even though I don't have the game
Bispak lee
Bispak lee - 7 years ago
thank you dude the north stars thing is new to me
ben - 7 years ago
vertiigo, ive been watching you since you were 10,000 subs. i still love your enthusiasm and your work
Christobanistan - 7 years ago
Glad this was released early. :)
SuPer TeD
SuPer TeD - 7 years ago
number 5 wicked track
2Juiced4Me - 7 years ago
I haven't been this excited for a new game and IP in a loong time. I really hope this game turns out very well on release and holds players for the long haul. Would be great if they did holiday updates like GTAO and Overwatch
Sunny D
Sunny D - 7 years ago
I have no friends
rip my fun
Games Unlimited
Games Unlimited - 7 years ago
Sunny D well you can always make some friends while you play the game
Poltron - 7 years ago
Anyone know where i can buy the closed beta?
Oliver Oppenheim
Oliver Oppenheim - 7 years ago
The sword thing was a new one, too bad its to late
Duke Togo - Pitchokey666
Duke Togo - Pitchokey666 - 7 years ago
louis brody
louis brody - 7 years ago
Eye hurts
louis brody
louis brody - 7 years ago
NeutralTea - 7 years ago
#9... The Jack Sparrow 180!
Kenneth McKenzie
Kenneth McKenzie - 7 years ago
You should do a sequel to the mutiny with each pair of you in a two man crew. Then have an epic battle on the high seas!
Reaper4367 - 7 years ago
nice tutorial 'VertZ'. Short sweet and to the point. You help us 'noobs' heaps cobber. Cheers :)
John Vain
John Vain - 7 years ago
damnit.   the no.1 tip is my biggest problem.
Keiran Jones
Keiran Jones - 7 years ago
Skull and bones anybody???
420monster - 7 years ago
Can mr moon be in the next episode!? you two make legendary videos together!
MeMe ALITY - 7 years ago
Please play 7 days to die
BulletTooth504 - 7 years ago
11. When out on a long voyage, be very careful in choosing which sailor will be the bitch. The poor bastard must be sufficiently weak physically and mentally. Otherwise, they will likely murder the rest of crew at the opportune moment. Then it will be YOUR booty that will be taken.
Seven Schellen
Seven Schellen - 7 years ago
The_Wise Wilmen_YG
The_Wise Wilmen_YG - 7 years ago
How many people in a server?
Gaudia Certaminis
Gaudia Certaminis - 7 years ago
11. Don't believe the cabin boy when he promises not to tell the rest of the crew what you've been doing to him in the bilges.
Jack Spedicy 2
Jack Spedicy 2 - 7 years ago
It’s a bit odd the way you give a tip and then in the next scene your not using that tip
Tobey Matusik
Tobey Matusik - 7 years ago
Ernie G & Big Daddy
Ernie G & Big Daddy - 7 years ago
just a quick one
i recently discovered your arma 3 lif of a criminal.
it touched me i felt like it was me going through those horrible times, it felt real and i loved it so much i am addicted. but episide 6 finished and i couldnt find episode 7 my life fell through my hands and now im lonely again. please help me find de wae and bring Brendon back PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
Jack Ransom
Jack Ransom - 7 years ago
Been playing since alpha.. Never knew about the north star, and never though of checking from top deck to the map table - good advice : ).
Jules Constantin Rich
Jules Constantin Rich - 7 years ago
Im a big fan of you Vertz i always watch ur vids everytime all of it i even rush to my home just to watch ur vids.Thank u Vertiigo for making us very happy.WeLoveYou
Reisha Ananda
Reisha Ananda - 7 years ago
i LOVE this!
PrestigeWorldWide179 - 7 years ago
Game not even out yet how this nigger has it?
Stoney - 7 years ago
Hey Verts, what’s the max party size in Sea of Thieves?
11FiNGERs - 7 years ago
Uhm any idea when its release for pc?
James Sanchez
James Sanchez - 7 years ago
Vertz, keep it up.. this video is great. Try more tip videos. Like for SOS and battlefront! this video reminds me of great entertainment like from the scene where you found Dillon in Sarah's hotel.. "mothafucka!"
West .H
West .H - 7 years ago
Hey vertz, will you ever do another ark series? And btw love your content, keep it up!

100. comment for Sea Of Thieves Tips And Tricks (Noob Guide)

Corn Pop
Corn Pop - 7 years ago
Are the solo and 2 man ship the same size ? they seem like it.
Nao Shadowpaws
Nao Shadowpaws - 7 years ago
No problem
Corn Pop
Corn Pop - 7 years ago
ok thank you :D
Nao Shadowpaws
Nao Shadowpaws - 7 years ago
Corn Pop Yeap, same exact ship.
MiLkEd - 7 years ago
How do I get sea of thieves closed beta
MiLkEd - 7 years ago
cheers man
Nao Shadowpaws
Nao Shadowpaws - 7 years ago
MiLkEd Tomorrow is the last full day, it ends at midnight PST, 3am Wednesday EST. If you really want in for the last day you just need to preorder and follow the directions at the Sea of Thieves website, they have a tab at the top of the forum that takes you to the instructions.
Dead Eye
Dead Eye - 7 years ago
hey VERTiiGO <3 ;) xx miss talking to you mate.
Yammy - 7 years ago
Can't wait for your vids man
GiTxSHuM - 7 years ago
I just posted a video on this game. Check it out as well. Very fun game.
Ripermans - 7 years ago
you tryna fuckn go dawg?
Jack Briggs
Jack Briggs - 7 years ago
Fun game but not worth 100$
GK 47
GK 47 - 7 years ago
Your compass during a storm does get damaged. So the star being towards the north can be useful.
Mango Mangui
Mango Mangui - 7 years ago
GK 47 won't the storm have clouds that block the stars?
drifted gnome
drifted gnome - 7 years ago
Add ser winter to your crew
CillZ Boom
CillZ Boom - 7 years ago
Verts I love watching you play this game and I love playing it! Keep up the content
Joe Bot
Joe Bot - 7 years ago
you have captain and skipper mixed
NachoxKingz - 7 years ago
I knew everything but the lunge to go to your ship
Max Arias
Max Arias - 7 years ago
Play subnautica :)
Letsplay 355
Letsplay 355 - 7 years ago
Freaking love it
slysnake96 - 7 years ago
Love this game Verts ... Please keep playing it more it is soooo much fun to watch you and your crew :)
Gregory Domm
Gregory Domm - 7 years ago
How come you are not streaming on Twitch yet. I would love to see you twitching
Oliver Stocks
Oliver Stocks - 7 years ago
There is a flag on the center mass when you are in a storm or at night or anything where you can't see mind very well just check the flag on the top another stupid thing people need to know, it's a sail boat, not a speed boat with motors don't sail up wind do diagonals.
DaCarrotKing - 7 years ago
Yeah, more?
MadJack Cider
MadJack Cider - 7 years ago
Thank you for the video, it's videos like these that help to inspire to play and have more enjoyment.
Adriano Costa
Adriano Costa - 7 years ago
About TIP 1...
Instructions not clear
how do I do that?

Cristian D. Cure
Cristian D. Cure - 7 years ago
this game needs pirates fortress building
Jari - 6 years ago
It's not fortnite ffs
Modgey - 7 years ago
Not fortresses, but player homes would be cool
Andrew Gokie
Andrew Gokie - 7 years ago
Out of all of these years why do you do a sea of thieves tips and tricks? This isn't you so why?
Pudding - 7 years ago
More of this game, please. You and this game is a match made in heaven!
Gumble Jumble
Gumble Jumble - 7 years ago
I'm pretty good at solo. took out two big ships at the same time
Zack McClure
Zack McClure - 7 years ago
Nao Shadowpaws
Nao Shadowpaws - 7 years ago
Zack McClure tomorrow is the last day of beta before they switch off the servers.
Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey - 7 years ago
No mic no life
PrestigeWorldWide179 - 7 years ago
Andrew Harvey yea i better replaice my fucked mic
Loliw Alan's
Loliw Alan's - 7 years ago
Make a video today and upload it. We dont like tips :(
USSOCOM - 7 years ago
You're not experienced enough to give tips and tricks for this game
Games Unlimited
Games Unlimited - 7 years ago
USSOCOM no one is experienced enough the game isnt out yet these are just some really basic tips that would surely be usefull at the beggining.
USSOCOM - 7 years ago
Cry me a river you triggered little snowflake
china team
china team - 7 years ago
china team
china team - 7 years ago
china team
china team - 7 years ago
china team
china team - 7 years ago
china team
china team - 7 years ago
Damanwithnoplan - 7 years ago
Can't wait for more sea of thieves mate
china team
china team - 7 years ago
Black Zach
Black Zach - 7 years ago
Will you do more episodes
Blake Even
Blake Even - 7 years ago
Black Zach he definitely will but next episode would probably be In March
china team
china team - 7 years ago
I think he is
The Gaming Hunter
The Gaming Hunter - 7 years ago
Can you bring back 7 days to die I'm begging you please
Richard L
Richard L - 7 years ago
I am so excited for your Sea of Thieves videos!
china team
china team - 7 years ago
Luuk - 7 years ago
I have been playing this game for a year now. You forgot some tips.
The Spicy One
The Spicy One - 7 years ago
loony indeed
The color red
The color red - 7 years ago
Can't wait to play this game
John Davis
John Davis - 7 years ago
So I hear there was a datamine of the game and it revealed that there is a ........Kraken?
Search for it.
Games Unlimited
Games Unlimited - 7 years ago
I dont think the kraken is in the beta but its definently in the game
china team
china team - 7 years ago
There is
AstuteCheese - 7 years ago
I'm glad you made this video. New players definitely need a bit of guidance In this game. Keep up the great work Verts! I look forward to seeing you on the seas matey!
Lucius Avenus
Lucius Avenus - 7 years ago
Hope they fix the exploits, especially the anchor handbrakey, great game otherwise.
Lucius Avenus
Lucius Avenus - 7 years ago
Yeah, I wonder if anchors can break.

Anyway, game is a good one in any case. Hope it has a bit more than just a few plays in it though. Such a good looking game.
Nao Shadowpaws
Nao Shadowpaws - 7 years ago
It's used that way in at least two Pirates of the Caribbean movies, so it seems intentional to me. In the movies the ship took some damage from it though and with the hardcore sound effect they have for coming to a halt like that I keep expecting there to be some damage from it. Metal anchor chain vs wooden hull, not sure the hull should win every time.
Lucius Avenus
Lucius Avenus - 7 years ago
Haha, I was sort of waiting for that.

Thing is, was the anchor brakey intended to be used in that way? If not, then it's an exploit. Right?

Ergo ... ?
Nao Shadowpaws
Nao Shadowpaws - 7 years ago
Lucius Avenus how is a handbrake turn an exploit?
neilingram11 - 7 years ago
Please play Hobo: tough life!!
Justin Roberts
Justin Roberts - 7 years ago
Great tips bro
MrRobert 111
MrRobert 111 - 7 years ago
vertigo dont quit youtube i love ur vids
Presently In The Past
Presently In The Past - 7 years ago
Demelition no
Demelition - 7 years ago
MrRobert 111 is he quiting ?
Yeoman Archer
Yeoman Archer - 7 years ago
Gold accents on the handle? No sire, I imagine that would be nicked by the crew at some point...more than likely it is polished brass.
Jaz bravo
Jaz bravo - 7 years ago
My friends Dnt av good monitor, no GPU no mic they spend more money on girls but not on their fuking computers, anyway did this game for voice so player can talk to enemy's and other players like PUBG
MattTheLegend - 7 years ago
My tip: don’t drop the anchor just raise the sails it’s a faster way to get off the island if needed be
joshua morena
joshua morena - 6 years ago
I like eggs
Håvard - 6 years ago
I was thinking about typing this as well. An anchored ships is a sitting duck. A ship with just the sails raised is ready to mobilize.
NobodyCares - 6 years ago
I was also going to say this. As Moo Moo the cow says, you can’t make an omelette without using fire.
KingOfYou115 - 6 years ago
Ryan Aiken I was going to say this as well. A ship with a dropped anchor is less likely to be prepared for battle than one with raised sails.
Ryan Aiken
Ryan Aiken - 6 years ago
I was additionally also going to type this. A ship the has anchored is an easy target, but a ship that has raised its sails is ready for the battle.
Bart - 7 years ago
I was also going to type this. Like Genghis Tron said, An anchored ship is a easy kill, but a ship with raised sails is more likely to be ready for a fight.
Genghis Tron
Genghis Tron - 7 years ago
MattTheLegend I was going to type this as well. An anchored ship is a target, a ship with raised sails is ready to fight.
itzz fishy
itzz fishy - 7 years ago
Love you man but can't you play rust plz I miss your rust videos
yony101 - 7 years ago
Vertz, I don't know if you'll see this message but... I recently found a game called "Deceit" it's FREE on steam and it's not very popular although it's a really good game. You should make a video on it, I bet alot of people will like it (horror game like dead by deadlight)

+ It's really good to RP on :D
jov another thing
jov another thing - 7 years ago
ep 3 is needed
space Engineer
space Engineer - 7 years ago
6:54 they should add voice commands, it's easy to get used to
space Engineer
space Engineer - 7 years ago
6:19 well the compass doesn't work in storms, maybe they'll make the star shine in the black clouds
space Engineer
space Engineer - 7 years ago
Zac Mar he knows
davy nolan
davy nolan - 7 years ago
such a polished game
Rodney Raccoon
Rodney Raccoon - 7 years ago
Devin Lent
Devin Lent - 7 years ago
you should play reign of king's again possibly or survive the nights also, you guys are a great team
Devin Lent
Devin Lent - 7 years ago
verts you and tankgirl are the best at this game.
Devin Lent
Devin Lent - 7 years ago
starhalo56 Plays
starhalo56 Plays - 7 years ago
That mic comment he made is so true. It’s so annoying to be playing a team game like fortnite and nobody on your team has a mic!! If u don’t have a mic what’s the point of playing if u can strategize and talk to eachother!!!!!! RAGE
Idiocy Incorporated
Idiocy Incorporated - 6 years ago
Clay Turner well sea of thieves has a text system that works perfectly in the game. I had played with different random crews, the one crew where i was the only one with a mix worked the best. Because they used the system to communicate.
Prasheed - 7 years ago
I love that you're doing sea of thieves. been a long time watcher of your rust videos and you always bring a great attitude and great information. I didnt know about the map thing and boy did it help on my solo journeys. Liked and subbed mate!
TwoGunToast - 7 years ago
It probably would have been smarter to say "just leave your lanterns off until you need them." Lanterns don't need to be on during the day, that's a waste of time to walk around turning lanterns back on with the sun above you and that's basically what you said to do. The only time you'd need them is in the dark unless you're being stealthy.
CoolHandsomeRobloxian/Minecrafter Farts
CoolHandsomeRobloxian/Minecrafter Farts - 7 years ago
can you please make more of these unscripted multiplayer role play videos
Trancevestite - 7 years ago
try hard
Trancevestite - 7 years ago
dont think 12 btw
N E P T U N E - 7 years ago
Trancevestite do you even know what that means haha
mimza - 7 years ago
I would love to see a big fleet of ships working as a team
Ichijo Kirisaki
Ichijo Kirisaki - 7 years ago
Hey mate Survive the night is doing pretty good now ^o^
Karoosh Gamer
Karoosh Gamer - 7 years ago
How to download the closed Beta??
And when is the open Beta or Demo (online)?????????
please iLove this game
Fakka - 7 years ago
uhhh yeah that would be 60 bucks
Lucca Tzellios
Lucca Tzellios - 7 years ago
Love it pls do more
Daniel Hambleton
Daniel Hambleton - 7 years ago
I am not usually a fan of "how to" gaming videos but with this game, I appreciate it. I have been playing since the technical alpha and it is like nails on a chalk board for me when I see someone go downstairs on the mini ship to check the map or not understand how to sail straight. I actually did not know about or notice the northern star. Neat detail. I am looking forward to watching the noob army take to the sea's. Cheers mate.
BILLBILLH - 7 years ago
before going onto an island put cannon balls and planks away on the ship so you can grab more. or be a youtuber and before going onto an islnand and collect the supplies from the ship first so you die and loose all the ship supply.
INF CJPVP - 7 years ago
so basicly since you are a noob this is a guide for you
Tea Minx
Tea Minx - 7 years ago
Tea Minx
Tea Minx - 7 years ago
CJPVP *basically

grammar nazi intensifies
Olga - 7 years ago
should start a noob army fleet ;)
Downtown81 - 7 years ago
Omg this is a countdown channel now.
Downtown81 - 7 years ago
Matt Everett I wasn’t serious. It was a joke :)
Matt - 7 years ago
he is just giving us 10 tips and harm in that.
TheLordOfEpicness - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for mentioning the golden rod. It's been killing me watching people that didn't know.
Ping-Pong ping Ping
Ping-Pong ping Ping - 7 years ago
More sea of thieves please verts!
Sopa DeQuesoCaliente
Sopa DeQuesoCaliente - 7 years ago
I can fit a whole fist in my mouth.
Ecstatic Toaster
Ecstatic Toaster - 7 years ago
sometimes i drink my pee
Howky uvádí
Howky uvádí - 7 years ago
Vertiigo, SOS is officially out on steam, can you please stream it? It is my my favourite series from you and I really love it. I feel like many of us do. So please, do us the favor and stream it for us, for the bitches, who wanna see you betray and get betraied, lmao.
FOREVER_ GHOSTJOY - 7 years ago
I have a better tip, learn Morse code
Andre Gon
Andre Gon - 7 years ago
Can I make a crew with enemies if I don't have any friends?
Jhin Will Be Meta
Jhin Will Be Meta - 7 years ago
But seriously people get mics its fucking annoying
sharksea92 - 7 years ago
Few problems

10: sails aren't commonly moved because of enjoinment. People don't want to constantly run around and would rather enjoy.
9: a good captain doesn't need an anchor at all
7: ye don't need to move into the water while lunging
4: turn off lanters at all time. At day lanterns can still be seen
3: compass is quicker, A LOT quicker
1: solo ship is easy peasy.
Davis Tucker
Davis Tucker - 7 years ago
sharksea92 ahh gotcha. He’s still dumb though
sharksea92 - 7 years ago
ClassyGirrafe And one of them being yer awful argument. Not a really educated one are ya?
sharksea92 - 7 years ago
Davis Tucker The numbers indicate the tip. So number 10 is tip 10
Davis Tucker
Davis Tucker - 7 years ago
Didn’t even number 1-10, why’d you skip numbers
ClassyGirrafe - 7 years ago
sharksea92 A few problems, one of them being your awful spelling
TheReal Capitao
TheReal Capitao - 7 years ago
This guy stuck ti the same intro for years damn
Kick Zwerver
Kick Zwerver - 7 years ago
when will it come out?
Austin Delaney
Austin Delaney - 7 years ago
Kick Zwerver march 20
P Sharpe
P Sharpe - 7 years ago
Thanks for just the tips vertz!!!
George Botros
George Botros - 7 years ago
The king of the noobs is helping his noobs what a generous king
THE GRUMPY DRAGON - 7 years ago
Viking Gamer
Viking Gamer - 7 years ago
1. Don’t trust your crew.
Tobey Matusik
Tobey Matusik - 7 years ago
china team
china team - 7 years ago
2. Put everyone in the brig
Rihards Mikas
Rihards Mikas - 7 years ago
Is this game even out yet?
The Senate
The Senate - 7 years ago
Beta was out for the weekend and it might be out for one or two more days. It was incredibly fun and I personally think the game is worth every penny I spent. If you haven't already, I recommend pre-ordering, the game can only improve itself from the beta, and it seems to be a fun game already, so what's there to lose?
Roger the Alien
Roger the Alien - 7 years ago
Not just yet, it is however available for pre-ordering...not that pre-ordering anything is ever a good idea.
Shurii - 7 years ago
that anchor trick reminded me of the scene on the last pirates of the caribbean movie. the scene on the devil's triangle
MassiR77 - 7 years ago
Shurii ya same
Robert Coble
Robert Coble - 7 years ago
some good tips mate cheers
Brandon Gonzales
Brandon Gonzales - 7 years ago
I hope it's cross server I got Xbox I wanna capture the verts
zach Mcgregor
zach Mcgregor - 7 years ago
Brandon Gonzales It is
The Ghost
The Ghost - 7 years ago
Tip number 1: Have your gamer significant other be your 1st mate. You'll have someone on your side whatever side of the mutiny you're on. Just don't let him/her steal your glory.
Stormsketch Enterprise
Stormsketch Enterprise - 7 years ago
But didnt your friends tried to stage a mutiny?
2veki - 7 years ago
I hope they put NPC merchant ships that are solo or protected by navy so you can rob them or just mistake navy ships for merchant ones... The reason I want this is because while you go from A to B it's just sooooo empty unless you run into players ofc but I'd like harder PvE in this game in general not only sea battles with AI, the skeletons are a joke for the most time, put tigers, panthers, monkeys throwing rocks & poop on you (would work just like someone spilling puke bucket on you), gorillas, stuff like that. I LOVE skelingtons but i wish there were more variations of them and that not all of them are in the sand, maybe a couple of them are already on the island together with bows, muskets and swords so it's a bit harder to knock them down, not just slice them one by one like it is now, maybe an armored skeleton that is much harder to knock down or some of them wielding longer melee weapons like harpoons and stuff... There is so much stuff they can make for PvE but It honestly looks its not gonna change much from here on out. Also It would be much more fun and rewarding that you can delve into an cave, abandoned castles/locations filled with skeletons & long forgotten traps to get the treasures and not just dig them up. I love the puzzles but if that's there is all to it, it will get boring soon. Imagine if you can enter some ruin with your buddies and as soon as you take the chest traps all over the place active, you get a hidden timer (on example walls start closing in to crush you) to escape... Man I got endless ideas for PvE, but I think this game will take the "Rust" path of PvP, sadly. :/
2veki - 7 years ago
well a Kraken cannot be really put down by smaller ship (I guess even the biggest ships would have hard time with that) and it's not like you would run into it occasionally... the sea will still be lonely for the most part. :/
MR. AWESOME - 7 years ago
There will be Kraken and possibly other sea monsters that you can run into in the full game.
Ezz Hesham
Ezz Hesham - 7 years ago
this video shows that verts is sooooo into this game
Mike Thomas
Mike Thomas - 7 years ago
Love your videos, especially this one for the help, thanks!
Pancake Man
Pancake Man - 7 years ago
The noob leader strikes again keep the beast up vert
legit games
legit games - 7 years ago
Amazing guide verts! Helped my crew a lot.
QtownCrazy - 7 years ago
I’ve always wanted to be a better pirate
Pasu suel
Pasu suel - 7 years ago
good tips.

bad communication, the bane of a team leader..
John the Isopod
John the Isopod - 7 years ago
I love you vertz!
s1601019 - 7 years ago
Gotta dislike, I don't like these kinds of videos. Not everyone can try the game yet and you are "spoiling" some of the fun, even if these are just some common knowldege tips it still adds to the first time impression. But now that you know, it takes away some of the fun.

Before you start typing your "hate" comment to defend Vertz. Listen. I can post my opinion and that's what the comment section and dislike / like buttons are for.
D Mex
D Mex - 7 years ago
Either you a good troll that made a comment that straddles the line between fucking ridiculous and just believable enough or you just fucking stupid.

It's pretty clear what the Video is about from the thumbnail, the decision to spoil the game for yourself was made by you - or perhaps you're concerned with this video ruining the experience for 'other' gamers who need protection from their own choice to watch this video.
Nicho - 7 years ago
s1601019 if they don't want the game "spoiled" for them then they shouldn't be watching this kind of video
GameGabbers - 7 years ago
Have you considered not watching the video about tips on a game you don't want spoiled for you?
Obeace - 7 years ago
Id buy that for a Dollar!
SidTheGod - 7 years ago
man that song..gets to my heart.. makes me wish i could be on sea, that northen star, those feels
Gaz - 7 years ago
sea of thieves ep3!!!
No Name
No Name - 7 years ago
Zaid_Ail 88
Zaid_Ail 88 - 7 years ago
I'm the 606 likes on the list
Deckard Totenkopf
Deckard Totenkopf - 7 years ago
Does anyone have a good microphone suggestion. I’m looking to upgrade because my current one is potato. I’m looking for something higher end that sounds nice but won’t destroy my wallet. Please help I don’t want to be that guy with no mic.
Deckard Totenkopf
Deckard Totenkopf - 7 years ago
Ok thanks for the help guys
John the Isopod
John the Isopod - 7 years ago
Deckard Totenkopf Try an auna one 60-80$ budget
Zaid_Ail 88
Zaid_Ail 88 - 7 years ago
Deckard Totenkopf get a USB headset
VigilantII - 7 years ago
Hardest thing to get is friends with this game in my country it's 110$. Not every one has that much money.
Dallas P
Dallas P - 7 years ago
I cant wait for ep3!!
Ze _Jeff
Ze _Jeff - 7 years ago
i was just about to comment "dude the game isnt even out"
but then i saw your comment. btw id love to buy this game if only it costed like 30 dollars not 60
TheBojan117 - 7 years ago
-more ships (to buy)
-make inventory
-add items
-make boss fights
-much biger map
-clan fights
that will be epic game
Reckless Bogan
Reckless Bogan - 7 years ago
Custom Ships, different weaponry, country flags. Clan banners. Pve npcs (navy,bounty hunters). And comes to ps4 :)
Scanar - 7 years ago
A top 10 video? Make anothee one and peapole will get mad
Legendary Hitman
Legendary Hitman - 7 years ago
We want gameplay we don't have the game sadly
Tea Minx
Tea Minx - 7 years ago
Feels bad I’m in the beta rn
Joshua Styles
Joshua Styles - 7 years ago
Legendary Hitman thank you so true verts we want gameplayyy
Yalimbard Cooper
Yalimbard Cooper - 7 years ago
Ahh you navigate by the southern cross and moon and sun
L bax
L bax - 7 years ago
This game is 49.99 the fuck
dD Lithuania
dD Lithuania - 7 years ago
You are a noob your self mate
THE Parodies
THE Parodies - 7 years ago
And where are you from
Joshua W.
Joshua W. - 7 years ago
dD Lithuania your country is poor
David Graham
David Graham - 7 years ago
but verts. your terribad at this
Yalimbard Cooper
Yalimbard Cooper - 7 years ago
Master vert
Shaneosaurus Gaming
Shaneosaurus Gaming - 7 years ago
What do you hear what do you say I love your videos man I really do but please change your dumbass opening it makes no sense I mean maybe it does in Australia but your audience isn't on that dumb ass island full of hot chicks it's here on this dumbass country full of fat inbreed chicks thanks man
Shaneosaurus Gaming
Shaneosaurus Gaming - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING and it's not an American thing don't be foolish we are dumb people but we are not that dumb
Shaneosaurus Gaming
Shaneosaurus Gaming - 7 years ago
VERTiiGO GAMING still love your videos you going to make this a series I've enjoyed the previous 2 videos of sea of thieves
VERTiiGO GAMING - 7 years ago
funny cos its an american thing..... and no... im never changing it.
Richflinn 18th
Richflinn 18th - 7 years ago
Good tips but... WE ALL REALLY WANNT PART 3
buffalo2344 - 7 years ago
One question where can i get the game
Tyler McCreary
Tyler McCreary - 7 years ago
its on the microsoft store
Revolution_6407 - 7 years ago
This game HAS to come out on steam!
Onehouse Crowley
Onehouse Crowley - 7 years ago
Man, I hope the specs of this game are potato enough for my PoS laptop.
Eclipce Gamer
Eclipce Gamer - 7 years ago
I saw the title sea of thieves and I cliked so fast but little did I know it was tricks and tips
TheBebop - 7 years ago
Great tips
Jack Jay
Jack Jay - 7 years ago
Will this game come to PS4?
Christian Malloy
Christian Malloy - 7 years ago
Jack Jay no Xbox exclusives
Marina Fraser
Marina Fraser - 7 years ago
Chicago Myers
Chicago Myers - 7 years ago
Kcmo talks shit about u lol
Nickster99 XD
Nickster99 XD - 7 years ago
You were meant to be a pirate captain vertiigo.
Dj Grom
Dj Grom - 7 years ago
Why do people always think the the brightest star in the sky also points exactly due north? Sirius is far brighter than Polaris
Hyperion Fury
Hyperion Fury - 7 years ago
nah nah nah. cut this out, back to the ROLE PLAY :P
Max Hudson
Max Hudson - 7 years ago
Verts Memio just dissed you on his stream on rust atm go join
Games Unlimited
Games Unlimited - 7 years ago
If this game is good im about to drop everything else just to play it i already have a preety big crew of friends ready to play (around 9 friends) so i prey to the elder gods that this game is good. Also if you enjoy the game i would love it if it could become a long running series in your channel. Thats all captain verts ! May we meet again in the endless sea!
Keitaro Imaidegawa
Keitaro Imaidegawa - 7 years ago
Will this be available on steam or no? I mean I know we can purchase it alreay from their website but I hope they'll release it on Steam.
venrajful - 6 years ago
It’s microsaft store only. But if you buy it on xbox or pc you can play it on both without having to buy an extra copy.
DrugxSirus - 6 years ago
probably not since it's with microsoft
Wasteland DV
Wasteland DV - 6 years ago
No its an Xbox exclusive so its only on he microsoft store.
Maga Prez
Maga Prez - 7 years ago
It will release on steam once Microsoft buys steam.
SierraSierraFoxtrot - 7 years ago
Of course Microsoft isn't going to have anything they're involved with sold on the competitor's store...
Keitaro Imaidegawa
Keitaro Imaidegawa - 7 years ago
Jonathan_Pine Gaming - CSGO & more I see. Thanks btw.
Jonathan_Pine Gaming - CSGO & more
Jonathan_Pine Gaming - CSGO & more - 7 years ago
Keitaro Imaidegawa they already said it will never comes to steam. It's Xbox and Microsoft Store Exclusive only. It's sad but yeah..thats how it is.
Keitaro Imaidegawa
Keitaro Imaidegawa - 7 years ago
Lucas Guilherme Thanks!
Lucas Guilherme
Lucas Guilherme - 7 years ago
Keitaro Imaidegawa as of when the full game comes out...
Razalin - 7 years ago
7:10 The communication in Blackwake is horrible at times. Either they don't speak your language, or they just completely ignore your commands. lol fail
Indominus Skully
Indominus Skully - 7 years ago
Love ur videos if u can plz vertigo it would mean the world if u sub to me i am a new youtuber inspired by u although i only have 2 videos i am going to start and upload more please and if u cant i understand and i love your videos
J May
J May - 7 years ago
Aww shit...great tip about the lunging back to the ship thing! Cheers!!
Brandon Wynn
Brandon Wynn - 7 years ago
As much as I'm loving this series I'd love to see some more 7 days to die in the near future.
James Smalley
James Smalley - 7 years ago
I legit just woke up at like 4:25 in the morning for this
Campbell Healy
Campbell Healy - 7 years ago
That lunge tho
Jacob Sammons
Jacob Sammons - 7 years ago
More captain Verts please
Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith - 7 years ago
Revenge is the best medicine
Daniel James Christopher
Daniel James Christopher - 7 years ago
Tip 11 don’t fuck with captain Verts.
Blas Santillan
Blas Santillan - 7 years ago
Stay busy ! It 719 am here
Try_To_ Survive
Try_To_ Survive - 7 years ago
please do another semi roleplay one
Cynth Fusion
Cynth Fusion - 7 years ago
257joker - 7 years ago
Just watched the 2 episdoes you put out, pre ordered, sailing solo whilst watching this video xD
almost a hero
almost a hero - 7 years ago
Pls dont become a top 10 channel , i love youre rp
CloudIncus - 7 years ago
I would play this if it wasnt on the Xbox/Win10 store. I will not buy a game that limits its playerbase to one OS.
CloudIncus - 7 years ago
Yes i know that. However Xbox play anywhere games. Like this. Forza, Gear of War and once upon a time. Quantum Break are limited to Windows 10. There new windows 10 store has a lot of exlusive apps and games that only work on windows 10. Not any of there previous OS.
Equatox NootNoot
Equatox NootNoot - 7 years ago
The Windows game store isn't windows 10 exclusive...
CloudIncus - 7 years ago
Simple. You can only play this on windows 10. You can only purchase through the windows store. So no-one on windows xp/vista/7/8 - Linux with (WINE) can play. It was a shit move on Microshit's part. I have windows 10 but I can not support a closed storefront. Its like console exclusives. Uncool.
Equatox NootNoot
Equatox NootNoot - 7 years ago
kewl dude33000
kewl dude33000 - 7 years ago
XeX shadow V5
XeX shadow V5 - 7 years ago
Get some friends” I laughed so hard like if you did to
Demelition - 7 years ago
This game look looks like a lot of fun sucks they charge 80 bucks though
Davide Semeraro
Davide Semeraro - 7 years ago
Can I bet on skins in this game?
MeoithTheSecond - 7 years ago
My mic worked fine in Alpha now it refuses to work in the beta, with out a mic the game sucks :(. its quite cool how much comradery is built up between you and your ship mates as you sail the seas and look for treasure/ships to sink.
HD DenoZard
HD DenoZard - 7 years ago
Who thought that it was a new epidosde xd
Malik Montgomery
Malik Montgomery - 7 years ago
Noob army
Steinsteen 1
Steinsteen 1 - 7 years ago
I want to play this game so bad, but €69,99 is way to much
Mystic - 7 years ago
just fucking cheat mate
Sergeant Pepper
Sergeant Pepper - 7 years ago
Hey dude, I was just wondering if you were intertested in playing rust legacy? My team and I have been working on a client for the game and have been customly making our own anticheat plus more radtowns and weather changes to the game. We have 4 developers constantly working on the game to make it as playable as possible.
Corbano14 #Ark for life
Corbano14 #Ark for life - 7 years ago
I love u verts
cyder wider
cyder wider - 7 years ago
I want an episode of sea of thieves not tips
Niko Te Rangiita
Niko Te Rangiita - 7 years ago
26 mins ago was uploaded

2-D - 7 years ago
The fucking water looks incredible in this game
sam daigle
sam daigle - 6 years ago
2-D cool name
Neb Bobba
Neb Bobba - 7 years ago
How the fuck do I get this game on PC?
And will it go down from 100$ or whatever it is now?
Snila - 7 years ago
Will this game be avalible on steam?
michael 17
michael 17 - 7 years ago
Snila no it’s only available on windows 10 store.
Ruan Geyser
Ruan Geyser - 7 years ago
When are you going to play 7 days to die??
gupsnot - 7 years ago
He's already played that. In fact, he played it out.
DILLIGAF - 7 years ago
But vert I have no friends I'm a lonely pirate lol
Puffalupagus360 - 7 years ago
Really liked this video, we need more videos like this when you pick up new games into your rotation. I really want to pick this game up since I won't be so lost now.
RayJayden Yap
RayJayden Yap - 7 years ago
You should do role play as in not with your friends but with the actual players in the game
Haris Raheel
Haris Raheel - 7 years ago
But what will you do with a drunken sailor?
Turkey God
Turkey God - 7 years ago
Put him in a sack and throw him over!
Noob - 7 years ago
We broke ass fan need ep3 , not tips n tricks
War Gaming
War Gaming - 7 years ago
Was hoping you had another normal episode, loving the series mate!
Nei Fo
Nei Fo - 7 years ago
Such a good game after pull playing for a couple of hours or 6
Kumaraguru Arumuganathan
Kumaraguru Arumuganathan - 7 years ago
Rafael Plays
Rafael Plays - 7 years ago

im early
Got Tesco
Got Tesco - 7 years ago
fuck it vert.. just upload what ever you want... please..... im dying without you.
Morgan de Ponte
Morgan de Ponte - 7 years ago
George Content
George Content - 7 years ago
Where’s ep 3 noooooo I been waiting
RayJayden Yap
RayJayden Yap - 7 years ago
George Content Sworn, Raykin n Selvek get their revenge xD
Ryan Gulliver
Ryan Gulliver - 7 years ago
huh? Why am i getting a tips and tricks video for a game i can't even purchase yet!? Is it for sale outside of the US?
Ryan Gulliver
Ryan Gulliver - 7 years ago
ohh ok cause i can't buy it till march through the windows market. ill check it out, thanks.
Puffalupagus360 - 7 years ago
Ryan Gulliver yes just go on Amazon.
SAUSEPAN! - 7 years ago
been here since arma 3, good to see you playing other games. Keemstar is playing this game also you can probably hit him up
Beast BoyCD
Beast BoyCD - 7 years ago
Good video
Private LaRue
Private LaRue - 7 years ago
No ep 3 I see...jk this is ok
TheOnlyEthan - 7 years ago
Hi Vertiigo, long time fan :P i was wandering if you could try out a little game could Mechanic Miner ( It's a fun little game i found a while ago and think it could be a bit of fun once Multiplayer releases, i know you most likely wont see this and even if you do you probs wont play it, but i still wanted to show you this.
Νικόλαος Μεγγούσης
Νικόλαος Μεγγούσης - 7 years ago
Im not early im just on time yey!
Vegan Nation
Vegan Nation - 7 years ago
Top ten trips and vertiigo. Just let that sink in for a second. By vertiigo, greatest newb of them all......
GOG MARK - 7 years ago
Your the king
The infamous Snake
The infamous Snake - 7 years ago
Make a full video todaayy
TooStonedToUnderstand - 7 years ago
15th comment.

kill me
CrazedGamer Kills
CrazedGamer Kills - 7 years ago
Isoisa - 7 years ago
What? Tips n tricks from Vertz D:
PureOutdoorFishing - 7 years ago
Finally. I was bored just starring at my phone until a notification of your video popped up!
Assassin Snypa
Assassin Snypa - 7 years ago
Arrr yee scurvy dog I'm the Captain of the high seas ye are a land lover and I will run you through with my trusty rusty blade love your content Vertiigo
Big Cnt
Big Cnt - 7 years ago
Let's go Vertiigo!!!!!!
Grady Bull
Grady Bull - 7 years ago
dropnation - 7 years ago
The sea of thiefs huh i rather be a ground of thiefs
Rocksbaddust - 7 years ago
Hey I have a server on rust named INDIA RUST SERVER. Please check it out.
Grayson Tucker
Grayson Tucker - 7 years ago
Almost first but i will never be as good as my father
Phaselock Music
Phaselock Music - 7 years ago
The noobs thank you Ye salty dog
Hunter Janicki
Hunter Janicki - 7 years ago
Ha ha
Jacob El-Ali
Jacob El-Ali - 7 years ago
Booooooooom I love you mate
Wilex Ly
Wilex Ly - 7 years ago
One of the first?
Tobias Hval
Tobias Hval - 7 years ago
Shrouted Out
Shrouted Out - 7 years ago

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