heavy weather sailing Catalina 22 C22 extreme sail on Courageous Cat Sailboat C 22

http://sites.google.com/site/courageouscat22/Home heavy weather sailing Catalina 22 C22 extreme sail on Courageous Cat Sailboat up you enjoy brief clip of our Father day sail through a summer storm the wind was blowing hard from the South west as the rain pour down on us Kurt Washeim Drafting website is https://sites.google.com/site/cadmadinc/ actionsign services 132 Hazel Dell Avenue http://sites.google.com/site/actionsignservices/

heavy weather sailing Catalina 22 C22 extreme sail on Courageous Cat Sailboat C 22 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Sailing 14 years ago 68,612 views

http://sites.google.com/site/courageouscat22/Home heavy weather sailing Catalina 22 C22 extreme sail on Courageous Cat Sailboat up you enjoy brief clip of our Father day sail through a summer storm the wind was blowing hard from the South west as the rain pour down on us Kurt Washeim Drafting website is https://sites.google.com/site/cadmadinc/ actionsign services 132 Hazel Dell Avenue http://sites.google.com/site/actionsignservices/

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Most popular comments
for heavy weather sailing Catalina 22 C22 extreme sail on Courageous Cat Sailboat C 22

Al Gentry
Al Gentry - 7 years ago
That's not heavy weather sailing It's a reckless old man racing around a marina in a sun shower. He should be banned from the marina. How foolish and reckless can one person get. Complete, utter disregard for the other boaters property and his brother sailors general well being. Good sailing requires mature judgement. Sadly lacking in putting this on YouTube. I don't mean to be insulting or to sound aggressive in my comments. But this kind of thing leads to hassles that nobody needs. Buy some groceries and go to the Maldives for 2 years.
cdalego - 7 years ago
Always Entertained lol
Jennifer Nolan
Jennifer Nolan - 7 years ago
Right through the moorings!
oceandrew - 7 years ago
What's everyone so excited about? In some places mooring fields are right in the middle of the river that is where boaters race and motor and sail and just recreate. At least he's not creating a dangerous wake.
From the camera angle you can't tell how wide the channel is that he's taking back and forth in or how far/close he is from the moored boats (except in the beginning when weaving through the moorings to get to the channel). You don't need photoshop to take something rather ordinary and make it look dangerous from simple camera angle and perspective.
CaberFeidh - 7 years ago
There comes a point where you are just being foolish, and sooner, or later we will be reading about you int the yearly darwin awards
cdalego - 7 years ago
7 years Later I'm still here lol
Nigel Donald
Nigel Donald - 8 years ago
Why not sail it in open water instead of laps around the marina ?
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina - 8 years ago
I am not going to say anything about seamanship here , just Let the other have there say .
The Burnhams
The Burnhams - 9 years ago
I'm sure glad MY boat wasn't in that anchorage with them galoots loose....
co - 10 years ago
just bought a used cat 22 from a family friend and my brother and i have been learning to sail on it. we took it into 25 kts gusting 30 on purpose after many outings to practice heavy weather operations coupled with safety procedures. at about 3:30 in this video showed what my brother and i were doing sometimes (reefed) haha. so much fun and we learned alot.
cdalego - 10 years ago
This day was quite and adventure LOL 
ministercreek - 10 years ago
What inland sea are you sailing on?
ministercreek - 10 years ago
I believe thee! Sail on my sailing friend :-)
cdalego - 10 years ago
Yep Long Island sound  great place to sail 
ministercreek - 10 years ago
Thanks for the info. Long Island Sound?
cdalego - 10 years ago
Mt Sinai Harbor Long Island 

10. comment for heavy weather sailing Catalina 22 C22 extreme sail on Courageous Cat Sailboat C 22

stfuliberal - 10 years ago
Put a friggen reef in that main.
Nickolas Davies
Nickolas Davies - 10 years ago
looks like harmless fun (providing you have insurance as your in with other boats) and sure get some life jackets you cant swim when your knocked out.
sailorlewi - 11 years ago
you're lucky you're on the north shore. On the south shore where I sail, with wind like that the Great South Bay would look like the inside of a washing machine
joel1239871 - 11 years ago
I think it was a great display of confident seamanship! To hell with the negative comments! Fun is fun. Period!
Desmond Carnegie
Desmond Carnegie - 11 years ago
smart to finally reef that jib
Griffin Gooch
Griffin Gooch - 11 years ago
Head my Vic 18 on its side today, scary and fun:))
Dilan Rieder
Dilan Rieder - 11 years ago
seat belts just hold you back.
ObamaJoker - 11 years ago
What do you think about sailing this boat in 15 to 20 knot winds and/or 5-10 foot seas?
Scott Shirey
Scott Shirey - 12 years ago
But... you never even left the harbor! Defeats the purpose of heavy weather sailing when you want to rock and roll. I love that boat, I've always wanted one, but always end up with a sailing dinghy instead. Someday though...
Lan Yarbrough
Lan Yarbrough - 12 years ago
Mike,a few precautions and not being stupid, allows more life to live to make small survivable mistakes. PlasticApple7 has the right of it. I have taught professionally for 20+ years. There are boats & conditions & waters & weather where wearing a life preserver (once called "PFD") can reasonably be optional. Out of the cockpit, on a blustery day, on a small boat, in cold waters doesn't qualify. PlasticApple7 sails in cold Seattle waters; I sail San Francisco Bay's cold water, Fair Winds!

20. comment for heavy weather sailing Catalina 22 C22 extreme sail on Courageous Cat Sailboat C 22

Mick Scarborough
Mick Scarborough - 12 years ago
absurd. Bunch of pussies
divisioneight - 12 years ago
Sailing in and around moored boats with weather coming in is not smart. A sailboat is considered a "burdened vessel" and therefore is not totally capable of maneuvering like a power boat can.
Brett - 12 years ago
I cool with that. I never sail alone, and always in warm water, so my view of sailing is probably different than yours. I just have a more relaxed view of the subject. I see your points, and I do always put on the jacket when heavy weather comes up.
plasticapple7 - 12 years ago
We can agree to disagree, but a life jacket is ONLY going to work if you're wearing it. Personally, I never sail without a life jacket no matter where and no matter what the conditions are. If you fall off a boat and knock yourself out while falling overboard a life jacket will keep your face above water. Without a life jacket you're going to be breathing water. And the last time I checked, that's called drowning. Be safe and take care.
Brett - 12 years ago
You have good points, and, I'll admit that I replied to your comment with some bold remarks, i did not like your black and white generalization. In cold weather, or offshore sailing, your point is valid. In warm weather, light winds, bays, lakes, and many other places, you have to admit that comparing a life jacket to wearing a seatbelt in a car is a very broad comparison that does not always apply. I am not an idiot, and I don't take you for one either. I never said you never need one.
plasticapple7 - 12 years ago
I race sailboats and also teach sailing professionally dude. You and the so called "sailors" that you've met haven't got a clue. Come on up to the Seattle area and fall into the cold waters here and see how well you stay afloat without a life jacket. The water is so cold that you can barely move your arms and legs. Only a complete moron would say that you'll never need a life jacket. Sounds like you need a reality check and maybe some sailing lessons.
Brett - 12 years ago
dude, that response makes me think you are not a sailor. Sailing on a small boat like the laser or the sunfish is when you should have a life jacket. Sailing on a boat like the c22, a life jacket is not necesary. As long as you have some on board, and have a flotation device to throw overboard, you should be just fine. I have not met another sailor without that opinion.
plasticapple7 - 12 years ago
You've been lucky for over 40 years and apparently a complete dumb ass for thinking you're ammune to drowning. You must be a real certified tough guy.
Mick Scarborough
Mick Scarborough - 12 years ago
If you walk around in life being too careful, life passes you by.
Mick Scarborough
Mick Scarborough - 12 years ago
I have been sailing for over 40 years and have never worn a life jacket. Stop being an idiot

30. comment for heavy weather sailing Catalina 22 C22 extreme sail on Courageous Cat Sailboat C 22

Wave Dancer
Wave Dancer - 12 years ago
just wind, no waves and NO saefty harness or lifejacket, easy stuff still not well carried out...
plasticapple7 - 12 years ago
You actually think you can't drown in a harbor??? The Coast Guard pulls dead people out of all types of water and 99% of them are not wearing a life jacket. Hopefully you'll never fall off your boat and knock yourself out by hitting your head on something while going over into the water. If you're not wearing something to keep your face out of the water (i.e. a life jacket) you'll probably die. Life jackets don't work unless you're wearing it. Good luck!
ohlolololololollol - 12 years ago
It's actually nothing like that, especially just in the harbor.
cdalego - 12 years ago
@plasticapple7 Agreed
plasticapple7 - 13 years ago
Sailing without wearing a life jacket is like driving a car without wearing a seatbelt. Not very smart.
cdalego - 13 years ago
@warspite2 check out the latest in the Hurricane
warspite2 - 13 years ago
Cool video and that is a nice looking Catalina there! She sure is dancing all over that harbor while everyone is anchored :-)
cdalego - 13 years ago
@webworkhere I dont ever raise a Sail without droping the Keel first . we would have to bail if not LOL
cdalego - 13 years ago
@webworkhere I have Found this to be a great boat I have learn so much with it . but My Brother inlaw is at the helm in this video Working up to be able to handle a boat like he can
cdalego - 14 years ago
@CaptainRahnn Hey CaptRah it was in Mt Sinia harbor last year great time was had by all
cdalego - 14 years ago
@sbrn362 That sounds great I spent about half hour cleaning after this adventure
Scharpy1 - 14 years ago
Thanks for posting.Good sail.
cdalego - 14 years ago
@piedpiperIII That was to much wind for me but great time was had by all
cdalego - 14 years ago
@senecadaze It was a Carnival ride and lots of fun
cdalego - 14 years ago
@jennmoss I know it was really raining But i think we All had fun
piedpiperIII - 14 years ago
Great job playing dot to dot with the other boats Chris, we had no wind fathers day, loved this video.
cdalego - 14 years ago
@Hippiegeo It was really Healing over in the wind
melville75 - 14 years ago
That was fun!
Hippiegeo - 14 years ago
That thing was flying !!

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