Whale hits & smashes yacht in South Africa

(Photos courtesy: Cape Town Sailing Academy http://www.capetownsailing.co.za by James Dugmore and Paloma Werner) A South African couple have had the fright of their lives when a Southern Right Whale jumped onto the deck of their boat. Sailing instructor Ralph Mothes and his partner Paloma Werner of Cape town Sailing Academy were sailing the yacht "Intrepid" off the coast of Cape Town when they spotted the whale breaching out of the water some distance away. Suddenly it got close to them, leaped out of the water and crashed onto their yacht.

Whale hits & smashes yacht in South Africa sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7744

Sailing 14 years ago 9,884,204 views

(Photos courtesy: Cape Town Sailing Academy http://www.capetownsailing.co.za by James Dugmore and Paloma Werner) A South African couple have had the fright of their lives when a Southern Right Whale jumped onto the deck of their boat. Sailing instructor Ralph Mothes and his partner Paloma Werner of Cape town Sailing Academy were sailing the yacht "Intrepid" off the coast of Cape Town when they spotted the whale breaching out of the water some distance away. Suddenly it got close to them, leaped out of the water and crashed onto their yacht.

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Most popular comments
for Whale hits & smashes yacht in South Africa

phillipleboa - 7 years ago
....and ???? What a KAK minute of nothing. HOPE THE WHALE WAS / IS STILL OKY !!!!
刘强 - 7 years ago
Scarlett Johansson +18 v-ideos ♥ http://BZyGY2Y.osemopomekazu.ga/?youtubekGP87uF
fuckfannyfiddlefart - 7 years ago
I don't blame the whale, I only wish it could take it's revenge on the harpoon boats who deserve it.
Imogen Grace
Imogen Grace - 7 years ago
clickBAIT bish
heisen Berg
heisen Berg - 7 years ago
That whale was like " fuck these over priced yachts
Justin Radyn
Justin Radyn - 7 years ago
Im South African
Roger Hornaday
Roger Hornaday - 8 years ago
I didn't click for this.
Fizz LovesToDraw!
Fizz LovesToDraw! - 8 years ago
Roger Hornaday mhm
NinjaSamurai - 8 years ago
Fizz LovesToDraw!
Fizz LovesToDraw! - 8 years ago
NinjaSamurai mhm
Frank - 8 years ago
whell whell whell

10. comment for Whale hits & smashes yacht in South Africa

mac163 - 8 years ago
Nigga that aint no Yacht!
Bo Nordberg
Bo Nordberg - 8 years ago
Pr3ss - 8 years ago
Actually it is, that's what you call a Sailing Yacht.
L Reyes
L Reyes - 8 years ago
No action ! just bla bla bla
its okay
its okay - 8 years ago
Jese James
Jese James - 8 years ago
i feel cheated
peruface - 8 years ago
i hope you apologize to the whale
MF - 8 years ago
haha nice video. lmao
Haqim Al-Arabia
Haqim Al-Arabia - 9 years ago
I hope the whale wasn't hurt
TexasGTO - 9 years ago
Hope the whale was okay
UnicornFantasy - 9 years ago
Why is there no actual footage of the whale jumping
Gaming Killz
Gaming Killz - 8 years ago
not every camera can record video. there still people who take still shots
tomasmog - 9 years ago

20. comment for Whale hits & smashes yacht in South Africa

ds1868 - 9 years ago
Total bullshit.
bermudaguy1 - 9 years ago
I can hear the insurance salesman now...."No, you're not covered for whales jumping on your boat"!
Apples and Grapes for dinner
Apples and Grapes for dinner - 10 years ago
These Youtube comments are just filled with the masses!
wingmanalive - 10 years ago
Haven't we ALL fallen victim to what seems to be Youtube's infamous ploy to get views???  Bogus pic to get you to click. If only you had the power to take it back. It doesn't matter, Youtube supports this kind of action because it's a circle that gets both of them paid. The second you click and realize it's a dupe your click has registered and getting the poster paid. Even flagging doesn't work because Youtube will NOT remove a video that is getting x amount of views. And RT is famous for robbing people's videos and selling them as their own. They should be taken out into the woods and shot in the face......twice.
patrick hart
patrick hart - 10 years ago
Paul McDonagh
Paul McDonagh - 10 years ago
Fuck you RT, hope you get shut down for being fucktards.
Dr Why
Dr Why - 10 years ago
fucking liars !!!
llib hguog
llib hguog - 10 years ago
NOT a video, just a photo
James Powlett
James Powlett - 10 years ago
rt is a bullshit channel, this confirms it
Vitia Mironenko
Vitia Mironenko - 10 years ago
as you know...yeah..dislike

30. comment for Whale hits & smashes yacht in South Africa

ferrarienzo564 - 10 years ago
U suck
blastardinc - 10 years ago
lousy fuckin picture. fuck u rt
Gregorman IAmZero videos
Gregorman IAmZero videos - 10 years ago
This ain't no video!!! 2 thumbs, sneering down, but would be even more if I only had more thumbs! Despicably misleading.
Wonder Creation Studios
Wonder Creation Studios - 10 years ago
Boooooooooring!!  Youtube exists for video people!  I want video footage, not still imagery and boring shots of the boat that really didn't take an aggressive beating!  Your boat is fine!!
Andres Vialpando
Andres Vialpando - 10 years ago
It's some bullshit to get advirtising revenue.
Patricia Megbuniwe
Patricia Megbuniwe - 10 years ago
Maybe God is telling you to stop playing around and start praying and making reparation South Africa? Only the rich whites have boats and yahts right? Do you think you're going to be bringing all these things in with you to Heaven as you enter before the judgment seat of God at your death?  A long time ago, in my family, when my sister and her husband (who were not married in the Catholic Church) went water skiing (I was with them up here in NorCal)  my nephew Joe was hit in the head with the skis that were too big for him because his parents were pushing him too hard too fast (pride).  He had to go to an emergency room and he could have drowned and died. God was merciful because he didn't die or drown. Still, it was a disaster of a trip.  This is a true story.  How many others can share true stories like this? God was trying to wake my family up a long time ago...Believe in Miracles! God is trying to wake all of us up now before it will be too late.  I recommend praying the Rosary and wearing the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel...There is Mercy for those who believe.  Also, the oceans look polluted from the pictures I see here...please pray the rosary and our Blessed Mother will help mankind find solutions in miraculous ways not understood my human intelligence
Dandilion Song
Dandilion Song - 9 years ago
How is it that so many haters have God agreeing with them? ...I mean.. I think everybody should have yachts..but such a leap in logic...
Brooklynboi Productions
Brooklynboi Productions - 9 years ago
david esktorp
david esktorp - 9 years ago
It is pretty simple.  Both theists and atheists state their unprovable beliefs as facts, expressly for the purpose of instigating arguments, which both sides believe they can never lose, because they've memorized slogan/counterslogan diatribes.
bluestate69 - 9 years ago
If only it were that simple, and if only i was that cool.
david esktorp
david esktorp - 9 years ago
Atheists are so cool, the way they're exactly like theists.
bluestate69 - 9 years ago
God's a non existent asshole.
megatron0007 - 9 years ago
Who are you to judge me???
spicecrop - 9 years ago
You're a stupid cunt.
megatron0007 - 9 years ago
God's an asshole.
david esktorp
david esktorp - 10 years ago
Go over there and fix it if you hate it so goddamn much.
SaintSatansSoul - 10 years ago
Lol what are you talking about ?? Its people like you who are going to cause the mass destruction of the world because you cannot leave this catholic/religious bullshit alone. Things happen on this to humans its called Life be it good or bad God has NOTHING to do with "miracles" its called the Law of Nature, sometimes its up when you need it to be sometimes its down when you dont. Put down your bible for a second & get a grip because you & the rest of the ignorant worshipers are being used by the catholic church as pawns. Grow up.
William Albert
William Albert - 10 years ago
It's Russia Today that should be praying for God's mercy.
Shrap Nelface
Shrap Nelface - 10 years ago
Used yacht for sale, freshly painted, new mast. 
spicecrop - 9 years ago
Comes with a free 55 gallon drum of fish oil.
Xavier Webb
Xavier Webb - 10 years ago
no, it does'nt!!
Jonathan Williams
Jonathan Williams - 10 years ago
hope the whale is ok!
Unit_312 - 10 years ago
Juan Fuentes
Juan Fuentes - 10 years ago
I will gladly give you a thumbs down for being misleading....if you are seeking thumbs up just ask for them next time.
Antonio Davoli
Antonio Davoli - 10 years ago
dont do that RT please.....i know you want views.....but dont mislead people into thinking they are going to see something they are not....when you start doing that you become no better then any other BS media.
Tommy Cease
Tommy Cease - 10 years ago
The most factual honest professional piece of journalism RT has ever done.
Andrew - 10 years ago
fake and gay!!!
Steven Jung
Steven Jung - 10 years ago
Worst of you tube. Right here.
lengua muerta
lengua muerta - 10 years ago
RT step in to my office...you're fckn fired!
Invesigator - 10 years ago
Very funny.
relentlessmadman - 10 years ago
what happened to the poor whale
mmdirtyworkz - 10 years ago
Thumbs down for being misleading.
Red Snare
Red Snare - 10 years ago
BS, misleading crap :(
scotty - 10 years ago
This network is russia today and putin controls like a pupateer american networks are bad enough this is exponitialy worse

50. comment for Whale hits & smashes yacht in South Africa

R. Carter
R. Carter - 10 years ago
Nuke the Whales!
Islamic life99
Islamic life99 - 10 years ago
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EASYTIGER10 - 10 years ago
A very foolish whale
Joe R
Joe R - 10 years ago
thegoosebrain - 10 years ago
FAKE. Somehow you have a photo of it just before it hits, but nothing afterwards. FAKE!
gxbmb - 10 years ago
moby dick
woff woff
woff woff - 10 years ago
its a sprat photoshopped 
angel666 - 10 years ago
Thanks for nothing Assholes! Where is the footage?
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 10 years ago
Metal Mutant
Metal Mutant - 10 years ago
poor whale
Goggle products
Goggle products - 10 years ago
No footage, dont bother watching
Centipede - 10 years ago
WHERE'S THE FOOTAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????
John Booker
John Booker - 10 years ago
1 word :  Harpoon.   ;-(3
Frogman Smith
Frogman Smith - 10 years ago
Well, that was underwhelming. I guess with that picture I expected to see something more dramatic than a moored boat.
Dinoxt12 - 10 years ago
richieboy09 - 10 years ago
wow what a load of shit smh
BellinghamsterTrail - 10 years ago
Whales are not your friends. 
Ian Lockyear
Ian Lockyear - 10 years ago
whale was like haiiiii wanna be friends...... is like pffft fck allou then im going home lol
kunwar shivadayal singh Shekhawat
kunwar shivadayal singh Shekhawat - 10 years ago
mamba701 - 10 years ago
whale hulk smash!
TwazkemUSAbi - 10 years ago
That whale is racist against white people.
Mr1995wm - 10 years ago
+Mafiaso obvious troll,I fed you enough. 
Mr1995wm - 10 years ago
Your post comment is the dumbest I've read for a while, a whale racist? Really?....trolls will be trolls.= +Mafiaso +TwazkemUSAbi 
Pointless crap.
TwazkemUSAbi - 10 years ago
All of the above ;D
Mr1995wm - 10 years ago
+Mafiaso +TwazkemUSAbi  Both of you, were you born this stupid or did you take lessons?
TheShaggybeard - 10 years ago
RT Rick Rolled us with that thumbnail.  Damn, that's how you win angry views folks
(hard to trust a news group that misleads you without hiding it lol)
JaskanFactor - 10 years ago
Maybe they were disturbing the whale like they do all the other creatures on earth, they won't let anything rest unless it joins them in the endless game of curiosity.

Disturb life on land, sea, air, and even outer space all in the name of more progress towards raping own children.
Irishandtired - 10 years ago
Gregory Baker
Gregory Baker - 10 years ago
RT.....You're yanking my dick with this silly video, aren't you? 
aja jaja
aja jaja - 10 years ago
TACOMENyum - 10 years ago
The Oceans are dying.
Drewbygus - 10 years ago
What a fucking waste of time to watch this shit.
NiallMS1 - 10 years ago
He was knackered - needed a lift!
Kenyan Bunnie
Kenyan Bunnie - 10 years ago
Trust FALL!!!!
John Doe
John Doe - 10 years ago
Crazy poop ass
Jeff Baker
Jeff Baker - 10 years ago
Damn straight.
ben sweat
ben sweat - 10 years ago
looks more like a sailboat than a yacht 
Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith - 10 years ago
Saw your light on and thought i would drop in on you!
BikerForChrist - 9 years ago
+Matthew Smith har....har....har xD
Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith - 10 years ago
I bet the insurance company said that's a whale of a tail!
Jeannette Blanchard
Jeannette Blanchard - 10 years ago
Clearly, it wasn't smashed, and that whale that had nothing to gain by it but pain, and injury wasn't out to get him. It's not a man-eater.
1freeradical1 - 10 years ago
6400 people wanted video of the whale carnage as it happened, not its dull aftermath.
Troy Paster
Troy Paster - 10 years ago
hope you have whale insurance
Noh Danke
Noh Danke - 10 years ago
get rid of the shitty ads.  not going to watch ads on youtube. 
Charlie Irvin
Charlie Irvin - 10 years ago
Stupid Whale He should of Stuck out his Left Fin out when Making a Port Turn Lol
Mr. E
Mr. E - 10 years ago
gotta blame that shit on bush and obama at the same time!! 
RAIDERS58th - 10 years ago
Indeed. To hell with the boat - how's the whale?
RAIDERS58th - 10 years ago
+rolyatknarfable "Sailors?" Please. 
nfl doesn't matter
nfl doesn't matter - 10 years ago
To hell with you, the whale, and the boat. Were any of the sailors on the boat hurt? 
Steven Allen
Steven Allen - 10 years ago
fuck your boat haha is the whale okay what happened to him or her
roflman87 - 10 years ago
neither him or her, its IT u dumb bitch...
Dave Salvador
Dave Salvador - 10 years ago
+Z3N17H1U5 He wants to sold hes soul to Lucifer over a worldy and material things that isn't gon last forever. Good luck!!!
Z3N17H1U5 - 10 years ago
now you're doing that illuminati thing LOL  what is that all about?
Edward Blackbeard
Edward Blackbeard - 10 years ago
Jeremy Trader
Jeremy Trader - 10 years ago
Was probably an Illuminati whale.
Mr. E
Mr. E - 10 years ago
lmao!! shit was all planed man,, that whale was a robot from outer space!
Chris Draves
Chris Draves - 10 years ago
John 3:17
InfernoPhoenixFX - 10 years ago
really... :l 
vlassis kefalonitis
vlassis kefalonitis - 10 years ago
look... i don't think it will hit us! PLS next time don't bet....
bobbygnosis - 10 years ago
He used to watch the T.V. show 'The Saint.'

(The iconic stick figure is painted on the front of the cabin.)

For some reason that's funny to me.
goldsilverandiamonds - 11 years ago
Reminds me of what Putin is doing to world peace.
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 10 years ago
+Feidhelm Ó Foghladha that's fair enough, man, I guess it is the north to you 
Feidhelm Ó Foghladha
Feidhelm Ó Foghladha - 10 years ago
+your mum... she's hot Aye the six counties, but where I'm from we just say the north  
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 10 years ago
+Feidhelm Ó Foghladha do you mean northern ireland, yeah? 
Feidhelm Ó Foghladha
Feidhelm Ó Foghladha - 10 years ago
+Troller No it a universal problem, The US government are the dictators of this world. They try and control everything. Obama up in the north of |Ireland talking about peace, while his troops are off murdering innocent civilians in the middle east day in day out.. its sound like you took my comment personal
Feidhelm Ó Foghladha
Feidhelm Ó Foghladha - 10 years ago
Its the US government that is the cancer on this planet
grassburner - 11 years ago
Wow, that whale must have been ship-faced to do that!
vwertigo - 11 years ago
Awesome commnet!  Can I use that one? Lol
click411 - 11 years ago
yes his drinks weren't WATERED down enough
RHallman321 - 11 years ago
Hi-Oh! Zing! Hahaha! Nice one! I like that! Made me laugh! :)
Alex K.
Alex K. - 11 years ago
Looks like the security of the yacht has been...breached.
leloodallasmultipass - 11 years ago
that's what you get for naming your ship after an American aircraft carrier.  we don't let that stuff go, pal.
kjohnsen045 - 11 years ago
I wonder if the whale was embarrassed....

100. comment for Whale hits & smashes yacht in South Africa

Cobra Commander
Cobra Commander - 11 years ago
I hope the whale is alright.
Cicero - 7 years ago
Cobra Commander harambe
Kamran Kamal
Kamran Kamal - 11 years ago
The whale probably had enough of your sonar blowing its ear drums off
xoriclee - 11 years ago
how did this get 9,349,073 views?
KACSR15E3 - 11 years ago
+Bobi Bobski HAHAHAHA..!   NO SHIT. 
mkvision - 11 years ago
The misleading thumbnail, most likey.
Tryannosaurus Page
Tryannosaurus Page - 11 years ago
nanaluvstroubles just crushed the boat!
PatricK WithaKay
PatricK WithaKay - 11 years ago
How informative :(
Artorias - 11 years ago
Whales: Weeeeeeee..............oops my bad. I was trying to play humans in comments: FUCK YOU, YOU TRY TO KILLL THEM DEATH TO ALL WHALES!!!
fleasternut - 11 years ago
Logie1973 - 11 years ago
In coming
Quinteria Grier
Quinteria Grier - 11 years ago
best three comments above me!!!
Harrison Brown
Harrison Brown - 11 years ago
wow cool
1Infeqaul1 - 11 years ago
What does this man do for a living ? for all we know he could be a scammer. and rips people off for they're hard earned money. this Man may be an ass hole and the whale knew this. just another way of looking at reality, that's all.
HipHopBeatSource - 11 years ago
From the look of that picture I would have guessed that boat to be cracked in half. Looks like very little damage was done to it.
peaceful person
peaceful person - 11 years ago
its pissed off because of over fishing; possible lost a baby whale in fishermans net
shuabert - 11 years ago
That guy looks like Michael J Fox.
Almoda Thompson
Almoda Thompson - 11 years ago
Hi, have you considered Reveal Travel Deal yet? Just have a look at that website at RevealTravelDeal.com I have found quite a few amazingly inexpensive deluxe resorts and flights. This might allow you to save cash on your future holiday too.
Dinesh Sivapragsam
Dinesh Sivapragsam - 11 years ago
It's the humans who got in the way of the whale. So they asked for it.
StillBeautiful - 11 years ago
I read "machete smash racist nazi face", instead it was a whale on a yuppie. Now I skip video
rEVOLVEr - 11 years ago
ahhahaahaahahahh....... insurance fraud. they just wanted to claim damage to that shitty boat. my canoe is much safer.
Brulluhman - 11 years ago
Fucking whales. Probably the whale got more damaged because of ' it's ' enthusiasm.
Daniel Gontar
Daniel Gontar - 11 years ago
9,000,000 minutes wasted.
axw016 - 11 years ago
humans belong on land
Jeff Bell
Jeff Bell - 11 years ago
0:27 screwed
XmeshinX - 11 years ago
0:38 some catamaran behind them i presume..
callanrockslol - 11 years ago
A Catamaran behind them
christopher phillip skeates
christopher phillip skeates - 11 years ago
she had a whale of a time yukyuk .. ha ha .. skeatesy
rokonuzzaman rana
rokonuzzaman rana - 11 years ago
Hey there, have you tried "TRAVeLSEWHERE " (google it)? I have stumbled upon quite a few amazingly affordable hotels as well as flight tickets. This might allow you to save cash on your upcoming holiday as well.
Breaker Blue
Breaker Blue - 11 years ago
It was a male right whale performing his mature ritual involving breaching out of the water for 30 times in less then half an hour.
Macaframa1 - 11 years ago
thought this was gonna be a rick roll or something but it's legit lol
Breaker Blue
Breaker Blue - 11 years ago
It was a right whale -_-
Breaker Blue
Breaker Blue - 11 years ago
Anyone who thinks this fake here's the actual video /watch?v=D21iF3N_cbY
deep toot
deep toot - 11 years ago
Whale: hey im the humback whale and this is the boat smash XD
marc alexi
marc alexi - 11 years ago
Do you really believe using youtube comments to advertise is a good recommendation?
Helmi Lyytikäinen
Helmi Lyytikäinen - 11 years ago
why the fuck was that spammed?
Helmi Lyytikäinen
Helmi Lyytikäinen - 11 years ago
he said i this video that it was someone sailing behind them
TheSpoonyBard - 11 years ago
If it's Russian TV, I imagine it's a dashcam.
Po - 11 years ago
RT is trolling!
Kenyan Bunnie
Kenyan Bunnie - 11 years ago
Wish they switched to video at the moment. :/
Rob - 11 years ago
Rathallan - 11 years ago
Probably got tired of those Japanese 'Scientific research' vessels
dseggar - 11 years ago
I hope the whale was ok
Mark Venning
Mark Venning - 11 years ago
how the fuck did i manage to think it said "dear santa" instead of "hey man" at the start of the sentence
Dale Gribbus
Dale Gribbus - 11 years ago
Were going to need a bigger boat
Tyler Pope
Tyler Pope - 11 years ago
Possibly another boat?
H4MM3R D0WN - 11 years ago
Pral Satik
Pral Satik - 11 years ago
Hi there, have you considered "Reveal Travel Deal" (just search on Google for it ...)? I have found numerous incredibly cheap hotels and even flights. This might let you save cash on your upcoming vacation also. Just go and have a look.
Nedeljko Tešanović
Nedeljko Tešanović - 11 years ago
I think Hancock threw the whale at the boat! xD
LightStreak01 - 11 years ago
Anyone else agree that we should be able to check the likes and dislikes on the recommended videos bar? It would make Youtube surfing so much easier and stop giving this kind of garbage the views it doesn't deserve
acttorneyatliar - 11 years ago
Well, that was entirely inadequate.
acttorneyatliar - 11 years ago
The dude said it was someone on a catamaran behind them. Too poor to pay attention huh?
Cathleen Kelly
Cathleen Kelly - 11 years ago
The people in Moby Dick were the products of Melville's imagination, but the whale was real. It sunk a Nantucket whaler called the Essex in the South Atlantic, killing most of the sailors on board. The survivors reported he had many harpoon scars.
BellinghamsterTrail - 11 years ago
They need to track down that whale and give it a fine or something so it doesn't do it again.
slaywehrmachtanic - 11 years ago
I would have been happier watching a video of Lars
Mark Walker
Mark Walker - 11 years ago
yep i bet the whale was thinking yep im taking these rich fuckers out with me
kiawas1 - 11 years ago
I scroll down first before I start the film just so I can see the dislikes vs the likes_ and if the dislikes exceeds tremendously... it's crap.
capucchan8 - 11 years ago
it's Orca, Get away
D zastre
D zastre - 11 years ago
prick doesnt know how to whale
ionutz adrian
ionutz adrian - 11 years ago
Hey there, have you heard about "Reveal Travel Deal" (just google it)? I have seen numerous ridiculously cheap hotels as well as flights. This might allow you to save on your upcoming getaway also.
Zer0ne - 11 years ago
No, I think he said "on a Catamaran behind us".
Starbound KING
Starbound KING - 11 years ago
Whale "Hey man take a picture while i smash this boat to pieces!" Other whale: "This will be on youtube one day!" lol
Steven Barton
Steven Barton - 11 years ago
it smelt the cheese and ham toasties
buffedbufet - 11 years ago
h t t p://ww w. youtube. co m/w atch?v=M OTGnizcP7g this is the video footage, remove the spaces for it to work
IyaniCosmetics - 11 years ago
moby dick
AquaticBoardwalkEngineer - 11 years ago
When he said the picture was taken by a "catamaran behind us", well I'm not sure, but that could be your clue. Do your ears shut down when your eyes are working?
supercyberfunk - 11 years ago
Obviously no real damage was done. Pity, I was hoping to see video of the yacht sinking. Poor whale, I'm sure it's OK, though.
Jarrod Mitchell
Jarrod Mitchell - 11 years ago
This is actually true dipshits I live in South Africa
KeithAndFriends - 11 years ago
Fake and gayobviously Photoshop. Never happened. The government and media lies.
Ben Heywood
Ben Heywood - 11 years ago
Whale (wailord) used BODY SLAM!
RegularRy - 11 years ago
******Laughed at how offended omgitsaidsyay is getting, asked U Mad Bro?, left video
omgitsaidsyay - 11 years ago
*****Laughed at the most classic come back in the history of the world. Acknowledges you are 11 years old. Left video...
RegularRy - 11 years ago
**** fucked omgitsaidsyay's mom, repleid to his comment, left video
omgitsaidsyay - 11 years ago
***Entered video, looked at the top comment, commented on it like a douche, left video..
RegularRy - 11 years ago
** Entered video. looked at the dislike bar, commented on video like a douche, left video
Ricochet XBL
Ricochet XBL - 11 years ago
wil gamer
wil gamer - 11 years ago
tabpoppinfool 1
tabpoppinfool 1 - 11 years ago
is the whale ok
Fabian Reyes
Fabian Reyes - 11 years ago
But.. you commented...
Pedro Valdés
Pedro Valdés - 11 years ago
and comment....
Chew its
Chew its - 11 years ago
i'll add another 'dislike' to the many already.
Andre Johnson
Andre Johnson - 11 years ago
Lol dude there are white people in South Africa
putridlemon - 11 years ago
lol if he got smashed by the whale i would have giggled like a panda
Tazboi Manderp
Tazboi Manderp - 11 years ago
Mobi Dick's Grandsom finaly takes action and does it like hes grandpa! Mobi Dick!
muz adam
muz adam - 11 years ago
mobidicks :)
Ydontyou Fvckoff
Ydontyou Fvckoff - 12 years ago
Lol that racist guys an idiot lol wow xD get out more 24eowxa
carolina orduno
carolina orduno - 12 years ago
24eowxa you racist they don't have to be white
David Fager
David Fager - 12 years ago
marcusfreeweb - 12 years ago
Sonar malfunction?
W0RLD4tW4R2150 - 12 years ago
nice timing even a shot of this
Michael shenouda
Michael shenouda - 12 years ago
Michael shenouda
Michael shenouda - 12 years ago
what the hell who gives the damn about a whale and the boat
jfdb59 - 12 years ago
Darn! I didn't realise I ended up on YouPics by accident.
guitargamery - 12 years ago
Hornbeef12 - 12 years ago
fuck the whale i'd say the boat was hurt more
jose corral
jose corral - 12 years ago
omg poor whale , that whale did it on porpuse. lol crazy whale
Str8manballtouch - 12 years ago
Pause video. Looks at the "like"-bar. Thumbs down. Leaves.
mulldoon0 - 12 years ago
One of the most incredible videos I have ever seen.
learntoargue - 12 years ago
Click Flag > select "Spam or misleading" > select "Misleading thumbnail" > enter additional details if any > click Submit. Thumbs-up this comment to alert others and help de-louse Youtube.
Robi Hussain
Robi Hussain - 12 years ago
MrHeinous - 12 years ago
didn't this happen in Hancock
dufondutrou - 12 years ago
Jefferson Romero
Jefferson Romero - 12 years ago
where is the video?
jomar santos
jomar santos - 12 years ago
LiddieJane - 12 years ago
This is a danger for sailboats as whales see the shape and come closer trying t figure out the body of it. The hit them and rub them. Biggest danger in open sea really besides storms. Not sure which is most likely. Lots of whale stories where they land, break, sink, just generally hull the boat, knock the mast off. I a sure the deck stanchions dont feel good to the whale impaling them maybe. Mostly they hit the hull hard.
TheEsanel - 12 years ago
Nek Minut
Tah Xtahu
Tah Xtahu - 12 years ago
f u
J Taylor
J Taylor - 12 years ago
dafuq are you talkin about?
lolcutepeoplez9 - 12 years ago
who the fuck liked this get out>
myballasjuk - 12 years ago
DavetheCPA - 12 years ago
That title is a whale of a lie.
cody belle
cody belle - 12 years ago
clean your beaches up they are horrid pollution
MrGreiser - 12 years ago
Ну да конечно,сами сломали, а на кита сваливают, ну что за люди пошли... Ложь во имя спасения....
THEPUNISHER1968 - 12 years ago
Poor whale hope it was ok
Hassan Alsalihi
Hassan Alsalihi - 12 years ago
I benefited one thing.He speaks english like me...
dinossauro8 - 12 years ago
Filho duma puta
Loren York
Loren York - 12 years ago
Leo Hastadhy
Leo Hastadhy - 12 years ago
where is the video??? stupid title by a retard.
jwboll - 12 years ago
Probably had a teenager in the cabin below, playing Justin Beiber, and the Whale just couldn't take it anymore.
Jason Teasdale
Jason Teasdale - 12 years ago
Is that covered by insurance??? :)
Kevin Forrest
Kevin Forrest - 12 years ago
Entered video, looked at dislike bar, left video.
TheWoodyTiger - 12 years ago
Never mess with locals.
rodrigo grassmann
rodrigo grassmann - 12 years ago
essa porra de comercial do youtube é foda --''
Skye Jensen
Skye Jensen - 12 years ago
who the heck doesn't have their go pro on them 24/7 now for this kind of stuff... geez
Alexey Kostovski
Alexey Kostovski - 12 years ago
fuckin scam
Stormy Forrester
Stormy Forrester - 12 years ago
He must of thought you was Japanese
mombaassa - 12 years ago
sssssjjjj1 - 12 years ago
MrVampiredog - 12 years ago
garethininverness - 12 years ago
ffgjidhjmiteghkgdrgh - 12 years ago
Thumbs up if a Calvin Klein underwear commercial got you here lol!
786carrera - 12 years ago
Saw the Long Dislike bar and moved to the next video!!!
commonsense369 - 12 years ago
Luke J
Luke J - 12 years ago
there is a video, this is just talking about it
Eleven Eyes
Eleven Eyes - 12 years ago
Eleven Eyes
Eleven Eyes - 12 years ago
I only continued because everything went over your head the first time. And I'm not even 18 yet, stop assuming adults are the ones with knowledge and the kids are the ones that go screaming lol and yolo everywhere, not to imply adults aren't children themselves.
Eleven Eyes
Eleven Eyes - 12 years ago
If you mean I can't be certain if the whale survived or not then you are right, but I'm telling you that it's extremely likely the whale survived. Boat couldn't have pierced the whale, so it stacks onto the reasons that it's death is unlikely. Whales have collided with boats before, and survived. I just don't see why you persist to think it died if there are no signs pointing to death.
Bo Hill
Bo Hill - 12 years ago
Eleven Eyes
Eleven Eyes - 12 years ago
The main character here is the boat. The whale was important, but not needed to finish the main story about the boat. If your whale love must be satisfied then hear some wisdom. If the whale died, it would have either been killed while on the boat, or slide off and float in the water. If the whale was above water, and dead, would the person who took the picture of the whale have taken the picture of the corpse? If not, at least the man would have known it died, and the reporter would mention so.
PanZerulv - 12 years ago
this has actualy happend. If you search: Caught On Tape: Whale Crashes on Boat on youtube you will find the video =)
Der Brunnmichl
Der Brunnmichl - 12 years ago
Du bist ein Idiot!!
Simon - 12 years ago
Because we saw fuck all.
Bo Hill
Bo Hill - 12 years ago
Why so many dislikes?
LOOKSABUCKET - 12 years ago
where did you accure that killer vest and do you do anal aaagghhhhhh
Kayzor P
Kayzor P - 12 years ago
how old are you?
EyeKast - 12 years ago
Thumbs up if you actually read the first comment then clicked back!
Where did your dignity and pride go
Where did your dignity and pride go - 12 years ago
Wailord use Body Slam!!
ragtherager - 12 years ago
Revenge - 12 years ago
We wana see the vid dummass not the stupid review D:<
Hà Tuấn Anh
Hà Tuấn Anh - 12 years ago
Hi, have you considered "Reveal TravelDeal" (just search on Google for it ...)? I have found various extremely affordable hotels and even flights. This might help you to spend less on your upcoming journey as well.
anthony sultana
anthony sultana - 12 years ago
did my friend the whale get hurt.
kinderomoniatisole - 12 years ago
thumps up if you join to dislike this video;)
Christoffer Mitchell
Christoffer Mitchell - 12 years ago
i'm so tired of videos like this.
Asaduzzaman Pavel
Asaduzzaman Pavel - 12 years ago
is the whale ok?
Exilemainstreet - 12 years ago
Who the fuck are these people who can afford to putz around on a fucking yacht anyway?
ojlondon85 - 12 years ago
Paul Kentros
Paul Kentros - 12 years ago
thumbs down! youtube is for VIDEO, ass!
5893gcapp - 12 years ago
Are u really that desperate for thumbs up?...
crownethorne - 12 years ago
That will teach you for messing around with the whales !!
GRIMLOCKFETT - 12 years ago
Paused at 0:15 flagged at 0:16 Good day misleading thumbnail and title!
azulrevolver - 12 years ago
Killer whales would do that actually.
skylilly1 - 12 years ago
amazing photo!
kerrgal - 12 years ago
Lord Commander Joer Mormont
Lord Commander Joer Mormont - 12 years ago
Why so many dislikes? Sure they didn't have a video of the whale hitting a boat. But for such a rare event it's surprising they even had a picture. Learn to think before you click like/dislike people.
Grace Bailey
Grace Bailey - 12 years ago
0:11 thumbs up if you think he looks like the host of the amazing race!
Slikky - 12 years ago
To see what really happened, right click video and click "Stop Download"
Karri Carberry
Karri Carberry - 12 years ago
Yes.. Yes they were... E.T's children...
Karri Carberry
Karri Carberry - 12 years ago
Um excuse me? I didn't really understand that... :\
Karri Carberry
Karri Carberry - 12 years ago
Lol, no I'm not hahah....
seapeddler - 12 years ago
Whales are prisoners in the ocean; thanks to all the boaters, big and small.
Margarita Ania Rodriguez
Margarita Ania Rodriguez - 12 years ago
my video is sexier hell
Molly Wade
Molly Wade - 12 years ago
I hope that your aim is to say that humans are turning into ninevites. People are slowly becoming evil and turning away from God, so in a way, whales are better than humans
Molly Wade
Molly Wade - 12 years ago
u have no right to speak down to whales. Whales are rarely agressive
Molly Wade
Molly Wade - 12 years ago
Im positive that the whale had no idea that the boat was there. Even if it did, it is the whales who are retaliating. Humans slaughter them by the thosands each year. So Latinprayers, we have nothing to retailiate.
SuperSailorSailing - 12 years ago
Good name for the boat, though. Sorry for the shock for both the whale and the crew.
Jack Glastra
Jack Glastra - 12 years ago
That is probably the most offensive comment I have seen all day. You should write lyrics for David Allan Coe.
Amy Young
Amy Young - 12 years ago
I wonder if insurance would cover it?????? ;-)
ian - 12 years ago
this was chuck norris's boat,he cut it up and served whale fish butties all night in the harbour.
brahmin21 - 12 years ago
Jonah was a prophet from Galilee and his story takes place somewhere between 780 B.C and 760 B.C. During this period of history, Assyria was a powerful, evil nation and Israel's most dreaded enemy. The Lord spoke to Jonah and told him to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and preach to the Ninevites. (Jonah 1:2) Jonah was supposed to warn the Ninevites to repent or suffer the consequences of their wickedness.
Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson - 12 years ago
first 16 seconds i thought it was a joke lol
iriisje - 12 years ago
Are you calling me a whale? :P hehehe
Rick Sanders
Rick Sanders - 12 years ago
too bad u didnt have an explosive harpoon...heard the slants like that smelly ass whale blubber...fucked up yo boat 2 Nazi Afrikaans
Darren Coakley
Darren Coakley - 12 years ago
JadeTiger - 12 years ago
tobad they didn't have a video camera instead of a photograph camera
ostube111 - 12 years ago
well this sucked
beemo83 - 12 years ago
Dalek Anonymous
Dalek Anonymous - 12 years ago
I want that kind of boat. It got hit by a whale and it still floats!
millie stevens
millie stevens - 12 years ago
Machine Gun Nest
Machine Gun Nest - 12 years ago
just playin
Ross Cadogan
Ross Cadogan - 12 years ago
There is an actual video of the incident on the BBC News website. (Not just a video of a man looking at a photograph.) bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-10748488
dearmalika - 12 years ago
Bueno, lo que ha hecho esta ballena no es ni una decima parte de lo que hacen los humanos a las ballenas!
nhjjcb - 12 years ago
RSA are currupt - with ther racist laws.
Madarab Hasab Omb
Madarab Hasab Omb - 12 years ago
that boat was an old shitter anyway. Obviously a whale magnet - Try selling it to Greepeace
Formally Christopher
Formally Christopher - 12 years ago
were the other 7 million viewers aliens?!
Azitock - 12 years ago
Damn whales need to understand we run this planet now.
Viruvalgia - 12 years ago
*video buffering* *Looks at ratebar* *Leaves*
Ding Dong
Ding Dong - 12 years ago
shut up
Pepe -
Pepe - - 12 years ago
il bite your face cunt
yzman321 - 12 years ago
its south africa. whales are just as dumb as the people who live there .... weird
Tom Barrington
Tom Barrington - 12 years ago
reddog17vids - 12 years ago
i like whales ._.
The Cosmic
The Cosmic - 12 years ago
terrorist whales must be exterminated!
Jason - 12 years ago
Gewoon GamenNL
Gewoon GamenNL - 12 years ago
hahaha :D nice
Marco Lonardi
Marco Lonardi - 12 years ago
Did u ever heard about dogs attack baby kids in a Public Park?? Because they turned mad...but of course is the owner an asshole not the dog right?? I think if one day u are going to have a "Chance" to relate with dogs or whales u also could meet assholes in between them.
Fabian Alvarado Gonzalez
Fabian Alvarado Gonzalez - 12 years ago
you are right dude... (crying) you.. are.. right!
Steve Malone
Steve Malone - 12 years ago
I think most people are disliking this because they click expecting footage of the attack!
1SoloDolo2 - 12 years ago
Nek Minute hahaha
dirk diggler
dirk diggler - 12 years ago
lol nice
Aaron Rieger
Aaron Rieger - 12 years ago
to bad he wasnt black
Spoon3r - 12 years ago
was the flag on the back of the boat ok?
Mathis Bourgnon
Mathis Bourgnon - 12 years ago
incroyable comment elle à démolie le bateau ^^
Marco Lonardi
Marco Lonardi - 12 years ago
I am tired about ppl prefer animals like dogs cats or whales instead of humans our same species is amazing how the world turn weird.
James Owen
James Owen - 12 years ago
Im sick of these motherfucking whales on this motherfucking yacht!!!
Berto Torres
Berto Torres - 12 years ago
ya ur right the ppl were clearly in the wrong
Rob - 12 years ago
asshole humans
wafeman17 - 12 years ago
preach on, brotha
Berto Torres
Berto Torres - 12 years ago
asshole whale
deltaray3 - 12 years ago
You dumbasses expect for video cameras to be everywhere at every point on the planet, but yet expect your privacy. This is just a news report. Go see a Hollywood movie if you want in your face live action. Or go take a boat yourself to South Africa.
Keenan Foley
Keenan Foley - 12 years ago
This video sucks.
bigdsears - 12 years ago
fucking emo whale
Jackle61 - 12 years ago
If I remember correctly, they were fined for being where they shouldn't be doing things they weeren't supposed to.
Rivaldo horison
Rivaldo horison - 12 years ago
Ian Foo
Ian Foo - 12 years ago
BULLSSHIT - where's the VIDEO of the Whale - DECEPTIVE ads
adriannox - 12 years ago
it was an accident,it was a supersonic fart
Karri Carberry
Karri Carberry - 12 years ago
@hotscotty10, 4114 Humans watched this, 920 whales did. ;)
Simon Smith
Simon Smith - 12 years ago
well that was just crap
luc649 - 12 years ago
looked at all the disliked , typed this with my fin and kept on swimming...
Jacob Fitzgerald
Jacob Fitzgerald - 12 years ago
Jacob Fitzgerald
Jacob Fitzgerald - 12 years ago
BroBijak - 12 years ago
its a drunk whale
Joel McGarrigan
Joel McGarrigan - 12 years ago
Not really.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 12 years ago
@xJoelyGee People were expecting actual footage of the whale smashing the boat.
Joel McGarrigan
Joel McGarrigan - 12 years ago
Why so many dislikes?
ramir233 - 12 years ago
you guys complain about youtube ads? I guess you guys don't know shit about "no script" I never seen ads on youtube. :)
Bjarki Joensen
Bjarki Joensen - 12 years ago
Was the whale hurt?
AliCat42 - 12 years ago
So...did the whale hit the boat accidentally or was it hitting them intentionally to maybe drive them out of the territory or defend a female of calf?
william stark
william stark - 12 years ago
delta3303 - 13 years ago
@FOTISSAKAS Most of the time your forced to watch the whole thing and it sucks horribly
jonners52 - 13 years ago
@RisePatriot nah, i just go to kaotic.com and see better videos than that on a daily basis. in HD too.
KingKilla - 13 years ago
Its the cracken from pirates of the carribean!!!!!!!
bumblebudee - 13 years ago
youtube need to put the actual LIKE ratings beside the thumbs not just the hit rates!
marc ashford
marc ashford - 13 years ago
as adele would say that whale was rolling in the deep
RisePatriot - 13 years ago
@jonners52 i don't get it but i saw moronic attention whore and I thought i heard my name being called. SORRY! Oh HEY.... while I have you, perhaps view RisePatriot below. Tell me if i am wrong; MY just created 'election 2012' is the grossest thing on youtube. 2 heads being blown off, two executions. Said to be from soviet ww2 archives except the first 'wimpy' one from a movie. Serious Sickness beyond comprehension. BTW, I am not a Whore. I do it for Free so I am a SLUT.
Joe Dat Guy
Joe Dat Guy - 13 years ago
moby dick dosent give a fuck lol
TheAccounterror - 13 years ago
Kevin1811: now that's just unfortunate
Rawc90 - 13 years ago
please forgive me.... looks like they are having a whale of a time!
digitalAuge .de
digitalAuge .de - 13 years ago
lol what a shit
Joel Slotte
Joel Slotte - 13 years ago
Guys, this video is real.
Mikkerdrengsen - 13 years ago
masinsher - 13 years ago
gorrilaboy22 - 13 years ago
lol this whale forgot his life jacket.
nikhicks - 13 years ago
that whale came from hancock lol :)
noobs410 - 13 years ago
i like that dislike bar, OH WAIT THATS THE SIZE OF YOUR DICK
weber head
weber head - 13 years ago
i always worry about the blades on boats that can rip up the precious sealife.
Philosophy Weirdo
Philosophy Weirdo - 13 years ago
@keykey12ful This comment brought to you by; Carls Jr.
FUKC GEWGLE AND YT. keptemailsfrommetill i joined youscumbags demanded that i join u
FUKC GEWGLE AND YT. keptemailsfrommetill i joined youscumbags demanded that i join u - 13 years ago
@keykey12ful believ it or not dude, youtube use to b cool. no ad's or anything. im pre sure some kid invented it and wen it blew up and became super popular, someone bought it for a fuck ton of money. and now dribbles pusssy faced ad s all ova
Kirra Armour
Kirra Armour - 13 years ago
@butthead6886 Without advertisement there wouldn't be a youtube.
jamthetag - 13 years ago
when i search for blood in youtube and finaly find a video with a good title, when i open it i only need to see the dislike bar and then go to other video..
aaron emmerson
aaron emmerson - 13 years ago
nek minit
Mike Howery
Mike Howery - 13 years ago
@789Erim56 Ur an idot. Did u know Hippos kill more people than sharks. And bees kill more people in the U.S than sharks....So just stay in ur basement and everything will be fine.. dont bread
FecalMattur - 13 years ago
FUCK YO YACHT!!! They shoulda neva gave yall niggas money!!! Rick James Whale ftw
NickLiang - 13 years ago
When the whale dived it, it shouted "FALCON PUNCH"
Steve Woodley
Steve Woodley - 13 years ago
789Erim56 - 13 years ago
im am now scared to swim in the sea sharks will kill me
Michael O'Callaghan
Michael O'Callaghan - 13 years ago
That's why you should never go fishing out in open sea
scholledie - 13 years ago
@hotscotty10 I think it's because the majority expected to see the actual smashing and not a reportage/interview about it how it happened..
ScottyM Productions
ScottyM Productions - 13 years ago
y so many dislikes?
KitsuneAdorable - 13 years ago
@butthead6886 Thank God some of them we can skip.
Mark D. Little
Mark D. Little - 13 years ago
Meh...was only a matter of time before the whale species were going to get annoyed enough and start taking a lesser species out of the equation. Really...anyone suprised by this? There's plastic debris about twice the size of Texas floating in the Pacific. Figure if someone dumped a load of garbage in your living room, you'be be 'okay' with that...quite frankly, I'm amazed more incidences like this haven't occured...
CamiloSanchez1979 - 13 years ago
I harpoon the shark but I didn't kill no whale
Danny Poulter
Danny Poulter - 13 years ago
bet they had a whale of a time...
FOTISSAKAS - 13 years ago
thumbs up if you dont even look what is advertised on youtube and you press always the x button
Vander Carvalho
Vander Carvalho - 13 years ago
maldito comercial do youtube
jerry84884 - 13 years ago
Brenda Boulanger
Brenda Boulanger - 13 years ago
OMG! That's insane!
GOBLINKINGISM - 13 years ago
i specifically told my sister to stay at home that day... what does she do?!?!? smashes a yacht.....
VirtuosoX1 - 13 years ago
Whale: "What? so were not playing tag?"
Piggle Chunk
Piggle Chunk - 13 years ago
Wtf boring
Sakul1321 - 13 years ago
i hope the japanese whaling fleet gets them all!
VyaasIsCool - 13 years ago
@Gibtrickz Dude, Buzz Killington called. He wants his buzz killing skills back. Family Guy reference for the win :)
Gibtrickz - 13 years ago
Dude Darth Vadar called he wants his light saber back.
imthetank3 - 13 years ago
poor whale
jonners52 - 13 years ago
@butthead6886 It's spelled thumbs, you moronic attention whore
david ben rahamim
david ben rahamim - 13 years ago
david ben rahamim
david ben rahamim - 13 years ago
Tenchigo - 13 years ago
Its so Nice and Big uhhh its geting bigger so butifuahhhhhh smash
PandaMagicFTW - 13 years ago
Lol stupid whale.
MsShadowman12 - 13 years ago
nice lightsaber........oh wait its the dislike bar
Izzybll - 13 years ago
...i live in south africa , nothing cool hapens here
PivotPeepz - 13 years ago
hopefuly the whale didnt get hurt, their fault for moving their boat on the whales habitat :P
Jay Igaboo
Jay Igaboo - 13 years ago
@11lauramc I rather doubt that you can relate to people at all-- your comment that " you don't give a crap about the people" says it all, and makes a a mockery out of your claim " nothing wrong with caring" - but not for the people you realte so well to? . Just another sad little green weenie, brainwashed by Green agitprop. . Now go away, little girl, and grow up a bit. Bet you are part of the "droop group" at school, tediously dull, ernest and priggish.
OfficialDAPT - 13 years ago
Good ol moby dick being a dick
mm1k3y - 13 years ago
@11lauramc retard. i dont know why your so bothered you know exactly what i mean, people like you need scratching off the face of the earth.
11lauramc - 13 years ago
@mm1k3y learn to type and then try and argue
11lauramc - 13 years ago
@gubbbies takes one to know one
11lauramc - 13 years ago
@Jigaboo123456 i can probabally relate a hell of a lot better to people than you can! im just also capable of relating to other organisms also and can see the destruction we cause! nothing wrong with caring
mm1k3y - 13 years ago
@11lauramc why? thats a re tarded thing to say.
Saveera - 13 years ago
11lauramc - 13 years ago
keep the hate coming you idiot!! pathetic that your jealous of a top comment! :)
hans spast
hans spast - 13 years ago
When i saw the newspaper i was like: FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK y u no have action?? :o
Ian Caruana
Ian Caruana - 13 years ago
3406 are japanese people !!

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About Whale hits & smashes yacht in South Africa

The "Whale hits & smashes yacht in South Africa" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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