Sea of Thieves sail speeds and secrets revealed
Sailing 5 years ago 145,257 views
Beware! Mistakes were made! Read all about it in the last paragraph of this description. Skip storytime? Go to 6:15 Everything you need to know about sail configurations, sailing speeds and probably lots of things you don't need to know about Sea of Thieves. We are using the Pirate GPS to figure out all the secrets of the seas, so you can learn how to catch up to those pesky sloops who are always trying to run away with the swag! Eventually, someone who is better at maths than me will probably figure out that something is wrong with the whole "meter per seconds" thing I got going on, and well - I did realize shortly after publishing this video that one of my timers wasn't calibrated correctly. All the speed readouts are actually in meters per 1/10th of a second, meaning that all the speed numbers should be multiplied by 10 to be accurate. This doesn't really matter all that much; it will only ever come in to play if you try to calculate how long it will take you to sail a certain distance. Like I said, one map square is 600x600 meters, and if the Brigantine really only did 2,3 meters per second at full chat, traveling a single map square would've taken you over 4 minutes. In reality, the speed is 23 meters per second, and so the journey only takes you 26 seconds.
I know I definitely will not remember all of the different wind and sail "combinations" off the top of my head.
The numbers next to the ships tells you what ship class has the advantage in any given situation.
This should be a stupid question, but scenario 1 has blown my mind.
10. comment for Sea of Thieves sail speeds and secrets revealed
20. comment for Sea of Thieves sail speeds and secrets revealed
30. comment for Sea of Thieves sail speeds and secrets revealed
okay then.
also even on top of being able to use your tool to cheat, I'd argue the tool itself is a form of cheating, since a huge part of playing the game as a crew is figuring out where everyone is based purely on landmarks and cardinal directions. I know you're just using it for science, but other people wouldn't be.
Good work
50. comment for Sea of Thieves sail speeds and secrets revealed
It's supposed to be faster, and it's also it's description in the game itself..
I'm speechless.
As for you other comment, I never once said that ships only move based off the sails, but that is still an accurate statement. Ships do not move based off "mass and weight" (coughs). The ships have mass, sure, but mass does not make anything move. Unless you factor in gravity, which SoT does not. Mass would only affect acceleration and stopping distance. It could have an effect on top speed - that may very well be the case too - but it doesn't matter, the speed is the speed. Again, the numbers do not lie.
If you disagree, I welcome you to provide clear footage of you overtaking a galleon that is being sailed properly in any wind conditions except head-on (because that is the only scenario where the sloop is faster).
speed = 20
--Code that makes the Ship move using the speed variable
Awesome video though.
Anyway, good work, very interesting video :D!
100. comment for Sea of Thieves sail speeds and secrets revealed
in any boat (excluding pirate ships) you can also get a heel on a dead run, which means your sail will be higher up, thus getting more wind than on any other point of sail
Further more, I think you might want to check the aspect ratio on your monitor or TV, because you must be playing in streched mode if you think the squares on the map are rectangular. I have never seen more perfect squares in my life. Think about this; there are exactly 26 numbers on the far left side of the map, and there are exactly 26 letters on the top row. Why would it be rectangular? If you still maintain that the map is rectangular, please provide a screenshot from
Oops I was wrong about kiwhen Well now you know about some history.
On the topic of science, the galleon shouldn't actually be fastest in the dead run. In this scenario, each sail blocks the wind for the sail in front.
It doesn't matter much how you choose to row, but longer strokes are usually more stable and reliable than short ones. There is also a limit to how short your oar strokes can be before you start to lose speed. I found that rowing with full strokes and half strokes yields just about the same speed.
What really matters with the rowboat is how much you have to correct course, since the waves will knock you about all over the place.
The metal bracket about 12 ft high on the masts are where you can curl the sails to allow visibility while maintaining max speed of sails.
Developers may not like to but they also know age of sale obsessives lik eme would have bitched.
Awesome work sir!
Also, find the absolute smallest marked island, by square meters
And it makes sense since it's a low cut ship! Kinda like a race car.
You Sir got a big brain there, but your buddy was right. You are a pirat legend, how did you not feel these things out before?
Also, you can’t use an example from a game that came out in 1992. Just because Bowzer’s size doesn’t effect his speed, that then doesn’t mean it’s a universal concept that, in every game, the size of things have no relevance. Dude, we are talking about sails here. Sails in a game that’s about sailing - not characters and their size and apparent weight. I can ask you an equally absurd question: does the loot on your boat in sea of thieves affect your speed? Come on dude... Mario characters don’t make cars slower. You already know that. Stop trying to do reverse-psychology and ask stupid questions like that, trying to make what I’m saying invalid.
Sea of thieves is a pirate game where the main game mechanic is sailing. It would be stupid to make every sail the same and you actually had to test that out man at pirate legend level. Come on dude
You're full of shit
Also you didn't test rate of turn. You used the size of a circle as a measure of speed with a larger circle indicating higher speed
If the developers have modelled irl sail effects then the foremast will help you turn downwind faster and the mizzen mast upwind
the questions I ask myself about sailing
Edit: "Freedom Units"
Thank you for this
Ive heard that if you start a game with a sloop as long as you don't change the angle of the sails it will have constant full wind regardless of the air direction. Personally it feels like it works but that could just be me.
I have one question, though: in the video, you mention (10:03) that sailing into the wind is actually faster than tacking at 45 degrees. Have you tried (or would you be interested in trying) exploring other ways of tacking, to see if there's any that outruns the into-the wind configuration? Somewhere in between, where there's a tradeoff between the penalty for into-the-wind sailing and the penalty for the increase in the distance travelled?
Thank you!
Going into the wind with the sail forward in-game is 1.05 m/s in a sloop and a maximum of 1.26 m/s going into a near sideways crosswind. First since you will be going 45 degrees you'll be going slower than near sideways speed of 1.26 m/s and faster than 1.05 m/s directly into the wind. I'm not sure if a simple averaging works here but if you did that would be 1.155 m/s. Regardless, you need to be traveling at greater than 1.4849 m/s to be traveling the necessary 41.42% faster if you could instantly and perfectly tacking back in the opposite direction, which is impossible in the game, so you would need to travel even faster.
Given that the maximum speed with the wind coming at you in a sloop is 1.26 m/s, you will never be able to travel fast enough to reach the above 1.4849 m/s necessary to tack faster, not even close, and again this ignores that you can't instantly be turing the other direction to tack back nor could you maintain a perfect enough tack so it would have to be even faster.
You might be tempted to think that since the gally and brig do travel faster with a close reach (into crosswind) than their needed maxium speed (unlike the sloop) that it might be possible, but going into the a cross wind at 45 degrees would be slower and depending on if it scales linearly or not, it would still be below the needed threshold of 1.3152 m/s for gally and 1.4142 m/s for brig. If we again just average out no-go max speeds with close reach max speeds, we get 1.29 m/s for gally (under the necessary 1.3152 m/s) and 1.265 m/s for brig (also under the 1.4142 m/s needed to make up for the longer distance).
The gally gets somewhat close to breaking even but factoring in impossible and impractical maneuvers/control necessary to even maintain that, the difference only widens in pratical use. Every small turn and course correction would just had further distance to your tacked route and you'd never be able to perfectly change the sails fast enough or perfectly tack to not add even more extra distance. Winds change directions and so you could lose speed on your tacked routes and there's no guarentee you'd have the chance to make it back up on the other route.
This all only happens in game because you can travel straight into the wind unlike real life. The base speed going directly into the wind is high enough in game that going the 1.4142 times further to tack isn't worth it. If you couldn't sail into the wind in game just like real life, then tacking would make sense as really any speed would be significantly fast than not moving at all. :)
I applaud you sir for your monumental efforts and the time you must have put into the research and editing of this very well done video! Cheerio good chap!
And here I am struggling to get a 100 each month !
Why cant you just appreciate the work someone did to benefit players trying to up their game? lol
He was told that different masts affected speed differently so he investigated only that...
Doing only the minimal amount of Wikipedia staring to sound like he knows what he's talking to you lot
Putting your sails in the wind is not a "trick". It's obviously part of the game
But very good video
Wonderful content. Subscribed, and I hope to see more videos from you in the near future! Hoping some of my other questions can get answered before I have to dig in myself
Well done!
Dislikes that one salty boi
I'm participating in races in Sea of Thieves and this would be very helpfull information.
Hahaha, well thanks for proving my point. You don't understand shit of what we're talking about, and that point has been proven extensively by your dumb arse xD hahaha, what an idiot yeez.
SoT is one of the best games I've ever played, but that's mainly because of the player interactions, and the beauty of the game itself(from sunsets, to lovely beaches, to wave dynamics). The content of the game itself besides that has always been known to be poor, and anyone with their head in the right place knows it. Why you don't get it, I don't know, but you seem to be a querulous souls who just want to be right, and don't have the capacity to accept when you're wrong.
If you compare SoT with Monkey Island, I'd say Monkey Island is a better game than SoT in many ways. The humour, the capturing of pirate stereotypes, the varying content. SoT has such potential in these ways.
I think the creators of SoT did an amazing job, the game is absolutely beautiful, and the way they keep updating the game to give it a little more content makes it obvious they are self-aware of the lacks of the game themselves(even though you aren't).
I am just saying that you should be ready to accept criticism. It is good to like something but don't pretend that it has what it doesn't.
And no i am not asking for too much. The game is literally empty. Even no man's sky had more content than this after a year. If you don't believe me than look up the amounts of updates no man's sky had (also that's an indie game while Sea of thieves is owned by microsoft).
I am pretty hyped about the next update tho. It is by far the biggest update they will release. Looks awesome.
Lets check how many things there are.
1. Normal enemies: Only skeletons just different types of skeletons
2.Unique enemy encounters: only 3, one of which is recycled content aka the skeletons but on a ship
3. Unique area in the map: the volcanos and normal islands so 2
4.Number of ships: only 3 again
5.number of different weathers: 3 again, fog, rain and normal
6.number of unique missions: around 4, including fetch missions, treasure hunting, and skeleton slaying
7. number of truly unique loot: there are 4, Tear chest and normal chest (with varying design and gold amount) and lastly mermaids and skulls.
8. Number of shit you can capture in boxes: 2 snakes and pigs
You can count the amount of truly unique shit almost on your fingers 1 year after release. There is only 19 truly unique thing in the game but then copy pasted throughout the entire map and game.
And no, skeletons with slightly unique stats and shit that they wear doesn't make it unique. Although i could consider the skeletons with explosive unique because it does offer different gameplay as you don't want to be anywhere near them as opposed to other skeletons.
Great video and great production quality :)
Apropos, tacking would be a major killjoy.
don't lie
The devs even acknowledged the lack of content by pumping out more content as fast as possible. And even more with the big update coming in April.
As far as I can tell, the wind works off of a set of hidden nodes that are laid out in a grid across the world. I'm not quite sure how many such "weather nodes" there are, but there are a fair few of them. These nodes are essentially just points in the world that controls the wind and waves in that area. The conditions for each node changes at random, but they do tend to stay the same for a good amount of time before they change. Wherever you are, the weather for your location is then interpolated from the surrounding weather nodes. This way, the wind and waves will change gradually as you move around, but if you stay in the exact same place, the conditions will remain the same - until one of the surrounding weather nodes decides to change.