10 CRAZIEST Animal Fights Caught On Camera

Top 10 CRAZIEST animal fights caught on camera Subscribe to Top 10s ► https://goo.gl/zvGBHe Description: From cobra vs mongoose to lion vs tiger we countdown the top 10 biggest animal fights caught on camera. Shocking fight, between a giraffe and a lion in the plains of Africa, most would assume that the giraffe would be defeated easily by the king of the jungle. However, this is no jungle and the giraffe manages to use its long legs and high jumps to stomp the lion repeatedly, causing the giraffe to win the fight. In this amazing video, two rather small but deadly animals go head to head. The cobra and mongoose take shots at each other respectively. Until the mongoose gets a firm bite on the head of the poisonous snake, and making itself the unexpected winner. In this fight in the Australian outback, a giant snake and a crocodile take each other on. At first the crocodile grabs the snake between its teeth. The python snake then coils itself around the crocodile, and strangling it. The fight lasted for hours, but the snake emerges victorious. In this shocking fight, a jaguar slowly emerges behind an unexacting crocodile in the wetlands of Brazil. The jaguar sinks it teeth into the back of the crocodile in order to constrict the crocodile. The jaguar then carries off its prey, after the destruction it has just caused to the crocodile. In this video, a cobra snake has just discovered a nest of mongooses. As it plots to sliver in, a mongoose uses a tunnel to sneak up behind the snake a strike. The mongoose bites the snake in the head and they begin attacking each other. The snake then wraps up the mongoose in an attempt to strangle it. However, the mongoose frees itself, and begins to take painful bites at the cobra, eventually killing it. In this video, a shark is peacefully swimming through ocean territory. However, it’s swim is interrupted when an octopus disguised as coral rises up and wraps its tentacles around the shark. The giant pacific octopus was able to easily defeat the shark in this unlikely match up, despite the octopus being far lower down in the food chain. During this animal fight between an hyena and a pack of lions, the hyena uses their amazing dexterity to run quickly away from the lion pack. However, the hyena was soon caught up to by the pack, as they surround it and begin to bite it. In this unlikely match-up, a cobra and an eagle to head to head. The eagle tries to use its size to stand and peck at the cobra. But the cobra fights back attempting to bite back. However, on one bite when the cobra’s mouth is open, the eagle strikes and bites the cobra in the mouth. In this wild battle, recorded deep in the jungle a tiger and a huge lion go head to head. The pair spend hours wrestling and biting one another to see who the real king of the jungle is. When suddenly the tiger rolls over in defeat, after hours of fighting with the massive lion. In this shocking piece of footage from South Africa, a lion who is attacking a buffalo is suddenly changed at by 2 other buffalos. The lion is the launched 4 meters into the air by the giant male buffalo. The animals scuffled for a little while longer, but all walked away with no major injuries. Despite this, we think it’s pretty safe to say that the buffalo won this round. Our Social Media: Subscribe here ► https://goo.gl/zvGBHe Donate to Top 10s ► http://bit.ly/top10spt Follow Top 10s on Twitter ► http://bit.ly/top10stw Like Top 10s on Facebook ► http://bit.ly/top10sfb Add Top 10s on Google+ ► http://bit.ly/top10sgplus Featuring: Giraffe vs Lion Snake vs Mongoose Snake vs Crocodile Jaguar vs Crocodile Snake vs Mongoose Shark vs Octopus Lion vs Hyena Snake vs Eagle Tiger vs Lion Buffalo vs Lion Credits: Intro: Mirage Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Top 10s is the best YouTube channel for top 10 lists on viral videos, shocking facts, most amazing people, controversial topics, scary stories, urban legends, funny things and facts you won't believe. For any business inquiries, issues or other contact, please message us via YouTube or email toptens@europe.com

10 CRAZIEST Animal Fights Caught On Camera sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14405

Shark videos 9 years ago 25,095,829 views

Top 10 CRAZIEST animal fights caught on camera Subscribe to Top 10s ► https://goo.gl/zvGBHe Description: From cobra vs mongoose to lion vs tiger we countdown the top 10 biggest animal fights caught on camera. Shocking fight, between a giraffe and a lion in the plains of Africa, most would assume that the giraffe would be defeated easily by the king of the jungle. However, this is no jungle and the giraffe manages to use its long legs and high jumps to stomp the lion repeatedly, causing the giraffe to win the fight. In this amazing video, two rather small but deadly animals go head to head. The cobra and mongoose take shots at each other respectively. Until the mongoose gets a firm bite on the head of the poisonous snake, and making itself the unexpected winner. In this fight in the Australian outback, a giant snake and a crocodile take each other on. At first the crocodile grabs the snake between its teeth. The python snake then coils itself around the crocodile, and strangling it. The fight lasted for hours, but the snake emerges victorious. In this shocking fight, a jaguar slowly emerges behind an unexacting crocodile in the wetlands of Brazil. The jaguar sinks it teeth into the back of the crocodile in order to constrict the crocodile. The jaguar then carries off its prey, after the destruction it has just caused to the crocodile. In this video, a cobra snake has just discovered a nest of mongooses. As it plots to sliver in, a mongoose uses a tunnel to sneak up behind the snake a strike. The mongoose bites the snake in the head and they begin attacking each other. The snake then wraps up the mongoose in an attempt to strangle it. However, the mongoose frees itself, and begins to take painful bites at the cobra, eventually killing it. In this video, a shark is peacefully swimming through ocean territory. However, it’s swim is interrupted when an octopus disguised as coral rises up and wraps its tentacles around the shark. The giant pacific octopus was able to easily defeat the shark in this unlikely match up, despite the octopus being far lower down in the food chain. During this animal fight between an hyena and a pack of lions, the hyena uses their amazing dexterity to run quickly away from the lion pack. However, the hyena was soon caught up to by the pack, as they surround it and begin to bite it. In this unlikely match-up, a cobra and an eagle to head to head. The eagle tries to use its size to stand and peck at the cobra. But the cobra fights back attempting to bite back. However, on one bite when the cobra’s mouth is open, the eagle strikes and bites the cobra in the mouth. In this wild battle, recorded deep in the jungle a tiger and a huge lion go head to head. The pair spend hours wrestling and biting one another to see who the real king of the jungle is. When suddenly the tiger rolls over in defeat, after hours of fighting with the massive lion. In this shocking piece of footage from South Africa, a lion who is attacking a buffalo is suddenly changed at by 2 other buffalos. The lion is the launched 4 meters into the air by the giant male buffalo. The animals scuffled for a little while longer, but all walked away with no major injuries. Despite this, we think it’s pretty safe to say that the buffalo won this round. Our Social Media: Subscribe here ► https://goo.gl/zvGBHe Donate to Top 10s ► http://bit.ly/top10spt Follow Top 10s on Twitter ► http://bit.ly/top10stw Like Top 10s on Facebook ► http://bit.ly/top10sfb Add Top 10s on Google+ ► http://bit.ly/top10sgplus Featuring: Giraffe vs Lion Snake vs Mongoose Snake vs Crocodile Jaguar vs Crocodile Snake vs Mongoose Shark vs Octopus Lion vs Hyena Snake vs Eagle Tiger vs Lion Buffalo vs Lion Credits: Intro: Mirage Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Top 10s is the best YouTube channel for top 10 lists on viral videos, shocking facts, most amazing people, controversial topics, scary stories, urban legends, funny things and facts you won't believe. For any business inquiries, issues or other contact, please message us via YouTube or email toptens@europe.com

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Most popular comments
for 10 CRAZIEST Animal Fights Caught On Camera

Joseph Luke
Joseph Luke - 6 years ago
That’s a big ass octopus!
Black Gohan
Black Gohan - 6 years ago
That giraffe tho get stomped kitty
Anthony Villa
Anthony Villa - 6 years ago
If im not mistaken, mongoose are immune to a lot of types of venom. Unless they slip up and get constricted, mongoose will always wreck a snake.
BLACK Droid - 6 years ago
The buffalo vs. Lions is funny lol hahaa
ichabe dichlieb
ichabe dichlieb - 6 years ago
Which of the videos shocked me most: none
xUndeadProject - 6 years ago
That octopus creepy af
Augus Oliver Sususco
Augus Oliver Sususco - 6 years ago
Fucking clickbait. No snake vs lion
TheJoseprds99 - 6 years ago
You fooled me
Whitney Terry
Whitney Terry - 6 years ago

10. comment for 10 CRAZIEST Animal Fights Caught On Camera

Grace Grace
Grace Grace - 6 years ago
The lion and tiger fight was from another video. they were fighting in an in closure, and the lion was very old, lost the fight, and was killed by the tiger. Lies
Ray Akuma
Ray Akuma - 6 years ago
I'll bet there is not the match up from the thumbnail!
Ray Akuma
Ray Akuma - 6 years ago
Called it
jorgesprata - 6 years ago
Lilleo2lit - 6 years ago
Hazara Guy
Hazara Guy - 6 years ago
Very nice video
Pretty Madafaka
Pretty Madafaka - 6 years ago
Can you do a compilation for top 10 fakest thumbnails ever ?
Manambina TM
Manambina TM - 6 years ago
Don't talk!
YT DOLLS - 6 years ago
2:28 L I O N K I N G
Ennik the fortnite god
Ennik the fortnite god - 6 years ago
Alvin Aditya
Alvin Aditya - 6 years ago
Hood people vs police

20. comment for 10 CRAZIEST Animal Fights Caught On Camera

Katie M
Katie M - 6 years ago
Stop using clickbait thumbnails ugh I HATE it and we ALL HATE IT
ELLIE BELARMINO - 6 years ago
Katie M dont we all
CaRL DJuSTIceD - 6 years ago
Get some of ur facts right man...e.g mongoose are always snake killers...besides get a better video recorder lol
Crabbytwo1 - 6 years ago
Buffalo beating Lions!
Campmaster1313 - 6 years ago
One Subscriber With No Videos?
One Subscriber With No Videos? - 6 years ago
Click baiting garbage
Jace Daubenmier
Jace Daubenmier - 6 years ago
mongoose and cobra or snake
Flipout Animations
Flipout Animations - 6 years ago
I hate octopus
Will Hogan
Will Hogan - 6 years ago
that mongoose had me fucked up brooooo
Izzy Wilko
Izzy Wilko - 6 years ago
mahasweta Ghoshroy
mahasweta Ghoshroy - 6 years ago
The crocodiles were alligators look at the snout

30. comment for 10 CRAZIEST Animal Fights Caught On Camera

Kamran Qureshi
Kamran Qureshi - 6 years ago
It's always a fight but whoever wins the fight gets to eat the one who lost its fucked up but whatever nature whatever floats your goddamn boat
Kamran Qureshi
Kamran Qureshi - 6 years ago
Thumbnail Me*looks at thumbnail* Me:nibba that's a fuckim anaconda Run
ShadowCuber - 6 years ago
That shitty ass photoshopping job for the thumbnail tho I could do better
Jamie Monts
Jamie Monts - 6 years ago
The 2 mongoose fights, the eagle fight, and the snake vs gator fight aren't unlikely at all. Infact the outcome is the usual outcome of the common occurances in the wild.
MegaUltra17 - 6 years ago
That’s an anaconda and an alligator, neither of which live in Australia. This video is dumb.
Top Comment
Top Comment - 6 years ago
The jaggeee war
Meester Krabs
Meester Krabs - 6 years ago
0:00 Hitler's just chillin at the bottom.
Jessica Beasley
Jessica Beasley - 6 years ago
mongoose are imune tot snake bites
Caden Lockerbie
Caden Lockerbie - 6 years ago
It's pronounced jag-war
Cameron Bearson
Cameron Bearson - 6 years ago
Link to the fucking vids ple
liang yin
liang yin - 6 years ago
Me vs my grandma
Xander Taylor
Xander Taylor - 6 years ago
cclickbait no one woulfd of watched if they knew there was no snake vs lion
Dave Vlogs
Dave Vlogs - 6 years ago
Eagle are pricks
noe guillot
noe guillot - 6 years ago
Rip straight fold cold tender exist deadline water motivation trading
Aadesh Bista
Aadesh Bista - 6 years ago
Octopus n shark
ELECTROSANS _1405 - 6 years ago
A pack of lions?! Correction a pride of lions and a pack of lions
Lineekela Jason
Lineekela Jason - 6 years ago
giraffe stepping on lion like some karate expert
Mark Davids
Mark Davids - 6 years ago
Lion v tiger, bullshit they don't live on the same fucking continents
Babylover socute
Babylover socute - 6 years ago
I'm sorry, I'm a lil bit of a perfectionist here, but to constrict something means to squeeze it to death whereas what the Jaguar was doing is biting its throat in order to crush its windpipe this is also causing suffocation like constricting so yes they are similar but not the same
Tdog Texan
Tdog Texan - 6 years ago
Fake news. I wanted to see a lion go at it with a huge snake

50. comment for 10 CRAZIEST Animal Fights Caught On Camera

Sarita Duggal
Sarita Duggal - 6 years ago
Was I the only one who was yelling in my head "YEAH KICK HIS/HER ASS" lmaoooo
Romani Ward
Romani Ward - 6 years ago
I was most shocked about snake vs egal
jegard - 6 years ago
If you GENUINELY think that ludicrous photoshop thumbnail was a real thing that happened then you kind of deserve to be clickbaited.
Jason Cruz
Jason Cruz - 6 years ago
Tiger vs Lion shocked me
A delicious taco
A delicious taco - 6 years ago
Imagine an eagle flying and carrying a snake and the snake strangles the eagle to death in the air.
Mark Perez
Mark Perez - 6 years ago
He sounds so different...
Hanzo - 6 years ago
"You a snake, i'm a mongoose" - MC Hammer
Cole Heckathorn
Cole Heckathorn - 6 years ago
The mongoose
Kirklan Howell
Kirklan Howell - 6 years ago
Would be nice if this video had more research. The Caiman is what's hunted by the Jaguar, Mongoose are known for eating snakes, and the octopus ate a shark in a tank, not the ocean. I'd like to know more about the lion vs tiger video.
TheActionCobblestone - 6 years ago
Where’s the lion getting eaten by an anaconda like in the thumbnail..? Fucking bogus.
a girl that loves pets horror and object shows
a girl that loves pets horror and object shows - 6 years ago
I like guinea pigs
Robert Tucker
Robert Tucker - 6 years ago
0:59 "In this fight in the Australian Outback", you can clearly see an American Alligator, and what appears to be a Burmese Python. You will never see an American Alligator wild in Australia, so you need to check your facts and backstories man.
Hector Bradshaw
Hector Bradshaw - 6 years ago
Departure category effective wdgitg lip vital approximately overall communicate big controversy.
AdorkableLin - 6 years ago
This video is retarder. You need to show more of the fights.
Gabriel Mercer
Gabriel Mercer - 6 years ago
I like your are a retard is spelt retarded dumb ass
Cenotaur1 - 6 years ago
AdorkableLin yeah...let us see them tather than describe them.
De Spirit Man Gh
De Spirit Man Gh - 6 years ago
1M views - 6 years ago
deadly snake fight
Susan Daly
Susan Daly - 6 years ago
Why not honey badger vs Lion
Brawl stars Alien
Brawl stars Alien - 6 years ago
The huge beast that attcaks the dog
leolionhunt - 6 years ago
Lions aren't king because of strength, ability or stamina. They're king because they actually are the smartest and most efficient in defending their pride and sustaining themselves. And they always end up defying odds of they feel that their own pride is is danger.
A solo hunter like Tigers and Jaguars are strong, but they don't lead.
Diamond Rose
Diamond Rose - 6 years ago
" Jakuar" XD that killed me
Ilovethisworld !
Ilovethisworld ! - 6 years ago
Eagle vs Snake...
43nostromo - 6 years ago
Moose versus Squirrel.
Lover Sugar
Lover Sugar - 6 years ago
It asks what's your favorite animal

Me:does Yoda count?

Other people: ?? What??
Benjamin Filbert
Benjamin Filbert - 6 years ago
Mongoose are notorious for hunting cobras, I don't know why you're making a big deal out of it.

The shark wasn't swimming through the ocean. That was an an aquarium, where they had been finding mysterious shark carcasses at the bottom of that tank. They investigated to find the octopus had been hunting them. The octopus was able to easily defeat the shark by maneuvering it upside down, which paralyzes sharks. It was actually the first documented instance of an octopus hunting and killing a shark.
Ninja Mikey08
Ninja Mikey08 - 6 years ago
Pretty sure a group of lions are called a pride not a pack?
A$APshaman - 6 years ago
cuz dont you know the mongoose is like an anti-snake
Ike Fizz
Ike Fizz - 6 years ago
they repeated snake v mongoose
Sans the skeleton
Sans the skeleton - 6 years ago
the fight that shocked me the most was snake vs mongoose
Mike L
Mike L - 6 years ago
Editing sucked
Dragon Overlord
Dragon Overlord - 6 years ago
The giraffe vs lion
Sarah Emmans
Sarah Emmans - 6 years ago
the snake wasn't fighting. The mongoose was attacking it.
Darius DGLŞ
Darius DGLŞ - 6 years ago
Octopus vs Shark
Ninja - 6 years ago
Eagle eat that snake up
Ninja - 6 years ago
Snake are the worst
Yo boy Savage
Yo boy Savage - 6 years ago
Lion vs tiger
Mohammad Zulqarnain
Mohammad Zulqarnain - 6 years ago
That's not an eagle but a Falcon
Leo Kovatsch
Leo Kovatsch - 6 years ago
cool video, disliked because of the clickbait image
Marko John
Marko John - 6 years ago
Thumbnail clickbait.
Barret Norcross
Barret Norcross - 6 years ago
semaj wells
semaj wells - 6 years ago
Where is the lion vs snake?
Narayan Vereecken
Narayan Vereecken - 6 years ago
semaj wells that was clickbait as always
Yandel González
Yandel González - 6 years ago
I can belev that tiger won egins the aligader
Nick Wozniak
Nick Wozniak - 6 years ago
Breno Lima
Breno Lima - 6 years ago
Alguém estar entendendo oque to falando???
charle holmes
charle holmes - 6 years ago
You can tell the lion vs tiger isn’t jungle. There’s no jungle in the footage
Daughter of King Sombra
Daughter of King Sombra - 6 years ago
My wolf and reindeer had a shocking animal fight for territory we don’t allow animal fights
TheJuiceriver - 6 years ago
Lions don't really live in the jungle
johan kampe
johan kampe - 6 years ago
Lion vs Tiger was not in the wild it was in a zoo. Lion was actually just lucky to be the winner.
johan kampe
johan kampe - 6 years ago
The shark vs octopus was in an aquarium. The sharks were dying for an unknown reason until they filmed this event.
SaKe Talonz
SaKe Talonz - 6 years ago
Add1cuss - 6 years ago
Lion vs tiger

100. comment for 10 CRAZIEST Animal Fights Caught On Camera

BTS fan Got7 fan
BTS fan Got7 fan - 6 years ago
mongoose and the snake trying to kill her babys and also i love tigers and lions for the jungle leader_
Joseph Burrows
Joseph Burrows - 6 years ago
But ur so fucking dumb the second snake vs mongoose u said it got free and took bites from cobra and died then u said it killed the snake u fucking bitch
Daniel Girard
Daniel Girard - 6 years ago
This guy is an idiot... mongoose are natural predators of snakes, same with eagles, and octupus are natural predators of sharks... in the unlikely matchup, what a moron.
Narayan Vereecken
Narayan Vereecken - 6 years ago
Daniel Girard, jep I noticed that to
DehmWard - 6 years ago
Hey did you just change the thumbnail? I swear the snake was cut open
Jason Gilliam
Jason Gilliam - 6 years ago
Recorded deep in the jungle... Smh
Aeon M
Aeon M - 6 years ago
Richard Gilchrist
Richard Gilchrist - 6 years ago
The inaccurate commentary shocked me the most.
The Octopus eating sharks came from an aquarium, not the open ocean and the lion and tiger in the jungle was 1) very unlikely since there are precious few Indian lions left and lions hunt on the savanah while tigers hunt in long grass or more typically forest and 2) sick since this was someone making animals fight for their entertainment, you shouldn't play Pokemon with endangered species!
Robert Tucker
Robert Tucker - 6 years ago
The guy narrating the video obviously has no idea what he's talking about. You can clearly see by the rounded snout and darker coloration, that it is an Alligator species. With closer inspection you can notice that it has a rather small eye, thereby telling you that is an American Alligator, and not a Chinese Alligator. A Chinese Alligator would have a much larger eye than the one in the video. If you look up photos of the two, you will realize the difference. These are the only two species of Alligators found in the world, and are only found in southeastern North America, and certain regions in China. I am in complete agreement with you, and simply pointing out that the narrator is a jackass who needs to get his facts straight. It could not have been filmed in Australia unless it happened within an enclosed space, as Alligators are not found there naturally.
Silent Boy
Silent Boy - 6 years ago
Just like mon and dad fighting
Mobishop Seli
Mobishop Seli - 6 years ago
Shark vs ocapus
Blitz Comet
Blitz Comet - 6 years ago
So where the fuck is lion vs snake you click bait fag bag
Ginger marie
Ginger marie - 6 years ago
Wait what? Tigers don't live anywhere near lions
Erin PRINTER - 6 years ago
It was Simba fighting against Scar lol
Bittu Varma
Bittu Varma - 6 years ago
girls funny
Ly Ly 2.0
Ly Ly 2.0 - 6 years ago
Definitely the one in the thumbnail that I didn’t get to see
Mhamad Kamal
Mhamad Kamal - 6 years ago
And that was not a adult tiger
Mhamad Kamal
Mhamad Kamal - 6 years ago
Tiger is the king of the jungle because males are 600 pounds and 290 to 300 average
misayme mart
misayme mart - 6 years ago
Fighting a tiger and lion is a shame how sick to do something so evil just for sick entertainment.
lucy friell
lucy friell - 6 years ago
I think the most shocking fight was the snake vs the crocodile!
waters solar
waters solar - 6 years ago
the snake did not surprise me
waters solar
waters solar - 6 years ago
because the snake usually wins
waters solar
waters solar - 6 years ago
not snake vs croc did not
giraffe face jalopyj
giraffe face jalopyj - 6 years ago
Yung Sk8er
Yung Sk8er - 6 years ago
Thats fucking thumbnail though fake as shit
Lord Pain
Lord Pain - 6 years ago
you mothereffer.where's the mothereffin fight in the thumbnail you cunning lil clickbait
lajf od FL11
lajf od FL11 - 6 years ago
python vs crocodile and 1#crocodile
MASONS MACHINERY - 6 years ago
RAPE 3:37
babytokinews 125
babytokinews 125 - 6 years ago
Pill Bug
Pill Bug - 6 years ago
6koko3 - 6 years ago
Predators often fail and loose the fight against preys.
Komotau4691 - 6 years ago
Last one remind me that unity is important :D
N T - 6 years ago
How come the cobra was losing alot
Danny SJ
Danny SJ - 6 years ago
2:15 I've seen enough Hentai to know where this is going
Danny SJ
Danny SJ - 6 years ago
A mongoose is braver than us... Let that sync in
glitterdarla - 6 years ago
Thats stupid a tiger and a lion are not even from the same continent...
Cade P
Cade P - 6 years ago
lol can we get it straight a tiger is better than a lion bigger than a more perks than a lion for ex a tigers siliva heals them faster when they have a injury like a cut so my point is take a good 5 year male tiger and a 5 year male lion and see who would win just look it up if a tiger went against a lion
Marah Alwaqfy
Marah Alwaqfy - 6 years ago
Yash Chhillar
Yash Chhillar - 6 years ago
phxxr650r - 6 years ago
Make one with people
Graham Furay
Graham Furay - 6 years ago
Tiger v lion could not happen in the wild..even i know that..or is it not in the wild..did look a bit suss
SPtabuu95 - 6 years ago
Real Pokémon battles
Dracula Grand
Dracula Grand - 6 years ago
Tiger vs Lion
Saurabh Pawar
Saurabh Pawar - 6 years ago
Is tiger tranquilized ?
V0LTW7 GT - 6 years ago
Nothing schocked me
psavv609 west trenton
psavv609 west trenton - 6 years ago
nigga what about da one on da thumbnail
Reed R
Reed R - 6 years ago
I’m pretty sure that it was a caiman vs jaguar, not croc (but I could be mistaken). Also, where do lions & tigers actually meet in the wild? I’m almost positive lions are only on the African continent, whereas tigers are strictly in Asia.
The Bat
The Bat - 6 years ago
Let me add, that the Bengal Tiger is smaller than a Siberian Tiger. Put THAT beast vs the Lion and decide for yourselves.. listen people. there is a lot of misinformation about these videos. That shark that was overtaken by the big octopus was rather small. If you want to be technical, put a larger breed of "shark" out there for the octopus to try his luck on... like the hammerhead or the Tiger Shark-and let's not even mention the Great White!
One Deep
One Deep - 6 years ago
The Bat Not to say that you're wrong, BUT you do realize that there are bigger squids and octopuses than that too right? Anything can get caught slipping one day, If a giant squid attacks whales im pretty sure they wouldnt have a problem with a great white, if it caught it off guard like in this video
The Bat
The Bat - 6 years ago
The jaguar didn't actually beat a true "crocodile"... it killed a Cayman (which a a species of the crocodile family). The Cayman lives in the jungles of the Amazon where the Jaguar resides as well. Crocodiles and Alligators are much bigger and more powerful than the Cayman.
Cenotaur1 - 6 years ago
And how many caymans have you jumped into a river for?
Robert Tucker
Robert Tucker - 6 years ago
*Caiman, and Black Caimans found in Southern American countries actually close to the same size as the American Alligator, and sometimes larger. But you were correct in saying that Crocodiles are larger and more powerful, but they are the largest and most powerful of the entire Crocodilian family.
Ashanti McCallum
Ashanti McCallum - 6 years ago
the lion guard
Gaby Love
Gaby Love - 6 years ago
Galvatron_Girl 1
Galvatron_Girl 1 - 6 years ago
I like all aniamals but my favorite is an Elephant
Barbara Mcguirt
Barbara Mcguirt - 6 years ago
i lagit thought the tiger was gonna win over the lion
Jonathan G. Rosario Burgos
Jonathan G. Rosario Burgos - 6 years ago
That's not how you pronounce Jaguar
Frogg'n YT
Frogg'n YT - 6 years ago
Alligator vs Crocodile
Tree Snake vs Sea Snake
Gorilla vs Ape
Octopus vs Whale
Hyena vs Wolf
Whale vs Dolphin
Tiger vs Lion
Buffalo vs Bull

Comment more idea pairs
Bob Mcham
Bob Mcham - 6 years ago
The tiger vs lion one was a staged fight from 70+ years ago. That's why they're in a pit. Anyone with common sense knows that they live in two entirely different habitats/geographical locations and would never meet in the wild like that.
Nadia Stratton
Nadia Stratton - 6 years ago
The shark one
Clizz Z7x
Clizz Z7x - 6 years ago
Jaguar and crocodile
Richard Zhou
Richard Zhou - 6 years ago
Mongooses eat snakes and cobras and i am pretty sure they have some immunity to the poison of the cobra so.....
Omar's Life
Omar's Life - 6 years ago
I'm not sure if that's how you spell it
Omar's Life
Omar's Life - 6 years ago
Lion vs Buffalo
Daniel Ceballos
Daniel Ceballos - 6 years ago
It’s jaguar vs caiman
Not jaguar vs crocodile
Irving Zdorovetskiy
Irving Zdorovetskiy - 6 years ago
Jag U Are
tt 55
tt 55 - 6 years ago
Clickbait thumbnail wow
Luke Gatehouse
Luke Gatehouse - 6 years ago
How can defeat sum thing 2wice
Leila V
Leila V - 6 years ago
bull vs. lion
The Lord Watermellon :D
The Lord Watermellon :D - 6 years ago
Well i thought snakes were scary creatures
Lost vs eagle and mongoose TWICE ..
DJBIGNASTY21 - 6 years ago
The Lion and the tiger was the best match I've ever to prove who is the real King
Niko VF
Niko VF - 6 years ago
Lion vs Tiger… more plzz
DP forever
DP forever - 6 years ago
R I P loin
Shannon Greenlee
Shannon Greenlee - 6 years ago
The last one
Dil Baro
Dil Baro - 6 years ago
I like lion vs snake
ItsMeltingIce - 6 years ago
Humans vs aliens
Ellis Larson
Ellis Larson - 6 years ago
clickbait you asshole
Ajay Stark
Ajay Stark - 6 years ago
That thumbnail tho
Saksham Dogra
Saksham Dogra - 6 years ago
tiger = Seth Rollins
Tijmen van der Bijl
Tijmen van der Bijl - 6 years ago
passenger engineer dose benefit contain buyer bathroom front rat
Ethan DeJesus
Ethan DeJesus - 6 years ago
I got fucking jabaited
Golden Child
Golden Child - 6 years ago
mark it commentary you stupid fucks
The Mixture
The Mixture - 6 years ago
Miss you Ab de villiers
Colin Smith
Colin Smith - 6 years ago
Mongoose and snake are stupid, because snakes are their prey. Same for the snake and eagle.
Corbeau Bleu
Corbeau Bleu - 6 years ago
My friend did the king cobra for his animal project and he showed the mongoose fighting the king cobra
soumili Datta
soumili Datta - 6 years ago
octopus vs shark
Karel Leertouwer
Karel Leertouwer - 6 years ago
giraf vs lion
Vico Ganuelas
Vico Ganuelas - 6 years ago
2:28 the lion guard on disney junior
teddytac253 - 6 years ago
1:20 the Jack-u-ahhf vs croc
Sophia Kaminsky
Sophia Kaminsky - 6 years ago
It is super awesome
ChasmaHyena - 6 years ago
Hyenas can usually defeat hyenas, but lions usually steal hyena's food. Lions are scavengers and hyenas are hunters.
Amar Ademi
Amar Ademi - 6 years ago
Sooo lions and tigers aren’t friends?
Amar Ademi
Amar Ademi - 6 years ago
The fucking mongoose is one boss animal
Fresh Beer
Fresh Beer - 6 years ago
OMG I can't breath because of the lion vs the Giraffe because the giraffe knocked the hobo down XD
Potato Villegas
Potato Villegas - 6 years ago
Kaya Scott
Kaya Scott - 6 years ago
no the mongoose is adorable
Madeleine Wegan
Madeleine Wegan - 6 years ago
Mongoose eats snakes though, of course it won. Giraffes are rarely taken down by lions, because of their ability to do the ol shake n stomp. So many of these are not surprising, it’s literally just nature
Alonso Salcedo
Alonso Salcedo - 6 years ago
Ha if that was a Spanish bull instead that lion would be eight feet in the air
Brother and sister videos
Brother and sister videos - 6 years ago
The lion and the buffalo
Grano Jay
Grano Jay - 6 years ago
Why dislike the video..
SemiAuto Sammy
SemiAuto Sammy - 6 years ago
da jagyooar
meidarrr - 6 years ago
Octopus and shark was woow
Youngster's Takeover
Youngster's Takeover - 6 years ago
1:17 What the shit? Jayguwar?
Big boy
Big boy - 6 years ago
The way he says Jaguar bothers me-
Asilika Marama
Asilika Marama - 6 years ago
Gary Frood
Gary Frood - 6 years ago
Stop using bs thumbnails
Tuxedo Steve
Tuxedo Steve - 6 years ago
Its an alligater not a Crocodile.
Joseph Hazzledine
Joseph Hazzledine - 6 years ago
Snake v croc, unexpected
Darren McDaid
Darren McDaid - 6 years ago
There are no crocs in Brazil. Caymen however....
King Urijah
King Urijah - 6 years ago
Cheetah is the fastest cat and one of the strongest but the Lion is the biggest and the king
Mohamed Imaan
Mohamed Imaan - 6 years ago
Wolf or lion which is stronger
octopus is a ninja
Diamonderplayz - 6 years ago
Am I the only one who feels bad for some of the animals?
Ahijah Stewart
Ahijah Stewart - 6 years ago
I do to
Lauren TooLate
Lauren TooLate - 6 years ago
Diamonderplayz the tiger :c
zack smith
zack smith - 6 years ago
Diamonderplayz I fell bad
Diamond Rose
Diamond Rose - 6 years ago
Diamonderplayz your not the only 1
Ava And Jozie
Ava And Jozie - 6 years ago
Diamonderplayz NO Ofcorse not
Emily Baxter
Emily Baxter - 6 years ago
Diamonderplayz no, i feel bad for them
Zent - 6 years ago
Diamonderplayz hell yeah
Kevi Kochsta
Kevi Kochsta - 6 years ago
The Jakuwa bit the Crocodile. The Jakuwa was victorious.
G Lyle
G Lyle - 6 years ago
Mongeese are known for killing snakes
mark price
mark price - 6 years ago
would enjoy seeing a pit bull be eaten by,well,just about anything(fill in the blanks)
Ariana Vanderburgh
Ariana Vanderburgh - 6 years ago
If u don’t protect me like a mongoose protects its baby’s then I don’t want u
Ariana Vanderburgh
Ariana Vanderburgh - 6 years ago
Get u a mom like a mongoose
fieto rohith
fieto rohith - 6 years ago
The tiger and the lion was cause of a shooting and it's been hit by a dart in it's leg at that point of time cause the lion was losing. And then the director sent in another lion to finish the job against a female young tiger. Pfft get your facts right lol.
Matt Weiler
Matt Weiler - 6 years ago
All of these "unlikely match-ups" are actually not unlikely.
Angelica Antezana
Angelica Antezana - 6 years ago
Final comment, I swear. Least surprising match up for me was the two involving the mongoose. It's crazy, but anyone that knows mongoose would know these furry critters are built to destroy snakes. If my memory serves me right, mongoose often build intense immune systems against snake poison, which helps them immensely in their fights against snakes. To top it off, mongoose are fearless. It's like going up against a honey badger for the snake. So legendary is the mongoose as the Bane of Snakes, there is a short story about it in the Jungle book, and probably folklore about it too. I'll have to look into that though.

Thanks for sharing the vid!
Angelica Antezana
Angelica Antezana - 6 years ago
So, it drove me crazy and I had to look up what kind of shark that was. Turns out it's a Spiny Dogfish shark. And it can grow to about 5 feet (1.5 meters), so I was right on the money with the size of the shark! :D

I looked up the Octopus and turns out it's a Giant Pacific Octopus. According to National Geographic, these guys can grow between 9.75 to 16 feet long in adulthood! Geez lueez, that's over 3 times my own height!

I also found the original recording from National Geographic themselves! The narration is rather cheesy.
Angelica Antezana
Angelica Antezana - 6 years ago
The Octopus vs the little shark was the most surprising to me. I've never seen an octopus that big before (unless that just happens to be a shark much smaller than it appears to be). I wonder how large that octopus was, or how tiny the shark was. I imagine sharks like that are usually a meter or two long, or smaller.

If that was a regular sized shark, that octopus must have been like... five feet across or more!
Kristi Lopez
Kristi Lopez - 6 years ago
Jaguar vs alagator not crocodile
papa johnsen
papa johnsen - 6 years ago
lion lost never from a snake
keyx99 - 6 years ago
fukking clickbait fukk your mother
X-Snap Gaming
X-Snap Gaming - 6 years ago
Thembinkosi Gamedze
Thembinkosi Gamedze - 6 years ago
Mongoose are DEADLY
Fred Fletcher
Fred Fletcher - 6 years ago
This woz shit bro I want good fights #deadmeme
Lanny Alexan
Lanny Alexan - 6 years ago
Hardly shocking.
Adrian R.
Adrian R. - 6 years ago
Mongeese are crazy
shane mccollam
shane mccollam - 6 years ago
loin v tgier
Cat Dudes
Cat Dudes - 6 years ago
This was great! Unlike the other videos with one dam picture of the fight.
B1LLYB0B! - 6 years ago
The one that shocked the most was man versus man.
Aaron A Mathew
Aaron A Mathew - 6 years ago
Wait tigers and lions coexist
dude90120 - 6 years ago
I call false advertisement. I did not see the Anaconda and lion fight
jordon blackwood
jordon blackwood - 6 years ago
Pride of lions not pack
jordon blackwood
jordon blackwood - 6 years ago
Snake vs aligator not crocodile
Backup Account
Backup Account - 6 years ago
This commentator is so dumb, fucking hell.
Backup Account
Backup Account - 6 years ago
A mongoose always beats a cobra...
Fantasy Lover
Fantasy Lover - 6 years ago
Tiger vs lion?! Scar vs Sheerchan
Geo Metric Yoshi
Geo Metric Yoshi - 6 years ago
Mom vs Dad
ick Mick
ick Mick - 6 years ago
wow see the fight between the lion and tiger, in the end the tiger rolls on the ground in defeat, still alive, and the lions walk away victorius and also respectful, he won but didnt kill or eat or overattack the tiger.
Edgar Ponce de leon
Edgar Ponce de leon - 6 years ago
The tiger vs lion was an interesting fight
Edgar Ponce de leon
Edgar Ponce de leon - 6 years ago
I watch the snake vs crocodile
Robert Tucker
Robert Tucker - 6 years ago
The guy narrating the video obviously has no idea what he's talking about. You can clearly see by the rounded snout and darker coloration, that it is an Alligator species. With closer inspection you can notice that it has a rather small eye, thereby telling you that is an American Alligator, and not a Chinese Alligator. A Chinese Alligator would have a much larger eye than the one in the video. If you look up photos of the two, you will realize the difference. These are the only two species of Alligators found in the world, and are only found in southeastern North America, and certain regions in China. I am not trying to start an argument with you, I am simply informing and pointing out that the narrator is a jackass who needs to get his facts straight. It could not have been filmed in Australia unless it happened within an enclosed space, as Alligators are not found there naturally.
Koala - 6 years ago
I'm a boy scout I know
Koala - 6 years ago
its poisonous if you eat it and die, its venomous if it injects its venom
Julia_aaa - 6 years ago
Moral of the story: snakes will fight anything
Gaming Ollie
Gaming Ollie - 6 years ago
Sukira Miru
Sukira Miru - 6 years ago
So wait did the tiger die or did he just get beat up badly?
joe supertramp
joe supertramp - 6 years ago
Tiger and lion “fought for hours”, yeah right.
Jameel Boone
Jameel Boone - 6 years ago
Express 01...
LaDana Hale
LaDana Hale - 6 years ago
I like the tiger and Lion
USquared - 6 years ago
I have know idea what I just watched
I just clicked a random video in my recommended

I'm so bored rn
those are alligators stupid
Donald White
Donald White - 6 years ago
That was a huge male lion and a small young female tiger. Put a full grown male lion vs a full grown male tiger & the tiger will kill the lion 100 times outta 100!
umbrella cockatoo Polly
umbrella cockatoo Polly - 6 years ago
Tiger vs Lion is impossible due to the fact that they couldn't have met in the wild unless it was put there. They don't even share the same continent. It would almost seem that it happened in the zoo.
Zariya Mclemore
Zariya Mclemore - 6 years ago
All of them I subscribe
Satasia Haynes
Satasia Haynes - 6 years ago
Zainab Nazir
Zainab Nazir - 6 years ago
This is not the first time the government is a good idea
Rommel Fuentes
Rommel Fuentes - 6 years ago
shark vs octopus is a even fight. once that shark stopped moving it was over.
Madelynn Mowrey
Madelynn Mowrey - 6 years ago
I thought that the tiger would win but I guess a lion is stronger
Bann Awsome
Bann Awsome - 6 years ago
Lion vs tiger
Shaday Freeman
Shaday Freeman - 6 years ago
The lion and the giraffe was a good one
Taryn Vandiver
Taryn Vandiver - 6 years ago
octopus vs. shark. that one came outta nowhere
Taryn Vandiver
Taryn Vandiver - 6 years ago
did anybody else think of the lion king when hyena vs lion came up?
juan lino huaman
juan lino huaman - 6 years ago
era muy bonito el comentario
Logan Munoz
Logan Munoz - 6 years ago
The jakuar
King Kyle
King Kyle - 6 years ago
That little ass tiger. That is not a full grown bengal tiger. And they were obviously playing around lol
Stuart Cumings
Stuart Cumings - 6 years ago
Hate snakes..
Even killed one myself so good on the mongoose
Luna Moon
Luna Moon - 6 years ago
Jazzwayze - 6 years ago
As far as I know, wild lions and tigers do not co-exist anywhere in the world. It has been thousands of years since they did. That lion v tiger fight must have been between captive animals.
HardyWeeed - 6 years ago
Where the hell is the lion vs that huge snake that was on the thumbnail???
Centrevez - 6 years ago
half of these titles reminds me of those cheap creature features from the syfy channel. frankie croft smales
ripe toast
ripe toast - 6 years ago
Goose, geese
Mongoose, mon-not geese?
Jane Ferraz
Jane Ferraz - 6 years ago
But poor lion getting strangled by the snake. You can just see the lions plee for help knowing it's too late.
Jane Ferraz
Jane Ferraz - 6 years ago
I always feel sad for all the animals but I get just a bit more sad when the snakes get eaten. Nature is so cruel.
Jane Ferraz
Jane Ferraz - 6 years ago
Aww poor animals.
Sofia Ochoa
Sofia Ochoa - 6 years ago
Mongoose vs snake and eagle vs snake were the most shocking for me
Liam Chithray
Liam Chithray - 6 years ago
top 10 craziest animals was cool but my animal died twice
Sam Haire
Sam Haire - 6 years ago
Why does the snake always lose?
Ali Dahqan
Ali Dahqan - 6 years ago
Octopus vs shark
HungTDD - 6 years ago
2:35 the lion king
Boom Boom_55
Boom Boom_55 - 6 years ago
Finally after hours of traveling behold the astonishing jag - you - arr
Boom Boom_55
Boom Boom_55 - 6 years ago
Kinda funny how the thumbnail was photoshopped and not shown suggesting that you aren't exactly truthful on YouTube all of the time
Carmella Telesco
Carmella Telesco - 6 years ago
I love Lin
Xzavier Gallegos
Xzavier Gallegos - 6 years ago
Lion vs buffleo
Sonic TMB
Sonic TMB - 6 years ago
Neither of the two were crocs...
Deepak Vyas
Deepak Vyas - 6 years ago
Having access to these cruelty videos is unethical. It's obvious that the Tiger in Asia and Lion in Africa didn't have a chance meeting. They were pitted against each other. Then cameras were turned on.
fatou njie
fatou njie - 6 years ago
Lion vs Tiger
JDx Scorpion
JDx Scorpion - 6 years ago
the crocodile vs snake come one now battle royal man
Phakkhanan Duangtabchan
Phakkhanan Duangtabchan - 6 years ago
I want too say a fish v a fish worlds most epic battle
Ruben Ribeiro
Ruben Ribeiro - 6 years ago
grief bank hand plead definition hate permission funeral organic relieve sleep pursue.
Legitt Par
Legitt Par - 6 years ago
Siberian tigers would fuck up an African lion any day.
Rese4444 - 6 years ago
That was a alligator not a croc
Leon Behme
Leon Behme - 6 years ago
Hedgehog vs Gaylord
Rosario De Leon
Rosario De Leon - 6 years ago
How could u octopus y y y nooooo u killed the shark nooooooo!
Lee Stone
Lee Stone - 6 years ago
Blaze Taff
Blaze Taff - 7 years ago
It's Jagwire
Ashish Garg
Ashish Garg - 7 years ago
Buffalo and lion +shark and octopus
Niah - 7 years ago
Was i the only one that came to see the snake attack the lion in the thumbnail.... which wasn't in the video
Riley Larcom
Riley Larcom - 7 years ago
Giraffe wins
Sir Bassington
Sir Bassington - 7 years ago
The Tiger vs Lion was misleading, that was shot in an enclosure and the tiger was shot with a tranquilizer dart.
Chuck Yanus
Chuck Yanus - 7 years ago
The most vicious animal fight? Easily two black women fighting over a man. They crazy.
Plushtrap 49
Plushtrap 49 - 7 years ago
How about tiger vs Donald Duck I mean Donald Trump
Alyssa Mcneill
Alyssa Mcneill - 7 years ago
k oj iph fycct6o7hu9
Markell Means
Markell Means - 7 years ago
TyeLegendaryMiner 6573
TyeLegendaryMiner 6573 - 7 years ago
The one with the eagle and snake
Darhan Sansyzbai’
Darhan Sansyzbai’ - 7 years ago
Lions don’t live in packs, you fool. It’s called a pride, for f*ck’s sake.
Alisha the squishy girl
Alisha the squishy girl - 7 years ago
The one that shocked me the most was the tiger vs lion
Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas - 7 years ago
What you don know the Difference between a cobra and a regular non-poisonous snake. Also of mongoose eat steaks and very seldom loses in a fight. Also on top of that the black-and-white film of a lion and a tiger they are in two different parts of the world they never would meet that was a stage fight in a zoo for a movie you freaking idiot!
Switzerland ball
Switzerland ball - 7 years ago
The 2nd mongoose and snake fight
lorenzo cabrera
lorenzo cabrera - 7 years ago
concerning delay herb moral apparently thick construction horse protection
Jonathan Neilson
Jonathan Neilson - 7 years ago
Worst video ever should be showing more of the fights
Mythagoras - 7 years ago
Mongooses are awesome
Mr.Awesome - 7 years ago
Do peaple know mungoose feed on snakes it happens daily its not rly incredible
Damin Shannon
Damin Shannon - 7 years ago
That was LiT lol
HiddenCoreMine - 7 years ago
Tiger Vs lion shocked me the most
just a bunch of random Videos
just a bunch of random Videos - 7 years ago
Top ten anime battles
Tyrone Gaming
Tyrone Gaming - 7 years ago
The tiger would win cause it has more mass and the tiger didn't lose they were play in Duh
fuck you
fuck you - 7 years ago
Totally misleading. I came here for the Anaconda vs. Lion like advertised in the pic on your vid. But no. It doesn't even exist.
Boom Boom_55
Boom Boom_55 - 6 years ago
Besides if you look closely the picture was photoshopped
Schooking Skel-CentrixPVP
Schooking Skel-CentrixPVP - 7 years ago
real life pokemon battles
Jack Wilshere Were
Jack Wilshere Were - 7 years ago
I'm I the only one out here who hates snake and wanted it to loose all the fights?
253 Baller
253 Baller - 7 years ago
That octopus is like a bush camper in fortnite
joeralphfhm - 7 years ago
Your channel sucks
Thunder Wolf
Thunder Wolf - 7 years ago
Lion vs hyena
Xxx Tentacion
Xxx Tentacion - 7 years ago
I love how he says Jaguar
wanderer1955 - 7 years ago
Lion v tiger is a set up. Lions and tigers live in 2 completely different continents. Lions are Africa, tigers are India.
Christian Melendez
Christian Melendez - 7 years ago
I don't know man. That was an epic fight between mongoose and a snake. BOTH TIMES. This channel is epic, I am subscribing ASAP. One love  from Christian Melendez.
HellFire Guy
HellFire Guy - 7 years ago
Cats vs cucumbers
Ferdymode - 7 years ago
Derrick Manda
Derrick Manda - 7 years ago
anyone saw the fight between the lion and the snake...?? it was epic..!!
Nudist Priest
Nudist Priest - 7 years ago
Lions are better
Nudist Priest
Nudist Priest - 7 years ago
Mongoose vs honey badger vs Wolverine
Manuel Reyes
Manuel Reyes - 7 years ago
The Crocidle vs Snake or Python Thats Alligator Buddy
Tristen Youngblood
Tristen Youngblood - 7 years ago
Eagles would always win
MagicalWonders 22
MagicalWonders 22 - 7 years ago
The mangoes and the snake gift wasn't that shocking. You do realize it's natural for those two animals to gift and when the cobra bites the mangoes it's loosen doesn't affect it because the mangoes is immune to the poison but if he's bitten many times then it will affect him. But still not a shocking fight.
a mclaughlin
a mclaughlin - 7 years ago
This video sucks. You British nerd... I've seen better fights on Discovery Channel
Bailey Steele
Bailey Steele - 7 years ago
The second Mongoose and snake
kevy chevy
kevy chevy - 7 years ago
TUBULAR TUBER - 7 years ago
Mongeese are sick
Johan Jaxing
Johan Jaxing - 7 years ago
Jag tyckte hajen äoch bläckfisk var nice!!!!! Visa den där hajjäveln
Insurrective - 7 years ago
tolin {abdulhak}
tolin {abdulhak} - 7 years ago
Steven Turner
Steven Turner - 7 years ago
These videos are so wack and misleading..these shorts so called fights dont be shit
BeautyBy DenizeRebecca
BeautyBy DenizeRebecca - 7 years ago
moZOart - 7 years ago
I go for the all the other animals except for the snakes
Sam .P
Sam .P - 7 years ago
It's like 3am, why am I still up watching these videos? I need go to sleep.
Gunlab - 7 years ago
The Tiger vs Lion is illegal fight (in a pit) and is animal cruelty why are you showing illegal fotage ?!??? Fuck you!
ThiisKiid RBLX
ThiisKiid RBLX - 7 years ago
the octopus
Camron Smith
Camron Smith - 7 years ago
the lion and the hyena
WarLord 529
WarLord 529 - 7 years ago
That black and white video between a lion and a tiger was a movie clip that is clearly an African lion and the tiger was a Bengal tiger though there are lions in India they are smaller than tigers and if a tiger got into a fight even with an aggressive male lion it would'nt be easy but it would emerge victorious.
kalee brozek
kalee brozek - 7 years ago
foreign warren
foreign warren - 7 years ago
Lions and tigers living together...really?
RAMONA STEWART - 7 years ago
Videos amazing
geometry dash gamer yt
geometry dash gamer yt - 7 years ago
Black Dot
Black Dot - 7 years ago
Is there any vegan lions because they will get triggered of watching this video
Protohumans - 7 years ago
Where was snake vs lion
nalu - 7 years ago
the tiger vs lion that was not what happened at all stop lying
Best explorer ever
Best explorer ever - 7 years ago
one of them is like lion king. Lion vs hyena
Chance yarka
Chance yarka - 7 years ago
My sisters
wayne derby
wayne derby - 7 years ago
these all suck
Jeffery Manasco
Jeffery Manasco - 7 years ago
buffalo and lion fight
MAXIMUM GAMING - 7 years ago
You moran the moongoose all ways wins aginst snakes!!
Morts Motorsports
Morts Motorsports - 7 years ago
tiger lion fight was bullshit, them boys just playin, all these viewers just got finessed
Teddy Page-Blackley
Teddy Page-Blackley - 7 years ago
Who thought of LEBRON JAIMS whit dat octopius
Teddy Page-Blackley
Teddy Page-Blackley - 7 years ago
As We See The KSLION Fight The Girrapaul As The KSILION GETS HIS ASS BEAT!
Heather Morin
Heather Morin - 7 years ago
i think the eagle and snake was awsome
Birry Tang
Birry Tang - 7 years ago
Pretty frickin lame compilation, I give this a 4/10
Anish Xavier
Anish Xavier - 7 years ago
1:12 mightiest snake ever
Robert Tucker
Robert Tucker - 6 years ago
The guy narrating the video obviously has no idea what he's talking about. You can clearly see by the rounded snout and darker coloration, that it is an Alligator species. With closer inspection you can notice that it has a rather small eye, thereby telling you that is an American Alligator, and not a Chinese Alligator. A Chinese Alligator would have a much larger eye than the one in the video. If you look up photos of the two, you will realize the difference. These are the only two species of Alligators found in the world, and are only found in southeastern North America, and certain regions in China. I am not trying to start an argument with you, I am simply informing and pointing out that the narrator is a jackass who needs to get his facts straight. It could not have been filmed in Australia unless it happened within an enclosed space, as Alligators are not found there naturally.
Kliyah Bailey
Kliyah Bailey - 7 years ago
the shark was just minding his business
Sadiya Badwale
Sadiya Badwale - 7 years ago
Lion vs tiger
Avi the king Sud
Avi the king Sud - 7 years ago
The one that shocked me the most was lion vs tiger one who is the king of the jungle
Random - 6 years ago
Random - 6 years ago
Random - 6 years ago
And how the f*ck do you know that well i smell a bunch of bullsh*t
Nah Nah
Nah Nah - 6 years ago
Avi the king Sud I don’t know how The lion one because the tiger is the biggest cat in the family
Komotau4691 - 6 years ago
That was a little fake man.I saw a full video and they caught tiger and put him in the cage and they caught a lion and put him in the cage and they released both and make them fight.This is not natural fight. Im not sure butI think its the same video but shorter.
Liam Johnstone
Liam Johnstone - 6 years ago
Lions dont live in the jungle so even if the fight was real it'd still be the Tiger thats the real King of the jungle
SuperYoshikong - 6 years ago
Taryn Vandiver Call me a hunny bun
Taryn Vandiver
Taryn Vandiver - 6 years ago
Tigers are a force to be reckoned with hunny bun
Blank Flank
Blank Flank - 6 years ago
i thought it just looked like they were playing
Chaz Martin
Chaz Martin - 6 years ago
that was a very young tiger. Full grown tigers are larger than lions by 100 lbs
Sir Bassington
Sir Bassington - 7 years ago
The tiger was shot with a tranquilizer gun.
Avary Moskalow
Avary Moskalow - 7 years ago
the mongoose vs snake ‘fight’ wasn’t unexpected, mongooses are literally the predator of snakes lol
Ijustgottabehonestbut - 7 years ago
0:35 let me capture this insane fight using my potato camera
Manurack - 7 years ago
Where the fuck are the polar bear videos. Biggest and baddest predators in North America!
J҉a҉m҉e҉s҉W҉ 8҉2҉8҉3҉
J҉a҉m҉e҉s҉W҉ 8҉2҉8҉3҉ - 7 years ago
John Wigington
John Wigington - 7 years ago
I dunno why people have to upload stuff like this and commentate so poorly. Half of these were not as stated having happened in captivity or other key elements. If you are going to use someone's video and comment on it, then at least get the facts right beforehand..
Dj Miller
Dj Miller - 7 years ago
that lion was launched like 4 feet by the buffalo. not 4 meters. come on
Destiny Grant
Destiny Grant - 7 years ago
all of them
Nicalos Allman
Nicalos Allman - 7 years ago
How is a mongoose the unexpected winner they hunt king cobras it's a pretty well known fact
Theo Lucas
Theo Lucas - 7 years ago
Lion vs tiger they live in compleatly different places it's fake
manjinder singh
manjinder singh - 7 years ago
Octopus and shark
Victor Gonzalez
Victor Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Lion and tiger went down like it should be toe to toe
Enigma BGR
Enigma BGR - 7 years ago
Btw Tiger wins vs Lion 90% of the time. Tigers are superiors in a 1v1 fight.
Joshua Shurville
Joshua Shurville - 7 years ago
Octopus vs Shark.Great vid i liked and subbed!!!
Wi Lu
Wi Lu - 7 years ago
Best Octopus Joshua Shurville
1 tydzień temu
Da Ruler
Da Ruler - 7 years ago
Pieter Keyser
Pieter Keyser - 7 years ago
You forgot Honey Bagger vs Lion
Gian Maquiling
Gian Maquiling - 7 years ago
What people don't understand is that mongoose hunt snakes as a natural food source. They are also immune to their venom.
Kid_ Spitz100
Kid_ Spitz100 - 7 years ago
A tiger is actually stronger than a lion
Heisnear.com - 7 years ago
ANTICHRIST on World Stage, IN PLAIN VIEW ----- [Feb 4, 2018/News] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHOROp4m97s

alex pack
alex pack - 7 years ago
Please kill yourself you’re making a video about fine animals that are fighting each other do you know what pain will go through you fucking idiot
Bryan took away my mod no remorse after
Bryan took away my mod no remorse after - 7 years ago
Rabto fun
Rabto fun - 7 years ago
It's Loin there king of the jung,e
Michael Gaming TV
Michael Gaming TV - 7 years ago
The one that shocked me the most was the jaguar verses crocodile
Khalil Young
Khalil Young - 7 years ago
Lions aren’t bigger than tigers
Khalil Young
Khalil Young - 7 years ago
Those were gators
Joshua Mathews
Joshua Mathews - 7 years ago
That's just cruel
Jevangood - 7 years ago
3:30-3:32 Lion: Yea! Yall see that shit right there!?
Dylan Woods
Dylan Woods - 7 years ago
shark vs octopus
mooseman 123
mooseman 123 - 7 years ago
What about the thumbnail one??? click bait???
Boom Boom_55
Boom Boom_55 - 6 years ago
Don't forget photoshopped
Christopher Ristow
Christopher Ristow - 7 years ago
I can't stand videos that show a picture of something that's not even in the video at all..
Boom Boom_55
Boom Boom_55 - 6 years ago
Besides the thumbnail was faked you just have to look closely
Mr. Cat
Mr. Cat - 7 years ago
He said poisenes snake XD
Chris Gerritzen
Chris Gerritzen - 7 years ago
Buffalo vs lion
Katelyn Vaj
Katelyn Vaj - 7 years ago
Mongoose with the 4 kids and snake
Frances Roberts
Frances Roberts - 7 years ago
omg that's sad
Bryan Digel
Bryan Digel - 7 years ago
the octopus shark one surprised me the most
Vanessa cosby
Vanessa cosby - 7 years ago
Mia Clay
Mia Clay - 7 years ago
I couldn't watch to scary
Davidxxlツ - 7 years ago
Nile crocodile vs jaguar
ez win nile crocodile :D
And in this video Jaguar vs Crocodile
Is not a crocodile
Is the aligator
s n i p e z
s n i p e z - 7 years ago
David Channel it's a caiman
Tyeson Ramos
Tyeson Ramos - 7 years ago
Buffalo and lion
Totes Malotes
Totes Malotes - 7 years ago
My internet cut out so I gave this bs channel a dislike
Leksi Edwards
Leksi Edwards - 7 years ago
“In this wild battle, a tiger and a lion go head to head”
Except that’s impossible, because lions don’t even live in the jungle, and the two animals would never meet naturally. Someone staged it, which I find quite sickening.
malik wayne
malik wayne - 7 years ago
The tiger vs lion and the jaguar vs croc. Shocking!
Lynn Loud
Lynn Loud - 7 years ago
Jaguar is now pronounced (JAC-YOU-ARE)
DRAYZUS - 7 years ago
Anyone else see that fuckin lions face at 2:47???
Logan Gray
Logan Gray - 7 years ago
Lion and tiger and lion and hyea
rETarD yoU ArE ReTArd
rETarD yoU ArE ReTArd - 7 years ago
Major Bewbage
Major Bewbage - 7 years ago
Where in the world do lions and tigers ever meet in the wild?
Emily Heightchew
Emily Heightchew - 7 years ago
op and shark
lion and tiger
Sarah Roberts
Sarah Roberts - 7 years ago
Snake vs crocodile
RAT101Gen - 7 years ago
Im pritty sure the lion v tiger was fake....
Rafael Gamero
Rafael Gamero - 7 years ago
Human vs Kangaroo lmao
Quentinisprettycool •
Quentinisprettycool • - 7 years ago
3:44 how it feels to get juggled in mortal kombat
Quentinisprettycool •
Quentinisprettycool • - 7 years ago
That buffalo though
Connor MacNamara
Connor MacNamara - 7 years ago
wow the mongoose shocked me
William Yicheng SUN
William Yicheng SUN - 7 years ago
Octopus vs Shark
/\ - 7 years ago
So cool
Dope Tylor642623
Dope Tylor642623 - 7 years ago
nice mate
Nick Rossi
Nick Rossi - 7 years ago
Lions and tigers do not live in the same environments? Tigers are from India?
Ray_playz 123
Ray_playz 123 - 7 years ago
shark and octupus
Horst Frolic
Horst Frolic - 7 years ago
What a waste of time, you can't really see any of the fights.
Raul Marinca
Raul Marinca - 7 years ago
Buffalo vs lion, because buffalo wins , and buffalo is my favorite animal .
Terry - 7 years ago
Nothing unexpected happened. Not bad either, considering the footage quality...
great reaction
great reaction - 7 years ago
tiger is more powerful than lion
Aidan Cothran
Aidan Cothran - 7 years ago
The snake and crocodile was a Burmese python and an alligator and was in Florida not Australia.
Jeraldyne Soto
Jeraldyne Soto - 7 years ago
Snake vs eagle
TK Wilson
TK Wilson - 7 years ago
Horrible clickbait photoshop monkey boy!!!
TheSkyrimbadass - 7 years ago
The one that shocked me was you saying that it was a crocodile vs jaguar or leopard but it was a caymen not a crocodile
lostn65 - 7 years ago
Boom Boom_55
Boom Boom_55 - 6 years ago
Tell us something we don't know
MuhammadAli_GOAT - 7 years ago
The tiger was not defeated because it went on its back, this is the tigers ultimate attack.. it is where they are safest while inflicting maximum damage of teeth and all sets of four paws and claws
Arrydelaney Xx
Arrydelaney Xx - 7 years ago
The animal fight that shocked me the most was the shark Vs octopus as the way the octopus turned a violent red and then tightly wrapped it's tentacles around the poor peaceful little shark
badguy054 - 7 years ago
Sus - 7 years ago
The lion versus cobra anaconda one would have been my favourite
Boom Boom_55
Boom Boom_55 - 6 years ago
It would have been my favorite too if one it was real and two it was shown
Nikki Mendoza
Nikki Mendoza - 7 years ago
That buffalo who helped his fellow buffalo against the tigers was so brave. I hope they both survived.
Amsalino Nicolas Warami
Amsalino Nicolas Warami - 7 years ago
Jessy Krikorian
Jessy Krikorian - 7 years ago
Where was the snake versus the lion fucking idiot
Anthony Do
Anthony Do - 7 years ago
Terable graphics just terrible
the Greatest American Negro
the Greatest American Negro - 7 years ago
Click bait. Thumbs down ass clown.
ShayShay81 - 7 years ago
I love it
The F in Finger of Fate
The F in Finger of Fate - 7 years ago
load o bollox
Chloe Kayne
Chloe Kayne - 7 years ago
That's not a croc, it an alligator
Nadia Carrieri
Nadia Carrieri - 7 years ago
lion vs buffalo was crayyyyyyyy
vemund - 7 years ago
None of them shook me at all...
maraea vlogs maraea latimer vlogs
maraea vlogs maraea latimer vlogs - 7 years ago
The house
Davis sloley
Davis sloley - 7 years ago
TF is a Jakyouare
Topflorè Ent
Topflorè Ent - 7 years ago
What do you think about this totally unrelated video? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZygiKfIizBs&feature=youtu.be
Succubus - 7 years ago
Boom Boom_55
Boom Boom_55 - 6 years ago
Jag you arr
George Morar
George Morar - 7 years ago
Stopped watching this when the English bloke mispronounced Jaguar.....wtf
Ultra Gamer
Ultra Gamer - 7 years ago
One that shock me was you being born
ConnorEmTrigger - 7 years ago
Octopus VS Shark
Trici Kitten
Trici Kitten - 7 years ago
The snake discovers mongooses or mongeese?
isauceso - 7 years ago
The giraffe Vs lion was not a fight. It was a failed hunt. It's from Planet Earth BBC series bruh. The rest of the pride chased the giraffe into that lionesses' path.
NJF 218
NJF 218 - 7 years ago
Click bait
Kimberlie Tippit
Kimberlie Tippit - 7 years ago
the one that shocked me the most was the hiena and lion
LukeSkyWalkin7 - 7 years ago
Tom Leeno
Tom Leeno - 7 years ago
clash with bailey tavendale
clash with bailey tavendale - 7 years ago
The octopus Vs shark
Tui Babbington
Tui Babbington - 7 years ago
WTF was the go with that Tiger from Asia....and Lion from Africa...even a bloody Englishman would know that!!...that was no jungle...that was a fucking fighting pit...some rich arseholes fighting pit....they can not meet by fucking accident in a JUNGLE????.....that is fucking disgusting...I stopped your video right there....mate...you need to review this....and have another look at it....FFS....
Danielson936 - 7 years ago
jag you are
Shiva Kumar H A
Shiva Kumar H A - 7 years ago
Buffalo vs lion is superb fight
Matthew Bay
Matthew Bay - 7 years ago
That tiger was a bengal tiger, way smaller than lion. Bring in the real king of the cat, siberian tiger bigger than lions. South korea zoo showe a match btwn noth korean(biggest of siberian tiger) vs lion and the lion was rekted. Even ran away to lick its wounds.
pummed bucket
pummed bucket - 7 years ago
The buffalo and the lion
Aaron Green
Aaron Green - 7 years ago
all this is fake wtf
Boom Boom_55
Boom Boom_55 - 6 years ago
The recordings are fake but the thumbnail was photoshopped and click baited
Aaron Green
Aaron Green - 7 years ago
yes sir
laura pereira
laura pereira - 7 years ago
Love the vids
Ali yılmaz
Ali yılmaz - 7 years ago
Asla aslan kaplan kadar dayanıklı olamaz
Jazzwayze - 6 years ago
So you would prefer them to starve? This is for the most part, Nature in operation. Violence is for survival; a fact of life for wild animals. Humans do it for fun!
Tae Tae
Tae Tae - 7 years ago
Mongoose is a bad ass
balls deep
balls deep - 7 years ago
Giraffes like stay yo ass down
Ali yılmaz
Ali yılmaz - 7 years ago
Tabi ki kaplan
Atticus Ryan
Atticus Ryan - 7 years ago
The shark vs octopus was in Seattle (where I live) the sharks kept dying for some reason so they got four aquarium workers to take turns staying up all night to watch and record it and that is the footage. It was in the aquarium
Komotau4691 - 6 years ago
Jessica Tucker People make them fight I saw full video and I think its a same video.They released them from cages.
Arri Jones
Arri Jones - 6 years ago
That’s cool
Jessica Tucker
Jessica Tucker - 7 years ago
I'm kind of wondering how two animals, lions and tigers, who live on separate continents would be found fighting "deep in the jungle."
Berry Tap
Berry Tap - 7 years ago
I've seen that footage on a documentary somewhere. Pretty cool
Scott Thomas
Scott Thomas - 7 years ago
Octopus on the ocean bottom attacking and killing sharks are extremely common. When sharks are along the bottom and unable to get below Octopuses they are at the extreme disadvantage and usually loose 95% of the time the other 5% is them escaping and not fighting.
Adrian Garcia
Adrian Garcia - 7 years ago
I wish the tiger would have won the battle between the lion maybe the tiger gets the throne over the lion
Link of Hryule
Link of Hryule - 7 years ago
Everybody knows that a giraffe would kick a Lions butt, man.
William Akiu
William Akiu - 7 years ago
Stupid video
William Akiu
William Akiu - 7 years ago
That's not the king of the jungle dumb shit
Trappin ForFun
Trappin ForFun - 7 years ago
eagle vs snake fuck
Roar Games
Roar Games - 7 years ago
eagle and snake 1 eagles are my favourite animal 2 the eagle won
Jovan Mugoša
Jovan Mugoša - 7 years ago
unicorn lover
unicorn lover - 7 years ago
Molly Films
Molly Films - 7 years ago
Tiger vs lion
Otherz Apparel
Otherz Apparel - 7 years ago
Ummm Tigers and Lions live in different habitats. This was at a zoo or something.
Bernard Elmargi
Bernard Elmargi - 7 years ago
Crocodiles don’t live in Brazil, but Cayman and alligators do
Robert Tucker
Robert Tucker - 6 years ago
*Caimans are found in Central and South American countries. However Alligators are only found in China, and Southeastern U.S. states. And crocodiles are found in South American countries living alongside Caimans rather regularly. The American Crocodile is found as far south as Peru and Venezuela.
panda unicorn
panda unicorn - 7 years ago
nooo not the tiger or the lion
Jan Monteiro
Jan Monteiro - 7 years ago
Lion and tiger in the wild??? don't even have the same habitat
Animal 7
Animal 7 - 7 years ago
OMG so Crazy this Animal Fights :O
Boom Boom_55
Boom Boom_55 - 6 years ago
The craziest one was the thumbnail that was faked and not shown it was Soo exciting
Brandon  Mullis
Brandon Mullis - 7 years ago
Octopus killing the shark so easily
Dustin Stokes
Dustin Stokes - 7 years ago
it was a python and an alligator not a crocodile
Advantage - 7 years ago
“Jack ou are “
Zackery Clark
Zackery Clark - 7 years ago
Wow nice clickbait
Brad Carter
Brad Carter - 7 years ago
That Was a young tiger vs a much more mature lion. Just saying..
edgar stich
edgar stich - 7 years ago
The octopus shark thing is filmed in an aqarium
Sergiu Puscasu
Sergiu Puscasu - 7 years ago
You showed a snake and a lion fight in the thumbnail. Which I was excited for. Unfortunately, it was clickbait.
Georgia Colly
Georgia Colly - 7 years ago
I was shocked
Tiger VS Lion
Octopus VS Shark Jesus Christ
Peaty the Peashooter
Peaty the Peashooter - 7 years ago
Mope.io (Realistic Version)
Finn Tablet
Finn Tablet - 7 years ago
Shark vs octopus and I like that vid can u do another 1

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