What Points of sailing can a small sailboat achieve

Understanding where the wind is blowing from affects everything on a sailing boat. This video explains how to identify where the wind is blowing from and the correct point of sail to allow the boat to sail correctly. By understanding how your boat is positioned relative to the wind you will be able to spot what point of sail you can achieve for your intended direction. This in turn helps you to identify what to do with the sails to get the best speed.

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Sailing 7 years ago 4,130 views

Understanding where the wind is blowing from affects everything on a sailing boat. This video explains how to identify where the wind is blowing from and the correct point of sail to allow the boat to sail correctly. By understanding how your boat is positioned relative to the wind you will be able to spot what point of sail you can achieve for your intended direction. This in turn helps you to identify what to do with the sails to get the best speed.

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for What Points of sailing can a small sailboat achieve

Ray Watson
Ray Watson - 7 years ago
Raise the centreboard up a bit for a beam reach ????
sailaboattv - 7 years ago
Hi Ray The wind vector as you know will push the boat at 90 degrees to where the sail is located.  Sailing upwind presents a big sideways force as the sail is pulled in close to the centreline, as the boat moves away from the wind and the sail eased then the force goes forwards.  Thus the centreboard is less used as the force is less side on.  Centreboard equals drag so if you can get away with less of it then the boat goes faster.  Boats with asymmetric spinnakers have apparent wind to factor in.  The apparent wind moves forwards with speed and hence the sideways force comes into play again so it is common for these to have the board down all the time, but they are designed particularly with this in mind.  they tend to be a bit longer but narrower (at least thats how they look to me).  As for spin outs, on a windy day it has happened to me!  I sail a boat called a Solo mostly.  This is a UK singlehander and has a big centreboard and the boat has been tripped up on a very windy day(30 knots or above)  The drag from the board seems to just trip it up when thundering down a reach with enthusiasm
Happy sailing
Ray Watson
Ray Watson - 7 years ago
It must be that particular boat configuration. All the dinghys I've sailed need the sideways slip reduced to minimum with the wind at right angles to the boat. As for the centerboard down causing spinout and capsize, that is a first for me after 25 years of sailing.
sailaboattv - 7 years ago
Hi Ray
Yes that is correct to raise the centreboard a little for a beam reach.  The centreboard is mostly used to prevent side slip when sailing towards the wind and should be fully down.  i.e. beating.  When you sail across or away from the wind then the sideways force is reduced and the force vector moves forwards.  This means the centreboard is less necessary so raising it reduces the wetted surface area of the boat so you sail faster.  Also I have found to my cost that leaving the board down on a windy day can in some occasions force the boat to spin out and trip the boat up and force a capsize.  Hope that helps!
Caio Ronnau
Caio Ronnau - 7 years ago
re-upload? I swear I have seen this video before on youtube...
sailaboattv - 7 years ago
quite possibly, but in a broken down version previously. This is the full length video. The previous version was in multiple much smaller chapters
Mum Blic
Mum Blic - 7 years ago
Nice video, but I think it would be better to rotate the wind diagram (circle) and keep the boat fixed ( + dynamic sail) in your presentation. So it's more in line with reality when you are at the helm. I see this mistake a lot in videos and books. Result: there is always the tendency to rotate your head while watching those videos or when reading those books. In reality the different wind zones are the one that are constant changing, but the skipper reference toward the boat does not change. !! Creating a good visual map in your mind is important.
sailaboattv - 7 years ago
Thanks for the comment but I see things differently. When we teach I find it is best to always have the wind coming from the same point on any visual aid. I have found this less confusing overall. I see what you are saying but I decided to do it the way that the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) in the UK also show the wind. I guess it is just down to how we see things! Happy sailing

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