The Perfect Storm - Bad Weather Sailing / Daily Life on a Catamaran (Zatara Ep 61)

Hey friends! Your wish is my command! You asked for longer videos, and here is nearly a half hour of pure, raw, unfiltered Zatara sailing, humor, and everyday life on the Z-Boat! Ok maybe a bit filtered, because, you know…Keith. We left France and set out on a 370nm sail to Mallorca, Spain, but had to stop halfway to rerun (yet another) line that snapped. We finally arrived in Palma de Mallorca and had an amazing time with lots of other family boats! Skip straight to the parts you are interested in: 1:06 Skip Intro; Begin sailing to Mallorca, Spain 4:19 Lost Spinnaker 7:56 Layover in Menorca, Spain; replace halyard 11:01 Weather discussion / PredictWind 12:19 Begin 2nd leg of sail to Mallorca; Sail thru storms 20:52 Arrived in Mallorca; Life at anchor; Kids Kids Kids! If you wish to support our video efforts all we ask is that you SUBSCRIBE, give a THUMBS UP, and SHARE with your friends! Or buy some goodies and help us get these kids off the boat and on to college! Happy Sailing! Renee & the Z-Crew Music: Float Away - Grabbitz/Monstercat 025: Threshold ▼ Follow Monstercat Snapchat: Monstercat YouTube: Spotify: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Vine: SoundCloud: Google+: Monstercat FM: ▼ Follow Grabbitz Facebook: Twitter: Soundcloud: Youtube: Magic Marker provided by Heroboard heroboard – free music to free your mind » Instagram » Discord Impact Allegretto, Easy Day, Honey Bee by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Mederra – Waves provided by Heroboard heroboard – free music to free your mind » Instagram » Discord Just 2 dudes kickin' it. ⚛️ Maderra Title: Against The Sun (feat. Anna Yvette) by Rootkit from Against The Sun Video Link: Listen on Spotify: iTunes Download Link: #SailingZataraSeason2

The Perfect Storm - Bad Weather Sailing / Daily Life on a Catamaran (Zatara Ep 61) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 87

Sailing 6 years ago 114,245 views

Hey friends! Your wish is my command! You asked for longer videos, and here is nearly a half hour of pure, raw, unfiltered Zatara sailing, humor, and everyday life on the Z-Boat! Ok maybe a bit filtered, because, you know…Keith. We left France and set out on a 370nm sail to Mallorca, Spain, but had to stop halfway to rerun (yet another) line that snapped. We finally arrived in Palma de Mallorca and had an amazing time with lots of other family boats! Skip straight to the parts you are interested in: 1:06 Skip Intro; Begin sailing to Mallorca, Spain 4:19 Lost Spinnaker 7:56 Layover in Menorca, Spain; replace halyard 11:01 Weather discussion / PredictWind 12:19 Begin 2nd leg of sail to Mallorca; Sail thru storms 20:52 Arrived in Mallorca; Life at anchor; Kids Kids Kids! If you wish to support our video efforts all we ask is that you SUBSCRIBE, give a THUMBS UP, and SHARE with your friends! Or buy some goodies and help us get these kids off the boat and on to college! Happy Sailing! Renee & the Z-Crew Music: Float Away - Grabbitz/Monstercat 025: Threshold ▼ Follow Monstercat Snapchat: Monstercat YouTube: Spotify: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Vine: SoundCloud: Google+: Monstercat FM: ▼ Follow Grabbitz Facebook: Twitter: Soundcloud: Youtube: Magic Marker provided by Heroboard heroboard – free music to free your mind » Instagram » Discord Impact Allegretto, Easy Day, Honey Bee by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Mederra – Waves provided by Heroboard heroboard – free music to free your mind » Instagram » Discord Just 2 dudes kickin' it. ⚛️ Maderra Title: Against The Sun (feat. Anna Yvette) by Rootkit from Against The Sun Video Link: Listen on Spotify: iTunes Download Link: #SailingZataraSeason2

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Most popular comments
for The Perfect Storm - Bad Weather Sailing / Daily Life on a Catamaran (Zatara Ep 61)

Nomad - 5 years ago
Good escape from trump world
Karen Mata
Karen Mata - 5 years ago
Keith...I guess that's a sat phone dome on the stern .. please consider relocating it much, much higher...and don't believe the claims that radar is harmless...I know of lots of yachtsmen who succumbed to brain cancer way back in the day before cell phones
mrjl barrett
mrjl barrett - 5 years ago
Time for line replacement
victor patiu
victor patiu - 6 years ago
weather is good today just like ... our creator ....
victor patiu
victor patiu - 6 years ago
if we mistake and continously doing it ... someone higher above .... has seen are work.... we like a clown ... that laugh and laugh upon...
Tim Newman
Tim Newman - 6 years ago
What was the scariest moment you encountered? I am still getting caught up on these videos
Tim Newman
Tim Newman - 6 years ago
I would love to know each of your top five places. Figured I’d make it easier than your favorite. Probably difficult with all the wonderful places you have been to. I would love to see you sail to Mozambique. Looked interesting.
Tim Newman
Tim Newman - 6 years ago
I hope as your kids grow up they get their own boats and you all can sail together
Keenan Hass
Keenan Hass - 6 years ago
That is such a beautiful boat...

10. comment for The Perfect Storm - Bad Weather Sailing / Daily Life on a Catamaran (Zatara Ep 61)

bharatsinh rathod
bharatsinh rathod - 6 years ago
You guys should have taken a clue from the Wynns, they overhauled their catamaran and changed the lines after purchase.
Kevin Russbach
Kevin Russbach - 6 years ago
-- You avail a myriad of (travel/survival/community) exploration that has potential to render impressive results via your children's eventual pursuit of independence.
I hope the world community provides sufficient opportunity to support their further growth.
The course of my life is such that appreciation runs deep.
Thank you.
peter7960 - 6 years ago
At what point do yu drain the black water?
Gerhard van Tonder
Gerhard van Tonder - 6 years ago
So there is an older daughter too. Were your TV broken at one stage?
BigRedWrenster - 6 years ago
Yes Magic! If you have internet much try the new Arena online. Great for you guys on the boat!
Paulina Paulino
Paulina Paulino - 6 years ago
Just found your channel, really enjoying it. Question: do you catch the rain water to refill your fresh water?
Darren Kellett
Darren Kellett - 6 years ago
can I suggest you all start wearing hats and sunglasses ? Ever heard of melanoma ?
Jan Bettens
Jan Bettens - 6 years ago
We have just found your adventure and love watching. I do have a question I saw you have Volvo motors but what size and also when you are motoring at say 10 knots what would you use in fuel consumption.
huyked - 6 years ago
21:52 Oh my gosh, that looks like so much fun.
Steve's ArtOfSailing
Steve's ArtOfSailing - 6 years ago
Thats a beautiful thing, i love the boat, looks pretty sure footed for a cat.

20. comment for The Perfect Storm - Bad Weather Sailing / Daily Life on a Catamaran (Zatara Ep 61)

Abraham Lopez
Abraham Lopez - 6 years ago
Thank you for sharing some family time. Must say I enjoy how you all value family time.
Shaun81000 - 6 years ago
So, the kids didn't go to school for a whole year?
Sailing Zatara
Sailing Zatara - 6 years ago
No they didn’t miss any school; we homeschool.
J RG - 6 years ago
Perfect way to keep away kids away from the same things that we living this days..GOD BLESS U ALL
David Henson
David Henson - 6 years ago
If I didn’t get sea sick. I would love this life style
Sailing Zatara
Sailing Zatara - 6 years ago
We still struggle from time to time with seasickness. It’s still worth it for us!
Luck75 motociclismo
Luck75 motociclismo - 6 years ago
very nice congrats!!!!
Samuel Mason
Samuel Mason - 6 years ago
love the music, its stuff i listen to..... listening to something like this at night on the ocean in the dark with the stars above must be magical.
Juan S
Juan S - 6 years ago
Don't call him grandpa just call him " Papa Passage ".
Ian Truter
Ian Truter - 6 years ago
I love how you guys are getting more and more comfortable publishing your personalities and humour on Youtube. The videos are getting better and better by the episode. Lovit!
Abundalanced Life
Abundalanced Life - 6 years ago
what did the boat cost? Cause I love what you all are doin'!!
Ivan Spasojevic
Ivan Spasojevic - 6 years ago
what a nice to all of you....

30. comment for The Perfect Storm - Bad Weather Sailing / Daily Life on a Catamaran (Zatara Ep 61)

S Alessi
S Alessi - 6 years ago
I never had a gennaker or a spinnaker in my life and I'll never will. These useless sails only put you in trouble. No wind? Turn your engine on...
Johann Coetzee
Johann Coetzee - 6 years ago
What's the situ on the flag issue.
That Guy
That Guy - 6 years ago
our military and law enforcement and many corporations run off 24 time. ass
Jorge Agis
Jorge Agis - 6 years ago
This family is so good looking, looks like a sitcom
김명기 - 6 years ago
MarkyMark MarkyMark
MarkyMark MarkyMark - 6 years ago
I love the trust Keith shows in his family . Great example
On The Road with John
On The Road with John - 6 years ago
My kids asked me the same question about what grand kids should call me. After a long time contemplating the answer, I figured "SIR" will do the job.
BAY BORA - 6 years ago
hi family
jean-pierre desilets
jean-pierre desilets - 6 years ago
SAFETY LINES guys, never ever climb mast without safety lines, have heard very bad stories
Chance Astle
Chance Astle - 6 years ago
Waiting for the next episode love your channel
Ásgeir Loftsson
Ásgeir Loftsson - 6 years ago
Do you think you'll sail to the nordic countries one day?
Christopher Holley
Christopher Holley - 6 years ago
Make sure to look for cracking around the swaging on the shrouds. I recently swapped to synthetic on my beach cat and im very happy especially with the life expectancy i plan to see
David Martin
David Martin - 6 years ago
Three eye
Three eye - 6 years ago
And good luck on the grandpa thing...
dadthejedi - 6 years ago
So glad my kids are grown and no longer teenagers. I got PTSD watching this. :) (just kidding. my life is much more boring now.)
James Hayes
James Hayes - 6 years ago
Where did you stop on my little Island Menorca was is Fornells ? Glad you missed the actual Tornado we had, I've still got no power !
Justin Stanley
Justin Stanley - 6 years ago
Best intro on Youtube.....
Foreal - 6 years ago
Well I just watched all your videos and I really enjoyed them. I have all kinds of question, like how do I talk my wife and kids into sailing full time. But the question I want answered the most is: What did Keith do with his grizzly bear Ben? And does his Indian friend Nakoma ever visit? Thanks, Matt
curacao11 (Alsino Ferreira)
curacao11 (Alsino Ferreira) - 6 years ago
awesome video guys :-)
midwestfatass - 6 years ago
I grew up living aboard a 36' mono hull and was never seasick until I got aboard someones cat. They are more stable, but their movement is unpredictable. I'd rather rock comfortably then bounce around. Love your channel.

50. comment for The Perfect Storm - Bad Weather Sailing / Daily Life on a Catamaran (Zatara Ep 61)

wishus knight
wishus knight - 6 years ago
My little family consisting of myself and my two adopted sons, now ages 11 and 13, had a similar prolonged traveling expedition. Albeit not on water but essentially in an older half pickup and modest camper, and a 6 foot cargo trailer. Total of 2 years on and off. (mostly on). That was our home. I sold our small condo, we pared down to what would fit in the truck and we took off across North America. The next one was even more ambitious in Europe, only this one was in a small motor coach. Total of over 80,000km.

We just finished up a month or so ago, and It is now strange to be living in normal home once again. Too much space. The only reason we stopped was from running out of money, and having to go back to work. Watching this channel makes me want to make the dive. My two sons are biological brothers, however I adopted the older one some 18 months after his younger brother. And he was rung through the system a bit. As a result he developed symptoms of mind detachment. After a year of a stable home and lots of love he was doing quite well, but still somewhat distant and found it difficult to really bond with either me or his brother. This trip is the best thing that ever happened to us, and the 3 of us are closer than i ever thought possible. And best of all they are both close with each other to the extent they sleep together even now.

godspeed friend.
wishus knight
wishus knight - 6 years ago
+Sailing Zatara Thankyou so much for the reply! Our plan didn't start out to be on the road continually. That just ended up happening! We took a couple of short excursions at first with both boys wishing they could have kept going, and next thing I know im selling the home I have owned for 15 years. The second year in Europe was an afterthought. I admit part of me actually looked forward to taking a break from travel, but only after a few weeks we are looking for a plan to get back at it. And I want to do so before the boys settle in too much.

There was many concerns from others over my older son's emotional state. That a constant moving about would make him regress. Most people do not realize that a home is largely made up of the people around you. As long as we were able to keep a certain level of certainty, and turn the rest into an anticipated adventure, both him and especially his younger brother both flourished. And we have met so many people that we want to go see again.
Sailing Zatara
Sailing Zatara - 6 years ago
What an amazing story. I feel the same way about our kids; the reason we left the city was because the older two were getting involved in things that were not good; and no matter what we did it didn’t seem to pull them away from the distractions and perversions of the world. Until we left on the boat; We have never been closer to me kids and them to each other as we all are right now. Igor that reason, I never want to stop sailing!
Ratna Sekar
Ratna Sekar - 6 years ago
Always love this family, watching them sailing around the world makes me feel grateful that I live in a such beautiful planet :)

Love from Indonesia, Keep sailing, Zatara... I'll wait for the next episode on Thursday :D
Ryan Zone
Ryan Zone - 6 years ago
I have never seen anyone really get stressed or angry on the videos? edited out or just not happening? thanx
Nalle - 6 years ago
No one uses life jacket or safety lines on deck....
Sailing Zatara
Sailing Zatara - 6 years ago
We address that very subject in our video here:
It’s the last half of the vid. Cheers!
Danniel frau
Danniel frau - 6 years ago
i live in mallorca llucmajor
Это бамбук
Это бамбук - 6 years ago
Приезжайте в Россию . У нас разрешено бить детей! ))))
pepitoaus - 6 years ago
Great video guys! really refreshing compared to other channels and love how you include all the small bits that makes life on a sailing boat and the laidback style! I once used to live on a sailing boat too, I was born on one actually at Las Palmas de Gran Canarias while my parents started their long journey around the world. I'm 32 now, Architect and living in Brisbane (Australia) but there is almost not a single day where I wish to go back to that lifestyle, leave the busy life behind, travel and meet like minded people along the way and form strong bonds. I can tell you know that my parents never regretted doing it and have so many good memories from sailing around the world. Instant subscribe :)
Sailing Zatara
Sailing Zatara - 6 years ago
Wow, great story! And guess what?! We just arrived in the Canaries!!!! Not yet to Las Palmas but heading there soon.
Thanks for watching! Cheers!
Ray Harkins
Ray Harkins - 6 years ago
I tryed checking your AIS zatara but it shows the old boat in Sydney ???
Ray Harkins
Ray Harkins - 6 years ago
Jack that's a long ways up there hanging on a rope. I don't think i could do it. Scary...
Chris B
Chris B - 6 years ago
How many times do you go on land for a day, sit and have a nice lunch and you can still feel the boat rocking?
almostfree2012 - 6 years ago
Might want to think about having a second safety line when going up the mast,
Jay Erickson
Jay Erickson - 6 years ago
Love The Fun You All Have! The Dingy Catapults Are So Kool ! You Have To Film The Kids To See Who Can Go The Highest! I Want To Do It Some Day !
Jeffrey Robbins
Jeffrey Robbins - 6 years ago
Hi guys. Enjoy the VLOG. BUT! Before you spend another penny on fancy, and admitadly sexier, electronics fix your running rigging. Boat safety first. Standing rigging, running rigging, ground tackle and engine. Then the comfort stuff. Great family. Sail on!
Darrell Carter
Darrell Carter - 6 years ago
Hi great video as usual but just 1 question and one point . Question how much do you pay for PredictWind and what package do you have . Point - please please put a second line on when hoisting up the mast . The reason jack was going up was because a line snapped , as a professional sailor and marina manager I would always ensure riggers go up on two lines regards Darrell ⛵️⛵️
D McNamara
D McNamara - 6 years ago
Your epic videos are more entertaining than the shorter ones....feel like less is being compressed ....10 minutes makes a big difference. Still,great editing...just hope one of the Discovery Channels (a part of NBC),etc. does not pick you guys up and you sell-out for Bogus/Staged Reality Series. Please don't !
Gunnar Lihr
Gunnar Lihr - 6 years ago
Hi again, This is my personal profile.. the previous comment came in with my business one. Cheers. ;-)
Gunnar Lihr
Gunnar Lihr - 6 years ago
Hi Zatara Fam. In Mallorca, which is an awesome island, visit Port Andratx, an amazing protected bay which will take your breath with it's beautiful little town. Also on your way south, you guys need to visit Ibiza! Your oldest daughter will thank you for it. ;-) But then specially Formentera, smaller island south of Ibiza. Formentera is known for being the Mediterranean Caribbean, for it's white beaches, etc. Then on the way southwards, you can find one of Spains precious Pearls.... Altea, in Alicante province on Spains mainland. This is my home town. :-). It's just about 12 hr. sail on a 260º heading from Ibiza. Check it out on the map and enjoy the good food.

We are a fam of 4, me Gunnar Lihr (dad), Nina (mon), and our boys Victor (14) and Kimi (12). We have sailed quite a lot in the Mediterranean since we lived in Altea. Still got a house there. Now days we live in Helsinki, Finland due to work and offering the best possible schooling to our boys. We enjoy winter sports but sailing and anything to do with the sea is our passion. Well, since Im planning to someday head back south and sail the world in a catamaran, I do follow you from time to time. ;-) Too bad we are not in the area, we would have sailed to the islands to meet up with you and tell you all about the great spots in the Spanish Med. Which I will gladly do digitally as well.... :-). Just drop a line.

Wish you the best and good winds. Gunnar Lihr
Dwight Turner
Dwight Turner - 6 years ago
"Crew protection"? You laugh an intruder away?
Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson - 6 years ago
Listen, Keith is the REAL entertainment! #ornery
Greg Willden
Greg Willden - 6 years ago
You kids have good parents...

You parents have good kids!
julius malau
julius malau - 6 years ago
Love it
Simon Hantler
Simon Hantler - 6 years ago
the catamaran you first pointed out, the woods boat or something? what type of cat is that?
simos777 - 6 years ago
That Greek flag just blends with the sea and the sky ...enjoy the dream guys!
Mesut KAYA
Mesut KAYA - 6 years ago
i think Finn needs to get an orthodontic treatment
daedster1 - 6 years ago
Absolutey awesome!!!! unfiltered the best, my grand kids love it poppa Keith...... hahaha, love you all here in Perth
daedster1 - 6 years ago
the anal itching is getting some mileage hahahahahahahaha
Dave Christensen
Dave Christensen - 6 years ago
i watched this and watched again, and i still did not see the storm. or any bad weather.
Jsu Chrstu
Jsu Chrstu - 6 years ago
Greg Isenhour
Greg Isenhour - 6 years ago
Thanks for the longer video, knowing it takes much more of yalls time but it's appreciated on this end.
Also thanks for the sense of humor you've raised your kids to have!
Jamey Mathis
Jamey Mathis - 6 years ago
Another Awesome Video ! Fair Winds !!
jim mugford
jim mugford - 6 years ago
Hey guys I know you can’t reply to everyone but if possible what is you current location and next destination. And this is the 4th time watching this episode (not kidding) I have 2 8yr olds who love this show(as they call it). All the best. Jim, Colton and Lilija
jim mugford
jim mugford - 6 years ago
Truth6598 hahahahha me the moron I should have typed ....I know you tell us where we can find your position but I don’t have Facebook, Twitter or the moron hahaha time 7:36 genius..
Truth6598 - 6 years ago
And why would they want to give that info to some moron on the web? Are you touched or something?
Lydia L
Lydia L - 6 years ago
Bahaha!! I'm not huge on commenting as of I know strangers but you guys just keep bringing the real. Thank you!
Johnny R
Johnny R - 6 years ago
I love watching your videos because you are just a goofy family like us. You just happen to be on a sailboat.
Mec Sexy
Mec Sexy - 6 years ago
As a mom of young boys, I am always amazed at how fearless and carefree-looking your kids are. I'm sure they get nervous sometimes but the fact that they are willing to try and do and push limits -- and you guys let them -- make for a more tangible childhood, I think.
Brenda Snow
Brenda Snow - 6 years ago
Another great video!!! Let the fun continue. Safe travels from Oklahoma.
david allison
david allison - 6 years ago
Such a great video. Did I hear Jack say "aye aye" when he was on the mast? Such fun living vicariously through yawl. Safe travels. Fair winds and following seas. :)
Silvana H. Santos
Silvana H. Santos - 6 years ago
This video just gave me a really good idea of how it feels, day to day, to sail around the world. I could never do that, couldn’t sit for so long inside a boat, day after day. But congrats on following your dreams. Be safe! More rain coming on Monday. Please stop in Marbella on the way to Gibraltar if you can.
daedster1 - 6 years ago
oh yes you could, believe me, it's an easy transition....
Blue Sky
Blue Sky - 6 years ago
And yes Anna... i peed myself, "this one time at Band Camp" !! Hahahaaa
Charlie Odom
Charlie Odom - 6 years ago
Oh yeah!!!! Definitely want more of these videos!!! I could watch your videos all day, every day.

May all the future videos be blessed with 25min of length...Amen!
David Stephen
David Stephen - 6 years ago
Love the videos..
tesoro7788 - 6 years ago
I wish my daughter and I would experience this. ...I think it would be a lot of fun.
Igor Marti
Igor Marti - 6 years ago
Rectal itching?! That is a clear sign of aging Grandpa! Congrats on the baby and fair winds to you!
Patrick Bagley
Patrick Bagley - 6 years ago
Jake, that bostains
Joey Turner
Joey Turner - 6 years ago
Why do you not fly the USA flag. Is it because you would be governed by u.s. laws?
Scott Brown
Scott Brown - 6 years ago
Can only imagine seller & taxman don't agree on the amount to pay. Otherwise it's (relatively) simple.
Sailing Zatara
Sailing Zatara - 6 years ago
The Greek flag has not been deleted yet, unfortunately, so until it’s deleted and registered in the USA we have to fly the Greek flag. Closing on this boat has been a nightmare. Keith will discuss all the juicy bits once it’s all done. He’s eager to share his less than pretty experiences!
daedster1 - 6 years ago
Welcome my friend.
Curtis Moffatt
Curtis Moffatt - 6 years ago
+daedster1 thanks just wanted to make sure
daedster1 - 6 years ago
+Curtis Moffatt ah, @10.10 I see sealant & a rivet, then @10.24 the welds you see. Safe vertical welds, rare to weld across a mast section. Looks good to me.
Curtis Moffatt
Curtis Moffatt - 6 years ago
+daedster1 no i see welds
daedster1 - 6 years ago
The spreader is attached to this plate - these are always only riveted to the mast, so, it's dirt you see.
Gordon King
Gordon King - 6 years ago
Thank you thank you for the 25min of escapisim. So enjoy you guys actually sailing and not just a travel vlog. Keith just cracks me up. I so enjoyed the safety at sea vid. I am addicted you guys. When are you guys going on to marine traffic as I can only find the old boat in Sydney?
Philip Freeman
Philip Freeman - 6 years ago
I think a good surplus cargo parachute way up above the bow would catch better wind .
daedster1 - 6 years ago
or..... flying from!

100. comment for The Perfect Storm - Bad Weather Sailing / Daily Life on a Catamaran (Zatara Ep 61)

Jody Mooney
Jody Mooney - 6 years ago
Amazing video and so true of how it is in the world of sailing! Thanks
MegaJaysun - 6 years ago
You guys are so RAD!!
jmoyo1 - 6 years ago
Mr Whitaker (hope the spelling is right) was funny Keith, once again as a 55 year old retired by the beach in central america expat that I am, always enjoy your videos and now your comedy side comes to life..... Rectal Itch ( 2 thumbs up, not by the itch of course)...hahahah sorry... keep living the dream...
Bruce Malo
Bruce Malo - 6 years ago
I hear that a spritz of SALT WATER is really good for reducing rectal tissue.
Witch Hazel swabs across the "stern" are also effective.
Robert Gill
Robert Gill - 6 years ago
I'm so jealous , your visiting one of my favorite port of calls. Palma De Mallorica Spain. Maybe not for the kids, but as a Marine on an amphibious ship, the liberty was great. Clubs never really closed. Also 1600 HRS is just 24 hrs clock, mostly used by the military. I'm sure before you attempt the Atlantic crossing your lines and sheets are up to the task. The only time I was violently sesick was crossing the Atlantic. Thanks for letting us travel with you guys. Are you using Rota Spain as you departure port?
Darrell Pugh
Darrell Pugh - 6 years ago
Enjoyable :) keep them coming please.
STEVE CROMWELL - 6 years ago
Does your laundry on the line give you a little extra speed ?
Missy E
Missy E - 6 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS to Tait on her new baby! Congratulations to y’all becoming grandparents!
Cliff Starks
Cliff Starks - 6 years ago
I just enjoyed it all. ❤️
john rasmussen
john rasmussen - 6 years ago
Whats the Satellite ball on the back? and does it work?
SV Amandolin
SV Amandolin - 6 years ago
highly suggest a secondary line when going up the mast. Twice have seen halyards snap with someone in Bosun's chair and thankful for second safety line.
Jeff Jvancich
Jeff Jvancich - 6 years ago
Couldn't agree more. I was scrolling down to see if someone had brought it up.
I always use a second line or at least a prusik loop onto another rope whenever I climb my mast.
Especially when you think about the reason he needed to go up there.
Stay safe.
Roger Conroy
Roger Conroy - 6 years ago
LoL,,,,,,,,,,"don't say nipple",,,,,,,,,what's he supposed to call it? lol,,,,,,,,,,,love love your videos.
daedster1 - 6 years ago
+Sailing Zatara oh heck Renee, you probably gonna get Keith started on this one hahahaha bring it on Keith!
Roger Conroy
Roger Conroy - 6 years ago
I understand fully, our PC world has gone crazy,,,,,,,+Sailing Zatara
Mister Professor
Mister Professor - 6 years ago
Love your channel but sad that seven minutes in, everyone has been on deck an no one is wearing safety gear.
EvlMagus - 6 years ago
Seems like you need to replace all the lines.
Marc Andre Robert
Marc Andre Robert - 6 years ago
You guys are my favorites, can't wait to hear Keith say:- Good night Finn, good night Jack, good night… LOL Just keep sailing so we can keep following. Marc from Montreal Canada.
Kyle Inglis
Kyle Inglis - 6 years ago
The drone footage is stunning! Great work!
daverjax - 6 years ago
Hopefully you went to the Catheral and Gardens and the Castle. F.W.F.S.
quietlysecure - 6 years ago
lol!!!!! :)))
jumpleadsx2 - 6 years ago
Long episode simple edit... this is what you should keep doing
ReflectingMe - 6 years ago
Also René, would you consider doing a short on your camera equipment please? I have just got myself a small mirrorless camera, and am interested in seeing what kit you use and the software you use to produce your excellent videos. Any chance?
Gunnar Lihr
Gunnar Lihr - 6 years ago
Me too!!
Chris C
Chris C - 6 years ago
I'd be really interested, too
ReflectingMe - 6 years ago
Yes. We enjoy longer videos. Love watching your adventures. Thank you all of you for giving your time. Greetings from Wales.
jason bourne
jason bourne - 6 years ago
How about calling you Popeye the Sailor Man
Drzee1968 - 6 years ago
Not sure if you did, but good practice to have a second safety line when going up the mast, just in case the first failed, that is a long way down. PS loving your videos
Mike Ferguson
Mike Ferguson - 6 years ago
I prefer two lines and 2 different harnesses. Each line to a different harness. One as a belay and the other the main one
Thomas Green
Thomas Green - 6 years ago
love you videos, great family
Rod D
Rod D - 6 years ago
Hot water heater? Why on earth would you want to heat hot water?
Ben Mac
Ben Mac - 6 years ago
To get it hotter I would be my guess as that's why you usually heat things.
רם סיון
רם סיון - 6 years ago
Dear Friends, Hello there Thanks for the review of the journey . I recommend, while on the mast if two ropes,
to lift a sail
Сергей Канаццкий
Сергей Канаццкий - 6 years ago
You guys are great!
Roland R
Roland R - 6 years ago
Tuesday Tacos and Thursdays Sailing Zatara, life is good. Congrats!
gary t
gary t - 6 years ago
Cockpit enclosure............Good Vlog....
Bruce Malo
Bruce Malo - 6 years ago
Here in the States that clear material for the cockpit is called EISENGLASS
daedster1 - 6 years ago
Casey Taylor
Casey Taylor - 6 years ago
Yay - Longer Videos! Every Thursday for me is....Sailing Zatara day!!!!
jens martin Omland
jens martin Omland - 6 years ago
I thought catamarans did not roll;)
Michelle Potts
Michelle Potts - 6 years ago
Congratulations on being grandparents. It’s the best feeling EVER!!!! I absolutely love being a Mimi.
fisherdigital - 6 years ago
Thank you, I really like your videos.
joel schuneman
joel schuneman - 6 years ago
WHAAAAT! Oh God I laughed hard at sibling love.
Salmon Hunter
Salmon Hunter - 6 years ago
Really like the longer video. thanks for share stay safe and warm.
mark simpson
mark simpson - 6 years ago
You do know that Mochael Douglas and Katherine Zeta-Jones have a place in Mallorca? Put a shout out and MAYBE they will become subscribers?
Quakeboy02 - 6 years ago
I love you guys, and I want to see you sailing together for a long, long time. So, I hope you'll accept a couple of criticisms in that spirit. 1) Where's your hard hat Keith? If that sinker hits you in the head, your son may wind up coming down the fast way. 2) Where's the second line with someone else (in a hard hat) belaying with a couple of loops around a winch? OTOH, bonus point for using a bowline instead of a shackle on the bosun's chair.

I enjoy climbing the mast and being on top. But, it's an inherently unsafe activity that only takes a couple of extra minutes to make quite a bit safer.
Mauro Neves
Mauro Neves - 6 years ago
Another great video! Would be cool to have a video giving a feedback on the electrical upgrades! I´m always curious to see real feedback from real users!
Dillon Frazier
Dillon Frazier - 6 years ago
another great video! loved seeing y'all get back out and doing overnights. Great to see your kids get to play with other kids! Thank you for sharing your adventure.
Diane M
Diane M - 6 years ago
I love the extended episode. What fun to see the kids having a blast. Prayers for many safe voyages, from Arizona.
Arthur Pryor
Arthur Pryor - 6 years ago
such an amazing family...with love from texas.....
Andy Dobis
Andy Dobis - 6 years ago
Holy height inducing panic! How tall is the mast that Jack went up? Brave son! And.... Best shot ever...goes to Renee for filming Keith and Kate, with Keith holding Kate watching the storms to aft. What a special moment. Thanks for sharing. Oh... And Happy Halloween from the states!
Shaun81000 - 6 years ago
You should come on the boat my parents had. I had to climb the mast like a coconut tree, 20 feet up
William R
William R - 6 years ago
You all rock. Stay awesome!
Rick Rothstein
Rick Rothstein - 6 years ago
Definitely enjoy the longer episodes.. Quick question, how often do you get to having a mutiny and throwing Keith overboard if he says one more "Dad joke"? Just curious.. lol. Keep up the great work..
Phil RIta
Phil RIta - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing. Great fun! You got yourselves a real, nicely turned out boat - congrats! Fair winds from NS Canada.
Olli K
Olli K - 6 years ago
14:03 - "omm mghff omm..."

Movie reply, "Of course mom's gonna notice!"

What movie?
Wyatt Rathwell
Wyatt Rathwell - 6 years ago
Thanks Rene and the Zatara crew, great video. Stay safe and can't wait for the next vid
Brandon Kibbey
Brandon Kibbey - 6 years ago
I’m curious why anybody would give this video a thumbs down, must be a very miserable person.
Anne winning
Anne winning - 6 years ago
Brad MacK
Brad MacK - 6 years ago
Don't worry Granpa Whitt, you will take to grand-parenthood like a duck to water. :)
Pinnacleair1 - 6 years ago
Can't wait to meet up somewhere next year.. Hope to have the boat by June or July... Have a lot of questions.. Thanks so much for the Z logs as well. Blessings to all of you
Jamppa - 6 years ago
And I see you finally got the channel monetized! Don't know how long you've had ads, but i just remember Renee saying she doesn't know how to do it a while ago hehe. But I'm glad to see you have it sorted out, as I think every creator should have them!
daedster1 - 6 years ago
+Jamppa That's it, yep, utube are draining googles bank, still say google is evil though. Sad but I always were dubious when they started out with their search engine etc they would become a 'country' in their own right. ah shuddup Ed lol, great vlog this one huh!
Jamppa - 6 years ago
+daedster1 no, its just that a while ago they hadn't set it up. Then youtube changed the qualifications so not every channel can have ads. (me for example because of the channel size)
daedster1 - 6 years ago
na, it's utube I believe changed the way vlogs are posted, so, every channel needs to re-set the way they post vlogs, another evil google thang
Jamppa - 6 years ago
Nothing like watching the z crew after coming home from school. I made a promise to myself that I too will be sailing around the world some day. Just gotta work hard and it will happen!
Bart Black
Bart Black - 6 years ago
Great video! Thank you for letting your kids be kids!
wesley robinson
wesley robinson - 6 years ago
I can’t tell you how exciting it was to have such a long episode from you all! Thanks so much! Very well done!
Damiendoes - 6 years ago
Great video, as always! If you are staying around Palma for a couple of days, be sure to visit the island of 'Cabrera'. It's a protected natural reserve off the southern coast of the island. You'll have to book your buoy online but can then spend the night in a fantastic setting (and have a little walk to the beautiful castle - and maybe get a drink on your way there!). Enjoy!
Teddy Ramos
Teddy Ramos - 6 years ago
Thank you for the hard work in to the longer video we loved it u guys are awesome so original and natural we honestly look forward to yalls post
Dave Clouse
Dave Clouse - 6 years ago
Love watching you and your beautiful family taking this amazing journey in life!
darren G
darren G - 6 years ago
They have a nice marina in Arenal well it was nice when I stayed there 20 years ago . Another great video cheers guys.
D H - 6 years ago
⛵️ and yes I too would like to know more about your oldest daughter ⛵️
2Qwk2C - 6 years ago
Brilliant, life as it should be, lite and :)ly
Jason Grinnell
Jason Grinnell - 6 years ago
At any particular time when the sails are up, the wind is blowing your hair and the motors are off. What bearing are you speaking of wearing out if the prop is spinning backwards? Thank you! Loved the video. Beautiful family and Looking forward to the next one.
Eric Vonwiegen
Eric Vonwiegen - 6 years ago
djmcau - 6 years ago
With all the lines snapping and what not, how do you know the one Jack is dangling on won’t snap when you send him up the mast. When will Keith go up?
Bruce Malo
Bruce Malo - 6 years ago
The First Mate deserves a Safety Line.
Bert Cox
Bert Cox - 6 years ago
Could be wrong but A that was probably a new line as its the one you rely on to fix all the other ones. B Jacks 120 pounds is way less force than a sail puts on a line.
indian gwal
indian gwal - 6 years ago
Beautiful family.
Devin Harp
Devin Harp - 6 years ago
Another lovely episode that has allowed me to escape from land...

I appreciate that you show the efforts of dealing with the sails and all of the lines.

Thanks Zatara Family
LX - 6 years ago
you guys are few youtubers who still keep it real. love it!
Steve Holett
Steve Holett - 6 years ago
Had not see that rope trick before....very fun. You guys are the best on the Tube right now.
michael d
michael d - 6 years ago
No heat exchanger for hot water from main engines? Unusual!
Gunnar Lihr
Gunnar Lihr - 6 years ago
Yeah... I was also wondering? But if the budget approves ..... get a water heater..... a big one since you got a bunch of teenagers!!! ;-)
Scott Brown
Scott Brown - 6 years ago
I didn't understand that. The "water heater" (calorifier?) in Ep.49 isn't providing for showers?
Benjur Colon
Benjur Colon - 6 years ago
liked it before watching.. and not skipping ads.. Great vlog!

from Philippines with love..
daedster1 - 6 years ago
Install adblock plus, also look into your utube setting, think ad's can be disabled, I never see ad's
jess glaze
jess glaze - 6 years ago
loved the dingy catapult, something we would have done as kids. thumbs up on the longer video, gives us a more in depth look at day to day life. keep up the good work.
Bundles - 6 years ago
These titles are like bad meta descriptions
Thomas Cavallaro
Thomas Cavallaro - 6 years ago
Just awesomeness! Nice Family! Dreaming about it!
Woghole - 6 years ago
Are all your lines going to be replaced befor you cross the Atlantic? As usual another great video.
RV Curious De Warren
RV Curious De Warren - 6 years ago
That rectal itching, sounds like bacteria from oink oink, the carcinogenic they spray it with doesn’t kill all. Scavengers are not food. Leviticus 11. Or, not, free will. Dig it? Lol
MLWATKK - 6 years ago
Esinglass Bridge Enclosure
IMHO the point of having longuer videos in simply we enjoy watching sailing in general, especially us northern hemispherers which have to put our boats on blocks now and 3 weeks ago :(
Sea Travel
Sea Travel - 6 years ago
Excellent video! I love y'all humor! When y'all are grandparents you'll love, spoil them and send them home.
Crook Book
Crook Book - 6 years ago
Because , you know.. Keith ... Haha less filtered is way better.. Nipple
MLWATKK - 6 years ago
Okay... Like and subscribe... Annnnnnnd get the bell on :P
Abdulrahman Ahmed
Abdulrahman Ahmed - 6 years ago
Watching your videos from day one I really enjoy longer videos. My Thursday without Zatara is not complete.
Adriana Méndez
Adriana Méndez - 6 years ago
Love all of your videos, really liked this longer one!!
Yngve Bjørndal
Yngve Bjørndal - 6 years ago
Hi there, nice to see u again. :) i used to live in Menorca as a kid, and there are some amazing places there, all over the Island there are Taulas ( Tables ) from megalithic age, and a two floor stone house from same period, there are also a cave where father and son lived as outcasts and stole food from the villages around, they also kidnapped a young lady, one year it was so cold that it was snowing, and that day the villagers found them following the steps in the snow. ( the cave is a restaurant today ) . My father build a house ( Sa Taula ) in an village on the Island , called Fornels, the house are today protected by government. so next time you go to the area, take a trip and have a look at some amazing historical places. :) ( Google: Menorca.Taulas. Sa Taula )
Anyway, have a great further travel,
Best regard from Norway.
PS. excuse my bad inglish, it is not my language. :)
Tony hood
Tony hood - 6 years ago
love the longer vids
Mark Mateljan
Mark Mateljan - 6 years ago
Once again, great realistic video from you guys.... so glad it's not about the " me " factor like many others that have lost themselves in...... you guys are a great family !
pate allan
pate allan - 6 years ago
I toured a 42 manta (I think). Huge, Huge. Your 58' must be a monster. So it doesnt roll that much like a monohull? Well, size matters. The USS Enterprise doesnt roll much either. Of course it's kinda expensive too. Keith needs Preparation "H". Thats gotta be a problem as sea. Yikes !! Its the little things that can be big problems.
Nigel Donald
Nigel Donald - 6 years ago
Nice video guys!
chryloulou - 6 years ago
Love your flag! ♥️♥️♥️Bon voyage!
Sailing Zatara
Sailing Zatara - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
don westrick
don westrick - 6 years ago
I am grandpa to 7. “A lot can happen in 9 months”? WTF!
Michael Goettsch
Michael Goettsch - 6 years ago
I just realized how nice it is to watch a video where I'm not being told to listen to an audio book using this sponsors app, avoid the use of plastics, don't do something fun like take a cruise, how bad the American medical system is, oh and give us money so we can keep sailing around on other people's money and avoid having to live like most of the rest of the world.

It's kind of refreshing actually.
Richard Boyle
Richard Boyle - 5 years ago
Sailing Lavagabonde suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks!!!!!
Andrew Gibson
Andrew Gibson - 6 years ago
Are u serious this stuff is important because it allows change and it helps the world. That’s like saying I don’t like going to school because I learn stuff.
Joel Threatt
Joel Threatt - 6 years ago
Yup I missed mention of an older daughter, doh!!
Bryan Stevenson
Bryan Stevenson - 6 years ago
wow, way to go Just bag someone else - bit passive aggressive. If you don't like a channel just unsubscribe. Love jealous keyboard warriors
wishus knight
wishus knight - 6 years ago
+jessie k Not a kool comment. The belittling of others is not what solves problems and promotes growth. Sadly too many people do what you do. And its divisive. Maybe show a little more empathy for another person's point of view before making such ignorant statements.
Roland R
Roland R - 6 years ago
+D H There's no Crying in Eddddiiiiiting
Ginny Atchison
Ginny Atchison - 6 years ago
+D H I had to watch/read the clip again to be sure I'd seen it right!!!
D H - 6 years ago
Ginny Atchison, Yes I too would like to know more about the other daughter.
Ginny Atchison
Ginny Atchison - 6 years ago
Wait, what?? You have another daughter???? I love Minorca, been a couple of times xx
Ginny Atchison
Ginny Atchison - 6 years ago
+D H So true!
philandnichole - 6 years ago
+D H lol at least not on camera
D H - 6 years ago
⛵️ Michael Goettsch Also (wonderfully) missing is the complaining about how hard it is to make and edit videos. Editing is what makes a great video great and Renee does a great job (and she doesn’t complain about the time/effort it takes)!! ⛵️
Toni Adrover
Toni Adrover - 6 years ago
Buenos dias, el catamaran "No Worries" tiene canal de youtube? Gracias y buena mar!!!
Chuck Chalfant
Chuck Chalfant - 6 years ago
The screening plastic is called "eisenglass" or "isinglass" which is a carry over from its old processing name. While the new stuff isn't made from Eisenglass anymore, the industry still calls them that. One way to keep them better looking is to never fold them, but to roll them up when storing them for the hotter months. Some folks swear that glass cleaner is terrible for them and only use furniture polish to help buff out the tiny scratches. I'd ask sailing/boating forums for how they clean theirs.
Rodney Morgan Brown
Rodney Morgan Brown - 6 years ago
Rectal itching...... sitting in a bath of Epsom salt with your cheeks spread open would solve that.....
Sailing Zatara
Sailing Zatara - 6 years ago
He doesn’t really have rectal itching! It was a joke. (And Anna isn’t really going to Harvard...that was also a joke). Maybe we joke too often?!
Roger Bias II
Roger Bias II - 6 years ago
Really enjoy the videos. You all look like you are having a good time. Stay safe!
Tommy Gunz
Tommy Gunz - 6 years ago
Another good video guys........T.Guys.......
Secret Squirrel
Secret Squirrel - 6 years ago
Keith, I am American and use 24 hr clock most often. When flying I convert to UTC. Every nurse or Dr I have met also use 24 hr clock.
Allan Haywood
Allan Haywood - 6 years ago
Secret Squirrel it's a logical extension of the metric system that we use here in Europe
Secret Squirrel
Secret Squirrel - 6 years ago
Finn and Jack should do a tactical dinghy launch while underway. With Finn in charge. Because pirates...or zombie gummy bears.
Andrew Bergin
Andrew Bergin - 6 years ago
Hi Family Amazing sailing! Love you're work and vlogs
Owen Potter
Owen Potter - 6 years ago
Of course we know Keith has no filters! As for your guys habit of dunking sails in the sea.......I don't see this as something that will catch on amongst other cruisers. And Jack..........."I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. That wouldn't be good." Classic! And Anna violating his chestal area. (Nipple. Gasp!). So much in one episode!
Nigel Donald
Nigel Donald - 6 years ago
Nipple cripple
RICHARD SCUDDS - 6 years ago
Those storms looked real (sic) , I love a good storm
mhappy01 - 6 years ago
Good one!!
Dr. Ed Kendrick
Dr. Ed Kendrick - 6 years ago
Fabulous editing.
Robert Roye
Robert Roye - 6 years ago
I would have sworn you guys replaced all your lines before you left Greece. Beautiful boat, though.
Lacee Webber
Lacee Webber - 6 years ago
First like

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