Tips for buying a boat.

Tips for buying a boat. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Sailing 12 years ago 219,332 views

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Most popular comments
for Tips for buying a boat.

Jeffrey 1957
Jeffrey 1957 - 7 years ago
Great short video well done.
Casey Bush
Casey Bush - 7 years ago
I have already built five boats not outstanding, and three has gone bad already. This has also happened to a friend of mine. Until we met their services and things became outrageous [Check Details Here==> ]. We are now looking at building another by following this site guides, and it's really awesome.
Shelia Gunn
Shelia Gunn - 7 years ago
Darth Plagueis
Darth Plagueis - 7 years ago
A honey of a video,

thank you for posting.
Gregor Miller
Gregor Miller - 7 years ago
Great brief over-view. I'd like to know who makes your jacket?
Jort van Sisseren
Jort van Sisseren - 7 years ago
Thanks Gregor Miller. The jacket is by Magic Marine.
SassyHershsey SassyHershey
SassyHershsey SassyHershey - 8 years ago
Charter for a month before you even think of this life.
Jamie Marshall
Jamie Marshall - 8 years ago
Worn anodes does mean there is 'problem with the hull', it means they are working! you would need to determine the age of the anode to determine if they are wearing excessively quickly - thats a sure way to put a buyer off for no reason at all!
Tom Smith
Tom Smith - 8 years ago
OneGenericName - 7 years ago
Listing removed
Dawson Bloodworth
Dawson Bloodworth - 9 years ago
just so you know its called a boat not a butt
Robert Keaveny
Robert Keaveny - 8 years ago
john palma
berwwtje - 8 years ago
+john palma I know, right? 
john palma
john palma - 8 years ago
berwwtje:::That's a good one,how many Americans can hardly speak,read or write above a 5th grade level and yet mock someone with a foreign accent?
berwwtje - 9 years ago
Another great oneliner! You keep spewing them out kind sir!
Dawson Bloodworth
Dawson Bloodworth - 9 years ago
+berwwtje shut up 3 year old
berwwtje - 9 years ago
+Dawson Bloodworth Clearly English isn't his native tongue and still it's easy to understand what he is saying. I wonder how many languages you speak and how well your prenunciation is when speaking these other languages...

Be a dick somewhere else.
Luckystrike - 9 years ago
Boat= Bring Out Another Thousand $
2much Time
2much Time - 8 years ago
Excellent comeback!
berwwtje - 9 years ago
+Luckystrike House = How Obtusely Uninspiring, Stuck Eternally.

10. comment for Tips for buying a boat.

chet mcguire
chet mcguire - 9 years ago
LOTS of erroneous advice out there by well meaning but inexperienced youtubers on boat assessment. Bouwe, you've done a good thing here. Thanks you sir.
john palma
john palma - 8 years ago
Are you kidding,anything on YOUTUBE is Gospel.
Lugodam Albu
Lugodam Albu - 9 years ago
Thanks vey much. Info.
Juan Gamella
Juan Gamella - 10 years ago
Am I seeing things or is this Bouwe Bekking?!?!
Dusty Senn
Dusty Senn - 10 years ago
yes it is and is doing well in the volvo ocean race 
DIY Yacht Broker
DIY Yacht Broker - 10 years ago
That is Bouwe Bekking alright. He is one of the founders of DIY Yacht Broker and obviously knows a thing or two about boats. He has done several of these videos.
Jonathan Moynihan
Jonathan Moynihan - 10 years ago
These are just the things he wants in a boat.  Boats are all about sweat equity or money.   My meager experience is roughly 20,000 miles on a boat I paid around $12000 but invested my time and money into.  Projects have huge payoffs -Openseaphotography
Space Shadow
Space Shadow - 10 years ago
Great info
de0xyrib0se - 11 years ago
Tip #1 - Do not buy a boat.
Sail Away
Sail Away - 7 years ago
It's personal choice. I've seen thousnds of people spend less than 60 minutes total looking over a million dollar apartment with no knowledge of housing and then bidding on said apartment. Life on the sea is less of a money pit all things taken into account.
nic bic
nic bic - 8 years ago
+J.D. Luke hahaha strange indeed
J.D. Luke
J.D. Luke - 8 years ago
Holy crap! A reasonable discussion between Youtube commenters!
berwwtje - 9 years ago
+de0xyrib0se Well, I think 99.9% is a bit of a stretch but I will agree a majority of boats is left to rot.

So the conclusion of our banter is to think long and hard before buying a boat. If sailing the world and/or living aboard is your intention, go ahead! If it's for sporadic use, hobby and relaxation, consider other options that probably are cheaper.
de0xyrib0se - 9 years ago
+berwwtje you are coming from the standpoint of someone buying a boat and traveling the world with it. 99.9% of boaters will not do that.

The average person can use the money they would spend on boat maintenance alone to visit new places (in very good comfort) every year, charter a boat and explore as much as they wish.

Boating is not about saving money. It is about experiencing boating.

Even sailboats require fuel, water, provisions and etc. Although boats are on the water they do not run on water.

Traveling by boat is a great way to explore the world. However, given the fact people that travel the world are exceptions buying a boat is not cost effective for the experience 99.9% of people will get out of it.

There are 13 million registered boats in the US (alone!), guess how many of those are being used to travel the world or as live-aboards?

Again, my opinion is to charter.
berwwtje - 9 years ago
+de0xyrib0se "As for how boring your life is, there is no boat in the world that will change that. You are either adventurous type of person and can meet new people and explore places or you are not."

I almost fully agree with this, that's why I didn't leave the comment as is. And ye, a lot of people own a boat and let it rot... And then there are the people who live about every day of their life on their boat and enjoy this way of living to the fullest amount.

A boat can open up whole new worlds for certain people. They travel to places for comparably very low cost and generally enjoy the experience. 

You forgo these people with your statement. And your followup plays into my hand, since adventurous people will use their ship to the fullest potential.
de0xyrib0se - 9 years ago
+berwwtje the discussion is about buying a boat. You can simply charter boats. There is absolutely no reason to buy a money-pit.

Boats sit unused over 95% of the time, no need to explain the cost-vs-benefit here, there is none!

This is also the reason ownership in the US has been declining over the past 10 years.

As for how boring your life is, there is no boat in the world that will change that. You are either adventurous type of person and can meet new people and explore places or you are not. Water, air, you travel is irrelevant, buying a boat has nothing to do with this.
berwwtje - 9 years ago
+de0xyrib0se Indeed, have a boring life and stay forever in the same place with the same people...

Now ofcourse this statement isn't fair, you can have a great life on shore, but your statement is at least as unfair.
antxon izarra
antxon izarra - 11 years ago
find a dumb friend with a boat
Francis Russo
Francis Russo - 11 years ago
I love how a Volvo Ocean Race skipper is doing boat reviews.
thagrintch - 11 years ago
really thorough and well made video, thanks!
Donan Raven
Donan Raven - 11 years ago
extra: for secondary water cooling circuits for engines, check exit water+exhaust flow. There is a problem if there is no water or if there is black smoke, blue smoke or continuous white smoke. a clear to-the-point video from Mr. Bekking.

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