We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19

We left Bolougne Sur-Mer and sailed to Cherbourg on this episode. The sail was almost perfect excpet for a strong squall in the midle of the night that scared the sh** out of us. The weather in Cherbourg was horrible and there was no forecast to keep on heading south, so we took our time to fix a bunch of stuff that needed fixing and also eat all the good stuff that France has to offer... Cheese, whine and Baguettes... After geting stuck in Cherbourg for a couple of weeks, the time has come to fly back to Brazil. We had scheduled this flight a long time ago, and although the objective was to have crossed Biscay Bay before that, we didn´t make it that far and had to leave Kauana in Cherbourg. In Brazil we had a lot of work to do, but instead of boring you with all those office hours, we´re showing you the bright side of Brazil, filled with beachlife, roadtrips and all sorts of sports. Somehow it hapened that the Delos crew was actually right at our doorstep and we went on a mission to try and find them, but that´s on the next episode. Thanks for watching guys!! We´re sorry to have been away for a litle while, but we´re not your usual "left work behind" kind of guys, we actually still work hard to pay for this trip, so forgive us for the lack of movie releasing schedule! Don´t forget to chek out: https://www.facebook.com/svkauana/ https://www.instagram.com/kauana_sailing_expedition/ https://sailingkauana.wordpress.com/ And if you want to drop a line we would love to hear from you! kauanasailingexpedition@gmail.com

We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Sailing 7 years ago 7,851 views

We left Bolougne Sur-Mer and sailed to Cherbourg on this episode. The sail was almost perfect excpet for a strong squall in the midle of the night that scared the sh** out of us. The weather in Cherbourg was horrible and there was no forecast to keep on heading south, so we took our time to fix a bunch of stuff that needed fixing and also eat all the good stuff that France has to offer... Cheese, whine and Baguettes... After geting stuck in Cherbourg for a couple of weeks, the time has come to fly back to Brazil. We had scheduled this flight a long time ago, and although the objective was to have crossed Biscay Bay before that, we didn´t make it that far and had to leave Kauana in Cherbourg. In Brazil we had a lot of work to do, but instead of boring you with all those office hours, we´re showing you the bright side of Brazil, filled with beachlife, roadtrips and all sorts of sports. Somehow it hapened that the Delos crew was actually right at our doorstep and we went on a mission to try and find them, but that´s on the next episode. Thanks for watching guys!! We´re sorry to have been away for a litle while, but we´re not your usual "left work behind" kind of guys, we actually still work hard to pay for this trip, so forgive us for the lack of movie releasing schedule! Don´t forget to chek out: https://www.facebook.com/svkauana/ https://www.instagram.com/kauana_sailing_expedition/ https://sailingkauana.wordpress.com/ And if you want to drop a line we would love to hear from you! kauanasailingexpedition@gmail.com

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Most popular comments
for We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19

Gary Bickley
Gary Bickley - 7 years ago
Great vlog.Nice to see you having so much fun! Rain is horrible when stuck on your boat, wine cheese and beer does it for me too! Nice to see a little of your home country Brazil, lovely couple keep up the great work.
andrew morley
andrew morley - 7 years ago
Brilliant your videos are just full of great humour, and crazy you have met up with the Delos crew, love your Hallberg Rassy too, really look forward to seeing your videos such an inspiration, Sante!
Laurent Froggy
Laurent Froggy - 7 years ago
Duck and rabbit pate :) yam, Belgium beer :) French Wine :) We have a saying in France that we have more different cheeses that there are days in a year. Better stay in France for that... Nice video guys, thanks and best from HKG
David Macdonald
David Macdonald - 7 years ago
There all amazing, but they all have there moments , i love your sailing channel because its natural keep it up guys abd am sure it will grow good luck from i hope soon a free Scotland.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hey... We´re heading your way soon! Stay in touch through instagram!
David Macdonald
David Macdonald - 7 years ago
She is right ( a angel ) defo a cool girl mate .
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
A fallen Angel maybe!!! Hahahaha!!!! She´s cool mate... a litle crazy though... :)
John Lord
John Lord - 7 years ago
Welcome back you two !!!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hey John!!! Good to see you! What´s up your side? Going back to turkey to the new family member this sumer?
Max Lobo
Max Lobo - 7 years ago
Não aguentaram o frio nortenho e vieram para águas más calientes! Vídeos excelentes guys... keep going ;)
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Depois de um inverno nórdico... esse friozinho europeu não incomoda mais tanto!! Hahahaha!!! Voltamos pelo trabalho mesmo!!! Abs!!!
Scott Van Dyke
Scott Van Dyke - 7 years ago
You guys are the best, you keep it so real. I never knew Angels had to pee to.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
There you are!!! I have been enlightened too!!!! HAhahahaha
Christopher Stewart
Christopher Stewart - 7 years ago
You need to stay off they foreign beer you don't know the camera is upside down...lol
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago

10. comment for We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19

Roger D
Roger D - 7 years ago
You guys are such a pleasure to watch and I loved the debate on how and why you caught and then returned the fish.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hahahaha! Almost didn´t put that on the video... Gives away the fact that we ain´t catching mich fish!!! hahahaha
Mike L Hawaii
Mike L Hawaii - 7 years ago
Living the dream you two, keep them coming, enjoying the journey.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Always nice to see your coments Mike!!! Hope life is treating you good in Hawaii!
DAVID HORN - 7 years ago
AhhhhhhHaaaaaaaaa You are the best.............I am loving each and every video.......You are so much fun to watch......
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Thanks a million David!! The Best is way too much for us!!! we´re just in it for the fun of it!!! Good to see you arround!
Johan V
Johan V - 7 years ago
Du vin, du pain, du Boursin and Leffe, finally I see some Belgian bear on the table, it's going better and better over there... beside the weather. If you keep moving this fast I 'll catch you up. I should arrive in June in Cherbourg :-p
If so I'll let you taste my fav bear Duvel...
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
We´re heading the other way again!! Tell no one!! shhhhh... hahahaha!! See you arround!
Roger K. Davis
Roger K. Davis - 7 years ago
I've been wondering where KSE has been. I check your facebook today and there it is a new episode !!!!! I jumped into Normandy with the 82d Airborne - GET SOME !!!!!!!!! ⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hahahahaha!!! GET SOMEEEEE!!! Cheers Roger!!! Thanks for sticking arround man!! Good to see you here again!!! Hope all is good your end!!!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Apache Moonshine23
Apache Moonshine23 - 7 years ago
Great people
Phil Collins
Phil Collins - 7 years ago
Awesome folks..........
Marlon Buriti
Marlon Buriti - 7 years ago
me matou de inveja :) saudades do Brasil! agua morna no mar! velejar de camiseta sem pensar no survival suit, just fun, inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
I feel your pain!!! Hahaha! Quando estamos aqui da saudade de lá e quando estamos lá da saudade daqui!!! O vida boa essa de saudade!!! :)
KerbyFab - 7 years ago
We missed you guys!
Your videos are getting better & better with each release. It looks like you two are enjoying your visit back home.... your enthusiasm jumps out of every video.
I can’t wait until the next episode.... my 2 favorite YouTube channels meet up in Brazil! Looking forward to the big news & next adventure. Stay safe out there.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hey Kerby! Thanks a million man!! To be put there in your favorites with Delos means a world to us!! Cheers!!!

20. comment for We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19

Rogério - 7 years ago
Olá casal, tudo bem?
Tenho 52 anos, pretendo em breve fazer parte deste mundo incrível da vela e por isso tenho pesquisado e assistido tudo sobre o assunto. Foi então que encontrei o canal de vocês e achei muito legal um casal de brasileiros, com nossa irreverência, estar velejando pelos mares do norte. Acho demais essa mistura de idiomas que vocês fazem, parabéns!! Tornei-me um fã. Vivo atualmente em Washington DC, mas logo estarei voltando para o Brasil, e lá chegando terei meu veleiro. Quem sabe ainda terei o prazer de encontrá-los por esses mares? Grande abraço e bons ventos!!!!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Grande Rogério! Tomara que sim! Vamos te aguardar ai pelo mundo afora! Boa sorte! E bastante perseverança!
Håkan Jacobsen
Håkan Jacobsen - 7 years ago
Welcome back, i have been missing your videos. Nice to se that you are enjoying life.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Always Hakan!!! Cheers!!
Michael A
Michael A - 7 years ago
Love it! We’ll wait for the next episodes aswell! Fair winds!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hahaha! Cheers Michael!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Damn!!! Best Marc ever!!!
Why have you subscribed?
Why have you subscribed? - 7 years ago
Kauana Sailing Expedition there is a small marina there but you need to get the tide right otherwise you’re not getting in. The ebb runs about 4-5 kts.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Right... anywhere good to stop the boat there? We might be heading this way in a short while! You can then try to prove your point to us!! :)
JCAJCA3 - 7 years ago
Missed you guys a lot. Thinking and praying for Fair Winds and Safe passages when you get back to the boat. Enjoyed this video. GOD bless. JC
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hey JC! All good down here! Hope you´re good too!!! Thanks for sticking arround like always!!! Cheers!
Helge Hartvigsen
Helge Hartvigsen - 7 years ago
Good to see you again. No need to be sorry for any delay. Life has a tendancy to get in the way;-)
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Wise words right there!
Charles Campbell
Charles Campbell - 7 years ago
Good to see you again
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
You too!! :)
Gustavo hgf
Gustavo hgf - 7 years ago
Antes não tinha ágora consegui. Valeuu. Eu e minha esposa Estamos prendendo a mesma estrada de vcs. Moramos na Itália litoral Liguria. Quem obrigado pela resposta abraços .

30. comment for We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19

chrisaanzee - 7 years ago
You're back! I can only imagine the stinky smell in your boat of all the cheese. Keep washing it with Dutch beer and you'll be fine!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Man you´re spot on... Our fridge was dangerous! It smelled like someone had died in there... Hahahaha!
PNWesty - 7 years ago
Rillettes like pate but with little shreds of meat - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rillettes
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
FrenchAM100 - 7 years ago
Looks like duck and rabbit pâté. Nice place and the food makes me hungry....
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Go get yourself some french cheese right now then!!! I miss it already!
Victor Colombini
Victor Colombini - 7 years ago
Eu já estava achando estranho o sumisso de vocês!!! Não façam mais isso hein! Com certeza um dos melhores canais de vela! Abraços e bem vindo a Sampa!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Valeu Vitor!!!! Abraço!!
bacajs - 7 years ago
Pate :-)
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Stig Rouen
Stig Rouen - 7 years ago
Is it confit?
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Aparently it was Rillete
Cawffee _Tyme
Cawffee _Tyme - 7 years ago
forget speaking american, speak canadian.....we are the best!
boo boo
boo boo - 7 years ago
Just be careful what you speak in Canada or you might be fined..... duh
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Neville Bourne
Neville Bourne - 7 years ago
Nice to see you guys again
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Nice to see you too!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
It´s all beautiful food!! I must have put a few kilos in France!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hahahaha!! Fu** bastards we are! Sorry for that!!!
jatodon - 7 years ago
Great beer, French food, beautiful boat and happy people. Life is good!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Life is good... life is great!
culinary8ew - 7 years ago
Welcome back guys! Nice job on your videos - spontaneous and innocent. Glad that you were enjoying the foods from all these different places. Don't forget to show us some Brazilian foods as well.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
That is a good point... not sure I filmed any of our brazilian foods.... will do so next time Im back!
Kevin Walker
Kevin Walker - 7 years ago
Ok.l was wondering where you've been. Enjoyed this episode. Funny bumping into Delos. Where was that?
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
That was right in frint of our home! Can you believe it?
Marko Stepanovic
Marko Stepanovic - 7 years ago
Don't make us wait so long! Waiting for new episodes. Fair winds!!!!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hahaha! We´ll try Marko!!! It´s that we´re very irresponsible when it comes to schedule!!! Hahaha
symon smith
symon smith - 7 years ago
Driving and holding a camera is so dangerous, Please stop for the safety of others. Thank you. apart from that. good film.
boo boo
boo boo - 7 years ago
There are two kinds of people in the world.... People who just want to be left alone, and people who won't leave them alone.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
You´re 100% right there... That was very unthoghtfull of me... Should know better!
lili Pereira
lili Pereira - 7 years ago
Very nice episode!
Guilherme Einloft
Guilherme Einloft - 7 years ago
Apologies accepted for the delay, keep sailing and moving!! Tks for all..... Good winds Brazilian Vikings!!!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Ahhhhh mlk!
Nick Vincent
Nick Vincent - 7 years ago
Go steady with the Canard, clearly sending you quackers!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hahahaha! Phil, never enough of saying that!! Loved the kind words! Stig is a great guy... most important then a broker, he´s a great human and now a great friend!!! Thanks a lot!!!

50. comment for We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19

Peter Dandridge
Peter Dandridge - 7 years ago
Great! very nicely edited. You guys get better and better.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Cheers Peter!
brettney72 - 7 years ago
cheese and wine and bagattes perfect dinner
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Can´t get much better!
Brandon McDonough
Brandon McDonough - 7 years ago
Looks like pate (liver), Foie Gras perhaps. Very popular and delicious stuff in France. Enjoy your videos. Keep posting!
boo boo
boo boo - 7 years ago
liver is like the oil filter of the body... no thanks
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Delicious indeed!
Jan Näsmark
Jan Näsmark - 7 years ago
Thanks! Love watching your videos!
Sascha Euler
Sascha Euler - 7 years ago
CERTAINLY......massive delay i thougt you guys sail across the puddle and landed in brasil !!! any how...nice to hear from you cant wait for the next episode.Good luck and safe sail.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hahaha! Almost... Stay tuned for the news on that! Cheers!
cajone - 7 years ago
If you get the chance you should try 'Leffe Blonde' in my humble opinion that is the BEST beer in the world :). Fair winds guys hope to see more of your travels soon.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Yes yes yes!!! We always have a few Leffe Blondes aboard... Just essential... like a rudder and sails! :)
twoforty - 7 years ago
there's a bit too much enjoying yourselves going on!
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Can there be such a thing?
Daniel Jamnicky
Daniel Jamnicky - 7 years ago
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
I seee!!!! :)
Gustavo hgf
Gustavo hgf - 7 years ago
Bom dia. Adoro os vídeos de vcs. Mais e complicado itender tudo. Porquê não dominó muito bem o inglês. Parabéns pelas aventuras e bom ventos.
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Tem legenda!!! So clicar na caixinha em baixo do lado direito do video! Abs
David Chandley
David Chandley - 7 years ago
very cool episode this week,, so much fun to watch . can't wait to see the next week show and your time with the Delos crew .so cool .... good luck and fair winds.... Cheers
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Hahaha! Thatv was lot´s of fun!! Those guys are great!
Rodrigo Gomes
Rodrigo Gomes - 7 years ago
Que legal que voltaram, gosto muito do canal. Obrigado pela legenda em português .
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Tamo junto Rodrigo! Abs
John boy C
John boy C - 7 years ago
Keep on going guys, weather should start getting better soon, stay safe, fun times and memories are what life's about, ❤️
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Cheers John!!! 100% with you!
6r4metroman - 7 years ago
The jars look like pate :-) Excellent episode...
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago
* Sorry for this massive delay guys! We have been working hard here! Anyway... another one out and big news coming ahead for this year. Not much sailing on this episode as the weather held us back big time when we got to Cherbourg. Let us know what you think on the coments bellow!! Love to hear from you! Cheers! *
Valden23 - 7 years ago
First! Hehe! :-)
Kauana Sailing Expedition
Kauana Sailing Expedition - 7 years ago

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The "We´re GROUNDED in FRANCE! Say Cheese! - Sailing Kauana Ep 19" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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