Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50

Maddie and Herby demonstrate small things that make a BIG difference for them as both liveaboards and cruisers. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website:

Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Sailing 7 years ago 4,654 views

Maddie and Herby demonstrate small things that make a BIG difference for them as both liveaboards and cruisers. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website:

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Most popular comments
for Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50

Darrell - 7 years ago
@ 4:35 your parrot heard "el cheepo" and thought there was a Mexican parrot about to attack him...... just watch the feathers fly :)
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
R M - 7 years ago
Any opinion about pressure cooker vs thermal cooker vs solar cooker?
R T - 7 years ago
Loved the episode. Question: distance between wood slats in v-berth? Thickness of wood? Do you feel them? I have 4” mattress. Condensation is my biggest enemy living aboard in the north.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
We have them set with about 12 inches between them, and they are 1x1 battens from Home Depot. We don't feel them, but our mattress is super thick. My dad did the same trick on his and has much thinner cushions, so he put a piece of plastic trellis on top of the battens and that makes it all smooth so you don't feel it when you sleep on them.
Wildly Intrepid
Wildly Intrepid - 7 years ago
Great tips. We learned quite a few things like your mildew solution.
diy guru
diy guru - 7 years ago
Convert to rv refrigerator that works off ammonia and LP also freeze dry veggies last verg long time
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
That would remove our battery woes!
Bastien Beeblebrox
Bastien Beeblebrox - 7 years ago
Hey rigging doctor ! Great video, thanks for sharing !
problem with blinking lights at anchor : white blinking has a meaning at sea, and it's not "anchored boat " !
As somebody else mentioned it can be a person who is in danger and asking for assistance, but more frequently it's just a cardinal mark indicating safe water to the north of it.
You have two and a hazard wouldn't be marked with two buoys. But around here (in France), when there is a new danger, like a recent wreck that doesn't have it's permanent mark yet, it can be indicated by two identical buoys, cardinal or lateral or isolated danger.
Now I know that they're placed low over the surface and it's unlikely that someone will misinterpret your bow and stern lights for a cardinal or a person in need of assistance, but what if it happens ? I think it can create confusion, especially if many boats start showing blinking lights all night !
It also breaks the rules or maritime signalization, and here in France it's liable of a pretty heavy fine if an official vessel comes around and decides to enforce the law.
In my opinion, you should have permanent white directional decklights on your boat, for instance over the cockpit. They provide light at anchor when you're hanging out in the cockpit, and they light the deck which makes it very clear that there's a boat and what shape it has.
They are also specifically allowed in the colregs 72, rule 30 paragraph c. It's even mandatory for vessels with hull length exceding 100m.
Fair winds and safe journey,
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Yeah, people in the comments section instantly alerted us to this issue. So we stopped this practice instantly.
We simply set the light on steady at peak traffic hours when the most boats are passing through the anchorage.
I do like the idea of installing a permanently wired white light that will light up the deck as well as alert people to our length and presence.
Repla Tablet
Repla Tablet - 7 years ago
i am ok with simple life settings, less electricity, no diesel, manual pumps... etc.. but a composting toilet. nooooo! i can't give up the luxury of doing two things at same time :)))
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
+Repla Tablet hahaha totally understandable :)
Josef Roesler
Josef Roesler - 7 years ago
Boat parts have specific names for a reason. Renaming them because it’s cute and you’re too lazy to learn their proper names is a recipe for disaster if you ever sail with someone else or on someone else’s boat. You’d think a dentist would respect that.
I agree, “hacks” is a ridiculous way to refer to tips, which are in no way hacks.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
+Josef Roesler perhaps we could have been more clear about that in the description. Thanks for watching
Josef Roesler
Josef Roesler - 7 years ago
Rigging Doctor
Mnemonics is a great way to learn, I didn't get the impression that was your reason for the nicknames.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
+Josef Roesler naming the sails was a way for me to learn the actual sail names. That's the point. It was a tactic that worked for me. Now when someone says "let out the jib" I know what they're asking for because back when I was learning, I could relate to Josh more than Jib. But there was a reason we named the sails with corresponding first letters to the technical names. As a teacher, I think that you need to be more open to different learning styles. -Maddie
blurtmenow - 7 years ago
Keep your Bananas away from everything too they cause things ti ripen too fast as well.

10. comment for Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50

Tim K
Tim K - 7 years ago
Great tips guys! Thanks
andrew - 7 years ago
Some great tips there guys, thanks heaps for the upload.

any chance of a cooking on board video?
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
+andrew we will be sure to get some of that in our upcoming videos!
ScubaTony Anschutz
ScubaTony Anschutz - 7 years ago
Excellent hints. I love these kind of things. YOu should put a vid out with some of the things people post here that you try out and like.
ON my boat I used the tender hanging from davits as a rain catcher. My solor panels were on top and drained mostly into the dingy also. I found a fitting that went into the outside of the drain plug hole and attached a garden hose. I ran the other end of that hose into a bucket or 2 and collected the rain water. Helpful if the dingy floor is clean of course.
Graeme Henderson
Graeme Henderson - 7 years ago
Hi guys cool tips thanks a lot.
Allyn Onderdonk
Allyn Onderdonk - 7 years ago
Did you know Putin is said to have stolen one of The Queen of England's Corgi? I think the battens under the mattresses is awesome. I think I will try a grass or plastic mat with wood slats like yours! No more moisture!!
Cawffee _Tyme
Cawffee _Tyme - 7 years ago
Corgis can also be vicious, just ask the Queen of England.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
+Cawffee _Tyme royal ankle bitters!
Sailing Kayode
Sailing Kayode - 7 years ago
It is illegal to display a blinking light while at anchor. Colregs Rule 34 (Annex 2) says you can only display a flashing light if you believe that you are in immediate danger of being run down.
rsmithotis - 7 years ago
Yep, They need to read and understand Chapmans, Lets not mention the really poor housekeeping on deck and inside the cabin. If they ever actually do go cruising, at best they will be dragging everything on deck behind them in the water.
Lotophagi - 7 years ago
You beat me to it - a continuously flashing light is a North Cardinal Mark. Very confusing if you are trying to navigate up a river at night:-)
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
+Keth then steady low setting it is!
SenatorPerry - 7 years ago
I would like to see you install one of the cheap Amazon wind turbines wired up to an MC4 connector. Then you could unplug one of your portable flexible solar panels (the one on the shadow side) and plug in the wind turbine to the MC4 using the same controller. On low wind days (apparent wind) you could switch back.

Looking forward to seeing your video to Bermuda and beyond. Maybe an extended version for Patreon only folks?
SAILING DIJAN - 7 years ago
Awesome! I'm a live aboard on 35' Ericson, boy I can relate, loved the video, cool tips thank you! see me at sailing dijan.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
+SAILING DIJAN glad you enjoyed! We'll check out your channel :)
Hans Quistorff
Hans Quistorff - 7 years ago
Suggestion for your bottle garden: If you make them with the neck down and the bottom of the bottle cut off to make a water reservoir place a rag in the neck of the bottle to act as a wick to draw water up into the soil. You can even go automated by connecting the reservoirs with drip tube from a larger reservoir.

20. comment for Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50

Mark Mahan
Mark Mahan - 7 years ago
Yes, I have something that I have on my sailboat that I use constantly. Plastic trays! I have eight of them that I bought at Big Lots a few years ago, I use them to serve meals mostly. Guests take a tray with a loaded plate on it and find a place to get comfy to eat their meal, they're great! They're large enough to hold a plate, silverware, drink, and a napkin. My trays stack together nicely and take up very little room, I keep them behind the cushions in the saloon, you would never know they were there unless you knew they were there. My guests even know to get their tray ready when it's time to eat. I love 'em, makes entertaining easier, and I even use one when I'm alone. So go gecha some trays!
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
+Mark Mahan oh what a great idea! Thanks for sharing
herdingFelines - 7 years ago
How long does it take for Morty to dry when he gets wet? I have a pug with a thick coat and she takes FOREVER to dry. It's 6 hours easy.
randsnyder - 7 years ago
herdingFelines i
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
+herdingFelines to dry a day and a half unless he's out in the sun haha

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