10 Most Successful Shark Tank Businesses

Here are the 10 most successful shark tank pitches. WATCH MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE HERE: 10 People Who Accidentally Made Millions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvB2IO8zmDo 5 Billionaires Who Lost All Their Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugO5uSWCSoU 10 Richest Kids in the World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGvZ6VeCMQ8 Businesses on this list: Simple Sugars ReadeRest Lollacup Wicked Good Cupcakes Chord Buddy Ten Thirty One Productions Breathometer Tipsy Elves Groovebook Scrub Daddy Visit our site: http://www.TopTrending.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TopTrending Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TopTrending Commentator: http://www.youtube.com/user/BaerTaffy

10 Most Successful Shark Tank Businesses sentiment_very_dissatisfied 811

Shark videos 8 years ago 2,562,326 views

Here are the 10 most successful shark tank pitches. WATCH MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE HERE: 10 People Who Accidentally Made Millions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvB2IO8zmDo 5 Billionaires Who Lost All Their Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugO5uSWCSoU 10 Richest Kids in the World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGvZ6VeCMQ8 Businesses on this list: Simple Sugars ReadeRest Lollacup Wicked Good Cupcakes Chord Buddy Ten Thirty One Productions Breathometer Tipsy Elves Groovebook Scrub Daddy Visit our site: http://www.TopTrending.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TopTrending Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TopTrending Commentator: http://www.youtube.com/user/BaerTaffy

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Most popular comments
for 10 Most Successful Shark Tank Businesses

chris rit
chris rit - 7 years ago
I'm the great great great nephew of the lady who invented the thousand island dressing she's from the New York Islands original grown from..... I can do the same I got my own BBQ sauce made organically me love it....
HeavyMetal Gamer
HeavyMetal Gamer - 7 years ago
some one needs to do a bit of research with the breathometer
Mimi 123
Mimi 123 - 7 years ago
Its 2018 and for that reason im out
Virginia Kingsford
Virginia Kingsford - 7 years ago
Bethomoter got sued by the ftc.
Darkgon101 - 7 years ago
breathometer actually failed horribly.
e hernandez
e hernandez - 7 years ago
the breath one got pulled out . the studies showed it didn't work and they had to refund everyone's money
Dan Mimis
Dan Mimis - 7 years ago
horrible deals for inventors (money-wise) but the PR they gained helped indeed ...
life of a jeeper
life of a jeeper - 7 years ago
Subscribe to me
• Nikki •
• Nikki • - 7 years ago
Breathometer failed after its huge success. It was under investigation and he had to pay people their money back.

10. comment for 10 Most Successful Shark Tank Businesses

Mr. Krabs
Mr. Krabs - 7 years ago
When a sponge makes more money than you ever will in life
R dM
R dM - 7 years ago
The breathalyzer thing went bankrupt and had to reimburse 5 million of sales because of dishonest marketing.
Nate - 7 years ago
Breathometer was shut down by the FDC due to false advertising and they had to give refunds. RIP
Tom Evans
Tom Evans - 7 years ago
The idiot TEC guy in the thumbnail makes this some shitty clickbait. Good video, but I give you a thumbs down for the clickbait.
HoustonSongz - 7 years ago
Its to wet, it feels to good, im about to bust....

.... And for that reason im out.
AThomas Mathew
AThomas Mathew - 7 years ago
Breathometer was a huge flop !! They closed down.
Mike Barer
Mike Barer - 7 years ago
The Breathometer also appears, I believe, on the 10 worst deals.
Mike Barer
Mike Barer - 7 years ago
Announcer pronounced Lori's last name "Griner"  it's pronounced "gr-near".
HunterKillerOne - 7 years ago
Breathometer no longer exists.. they were sued and FDA shut them down I believe
SOUL REAPER - 7 years ago
Breathmeter is dead company bcz of lawsuits on the product wrong calculations

20. comment for 10 Most Successful Shark Tank Businesses

Texas Gun
Texas Gun - 7 years ago
the haunted house thing is sooooo cool
RenMan in Japan
RenMan in Japan - 7 years ago
Seriously.. you have 3 million subs and you can’t do your research right?? Breathometor got in trouble with FTC! Wow I knew that??! Come on provide the correct information..they had to give all the money back! The sharks got screwed! Your announcer obviously doesn’t watch the show or research.. he can’t pronounce their names right! Lol
abraham gd
abraham gd - 7 years ago
I don't want to hear you talk
Aaron Ruby
Aaron Ruby - 7 years ago
Lori Griner? If you can't even pronounce the names right then don't release the video. You clearly don't even watch the show.
Austin C
Austin C - 7 years ago
Breathometer went bankrupt lol
Nico Marin
Nico Marin - 7 years ago
Breathometee connects on audio jack Iphone 7 fucccc
spk1121 - 7 years ago
Uh, the Breathometer was a horrible failure that was nailed by the Federal Trade Commission for misleading/false advertising. Might want to pin a comment to that effect.
Gavin supremeMcTesties
Gavin supremeMcTesties - 7 years ago
What did you do to the sound
Cyndi Riegger
Cyndi Riegger - 7 years ago
yea til Breathometer got looked into by the FTC and had to issue over 5 million bucks in refunds...
Dopeehighlights - 7 years ago
I didn’t see any sharks in tanks, I’m out

30. comment for 10 Most Successful Shark Tank Businesses

Cesar Monastrial
Cesar Monastrial - 7 years ago
This video is entertaining but very long and for those reasons im out !
iLoveBritneyBITCH - 7 years ago
tom brady is the goat
tom brady is the goat - 7 years ago
I'm out, and for that reason I'm out
MiRaK 3
MiRaK 3 - 7 years ago
Hmmm, Breathometer was on the worst deals as well...due to their lawsuit
TeamWFC - 7 years ago
I thought the breahometer was hit hard by the FTC for being falsely advertised and had to pay over $5M back to people who bought it?
Today On PUBG Server
Today On PUBG Server - 7 years ago
breathometer is lie they got suied and payed 5.1m
Ali Ahmad
Ali Ahmad - 7 years ago
Antiii - 7 years ago
Ugly Chinese kids
Piikashoe - 7 years ago
I fucking love scrub daddy
Joshua Matsinger
Joshua Matsinger - 7 years ago
Breathometer was put under lawsuit for false advertisment
Rene Martinez
Rene Martinez - 7 years ago
I have a scrub daddy
Timothy Dowd
Timothy Dowd - 7 years ago
The breathometor was a failure actually. Some governmental association made them refund all customers and stopped them from selling the product due to inaccurate advertising. They said it was tested by a government testing facility which was inaccurate and so was the product.
AsianSensation - 7 years ago
I had wicked good cupcakes THERE GOOD AS SH!T
Corie Olajugoat
Corie Olajugoat - 7 years ago
Hi so for that reason, I’m out
Bridgeville Bulldawgz58
Bridgeville Bulldawgz58 - 7 years ago
Laurie can get it.
DickinaBox - 7 years ago
Hey bear
Patrick Morrison
Patrick Morrison - 7 years ago
okay, no. 4 was f------ brilliant.
ano anonymo
ano anonymo - 7 years ago
The breathometer went bankrupt after paying back every singel one of their customer and this infornation in your video is not the correct information.
Jeff P
Jeff P - 7 years ago
breathometer, #4, was a bust. got sued for false advertising, since it doesn't do what it was meant to do.
Brian Mcminn
Brian Mcminn - 7 years ago
I love to see stories like this

50. comment for 10 Most Successful Shark Tank Businesses

Christopher Bergeron
Christopher Bergeron - 7 years ago
too bad the breatholizer wont work with iphone 10
dragonfist45 - 7 years ago
The breathometer product doesn’t work.
Bio WoLFex
Bio WoLFex - 7 years ago
Who doesn't have a scrub daddy
Kristoff Edwards
Kristoff Edwards - 7 years ago
Scrub mommy is better because it has two different types of sides
al dooze
al dooze - 7 years ago
Breathometer got sued and had to refund millions........
John Cleveland
John Cleveland - 7 years ago
Forgot to mention that the breathometer was forced to pay millioms for false advertisement.
Charissa West
Charissa West - 7 years ago
The Breathometer is No More because he didn't meet standards ):
LBMC 493
LBMC 493 - 7 years ago
Schrödinger's Breath-O-Meter , it's both a good deal and a bad deal at the same time.
Melody Girl
Melody Girl - 7 years ago
Scrub Daddy!
Arham Razzaq
Arham Razzaq - 7 years ago
Didn’t breathometer fail tho? I heard it got sued for some shit
Milo - 7 years ago
Only in America can shit like this happen
YOR FACE - 7 years ago
Entrepreneur: "So w-"

Sharks: "we hate it were out"
Kai Preshaw
Kai Preshaw - 7 years ago
ETHAN - 7 years ago
The breathometer took a huge hit as the government fined it heavily for false advertising, claiming it was "approved by government tests," or something along those lines.
Indaliah - 7 years ago
Breathometer? The company that had all of their products pulled and had to do a full refund since the product didn't work? Sounds super successful to me...
Madyson Reed
Madyson Reed - 7 years ago
The only one I’ve heard of is the scrub daddy only because of Shane. I’ve actually never seen one in stores.
Maya Gonzalez
Maya Gonzalez - 7 years ago
The breathometer was actually shut down because the government launched an investigation and found that he was falsely advertising the product and had to refund all of the money that they earned
Jose De Jesus Corona
Jose De Jesus Corona - 7 years ago
The breathalyzer failed
Nerded Out
Nerded Out - 7 years ago
I hate your voice. I'm sorry.
Hey.Libby - 7 years ago
I have a guitar buddy
subs only
subs only - 7 years ago
Didn’t expect to hear baer taffy on this video?
Fox Photographer
Fox Photographer - 7 years ago
Breathomiter is bankrupt
DreamPuppet - 7 years ago
Breathometer is on both the best list and the worst list after the FDC tested it and proved that it's reading were inaccurate and the company had to reimburse everyone that bought one.
Aosc2 - 7 years ago
I'm an umpire, and for that reason, YER OUT!
dayron arias official
dayron arias official - 7 years ago
dayron arias official
dayron arias official - 7 years ago
Why have I never heard of any these?
The Airborne Cheeseburger
The Airborne Cheeseburger - 7 years ago
Pineapples aren’t navy blue, so I’m out
Maya - 7 years ago
Breathometer was shut down because he was using false advertising and the government got on his ass about it
MMM MMM - 7 years ago
I just came in and I'm out
Mitch Mitch
Mitch Mitch - 7 years ago
The breathometer is done now lol
Dragonstrike 3579
Dragonstrike 3579 - 7 years ago
The breathometer ended in him with legal problems
Little1Cave - 7 years ago
Still use Scrub Daddys to this day! ^-^
Christien Sebastien
Christien Sebastien - 7 years ago
Why was the Breathalyzer just listed in another video as being one of the worst deals in shark tank history? lol
slicksteve22 - 7 years ago
Ya wtf lol
Dave DaRigg
Dave DaRigg - 7 years ago
barb once said "you have an answer for everything , for that reason i am out" wtf? they need to have all the answers..she is the worst lori is next imo.
Yankee Botanist
Yankee Botanist - 7 years ago
Just saying the breathometer thing actually was a bad investment, the government got involved because of false claims by the creator thus he had to refund however many millions he sold.
Ryan Terril
Ryan Terril - 7 years ago
so the breathometer thing actually turned out to be a disaster. They got into a whole bunch of legal trouble by claiming it was 100% accurate and ended up getting sued like crazy.
tylertyler923 - 7 years ago
Actually, the breathometer was proven to be false advertising
PoliteTick - 7 years ago
Yeah breathometer got sued by the government big time by lying
wecameasandys - 7 years ago
Good shit,I liked this alot!!! Inventing is a true art form that most people over-look in this day and age,because the often say"there is nothing left to invent"....man oh man are they wrong! The sky is the limit!

O.s the photo book idea was my favorite in my opinion! What a great idea and such a money maker!!
Racer Shotz
Racer Shotz - 7 years ago
Lol my mom uses groove book and that's the only one I heard of
Bean Mane
Bean Mane - 7 years ago
The pussy was to stank last night I’m fucking out B
Anony Mous
Anony Mous - 7 years ago
BREATHOMETER WAS A SCAM, just had to say it, the BBB said it wasnt even accurate 90% of the time
Brain Bleach
Brain Bleach - 7 years ago
I have literally not heard of any of these things....
Max - 7 years ago
The breathomoter was found to be a scam
InsideManGaming - 7 years ago
The breathometer failed though...
(It was falsely advertised and they had to refund ALL costumers)
stoneman472 - 7 years ago
Watching people be successful makes me happy.
Because of that, I'm out.
SosaKidd - 7 years ago
wait so youre telling me ugly sweaters was born in shark tank? i though it existed for years
AllAboardTheDankMemeTrain - 7 years ago
Umm didn't the breathometer end up getting in big trouble?
Aka Terpak
Aka Terpak - 7 years ago
Lmao guy in front of my house should have got a breatheter he’s gonna go to jail for trying to escape 2 times
Donald Vince
Donald Vince - 7 years ago
hello i can help you make $1000 legally working from home if you have a USA or UK bank account and Online access to the account

100. comment for 10 Most Successful Shark Tank Businesses

ConorHDGaming Frankland
ConorHDGaming Frankland - 7 years ago
Breathometer is not successful at all... They had to refund all their sales and got shut down for inaccurate results
NoahSno Games
NoahSno Games - 7 years ago
I saw this breathometer in another video called "Top 10 deals sharks regret making."
Sharp Dime
Sharp Dime - 7 years ago
s l
lokisg3 - 7 years ago
Breathometer already fail before this video was out. The product give out false reading and actually not tested by pharmacy or any health agency. The govt made a check on the device and found the device not accurate at all. The company have to refund most users, around $5.1 million. If you go to Amazon and check the item, it only receive 2/5 stars.
Wendy Oliver
Wendy Oliver - 7 years ago
It isn't pronounced Lori "Griner". It sounds like "Greneer".
Caption Cookie
Caption Cookie - 7 years ago
My dick hard and for that reason I'm going in
Stronglikebull L
Stronglikebull L - 7 years ago
Damn im really late to this comment thread...

And for that reason.... im out
Noob 1
Noob 1 - 7 years ago
6:40 RIP IPhone X
hanna fox
hanna fox - 7 years ago
the breathometer is no longer being made
Tetrafuse - 7 years ago
And for that reason im out!
Dyllun Berry
Dyllun Berry - 7 years ago
Bob Hallway
Bob Hallway - 7 years ago
The breath thing was tested by the FDA and was found to not have accurate results and they were forced to refund everyone and recall their breath thing
matt remnek
matt remnek - 7 years ago
Breathometer was a scam
Gunchap Red
Gunchap Red - 7 years ago
Top Trending started uploading again, therefore, I'm out.
AttilatheThrilla - 7 years ago
Wait I heard that the Breathometer got sued because they claimed it was 100% accurate, which it actually wasn’t.. Then they had to pay back their customers for comp... It’s turned out to be a total disaster of an idea.
PunkJabi - 7 years ago
His mispronounced Grenier and got that reason I am out!
Brock Gosselin
Brock Gosselin - 7 years ago
My penis got stuck in my toaster for unrelated reasons to this video. Therefor, im out.
Derp Gaming
Derp Gaming - 7 years ago
Your mom. For that reason I'm out.
Matthew Mangiaracina
Matthew Mangiaracina - 7 years ago
If you have over 500 locations and you're grossing only $3 million, it sounds like you'd barely be pocketing anything.
Josh Rosenblatt
Josh Rosenblatt - 7 years ago
Background music used?
TechThatYT - 7 years ago
I wonder if they realized breathometer was banned because it wasn't accurate and they had to refund everyone who bought the product their money.
Austin Marchant
Austin Marchant - 7 years ago
breathometer proved to advertise false scientific experience and was sued for more than its accumulative worth
Landon Y
Landon Y - 7 years ago
The breathometer wasn't actually a success, considering that it wasn't scientifically accurate and he had to refund everyone who bought one because of it.
Gabriel Waggoner
Gabriel Waggoner - 7 years ago
Dude in thumbnail looks like a cross between mitt Romney and joe Biden
Kyle Nash
Kyle Nash - 7 years ago
My internet is slow so for that reason I’m out
Pearl Brownlee
Pearl Brownlee - 7 years ago
The breathometer failed...not sure why it's on here? The government proved it was not accurate and he had to pay back over 5mil to customers....
jared farrell
jared farrell - 7 years ago
Breathometer was a flop. Had to pay 5.1 million back.
Graffiti Boy
Graffiti Boy - 7 years ago
Robert is not Canadian he’s Croatian
deepak dhilip
deepak dhilip - 7 years ago
I thought the breath-o-meter was forced to close down and refund the money after the FTC confirmed that the readings were not accurate.
Mishal Alexander
Mishal Alexander - 7 years ago
What! Breathometer was a flop!
Better Blue
Better Blue - 7 years ago
better to do nothing than what these dicks pretend. you will do netter.
Better Blue
Better Blue - 7 years ago
ye sharks. mark my wirds. and i have nothing to do with religuousity but ye.... your religion is equity and God wishes that meant horsesye lying thieves and dream stealers. business is bossiness indeed . did i say horses. darkness steed. i am cancellimg your show of grief greed.
ElectricPulse100 - 7 years ago
I’m have $3 and for that reason, I’m out.
FuZiioN - 7 years ago
1:56 What am I seeing.
nungshi jmr
nungshi jmr - 7 years ago
I was never in and for that reason i'm out.
Alissa Vongphrachanh
Alissa Vongphrachanh - 7 years ago
I have so many scrub daddies
Ace Ortiz
Ace Ortiz - 7 years ago
Jesus with a Santa hat? 8:08
هزاع راشد
هزاع راشد - 7 years ago
شارق 10
Anna Miller
Anna Miller - 7 years ago
Anyone can tell me What is QVC?
MrFlipperInvader782 - 7 years ago
man i didnt see the tech clothing one
gguven1 - 7 years ago
Its very unfair that the viewing public cant buy shares in these business ideas. These guys on shark tank are already extremely rich. Why cant these shows allow for the public to invest.
MrReed314 - 7 years ago
What about "Grace and Lace""? Barbara has always said that that was her best and most successful investment...Immediately after she invested, she took the husband and wife to see the Editor-In-Chief of Cosmo, and immediately after that "Grace and Lace" exploded. And that was after G., and L. had already grossed a million in sales before Barbara came on board...They've made so much money they have opened up 7 orphanages in India...
Apoorv Panwar
Apoorv Panwar - 7 years ago
Mark Cuban and Canadian investor robert herjavec bahahahah
elvis manhattan
elvis manhattan - 7 years ago
im in on idea that Barbara is out 10 out of 10 !
Preston Bozeman
Preston Bozeman - 7 years ago
I see scrub daddies everywhere.
Vinay Seth
Vinay Seth - 7 years ago
Just the other day, I was watching a video of Noam Chomsky begrudging upon the capitalist system, and today I'm watching SharkTank videos on youtube. Isn't it wonderful that you can create your own multi-million dollar business in this day and age, even when you don't belong to a business family?
Marcus Norton
Marcus Norton - 7 years ago
I'm out.
koy - 7 years ago
I'm a freeloader bum and for that reason I must go out find a job.
TheEnderAssassin - 7 years ago
Im out and for that reason, im out. Barbara 2017
Skinach - 7 years ago
What about Loliware and Dollop frosting?
Jacques Mahé
Jacques Mahé - 7 years ago
Lori’s deal (#9) Readerest was such easy money for her with QVC, that’s how they’re so rich, for them it’s easy...
Oh adams
Oh adams - 7 years ago
simple sugar girl uses her scrubs. She is 18 and looks 32. Not sure if I ever wanna use it.
Belmont - 7 years ago
so the best you can do is a fucking sponge?!
idiocracy incoming
Tushar Patel
Tushar Patel - 7 years ago
Mark has hands of gold..
ZionHillCalling - 7 years ago
8:00 Caption says 33%, narrator says 10%. I trust this channel for 0%.
Kimberly Martin
Kimberly Martin - 7 years ago
people see my mom and me if you see us in the store.
Mable Ferreira
Mable Ferreira - 7 years ago
Generating income online is a superb help in solving monetary issues. Try to search “shocking soto press” on Google and simply follow the simple process. Making use of shocking soto press has allowed me to earn $678 last week. You are truly lucky that you`ve stumbled on this chance..
Playlists4Everyone - 7 years ago
Flipeez was good too right?
TheSilentGamer2007 XZ1
TheSilentGamer2007 XZ1 - 7 years ago
Almost Very Ad I see is an Ad For Netflix's Riverdale Season 2 ...
Deshan Perera
Deshan Perera - 7 years ago
Breathometer failed!!!!
1 - 7 years ago
that dude made $50 mil selling sponges…
Billb23 - 7 years ago
i really like this product its great, for that reason im out - Barbara
denz310 - 7 years ago
65% for 150K. Lori is a Shark for real. What a bitch. At that point it's not your business anymore, it's hers.
Sports Wagon
Sports Wagon - 7 years ago
Why the fuck does this dude sound like Troydan?
Catherine Hernandez
Catherine Hernandez - 7 years ago
00kizuna00 - 7 years ago
Arceus Bowser 212
Arceus Bowser 212 - 7 years ago
Don't forget the Rapid Ramen cooker. That one now has multiple different versions, like rapid mac'n'cheese and rapid pizza makers
crimson nightmare
crimson nightmare - 7 years ago
how to you even get on shark tank?
Siam Sattar
Siam Sattar - 7 years ago
Breathometer was a flop. Everyone lost money and the guy was sued
Christopher O.
Christopher O. - 7 years ago
Lady narrator doesn't sound like a man siri.
Hockey Master380
Hockey Master380 - 7 years ago
Luke Gutman
Luke Gutman - 7 years ago
Lori Grinder?
Isaac Heavener
Isaac Heavener - 7 years ago
The chord buddy apparently sucks lol
General x Productions
General x Productions - 7 years ago
I want to make money, for that reason I'm out.
Sodalite - 7 years ago
I saw the scrub daddy in Home Depot
Tontavios - 7 years ago
I have the guitar buddy
Hulk Ikume
Hulk Ikume - 7 years ago
Evil strives when good people choose to stay mute.
The current world most brutal dictator (Biya of Cameroon) is committing crimes against humanity and UNITED NATION is doing nothing about it.
Below are leaked videos of how the military under the command of the dictator makes people disappeared, how they treat people who dare to speak out, and how they deal with protesting students.
Is there a different standard of human rights abuses for Africans that is acceptable by the UN?
Imagine if these videos evidence were coming out of North Korea, won't the western media be all over the places calling for international intervention?
Eugene Molnar
Eugene Molnar - 7 years ago
I didn't vote for trump. So I'm out.
Austin Herberger
Austin Herberger - 7 years ago
Breathometer didn't end up working with "any" smartphone, but the iPhone and a handful of Android devices (somewhere between 5 and 7).
Liam D
Liam D - 7 years ago
Number six is for people who play guitar hero
i stole a geode huehe
i stole a geode huehe - 7 years ago
6:51 Oh, time to pass the dongle!!
SoAaron - 7 years ago
wtf in the beginning you forgot robert
djdavid7634 - 7 years ago
how Emazinglights didnt make it on this list is beyond me the sharks were offering millions for such a small percentage and mark cuban has profited a lot from it
askewniverse 22
askewniverse 22 - 7 years ago
breathometer wasn't a success. product banned by FTC since it's inaccurate
HARRY HO - 7 years ago
I want to invent something that sells like hot cakes
mohammed khuly
mohammed khuly - 7 years ago
What the name of the music
Zeta the Shadarian
Zeta the Shadarian - 7 years ago
Scrub me harder
Hamilton Worshiper
Hamilton Worshiper - 7 years ago
Why is nobody realizing that shark tank is a copycat version of dragons den? Dragons den is a Canadian shark tank made before shark tank
Johnny Rico
Johnny Rico - 7 years ago
I haven't heard of any of these products
kirill g
kirill g - 7 years ago
Fuck the chord buddy you don't need that shit to learn guitar lol
Blorox Cleach
Blorox Cleach - 7 years ago
I'm mr. wonderful and for that reason I'm out
Dk guillotine
Dk guillotine - 7 years ago
Baer what are you doing on a video like this?
Dayz why not
Dayz why not - 7 years ago
Breathometer was a fail.
T Tanizawa
T Tanizawa - 7 years ago
I dont know about you all, but personally, I prefer reruns of Golden Girls than I do Gilmore Girls.
Philip Hopper
Philip Hopper - 7 years ago
Clicked to see if my my Uncle Rick made the list! Go Rick!
Rose - 7 years ago
Damon John is yuck.
Adrian's Pets
Adrian's Pets - 7 years ago
I don't know what country he's from, but not from Canada, I can't watch false information
steroidi peruna
steroidi peruna - 7 years ago
whats baertaffy doing?
Timothy C. Gratta
Timothy C. Gratta - 7 years ago
did.. did you just say Lori “Griner”?
leslie phillips
leslie phillips - 7 years ago
9:21 the mom from wizards of waverly place is is the picture on the right
Henry C
Henry C - 7 years ago
We use the lollacup. Works very well.
Sammy C
Sammy C - 7 years ago
Even if you go on the show you still get more sales
BigPaco213 - 7 years ago
I've never seen a scrub daddy ever!
Kyle Barnes
Kyle Barnes - 7 years ago
First clip. At about 1:20.
Very nice picture with her with a USA flag in the background
I love it... BOYCOT THE NFL
Elís Kjartansson
Elís Kjartansson - 7 years ago
He said Robert is Canadian... what?
I_H8_Unknown_Callers - 7 years ago
Lori Greiner is in this video: therefore, I'm in. No, I'm out. I mean in....out....in...out....in...out.....

What the heck just happened!
Chris - 7 years ago
I would steal some of these ideas, but I'm too lazy for even that....
Chris - 7 years ago
Ya boi Kevin loves royalties
Ralf Zaitsev
Ralf Zaitsev - 7 years ago
I liked the last one.
SweetIvory 1203
SweetIvory 1203 - 7 years ago
Omg I've seen so many scrub daddies in stores
Rory Scott
Rory Scott - 7 years ago
Breathometer apparently went bankrupt
Ray Young
Ray Young - 7 years ago
I ended up buying the laundry bag that raises as you take the clothes out. they all opted out. It was and is a great purchase.
Jake Kaim
Jake Kaim - 7 years ago
you sound a bit like stradman
RickyPro - 7 years ago
TzUp - 7 years ago
Dam mr wonderful and his royalty deals. Thats how u make money
Haidar Shah
Haidar Shah - 7 years ago
My comment never gets thumbs up, for that reason I'm out!
Dupla Rara
Dupla Rara - 7 years ago
Ive watched too many of these. For that reason, I'm out.
Caleb Jack
Caleb Jack - 7 years ago
I'm in, and for that reason, I'm out.
TheRedX - 7 years ago
and for that out, i'm a reason.
TheRedX - 7 years ago
Who the heck is Lori Griner?
Robert Lembo
Robert Lembo - 7 years ago
That breathometer thing got shut down though by the FTC and had to refund every purchase 100%...
MrEndzo - 7 years ago
500 location and only 3 million$ that doesn't make any sense.
Mix Tube
Mix Tube - 7 years ago
Is that SwaggerSouls who's talking?
Brendan Quaid
Brendan Quaid - 7 years ago
My name is Barbara, and for that reason I'm out.
Felix Walton
Felix Walton - 7 years ago
The night before
George Knudtson
George Knudtson - 7 years ago
Robert is Croatian. and he moved to Canada. pretty easy fact checking guys.
iambetterthanmypants - 7 years ago
I got to 10 minutes and 25 seconds before I realized that this was my boy Baertaffy all along
Juan Shyster
Juan Shyster - 7 years ago
NO option to skip the add at the beginning and for that, I'm out.
MrShelbyGTman - 7 years ago
With the number of alcoholics in the USA I wouldn't doubt any alcohol anything would sell like hotcakes
Death Of Cricket
Death Of Cricket - 7 years ago
The only thing I don't like about Shark Tank is the judges' attitude, and the way the show is made.
Pipoy 1999
Pipoy 1999 - 7 years ago
As expected scrub daddy is no.1
Jimmy Maloney
Jimmy Maloney - 7 years ago
Scrub daddy
Poke-monk - 7 years ago
im babara, and you have potential of making me millions, for that reason, im out
Colton Moore
Colton Moore - 7 years ago
Lets just not mention Robert in the intro
Saam Saamo
Saam Saamo - 7 years ago
я эту передачу смотрю на РБК хорошая передача но жаль Я Английский не знаю
Justin Pvsk
Justin Pvsk - 7 years ago
I work in a guitar shop. The chord buddy is absolute shit
Jennifer D. Lewis -DHS- SSC
Jennifer D. Lewis -DHS- SSC - 7 years ago
I use the Scrub Daddy and it works! Get it at Walmart
David Weintraub
David Weintraub - 7 years ago
I'm white, so for that reason, I'm out.
Reggie_bringit - 7 years ago
if you need a portable breathalyzer, you probably need to stop drinking.
Clara Spain
Clara Spain - 7 years ago
Scrub me daddy
Mr. Vines
Mr. Vines - 7 years ago
This sounds like Alpacapatrol 0.0
ashley35211x - 7 years ago
This is so inspiring. I would love to come up with a profitable invention.
Kenneth Busler
Kenneth Busler - 7 years ago
Greh-NEER. not Gry-nur.
Qias Omar’s Niece
Qias Omar’s Niece - 7 years ago
I’m out and for that reason I’m out
TeenaNikole - 7 years ago
I love the passion and the earning potential, for that reason, I am out
Kp S
Kp S - 7 years ago
Way to introduce robert in the intro. Fucking douche
Pale Nose Boi
Pale Nose Boi - 7 years ago
600th comment
Pale Nose Boi
Pale Nose Boi - 7 years ago
Wasiq Lhan
Wasiq Lhan - 7 years ago
I heard breathometer was chrged wt fraud nd ws a loss
Chris Dishneau
Chris Dishneau - 7 years ago
she's only 18? ouch she looks like she is 35.....
Jesslynn La Belle
Jesslynn La Belle - 7 years ago
Wow Robert H is not Canadian lmao he says his nationality so much on the show come on now if you are a fact show make sure you know your facts
robotbolt - 7 years ago
notice how barbara isn't here
YepX - 7 years ago
I wish I had even just 1% of the sharks money
Siri - 7 years ago
Shark tank is just a crap rip- off of Dragons den...
Chadsteryaah - 7 years ago
Fuck your 30 second unskipable ad.
Saltine Cracker
Saltine Cracker - 7 years ago
I don't like that tattoo and for that reason, I'm put
Danny Beardwood
Danny Beardwood - 7 years ago
We legit have one of the scrub daddy's sponge in our kitchen, I never knew that it all started in shark tank. Good vid man ! You got my sub :)
Flamincactus - 7 years ago
I had the scrub daddy
desertsn0wball - 7 years ago
How can anyone say Capitalism sucks, look what it does. Many happy people, changed lives etc
Real_Big_Boss - 7 years ago
Why not borrow from the bank?
SuPah MaNg
SuPah MaNg - 7 years ago
The breathometer is not compatible with my all new Apple iPhone 7, and for that reason, I'm out
Obnoxious Physicist
Obnoxious Physicist - 7 years ago
I own a scrubdaddy.
Jerry Yawning
Jerry Yawning - 7 years ago
food and entertainment are the main interests in the US.....
Fishy Fish
Fishy Fish - 7 years ago
The scrub daddy sucks, it got completely torn apart after a week when I got it.
Super Nerd
Super Nerd - 7 years ago
Where is Uber?
Richard Parker
Richard Parker - 7 years ago
did any one remember SCAN mobile app which was acquired by Snap inc....is it not the most successful?
justa relaxa
justa relaxa - 7 years ago
Im here to make a barbara joke so for that reason im out
Edward Kostreski
Edward Kostreski - 7 years ago
breathometer had to refund one of the models cause it did not work as advertised
Fuentes - 7 years ago
I use scrub daddy on every hooker i get
Matt Harrison
Matt Harrison - 7 years ago
Kevin got 45 cents per cupcake not 50 please have ur facts correct when making a video 5 cents is a huge difference with millions of sales
Guy Flynn
Guy Flynn - 7 years ago
I kept on thinking that the shark mouth was a lemon... any one else?
Zach L
Zach L - 7 years ago
9:30 not true. A guy sold his company to snap chat for 54 mill
Charlie Beckerley
Charlie Beckerley - 7 years ago
My family has the scrub daddy thing
merio - 7 years ago
hi, and for that reason im out. (Sorry for my bad england)
Blu - 7 years ago
shit, i have over 100,000 dollars, come to me, ill let you borrow for stake in the company!
Allstar2700 - 7 years ago
This isn't an accurate list
Meekle 33
Meekle 33 - 7 years ago
Wow I've seen scrub daddy at Walmart and I had no idea it was on shark tank. Good for that guy.
MrRobot600 - 7 years ago
Breathometer was not successful at all. All of the products got recalled and they actually had to reach a settlement with the FTC for inaccurate testing. They now completely changed the product to one testing for oral hygiene.
jett lax
jett lax - 7 years ago
Do a top ten of Barbara's worst excuses for being out.
Dino Might
Dino Might - 7 years ago
Robert isn't Canadian he's American and son of an immigrant factory worker from Croatia
Sempathy - 7 years ago
Isn't Robert Croatian? Not Canadian
Splendid Londoner
Splendid Londoner - 7 years ago
Scub Daddy made over 100 mil, mind-boggling, mind-blowing freaking sucess. Each of these sharks probably made [on paper] 20-50 mil out of the investments, not to scrubby... i mean shabby ;d
Random Guy
Random Guy - 7 years ago
The video has ended and for that reason I'm out
A_B B_A - 7 years ago
A_B B_A - 7 years ago
I'm not black I'm Ojay. Okay
Zen Master Bob
Zen Master Bob - 7 years ago
oh Lorie GR-EYE-nur sure liked it, huh? 1:53
YEZ - 7 years ago
I, therefore I'm out.
burntnorris - 7 years ago
Grizzly Country
Grizzly Country - 7 years ago
The only reason to go on shark tank is for free publicity.
Shane Cruz
Shane Cruz - 7 years ago
wtf is equity?
Nate Zzz
Nate Zzz - 7 years ago
Ive only gotten 2 things from watching shark tank. A rare-form wallet, and the scrub daddy.
MrPikkabo - 7 years ago
Wtf? That is not what the breathometer does? Check their website
Mr Persevere
Mr Persevere - 7 years ago
Does anyone think that "follow your passion" has anything to do with business success? Thanks
Matthew Tavory
Matthew Tavory - 7 years ago
Robert is Croatian
Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter - 7 years ago
Content is so great, keep it up!!!
Lubna Ahmad
Lubna Ahmad - 7 years ago
this dude copied to trends video XD
Lubna Ahmad
Lubna Ahmad - 7 years ago
this dude copied to trends video XD
Cruz Carrasco
Cruz Carrasco - 7 years ago
I sexually identify as out
Rawk4Life - 7 years ago
Basically, Scrub Daddy is a happy face shaped sponge. I can't believe the judges invested in his product.
Karan Budhiraja
Karan Budhiraja - 7 years ago
Click bait
Jose Ceide Pallas
Jose Ceide Pallas - 7 years ago
hola soy un jubilado que tiene inventó salva vidas que en España me resulta imposible patentar yo lo llamo salva incendios el aparato sirve para cualquier altura para cíen metros de altura pesa 4,500 gramos para 400 metros pesaría sobré 7 kilogramos si alguien le interesa mi número 654999708 gracias
Amie Aguillon
Amie Aguillon - 7 years ago
Haven't watched the vid yet but Im calling that the scrub daddy will be #1.
Harry Infante
Harry Infante - 7 years ago
You forgot about Ring!(I know that they were turned down by the sharks but it still should have been an Honorable Mention)
LadySinsReal - 7 years ago
uhhh aint the ugly sweater idea pretty much stolen ... from ideas of memes ? should I just get the idea of selling pepe shower curtains and take my shot on shark tank? what about pepe trump - pepe ... putin ? haha
ethansucks - 7 years ago
Why Did They Not Do The Simply Fit Board? It Was Really Succsessful And Also Made It To Get A Commercial!
theaweary - 7 years ago
In the future an idea to sell jackets which may save from a blast in a middle of the crowd and subsequent crush would be the trend.
Guillermo Jasso
Guillermo Jasso - 7 years ago
You said Robert was Canadian and for that reason I'm out.
cobra85291 - 7 years ago
Ya hes definetly canadian
Alex Luukkonen
Alex Luukkonen - 7 years ago
He is Canadian though. His parents are from Croatia but he is Croatian-Canadian. He, like Kevin, is also on the Canadian Dragon's Den
donald teague
donald teague - 7 years ago
any of these co. could have just gone to a bank for a loan. my first co. got a five year loan of 4 million two days after I began sales. no reason to sell half your co. for any amount.
Morgan Collins
Morgan Collins - 7 years ago
The moment you realize your awesome idea for a product has been done already
missysmithy25 - 7 years ago
Aaron ta
Aaron ta - 7 years ago
I was doing my regular thing and decided to watch a shark tank clip before bed; I'm too tired. For that reason, I'm out.
Jacob Crowell
Jacob Crowell - 7 years ago
What? I can't believe Barbra wasn't on this list at all?!? Haha
kiyonexus - 7 years ago
Why the fuck is the thumbnail not even one of pitches in the video... Shit
I am Aslan
I am Aslan - 7 years ago
Breathometer is out of business what are you talking about?
Collin Parnell
Collin Parnell - 7 years ago
Robert is not from Canada you FUCKING idiot get your facts straight
XxAnonymousBeastxX - 7 years ago
That Breathomemeter doesnt really work.... Look it up. They were stopped cause it didn't work at all
Peter Chavez
Peter Chavez - 7 years ago
i came here for the cupcakes im satisfied
Rigo E
Rigo E - 7 years ago
Bilyana Hadzhieva ugly Christmas sweaters are really a thing during holidays lol
Christopher Rudolph
Christopher Rudolph - 7 years ago
Nice click bate photo on the video.
MyHansSarpei - 7 years ago
I don't want children and for that reason, I'm out
Orlando Sanchez
Orlando Sanchez - 7 years ago
"Investor Barbara" lol lies
Killa Shoots
Killa Shoots - 7 years ago
i made a fidget spinner able to fly
Austin Full
Austin Full - 7 years ago
Barbara; You have a good product and I'm sure I will make money with you, and for that reason, I'm out.
Bobs Games
Bobs Games - 7 years ago
Shit I have a iPhone 7 no audio jack
Curbed Enthusiasm
Curbed Enthusiasm - 7 years ago
Bobs Games that company went out of business. FTC sued them for false advertisement and they’re finished
Elizabeth Vijayaraj
Elizabeth Vijayaraj - 7 years ago
add Bubba's boneless ribs
Constant wolf
Constant wolf - 7 years ago
is buying a magical chest 1200 gems and 100k coins worth it for 10 buck on clash royale
O Flex
O Flex - 7 years ago
I just jerked off and took a awesome piss afterwards so for that reason I'm out
Luke Aldred
Luke Aldred - 7 years ago
Angela Wood cover ur ears
Angela Wood
Angela Wood - 7 years ago
Joseph Dussault
Joseph Dussault - 7 years ago
Dropstop was invested in by Lori and is more successful than one or two of the ones you showed
Samantha Jennings
Samantha Jennings - 7 years ago
Reader rest? ready rest? Ah who cares, just say whatever.... :/
xd - 7 years ago
I call it the fidget spinner and its fuckin useless but hey it spins, now I demand $69,420,100 and you get nothing or else I will shoot up your school
johnmonk66 - 7 years ago
selling 8 million in product where he gets 35% didnt make him rich with readerest, if profit margin was ten percent he made no more than 250k or so, not great for years of work
加藤みずっち - 7 years ago
Love the smile on Scrub Daddy's, cute.
Jason H
Jason H - 7 years ago
the scrub daddy is a exact copy of the hog wash
James Lawson
James Lawson - 7 years ago
Ugly sweater will be done soon
Captain Goku
Captain Goku - 7 years ago
Is emazing lights not in here
NayMat t
NayMat t - 7 years ago
I have never heard of these products. So are they really that successful?
Alex K
Alex K - 7 years ago
Clickbait thumbnail. I came for that specific pitch and it wasn't even in the video. Screw off.
Kav Gott
Kav Gott - 7 years ago
You should watch road men on dragons den
Nope Nope
Nope Nope - 7 years ago
Everything is about money
Official LOLGamer
Official LOLGamer - 7 years ago
what are you actually thinking on the thumbnail or they just brain-dead. mean like Tec like the worst deal in history
HenrySoBeefy - 7 years ago
Can someone explain royalties ?
Spencer Scott
Spencer Scott - 7 years ago
HenrySoBeefy a royalty is whenever they collect a percentage profit off of each item or unit that is sold
Rhysonator 123
Rhysonator 123 - 7 years ago
Where was Toygaroo?
Mark Yates
Mark Yates - 7 years ago
For someone selling all natural facial scrubs her skin don't match her vision. Just saying. She has some imperfections. I don't see how rubbing sugar on your face is gonna do anything but irritate your skin overtime and cause you to look like you consume large amounts of drugs. There needs to be science behind this stuff.
Wolves600Gaming - 7 years ago
actually sugar can be used to draw in moisture from the environment and put it in your skin
Austin Green
Austin Green - 7 years ago
You mispronounced so many things oh my God.
VIPlaine1 - 7 years ago
I dont like shark tank and for this reason I'm out
archie - 7 years ago
no. 9
if she's receiving 65%
it's her company
shriram iyer
shriram iyer - 7 years ago
did the sharks take a stake with the producers on the shark tank show
Travis - 7 years ago
Damn you totally ripped off Top Trend. Your words are almost exact for some descriptions and thoughts. Their video was out over a week before your video. Weak sauce!
Jamal Amir
Jamal Amir - 7 years ago
what i wanna know is how much toptrending made by uploading this video
shark bazzuka
shark bazzuka - 7 years ago
Too bad the breatometer doesn't support iPhone 7 :/
Spencer Scott
Spencer Scott - 7 years ago
shark bazzuka it said they have a Bluetooth version
xFelipe04 - 7 years ago
So good my friend
xFelipe04 - 7 years ago
Stoggy - 7 years ago
is this american dragons den
zaNECHAN - 7 years ago

You're a cockroach, and for that reason, IM OUT
San Jose Sharks
San Jose Sharks - 7 years ago
That investor Lory looks and behaves more like a sex object.
l o l a
l o l a - 7 years ago
if boost isnt on here imma burn all my money
sexy radxroger
sexy radxroger - 7 years ago
Lori is my fav
Andrea Moscoso
Andrea Moscoso - 7 years ago
Those sweaters are cute though.
Titus Moss
Titus Moss - 7 years ago
scholly has outdone all at $4.2 trillion and still counting.
tntjocker - 7 years ago
What is the Music in the Background?
THE GOD BOX - 7 years ago
Criminals look at this savagery
Ice Bear
Ice Bear - 7 years ago
Ironic thumbnail, considering the business TEC rejected the sharks for pitching a shit offer to the guy, and now he's making millions without them.
Earning Crypto coins
Earning Crypto coins - 7 years ago
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Earning Crypto coins
Earning Crypto coins - 7 years ago
Spencer, Spencer if you make an investment without educating yourself FIRST or being informed you gonna be scammed out, by your response you probably lost a lot.My advice to you, do your research before making any harsh decisions.
Spencer Scott
Spencer Scott - 7 years ago
Earning a Passive income lol bitcoins. really. fucking deep webber scams man
Vazix - 7 years ago
I found a mistake
Sahana Basker
Sahana Basker - 7 years ago
... what about Tom + Chee? They made 42 million last year
Aaron Snyder
Aaron Snyder - 7 years ago
The best deal I thought was Red Dress Boutique. How did it not make Top 10?
Peng Xiong
Peng Xiong - 7 years ago
Music name/title?
nawaz dahya
nawaz dahya - 7 years ago
Breathometer went to shit
Martine Davis
Martine Davis - 7 years ago
That is awesome
Jercy - 7 years ago
What's the song/music for the first 39 seconds?
Toshirozawa - 7 years ago
Music name/title?
Aurelian Spodarec
Aurelian Spodarec - 7 years ago
Those equties are terribly high! BUt heck! THey made them multi-millionaire anwyas! Woah! And now look at sharks, getting richer than ever.

THis is perfect position to be in.

It's hard to start at first.

I'm 20, hm, if I can get a mentor like them, and get going and done by 30, and sit in those sits when I'm 30. Cool.
Franklin Ugochukwu
Franklin Ugochukwu - 7 years ago
Don't want Schadenfreude
Don't want Schadenfreude - 8 years ago
10. Cuban
8.Cuban and Robert
4.All 5 of them(including the GoPro guy)
2.Cuban and Kevin

Cuban 5
Robert 4
Lori 3
Kevin 3
GoPro guy 1
And by the way, Cuban is the richest guy in the show, but ScrubbDaddy gained about 7 times what second place was sold for.
MLG Kirby
MLG Kirby - 8 years ago
It's not grine-er its gre-nier
Sarcastamus Raconteur
Sarcastamus Raconteur - 8 years ago
"lori griyner ",?.?.
Free SEO Advice
Free SEO Advice - 8 years ago
Robert is from Croatia thus Croatian not a Canadian - 2:58
Irving Ramirez
Irving Ramirez - 8 years ago
btw.... wiked good cupcakes got a deal for 45 cents in perpetuity when the mother countered Kevin's offer, not $1.00 royalty that would go down to 50 cents.
Airs Rock
Airs Rock - 8 years ago
I'm Justin Bieber after puberty, I'm out.
Nicholas Mcdougald
Nicholas Mcdougald - 8 years ago
how this is the most successful thing if I never heard or it? till now
Toa Ninjis
Toa Ninjis - 8 years ago
Of course Barbara was involved in none of these
Brian Carroll
Brian Carroll - 8 years ago
What about grinds coffee pouches they are very known
Casey Dashtban
Casey Dashtban - 8 years ago
Where's spikeball
Zubin Bhaumik
Zubin Bhaumik - 8 years ago
6:41 Except for the iPhone 7...
Ameen Moqbel
Ameen Moqbel - 8 years ago
For #9 it's * Readerest not Readyrest
muneem islam
muneem islam - 8 years ago
Holy shit
Kira Vega
Kira Vega - 8 years ago
Too bad the Breathometer was shut down. The FTC said the app was unreliable.
brian s.
brian s. - 8 years ago
holy shit I used to use the chord buddy i had no idea that was on shark tank
Kristian sims
Kristian sims - 8 years ago
Robert is Croatian not Canadian
hafiz adruce
hafiz adruce - 8 years ago
A sponge made 50 mil dollars.fck me
Johnny Tv
Johnny Tv - 8 years ago
I just saved a bunch of money by switching to geico, and for that reason I'm out....
pints of watermelon
pints of watermelon - 8 years ago
barbara is hot
so im out... and in, and out, and in
Cristian Radical
Cristian Radical - 8 years ago
I got a really fuzzy feeling that Barbra wasn't mention on this
crewboy23 - 8 years ago
I have 2 of the tipsy elves sweaters. Their stuff is hilarious and always a convo starter when worn. I have the "baby Jesus" and "Christmas bros" sweaters. They are not cheap but you will most likely win your office Christmas party sweater contests with these.
jesus bastidas
jesus bastidas - 8 years ago
Im out so for that reason im Barbra
Morbiid - 8 years ago
5:06, I can't be the only person involved in graphic or logo design here, and that logo may be clever in some respect but it looks like a penis. And for that reason, I'm out.
Bane YDG
Bane YDG - 8 years ago
I've never heard of any of these
StannnyyyMadden - 8 years ago

They ripped the article to make the video. Quality content Top Trending...
Konstantin - 8 years ago
Background song please? :)
Steven roberts
Steven roberts - 8 years ago
Im Drunk (like usual) , so for that reason... I'm out
Steven roberts
Steven roberts - 8 years ago
What background song?!?!
Robert Page
Robert Page - 8 years ago
What about Simply Fit? Second biggest company to date behind Scrub Daddy by about $16 million
Erasmo Mateo
Erasmo Mateo - 8 years ago
i have a iphone 7 so for that reason im out
AllThingsAustin - 8 years ago
what about Scan? I know they didn't get a deal, but it was sold to snapchat for $54 million
HeavenlySatan - 8 years ago
I thought shark tank was a show about guys with fish tanks
Lulzim Bajrami
Lulzim Bajrami - 8 years ago
What about Ring-Smart doorbell? No one wanted to bet dor Ring but today its worth millions !!
iRaw - 8 years ago
There are a lot of people complaining about the Breathometer
_kc10 - 8 years ago
One update : Robert Harjavec is not canadian he is croatian :D :)
Alfredo Lopez Flores
Alfredo Lopez Flores - 8 years ago
Barbara and Damon aren't on this top ten for that reason I'm out
Alfredo Lopez Flores
Alfredo Lopez Flores - 8 years ago
I already know what number one is, so I'll just watch until number nine is over And then I'm out
Nexus5150 - 8 years ago
also Scrub Daddy has done over 100 million dollars
Nexus5150 - 8 years ago
the narrator can't say Lori Greiner's last name properly
KDS - 8 years ago
Anyone else notice 8:00 ?
Ice Ban
Ice Ban - 8 years ago
The woman at 9:13 looks exactly like my math teacher!
I'm creeped out right now...
showlegacy619 - 8 years ago
This show has built me, so for that reason, I'm out
Andrew Schoenecker
Andrew Schoenecker - 8 years ago
"GRY-NER? lol... Idiot
ShinyNumber1 - 8 years ago
Gee I wonder why Barbara didn't make this list...
Abdul Kadir
Abdul Kadir - 8 years ago
lol I don't see Barbara in any of these so far
Spicy Jalapeño
Spicy Jalapeño - 8 years ago
tommy Ly
tommy Ly - 8 years ago
all these people know what they doing at young ages. Meanwhile me at 24.... lol
Diro - 8 years ago
"A fun and functional GLASS baby bottle!" Yeah, thats exactly whats a great idea....

A glass bottle, contained for HOT milk.
Sandokhan Kucic
Sandokhan Kucic - 8 years ago
"Breathometer Original and Breeze customers are entitled to a refund as a result of a settlement in a lawsuit filed against us by the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency."
well, that escalated quickly.
Ihab Elyalaoui
Ihab Elyalaoui - 8 years ago
What about that sauce ??
A secret
A secret - 8 years ago
TopTrends channel already did one. Fucking morons
Stew - 8 years ago
7:00 That might be a problem with the iphone 7
DanSyncAudio - 8 years ago
Go to my channel to find out the net worths of these 'Sharks'! Mark Cuban is crazy rich.
MrCateye111 - 8 years ago
My pizza just arrived for that reason I am out.
heyytherepeople1 - 8 years ago
You forgot bullet ball
obed rodriguez
obed rodriguez - 8 years ago
I just jacked off and for that reason, I'm out.
Gabe H
Gabe H - 7 years ago
obed rodriguez
Do you want to counter
lakes - 8 years ago
When all you've done is be a potato your whole life
Dra åt helvete
Dra åt helvete - 8 years ago
When you cant buy the 4 thing cous you got an iphone 7
User Name
User Name - 8 years ago
Came to see actual sharks in suits. Disappointed.
Johnny Nunya
Johnny Nunya - 7 years ago
He's out and disappointed.
GOD LEVEL - 7 years ago
I'm 7 min in and I've been waiting to see that, or the loser being dropped into tank with sharks
destroyerplayer - 8 years ago
the thumbnail is misleading for that reason I'm out
Vixor - 8 years ago
I prefer dragons den
Ren Alexis
Ren Alexis - 8 years ago
The Chord Buddy is carried at bookstores in Canada. They are awkward at best to keep on the shelves without getting damaged. Hopefully they remedy this in time.
NINJA - 8 years ago
Mark Cuban smh
Hoot - 8 years ago
10:25 you can tell he's rich now
Laiken Breau
Laiken Breau - 8 years ago
breathomwter no longer supports the breathalyzer
RocketheReptile - 8 years ago
Click bait
Theodor Lager
Theodor Lager - 8 years ago
tai lopez ad
jorge campos
jorge campos - 8 years ago
Imma make a product...

Storing your own fart for later use.
ReptilianLaserbeam - 7 years ago
Holy fuck I've been thinking about the same for ages. but, like, storing it for energy making
James Geneid
James Geneid - 7 years ago
jorge campos I
I am not Your Sempai
I am not Your Sempai - 7 years ago
I'm in.
Quasimodo the horrendous swamp monster
Quasimodo the horrendous swamp monster - 7 years ago
Store in spray bottle.
Carey L
Carey L - 7 years ago
Useful information
LtDanLegs - 7 years ago
jorge campos you can freeze a fart. You fart in a jar and just put it in the freezer and with time it gets concentrated.
Tania Espinosa
Tania Espinosa - 8 years ago
I am watching an over 3 minute Lyft commercial... I can't skip I need to know what happens to this old lady.
Conor wilson
Conor wilson - 8 years ago
is a less good version of dragon's den?
roo thao
roo thao - 8 years ago
breathometer is such a good idea. don't drink and drive!
Alexoww1 - 8 years ago
wait what about the door monitor thing that made a killing
pot - 7 years ago
Jewell Ashley that chump change compared to their monthly incomes
Sneaker Head
Sneaker Head - 7 years ago
Alexoww1 ring? They did not invest in it
ThePracticalGamer - 7 years ago
Alexoww1 ring
Taj tube
Taj tube - 7 years ago
Alexoww1 ring
Ben Werli
Ben Werli - 7 years ago
as a pizza delivery driver, a bunch of upper middle class people have em. its pretty common
Jewell Ashley
Jewell Ashley - 7 years ago
Yep and I'm glad they didn't, because now they're kicking themselves in the ass. That guy who invented it, has quadrupled his profits into a 500 million dollar industry.
Omar Munoz
Omar Munoz - 7 years ago
they didn't buy it
K A R M A - 8 years ago
Im in, and for that reason im out.
PapaKay - 8 years ago
Scrubdaddy. Youre an amazing product. Amazing business. But i dont clean. So therefore im out
Brukafig - 8 years ago
Now scrub daddy has made almost 100 million
jake cabourn
jake cabourn - 8 years ago
breathometer no longer works on the IPhone 7/+
Riki O
Riki O - 8 years ago
robert herjaveć is a crotian
Jalen Byon
Jalen Byon - 8 years ago
Why do these channels always have someone who has never heard of the show or people they're talking about do the voice overs
draconian45 - 8 years ago
Lori and Robert are my favorite sharks.
Joey Hernandez
Joey Hernandez - 7 years ago
draconian45 I like Kevin he funny af
Mateo López Puentes
Mateo López Puentes - 8 years ago
The breathometer was an 1 million deal make by all of the sharks for the 30%, 15% for cuban and the rest well for the rest of sharks. Thanks very good video
Dylan Sellers
Dylan Sellers - 8 years ago
I stock those damn scrub daddys at Lowes lol
Drew Reliford
Drew Reliford - 8 years ago
they are SHARK hence SHARK TANK not judges
Drew Reliford
Drew Reliford - 8 years ago
might wanna rewatch the readerest episode so you learn to pronounce the names!
xboy36077 - 8 years ago
This video is ass

For that reason...

I'm out.
BAYPALS - 8 years ago
what a QBC, I hear everyone saying Lori is the queen of QBC ?
haiL - 8 years ago
Bay 23rd qvc
Joe Ryan
Joe Ryan - 8 years ago
I honestly am drinking milk rn
Lamakill3r - 8 years ago
Will the breathometer work on an iphone 7? xD
mason Justice
mason Justice - 7 years ago
Also they got a lawsuit from the feds for false advertising
Warning: You are approaching a FANGIRL!!!
Warning: You are approaching a FANGIRL!!! - 7 years ago
Lamakill3r Well it's Bluetooth enabled now...
CRJClash - 8 years ago
Lori's eyes at 1:58 lmfao
Emma P.
Emma P. - 8 years ago
What about bantam bagels? Those are at Starbucks now!
brandon perez
brandon perez - 8 years ago
and here I am reading comments
Harsha Paladugu
Harsha Paladugu - 8 years ago
The breathalyzer wouldn't work for the iPhone seven
scott FREE
scott FREE - 8 years ago
Sharks love EQITY. I like when one person pitches their dream and sells controlling interest in their company. Sharks love these company's, cause they run to the bank and sell the equity, get their money back, immediately..
Awimba Weh
Awimba Weh - 8 years ago
zach caldwell
zach caldwell - 8 years ago
Cuban has money to blow
nativeboy36 - 8 years ago
I thought the wine in a sealed glass that Kevin invested in was the best deal in shark tank history?
Nick S
Nick S - 8 years ago
interesting, i remember watching #2 on tv, glad it went well :)
Goku Kakarot
Goku Kakarot - 8 years ago
Dude your figures are very outdated. Scrub daddy has made over $130 million in sales as of January 2017. He also has new product range called scrub mummy which makes a bucket load of mummy.
Deadly Skittles
Deadly Skittles - 8 years ago
Damn, that breath o meter must be dead now since apple removed the headphone jack..
DesolationYT {} DSL Pfannk - Glix
DesolationYT {} DSL Pfannk - Glix - 8 years ago
My dad has a scrub daddy
Nathan Jay
Nathan Jay - 8 years ago
6:40 except for the iPhone 7...
Two646 - 8 years ago
Robert is not Canadian lol
Daniel Birman
Daniel Birman - 8 years ago
Yusuf G.
Yusuf G. - 8 years ago
I use scrub daddy...
TheBossinator - 8 years ago
GIGAMSX1974 - 8 years ago
Who comes here for the background music
and added bonus his voice
Srblazealot - 8 years ago
Lol he forgot Lori and Robert in the beginning.
Rudy - 8 years ago
whats the background music?
steven uruena
steven uruena - 8 years ago
why didn't he introduce lori
Rhink McNeal
Rhink McNeal - 8 years ago
I'm that butch bitch and i made no deals with these millionaires cause I'm a shitfuck, and for that I'm out.
Mark Miller
Mark Miller - 8 years ago
Im Jewish, and for that reason, I'm out.
Marvixx - 8 years ago
i am out of reasons for being out of reasons, and for that reason, i am out.
Constipated Snake
Constipated Snake - 8 years ago
Do top 10 most triggered Shark Tank contestants.
MiniHERO36005 - 8 years ago
what is the background music?
Joshua Chivers
Joshua Chivers - 8 years ago
just sounds like an American dragons den
Oussama Redouane Ali
Oussama Redouane Ali - 8 years ago
Amazing video
Thank. You :)
Juan Stanziola
Juan Stanziola - 8 years ago
I just out
Juan Stanziola
Juan Stanziola - 8 years ago
That little sponge
I had sn idea on 2003 chevy stole it
Storm Micheal
Storm Micheal - 8 years ago
and I have never seen 9 of these products. I still want an ugly Christmas sweater though.
Yassir Rossel
Yassir Rossel - 8 years ago
Just 1 idea guys...
1 idea
Gabriel Ayon
Gabriel Ayon - 8 years ago
I am a full time vegan and have low tolerance for bitch niggas like you and for that reason, im out
Recruiter - Funny Hearthstone moments
Recruiter - Funny Hearthstone moments - 8 years ago
"Gr-eye-ner"? It's "Gre-near"
RandomVideos4U - 8 years ago
So is this a copy of dragons den or the other way round
matty ice
matty ice - 8 years ago
you know your good when you get all five sharks to back you
frosty SWOSHIE
frosty SWOSHIE - 8 years ago
If that fucking smile sponge piece of shit is number one I'm dead x•
frosty SWOSHIE
frosty SWOSHIE - 8 years ago
Well fuck
Gangster Kangaroo
Gangster Kangaroo - 8 years ago
Thank you sooo much!!! I love shark tank, post more videos like this!!!!
jason li
jason li - 8 years ago
Robert is not Canadian wtf he's Croatian
Brian Franco
Brian Franco - 8 years ago
luv this show

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