10 Worst Shark Attacks

- Welcome to TopTenChannel! SUBSCRIBE now for more videos. - Follow us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1K6HkHz Here are the 10 worst shark attacks of all time. List: 10. Rodney Fox, 1963 9. Dave Martin, 2008 8. Elio Canestri, 2015 7. Deborah Franzman, 2003 6. Shirley Ann Durdin, 1985 5. Ian Redmond, 2011 4. Robert Pamperin, 1959 3. Pacific Coast of the US, 1984 2. The Jersey Shore, 1916 1. USS Indianapolis , 1945 Music: "We Got Trouble" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

10 Worst Shark Attacks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 657

Shark videos 9 years ago 1,620,455 views

- Welcome to TopTenChannel! SUBSCRIBE now for more videos. - Follow us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1K6HkHz Here are the 10 worst shark attacks of all time. List: 10. Rodney Fox, 1963 9. Dave Martin, 2008 8. Elio Canestri, 2015 7. Deborah Franzman, 2003 6. Shirley Ann Durdin, 1985 5. Ian Redmond, 2011 4. Robert Pamperin, 1959 3. Pacific Coast of the US, 1984 2. The Jersey Shore, 1916 1. USS Indianapolis , 1945 Music: "We Got Trouble" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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Most popular comments
for 10 Worst Shark Attacks

Tyrone Jackson
Tyrone Jackson - 6 years ago
Notice no black people,we are very smart .
Jacob - 6 years ago
World conquer music
Alma Baca
Alma Baca - 6 years ago
Alex Kerr
Alex Kerr - 6 years ago
And Alex kitner 1975
Xela - 6 years ago
My great grandfather was on the Indianapolis and survived at the age of 16
joseph montague
joseph montague - 6 years ago
Did this actually say murdered by a shark? Ya you gotta watch for those serial killer great whites
mumbus 27
mumbus 27 - 6 years ago
How do they know it was 22 feet...no bite radious to measure...no body... The measurements are likely exaggerated... But...there is a chance it's accurate..if so that is massive...r.i.p to the victim
mumbus 27
mumbus 27 - 6 years ago
Deborah franzman swam with those sealions often and she worn wet suit and fins... unfortunately this was inevitable...rest her soul
Marc Mclane
Marc Mclane - 6 years ago
sharks do not MURDER PEOPLE.. it's their HOME..

10. comment for 10 Worst Shark Attacks

Robert Elliott
Robert Elliott - 6 years ago
"Murdered by a shark" that's a new concept.You mean urged to leave the shark's territory.If you go anywhere where there are sharks then you are fair game.As I suspected none of these attacks happened on land !!
Frankie Flapjacks
Frankie Flapjacks - 6 years ago
Abalone is pronounced with a long E. a-buh-lone-e
Jerry D
Jerry D - 7 years ago
Considering most sharks get a bad rap, and are killed for just being a shark, I cheer for the sharks in these videos
Aeronne Coronel
Aeronne Coronel - 7 years ago
Guess it's just me. but the narrator makes it sound like shark attacks are fun.
Sylvie Baker
Sylvie Baker - 7 years ago
5:07 12 years old

Get Money
Get Money - 7 years ago
Thats why I swim in the pool
Mike Jones
Mike Jones - 7 years ago
The only misunderstanding about sharks we humans have is that we tend to think sharks don't attack humans on purpose. The truth is no they don't seek out humans specifically. Sharks eat everything they come across humans are not excluded they are scavengers and hunters when they need to be. Sharks do not mistake humans as seals or any other type of sea animal they see humans like they see everything else as either prey or something to run from.
Barbara Dyson
Barbara Dyson - 7 years ago
how the hell would they know the shark was 22ft long, did they go and measure it, do wish they wouldn't make these stupid statements just say a very large shark
Michelle Facchi
Michelle Facchi - 7 years ago
Barbara Dyson they can tell by the bite size left on the victims
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith - 7 years ago
Rodney Fox is the most badass 13 year old (or person for that matter) I've ever seen. Did he go through puberty at 8? Paul Hogan would be proud.
Nami Plays
Nami Plays - 7 years ago
But rip

20. comment for 10 Worst Shark Attacks

Nami Plays
Nami Plays - 7 years ago
I've seen better deaths
12gaugegavin - 7 years ago
This is just like finding nemo I love that movie
Woofie Dawg!
Woofie Dawg! - 7 years ago
I have come to an understanding with Sharks. I will stay out of their water as long as they stay out of my garden!
wastedninja master828
wastedninja master828 - 7 years ago
i was not at the indanapilas thingy but i know how it happened some blood in the water some sharks most thought oh i think the others are eating guys come eat food
PresentlyIn TheFuture
PresentlyIn TheFuture - 7 years ago
#7 Deborah, "murdered by a shark" ? When you place yourself on the platter of something that can eat you, it's self inflicted.
mellycon 79
mellycon 79 - 7 years ago
How can you be 'murdered' by a shark? What a stupid thing to say! Go into their territory, be it on your own head.
Cortelus Grant
Cortelus Grant - 7 years ago
rest in good news
Ivan Castillo
Ivan Castillo - 7 years ago
Sharks don’t commit “murder” as the commentator suggests at #7 they kill to eat, that lady got killed because of bad luck and poor judgment, she was swimming with a pack of sea lions for gods sake! What was she thinking?!?
robert franks
robert franks - 7 years ago
I'll be in the pool, an umbrella in my drink. You guys have fun at the beach!
Ukshik - 7 years ago
Videos so secret that nobody see anything!!!! Only some asshole talking. :-(

30. comment for 10 Worst Shark Attacks

Ron W
Ron W - 7 years ago
I can't remember what year it was but there was a guy killed by a great white at Stinson Beach near San Francisco. He was swimming with a friend when attacked and bitten in half. His friend said the scream was the most horrible sound he'd ever heard in his life.note: Stinson beach is nicknamed "sharkfeed beach"
Saul Rodriguez
Saul Rodriguez - 7 years ago
where's the video's
Saul Rodriguez
Saul Rodriguez - 7 years ago
where's the video's
Linda Stogsdill
Linda Stogsdill - 7 years ago
Why do u keep saying attack when sharks are going thru a swim by all you can eat buffet its not an attack its eating do you call guys eating attacking thier food this guy attacked his burger at lunch today an people stood there an watched in horror . see you can make anything sound worse with the choice of words you use lol
Half Breed
Half Breed - 7 years ago
This guy sounds a little to happy to be narrating a shark attack video.
Dann G
Dann G - 7 years ago
Your comment that a woman was "murdered" by a shark is complete bullsh!T. If a human goes into a wild space they become part of the food chain. It's not murder if a killing is done from bestial need.
K Kvveen MSP
K Kvveen MSP - 7 years ago
wait they said number 8 died he is suppose to survive
Squid Kid 85 green
Squid Kid 85 green - 7 years ago
I am missing a arm from a tiger shark
adam pruitt
adam pruitt - 7 years ago
I on was the beach on time and this guy was watching Jaws while in the Water with his ipad lol and he was reenacting when quinn got ate by the shark at the end on Jaws people thought he was being attacked for real and started getting out of the water fast lol
Katie Maige
Katie Maige - 7 years ago
Number 2 Story was my favorite
Planet star 927
Planet star 927 - 7 years ago
Top 3 things that can kill a great white
3 spinosaurus : meet one of the largest animals that walked the earth
2 killer whale : meet the predator of a great white
1 megalodon : meet the biggest shark of them all!!! The king of the sea!!!

There's other things that can kill a great white
oks1Ajax - 7 years ago
I must make a correcktion about the Jersey shore attacks . There are/where NO debate about which shark where the killer. The shark (a young GW) where cought afterwards with the remains of the victims in its stomach. Futher more the USS Indianapolis did not transport a atom-bomb only some parts needed for one.
Jackie Musgrove
Jackie Musgrove - 7 years ago
And yet we still have people who say sharks are not dangerous to humans!
Kevin C
Kevin C - 7 years ago
You can't be murdered by a shark.
Drew 2u
Drew 2u - 7 years ago
If I were a surfer I would always have a Bowie knife strapped
RenegadeTimes - 7 years ago
sharks don't "murder" people...they are doing what nature designed them to do. Eat.
Beve Blanchard
Beve Blanchard - 7 years ago
I think it would save lives if countries would put up a metal mesh fence around beaches
headschlong - 7 years ago
A shark will only attack you if you're wet.
Melissa Chapel
Melissa Chapel - 7 years ago
For Reals,Your not joking
LodiTX - 7 years ago
Re: 1916 New Jersey attacks, the last three took place upstream in Matawan Creek, which is a tidal creek composed of marshy salt and fresh water. The only shark who can swim in both salt and fresh water is the Bull shark; therefore those three victims had to have been attacked by a Bull shark. The only way a Great White could have been involved is if a Great White attacked the two victims in the ocean and a Bull shark attacked the victims in the creek.

50. comment for 10 Worst Shark Attacks

Shona Chila
Shona Chila - 7 years ago
Sherri Olsen
Sherri Olsen - 7 years ago
5 when I was born
AranRBLX_Obviously - 7 years ago
well if its a megalodon i'll kill myself...T_T
Hamish Pollard
Hamish Pollard - 7 years ago
Dese 13 year olds
Mustybone666 - 7 years ago
Great video however the royalty free music is nauseating.
Sander Nielsen
Sander Nielsen - 7 years ago
Question: experts go on and on about that the great white doesn´t like the taste of us that much but how does that explain those people that never come back from in one piece after a white shark attack ?
aly ssa Horton
aly ssa Horton - 7 years ago
I hate sharks they are bad
Brandi Vad
Brandi Vad - 7 years ago
cuz nobody understands how terrified I am of the water...and nobody will ever understand...cuz they think the water is SOOOO SAFE
Brandi Vad
Brandi Vad - 7 years ago
and my dad wonders why I don't go into the ocean with him and my sisters when we r having a beach day
Black Sun PMC
Black Sun PMC - 7 years ago
Sharks don't murder people and anyone who swims in the water with penapeds deserves to be eaten by a shark what a moron
Pramod Surekha
Pramod Surekha - 7 years ago
l liked your video
Gillian Chillman-Black
Gillian Chillman-Black - 7 years ago
most attacks are the cause of stupidity , people swimming in areas where there are warnings of sharks and they know it is risky. sharks have terrible eyesight so they can't think " oh that lump thrashing/ swimming about looks like a seal but it's actually a human wearing flippers! phew! I was just about to eat it but realised just in time! "....I've never heard a shark guilty of "murder" before either! strange video. .
Barbara Dyson
Barbara Dyson - 7 years ago
jonsey then what a sad person you are, Sharks do not kill for fun and the bull and tiger shark are far more dangerous than a great white. I must say I find you rather pathetic. What a sad person you are if you really believe sharks kill for fun, one of the animals that do kill for fun is a fox. God go and study zoology you may just may learn a thing or two about creatures,
Barbara Dyson
Barbara Dyson - 7 years ago
jonsey are you for real or just trying to stir things up. Cause if you are for real you lack a brain.
AMANDA JAYNE Howe - 7 years ago
it's not like you have to get into the water
Joshua Goodpaster
Joshua Goodpaster - 8 years ago
Absolutely love the intro jingle
Scot Osborne
Scot Osborne - 8 years ago
really!you stole footage from jaws.lame.
KingFin 6
KingFin 6 - 8 years ago
yup. still got it in me.
Narelle Solomon
Narelle Solomon - 8 years ago
and we still go into the water Shudder um a shark doesnt murder you it is feeding not premeditated yeh.!!!!!!
Cheshire Kitten
Cheshire Kitten - 8 years ago
The reason sharks attacks seem to be getting more common is that a lot of people go on shark caging trips and to get the Sharks to appear they have to bait and so now when they see us they associate us with food it's called conditioning and we need to stop it
Ester Heard
Ester Heard - 8 years ago
Dude did you hear her scream
shirley dirupo
shirley dirupo - 8 years ago
fascinating but sad stories
Anthony Harrison
Anthony Harrison - 8 years ago
Must of hert
kimberly Tynch
kimberly Tynch - 7 years ago
They out of there world. But it is still sad. Land is my world and that's dangerous too.
Susan Renee'
Susan Renee' - 8 years ago
Anthony Harrison a little bit.....
Nick Koyukin
Nick Koyukin - 8 years ago
And don't act like a fish and don't dress and look like a seal, because then you may get attacked.
Nick Koyukin
Nick Koyukin - 8 years ago
It's actually unusual for a shark to attack people like that. It usually attacks if it's confused whether you're a fish or not. And sometimes it can attack you if it's super hungry, but that's really unlikely.
Mirabelle Bloomfield
Mirabelle Bloomfield - 8 years ago
We may be scared of sharks but they are WAY more scared of us
Jess Simcock
Jess Simcock - 8 years ago
humans kill over 100 million sharks per year word wide, I'm not surprised some fight back! but yet theres only an estimate of 79 shark attacks per year and only around 11 fatal - so who's the real killer ?
Cheshire Kitten
Cheshire Kitten - 8 years ago
Jess Simcock it's true we're more likely to die from a toaster or vending machine than a shark how weird is that
aiden acevedo
aiden acevedo - 8 years ago
Richard Jacobs
Richard Jacobs - 8 years ago
oh yeah too sweet
Camile Lewis
Camile Lewis - 8 years ago
My phobia of the open waters shall live on forever after this video. It may trickle down to a few generations after me
Gazza 4
Gazza 4 - 8 years ago
Remind me never to go swimming in the ocean again.
Chris S.
Chris S. - 8 years ago
Gazza 4 hey, never go swimming in the ocean again.
Tetsuya Sayuki
Tetsuya Sayuki - 8 years ago
thats why I've always said lets kill all them dangerous sharks and only keep the not so dangerous ones.
Richard Selan
Richard Selan - 8 years ago
the byrds
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
OK, that's fine Kevin. But you don't know what you're missing. Try fish 'n' chips at least once, you won't regret it  :) .
Tetsuya Sayuki
Tetsuya Sayuki - 8 years ago
Well to tell you the truth i don't eat seafood only meat beef lol
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
"Among the 'not so dangerous' IS (instead of "are") the one that ends up in your bowl of soup (shark's fin I mean)" :) .
Tetsuya Sayuki
Tetsuya Sayuki - 8 years ago
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
Sorry, I meant "is" instead of "are" .
Tetsuya Sayuki
Tetsuya Sayuki - 8 years ago
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
Among the "not so dangerous" are the one that ends up in your bowl of soup (shark's fin I mean).
Luke Montzka
Luke Montzka - 8 years ago
KOB KOB - 8 years ago
What about Quint, he was devoured and it was caught on camera. It's on YouTube, look it up.
Legato assassin
Legato assassin - 8 years ago
ONe of my favourite real life documentary's. They were lucky Youtube came down to video it
Dr_Reptic - 8 years ago
Dude Quint is In jaws
Dont you know its not real
Ben Bond
Ben Bond - 8 years ago
Well, the Durdin one sounds the worst, imo, for a single attack. Then there's #8...swimming in waters that are prohibited, BECAUSE of shark frequency. I'm sorry, but that is a perfect example of survival of the fittest, brought on by nothing more than man's worst trait, ignorance.
Miraculous Hopper Rabbit
Miraculous Hopper Rabbit - 8 years ago
I heard about the USS Idianopalis on a other vid
Rachel Steel
Rachel Steel - 8 years ago
can I get 40 likes on this for no reason ;)
karma darkside
karma darkside - 8 years ago
no.1 reminds me of jaws it seemed realistic hearing it from the late robert shaw
karma darkside
karma darkside - 8 years ago
its tragic
LSU Gamer
LSU Gamer - 8 years ago
Wow how did you record this
Sundip Patel
Sundip Patel - 8 years ago
Do not play with sharks while swimming in deep seas , sharks smell blood a mile away and can strike any time without reason.
TheDodicat - 8 years ago
Murdered by a shark? Lmao.
Murder is the killing of a human by a human, not an animal lol.
Dr. Zeddy
Dr. Zeddy - 7 years ago
yes and humans kill more humans then anything.
TheDodicat - 8 years ago
+Kendi Phillip People are murdered by homo sapiens not animals.
Kendi 694
Kendi 694 - 8 years ago

People only get murdered by another person not by a animal.
arabella huynh
arabella huynh - 8 years ago
that hurt
BaileyThe Dogeling
BaileyThe Dogeling - 8 years ago
TheAmazingDerp Jr.
TheAmazingDerp Jr. - 8 years ago
I think it was a bull shark who killed the 4 peeps. Bull sharks are the most aggressive and the most dangerous to humans believe it or not.
oks1Ajax - 7 years ago
Dont know why this vid. tells there are a debate about which shark killed them. The shark (a young GW) where cought afterwards with the remains of the victims in its stomach. It was even stuffed and mounted.
The KINDRED - 8 years ago
TheAmazingDerp Jr bullshit, the great white is the most aggressive and most dangerous shark in the world, bull shark rates third after the tiger shark.
Squidling 101
Squidling 101 - 8 years ago
this exaggeration and only choosing great whites gives sharks and great whites a bad name
Victor Rosado
Victor Rosado - 8 years ago
Daniel Torres
Daniel Torres - 8 years ago
well arent you just a ray of sunshine
Barbara Vail
Barbara Vail - 8 years ago
you need NEW videos.......
Derrick lee
Derrick lee - 8 years ago
Rodney fox was not a teen when he got attract go fact check!
Lewis 970
Lewis 970 - 8 years ago
Yeah I thought it was kind of weird that a 13 year old was the spear fishing champion.

100. comment for 10 Worst Shark Attacks

harri hiltunen
harri hiltunen - 8 years ago
beautifully animal.....
Thomas gunns
Thomas gunns - 8 years ago
some of those pic are from jaws
Miraculous Hopper Rabbit
Miraculous Hopper Rabbit - 8 years ago
Thomas gunns I know right
Ismael Vargas
Ismael Vargas - 8 years ago
yeah i know
Jeff White
Jeff White - 8 years ago
Stay out of the Damm water
Rob Gallagher
Rob Gallagher - 7 years ago
Jeff White yep
spaciousgalaqxy - 8 years ago
Thumbs up if you think all sharks should be killed off so there are none left in the world. Whale hunting is out and shark hunting should take its place.
My Jessie
My Jessie - 7 years ago
spaciousgalaqxy no definitely do your research before you say these types of things.
Greg Behm Sr.
Greg Behm Sr. - 7 years ago
spaciousgalaqxy no thats already a huge problem that is having massive implications on the food chain because China sends out these giant ships and all they do is catch sharks when they catch them they bring them up on board and cut off every fin and throw the rest of the body back into the ocean and use the fins for a certain type of soup. Ridiculous and ignorant
Rafa Godínez
Rafa Godínez - 7 years ago
I just hope you are a troll, if not I feel bad for you
Dr. Zeddy
Dr. Zeddy - 7 years ago
+Cheshire Kitten yes. and other humans kill other humans all the time.
halee carroll
halee carroll - 7 years ago
Cheshire Kitten
Cheshire Kitten - 8 years ago
spaciousgalaqxy it's an animal you're in its territory, other animals kills humans do you think they should be hunted too?
MrsQuietMusic - 8 years ago
How do you know if a shark is scared or not? It is a fish. On top of the food chain. What does it have to be afraid of?
MrsQuietMusic - 8 years ago
Yes, that is a good argument for not killing them all. I am so scared shitless of sharks that I have many times thought they should just become extinct, but in reality the sea would be in real trouble if they had disappeared. One fish get something like a million babies, I guess, and that would quickly become a problem. Even if bigger fish eat smaller fish, we probably do need shark in the sea. Though I do not snorkle or do anything near the sea where there are sharks that may attack humans. They are too dangerous, I run for my life, I sure cannot swim away from a shark - it would eat me in seconds just for fun, if it felt I was scared.They are just created to eat and be on top of the food chain.
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
Some vicious human serial killers MIGHT frighten them (besides orcas) TheDodicat, actually.
TheDodicat - 8 years ago
+Avion Clark Clark Scared? lol
They are predators of the sea. Not an ounce of fear in them.
Mari Smith
Mari Smith - 8 years ago
Avion Clark Clark
Avion Clark Clark - 8 years ago
sharks are endangered species. Some are hungry and most are scared... they attack when you splash an move around that includes your feet
Genevieve Lapierre
Genevieve Lapierre - 8 years ago
spaciousgalaqxy sharks help make sure the oceans don't get over populated
MrsQuietMusic - 8 years ago
If I were eaten by a shark, I would not - I repeat NOT - defend the shark and say something like: Oh well, it really thought I was a seal or a turtle, or "Sharks are really not into eating humans". (Needless to say, if I were eaten, I would probably not say anything. )
I wish sharks were extinct. The thought of being eaten by a shark, is one of the main reasons why I do not like to swim. Even in places where there is obviously no sharks. They are just like taken right out of a horrible nightmare.
xox_Charmayne _xox
xox_Charmayne _xox - 8 years ago
Do you know that sharks dont want to kill us.They think were seals most of the time and when they bite us they leave us alone because they were just curios on what we are.Secondly who the hell goes in shark infested water a stupid moron
Megalodon Fgol
Megalodon Fgol - 8 years ago
True Fact about sharks: We are NOT relentless phsycotic murderers. These people that get attacked by the Great Whites and other sharks does some thing stupid to seem like food. Wearing shining objects, Splashing the water, going in shark infested/swim restricted waters, having a war at sea. All that counts to get killed by a shark in my waters.
Imperator - 8 years ago
Shirley Ann Durdin and Robert Pamperin are really terrifying attacks. The attack on Geoffery Brazier in 2005 was really frightening too.
KingJaddyyy - 8 years ago
Without sharks, there will be no worries in the ocean
Lewis 970
Lewis 970 - 8 years ago
+Sparta Hannibal OK, does that mean you're going to kill yourself?
Barak Burt
Barak Burt - 8 years ago
wow dude
Sparta Hannibal
Sparta Hannibal - 8 years ago
Without humans ,there will be no worries in the earth.
Antonio Tomp
Antonio Tomp - 8 years ago
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen - 8 years ago
caution sharks....nah I am sure it is just a joke....please people go there, we need more videos liie this
Luz Millan
Luz Millan - 8 years ago
yeah right
ALIDAYGO619 - 8 years ago
Fuck man that's why I don't fuck wit the ocean water nomore unless I'm on a cruise lol
Awesome Man Gomez
Awesome Man Gomez - 8 years ago
People say that shark attacks are very rare.
Niroshan Katugampola
Niroshan Katugampola - 8 years ago
Cool sharks
CD Vang
CD Vang - 8 years ago
Kawaii Pineapple
Kawaii Pineapple - 8 years ago
i have 2 things. 1. who is in the comments cause they are scared.2. i am lucky that where i live there are no sharks. yaya
LittleDrummerBoy - 8 years ago
Most people that die from "shark attacks" die from bleeding out. and sharks could easily kill us humans in seconds. they choose not to eat us because we are to boney. but i do believe their are some cases where sharks have intentionally killed for food. like the USS Indianapolis.
Angela Joye
Angela Joye - 8 years ago
I think your right
Angela Joye
Angela Joye - 8 years ago
I think your right
psicofukapus - 8 years ago
LLoyd Skinner was attacked by a Megaladon.
psicofukapus - 8 years ago
I'd call Deborah Franzman a suicide. Swimming with seals is the dumbest thing you can do.
Happy bulldogs
Happy bulldogs - 8 years ago
o my god
JumpingZandre - 8 years ago
For the last one they lived because they lay motionless or played dead its not that the sharks just killed then its that when sharks came they freaked out.
Thomas McCluskey
Thomas McCluskey - 8 years ago
Why I stay on land anymore...sharks are wolves of the sea and will attack anything they can fit in their mouths,the furthest I'll go in the ocean is up to my waiste,but no more than that,and carry a knife if I got to
sam harris
sam harris - 8 years ago
Kill all sharks! There just killing machine's!
Davinia Hyde
Davinia Hyde - 8 years ago
bethany hamilton had her arm took of by a shark
Joaqui Gutierrez
Joaqui Gutierrez - 8 years ago
You sound so positive reading this
Kelsey Eastman
Kelsey Eastman - 8 years ago
the frill shark??
Melissa Griffin
Melissa Griffin - 8 years ago
Greg Sealey
Greg Sealey - 8 years ago
We eat shark.
shark eat us. lol
Macie Sailors
Macie Sailors - 8 years ago
Bethany Hamilton deserves to be on this list she was surfing with her friend Alana Blanchard and Alana's dad and brother when a tiger shark bit off her arm and Bethany survived and right when she was able to get back in the water she went out and on her 3rd wave she was up and riding!She even won the teen choice courage award for all her courage!
Freddie Stranger
Freddie Stranger - 8 years ago
Mastergfunk Deniro
Mastergfunk Deniro - 8 years ago
thanx for the informations. algeriafunk
doomeddisciple - 8 years ago
How is Rodney Fox, or anyone, surviving a shark attack more "worse" than someone dying? Nick Peterson's (RIP) in Adelaide in 2004 was absolutely terrifying - his two mates that witnessed it must still be traumatised
Tina Camacho
Tina Camacho - 8 years ago
Sometimes people deserve what they get don't go in the water where this big sharks are you serious sick people if you know the shop there white going you going to die
ツJadeau - 8 years ago
who the fuck dives for Sea Snails? LOL
Savannah Renee
Savannah Renee - 8 years ago
Annelise Chavarria
Annelise Chavarria - 7 years ago
Kelly Brewer I'm laying in bed and I live in the middle of the USA where there is no ocean or sea
happywarzboss123 - 8 years ago
Steven Zore
Steven Zore - 8 years ago
#7, "Murdered by a shark?"
Dem Guiz
Dem Guiz - 8 years ago
These are lame. They are not videos. They are audio descriptions of events with photos.
SH Car Test
SH Car Test - 8 years ago
It's 1963
VALIANT THOR - 8 years ago
IV eaten 12 ppl
John Ashley
John Ashley - 8 years ago
If sharks had legs and walked on our turf, we would do more that "attack" them. They would be wiped out. There are no real shark attacks. Were intruders in their territory.
John Ashley
John Ashley - 8 years ago
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
So you shouldn't ever board a cruiser or any kind of ship/boat because if it should ever sink, you'd be "in their turf/at their mercy"  :D . Hell I took a cruise many years ago and became SO damn dizzy, it took me about 3 days to fully recover.
Jayla McMillian
Jayla McMillian - 8 years ago
Kendall Lockney
Kendall Lockney - 8 years ago
Jeff Delfeld
Jeff Delfeld - 8 years ago
I just got a shark tattoo dope
Sam - 8 years ago
Sorry but there's a difference you kill all the sharks dumbasses don't see. The standard attack can be deadly but usually sharks bite and let go because they realize humans aren't food. If a shark attacks to kill IT IS GOING TO KILL but most attacks seen are test bites since sharks really have no other means of investigating what something is. Sharks are not evil that's just you dumb pricks trying to put human emotions and mental states on animals. Humans also do not belong in the water we are the self declared dominant species of the planet but we only survive because we are smarter then everything else. There also are better defenses to keep sharks away from beaches then this stupid outdated culling shit. In the end a shark is a predator just like a tiger or lion and if it gets hungry enough or is too hurt to hunt something else it'll turn to the easiest available food and that is usually humans and humans DO sometimes bring it on themselves by trying to touch a shark. And think on this for about 10 fatal attacks per year human kill millions of sharks more people die of bee stings every year but nobody says bees should be hunted into extinction
Jayla McMillian
Jayla McMillian - 8 years ago
I like what's Sam is going there
marc verus
marc verus - 8 years ago
this music is from glory of generals LOL
Lorraine Adames
Lorraine Adames - 9 years ago
So scary
Werewolf gaming 2 Werewolf gaming 2
Werewolf gaming 2 Werewolf gaming 2 - 9 years ago
The only reason they attack surfers is because they look like a seal or a turtle! They don't even like human blood, they usually leave them alone. And to defend yourself don't go in the water! Or don't punch if in the eyes! The gills are its weak spot. And more people kill sharks than sharks kill humans. And they only use their fins. For shark fin soup and charge over a thousand bucks for one bowl!
Saumbra Woolverton
Saumbra Woolverton - 9 years ago
when I watched this I felt the pain they feltand I felt the shark biting me it felt weird.
peekeyeseek - 9 years ago
0.27 sharky cute face. Mwah. x
missprincegirl - 9 years ago
I love sharks
Trampoline Pro
Trampoline Pro - 9 years ago
that is why people lose from a shark fight.
Trampoline Pro
Trampoline Pro - 9 years ago
the sharks skin is made out of little sharp spikes to protect itself.
Trampoline Pro
Trampoline Pro - 9 years ago
guys,do you know what sharks skin are.
Trampoline Pro
Trampoline Pro - 9 years ago
elio died last year then if it was 2015.i am in 2016.
Tonya Green
Tonya Green - 9 years ago
I am so scared right now
Felicia Graham
Felicia Graham - 9 years ago
Wow the water scares me to death
David Laurence
David Laurence - 9 years ago
what the fuk
Midnight Black
Midnight Black - 9 years ago
Oh, but they are just misunderstood, sweet animals......HA. Those animal activists crack me up. So much blood on their hands if attacks on humans  can be prevented by culling the shark population in waters people frequent. Simple survival. And as big as the oceans are, culling wouldn't put a dent in the shark population no matter how excess. If an animal goes extinct, its just nature running its course in most cases. Its like those idiots who claim people leave a carbon footprint....If the population of people were double, we still wouldn't phase this enormous atmosphere. Earth was here long before us, and will still be thriving long after we are gone. What arrogance we have accumulated to believe we make more then a whisper on this huge world we are on......Ah, hell. As long as they can profit from it, they will get us believing all kinds of stupid ideas.But if one of them "activists" like Peta were to trade places with the guy who watched his wife ripped apart. I bet he would change his toon then. Those Peta people are creepy. Like a cult or something. Anyways enough ranting. Good video, thanks XD
Midnight Black
Midnight Black - 8 years ago
+Sam Its not really politics so much as its a slavery system. And they pick and choose what we know or believe through a knowledge filter. I am, I am sad to say about myself, someone who was also once on board with them. But I am a father, first. And sick of seeing our childrens futures being flushed by the greedy. I guess you could say I have declared a cold war myself on every psi op and suspected psi op they are engaged in. Religion is at the top of that list, as is NASA and their pseudo scientists. The family court system is not only violating the 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 14th amendments on a daily basis, as well as violating color of law felonies outlined in title 242, section 18 of the Bill of rights, and doing so in just about every case they handle, but they are destroying the children of this country. And the family structure in general, All to protect a stock owned by Hillary Clinton and Lockheed Martin to own these federal contracts worked out against families. Whats worse even then that, is this scum is taking children out of poor or broken homes and "leasing" them to wealthy pedophiles and there sick parties. Look into the curious circiumstances of Senator Nancy Schaefer, a representative of Georgia and former associate of mine. She was making a move to expose this mess to congress, and was a true patriot. She was an ascociate of mine, and while some thought her extreme or a conspiracy theorist, the truth lies in their actions to silence her.
There was also a banned documentary I think was called "conspiracy of silence" which also moved to expose the conspiracy against American families and who the [players are, and a damaged and unfinished leaked copy is available online.
PETA is another of these groups, there members mean well, but the people at the top know damn well how they are misleading these people and using there hearts against them!
We face a juggernaut like never before in defense of freedom and family values. With technology they can, have, and will roll right over us, but that same tech has also given US a weapon to strike back. I bait and troll to engage people, and then try to find a way to plant the truth, or a path to it.
Take care of yourself, Sam. Question everything, accept nothing, and most of all, remember that this world is yours as well as thiers. Whens the last time you set someone elses rules? Because all that is worth standing against is one group imposing its will on another!
Sam - 8 years ago
+Midnight Black Problem is these people aren't being removed because people for the large part don't see the big picture. And of course I don't believe the science that comes close to stuff like poltics but as far as I'm concerned things like evolution are quite far removed in terms of being useful to the liars running the world
Midnight Black
Midnight Black - 8 years ago
+Sam Check this out, and read it. Its not really about evolution so much as it is about who and what is destroying the world and lying to all of us. And after you've have a chance to read it, share it, expecially with US veterans if you agree with what you see,,,,
Until these people are removed and held accountable, I wont believe science, religion, the media, or anything else that comes through there channels and organizations.
Sam - 8 years ago
In my belief science has things pretty decently explained at this point the glaring hole in the story is what caused the big bang. Evolution though is a pretty simple thing just look at shark fist appearing 400 million years ago and the overall body shape has barely changed the last 20 million years. Comparatively the human evolutionary branch has been around 7 million years and there's been a number of different species . course I'm not a "humans came from chimps" guy I realize their simply the closest living related species to ours
Midnight Black
Midnight Black - 8 years ago
+Sam Agreed. But we also need to have people see the danger we are in from corrupt, greedy powerplayer's behind the religions. I believe in spiritual existence (or, if you prefer, extra dimensional entities) both good and evil, and I believe there is an amazing story behind our existence. But I don't think we have ever heard that story yet, and we wont until the control-freak religions and power monger leaders are all a thing of the past.
My long tirade was against mainstream science, but I have one just as long against organized religions as well........
Sam - 8 years ago
I'd be just fine if religion ceased to exist look at the world today you dont need it to teach morals anymore and in the Middle East it's just a reason they kill eachother. I believe that religion has no real purpose in the present day
Midnight Black
Midnight Black - 8 years ago
+Sam Also I meant to say they pledge the destruction of existing religions, but my wife was talking to me and I didn't finish the paragraph. My bad lol. 
Midnight Black
Midnight Black - 8 years ago
+Sam I don't know how old the earth is, as I am an agnostic on the fence.

Yes, the fossil record is a lie. Let me explain....

First off, animals have to die under certain conditions in order to fossilize. If, say, a raccoon dies in your backyard and decays, it will eventually turn to dust. It takes mud and pressure to create a fossil....And with so many of them it screams flood.
Next is the dating methods used, but first you need to know, not all science beleivers are liars. Even in the upper echelons of rank. The liars are a very small handful of people, and they have deceived many, many people with these lies. Most just trust that the people teaching them know the facts and take the lessons to heart. Even if its common sense. And one pledge they have made is religion, and by the fact you automatically assumed I was part of organized religion, it shows your "conditioning" like cards on the table.
Now that being said, do you know how the primary aging techniques are done? Odd how as obvious it is that its circular reasoning, so many over look the sheer humor of it all.
They judge the fossils age by the rock strata they are in, and judge the rock strata age by the fossils found in them. I kid you not.... The other method, carbon dating, becomes very inaccurate after 2 to 3 thousand years, which is where method one then comes in ll.
There is a very well presented seminar by a creationist named Dr. Kent Hovind called "100 reasons why evolution is stupid". Its a popular video and an easy search. So popular, in fact, that to shut him up, he was set up for tax fraud. Apparently, he mailed a stamp that was a collectible and didn't pay the tax on it or something was what I heard, but don't quote me on that. I may look up the facts to his set-up and update you when I find out. I DO know that it was a bogus charge, because he shreds the evolution anti-God psi op.
The level of deceit, in fact, is staggering. Especially when one disconnects from the lessons and programming we have had since childhood, and just considers some things with basic common sense.
For example....
They tell us the earth is spinning 1000 mph. The fastest commercial plane is 500 mph, so why are east and west flight times the same? And how is a plane landing on a target moving at that speed? Also, water always levels out to the flattest level of a surface, yet they have convinced people that we are on a ball, and water curves on it. Water doesn't curve.
Yes, your first instinct is to blow it all off as insanity, joke or mock the very idea, That's a programmed response. I was the same way a few years back, before someone opened my eyes to the lies we are chained down with. And the sickest part is, they hide nothing. Its why TV networks call it your local "programming". Whistleblowers have long since exposed experiments and MK ultra projects of the CIA and others hell bent on controlling the masses. One obstacle to this is the massive size we have in population. That's where the activist psi op comes into play. as well as other techniques used on we, the populace such as aids (created in a prison, tested on prisoners. This is confirmed and verifiable now. So ask yourself, why would they unleash something like that, or even create it in the first place?). Vaccines are another technique. Bill Gates has a video where he is boasting that Vaccines they created will get the population down in third world countries by 80 percent. Ted Turner boasted the same boast on another. And now all these designer diseases have popped up all over the world. Pretty convincing......
Now does this mean I believe religion? Not really. Its got some truth to it, but its been twisted and changed into just another control method used on the people. Mainly I figure, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The dead sea scrolls have only been accessed by a very few people, and when man has his finger prints on something (especially and organization as corrupt and, well, EVIL as the Vatican.) its not trustworthy....
So whats the truth, hell I don't know. I don't know what this world is, I don't know if there is a God, (Though I choose to think that in some form or another, there is....) I don't know what space is, or how man got here. But I know what isn't. And none of us have been privy to the truth.
If you want, I can link these for you. You must see these documentaries and the evidence therein, because they disprove the lies better( and with more indisputable proof) then I can.
Or if you would like, I can link them for you later. They are-
Origins of man (with Charlton Heston)
Astronauts gone wild
100 reasons why evolution is stupid (Dr. Kent Hovind)
A funny thing happened on the way to the moon.
Also do some research on both Linguistic programming techniques, and predictive programming ( I am sure you have already heard of the third technique used, which is subliminal programming.) and research the data available on MK ultra. And try to ignore the disinformation that gets in the way as well, like "aliens" or "talking lizard people" ect. This stuff is created by controlled opposition to be disproven, and to discredit the real truth those in power want hidden by throwing it all in one basket of conspiracy theories....
These are great starting points to overcome the lies and conditioning we have all been exposed to.
And no, I am not a crazed, paranoid, deluded person with foil on his head (LOL that very image is part of peoples conditioning as well, to get them to reject evidence in favor of mainstream lies by fearing ridicule)
I'm just a musician, formerly a soldier in the US army, and before that, a fisherman. And as a hobby I am a scholar (Mainly of the ancient Chinese and there dynasties that have risen and fallen, my favorite of which to research are the nomadic Qiang peoples, who are still around today. They are like Chinas own gypsies and have a very rich history!)
In other words, I am an average American who has been "woke up" to the lies enslaving all of us. And for the last 15 years, I have worked at waking up others.....
I don't know why, seeing as how you have a hint of aggression in your responses like everyone else who has been programmed (Which, being that I know where it comes from, I hold it against no one) but I sense your a good soul. These tyrants have hidden our personal divinity and origins,and have had us all locked in as mindless, obedient servants without a will of our own. Nature is governed by laws, and laws require a law maker. Something or someone outside our realm of understanding, that men have called God, has been hidden from us all for the agenda and pleasure of the powerful. Hopefully, you shake off the programmed responses and seriously consider, with logic, all I have said here.
Whew. Long post. Sorry bout that. Take care.
Sam - 8 years ago
So the entire fossil record is a lie the Earth is 6,000 years old and theres an unlimited amount of resources and animals on the planet. Sorry but I'll take science to burying my head in the sand
Midnight Black
Midnight Black - 8 years ago
+Sam Ahhh.... Your one of those who believe nothing exploded to create everything, then lightning struck a chemical soup over and over for millions of years,making single celled organisms that mutated into everything from monkeys to banana's to bankers.....I don't subscribe to the new "monkey to man" religious fairy tale that masqurades as science. But to each his own I guess.
Look, man. You seem like your probably a nice person, honestly, so I will tell you where this cynicism I tend to have is aimed....
There are a great many "animal activists" running around who are,  from what I have seen, are just another controlled psi-op.  These are people whom are victims of having there own love of nature turned against them, to condition them into accepting ideas like population control, and as I previously stated, keeping the blame off the truly guilty.
These activists have an "us or them" mentality when it comes to nature. They see human beings as a cancer on the world, when they should, in reality, realize that every life is sacred. If they were for real, they would discuss alternatives that are beneficial for both people AND animals, rather then looking down on there own kind as a scourge. Most people do no harm to the environment. As stated before, its a small group doing the majority of damage in the service of their green paper God. The same fiat currency that's also used to make a debt slave of very person in civilization except themselves.
As for real activists, who value ALL life, I  am all for it. These people should actually stop letting themselves be mislead by the lying powers that be, and mainstream media, and start actually doing things to hold the guilty accountable, but those guilty have become such a leviathan to stand up to, most don't even know where to start.
One idea I had pitched some time ago was maybe someone starting a crowd funding to research and develop some sort of repellant to keep sharks off the beaches, keeping them alive but people safe.Hell, I would do it, except I am horrible at handling money, and wouldn't want to rip off the donors haha!
For real though, people need to stop letting themselves be desensitized to other people, in the name of saving the world. The only true way to fix the world, is to start by fixing each other. Because, like it or not, believe it or not, or see it or not, some very bad people are in the drivers seat. And they are running this planet and all of us right into the ground, all for greed and lust for power. And people, in their own feelings of being unable to affect them, instead turn on each other. While they laugh, all the way to the bank and our destruction.
Sam - 8 years ago
ALSO. Since day one? No just no
Sam - 8 years ago
You take the risk every time you go in the domain of a potentially dangerous animal nobody says this regarding bees and they kill more people every year
Midnight Black
Midnight Black - 8 years ago
+Sam The human race didn't just "come along"....They have been in the picture from day one.
And yes, pollution is a problem, but your reprimanding someone who doesn't pollute anything. Here is a thought.... Go give those wealthy scumbag corporate goons who ARE destroying the environment a reprimand instead of trying to put the blame on all of mankind as a whole. (hell I don't even drive.....As yeah, I am sure you were going to kick 'fossil fuel" pollution my way..But because of an accident I haven't been able to drive for over 20 years....)
There is blame for environmental damage to be placed, But saying all people are wrecking the world is a programmed response brought on by social engineering.The whole reason people are even conditioned to blame "the human race" for these things is to keep accountability out of the way. After all, if everyone is guilty, we cant send everyone to prison. This is done to protect the mega-wealthy industrialist from consequences. Its a very small group of people who are doing everything from mass pollution with factories, waging wars for profit, and depleting the rain forests. Go make them accountable if its a problem...
But if you value a sharks life more then a persons life, you really have issues. I am not for wanton cruelty of any animal, but if its animal or a person, the animal has to go. To forgo a thinking, reasoning, laughing, loving human beings existence for an "eating machine" means you have very little love in your life, and obviously not enough love as a kid.
I've even seen people so twisted by this programing that they think humans should die off. I don't know if your one of those socially-programmed people. But to them all I can say is, "You first".......
No amount of culling would make sharks or fish or anything else in the sea extinct.. Do you even realize how vast our oceans are? And if people are going to go into the water (and this includes children who go swimming....you think a shark has more value then a child?!?!?_) then something needs to be done to protect them if shark attacks are out of control....So either make some barriers to keep sharks out, or cull them.
I just saw a video about a 10 year old kid who lost his arm and nearly his life to a shark.....And you would choose the sharks side? Man that's twisted........
Sam - 8 years ago
+Midnight Black Sorry but no other species has polluted this planet like us. Also yes SOME species of sharks are dangerous but culling is a fucking outdated practice that does nothing at all but push species that did just fine before the human race came along to extinction. There are other better solution to keeping sharks away from areas people usually swim around. Furthermore humans are entering the sharks domain every time they enter the ocean we do not belong in the water
Zachylolz - 9 years ago
i love animals including sharks but lets be real here. there are so few shark attacks on people because we arent all swimming out in the ocean. we probably as a species swim in less than 1% of the worlds water mass. so yes they will be rare but not because sharks "dont eat us" its because we arent exposed to the vast majority of them. The more aggressive ones on the hunt in the deep. Now, when that military ship went down you see what happens when a large number of humans enters the deep ocean. sharks flocked to that like a dinner beel and killed like 67% of the 900 soldiers. imagine if our beachly activities instead of being held on shore were held out there instead. if for every human in the water, there was a shark nearby. we would not live we would be killed and eaten alive to meet a horribly terrifying and painful death.
Zachylolz - 9 years ago
and im not saying every shark is going to go omnomnom on you. Sometimes they aren't hungry and a hunter cant over eat. sometimes they arent interested in such an easy meal they love to hunt. but any hungry or aggressive shark is going to eat you. so odds are... yes on shore you may be safe. most sharks dont bother going so close to land.
robert long38
robert long38 - 9 years ago
They are dangerous predators when they want to be you go in the ocean at your own risk especially when you're surfing
JacquesBeard - 9 years ago
Shark attacks are increasing because of a lack of food due to Fukushima which has destroyed the pacific. Photos of them with cancerous tumours are being taken lately as well as other creatures with hideous growths.
landen Volgs
landen Volgs - 9 years ago
pt. Sahabat Pangan
pt. Sahabat Pangan - 9 years ago
eaten alive  r.i.p It so sad
domrox66 - 9 years ago
If someone came into my house with little clothing on id probably attack them to
Unruly King
Unruly King - 9 years ago
So lame i wanna see some gore
Evolve Player
Evolve Player - 8 years ago
that's graphic content for ya
Sarai Sanchez
Sarai Sanchez - 9 years ago
I seen better
Maja Stjepić
Maja Stjepić - 9 years ago
+Sarai Sanchez well they actually died so it is real ...
Sarai Sanchez
Sarai Sanchez - 9 years ago
I always think they are fake
Pera a
Pera a - 9 years ago
Angelika Lowe
Angelika Lowe - 9 years ago
Isabella Acosta
Isabella Acosta - 9 years ago
i hate sharks
dr. boos
dr. boos - 9 years ago
I like the video
Eric Jones
Eric Jones - 9 years ago
they should of wore thick pants a shark can't bite through jeans.lol
Arcticicis - 9 years ago
The shark isn't attacking you.
The shark is curious. And when sharks are curious they bump (nudge you) Or more commonly, bite you. They are only wondering what you are. They can't really tell what you are without biting you. That's why sharks bite shark cages, and nudge surfboards or bite them. THEY AREN'T ATTACKING YOU. If they were trying to kill you, they are capable. They eat seals and can easily eat a human. But they don't. Noticed after a shark bites someone they leave them alone and swim off never to be seen again? That's because they were just wondering what you were and not actually trying to kill you. The media is making you think these things. They headline "SHARK ATTACK TRIES TO KILL SURFER" No. They're wrong. They know they are, they just know that that headline will get them more profit because more people will read it. Also, when sharks attack seals, they jump out of the water. This is to see if the seal is dead or alive. The reason they do this is because they know if a seal is alive they may fight back and damage the shark. They jump out the water to see if it can eat it and kill it. That's why these people aren't being attacked by sharks, they're just victims of shark curiosity.
These people aren't being attacked. The shark bites them for a little bit and then swims off despite all the blood. They can tell the difference between us and seals, the media is just trying to convince you these animals are killers so they can get more money. Don't believe the media's lies.
Sharks are slowly disappearing out the water. The top predators. This will mean the food chain will be broken. There will be more of some kind of fish and less of some kind of creature. For instance: The number of Fish like tuna will increase right? Because no sharks are eating them if there are no sharks. That means there will be less squid. Because tuna eats squid. And then there will be more lantern fish because there will be less squid to eat the lantern fish. Then there will be less phytoplankton. Phytoplankton creates oxygen. And did you know 50% of the world's oxygen comes from phytoplankton? If we were to kill all sharks, we would have less oxygen. You see now? Don't kill sharks! They aren't trying or want to hurt you! They only have their teeth to test things and explore. They don't have hands or feet like we do. They aren't the bad ones. We are. I mean, more vending machines and toasters kill people compared to sharks! 5 people (on average) die to sharks every year. Meanwhile over 700 (on average) people die to toasters! You aren't afraid of toasters but you are afraid of sharks! Why? Because the media makes the sharks out to be bad. We need to help the shark's reputation lift, and destroy their bad reputation in order to save oxygen and their kind.
Ty Hamilton
Ty Hamilton - 6 years ago
Irineo Romero
I’m sure the families of the victims of those white tips and tiger shark attacks during the USS Indianapolis would surely understand. “See they didn’t mean to devour and make a human happy meal out of your grandfather they were merely just curious.” Who could disagree with that logic? In all seriousness I agree the sharks habitat deserves to be respected as well as the sharks themselves but this nonsense has gotta stop with making excuses for ruthless oceanic predators and defending them as if they are misunderstood innocent sweet creatures especially when they attack humans because “they think we’re seals” which makes it all better right? I mean movies like Jaws were made specifically because of attacks like in 1915 and 1945. Every reaction usually has a previous reaction. That’s just the reality of the nature of sharks. They’re very aggressive hunters, there’s no point in defending their natural tendencies.
benpdr10 - 7 years ago
Arcticicis Explain the shark coming back "a third time"
Cooper Burton
Cooper Burton - 8 years ago
Arctic0w0 true cause sharks think everything they eat is a seal
Roses and Cherry Pie
Roses and Cherry Pie - 8 years ago
Arctic0w0 Sometimes, yes, sharks do make mistakes and give us a test bites to see if we are food. However, most times, sharks will then leave the person alone. If they come back, then yes, the shark should be killed. It is probably a hungry rogue and found us to be easy prey. That is the case for most great white shark cases. However, Tiger sharks will eat ANYTHING they can get their jaws around, and bull sharks are incredibly territorial. These are not sharks who make similar mistakes to the great white. You sound like a PETA supporter.
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
Well, what about the families of victims I mentioned earlier then? Are you going to try to explain them all that so they can get some "peace of mind", rocko? I realize they're unexpected tragedies but the risk prevails, am I correct?
MrZapparin - 8 years ago
+Santiago Rodriguez Guillen Sharks don't get toothache. They just lose their teeth and new ones replace them
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen - 8 years ago
I agree the shear is not trying to hurt them. He had something between the teeth hurting him and was asking nicely for help. We need more dentists in the sea
MrZapparin - 8 years ago
+Irineo Romero Dude, you're getting this whole thing wrong. Nature is not personal. Sharks are animals and follow some basic instincts. So does rest of nature.
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
Is just curious and bites you in order to find out what you are? What if you (or a close relative of yours) accidentally get (s) hurt and start (s) bleeding while swimming in the ocean, sharks come at'cha (him or her) within a few minutes and tear you (him/her) to pieces? They'd tell your family "nahh they were just curious sharks, nothing more". You still think your devastated family would consider how to protect sharks afterwards? Hardly, I suspect.
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
LOL :D .
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen - 8 years ago
+MrZapparin would be nice if it's like in Jerusalem
MrZapparin - 8 years ago
+Santiago Rodriguez Guillen Nature is very harsh. One thing is that humans splashing in the water can resemble the silhouette of a seal or something but also the fact that we emit electrical impulses to the environment, or stress signals. sharks pick up on those. Then of course their is blood, if someone is hurt etc. That also attracts sharks. Now saying that sharks aren't evil and they don't really want to hurt anyone bla, bla, bla is childish. They are animals. Predators. They have their natural habitat and they belong there. If you go swimming in their environment then you could possibly find yourself on their menu. An easy snack is always welcome.
When it comes to predators, whether fish, birds etc it's fairly common that they are vulnerable animals. Sharks are vulnerable and very easily affected by changes in the environment. Global warming, over-fishing and whatnot. Sharks have survived and been a part of the ocean for millions and millions of years but I'm not sure they can survive the encounter with humans
If you want a personal relationship with an animal, get a dog or a cat. Don't get personal with the animal world. It makes you appear really immature
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen - 8 years ago
+MrZapparin yeah I am sure the people that just was swimming, and got eaten, are seeing their experience eye opener as well, Resting in Pieces
MrZapparin - 8 years ago
+Santiago Rodriguez Guillen We're going to build a wall. A great wall and you're paying for it. It will be magnificent and beautiful.
Make the Great White great again
I Katsuki I
I Katsuki I - 8 years ago
I agree
Pretty Tyrese
Pretty Tyrese - 8 years ago
I agree
Jazmin Thomas
Jazmin Thomas - 8 years ago
I agree with u
Ruth de los Santos
Ruth de los Santos - 8 years ago
i love this comment i im leaving one myself to save it
MrZapparin - 8 years ago
+ArcticAJ This is so true. When i finished school I went to sea on a trawler. We fished for cod. In that process we caught hundreds of Greenland sharks, who then were hoisted overboard again. Needless to say they all were dead. I know they're not threatened but it goes to show how we treat our oceans. It was a real life eye opener for me. We can't lay responsibility on the animal world. We are responsible.
cail592 - 8 years ago
+ArcticAJ , Fuck that... My toaster is getting it tonight before it pops on me....
Arcticicis - 9 years ago
Yes. It does I'm just a shark loving asshole don't worry 
All seeing Gemini.
All seeing Gemini. - 9 years ago
+ArcticAJ I see and understand you're point of view and I'm not saying in any way that shark fin stew is a good thing two wrongs do not make a right. However Human consciousness is a very special attribute to the world, in other words if you were their in the water do you honestly think that hungry shark is going to have feelings about you fighting for its survival or it fighting for its own. Irony plays a strong role.
Arcticicis - 9 years ago
You can say that. But think. How many sharks have we killed? Over 300,000,000 in the past 50 years. They haven't killed over 300million of us over the past 50 years have they? No. They've killed 250 of us on average. We don't go killing toasters because they kill us do we? No. We don't. It's our own fault we're getting attacked. We're in the shark's territory. It's THEIRS and not ours. You can't say they don't care about our lives when we don't care about theirs. Over 50% of earth's species are going to be extinct in the next 20-30 years. (At least that's what science says.) I mean, we kill sharks for their fins in order to make shark fin stew. I mean, search u[ the video Shark Finning: The Shocking Truth on youtube. Watch it. This is what we're doing. Throwing them back into the ocean to die. If we're going to kill a shark we should at least use it all. The fins alone are around 20-30% of the shark and we leave the other 70% to waste. Slowly shark fin stew is being banned in resturaounts. OF COURSE sharks don't care about us when we kill their species.Why would they? I mean, I'm just trying to defend these creatures that the media has ruined. I'm sorry if I seem like an asshole tbh. 
All seeing Gemini.
All seeing Gemini. - 9 years ago
alright. In Short a curious shark bites you, you bleed out causing death. The shark killed you . Don't matter if it was trying to kill or not still it did. no remorse sharks don't care about you're life. kill or be killed PERIOD. #deadbysharkbite
Maribeth Peñas
Maribeth Peñas - 9 years ago
wow!he's so brave man .i admire him
Tidleywinks100 - 9 years ago
I don't think it was murder but maybe manslaughter...he shouldn't do time it was an honest mistake.
pt. Sahabat Pangan
pt. Sahabat Pangan - 9 years ago
dave martin died r.i.p
frankdrebin - 9 years ago
This video has it all wrong. Sharks are friendly, they're just scared of us. If you put blood all over your face and give them a big hug, they'll let you ride them.
DudeBloxxed - 9 years ago
What would be the 'best' shark attack
Phoebe Gale
Phoebe Gale - 8 years ago
Basking sharks have no teeth! Pretty sure they are not goin going to attack you
Jayla McMillian
Jayla McMillian - 8 years ago
Or Pacific Angel Sharks
Jayla McMillian
Jayla McMillian - 8 years ago
Bull shark and really like really big sharks aka Basking sharks
Jayla McMillian
Jayla McMillian - 8 years ago
Bull shark
bullydog5150558 merimon
bullydog5150558 merimon - 9 years ago
the ones in the movie jaws. because it was a movie and no one got hurt. lol
Kaitlyn Williams
Kaitlyn Williams - 9 years ago
DKnight4u - 9 years ago
Been in the water most of my life during the summer and know a lot of other people who have. While sharks like whites, tigers, bulls, white tips, etc. are not necessarily looking for "humans" because obviously by instinct and natural food chain predator selection we are not regularly in the water, therefore not part of their diet, a hungry shark that feels it can advantage and get a meal in, will attack and rip a piece of meat or more. I get it, we eat them and they eat us just like any fish or predator. Same applies with other sharks as they do not "usually" attack and eat there own kind and especially their own species, but they WILL if they feel like it. Anyone who feels that sharks don't or won't attack humans is not being very realistic after watching these videos and records of proof. If anyone thinks sharks won't or don't attack then I would challenge them to swim a few hundred yards off the Atlantic coast after sundown for a little while...see what comes around and tests you out and sizes you up to take a bite...theoretical mind you, but if you don't get attacked it would only be because the animal would be cautious of you attacking him because he has never seen you and perhaps won't understand at first if he can beat you...
Brendan Gallagher
Brendan Gallagher - 9 years ago
Interesting video and the loss of life is tragic (of course!) but I hate when people say something like "murdered by a shark". It's their ocean, while tragic the shark didn't murder anyone, he ate something within biting range & most shark attacks are humans are curiosity or mistakes.
Hednisk Hjärtad
Hednisk Hjärtad - 9 years ago
Interestingly ennough, two incidents on this list inspired Jaws. The 1916 "man eater" incidents directly led to the making of Jaws, while the USS Indianapolis incident was mentioned in the film by Robert Shaw's character Quint.
Andrew Loecher
Andrew Loecher - 9 years ago
monkeyking819 - 9 years ago
whats with most of these being a great white?
IDTMWS - 9 years ago
Arrogant human beings. This should be called, "Top 10 BEST Shark Attacks". The ocean is their turf; not yours.
GalaxyKitty Productions
GalaxyKitty Productions - 9 years ago
poor Martin this is why water is dumb
GalaxyKitty Productions
GalaxyKitty Productions - 9 years ago
poor Martin this is why water is dumb
theoneandonly 14
theoneandonly 14 - 9 years ago
i have heard alot of shark attacks but nun like 6. usually the people body are intact. they usually die on shoe. never heard of them getting ripped in to bits wow
Sidney wimbish
Sidney wimbish - 9 years ago
:0 =0 ;0
Latasha Lee
Latasha Lee - 9 years ago
whos whuching in 2016
BaconLettuceTomato™ - 9 years ago
Warning! Do NOT watch this video with a wide gap of open space behind you!
Anna Lavransdattar
Anna Lavransdattar - 7 years ago
wow. gave me a chill to read that.
My Jessie
My Jessie - 7 years ago
BaconLettuceTomato™ lmao. Right?!
Power Girl
Power Girl - 9 years ago
My mom died of a shark and now I am an orphan.
mr420socko - 9 years ago
Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte... just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in 12 minutes. Didn't see the first shark for about a half an hour. Tiger. Thirteen footer. You know... you know that when you're in the water, chief? You tell by lookin' from the dorsal to the tail. Well, we didn't know... 'cause our bomb mission had been so secret, no distress signal had been sent, huh. They didn't even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, chief. The sharks come cruisin'. So we formed ourselves into tight groups. You know it's... kinda like 'ol squares in battle like uh, you see on a calendar, like the Battle of Waterloo. And the idea was, the shark goes to the nearest man and then he'd start poundin' and hollerin' and screamin' and sometimes the shark would go away. Sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that shark, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark, he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites ya and those black eyes roll over white. And then, ah... then you hear that terrible high pitch screamin' and the ocean turns red and spite of all the poundin' and the hollerin' they all come in and rip you to pieces. Y'know by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men! I don't know how many sharks there were... maybe a thousand! I don't know how many men, they averaged six an hour. On Thursday mornin' chief, I bumped into a friend of mine, Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player, Bosun's Mate. I thought he was asleep, reached over to wake him up. He bobbed up and down in the water, just like a kinda top. Up ended him into a raft. Well... he'd been bitten in half below the waist. At noon on the fifth day, Mr. Hooper, a Lockheed Ventura saw us, he swung in low and he saw us. He was a young pilot, a lot younger than Mr. Hooper... anyway he saw us and come in low. And three hours later a big fat PBY comes down and start to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened. Waitin' for my turn. I'll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went in the water, three hundred and sixteen men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.
Sophmoph Lemontoph
Sophmoph Lemontoph - 9 years ago
Octavian Caesar Hibernicus
Octavian Caesar Hibernicus - 9 years ago
Deborah franzmem...murdered by a shark, comical narration,.murdered.
JerrickoGT - 9 years ago
Welp, if it's their home why do people even go in there?
Maja Stjepić
Maja Stjepić - 9 years ago
to swim
Internetbutthurt - 9 years ago
I dont know what exactly rates as a worst shark attack but some which I remember from the many that have occurred in Australia over the years is two white pointer attacks in Sth Australia - one where a, IIRC a marine biology student was bitten in half while diving, and another where a couple on a diving trip on their honeymoon encountered a HUGE great white, estimated to be the size of jaws (so 20+ potentially 25 ft) which was apparently going for the wife but the husband got in the way. Needless to say, he was killed.
Sharks dont actually feed on humans...we are just bones...for the big ones at least. As soon as they detect we are not worth eating they leave a human...unfortunately their investigation process involves simply biting the potential prey, which humans arent really able to withstand.
who's your daddy
who's your daddy - 9 years ago
the attack on the biology student was at Henley beach, a suburban beach about 20 minutes from Adelaide, for those living elsewhere, but he was actually attacked by 2 great whites who bit him in half and went their separate ways. 2 people have also been bitten in half at the dropoff at Aldinga, where Rodney Fox was attacked in the 60's. it's called the dropoff as it is not far off shore and drops about 300 feet into deep ocean.
Philip Arbon
Philip Arbon - 9 years ago
Attacks are increasingly common (for various reasons, mainly less food). I suspect over the next few years this will only get worse.
Jane Baxter
Jane Baxter - 9 years ago
Kian Lawton
Kian Lawton - 9 years ago
deadly stupid sharks
Angel Serna
Angel Serna - 9 years ago
now I'm scared to go swimming
Jerry Brownell
Jerry Brownell - 9 years ago
YouTube also has videos of Killer Whales ( Orca's ) hunting down and killing great white sharks. An Orca is actuallya member of the Dolphin family but even the largest great white is no match for one.
Jimmy Erwin
Jimmy Erwin - 9 years ago
Well I was going to learn how to swim
mybluebelly - 9 years ago
Folks, just stay home.
Christina and Kayla Zawada
Christina and Kayla Zawada - 9 years ago
Jeremy Espil
Jeremy Espil - 9 years ago
NEWS FLASH!!! I am not sure if people are aware, there are sharks in the ocean... If you don't want to get bit, stay the F**K out of the water.
zzubuzz - 9 years ago
My uncle was rescued from a sunk battleship in WWII, don't know if it was that one, but they say his
hair turned white overnight, I don't know the specifics but somebody already told me it's scientifically impossible. Of course the hair
he had didn't turn white but it began to grow white from than on, stupid ass scientists are always confusing facts with theory.
flounderize - 9 years ago
4:23. Did he say "the shark was approximately 60 ft long"? Some people don´t even assess what they are reading...
flounderize - 9 years ago
Ok. Sorry. My bad
Aaron Williams
Aaron Williams - 9 years ago
Durins Bane
Durins Bane - 9 years ago
Remember what Quint said in Jaws when he was recounting his time with the Indianapolis and experience in the water.
i.e ' the only time i was really scared was when the rescue ships arrived and i was waiting my turn to be pulled out....i'll never put on a life jacket again. Well..we delivered the bomb..'
Bit of trivia -Robert shaw redrafted that whole Indianapolis speech. One of the most chilling things in the movie in my opinion. '..Farewell and ado to you fair spanish ladies......'
Jan Hofer
Jan Hofer - 9 years ago
Wassup,% You're A-OL! crack grubby What's happening, gu}s. !!
Ray Stantz
Ray Stantz - 9 years ago
Kinda scary when they scour for remains and all they found is maybe a diving fin, or something else like that
cookielord99 - 9 years ago
Both 1 and 2 were adapted into films right? Their names escape me.
Maja Stjepić
Maja Stjepić - 9 years ago
yea number 2 is jaws right??
kirk dunn
kirk dunn - 9 years ago
thought Lewis Boren would have made list......that was a horrific attack by huge white off pebble beach.......
Pablo - 9 years ago
really a great white shark is one of the most deadliest sharks and the biggest shark attack was caused by whitetip sharks ?
Pablo - 9 years ago
+Don Merimon i know
bullydog5150558 merimon
bullydog5150558 merimon - 9 years ago
and just for the record more people are injured or killed by bull sharks the great whites. the main reason is the great white typically do not live in warm waters where people vacation and bull sharks do
Pablo - 9 years ago
+who's your daddy ok
who's your daddy
who's your daddy - 9 years ago
Oceanic white tips swim in groups of hundreds, so if a plane or boat goes down in the middle of the ocean, those sucker s are going to come in and clean house. I read some of the eyewitness accounts in an article a few years ago, it was brutal. that would've been terrifying. they all said the last hour or so while they were waiting to be lifted out of the water was the worst. very compelling reading.
Pablo - 9 years ago
They just want food
Vincent Locollo
Vincent Locollo - 9 years ago
Oh! Myl
felion robinson
felion robinson - 9 years ago
Sharks are the spirit of slaves who died and was thrown in the ocean
Nicola Micari
Nicola Micari - 9 years ago
ma avete altre informazioni tipo sirene
Nicola Micari
Nicola Micari - 9 years ago
IFROGZ NUKE - 9 years ago
number 8 was on tv
lokisgodhi - 9 years ago
You can't be murdered by a shark.  Murder is a legal term.  The elements of murder are:              1. Unlawful    2. killing     3. of a human     4. by another human    5. with malice aforethought.
Tidleywinks100 - 9 years ago
+lokisgodhi agreed he should of got sharkslaughter
Jimmy Rjpiod
Jimmy Rjpiod - 9 years ago
Mel X
Mel X - 9 years ago
The Jersey Shore one it was a bull shark it even happened in a lake. Bull sharks are the only shark that can swim up rivers and into lakes like a fish
Jacob Stablein
Jacob Stablein - 9 years ago
Meghan Orban
Meghan Orban - 9 years ago
what about. Bethany Hamilton!
patience reihana-nathan
patience reihana-nathan - 9 years ago
i'm never going in the beach again stuff summer I would rather go to the pools
Ttofuu Plays
Ttofuu Plays - 9 years ago
he had to show the intro as I was eating XD
aaron drummond
aaron drummond - 9 years ago
Why r all they's shark attakes mostly great white kills
Seánie OC
Seánie OC - 9 years ago
I thought this was about humans attacking sharks! Where's that video?
Angel Love
Angel Love - 9 years ago
Madison Polidore
Madison Polidore - 9 years ago
all shark need to die now. but poor people died because shark attacks I love people and. stay alive.
Caramelstick22 - 9 years ago
retarded comment
rockwell rockamoly
rockwell rockamoly - 9 years ago
we have no business in the ocean. it is there house
achigurh - 9 years ago
Your good at explaining things.
rockwell rockamoly
rockwell rockamoly - 9 years ago
its there house as in they live there
achigurh - 9 years ago
+Eliana Jackson what's a there house?
Max Charters
Max Charters - 9 years ago
If I get attacked by a shark I would go on its back and gouge it's eyes out
JesseBeastMode22 - 9 years ago
that is scary
reeceyburt - 9 years ago
7.16 lol jaws movie scene
hayley cross
hayley cross - 9 years ago
now that is scary
dewayne zachary
dewayne zachary - 9 years ago
will we not take n 2 consideration that 3 out of the 10 sharks later apologized?
Brooklyn Lovato
Brooklyn Lovato - 9 years ago
Jersey shore...
I know I know not the point but.... Jersey shore

sad about the kid though
Sue costello
Sue costello - 9 years ago
Fuck shaks
Sue costello
Sue costello - 9 years ago
Sharks are so friking
Jasmin Flowerz
Jasmin Flowerz - 9 years ago
I think sharks look like they're made out of rubber, and their face is like that of a menacing bully, although I know they aren't bad, they're just following the survival instincts Mother Nature gave them. We, humans, are invading their home after all. If you want to enjoy the ocean, go, just don't go in so deep, this is their territory.
MegaPianoPaul - 9 years ago
Check the news for survivor Mettie Kershner attacked in August/September 2015 at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA. After multiple surgeries she survived and appears to have use of her arm which doctors reattached despite being bitten off.
Gaming With Hafez
Gaming With Hafez - 9 years ago
having your chilldren watch the death of your wife and having her head chopped off the dad probably had to hold them from screaming MOMMY!!!
Gaming With Hafez
Gaming With Hafez - 9 years ago
That's not funny
Michael Vega
Michael Vega - 9 years ago
dont worry its just curiousity they are just test bites.

pejb83 - 9 years ago
You know that was the time I was most frightened… waitin’ for my turn. I’ll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went in the water; 316 men come out and the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945.......anyway, we delivered the bomb...........~Farwell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies, fairwell and adieu to you ladies of Spain~
Maximillian Shrieves
Maximillian Shrieves - 9 years ago
James Benton tyser that is the whole point....iam with you a 100%
Johanna Ljungberg
Johanna Ljungberg - 9 years ago
A bit unnecessary to refer to the killings as "murders" in these videos I think.. Idiotic people murder, animals do not
Infidel Numero Uno
Infidel Numero Uno - 9 years ago
Not enough info on where all of these took place.
AllNonchalant - 9 years ago
I love sharks
Hanibaltherogue - 9 years ago
i love sharks and i now thay are no monsters and all, but man nr 1 is some scary story. :-( i cant even imagine how horrific it must have been
Admin Hudle
Admin Hudle - 9 years ago
were Bethany Hamilton
Hector Gallegos
Hector Gallegos - 9 years ago
ATalkingSpud - 9 years ago
Australia has a lot of Shark attacks
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
sharks are not all that bad until one attacks you, or yours!!!
Jason Hancock
Jason Hancock - 9 years ago
This is the over all kill ratio humans vs sharks .  1) from 1580 to 2014 their have been 2899 attacks on humans . Killing 548 people over many years . 2) Sharks killed by man . Statistics estimate 100 million sharks are killed by us every year . Pretty sad statistics . I'm not saying swimmers or surfers deserve to be taken in this way and I feel for their family and loved ones . But we are not any better in fact worst by miles . That's life most unfortunate for all concerned .
Mad Bull
Mad Bull - 9 years ago
How many people eyeing this video deciding whether to watch it or not?
Adam B
Adam B - 9 years ago
I agree we shouldn't be messing with the sharks. But wouldn't it be cool if you shot one with an elephant gun when he popped up? Not so scary now are ya.
Tidleywinks100 - 9 years ago
+Adam B idiots
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
+Adam B yes!!! I'd enjoy popping rounds at
luckiecharmes16 - 9 years ago
Sharks don't murder people.....
Miraculous Hopper Rabbit
Miraculous Hopper Rabbit - 8 years ago
luckiecharmes16 I heard that theres only 1 shark attack each year!!!
Kathrine - 9 years ago
They have before. But they usually aren't dangerous
manny6229 - 9 years ago
number 2 was the inspiration for jaws. and also was the inspiration for a massacre of sharks. stupid people.
Pasu suel
Pasu suel - 9 years ago
dont worry.
these are all just bites out of curiosity.
Sam - 8 years ago
Yes their curiosity bites sharks can't really do anything else to investigate something. Also sharks like the Great White have a big mouth and a lot of VERY sharp teeth add in how fragile the human body is and what looks like a viscious attack is actually a gentle bite by the shark. If a shark INTENDS to kill it is over for you such as the attack listed here at #6
Pasu suel
Pasu suel - 9 years ago
no panic, just a love bite ;)
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
+Pasu suel yea!!! these "test" bites can bleed you to death!
Shawnny Alexandra G
Shawnny Alexandra G - 9 years ago
JUST BITES HAVE YOU SEEN HOW BIG THERE TEETH ARE....BTW they better change that song next time they do a nother shark video
LVPHOTOG - 9 years ago
Only "Man" can murder.
Lgrickie Lgrickie
Lgrickie Lgrickie - 9 years ago
love the way they use scenes from jaws ha ha class lol
James Benton Ticer
James Benton Ticer - 9 years ago
There is NO such thing as a shark attack. We go into the shark's home where we don't belong, make ourselves look like seals and then we are surprised when a shark sees and easy meal??? If someone was in your house, you would not just let them wonder around.
ZeeDY - 6 years ago
Talk like that till you get bitten in half by crazy great white shark
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 6 years ago
"There is NO such thing as a shark attack." My eyes went crossed with the level of stupid in that statement. Sorry if that's a bit harsh, but I'm sure you are smarter than that. Just because you don't like it, does not mean an attack is not an attack. Not sure if you are aware of it, but sharks feed by ATTACKING, whether intentionally or by mistake, they are still attacks.

Also, Bull Sharks and Tiger Sharks are known to actively prey on humans.
Kwadow Bary
Kwadow Bary - 6 years ago
James Benton Ticer can’t say that u make it sound like the whole Ocean is the sharks home
Ty Hamilton
Ty Hamilton - 6 years ago
Black Sun PMC
Wtf are you talking about? I’ve never heard of this saying “negative shark encounter” even by scientists. Stop sugar coating this BS just to defend the ruthless oceanic predators that you try an anthropomorphize with. Tiger sharks, White Tips, Hammer Heads, Bull Sharks, and Great Whites happily ATTACK humans like they ATTACK seals.
Ty Hamilton
Ty Hamilton - 6 years ago
James Benton Ticer



take aggressive action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force, typically in a battle or war.
synonyms: strike, charge, pounce; More

an aggressive and violent action against a person or place.

Sorry but you need to swallow your delusional pride and admit the fact that sharks indeed enjoy ATTACKING humans like they ATTACK seals and they also don’t “defend” you retard they (HUNT) which fits the definition of attacking whether you like it or not. If sharks truly hated how we taste I doubt they wouldn’t have devoured as many servicemen as they did from the USS Indianapolis. Sharks deserve to live on this Earth and we should respect their habitat but don’t defend them as if they’re just misunderstood innocent sweet little creatures.
Joonas Lehtonen
Joonas Lehtonen - 6 years ago
James Benton Ticer How do you feel about refugees?
Babygirl 1991
Babygirl 1991 - 6 years ago
James Benton Ticer finally, someone who actually understands! I love sharks, ive been studying them for years
P L - 7 years ago
James Benton Ticer "...wander around."
Anthony Jeffries
Anthony Jeffries - 7 years ago
James Benton Ticer idk sharks are not humans. This world belongs to humanity all of it land,sea,air, And as such we have the right to kill any animals that have been deemed dangerous. Taking it as far as extinction. Right?
Faze Rush
Faze Rush - 7 years ago
James Benton Ticer sharks live in the ocean ngl it's a massive house
spacehost vfl
spacehost vfl - 7 years ago
They're not actively defending anything they're hunting, looking for food. They're not like " Hey human GTFO of my domain" more like "eat, food, food, food, I see a seal eat" that seal is a human that looks like a seal.
Black Sun PMC
Black Sun PMC - 7 years ago
In science we call it a negative shark encounter you sir are 100% correct and hey they don't murder people either
David Brown
David Brown - 7 years ago
I get what you're trying to say, but these are all examples of shark attacks. We could chum the water before jumping in and thrashing around like a crazy person and it would still be considered a shark attack if we were to be attacked by one.
Jayla McMillian
Jayla McMillian - 8 years ago
Then why don't we see other sharks around
Shane Bene
Shane Bene - 9 years ago
+lokisgodhi ella
lokisgodhi - 9 years ago
+FlyDragon360 Heroes of the ocean? Put down the crack pipe, you've had enough. Oceans are inanimate, they don't have heroes. They don't think, they follow natural laws. We need more rational people and far less nutters who anthropomorphize animals. 
kane lynch
kane lynch - 9 years ago
tell that to the one legged man so he can kick it off down the road! !
Fly the Dragon
Fly the Dragon - 9 years ago
Bruh. Any animal can swim in the sea.
I'll give you some examples:
1. Raccoons don't live in the water. Yet they go to the shore regularly to hunt fish. They sometimes have to leap into the water to catch the fish.
2. Crocodiles are land animals. Yes, they're semi-aquatic, but they spend more time on land, too. A lot of species come to the sea and swim to catch their favorite food. The ocean's not even THEIRS with your terminology, either!
3. Humans! Do you think we'd expand if we didn't have the ocean to us? And some of us LOVE the ocean, including me. I see many ways to make friendship with a shark, and I've even seen it happen!
If you don't know how, look up Ocean on Instagram. Ocean is a multinational organization that helps CONSERVE the ocean.
Don't try to fool yourself by avoiding the ocean. The ocean's gigantic! There's no escaping it!
If you go to the inland of a country, well, then, still, your friends will want to go to the beach!
Fly the Dragon
Fly the Dragon - 9 years ago
+Suki Wong Your comment seems to be very uneducated on how they live.
Do you realize how much we humans have demonized a predator that is the hero of the ocean???
Fly the Dragon
Fly the Dragon - 9 years ago
+Nivokius Well said!
Nivokius - 9 years ago
"There's no such thing as a dog attack! We go onto the streets where the dogs live, dressed in wool, and are surprised when dogs attack???" - your logic.
Sakari Eklund
Sakari Eklund - 9 years ago
is ground then our home and animals don't belong here?
Maxx Madd
Maxx Madd - 9 years ago
yes but that doesn't apply to all sharks besides with larger sharks if they want to test bite you ..your screwed anyway
lokisgodhi - 9 years ago
+Maxx Madd United States Office of Naval Research did research about what color caused sharks to attack. Yellow got the nickname Yum Yum Yellow because sharks attacked it so aggressively . https://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2011/01/are-yellow-loving-sharks-colou.html
ViolableFool920 - 9 years ago
+James Benton Ticer you ar ecorrect i never thought of it like that :)
Darshan DASH Maniram
Darshan DASH Maniram - 9 years ago
Right on man. That's why I do not swim in the sea. It's not our habitat. The shark is only defending it's environment. I do not blame sharks for attacks. It is a act of defense. Human beings are the real threats
sasha gates
sasha gates - 9 years ago
+James Benton Ticer ok this is a retarded comment there is such thing as a shark attack because they have attacked people? dont try to educate me on they dont mean to attack i know.... your comment just sounded a bit stupid LMAO
Maxx Madd
Maxx Madd - 9 years ago
+James Benton Ticer As a diver i prefer not to swim in the ocean but dive as i can see the environment around us,although you are correct in saying we are in their home,99% of all sharks do not look at us as a meal....only the bull shark and tiger have actively been known to stalk divers and swimmers and actually consume them...oceanic sharks are far out at sea so rarely come in contact with us.....Great whites do prefer seals over humans and yes dark wetsuits do not help the matter at all i wear a bright orange and yellow which to most fish means dangerous.I have swam with many sharks including a monster Hammerhead measuring around 19 feet long but never threatened us.We don't need to stay out of the water,but we do need to respect their world.
James Benton Ticer
James Benton Ticer - 9 years ago
+Jack Hagar have not seen his comments but it sounds like his username is right up his alley.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
Couldn't agree more, have you seen "ThatsMrMoronToYou's" comments? That guy thinks they are evil vicious killing machines and thinks they should all be killed, just because of us going into their home
Philip ,Vincent Hilado
Philip ,Vincent Hilado - 9 years ago
Condolences, r.i.p....
Leonardo H.H.
Leonardo H.H. - 9 years ago
for each human dead, ten millions shark are killed......
Mike Ellis
Mike Ellis - 9 years ago
feel sorry for all these people
Jonathan Trenn
Jonathan Trenn - 9 years ago
Rodney Fox was 23 when he was attacked, not 13.
Walter Hager
Walter Hager - 9 years ago
Rodney fox was a beast.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
I like how this guy gets into the video right away, he skips all the bullshit most top ten lists have in the beginning of the video, and I admire that
Randy Ayo
Randy Ayo - 7 years ago
Jack Hagar He’s like a shark
EJ vlogs
EJ vlogs - 7 years ago
Jack Hagar you are so ridiculously loyal, dude
Carlos G
Carlos G - 8 years ago
+Jack Hagar LOL
Glitter - 9 years ago
Enjoy that TOO not to
Walter Hager
Walter Hager - 9 years ago
I enjoy that to. He skips a big bullshit speech. For example most of the narrators would be like the oceans are dangerous and blah blah blah rambling on for a minute or 2. We know why we're here get on with it like he does which I enjoy.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
Kill all sharks.  Use explosives so other animals can feast on their remains.
Leon Mauritz Davidsen
Leon Mauritz Davidsen - 7 years ago
ThatsMrMoronToYou dude... Let's kill you instead and feed you to the sharks.. You sound more dangerous than sharks... In this video there are only shark attacks from different centuries... 5 people die per year.... 100000 sharks die from us humans... Who should we kill then..
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
Thank Freya, someone with a clue.
Phoebe Adams
Phoebe Adams - 8 years ago
ThatsMrMoronToYou I agree
Sam - 8 years ago
Stop you guys. You guys are acting like children
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
+Sam Yes, they are.  Get a new keyboard, dunce.  They're dirt-cheap.
Sam - 8 years ago
Broken keyboard keys aren't excuses 
Sam - 8 years ago
Spelling errors are spelling errors nobody is perfect and I happen to have about 2 broken keys on my keyboard. As for punctuation that's a concept just about entirely lost on me
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
+Sam I don't think so.  Judging by your spelling errors and lack of punctuation, I'm of the opinion that you're just stupid.  Don't be angry.  Just do something about it.  Put down the gadget and pick up a book, dunce.
Sam - 8 years ago
No I had a feeling from the getgo even Donald Trump supporters are smarter then that
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
+Sam After reading all of my comments, you're just now coming to that conclusion?  Way to go, Brainiac.
Sam - 8 years ago
"We'll make a deal with them." I'm done nobody can honestly be this fucking stupid this ass hat is clearly an Internet troll fishing for people to piss off. Just ignore the moron that even has moron in his username
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
+Sam Shake your head at your stupid loser reflection, Samantha.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
+GamerplusVlogs Great.  We'll make a deal with them.  When they stop trying to eat us, we'll stop trying to kill them.  But since they're too stupid to grasp that simple concept, we can easily make them extinct.
Sam - 8 years ago
I'm stupid for not accepting an ideology that died shortly after Jaws came out...smh
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
+Sam I'm glad you can see past your stupidity to admit you're a loser.  Good for you.
Sam - 8 years ago
I'm a lose because I realize that sharks are simply animals doing as they will to survive and that sometimes the stupidity of humans leads us into contact with the oceans dominant predator of the last couple hundred million years
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
+Sam Loser.
Sam - 8 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Your failure to see the comparison of stupid remarks is almost surprising and it'd be surprising if you hadn't demonstrated your clearly lacking in the intelligence department
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
+Sam When a person invokes Hitler, they've just lost the argument.
Sam - 8 years ago
Hell sharks swim past humans every day completely ignoring them. Trying to call sharks evil killing machines is like calling Adolf Hitler a good man
Sam - 8 years ago
Like I said you'd eliminate all shark species dangerous or not over a handful of attack each year. Human do NOT belong in the ocean 
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
+Sam Arm all swimmers with bangsticks.  When enough sharks come away with mortal wounds, maybe they'll take the hint that people don't like to be bitten.  If they're too stupid to learn and adapt, they'd be best eradicated as a species and replaced with "catphins".
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 8 years ago
+Sam Sharks have learned to avoid Killer Whales.  But how can that be?  Their brains aren't large enough to learn that Orca can kill them.  Go figure.
Sam - 8 years ago
Judging from your comments though you clearly have deep mental issues. For one thing sharks do not have very large brains so they dont "learn people dont like being bitten" and out of about 300-400 species about 1 in 40 species is even potentially deadly. Educate yourself before spouting stupid shit that's been slammed as an ideology for the last 30 years
Sam - 8 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou I pray to god people like you are just trolling or never reproduce staying out of the fucking water greatly decreases your chance of shark attack and humans don't belong in the ocean as it is
petereuropa - 9 years ago
Don't you worry. Mankind has soon killed all sharks and also all fish anyway. Problem solved. Hope you like it like that.
Sam - 9 years ago
+atlas flims ok stop now
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+atlas flims Troll fail.
siege elite
siege elite - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou bite my shiny metal ass
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+atlas flims Try again, Beatrice.
siege elite
siege elite - 9 years ago
cruelty alert person who what's all sharks dead
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Slayer When you get a little older, maybe you'll find yourself a nice fella to marry and impregnate you.  Once you've farted out a child or two, and you're a loving mother, you'll want to protect your children from any and all forms of danger.  Sharks are dangerous.  Kill them all before one sunny day, your children are cooling off in the ocean, and they get bitten in half by one or two of those evil, vicious killing machines.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Georgia Smith That's no excuse.  They should learn.  If they continue to be obstinate about not eating people, they should be extinct.  When dogs maul children to death, are they given treats and a pat on the head?  No, they're put down.
Erin Gardner
Erin Gardner - 9 years ago
It's not right they don't know
Jonathan Slayer
Jonathan Slayer - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou I think it's confusing when a warm blooded species want to force another species into extinction.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Slayer I get it now.  It's confusing because you didn't use a comma.  When you typed "Why not killer?", I thought you were trying to type "Why not kill 'er?".  I don't want to kill anybody, just all sharks(except the Basking and Whale).  And in your next question you used a colon properly, but you once again omitted a comma.  I'll clear this up for you right now.  I do not own a "self son of a betch", whatever that is.  Unless you were trying to type...and stay with me here...I know how difficult it is for you youngsters to form sentences, but watch how it's done.  "Could you kill yourself, son of a betch?".  Did you see how I used a comma between "yourself" and "son"?  Here's how my English teacher explained it to us using two sentences:  1.  "Let's eat Grandpa".  2.  "Let's eat, Grandpa".  Statement number 1 means you're a cannibal.  Statement number 2 means you're inviting Grandpa to eat.  Practice spelling and punctuation.  Employers look for such mistakes on applications.  It could cost you a job or a promotion if they think you're a dunce.
Jonathan Slayer
Jonathan Slayer - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou My question is: Could you kill your self son of a betch? 
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Slayer I don't understand your question.
Jonathan Slayer
Jonathan Slayer - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Why not killer? 
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Caramelstick22 And yet, here you are, engaging me in conversation.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou :)
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jack Hagar You again?  Geez, get a life, troll.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou I don't see any reason why he would need to take a chill pill, all he's doing is proving you wrong
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Slayer Then take a chill pill, Nancy.
Jonathan Slayer
Jonathan Slayer - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Nope. 
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Slayer Are you on your period?
Sam - 9 years ago
+Chara Avraamidou what do you mean?
Chara Avraamidou
Chara Avraamidou - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou they are animals and you are a human being! So stop acting like one!
Sam - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou well considering that he wanted to kill a whole species. Then that comment would be nice
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Chara Avraamidou Is that nice?
Chara Avraamidou
Chara Avraamidou - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou or maybe they can use the explosives to kill idiot people like you!
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou lets go bang sticking, harpooning, and fishing. we can fillet them and feed them to other fish.
Razi Nazli
Razi Nazli - 9 years ago
hahaha :v man please and everyone please stahp
end this! peace y'all! take care everyone! The End..
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Razi Nazli All in all, it's been a successful troll, but I admit I'm getting a little bored with it, as well.
Razi Nazli
Razi Nazli - 9 years ago
when will this end.. omg
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Yes, because scientists that have discovered new evolution are "children". Everyone here had already explained why there are shark attacks, we have proof and you don't. All you're doing is telling us about your trips with your crew saying how dangerous they are at night. We on the other hand are finding proof, I've gone to multiple sources about shark studies written by experts and they all say the say thing. "Sharks do not attack people often, and most of the time it's on accident. They do not hunt humans, their diet varies between seals, smaller sharks, and dead corpses." So apparently that's wrong according to you? That everyone says this but you?
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jack Hagar Hahahaha!  Kid, it doesn't phase me in the least that you and the rest of the children disagree with my views.  You're just young and clueless.  What would you consider valid PROOF?  Oh, I know!  Watch this video again, since you in the younger generation seem to get everything you know from the internet.  Or, talk to your local coast guard.  Tell them you want to know how many shipwreck survivors actually make it back to shore.  Tell them you don't want the sugar-coated version that they release to grieving families, but the condition of the corpses they pull aboard.  If you're nice about it, they'll provide pictures.  Don't eat beforehand.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou The only thing you've done is make a fool out of yourself. You are hopelessly outnumbered here, every one else here including real studies disagree with everything you say. I'm astonished you could possibly still think you're right when all evidence points towards you being wrong. Now if you can find actual valid PROOF to defend your claim I'll be happy to listen
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jack Hagar I covered this already, little mister.  When your experience underwater graduates from pleasure diving during the daytime to work diving at night, you'll get a totally different perspective on sharks.  I don't blame you for being clueless.  You're just too young to actually know better.  I would recommend you get into commercial diving.  Wherever there's deep water, there are schools for it.  Our divers really make the ching, they get good benefits, and they get their winters off.  I envy them at times(the winter months).  While they're soaking up the sun in Florida and California, I'm stuck in the Great Lakes area.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Funny enough how you and your crew are practically the only people that actually think sharks are evil and enjoy killing them
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Razi Nazli I wish I'd thought of recording it two months ago, when our crew was on-site, but now I have to wait until May before we go out again.  We don't dive in the winter months.  We contract that out to a Russian firm.  Those crazy Ivans will work in any temperature.  By the way, they use surplus grenades with 10 second fuses to keep sharks at bay.  I wish we did, as well, but we have no contacts with arms dealers.
Razi Nazli
Razi Nazli - 9 years ago
man you've got to upload it on youtube buddy, i would love to watch it! cool..? it's awesome!! 
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Razi Nazli Thanks for the go-ahead, Mary.  Just so you know, every chance I get, I kill sharks.  I wish I could be at it 24/7, but six months out of the year, I'm land-locked.  I'm not up to the point of using explosives yet, but I came up with a brilliant way of taking down the big ones.  Catch a few fish, gut them, replace the guts with zip-lock baggies of Drano, tape the fish shut, and throw them among schools of sharks.  By the time the sharks' stomach muscles force the baggies open, the sharks cannot regurgitate them.  Cool, huh?
Razi Nazli
Razi Nazli - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou you are seriously uneducated dude.. Shark can easily kill an adult underwater why? beause shark is the boss in strength and agility when you are comparing a human underwater.. I tell you this, if a shark seriously want to eat a human it's like wrestling with a 5 year old kid.. Well yeah, a shark attack is seriously deadly because it goes for the kill.. When the shark taste it's a human blood, they just leave it.. After a shark attack, most people suffer serious injuries or fatal from bleeding to death.. and how many shark attack in a year? and how many people were eaten ooops my bad how many people were attacked? haha your comment shows your stupidity, i'm sorry for my harsh words just can't help it.. There's no point arguing with people like you :D
SO yeah, go ahead kill all the sharks on earth, go man, kill e'm.. spouting rubbish in hear is nothing kiddo! haha! Keyboard warrior nowadays are so childish when it comes to words.. go ahead kill all the sharks! Go! Don't mind replying this comment.. If you want to reply this comment please tell me that all shark species is extinct because of your hardwork :D Take care and good luck kiddo!
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Samara Jackson It won't happen in my life or yours.  Plus, by the time all the sharks are killed off, scientists will have perfected a hybrid catfish/dolphin that keeps the oceans free of garbage, yet is playful with humans.  Everybody wins.
Sam - 9 years ago
That would destroy the some of the circle of life in the sea
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Thomas McKenna Ouch.  That stings so much coming from you, Betty.
TXG: T a c c o
TXG: T a c c o - 9 years ago
You're still going on with your useless, invalid banter moron?! Lmao, give it up already, you have failed....epically.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jack Hagar Dumbass, when you're doing a job that must be finished on time and under budget, working at night is a requirement.  You'll realize this when you join the workforce.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jack Hagar It's called real life.  When you get out of high school, you'll see.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Dumbass, that's because most sharks HUNT at night, of course they will be more aggressive
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Jack Hagar I don't think you know what the word "literally" means.  Everyone in my business says kill all sharks.  But then, we're not clueless teenagers whose experience underwater is from pleasure dives.  Dive at night, junior.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Seriously bruh, look up what you are talking about. Every source I've checked has nothing about sharks being evil vicious killing machines, wherever you got your knowledge from is a lie
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Stop bullshitting, you're literally the only person who is saying this. I'm no expert, but I've dived with sand sharks before, they showed no sign of harming anyone. And better yet, our tour guides let us out on our own with them, highly doubt they would let us do that if sharks were killing machines, and there was no record of anyone getting hurt from that business despite having over 100 customers per day. And we aren't getting info from "chain mail scientists" these are the same scientists that have discovered evolution and other facts about many other animals, so I think we can say they wouldn't be lying when they say sharks aren't vicious killing machines.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Thomas McKenna Sharks are evil, vicious killing machines.  I know this because I've seen them up close and personal.  My knowledge of them wasn't gleaned from a sappy movie or videos made by chain-mail clad researchers.  My second job out of college has taken me to every ocean except the Indian ocean and, thank Thor, the Arctic ocean, although the latter is in the cards.  While at the sites, I work with divers on a daily basis, and, although I'm not doing the work they do, I have to inspect that work before the pumps are turned on.  The divers in our company go down in groups of 3-4, depending on what needs to be done.  At least two divers in the group are looking out for sharks.  They are armed(no mamby-pamby spear guns, either, but 12-guage bangsticks).  Two armed divers accompany me when I make my inspections.  We work day and night.  At night, sharks are attracted to our necessary bright lights.  These aren't the ones you see in aquariums.  They're the size and shape of torpedoes.  When they get too uppity, a fist-sized hole is appears in their heads.  Then it really gets dangerous because the other sharks tear them to pieces.  By the way, when we work at night, we're provided with a cage we can retreat into for the ascent.  Before these safety measures(bangsticks, cages, look-out divers)were put into place, our divers were getting injured and killed.  They weren't mistaken for seals...unless seals have mastered metallurgy, and have constructed welding torches.  So, kill all sharks.  I went to Dunwoody.  Heard of it?  And I have reproduced.  So, kill all sharks.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Thomas McKenna Well, since you said please.  It'll have to be a little later, though.  The kids want to go to the park.  See you in a bit.
TXG: T a c c o
TXG: T a c c o - 9 years ago
TXG: T a c c o
TXG: T a c c o - 9 years ago
While its entertaining that you think you can profile me by a few comments, you clearly fail at that too. All of your replies still do nothing to validate your logic when it comes to sharks, it still fails.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Oh god. You're really an older person and you're making such illogical statements? Ew, what school did you go to? You don't even have proof at all, we do, something called research bud, maybe your school didn't teach you it
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Thomas McKenna You need to get out more, Ruth.  My response wasn't clever and witty at all.  It was free advice from an older person to a teenager whose education and morals are dictated by the internet.  Here's more:  Put down the gadget and pick up a book.  You're welcome.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+Thomas McKenna Exactly
TXG: T a c c o
TXG: T a c c o - 9 years ago
There's no valid point to killing all sharks, his logic is a 100% failure.
TXG: T a c c o
TXG: T a c c o - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou A very clever and witty response, of course, nothing I said was inaccurate, unless you would like to elaborate more on your useless logic.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Thomas McKenna There you go with the insults again.  When you get a little older, you'll realize that people may take you a lot more seriously if you can refrain from being insulting.  Now run along and make us some tea, Lucinda.
TXG: T a c c o
TXG: T a c c o - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Not angry..I just enjoy pointing out the dumbed down imbeciles such as yourself. The human species has no real purpose, other than to kill and destroy everything, including ourselves, judging by your previous comments, nothing you say conveys any logical reasoning. Fail harder. :)
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Hell o You're right.  We should have just stayed in Europe, Asia, and Africa.  To hell with getting on a boat and looking for new lands to inhabit.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
+Thomas McKenna Why so angry, Nancy?  Are you on your period?  If you can push aside your misplaced rage for a moment, and stop insulting complete strangers, I'll fill you in on what our purpose is on this planet.
TXG: T a c c o
TXG: T a c c o - 9 years ago
All life that exists has a purpose in nature, except our species. If people don't want to be attacked by sharks, stay out of the ocean, it's their habitat. Idiots like you are what's wrong with the human species; ignorant.
iiLavender - 9 years ago
+Thomas McKenna
Yes, you are exactly right. Was going to say that myself.
TXG: T a c c o
TXG: T a c c o - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou "Mr moron is a perfect name for you...clueless fuck. Don't reproduce.
A C - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou I have a better idea......STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE WATER!!!
Paula Trippett
Paula Trippett - 9 years ago
Number 8 was my
cedric walker
cedric walker - 9 years ago
Your a food source they only doing what nature intended survive. That's all carnivorous animals
Voodoo Surgeon
Voodoo Surgeon - 9 years ago
Jesus Christ! No 7 Deborah Franzman, she might as well of jumped in there with a pork chop around her neck, while she rings a dinner bell.
TheDonna1959 - 9 years ago
This is the main reason why when I go to the beach, I only put my feet in the water where I can see my ankles. The further out in the water you go, and especially if you are alone, you will be the main entree for a shark!
Glitter - 9 years ago
#5 HER "partner" IE lesbian which explains WHY no attempt was made to save the woman "she loved" you SEE gays are scared chickenshits you cant rely on one for help. ALL gays do is beat up their "partner" with domestic violence at a rate 4X higher than heterosexuals
john keeney
john keeney - 9 years ago
Typical yanks only talk about their country ..
Nigelxman - 9 years ago
"Murdered" by a shark? Sharks do what they are genetically programmed to do wanker.
Davide - 9 years ago
Lol! that was my reaction too
Davide - 9 years ago
Lol! that was my reaction too
PenguinGaming516 - 9 years ago
5:05 That pic is from Jaws
Solo Gals
Solo Gals - 9 years ago
The New Jersey shark attacks took place over 12 days.Not 10.
Syn 7
Syn 7 - 9 years ago
+Solo Gals Miss technical has got it covered.
StJohns River66
StJohns River66 - 9 years ago
+Jordan Poulter lol no... 
Jordan Poulter
Jordan Poulter - 9 years ago
Lol nice
StJohns River66
StJohns River66 - 9 years ago
+Jordan Poulter having a humping fit like a poodle on an ankle lol 
Jordan Poulter
Jordan Poulter - 9 years ago
StJohns River66
StJohns River66 - 9 years ago
+Solo Gals ROFLMAO! check out this skank humping on the camera LOL
Efrain Jimenez
Efrain Jimenez - 9 years ago
george campbell
george campbell - 9 years ago
the one about Shirley Ann Durdin you left out the fact that the shark came back and took her headless torso just before it could be taken aboard a boat. scary stuff. my mates and i were surfing just up the coast when it happened.
mumbus 27
mumbus 27 - 6 years ago
george campbell r.i.p to shirley...my heart goes out...rest the souls of those taken...from California to Australia to false bay...love y'all
ixxie angel
ixxie angel - 7 years ago
There are several inaccuracies in this video on multiple of the attacks listed.
jerome5ify - 7 years ago
creepy story, i've read mr durdin was stopped by people to go in the water, i can't imagine a quarter of the mixing emotions he just fell
lloyd skinner in 2010 in S.A was a ceepy one too, sharks usually don't eat humans, but some are real maneaters
Sumbul Aslam
Sumbul Aslam - 7 years ago
george campbell ii
shirley dirupo
shirley dirupo - 8 years ago
i'm glad you and your mates did not get hurt
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
Hello back there Mr. Campbell. Truly sorry to realize now he wasn't near her when she was attacked. He'll regret it for the rest of his life (Barry), poor lad. Too bad. Wish I could do anything for all of them, especially their children (my heart still aches).
george campbell
george campbell - 8 years ago
hi lrineo, i was wrong when i said that her husband was in the water with her. i always thought that he was. sorry about that.
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
Indeed you can, SkankHunt. But what still strikes me is why on Earth wasn't Barry (her husband) carrying a harpoon or any other means of defense against such predators. Besides, Oz is now famous for some hideous shark attacks on humans. He paid the final price I guess. I'm TRULY sorry for him/his family as well. May poor little Shirley-Ann rest in peace ]: - S  .
Iraq Lobsta!! 45
Iraq Lobsta!! 45 - 8 years ago
I killed a human being in self defense and didn't sit in jail once for it. So yes, you can kill a shark in self defense.
Sienna Smith
Sienna Smith - 8 years ago
ilokskxuch under hchh
george campbell
george campbell - 8 years ago
Danniel Caldeira
Danniel Caldeira - 8 years ago
george campbell the
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
Sorry, I meant "impression" :P .
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
Man, I had nightmares for about 3 nights after reading the report in some other site I can't recall right now. It STILL makes my heart shrink, thinking about that poor lovely woman being savaged almost right in front of her family. I'll never understand why she was allowed to go diving all by herself in a place where shark attacks on humans have been reported for good many years. If my loved one EVER asked me to do so, I'd tell her "you're going to have to walk over my dead body before I allow anything like that". If they wanted some fresh scallops well, there ARE alternatives for that, aren't there? I don't know, guess I'm rather impressionable by such incidents. May she rest in everlasting peace. Greetings, Sir.
george campbell
george campbell - 8 years ago
Jaymie Lynn
Jaymie Lynn - 8 years ago
george campbell
Irineo Romero
Irineo Romero - 8 years ago
OK, so i take back what I said, but the article gives the impresison that she went diving all by herself. Anyway that's the most HIDEOUS attack I ever imagined. Worth your worst nightmares for years to come. May she rest in everlasting peace.
george campbell
george campbell - 8 years ago
Jazmin Thomas
Jazmin Thomas - 8 years ago
+Judge Dredd what are I sayinh
Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd - 8 years ago
If ya had to ya had to i guess
marc fitzhenry
marc fitzhenry - 8 years ago
+Judge Dredd I killed a shark in defense. It was instinct I had no choice.
Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd - 9 years ago
you can not kill a shark in defence. yo are in their water. there has never ever been any one to kill a shark in defence.. by the time a shark bite syou you either die fast or slow and bleed out, there is not time to defend ya self...
george campbell
george campbell - 9 years ago
+Judge Dredd ok.... so they cant use them to protect themselves? i would rather a huge fine or even jail as opposed to being bitten in half. the law is there to protect an endangered species from people going around randomly killing them for fun or fear or whatever particular delusion they suffer from. you can kill an endangered species in self defense.
Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd - 9 years ago
+george campbell thats bullshit, whites are protected in australia, and using bang sticks on them is a jailable offence.... they are not allowed to use them on white pointers.. they use them but are very rear they do...
Hednisk Hjärtad
Hednisk Hjärtad - 9 years ago
+Dayna Arledge And a lot of fish.
Juni Lindo
Juni Lindo - 9 years ago
shall not b alive
Dayna Arledge
Dayna Arledge - 9 years ago
that is a lot of people
george campbell
george campbell - 9 years ago
+TopTenChannel he was inside with the tuna. usher the shark out then they repair the netting. i emailed him the other day about what type of sharks they deal with and this was his reply " White pointers, bronze whalers, blue whalers and mako's. Had a few scary run ins with the whites, we would hit them in the head with a bang stick (12 gauge shotty shell on the end of a stick that go's off when you push it into something) ". 

BUGGER THAT. You couldnt pay me enough to do that job.
TotalSosaProductions - 9 years ago
I feel bad for u man jeese
Listopedia - 9 years ago
+george campbell He was diving among sharks while repairing that netting?
george campbell
george campbell - 9 years ago
+Jasmin Flowerz it was a horrible day. will not forget it. the area is renowned for its seafood. like you said scallops and also crayfish and abalone. the divers have a shark repellent but still.... them buggers can get big. port lincoln is the town and its also famous for its tuna. they have tuna farms there and my nephews job was to repair the netting from the sharks chewing on it to get at the fish and to usher any sharks out.
Jasmin Flowerz
Jasmin Flowerz - 9 years ago
That must've been a crazy day.

I just don't see why people take such obvious risks like that, scallop hunting, which although delicious, the deep waters would've been enough to keep me away- but that's just me.
Listopedia - 9 years ago
+george campbell oh, that's horrible
Kylie_ 536
Kylie_ 536 - 9 years ago
For the jersey shore one it was a bull shark they are the only sharks that Can live in salt and normal water great whites can't
Damion Jones
Damion Jones - 9 years ago
+Kylie_ 536
Although many whites have been found futher upriver, so its not like they cannot... they can. But yes, bulls dont give a shit where they go, as long as its water, they are happy.
Ted Flynn
Ted Flynn - 9 years ago
Sharks aren't that bad there made out to be much worse than they are
Ty Hamilton
Ty Hamilton - 6 years ago
Fly the Dragon
You’re a carbon copy of those idiots that think they can tame nature so they buy wild animals like chimpanzees or tigers and then they’re dumbfounded when it betrays them. I dare you to try an “make friends with a shark” specifically a bull shark, tiger shark, and a white tip. I’m sure it’ll go great.
BosoxnationI972 - 9 years ago
+FlyDragon360 ROTFL Yes, like I said before, they can even speak Russian and Chinese, using sign language of course. I explained this to AJ already, as he doesn't know who Jacques Cousteau is....
Arcticicis - 9 years ago
Yes, thank you. 
Fly the Dragon
Fly the Dragon - 9 years ago
+ArcticAJ Well said. Sharks are almost as curious as dolphins are. They are REALLY smart. They learn prey or whether to bite or not. You just need to follow the right precautions and bam, you can even make friends with a shark, without even having to wear a protective shirt and just going in your swimming shorts and flippers. The shark will soon know not to bite you. Most shark attacks are caused because humans PROVOKE them. And whoever thinks Jaws is correct, get ready to see the Jaws monster get swallowed whole by the real, friendly great white shark.
Arcticicis - 9 years ago

The shark isn't attacking you.
The shark is curious. And when sharks are curious they bump (nudge you) Or more commonly, bite you. They are only wondering what you are. They can't really tell what you are without biting you. That's why sharks bite shark cages, and nudge surfboards or bite them. THEY AREN'T ATTACKING YOU. If they were trying to kill you, they are capable. They eat seals and can easily eat a human. But they don't. Noticed after a shark bites someone they leave them alone and swim off never to be seen again? That's because they were just wondering what you were and not actually trying to kill you. The media is making you think these things. They headline "SHARK ATTACK TRIES TO KILL SURFER" No. They're wrong. They know they are, they just know that that headline will get them more profit because more people will read it. Also, when sharks attack seals, they jump out of the water. This is to see if the seal is dead or alive. The reason they do this is because they know if a seal is alive they may fight back and damage the shark. They jump out the water to see if it can eat it and kill it. That's why these people aren't being attacked by sharks, they're just victims of shark curiosity.
These people aren't being attacked. The shark bites them for a little bit and then swims off despite all the blood. They can tell the difference between us and seals, the media is just trying to convince you these animals are killers so they can get more money. Don't believe the media's lies.
Sharks are slowly disappearing out the water. The top predators. This will mean the food chain will be broken. There will be more of some kind of fish and less of some kind of creature. For instance: The number of Fish like tuna will increase right? Because no sharks are eating them if there are no sharks. That means there will be less squid. Because tuna eats squid. And then there will be more lantern fish because there will be less squid to eat the lantern fish. Then there will be less phytoplankton. Phytoplankton creates oxygen. And did you know 50% of the world's oxygen comes from phytoplankton? If we were to kill all sharks, we would have less oxygen. You see now? Don't kill sharks! They aren't trying or want to hurt you! They only have their teeth to test things and explore. They don't have hands or feet like we do. They aren't the bad ones. We are. I mean, more vending machines and toasters kill people compared to sharks! 5 people (on average) die to sharks every year. Meanwhile over 700 (on average) people die to toasters! You aren't afraid of toasters but you are afraid of sharks! Why? Because the media makes the sharks out to be bad. We need to help the shark's reputation lift, and destroy their bad reputation in order to save oxygen and their kind.
Arcticicis - 9 years ago
+Ted Flynn Yes thank you! The media will ruin our world...
Tidleywinks100 - 9 years ago
+Ted Flynn yup humans are much worse
bullydog5150558 merimon
bullydog5150558 merimon - 9 years ago
go down and pet a gentle bull shark and see what happens
BosoxnationI972 - 9 years ago
+Nick Armstrong You didn't know this? It's common knowledge! Next to dolphins and whales, sharks are the 3rd most intelligent creatures in the ocean. Jacques Cousteau even taught a few of them how to understand French AND English!
Anthony Mercado
Anthony Mercado - 9 years ago
Go swim with a tiger shark or great white
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 9 years ago
same cuz it seemed interesting.
Fly the Dragon
Fly the Dragon - 9 years ago
+Nick Armstrong Bruh. I'm gonna search him up.
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 9 years ago
+BosoxnationI972 u lying.
BosoxnationI972 - 9 years ago
+Nick Armstrong I can't believe that you don't know who he is! He taught Sharks how to communicate using sign language before he died.
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 9 years ago
+BosoxnationI972 Dude. just because i dont know who that guy is. it doesn't make me stupid. get a life.
BosoxnationI972 - 9 years ago
+Nick Armstrong They watch it using smellavision. It's this new technology invented by Jacques Cousteau, a famous Oceanographer. How stupid are you? Duh!
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 9 years ago
Yeah sure. its well known fact that sharks have terrible vision so i dont know where your geting your information but its false.
BosoxnationI972 - 9 years ago
+Nick Armstrong Sharks love watching animal planet if you bring them underwater televisions.
BosoxnationI972 - 9 years ago
+Nick Armstrong Another moron who needs to have everything explained to him....
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 9 years ago
have no idea f u were being for real or just sarcastic ?!
BosoxnationI972 - 9 years ago
+Jason Hancock If you hate mankind so much, do your part and kill yourself! It's the only way! LMAO
DKnight4u - 9 years ago
Been in the water most of my life during the summer and know a lot of other people who have. While sharks like whites, tigers, bulls, white tips, etc. are not necessarily looking for "humans" because obviously by instinct and natural food chain predator selection we are not regularly in the water, therefore not part of their diet, a hungry shark that feels it can advantage and get a meal in, will attack and rip a piece of meat or more. I get it, we eat them and they eat us just like any fish or predator. Same applies with other sharks as they do not "usually" attack and eat there own kind and especially their own species, but they WILL if they feel like it. Anyone who feels that sharks don't or won't attack humans is not being very realistic after watching these videos and records of proof. If anyone thinks sharks won't or don't attack then I would challenge them to swim a few hundred yards off the Atlantic coast after sundown for a little while...see what comes around and tests you out and sizes you up to take a bite...theoretical mind you, but if you don't get attacked it would only be because the animal would be cautious of you attacking him because he has never seen you and perhaps won't understand at first if he can beat you...
BosoxnationI972 - 9 years ago
+FlyDragon360 You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you! LOL
Fly the Dragon
Fly the Dragon - 9 years ago
+BosoxnationI972 Sharks are curious. Us touching something curiously is like them biting. The reason is, they can't move their fins! Except up and down, and that's not gonna help much with touch, except for the mako shark and the hammerhead shark, and sometimes the great white shark. People make out sharks to be monsters.
But in fact, some of them are almost as smart as dolphins. They play, they have best friends, they have much more to do other than eating all the time. ESPECIALLY when he's with a human!
Eventually, once the human gives him food from his bag to eat, the shark will be friendly. He'll touch you with his fin instead of try to bite to investigate. He will even refuse to pull back his eyes as he chews meals from humans, and you can even make friends with a shark if you don't fear them, and you instead give them love and loyalty! That's natural fish nature, ya know.
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 9 years ago
+Ad van Tuil
Yeah. you have more possibility geting eaten  by a dog while strolling in the streets than by a shark.
Ad van Tuil
Ad van Tuil - 9 years ago
+Ted Flynn Steven Spielberg has millions of shark deaths on his name, after Jaws the movie, backwards americans killed every shark they could.
A shark never ever attacks human. If they do they think it´s a seal.
Mel X
Mel X - 9 years ago
+Ted Flynn sharks should fear us we fin them kill them and put them in Aquariums. sharks attack people because what we do with them sharks are fish that have sharp teeth
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 9 years ago
+Ted Flynn Tiger sharks are born evil to me cuz they have natural tendencie to attack and shred a victim but not eat it. just for sports.
chompski pig
chompski pig - 9 years ago
+Ted Flynn IDK about you. but i fear the shark because it deserves to be feared and respected. Top predator who has all the advantages in their habitat while we have none. but i do agree they do get a really bad rep.
sasha gates
sasha gates - 9 years ago
+Hell o lol educate yourself idiot
Jason Hancock
Jason Hancock - 9 years ago
+Long street : Awesome great come back . have a good one .
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
+Jason Hancock Not true! a shark once loaned me money, and he attacked me when my payments were late.
Jason Hancock
Jason Hancock - 9 years ago
+Sergio Vidal : Mate you are totally of the track here . You are in their Environment ( Water ) How many time have we seen a shark attack on land ? NEVER . How many sharks have killed Humans ? How many sharks have been killed by man ? We have killed more sharks in their own Environment then the plague killed humans . Mate we are the predators not pray in all walks of life . Wake up to your self  we are the monsters . If you can't see that we as humans have destroyed the shark species then most unfortunate for you have tunnel vision .
Ted Flynn
Ted Flynn - 9 years ago
+Sergio Vidal Urrm no they eat because they think we are seals and they eat us so they can survive like Any creature would so don't here saying there born killers because they kill for revenge or for food they are as bad as u and me they eat so they can survive
Ted Flynn
Ted Flynn - 9 years ago
+Sergio Vidal sharks attack as a form of defence the amount of surfers that die is about a 10millionth of the amount of suffers that die
Shawnny Alexandra G
Shawnny Alexandra G - 9 years ago
A C - 9 years ago
+Ted Flynn Did you watch this video.....they make sandwiches out of humans.
Jason Hancock
Jason Hancock - 9 years ago
+Ted Flynn Spot on buddy we invade and kill them on a daily basis . Some even catch the poor fuckers and slice off their bloody fins and just though them back to eaten alive while they drown and sink to the bottom . Pretty pathetic on our part .  Have a great day buddy .
Arsh Gill
Arsh Gill - 9 years ago
what is the next video title?
Brandon Sneesby
Brandon Sneesby - 9 years ago
Can someone please explain to me why in like every video i look at people say something like "HISSSSSS or hisss"
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
The stupid reptilian army
Brandon Sneesby
Brandon Sneesby - 9 years ago
+Glitter True asf
Glitter - 9 years ago
That's how queers identify they're fags
handa swami
handa swami - 9 years ago
ALPHA PLAYER - 9 years ago
I like giraffe
Duncan Hills
Duncan Hills - 7 years ago
I love lamp
Its Jazz
Its Jazz - 9 years ago
I like llamas
Angel Love
Angel Love - 9 years ago
i like pandas
pejb83 - 9 years ago
I like tawtles
Da,Taper - 9 years ago
Bas1c - 9 years ago
first hissss
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+MCTV Ahh, It's alright :)
Bas1c - 9 years ago
btw sorry its a really really bad joke xD i still dont know why i said "first hiss"
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+MCTV Ohh, ok. I understand now
Bas1c - 9 years ago
first comment saying hiss, alot of people comment hiss, so its not like first comment but first comment saying hiss.
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+MCTV Isn't it something like the reptilian army? I've seen other people say that but I didn't know it was from twitch or anything. But when I said "how does that make any difference" I meant hoe does adding hissss to first make you first?
Bas1c - 9 years ago
+Jack Hagar  if you ever used twitch, twitter, or youtube. then you would know the hiss trend. also +Cherryl Gibson this was quite a long time ago, when hiss was actually popular
Cherryl Gibson
Cherryl Gibson - 9 years ago
+MCTV You belong in kindergarten. What are you doing on YouTube?
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+MCTV How does that make a difference
Bas1c - 9 years ago
i said first hiss, there was no other comment saying hiss at the time
Jack Hagar
Jack Hagar - 9 years ago
+MCTV Then how come other people also said first?
TheKillingBro - 9 years ago
+MCTV whats abaut the hiss?! D=
Bas1c - 9 years ago
yes i am lol
ThoseRoyalGamers - 9 years ago
No You're not :)
Sharn Scott
Sharn Scott - 9 years ago
finally. first !
SpiKles - 9 years ago
liked first though!
ThoseRoyalGamers - 9 years ago
+spike59305 Fireblitz1050 If you were first, then you would have a comment, not a reply comment, that technically means that Scott was first not you
xaty - 9 years ago
why the first comments -.-
SpiKles - 9 years ago
Scotty I was first sorry

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