We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19
Sailing 7 years ago 7,851 views
We left Bolougne Sur-Mer and sailed to Cherbourg on this episode. The sail was almost perfect excpet for a strong squall in the midle of the night that scared the sh** out of us. The weather in Cherbourg was horrible and there was no forecast to keep on heading south, so we took our time to fix a bunch of stuff that needed fixing and also eat all the good stuff that France has to offer... Cheese, whine and Baguettes... After geting stuck in Cherbourg for a couple of weeks, the time has come to fly back to Brazil. We had scheduled this flight a long time ago, and although the objective was to have crossed Biscay Bay before that, we didn´t make it that far and had to leave Kauana in Cherbourg. In Brazil we had a lot of work to do, but instead of boring you with all those office hours, we´re showing you the bright side of Brazil, filled with beachlife, roadtrips and all sorts of sports. Somehow it hapened that the Delos crew was actually right at our doorstep and we went on a mission to try and find them, but that´s on the next episode. Thanks for watching guys!! We´re sorry to have been away for a litle while, but we´re not your usual "left work behind" kind of guys, we actually still work hard to pay for this trip, so forgive us for the lack of movie releasing schedule! Don´t forget to chek out: https://www.facebook.com/svkauana/ https://www.instagram.com/kauana_sailing_expedition/ https://sailingkauana.wordpress.com/ And if you want to drop a line we would love to hear from you! kauanasailingexpedition@gmail.com
10. comment for We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19
If so I'll let you taste my fav bear Duvel...
Your videos are getting better & better with each release. It looks like you two are enjoying your visit back home.... your enthusiasm jumps out of every video.
I can’t wait until the next episode.... my 2 favorite YouTube channels meet up in Brazil! Looking forward to the big news & next adventure. Stay safe out there.
20. comment for We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19
Tenho 52 anos, pretendo em breve fazer parte deste mundo incrível da vela e por isso tenho pesquisado e assistido tudo sobre o assunto. Foi então que encontrei o canal de vocês e achei muito legal um casal de brasileiros, com nossa irreverência, estar velejando pelos mares do norte. Acho demais essa mistura de idiomas que vocês fazem, parabéns!! Tornei-me um fã. Vivo atualmente em Washington DC, mas logo estarei voltando para o Brasil, e lá chegando terei meu veleiro. Quem sabe ainda terei o prazer de encontrá-los por esses mares? Grande abraço e bons ventos!!!!
30. comment for We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19
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