Singlehanded Docking & Sail Trim - Trailer
Sailing 12 years ago 29,762 views
TRAILER for Singlehanded Docking & Sail Trim with Capt. Jack Klang Full Show Running Time: 52 minutes. Another exceptional instructional sailing video by U.S. Coast Guard certified skipper, Captain Jack Klang. Jack combines innovative classroom models with real world sailing situations to explain the skills and techniques required for single handers to dock with confidence in any wind or current, trim cruising sails for power and speed, and retrieve a mooring alone. Stream with a SAILFLIX subscription at Rent $4.99 / Buy $9.99 (stream + download) On Sailflix and Vimeo on Demand In a bonus section, Capt. Jack explains the A-Sail and demonstrates how a crew of two can fly, trim, and retrieve an asymmetrical spinnaker, making light air cruising faster and more fun. Also by Capt. Jack Klang... Cruising Tips with Capt. Jack Get both videos with a SailFlix subscription and on Vimeo On Demand
Is it really OK to use the shroud chainplate for the spring line? I realize you are barely moving, but again with a lot of current or wind... And this is a force on the chainplate not designed for. I have no midship cleats so this is a great solution but is it really OK?