Upwind sailing tips for catamarans – Catamaran sailing techniques | Yachting World

Why don’t cruising cats sail very well to windward? Nigel Irens explains and has some tips on how to get more out of a cruising catamaran upwind ► Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to Yachting World's YouTube page now - https://www.youtube.com/user/yachtingworld?sub_confirmation=1 ► For the latest reviews, new gear launches and tour news, visit our website here - http://www.yachtingworld.com ► Like us on Facebook here - https://www.facebook.com/yachtingworldmagazine ►Follow us on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/yachtingworld ►Feel free to comment below! ►Remember to hit that LIKE button if you enjoyed it :)

Upwind sailing tips for catamarans – Catamaran sailing techniques | Yachting World sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Sailing 9 years ago 84,247 views

Why don’t cruising cats sail very well to windward? Nigel Irens explains and has some tips on how to get more out of a cruising catamaran upwind ► Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to Yachting World's YouTube page now - https://www.youtube.com/user/yachtingworld?sub_confirmation=1 ► For the latest reviews, new gear launches and tour news, visit our website here - http://www.yachtingworld.com ► Like us on Facebook here - https://www.facebook.com/yachtingworldmagazine ►Follow us on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/yachtingworld ►Feel free to comment below! ►Remember to hit that LIKE button if you enjoyed it :)

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Most popular comments
for Upwind sailing tips for catamarans – Catamaran sailing techniques | Yachting World

William Victor
William Victor - 7 years ago
Good stuff. Thank you.
Ann Rohlf
Ann Rohlf - 7 years ago
Very useful. Thanks for taking the time.
bruce sinclair
bruce sinclair - 7 years ago
I assist with a Fountaine 46 cat delivery.
Sailing from Coccos Keeling to Perth WA. 1750kn into the SE trades. All on the nose.
30kns of wind with a strong current and 2 metres+ seas..
The best we could get was 120 to the wind for the first 12 days.
We were aiming to sail a course of about 130 the best we could get was either 10 or 250 degrees. Not the direction we wanted.
Apart from having two hulls slamming for every wave.
Give me a heavy monohull anytime.
James Nguyen
James Nguyen - 8 years ago
These guys talk too much. Get straight to the point and stop the self-congratulation
wavsunlimited - 8 years ago
You guys are such pussies. Who cares if you hit something. If that is enough to break the boat then its a shitty boat.
Mark Muller
Mark Muller - 8 years ago
Discussing upwind sailing technique on a modern cruising cat, probably best not to use the Moorings (Robertson & Caine Leopard) 48! The forward cockpit is designed for seating charter guests sipping wine (or rum) at the marina dock..... But it is huge penalty for windward performance on this cat because it is effectively a massive wind dam and literally almost stops the boat. It traps the wind and there is no way for it flow over the super structure. Parasitic drag at its worst!
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 7 years ago
Fair enough, but it's also a valid question to ask and attempt to answer how to maximize the performance, such as it is. It's also relevant since boats of this general type are common in the charter fleet.
Kezzo Thomas
Kezzo Thomas - 8 years ago
This yacht they are on is like sailing a block of flats and using bed sheets to drive it .... Dagger boards are essential for upwind performance. My Crowther 10m could sail 28/35 deg to windward at good speed.. I am looking at a SIG80 fro my retirement yacht ,,,, now that will make mono sailors envious :)
Catamaran Impi
Catamaran Impi - 8 years ago
Some food for thought - Catamarans with two short spreaders instead of one long spreader on the mast sail better up wind for the simple reason that the leech of the genoa can come closer to the center of the boat before the spreader interferes with it. We have seen this many times sailing in proximity of cats with long single spreaders who just can't make it closer to the wind as a result. We actually sail closer to the wind than many mono's we sail with and for me it all comes down to the genoa 'set up' by the manufacturer. Another thing we find for sailing closer to the wind, is to give the genoa a stiff halyard (we want to loose the wrinkles). I totally agree with the words 'don't over sheet at all' - contrary to what we are all taught our boat goes better to weather with the genoa cars slightly forward as opposed to aft - the sail wants some shape to it.  These videos are great, the sailor is skilled and I enjoy them - thank you guys!
Catamaran Impi
Catamaran Impi - 7 years ago
Yes - this is true - the other consideration is the position of the genoa car tracks :) The disadvantage we have is off the wind since the tracks are fairly close in - we have to set a barber haul block set up on the horns cleat and play the clew between the two ... or go earlier for the asymmetric ... Cheers for now - Brent
dehdeh55 - 7 years ago
Interesting point! Thanks. It should not be that hard to replace the long single spreader with two short spreaders.
BenjaminFranklin99 - 8 years ago
I went from sailing monohulls to beach cats with no noticeable difference. If you want a cruising catamaran to sail well to windward, get one with daggerboard(s,) that doesn't look like a wedding cake.

10. comment for Upwind sailing tips for catamarans – Catamaran sailing techniques | Yachting World

Robert Barnes
Robert Barnes - 9 years ago
So, all that to say that you trim exactly the way you would for any other sailboat but don't expect to point higher. Nothing special here.
Derek Harrington
Derek Harrington - 7 years ago
Sig 80 cat
Heathrow - 9 years ago
Nice pictures, but not terribly informative
Cuthbert Milligen
Cuthbert Milligen - 9 years ago
The sound quality leaves much to be desired. Not very professional...
Stephen Franks
Stephen Franks - 9 years ago
Eh wot! Doth thou not readest thouest King Jamest?! Eh wot?!!
Silly colonists, go away or we shall taunt you a second time, again, like deja vu, again...
john hanrahan
john hanrahan - 9 years ago
+Stephen Franks Who won the war of 1812? Ah yes....
BobbieGWhiz - 9 years ago
I think this would be helpful, but the British accents are too thick to interpret. Cheers.
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 7 years ago
Historically the British and American accents were similar 250 years ago. It's the British accent that probably changed more over time due to wealthy traders wanting to sound different from the lower classes.
Stephen Franks
Stephen Franks - 9 years ago
+lisarob5767 Eh wot! Doth thou not readest thouest King Jamest?! Eh wot?!!
Silly colonists, go away or we shall taunt you a second time, again, like deja vu, again...

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