Skip Novak's Storm Sailing Techniques Part 1

Part 1 - The Pelagic Philosophy. An introductory film on the making of the series. Watch the full series at

Skip Novak's Storm Sailing Techniques Part 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 149

Sailing 11 years ago 398,796 views

Part 1 - The Pelagic Philosophy. An introductory film on the making of the series. Watch the full series at

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Most popular comments
for Skip Novak's Storm Sailing Techniques Part 1

speed racer
speed racer - 5 years ago
Why do this?
Petyr Kowalski
Petyr Kowalski - 5 years ago
"Storm sailing techniques"- find some storms and sail in them.
HagenSteele - 5 years ago
Please change the title of the this video to "chick goes sailing with dudes down south" please, as there's no useful storm sailing information here.
Mos Kito
Mos Kito - 5 years ago
cape horners ... even the words Kap Horn makes me shiver
Lars Walker
Lars Walker - 5 years ago
The technique was go home by land? You just wasted 7 minutes of my life.
man in the jar
man in the jar - 5 years ago
Bullshit Horn.
Travis Neill
Travis Neill - 5 years ago
No techniques in the video. Huge disappointment.
Ga Wa
Ga Wa - 5 years ago
Somewhat underwhelmed.
peter mickelsen
peter mickelsen - 5 years ago
what the heck. Anticipated technical stuff as what are you doing with the cool looking deck gear?

10. comment for Skip Novak's Storm Sailing Techniques Part 1

VideoNozoki - 5 years ago
"Storm Sailing Techniques" .... 000 techniques discussed..... (-_-;) (clickbate titile)
762fullmetal - 5 years ago
techniques? Huh/ I must be masturbating
Eastern Cape experience on land and sea
Eastern Cape experience on land and sea - 5 years ago
I know photography can be misleading, but I've been out sailing in 30 knots easterly winds here in Port Elizabeth South Africa and the swells (waves) look much bigger than in this video. Like I said, maybe the video doesn't show how rough the sea really is. Maybe you should come practice your techniques here in South Africa along the Wild Coast or the Cape of Storms.
Gee Tee
Gee Tee - 6 years ago
Not 1 technique shared
maddocmuc maddocmuc
maddocmuc maddocmuc - 6 years ago
What about the announced sailing techniques???
Keith Barker
Keith Barker - 6 years ago
Just an advert. No technical discussions. I liked it, though. More accurate tag-lines, pls.
James Graham
James Graham - 6 years ago
Totally pointless video
Iouli Andreev
Iouli Andreev - 6 years ago
Дельфины плывут перед кораблями потому, что принимают корабли за китов. Киты обнаруживают косяки рыбы раньше, чем дельфины, у них мощнее гидролокаторы, которые действуют на более длинных расстояниях. Это моя догадка, я не знаю, что думают по этому поводу биологи.
Dolphins swim in front of the ships because they take the ships for whales. Whales find shoals of fish earlier than dolphins, they have more powerful sonars, which operate at longer distances. This is my guess, I do not know what biologists think about behavior of the dolphins.
JCBs Sailing Into the Sunset
JCBs Sailing Into the Sunset - 6 years ago
Pretending it was their first time to be there....this video leaves much to be desired.
Henrik Segercrantz
Henrik Segercrantz - 6 years ago
A Cape Horner is an maritime officer of a commercial sailing ship having rounded Cape Horn. Not many left. They even closed down the club.

20. comment for Skip Novak's Storm Sailing Techniques Part 1

Arctic Haze
Arctic Haze - 6 years ago
OK, I'll skip them.
mnpd3 - 6 years ago
I have a good sailing technique for storms.... Don't do it. I started to be a keen weather watched after a 1974 experience 100 miles west of Patras, Greece.
Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 6 years ago
O elaboration on heavy weather sailing just red headed pie hole spewing nonsenses!,, WTF
bodybait - 6 years ago
I like how they stow the anchor but latter while sailing its there tied down.
Rainy Sunday
Rainy Sunday - 6 years ago
What a crap video . . . .
rui pedro silveira
rui pedro silveira - 6 years ago
whay is this place so mystic?
rui pedro silveira
rui pedro silveira - 6 years ago
This is Cap Horn
Rykehuss - 6 years ago
Read the video description. "An introductory film on the making of the series". Rest of the series features the techniques.
michael d
michael d - 6 years ago
My friend was on Flyer in 1976 Whitbread! Roger Janes do you know him?
Thecapn_uk - 6 years ago
This has nothing to do with sailing at all.
kama motumotu
kama motumotu - 7 years ago
you want real storm,come to the south pacific in around December and April,you would love it!

30. comment for Skip Novak's Storm Sailing Techniques Part 1

John-Michael Bellamy
John-Michael Bellamy - 7 years ago
Please stop waxing poetic and give actual technique or tips...there are people who are genuinely looking to learn and reduce the chance of dying.
michael boguslawski
michael boguslawski - 7 years ago
Skip  v good video  you are 100 % right
Sven Lima
Sven Lima - 7 years ago
Kens Crack Of Doom
Kens Crack Of Doom - 7 years ago
1:40 before anything happens. 4:00 and they raise a sail. Average and very sailable conditions at Cape Horn.
Kens Crack Of Doom
Kens Crack Of Doom - 7 years ago
How is that Skip Novaks storm tech part 1
Damien Crous
Damien Crous - 7 years ago
Durban South Africa. 29ft steel hull yacht.. 30ft Rouge wave. heave to or run? lets say its daytime and i have enough time to turn or c it comming.
myermedia - 6 years ago
Not a single mention of a storm sailing technique in the entire video.
Melody Storm
Melody Storm - 6 years ago
Rogue wave? You don't seem to understand the concept of a rogue wave..
...Either way, what gets you usually isn't the waves but the wind, if you're in a sailboat with a ballast keel and not one of those tugboat "yachts" you're almost unsinkable, the crew will give up before the boat.
Now hurricane winds however..
St Michael
St Michael - 7 years ago
Say "Oh Chit", all passengers and yourself don life vests, Start your engine , ease off all sheets, turn bow into wave, throttle up to full, say prayer, ready the life raft, tie off EPIRB to your belt loop, prepare to abandon if needed. I have never sailed a day in my life but, someday want to. From watching videos, they say to take waves bow first. Definitely, never take a large wave with it on side of boat or behind, I have seen videos of a boat summersaulting.
Kamasiri Koh Kood
Kamasiri Koh Kood - 8 years ago
Wonderfully shot and narrated. As a fair weather cruising sailor, I'm in awe at what you guys seek out and do. Would like to experience something like this one day. Thank you!
Bernadette Husch
Bernadette Husch - 8 years ago
ic commYou should go to woodprix if you'd like to make it yourself guys.
gyrovague - 8 years ago
Rather than techniques this is just the sailing 'elite' saying 'i rounded Cape Horn' na naaa! How many times does she say 'Cape Horn'?
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 5 years ago
gyrovague where did she sail around again?
Dave Soderlund
Dave Soderlund - 5 years ago
The easy way W to E.
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid - 6 years ago
@Send it!! . . . in the next eight videos in the series, turkey.
Send it!!
Send it!! - 6 years ago
Robert - 6 years ago
I would like to see you having ago at rounding Cape horn in a Southern Winter storm as I have done with a 40ft Trimaran. It's no picnic especially when you can't whether its day or night and you have great watery mountains coming out of nowhere.
Rykehuss - 6 years ago
Look at the video description, you idiots. "An introductory film on the making of the series". There's 9 more parts after this.
beans86543 - 7 years ago
James G
James G - 8 years ago
There is no mention of techniques in this video?
Rob Shook
Rob Shook - 8 years ago
There are 10 videos.
terrence simms
terrence simms - 9 years ago
Is it fair to say; you sail through the Cape, not around it
stagmite11 RS
stagmite11 RS - 9 years ago
whats the opening music
Jodave Fletcher
Jodave Fletcher - 9 years ago
Did the The north sea race from Hull to Ijmuiden a few crew for my then Landlord.Loved it. First time coming back from  ijmuiden we missed judged the weather and flipped the ship over , lucky for us it righted it self again me and the helmsman were washed over board, but we had life lines on .but all was ok in the end. Did the race another 3 times , would love to go sailing again.
Jodave Fletcher
Jodave Fletcher - 9 years ago
have you done it
Mandy Taylor
Mandy Taylor - 10 years ago
I've been in a force 9 - 10 for 3 days and nights and moored in 65 knots of wind.  I would consider twice before rounding the horn !  Well done everyone.
Mandy Taylor
Mandy Taylor - 9 years ago
Yes - it was hell - thankfully only myself and my partner on board - my son (now aged 9) was 9.1 months away !
SwagMaster420 - 9 years ago
@Mandy Taylor That sounds like hell.
Mandy Taylor
Mandy Taylor - 10 years ago
Oh - in a 35 foot Warriar Mk III with 2 on board.
rolf Bensdorp
rolf Bensdorp - 10 years ago
me and my brother sail the laser 2 together on my channer there are some movies of us doing this 
MR PLAYLIST - 10 years ago
David Browne
David Browne - 10 years ago
Such BS
David Bravo
David Bravo - 10 years ago
Hope you enjoy this video can we ame for 100 likes that would be a awesome. :)
Andy Wilson
Andy Wilson - 10 years ago
I was hoping to learn something from this video (re the Title). It turned out to be some woman's travel log ! and not very interesting at that.
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid - 6 years ago
@Andy . . . did you watch the other 8 videos in this series?, this was just the first, an introduction into heavy weather.
Swabby - 11 years ago
This is absolutely fascinating. I am completely amazed and truly intrigued with your drive to push the limits. You have quite the lucky crew. One could only dream of experiencing an adventure such as this. May fair winds and following seas grace your journeys. If you are ever looking for an additional crew member I am more than willing to assist! 
LeCrazyCanuckEh - 11 years ago
Well said and DIDO!!!

Windchaser - 11 years ago
Great video by Richard Langdon... captures a beautiful, forbidding place and an enviable 'assignment' for you guys! How come Skip doesn't have any grey hairs after 24 seasons Down There?

50. comment for Skip Novak's Storm Sailing Techniques Part 1

Conrad Green
Conrad Green - 11 years ago
Jeeeez! I want to sail with Skip! Great video. 
Isaac Wilks
Isaac Wilks - 11 years ago
I read a cape horn book with skip novak in it
Nathaniel Jack
Nathaniel Jack - 11 years ago
I have sailed an Optimist in 55kt winds in 4.5 meter swells. not many people have done that. :D
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid - 6 years ago
@Nathanial Jack . . . Wow! You are some courageous dude! An iron man on a wooden ship . . . but for those who don't know the ship Nathanial Jack "sailed", an Optimist is a small, single-handed sailing dinghy intended for use by children up to the age of 15.
Henrik Segercrantz
Henrik Segercrantz - 6 years ago
At Cape Horn?
Byron Pratt
Byron Pratt - 6 years ago
Been in the 4 ft swells but not the winds only like 30 knots and that was on my sail in to the bay.
Federico Lucchi
Federico Lucchi - 7 years ago
I wouldn't like to be in an Opti anywhere close to a swell! ;) Nice balls! ;)
FrekeOne - 11 years ago
sounds wild and rough. I planed inside a harbour at 29 knots.  
William Jones
William Jones - 11 years ago
Great footage.  Looks like a lot of fun.  Because of the title I thought this was a video about storm sailing techniques.
TheSailingChannel.TV - 11 years ago
Selected for TheSailingChannel on the free ReduxTV App for Smart TVs. Watch more sailing tips on Google TV and other Smart TVs under Cars + Vehicles /  TheSailingChannel.TV. On the Web at
Александр Гуткович
Александр Гуткович - 11 years ago
Brawndo - 11 years ago
do you know who Skip Novak actually is? He's not bullocks. google the name before spouting non sense.
Jake - 11 years ago
Sailing around cape horn doesn't mean flying down there, jaunting around the cape in nice weather and then flying home. Bollocks!
Edward Dudgeon
Edward Dudgeon - 11 years ago
Ahh, the joys of fairweather sailing here on Mobile Bay

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