UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations

My friends from SV Chuffed are picking up anchor to head back to Panama City and the fun times of buddy boating are over again. There are some boat jobs that need to be done before I leave Pedro Gonzales to start my way over to Costa Rica. Some of you had already commented on my engine panel...and of course that needs to be installed, you are right. So, let's get that one off the list! Always good to keep myself busy when friends leave and solitude finds its way back into my life. Enjoy & Ahoy, Nike & Karl

UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Sailing 7 years ago 9,590 views

My friends from SV Chuffed are picking up anchor to head back to Panama City and the fun times of buddy boating are over again. There are some boat jobs that need to be done before I leave Pedro Gonzales to start my way over to Costa Rica. Some of you had already commented on my engine panel...and of course that needs to be installed, you are right. So, let's get that one off the list! Always good to keep myself busy when friends leave and solitude finds its way back into my life. Enjoy & Ahoy, Nike & Karl

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Most popular comments
for UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations

gess ges
gess ges - 7 years ago
Mount it from the outside looks better and when you find. Some alloy plate cut a full size plate fit that to cover the extra size all good I did the same with mine and used purspec sheet dark color behind the dash thanks
Bluewater dreamin
Bluewater dreamin - 7 years ago
I hear ya with the back issues Nike. I have been off work since August last year for an operation on mine. Back to work tomorrow!
Take care my friend.
Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson - 7 years ago
dam you turn me on, how crazy is that?
a langwell
a langwell - 7 years ago
Nike, why do you always wear that beaded cloth arround your upper calf. I know that is not a boat or sailing ?, however I am just curious.
Bob Fomenko
Bob Fomenko - 7 years ago
Happy to see that you installed the Beta panel. Was worried when I saw it just sitting on the cockpit seat last video that it would get damaged. Nice delivery with fresh fruit right to your boat. Back problems suck for sure. Have had issues with it and my neck for longer than I would like to think about. You learn to live with it. Tylenol and motrin help. The yoga will too.
Peach Nike.
rossipop - 7 years ago
Take care of Karl and you know he will take care of you... A little solitude is your fuel to move on and find your next buddy's ...much hugs Nike.
RJ Serpa
RJ Serpa - 7 years ago
Thanks and G'day Nike.
Silky Jones
Silky Jones - 7 years ago
Measure your volts on the bilge pump hooked up and operating or trying to. DC should be measured under load.
Forty Six Degrees North
Forty Six Degrees North - 7 years ago
Nice editing. Good job girl. Thanks for the great video

10. comment for UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations

velocità - 7 years ago
My weekly inspiration in how to persevere!
John Rose
John Rose - 7 years ago
Costa Rica is very nice but expensive.
lancedaniels - 7 years ago
Thank you Nike.
Smoky Ribs BBQ & Southern Cuisine
Smoky Ribs BBQ & Southern Cuisine - 7 years ago
You are an amazing woman! Love your channel!
Sailing S/V Teak Key Randy Fryling
Sailing S/V Teak Key Randy Fryling - 7 years ago
So Sweet ......I mean you lol... great job...S/V Teak Key
OHFORPEATSAKES - 7 years ago
Still don't know what happened with the 'near sinking'. What gives?
Hope your back feels OK now.
Take care.
Viajedelavida - 7 years ago
It is so sad to hear that many of these islands have become privatised and the indigenous occupants are being rehoused elsewhere, where they can enjoy fast internet speeds, 24 hr electricity, air con, Netflix, etc. Their culture is doomed. Progress...
Frank D
Frank D - 7 years ago
Viajedelavida I don’t know if you’re pro or con on the privatization
mobiltec - 7 years ago
Your videos have really come a long way. I love your spirit. My back has given me problems for 40 years. But my savior was finding the "Thera-Cane". It's a J shaped light weight tool that allows you to fix your own back like a chiropractor would but only uses pressure. Regular use of this tool keeps my back aligned and healthy now and has been doing so for 15 years. I haven't needed a chiropractor since I bought it. Only $35 or less for this amazing tool. Check it out on line sometime.
Rob Mitchell
Rob Mitchell - 7 years ago
Your such a beautiful woman with many talents!
WindRose - 7 years ago
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." You are right, maybe if the stretches are done daily it may have prevented the buggering of the back? Hope all is well by now.

20. comment for UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations

Andresa Luca
Andresa Luca - 7 years ago
thank you
theislandpackrat - 7 years ago
Nike don't overdue yourself! Some times just set around and enjoy!
solarson53 - 7 years ago
I've never seen rays jumping, 'never knew they could - thanks
Ramona, Mariah, & the Sea
Ramona, Mariah, & the Sea - 7 years ago
You're my favorite
Peterfromdenmark - 7 years ago
Ohoy Nike.I can see that you and Karl grow with all thatTLC. you give each other. I hope you keep your respect for solo sailing.In Denmark we have a saying that sounds like that.Only a fool does not fear the sea.Good luck.PS. Congratulations on the reviews of movies.
Lk M
Lk M - 7 years ago
Loved seeing the rays jump. Would make a great relaxation video. I’m told fees for sailing in C.R. are zero, nice if true. Always enjoy the determination you show. Your a roll model for all.
tom williams
tom williams - 7 years ago
Perhaps the cable to the pump is not heavy enough? Not enough for the pump, would light a bulb but not the pump/motor? just a thought,you probably already fixed it!
Dudenat or
Dudenat or - 7 years ago
if you want to do that panel right, get some 1/4 ABS black sheet next time you are in a city port. Cut it to fit the front side of the hole. remove the meters and indicators from the Beta panel. Cut holes in the new plastic, mount parts. Mount new panel on front side of panel cutout hole.
Max Supermax
Max Supermax - 7 years ago
Lots of developers want to buy my family family farm in Texas it not for sale. My German ancestors had bought in 1850
Chuck Thompson
Chuck Thompson - 7 years ago
So, at least in the American Southeast, "monkey shines" would refer to a bit of silly fun, aka, "Tom foolery," or "shennanigans."

30. comment for UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations

Chuck Thompson
Chuck Thompson - 7 years ago
Ha ha. I was going to harass you last week about the engine panel. Should
have known you would sort it soon.
john mccormick
john mccormick - 7 years ago
Love your videos Nike...suggest you try hanging from your arms to take pressure off your back,whenever i hurt my back i do that when i get up in the morning and it really helps..hope your back gets better!...thanks for sharing your adventures.
Robb's Homemade Life
Robb's Homemade Life - 7 years ago
Here is a tip that may help your back. When I was a youngster on my first ship I threw my lower back out. It hurt so much I could not stand up straight. A shipmate gave me this tip- Lie flat on your back with your arms at your side like you are standing at attention while laying down. Lift up the right knee towards your chest as far as it will go and then lower it to your right side and then return it to the starting position with it still on your right side. You are bringing the knee up and to the right and then extending the leg flat again so you are rotating the ball joint in your hip. Then bring the right knee up again as far as you can go and then move the knee to the left and then down again. You wil most likely hear and feel a pop as you are putting your back into place. Then do the same with the left leg. After doing this I was immediately able to stand up straight. I astill use this method to help pop my back in place. your daily exercise is also great for keeping the muscles strong to support you.
Fred Meyling
Fred Meyling - 7 years ago
Good to see another video. Please take care of your back warm up slowly and stretch well. I sail from a wheelchair and know about back pain.
WhiteSpotPirates - 7 years ago
Fred Meyling wow that sounds impressive! I have seen a man on a wheelchair in Balboa yachtclub as well. Really inspiring to see that nothing stops you from going on a boat. I feel overwhelmed so many times without a wheelchair being involved so I can only imagine how it might be for you.
Fair winds to you!
aggiez - 7 years ago
You are Awesome!
Norman Boyes
Norman Boyes - 7 years ago
Basically you must have annoyed the angry pixies - maybe the pump motor is kaput?
WhiteSpotPirates - 7 years ago
Norman Boyes hm, I don't think so since it runs perfectly, when I connect it without the switch...
BobbieGWhiz - 7 years ago
Just a superior sailing channel! If I see one more young couple sailing channel showing their buying, fixing, cruising and asking for Patreon funding, I think I’ll go crazy.
BobbieGWhiz - 7 years ago
WhiteSpotPirates But you’re playing in a different league. A league of your own. Your videos are artistic.
Jan Bosaeus
Jan Bosaeus - 7 years ago
You seem sad, I really hope you find your own way to an long term enriching life!
Jan Bosaeus
Jan Bosaeus - 7 years ago
Good to hear that it may have been the pain your back that gave me the impression of sadness. Best regards, Jan
BigMommas House
BigMommas House - 7 years ago
Nip slip 10:06
scott brian
scott brian - 7 years ago
I hope you are saving some of that rain water.I love your videos !!
WhiteSpotPirates - 7 years ago
scott brian yep, full tanks from that little shower....!!! ☺️
Cptn Uwe's Pirate Tales
Cptn Uwe's Pirate Tales - 7 years ago
You got it installed cool, exercise is never bad on a boat good for you. What do you trade for your provisions.Get a new pump and a mercury(mechanical) switch not part of the pump thats my personal preference
Gerald Thomas
Gerald Thomas - 7 years ago
When you have electricity and something still isn't working it's typically a loose connection. This will show current all through the system, but not carry enough amps to do any work. I'd look for corroded and contacts.
Jeff Scherer
Jeff Scherer - 7 years ago
Perhaps a bad switch? Try the cable straight from the battery
WhiteSpotPirates - 7 years ago
I had changed each and every connection, that's the weird thing. Plus the cables...I really cannot figure out what's missing in this equasion...ah well, stupid electrics...they are a mirical :)
Bruno Wiebelt
Bruno Wiebelt - 7 years ago
love your channel , & immer eine Handvoll Wasser unter dem Kiel..:)
SV EriphinE
SV EriphinE - 7 years ago
Erlich Nike, was du machst, Dein Kanal an sich, ist so anders und erlich. Bitte etwas mehr davon!
Das war nur für dich ;)
We all love you channel and your adventures, it is honest and down to earth - actually you are.
We all know it is the style of your channel to air such short videos once a week only. But could we negotiate about 15 minutes, please, maybe, if possible???
WhiteSpotPirates - 7 years ago
thx for your nice words. About the extra minutes...well, you'd have to discuss that with Patrice ;). Sometimes he goes as high as 12-13, but 15 is fairly rare and he would have to think that something super interesting is going on to allow a 15 minute episode...so I think your chances for a regular 15 minutes are fairly low :). Plus, it's also a cost problem...longer episodes cause way more cost...and 8-12 is what we can live with...But that's not the main driver, the main driver is that we believe they work because they are short and therefore still entertaining...:).
Ahoy, Nike
Satx Schubert
Satx Schubert - 7 years ago
nice video as always
Shaun Sim
Shaun Sim - 7 years ago
Funny rays, never seen that before and i never knew they could do that, I always thought they were bottom feeders and stayed on the bottom, I guess i have learned a new thing today, Hope your back gets better soon, nothing worse than a sore back, You should get yourself one of them 8" memory foam mat for your back ;)
SV Zaya
SV Zaya - 7 years ago
If you arent confident about the automatic pump switch and wiring, replace it and dont keep the bits.
The wire might have a break inside, its not common but it happens. I guess you could check the wire for continuity while bending it all over the place

Sounded like Sheddy on Chuffed has a vice like a foghorn! Typical Queenslander!
The panel looks great, I hope it wont leak

fair winds and following seas ..
Cordvision Film Equipment
Cordvision Film Equipment - 7 years ago
Just a little note... please never use an angel grinder without the safety guard. Those disks can "explode"/break and if they do the pieces become projectiles that can literally destroy your face to the point where you will be disfigured for life. I'm not just making this up, google image search "grinder accident" if you think I'm exaggeration but be prepared for extremely gruesome images...
John L
John L - 7 years ago
A chiropractor is what would have fixed your back. ;-)
mobiltec - 7 years ago
This is a copy of what I posted above. My back has given me problems for 40 years. But my savior was finding the "Thera-Cane". It's a J shaped light weight tool that allows you to fix your own back like a chiropractor would but only uses pressure. Regular use of this tool keeps my back aligned and healthy now and has been doing so for 15 years. I haven't needed a chiropractor since I bought it. Only $35 or less for this amazing tool. Check it out on line sometime.
John L
John L - 7 years ago
WhiteSpotPirates I know how it feels. I figured a way to crack it myself. I'll try to explain how. I sit on my bed with my two feet on the ground with my body totally perpendicular. Then I bring my right arm as far as I can bring it behind my back while twisting my upper body, my left arm is almost touching my right shoulder. Once I can't twist no more, I give it that extra push and it sometimes crack where it needs to. I keep my lower body totally straight and will use my right knee to hold myself on the bed. Then I do the opposite for the left side. I found the most important thing is I have to really have my legs perpendicular. And I usually can only crack it after sleeping when my body is relaxed. Maybe it can help you out next time. :-)
WhiteSpotPirates - 7 years ago
yeah, unfortunately none of those were around ;) I googled some exercise for what I thought was going on...but I ended up having to deal with it for a good three weeks...was fairly annoying!
David McNiven
David McNiven - 7 years ago
Hi Nike, float switches & bilge pumps, being in wet areas, need wiring to be perfect and joints sealed with adhesive lined heatshrink - not just to save you from sinking due to leaky through-hulls, shaft seals or hoses - but to save the hull from corrosion caused by stray electric currents. Happens fastest in aluminium hulls as I'm sure you know.
When drilling metal be sure to catch all the swarf. Fragments of metal nobler than aluminium probably caused the corrosion that made all those holes in Karl's hull.
On the good side your ballast ratio will be much better than my steel Super 10.
Reinke's layouts are the worst for back pain and everything else but at least the boats come cheap :)
WhiteSpotPirates - 7 years ago
haha, I know...the rust...spending time on Maria's steel boat has really made me appreciate aluminum as boat material even more ;)
David McNiven
David McNiven - 7 years ago
Touché! Advantage Nike.. if there had been an aluminium boat in my price range at the time I'd have jumped at it for sure. Yours will sail better than mine even though mine has the deeper fin keel. And the rust...
WhiteSpotPirates - 7 years ago
Hi David,
no worries, the Bilge pump and float switch are usually always dry...and the short time if they should be flooded once, I think the corrosion might be neglectable...I don't plan to sail around with water in my bilge that would reach as high as the cables of the switch or pump...And I always heat shrink everything that could possibly be close to water.
I was drilling / cutting aluminum...so not so much to worry about. The engine panel is plastic. I only drill or work on other metals outside and then hoover and flush afterwards. As an aluminum boat owner, you have to be fairly anal about things like that...But therefore, not the nasty rust chipping that you have to do on the steel boats...
Ajhoy, Nike

50. comment for UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations

Soma Devo
Soma Devo - 7 years ago
You are extra special and we are very fortunate to get these glimpses of your destiny.....Infinite Loving Blessings
Vet Tails' Sailing Chuffed
Vet Tails' Sailing Chuffed - 7 years ago
I love those little guys at the end - they were camera shy for me hehe, they must have been perfecting for this final performance ;) Saying goodbye by sail is always funny... Bye Nike... We will miss you Nike... 5 minutes later we can still yell out to you... 10 minutes later we can still see your boat hehe... x
WhiteSpotPirates - 7 years ago
aaaaah it was a bitter sweet moment to see you leave...It was such a treat to have you guys around!
Yeah those rays were insane, they did that for ages! Even long enough for me to think "shall I get the camera, shall I not, I guess I sould...ok where exactly is it...ah ok..." and they were still going for another 5-10 minutes. Was really cool.
Big hug coming your way,
dhamma58 - 7 years ago
and then the dreaded phrase"more about that...next week" (we want more and ...we want it now ...although the rays were a good diversion) sorry to see the chuffed ones go, the combined vet practice was great...
wiredkiwis - 7 years ago
Living a beautiful life. Thanks for sharing your path ;)
D Holtman
D Holtman - 7 years ago
"Monkeyshine"... is a new one on me.... Love it!
MikeConnerPhoto - 7 years ago
I think it’s an old term. My dad used to say it back in the 60’s when referring to polishing his medals & shoes for military inspections
WhiteSpotPirates - 7 years ago
hehe, Maria taught me that one and I loved it!
Ahoy, Nike
Gary Smith
Gary Smith - 7 years ago
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
justsomeguy - 7 years ago
Congrats on 50K subs!
curacao11 - 7 years ago

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The "UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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