UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations
Sailing 7 years ago 9,590 views
My friends from SV Chuffed are picking up anchor to head back to Panama City and the fun times of buddy boating are over again. There are some boat jobs that need to be done before I leave Pedro Gonzales to start my way over to Costa Rica. Some of you had already commented on my engine panel...and of course that needs to be installed, you are right. So, let's get that one off the list! Always good to keep myself busy when friends leave and solitude finds its way back into my life. Enjoy & Ahoy, Nike & Karl
Take care my friend.
Peach Nike.
10. comment for UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations
Hope your back feels OK now.
Take care.
20. comment for UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations
30. comment for UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations
have known you would sort it soon.
Fair winds to you!
Das war nur für dich ;)
We all love you channel and your adventures, it is honest and down to earth - actually you are.
We all know it is the style of your channel to air such short videos once a week only. But could we negotiate about 15 minutes, please, maybe, if possible???
Ahoy, Nike
The wire might have a break inside, its not common but it happens. I guess you could check the wire for continuity while bending it all over the place
Sounded like Sheddy on Chuffed has a vice like a foghorn! Typical Queenslander!
The panel looks great, I hope it wont leak
fair winds and following seas ..
When drilling metal be sure to catch all the swarf. Fragments of metal nobler than aluminium probably caused the corrosion that made all those holes in Karl's hull.
On the good side your ballast ratio will be much better than my steel Super 10.
Reinke's layouts are the worst for back pain and everything else but at least the boats come cheap :)
no worries, the Bilge pump and float switch are usually always dry...and the short time if they should be flooded once, I think the corrosion might be neglectable...I don't plan to sail around with water in my bilge that would reach as high as the cables of the switch or pump...And I always heat shrink everything that could possibly be close to water.
I was drilling / cutting aluminum...so not so much to worry about. The engine panel is plastic. I only drill or work on other metals outside and then hoover and flush afterwards. As an aluminum boat owner, you have to be fairly anal about things like that...But therefore, not the nasty rust chipping that you have to do on the steel boats...
Ajhoy, Nike
50. comment for UNTIE THE LINES III #41 - Solo Sailing Preparations
Yeah those rays were insane, they did that for ages! Even long enough for me to think "shall I get the camera, shall I not, I guess I sould...ok where exactly is it...ah ok..." and they were still going for another 5-10 minutes. Was really cool.
Big hug coming your way,
Ahoy, Nike