Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22

Tuya’s FISHING TIP Catches FISH – Finally we start catching fish like our survival depended on it. Fishing lures, fishing bait, this is where we wanted to be, not shopping out of the Cruising Guide looking for the best restaurant at the next port of call but sustainable living from the riches of the sea. We still weren’t sure it was possible but one thing was for sure, our fishing really had to improve! I don’t know to this day, where Tuya got this idea from, but like so many things the girls do on Luckyfish, I have learnt to bite my tongue and let them do it. Despite being against everything I have been taught, 9 times out of 10 it works. We hope you enjoy, comment and question. And, do like, SHARE and subscribe if you want more! You can support our creations by becoming a PATRON, link below. You guys are AWESOME ! Luckyfish Gets Away is a sailing Vlog from a reasonably priced and really cool catamaran ! You can also find out a whole lot more on these videos by visiting: http://www.svluckyfish.com and follow along our journey. Almost every cruiser these days has a cat or wants a cat, but the fact is, few can afford them. Here at Luckyfish Gets Away we believe that cruising has always been about the performance, not the stage. We try to keep our platform simple and sustainable, so we can max out on experiences. Become part of our journey by subscribing, commenting or just watching. We would love to connect with you and hopefully see you on the water soon. Love Stew, Zaya's and Tuya ! Support Luckyfish on Patreon and become part of our journey! https://www.patreon.com/luckyfish Please Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/c/luckyfishgetsaway?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Luckyfish Gets Away on Facebook at http://facebook.com/svluckyfish for the latest news. Subscribe to our emails here at: http://svluckyfish.com and follow us on: http://twitter.com/svluckyfish https://www.instagram.com/stewart.coates/ None of this would have been possible without the love of sailing from fellow sailors. That pretty much covers it. A big THANK YOU to the Creatives at: 00:00 Max Noremo – Festival www.soundcloud.com/maxnoremo Epidemic Sounds 10:25 Tatono – Swinging from Vines (https://soundcloud.com/tatono/swinging-from-vines)

Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Sailing 7 years ago 8,540 views

Tuya’s FISHING TIP Catches FISH – Finally we start catching fish like our survival depended on it. Fishing lures, fishing bait, this is where we wanted to be, not shopping out of the Cruising Guide looking for the best restaurant at the next port of call but sustainable living from the riches of the sea. We still weren’t sure it was possible but one thing was for sure, our fishing really had to improve! I don’t know to this day, where Tuya got this idea from, but like so many things the girls do on Luckyfish, I have learnt to bite my tongue and let them do it. Despite being against everything I have been taught, 9 times out of 10 it works. We hope you enjoy, comment and question. And, do like, SHARE and subscribe if you want more! You can support our creations by becoming a PATRON, link below. You guys are AWESOME ! Luckyfish Gets Away is a sailing Vlog from a reasonably priced and really cool catamaran ! You can also find out a whole lot more on these videos by visiting: http://www.svluckyfish.com and follow along our journey. Almost every cruiser these days has a cat or wants a cat, but the fact is, few can afford them. Here at Luckyfish Gets Away we believe that cruising has always been about the performance, not the stage. We try to keep our platform simple and sustainable, so we can max out on experiences. Become part of our journey by subscribing, commenting or just watching. We would love to connect with you and hopefully see you on the water soon. Love Stew, Zaya's and Tuya ! Support Luckyfish on Patreon and become part of our journey! https://www.patreon.com/luckyfish Please Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/c/luckyfishgetsaway?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Luckyfish Gets Away on Facebook at http://facebook.com/svluckyfish for the latest news. Subscribe to our emails here at: http://svluckyfish.com and follow us on: http://twitter.com/svluckyfish https://www.instagram.com/stewart.coates/ None of this would have been possible without the love of sailing from fellow sailors. That pretty much covers it. A big THANK YOU to the Creatives at: 00:00 Max Noremo – Festival www.soundcloud.com/maxnoremo Epidemic Sounds 10:25 Tatono – Swinging from Vines (https://soundcloud.com/tatono/swinging-from-vines)

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for Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22

Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
If you enjoyed this one then please SUBSCRIBE, give us a LIKE and SHARE this link https://youtu.be/axNlr8YoQHE to your friends. It's a HUGE HELP. Thanks to all our Patrons too... It's not too late to become one if you haven't already :-)
Josef Roesler
Josef Roesler - 7 years ago
I don’t understand this episode. You’re in Grenada, then 12 months later, you’re somewhere else, then you’re talking about leaving the coast of Africa.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Luckyfish is in Florida, we are in Mongolia and returning to her in a few days. We sailed from Grenada to Florida this year and will share the videos from that journey shortly. The reference to Sth Africa at the end of the video is an invitation to viewers to watch our story from the beginning. Sorry for the confusion! You can find us on Facebook and Instagram or check out our website and channel page for more info. Thanks for the comment, Stew
Laurent Froggy
Laurent Froggy - 7 years ago
that was some good old fashion fishing. thanks guys and best from HKG
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed. Thank you from just up the road in Mongolia :-)
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Gannets ! Love 'em too. My nickname on Argo was gannet as I would swoop on food from a mile away :-) still do. Beautiful birds, these caribbean ones are quite a bit smaller than their southern ocean cousins - but behaviour is exactly the same, Cheers
Ric Gaston
Ric Gaston - 7 years ago
No ship has ever been recorded being sunk in the open ocean by a gaseous out charge from a volcano, or tsunami, unless you count Godzilla movies. C'mon Stew, you are a geologist for God sake. Yes it is "possible", but it has never happened - in 5000 years of recorded sailing history. I don't blame you for avoiding Kick 'em Jenny, but seriously, shouldn't we all be honest? Oh, and if you want to catch fish, get it down, DEEP, that baited lure is only going down 5 feet; A couple pounds of weight and 400 feet of line should take it down where it should be at 8 knots (slower speed, less weight). (I hear the wave slap again in the galley) HEY! where is the rest of Mongolia?
Ric Gaston
Ric Gaston - 7 years ago
Be nice? Oh please. If you didn't have me, and others, knocking on your door demanding explanations, what would happen to your audience? You can't seriously think that everything you say in your video should be taken as absolute fact. I mean, you aren't Al Gore, ya' know? Oh, I did read that CNN report that you posted referencing the possible cause of a single ship sinking in 1944, when German U-boats were active in the area. By the way, CNN is the most distrusted "news" organization in the world, if you don't count Al Jazeera. Seriously, the CNN article talks about the "possibility" of it happening, and makes reference to a ship lost around the same time and place as Kick-em-Jenny was erupting, and makes reference to the fact that there were German U-boats in operation in the area at the time. Wait, could it be that they have found the reason for all the ships lost in the "Bermuda Triangle"? I got an uncle who saw bigfoot, and at least three friends who have been abducted by aliens from other planets. Let's keep it civil. The truth is that there has never been a verified ship sank due to underwater outgassing. Honestly, I think it has happened, and is likely, and it may happen more often than it is reported. It has just never been confirmed - ever. What happened to Malaysia Flight 370?
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
"One of Grenada’s worst maritime disasters is believed to have occurred as a result of degassing from the Kick ’em Jenny volcano in 1944. At least 60 people died when a ship sank with 60 people on board." source http://edition.cnn.com/2015/07/25/americas/kick-em-jenny-volcano-rumbling/index.html It stands to reason that such ship disappearances are likely to go unexplained. Re: Mongolia, be nice if you want more.
Anton Ditt
Anton Ditt - 7 years ago
Anton Ditt
Anton Ditt - 7 years ago
I'm to old to start building an ocean going yacht, but hopefully it will not be necessary. Take care, mate & keep afloat until I catch up ;)
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
That Piper design has an interesting an pretty quick build method. Very interesting. Looks like a really satisfying project, and a tender for future mothership. ! My brother built that way, first a ply pram sailing dinghy tender, then a 38' steel Roberts design! you are right, small steps, one at a time. Best of luck!
Anton Ditt
Anton Ditt - 7 years ago
THX for that advice, that is so true in many cases, but a man without legs will not walk, even if told so.
At least I’m working on the boat I can afford.
The templates for milling the sheets of the hull are ready and I start with the cradle it’s going to be build on tomorrow, marine plywood is yet to be funded.
Everything starts small, right? It’s the sailing dinghy I always dreamed of, though it will be hard to get a cat under my butt, big enough to carry it.
So if you eventually spot a guy in the middle of the pacific, cruising in a 12ft dingy, things didn’t work out for me quite as well, as I expected. <g>
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
+Anton Ditt - I hear you loud and clear! dont wait just find the boat you can afford now or soon.... and go! and then tell us how it works out :-) keep in touch, Stew
Anton Ditt
Anton Ditt - 7 years ago
I’m beached in upper Bavaria, where I origin, for many years now, “sailing” with all the cruisers, who share the brise and their experiences on Youtube, as you do and I’m so grateful of that! Unfortunately my situation does not allow me to support  anyone, because I’m frankly quite poor at the moment.
Nevertheless there is the save opportunity showing on my horizon, to do that last very, very long voyage, that I’m going to spend my hopefully early retirement with. That keeps me alive.
Actually I settled quite well here until some two years ago, I found myself ultimately fed with all that greedy and corrupt maniacs, fighting over who is going to rule over me.
…and remembered my old love & life. <g>
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Great stuff. That advice well noted, in fact copied to our fishing notes for this season! What a bummer about getting spooled. We hope to be using proper trolling reels and line this year as it is only a matter of time before our tiny spinning gear really lets us down ... What/where are you sailing currently?
Anton Ditt
Anton Ditt - 7 years ago
ahhh...good... <g>
I can highly recommend it. My cruise was only 6 month in the carribean most of witch I towed a rubber skirt behind the boat, remarkably unsuccessfull. Then, towards the end, I came across that book and according to it, I added a ballyhoo to the skirt. Near Monserat it took not even two hours and something hit, took off like a freight train and ... I got spooled grrr
... and that was on some serious Penn gear, single handed though...
Obviously I can not deny, that it worked quite well, at least the first part.
It will take a while untill I have the next try (cruise), but a snubber line, with a poly ball tied to the end, as suggested in the book, will be my next favorite. So any monster can play the ball while I handle the boat.
Greetz & Fair Winds Anton
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Thanks for the link. We have that book :-) . In a few of our videos you get a glimpse of Tuya's face buried deep in it !! Cheers, Stew
jay hunt
jay hunt - 7 years ago
Hi Stewart and Girls.  Another great video in the can.  Here is a Mahi-Mahi trick for the up coming season;  Mahi-Mahi are frequently found along a floating weed line, or any flotsam found while sailing.  Have another rod or two at the ready because once that you've hooked one and you have brought it closer to the boat, just leave it there in the water, in doing so, you will trick some of the other fish in the school to investigate what their friend is doing and you can cast to them and increase your chances of stocking your larder.   We once caught eight Mahi-Mahi that were stacked up underneath the shade of and old floating cooler.  Tight lines and fair winds, Jay.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
+jay hunt great stuff. naturally we are very keen to try this! we will let you know. thanks very much for sharing!
Alapiko ma Mālolonui
Alapiko ma Mālolonui - 7 years ago
Woo-hoo,.. good to see your picking up some yummy swimmin' munchies on the road from here to there!
More not-paying-for-food sounds really good to me! :)

Aloha guys! Didn't realize The Lucky Fish weathered the "bad" season in Grenada. Ya picked a GOOD place for that!
Key Topic
Key Topic - 7 years ago
We enjoy how you mention 6 months at sea - and how you feel about that coming to an end.. it really offers nice insight and feel of what your experience really holds.
The other big one is how sweet and skilled you handle your boat - no barking in those
'hot little moments' ;-) I would favor an all female crew myself - no macho BS going.
My son is now 10 <always enjoy ur vids together> and boy oh boy - ha if the gals like Americans then they would go nuts over this young man !
He is quite a handsome blend from his Asian Momma and well - me.
I had to tease him here and brag !
Cheers , Scott and son
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Ha, great to hear. Future yankee sailor man in the making! If he follows his Dad's footsteps he will pick a good crew, Cheers

10. comment for Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22

Gerald Sierks
Gerald Sierks - 7 years ago
Liked the video really liked the music.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Thanks Gerald. Glad you liked the video as quite a few viewers saying they liked the music so I was worried the video wasn't any good :-)
Roger K. Davis
Roger K. Davis - 7 years ago
Fredrick Rourk
Fredrick Rourk - 7 years ago
They Girls are getting good at fishing!
Hindukush - 7 years ago
If you put alcohol from a squeeze bottle on the fish gills it kills them instantly and you don't ruin by bruising the most tender best meat over the eyes up to the front of the head when you filet a Mahi. Awesome video have fun we will miss your adventures during your break.
Ric Gaston
Ric Gaston - 7 years ago
Actually a spray bottle filled with isopropyl would work better (you can also use it to clean around the boat). It is quickest to just cut the head off, for both the fish, and you.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
+Hindukush - thanks man good advice well taken! the squeeze bottle is a really good idea and we will adopt that in future. Maybe take some good Mongolian vodka back to the boat with us :-) Cheers
guy Marble
guy Marble - 7 years ago
great video guys keep um coming. Cheers Peanut
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Thanks Bricey, hope all is good with you, see you soon.
Greg Ponder
Greg Ponder - 7 years ago
Loved the amazing...scenery. Thanks for sharing!
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Great to hear you enjoyed, thanks
spraymanduck - 7 years ago
I'm really surprised that the cuda was a good tasting fish. I have always been told it was not to be eaten. That it could not be eaten.... I was talked into putting a 3.5ft one back in the ocean once.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
+J Mo - Yes to that. Locals have the knowledge. End of story. Cheers, Stew, Zaya and Tuya
J Mo
J Mo - 7 years ago
Cuda is great
Ric Gaston
Ric Gaston - 7 years ago
People die of peanut and pollen "allergy" every day. Maybe some people shouldn't continue to live? Does the human race really need to support people who cannot survive the food they eat? More importantly, should the human race survive if it is composed of people who cannot survive?
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
+stevesrainbowdream I can vouch for Lionfish too, very good tasting and will be on our menu once we get a spear. As for shark, any Kiwi or Aussie knows this as "flake" and sold as Fish n Chips - a staple :-) . To carry this conversation forwards, anyone used a ciguatera test kit? - I've heard the locals used to use a silver coin to test for the toxin - be handy if something was out there, tested and working?? cheers
Ric Gaston
Ric Gaston - 7 years ago
Always cook Barracuda, COMPLETELY - NEVER use it as "sushi", it is the same with any predator fish. Any fish can be eaten without worry, as long as it is thoroughly cooked, even Lionfish, and Shark.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Yes, same here - after speaking to the locals in the Grenadines we learned the barracuda is not only safe to eat south of Guadeloupe, but that it is also a really good fish to eat. We are also aware of folks eating them right up into the Bahamas without side effects.. are you sailing currently or boat hunting?? Cheers
gdsandkes - 7 years ago
Very clever steering mechanism. Nice video, you are making me hungry for fish.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
ha! better get some fish then :-) - we made a video on the self steering here... https://youtu.be/HwEejk7bhCw thanks for your comment
Key Topic
Key Topic - 7 years ago
great to see you guys again - woo good fishing there !
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
True enough Scott, really heartening to see its still possible to eat from the sea there
Vaughn Herren
Vaughn Herren - 7 years ago
I hope your adventures continue. In the video you said it was the last leg.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Aye, we will be continuing... had to pause for some work and replenish the kitty...

20. comment for Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22

Larry Innes
Larry Innes - 7 years ago
Thanks great video are you still on the boat or are away ??
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
We are in Mongolia and heading back to Luckyfish in a couple of weeks - then onwards! Glad you are enjoying the story
Russell Ezzell
Russell Ezzell - 7 years ago
Howdy from Texas. I love the music selection in this video. Keep up the good work.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Thanks Russell, really glad to hear that, cheers
Cigarmann - 7 years ago
Nothing......I mean nothing better than fish from the sea right into the skillet! Wanted to add, only you Stuart would comment on the perfection of the self steering system while dispatching a fish......truly a sailer!
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
hehe, just a lazy sailor happy for the extra pair of "hands" :-) Thanks mate!
mike womack
mike womack - 7 years ago
Nice .... ;~D>> .... Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Richard Burgan
Richard Burgan - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us. Nice job editing and scoring!
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Thanks Richard...
Boat Channels
Boat Channels - 7 years ago
umvhu - 7 years ago
A little piece of fake fur fabric fixed over the camera microphone will reduce wind noise a lot.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Hi Umvhu! How could we forget you :-) We think we have our audio sorted now.... lets hope the 2018 sound quality is okie dokie... thanks alot for that suggestion, we did try sponge at one point but not much good... fake fur was hard to come by :-)
Anders Bjørn
Anders Bjørn - 7 years ago
Safe sailing to you guys! Thanks for sharing! I really like to listen to the girls talking in mongolian ... It sounds like such a beautyful language ;)
Alapiko ma Mālolonui
Alapiko ma Mālolonui - 7 years ago
Like the sound of the brook burbling, the breeze though the grass, the twigs crackling and sliding, and the distant thunder thrumming...

Start these two "songs" together and see, or hear, what you think:
Mongolian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYUTPH1Y8Lc&list=RD6LJN0Zr57p0&index=2
Irish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By0QM8mlr28&list=RDBy0QM8mlr28

..how little we differ... how beautiful our differences...

The Irish is "Sean Nós" singing, meaning "Old Noise" or "Ancient Intonation", and the Mongolian is "Mongolian Throat Singing" (as per wikipedia as I'm not overly familiar with it's history: See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuvan_throat_singing). Technically Sean Nós is performed without instruments, or with only a drone tone.

(( another pairing:
(( Irish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By0QM8mlr28&list=RDBy0QM8mlr28
(( Mongolian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LJN0Zr57p0&list=RD6LJN0Zr57p0
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Thanks for lovely comment mate. Yes, it is a beautiful language, kind of like whispers at times... very lovely for a man to listen to women speaking its true... cheers
Frank Grady
Frank Grady - 7 years ago
Beautiful fish! You have to take the pictures quickly before the color leaves! Just turned 50, and dreaming of my turn to sail away! I'm living in Okinawa Japan, so come visit and pick me up! I'm ready to go sailing simply. Fair winds and following seas
Ric Gaston
Ric Gaston - 7 years ago
My plan, should I ever realize it, is to someday walk on many islands of the Pacific, where history happened. My uncle was a recon soldier in WW2 who swam onto several occupied islands to gather information and then swam back to the submarine that dropped him off the day before various invasions. Guadalcanal is one I know he reconnoitered. Plumb Pudding, where JFK was stranded is a key for me, and the chain running up from there through Tinian, Iwo Jima to Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Ogasawara islands are along that chain.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
+Ric Gaston - did you visit them by yacht? If so what route? they are far flung and would require some serious route planning - neither of which should stop us :-)
Ric Gaston
Ric Gaston - 7 years ago
What ever you do, do not skip the Ogasawara Islands.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
You aren't the first to tell them that and you'd be right too of course - they make the best crew that's for sure.
Frank Grady
Frank Grady - 7 years ago
Tell the girls they are true MacGuyvers!!
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Okinawa - there is a place we would love to visit! but we are still a good year + away from getting over that side... working on it! may get as close as Vietnam, then ??? Great to hear your chance is just around the corner :-) Cheers!
Wayne Berry
Wayne Berry - 7 years ago
Another great video Stuart.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Thanks Wayne, glad you enjoyed!

30. comment for Tuya's FISHING TIP Catches FISH! - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 22

Dan McCarthy
Dan McCarthy - 7 years ago
Of all the sailing videos I've seen, you've got the best background music! From ethic stuff that actually sounds good, even though I have no idea what they are saying to classical (which I have a very narrow taste), its awesome!
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Thanks Dan, that is really good to hear. I would like to include more ethnic tunes but the copyright is quite unpredictable I have found. A fair bit of time goes into finding the music so I am really chuffed you enjoy it, Stew.
Harold Hofmann
Harold Hofmann - 7 years ago
It’s so good to see all of you on video. The fishing is so exciting that I got a huge smile while all of you got so intense. Nice catch!
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Ha, yes it's intense and exciting when a fish is on. Focus is all about not losing it !!! No-one wants to be the one that lost the fish :-)
John X
John X - 7 years ago
Ah, a Luckyfish fix - just when I was getting withdrawal symptoms! Thanks.
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Hey John, great to hear. Weekends here mate :-)
Ariunzaya Oyuntuya
Ariunzaya Oyuntuya - 7 years ago
Loved everything about this video! I'm fascinated on how you managed to capture such valuable moments. Your videos have replaced my daily netflix <3 Love all three of youuu
Luckyfish Gets Away
Luckyfish Gets Away - 7 years ago
Thanks so much! Well, we always try to have camera charged and close at hand. Some say sailing is 90% boredom and 10% panic... but we think its all 100% fun :-) Cheers Stew, Zaya and Tuya

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