THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1
Sailing 6 years ago 500,905 views
#1 of My Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast, Count Noctilus Campaign! Can we hit 2,000 likes for an Early Hour Special at part 5? Feel Free To Leave A Like If You're Enjoying The Series! Pre-order Curse of the Vampire Coast Here: Save 19% by using Code: TWVAMP5 at checkout! (EU ONLY) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave your Unit Name Suggestions Here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:52 - Campaign Starts Battle Timestamps: 8:55 - First Blood Upon The Sea! 31:15 - Perils of the Island! 41:59 - Skull & Bones! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to check out my Patreon here: Check Out My Discord Here: Check Out My Live Streams Here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy PC Parts, Monitors, Accessories and More! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Great Games at Awesome Prices: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My Qutee's Here:
3:52 - Campaign Starts
Battle Timestamps:
8:55 - First Blood Upon The Sea!
31:15 - Perils of the Island!
41:59 - Skull & Bones!
10. comment for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1
Question 2 ofc I never played this game, so can you play with phoenixes in the base game and are they good?
Also how many dlc does it have with how much content cuz I’m thinking of getting the game
20. comment for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1
30. comment for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1
50. comment for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1
"Think you can outwit me, do ya, ye blasted interlopers. Summon...the Kraken!"
100. comment for THE DREADFLEET SETS SAIL! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Vampire Coast Campaign - Count Noctilus #1
Until ya look at his nice smooth clean normal looking neck
Then he just looks like he haves some real expensive makeup on
Best looking units in the game imo.
"Does this mean you’re introducing naval battles?
No, we don’t currently have any plans to build a system that adds full naval battles to the game. This would be a vast undertaking and certainly beyond the scope of a DLC pack.
We do however have two new battle types which will be added to Total War: WARHAMMER II as part of the free update, which bring you an active alternative to auto-resolving naval encounters: Island battles and Black Ark battles.
When two armies meet in battle at sea, you can choose to autoresolve as usual, or fight the battle. If you choose the latter, all belligerents will disembark from their ships and fight on a nearby island. This means that your armies will be able to fight with their full land-based battle capabilities, and under your full control. To support this, we’ve created a series of island maps with their own geographical idiosyncrasies, broadening the gamut of battle types in the game and, of course, providing a platform to let armies at sea fight with all the bonuses you’ve designed into them.
The same is true of Black Arks. When attacking – or defending – a Black Ark at sea, a land battle will be fought on the vast rocky slopes and ledges of the Black Ark itself, surrounding by towering Dark Elf architecture.
These battle types may sound familiar to the modding community. Last week, we were somewhat surprised (and more than a little impressed) to see a new mod, made by Maruka and Marthenil, had been released which also adds a variant of these battle types to the game.
We got in touch with them last week to let them know that we’ve been working on a similar feature in-house for an official update. We in no way want to take anything away from all the hard work they have poured in over the past year and want to take this opportunity to give them a shout-out. You can find more details about the mod here:
We will continue to work closely with modders and do our best to ensure that we avoid overlapping with them as much as we feasibly can."
This is actually really awesome. I think the only other company so close and connected to their community is Paradox. Awesome job to the TW team :)
I saw dread pirates and was imagining some sick naval battles. Only to find that my pirates will teleport to a fucking island.
Why bother adding a naval ship based faction if you’re going to butcher it.
They are right, that would be beyond the scope of a dlc - so why fucking shoehorn it into one. Turn it into an expansion/massive update.
Same is happening with 3KTW, no naval battles despite some impactful naval battles taking place during the period.
Craààaaaaaaaab people
. Just a little southpark for yall
My hope to see in the warhammer is to be able to costom your color army, and custom your champion/hero like in table top its self. Convert a champion to be able to weild great weapons etc. You know, things that should be allow from the codex books.
Like with chaos each faction of the four gods gives them a unique ability khone more strength in the attack, nurgle with extra health, slaanesh with well... What ever they do best (I don't play them), then tzeetch relying on magic protection or useage bonuses.
I just can't wait to see the rest of them factions coming out and characters.
I started playing the table top in 2015 it was a lot of fun and so many models so seeing the game into PC total war makes me feel like I want to keep playing more warhammer, and gather friends who have the game and do a reply event from a book or campaign. But I wish they can also allow us to decide and choose if we can add terrain and set it up in multiplayer min would be 4 max is 8 or at least have a setting to make it so friends can try out and play it fun.
But I can understand they want to try and make things work slowly and how will it progress. Warhammer total war was a huge surprise for me and I love it now with the second one I can't wait to play when I get my PC up again I would love to play again and buy the second game.
I just hope we will have the orges and daemons in the next one.
If they plan on making it with just Chaos they should make an all 4 chaos gods army for both warriors and Daemons.
I'll be looking forward to see more of your clips to see what's in store with as far as factions.
How will they bring in the enteral storm cast my guess would have to be a 4th game or 5th reason why I wanna say they have to make an all or nothing with all factions for the endtimes but we will have to see.
Sucks how the endtimes end yes we chaos have won but no Sigma desides to "hey I'm just gonna hit this and all is reset with a new life and a begining, oh while I'm at it let's make some new factions to help keep peace and have more chaos happening" dont ask friends and I have the crazy mind of how it went down after Chaos had won the war during the endtimes events
almost one shots that unit of depth guard.
>spits out cork
>guzzles it down
GG, YouTube content creators.
Bill was born and grew up in the south of England. His father was heavy into drink and gambling, spending most of his time at the local alehouses around London. He never had interest in being a father and left when Bill was only 8, leaving his wife and son to fend for themselves. Unfortunately for Bill, his mother contracted Typhoid Fever and died when he was just 11 years old. Bill found himself on the streets of London, begging for food. What he couldn't buy he stole. However, after 5 years on the streets of London he was caught and forced to work in a factory which manufactured black powder for the Royal Navy. This is where Bill found his love for explosives.
He began to steal black powder from the factory. Then at nights he would find the dregs of society, vagabonds and beggars. He would capture them and force them to swallow a small leather-bound packet of blackpowder tied to a fuse. Thus he would end their lives using black powder.... a grisly and gruesome death. This is how the nickname "blackpowder" came to be....
Years passed and Bill continued his murderous campaign on the streets of London. His luck ran out, however, when one day he found his father... clean from drink and gambling. He was now a prominent government figure in London and Her Majesty's service. Bill wasted no time kidnapping his father and subjected him to the same grisly fate as his other victims.
The news of his father's death shook London. Bill became a wanted criminal. The penalty for killing a man in Her Majesty's service was death by hanging. Bill had no choice. He had to run....
He found work on a ship captained by Cutthroat Jack, a notorious pirate known throughout the Atlantic.
Unfortunately for Bill, the Royal Navy caught up to him, engaging Cutthroat Jack and his crew in an epic battle. As Her Majesty's men boarded the pirate vessel, Bill "Blackpowder" Silver was run through by a cutlass and thrown overboard.
But the sea would not accept his body to Davy Jones locker just yet. For Bill had not paid for the souls of those he had murdered. He was raised up from the waters and put in the service of Count Noctilus, a feared pirate of the Undead.
Bill was cursed to suffer the same fate as his victims, death by explosion, a thousand times over. And thus Bill would be used by Count Noctilus in battle time and again... until his debt is paid.
I hope you can disable that. And i don't even know warhammer lore..
Tyrion: "So it would seem..."
Early in the night
Way high and up she rises x3
Early in the night
Put him in the sun until he's roasted x3
Early in the night
In 1913, a character in Jack London’s The Valley of the Moon bitterly complains, “We’re hornswoggled. We’re backed to a standstill. We’re double-crossed to a fare-you-well”. Seven years later the young P G Wodehouse employed it in Little Warrior: “Would she have the generosity to realize that a man ought not to be held accountable for what he says in the moment when he discovers that he has been cheated, deceived, robbed — in a word, hornswoggled?”
By then, the word had been in the language with that meaning for more than half a century, and even then it had been around for some decades with an older sense of “embarrass, disconcert or confuse”. People had long since turned it into an exclamation of surprise or amazement: “Well, I’ll be hornswoggled!”
Peter Watts argues in A Dictionary of the Old West that it comes from cowpunching. A steer that has been lassoed around the neck will “hornswoggle”, wag and twist its head around frantically to try to slip free of the rope. A cowboy who lets the animal get away with this is said to have been “hornswoggled”. A nice idea, but nobody seems to have heard of hornswoggle in the cattle sense, and it may be a guess based on horn.
Nobody else has much idea either, though it’s often assumed to be one of those highfalutin words like absquatulate and rambunctious that frontier Americans were so fond of creating. It’s sad to have to tag a word as “origin unknown” yet again, but that’s the long and the short of it.
edit - they are talking about araby a lot lately (in game and other areas), next major faction is probably araby.
I think the Necrofex can fire while moving (you might have to check) so don't be afraid to charge him forward and engage in melee, he's still got some powerful melee abilities, but that range is very good! Nice work sniping the cannons.
Losing your depth guard was a pretty poor move, I think you need to check your how to guide on using meat shields, they're supposed to be the ones soaking up all the hits while the depth guard are supposed to charge in already engaged units and deal the damage.
Try not to just spam Healing on the meat shield units too, if you hadn't used them on the deckhands you could probably have saved your depth guard, I'd say try save it for units that are at least half health or higher priority ones.
And I'd say get the monster building, those bloated corpses look great and animated husks could be useful, you need some stronger units and some large would certainly do that. Your necrofex and spells gives you enough range for now.
They are a little more attractive than her and I imagine they smell less like fish and rot.
It would be awesome if you could build ships with the land ships and like go under water and have full on naval battles
Instantly teleport to land.
Personally, I would go for cannons afterwards instead of monsters, but that's my preference. I mean, the early monsters seem to be more of tanks and not damage dealers. What you need right now though, are damage dealers. You can tie up enemies with your throw away zombie mobs, but if there's nothing to do the damage -- and do that damage quickly before the wavering begins, well... As any Vampire in early stages battles of attrition are the worst. AND! You'll need more range to compete with the elves. With the cannons you can at leas get some shots in while the rest of your army closes in. In general, Vampire Coast seems to me to be super glassy (and it should). Throwing your mobs into the fray and getting them slaughtered just to let your actually important units do all the damage and then just re-summoning them after the battle is over is the whole point of Vampire armies. So, yeah, I'd go for artillery or something else that's very hard hitting. But only after growth.
Also, could I humbly request that you get one female Lord and just fill her army with nothing but gunpowder units? To become this campaign Kazadni. It can be one of those cool ones that need research and 1k infamy, so that she can have her own ship and all. That'd be awesome. :3
EDIT: alright, time to start my own campaign along side your's. Like I often do.
Edit: Happy birthday
I do hope there is a mortal empires version for the Vampite Coast Faction as that will be fun to play.
Blackfairy (from EGX 2017)
Watch the video :......
"Never mind"
Edit : happy birthday
Can you show the faction menu next time with the suitable climate?
Keep up the good work.
If memory serves, most bombardment spells are not very effective (i.e: nearly useless) against single entity units, they are much more effective against clumps and units with high entitiy count (The bombardment will hit more models in the same area, simple as that)
Also, happy birthday to you and your brother!
I hope you've had a happpy birthday, Lionheart. Especially since you'll get to play the Vampire Coast!!
Deckhands-the Scurvy Dogs, the Scallywags, the Rapscallions, the Bilge Rats, the Pressgang
Gunnery mob- the Privateers, the Carousers, Me Hearties, the Landlubbers
Depth guard- Brethren of the Coast, Scourge of the Seas
Exploding Corpse- Tiny, Micheal Bay
The walking ship- Flying Dutchman, the Leviathan
Captains/Admirals- Admiral of the Black, Black Beard, Jack Ketch I like reading about pirates stop judging.
- The Battle of The Galleon's Graveyard:
-> Wiping out the cavalry early.
-> Pinning spearmen, then hitting with a Bloated Corpse.
- The 1st Battle of The Great Ocean:
-> Sending the Bloated Corpse into the Depth Guard.
-> Using Noctilus to bunch up the enemy for another Bloated Corpse attack.
- The 2nd Battle of The Great Ocean:
-> Focussing down the Carronade.
-> Wraith Storm on the Leviathan.
-> Flank-firing into engaged Depth Guard.
- The Battle of The Galleon's Graveyard:
-> Letting Gunnery Mobs get caught several times.
- The 1st Battle of The Great Ocean:
-> Letting your Gunnery Mobs get caught again.
- The 2nd Battle of The Great Ocean:
-> Once more, bogged down Gunnery Mobs.
-> Overcommitting your Depth Guard and using them as a tar-pit. They should've been the flanking attack instead.
Other Comments:
- The Colossus has a chance to spawn deckhands when its health dropped below a certain amount.
Suggested actions:
- Go for the monstrosities before the cannons.
Overall: Bit of a mixed start.
Well played CA, well played.
Time to set sail ye shamblin' swabbies.
Their are quiet a few places with then slot cities rather close to eachother.
stole the Queen from her bed
and bound her in her bones
the seas be ours and by the powers
where we will we'll roam
Yo ho, all hands
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
Now some have died
and some are alive
and others sail on sea
with the keys to the cage
and the Devil to pay
we lay to Fiddler's Green.
Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colours high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
The bell has been raised
from it's water grave
Hear it's sepulchral tone?
A call to all
pay heed the squall
and turn yourself toward home
Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die
The King and his men
stole the Queen from her bed
and bound her in her bones.
The seas be ours and by the powers
Where we will we'll roam.
We take our loot but dont get old
Hail the mighty he arises from the deep
With tattered sails and incredible tales recorded in the sea
To break the Black and Sphinxes’ balls,
To raid the sands and take their gold,
We will despoil their ancient halls,
So they better bring their guards and hats,
‘cause they’ll need to watch their backs!
Bring the fight to the Land of the Dead,
And become the day when their kingdom falls!
A shanty for the tomb kings, specifically Arkhan :)