Sea of Thieves - 9 Tips For Beginners

Some tips for new players to get a head start in Sea of Thieves! Twitter Twitch Music: Rhodesia by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Thanks for watching!

Sea of Thieves - 9 Tips For Beginners sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Sailing 7 years ago 34,493 views

Some tips for new players to get a head start in Sea of Thieves! Twitter Twitch Music: Rhodesia by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Thanks for watching!

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Most popular comments
for Sea of Thieves - 9 Tips For Beginners

Acentix - 7 years ago
just got the game dounlading now
isassi05 Pros
isassi05 Pros - 7 years ago
Hey does sea if thirds come a on ps4
joseph eapen
joseph eapen - 7 years ago
thats a mer man not a merrrr
Silent Shadow
Silent Shadow - 7 years ago
This like Arc will ruin friendships over who is in charge
Nobody Okay
Nobody Okay - 7 years ago
Nice tips.
Nobody Okay
Nobody Okay - 7 years ago
My PST and EST on xbox go and change your location to New Zealand and start downloading
Amodlol - 7 years ago
2 and a half hours left!!!!
Kalob lowrance
Kalob lowrance - 7 years ago
I'll be streaming Sea of Thieives at 9:30 pst tonight on twitch! Come by if you so please @Highwaters14145!
Mr.Batman 898
Mr.Batman 898 - 7 years ago
Mom gay

10. comment for Sea of Thieves - 9 Tips For Beginners

Captain Awesome 29837
Captain Awesome 29837 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the tips, it's very good! I tried to do this today when it came out and crashed into the shore
TheNos37 - 7 years ago
Snakes don't poison; they envenomate.
GhostFaceG - 7 years ago
lol all tips listes i notice peiple during beta
GhostFaceG - 7 years ago
best grammer 2018
Junebug - 7 years ago
Great video guys. Once again your information seems to be spot on.
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong - 7 years ago
Cool new logo
Witchspace - 7 years ago
Nicely done Force, good to see you covering Thieves, loved your Overwatch takes,
TheMyCraftArmy - 7 years ago
The Hype!
Fury 2k
Fury 2k - 7 years ago
got this xbox game pass for pc but i can't pre download it ?!?
Alex Deva
Alex Deva - 7 years ago
I'm just glad we can try it for free.
Sniperdood7 - 7 years ago
hey force can you do a video covering all the things that is new/ or different from the beta when the game is fully released.

20. comment for Sea of Thieves - 9 Tips For Beginners

Robert Hartley
Robert Hartley - 7 years ago
Three and a half hours.
Raf Timmer
Raf Timmer - 7 years ago
Why already making this? Everyone is a beginner even if you played it in the bètas.
Sam Durrant
Sam Durrant - 7 years ago
Half of this is out of date already
mojack01 - 7 years ago
2PacTheWise - 7 years ago
Keemstars new channel is dope!
LoudValves - 7 years ago
I expect the sword lunge exploit will be patched ...
James Jo
James Jo - 7 years ago
you stole video and tips from GAMERANX...... watch the part about the barrels on GAMERANX ..then watch forces.... GAMERANX relesased his video first!!! gg.....pls dont steal force.
Force Gaming
Force Gaming - 7 years ago
Those are clips from the official Sea of Thieves trailer videos.

Kori Dople
Kori Dople - 7 years ago
ok this is a tips and tricks video...for a game thats not out yet!
Confused Gamer
Confused Gamer - 7 years ago
Kori Dople yes dumbass there was 2
Kori Dople
Kori Dople - 7 years ago
Open betas?
Confused Gamer
Confused Gamer - 7 years ago
Kori Dople there was an alpha and two betas that have already past dumbass
omg that puke bucket... so didn't know that one thanks
Richard - 7 years ago
I did know most of this, great vid ! :)

30. comment for Sea of Thieves - 9 Tips For Beginners

Varen - 7 years ago
My friend and I want to try to recruit another crew to our ship so we can team up and split profits but the way they switch players around servers might mess that idea up.
John Aberle
John Aberle - 7 years ago
can you get on a boat without your friends and with random people
Matthew Shelton
Matthew Shelton - 7 years ago
John Aberle yes
xKnuckLez - 7 years ago
It’s not finally time lol
Idk and Idc
Idk and Idc - 7 years ago
This game needs to be ftp, there is no way in hell it should cost 60$
Arkardu - 7 years ago
Yeay, it's completely insane. I almosy thought of not buying it, just due to it being so fucking expensive.
Catalyst - 7 years ago
It's $90 here in Denmark and you complain about 60? lol.
Len oogle
Len oogle - 7 years ago
Guys - google „xbox game pass“
10$ monthly - exclusive access to microsoft games including sea of thieves.
DofsGaming - 7 years ago
Idk and Idc It's even more expensive in Denmark. 550 kroner, or 90$.
Arkardu - 7 years ago
60$?! In Denmark, the Windows 10 version costs 90$! It’s completely insane.
Quinn Conabree
Quinn Conabree - 7 years ago
Nah it should be 40
sruipu - 7 years ago
Tip for real beginners. Shot everyone and everithing that moves. Peacefull people died in the first beta. This is a battle royale without a winner.
Quinn Conabree
Quinn Conabree - 7 years ago
sruipu nah that's snb
bigfoot12118 - 7 years ago
I think most Xbox players can try it free with game pass
Bambam bm
Bambam bm - 7 years ago
As much as I love the puke bucket, it's just not viable. If you ever get close enough to puke bucket, it would just be easier and more efficient to shoot them. I suppose it would be good once you're out of ammo though.
bleiddudd - 7 years ago
wish it was just an rpg i like the art style, not into pvp games
Quinn Conabree
Quinn Conabree - 7 years ago
bleiddudd not exactly PvP tho
xEnderxLoneWolf - 7 years ago
Nice new logo Force
twistedmezelf - 7 years ago
Please dont put your chests on the sails. Its super dumb to let anyone know exactly how much value you have on board.
MeldinX2 - 7 years ago
Also it feels abit game exploity. As it was not really ment to be a thing.
Varen - 7 years ago
They will if it becomes a thing. All the time spent hiding them up there wont mater if your ship sinks.
Quinn Conabree
Quinn Conabree - 7 years ago
twistedmezelf no half the time no one checks sails
Lex_Corperation - 7 years ago
I almost didn't recognize you cause of the new logo. Looks nice Force
DYNO - 7 years ago
I <3 the new logo
avatarofpaine - 7 years ago
Btw isn't that a merMAN?
João Luca Mendes
João Luca Mendes - 7 years ago
how dare do you try to assume it´s gender???? it´s clearly a merspacebusfromanotherdimension
Alex Mosinski
Alex Mosinski - 7 years ago
Pirate 101 vibes anyone?
J3loo42 - 7 years ago
Cool but you forgot 1. always have water in your bucket you once your on the enemy ship empty it to sink them faster
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 7 years ago
Good stuff bro.
TheKrissvideos - 7 years ago
Was it really a bad idea?
oFriskyPanda - 7 years ago
I like the new icon for the Channel
Mnignefjollhist LXIX
Mnignefjollhist LXIX - 7 years ago
I feel like a good tip you missed was how cannonballs/bullets move with the ship, not with the wind.
A lot of people I saw were confused at why the cannon balls were flying so far off of where they aimed (when the ship is moving 30 km'h the cannon balls will move 30km/h in the same direction the boat's moving no matter where you aim).People who don't figure this out right away will have a terrible time trying to aim and won't hit much until they know this.
Mäxchen Musterhausen
Mäxchen Musterhausen - 7 years ago
All these videos about this game. Gonna call it now: Because this game is a 100% pure kids/supercasual-game it will die of in weeks. Open World Games like this in multiplayer without action hours on end...and no progression..will kill this game. Especially the fact that you cant buy ANYTHING for gold except hats. Many people thought you would start with a small ship, upgrade it, buy better weapons for yourself and become a force on the oceans. But no, skins. This can work if you design a game like overwatch where the minute to minute gameplay is excellent and the rounds short. But this? Nah, pretty sure it will be empty in a few weeks. I liked the system that you cant slow anybody and can sail away if you dont want to fight, but this is a system which actually promotes progression. Players can choose if they want to engage a lategame warship with 20 cannons. But no, everybody is the same with a combat system which has an incredible low skill ceiling. Its just that...a kidsgame.
Quinn Conabree
Quinn Conabree - 7 years ago
Mäxchen Musterhausen got a problem
Quinn Conabree
Quinn Conabree - 7 years ago
Mäxchen Musterhausen uh it's not for kids only lmao

50. comment for Sea of Thieves - 9 Tips For Beginners

pandagamer Flores
pandagamer Flores - 7 years ago
I got sea thives zylbrad YouTube notification
gamekonsoller - 7 years ago
any fun for solo players?
Varen - 7 years ago
It depends on the player, I love the game but I wont be playing it solo. There's
a lot time at sea and I like having someone to talk to or back me up if a sea battle starts.
TheGfin - 7 years ago
gamekonsoller Yes
Defaign - 7 years ago
"This was a bad idea" wondering which one of the tips that would be ...
Shannon Grady
Shannon Grady - 7 years ago
2 more days till launch hype!!!!
KingFLARZz - 7 years ago
Why isn’t sea of thieves battle royal a thing?
Christopher Thomas
Christopher Thomas - 7 years ago
next it will be a zombie mode lol
The Crazy One
The Crazy One - 7 years ago
Why isn’t everything a battle royal yet.
Rufffisher - 7 years ago
please shut the fuck up
Sam Durrant
Sam Durrant - 7 years ago
KingFLARZz Are you trying to ruin the game?
Locked Firing
Locked Firing - 7 years ago
.....get out!
Harold Phoenix
Harold Phoenix - 7 years ago
its being work on
dwarf gaming
dwarf gaming - 7 years ago
All the 8 year olds from Fortnite would come then
StarRider88 - 7 years ago
Because that isn't the point of the game and it would ruin it
Jackofblades68 - 7 years ago
KingFLARZz dont hate to much but please no we have to many games like that as it is
xL BummHeadd
xL BummHeadd - 7 years ago
KingFLARZz not every game has to be like fortnite....
seb0 - 7 years ago
Could be fun you get random crew of 4 and big ocean with no land and the last surviving crew wins does not mean their ship has to survive but also in ocean should be more sharks
7PlayingWithFire7 - 7 years ago
... I kinda want that now. Like really want it.
TheGfin - 7 years ago
KingFLARZz That is skull and bones
Vlad The Inhaler
Vlad The Inhaler - 7 years ago
Elen Degenerate
Elen Degenerate - 7 years ago
100 ships dropping into the ocean out of a big ass plane?
Throws money at screen
Force Gaming
Force Gaming - 7 years ago
100 ships drop into the ocean.....

Just kidding. It's 6 ships.
Sony Only
Sony Only - 7 years ago
Tip number 1 should be grab a pillow.
ChaosDemon2 - 7 years ago
The snakes will probably act like tower defence turrets with poisonous spit at a close range.

Stick two of those suckers in the brig or on the crows nest and you’ve got enough firepower (and warning) to deal with most threats.
KommissarBanx - 7 years ago
ChaosDemon2 A galleon of competent players abusing the sail glitch with snakes makes me fear for the long time survivability of the game
Big Boss
Big Boss - 7 years ago
Coming here I honestly thought I knew everything.

Thank you for proving me wrong, great tips.
Caboose Wannabe
Caboose Wannabe - 7 years ago
Boss! Train with me!
La Sleepyraptor
La Sleepyraptor - 7 years ago
Knew every one but the puke bucket and the flag but i always use the wind direction, wish they would've made it to were u have to use the flag to tell wind direction instead of just looking at the wind
Cipher 8
Cipher 8 - 7 years ago
Same here. I knew maybe 6 or 7 of these tips already but the flag i was not even aware of lol would've been nice to know when i had the glitch in the final beta where i didn't see the wind. i was just looking at my sails to determine wind direction. trial and error
Rylan Storm
Rylan Storm - 7 years ago
Tip 1: Cancel your pre-order. Wait till next month to see if it's had any content added.
Rylan Storm
Rylan Storm - 7 years ago
Nobody Okay not suggesting it is special. Im merely saying I have the same access that anyone can have and Rare have never said that they have held back 80% of the content. They've never said anything like it.

The alphas had more content but not significantly more.

And betas havent been bug tests/feedback vehicles in years. I wish they were. You're naive if you think this was anything but a demo.

We'll find out very soon though. And if I'm wrong I'll buy it.
Nobody Okay
Nobody Okay - 7 years ago
Rylan Storm I hope you know that anyone can become an insider. Ain't that special.
Junebug - 7 years ago
Everybody wants to be somebody. Boy go drink bleach. Nobody cares what you have to say.
Johnny Estacado
Johnny Estacado - 7 years ago
Rylan Storm "Beta", yer fuckin moron. Essential mechanics were tested. Of course there is only about 20% of content available. Have you ever played a beta in which 100% of game content was accessable? Thought so. Now shut the fuck up and let us enjoy this sexy game.
Nick Garcia
Nick Garcia - 7 years ago
I have pre ordered the last beta had a lot and they will add a lot of content
Solar Light
Solar Light - 7 years ago
Rylan Storm You do realize a beta isn't persay for content, for this it's for testing the server stability and giving you a taste of what this game is going to be like.
Varen - 7 years ago
Kids these days think Betas are demos
DIsabledgamer jh
DIsabledgamer jh - 7 years ago
LegendOfIP that's probably a good guess. Also speaking of poison as stated in the video snakes will poison players now and in a data mine a potion seller was found, antidote and other things?
LegendOfIP - 7 years ago
DIsabledgamer jh I predict that the plant will poison you and can be weakend by the dark as plants need the sun to survive if you catch my drift
DIsabledgamer jh
DIsabledgamer jh - 7 years ago
In the past few days 3 new skeleton types have been revealed. Gold, Shadow and Plant. Each with a way different to weaken it. Gold you throw water on it to make it "rust" and slow it down. Shadow is harder to fight at night and you shine you lantern to weaken it. Plant we actually don't know how to weaken yet.
Elen Degenerate
Elen Degenerate - 7 years ago
I would be inclined to agree, however.
Rylan Storm
Rylan Storm - 7 years ago
William Bennett Proof please. The only thing I've ever seen them say is that there will be a third faction.

Very soon, I'm going to be pleasantly surprised or you're going to be very disappointed. What harm would cancelling your pre-order do to wait and find out?
Mäxchen Musterhausen
Mäxchen Musterhausen - 7 years ago does matter. Slipping on banane pells or throwing puke in to players faces is maybe funny for like..2 hours? Problem remains, you are doing all activities for nothing. Expect skins. Which would be fine, why would you play team fortress 2 then? You dont play for something there either. Except fun. But the design of this game in contrast to sea of thieves is clear: Short rounds, many possibilitys to play these rounds the rounds are always what you would expect. You will never enter a baren server. Sot will have downtime extremly often. And you cant even shake things up...because there is no progression in form of leveling for different playtypes, buying different ships and customize them to your liking (weapons), all these things that would at least spice up encounters with players. Wailing the sabber around and shooting the same boring canons over and over again will let this game die out really quick. mark my word.
Elen Degenerate
Elen Degenerate - 7 years ago
"content" "progression" all of theese things are meaningless.
Friends, that is what you need. If anything we need "features" that expand on already existing content.
For instance, the banana.
Obvious "slip in a banana peel" joke could be turned into a combat feature, not to mention troll your friends!
Mäxchen Musterhausen
Mäxchen Musterhausen - 7 years ago
As long as there is no progression, "content" wont help a bit.
Elen Degenerate
Elen Degenerate - 7 years ago
It could literally have half the content it currently got, id still preorder
Locksis - 7 years ago
Rylan Storm lmao “I played beta” beta isn’t the full game
Hawkstar59 - 7 years ago
yep he definitely lacks imagination, he should log in to the game to play hopscotch
LegendOfIP - 7 years ago
Rylan Storm So am I and as they have said countless times, The Beta Had very little content from the full game And is not representative of the Final Game
William Bennett
William Bennett - 7 years ago
Spoonicorn agreed
Spoonicorn - 7 years ago
I think you just lack imagination or friends to play with. mr.insider..
William Bennett
William Bennett - 7 years ago
The beta is maybe 30% of the full game and the context will keep rolling out, the first event has been teased already
Ethan Braun
Ethan Braun - 7 years ago
LegendOfIP I've heard many people that have said otherwise
Rylan Storm
Rylan Storm - 7 years ago
LegendOfIP Sorry but I'm an insider and have played the beta. It has very little content.
LegendOfIP - 7 years ago
Rylan Storm the next big content update is about 3 months after launch also The game already has plenty of content right from the start
vXViper - 7 years ago
even tho tips are basics off the that is considerd a easy to learn game to begin with, I must say don't help the noobs let them show themselfs to us so we can weed them out and also free kills ^^
Salem Vice
Salem Vice - 7 years ago
Another small tip with the mermaid is if you get knocked off, or fall from the ship, swim away from your ship. Makes the mermaid spawn a little faster.

Excited to see the final product. Had 17 days in the alpha and want to see release version and also keep my shit lol
cbb88dragonborn - 7 years ago
Play with friends, you know, like every single multiplayer game ever
Elen Degenerate
Elen Degenerate - 7 years ago
Awh, well, add susej114 (gamertag) and message me whenever you can afford a rudder for your ship :D
Hawkstar59 - 7 years ago
Not sure I can do tomorrow need to find me some booty else I can't afford the gam- I mean my ship parts
Elen Degenerate
Elen Degenerate - 7 years ago
Hawkstar, you wanna go a' boating tomorrow? :D I can offer you an interesting story about the pigs ingame!
Hawkstar59 - 7 years ago
Elen Degenerate
Elen Degenerate - 7 years ago
Hawkstar, put down the grog, your drunk. :D
Hawkstar59 - 7 years ago
Play with friends, you know, like every multi singleplayer game ever

... wait wut? :D
YerBoyRazr - 7 years ago
Like the new logo my man
Martin S
Martin S - 7 years ago
lets completely destroy the xbox scrubs and make them cry
Martin S
Martin S - 7 years ago
just get a mouse
OpTiOn SeVeN
OpTiOn SeVeN - 7 years ago
Martin S lol were coming for the PC peasants first
Jeff Kaplan
Jeff Kaplan - 7 years ago
Two more days my friends :,)
ninja of fire
ninja of fire - 7 years ago
Is tjorbjorn a pirate captain in Sea of thieves.
Sjoerd Derks
Sjoerd Derks - 7 years ago
Shouldn't you steer a ship named overwatch?
TrueDat - 7 years ago
yes jeff
James Perkinson
James Perkinson - 7 years ago
Hopefully Force finds a similar pirate to his liking in the IPG at launch. That slender dude he used in the beta looked neat.
Force Gaming
Force Gaming - 7 years ago
I will search for hours if I have to
Souper Gaming
Souper Gaming - 7 years ago
Tomorrow.... Tomorrow is too far away.
TheRailGunner - 7 years ago
I feel ya man. I have to wait for UPS to deliver mine from Amazon at 2 tomorrow :'( Kinda wish I would have waited to just get it Walmart at midnight. Im cheap though and like to save as much as possible, so I like the discount that I get from pre-ordering with Amazon prime lolol
Raf Timmer
Raf Timmer - 7 years ago
Souper Gaming One more hour
Thomas GUARD
Thomas GUARD - 7 years ago
Souper Gaming i know right!!!!!!
GhostFaceG - 7 years ago
Souper Gaming hop on at midnight
Raf Timmer
Raf Timmer - 7 years ago
TheGfin I thought everyone can play it at 00.00 THEIR TIME. Check this link for instants:
Bad Kid
Bad Kid - 7 years ago
Souper Gaming IT IS but i get it even later
Raf Timmer
Raf Timmer - 7 years ago
We here in Holland can allready play it at 00.00 (technically 12am is thuesday tho)...
KingOfDalriada - 7 years ago
Elen Degenerate
Elen Degenerate - 7 years ago :)
22 hours and 3 minutes.
Midnight launch, the instant we go for the 20th, we get gaem.
Max King
Max King - 7 years ago
Souper Gaming can’t wait
Souper Gaming
Souper Gaming - 7 years ago
Max King PST bro. Yeah man, totally worth it!
Max King
Max King - 7 years ago
Souper Gaming bro what’s ur time zone I’m gonna change mine
Souper Gaming
Souper Gaming - 7 years ago
Max King where I live I will be able to play it at 9pm monday... so tomorrow :)
Max King
Max King - 7 years ago
1 day 22 hours 27minutes 15 seconds
Max King
Max King - 7 years ago
Lol no not tomorrow it's on Tuesday
Elen Degenerate
Elen Degenerate - 7 years ago
Aye, I need to access the game for pig footage, those pigs have a totally unknown and hillarious/cute story connected to them.
TrueDat - 7 years ago
lol isnt it
Trent Vickers
Trent Vickers - 7 years ago
To be honest, I am Sinking my own Ship, and do whatever I want as my new name: ShiplessJester. I gonna have a blast without a Ship.
Drakener - 7 years ago
First game that ever made me want an Xbox one
Alex Deva
Alex Deva - 7 years ago
Luke Hodgson Exclusive equals one platform, for example God of War is an exclusive. If i can play this on PC, regardless if you consider it a console or not, it doesn't really count as an exclusive..
Alex Deva
Alex Deva - 7 years ago
Luke Hodgson Windows 10/Xbox
Alex Deva
Alex Deva - 7 years ago
Why? It's not an Xbox exclusive.
staybeautifulSB - 7 years ago
Yeah or iMac with bootcamp.
Startrance - 7 years ago
Axelmathew - Thats correct Windows 10 and Xbox will have crossplay.
Axelmathew - 7 years ago
You can play it on PC too, even with your Xbox friends, I believe.
Dommy Bomb
Dommy Bomb - 7 years ago
Hey Force! Nice new icon my dude! Lookin fresh! Also, what do you use to record your PC games?
Dommy Bomb
Dommy Bomb - 7 years ago
Force Gaming
Force Gaming - 7 years ago
Shadowplay has been my go to for a while. I also use OBS and under Settings > Output > Recording, I set it to Indistinguishable Quality, MP4

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