Steer a Sailboat Easier with This Magic Sailing Tip!
Sailing 17 years ago 28,006 views
Steer a sailing course in heavy sailing weather can be a tough challenge for sailing crews. Your sailboat wants to "round up" into the wind. And it can take a lot of "white knuckle" steering to keep the sailing course. Use this secret sailing tip to make steering a sailboat easier and more fun! Captain John with 25+ years of experience shows you the no-nonsense cruising skills you need for safer sailing worldwide. Visit his website at and sign up for his highly popular Sailing Tip of the Week. Discover how you can gain instant access to hundreds of sailing articles, videos, FREE e-Books and much more!
It would be hard to screw this up and find yourself badly off course, either. Experiment and you might see.
On the first interval, do hold course for half the time to keep your original line of course in the center of your intervals? Say you pick a ten minute interval, the first s turn would only be five minutes?
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