10 WEIRDEST Things Found Inside a Shark's Stomach

Subscribe to see weekly List / Fact videos! https://goo.gl/vQRXAn Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/wowsoamaze Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wowsoamaze My personal Instagram Account : https://instagram.com/matt.r.c_ 10 weirdest things found inside a shark's stomach! Some Sharks will eat pretty much anything they can get their giant jaws around. And when fishermen capture them and bring them back to the port, sometimes they can find odd things inside of them. Ranging from prickly rodents that no predator in their right mind would want to swallow, to livestock that was swallowed by a Great White. When does livestock ever go anywhere near the sea? Welcome to the top 10 list of strange things found inside a shark's stomach! Credits http://pastebin.com/G8Mu0hxs Music by Kevin Macleod (Incompotech.com) Images and videos are used under YouTube's fair usage policy. Licensed Under Creative Commons http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Stock photo / video from videoblocks.com

10 WEIRDEST Things Found Inside a Shark's Stomach sentiment_very_dissatisfied 625

Shark videos 8 years ago 1,960,274 views

Subscribe to see weekly List / Fact videos! https://goo.gl/vQRXAn Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/wowsoamaze Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wowsoamaze My personal Instagram Account : https://instagram.com/matt.r.c_ 10 weirdest things found inside a shark's stomach! Some Sharks will eat pretty much anything they can get their giant jaws around. And when fishermen capture them and bring them back to the port, sometimes they can find odd things inside of them. Ranging from prickly rodents that no predator in their right mind would want to swallow, to livestock that was swallowed by a Great White. When does livestock ever go anywhere near the sea? Welcome to the top 10 list of strange things found inside a shark's stomach! Credits http://pastebin.com/G8Mu0hxs Music by Kevin Macleod (Incompotech.com) Images and videos are used under YouTube's fair usage policy. Licensed Under Creative Commons http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Stock photo / video from videoblocks.com

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Most popular comments
for 10 WEIRDEST Things Found Inside a Shark's Stomach

Amanda Mendoza
Amanda Mendoza - 7 years ago
Va el ya no es el de la vida de
JAWA JAMM - 7 years ago
It’s Bon-die beach
Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter - 7 years ago
They found a 20 foot shark alive in chuck Norris.He was still hungry.
jay McLemore
jay McLemore - 7 years ago
Look inside of the shark yo mama so fat
joereniel santos
joereniel santos - 7 years ago
Oh savage shark got John cena
yuval ron
yuval ron - 7 years ago
You know they are stupid when they say it's weird that a 9ft shark could eat a 7ft dolphin

to whoever didn't get it - clue: sharks have teeth.
Jaidee - 7 years ago
Wowowo it ate a cannon ball...porcupines and a shining. Knight in armor welp thats my part of the internet. What yours?
Pizza-steve 345
Pizza-steve 345 - 7 years ago
Ac30Corks - 7 years ago

Horse: unknown
Canonball: Desperation because of hunger
Car plate: useless or expired plates just like trash being thrown away after use
Polar bear: idk
porcupine: idk
Dolphin: maybe its weak af or just wanted to die

10. comment for 10 WEIRDEST Things Found Inside a Shark's Stomach

Adam Kelly
Adam Kelly - 7 years ago
I am scared of spiders
Aja Pinkerton
Aja Pinkerton - 7 years ago
Awesome630 lol... That video was short
dangersix - 7 years ago
You're stupid...you're humor is infantile.
The Diamond Megalodon
The Diamond Megalodon - 7 years ago
Gaby Da Cruz
Gaby Da Cruz - 7 years ago
Annette -
Annette - - 7 years ago
How do you know that cow's don't like the beach? I bet they would love the water therapy and change of scenery?
Reece Petersen
Reece Petersen - 7 years ago
The knight was wierd
Unicorn MSP
Unicorn MSP - 7 years ago
Hello 911 speaking
911:kill me now
Emilee Howard
Emilee Howard - 7 years ago
Elisabeth Cluff
Elisabeth Cluff - 7 years ago
Elisabeth Cluff
Elisabeth Cluff - 7 years ago
Sharks are only attracted by blood and thinking that ppl are seals
Elisabeth Cluff
Elisabeth Cluff - 7 years ago
Also being killed by a COW is more likely than a SHARK

20. comment for 10 WEIRDEST Things Found Inside a Shark's Stomach

Stinky Bins
Stinky Bins - 7 years ago
number 10 was made an offer he couldnt refuse!
JustMeMarcepic - 7 years ago
The license plates could of fell in the see from boats because if someone leaves they boat on the road they might have a license plate
Robert Youngs
Robert Youngs - 7 years ago
sim - 7 years ago
epik video dude
Aaron Mikusa
Aaron Mikusa - 7 years ago
titanic sinking+ fur coat = shark who wants to be a pimp !!!!
lil Wi-Fi
lil Wi-Fi - 7 years ago
somebody throw that horse head in there
Jack Vlogs
Jack Vlogs - 7 years ago
do any of you want my phone number!??
Sweaty Banana
Sweaty Banana - 7 years ago
im curious which was more damaged, the suit of armor or the sharks teeth.
Georgia Raynes
Georgia Raynes - 7 years ago
Can't help thinking there might have been a warm blooded person inside the fur coat....think of ships sinking etc
Adele Valentine
Adele Valentine - 7 years ago

30. comment for 10 WEIRDEST Things Found Inside a Shark's Stomach

Eddie Phillips
Eddie Phillips - 7 years ago
Seth - 7 years ago
This guy acts totally shocked and baffled about how some of these things ended up in the ocean... People litter...Pretty easy to figure out..
1987mrbenn - 7 years ago
I'm bored, it's just some bloke talking,
it's like being at school.
Lucia Coronado
Lucia Coronado - 8 years ago
he he he
Phoenix Echo
Phoenix Echo - 8 years ago
Sharks growing legs or somethin'?
breeze787 - 8 years ago
Interesting how 'ridiculousness' sells.
James Bain
James Bain - 8 years ago
sorry that we do not have porcupine in Australia , we have echidna
Joel Gorbould
Joel Gorbould - 8 years ago
haha I dont like john cena
Fordman35 Ultamadness
Fordman35 Ultamadness - 8 years ago
nothing was surprising that was found in a sharks stomach
Cosmic_ gamer
Cosmic_ gamer - 8 years ago
wait why was people just catching sharks and cutting them in the stomach for no reason
Rumble101 - 8 years ago
Show proof- who just wants to hear a bunch of stories? Not I
Joanna Guzman
Joanna Guzman - 8 years ago
Joanna Guzman
Joanna Guzman - 8 years ago
John ceana muisuse
Kayden Zach
Kayden Zach - 8 years ago
Noodle Boy
Noodle Boy - 8 years ago
a fur coat
norm freilinger
norm freilinger - 8 years ago
Cut opened a shark on the beach in New York and found Hillary Clinton's deleted e-mails !
Salchichon Te Comes
Salchichon Te Comes - 8 years ago
Hacker Henry Gaming
Hacker Henry Gaming - 8 years ago
if i get 100 subs i'm doing a face reveal
Progamer 2000
Progamer 2000 - 8 years ago
Progamer 2000
Progamer 2000 - 8 years ago
Hacker Henry Gaming lol I only have I sub
Jose De Jesus Hernandez
Jose De Jesus Hernandez - 8 years ago
Lake Cumberland
Lake Cumberland - 8 years ago
#6 .. king wanted to test new shark proof suit!!

50. comment for 10 WEIRDEST Things Found Inside a Shark's Stomach

Blu BoX
Blu BoX - 8 years ago
Bondiiii beach it's called bo - on - d -i IIIIIIIII Bondi
Olga Mendez
Olga Mendez - 8 years ago
A fur coat??
Amelie Luv
Amelie Luv - 8 years ago
Madelynn Blane
Madelynn Blane - 8 years ago
Omg bs
luke jones
luke jones - 8 years ago
the porkeypine shocked me its pocked its mouth when it ahe the porkepinn and it should of killed the shark
Sherlyn Cano
Sherlyn Cano - 8 years ago
how the heck did a cannon ball end up in the sharks stomach
FNAF Fan - 8 years ago
Nicholas Pompilli
Nicholas Pompilli - 8 years ago
Or maybe pirates shot the cannon ball at another ship and missed. And the cannon ball eventually lost speed and went into the water
jim perkins
jim perkins - 8 years ago
na, they were playing fetch, the shark fetched it but sank and died
fishyc150 - 8 years ago
Nicholas Pompilli well yes, that's why he said "just found it..."
Sophie Furness
Sophie Furness - 8 years ago
We don't have porcupines in Australia, we have echidnas.
A Person
A Person - 8 years ago
I'm really confused about the porcupine because we don't have porcupines here in Australia we have echidnas
lihsor222 - 8 years ago
AE tepig keep in mind the water is sharks territory, not ours so they have rights to be protecting their home, they don't deserve to be killed, people are going risks going far into the ocean they don't have to but they do, if they get attacked you can't really blame the shark for being afraid and defending itself.
Flex Tube
Flex Tube - 8 years ago
Shannon Kuehnel they might kill yah but if morden technology advances for taming more wild animals then your dream might come true fam!
Ugly_Little_Hat_Maid21 fandom
Ugly_Little_Hat_Maid21 fandom - 8 years ago
alanmeires - 8 years ago
The suit of armor is abit over the too lol
Iesha Long
Iesha Long - 8 years ago
i love sharks i love sharks and i i i i i love love love love love sharks sharks sharks sharks sharks and i am a girl and i dont care
Brycen Loder
Brycen Loder - 8 years ago
you kanow what kind of shark that is -megalodon
Dion K
Dion K - 8 years ago
A horse and a cow is not too difficult to be found in oceans as livestock carrier vessel's are allowed to throw in the water dead animals in order to prevent illness to be spread in the remaining animals on-board.
Abril Leyva Lira
Abril Leyva Lira - 8 years ago
I loved the video it was awesome WOWsoAmaze good job :)
Abril Leyva Lira
Abril Leyva Lira - 8 years ago
keep up the great content
Bkwinxlover Xox
Bkwinxlover Xox - 8 years ago
A FUR COAT A NIGHT FULL OF ARMOUR????????!!!!!!!!???!?!?
Julian jr Rodriguez
Julian jr Rodriguez - 8 years ago
For real give me my two
Rach Lopez
Rach Lopez - 8 years ago
pouler bear
caitlyn Porter
caitlyn Porter - 8 years ago
the horses head showed me
Lucas Ward
Lucas Ward - 8 years ago
Joe C.
Joe C. - 8 years ago
The License plates was out of a scene from Jaws.
Shana the Banana bacone
Shana the Banana bacone - 8 years ago
Isabel COLTMAN - 8 years ago
I vomited I dont know why....
Pro Gamer578
Pro Gamer578 - 8 years ago
you talk as a alk balk zmalk
N3D - 8 years ago
the knight
lαριѕ - 8 years ago
Ive never been to the beach and i never will.
Gavinador - 8 years ago
Kevin Dwight
Kevin Dwight - 8 years ago
John Cena:*swims in the sea*
shark:*eats John cena*om nom nom
dun dun dun dunnnnn
John Cena:*uses John Cena powers*it's John Cenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
shark:get in mah Belle
John Cena:neve
shark:*eats John Cena*nvm
G V - 8 years ago
imagine a drunk shark.....
marine & soggy
marine & soggy - 7 years ago
No ofense but its pronaunced bond eye not bondee
Cosmic_ gamer
Cosmic_ gamer - 8 years ago
Gwen O oh gosh
Veronica Cram
Veronica Cram - 8 years ago
Australia doesn't have porcupines it was a echidna the shark ate a echidna!!!
Jeremiah Footman
Jeremiah Footman - 8 years ago
mine was the porkupine
LedZepp190 - 8 years ago
The license plates get into the stomach of Tiger sharks due to their capability of handling brackish and freshwater pretty well. The plates are dumped into southern rivers where Bull sharks and Tigers sometimes swim up into and then eat the plates. They'll swim down stream and end up back into the ocean again.
Sean Naamani
Sean Naamani - 8 years ago
the horse head was used as bait
John Roberts
John Roberts - 8 years ago
Are you surprised by anything in the sea other than fish and water? Seriously, how many times did you need to say that??
N I G H T S T U N T E R - 8 years ago
i kinda dont believe number 6
Migz - 8 years ago
Night Stunter It's true, I found it in my national geographic book. Also please don't start a fight.
Lynda Painter
Lynda Painter - 8 years ago
Australia - not a porcupine (USA) but an Echidna.
kilahchris - 8 years ago
I doubt the knight in full armor was inside a shark. Sharks usually bite into an animal and if it edible to their taste they will eat it. Shark biting in pure metal is not edible and the shark would spit it out after one bite.
Alyssa's World Away
Alyssa's World Away - 8 years ago
3:45 the shark has discovered a period
Nick hughy
Nick hughy - 8 years ago
We need a top 100 things found in sharks
Puddle AH
Puddle AH - 7 years ago
Nick hughy
Funny vids
Funny vids - 8 years ago
Nick hughy
Oliver D
Oliver D - 8 years ago
Nick hughy
veterex gaming
veterex gaming - 8 years ago
Armor is worth the most
Jamareius Billingsley
Jamareius Billingsley - 8 years ago
my friend found a xbox in a shark
Soul sisters
Soul sisters - 8 years ago
that's so cool
Kayla Chisolm
Kayla Chisolm - 8 years ago
i herd of license plates byt horse HEADS COME ONN!!!
Kim Matley
Kim Matley - 8 years ago
Wes N.
Wes N. - 8 years ago
these sharks have the most severe case of munchies I've ever seen...
Laura Rogers
Laura Rogers - 8 years ago
Actually the cannon ball was because sometimes ships and forts on oceans would look for shark fins in the water and fire at them fr practice look is up its true
Tyler Milroy
Tyler Milroy - 8 years ago
hey heard of dark nook good job copying him thumbs up for wowsoamaze
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
He published that video two weeks ago, this is about 6 months old, lol.

100. comment for 10 WEIRDEST Things Found Inside a Shark's Stomach

Stephen Bailey
Stephen Bailey - 8 years ago
Some one was using the horse head to fish with. A suit of armour? It swallowed him whole?
antonello santini
antonello santini - 8 years ago
come on what a stupid video!
mala mega
mala mega - 8 years ago
i really love ur vids WOWsoamaze ;D
mala mega
mala mega - 8 years ago
the most shocked one for me is the P.O.R.C.U.P.I.N.E ;O
mm_usic - 8 years ago
I saw a video when a shark had 10,000 dollars in its stomach
Salem Witch
Salem Witch - 8 years ago
A knight... REALLY?!
rayden lowry
rayden lowry - 8 years ago
It's pronounced Bond-eye, not Bond-ee beach and it was an echidna because Australia doesn't have porcupines. Other than lack of fact checking, this was a good, entertaining video.
Hey it's Fiona
Hey it's Fiona - 8 years ago
Errortemps - 8 years ago
knight should have been #1
Cars Cars
Cars Cars - 8 years ago
this armour found in shark ... i dont think that shark lived so long to eat knight
tjhiw yu
tjhiw yu - 8 years ago
why a porcupine at the beach maybe someone stupid throw one at the sea
Alien Gaming782
Alien Gaming782 - 8 years ago
i open a sharks stomach and i found a baby shark inside it now thats realy low iven for a shark
Jord905 - 8 years ago
Wtf lmao a knight in shining armor got eaten by a shark.... did he think he was gonna be able to swim in that armor?
Mikey Rasmussen
Mikey Rasmussen - 8 years ago
I call Sharkshit on the armor
iamrichrocker - 8 years ago
i take it your first job as a stand up comedian was a failure...
jj pacheco
jj pacheco - 8 years ago
Where the hell did the shark find a knight!?
that shits crazy lol
Hes Mine
Hes Mine - 8 years ago
How do u have proof lol
N . G
N . G - 8 years ago
is this really cool
Logan Tate Douglas
Logan Tate Douglas - 8 years ago
wait a second there's a suit of armor and a dead body inside of a shark and a cannonball
He need some milk Bruh
He need some milk Bruh - 8 years ago
John cena music
He need some milk Bruh
He need some milk Bruh - 8 years ago
Horst Dietrich
Horst Dietrich - 8 years ago
Shivraj Dange
Shivraj Dange - 8 years ago
is it really true?
Jayson Irish
Jayson Irish - 8 years ago
some of those things could have possibly been fromm the titanic
spoofy jr
spoofy jr - 8 years ago
i thought i'll see the real pics/vids :( :(
COOKIE PIRATE! - 8 years ago
you have good videos
Fluffy Dragon
Fluffy Dragon - 8 years ago
Obliviously the porkipine
Christo Liberis
Christo Liberis - 8 years ago
thanks guys
Shannon Kanowski
Shannon Kanowski - 8 years ago
I'm so confused how a porcupine ended up in a shark at Bondi beach which is in Australia. We don't have porcupines here
shebing - 8 years ago
Its a toss up between the knight in armour or the cannon ball..
asturias581 - 8 years ago
Por diós!! Que idioma es éste? Que clase de inglés es?
Jungkook - 8 years ago
it's so weird...how did I go from myths of hollow earth to what sharks shove in the stomach?
Madison Jenkins
Madison Jenkins - 8 years ago
Love it!!!!!!
Karen Piotte
Karen Piotte - 8 years ago
Anything could have come from a boat or ship I think the most unusual the porcupine. Where sharks test things with their mouths I would think it got some quills somewhere.
News & Views Today
News & Views Today - 8 years ago
More Interesting still on the last story, THERE ARE NO PORCUPINES IN AUSTRALIA they are only found in N. & S. America....Now go figure. The zoo? South America? 2 most likely options.
oooxm - 8 years ago
No such things as porcupines in Australia, Echidna's yes. And its Bondi Beach.
Minniebell - 8 years ago
Must have been a huge shark to swallow a full suit of armour plus the human inside!
Faith Janssen
Faith Janssen - 8 years ago
4 could have been found in a shipwreck
mix master
mix master - 8 years ago
you forgot the one with the barral of fish
Mark Tod
Mark Tod - 8 years ago
wild nature is made but it finds away always and we can't boggles me
Lachlan Thomas
Lachlan Thomas - 8 years ago
Btw Bondi is pronounced Bon-die search up "Bondi Rescue" and you will here the correct term.
Leilani Aiaraisa
Leilani Aiaraisa - 8 years ago
Silverknight - 8 years ago
Pastel Gradient
Pastel Gradient - 8 years ago
that suite of armour though like WTH
Jonathan Guerrero
Jonathan Guerrero - 8 years ago
The knight in armor suprised me the most.... Someone should write a novel about that one....
Nicole - 8 years ago
Ive eaten a ipod shuffle
• Taehyungery •
• Taehyungery • - 8 years ago
the way he pronounced bondi annoyed me so much
Mad Penguin
Mad Penguin - 8 years ago
Whay about Three Filipino fishermen... Still in their boat? Crocodile Dundee!
Craftabullet456 OG
Craftabullet456 OG - 8 years ago
Think of all the other crazy things from sharks not found or already digested
Sean Grumm
Sean Grumm - 8 years ago
the most blizzard is the Knight in the armor
RadicalVideos. - 8 years ago
Elivis da hell y u in der
Lorrie Bensky Smith
Lorrie Bensky Smith - 8 years ago
I feel sorry for the shark who ate the suit of armor. Sharks are BEAUTIFUL animals and we have to remember, people attached, sad as it is, are in the sharks territory. Their size requires a lot of food. #2 on my Bucket List is to free swim with a Great White...not a Bull or Tiger. One guy rescued a GW and it followed him around for years. Became his friend. They're not stupid eating machines. Heck, even a Goldfish has a three month memory! China and Japan are slaughtering them to dangerously low levels. Just cutting off their fins and leaving them to die terrible deaths, just for their soup. If you see it on the menu, GET OUTTA THERE. They're going to be endangered soon, if not already.
Marco Jakubicki
Marco Jakubicki - 8 years ago
If these was a shark that big (like the thumbnail) it would be impossible to catch due to strength and weight other then that great video
xx ProKitxx
xx ProKitxx - 8 years ago
JAJAJAJJAJAJHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA LMAO actually sharks cant see well so they have a blurry vision that is why they eat any thing they can see but for humans... They bite us but let us go because sharks thought we are sea lions so dont believe in movies that they eat people they just have a blurry vision ^-^
gavin hungerford
gavin hungerford - 8 years ago
Well... RIP:KNIGHT AND SHARK born???? died???? the shark swallowed the knight whole... Armour and all
Graeme Lastname
Graeme Lastname - 8 years ago
Love the info but!!! There are no porcupines in Australia. What we would have here is an echinda, unusual creature worth a show of it's own. Also ... bondi ... bond eye. :) Thumbs up, thanks.
sep carson
sep carson - 8 years ago
I think you mean echidna for last one there's no porcupines in Aus ..???
Kirsten Taylor-Martin
Kirsten Taylor-Martin - 8 years ago
Gage Calabrese
Gage Calabrese - 8 years ago
A shaak
Panda Loverz
Panda Loverz - 8 years ago
the shark ate the cannon ball because he thought that it was a gumball but rusty steel flavor
Lindsey Hubbs
Lindsey Hubbs - 8 years ago
the porcine
Sparkleglitz0 - 8 years ago
married2005 - 8 years ago
B Wed phi
chanda poteet
chanda poteet - 8 years ago
Ivo Jaucis
Ivo Jaucis - 8 years ago
Kam Smith
Kam Smith - 8 years ago
Kam Smith
Kam Smith - 8 years ago
i looked inside a ham I found
Quindarous Buchannon
Quindarous Buchannon - 8 years ago
Damn Life
Damn Life - 8 years ago
No video links?
Michael King
Michael King - 8 years ago
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo That poor Horsey
Michael King
Michael King - 8 years ago
I love horses
Michael West
Michael West - 8 years ago
it is not real so shut up little kid!!!!!!!
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
your right and gosh it's echidna people not porkepine
ELITE PRO - 8 years ago
the armor
TwistedLegacy - 8 years ago
the canon ball
Lisa Fischer
Lisa Fischer - 8 years ago
cuts a shark's stomach sees John Cena has a heart attack*
Koeti moep
Koeti moep - 8 years ago
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham how could an arnold come so near to water
Koeti moep
Koeti moep - 8 years ago
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham no
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
u know Arnold Schwarzenegger could be in a shark to
Logan Filan
Logan Filan - 8 years ago
that is so weird
WALN Zell - 8 years ago
I thought dolphins beat the sh*t out of sharks.
WALN Zell - 8 years ago
0:34 Someone made that shark an offer he couldn't refuse.
Adam Martin
Adam Martin - 8 years ago
Its pronounced Bondi not bondee
Adam Martin
Adam Martin - 8 years ago
And there are no porcupines in Australia
Jessie Hadland
Jessie Hadland - 8 years ago
Poor dolphin
christie pennington
christie pennington - 8 years ago
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
your so dumb its echidna
Izahan Iskandar
Izahan Iskandar - 8 years ago
its number 1
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
+Izahan Iskandar actually it's a echidna
Izahan Iskandar
Izahan Iskandar - 8 years ago
how does a porkipine get inside a sharks stomach????
Tyler Ahern
Tyler Ahern - 8 years ago
yeah look inside a shark and it's yo mamma
Klint kuenniger
Klint kuenniger - 8 years ago
Marcus Cosmin
Marcus Cosmin - 8 years ago
This is posted on my birthday
Gymnast Jewel
Gymnast Jewel - 8 years ago
Lojain Ashour
Lojain Ashour - 8 years ago
ian scott
ian scott - 8 years ago
a knight in armour, that must have been a big ass great white
John Wood
John Wood - 8 years ago
Elisabeth Canter
Elisabeth Canter - 8 years ago
the suit of armor and knight kinda shocked me because the knight was still in it but the porky pine really thats just funny
Trento - 8 years ago
How did it catch the dolphin because can't Dolphins outsmart sharks
ToxicGo - 8 years ago
The fur coat looks odly like Banes Coat Kappa
XxPiipboy23 TheWolfxX
XxPiipboy23 TheWolfxX - 8 years ago
lol shark eats a plate number and the fur coat is from Elder Maxson in fallout 4
Randomness With Trinity
Randomness With Trinity - 8 years ago
mine was the porkie pine
Em's Animation
Em's Animation - 8 years ago
2Kaka2Kaka - 8 years ago
The horse head was when a boat and stuff
Lis - 8 years ago
It's called an Echidna. Porcupines don't live in Australia genius!
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
I'm Australian I know all about this echidna stuff ok
connor bush
connor bush - 8 years ago
first of all you pronounced Bondi beach wrong and theirs no Porcupine's in Australia only Echidna's
connor bush
connor bush - 8 years ago
Yeah, i do.
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
do you live in Australia
Street Scooting
Street Scooting - 8 years ago
The suit of armuor
Jack&Macey Jump to save
Jack&Macey Jump to save - 8 years ago
Nooo horsey
xzz123 22
xzz123 22 - 8 years ago
back then people used to put cannon balls in sharks and when they jump out the cannonballs shoot out
Jade Santana
Jade Santana - 8 years ago
Brenda Baymen
Brenda Baymen - 8 years ago
Sharks eat anything that moves
Sunflare Boy 26
Sunflare Boy 26 - 8 years ago
um r u sure it was a porcupine that the shark ate because u said (and don't get me wrong) that the shark was at Bandai beach in Sydney Australia and I'm pretty sure there r no porcupines in Australia. but However there r these things called echidnas which r a type of ant eater which resemble a porcupine coz they have quills like the porcupine but they r not a porcupine. so u might wanna double check ur information
Heather Ann
Heather Ann - 8 years ago
Hey Tim ritsma I don't care about the cannon ball I care about the porcupine how did it get near too the beach and end up in a sharks mouth Tim ritsma: oh I don't know someone carried it too the beach. Bridgette: it didn't someone would get hurt and that would. e a dumb thing someone would do maybe you did it before huh huh huh I can't here you ugh dumb dumb
Luka P
Luka P - 8 years ago
people are stupid that is why license plates are in the water
Tigrotto Fart
Tigrotto Fart - 8 years ago
Mary Mitchell
Mary Mitchell - 8 years ago
the suit of armor was most surprising
Mary Mitchell
Mary Mitchell - 8 years ago
#4could have been a shark eating a fur coat
falling from a sunken boat or could have eaten somebody that had it on
bbiggd - 8 years ago
The knight got me the moast
Mary Lewis
Mary Lewis - 8 years ago
why did the ships that the porcupine when it was in its mouth
rywhyry - 8 years ago
You're wrong on the last one there, mate. We don't have "porcupines" in Australia, think you might have mean't a echidna. Also you're pronouncing "Bondi" wrong.
Kelpo Gaming
Kelpo Gaming - 8 years ago
Some cannonball DID a cannonball in the ocean Duh.
SkX-CS:GO - 8 years ago
Mafia Doge
B_unicorn _24
B_unicorn _24 - 8 years ago
adrain Morales
adrain Morales - 8 years ago
I think a horse fall off the cargo ship
Todd E Walnuts
Todd E Walnuts - 8 years ago
I'm calling BS on the knight in full armor..
Ariana Chile
Ariana Chile - 7 years ago
Yeah the bones would have dissolved because of the salt water
stewietsheking - 7 years ago
Panic at the veil in_white_asking Alexandria yeah, but a shark swallowing a full man and armor? Highly unlikely if not impossible. More like a story made up to perpetuate the tale of sea monsters
Erik Morris
Erik Morris - 8 years ago
actually he said in the 16th century. in that time there were knights
jjs4you2 - 8 years ago
with the Knight in it? Nawwwww, no way.
mr talks alot talks
mr talks alot talks - 8 years ago
It is possible theres sets of them all over the world.
Elbtay - 8 years ago
look it a jeff shark
Archibald Tuttle
Archibald Tuttle - 8 years ago
A POLAR BEAR?!?! Poor bear
Philip Cannon
Philip Cannon - 8 years ago
there' my cock!
Edison Beard
Edison Beard - 8 years ago
The bottle is not unusual that's just some litter bugs and thru a bottle in the ocean
Jevron Freeman
Jevron Freeman - 8 years ago
The shark might had eaten the cannonball because it's shiny. Most sharks are attracted to shiny objects. Some sharks even gobble shiny things.
Duru - 8 years ago
+Emainya Brookstone back then it was shiny and old. Sitting in water rusts thingsm back then it was shiny.
Emainya Brookstone
Emainya Brookstone - 8 years ago
Not to be rude because I'm sure you know what your talking about but to me it looked old and gross I didn't see any shinny ness about it
Ong Kian yu
Ong Kian yu - 8 years ago
The cannonball is a pirate one
Ilze van Veelen
Ilze van Veelen - 8 years ago
Jack sparrows cannonbal
Ilze van Veelen
Ilze van Veelen - 8 years ago
Jedi Ver
Jedi Ver - 8 years ago
impossible things that will go inside a shark s
tick tock
tick tock - 8 years ago
I feel sorry for the sharks . they don't know what there eatin
Kim Page
Kim Page - 8 years ago
The armor shocked me the most
Christie Willey
Christie Willey - 8 years ago
sharp_ triick
sharp_ triick - 8 years ago
Marea - 8 years ago
no proof
Ashton Mace
Ashton Mace - 8 years ago
in Australia we call bondee beach bondi as in bondeye
Ashton Mace
Ashton Mace - 8 years ago
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
hey you Australian
TheDiamondRocker - 8 years ago
Thats so cool!how did you figure out these?lol love it!your voice is perfect for this kind of video!i subscribed and told my friends and they said it was awesome :)
Santos Quezada
Santos Quezada - 8 years ago
Jonael santiago la voz kids tu besos
James McNeil
James McNeil - 8 years ago
Jorge calvo
Jorge calvo - 8 years ago
Mustafa Algburi
Mustafa Algburi - 8 years ago
+Malachi Debenham I have one
Mustafa Algburi
Mustafa Algburi - 8 years ago
+WOWsoAmaze hi man I liked all your videos
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
hey who has a you tube channel because I do
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+Mustafa Algburi Thanks bro!
Mustafa Algburi
Mustafa Algburi - 8 years ago
+WOWsoAmaze subscribe and like
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
Thank you, much appreciated! I just think of subjects then research on the internet for hours on end.
Kaleb r
Kaleb r - 8 years ago
That's where stuff and stumeck
Alethiometer - 8 years ago
My vote goes to the night in his suit of armor, it's just wrong!
Ender dragon !!!
Ender dragon !!! - 8 years ago
Paris Shipley
Paris Shipley - 8 years ago
That's really inopropeant for children under 5,000 years old good one London I know right
Märiänø Ändrës
Märiänø Ändrës - 8 years ago
Don't boats have license plates??
Noah Unknown
Noah Unknown - 8 years ago
They have numbers on the front to identify the boat
Tyler Winters
Tyler Winters - 8 years ago
jellyfishbones0 - 8 years ago
and what is even weider is that we dont get porcupines in australia, we have echidnas, but not procupines, its a s if someone just made up the story for the hell of it
Darcy Bunge
Darcy Bunge - 8 years ago
The one that shocked me was the cannon ball I mean how big was the cannon ball and for sure that it could not eat one
A DORROTHY - 8 years ago
Darcy Bunge
Darcy Bunge - 8 years ago
But the armor was strange
Mork 666
Mork 666 - 8 years ago
Awsome channel this one,with original cool content!!
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+Malachi Debenham Thanks, Malachi :)
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
+WOWsoAmaze I love your videos I'm your number 1# fan
666 420 blaze it Michael MLG Sponge cunt bob
666 420 blaze it Michael MLG Sponge cunt bob - 8 years ago
+WOWsoAmaze keep up the great work
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
Thanks Mork, much appreciated :)
Joaquin Aguilar
Joaquin Aguilar - 8 years ago
that was so scary
CT-580 - 8 years ago
1- it's pronounced bondeye not bondee 2- Australia don't have porcupines we have echidnas
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
are you Australian
Jamal Sher
Jamal Sher - 8 years ago
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
why is all the people who say porcupine don't realise that it's echidna
Arielle Tesber
Arielle Tesber - 8 years ago
they also found a dildo in a sharks stomach. who knew?
Lachlan Pullan
Lachlan Pullan - 8 years ago
Let alone, a porcupine in Australia.
Eliane Berks
Eliane Berks - 8 years ago
The first thing that came to my mind,when u showed the fur coat.....was the women who had to throw hers away in the movie,Good fellow's! Anyone else?
Vincent/ Purple Guy.
Vincent/ Purple Guy. - 8 years ago
Vincent/ Purple Guy.
Vincent/ Purple Guy. - 8 years ago
Panic at the Twenty Pity Parties
Panic at the Twenty Pity Parties - 8 years ago
Vincent/ Purple Guy.
Vincent/ Purple Guy. - 8 years ago
Abi Whittick
Abi Whittick - 8 years ago
flower senses
flower senses - 8 years ago
becouse sharks are dumped .
Godly Player
Godly Player - 8 years ago
A horse head
Tom Yazel
Tom Yazel - 8 years ago
...but I guess we will never know.  ok!  yawn!
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin - 8 years ago
Remains of a polar bear? Why........
Aussie Dave
Aussie Dave - 8 years ago
How did a porcupine get to Australia is a better question
G V - 8 years ago
or maybe a pet porcupine?
Sam Farnsworth
Sam Farnsworth - 8 years ago
Quanta Airlines.
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
really it's a echidna and I know because I'm Australian
Usa Miyu
Usa Miyu - 8 years ago
I'd say it was most likely an echidna, maybe it was a mistake?
A Ramen Packet
A Ramen Packet - 8 years ago
YOLO ALICE - 8 years ago
The coat could be from the titanic
rabbitphobia - 8 years ago
Australia does not have Porcupines it has to be confused with an Echidna.
Survivor 9 Shattles
Survivor 9 Shattles - 8 years ago
Armor with the remains of a human inside why
therobloxgamer92 therobloxgamer92
therobloxgamer92 therobloxgamer92 - 8 years ago
porkiepine shocked me the most
Angel Medina
Angel Medina - 8 years ago
a dick
Kazuto Kadzuki
Kazuto Kadzuki - 8 years ago
The cannonball is inside the shark becuase back in ww1 hitler had sharks trained to spit the balls back out so he could use them in under water combat
Ruben Snyman
Ruben Snyman - 8 years ago
The night of course
Nina Scott
Nina Scott - 8 years ago
Your voice makes me extremely happy, new sub!
NZGamer - 8 years ago
Bull sharks can live in fresh water rivers
Kmutt6923 - 8 years ago
the one that shocked me the most was poler bear I mean how that possible
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin - 8 years ago
One of my kind. I hate sharks now
Teddly - 8 years ago
It's not pronounced Bondi it's pronounced bondie
D Scooo
D Scooo - 8 years ago
s'all hearsay you can say you found anything inside a shark with out "proof"
D Scooo
D Scooo - 8 years ago
an xbox 360 was found inside one.

Also a seg way a quad copter

a rocking chair and ak47
ThickCyborg3 - 8 years ago
+D Scooo nice meme!
mark thomson
mark thomson - 8 years ago
They caught a tiger Shark out off Sydney Aus alive and took it to Manly aquarium where a couple of days later it vomited up a human arm with a recognisable tattoo which led to a bizzare murder investigation involving the Sydney underworld .... it became known as the shark arm case
Leenk - 8 years ago
A knight? WUT?!
I'mJustASadTwigOfLemonMyrtle - 8 years ago
Not bondy the way to pronounce it is bon-die
The Almighty Magikarp
The Almighty Magikarp - 8 years ago
I wonder how a shark ate a suit of armor? was it the oldest shark in the world maybe he was there with the dinosaurs and had a cup of tea with them we never know...
lololololololol2330934 that's it
lololololololol2330934 that's it - 8 years ago
why a pola Bear
MegaloStriXe Eel
MegaloStriXe Eel - 8 years ago
Just imagine your a shark and you accidentally ate a stingray's barb..
MegaloStriXe Eel
MegaloStriXe Eel - 8 years ago
+Mihael Vedak thanks
Mihael Vedak
Mihael Vedak - 8 years ago
Thomas Garrett
Thomas Garrett - 8 years ago
The poor coupon
Jarek Golab
Jarek Golab - 8 years ago
some sharks are so dumb
Michele Pyfer
Michele Pyfer - 8 years ago
at 1 I'm not sure who l feel bad for more the shark or the porkipine
Peter Sertori
Peter Sertori - 8 years ago
DunsForHands - 8 years ago
But... Porcupines don't live in Australia
Michaiyla Rapp
Michaiyla Rapp - 8 years ago
suit of armor and cow
Rahul W
Rahul W - 8 years ago
Rogelio Rodriguez
Rogelio Rodriguez - 8 years ago
it with the porcupine that shocks me the most
niko bukaqeka 2j παιξε the last of us
niko bukaqeka 2j παιξε the last of us - 8 years ago
what is going on
Yalbert 101
Yalbert 101 - 8 years ago
How did an ancient knight ended up in an shark of our days o.O
Yalbert 101
Yalbert 101 - 8 years ago
+The Jawa lol
Smelly Salty Socks
Smelly Salty Socks - 8 years ago
+Yalbert 101 It wasnt in our times it was in the 16th century 1501-1600 not really our times.
Gabriel Juliato
Gabriel Juliato - 8 years ago
sharks probably didn't know that porcipines ar really a bad thing to digest in their bodies
Lea Richmond
Lea Richmond - 8 years ago
WTF !!!!!
SmokeRingsPipeDreams - 8 years ago
Is it wrong of me to highly doubt that someone found a knight in full armor inside a shark???
Flex Tube
Flex Tube - 8 years ago
SmokeRingsPipeDreams the shark died with Excalibur in its neck
Stephen Bailey
Stephen Bailey - 8 years ago
Nope basking sharks in Cornwall
Stephen Bailey
Stephen Bailey - 8 years ago
No they dont
SmokeRingsPipeDreams - 8 years ago
They are quite amazing aren't they.
jinz0001 - 8 years ago
+SmokeRingsPipeDreams killer whales are the ultimate apex predator of the seas currently
SmokeRingsPipeDreams - 8 years ago
Actually killer whales hunt great white sharks.
jinz0001 - 8 years ago
+SmokeRingsPipeDreams bloody hell they are truly scavengers indeed, they cant hunt and eat killer whales tho can they?
SmokeRingsPipeDreams - 8 years ago
You'll hear that sharks don't like human meat, but sharks will eat pretty much anything. On guy was in the ocean swimming with a buddy. They were dog paddling talking facing each other when a great white came out of the water behind is friend and quietly took his upper body into his mouth and sunk into the water. His friend was never seen again.
jinz0001 - 8 years ago
i thought great whites dont like the taste of human meat anyway
avfc85 - 8 years ago
England and France are not the only two countries or empires to use full suits of armour. White sharks territory includes most of Southern European shorelines. The Portuguese, Spanish, Venetians, Romans etc etc all used full suits of armour. This is definitely possible. Naval battles were commonplace back then and I'd imagine it would be like ringing the dinner bell for every shark in the area.
SmokeRingsPipeDreams - 8 years ago
+mr talks alot talks
It would suck to be in a Pubs loo and have a great white shark pop out of the urinal and bite your penis off with a full suit of armor in it's mouth. (and then swim away with a jaunty laugh, as great white's are known to do)
mr talks alot talks
mr talks alot talks - 8 years ago
+SmokeRingsPipeDreams No idea.
SmokeRingsPipeDreams - 8 years ago
+mr talks alot talks
Does England have great white sharks? LOL
mr talks alot talks
mr talks alot talks - 8 years ago
+SmokeRingsPipeDreams England?
Tyler Winters
Tyler Winters - 8 years ago
+SmokeRingsPipeDreams obviously lmao
SmokeRingsPipeDreams - 8 years ago
+mr talks alot talks
Does France also have great white sharks?
mr talks alot talks
mr talks alot talks - 8 years ago
+SmokeRingsPipeDreams French guy france they had knights.
SmokeRingsPipeDreams - 8 years ago
+Tyler Cafro
The knight must have been taking a swim in the ocean when the shark ate him. (in a part of the world where knights did not exist, but great white sharks do exist) LOL
Tyler Winters
Tyler Winters - 8 years ago
there was a knight in the armor
mr talks alot talks
mr talks alot talks - 8 years ago
Some rich people keep sets of them
Adam Hillier
Adam Hillier - 8 years ago
i agree with you! How the fuck is that possible...
Jayvan Liang Wey
Jayvan Liang Wey - 8 years ago
Evil Boss Gaming
Evil Boss Gaming - 8 years ago
All of them
Mireille Gaillard
Mireille Gaillard - 8 years ago
Sharks obviously eat first and ask questions later.
jedlyn long
jedlyn long - 8 years ago
I love the Tide commercials
dorian siwak
dorian siwak - 8 years ago
Fatty bomber r u gay?
Anifa Hassani
Anifa Hassani - 8 years ago
I live in Australia!!
LiL Pancak3
LiL Pancak3 - 8 years ago
you suck just stop
and your anyoing
Dr Jacket
Dr Jacket - 8 years ago
clean, polish, and get skeleton out grab armor and get the fuck outta there
Hannah 1735
Hannah 1735 - 8 years ago
Poor horse!!!
XxEleanorAngelMspxX :3
XxEleanorAngelMspxX :3 - 8 years ago
The suite of armour was the most suprising gezz
XxEleanorAngelMspxX :3
XxEleanorAngelMspxX :3 - 8 years ago
MajesticOstrich haha
Kay Flip
Kay Flip - 8 years ago
It's more surprising how gullible people can be.
Cameron Wolfe
Cameron Wolfe - 8 years ago
+Cody Lane or the cow cause he explained how it even got to the ocean
LAZIBOI5 - 8 years ago
least surprising has to be the license plates
Rebecca Kaulesar
Rebecca Kaulesar - 8 years ago
all shocked me
Oliver - 8 years ago
I was walking along the cliff's once on the isle of sheppey in England and I found cow foot marks in the mud lol
Haneul Choi
Haneul Choi - 8 years ago
I got shock when the shark ate the polar bear
Fatty Boomber
Fatty Boomber - 8 years ago
this host has the sexiest voice....damnnnn
SADAF PLAYZ - 7 years ago
Fatty Boomber Are you gay, Also your picture have a man.
Amanda rogers
Amanda rogers - 7 years ago
Fatty Boomber ok????
Fatty Boomber
Fatty Boomber - 8 years ago
+Adam Al-Sharif ru ? who even brnigs up having sex with a voice. If u can't tell, i was being sarcastic to u however, If this host was a chick i bet u would never have even posted that msg to me bro
Adam Al-Sharif
Adam Al-Sharif - 8 years ago
+Fatty boomber r u mad
Fatty Boomber
Fatty Boomber - 8 years ago
+Adam Al-Sharif Yep. got a fuck prob with that???
Adam Al-Sharif
Adam Al-Sharif - 8 years ago
Would you fuck his voice
Christine Rennie
Christine Rennie - 8 years ago
dude, things that you wish can come back on you, you might want to watch what you say,
Fatty Boomber
Fatty Boomber - 8 years ago
+kostas sarris But enough about your dad.
kostas sarris
kostas sarris - 8 years ago
i hope all gay die bastards idiots useles man in this world
Fatty Boomber
Fatty Boomber - 8 years ago
+FallenPhoneix just....mmm mmm mmm
Fatty Boomber
Fatty Boomber - 8 years ago
+Mahir Uddin yes! ... why not though?
Fatty Boomber
Fatty Boomber - 8 years ago
+Sans I looked it up. was it a video game post?
Mahir Uddin
Mahir Uddin - 8 years ago
underphamilton - 8 years ago
ahahah.. haha.. ha. watch Cryaotic.
Sword Knight
Sword Knight - 8 years ago
+Fatty Boomber

Kay kay.
Fatty Boomber
Fatty Boomber - 8 years ago
i was bored..happy happy joy joy\
actually nah, it is hot...ha
Sword Knight
Sword Knight - 8 years ago
+Fatty Boomber

LOL what?
Madden 16 and NBA 2k16 and 15 Only
Madden 16 and NBA 2k16 and 15 Only - 8 years ago
+Maura bossatron he's gay
Naruto obsessed meme
Naruto obsessed meme - 8 years ago
+Fatty Boomber ummm what?!
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore - 8 years ago
Look inside a shark and it's JOHN CENA
Tears Gaming
Tears Gaming - 7 years ago
Lol how you can’t see him ?????
Vicky Hoang
Vicky Hoang - 7 years ago
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore hahah I like that
panther panther
panther panther - 7 years ago
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore hahaha
XZ Aaron
XZ Aaron - 7 years ago
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore HAHAHAHAHH
Kaylin B
Kaylin B - 7 years ago
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore JOHN CENA
Melissa Richards
Melissa Richards - 7 years ago
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore

Mashup - 7 years ago
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore lol
BKRFactor - 7 years ago
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore k
sue mcfarlane
sue mcfarlane - 7 years ago
Seashell Girl and porcupines are not native to Australia go figure!,,,
Mig Tube
Mig Tube - 7 years ago
What John cena i Think she NOT Will live there in so i Think nope
Christo Liberis
Christo Liberis - 8 years ago
Hi guy everything ok
Manda L.
Manda L. - 8 years ago
John cena music
Everildamarquessilvas Silvamarques
Everildamarquessilvas Silvamarques - 8 years ago
quero ver so culinarias
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham
maly AK paly A Malachi Debenham - 8 years ago
and arnold Schwarzenegger
Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson - 8 years ago
+Elenia gianni same
Reformingmite3 - 8 years ago
shush up
Dark Zelda 590
Dark Zelda 590 - 8 years ago
The shark that shocked me the most was the one that swallowed a knight in the suite of armour.
Anime4 Mii
Anime4 Mii - 8 years ago
+Amber Bannister eat me
Amber Bannister
Amber Bannister - 8 years ago
Make me
Divergent 778
Divergent 778 - 8 years ago
+Amber Bannister oh shut up!
Amber Bannister
Amber Bannister - 8 years ago
Divergent 778
Divergent 778 - 8 years ago
(more like ) you look in the fatest person alive and its the shark
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore - 8 years ago
+Anime4 Mii hey JB is beast awesome the best
Anime4 Mii
Anime4 Mii - 8 years ago
nah is justin beiber found dead!!!
fire lords
fire lords - 8 years ago
+Kadynce Dollar wtf
Kadynce Dollar
Kadynce Dollar - 8 years ago
dun dunno dun
fire lords
fire lords - 8 years ago
ItzPhoebe Msp
ItzPhoebe Msp - 8 years ago
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore
Awesome630 Vlogsandmore - 8 years ago
+WOWsoAmaze thanks
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+Awesome 630 hahaha
H&H Productions
H&H Productions - 8 years ago
Bondi is not pronounced bond-ee, it is pronouced bond-eye
H&H Productions
H&H Productions - 8 years ago
+WOWsoAmaze  yeah, it's easy to make that mistake! you just don't live in austalia
Noah K
Noah K - 8 years ago
+WOWsoAmaze easy mistake:)
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+ZackTubeHD Thanks. I messed up :(
D J DIY - 8 years ago
By the way it's bondie beach that's just how you say it it's still spelt Bondi I live in Australia that's how I know
saroj more
saroj more - 8 years ago
Because sharks live in the sea and eat suits of armour, coats and more, it could be telling us something........an ancient civilization?
Litgamerxhunter 11238
Litgamerxhunter 11238 - 8 years ago
saroj more no they just eat what they what to eat
RuffleCrumbs - 8 years ago
10 things 4 minutes love it
_7teven_ - 8 years ago
I think that a porcupine in a stomach would kill you, I'm mean just think about it a shark is getting stabbed in the stomach like 10 thousand times or more.
Olivia VS Aus
Olivia VS Aus - 8 years ago
It's not BONDE beach it's BONDI, Pronounced "Bon-die" not Bon-Dee"
Fatty Boomber
Fatty Boomber - 8 years ago
+Olivia VS Aus relax tiger. she'll be right...but on that note...hahahahah bondy beach...... yea it's Bondi not bondy hahha
Madison Spencer
Madison Spencer - 8 years ago
The suit of armor because no one weres that any more
Aydoss - 8 years ago
+Madison Spencer wears*
buggers 03
buggers 03 - 8 years ago
Everyone is surprised that a shark ate a porcupine but what I'm surprised about is that there was a porcupine near Australia. I think it would have been an echidna but that's just my opinion
super planet gaming
super planet gaming - 8 years ago
wtf how big was the dolphin
Jack Wolf
Jack Wolf - 8 years ago
Probably it was a juvenile or teenager
Djxjxixsm Jxjskjzxn
Djxjxixsm Jxjskjzxn - 8 years ago
No corroborating pics or video.  Total bollocks
bendy the ink demon
bendy the ink demon - 8 years ago
King LeLe
King LeLe - 8 years ago
ACAAN BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZomReed Zielinski
ZomReed Zielinski - 8 years ago
ZomReed Zielinski
ZomReed Zielinski - 8 years ago
Horse head
Derrick Allen
Derrick Allen - 8 years ago
Spiritflight - 8 years ago
my big bro and I were on the beach and we found a dead shark so he got out a knife and like an hour later it was open and we found an ipad and unimum foil.. <(0.0)>
iKasai - 8 years ago
Tiger sharks, man..
Lukas Moczek
Lukas Moczek - 8 years ago
I'm a shark lover so it's ad seeing dead sharks :(
Jack Wolf
Jack Wolf - 8 years ago
Lukas Moczek
Lukas Moczek - 8 years ago
Oops didn't notice that I did mean sad
Jack Wolf
Jack Wolf - 8 years ago
U mean sad right? U said ad
horse sarcasm
horse sarcasm - 8 years ago
Same, but I can live with it!
HannahBanana - 8 years ago
I love love love love love love love love love love love love horses so that one made me heartbroken
karl hogben
karl hogben - 8 years ago
poor horse
Mediha Delic
Mediha Delic - 8 years ago
it was a wild horse
Blanton Byers
Blanton Byers - 8 years ago
Magical Stars
Magical Stars - 8 years ago
I don't believe  this vid.
Insomniac7290 - 8 years ago
something tells me sharks arent too bright
A Nerdy PopTart
A Nerdy PopTart - 8 years ago
Yeah that extra 2 feet in the one who ate a dolphin didn't got towards its brain
Elliot Ness
Elliot Ness - 8 years ago
Not a single 1 of these is bizarre
ryn sanders
ryn sanders - 8 years ago
How come all the license plates were from Ohio. Not saying it's a bad think thing cuz i love the Buckeyes reply buckeye nation if you live in Ohio or like the Buckeyes
Kayla Stephenson
Kayla Stephenson - 8 years ago
he said bondi wrong
Cope Homan
Cope Homan - 8 years ago
ok i was dressed up in my fur coat and had my knight in armor and had the porcupine for spare points for darts that night dint go well
ellie xoxo
ellie xoxo - 8 years ago
I live near Bondi Beach xD >_<
aaliyah - 8 years ago
am i the only person who is uncomfortable with the way he pronounced "Bondi"?
Syrena Rae
Syrena Rae - 8 years ago
Jack Wolf
Jack Wolf - 8 years ago
it was probably a teenager or juvenile
Dance Queen
Dance Queen - 8 years ago
Mark Sullivan
Mark Sullivan - 8 years ago
The full suit of armor with the guy still in it was what surprised me.
amy clora
amy clora - 8 years ago
the soot of armor was supersizing
Michael King
Michael King - 8 years ago
Mike Jones
Mike Jones - 8 years ago
Mortal Kryptek
Mortal Kryptek - 8 years ago
Meme Dictator
Meme Dictator - 8 years ago
I'm your 44,000 sub bro congrats
Marcy Farlow
Marcy Farlow - 8 years ago
That would hurt to ha e a porcupine in your stomach
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin - 8 years ago
+Roberto Rodriguez Make America Great Again
Roberto Rodriguez
Roberto Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin - 8 years ago
No shit!
LordPugsley - 8 years ago
by the way bondi is pronounced bondeye and it was probably an echidna in the shark
Mari Chan
Mari Chan - 8 years ago
the weirdest thing i ever found inside a shark is blood! i swear you cant even believe it!
Walterken910 - 8 years ago
+Jack Wolf it's a joke
Jack Wolf
Jack Wolf - 8 years ago
Odell Beckham Jr.
Odell Beckham Jr. - 8 years ago
The knight armor was confusing
Jack Wolf
Jack Wolf - 8 years ago
Ng darioua fuck knights
Ng Darius
Ng Darius - 8 years ago
I like Knights
Christina Mills
Christina Mills - 8 years ago
wow a cow and a house alt1
Lailipops Rocks
Lailipops Rocks - 8 years ago
Wow so Amaze I love this vid abit
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+Victoria Pridie I'm pleased you do :) Thank you
Los Tres Musketeers :3
Los Tres Musketeers :3 - 8 years ago
poor, knight
Elvis Pepely
Elvis Pepely - 8 years ago
you are more likely to die from a cow than a shark
do top 10 weirdest things found inside a cow
Walterken910 - 8 years ago
+ZombieHD T.V. Actually sharks kill people about 10-11
Aydoss - 8 years ago
+ZombieHD T.V. Read. "more likely to die from a cow",
"more people die from sharks"
TheSourLemonz 101
TheSourLemonz 101 - 8 years ago
no more people die from sharks if you think about it
GoodOil69 - 8 years ago
+Elvis Pepely  ummm that is weird!
Paul McEwan
Paul McEwan - 8 years ago
+GalaxyGamer 1661 Probably the same way as the cow, washed away down a river and into an ocean
Sammi Swick
Sammi Swick - 8 years ago
owww.... Imagine having to EAT the porcupine, then having it slide threw your intestines to your stomach, *
Sparrow HD
Sparrow HD - 8 years ago
+Mireille Gaillard mom get the camera
THE DERPY DINOSAUR 101 - 8 years ago
Ya Catus too that just Ugh HACHIOJI it just gross
Mireille Gaillard
Mireille Gaillard - 8 years ago
+WOWsoAmaze What on earth do you mean with "could of ate"???? what kind of goofy language is that? Did you mean "could HAVE EATEN" ?? English is a very easy language, try to learn it.
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+CONNIE SMITH Can only suggest that maybe the Shark could of ate it on it's travels.
CONNIE SMITH - 8 years ago
+Happy Melon and that doesn't make sense bondi beach thats in Australia and Australia does not have porcupines
Olivia VS Aus
Olivia VS Aus - 8 years ago
+Jack Wolf not necessarily, depending on the Sharks digestive system. Most Carnivores don't digest things like fur, bones etc. for example, If you were to look at dingos shit, it would have fur and bones in it. So when the porcupine was being digested the quills and bones might not have been turned into shit. Also it's not BONDE BEACH ITS BONDI PRONOUNCED "Bon-die-
Jack Wolf
Jack Wolf - 8 years ago
But the porcupine would turn in to shit
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+Happy Melon Ouch indeed!
AFTER LIFE - 8 years ago
if it was caught in Australian its not a porcupine its an echidna
AFTER LIFE - 8 years ago
+GenericPyro 2 he said a shark eaten a porkie pine and was cought in Australia. I was assuming he thought the porkie pine was a echidna. both simular.     
GenericPyro 2
GenericPyro 2 - 8 years ago
+AFTER LIFE Echidna's and Pocupines are different animals.
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+Brenna Mathews haha yep, pretty weird!
Chickfilae - 8 years ago
Sharks are weird
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+Eme E I wouldn't say that to their face though. I'd just shout it from the beach
Ben - 8 years ago
A body is in a sharks mouth!
Fact5 - 8 years ago
Very unique topic. Great idea! I can't believe a shark ate a whole suit of armour! And that porcupine, ouch!
Sparrow HD
Sparrow HD - 8 years ago
omg it's u
Jason Hall
Jason Hall - 8 years ago
SenSe ColorZ
SenSe ColorZ - 8 years ago
I'm a sub nice to meet u
Zetrik - 8 years ago
The dolphin was quite weird as it was bigger than the sharks stomach
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+Zetrik Yep. Must of regretted it after.
SenSe ColorZ
SenSe ColorZ - 8 years ago
Molly pull
Molly pull - 8 years ago
Sweet!!! I love sharks
Jack Wolf
Jack Wolf - 8 years ago
Ng Darius
Ng Darius - 8 years ago
I love Knights ⚔
WOWsoAmaze - 8 years ago
+Molly pull Same. Although i prefer to admire from a distance.
SenSe ColorZ
SenSe ColorZ - 8 years ago
me to
Quan.wit.da.drakko - 8 years ago

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