Tips for catamaran sailing in storms and heavy weather – Catamaran sailing techniques

Tips for catamaran sailing in storms and heavy weather – Catamaran sailing techniques sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Sailing 9 years ago 90,299 views

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Most popular comments
for Tips for catamaran sailing in storms and heavy weather – Catamaran sailing techniques

Niels Isaksen
Niels Isaksen - 7 years ago
Are you joking.
William Victor
William Victor - 7 years ago
It looks so simple, and yet. .
Doug Parcher
Doug Parcher - 7 years ago
Huh? Globally inaudible.
Andre N
Andre N - 7 years ago
Take this cat to Drake Passage, come back and teach us something practical.
slim in da hood sunshine
slim in da hood sunshine - 7 years ago
let me take it to the drake, seeya maybe
Robert Rudolph
Robert Rudolph - 7 years ago
Blah blah Blah... "and do whatever is comfortable" what crap information is that........ this video is "Much to do about NOTHING" rated 1/10 ... take the cat out in a REAL foul weather condition!!!!!!!!!!
Lars Eivind Finstad
Lars Eivind Finstad - 7 years ago
thank you for sharing your documented skills on sailing! considering buing a liveaboard for performance type catamaran.
inbox2me - 8 years ago
It would make sense to show ( its a video!) the management of a cat in heavy weather (waves rather than wind). You may as well just have a commentary with no video. Poor video. Some useless and wrong comments too Nigel.
Neil McNamara
Neil McNamara - 7 years ago
Edward Burns
Edward Burns - 8 years ago
400K Boat and someone skimped 200 quid by not getting a full size plotter. Thanks for the vid tho.
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 7 years ago
It's a charter boat.
DADA 5000 - Francis Ngannou's Conditioning Coach
DADA 5000 - Francis Ngannou's Conditioning Coach - 7 years ago
FIrst thing i noticed as well...
clobbyhops - 8 years ago
1:00, looks like a 65 year old David Duchovny

10. comment for Tips for catamaran sailing in storms and heavy weather – Catamaran sailing techniques

ushoys - 8 years ago
More heavy weather instruction from Yachting World in a becalmed boat. Next lesson will be how to rig a spitfire jib in a Force 1.
Brandon Moore
Brandon Moore - 8 years ago
Yeah these are great, I have a bareboat next week in the VI and I have been watching all of these.
erik nulty
erik nulty - 8 years ago
Mr. Midshipman
Mr. Midshipman - 9 years ago
Good stuff. You know what really hurts though, "How much wood can a woodchuck chuck chuck?"
Pavo Mrnarevic
Pavo Mrnarevic - 9 years ago
This is very helpful , we will be chartering a 45 cat in April in Tortola . Thank you for the videos .
Pavo Mrnarevic
Pavo Mrnarevic - 8 years ago
+Brandon Moore
It was fantastic , very easy to handle , electric winches are great. Don't count on using the air conditioning the generator noise is worse than the heat when you sleep.
Brandon Moore
Brandon Moore - 8 years ago
+Pavo Mrnarevic How was your 45? I have a leopard 45 next week, any advice?

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