THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1

#1 of My Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast, Count Noctilus Campaign! Can we hit 2,000 likes for an Early Hour Special at part 5? Feel Free To Leave A Like If You're Enjoying The Series! Pre-order Curse of the Vampire Coast Here: Save 19% by using Code: TWVAMP5 at checkout! (EU ONLY) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave your Unit Name Suggestions Here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:52 - Campaign Starts Battle Timestamps: 8:55 - First Blood Upon The Sea! 31:15 - Perils of the Island! 41:59 - Skull & Bones! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to check out my Patreon here: Check Out My Discord Here: Check Out My Live Streams Here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy PC Parts, Monitors, Accessories and More! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Great Games at Awesome Prices: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My Qutee's Here:

THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 219

Sailing 6 years ago 500,905 views

#1 of My Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast, Count Noctilus Campaign! Can we hit 2,000 likes for an Early Hour Special at part 5? Feel Free To Leave A Like If You're Enjoying The Series! Pre-order Curse of the Vampire Coast Here: Save 19% by using Code: TWVAMP5 at checkout! (EU ONLY) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave your Unit Name Suggestions Here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:52 - Campaign Starts Battle Timestamps: 8:55 - First Blood Upon The Sea! 31:15 - Perils of the Island! 41:59 - Skull & Bones! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to check out my Patreon here: Check Out My Discord Here: Check Out My Live Streams Here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy PC Parts, Monitors, Accessories and More! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Great Games at Awesome Prices: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My Qutee's Here:

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Most popular comments
for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1

lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Why aren't there Naval Battles in a Pirate DLC??! FIND OUT HERE: Hope you all enjoy part 1 of my new Vampire Coast - Dreadfleet Campaign with Count Noctilus! Can we hit 2,000 likes for an Early Hour Special at part 5? Pre-order Curse of the Vampire Coast Here: Save 19% Total by using Code: TWVAMP5 at checkout! (EU ONLY) Leave your Unit Name Suggestions Here:
3:52 - Campaign Starts
Battle Timestamps:
8:55 - First Blood Upon The Sea!
31:15 - Perils of the Island!
41:59 - Skull & Bones!
Ackeem Allen
Ackeem Allen - 6 years ago
All warriors
Kye Wilson
Kye Wilson - 6 years ago
lionheartx10 alright and I meant Dlc in general because on steam you need both 1a2 to play most of the dlc
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Kye Wilson you’ll need to make an account to buy things on games planet they send you a steam key after purchase to activate on steam. This dlc is for Warhammer 2 so you’ll need that game for the dlc to run.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Roy Bitmead read the blog post about naval battles you clearly know little about game development if you think naval battles are a simple mod job from etw which is on a very different version of the game engine. As CA stated in the blog post to add in naval battles is a massive undertaking well beyond that of a dlc likely it would require a whole new game to implement. Also reskinned units?!! Theres like 2 or 3 reskins in the form of base zombie units the rest are all new models and animations for the most part. Didn’t realise we already had all these monsters and creatures from the deep in other factions already...
Roy Bitmead
Roy Bitmead - 6 years ago
Why is there no naval battles? lazy devs all they have to do is mod empire total war ship battles. #RESKINNEDUNITSSOLDASDLC
BURKE SULLIVAN - 6 years ago
I request an army made entirely of crab units.
Kye Wilson
Kye Wilson - 6 years ago
lionheartx10 i have a question regarding games planet is it connected to steam do I need too make an account and if I buy this game on games planet do I need too buy tw1 to get the dlc?
Darkstonefire 25
Darkstonefire 25 - 6 years ago
I've been waiting for a vampire lord play through since the launch of war hammer 2.
Walker Cribbs
Walker Cribbs - 6 years ago
Kroq- Gar
Kroq- Gar - 6 years ago
Also happy b day
Kroq- Gar
Kroq- Gar - 6 years ago
I approve of this since your not attacking my kinlizards
scope flash
scope flash - 6 years ago
Kill them all!!!!
omar wallace
omar wallace - 6 years ago
I forgot it was your birthday and i feel bad because it is 2 days before my own :(
Soham Chowdhury
Soham Chowdhury - 5 years ago
A bit short, Er Noctilus Mate
Tyler Mitchell
Tyler Mitchell - 6 years ago
Should of added ship combat...
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Read to FAQ to find out why they didn't.
Patrick Kimball
Patrick Kimball - 6 years ago
The faction selection screen I get like 10fps, why does it look smooth here? I've got a really killer pc, so I don't know what my problem is.
REPORT SINGED - 6 years ago
that voice actor i remember it from a dragon in skyrim
Kouzaris - Music Reviews & Content
Kouzaris - Music Reviews & Content - 6 years ago
Which mods are used here for better zoom ins and such in battle?
Dan Marculescu
Dan Marculescu - 6 years ago
CA: makes an entire faction based on pirates
Jacob Prim
Jacob Prim - 6 years ago
I'm starting warhammer 2 tomorrow with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of warhammer it's gunna be fun....
Milo - 6 years ago
The epic tales of Count NoClitoris rages on

10. comment for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1

J0sh 2k2
J0sh 2k2 - 6 years ago
This guys reactions are so irritating
reyes robledo
reyes robledo - 6 years ago
This is basically the flying Dutchman dlc for warhammer total war ...I LOVE IT !!!!
Jordan Kurtis
Jordan Kurtis - 6 years ago
The Red Gamer
The Red Gamer - 6 years ago
Anyone ever told you that you sound a relaxed TotalBiscuit?
ChromaticCluck - 6 years ago
So what, is this game like might and magic heroes iv but better and costs a kidney and half of your liver?

Question 2 ofc I never played this game, so can you play with phoenixes in the base game and are they good?

Also how many dlc does it have with how much content cuz I’m thinking of getting the game
New-BloodYoutuber - 6 years ago
Sadly there is no naval battle in this game :(
Jacob E Larsen
Jacob E Larsen - 6 years ago
just me that thought "i'll make this sacrifise" while the bloated corps rushed thouse dept guards x)
Demon-Duck of Doom
Demon-Duck of Doom - 6 years ago
mess with the crabbo, you get a stabbo
Oak101 - 6 years ago
Why do you intonate like that when you talk? It's so annoying!
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Oak101 just the way I speak if you find it annoying then my videos aren’t for you.
Florian_25 - 6 years ago
me about this video: that is the best pirate i've ever seen. a friend: so it would seem.

20. comment for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1

Echowolf the knight
Echowolf the knight - 6 years ago
I think one of your guys said "for mordor"
Evan Taylor
Evan Taylor - 6 years ago
Had kinda hoped there would be naval battles kinda stupid that there isnt
Magical Midget
Magical Midget - 6 years ago
Any one else hear the Herbert the pervert lisp
BlakeSTI93 - 6 years ago
I really hate having do deal with the high elves to start out
R4G3 ss gaming
R4G3 ss gaming - 6 years ago
did you know captin jack never watched his own moves
R4G3 ss gaming
R4G3 ss gaming - 6 years ago
this game is so good
R4G3 ss gaming
R4G3 ss gaming - 6 years ago
i love your channel
Emre S.
Emre S. - 6 years ago
hi nerd
Nogger13able - 6 years ago
You Chose a immortal Faction, as soon as you would be destroyed, the Game will crashed. cause it's bugged since over one month.
XerainTheBountyHunter - 6 years ago
Hold up, our cities are ships? SIGN ME THE HELL UP FOR SOME MOBILE CITIES! "they may be expensive but screw getting reinforcements from some local backwater town or your capital on the other side of the map"

30. comment for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1

XerainTheBountyHunter - 6 years ago
Hold up, our cities are ships? SIGN ME THE HELL UP FOR SOME MOBILE CITIES! "they may be expensive but screw getting reinforcements from some local backwater town or your capital on the other side of the map"
Kimi Alonso
Kimi Alonso - 6 years ago
just wondering which mod are you using for the unit size?
Raaven616Gaming - 6 years ago
Downloaded the game. l forward to doing some streams with it
Grant Murphy
Grant Murphy - 6 years ago
This vid made me finally want to buy this game
Stephanie Broadwater
Stephanie Broadwater - 6 years ago
AhhQUAKtic.... Come on man...
shadownmc - 6 years ago
is there Auto mangement for the castle Build like Medevil 2 ?
Evan Haskel
Evan Haskel - 6 years ago
Son, I’m Count Noctilus. Savvy?
Alexey Bakh
Alexey Bakh - 6 years ago
"He stabbed himself in the back four times and threw himself off a bridge"
Michael Wilmott
Michael Wilmott - 6 years ago
I'm not to the channel and enjoying your play through just wondering do you use any mods or just playing the game as is?
maddmichael1 - 6 years ago
64 weapon strength?!? They freaking shredded that cavalry unit. Absolute beasts...
Del Del
Del Del - 6 years ago
WE MUST FIGHT run away
Max Hughes
Max Hughes - 6 years ago
This is the tale of captain jacksaparo
16 bit Phantasmagoria
16 bit Phantasmagoria - 6 years ago
So. Much. Talking.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
16 bit Phantasmagoria look up commentary.
America - 6 years ago
That giant crab makes me want some of its meat. You know if it wasnt a rotting, magically infused, nightmare fule hellbeast.
FazioTKS - 6 years ago
As a guy who only played a bit of total war (Rome) its hard to follow but its entertaining
DarkApocalyptiaX - 6 years ago
This is fucking dope
Jeanette Douglas
Jeanette Douglas - 6 years ago
Bloated courpses
Jack - 6 years ago
you are a pirate themes plays
ivan6139 - 6 years ago
The armor looks like the one from potc captain of the flying dutchman
Gone Crazy
Gone Crazy - 6 years ago
pretty good pirate impression if i do say so myself ... yarggg XD

50. comment for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1

Korean Cowboy42
Korean Cowboy42 - 6 years ago
I'm jealous, I don't have all factions...... I only the regular ones.
Lzech - 6 years ago
Should I even get this game if all Im interested in is making my own battles and watching?
AliasDan - 6 years ago
Why not on legendary? It's still easy
spring bonny
spring bonny - 6 years ago
I never liked the vampires I like the tomb King's and some other faction so ya I hate the vampires ok so don't hate me k
Leon - 6 years ago
pirate dlc but no naval battles... classic sega
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
classic CA rather! SEGA didn't force the devs not to include naval battles, this decision is all on CA!
BURKE SULLIVAN - 6 years ago
Lovecraftian Names?
nikosmith00 - 6 years ago
Thats gotta be the best pirate I've ever seen
Nub Sauce
Nub Sauce - 6 years ago
Sooo I replaced a lot of the music for the Vamp Coast with Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 music...I was not disappointed.

"Think you can outwit me, do ya, ye blasted interlopers. Summon...the Kraken!"
G - 6 years ago
So I played warhammer total war 1 on my laptop the I got a good comp and my save file wasn’t there should I just save to the cloud or local save?
Simon D.
Simon D. - 6 years ago
This might be a dumb question.. But how does his boat move so fast? A specific mod he is using?
Stephen Webb
Stephen Webb - 6 years ago
whats this start a battle at sea and it takes place on land BS?
Sun Runner
Sun Runner - 6 years ago
How come we don't get an intro for Mortal Empires? That kinda sucks
Ditronus - 6 years ago
How do you move all your units forward simultaneously like that at 33:50 minute mark?
RYDER VANCUREN - 6 years ago
I do appreciate that he says if you do not enjoy this please leave a dislike
86BlackRider86 - 6 years ago
They add pirates and ships forget naval battles... Good job total war wh2 team
rene ziesig
rene ziesig - 6 years ago
Release Pirates but no real naval combat? i guess these are now the LandPirates from the show "disenchantment"
Mariose123 - 6 years ago
That lord looks like Captain Barbossa ,spiting image (from the pirate movies)
rene ziesig
rene ziesig - 6 years ago
Why is the Rum gone???
Simon Poulsen
Simon Poulsen - 6 years ago
What a disgrace that a pirate faction has no way of fighting at sea.
Luke Hawkins
Luke Hawkins - 6 years ago
I have no idea what is going on but I love it. Ahoy ye mateys!
Punished Snake
Punished Snake - 6 years ago
Count Noctilus looks like an absolute BOSS!
Sean Breheny
Sean Breheny - 6 years ago
For the Heldenhammer!
o0ericj0o - 6 years ago
lmao what happened to the ships and the water
Chris A.
Chris A. - 6 years ago
Every time the deck hands are selected i hear "dick hands!" lmao
MrTrainerGuy1 - 6 years ago
Nice goingto watch a couple of these before playing my game said it before you are a great help with showing how to use each fraction :) great job bud.
eriks juden
eriks juden - 6 years ago
this guy... plays 1 hours spends 45 minutes in the menus.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
eriks juden except I don’t though sooooooo #fail
King Durin
King Durin - 6 years ago
can you give me Total war: Warhammer II for free please
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
King Durin nope
Aven Preston
Aven Preston - 6 years ago
now we cant do pirates of the Caribbean cause you told us to
kingdom of idiots
kingdom of idiots - 6 years ago
when you said lionheart all I heard was larhar
steven moore
steven moore - 6 years ago
i would love this game but its so expensive and has so many costly dlc
Golden_ Phantom
Golden_ Phantom - 6 years ago
GreenskinHolland - 6 years ago
Did anyone notice that the bloated corpses have pretty much the same look and same running animation as the first boss in Return to castle wolfenstein ?
Sith1756 - 6 years ago
That bloated corpse lol
Soein Knecht
Soein Knecht - 6 years ago
has anybody issues downloading the dlc/Update? Is it 34 gb big or is my Steam fucked?
Anthony Krejci
Anthony Krejci - 6 years ago
Why easy difficulty? Don't you play total war religiously? As entertaining as watching you steamroll AI is, wouldn't it be a little more dramatic if they actually stood some small chance?
Donald Ervi
Donald Ervi - 6 years ago
I can imagine that at one point there would be something akin to a monstrous hermit crab or giant squid hidden in a ship as a special unit for a faction at one point. Where it appears as just a normal ship at first until it takes a certain amount of damage and then the ship seems to split into two parts as Either massive claws begin to tear apart enemy ships and then legs burst from the hull as it charges onto the surface obliterating everything in its path. Or a writhing mass of tendrils suddenly begin to pierce through the hull as it tears apart ships and then moves into a harbor where it begins to smash apart ships and structures. Edit: I just saw the rotting Leviathan now all i need to see is the my giant squid or octopus monster and I will be a happy man.
Donald Ervi
Donald Ervi - 6 years ago
Does anyone else think that the bloated corpse seems similar to the drowned thrall and such from Darkest Dungeon? At least in the since that their names are similar and that the thing explodes after a while.
That one guy name Harry
That one guy name Harry - 6 years ago
Dam son
Adam Sanchez
Adam Sanchez - 6 years ago
I appreciate DLC like anyone else but I personally think that it's quite ridiculous that for PIRATES there aren't even naval battle. I understand that it's a large and seemingly impossible task to complete for the DLC but c'mon. When you think of pirates the first thing you probably think of is their pirate ship and naval battles and boarding ships. I'm just disappointed there aren't naval battle in it and I think that the game would be really awesome if they implemented that sort of element into the game. Plus the detail on the ships and the overall atmosphere at sea would be amazing. Also, like there is this vast ocean and the fate of your entire army rests in the balance of an auto-resolve button like jeez. awesome video though!
Strange W A V E
Strange W A V E - 6 years ago
The water remembers the drowned.
P0R0 - 6 years ago
the last battle in the campain is supper hard
Victoria Ferrell
Victoria Ferrell - 6 years ago
i hate you
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Victoria Ferrell any reason? Lol
james thompson
james thompson - 6 years ago
how does lion have 160 models in the zombie front line unit but i only have 40 can some one pls explain?
colby piercy
colby piercy - 6 years ago
Because he has a more powerful system, so in options theres an option called "unit size" however the game sets the unit size to what will run best with youre device
peach peche
peach peche - 6 years ago
Is it bad i just want to make a full army of those giant crabs and call them all “mr crabs” and just have 2 or 3 lords called spongebob, patrick and squidward? Having them take over the mainland as if bekini bottom just got hit by radiation one day and now the mutanted husks left are out for revenge on all land dwellers
Kristián Mažar
Kristián Mažar - 6 years ago
this is just weird.. they could have maded for launch at least 2 or 3 maps for those "sea battles" that would just repeat.. like some beach on some smaller islands or atoll with shipwrecks and distant ships.. all that immersion, mood and atmosphere they had put so much efford into is gone in a moment when they just throw you into middle of jungle way out of ocean.. arrr, enjoy happy pirating and treasure hunting
Viliam Škoruba
Viliam Škoruba - 6 years ago
is better playing Vortex or mortal empires campaign ?
timothy keegan
timothy keegan - 6 years ago
Larry the bloated corpse bomber he is immortal and any enemy that survives his death has been consumed by PTSD and more death.
timothy keegan
timothy keegan - 6 years ago
He just wants to make new friends
Patrick Mullally III
Patrick Mullally III - 6 years ago
I didnt realize how current this was till I ran out of episodes. 0_o
wowalinbie - 6 years ago
It's so stupid they didn't add special sea maps to fight on for this expansion... Sorry gentlemen could we travel to shore real quickly to have this scrap and then sail back out and the loser retreats... Dumb af.
wowalinbie - 6 years ago
Name your capital Bikini Bottom.

100. comment for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1

DavidAkhter - 6 years ago
the dogtag #2336
the dogtag #2336 - 6 years ago
How do you make the command move where your hole army stay in the formation?
the dogtag #2336
the dogtag #2336 - 6 years ago
+Harley Robillard thanks! <3
Harley Robillard
Harley Robillard - 6 years ago
Hold alt while the unit is highlighted and drag it :)
Louis Garner
Louis Garner - 6 years ago
Infantry- the cannon foddered!!?
Justin D'Angelo Ancheta
Justin D'Angelo Ancheta - 6 years ago
The depth guard didn’t really last long they must not be that good rip
BlakeSTI93 - 6 years ago
Just a few more hours >_<
Darkwight - 6 years ago
Noctilus looks soo cool
Until ya look at his nice smooth clean normal looking neck
Then he just looks like he haves some real expensive makeup on
TheAppleEaters - 6 years ago
What do we do with a drunken sailor?
John Smith
John Smith - 6 years ago
@lionheartx10 "The Flying Dutchman" - Necrofex Colossus w. Cannon arm.
Drew Nayr
Drew Nayr - 6 years ago
Man they really nailed it, these Undead Pirate factions are freaking awesome.
Best looking units in the game imo.
reyes robledo
reyes robledo - 6 years ago
ooh shit theres ships ....*plays davy jones theme*
NLG Armdevil
NLG Armdevil - 6 years ago
Anyone else hear anything other than "Dick Hands" when selecting the Deck Hands? xD
Blazed and Confused
Blazed and Confused - 6 years ago
Goddamn, those Lizardmen and Skaven legendary lords look so lonely up there.
Arvissss - 6 years ago
Mourngul Haunter with Poison Attacks... Nice.
A Meme Conservator
A Meme Conservator - 6 years ago
From the Total War Q and A:

"Does this mean you’re introducing naval battles?
No, we don’t currently have any plans to build a system that adds full naval battles to the game. This would be a vast undertaking and certainly beyond the scope of a DLC pack.

We do however have two new battle types which will be added to Total War: WARHAMMER II as part of the free update, which bring you an active alternative to auto-resolving naval encounters: Island battles and Black Ark battles.

When two armies meet in battle at sea, you can choose to autoresolve as usual, or fight the battle. If you choose the latter, all belligerents will disembark from their ships and fight on a nearby island. This means that your armies will be able to fight with their full land-based battle capabilities, and under your full control. To support this, we’ve created a series of island maps with their own geographical idiosyncrasies, broadening the gamut of battle types in the game and, of course, providing a platform to let armies at sea fight with all the bonuses you’ve designed into them.

The same is true of Black Arks. When attacking – or defending – a Black Ark at sea, a land battle will be fought on the vast rocky slopes and ledges of the Black Ark itself, surrounding by towering Dark Elf architecture.

These battle types may sound familiar to the modding community. Last week, we were somewhat surprised (and more than a little impressed) to see a new mod, made by Maruka and Marthenil, had been released which also adds a variant of these battle types to the game.

We got in touch with them last week to let them know that we’ve been working on a similar feature in-house for an official update. We in no way want to take anything away from all the hard work they have poured in over the past year and want to take this opportunity to give them a shout-out. You can find more details about the mod here:

We will continue to work closely with modders and do our best to ensure that we avoid overlapping with them as much as we feasibly can."

This is actually really awesome. I think the only other company so close and connected to their community is Paradox. Awesome job to the TW team :)
Mithridates - 6 years ago
A Meme Conservator I don’t think you’re allowed to say that CA are well connected to their community. Then again, maybe the bar is just that low.

I saw dread pirates and was imagining some sick naval battles. Only to find that my pirates will teleport to a fucking island.

Why bother adding a naval ship based faction if you’re going to butcher it.

They are right, that would be beyond the scope of a dlc - so why fucking shoehorn it into one. Turn it into an expansion/massive update.

Same is happening with 3KTW, no naval battles despite some impactful naval battles taking place during the period.
Corey Cushinan
Corey Cushinan - 6 years ago
should name a colossus unit triton
Mathew Mungra
Mathew Mungra - 6 years ago
Awesome video
Ronin Mudżyn
Ronin Mudżyn - 6 years ago
This canal is Awesome. . I m from Poland
Ronin Mudżyn
Ronin Mudżyn - 6 years ago
Thank you for you heart Lion
Savage Savant
Savage Savant - 6 years ago
I refuse to buy it. After being called a "misogynist" for complaining about R2 spamming wamen, I decided (after 11 yrs of buying all of CA's content) to NEVER buy their products again!
Ethan Golden
Ethan Golden - 6 years ago
It looks like a Choas Warhound Titan
The God Emperor Of Mankind
The God Emperor Of Mankind - 6 years ago
For people getting ornery about there not being naval battles heresy some reasoning for why that is. The units exist, and by no means does it mean it's not unfeasible for them to make naval battles, it's just the massive undertaking for them. They would have to design maps, units, animations, side stuff and abilities to spice up the battle, boarding, etc. This would be basically making another game unto itself, and would make the dlcs price ludacris, which is another thing people are gripping about. Do you guys not think that adding completely new modes, new units, and etc. Would not make the price go HIGHER?
Nation wide
Nation wide - 6 years ago
plz more historic stuff!
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
I have 3 historical series running already on the channel.
Kel'Thuzad - 6 years ago
Secret pirate coves.. that give you infamy .. Right.
Romuland Meier
Romuland Meier - 6 years ago
Did only the pirates have to fight for treasures or the other factions as well?
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
All factions will now have to fight for treasures!
Lord Draco Bloodfist
Lord Draco Bloodfist - 6 years ago
Could you name any of the units Captain Jack’s Sparrows?
Nyovix - 6 years ago
"Lets Kraken" ("lets crack on")
Conner Bane
Conner Bane - 6 years ago
Aka how to be Davy Jones 101
BURKE SULLIVAN - 6 years ago
I request an army made entirely of crab units.
awxsn - 6 years ago
Parsa Saei
Parsa Saei - 6 years ago
Craààaaaaaaaab people
Dr.Fail - 6 years ago
Jasper Mooren
Jasper Mooren - 6 years ago
Meh, seems like a pretty crappy army... I'll let myself out.
Parsa Saei
Parsa Saei - 6 years ago
. Just a little southpark for yall
ATP 9038
ATP 9038 - 6 years ago
the almighty souvlaki
the almighty souvlaki - 6 years ago
another one, i cant keep up. STOP DJ KHALED, WHERE'S THE REAL LIONHEART
Tyson X15 Warrior
Tyson X15 Warrior - 6 years ago
I love warhammer but I'm wondering how will the demons played, and will their be an Endtimes DLC or another total war either ways its gonna be interesting
Tyson X15 Warrior
Tyson X15 Warrior - 6 years ago
+lionheartx10 "Blood for the Blood Gods!!!" XD if I have my PC fix and hooked up I be holding on playing, and make more bids but I'll have to reset cause my game filed saved for you tube was deleted somehow but oh well I'll figure it out
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Tyson X15 Warrior CA have always said it’s a trilogy of Warhammer games so doubt there will be more after that unless it’s on a different IP. Probably be plenty more dlc yet to come though plus game 3 will have a MEGA campaign map spanning across all three games races and factions :)
Tyson X15 Warrior
Tyson X15 Warrior - 6 years ago
+lionheartx10 maybe but with many of me and friends who had fought and played the endtimes wars events it was just one of the bloodiest battles ever fought in. I had my share of glory. With every new models I wanna know how will they pull it off, plus I'm thinking its gonna be at least 3 to 5 games of warhammer reasons cause not only the endtimes but other characters and new armies.

My hope to see in the warhammer is to be able to costom your color army, and custom your champion/hero like in table top its self. Convert a champion to be able to weild great weapons etc. You know, things that should be allow from the codex books.
Like with chaos each faction of the four gods gives them a unique ability khone more strength in the attack, nurgle with extra health, slaanesh with well... What ever they do best (I don't play them), then tzeetch relying on magic protection or useage bonuses.
I just can't wait to see the rest of them factions coming out and characters.
I started playing the table top in 2015 it was a lot of fun and so many models so seeing the game into PC total war makes me feel like I want to keep playing more warhammer, and gather friends who have the game and do a reply event from a book or campaign. But I wish they can also allow us to decide and choose if we can add terrain and set it up in multiplayer min would be 4 max is 8 or at least have a setting to make it so friends can try out and play it fun.

But I can understand they want to try and make things work slowly and how will it progress. Warhammer total war was a huge surprise for me and I love it now with the second one I can't wait to play when I get my PC up again I would love to play again and buy the second game.
I just hope we will have the orges and daemons in the next one.

If they plan on making it with just Chaos they should make an all 4 chaos gods army for both warriors and Daemons.
I'll be looking forward to see more of your clips to see what's in store with as far as factions.
How will they bring in the enteral storm cast my guess would have to be a 4th game or 5th reason why I wanna say they have to make an all or nothing with all factions for the endtimes but we will have to see.
Sucks how the endtimes end yes we chaos have won but no Sigma desides to "hey I'm just gonna hit this and all is reset with a new life and a begining, oh while I'm at it let's make some new factions to help keep peace and have more chaos happening" dont ask friends and I have the crazy mind of how it went down after Chaos had won the war during the endtimes events
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
that'll likely be Total War Warhammer 3, its a trilogy series so it will be happening and likely it'll focus on Chaos I'd imagine, possibly some of the eastern kingdoms too.
Ingo.Tzebadich - 6 years ago
wtf is this bullshit u atack an ship and get a land battle ..... why not 2 ships beside with 3 bridges or something else .....
Yoshi Toranaga
Yoshi Toranaga - 6 years ago
quick question like that: on the steam page says that every legendary lords get a special ship... are we talking about only the pirate legendaries or also the other ones like vlad, mazdamundi and Karl Franz?
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
just Vampire Coast LL!
Alan Poppy
Alan Poppy - 6 years ago
Makes a Seafaring faction with no sea battles, total war 101
Arturs Bucevicus
Arturs Bucevicus - 6 years ago
can ryzen 1800x run this game ultra? with 1060 6gb and 8gb ram ? right now i have ryzen 5 1500x and its just horible....i cant play it. some advice would be nice :) sorry for bad english.
Arturs Bucevicus
Arturs Bucevicus - 6 years ago
+lionheartx10 thx, but i have tested for over 2 weeks :D even overclok cpu to 3.9 and ram. :D:D i am not new to pc gaming. just dont understand and dont whana grab 1800 or 2800 and then regret it. probl will try out . but if it fails me i am done ith amd :) thx for answering have a nice day/night
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Try all high settings with shadows on medium / low, no AA and no SSAO etc. See if it still lags then. 1800X should be more than capable although probs better value for money to get the 2800X if your motherboard supports it!
Arturs Bucevicus
Arturs Bucevicus - 6 years ago
+lionheartx10 try Ultra to low. all posible settings ssao of on ect. and fps count is ok. but when batle starts its a lag fest. ofc unit size is most important and thats what i whant to know do 1800 is able to run warhamer total war on ultra unit size ?
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
With the 1500X what settings are you running? What do you get in the battle benchmark with your current settings?
Heinz Guderian
Heinz Guderian - 6 years ago
Good thing land magically appears whenever you need it.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
It’s meant to represent an island battle you can read why it’s like that Vida the total war blog link at the top of this comments section. Not saying it’s better than naval battles of course but it’s better than nothing like before.
Nosferatu Insidius
Nosferatu Insidius - 6 years ago
Ты слишком много пиздишь.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
+Nosferatu Insidius Yeah probably best to stick to english then :P
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
0786RICARDO - 6 years ago
You speak a lot
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Yes I do its called a Commentary!
Chris Meredith
Chris Meredith - 6 years ago
"Deadmen Tell no Tales."
Several eggs
Several eggs - 6 years ago
When you get that wave spell you could use it to pin the enemy then chuck a bloated corpse or two on em
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime - 6 years ago
#meleeinfantry The Sea Shakers
Jonathan Heimdal
Jonathan Heimdal - 6 years ago
To bad they couldnt find a good way to implement seabattles. Looks kind of stupid when they attack eachother at sea with boats then magicly teleports to a random land and battle out there, then back to the sea as they been there all along xD
Jimmeh Boy
Jimmeh Boy - 6 years ago
holy WOW if there was ever a clip needed to sell someone on bloated corpses it was at 34:45

almost one shots that unit of depth guard.
James Jordan
James Jordan - 6 years ago
One of the most basic, but game improving mods, is the halved upkeep mod. It makes the game far more interesting because the AI has way more units, can actually fight chaos, and you can have more units.
GrandiaKnight - 6 years ago
Infamy, Infamy they've all got it infamy
Shadow - 6 years ago
Just me or does this lord sound like general grevious
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Why aren't there Naval Battles in a Pirate DLC??! FIND OUT HERE:
Guldar Heel
Guldar Heel - 6 years ago
That animated ship is awesome.
Tim Versteeg
Tim Versteeg - 6 years ago
I would name a group of infantry the dying gulls after the schip in pirates 4 #namesuggestion
trancecod - 6 years ago
main mission is to find jack sparrow
Really, I'd rather not.
Really, I'd rather not. - 6 years ago
that crab's amazing.
Chris Gibson
Chris Gibson - 6 years ago
They really need to change that stupid faction select screen. I mean come on with this many factions and more to come it just looks ridiculous scrolling around like that.
Edward Rahl
Edward Rahl - 6 years ago
So wait, this is a paid DLC with undead pirates but WITHOUT ship battles ??? WTF ??? I do like how Lionheart just glosses over that small detail, like how you just attacked a fleet in open ocean and ta da you're on land. Afraid they won't give you early access anymore Lion? I do understand, I do but still think that this is CA just taking the piss and calling it rain and I'd expect you to call them on it.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
:P Thanks!
Edward Rahl
Edward Rahl - 6 years ago
+lionheartx10 Holly crap you actually answered, wasn't expecting that, was more of a rant tbh. You're awesome btw.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Not worried or afraid about early access lol just the fact that I've already gone through why they didn't include naval battles in my previous trailer video all about the Vampire coast, thought by now everyone would have either seen that or read CA's blog post about why there arent naval battles. As I've said countless times now its not ideal the island battles but its better than how it was before with how naval battles were just autoresolves with no option to fight them manually. OF COURSE actual naval battles would be better but as CA state in their blog post and I've already covered they can't add that in with a dlc as its beyond the scope of it. It would likely require a massive update of the base game code which could happen for game 3 in the trilogy or not at all, that remains to be seen. Have a read of the blog post here:
TreeFolkDruid - 6 years ago
attacks on the sea. Fights in a desert/savanna... suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure
Šuk Ačka
Šuk Ačka - 6 years ago
37:02 Are you feeling it now Mr.Krabs???
Michael Cider
Michael Cider - 6 years ago
Noctilus looks a bit weird considering his face is detailed as hell while his neck/throat is, well, not. Not to mention it's in a different color as well...
Merchant Prince
Merchant Prince - 6 years ago
Wonderfully modelled - matches the art by John Blanche perfectly.
Charlie Hermansson
Charlie Hermansson - 6 years ago
. - 6 years ago
I can't really get into WH2 turns take far to long to process with 1000 nations to compute and the fact I only have an I7 processor not some Star Trek AI...+
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
. An i7 processor is more than enough for Warhammer 2, what graphics card do you have? In terms of speeding up end turns install the game onto an ssd and you’ll see some serious improvement!
Absolute - 6 years ago
have a whole fucking release on a pirate faction and no fucking ship battle what fuck
Tim Gulley
Tim Gulley - 6 years ago
Gostories Yerinwons!
FuckFaceUnstoppable - 6 years ago
49:24 War cry - Annihilation! 49:27 Random zombie - DICK HANDS
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 6 years ago
holy shit this is amazing, im so ready for this DLC and im only 10 minutes to the vid. thank you!
The Lordly Phantasm
The Lordly Phantasm - 6 years ago
That's oarsome lol
Warboss BludFlagz
Warboss BludFlagz - 6 years ago
Thanks for the awesome content! Be appreciate if ya would do more battles, watching them is so awesome! YARGGGGH!!!! Fellow captain!
Manshack - 6 years ago
How do you drag and move your army in formation like that?
srg forge2
srg forge2 - 6 years ago
Do an army full of bloated corpses!
Tranqui MOnMOn
Tranqui MOnMOn - 6 years ago
this DLC looks really, REALLY good, cant w8
kingragnork - 6 years ago
Trying to spread this info for all of us warhammer fans that a lot of recent games and DLC are currently on humble bundle right now.
Tamchik Games
Tamchik Games - 6 years ago
kohtalainenalias - 6 years ago
So..... Warhammer is going Pirates of the Caribean now ô_o
Janusz Kowalski
Janusz Kowalski - 6 years ago
How do you drag units and keep them in formation?
Hairtrigger83 - 6 years ago
my goodness, depth guard are great and tbh they should be. Nice to see some pressure put on Ulthuan by the Vampirates, for too long the High Elves have sat there all comfy on Ulthuan without much contest aside from that initial Dark Elf presence, good to see them have some actual enemies earlier on.
Kieran Sinclair
Kieran Sinclair - 6 years ago

Revan - 6 years ago
i pirate all games
T0X1N _
T0X1N _ - 6 years ago
Derrick Barney
Derrick Barney - 6 years ago
+TRK >uncorks bottle of booze
>spits out cork
>guzzles it down
TRK - 6 years ago
Andrew Lewis YOU'RE IN ONE !!!
Jack Briggs
Jack Briggs - 6 years ago
if only there was ship battles but i understand why they cant hopefully in Wht3
Victorio simental
Victorio simental - 6 years ago
Name Your Giant Crab Eugene.
Crystal KingZ
Crystal KingZ - 6 years ago
No ship battles. :(
FoFoDankBoii - 6 years ago
How do you do the thing at 33:33 ?
Professor Oak
Professor Oak - 6 years ago
this sounds like my kind of campaign, slaughter and loot everyone on the high seas
LashCandle - 6 years ago
you gotta name a lord "Swabby McBloodsuckin"
Whimsical Trex
Whimsical Trex - 6 years ago
name a giant crab mr krabs
Alexandr Zaytsevet
Alexandr Zaytsevet - 6 years ago
Everyone else is all "Oh, I'm doing so-and-so campaign because I figure everyone's already gonna do a Noctilus campaign," and then it turns out you're the only one who does.
GG, YouTube content creators.
Graham Firminger
Graham Firminger - 6 years ago
The random battles at skull island’s is a brilliant addition to this game
KazeKoichi - 6 years ago
I had no idea in how many games prince Noctis appeared.
Celtic Warband
Celtic Warband - 6 years ago
Backstory of Bill "Blackpowder" Silver (bloated corpse unit):

Bill was born and grew up in the south of England. His father was heavy into drink and gambling, spending most of his time at the local alehouses around London. He never had interest in being a father and left when Bill was only 8, leaving his wife and son to fend for themselves. Unfortunately for Bill, his mother contracted Typhoid Fever and died when he was just 11 years old. Bill found himself on the streets of London, begging for food. What he couldn't buy he stole. However, after 5 years on the streets of London he was caught and forced to work in a factory which manufactured black powder for the Royal Navy. This is where Bill found his love for explosives.

He began to steal black powder from the factory. Then at nights he would find the dregs of society, vagabonds and beggars. He would capture them and force them to swallow a small leather-bound packet of blackpowder tied to a fuse. Thus he would end their lives using black powder.... a grisly and gruesome death. This is how the nickname "blackpowder" came to be....

Years passed and Bill continued his murderous campaign on the streets of London. His luck ran out, however, when one day he found his father... clean from drink and gambling. He was now a prominent government figure in London and Her Majesty's service. Bill wasted no time kidnapping his father and subjected him to the same grisly fate as his other victims.

The news of his father's death shook London. Bill became a wanted criminal. The penalty for killing a man in Her Majesty's service was death by hanging. Bill had no choice. He had to run....

He found work on a ship captained by Cutthroat Jack, a notorious pirate known throughout the Atlantic.

Unfortunately for Bill, the Royal Navy caught up to him, engaging Cutthroat Jack and his crew in an epic battle. As Her Majesty's men boarded the pirate vessel, Bill "Blackpowder" Silver was run through by a cutlass and thrown overboard.

But the sea would not accept his body to Davy Jones locker just yet. For Bill had not paid for the souls of those he had murdered. He was raised up from the waters and put in the service of Count Noctilus, a feared pirate of the Undead.

Bill was cursed to suffer the same fate as his victims, death by explosion, a thousand times over. And thus Bill would be used by Count Noctilus in battle time and again... until his debt is paid.
ElementalWarrior - 6 years ago
To be honest i had more fun listening to your pirate Voice than anything
Carni Vore
Carni Vore - 6 years ago
that Vandal skill is a quote from the Offspring's Smash It Up
Imperial Scribe
Imperial Scribe - 6 years ago
I love how much dakka the pirates have.
Oliver Päär
Oliver Päär - 6 years ago
prefer rats :D
Oliver Päär
Oliver Päär - 6 years ago
before realese i maked clear vamp pirates ignored i will buy ur MOTHER
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Come again?
Oliver Päär
Oliver Päär - 6 years ago
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Oliver Päär what is?
Celtic Warband
Celtic Warband - 6 years ago
Oh my word! That bloated corpse destroyed an entire unit of depth guard in the second island battle. I'm very interested to see how much damage they do against walls/gates... will one be enough to cause a breach or will it be several? So excited!
Mndkiller08 - 6 years ago
Sea wardens seems like kinda a cool name
The Glorious Champion of all that is Good and Just
The Glorious Champion of all that is Good and Just - 6 years ago
Why do they even give you the verse if they then tell you EXACTLY where it is?
I hope you can disable that. And i don't even know warhammer lore..
Mr Zest
Mr Zest - 6 years ago
Oh boy! An undead pirate campaign from Lionheart! Loving it and I can't wait to see more pirate adventures!
Joakim Berglund
Joakim Berglund - 6 years ago
Finally, i have waited so long for this one <3
Harp Knight
Harp Knight - 6 years ago
Karl Franz: "That's got to be the scariest pirate I've ever seen"...
Tyrion: "So it would seem..."
Bogdan Leshenko
Bogdan Leshenko - 6 years ago
Fucking fuck, it is incredible! You can combine the first two skills in the magic tree to RESURRECT THE FALLEN UNITS and REPLENISH THEIR HITPOINTS - and you ignore this to go for summoning a stupid batch of zombies. Unbelievable!
John Ski
John Ski - 6 years ago
What happens when the Rotting Leviathan swallows a bloated corpse.... sushi?
Sven Brede
Sven Brede - 6 years ago
I swear to you, the funniest part about this dlc is having people start going for the skull islands and just dying in the fights. Italianspartacus did the same thing.
Sven Brede
Sven Brede - 6 years ago
The defensive force from that raging maelstrom
Cloneboy911 L.T.
Cloneboy911 L.T. - 6 years ago
Im kinda disappointed with the island battles, i thought it would be like small patches of land connected through shallow water where you can move your troops but so far its as if you're fighting a land battle, barely any difference. im only 40 minutes through the video but from the battles so far thats what i think
Jauz - 6 years ago
Is Noctilus from Nehekara originally? He has the Tomb Kings accent and one of those Pharaoh chin straps.
Hourgath The Putrid
Hourgath The Putrid - 6 years ago
Can you do battles as replayes. Trust me it'll not only going to be easier and more epic to watch the battles but you your self can take a better look at the actions of the units
MrKataklysm - 6 years ago
So, these zombies are talking now?
nishyone - 6 years ago
Anthony Arcano
Anthony Arcano - 6 years ago
Are the Depth Guard Vampires or Wights?
werotan - 6 years ago
Economy buildings arrrg!
Osnel hernandez
Osnel hernandez - 6 years ago
Man those hugs are nasty but so satisfying to watch xD
paleface171 - 6 years ago
O_O Lord above bloated corpses are dangerous. The Net of Amontok will be a good choice.
Matheus Barrel
Matheus Barrel - 6 years ago
Now mix this game with Crusader Kings 2 and we will have close to a perfect game
Games For Gamers
Games For Gamers - 6 years ago
Thx. for doing this. I am stoked.
fixer10091994 - 6 years ago
What kind of camera mod do you use?
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Better camera mod
Point Man
Point Man - 6 years ago
Loving the campaign! I think you convinced me to buy this DLC!
Lamoura foxxie
Lamoura foxxie - 6 years ago
Great now i have to buy zombie pirate models from gamesworkshop
McGyverFTW - 6 years ago
Sweet buttery Jesus, I forgot to comment! Love this, love it, so much hype and excitement, my kids & wife are going crazy over me speaking non-stop like a pirate, this DLC is so friggin kewl I cream my pants!
Lucas B
Lucas B - 6 years ago
Under Salvage Tech there’s the Banner to give a unit Stalk. Combine it with a Bloated Corpse would make it pretty savage.
me6664 - 6 years ago
you have to name a necrofex collosus "Boaty McBoatface"
Jacob Pryer
Jacob Pryer - 6 years ago
Necrofex is sadly extremely disappointing. it's melee is broken, it cant seem to hit anything, and fire wizards will shrek it. R.I.P Necrofex.
Legatus Jonarius
Legatus Jonarius - 6 years ago
Can't leave name suggestions since the site is bugged for me. Someone please put "Captain Jack's barrow" as a suggestion
Mr Gamer
Mr Gamer - 6 years ago
What will we do with a drunken vamp x3
Early in the night
Way high and up she rises x3
Early in the night
Put him in the sun until he's roasted x3
Early in the night
Chris Chant
Chris Chant - 6 years ago
Zombie pirates, amazing looking forward to this campaign
Alex the dominator
Alex the dominator - 6 years ago
In the trailer of this faction I said I won't like it its stupid I hate it etc I also said I might change my mind watching when you're gonna play it lionheartx10 now I just started
Alex the dominator
Alex the dominator - 6 years ago
I've seen it I find it cool and better than rats 100%
Florida isn't real
Florida isn't real - 6 years ago
i wish we could have sea combat or something
Marbin Vasquez
Marbin Vasquez - 6 years ago
Wait what?????
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
what what?
Widukind - 6 years ago
So why couldn't you use the raise dead to recruit the rotting leviathan? Does raise dead only work with units you have already unlocked yourself?
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
I believe theres a % chance to raise some of those you just killed in combat / chance for them to appear in the raise dead pool after a battle but its not a high chance
Commissar Farari
Commissar Farari - 6 years ago
Undead that arent spooky our scary skeletons smh
wijse - 6 years ago
Does he ever show his fangs? I wish they would have gone with more a blueish skin colour and fangs bared like in the art of him from GW. He looks like Kemmler just with armour.
Opamigaaa - 6 years ago
left a dislike
Eliézer Fernandes
Eliézer Fernandes - 6 years ago
Screw the game! We are going Treasure Hunting all day long! - HEARTx10, Lion. 2018
Ragnarokkr9 - 6 years ago
35:13 sounds like the guy said dick head lol
Dustin Jenkins
Dustin Jenkins - 6 years ago
For future consideration you should try to snag the Sword of Khaine for Noctilus ;) No greater booty than booty that lets you kill others' booty.
Anders Osdal
Anders Osdal - 6 years ago
Imagine a entire frontline of the exploding fat man, just running towards the enemy and absolutly wreck their frontline
Thaticegamer - 6 years ago
i guess this means u will have to knock ur way up the pirate ladder
Pearse 'Borty' Traynor
Pearse 'Borty' Traynor - 6 years ago
You shouldn't waste building slots in your capital on getting Bloated Corpses; you could easily just raise dead without needing the building.
Jet R
Jet R - 6 years ago
You are a Pirate, objective are for land lubbers!
Vassilis Vassiliou
Vassilis Vassiliou - 6 years ago
Love how the epic TWW youtubers covered all 4 Legendary Lords in early access. On another note can't wait to see those bloated guys in multiplayer. Will be very satisfying to use one effectively there.
Bradley Hamburg
Bradley Hamburg - 6 years ago
Happy b day
Jonny Hewitt
Jonny Hewitt - 6 years ago
Seaman Staines. Roger the Cabin Boy.
Several old fish in the yard
Several old fish in the yard - 6 years ago
'Hornswaggle' - pronounced 'horn-swaggle', it means bamboozle, hoax, cheated. A state of confusion. In the game it obviously means you have caused such a state of confusion in the enemy that they are just stumbling about all befuddled, forgetting to block attacks and not bothering to fight properly. -27Melee Defence, -30Armour and -24speed for 32 seconds is pretty damn sweet for an ability! More boring info below (just copied and pasted from google search);

In 1913, a character in Jack London’s The Valley of the Moon bitterly complains, “We’re hornswoggled. We’re backed to a standstill. We’re double-crossed to a fare-you-well”. Seven years later the young P G Wodehouse employed it in Little Warrior: “Would she have the generosity to realize that a man ought not to be held accountable for what he says in the moment when he discovers that he has been cheated, deceived, robbed — in a word, hornswoggled?”

By then, the word had been in the language with that meaning for more than half a century, and even then it had been around for some decades with an older sense of “embarrass, disconcert or confuse”. People had long since turned it into an exclamation of surprise or amazement: “Well, I’ll be hornswoggled!”

Peter Watts argues in A Dictionary of the Old West that it comes from cowpunching. A steer that has been lassoed around the neck will “hornswoggle”, wag and twist its head around frantically to try to slip free of the rope. A cowboy who lets the animal get away with this is said to have been “hornswoggled”. A nice idea, but nobody seems to have heard of hornswoggle in the cattle sense, and it may be a guess based on horn.

Nobody else has much idea either, though it’s often assumed to be one of those highfalutin words like absquatulate and rambunctious that frontier Americans were so fond of creating. It’s sad to have to tag a word as “origin unknown” yet again, but that’s the long and the short of it.
Lucas McCloud
Lucas McCloud - 6 years ago
Already ready for more vampirates!!!
RODRIGO FILHO - 6 years ago
Warhammer 3 really needs sea battles...
Ryan - 6 years ago
Wait so do VC units crumble AND rout?
DooM Eternal Лучшая Игра 2019 года
DooM Eternal Лучшая Игра 2019 года - 6 years ago
14:22 Best unit in the game
Ahmed Khawaja
Ahmed Khawaja - 6 years ago
Araby confirmed
Renz Justin
Renz Justin - 6 years ago
Main Vampire Coast tactic: PARLEY ON THEIR BUTT HOLES
Necron Lord
Necron Lord - 6 years ago
animated hulks first
cappy69uk - 6 years ago
Does anyone know what his camera settings are? I have the same better camera mod as him, but his camera movement seems much more smooth, i cant seem to get the same type of zoom as him, maybe a nooob Q but any help would be appreciated
Erthepoo Smokingelf
Erthepoo Smokingelf - 6 years ago
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
Hellgezeren !
Hellgezeren ! - 6 years ago
How do you move and angle the entire army at once?
Magnus Sura
Magnus Sura - 6 years ago
This is really good , It seems 2 of the VC factions will target ultuan. In all my play-through as dark elves, big problem was always lothern confederating with all high elf and becoming a military, economic Juggernaut. Now it will not happen that easily.
edit - they are talking about araby a lot lately (in game and other areas), next major faction is probably araby.
Connor Kenyon
Connor Kenyon - 6 years ago
Just once in this campaign you need to make an army of just bloated corpses.
Joseph Mottram
Joseph Mottram - 6 years ago
This lord STARTS with a Necrofex Colossus?!?!

Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 6 years ago
rotting leviathan must be named MR CRABS AW YWAHHHHHHH
Illia Svobodny
Illia Svobodny - 6 years ago
so Count Noctilus is russian? Lore friendly
Primarch Rainier of the Starmarks
Primarch Rainier of the Starmarks - 6 years ago
He sounds like a Tomb King in the Witness Protection program
Ninja Moustache
Ninja Moustache - 6 years ago
Mike Waters
Mike Waters - 6 years ago
Desolated Shoal
Hound of BBW
Hound of BBW - 6 years ago
I'm going to recruit an army full of those suicide bombers and make it following my main force so I won't run out of zombie terrorists, also I will never need to build siege weapons. Now, the only question is how shall I name my general of the suicide squad? Any suggestion?
DizzyDisco93 - 6 years ago
Who created that awful suicide squad movie?
callum symons
callum symons - 6 years ago
Crazyarshe - 6 years ago
Holy shit this looks so cool! I pre ordered and looking forward to the 8th!
Vladimir can see you Watch your back
Vladimir can see you Watch your back - 6 years ago
I guess we are going to see pirate lionheart
Ubi swaft
Ubi swaft - 6 years ago
YES! They have added sea battles!
Cary Silver
Cary Silver - 6 years ago
He set Sall wanting to be a pirate was killed the von carstines raised him and he wanted vengeance
Stars Yasmine
Stars Yasmine - 6 years ago
Pls name the necrofex colossus TINY
Hercule Pyro
Hercule Pyro - 6 years ago
Noctilus is anti-large, he did pretty good against that leviathan so keep it in mind!
I think the Necrofex can fire while moving (you might have to check) so don't be afraid to charge him forward and engage in melee, he's still got some powerful melee abilities, but that range is very good! Nice work sniping the cannons.
Losing your depth guard was a pretty poor move, I think you need to check your how to guide on using meat shields, they're supposed to be the ones soaking up all the hits while the depth guard are supposed to charge in already engaged units and deal the damage.
Try not to just spam Healing on the meat shield units too, if you hadn't used them on the deckhands you could probably have saved your depth guard, I'd say try save it for units that are at least half health or higher priority ones.
And I'd say get the monster building, those bloated corpses look great and animated husks could be useful, you need some stronger units and some large would certainly do that. Your necrofex and spells gives you enough range for now.
Liam Weston
Liam Weston - 6 years ago
Got for the mortars
Peter Sivert
Peter Sivert - 6 years ago
Get a MORTAR!!!!
Levi Karkiainen
Levi Karkiainen - 6 years ago
Name your bloated corpse Karen after my sister....

They are a little more attractive than her and I imagine they smell less like fish and rot.
The only problem i have with this faction is that it makes ALL OTHER FACTIONS LOOK LIKE GARBO breh
DeValiere - 6 years ago
My vote is for growth please - just one measly little growth building, pretty please :)
John Landon
John Landon - 6 years ago
Remember to not be too greedy Lionheart, also I like the new theme toon “kill the cannons, kill the cannons”
Tristan Keech
Tristan Keech - 6 years ago
Also get the mortar. They are super good early game
Tristan Keech
Tristan Keech - 6 years ago
I can’t wait to have like 5 bloated in my army and just ruin everyone’s strats online. “My unit will hold them of from flanking and” BOOM
Tanner Clark
Tanner Clark - 6 years ago
I neeeeed mooooorrrrre!
Isaiah Rogers
Isaiah Rogers - 6 years ago
Hey lionheart you should always call your bloated corpes something that describes them well
Park Meng
Park Meng - 6 years ago
Marc Beans
Marc Beans - 6 years ago
Nice work winning that big battle around 50:00. That said, I think one of your biggest problems was not relying on more kiting and enfilade fire on the Depth Guard. Noctilus could have held off the Leviathan while you used your numbers to flank and blast those enemy Depth Guard-letting them get into melee, especially against weak zombie deckhands, is one of the worst ways to fight the fuckers as a Vampire Coast faction.
Charles Swain
Charles Swain - 6 years ago
Yes VC is finally here
HJB Thunder
HJB Thunder - 6 years ago
That's got to be the best undead pirate I've ever seen...
Joseph Mottram
Joseph Mottram - 6 years ago
* sigh * So it would seem...
Lord of Jonkeys
Lord of Jonkeys - 6 years ago
insert bongo cat “best pirate I’ve ever seen” clip
James Thach
James Thach - 6 years ago
27:06 Jack The Monkey cameo! And Happy Birthday Lionheart!
Thick Rebar
Thick Rebar - 6 years ago
I dont know if you noticed this Lionheart, but Vampire Fleet Captian heroes can establish pirate coves. Something to know for the future.
barbiquearea - 6 years ago
I wish they gave the Dreadfleet the ability to spread vampiric corruption since Count Noctilus was a Von Carstein after all.
XUI280 - 6 years ago
Your pirate voice sounds like the Robert Picardo. 59:43
Steven Hilburn
Steven Hilburn - 6 years ago
Depth Gaurd (Lords of the Deep)
Caigul - 6 years ago
viva tacos looking forward to ze pirates
Davon Pearson
Davon Pearson - 6 years ago
Bloated corpes
Raul Valencia
Raul Valencia - 6 years ago
You keep using Noctilus’s pendent thing on single entities. I’m not sure what the text says, but in the Everchosen Invitational that thing shredded artillery pieces and cav units. Seems good for elite units more like.
Davon Pearson
Davon Pearson - 6 years ago
Happy birthday to you and your brother
Massive Breaker
Massive Breaker - 6 years ago
I've been waiting for this!
mema0005 - 6 years ago
I like how they have released a Dark Elf pirate legendary lord with the Vamps. I wanted to give the Pirates a go but not a massive fan of the undead, so this might be the nation for me
John Axios
John Axios - 6 years ago
Do ya believe in ghost stories miss Everchosen, you're in one!
Dutchstuff - 6 years ago
The thumbnail looks dope
Immortan Johann
Immortan Johann - 6 years ago
First recruited Necrofex HAS to be named Woody. If/when he dies, you get to say "So long, partner"
dldytjq1024 - 6 years ago
51:40 losing your depth guard hurt my soul
Eneachril Beneathar
Eneachril Beneathar - 6 years ago
Its..... just... tooo... many.... bullets -Last words of Admiral Arthur Coates and his Dephth Guard
Frances Orlie Dayap
Frances Orlie Dayap - 6 years ago
more exploding zombie please hahahaha
Amy Glick
Amy Glick - 6 years ago
Yes the new pirates
It would be awesome if you could build ships with the land ships and like go under water and have full on naval battles
AnAfinityForKarma - 6 years ago
Zac Johnson
Zac Johnson - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday mate. The name suggestion doesn't seem to be working for me. But that Necrofex looks like a Boatie McBoatface
Skollfire - 6 years ago
my body is ready haha you expected a tapped RRRRR
Corey D
Corey D - 6 years ago
Get economy buildings!!
StarPear - 6 years ago
So many battles in one episode? is this really happening?
Sebastian Martin
Sebastian Martin - 6 years ago
Come home from probably the worst day at work...and what do I find? A prize for my efforts. Thanks Lionheart, you da best.
Chris Louton
Chris Louton - 6 years ago
I haven't seen anyone playing a Vampire Count yet. Is their update not part of the early release for the content creators? I've been playing TW Warhammer since day one and have NEVER played as the vampires. Really excited to try them out!
Shadow88 - 6 years ago
Wait; Noctilus can incorporate the wreck of the Heldenhammer into his ship? Damn, I loved that thing's model in Dreadfleet.
Arian Ahmadi
Arian Ahmadi - 6 years ago
l like your strategy you're so smart
Arian Ahmadi
Arian Ahmadi - 6 years ago
can you make series about wooden men
Nicholas Bruechert
Nicholas Bruechert - 6 years ago
Lionheart still terrible at the game
Nicholas Bruechert
Nicholas Bruechert - 6 years ago
happy belated birthday!
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Lol we watching the same video? I’m certainly not the best player but I’m far from terrible! :p
The Redcarrot33
The Redcarrot33 - 6 years ago
Nostoratu has to be a lord
TheMalpaisLegate - 6 years ago
Start sea battle
Instantly teleport to land.
TheMalpaisLegate - 6 years ago
+lionheartx10 Then they shouldn't of done a naval faction. There's so many different and exciting factions in the Warhammer lore that didn't need such an important component of a game, like sailing. In my opinion it just feels like a half baked idea.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Yes they have done naval battles before but they didn’t have the time / budget for the Warhammer series according to their blog to properly implement them as per their FAQ on the vampire coast they said adding in naval battles now would be far beyond the scope of what they could do in a dlc for the game.
TheMalpaisLegate - 6 years ago
+lionheartx10 But they've done sea battles for nearly every game past Medieval 2, so they know how to do them. Imo they should of done a different faction, one who's major shtick isn't even a part of the game.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
They won’t / couldn’t add in proper naval battles so they’ve added island battles now instead of just having to autresolve battles at sea like before. It’s not a perfect solution, that would be actual naval battles but it’s better than nothing imo.
Kiernan Proulx
Kiernan Proulx - 6 years ago
desolate shoal
Danelle Evans
Danelle Evans - 6 years ago
Super amazing content!!!! Have you played any with Cylostra Direfin? She says it Cylostra Deer-fan. She has cool mechanics.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
wow the videos been out just under 8hrs and we’ve already smashed over 2,000 likes on this video!! Thank you all so much!! Bring on Part 2 tomorrow at 6pm GMT!
Khergit Kawg
Khergit Kawg - 6 years ago
who disliked this video?
Jinxers - 6 years ago
been waiting to watch the vampire coast for ages can't wait for more and to see some of the monstrous units in action
Peter Chasten
Peter Chasten - 6 years ago
Finally not a direfin camp.
Lor Mar956
Lor Mar956 - 6 years ago
Wow Lionheart that was a victory by the skin of your teeth you played good lionheart good job can't wait to watch more of this let's play!!!!
Lex Noctis
Lex Noctis - 6 years ago
And here we go! First of all, happy birthday wishes! All the best to you, lionheart! Now, back to the Dread Fleet Voyage! Before anything else, my first suggestion would be to focus as much as possible on the growth of Noctilus' ship. It's incredibly important. Get the growth building and upgrade the quarters first. As far as I can tell, the approach to these ships should be the same as to Black Arks, and their growth is the most important thing in the early game.

Personally, I would go for cannons afterwards instead of monsters, but that's my preference. I mean, the early monsters seem to be more of tanks and not damage dealers. What you need right now though, are damage dealers. You can tie up enemies with your throw away zombie mobs, but if there's nothing to do the damage -- and do that damage quickly before the wavering begins, well... As any Vampire in early stages battles of attrition are the worst. AND! You'll need more range to compete with the elves. With the cannons you can at leas get some shots in while the rest of your army closes in. In general, Vampire Coast seems to me to be super glassy (and it should). Throwing your mobs into the fray and getting them slaughtered just to let your actually important units do all the damage and then just re-summoning them after the battle is over is the whole point of Vampire armies. So, yeah, I'd go for artillery or something else that's very hard hitting. But only after growth.

Also, could I humbly request that you get one female Lord and just fill her army with nothing but gunpowder units? To become this campaign Kazadni. It can be one of those cool ones that need research and 1k infamy, so that she can have her own ship and all. That'd be awesome. :3
Lukis Kukis
Lukis Kukis - 6 years ago
How can you play this DLC allready?
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
I got early access from CA!
Drakefance5 - 6 years ago
I'll be back in like 6 days. Don't wanna spoil myself.

EDIT: alright, time to start my own campaign along side your's. Like I often do.
Jerell Cortese
Jerell Cortese - 6 years ago
I’m no expert so I’m gonna get somethings wrong, but basically count Noctilus got tired of the dealing with other vampires so he basically transported his castle to the sea and using magic made a whirlpool the sucks in every sunken ship in the ocean and fused the ships with the the castle to make a super ship and use the dead crew to make an army, so now he goes around cause chaos
Stewart Young
Stewart Young - 6 years ago
Shiver MeTimbers for Tim the enchanter!!!!!!!!
Nicolas M
Nicolas M - 6 years ago
FINALLY someone playing an interesting LL!
Nate Graham
Nate Graham - 6 years ago
Is it just me or does the voice actor that plays Count Noctilus sound like Salazar from pirates of the Caribbean
Welcome to the Sith Nation!
Welcome to the Sith Nation! - 6 years ago
people complained about how OP depth guard are and yet 1 bloated corpse completely ruined that one unit, i honestly think people underestimate how strong they are, they pretty much 1 shot almost any group, it can be HIGHLY useful for intercepting cav and flanking units engaged in melee from behind. dare i say vampire coast is my new fave faction even tho i swear and live by vlad daddy!
Calyx Kwasnicki
Calyx Kwasnicki - 6 years ago
melee infantry name: the drunken sailors
MrMorganater - 6 years ago
Been waiting for this and you picked the lord I wanted to see think your other should be the ethereal lord be ingesting to see her gameplay
crystal gamer
crystal gamer - 6 years ago
do you know where i can buy warhammer tabletop?
Pappy Tron
Pappy Tron - 6 years ago
Tim D
Tim D - 6 years ago
name hero: Dred Pirate Roberts - for that Princess Bride reference
Dragon War112
Dragon War112 - 6 years ago
The coolest unset so far for me is between the crabs or the zombie pirate ship.
Dragon War112
Dragon War112 - 6 years ago
"Unit" LOL
Pat wheeler
Pat wheeler - 6 years ago
Corpses. Go for the bloated corpses
Myles Reed
Myles Reed - 6 years ago
I don’t usually comment but you do great work, keep it coming please and Happy Birthday
White Mamba
White Mamba - 6 years ago
Thunderer18 - 6 years ago
TFW you recruit a gigantic, slobbering monster and his name turns out to be Bill. WAT
Kieran Hughes
Kieran Hughes - 6 years ago
For the building, I'd say pick up the mortars. Animated hulks are a nice looking frontline, and the big friendly Bloaters (BFB's for short) are one-off usage. Getting some artillery online to go along with Creakin' Caroline there might be nice.
Benjamin Ehren
Benjamin Ehren - 6 years ago
Yo ho, Yo ho, a lion heart vid for me!
shoobagoo - 6 years ago
this looks really different, im loving it already.
zulu - 6 years ago
name the necrofexcolossi woody
SmokyBear NP/AvA
SmokyBear NP/AvA - 6 years ago
I would go for the mortar because "arr we be having a mortar of fun"
Fuzzybeard - 6 years ago
Great start will be an interesting campaign starting in the middle of the ocean. Noctilus looks amazing will definitively be playing him first. Also I wonder it seems establishing pirate coves changes the look of the settlement will be funny to see what happens to lothren lol.
Dragon War112
Dragon War112 - 6 years ago
The best looking army in the game!
Lee Baker
Lee Baker - 6 years ago
Lol for hug of fart
Jami - 6 years ago
deeply sniff's in that new warhammer 2 stuff, ahhhh yes.
Kriger97 - 6 years ago
Subtitles for non english audience?
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
It’s not something that I can currently offer I’m afraid I don’t know enough of other languages to offer a decent translation, I believe there are some automated services which can provide them however they aren’t exactly cheap.
Francis5795 - 6 years ago
I'd say mortar first, because Arty, but with the current economy the bloaters are probably easier on the upkeep.
MagicianCamille - 6 years ago
Wow, bloated corpses wreck face.
Vinnie Wijnen
Vinnie Wijnen - 6 years ago
Lionheart is a true pirate, he doesn't care for game objectives, he goes straight for treasure hunting xD
Sgt Sarge
Sgt Sarge - 6 years ago
Cant put food on the table with game objective can you lol
Everything - 6 years ago
I go for world domination even more badass.
Aaron Nguyen
Aaron Nguyen - 6 years ago
+Ant Squasher much obliged, pardner
Ant Squasher
Ant Squasher - 6 years ago
+Aaron Nguyen - I hate you.
Aaron Nguyen
Aaron Nguyen - 6 years ago
yarr harr harr, it's a pirate's unlife for me
Pappy Tron
Pappy Tron - 6 years ago
Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me!
Lionel Fernandez-Alba
Lionel Fernandez-Alba - 6 years ago
Reads patch notes sees stronger armies guarding higher tier islands...rushes into a skull island...(Uuuh piece of candy!)
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Me did not read all the patch notes :p
DoctorWhoster - 6 years ago
Also please name one of your lord's davy jones or captain jack sparrow
DoctorWhoster - 6 years ago
Happy birthday lionheart keep doing this amazing lets play i never want it to end!
Miscast - 6 years ago
From what I remember there never were much written about the Vampire coast. There were short mentions and hints but 90% of this faction is CA´s own design and not much related to Warhammer. Hence all the Pirates of the Caribbean memes regarding this DLC
Eli foxy
Eli foxy - 6 years ago
Name a hero captain EliFoxy and It doesn't matter which hero you put the name on
Paul Fages
Paul Fages - 6 years ago
Guys can you have settlements with this lord in the campaign or are you playing as a horde?
Crokus Lorn
Crokus Lorn - 6 years ago
note only the legendary lord and those from the tech tree have "horde" ships
Pappy Tron
Pappy Tron - 6 years ago
+Paul Fages You are very welcome.
Paul Fages
Paul Fages - 6 years ago
Pappy Tron Thanks dude, really appreciate it
Pappy Tron
Pappy Tron - 6 years ago
Both. You are a horde, but you can capture any land settlements that you want to, just like a normal faction. So, you get the best of both game types.
mateyeyo 01
mateyeyo 01 - 6 years ago
Sadness Can Prevail
Sadness Can Prevail - 6 years ago
That last battle is the second besy undead battle on your channel. Obviously the best goes to Manfred and the vargulfs final stand
Thatguywhoplaysguitarandsingsonthatcornerdowntown - 6 years ago
A Brief History Darragh Thank you!
Sadness Can Prevail
Sadness Can Prevail - 6 years ago
+Thatguywhoplaysguitarandsingsonthatcornerdowntown I think its episode 3 of his vampire count lets play frpm warhammer one
Thatguywhoplaysguitarandsingsonthatcornerdowntown - 6 years ago
A Brief History Darragh What video is that from?
Anirban Bhattacharya
Anirban Bhattacharya - 6 years ago
Mannfred is the Man Beast. Personally I HATE what End Times did to his character. What ever the effing f Mannfred is, however evil he is, he isn't the omnicidal maniac that is Nagash. The same character massacres an entire Skaven Clan, literally THE CLAN that has the second/third most precious Skaven artifact of all time (apart from the Black Pillar and the Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes) the Fellblade, then falls to a concerted Tomb King ambush?! He effing knows how to hide from Tomb Kings! He literally hid from them inside their own tombs! While he learned about them! Mannfred is a dedicated Vampire magician WITHOUT even being a Necrarch. He fought Arkhan to a standstill. And let's not even get to Arkhan's feats- they are pretty legit. Why on earth would they butcher his character like that? He was doing what he needed to survive. And only Malekith is the one who days Nagash should be destroyed? Really Alarielle, Teclis? After Aliathra's death?? I really really liked Count Mannfred and the sheer powerhouse he was without being gamebreakingly unfair like Nagash (he could either win you the game or lose it for you pretty fast). This is from tabletop, guys. P.S. Count Mannfred, still the best VC Lord, by far. I wish Vlad retained his viability late game... But he loses out a lot. Sadly, he's one of my favourite Warhammer characters, and comic book characters in general.
Hercule Pyro
Hercule Pyro - 6 years ago
I don't think anything could ever top the Wrath of Manfred and Fluffy
LordJudgement1818 - 6 years ago
ok first of all good idea.... but why are they not fighting on the water? UGHHH
Flekk Bone Gnawer
Flekk Bone Gnawer - 6 years ago
Because naval battles are tedious
Wargriz Zero
Wargriz Zero - 6 years ago
Get the artillery building, why focus on one big hug when you can give your enemy many hugs.
RedFoxRus - 6 years ago
how to take early access for channel?...
Lionel Fernandez-Alba
Lionel Fernandez-Alba - 6 years ago
Build the growth building in your Capital Ship!!
Trey Johnson
Trey Johnson - 6 years ago
Happy birthday
Trey Johnson
Trey Johnson - 6 years ago
Hit the like button to 2000
helldwarf - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday Lion!
Sunipoe - 6 years ago
That's gotta be the best Warhammer player I've ever seen

Edit: Happy birthday
Connor Pfeifer
Connor Pfeifer - 6 years ago
oh i cant wait for the steel faith gunnery mobs...
Jacob Shelestak
Jacob Shelestak - 6 years ago
The dreaded colossus. Necrofex colossus
Visitormassacre - 6 years ago
Tell me Tyrion. Do you fear death?
forrest key
forrest key - 6 years ago
The units look really cool
brawlfan9999 - 6 years ago
This looks amazing. Shame about losing the Depth Guard so early on, but look at it this way, more time to learn this faaction better eh, matey? One thing though, watching the video, the Necrofex Colossus seemed waaay less effective against the giant crabs than everything else. While the crabs just shrugged off shots from it, the Necrofex just shredded infantry units. My reccomendation is that you use it to kill off elite enemy infantry and counter their artillery. The massed gunlines seem better at taking down single entity units
Several old fish in the yard
Several old fish in the yard - 6 years ago
There should be shame about it, he wasted 2 Invocation of Nehek on cheap low dps units and no winds of magic left to cast it on his Depth Guard. I mean seriously, he could have kept them alive and at almost full unit strength if he thought about it more. But I dunno, maybe it was late on when he was making the video and he could have been a bit tired.
Nicola Clubb
Nicola Clubb - 6 years ago
Happy bday to you, Happy bday to you, happy bday dear LionheartX10, Happy bday to you.
I do hope there is a mortal empires version for the Vampite Coast Faction as that will be fun to play.

Blackfairy (from EGX 2017)
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Yep they can be played in the Mortal Empires campaign too! :)
深淵Shin'en - 6 years ago
Im a bit late but I suggest you go the mortar route, especially the high level ones, disgustingly powerful
Daniel Pencil
Daniel Pencil - 6 years ago
MASTER MIND - 6 years ago
"Luffy will be pirate king.... "
Watch the video :......

"Never mind"

Edit : happy birthday
MrSHADOWANGEL999 - 6 years ago
Yoho yoho, a pirates unlife for me
N. B.
N. B. - 6 years ago
I just want a skaven Leg. Lord. And some skaven pirate units. XD
Dukeus - 6 years ago
Hi thx for the Noctilus campaign.
Can you show the faction menu next time with the suitable climate?

Keep up the good work.
Zeke Terry
Zeke Terry - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday!!! Pillage well!!!
Senshi Bat
Senshi Bat - 6 years ago
Lion of the sea.. thing.. yes yees. 3 Wins cheer a Beard a Von carstein and a Pirate.amor pirata getting you pip on and making for an un mehri elf thing. [the island battle is a vast improvement over sea]
derSpartiat - 6 years ago
Lionheart pls get a Magician (i don't know how they are called in this DLC yet lol) with Lore of the deep and call him "Tim the Seachanter"!!
The Big Boss
The Big Boss - 6 years ago
Cool video lionheart
CryingBuddha - 6 years ago
Oh and BTW I was one of the like five people who voted for Cylostra Direfin, lol... She'll probably be last on the list of Vampire Coast characters you play as... Though I won't lie, this has won me over on Count Noctilus. Very cool first let's play... even if you did martyr half your units on a Skull Island! ^_^
Senshi Bat
Senshi Bat - 6 years ago
ney tis just another sail. .wait no you are right put my chest in the dingy and get my best oarsmen forgot something in the port. i bet he gets a monkey jacket for his mornghoul.. poor heir thing had troubles with some of the british accents..muuuaaahhh CA needs some "geordies!"
Gocker - 6 years ago
I like how Vampires in Warhammer will just accept their final death when their army as crumbled instead of, you know, running away and raising a new army.
Rob Pardo
Rob Pardo - 6 years ago
Shouldn’t the dark elf lord also be available? I thought he was being added with the vampire coast along with the bloodlines for vamp counts.
Явор Харизанов
Явор Харизанов - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday, General! Stay strong and healthy! Cheers!
Attila Zsugonits
Attila Zsugonits - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday!

If memory serves, most bombardment spells are not very effective (i.e: nearly useless) against single entity units, they are much more effective against clumps and units with high entitiy count (The bombardment will hit more models in the same area, simple as that)
Flekk Bone Gnawer
Flekk Bone Gnawer - 6 years ago
Well yeah
HUBRIS - 6 years ago
I was having a tough time deciding on a lord to start with, but I think the colossus, ocean fortress & vintage pirate threads on C-Noc have sealed the deal.
Kroshak 1992
Kroshak 1992 - 6 years ago
well i see noc being little bit easier in terms of "piracy" because you can start stablishing coves and not really compromising towards capturing settlements , with luthor and opera lady you can take a more classic approach and start conquering right away with the coves being used more on really far away settlements
Darius Icaru
Darius Icaru - 6 years ago
Wait did that admiral say burke black?
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Zem Vader
Zem Vader - 6 years ago
Go for the artillery
Gideon - 6 years ago
Yes, it's here! Not my first lord choice, but still enjoyable nonetheless. More importantly, i can now unleash all my punny unit name ideas :).
Also, happy birthday to you and your brother!
Jack Higgins
Jack Higgins - 6 years ago
Have as a gunnery mob or the other one as the black pears sailers
Joshua Williams
Joshua Williams - 6 years ago
Get the building for animated hulks. Armor piercing sounds good and he really seems more a monster guy than sitting back with cannons
Old Oneeye
Old Oneeye - 6 years ago
This looks AWESOME! Thank you Lionheart for showing it early access. Now i know, where part of my taxes-refund goes :D
Old Oneeye
Old Oneeye - 6 years ago
Arrrr and happy Birrrthday! (sorry for the sillyness)
Seth Jones
Seth Jones - 6 years ago
Jordy Dejonghe
Jordy Dejonghe - 6 years ago
arrrrrr matey good birthday , enjoy the seas arrrrrr!
That one dutch guy _
That one dutch guy _ - 6 years ago
Been waiting so lang and now i may die undepressed
Loki Spenker
Loki Spenker - 6 years ago
Go mortar
ritmrpariot700 - 6 years ago
So hyped for this expansion! Are only the youtubers getting early access? I do have some ideas why, alas, it's great to see more content before the full release. I'm already brainstorming of what they will release months after this expansion if, there will be one.
CryingBuddha - 6 years ago
Does anyone know if the changes to the Vampire Counts that are going to come along with the DLC, DLC exclusive? Or is Heinrich Kemmler's new starting location going to be free? I am guessing that it's all going to be tied to the DLC but I would be disappointed if it was...
igimat123 - 6 years ago
FLC is dark elves lord, changes to Vampire Counts are part of the patch
WargamingDave - 6 years ago
Those Bloated Corpses are hug-tastic, they are just crazy good
James Griesmer
James Griesmer - 6 years ago
Happy birthday Lionheart! Have a fun one!
Anthony Abate
Anthony Abate - 6 years ago
Entire army of bloated corpses when????
John Merrill
John Merrill - 6 years ago
Poopdeck Pirates, melee infantry
darthnihilus1608 - 6 years ago
You have enough money, might as well buy both structures
AntBrigade - 6 years ago
let the shantys begin!
SuperFaroeIslands - 6 years ago
No cinematic in the beginning?
Christopher Barnette
Christopher Barnette - 6 years ago
The voice acting sounds a bit too much like Settra the Submergible.
ptavangar - 6 years ago
The bloody reaver is missing its castle......
Pappy Tron
Pappy Tron - 6 years ago
Captain Cookie
Captain Cookie - 6 years ago
Lionheart, you're loosing money so you need the treasure stash building ASAP.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
I'm only loosing a tiny bit of money atm and have a massive treasury but I will get the treasure stash in a bit!
David Gendron
David Gendron - 6 years ago
I hope someone calls that giant hermit crab « hermitaur »
Ciaran Allen
Ciaran Allen - 6 years ago
Been waiting for this DLC and Let's Play! Great start to what should be an absolute blast of a campaign
Kommando 293
Kommando 293 - 6 years ago
Lion heart! Where’s my Helebron Part 52? Lord Scibe Stalker has a new part for it!!
Bram Vaessen
Bram Vaessen - 6 years ago
I just saw the last edition of The Everchosen, where a couple of players picked Vampire Coast. After seeing that, you don't want to give Coun Noctilus a Necrofix Colossus as a mount. in my humble opninion. Also, however the Depthgaurd is a powerfull infantry unit, it isn't your faction's strenght. I would build an army with more gunnery mobs (or the like) and siege artillary like mortars or Queen Bessie. There is also a hero (Gunnery Wight I believe) that reloads your ammo for these units. That is good foor the buff evere Vampire Coast amry has: If you have above 80% ammo than you get +30% AP and the like.

I hope you've had a happpy birthday, Lionheart. Especially since you'll get to play the Vampire Coast!!
Lex Noctis
Lex Noctis - 6 years ago
I'd like to see that in-game stats first to make up my mind. Or Lion could try it out and see if the mount works or not and if it's worse, just toggle it off.
Bram Vaessen
Bram Vaessen - 6 years ago
May be, but in terms of armour etc he's on foot much stronger. Nonetheless he is quite awesomes atop from a colossus.
Pappy Tron
Pappy Tron - 6 years ago
Bram, keep in mind that in campaign Noctilus on the Colossus will be much, much tougher than in a Quick Battle due to all of the skill tree buffs and equipment.
Beserker - 6 years ago
Go for the Bloated Corpses better to have those armies up to stack and grab the plunder pile for the little income
Michael White
Michael White - 6 years ago
I've been a long time viewer, but have never really commented before, but today I feel I must say, Lionheart, keep going with your amazing content, keep doing you and making people like me smile!!
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Thanks Michael!
west1212 - 6 years ago
Just started watching but I wish you would have shown Noct’s attack animations in his duel in the first battle
Ty Daniels
Ty Daniels - 6 years ago
Melee units (SONS OF THE KRAKEN)
AnEvilJoke - 6 years ago
First name Last name
First name Last name - 6 years ago
Get the booty boys
akrav1983 - 6 years ago
Go for the bloated corpses, they seem way more fun than mortars.
Paladin Prime
Paladin Prime - 6 years ago
I've been looking forward to this.
ocadioan - 6 years ago
Hi LH, I would argue that the single most important building in both the Maelstrom and your ship is a growth building. Especially your ship is solely dependent upon growth to expand(just like a Black Ark) and getting growth as the very first thing therefore lessens the waiting time for all other buildings.
Harrison Darby
Harrison Darby - 6 years ago
Go for the bloated corpses
Erik - 6 years ago
Happy birthday!
Zach Wait
Zach Wait - 6 years ago
32:30 Well Tamatoa hasn't always been this glam, I was a drab little crab once...
pooopile - 6 years ago
Can't unhear "DECK HANDS" as "DICK HEADS"
Sebastian Muller
Sebastian Muller - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday (I did not know it was you Birthday until I saw the comments)
Bauti Gabelli
Bauti Gabelli - 6 years ago
Xar 94
Xar 94 - 6 years ago
So some name possibilities
Deckhands-the Scurvy Dogs, the Scallywags, the Rapscallions, the Bilge Rats, the Pressgang

Gunnery mob- the Privateers, the Carousers, Me Hearties, the Landlubbers

Depth guard- Brethren of the Coast, Scourge of the Seas

Exploding Corpse- Tiny, Micheal Bay

The walking ship- Flying Dutchman, the Leviathan

Captains/Admirals- Admiral of the Black, Black Beard, Jack Ketch I like reading about pirates stop judging.
Johan Hoekstra
Johan Hoekstra - 6 years ago
The necrofex Colossus spawns a unit of Zombie Deckhands when it gets below a certain HP threshold 53:00
eVeNmOrEiNsAnItY - 6 years ago
Critique Report: A Von Carstein Goes To Sea!

- The Battle of The Galleon's Graveyard:
-> Wiping out the cavalry early.
-> Pinning spearmen, then hitting with a Bloated Corpse.

- The 1st Battle of The Great Ocean:
-> Sending the Bloated Corpse into the Depth Guard.
-> Using Noctilus to bunch up the enemy for another Bloated Corpse attack.

- The 2nd Battle of The Great Ocean:
-> Focussing down the Carronade.
-> Wraith Storm on the Leviathan.
-> Flank-firing into engaged Depth Guard.

- The Battle of The Galleon's Graveyard:
-> Letting Gunnery Mobs get caught several times.

- The 1st Battle of The Great Ocean:
-> Letting your Gunnery Mobs get caught again.

- The 2nd Battle of The Great Ocean:
-> Once more, bogged down Gunnery Mobs.
-> Overcommitting your Depth Guard and using them as a tar-pit. They should've been the flanking attack instead.

Other Comments:
- The Colossus has a chance to spawn deckhands when its health dropped below a certain amount.

Suggested actions:
- Go for the monstrosities before the cannons.

Overall: Bit of a mixed start.
Thijs van Lankveld
Thijs van Lankveld - 6 years ago
I'm also wondering why Lionheart does not focus on the Undead general. In all my playthroughs, 90% of fights with Undead have been a laugh, because you only have to kill 1 unit ever, the rest will die fine on their own... (PS. love your content! Not just trying to be negative :-) )
Adherentostrich - 6 years ago
Finaly! A series i can be on time for! \o/ Happy Birthday btw
Thedinotamer Gaming
Thedinotamer Gaming - 6 years ago
the necrofex shoud only be for ranged purposes and the bloated bob should be used as a flank suicide bomber
Jamie Barker
Jamie Barker - 6 years ago
how do you move all of them forward without them splitting up or breaking? 12:55
Pappy Tron
Pappy Tron - 6 years ago
+Andy M How do you rotate them all though?
Jamie Barker
Jamie Barker - 6 years ago
Andy M thanks, always been wondering how to do it
Andy M
Andy M - 6 years ago
Have the units you want selected, then left click and drag whilst holding ALT!
Pertaru 187
Pertaru 187 - 6 years ago
That bloated zombie just wants a hug.
Cocakoli Kok
Cocakoli Kok - 6 years ago
can you do another Third Age: Divide and Conquer campaign. With the Dunidain and Aragon leading them
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
I'll be doing more Third Age in about a month or so once I finish some other series!
Kaushal Maoo
Kaushal Maoo - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday Lionheart! i have a suggestion. keep the bloated corpse and necrofex on the flanks, necrofex because it can get a fire across the line and cause more damage arrr..
Britishsaurusrex - 6 years ago
10/10 A monkey issues the missions.
Urahara12squad - 6 years ago
14:23 wow. Make an entire army haha
Distrayer - 6 years ago
You should try to walk the bloated corpses into the middle of enemy units before telling them to attack, that way the explosion will be inside the unit instead of at the edge so it'll hit more of them.
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
they explode on contact.
Gavin Faciane
Gavin Faciane - 6 years ago
I need to get a good computer so I can play this.
ocadioan - 6 years ago
Goes in for a naval battle, starts the battle in a forest.
Well played CA, well played.
Raphaël - 6 years ago
+Pappy Tron sorry I didn't know
Pappy Tron
Pappy Tron - 6 years ago
+Raphaël CA have said from basically day one that Warhammer won't have naval battles, but they have described these new battle types as though you have spotted them on an island so that is where you fight them. It's a compromise, but much better than the old auto resolve, for sure.
Raphaël - 6 years ago
+Pappy Tron at the beginning of the video count noctilus fight against high elves and this was supposed to be a naval battle because there wasn't isle but they fought on an isle. This is very disappointing that we can't have sea battles
Fritz Miot
Fritz Miot - 6 years ago
It’s a reasonable alternative/compromise. My issue is I was expecting the map to look more like a small island and less like a regular battle map. In other words I was expecting beach maps, or at the very least some contextual features that gives the impression of fighting on an island. This just seems like the game simply loads a regular land battle map when boats engage and you chose manual resolve.
Pappy Tron
Pappy Tron - 6 years ago
Except it isn't a naval battle. You have spotted a group on an island, so the battle is on said island.
Galejro - 6 years ago
If you don't like this than suggest naming one of the Necrofex Collosi "CA's Excuse" or "Almost Naval".
Flekk Bone Gnawer
Flekk Bone Gnawer - 6 years ago
+xXx_Pokemaster Cyro_xXx No liked naval battles
Bigbossbalrog - 6 years ago
Stop bitching cancer
neilnightblade - 6 years ago
Happy birthday Lionheart!

Time to set sail ye shamblin' swabbies.
Connor Madden
Connor Madden - 6 years ago
This faction basically turns the game into Totwar Empire 2: Undead Boogaloo
link200456 - 6 years ago
Haaaaapy birthday and Early Acess day :D.
Xavier Rodriguez
Xavier Rodriguez - 6 years ago
I hate the fact you just teleport to land when fighting a battle at least make a map either where you can fight at sea or a map that has a bunch of scattered ships everywhere to walk on and fight.
Area-51 - 6 years ago
+Kaleb McCool yeah the naval battles seem like itll take a lot of work to actually implement I'm fine with not having to auto resolve as it is
Angry Cheezburger
Angry Cheezburger - 6 years ago
+Kaleb McCool If what you're saying is correct (I think the rights belong to a different company, they would still have to acquire them from GW) I imagine they just don't have the resources to also create naval battles. They'd have to create separate naval units for all the different races, and create an entirely new naval battle system, and somehow make it all work in unison with everything else.
Quốc Khánh Hoàng
Quốc Khánh Hoàng - 6 years ago
At least you won't be forced to auto resolve sea battles anymore.
Joe Yawiki
Joe Yawiki - 6 years ago
and problems is balance too because dark elf have a city size ship too.
Angry Cheezburger
Angry Cheezburger - 6 years ago
The problem is that CA doesn't own the rights to introduce warhammer naval battles
Hound of BBW
Hound of BBW - 6 years ago
That's right, if they can make navy battle for warhammer 2, I'm ready to pay a full game price to get it.
Mat Kiani
Mat Kiani - 6 years ago
Depth guard looks too druchii to me. I hope there will be a mod that visually gives them a bit of rust and some barnacles
Flekk Bone Gnawer
Flekk Bone Gnawer - 6 years ago
+Mat Kiani Their helmets have bats on them and a skeletal visage and they are the right color. Too your second point Luther is a vampire and their is no sea life on him .
Mat Kiani
Mat Kiani - 6 years ago
+Flekk Bone Gnawer their armor is not vampiric though is it. And Noctilus is not a zombie either that didn't stop a few sea life make home on his coat.
Flekk Bone Gnawer
Flekk Bone Gnawer - 6 years ago
They are vampires not zombies
Jani Väyrynen
Jani Väyrynen - 6 years ago
HAPPY Birthday Lionhearth!!!
Sjinnie_ Boy
Sjinnie_ Boy - 6 years ago
Happy birthday!
1231Skyguy - 6 years ago
Now that I've seen the physical Galleon's Graveyard on the campaign map I have to wonder, is it possible to capture the graveyard if you're playing as a different faction or race?
Gabriele Nicoli
Gabriele Nicoli - 6 years ago
+Teros yes it has ten slots, it's also among the racial capitals required for campaign victory in mortal empire
Gabriele Nicoli
Gabriele Nicoli - 6 years ago
Teros it's always been 10 slots for what I can remember but I might want to check it now ahah you are making me doubt myself ahah I am pretty sure though so I will check again and tell you
Teros - 6 years ago
Gabriele Nicoli wait since when is miragliano 10 slots?
Their are quiet a few places with then slot cities rather close to eachother.
Gabriele Nicoli
Gabriele Nicoli - 6 years ago
I think it's both. Lorewise it makes sense to have problem with the climate plus the reduction in slots. I mean, wasteland is suitable for tomb kings too.. so let's say settra conquers skavenblight, he has no penalties and gets 10 slots? Doesn't makes sense lorewise. In regards to game balance you have two 10 slots race capitals next to each other (skavenblight and miragliano), economically speaking it's OP (if you are quite suitable to both climates of course). Also it seems Sartosa is gonna be made a ten slots capital too with the new dlc (if vortex campaign has same approach as mortal empires ( I have only seen vortex streaming) ) so you have another race capital close by... I mean it's for both balance and lore
Jordi Nagel
Jordi Nagel - 6 years ago
Teros I’d say that humans could still populate dwarven cities relatively well, but Skaven build and live all over the place, even (or sometimes especially) in really unsafe spots that no one else would dare to use. Then again at the end of the day it comes down to preference: lore or balance
Teros - 6 years ago
Gabriele Nicoli The same could be said for a human taking karaza karak, since those places aren‘t build for them. But that isn‘t the case and I would say gameplay consitancy beats out any sort of lore justification.
Gabriele Nicoli
Gabriele Nicoli - 6 years ago
I never thought it was a bug :/ if for example you occupy skavenblight with carcassone it makes sense that if you reach even lv5 of the settlement you can only get 5 building slots instead of 9. I mean, humans don't populate a giant chasm as well as the skaven, no?
Teros - 6 years ago
Gabriele Nicoli isn‘t the less slots problem a bug?
Gabriele Nicoli
Gabriele Nicoli - 6 years ago
it seems they added a new climate just for that ahah but i guess it will be unsuitable for everyone else, and maybe with less slots like the skaven capitals
Screaming Cactus
Screaming Cactus - 6 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's possible. It'd be the first settlement in Warhammer 2 that you can't capture as any race, and you must be able to attack it if its upgrades give it garrison units.
Jon Muniz
Jon Muniz - 6 years ago
The King and his men
stole the Queen from her bed
and bound her in her bones
the seas be ours and by the powers
where we will we'll roam
Yo ho, all hands
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
Now some have died
and some are alive
and others sail on sea
with the keys to the cage
and the Devil to pay
we lay to Fiddler's Green.
Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colours high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
The bell has been raised
from it's water grave
Hear it's sepulchral tone?
A call to all
pay heed the squall
and turn yourself toward home
Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
The King and his men
stole the Queen from her bed
and bound her in her bones.
The seas be ours and by the powers
Where we will we'll roam.
Drako Dragniel
Drako Dragniel - 6 years ago
ur dedacation is truly amazing
jordan wd Gaster
jordan wd Gaster - 6 years ago
Good job this is grate
JamesBong0 - 6 years ago
i love Pirates of the Caribbean :p
helldwarf - 6 years ago
Arytiss kaldaka
Arytiss kaldaka - 6 years ago
You, my awsome friend, Just bought a tear to my eye. This son will play when i play this dlc <3
Madx10th TimberHusky
Madx10th TimberHusky - 6 years ago
It's the count!!! For fun everyone who sees my comment look up on YouTube it's the count song and click on the top video on the video list and you will be in for a real treat ;)
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes! :)
MrGeorge102 - 6 years ago
Happ y Birthday Lionheart , Love from Greece <3
Kitethebird - 6 years ago
 late happy birthday Lionheart :D:D
Ibrahim Mahmutcehajic
Ibrahim Mahmutcehajic - 6 years ago
Happy birthday lionheart!
Kahuna169 - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday Lionheart! Enjoy!
Park Meng
Park Meng - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday!
Park Meng
Park Meng - 6 years ago
You were also born on 3 Nov?!Me too!
JCZFootball - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday! Fitting that you get pirates on your Birthday! Yar har now go drink some rum!
Dan - 6 years ago
AYYY very excited for this play through !
Zem Vader
Zem Vader - 6 years ago
Hell yeah!!!
Olochgu - 6 years ago
i love how the "questgiver" is a monkey
salty dogg
salty dogg - 6 years ago
Didn't notice till I read your comment. Makes it so much better. So Pirates of the Caribbean lol I love it.
Connor Madden
Connor Madden - 6 years ago
Is it just me or is this thumbnail identical to HoC?
lionheartx10 - 6 years ago
Similar style but not identical, I assume Heir also got Havoc to make him a thumbnail! :)
Zachary H
Zachary H - 6 years ago
batman - 6 years ago
Happy birthday Lionheart! Glad to see you got early access
Dad's Ravioli
Dad's Ravioli - 6 years ago
I will admit I was getting pretty bored of good ol Grom so this is gonna be goooooood.
Cooli167 - 6 years ago
[Melee Infantry] Depth Guard: Dread(ed) Reavers of the Count (or just Dreaded Reavers)
nicolas martinez
nicolas martinez - 6 years ago
That bloated zombie sure did a lot of damage.
ResultantDoor6 - 6 years ago
especially that one that killed 33 depth guard from a unit. imagine if he got one of those into a big blob.
Riley Nybeck
Riley Nybeck - 6 years ago
that's allota damage
Slothtastic - 6 years ago
I’m very excited for what’s to come! Though I’ve never played as Dark Elves or Vampire counts for too long. Actually I don’t think I’ve played as any Elf or Count at all. Or empire for that matter. Should I? I’ve played as practically all the others
Slothtastic - 6 years ago
Thanks btw
Slothtastic - 6 years ago
Oh yeah, and get the Animated Hulks
Gavin Faciane
Gavin Faciane - 6 years ago
Play as all of them... until you explode.
Nuclear explotion
Nuclear explotion - 6 years ago
Well this is something to look forvard to
Total War Timelapses
Total War Timelapses - 6 years ago
Yay new series
Hiper Pixel
Hiper Pixel - 6 years ago
love your vids. :)
CP3oh - 6 years ago
Great. So much for being productive at work today.
Douchess person
Douchess person - 6 years ago
Yes finally I've been so excited for this let's play happy birthday too
TheChosenOne - 6 years ago
ACCB 1998
ACCB 1998 - 6 years ago
Ooooh ooooooh blood runs cold
We take our loot but dont get old
Hail the mighty he arises from the deep
With tattered sails and incredible tales recorded in the sea
Bauka Chelsea
Bauka Chelsea - 6 years ago
ACCB 1998 Was
ACCB 1998
ACCB 1998 - 6 years ago
+p&bjackson its all quite fine really notihng to worry about and besides its not like we have been of any help recently
p&bjackson - 6 years ago
+ACCB 1998 Yeah, sorry about that. I think I experienced something called "writing fatigue", or whatever it's called. Besides, I've been focusing on other things, like Halloween, my girlfriend, other stories etc. So for now, for now, consider Cold-Blooded Killer on hold. Who knows, I might start writing a vampire coast series. You never know until you know, as I always say.
ACCB 1998
ACCB 1998 - 6 years ago
+p&bjackson ahahah would you look at who is back its been a while lad you got us worried there :D glad to have you back heheh
p&bjackson - 6 years ago
Oh, the dead man calls,
To break the Black and Sphinxes’ balls,
To raid the sands and take their gold,
We will despoil their ancient halls,
So they better bring their guards and hats,
‘cause they’ll need to watch their backs!
Bring the fight to the Land of the Dead,
And become the day when their kingdom falls!

A shanty for the tomb kings, specifically Arkhan :)
Scribbler Studios
Scribbler Studios - 6 years ago
Can't wait to enjoy watchin this. Juuust noticing, seems a new legendary lord for the Skaven has come out... At somepoint of your choosin, I would love to see a campaign with tretch
Scribbler Studios
Scribbler Studios - 6 years ago
+frogdeath159 kinda figured that, just wasn't sure whether is was multiplayer only or in the normal game. And I say it cause Lionheart said he would consider playin another skaven let's play if another lord comes out.
frogdeath159 - 6 years ago
Mate tretch came out ages ago.... with the tomb kings dlc
no really i meant that seriously
no really i meant that seriously - 6 years ago
The Vampire coast with the Lord with the best name ever. Great way to spend a Friday.
ghost protocal
ghost protocal - 6 years ago
Yeeessss i have been waiting i pre-ordered vampire coast today so happy to see if it was worth it
Cult of GaLm
Cult of GaLm - 6 years ago
happy birthday to us its my birthday too :D
nicolas martinez
nicolas martinez - 6 years ago
Enter pirate of the Caribbean theme song here.
Werdo _
Werdo _ - 6 years ago
Plz do a co op vampire count
noahvanderdeen - 6 years ago
Happy birthday! I'm really exited for this campaign. Count noctilus will control all the seas!
RequiemReforged - 6 years ago
MUST HAVE MORE ZOMBIE PIRATES YEA!!!! love you lionheart thanks for uploading this. gratz on the early access.
The_Drop Bear
The_Drop Bear - 6 years ago
Hold on I will go make 1988 accounts to go like this video
AwesomeFinnBro - 6 years ago
Ribby - 6 years ago
+AwesomeFinnBro don't think it was a misclick since you did it the same way 4 times :P a funny mistake though xD
AwesomeFinnBro - 6 years ago
Ribby Yeah... That was a miss-click and a half.
Ribby - 6 years ago
AwesomeFinnBro jo??
Ginger Ninjas
Ginger Ninjas - 6 years ago
Silly youtube also what was that yarrr
Lanzho YT
Lanzho YT - 6 years ago
Early access and Happy Birthday :)
Moin - 6 years ago
let the vampire coast spam begin
Sajarmy 190
Sajarmy 190 - 6 years ago
Love your content looking forward to this campaign
Yasser Alahmadi
Yasser Alahmadi - 6 years ago
me to
EnzoKnolisgay - 6 years ago
First like

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