Video Tip: Heave-To

There's an art to staying still.

Video Tip: Heave-To sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Sailing 14 years ago 141,933 views

There's an art to staying still.

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Most popular comments
for Video Tip: Heave-To

Jeffrey Clement
Jeffrey Clement - 5 years ago
Good explanation. but what gives with the video splicing? At 45 seconds you are turning to starboard and at 47 seconds you are turning to port. Is this just a mistake in editing or did I miss something on heave-to?
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
Unlike what some others have said...I feel like it's the best explanation Ive seen so far! THANKS!
JBratt - 7 years ago
I learned the past tense of heave is hove : )
Prometheus - 7 years ago
What keeps you from drifting backwards? If you went backwards, wouldn't your tiller direction bring the jib back into the wind?
American Sailing Association
American Sailing Association - 7 years ago
When you are hove to your sails are usually not luffing - they are driving you forwards (or sideways). So if there is any flow over the rudder it is in a forward direction. Also with the jib backwinded it is very unlikely that you will be able to tack the boat (or even get the boat head to wind). That is why when you are ready to continue sailing the first step is to release the jib in order to get underway!
Greg Kosinski
Greg Kosinski - 7 years ago
dat combover tho
588158 - 8 years ago
BRAVO the best video on heaving to on you tube. A simple and clear explanation of how to heave to the physics of how it works.
oceandrew - 8 years ago
I don't know what everyone is complaining about. I"m no sailor but understood the entire procedure. It helps to have read about it in the Basic Keelboat Sailing text first.
So to get out of a heave-to one should just push the tiller to the wind and release the jib sheet when as it starts to luff?
wotan237 - 8 years ago
This is what long distance solo sailors do to sleep? What else do they need to do to sleep? Lock tiller ?
American Sailing Association
American Sailing Association - 8 years ago
Typically long distance solo sailors use an auto pilot to sail the boat while they sleep. You can really only take 20 minute naps since you have to check the horizon for traffic/obstacles. The systems also have alarms to wake the sailor if the wind changes direction/intensity or if other shipping traffic is detected either via radar or AIS. Many sailors will sleep in the cockpit so they can quickly respond if necessary.
Josef - 8 years ago
You completely left out what you did with the main and to someone who doesn't know, you haven't explained what lashing the tiller to leeward means. Your whole video sounds like you are talking to a sailor.
Ted Gayer
Ted Gayer - 5 years ago
Josef I think the intended audience is reinforcing basics for new ASA members. Take a class and all of this is very clear.

10. comment for Video Tip: Heave-To

Cawfee Dawg
Cawfee Dawg - 9 years ago
I want that boat.
American Sailing Association
American Sailing Association - 9 years ago
+Cawfee Dawg It's a J/100... a very nice gentlemen's day sailor!
Guzzi venture
Guzzi venture - 9 years ago
Great explanation and demonstration. I can't understand why some comments are negative.
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
I agree....I thought it was well done
American Sailing Association
American Sailing Association - 9 years ago
VIDEO - ASA Sailing Made Easy Quick Tip: Heave-To.

If you're out on the water and want to take a break from sailing try "heaving-to" - it's a great way to "park" the boat in light to moderate winds, relax, have some lunch, and take in the scenery... Try it if you're spending the ‪#‎weekendonthewater‬...

‪#‎SailingMadeEasy‬ ‪#‎LearnToSail‬
Maynard - 9 years ago
Great video .You have simplified this action of heaving to .Best video I have seen on this maneuver.
ningpo69 - 9 years ago
@ Toby Applegate; definitely leave the swing keel down ! want as much drag as possible , plus you want the sails and rudder to do their work, which they do best when they have the proper bottom shape under the water to work against ( or with, depending on your perspective ..)
Colin Montoya-Lewis
Colin Montoya-Lewis - 10 years ago
I have to agree with tidemaker3 that this video is almost worthless for someone unfamiliar with this, but trying to understand.    It's almost impossible to understand which way the jib is backed, the mainsail is set or the tiller lashed because the video mixes multiple angles with different tacks.
craig marsh
craig marsh - 11 years ago
Thanks a lot, great video :)
kbar8888 - 11 years ago
I know you're question is 2 months old, but just in case you're still wondering. You should leave it down. While hove-to you will experience leeward slip, the boat will be pushed by the wind to leeward. But keeping your keel down you help to counteract this action. Also pay attention to what is to leeward. Many a ship has been pushed a ground (or into a buoy, etc) because they didn't pay attention to what was on the leeward side of the boat when they hove to.
Toby Applegate
Toby Applegate - 12 years ago
Great video. I have a question though. I have a swing keel. Is there any adjustment needed on it? Can it remain down when heaved to?
Smeatfree - 12 years ago
Thanks for the video. I had to heave-to in my trailer sailer in a strong blow that shredded the mail sail. I had not practised heaving-to but was very pleased that it worked so well and allowed me to drop the main. I was sailing by myself so didn't have crew to assist with this. I highly recommend all sailors practise this manouevre so that it can be accomplished quickly.

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