You Cleaned your Bilges with WHAT???! | ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵
Sailing 6 years ago 13,410 views
In this video we complete the rudder repair, hoist the sails, clean the bilges and get very close to being ready to splash! Join our Patreon Crew here! Selden in-mast furling mainsail manual: ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵ brings you the sailing shenanigans of Chris (British), Rossella (Italian), and baby Emma (Britalian) as we sail our 1992 Bavaria 350. We make sailing vlogs of our cruising adventures and share any tips and tricks we can along the way. After all, sailors are one big family! Thank you very much for watching, subscribe to see more of our videos! (It's FREE) More Sailing Britaly here: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Fair winds! 👍 Chris, Rossella and Emma -------------------- 'Sailing Britaly' is a Helvellyn Ltd brand. Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of Helvellyn Ltd, we cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information. Helvellyn Ltd assumes no liability for property damage, injury or death incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Helvellyn Ltd. recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, open flames, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Helvellyn Ltd, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Helvellyn Ltd. Disclosure: any links in this description may be affiliate links. If you decide to buy some items from them, Helvellyn Ltd may receive a small percentage compensation for having suggested the suppliers to you. (This costs you nothing) Helvellyn Ltd only recommends suppliers and products which we believe in, so there is never any conflict of interest. p.s. Check out our Sailing Tips here: p.p.s. Check out our Sailing Adventures! #sailing #boatwork #refit #babyonboard
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for You Cleaned your Bilges with WHAT???! | ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵
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The "You Cleaned your Bilges with WHAT???! | ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.