10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks

With their ability to detect just one drop of blood within a million drops of water, the killer beast from the sea rightly has a fearsome reputation. With unbelievable stories including the uncle that retrieved his nephew's arm from a shark's belly, to the real life attacks that inspired Jaws, AllTime10s brings you 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks. What did you think of 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks? Let us know in the comments. Music = Nightshade by David O'Brien Click to Subscribe.. http://bit.ly/WTVC4x Check out the best of Alltime10s - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLec1lxRhYOzt2qqqnFBIpUm63wr5yhLF6 Where else to find All Time 10s... Facebook: http://ow.ly/3FNFR Twitter: http://ow.ly/3FNMk

10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3328

Shark videos 8 years ago 6,670,294 views

With their ability to detect just one drop of blood within a million drops of water, the killer beast from the sea rightly has a fearsome reputation. With unbelievable stories including the uncle that retrieved his nephew's arm from a shark's belly, to the real life attacks that inspired Jaws, AllTime10s brings you 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks. What did you think of 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks? Let us know in the comments. Music = Nightshade by David O'Brien Click to Subscribe.. http://bit.ly/WTVC4x Check out the best of Alltime10s - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLec1lxRhYOzt2qqqnFBIpUm63wr5yhLF6 Where else to find All Time 10s... Facebook: http://ow.ly/3FNFR Twitter: http://ow.ly/3FNMk

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Most popular comments
for 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks

Duxbury twins
Duxbury twins - 7 years ago
Jaws the movie was made on Duxbury beach and my sir name is Duxbury!
Antonio Nunez
Antonio Nunez - 7 years ago
Scary and dum
Marleny Martinez
Marleny Martinez - 7 years ago
random vids
random vids - 7 years ago
Poor sharks
Piper Unicorn
Piper Unicorn - 7 years ago
I’ve heard of Bethany Hamilton! Because of a movie and it’s AMAZING! It’s called “Soul Surfer”
Remane Jane Damola
Remane Jane Damola - 7 years ago
SaltyFur.exe. - 7 years ago
o jeez. they brutally murdered that shark in the first one though XD it deserves it.
Dayna Arledge
Dayna Arledge - 7 years ago
sharks are not bad they are hungry if you or i get hungry were not going to eat.
Shannon Mussmann
Shannon Mussmann - 7 years ago
that video is really awesome I really liked it because I'm really interested in sharks my room is actually getting turned into a marine biology place I really love sharks thank you for all that great knowledge about sharks

10. comment for 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks

charles dawson
charles dawson - 7 years ago
2:03 they are stupid fam
charles dawson
charles dawson - 7 years ago
why are u showing dis? we know that shark attacks are very gory
Smoot & Jasty
Smoot & Jasty - 7 years ago
i love sharks i also liked and subed
Stranger Girl
Stranger Girl - 7 years ago
I just hate that little camera
Kalyn Vang
Kalyn Vang - 7 years ago
scary sharks!!!!.... ahahahahaha
Alex Hoole
Alex Hoole - 7 years ago
I feel sorry about the people that died
CΩddLy animations
CΩddLy animations - 7 years ago
This is why i never even go in water
Danger Shark
Danger Shark - 7 years ago

The reason why we us sharks kill/hurt people is bc nature is scary! And it shows you humans to not mess with sharks
Marquez Filomena
Marquez Filomena - 7 years ago
Prince Morgan
Prince Morgan - 7 years ago
So scary

20. comment for 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks

oliver bosch
oliver bosch - 7 years ago
what a craz basterd went to get the arm lol
Jackie Mio
Jackie Mio - 7 years ago
oliver bosch even crazier...he found it! ?
The SUPA Moblin
The SUPA Moblin - 7 years ago
Dolphins are harmless sharks
They are tamed easily
MARIA BRACE - 7 years ago
Nice video
boomslang529 - 7 years ago
#8 - the real Jaws. It is untrue that a single shark was hunted down and human remains found in its stomach. The attacks that occurred were spread apart with the little boy and the tailor being killed not off the beach, but upriver, off a dock. The young boy was swimming with friends when he was pulled underwater and never resurfaced. These two attacks are attributed to bull sharks as they occurred in fresh water. The first 2 attacks are credited to great whites. Hundreds of sharks were butchered following the attacks, but it is not known if the sharks responsible were killed. Even if they were, mass killings of these majestic animals does not prevent attacks. There are, however, some simple suggestions one can follow to avoid becoming a victim of a shark attack. For example, do not go swimming/surfing during peak shark feeding times. Do not enter the water if it is murky. Other suggestions can be found in a simple Google search.
kinggamer2453 - 7 years ago
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
the kid is so lucky to have an uncle like he has. Damn wrestled a shark for him
Dainelle Lewis
Dainelle Lewis - 7 years ago
"The sea was drowned with his screams." Best sentence ever.
Aztec Luna
Aztec Luna - 7 years ago
Shark had the chance to kill me for dinner! I live in Santa Cruz California, which is a surf city with lots of marine life. Last summer I was swimming in the ocean over 100yards out for about an hour when people on the beach started screaming to swim to shore a shark was circling me! I decided not to listen, I stay calm and floated like a wooden cross and prayed looking up at the sky preparing to die and cross over. It took like 10min to float to shore because there were no waves that day. When I landed on shore the beach police arrived by then and arrested me for not obeying their commands to swim to shore. I was placed on 5150 attempted suicide sent to mental hospital those fuckers! They claimed a coast guard helicopter was in route to retrieve me from the water or take me to hospital if attacked and was a medium-sized great white at its closest 15feet away from me following me all the way to shallow waters but I didn't look just kept relaxed praying, I didn't want my last moments of life to be full of fear. Glad I didn't listen and try out swim a shark stupid ass people should know all animals and humans go after and attack those that run and appear weaker
Billie Henderson
Billie Henderson - 7 years ago
sharks machinez
Domonique Brady
Domonique Brady - 7 years ago
love your Voice

30. comment for 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks

Craig Thompson
Craig Thompson - 7 years ago
Craig Thompson
Craig Thompson - 7 years ago
Rainbow Sprinkles
Rainbow Sprinkles - 7 years ago
I am so glad dolphins helped those humans
JG 12
JG 12 - 7 years ago
I dont understand dolphines, they help US humans, i mean we kill animals for fun and we basically kill the earth. There so nice
Puggle 18
Puggle 18 - 7 years ago
I HATE PEOPLE SO MUCH killing poor sharks that think people are prey! They are more scared than us argh stupid people!
FelixCoolcreeper - 7 years ago
Have you heard of Rodney Fox. He was attacked by a great white!
Oscar Garcia
Oscar Garcia - 7 years ago
sharks are so bad. like this if you think so
Minecraft Milner
Minecraft Milner - 7 years ago
there should be a theme song for a shark fight
Awsomeboy gamer 2nd
Awsomeboy gamer 2nd - 7 years ago
ツNightmareUFO - 7 years ago
Lps Family
Lps Family - 7 years ago
Don't go to far at the beach or something will happen
MJFan25690 - 7 years ago
Those Poor Guys! I Hope Are Okay!
XxDominicquexX Davis
XxDominicquexX Davis - 7 years ago
Why does any body hate sharks heres a fact about sharks. Did u know there is around 100 kinds of sharks and there r 30 sharks that actually attack humans. So stop hating on sharks!!
Goldrichers - 7 years ago
Fuck you
Luca Neil
Luca Neil - 7 years ago
That wasn't graphic
Audrinaj Valdez
Audrinaj Valdez - 7 years ago
Luz Ramirez
Luz Ramirez - 7 years ago
i say you are right sharks are scary
Sakke Lamba
Sakke Lamba - 7 years ago

TADionysus - 7 years ago
number 8 the shark attack in jersey of 1916 it was a bull shark the ten yr old boy was not eaten alive he was attacked and drowned he did have deep lacerations in his body when they recovered his body in a river 2 miles from the beach
Levius Juste
Levius Juste - 7 years ago
The Diamond Megalodon
The Diamond Megalodon - 7 years ago
you bich shark are good

50. comment for 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks

L & D
L & D - 7 years ago
no more pls its scary
Jim Cole
Jim Cole - 7 years ago
Say what!?! Let's get 100 likes on this comment! thx guys!!!
Saida Farhana
Saida Farhana - 7 years ago
I love dolphins not only cause they are beautiful but also because they save our lives.
Rose Laui
Rose Laui - 7 years ago
at sad and bad
Lilliebug Sunset
Lilliebug Sunset - 7 years ago
why do people even swim that deep
fluffys Trip out of aj
fluffys Trip out of aj - 7 years ago
that poor kid
Tacko Fall
Tacko Fall - 7 years ago
freaky .
cherryberry ohara
cherryberry ohara - 7 years ago
hey idiots it stupid I love jaws the film
Kerry Powell
Kerry Powell - 7 years ago
time to fly time to fly
time to fly time to fly - 7 years ago
is this real
Catherine Powers
Catherine Powers - 7 years ago
All great but they never actually caught the Jersey shark, believed to be more than one.
Tyrone Allen
Tyrone Allen - 7 years ago
I did not like it
Mary Jane Locklear
Mary Jane Locklear - 7 years ago
I don't like sharks cuz they're so scary when they can eat people alive and they can also eat babies whole -Lillyana
Casper - 7 years ago
sue those fkn sharks
KraZy K
KraZy K - 7 years ago
in the beginning I thought my stomach was rumbling
smakkel roblox and Animations
smakkel roblox and Animations - 7 years ago
My brother died of a shark attack :c
LaTisha Sanchez
LaTisha Sanchez - 7 years ago
one time a dolphin saved my life from a shark when I was surfing
GoKillYoself 2x
GoKillYoself 2x - 7 years ago
That why I'm never going out to the sea
hey dudes its me
hey dudes its me - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for the sharks :(
Sweden Countryball BÖRK
Sweden Countryball BÖRK - 7 years ago
it Did nothing wrong
Sweden Countryball BÖRK
Sweden Countryball BÖRK - 7 years ago
DBoringE - 7 years ago
The Everything Channel
The Everything Channel - 7 years ago
Ohh no
CupcakeIsLoyal Lee
CupcakeIsLoyal Lee - 7 years ago
U imagine u lead a shark to u and the shark pulls u in the water and u got eatin by it SO SCARY
galactic the galaxy Eevee
galactic the galaxy Eevee - 7 years ago
1 sub=Stop shark attacking u
Min Suga is MINE -.-
Min Suga is MINE -.- - 7 years ago
Who else is hiding in the comment section cuz they are....scared???
Amy Mason
Amy Mason - 7 years ago
i was crying becuse if my dad died
Kevin Sampson
Kevin Sampson - 7 years ago

mmww 2q
bahareh sohrabi
bahareh sohrabi - 7 years ago
you know that it is the shark might be a mommy shark you know Mom I said because the baby sharks might actually think their moms died and their mama shark did die I'm sorry but why did you cut open a shark cut open a shark it's just not appropriate I just like sharks because they they are in the ocean for the first place some people say hey I just don't like people that cut sharks sharks I love sharks
Terry Barber
Terry Barber - 7 years ago
This is scary
Bill Chypher
Bill Chypher - 7 years ago
This isn't scary
Deimena Alijošiutė
Deimena Alijošiutė - 7 years ago
sharks think pepel are candy
wierd, young child thats loves almost everything
wierd, young child thats loves almost everything - 7 years ago
OmqLucie x
OmqLucie x - 7 years ago
Tbh, I Find Sharks Not That Scary...Unless It Eats Someone I Know...Then Yeah, Im Scared.
Danger Shark
Danger Shark - 7 years ago
Brody Sands
Brody Sands - 7 years ago
Kelsey Stumpe
Kelsey Stumpe - 7 years ago
Susan Boynton
Susan Boynton - 7 years ago
There was a lot of blood!
These videos are very cool scary and interesting
Susan Boynton
Susan Boynton - 7 years ago
The dolphins are so nice!
But the rest was a bit scary
Mason Games & Faith Animates
Mason Games & Faith Animates - 7 years ago
the reason why some people laying on surfboards get attacked by sharks is because sharks love seals and it looks like they are a seal from under water
Fazil Omar
Fazil Omar - 7 years ago
is it so bad and you die
Fazil Omar
Fazil Omar - 7 years ago
i hate it
Fox-A-Bell Aj
Fox-A-Bell Aj - 7 years ago
Alf jakob Svendsen
Alf jakob Svendsen - 7 years ago
PrincessMaye YT
PrincessMaye YT - 7 years ago
Ima hide in the comments section
sharks are misunderstood for bloodthirsty killers
Emma cutefox
Emma cutefox - 7 years ago
Yokuda - 7 years ago
That uncle though!!!!!
MidnightOfMorning Yawns
MidnightOfMorning Yawns - 7 years ago
This is horrible! Sharks may attack humans, but we should not kill sharks! They are going extinct! If they do, the fish in the sea will eat the smaller fish! If your with me, use this hashtag: #StopSharkAbuse. If your not, don't act like you didn't know sharks were going extinct (when they do [if])!!
bullridin_ Cowgirlsavanna
bullridin_ Cowgirlsavanna - 7 years ago
Notsosillyhuh - 7 years ago
Meh they just need a bandaid.

100. comment for 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks

Lily Talbot
Lily Talbot - 7 years ago
Hate comment Hamiltons story is wrong
Meagan Clayton
Meagan Clayton - 7 years ago
why am I doing this to my self
Emily Carrera
Emily Carrera - 7 years ago
halmilton is in a movie called soul surfer
Hi - 7 years ago
im sorry the uncle wrestled with a fucking shark and got it onto the beach? okie 0-0
leecosworth - 7 years ago
how do you it on vioedo
Rob - 7 years ago
Props to thos dolphins
MR PEEKYPOCK - 7 years ago
Everyone subscribe to my Chanel
m beech
m beech - 7 years ago
Not cool
Rehan Vlogs
Rehan Vlogs - 7 years ago
The uncle is very very brave
crazy comedy
crazy comedy - 7 years ago
I know sharks can be dangerous, but people still shouldn't hurt them. Sharks are animals too. We shouldn't treat them like monsters!
Maureen_16 - 7 years ago
I watched it with my eyes closed
Amanda Brammer
Amanda Brammer - 7 years ago
I bony like shark
Amanda Brammer
Amanda Brammer - 7 years ago
I mean don't
TBHgaming - 7 years ago
Fuck sharks
Nightmare Echo
Nightmare Echo - 7 years ago
Stop with the misleading titles, please.
Iain Richards
Iain Richards - 7 years ago
You should get your facts right before reporting on sharks. Film makers lured white sharks into South African waters? Are you kidding me? Where that person was attached is a hot spot for great whites. Also sharks are not blood thirsty murderers and don't try and kill someone then go for someone else. You my friends are morons.
Queen Mcm
Queen Mcm - 7 years ago
Dehydration? They were surrounded with water
YvngYusef TV
YvngYusef TV - 7 years ago
now we see why dolphins are smarter than humans
Lars Lukas Leopold Sandin
Lars Lukas Leopold Sandin - 7 years ago
dolphins are awesome
Mr. Savagealot
Mr. Savagealot - 7 years ago
I love dolphins, I should make them my bodyguards when I go swimming
Tracy Fiorentino
Tracy Fiorentino - 7 years ago
Ok um I go to the nj shore and now no more ...
JustForThe Lolz
JustForThe Lolz - 7 years ago
I am a shark
Emily Swift
Emily Swift - 7 years ago
hViny - 7 years ago
Oh no! Jason!
Itzmezoeee - 7 years ago
I loveeeeeeeee sharks well I'm OBSESSED WITH SHARKS
Supersloth - 7 years ago
Some of these facts are fake
Caleb Diquattro
Caleb Diquattro - 7 years ago
who else is never going to swing in the ocean again?
Hotdogfilter - 7 years ago
PFFFF GRAPHIC PFFFF i play mortal kombat
Echo Cave
Echo Cave - 7 years ago
omg the dolphin one was so brave
Robert Rathburn
Robert Rathburn - 7 years ago
Oakleaf700 - 7 years ago
The divers in these pictures aren't freedivers...but scuba divers..
Ekko - 7 years ago
There was nothing graphic in this video
Firetiger5656 - 7 years ago
Wheres Rodney Fox?
Firetiger5656 - 7 years ago
Bethany hamilton soul surfer watch t its good
Bat Man
Bat Man - 7 years ago
Sharks are scared of us and are not viscous killers
Isaiah Boateng
Isaiah Boateng - 7 years ago
Jordan Underwood
Jordan Underwood - 7 years ago
Kennedy Dillard
Kennedy Dillard - 7 years ago
It was just cruel to kill that shark that's it's home do you want someone to come in your HOME and shoot you then slit your throat
Sabrina Slime Channel
Sabrina Slime Channel - 7 years ago
How ca the girl not notice and felt the hurt?
ItsKingGage _
ItsKingGage _ - 7 years ago
Is this real because I am going to the beach just saying that I don't want to die
dabing dope kids Koen and eyezayah
dabing dope kids Koen and eyezayah - 7 years ago
Krazy Kazoo
Krazy Kazoo - 7 years ago
Xavier Wiley
Xavier Wiley - 7 years ago
Jess_ _910
Jess_ _910 - 7 years ago
0:59 my name is Jessie
Arnold van den Berg
Arnold van den Berg - 7 years ago
sharks kill 5 humans a year
humans kill thousands of sharks a year
seems fare
Shawnbonvillain Vlogs
Shawnbonvillain Vlogs - 7 years ago
Allegra Tube!
Allegra Tube! - 7 years ago
I met beathany Hamilton in Hawaii
Moon Arts
Moon Arts - 7 years ago
I will never swim in the beach again
Nick - 7 years ago
stop killing sharks becuase the people are stupid
i like 1 shark saved
its the humans fault for swimming into the ocean not the sharks the real bad guy is the human race
Maclaire Farmer
Maclaire Farmer - 7 years ago
how come this video has more views that subscribers
DINA ROSS' - 7 years ago
My school has a poster of Bethany who got her arm bit by a shark but still alive
MONICA!!!! OLGUIN - 7 years ago
I nnow the story of the 6th one I also seen the movie
Sophie 863
Sophie 863 - 7 years ago
The movie is called soul serfer
Sophie 863
Sophie 863 - 7 years ago
I saw the movie of hamolten
edashryky123aj - 7 years ago
i'm going to the beach tomorrow i'm soooo scared
PrettyliciousID - 7 years ago
I'm seriously shaking
Writes Story Telling
Writes Story Telling - 7 years ago
read this
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000O000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 find a O not 0 but a O and comment what row and what number in row. btw theres 58 rows with 21 0 or 1 O in.
Jeremiah Córdova
Jeremiah Córdova - 7 years ago
i hate sharks so much that I would kill one
Brett Duncan
Brett Duncan - 7 years ago
I subscribed and liked it love ur videos
Ashley Williamson
Ashley Williamson - 7 years ago
There was nothing graphic about this video. Misleading title. Very disappointing video
Tamara Johnson
Tamara Johnson - 7 years ago
haaaa sax
Im Zombch
Im Zombch - 7 years ago
The mom one was really heartbreaking. So were the other ones that had to watch their friends/family get torn apart by a shark and couldn't do anything.
Chef Gecko
Chef Gecko - 7 years ago
My father meet a man who died on the jersey shore
Ultimate Llama2004
Ultimate Llama2004 - 7 years ago
Edits on point.
zander Roblox
zander Roblox - 7 years ago
fuck sharks they fuck shit up as always
TheTutorial Gaming
TheTutorial Gaming - 7 years ago
Makes me not want to go to the ocean or to the beach anymore
Imc 2864
Imc 2864 - 7 years ago
Falling coconuts kill more people than sharks..
Nathan - 7 years ago
poor jessie );
Chief Grimm
Chief Grimm - 7 years ago
Damn... dolphins are really nice... wow that's crazy
Bennett VerPlank
Bennett VerPlank - 7 years ago
Why even say graphic content on the thumbnail when it shows a bloody arm
mlp ysah
mlp ysah - 7 years ago
sharks are NOT DANDRAS usually
Kelley Garrity
Kelley Garrity - 7 years ago
I love dolphins! Dolphins are my faverot animal
Zombiekiller 9
Zombiekiller 9 - 7 years ago
i love dolphins they r so friendly
A Meme.
A Meme. - 7 years ago
I don't see graphic content lying dipshits
SSKioma - 7 years ago
Sharks sure are some scary bastards. Luckily they don't attack often.
SDazome - 7 years ago
Bethany Hamilton is from soul surfer
Sallys Syllas
Sallys Syllas - 7 years ago
i am so sorry for them
Danny Wanny
Danny Wanny - 7 years ago
Warning jump scare 8:04
Allan Pineda
Allan Pineda - 7 years ago
ruben - 7 years ago
I don't get it if you know that there are sharks in the water why would you go in the ocean,that's like going to where you know there are lions or if you see that there is a elephant and her baby will you go and feed that baby elephant?come on and if some one does and the shark kills that human why do they MURDER the shark see we always have to be better stronger smarter then animals!!!!!
Janelle Blanc
Janelle Blanc - 7 years ago
I am filling sorry for those people that got shark attacks
nicholas adams
nicholas adams - 7 years ago
Team dave
rosemarie whitley
rosemarie whitley - 7 years ago
OMG this is soo creepy
mr owl games
mr owl games - 7 years ago
sandra seward
sandra seward - 7 years ago
wheres the graphic content duh
dogy plays gt
dogy plays gt - 7 years ago
whos from 2017?
Karina Cossio
Karina Cossio - 7 years ago
that is scary
rylee kolton
rylee kolton - 7 years ago
that is scary
AerWolf - 7 years ago
I am scared of sharks now i A i
Sweetie432 AJ
Sweetie432 AJ - 7 years ago
R Finlay
R Finlay - 7 years ago
I am going to Australia when I'm 10 is it is June 10 and we are leaving on June 22 in the Mom says the first place were going is the beach of Australia
flurry moon
flurry moon - 7 years ago

baby shark ate my arm off dolphins scared the baby shark suddenly a mother shark and the leader od the dolphins were fighting has a few dolphins lift me to shore i got rushed to the hospital so i fed the dolphins can we became friends
Anelyn Rivera
Anelyn Rivera - 7 years ago
Alise Frick
Alise Frick - 7 years ago
the story about Hamilton they made a movie about her its called soul surfef
Danny Irish Greene
Danny Irish Greene - 7 years ago
Humans kill over a million sharks a year..5 People is a joke
Noodlez 4 Life
Noodlez 4 Life - 7 years ago
Red water. Oooohhhh so scary. U can never assume that its blood. It might be some cherries that squirted juice everywhere. Duh!!!!!
Izrah Mien Ycong
Izrah Mien Ycong - 7 years ago
ne that dum so fukOMG
jack viecelli
jack viecelli - 7 years ago
Khnhyn? A minha cara e
Brandon Garcia
Brandon Garcia - 7 years ago
I feel so bad for those people
Sliced Tounges
Sliced Tounges - 7 years ago
fuck the beach now
Elf_Girl Silver
Elf_Girl Silver - 7 years ago
They made a movie remake about Bethany
Elf_Girl Silver
Elf_Girl Silver - 7 years ago
They made a movie remake about Bethany
Foxi Online
Foxi Online - 7 years ago
There are billions of people on this earth. If they get eaten by a shark you shouldn't kill the shark because its cruelty to animals, and i know this doesn't make any sence but what if all sharks were extinc, we wouldn't have all the best medicien and we wouldn't have people that go underwater and study more about sharks, or tourist that would always go underwater and take wonderful pictures of the sharks. Think about some people that love sharks and they wouldn't want to see sharks that would be dead. I love sharks and i will always love them. Im only 11 but i know better than other people that kill sharks, and when i grow up I will be a person who goes underwater and see sharks. Sharks were always my favourite animal and they always will.
Nathan Garibay
Nathan Garibay - 7 years ago
chris martinez
chris martinez - 7 years ago
i fill bad for all the people who die from swimming
Manav Joshi
Manav Joshi - 7 years ago
thanks again
Obi Wan Kenobi
Obi Wan Kenobi - 7 years ago
Sea creature just trying to eat: 5 deaths a year
Vending machines: 2.8 death's a year

How is it logical to say that a living creature is so dangerous when stuff we put in our schools,stores and other places are almost equally as dangerous, yet nobody is saying anything because it's roughly a 3 person difference
Depedcavite Lumipa
Depedcavite Lumipa - 7 years ago
ElevensEggos - 7 years ago
Hah! That's what happens when your a dipshit and hurt animals!
Alberta Rose
Alberta Rose - 7 years ago
well im gonna be scared during this summer
Plushiegamer 2017
Plushiegamer 2017 - 7 years ago
Wait 1916 I remember reading I SURVIVED the shark attack of 1916
Shark trooper 6
Shark trooper 6 - 7 years ago
Must sharks die just because they injured people
Hugo Sjöström
Hugo Sjöström - 7 years ago
Creds to these dolphins :)
Draco Padilla
Draco Padilla - 7 years ago
So we all just gonna ignore that fact that a guy WRESTLED A FUCKING SHARK!?!? Damn man fuckin beast bro! Brought his ass up on the beach and everything! Holy fuck!!!
Rescue Captain Bob
Rescue Captain Bob - 7 years ago
Umm... The USS Indianapolis took 8 minutes to sink it did not sink instantly....
DeepBlue - 7 years ago
Full screen please!!!
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 7 years ago
The Jaw true story. Anyone else very shocked that a shark would actively eat people? i understand first attacks because are either curious or mistook the identity for the human as seal but to go on and kill other humans is just ashtonishing. I know for a fact that sharks hate our taste since they have prefrence toward white meat.
Jaida Jordan
Jaida Jordan - 7 years ago
I don't like sharks
Elaine And Naomie's Vlogs
Elaine And Naomie's Vlogs - 7 years ago
When we went in our field trip we got on ocean park and we saw dolphins and they said "Dolphins protects people soo dont harm them or kill and they did an example but the shark was a dolphin and the other dolphins and they attacked the fake shark or the dolphin as a shark and thats why dolphins our favorite animals my classmates said "no ine kills dolphins or else no one will protect us against the shark sooo u better not kill harm or poison them just be happy taht they take their live or risk their lives for ur harmful people"
Puppy Power
Puppy Power - 7 years ago
Adela Roblero
Adela Roblero - 7 years ago
that's cool
Emma Versoza
Emma Versoza - 7 years ago
Does anybody know Buzzfeed because I recognize the song. Reply if u know what series its from
a i
a i - 7 years ago
dayumm sharks are pretty badass
Leanne Lee
Leanne Lee - 7 years ago
so wrong that they killed that shark! we are entering there habitat! so wrong !!
Leanne Lee
Leanne Lee - 7 years ago
so wrong that they killed that shark! we are entering there habitat! so wrong !!!
Anime Out doors
Anime Out doors - 7 years ago
Sharks think humans are seals so they accidentally bite the humans then swim fast away they realize that your not a seal and some times humans are In the feeding ground of the sharks so to protect their food they will attack
Justin Wooding
Justin Wooding - 7 years ago
LOL...Channels that produce videos like this should be banned from Youtube. What a croc of shit
Savage Sofia
Savage Sofia - 7 years ago
Now I understand why my friend is afraid of the sea...
Qu33n's Chair
Qu33n's Chair - 7 years ago
Why do I have to watch everything through a shitty camera filter frame? Stupid if you ask me
Amber Playz
Amber Playz - 7 years ago
yo yo pooopp
Fel DaCat
Fel DaCat - 7 years ago
I like sharks.....
roland aquino
roland aquino - 7 years ago
I don ' t want to get eaten by a shark:0
Xox.Izzywill. Xox
Xox.Izzywill. Xox - 7 years ago
How the hell do you die of dehydration when you are stranded in the ocean wtf
DubeFuze 360
DubeFuze 360 - 7 years ago
Dolphins are awesome lol
Summer Rose Robertson Robertson
Summer Rose Robertson Robertson - 7 years ago
At least put the shark to sleep!
Larry Garrels
Larry Garrels - 7 years ago
that dolphins are so nice that big fat shark cuz killed that person and if I was at all that I would be saving people I wouldn't want to risk myself but I would
abdirahman ibrahim
abdirahman ibrahim - 7 years ago
Chaz Werner
Chaz Werner - 7 years ago
Oh.... A Peice of Candy
Katie Shaw
Katie Shaw - 7 years ago
My friend died from a great white attack!
Katie Shaw
Katie Shaw - 7 years ago
Wow retrieving a hand from a belly and it still worked crazy how far medical abilities have come!
JJ Plum
JJ Plum - 7 years ago
@35 seconds, there are mountains in Florida?
舒麦子 - 7 years ago
It was so scary!
Brielle Hunter
Brielle Hunter - 7 years ago
Wait,the people that are recording can't help!?!Like cmon
stephen kelly
stephen kelly - 7 years ago
Sharks are not really any dangerous, as they will only kill you if you have done something to them .....
Sharon Mcintosh
Sharon Mcintosh - 7 years ago
restarted basterd
LILIAN AKITELA - 7 years ago
that is sad
BRUH LiSHOUS - 7 years ago
2:15 did he say scariest mofos in the ocean?
BRUH LiSHOUS - 7 years ago
That uncle is freakin awesome.
man wrestled a shark dafuq
Mike Gutierrez
Mike Gutierrez - 7 years ago
MySsundeefan chan
MySsundeefan chan - 7 years ago
i wish sharks never born
MAVRICK - 7 years ago
I wish that was you
Sierra Meriedeth
Sierra Meriedeth - 7 years ago
*1st incident is in florida, of course. i live in florida*
Sabrina LaPointe
Sabrina LaPointe - 7 years ago
Dolphins are the best
TWG_sniper10 - 7 years ago
i found this acyer playing hungry shark
Janet & Josh Kosovac
Janet & Josh Kosovac - 7 years ago
That's awful! I feel bad for them!
twolittlemonsters68 - 7 years ago
I is not there fault they mistake us of there food
Graham Bullock
Graham Bullock - 7 years ago
when you said "most dangerous mofo's in the ocean" i died with utter cringe!
Cat Morales
Cat Morales - 7 years ago
people say what would we do whith out sharks we wiuld do good because nobody would die from a shar
Brokenmikougamer TheAnimeGamer
Brokenmikougamer TheAnimeGamer - 7 years ago
who has heard of charles vansant from i survived
Danette Conwell
Danette Conwell - 7 years ago
Mekhi Henderson
Mekhi Henderson - 7 years ago
rai 0 de la Rochelle. Je 5thmljyszzlo o9878po8ol,omkjihunjjjjjjjjjnnnnnnjml,, l...l..ll,,,米办公厅45哦了。,,,, , ,,可买
XxPR0GAMERxX Xx - 7 years ago
Am on the highway to hell high way to hell
GoMiGman - 7 years ago
Boring!  Clickbait title!  Annoying accent!  Dislike.
Matt Man
Matt Man - 7 years ago
this wasn't graphic lame
Heather Hayes
Heather Hayes - 7 years ago
d Chan j y ggf
richard pham
richard pham - 7 years ago
CogTheAnimator - 7 years ago
When i say the thumbail i was like 'never going to the beach ever....'
Ronnie Orr
Ronnie Orr - 7 years ago
the reason why sharks bite people on an surf board is because they thought the board is a seal
deja hooten
deja hooten - 7 years ago
so sad
Victor Suarez
Victor Suarez - 7 years ago
dolphins kill people
Lexie Martinez
Lexie Martinez - 7 years ago
dolphins save their lifes awww while they swam by side p.s can you do q video of top 10 dolphin heros plz
Lynda Kymberly
Lynda Kymberly - 7 years ago
i live in new jersey
BigRed HEAD - 7 years ago
Aww the Dolphins r so nice
Jaime Barwick
Jaime Barwick - 8 years ago
You were wrong about the Bethany Hamilton story she was swimming with one arm underwater and the watch on her left arm attracted the shark after her arm was bit off she calms yelled "a shark bit off my arm" then she paddled to the beach with one arm until her friends dad pushed her on to a wave which took her to the beach. The dad then used someone's shirt to stop some of the bleeding
Max and oscar Alec 2017
Max and oscar Alec 2017 - 8 years ago
Sex ist ju
Bryan Andrino
Bryan Andrino - 8 years ago

swaggie doggie
swaggie doggie - 8 years ago
Zody Kelley
Zody Kelley - 8 years ago
that's kids uncle is a badass!
Kayla Chisolm
Kayla Chisolm - 8 years ago
Ohhhh yeah Hamilton i love the movie soul surfer it's the true story about her arm
Lacey Chalich
Lacey Chalich - 8 years ago
I hate sharks ):
Renz Myson
Renz Myson - 8 years ago
how the f### do u know about all this
Ágúst Óli Hróðmarsson
Ágúst Óli Hróðmarsson - 8 years ago
isn't fake
J D Recruitment
J D Recruitment - 8 years ago
This videos is painful guys make sure you stay in the shallow because this will happen
The Suspect
The Suspect - 8 years ago
like 2 of these stories spawned movies
Gamer_Girl2006 - 8 years ago
I saw the movie for number 6
Supri Yanto
Supri Yanto - 8 years ago
jorok jijik orangnya goblok
Raspberry_ranger284 - 8 years ago
Thats a nice fish
The Mississippi Dippers
The Mississippi Dippers - 8 years ago
I love your videos
Kevin Romero
Kevin Romero - 8 years ago
who else never wants to go fishing or go to ocean city
faZe sh
faZe sh - 8 years ago
pray for dollfins
alfie XxgamingboyxX
alfie XxgamingboyxX - 8 years ago
Sharks don't really like the taste of humans that's why they take there legs and arms or
Gia X
Gia X - 8 years ago
That's why I love ❤️ dolfens because they are nice enough to help people
Marco Vermeer
Marco Vermeer - 8 years ago
The human train of thought: "OH MY GOD SOMETHING BIT ME! PLS KILL IT!" And because of that, people would rather see sharks killed than try to understand the predator train of thought and avoid sharks. But when an attack does occur, it is simply the human being in the wrong place at the wrong time, sharks are not to blame and neither are the humans. It's just nature running its course.
Thomas Geleit
Thomas Geleit - 8 years ago
Enn C
Enn C - 8 years ago
isn't this the guy from alltimegaming?
FUZBEEZ - 8 years ago
i start the video
hear that somebody shot a shark
i think, well there goes half the comment section
Vortexian - 8 years ago
3 was most gore
Tracey Lynn c Falconer
Tracey Lynn c Falconer - 8 years ago
that's my worst nightmare sharks oh I hate them I won't even get in the water
Mark Slemon
Mark Slemon - 8 years ago
I like dolphins to they are so cute
Kaylie Gilley
Kaylie Gilley - 8 years ago
aww dohpine are so nice
Flex Clan
Flex Clan - 8 years ago
I see no graphic content...
Marisela Oliva
Marisela Oliva - 8 years ago
bien Becky mis que va
killer clown
killer clown - 8 years ago
Good vidio i like and suscribe :)
Eimantas Povilaitis
Eimantas Povilaitis - 8 years ago
Warning one don't go to that ocean you're going to die wanting 2 if you go to that ocean you're going to die and the animal is going to come
Eimantas Povilaitis
Eimantas Povilaitis - 8 years ago
Number 10 replay
srajkumar bisonpanel
srajkumar bisonpanel - 8 years ago
very dangerous
Cari Perez
Cari Perez - 8 years ago
I hate shrak
Yoshi Phinix
Yoshi Phinix - 8 years ago
So the dolphins are acting like asriel and putting Chara to the surface
Nate Huisman
Nate Huisman - 8 years ago
I swam with a shark
Richard Pope
Richard Pope - 8 years ago
No graphic content at all. You stupid fucking idiot.
Keeley Coombes
Keeley Coombes - 8 years ago
wow those dolphins
Luca Brasi
Luca Brasi - 8 years ago
well done to the sharks team sharks♥️
Diamond Ultra
Diamond Ultra - 8 years ago
lol lucky they didn't encounter rapist dolphins yes that Happens
Tyler Shalom
Tyler Shalom - 8 years ago
BunBZ23 - 8 years ago
I was in shock when the girls head was gone!!!!
kirsty Harman
kirsty Harman - 8 years ago
cashme outside
cashme outside - 8 years ago
gotta love dolphins
UZB_ UZB - 8 years ago
Dolphins are so nice
Sandra E. Perez
Sandra E. Perez - 8 years ago
Graphic content? Where?
Michael Samuelsen
Michael Samuelsen - 8 years ago
ITS boring when you Dont show US the real pictures
BananaKiller Am
BananaKiller Am - 8 years ago
:/ :/:OOOOOO
DryLikePotatoes - 8 years ago
this is creepy
kawaljeet kaur
kawaljeet kaur - 8 years ago
I hate sharks I'm never going to the beach ever In my whole life
Phung Truong
Phung Truong - 8 years ago
The doffen part was like it made me shocked I guess they are brave and harmless to people
Karmen Bustamante
Karmen Bustamante - 8 years ago
Sweet Girl
Sweet Girl - 8 years ago
Who else get scared at the start when a shark jump out!!!??? 0:06
Coolistic Gaming
Coolistic Gaming - 8 years ago
il dislike you
Levi Bouton
Levi Bouton - 8 years ago
Cancan gaming
Cancan gaming - 8 years ago
man that is some thing
Pinky Sisters
Pinky Sisters - 8 years ago
I wusbetbiyahsrc
Ellie Wood
Ellie Wood - 8 years ago
Cody WithaZ
Cody WithaZ - 8 years ago
Ur Racist
Tom Harmon
Tom Harmon - 8 years ago
i love you baby please just talk to me Are you going to come to court wednesday
Avery Robertson
Avery Robertson - 8 years ago
This video is just promoting shark hatred ovens are more dangerous...DISLIKE!!!!
Isabellimilena Ferreira
Isabellimilena Ferreira - 8 years ago
foda esse video
Joshiphyea - 8 years ago
4:20 ive got to get a dolphin when i go into the oceon!!!
Jess-road to 100!
Jess-road to 100! - 8 years ago
I hate sharks there so scary
San Gurung
San Gurung - 8 years ago
no shark's are actually nice people just hate shark's so they are mean
Kevin Storkson
Kevin Storkson - 8 years ago
you are fucking awesome
shaun Xu
shaun Xu - 8 years ago
New Story: Humans kill thousands of sharks a year -_-
Mimosa Amelia
Mimosa Amelia - 8 years ago
Obviously sharks can be incredibly dangerous and it's best to avoid the majority of them unless you're trained, but it's important to remember that they are responsible for very few deaths a year. They're not as a big a threat as people think.
crazy biscuit
crazy biscuit - 8 years ago
sharks confirmed
David Gonzamez
David Gonzamez - 8 years ago
not cool
David Gonzamez
David Gonzamez - 8 years ago
not cool
Melissa Marcuson
Melissa Marcuson - 8 years ago
shark attack run
Lucy Pal
Lucy Pal - 8 years ago
Sharks are scary
Lucy Pal
Lucy Pal - 8 years ago
Yeah like if u think too
Abigayle Bond
Abigayle Bond - 8 years ago
I don't believe that
Tai Pan
Tai Pan - 8 years ago
More graphic and horrific things in a lunchbox
TheDommer mma
TheDommer mma - 8 years ago
I would kill all that fucking sharks.
Azhar Mahmood
Azhar Mahmood - 8 years ago
Heather Engla nd
Heather Engla nd - 8 years ago
I hate sharks
Juan Molina
Juan Molina - 8 years ago
Ella Meyer
Ella Meyer - 8 years ago
Disgusting but cool. I subscribed
kxte .2412
kxte .2412 - 8 years ago
it's not the sharks fault they think people are seals/ prey. they're not ment to be a threat! sharks have feeling too and ur just making people terrified of going in the ocean. I must admit I'm not a huge fan of sharks but I don't desgriminate against them. how would u feel if people where terrified of u and talked about u? u wouldn't be happy. remember that sharks think we are prey/ food it's not their fault! like if u agree! just so u know I'm 12 and I'm telling this most likely to people older than me! if ur older and putting hate against sharks do the world a favour and GROW UP seriously!
Grant Davis
Grant Davis - 8 years ago
no way
this is not wrong I do not think that is true
Zonis Davis
Zonis Davis - 8 years ago
oh my God
KILLERCRAB - 8 years ago
I've seen a hammer head shark
XTREMEJAW Wrestling World
XTREMEJAW Wrestling World - 8 years ago
Great Video! Also Checkout my channel for some amazing Top 10 Facts videos :)
Dust!Sans /Smol/fem
Dust!Sans /Smol/fem - 8 years ago
those some creepy mother fuckers
Maddy Dougherty
Maddy Dougherty - 8 years ago
AC - 8 years ago
The GoPro screen/format is just way too busy & too small. The animation is annoyingly repetitive and just doesn't cut it.
Viridiana Gutierrez
Viridiana Gutierrez - 8 years ago
not! cool!!!!!
Sky Lord
Sky Lord - 8 years ago
5 people are killed by sharks a year, 1000 sharks are killed by humans a year.
Highway2Hollywood - 8 years ago
Great video!
Slime_Videos !
Slime_Videos ! - 8 years ago
Did anyone see the dog in the background with the thing around his mouth that IS FUCKED UP
Shane Dawson's VERY USED Underwear
Shane Dawson's VERY USED Underwear - 8 years ago
that moment when you thought Rowling your ankle on Saturday hurt bad
Sarah Spellerberg
Sarah Spellerberg - 8 years ago
This is sad because our brothers and sister died.
Odin Halliday
Odin Halliday - 8 years ago
I saw my brother die by a shark :'(
Sophia Stall
Sophia Stall - 8 years ago
So cool
AWCubes - 8 years ago
I think sharks being portrayed as man eaters is preposterous, just saying, there is always a valid reason for any shark attack, like.
Don't pee in the ocean
Blood attracts sharks (like the Rodney Fox shark attack)
don't feed them chum
and most importantly, YOU ARE IN THEIR TERRITORY, not the other way around. I wish people would learn these things
Jodie Millington
Jodie Millington - 8 years ago
Sharks aren't really dangerous after the film jaws people have been scared of them but they attack because they think there been threatened
xXJokesGuyGamingXx - 8 years ago
Being eaten alive is my worst fear ever...
kIDNEYKid 1999
kIDNEYKid 1999 - 8 years ago
the movie "12 days of Terror" is based off of number 8
CMSP - 8 years ago
I don't think that It was real
CMSP - 8 years ago
I don't think that It was real
F0rtnite_ PLaYzZ
F0rtnite_ PLaYzZ - 8 years ago
Awwww shut up because they think people are seals swimming at the surface and you're another idiotic person that would shoot anything
Ericka Vaden
Ericka Vaden - 8 years ago
Wait. .what just happened? ?
Isabella Holtz
Isabella Holtz - 8 years ago
Fuck.... this shit I'm out
Jamie McIntyre
Jamie McIntyre - 8 years ago
Little Mouse
Little Mouse - 8 years ago
This is why I'm afraid of the ocean... it doesn't matter if sharks do it by accident, it is still happening and that is not the only danger. Death in the ocean is the scariest of alll
Daisy Rodriguez
Daisy Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Dolphins are just stupendous
cecil Ferrell
cecil Ferrell - 8 years ago
Sweetie Harvey
Sweetie Harvey - 8 years ago
jk people
Mermaid 82
Mermaid 82 - 8 years ago
I hate sharks they are so scary
Caitlin Sykes
Caitlin Sykes - 8 years ago
Sharks are afraid of dolphins

Keep this on an even amount of likes. Can I tell you a joke
Read more
Annie Kolodzik
Annie Kolodzik - 8 years ago
Why d I watch this O_O
Teh Potato Steven
Teh Potato Steven - 8 years ago
people think the great white is most dangerous well no its bull shark
Dolcie Burnham
Dolcie Burnham - 8 years ago
Ok the shark dome wrong why the hell would you shoot it I love every animals and that is crule
Ass-ranov Channel
Ass-ranov Channel - 8 years ago
the bleeding arm in the thumbnail is fake dumb ass u just scribbled it with red pens
Vanesa Deanda
Vanesa Deanda - 8 years ago
Dillon Sullivan
Dillon Sullivan - 8 years ago
Jesus the intro scared me xD
Makenzee Purnell
Makenzee Purnell - 8 years ago
this is a blast
Dynamic Ruler
Dynamic Ruler - 8 years ago
I do not want to go in the sea
pinkiedash 4ever
pinkiedash 4ever - 8 years ago
sharks only kill people because sharks are blind and they think humans are food
Thomas Keeley
Thomas Keeley - 8 years ago
That is gross
Fensca Regina Fofid
Fensca Regina Fofid - 8 years ago
Fensca Regina Fofid
Fensca Regina Fofid - 8 years ago
oglilprettythug - 8 years ago
this is exactly why I love dolphins they are so playful, cheerful, and very very helpful
Jack Higgins
Jack Higgins - 8 years ago
Humberto Rodriguez
Humberto Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Evelyn Luis
Evelyn Luis - 8 years ago
Ill never go into the water again NRVER
KiKiCute3384 - 8 years ago
Y -Not
Y -Not - 8 years ago
That girl benrhany ther is a film abt her
Cora Beveridge
Cora Beveridge - 8 years ago
prkq RBLX
prkq RBLX - 8 years ago
I hate sharks
Rita Oneill
Rita Oneill - 8 years ago
Philippe San jose i hate em too
Alex Hickman
Alex Hickman - 8 years ago
I loved this video
MintChip - 8 years ago
My mom wants to take me to the beach... I'm all like "YAY THE BEACH!!"

but that was when I was 6 and I never about sharks and their teeth...
now at the age of 14 I'm like "hell no im not going I don't wanna get bitten by a damn shark are you crazy woman?!" I care about sharks and all but only when I see them at the aquarium lmao
The gaming brothers TV
The gaming brothers TV - 8 years ago
ujjskzkkxkxk aoasososkso ex orldldldldldldlrldlroeoro Rd odd loo dodik FL k
Greatjake 13
Greatjake 13 - 8 years ago
Alex Johnson
Alex Johnson - 8 years ago
When the camera thing pops up the shark scared me
AwesomesauceAddy - 8 years ago
that is scary alot yo are crazy
Urška Budja
Urška Budja - 8 years ago
this is sooooo danger
Kendralyn Campbell
Kendralyn Campbell - 8 years ago
Estação Chocolate
Estação Chocolate - 8 years ago
Kimberly Ritter
Kimberly Ritter - 8 years ago
lololololo [o lo lo lololololo
Hugh Davis
Hugh Davis - 8 years ago
Hugh Davis
Hugh Davis - 8 years ago
i love you
Dat American Gaming
Dat American Gaming - 8 years ago
Pin me for no reason
V’Pha Jo’Yo
V’Pha Jo’Yo - 8 years ago
them humans are lucky they have dolphins protecting them while humans are protecting dolphins on land instead they put them in the aquarium as an entertainment!
V’Pha Jo’Yo
V’Pha Jo’Yo - 8 years ago
is there a sign where it says warning sharks out there? if there is i would not fucking go in the water!
Maria Belen Melfi
Maria Belen Melfi - 8 years ago
no. es. divertido
Ryan Hayes
Ryan Hayes - 8 years ago
Rachael Wilton
Rachael Wilton - 8 years ago
i am never going to the beach again
Zedd Gaming
Zedd Gaming - 8 years ago
Who watched the movie soul surfer
the viranman
the viranman - 8 years ago
number 6 is probally the inspriation for soul surfer
Alexia Rodriguez
Alexia Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Grace Pimentel
Grace Pimentel - 8 years ago
Dabg who attends with me
curlyhairedcrew - 8 years ago
That uncle that wrestled the shark was a badass.
Shannon Williams
Shannon Williams - 8 years ago
I love it
Izabella Friis
Izabella Friis - 8 years ago
How they recrod a video in a sahrk
Dalton Darminio
Dalton Darminio - 8 years ago
i got scared
shawn harold fox firth
shawn harold fox firth - 8 years ago
USS Indianapolis was the ship that delivered the A-bomb to the Island of Tinian in the Marianas Chain and was traveling by Herself . . .RIP lads .
Diego andrade
Diego andrade - 8 years ago
Kevin Oneal
Kevin Oneal - 8 years ago
Stephanie Smith-Ozimkowski
Stephanie Smith-Ozimkowski - 8 years ago
how do u know all this?
LpsOrange612 - 8 years ago
I love sharks
le lapin rose
le lapin rose - 8 years ago
OMG !!
Gabriel Medina
Gabriel Medina - 8 years ago
the last story was also explained in the movie jaws
Lilly Campbell
Lilly Campbell - 8 years ago
I like sharks :)
Herman Carmona
Herman Carmona - 8 years ago
This is scary now I'm not goin in sea water
kinger vlogs Schlechter
kinger vlogs Schlechter - 8 years ago
Midgets R Us
Midgets R Us - 8 years ago
Skullcrusher Da Wierdo
Skullcrusher Da Wierdo - 8 years ago
I hope the people that found the shark and cut it open and found human remanes whoever cut it open fucking die bitch fucking did
Rose-Unicorn - 8 years ago
Note to self:NEVER GO SWIMMING AT THE BEACH!" Thank you so much for making me scared of water
therealDJIESUS - 8 years ago
Lol do we split open humans to take out the dead animals they ate? No. But yet we find it ok to kill the few animals who kills humans
Meadow Simpson
Meadow Simpson - 8 years ago
I like it
D.Nasty Fishing
D.Nasty Fishing - 8 years ago
sharks and Florida sounds about right lol .. come subscribe to D.Nasty Fishing .. show some love and support .. hit me up
Nieve Wallman
Nieve Wallman - 8 years ago
Ew why did you put this on YouTube
Naz Tanis
Naz Tanis - 8 years ago
love dolphines not sharks
Naz Tanis
Naz Tanis - 8 years ago
I really like the one wene the dolphines followed humans till the sand to help them
Chase D
Chase D - 8 years ago

Chikennugget gaming Lee
Chikennugget gaming Lee - 8 years ago
dolphins are amazing
enderman gaming
enderman gaming - 8 years ago
holy shit!!
Tiffany and Lacey
Tiffany and Lacey - 8 years ago
do you mean lewis hamilton
CJ Cal
CJ Cal - 8 years ago
Dolphins da real MVPs
Ovin - 8 years ago
Shark that had "swum" to the area. XD
Stranger Danger Jake
Stranger Danger Jake - 8 years ago
uhh you know sharks are harmless but most are deadly cause people keep researching them
Gabriel Rahal
Gabriel Rahal - 8 years ago
makayla Joseph
makayla Joseph - 8 years ago
thats so sad
Mr. Penguin_Playz
Mr. Penguin_Playz - 8 years ago
Hi it is ava
Junayet Jesan
Junayet Jesan - 8 years ago
thats not what im looking for..sorry dude
kylie furner
kylie furner - 8 years ago
omg that is so funny
stickbot central s
stickbot central s - 8 years ago
o no
Reese'sPuffs 21
Reese'sPuffs 21 - 8 years ago
Every time that thing popped up to show the different number in the video it scared the heck of me
Reese'sPuffs 21
Reese'sPuffs 21 - 8 years ago
Plus I had headphones on and they were supposed to be sound proof
Penny Bricknell
Penny Bricknell - 8 years ago
shark only attack you because you are in there terratory
Frank rodriguez
Frank rodriguez - 8 years ago
If you like this comment your going to heven
kasie banks
kasie banks - 8 years ago
this is sad
Andrea Dodić
Andrea Dodić - 8 years ago
flowergirl 3820
flowergirl 3820 - 8 years ago
6 was made into a movie
flowergirl 3820
flowergirl 3820 - 8 years ago
I'm never going in the sea again!
IsLand Mans
IsLand Mans - 8 years ago
boy thats really something cool to brag about ahah... "what are those sacrs on your arm?" "oh this i got a attack by a shark took it right off man... my uncle dove right into that water and wrestled that shark DOWN and then i got my arm back" hahah that would be a cool to tell someone
Spirow _the furry
Spirow _the furry - 8 years ago
WAIT is that the movie when her arm gets bit off? or is that someone diff and they had that same thin happened? I'm so confused XD
2 awesome girls
2 awesome girls - 8 years ago
I love dalfins
Matthew Butler
Matthew Butler - 8 years ago
Like ed the zombie from Ben and ed the game
Roblox With Adriana
Roblox With Adriana - 8 years ago
did you know that new yorkers bite more people annually than sharks do.
Brian Eichenlaub
Brian Eichenlaub - 8 years ago
You can use it as an update
Dark Gamer
Dark Gamer - 8 years ago
Bethany hamilton is at the soul surfer movie
Lucy King
Lucy King - 8 years ago
roses are red
vilotets are blue
I've been clickbaited
and so have you
LPSSnowingLeopard - 8 years ago
OH MY GOD this is making my brain... uhh idk
Pearl Majadas
Pearl Majadas - 8 years ago
Savage 1718
Savage 1718 - 8 years ago
Ethan Lane
Ethan Lane - 8 years ago
its nastey
Daniel Subur
Daniel Subur - 8 years ago
Muhammad Ali Raza
Muhammad Ali Raza - 8 years ago
omg it's hurt so much
Snowman Guy56
Snowman Guy56 - 8 years ago
This thing isCRAZY like if you agree
Dave Barr
Dave Barr - 8 years ago
CRTFYD_CRIMZ 238 - 8 years ago
CRTFYD_CRIMZ 238 - 8 years ago
but scary
Joshua Chan
Joshua Chan - 8 years ago
Awww number 10 is so sweet
Brian reacts
Brian reacts - 8 years ago
Bethany is my name.
Kate345 - 8 years ago
Everyone must already know about Bethany Hamilton they made a movie
EremikaTrash - 8 years ago
side by side..

what did ariana die now?
Mithzan Lover
Mithzan Lover - 8 years ago
OMG nooooooo I'm queasy af
Brayden Mecom Gaming
Brayden Mecom Gaming - 8 years ago
I'm never going swimming in the ocean again
Lafayette with a Baguette
Lafayette with a Baguette - 8 years ago
my cuts look like shark bites

tracey hawkins
tracey hawkins - 8 years ago
this is scary
AT -AMARTA-17 - 8 years ago
Is the Japanese yamato
Majestic Fire
Majestic Fire - 8 years ago
Andrew Redboy
Andrew Redboy - 8 years ago
a x
Swoochie - 8 years ago
sharks arent harmful just wear full swim gear/body gear so it doesnt smell ur blood and they only attack if u mess with THEM
Aream Atwi
Aream Atwi - 8 years ago
طيب بطقاق
Aykaii - 8 years ago
I love Dolphins
roxy divaroblox
roxy divaroblox - 8 years ago
The film soul surfer was based on the Bethany Hamilton shark attack
SofiaNator Official
SofiaNator Official - 8 years ago
All I have to say is oml
nadine alatas
nadine alatas - 8 years ago

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About 10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks

The "10 Unbelievable Shark Attacks" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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