Useful Ship Combat Tips | Sea of Thieves

Here is my attempt at a ship combat video. Hopefully these tips will help you improve your Ship combat! Also if you stuck around for the full video, thank you for the support. GROUP DISCORD LINK ∞Music ∞ ∞ Instagram ∞ ∞ Real Life Channel ∞ ∞ Twitch ∞ ∞ Twitter ∞ ∞Become a member ∞ LETS STOP ARTICLE 13 SEA OF THIEVES Sea of Thieves is a pirate-themed action-adventure cooperative multiplayer game played from a first-person perspective. The game features cross-platform play between Windows-based personal computers and Xbox One video game consoles. A group of players travel and explore an open world via a pirate ship and assume different roles such as steering, hoisting sails, navigation, and firing cannons. Players embark on quests, collect loot and engage in combat with other players. Sea of Thieves is a shared game world, which means groups of players will encounter each other regularly throughout their adventures. The game has a cartoonish art style and an exaggerated physics engine that allow players to perform stunts, like being shot out of ship cannons. Naval combat in Sea of Thieves consists of one main goal; to sink your opponent's ship. Naval combat is fundamental to Player VS Player (PVP) combat in Sea of thieves, and relies heavily on ship maneuvering and correct use of cannons. According to the pirate code, "Disputes Are Settled upon the Waves", implying this is how pirates settle disagreements. S/O SoT Wiki ★ I hope you enjoyed the video, if you did feel free to subscribe ★ Song in the video Song: "Sappheiros - Embrace [Chill]" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: #SeaOfThieves #BeMorePirate #SoT #Syn

Useful Ship Combat Tips | Sea of Thieves sentiment_very_dissatisfied 59

Sailing 6 years ago 32,110 views

Here is my attempt at a ship combat video. Hopefully these tips will help you improve your Ship combat! Also if you stuck around for the full video, thank you for the support. GROUP DISCORD LINK ∞Music ∞ ∞ Instagram ∞ ∞ Real Life Channel ∞ ∞ Twitch ∞ ∞ Twitter ∞ ∞Become a member ∞ LETS STOP ARTICLE 13 SEA OF THIEVES Sea of Thieves is a pirate-themed action-adventure cooperative multiplayer game played from a first-person perspective. The game features cross-platform play between Windows-based personal computers and Xbox One video game consoles. A group of players travel and explore an open world via a pirate ship and assume different roles such as steering, hoisting sails, navigation, and firing cannons. Players embark on quests, collect loot and engage in combat with other players. Sea of Thieves is a shared game world, which means groups of players will encounter each other regularly throughout their adventures. The game has a cartoonish art style and an exaggerated physics engine that allow players to perform stunts, like being shot out of ship cannons. Naval combat in Sea of Thieves consists of one main goal; to sink your opponent's ship. Naval combat is fundamental to Player VS Player (PVP) combat in Sea of thieves, and relies heavily on ship maneuvering and correct use of cannons. According to the pirate code, "Disputes Are Settled upon the Waves", implying this is how pirates settle disagreements. S/O SoT Wiki ★ I hope you enjoyed the video, if you did feel free to subscribe ★ Song in the video Song: "Sappheiros - Embrace [Chill]" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: #SeaOfThieves #BeMorePirate #SoT #Syn

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Most popular comments
for Useful Ship Combat Tips | Sea of Thieves

Synicall - 6 years ago
Tips ends at 6:30
After that its just talking about some important stuff regarding this channel, You don't have to watch that if you don't want to! :)
John Smith
John Smith - 5 years ago
The discord link didn’t work
PHANT0M WOLF - 5 years ago
The discord link is dead.
coolfeet - 6 years ago
@๖ۣۜSαναgєX How rude.
๖ۣۜSαναgєX - 6 years ago
coolfeet lmao at least it means he reads every comment sooo :p
coolfeet - 6 years ago
Hearting every comment makes it feel less special
JetDog - 5 years ago
1:22 or you can do my strat and ignore them
Commander Crocodile
Commander Crocodile - 5 years ago
The explosive barrels are just depth charges for ships lol
Syntisty - 5 years ago
shut up
lawgarabis - 5 years ago
Thanks synical! Very useful stuff I send to new players!
Teke Helms
Teke Helms - 5 years ago
What pc do you have.
Paul Creamers
Paul Creamers - 5 years ago
Isn't it funny when someone tries to attack you and then you turn the tables on them and sink them. But there are a ton of pirate legends on there and they were carried there by others and not even any good.
King Harlequinn
King Harlequinn - 5 years ago
7 out of 12 minutes is actual gameplay tips. The last 5 minutes, not so much.
Heinrich the White
Heinrich the White - 5 years ago
Subbed. Love this game.

10. comment for Useful Ship Combat Tips | Sea of Thieves

Beastmod Customs
Beastmod Customs - 5 years ago
Slow down mate, fck u talk fast
OxM - 5 years ago
Only reason I don’t use the discord server is because it’s in Sydney servers. I don’t want to hear everyone as a robot
Stevonnie Jenkins
Stevonnie Jenkins - 5 years ago
Firing at the masts is now a viable option due to the latest update ( this video was made before the update) sorry just wanted to let you know
Za James
Za James - 6 years ago
2 v 12 v game spoiler alert game wins!
Steel Nightmare
Steel Nightmare - 6 years ago
Yes more in depth detailed ship combat guide
Dimic - 6 years ago
they either want to fight you or run from you? my guy that's where you're wrong , what about "oh maybe this guy will be on for the next 6 hours maybe i should ask for an alliance" but hey thats me
Ben Radick
Ben Radick - 6 years ago
Commander Appo
Commander Appo - 6 years ago
Thank you!
Synicall - 6 years ago
the in game voice commands work well
ross rainey
ross rainey - 6 years ago
Take the enemy's planks when you are on their boat

20. comment for Useful Ship Combat Tips | Sea of Thieves

Luke Heisler
Luke Heisler - 6 years ago
Hey syn, still watching ur vids and there still amazing, as always, and another thing, ik im a bit late but congrats on 10k!
Meister Zet
Meister Zet - 6 years ago
What pistol skin is that? Looks like the ebon flintlock but with gold parts... Didn't know something like this exists
Scribblez - 6 years ago
I love how you are going to help other content creators grow their channel.
coolfeet - 6 years ago
In case you are playing the game and are about to fight a ship and don't want to watch the whole video, I've copied all his tips in this comment.
1 Match the opponents speed. If they are parked, you should also park; If they are moving, so should you .
2 If they are running away, you should obviously follow them; if they want to fight, try to get them to follow your movements instead.
3 Try to stay diagonal to their ship, so you can shoot them, but its harder for them to shoot you.
4 Pelt the enemy's with a mix of normal and cursed cannonballs, so stock up.
5 Hit the ships at the bottom, rather than the deck or middle level (If galleon)
6 When repairing your ship, repair bottom level first
7 Drop the anchors of the enemy.
8 Put loot over your anchor, so enemys cant drop you anchor. They may try to steal it but you could easily kill them, and if they do get away with it,its for the greater good.
9 (one that is shone, but not told) Keep explosives in the crows nest. They dont do damage if they explode.
10 Watch the ladders
11 assigned roles (i.e. cannons, repairs, steering, ship jumpers)
12 get a crew that you work well with.
13 keep someone on your ship
If I forgot any, feel free to comment them in replys
coolfeet - 5 years ago
@Edge 0 I didn't make it up, I just typed it out
Edge 0
Edge 0 - 5 years ago
coolfeet still money just saying I think it would work better since they can’t grab and go with ur loot and it’s not exposed
coolfeet - 5 years ago
@Edge 0 not everyone necessarily has created, especially enough to cover your anchor, and do you REALLY care about that barnacled marauders chest that much?
Edge 0
Edge 0 - 5 years ago
coolfeet the anchor so your not risking loot
coolfeet - 5 years ago
@Edge 0 what is "them" in this scenario?
Edge 0
Edge 0 - 5 years ago
coolfeet wouldn’t putting crates on them be safer just thinking is there a flaw to that?
Sgt Palooggoo
Sgt Palooggoo - 6 years ago
Well said!
CranjisMcBasketball - 6 years ago
I’ve never seen a flintlock with a sight! What variant is that?
Synicall - 6 years ago
Knežo gamer
Knežo gamer - 6 years ago
love ya'r vids mate !!
Harry Armstrong-Coop
Harry Armstrong-Coop - 6 years ago
Nice stronghold barrel lol
Stealth Pig
Stealth Pig - 6 years ago
Dude ure inspiring to get 2 pirate legend :) keep up the good work.
U deserve more views and subs
Kreeze - 6 years ago
This was uprofessionel you failed nuking a ship. DAMN i'm dissapointed
Synicall - 6 years ago
nothing like a bit of mutiny to get the blood pumping
Kreeze - 6 years ago
@Synicall so stragedy.... Still would have been fun with the nuke ;)
Synicall - 6 years ago
had two crew mates on the ship, had to make some damage to the ship without hurting my team mates

30. comment for Useful Ship Combat Tips | Sea of Thieves

Blank z
Blank z - 6 years ago
Im glad this guy is underrated bcs no one will really come across this video (unless it blows up) and have an idea what to do in the seas. But then again he shouldn't even be underrated this man makes incredible videos that need more attention.
Jackson Bidlack
Jackson Bidlack - 6 years ago
that is very true
Synicall - 6 years ago
<3 thank you for the support
GiftedWhiteBoy - 6 years ago
hey synicall im really sorry for spamming in the most of the chats let me out of the brig I wasn't thinking straight and having fun with friends. I promise I won t do anything stupid like spam again. Ive been banned for about a month now and Id love to get back in to the discord if you could make that happen
GiftedWhiteBoy - 6 years ago
thank you
Synicall - 6 years ago
will follow it up now
Coziest - 6 years ago
Weow, what kind of pistol is that?
Coziest - 6 years ago
Synicall Can you just buy it normally?
Synicall - 6 years ago
BeanMarioCow - 6 years ago
Thanks <3
Dusty Colbert
Dusty Colbert - 6 years ago
Great video dude!
MJ7294 - 6 years ago
Thanks for the info, I joined your server and found multiple crews, thanks!
Synicall - 6 years ago
pig5970 - 6 years ago
You forgot your promise if you used my idea you’d put a pig pic
Synicall - 6 years ago
ty for reminding me
Ricardo Sanchez
Ricardo Sanchez - 6 years ago
Bruh stop shooting me
Synicall - 6 years ago
no promises im afraid
Colin Michaels
Colin Michaels - 6 years ago
that didnt feel like 10 mins
Leo Exgb3
Leo Exgb3 - 5 years ago
Because it was like, 5.
Giff - 6 years ago
What pistol is that
Synicall - 6 years ago
Anonymouse - 6 years ago
Can someone share this, this man's got good info
Synicall - 6 years ago
ty ty
Simple Tora
Simple Tora - 6 years ago
When I watch videos like this people never watch their ladders, they leave their ship with nobody on it, nobody ever gets back to their ship right away etc. etc. when I play. Someone has a dedicated man to watch ladders the moment a ship is spotted, they ALWAYS have at least 2 people on the ship if it's a brig/galleon rather than 1 and other stuff that just make it annoying to even bother fighting
๖ۣۜSαναgєX - 6 years ago
Bro us vs 3 brigs... two minutes later they’re all sunk except us. Also JOIN OUR DISCORD :DDD many positive feedback by many members!!
Haydens123 - 6 years ago
Just found out that you get a reward for being pl and I’m 50 43 42 and doubt I’ll get to it by the 20th so rip but I only started early February.
Haydens123 - 6 years ago
Landon Kay I understand, thanks dude.
Haydens123 - 6 years ago
ThatsSoNice Damn dude, congrats first of all and thanks for the confidence lol
ThatsSoNice - 6 years ago
I was 42/41/38 two weeks ago and I hit Pirate Legend last wednesday, you can do it man
GoldenT 562
GoldenT 562 - 6 years ago
You can get there u just gotta put time into the game and have a crew that is dedicated to do forts and such.
itsok2camp - 6 years ago
Idk if you’re into battle royals but I love apex legends, it’s just a suggestion and I would support whatever game you chose to try next but I would really enjoy seeing some tips and tricks for Apex. Love your content Synicall and keep on the grind!
Night Vulgar
Night Vulgar - 6 years ago
I haven’t played sea of thieves since the shrouded spoils I’m going to start playing it again
WightKnight - 6 years ago
Synicall's Sweethearts <3
Synicall - 6 years ago
Synicall - 6 years ago
welcome to Australia
Key Lime
Key Lime - 6 years ago
Arena gameplay?
๖ۣۜSαναgєX - 6 years ago
King Lime of course
Dakota DKA
Dakota DKA - 6 years ago
I’m gonna link this to my friends cuz sometimes they go with megakeg but they mix up the target

50. comment for Useful Ship Combat Tips | Sea of Thieves

Coziest - 6 years ago
Thanks for the awesome tutorials!
senpai toast
senpai toast - 6 years ago
Oh a long video, I think I’m getting hard
ItsRen - 5 years ago
senpai toast
You might be gay
Synicall - 6 years ago
Others Truth
Others Truth - 6 years ago
First !! I love your content by the way
no _
no _ - 6 years ago
Coziest - 6 years ago
Christopher Prickett
Christopher Prickett - 6 years ago

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