10 Worst Shark Attacks
Shark videos 9 years ago 1,620,455 views
- Welcome to TopTenChannel! SUBSCRIBE now for more videos. - Follow us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1K6HkHz Here are the 10 worst shark attacks of all time. List: 10. Rodney Fox, 1963 9. Dave Martin, 2008 8. Elio Canestri, 2015 7. Deborah Franzman, 2003 6. Shirley Ann Durdin, 1985 5. Ian Redmond, 2011 4. Robert Pamperin, 1959 3. Pacific Coast of the US, 1984 2. The Jersey Shore, 1916 1. USS Indianapolis , 1945 Music: "We Got Trouble" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
10. comment for 10 Worst Shark Attacks
20. comment for 10 Worst Shark Attacks
30. comment for 10 Worst Shark Attacks
3 spinosaurus : meet one of the largest animals that walked the earth
2 killer whale : meet the predator of a great white
1 megalodon : meet the biggest shark of them all!!! The king of the sea!!!
There's other things that can kill a great white
50. comment for 10 Worst Shark Attacks
Dont you know its not real
Murder is the killing of a human by a human, not an animal lol.
People only get murdered by another person not by a animal.
100. comment for 10 Worst Shark Attacks
They are predators of the sea. Not an ounce of fear in them.
I wish sharks were extinct. The thought of being eaten by a shark, is one of the main reasons why I do not like to swim. Even in places where there is obviously no sharks. They are just like taken right out of a horrible nightmare.
shark eat us. lol
There was also a banned documentary I think was called "conspiracy of silence" which also moved to expose the conspiracy against American families and who the [players are, and a damaged and unfinished leaked copy is available online.
PETA is another of these groups, there members mean well, but the people at the top know damn well how they are misleading these people and using there hearts against them!
We face a juggernaut like never before in defense of freedom and family values. With technology they can, have, and will roll right over us, but that same tech has also given US a weapon to strike back. I bait and troll to engage people, and then try to find a way to plant the truth, or a path to it.
Take care of yourself, Sam. Question everything, accept nothing, and most of all, remember that this world is yours as well as thiers. Whens the last time you set someone elses rules? Because all that is worth standing against is one group imposing its will on another!
Until these people are removed and held accountable, I wont believe science, religion, the media, or anything else that comes through there channels and organizations.
My long tirade was against mainstream science, but I have one just as long against organized religions as well........
Yes, the fossil record is a lie. Let me explain....
First off, animals have to die under certain conditions in order to fossilize. If, say, a raccoon dies in your backyard and decays, it will eventually turn to dust. It takes mud and pressure to create a fossil....And with so many of them it screams flood.
Next is the dating methods used, but first you need to know, not all science beleivers are liars. Even in the upper echelons of rank. The liars are a very small handful of people, and they have deceived many, many people with these lies. Most just trust that the people teaching them know the facts and take the lessons to heart. Even if its common sense. And one pledge they have made is religion, and by the fact you automatically assumed I was part of organized religion, it shows your "conditioning" like cards on the table.
Now that being said, do you know how the primary aging techniques are done? Odd how as obvious it is that its circular reasoning, so many over look the sheer humor of it all.
They judge the fossils age by the rock strata they are in, and judge the rock strata age by the fossils found in them. I kid you not.... The other method, carbon dating, becomes very inaccurate after 2 to 3 thousand years, which is where method one then comes in ll.
There is a very well presented seminar by a creationist named Dr. Kent Hovind called "100 reasons why evolution is stupid". Its a popular video and an easy search. So popular, in fact, that to shut him up, he was set up for tax fraud. Apparently, he mailed a stamp that was a collectible and didn't pay the tax on it or something was what I heard, but don't quote me on that. I may look up the facts to his set-up and update you when I find out. I DO know that it was a bogus charge, because he shreds the evolution anti-God psi op.
The level of deceit, in fact, is staggering. Especially when one disconnects from the lessons and programming we have had since childhood, and just considers some things with basic common sense.
For example....
They tell us the earth is spinning 1000 mph. The fastest commercial plane is 500 mph, so why are east and west flight times the same? And how is a plane landing on a target moving at that speed? Also, water always levels out to the flattest level of a surface, yet they have convinced people that we are on a ball, and water curves on it. Water doesn't curve.
Yes, your first instinct is to blow it all off as insanity, joke or mock the very idea, That's a programmed response. I was the same way a few years back, before someone opened my eyes to the lies we are chained down with. And the sickest part is, they hide nothing. Its why TV networks call it your local "programming". Whistleblowers have long since exposed experiments and MK ultra projects of the CIA and others hell bent on controlling the masses. One obstacle to this is the massive size we have in population. That's where the activist psi op comes into play. as well as other techniques used on we, the populace such as aids (created in a prison, tested on prisoners. This is confirmed and verifiable now. So ask yourself, why would they unleash something like that, or even create it in the first place?). Vaccines are another technique. Bill Gates has a video where he is boasting that Vaccines they created will get the population down in third world countries by 80 percent. Ted Turner boasted the same boast on another. And now all these designer diseases have popped up all over the world. Pretty convincing......
Now does this mean I believe religion? Not really. Its got some truth to it, but its been twisted and changed into just another control method used on the people. Mainly I figure, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The dead sea scrolls have only been accessed by a very few people, and when man has his finger prints on something (especially and organization as corrupt and, well, EVIL as the Vatican.) its not trustworthy....
So whats the truth, hell I don't know. I don't know what this world is, I don't know if there is a God, (Though I choose to think that in some form or another, there is....) I don't know what space is, or how man got here. But I know what isn't. And none of us have been privy to the truth.
If you want, I can link these for you. You must see these documentaries and the evidence therein, because they disprove the lies better( and with more indisputable proof) then I can.
Or if you would like, I can link them for you later. They are-
Origins of man (with Charlton Heston)
Astronauts gone wild
100 reasons why evolution is stupid (Dr. Kent Hovind)
A funny thing happened on the way to the moon.
Also do some research on both Linguistic programming techniques, and predictive programming ( I am sure you have already heard of the third technique used, which is subliminal programming.) and research the data available on MK ultra. And try to ignore the disinformation that gets in the way as well, like "aliens" or "talking lizard people" ect. This stuff is created by controlled opposition to be disproven, and to discredit the real truth those in power want hidden by throwing it all in one basket of conspiracy theories....
These are great starting points to overcome the lies and conditioning we have all been exposed to.
And no, I am not a crazed, paranoid, deluded person with foil on his head (LOL that very image is part of peoples conditioning as well, to get them to reject evidence in favor of mainstream lies by fearing ridicule)
I'm just a musician, formerly a soldier in the US army, and before that, a fisherman. And as a hobby I am a scholar (Mainly of the ancient Chinese and there dynasties that have risen and fallen, my favorite of which to research are the nomadic Qiang peoples, who are still around today. They are like Chinas own gypsies and have a very rich history!)
In other words, I am an average American who has been "woke up" to the lies enslaving all of us. And for the last 15 years, I have worked at waking up others.....
I don't know why, seeing as how you have a hint of aggression in your responses like everyone else who has been programmed (Which, being that I know where it comes from, I hold it against no one) but I sense your a good soul. These tyrants have hidden our personal divinity and origins,and have had us all locked in as mindless, obedient servants without a will of our own. Nature is governed by laws, and laws require a law maker. Something or someone outside our realm of understanding, that men have called God, has been hidden from us all for the agenda and pleasure of the powerful. Hopefully, you shake off the programmed responses and seriously consider, with logic, all I have said here.
Whew. Long post. Sorry bout that. Take care.
Look, man. You seem like your probably a nice person, honestly, so I will tell you where this cynicism I tend to have is aimed....
There are a great many "animal activists" running around who are, from what I have seen, are just another controlled psi-op. These are people whom are victims of having there own love of nature turned against them, to condition them into accepting ideas like population control, and as I previously stated, keeping the blame off the truly guilty.
These activists have an "us or them" mentality when it comes to nature. They see human beings as a cancer on the world, when they should, in reality, realize that every life is sacred. If they were for real, they would discuss alternatives that are beneficial for both people AND animals, rather then looking down on there own kind as a scourge. Most people do no harm to the environment. As stated before, its a small group doing the majority of damage in the service of their green paper God. The same fiat currency that's also used to make a debt slave of very person in civilization except themselves.
As for real activists, who value ALL life, I am all for it. These people should actually stop letting themselves be mislead by the lying powers that be, and mainstream media, and start actually doing things to hold the guilty accountable, but those guilty have become such a leviathan to stand up to, most don't even know where to start.
One idea I had pitched some time ago was maybe someone starting a crowd funding to research and develop some sort of repellant to keep sharks off the beaches, keeping them alive but people safe.Hell, I would do it, except I am horrible at handling money, and wouldn't want to rip off the donors haha!
For real though, people need to stop letting themselves be desensitized to other people, in the name of saving the world. The only true way to fix the world, is to start by fixing each other. Because, like it or not, believe it or not, or see it or not, some very bad people are in the drivers seat. And they are running this planet and all of us right into the ground, all for greed and lust for power. And people, in their own feelings of being unable to affect them, instead turn on each other. While they laugh, all the way to the bank and our destruction.
And yes, pollution is a problem, but your reprimanding someone who doesn't pollute anything. Here is a thought.... Go give those wealthy scumbag corporate goons who ARE destroying the environment a reprimand instead of trying to put the blame on all of mankind as a whole. (hell I don't even drive.....As yeah, I am sure you were going to kick 'fossil fuel" pollution my way..But because of an accident I haven't been able to drive for over 20 years....)
There is blame for environmental damage to be placed, But saying all people are wrecking the world is a programmed response brought on by social engineering.The whole reason people are even conditioned to blame "the human race" for these things is to keep accountability out of the way. After all, if everyone is guilty, we cant send everyone to prison. This is done to protect the mega-wealthy industrialist from consequences. Its a very small group of people who are doing everything from mass pollution with factories, waging wars for profit, and depleting the rain forests. Go make them accountable if its a problem...
But if you value a sharks life more then a persons life, you really have issues. I am not for wanton cruelty of any animal, but if its animal or a person, the animal has to go. To forgo a thinking, reasoning, laughing, loving human beings existence for an "eating machine" means you have very little love in your life, and obviously not enough love as a kid.
I've even seen people so twisted by this programing that they think humans should die off. I don't know if your one of those socially-programmed people. But to them all I can say is, "You first".......
No amount of culling would make sharks or fish or anything else in the sea extinct.. Do you even realize how vast our oceans are? And if people are going to go into the water (and this includes children who go swimming....you think a shark has more value then a child?!?!?_) then something needs to be done to protect them if shark attacks are out of control....So either make some barriers to keep sharks out, or cull them.
I just saw a video about a 10 year old kid who lost his arm and nearly his life to a shark.....And you would choose the sharks side? Man that's twisted........
The shark is curious. And when sharks are curious they bump (nudge you) Or more commonly, bite you. They are only wondering what you are. They can't really tell what you are without biting you. That's why sharks bite shark cages, and nudge surfboards or bite them. THEY AREN'T ATTACKING YOU. If they were trying to kill you, they are capable. They eat seals and can easily eat a human. But they don't. Noticed after a shark bites someone they leave them alone and swim off never to be seen again? That's because they were just wondering what you were and not actually trying to kill you. The media is making you think these things. They headline "SHARK ATTACK TRIES TO KILL SURFER" No. They're wrong. They know they are, they just know that that headline will get them more profit because more people will read it. Also, when sharks attack seals, they jump out of the water. This is to see if the seal is dead or alive. The reason they do this is because they know if a seal is alive they may fight back and damage the shark. They jump out the water to see if it can eat it and kill it. That's why these people aren't being attacked by sharks, they're just victims of shark curiosity.
These people aren't being attacked. The shark bites them for a little bit and then swims off despite all the blood. They can tell the difference between us and seals, the media is just trying to convince you these animals are killers so they can get more money. Don't believe the media's lies.
Sharks are slowly disappearing out the water. The top predators. This will mean the food chain will be broken. There will be more of some kind of fish and less of some kind of creature. For instance: The number of Fish like tuna will increase right? Because no sharks are eating them if there are no sharks. That means there will be less squid. Because tuna eats squid. And then there will be more lantern fish because there will be less squid to eat the lantern fish. Then there will be less phytoplankton. Phytoplankton creates oxygen. And did you know 50% of the world's oxygen comes from phytoplankton? If we were to kill all sharks, we would have less oxygen. You see now? Don't kill sharks! They aren't trying or want to hurt you! They only have their teeth to test things and explore. They don't have hands or feet like we do. They aren't the bad ones. We are. I mean, more vending machines and toasters kill people compared to sharks! 5 people (on average) die to sharks every year. Meanwhile over 700 (on average) people die to toasters! You aren't afraid of toasters but you are afraid of sharks! Why? Because the media makes the sharks out to be bad. We need to help the shark's reputation lift, and destroy their bad reputation in order to save oxygen and their kind.
I’m sure the families of the victims of those white tips and tiger shark attacks during the USS Indianapolis would surely understand. “See they didn’t mean to devour and make a human happy meal out of your grandfather they were merely just curious.” Who could disagree with that logic? In all seriousness I agree the sharks habitat deserves to be respected as well as the sharks themselves but this nonsense has gotta stop with making excuses for ruthless oceanic predators and defending them as if they are misunderstood innocent sweet creatures especially when they attack humans because “they think we’re seals” which makes it all better right? I mean movies like Jaws were made specifically because of attacks like in 1915 and 1945. Every reaction usually has a previous reaction. That’s just the reality of the nature of sharks. They’re very aggressive hunters, there’s no point in defending their natural tendencies.
When it comes to predators, whether fish, birds etc it's fairly common that they are vulnerable animals. Sharks are vulnerable and very easily affected by changes in the environment. Global warming, over-fishing and whatnot. Sharks have survived and been a part of the ocean for millions and millions of years but I'm not sure they can survive the encounter with humans
If you want a personal relationship with an animal, get a dog or a cat. Don't get personal with the animal world. It makes you appear really immature
Make the Great White great again
Sharks dont actually feed on humans...we are just bones...for the big ones at least. As soon as they detect we are not worth eating they leave a human...unfortunately their investigation process involves simply biting the potential prey, which humans arent really able to withstand.
hair turned white overnight, I don't know the specifics but somebody already told me it's scientifically impossible. Of course the hair
he had didn't turn white but it began to grow white from than on, stupid ass scientists are always confusing facts with theory.
i.e ' the only time i was really scared was when the rescue ships arrived and i was waiting my turn to be pulled out....i'll never put on a life jacket again. Well..we delivered the bomb..'
Bit of trivia -Robert shaw redrafted that whole Indianapolis speech. One of the most chilling things in the movie in my opinion. '..Farewell and ado to you fair spanish ladies......'
I know I know not the point but.... Jersey shore
sad about the kid though
these are all just bites out of curiosity.
Also, Bull Sharks and Tiger Sharks are known to actively prey on humans.
Wtf are you talking about? I’ve never heard of this saying “negative shark encounter” even by scientists. Stop sugar coating this BS just to defend the ruthless oceanic predators that you try an anthropomorphize with. Tiger sharks, White Tips, Hammer Heads, Bull Sharks, and Great Whites happily ATTACK humans like they ATTACK seals.
take aggressive action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force, typically in a battle or war.
synonyms: strike, charge, pounce; More
an aggressive and violent action against a person or place.
Sorry but you need to swallow your delusional pride and admit the fact that sharks indeed enjoy ATTACKING humans like they ATTACK seals and they also don’t “defend” you retard they (HUNT) which fits the definition of attacking whether you like it or not. If sharks truly hated how we taste I doubt they wouldn’t have devoured as many servicemen as they did from the USS Indianapolis. Sharks deserve to live on this Earth and we should respect their habitat but don’t defend them as if they’re just misunderstood innocent sweet little creatures.
Bruh. Any animal can swim in the sea.
I'll give you some examples:
1. Raccoons don't live in the water. Yet they go to the shore regularly to hunt fish. They sometimes have to leap into the water to catch the fish.
2. Crocodiles are land animals. Yes, they're semi-aquatic, but they spend more time on land, too. A lot of species come to the sea and swim to catch their favorite food. The ocean's not even THEIRS with your terminology, either!
3. Humans! Do you think we'd expand if we didn't have the ocean to us? And some of us LOVE the ocean, including me. I see many ways to make friendship with a shark, and I've even seen it happen!
If you don't know how, look up Ocean on Instagram. Ocean is a multinational organization that helps CONSERVE the ocean.
Don't try to fool yourself by avoiding the ocean. The ocean's gigantic! There's no escaping it!
If you go to the inland of a country, well, then, still, your friends will want to go to the beach!
Do you realize how much we humans have demonized a predator that is the hero of the ocean???
end this! peace y'all! take care everyone! The End..
SO yeah, go ahead kill all the sharks on earth, go man, kill e'm.. spouting rubbish in hear is nothing kiddo! haha! Keyboard warrior nowadays are so childish when it comes to words.. go ahead kill all the sharks! Go! Don't mind replying this comment.. If you want to reply this comment please tell me that all shark species is extinct because of your hardwork :D Take care and good luck kiddo!
Yes, you are exactly right. Was going to say that myself.
lloyd skinner in 2010 in S.A was a ceepy one too, sharks usually don't eat humans, but some are real maneaters
BUGGER THAT. You couldnt pay me enough to do that job.
I just don't see why people take such obvious risks like that, scallop hunting, which although delicious, the deep waters would've been enough to keep me away- but that's just me.
Although many whites have been found futher upriver, so its not like they cannot... they can. But yes, bulls dont give a shit where they go, as long as its water, they are happy.
You’re a carbon copy of those idiots that think they can tame nature so they buy wild animals like chimpanzees or tigers and then they’re dumbfounded when it betrays them. I dare you to try an “make friends with a shark” specifically a bull shark, tiger shark, and a white tip. I’m sure it’ll go great.
The shark isn't attacking you.
The shark is curious. And when sharks are curious they bump (nudge you) Or more commonly, bite you. They are only wondering what you are. They can't really tell what you are without biting you. That's why sharks bite shark cages, and nudge surfboards or bite them. THEY AREN'T ATTACKING YOU. If they were trying to kill you, they are capable. They eat seals and can easily eat a human. But they don't. Noticed after a shark bites someone they leave them alone and swim off never to be seen again? That's because they were just wondering what you were and not actually trying to kill you. The media is making you think these things. They headline "SHARK ATTACK TRIES TO KILL SURFER" No. They're wrong. They know they are, they just know that that headline will get them more profit because more people will read it. Also, when sharks attack seals, they jump out of the water. This is to see if the seal is dead or alive. The reason they do this is because they know if a seal is alive they may fight back and damage the shark. They jump out the water to see if it can eat it and kill it. That's why these people aren't being attacked by sharks, they're just victims of shark curiosity.
These people aren't being attacked. The shark bites them for a little bit and then swims off despite all the blood. They can tell the difference between us and seals, the media is just trying to convince you these animals are killers so they can get more money. Don't believe the media's lies.
Sharks are slowly disappearing out the water. The top predators. This will mean the food chain will be broken. There will be more of some kind of fish and less of some kind of creature. For instance: The number of Fish like tuna will increase right? Because no sharks are eating them if there are no sharks. That means there will be less squid. Because tuna eats squid. And then there will be more lantern fish because there will be less squid to eat the lantern fish. Then there will be less phytoplankton. Phytoplankton creates oxygen. And did you know 50% of the world's oxygen comes from phytoplankton? If we were to kill all sharks, we would have less oxygen. You see now? Don't kill sharks! They aren't trying or want to hurt you! They only have their teeth to test things and explore. They don't have hands or feet like we do. They aren't the bad ones. We are. I mean, more vending machines and toasters kill people compared to sharks! 5 people (on average) die to sharks every year. Meanwhile over 700 (on average) people die to toasters! You aren't afraid of toasters but you are afraid of sharks! Why? Because the media makes the sharks out to be bad. We need to help the shark's reputation lift, and destroy their bad reputation in order to save oxygen and their kind.
same cuz it seemed interesting.
Yeah sure. its well known fact that sharks have terrible vision so i dont know where your geting your information but its false.
have no idea f u were being for real or just sarcastic ?!
But in fact, some of them are almost as smart as dolphins. They play, they have best friends, they have much more to do other than eating all the time. ESPECIALLY when he's with a human!
Eventually, once the human gives him food from his bag to eat, the shark will be friendly. He'll touch you with his fin instead of try to bite to investigate. He will even refuse to pull back his eyes as he chews meals from humans, and you can even make friends with a shark if you don't fear them, and you instead give them love and loyalty! That's natural fish nature, ya know.
Yeah. you have more possibility geting eaten by a dog while strolling in the streets than by a shark.
A shark never ever attacks human. If they do they think it´s a seal.