Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22
Sailing 7 years ago 8,540 views
Tuya’s FISHING TIP Catches FISH – Finally we start catching fish like our survival depended on it. Fishing lures, fishing bait, this is where we wanted to be, not shopping out of the Cruising Guide looking for the best restaurant at the next port of call but sustainable living from the riches of the sea. We still weren’t sure it was possible but one thing was for sure, our fishing really had to improve! I don’t know to this day, where Tuya got this idea from, but like so many things the girls do on Luckyfish, I have learnt to bite my tongue and let them do it. Despite being against everything I have been taught, 9 times out of 10 it works. We hope you enjoy, comment and question. And, do like, SHARE and subscribe if you want more! You can support our creations by becoming a PATRON, link below. You guys are AWESOME ! Luckyfish Gets Away is a sailing Vlog from a reasonably priced and really cool catamaran ! You can also find out a whole lot more on these videos by visiting: http://www.svluckyfish.com and follow along our journey. Almost every cruiser these days has a cat or wants a cat, but the fact is, few can afford them. Here at Luckyfish Gets Away we believe that cruising has always been about the performance, not the stage. We try to keep our platform simple and sustainable, so we can max out on experiences. Become part of our journey by subscribing, commenting or just watching. We would love to connect with you and hopefully see you on the water soon. Love Stew, Zaya's and Tuya ! Support Luckyfish on Patreon and become part of our journey! https://www.patreon.com/luckyfish Please Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/c/luckyfishgetsaway?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Luckyfish Gets Away on Facebook at http://facebook.com/svluckyfish for the latest news. Subscribe to our emails here at: http://svluckyfish.com and follow us on: http://twitter.com/svluckyfish https://www.instagram.com/stewart.coates/ None of this would have been possible without the love of sailing from fellow sailors. That pretty much covers it. A big THANK YOU to the Creatives at: 00:00 Max Noremo – Festival www.soundcloud.com/maxnoremo Epidemic Sounds 10:25 Tatono – Swinging from Vines (https://soundcloud.com/tatono/swinging-from-vines)
At least I’m working on the boat I can afford.
The templates for milling the sheets of the hull are ready and I start with the cradle it’s going to be build on tomorrow, marine plywood is yet to be funded.
Everything starts small, right? It’s the sailing dinghy I always dreamed of, though it will be hard to get a cat under my butt, big enough to carry it.
So if you eventually spot a guy in the middle of the pacific, cruising in a 12ft dingy, things didn’t work out for me quite as well, as I expected. <g>
Nevertheless there is the save opportunity showing on my horizon, to do that last very, very long voyage, that I’m going to spend my hopefully early retirement with. That keeps me alive.
Actually I settled quite well here until some two years ago, I found myself ultimately fed with all that greedy and corrupt maniacs, fighting over who is going to rule over me.
…and remembered my old love & life. <g>
I can highly recommend it. My cruise was only 6 month in the carribean most of witch I towed a rubber skirt behind the boat, remarkably unsuccessfull. Then, towards the end, I came across that book and according to it, I added a ballyhoo to the skirt. Near Monserat it took not even two hours and something hit, took off like a freight train and ... I got spooled grrr
... and that was on some serious Penn gear, single handed though...
Obviously I can not deny, that it worked quite well, at least the first part.
It will take a while untill I have the next try (cruise), but a snubber line, with a poly ball tied to the end, as suggested in the book, will be my next favorite. So any monster can play the ball while I handle the boat.
Greetz & Fair Winds Anton
More not-paying-for-food sounds really good to me! :)
Aloha guys! Didn't realize The Lucky Fish weathered the "bad" season in Grenada. Ya picked a GOOD place for that!
The other big one is how sweet and skilled you handle your boat - no barking in those
'hot little moments' ;-) I would favor an all female crew myself - no macho BS going.
My son is now 10 <always enjoy ur vids together> and boy oh boy - ha if the gals like Americans then they would go nuts over this young man !
He is quite a handsome blend from his Asian Momma and well - me.
I had to tease him here and brag !
Cheers , Scott and son
10. comment for Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22
20. comment for Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22
Start these two "songs" together and see, or hear, what you think:
Mongolian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYUTPH1Y8Lc&list=RD6LJN0Zr57p0&index=2
Irish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By0QM8mlr28&list=RDBy0QM8mlr28
..how little we differ... how beautiful our differences...
The Irish is "Sean Nós" singing, meaning "Old Noise" or "Ancient Intonation", and the Mongolian is "Mongolian Throat Singing" (as per wikipedia as I'm not overly familiar with it's history: See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuvan_throat_singing). Technically Sean Nós is performed without instruments, or with only a drone tone.
(( another pairing:
(( Irish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By0QM8mlr28&list=RDBy0QM8mlr28
(( Mongolian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LJN0Zr57p0&list=RD6LJN0Zr57p0
30. comment for Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22