#SharkCat Entertains #SharkBaby! Happy #SharkWeek!!! | TexasGirly1979
Shark videos 10 years ago 2,807,574 views
Cool Shark-Cat Entertains Cute Shark-Baby! (4 months old) Happy Shark Week!!! Shark Cat is 13 year old and his name is Max-Arthur! SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/texasgirly1979 'To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, please email Viral Spiral (contact@viralspiralgroup.com)' For all other emails please use this: PitBullSharky {at} gmail.com :) All the Videos: SharkCat does SharkWeek Dance Party in the Kitchen like Harlem Shake | TexasGirly1979 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXreuoC6fEk&list=UUelj3wPr_BtEa04zeZFBOFA Cat Wearing A Shark Costume Cleans The Kitchen On A Roomba. Shark Week. SharkCat cleaning Kitchen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnB8wOF_1xY&feature=share&list=PLgPKD7AsF_H1OBI5okzya-TE5IGGn0_Wn&index=1 SharkCat and Sexy Silky Chick. SharkWeek FAIL! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnB8wOF_1xY&feature=share&list=PLgPKD7AsF_H1OBI5okzya-TE5IGGn0_Wn&index=2 SharkCat and Swimming Pool. SharkWeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxUTc1N75Kg&list=PLgPKD7AsF_H1OBI5okzya-TE5IGGn0_Wn Scary Nighttime SharkCat Attacks ... SharkWeek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnB8wOF_1xY&feature=share&list=PLgPKD7AsF_H1OBI5okzya-TE5IGGn0_Wn&index=4 Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnB8wOF_1xY&feature=share&list=PLgPKD7AsF_H1OBI5okzya-TE5IGGn0_Wn&index=5 Shark-Cat, Shark-Duck and Duck-Dog doing a Shark WEEK! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnB8wOF_1xY&feature=share&list=PLgPKD7AsF_H1OBI5okzya-TE5IGGn0_Wn&index=6 SHARK Cat WEEK by Max-Arthur the Roomba driver Shark-CAT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnB8wOF_1xY&feature=share&list=PLgPKD7AsF_H1OBI5okzya-TE5IGGn0_Wn Let's Be Friends!!! SHARKY the American Pit Bull Terrier: FACEBOOK : http://facebook.com/PitBullSharky TWITTER : http://twitter.com/pitbullsharky http://web.stagram.com/n/pitbullsharky (Instagram - new still) http://youtube.com/PitBullSHARKY http://uniteddogs.com/en/dog/PitBullSharky http://pitbullsharky.blogspot.com pitbullsharky (at) gmail.com MAX-ARTHUR the Snowshoe Cat: http://facebook.com/pages/MAXtheRoombaCAT/105538709493779 http://youtube.com/MAXtheRoombaCAT http://twitter.com/MAXtheRoombaCAT http://myspace.com/maxtheroombacat HELEN aka texasgirly1979: http://www.HelensPets.com http://youtube.com/HelensVlogs http://youtube.com/texasgirly1979 http://twitter.com/texasgirly1979 http://myspace.com/texasgirly1979 http://zazzle.com/texasgirly1979 http://texasgirly1979.blogspot.com/ MUSIC CREDIT: "Winner Winner!" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ License this piece (no credits) See the licenses page to purchase a no-attribution license. Extra information Winner Winner! by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under CC Attribution 3.0. Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400036. ISRC: USUAN1400036 © 2014 Kevin MacLeod
10. comment for #SharkCat Entertains #SharkBaby! Happy #SharkWeek!!! | TexasGirly1979
20. comment for #SharkCat Entertains #SharkBaby! Happy #SharkWeek!!! | TexasGirly1979
30. comment for #SharkCat Entertains #SharkBaby! Happy #SharkWeek!!! | TexasGirly1979
Cat: I'm an expert kid".
50. comment for #SharkCat Entertains #SharkBaby! Happy #SharkWeek!!! | TexasGirly1979
Love your family!!
100. comment for #SharkCat Entertains #SharkBaby! Happy #SharkWeek!!! | TexasGirly1979
top notch Video!!
Not loving the continual issues I face when trying to share from one Google product (YouTube) to another (Google+) from my phone though :-(
Kid: dude I can't even!
Shark babeh and shark cat are good.
camelsandfriends a girl who films her camels, goats, camels, etc.
The baby is learning his future job: supervisor!
I might have to report this video to the cuteness overload authorities. You've been warned!
That was FUNNY!
Jaws Soundtrack
Poor Kitty
Shakrcat:-How come I can't poop in mine?