What Points of sailing can a small sailboat achieve
Sailing 7 years ago 4,130 views
Understanding where the wind is blowing from affects everything on a sailing boat. This video explains how to identify where the wind is blowing from and the correct point of sail to allow the boat to sail correctly. By understanding how your boat is positioned relative to the wind you will be able to spot what point of sail you can achieve for your intended direction. This in turn helps you to identify what to do with the sails to get the best speed.
Happy sailing
Yes that is correct to raise the centreboard a little for a beam reach. The centreboard is mostly used to prevent side slip when sailing towards the wind and should be fully down. i.e. beating. When you sail across or away from the wind then the sideways force is reduced and the force vector moves forwards. This means the centreboard is less necessary so raising it reduces the wetted surface area of the boat so you sail faster. Also I have found to my cost that leaving the board down on a windy day can in some occasions force the boat to spin out and trip the boat up and force a capsize. Hope that helps!