The Foul Island In The San Juan’s - Ep. 143 RAN Sailing

Why did the Spanish explorers name an island Sucia which means dirty in Spanish? Join us as we find out and visit more places in the San Juan Islands, U.S! We are a Swedish couple who wanted a different kind of life. So we moved aboard our sailboat RAN, a custom built Beason 40 in aluminium, untied the lines in the middle of the Swedish winter, January 2016, and started sailing south along the coast of Europe. There is no set route and we will go where the wind and our minds take us. CONNECT WITH US: - Website: - Instagram: - Facebook: Keep track of Ran and us here: JOIN THE CREW: A huge thank you to our Patrons for making this video possible! We love making inspiring videos and to share our adventure with you and with your support we can keep the videos coming. PRODUCTS & CAMERA GEAR: We have collected some of the products we use in our cruising life and to make videos in our Amazon shop. If you buy any of the items from our shop or anything else on Amazon (using the link), we get a small "ka-ching" in our cruising kitty. Thank you so much and thank you to Amazon Influencer program. Music credits: 00:02 Close - Patrik Almkvisth 03:53 The Warmth Of The Sun On Her Skin 3 - Peter Sandberg 04:55 Surf The Orange Water - Giants' Nest 07:29 Interstelled - Kim Aspen 13:13 New Ambitions - Trevor Kowalski Love, Malin & Johan

The Foul Island In The San Juan’s - Ep. 143 RAN Sailing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Sailing 5 years ago 36,675 views

Why did the Spanish explorers name an island Sucia which means dirty in Spanish? Join us as we find out and visit more places in the San Juan Islands, U.S! We are a Swedish couple who wanted a different kind of life. So we moved aboard our sailboat RAN, a custom built Beason 40 in aluminium, untied the lines in the middle of the Swedish winter, January 2016, and started sailing south along the coast of Europe. There is no set route and we will go where the wind and our minds take us. CONNECT WITH US: - Website: - Instagram: - Facebook: Keep track of Ran and us here: JOIN THE CREW: A huge thank you to our Patrons for making this video possible! We love making inspiring videos and to share our adventure with you and with your support we can keep the videos coming. PRODUCTS & CAMERA GEAR: We have collected some of the products we use in our cruising life and to make videos in our Amazon shop. If you buy any of the items from our shop or anything else on Amazon (using the link), we get a small "ka-ching" in our cruising kitty. Thank you so much and thank you to Amazon Influencer program. Music credits: 00:02 Close - Patrik Almkvisth 03:53 The Warmth Of The Sun On Her Skin 3 - Peter Sandberg 04:55 Surf The Orange Water - Giants' Nest 07:29 Interstelled - Kim Aspen 13:13 New Ambitions - Trevor Kowalski Love, Malin & Johan

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Most popular comments
for The Foul Island In The San Juan’s - Ep. 143 RAN Sailing

US Antigoon
US Antigoon - 5 years ago
Beautiful video, very nice framing of the shoots..The desire for perfection is quite obvious. Makes editing so much smoother..
Dennis Brach
Dennis Brach - 5 years ago
Absolutely beautiful!
BayAreaBlues - 5 years ago
11:50 - It looks delicious, but it's definitely a burrito, not a taco!  ;-)  Thanks for another great video.
Ben Scofield
Ben Scofield - 5 years ago
Amazing cinematography! This is probably the best footage I have ever seen of the San Juan islands. You two add a quality of perspective to the video that leaves me feeling as if I was there with you. The way you capture images of wildlife and scenery is truly amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this.
wayne persence
wayne persence - 5 years ago
Loving the content, Fab job eith the Haircuts. Keep up the good work.
Bill B.
Bill B. - 5 years ago
We truly Love your videos, ....very beautifully done, thanks again.
Ian Gregson
Ian Gregson - 5 years ago
Thanks for mentioning The Pig War lots of books on it, could have gone very differently.....
SailOceans - 5 years ago
Awesome ❤️
rcorn8114 - 5 years ago
Spider web cure. Pick up a tree limb about 3 to 4 feet long. As you walk use it to knock down the webs in front of you. Have used this when horse back riding trails.

10. comment for The Foul Island In The San Juan’s - Ep. 143 RAN Sailing

Captain Mike Hawaii
Captain Mike Hawaii - 5 years ago
You two look great with the haircuts! I hope you enjoyed the San Juans, makes me miss fishing and crabbing so much up there.
Mike Patton
Mike Patton - 5 years ago
Sad to see you leave Canada,hope you will come back
lethalspartan - 5 years ago
Do some fishing!
Brian Donnell
Brian Donnell - 5 years ago
I like the personalized ran Addis shoe. Where do you get those
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 5 years ago
You can make personalized shoes on Adidas website :)
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Enjoyed seeing that area with you! Maybe someday we will get there too! Thanks for sharing your nicely made videos with us :)
CmdrMic - 5 years ago
Johan, my wife and I go ballistic when we see you cut off all your beautiful blonde hair. WHY? Stop it. Your hair is fantastic, handsome, and helps soften your severe bone structure. When you make yourself bald, you look like an character out of of Prison Planet Scifi movie like: Aliens 3. Enjoy your beautiful Aryan hair before it turns to grey. Kindest regards and please consider my thoughts. Fair Winds.
Johnathon Smithname
Johnathon Smithname - 5 years ago
The directions you guys take with your videos is amazing. You guys highlight the natural wonders you encounter so amazingly.
Z ZZZ - 5 years ago
ok i would like to make a appointment for a hair cut tuesday at 10am
eric hoagland
eric hoagland - 5 years ago
greatvid guys. keep it up
madwldgrp1 - 5 years ago
Beauty awaits within my own backyard. Thank you for exploring, learning our history and documenting with care and love. Hope the refit is going smooth and successfully.

20. comment for The Foul Island In The San Juan’s - Ep. 143 RAN Sailing

Fly on the Rod T.V.
Fly on the Rod T.V. - 5 years ago
Iam from Alaska and I have done this route 6 or 7 times. What blows my mind is that you have been showing flat and glassy conditions from Seward to the San Juan's..... crazy. We get a lot of that, but I've never seen it like for the whole passage to Bellingham.
John - 5 years ago
Great video, with that new stove you are becoming a food channel as well as a sailing channel. I like it.
Digby Taylor
Digby Taylor - 5 years ago
Lovely thank you
Randy McCugh
Randy McCugh - 5 years ago
Just wondering if you could install a slightly angled deck in the lower chain locker? Would that help with the chain sitting down there?
Victor Raymond
Victor Raymond - 5 years ago
Wow, I can not believe you are the only boat there. Whenever I have been there it is packed full of boats and hard to find a place to anchor. Must remember to go at the end of the season. So much nicer
John Swanson
John Swanson - 5 years ago
Your videos of the natural beauty and wildlife among the San Juan Achipelago (incl Gulf Islands) truly does justice to this area as one of the most beautiful, unspoiled sailing grounds in North America and the world. The wildlife is especially uplifting. Thank you..
Brian Mardon
Brian Mardon - 5 years ago
The perfect !Pair! who are reaping the rewards of the effort that they have put into their Lives.
Prof. Michael O. Zeee JCD ECS
Prof. Michael O. Zeee JCD ECS - 5 years ago
Malin & Johan, thank you for another insight in the beauty of the Pacific-Northwest! Perfect editing and matching music! We have to get you to half a million subscribers! ;-)
502You - 5 years ago
Your vlogs never disappoint. Thanks for taking us along. Thumbed.
Christian Knebel
Christian Knebel - 5 years ago
nicely done! Some awesome footage of a truly spectacular part of North-America!

30. comment for The Foul Island In The San Juan’s - Ep. 143 RAN Sailing

John Clippinger
John Clippinger - 5 years ago
So cute, Love it!
 I am Recognized Hair Dresser, USCG Master Captain 50 ton with sailing endorsement, and a PADI, SDI Master SCUBA Instructor.
Le Caton
Le Caton - 5 years ago
Thanks for another great video of my home waters! I generally make that cruise twice a year.
Safe travels.
SV Brooklyn
alhidad1 - 5 years ago
I know it's expensive, but stainless steel chain flows into a much flatter pyramid
Great video btw
Derek Hodge
Derek Hodge - 5 years ago
Tried your pancake recipe on British pancake Tuesday. They were really good!! Thank you.
Desert Blacksmith
Desert Blacksmith - 5 years ago
Always well done and so relaxing.....puts me in the frame of mind for solice in life until next time.....Thank You!
Peter Welinder
Peter Welinder - 5 years ago
Riktigt fina vyer. Så snyggt filmat och editerat så det känns som man är på plats. Snygg frissa Malin. ;o)
Ken Randall
Ken Randall - 5 years ago
Nicely done, captured the majesty of the coastline - great drone shots! Thanks for sharing.
Ken Randall
Ken Randall - 5 years ago
Nicely done, captured the majesty of the coastline - great drone shots! Thanks for sharing.
Aidan - 5 years ago
thank you both so much once again
Sabbaticus - 5 years ago
Living life at 5 knots. Beautiful video you guys. Love the stunning PNW in fall.
Frank Rice
Frank Rice - 5 years ago
Wow BEAUTIFUL story and vedio
Mustard Biscuit
Mustard Biscuit - 5 years ago
Thanks for sharing another beautiful life episode. The quality of your videos is top notch. The sights and sounds you share are appreciated. Keep safe. Peace
On Tilt Sailing Dale Hudson
On Tilt Sailing Dale Hudson - 5 years ago
Pez Pengy
Pez Pengy - 5 years ago
the world is a better place for the two of you. :) youtube certainly is!
Joe Novello
Joe Novello - 5 years ago
Your. Videos are a breath of fresh air during the dreary Northwest winter days. I have cruised the San Juan islands and your videos remind me of cruises to come. Thank you.
wayne schmidt
wayne schmidt - 5 years ago
Loved the sunset and current shots. Thank you
AMarie Shearer
AMarie Shearer - 5 years ago
Very nice!
Sailing A B Sea
Sailing A B Sea - 5 years ago
Love the laid back approach to life. Inspiring.
t samson
t samson - 5 years ago
Beautifully captured via your video footage. Fair Winds!
michael d
michael d - 5 years ago
Making the PNW proud!

50. comment for The Foul Island In The San Juan’s - Ep. 143 RAN Sailing

Fredrik Wallinder
Fredrik Wallinder - 5 years ago
Wayne Federico
Wayne Federico - 5 years ago
A man and his concept on the land.. rivers ,rain and wind.. wearing away the land. The skin of the earth... Carry on guys Lovin it !!
wan-der-lust - 5 years ago
Too funny, when I started watching I thought "Malin is due for a haircut". It looks good.
Blaine Reeve
Blaine Reeve - 5 years ago
That is my home, the area I grew up sailing, now I live 1,000 miles south, I got tired of being cold and wet. I've circumnavigated Vancouver Island twice, both the inside and the outside are enjoyable, albeit quite different.
Enigmasol Films
Enigmasol Films - 5 years ago
The best chilled out sailing channel.
Sean Lathbury
Sean Lathbury - 5 years ago
I wonder about cleaning the chain. Perhaps something like CLR...... a mild acid you can pick up at most US grocery, hardware or Walmart stores. My thinking is that it's the little bits of plant and other that's keeping it from sliding past itself. Great videos. Thank you
Marco Antonio Federico
Marco Antonio Federico - 5 years ago
Thanks for share your movies.
Chas Ket
Chas Ket - 5 years ago
Wow oh, what a beautiful place The Hangout. Can you guys please leave a detailed description where you at I'm going to be doing a delivery from Alaska to San Diego and I'd kind of like to follow some of your hot spots that you guys would recommend thanks love you guys take care of be safe
Daniel Truran
Daniel Truran - 5 years ago
The fact that you are sailing to quite beautiful places does help but your way of filming, editing and telling makes everything even more special. Loved (!) the old tree by the beach in Isla Sucia!
Chas Ket
Chas Ket - 5 years ago
I just love those do it yourself haircuts. You both look great. It's so except pain in the butt dealing with stacked up anchor chain, I crewed on a tall ship one time and it took three people to literally " flake " the chain as it came into the chain Locker. And if I remember right that chain was about 10 pounds per foot. And we would put down typically 3 shots, ( at 90 feet a shot that's 270 feet of chain at 10 pounds per foot, you can do the math talking about a workout)
Mathias Nilsson
Mathias Nilsson - 5 years ago
Wow vilket foto och vilka vyer, vilket ljus ni fångar i bilderna, magiskt, har följt er sedan starten och drömmer om att göra samma resa...jorden runt, drömmen kommer slå in...... hoppas ni har det bra....bästa hälsningar Mathias
Tamer danki
Tamer danki - 5 years ago
Perfect movie. Thanks for you for this. I will waiting your new advantures
Paul - 5 years ago
Best Sailing Channel on YouTube by a mile - thanks
бомж GTA
бомж GTA - 5 years ago
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 5 years ago
So far, only on Adidas website :)
C Mosca
C Mosca - 5 years ago
Johan, such a serious face while cutting hair. Yeah, I'd be concentrating too if I was cutting my girlfriend's hair.
Doug Mcdonell
Doug Mcdonell - 5 years ago
Beautiful weather for October, the sunset was gorgeous!
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 5 years ago
Tack så mycket! :)
Nils Hammarsten
Nils Hammarsten - 5 years ago
Efter alla episoder i här så är Stockholms skärgård lite bättre och fjordarna i Norge.
Gör en episode I Scandinavien någon gång. Det finns ingen vad jag ser som gjort detta. Mesta är med sandstränder och Cocos palmer. Enstaka som ni med kargare klimat.
Ingen kritik bara en tanke...
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 5 years ago
Vi hoppas verkligen att vi kan segla i Sverige en dag och dela med oss av våra upplevelser här på YouTube!
Mac Court
Mac Court - 5 years ago
Watching your wonderful videos in bed is the best ever start to our weekend. So much talent and beauty, we are so sad when they come to the end. We had a five year retirement adventure on our boat, only it was a narrow boat on the English canals, but still had to overcome the haircutting, including our dog, that's probably as close as we came to your adventure. Cheers Mac & Jacquie
Patrick Magee
Patrick Magee - 5 years ago
Great video guys , always good to follow your travels. We get some pretty good tide rips through the thighs passes and channels . Pay attention to your tide charts and you will travel just fine. Faire wyndes.
Patrick Magee
Patrick Magee - 5 years ago
Great video guys , always good to follow your travels. We get some pretty good tide rips through the thighs passes and channels . Pay attention to your tide charts and you will travel just fine. Faire wyndes.
ushillbillies - 5 years ago
Another excellent video..
zee *
zee * - 5 years ago
We just finished watching 143 episodes over the last month and loved every one .We are happy to become patrons after watching all the excellent video footage.We miss Shabby did you name the new dingy or did we miss that part?Sorry to have missed you in Vancouver our home town but you did a great job filming alaska and BC. All the best
Ed Rosenberger
Ed Rosenberger - 5 years ago
You two make a wonderful team.....thank you for another beautifully filmed episode!!
Tim T
Tim T - 5 years ago
I should've learned of the 12-year "Pig War" in school. I feel cheated of that important historical episode in my education. Seriously, I appreciate the historical facts you share with us viewers. Your interest in local history is always impressive and enlightening.
Olli K
Olli K - 5 years ago
5:36 - If that was me and with my luck, I would have cut a few strokes across my head down to the scalp and then the clippers would have fallen into the water. I'd be left with an inverted mohawk.
Prel8 - 5 years ago
Hi Guys
My favourite sailing channel. I'm glad that I got to meet you in Vancouver and I really enjoy your videos. Your videography and editing keeps getting better and better.
Tom Barker
Tom Barker - 5 years ago
Your photography was amazing. The wilderness spectacular. Thank you for taking me to places I will never get to see. Continued safe travels you two.
Lori Gunter
Lori Gunter - 5 years ago
I have lived here almost my entire life and am just now seeing some of these beautiful places through your amazing perspective and lovely videos! Thank you for giving me the chance to experience these special places now. The drone segments are so awesome!
Mike Hensen
Mike Hensen - 5 years ago
It’s funny how serious Johan looks while cutting Malin’s hair, other times under pressure he’s smiling or joking, but cutting her hair...dead serious, I guess he knows what’s important, nice job on both haircuts Johan!
Mike Hagen
Mike Hagen - 5 years ago
Such a beautiful video. The scenery, and the Attenborough-like voiceover from Johan... WOW! You two really have outdone yourselves! NatGeo should seriously contract you as a source. Malin, your editing is phenomenal, thank you so much (again) for sharing your world experience with those of us still roped to a desk!
Darrell Belk
Darrell Belk - 5 years ago
Another great video you two!! Can't wait to retire and sail up the whole Northwest like you guys have done. Safe travels and thank you for your efforts.
Mr C
Mr C - 5 years ago
Really nice video, but you have some nasty weather headed your way. Might be interesting to see how you handle bad weather , and how you hunker down to stay safe . Best to you both !
Philip Gray
Philip Gray - 5 years ago
Great video again. Makes me want to visit that part of the world.
Les Sd
Les Sd - 5 years ago
At 12:36, what is that metal round object sticking out from your port bow? Thanks once again for excellent footage. Best video presentation on YouTube sailing continuing on. The Alaskan adventure series should receive some kind of honor for sure. Without a doubt the best put together for entertainment, information, and craftmanship.
June Peck
June Peck - 5 years ago
Love the video. I enjoy the history from each of the different places you visit.
baynessoundview - 5 years ago
So many wonderful vignettes in this one!
Don Kinzer
Don Kinzer - 5 years ago
You are doing a fantastic job of documenting the stunning beauty of one part of the Pacific Northwest! I have lived in Oregon since 1977 (having grown up in Ohio and Indiana) and I am still to this day in awe of the natural beauty of Washington, Oregon and northern California.
pinebearclub - 5 years ago
Wow, why would anyone want to leave? This is so beautiful and you had it all to yourself! You must stay another season just to truly experience more Pacific Northwest beauty! I can’t believe this is so close by...

Bryan from Vancouver
baynessoundview - 5 years ago
I think that this is your best yet. You both must have enjoyed filming and editing this one. This is by far the best videography of any channel that I watch. Thank you!
vijay bedi
vijay bedi - 5 years ago
Beautiful video as ever, complimented by excellent music, informative & interesting comments... Look forward to your videos every week.
urlkrueger - 5 years ago
Such concentration on Johan's face while cutting Malin's hair. A braver man than I.
kire nireves
kire nireves - 5 years ago
Johan is a smart man... gives his wife a haircut of only a few centimeters and she looks 5 years younger. ^_^
sean haugen
sean haugen - 5 years ago
Another excellent episode!
Shane Davis
Shane Davis - 5 years ago
try warming up those tortillas on the open flame of the stove top, couple of seconds (5) on each side. huge improvement in texture and taste! cheers!
Renato Talacay
Renato Talacay - 5 years ago
Hey gay komosta for Manila Philippines
Neal Birch
Neal Birch - 5 years ago
Beautiful. You look at life with wonder, and we see it through your eyes
cdouglas1942 - 5 years ago
The American San Juan Islands and adjacent Canadian Gulf Islands are some of the worlds great cruising grounds. I enjoyed many a summer vacation there back in my boating days. Many fond memories. Thanks.
Chippy The Chipmunk
Chippy The Chipmunk - 5 years ago
Watch out for giant sea monsters!

100. comment for The Foul Island In The San Juan’s - Ep. 143 RAN Sailing

amham48 - 5 years ago
You nailed the lighting for the "golden hour", just beautiful!
jay donnell
jay donnell - 5 years ago
Just wonderful . beautiful video... y’all should do this for a living...
Phil Gawthrop
Phil Gawthrop - 5 years ago
Awesome video!
Maoli2013 - 5 years ago
Seriously beautiful video. I don't understand how you can continue to raise the bar in excellence.
Michael Touchette
Michael Touchette - 5 years ago
not going to laugh at the hair cut.... not going to laugh at the hair cut.... not going to laugh at the hair cut.... bwahaaa

but video was incredible.....
zavman109 - 5 years ago
Beautiful. It was especially fun to watch this one for me. I make an annual trip to the San Juans from the eastern part of WA with my little trailer sailer. Sucia is my favorite and you showed it well, has me longing to return this summer.
Bob - 5 years ago
Malin, could could always get a job in a video production company, this episode is a delight to watch and listen too. My only complaint would be that it could be twice as long. Fantastic job
James gibson
James gibson - 5 years ago
You are having a great adventure, thanks for sharing.
mark edwards
mark edwards - 5 years ago
Just beautiful guys makes want to get off the mooring and sail up there
Love your videos keep them coming
tod mills
tod mills - 5 years ago
Yet another great video. Have you worked out how you are going to handle the immigration issue you mentioned, about being able to only stay for a short time since you hadn't officially jumped through all the silly bureaucratic immigration hoops?
Perhaps the word Johan was searching for at 19:02 was "erosion" or "eroding"?
Mike Hensen
Mike Hensen - 5 years ago
tod mills I think he was talking about soil slumps or tiny landslides, when the soil subsides as a whole downhill, as opposed to erosion, ie, getting cut away by water, but hey, aren’t they lovely bloody videos?
wombatdk - 5 years ago
Your quiet, relaxing videos just make me smile every time.
Geoff Titterton
Geoff Titterton - 5 years ago
Great job as always, Sucia a high light on anyone's crusing agenda in the Salish Sea!
TheMusicrox4 - 5 years ago
Johan, know what the difference, for a man, between a good and bad hair cut is? About 2-3 weeks.
runway heading
runway heading - 5 years ago
Watch out for the Bigfoot crazies around there!
Greg Meir
Greg Meir - 5 years ago
Love you guys!
Dan Johnson
Dan Johnson - 5 years ago
Always perfect. Fair winds ,,,,,,,,,/),,,,,,,,,
Bob Conaway
Bob Conaway - 5 years ago
Yet again beautiful photography! Thank you.
Bradoutnabout - 5 years ago
I have seen a inverted cone in chain lockers that seems to work well in making chain lay out more evenly, might be worth considering..
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 5 years ago
We have this in our chain locker already...
canada752 - 5 years ago
love your videos keep sending guys
Richard Parish
Richard Parish - 5 years ago
Wonderful videography! Love you guys!
Barry Thompson
Barry Thompson - 5 years ago
WOW! The quality of your videos are phenomenal, volume levels are right-on and the music is perfectly blended. Real professionals
Hiking Lang
Hiking Lang - 5 years ago
Great video! You should do a video that focuses on your boat. Like model, length, features, where it was built, what you like and dislike about it, etc.
Murray westenskow
Murray westenskow - 5 years ago
One way to describe (in English) the soil erosion you noticed is called "leaching." As always - enjoy your work. Thank you for providing it.
jrp616 - 5 years ago
Beautiful drone shots of the islands in your opening. Several other stunning shots as well. Compliments to the photographer, editor & barber.
ClayZ - 5 years ago
Fortunately all the spiders are harmless. Annoying webs though, and you never know when you will have one on you lurking in your shirt.
Cawfee Dawg
Cawfee Dawg - 5 years ago
As always, a lovely video!
Keith Tucker
Keith Tucker - 5 years ago
Beautiful. You guys would enjoy the 1000 Islands in Ontario Canada.
little bird
little bird - 5 years ago
It is a tender picture of Johan cutting Malin's hair on the table. As a symbol of mutual care - looks like love. :)
Darko - 5 years ago
Great great video as always, but the Drone footage spectacular....
Robert Putnam
Robert Putnam - 5 years ago
The border was drown along the deapest part of the chanel
Brian Boys
Brian Boys - 5 years ago
Check out the sydney 18 footers live the next few days. Hopefully there will be enough wind. Amazing machines.
Robert Putnam
Robert Putnam - 5 years ago
He cut your hair but you make it look good
Zumbaangels1 - 5 years ago
Congratulations. Wishing you many years of great sailing in your new Creo. We will be sailing in our first yacht ‘Second Wind’ in the Ionian this summer. Hopefully we will bump into you.....not literally!
ascott - 5 years ago
12:35? Pipe? Storage for a wisker pole! Torpedo hatch? ...torpedoes on a sail boat!!?? That would be fun?!!!
That wrap looked awsome!!
He does hair too?!! Can he build a ship in a bottle?? Lol love your videos!!
ascott - 5 years ago
+tod mills i ant to see this!! Lookin now!! Thank you!!

Torpedoes would have been cooler!!??
tod mills
tod mills - 5 years ago
retractable bowsprit for the tack of an asymmetrical spinnaker
Steve Wright
Steve Wright - 5 years ago
TV quality, or better. Very nice. Very relaxing. Well done.
Philip Freeman
Philip Freeman - 5 years ago
Early sailors had a lot of challenges . Love joy peace wealth & abundance .
pkane5472 - 5 years ago
A comment for a comment's sake.
MrRJBooth - 5 years ago
Great vlog guys . Very visual n informative . Love your stuff :-D
Jack Vanderhyde
Jack Vanderhyde - 5 years ago
Stellar photography with a beautiful storyline that's both informative and entertaining. I love the way you document your travels. I missed seeing the arbutus trees and sandstone beaches.
George Ferguson
George Ferguson - 5 years ago
You guys are awesome!
Don Kramer
Don Kramer - 5 years ago
Your videos are great, Ill be up in Seattle Saturday to look at a Hunter 410 to buy on Lake Union. I hope you guys are enjoying the Pacific Northwest and the nice weather is right around the corner.
dhamma58 - 5 years ago
this led me to wikipedia and what of the pig war.....a fascinating and pig-headed story of border dispute....with such characters as Roberts (Roberts rules of order) and Pickett (of Picketts' charge) and of Brit and American troops facing off for many years....(main threat to peace being the usual massive amounts of alcohol available). Kudos to Ran for always interesting bits of culture and history....
Randy Stevens
Randy Stevens - 5 years ago
Was that before or after you Rebuilt the engine
janis ripple
janis ripple - 5 years ago
Awesome Adventures
Glenn Gutshall
Glenn Gutshall - 5 years ago
I've been to Sucia a couple of times & loved it, although it can get pretty crowded in summer.
Dick Ross
Dick Ross - 5 years ago
I would like to invite youtubers who are interested in sailing to be aware of a race to Ketchikan Alaska from Port Townsend, Washington. The web page is The race is for boats without motors. I subscribed to the blog last year. What A Kick! The race starts on June 3, 2019 at 5am.
Soma Devo
Soma Devo - 5 years ago
Your videos consistently result in loving and admiring both of you. You do a great job of sharing treasures from your ongoing adventures.. Not surprised you're loving the new stove. Glad to see Ran receieve this upgrade that enhances your life daily. Highest Blessings
John Mac Lellan
John Mac Lellan - 5 years ago
Incredible video one of the most amazing and filled with warmth as you allow us to share in your incredible odyssey with your faithful viewing audience.Congratulations to you both as our world is made richer by your special input..
Scott Boye
Scott Boye - 5 years ago
It's always fun to see my backyard! I live on San Juan Island and based on the dates, I think I was up to Sucia Island on a cruise just a few days before you. I think you've captured the essence of Sucia very well. I look forward to future videos of other places in the San Juans.
Scott Boye
Scott Boye - 5 years ago
+Fredrick Rourk Occasionally. He's over on Lopez these days and I'm on San Juan. Each island tends to be its own community. It's only 4 miles as the crow flies from my house to Fisherman Bay on Lopez where he moors his boat but literally three hours to drive what with the ferry ride between us. I see his boat out sailing every once in a while.
Fredrick Rourk
Fredrick Rourk - 5 years ago
Do you watch Art of Hookie
He is in the San Juans
SolarBurrito - 5 years ago
Love it. Sucia is my favorite place to camp!
will shu
will shu - 5 years ago
My wife is from Shaw Island. You should go there.
Larry G
Larry G - 5 years ago
Shaw is beautiful, always liked anchoring in the bay on the north side. Do the nuns still run the ferry landing and store?
DreamVideo Television
DreamVideo Television - 5 years ago
You always make the best episodes on YouTube. The only series we watch every week as soon as they are posted. You should make a hair cut video special edition. Johan is a master cutter, Malin's hair turned out really cute ! Thanks so much!
Ram-n_dodge - 5 years ago
i've been watching and enjoying your videos for so long and your finally in my home town! Hopefully you enjoy Seattle and it's surrounding mountains, there is so much beauty here and it's why i call it home.
I know you guys love the animals so if you have time to visit Sequim check out the olympic game farm if you would like to pet and feed follow deer and elk among others.
carlisle - 5 years ago
Beautiful! Your video production is impeccable. Makes me appreciate the area I live in so much. Thanks.
Morkelid - 5 years ago
Inspirerande som vanligt.
J Harvey
J Harvey - 5 years ago
Great job guys, love the drone footage. Question, of all the places sailed what are your top 3 favourites? Do the Gulf Islands rank up there?
Good luck and “Long may your big job draw”
okay Fine
okay Fine - 5 years ago
Another great video. I have one question though how much was your AIS system to purchase and operate?
Tom Williams
Tom Williams - 5 years ago
Another beautiful spot. I think you bring the beauty with you wherever you go.
I hope it doesn't get too stormy the next few days.
Safe travels from your friend in Syracuse NY
ZauberTocc - 5 years ago
Beautiful video, really enjoyed it, thank you very much. The drone parts are especially spectacular!
stimpsonjcat67 - 5 years ago
At 12:35, is that a telescoping bowsprit?
Paulzypaul - 5 years ago
when are you going to hook up with La Vagabond?
Todd Simpson
Todd Simpson - 5 years ago
Tally ho and @sampsonboatco is very close!
philippe chevereau
philippe chevereau - 5 years ago
Paulzypaul - better meet up with Tally Ho! It is right net door in Squamish!
callmepokey1 - 5 years ago
looking forward to the next video as always. Thank You
Dennis Brown
Dennis Brown - 5 years ago
Beautiful country. The water is so calm. Love the Beautiful sunsets. Love your videos.
Chris Ofsthun
Chris Ofsthun - 5 years ago
You're in my home state! YESSSSSSS!!!
Brian Clifford Steele
Brian Clifford Steele - 5 years ago
Wow great video again guys. Multi talented Johann, Chef-Carpenter Mechanic- Engineer-Captain and Hairdresser, what else can he do? Great Documentary maker. And i forget all of Marlene´´s talents, but they are many .
John Tripp
John Tripp - 5 years ago
Spider webs yes but how many bears:)
E Lipsis
E Lipsis - 5 years ago
Pancakes and haircuts? A man of hidden talents! Great episode
beachplumb - 5 years ago
15:15 - I think I would've planned a meal specifically to eat at that table.
Filigonpuck Skronkaamulen
Filigonpuck Skronkaamulen - 5 years ago
Det gör vi garanterat Malin ;)
Carsten Spräner
Carsten Spräner - 5 years ago
Looks pretty much like sailing in the skärgård. Isn't it like coming home? Thx for your videos
Deluk - 5 years ago
I had to smile. While watching Malin's piece to camera at the beginning, I said to myself "that girl could do with a haircut"! Nice job Johan. Beautiful video.
Louis van wyk
Louis van wyk - 5 years ago
Hi There
Hi There - 5 years ago
Wow! You guys find some really beautiful places: that secluded mooring surrounded by small, wooded islands. Just perfect!
Dutch Globetrotter
Dutch Globetrotter - 5 years ago
What an awesome place.
Try a divider bar, or chain spreader to break up the chain pile up.
Malcolm Harvey
Malcolm Harvey - 5 years ago
Another beautifully tranquil episode in your perfect English, a huge thank you from all us English speakers
Just Me
Just Me - 5 years ago
Just a comment so I can say I left a comment. :-)
Rob Johnson
Rob Johnson - 5 years ago
You always surprise us. Sailor, engine mechanic, now hair dresser. Once again such beautiful nature. RAN is taking you such wonderful places.
Matt Watkins
Matt Watkins - 5 years ago
Thanks for the detail on Stuart and Sucia. My first multi-day sail was about 6 weeks earlier and included San Juan, Lopez, and Cypress. This year we're planning to make it farther north and likely will anchor one of these two island before entering at Bedwell Harbour. And nice little note about the fossils....our FIRST dinosaurs ever discovered in the Washington. Very different geology in this area.
TOM - 5 years ago
you deserve a thumbs up , thank you great as usual , I have no idea where /why buddy gave you a thumbs down ? I guess he/she is into something else . I look forward to Fridays Ran is the cherry on top
Laurie Ashley
Laurie Ashley - 5 years ago
No one got injured except the pig!
Rich Glenn
Rich Glenn - 5 years ago
You do an excellent job with your channel.
moz - 5 years ago
hard to come up with anymore superlatives to describe your vlogs so i'll just say wonderful again and wish you had many more views, stay well and be safe
Josef Piekarz
Josef Piekarz - 5 years ago
wonderful footage, thanks for sharing and have a safe trip.
Andreas Poppe
Andreas Poppe - 5 years ago
sorry but cutting hair is always a bad idea!!!
SV Impavidus (Ant & Cid Sailing)
SV Impavidus (Ant & Cid Sailing) - 5 years ago
Spectacular. Discovery channel will be knocking at your door! Sail Safe. Ant & Cid SV Impavidus.
Clint Reagan
Clint Reagan - 5 years ago
Another great episode
Marc Andre Robert
Marc Andre Robert - 5 years ago
Hi guys.( This useless comment is meant to help my favorite sailors with their YouTube statistics revenue. Youtube factors in the number of 1: LIKE 2: COMMENT 3: SHARE .)
Marc Andre Robert
Marc Andre Robert - 5 years ago
jan mitchel
jan mitchel - 5 years ago
Haha! We follow a lot of the same channels. I see this comment a lot. Good on you.
Marc Andre Robert
Marc Andre Robert - 5 years ago
Good to know, thank you.
Tim T
Tim T - 5 years ago
Cheers to you Marc Andre Robert. I've learned that it also helps to let the advertisements finish before pressing play. That apparently helps YTube creators with advertising revenue. It isn't a lot of money (maybe & 10-20 USD/Euros per) but every bit helps. Its not asking a lot to wait a minute or 2 for the ads to run.
jatodon - 5 years ago
Beautiful footage guys. You really had some great weather on the south coast of BC considering October is a shoulder season. Looking forward to more of Washington State!
Howard White
Howard White - 5 years ago
13:20 - Wow! How beautiful.
Josephine Robertson
Josephine Robertson - 5 years ago
Fun to see you all in our area. We live just outside of Seattle.
Suzanne Ouimet
Suzanne Ouimet - 5 years ago
Love those Harlequin ducks
Suzanne Ouimet
Suzanne Ouimet - 5 years ago
Beautiful drone footage!
Conny Harlin
Conny Harlin - 5 years ago
Och .epoxilagningen/tätningen kring läckande komptryck via spridaren håller fortfarande?? Många timmar nu,,,,
Sailing Infidels
Sailing Infidels - 5 years ago
We have a funny story about the San Juan Islands as seen from the Gulf Islands

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About The Foul Island In The San Juan’s - Ep. 143 RAN Sailing

The "The Foul Island In The San Juan’s - Ep. 143 RAN Sailing" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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