10 Most Dangerous Beaches for Deadly Shark Attacks

Get more Tips here! www.destinationtips.com Shark attacks seem to be on the rise in many parts of the world, therefore, you might want to steer clear of the following known shark-infested waters. Statistically, these are among the most dangerous beaches for deadly shark attacks. 1. Pernambuco, Brazil The shockingly high attack rate in these waters appears to be due to over-fishing. Without enough food supply, the sharks have begun to sample other forms of fare to satisfy their relentless hunger. 2. Second Beach, South Africa The beach is popular among shark-seeking tourists and cage divers. Tour operators dump boatloads of bloody chum in the water order to entice the great whites. You definitely don’t want to surf or swim anywhere near these boats and their chum lines. 3. New Smyrna Beach, Florida More than 238 shark attacks have been documented at Florida’s (surprisingly) popular New Smyrna Beach. In fact, 15% of worldwide shark bites have occurred here. Most of the bites are courtesy of baby bull sharks that favor these waters. To date, none of the recorded attacks here have been fatal. 4. Velzyland Beach, Hawaii About 41 different shark species that frequent Hawaii’s waters including aggressive specimens like bull sharks and great whites. The last fatal shark attack at this beach occurred in 1994 when a tiger shark attacked a surfer. More recent attacks on surfers have been reported, but none fatal. 5. New South Wales, Australia This region, which includes famous Bondi Beach, has recorded more than 170 unprovoked shark attacks and more than 50 fatal attacks, and great white shark encounters are more common here than in other parts of the world. Due to the position of the continental shelf, swimmers and surfers are in close proximity of deep waters where these potential predators cruise. 6. Fletcher Cove, California Fletcher Cove may be picturesque, but it is also the scene of 142 unprovoked shark attacks, including some recent fatalities. Scientists are convinced that the fish-strewn waters in this region are ideal feeding grounds for large predators like the great white. 7. Reunion Island, Indian Ocean This island has had more than 10 attacks in a recent two-year period, three being fatal. This has prompted island officials to close the beaches to swimmers and surfers. Experts aren’t sure why the sharks are biting people with greater frequency. 8. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Since 2005, there have been more than fifty attacks. In fact, researchers have claimed that South Carolina’s waters are just as dangerous as Florida’s when comparing the swimmer-to-attack ratio. Their waters are attractive to species like tiger sharks and bull sharks. 9. Coffin Bay, Australia The name says it all. Don’t swim here unless you fancy a meeting with a great white. Recently an abalone diver was attacked and killed by two great white sharks. His body was never recovered. 10. Surf Beach, California A nineteen-year-old surfer was attacked and killed a few years ago by a great white shark believed to be 18 feet in length. The waters here are home to seals, which attract great whites in large numbers.

10 Most Dangerous Beaches for Deadly Shark Attacks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1090

Shark videos 8 years ago 3,277,211 views

Get more Tips here! www.destinationtips.com Shark attacks seem to be on the rise in many parts of the world, therefore, you might want to steer clear of the following known shark-infested waters. Statistically, these are among the most dangerous beaches for deadly shark attacks. 1. Pernambuco, Brazil The shockingly high attack rate in these waters appears to be due to over-fishing. Without enough food supply, the sharks have begun to sample other forms of fare to satisfy their relentless hunger. 2. Second Beach, South Africa The beach is popular among shark-seeking tourists and cage divers. Tour operators dump boatloads of bloody chum in the water order to entice the great whites. You definitely don’t want to surf or swim anywhere near these boats and their chum lines. 3. New Smyrna Beach, Florida More than 238 shark attacks have been documented at Florida’s (surprisingly) popular New Smyrna Beach. In fact, 15% of worldwide shark bites have occurred here. Most of the bites are courtesy of baby bull sharks that favor these waters. To date, none of the recorded attacks here have been fatal. 4. Velzyland Beach, Hawaii About 41 different shark species that frequent Hawaii’s waters including aggressive specimens like bull sharks and great whites. The last fatal shark attack at this beach occurred in 1994 when a tiger shark attacked a surfer. More recent attacks on surfers have been reported, but none fatal. 5. New South Wales, Australia This region, which includes famous Bondi Beach, has recorded more than 170 unprovoked shark attacks and more than 50 fatal attacks, and great white shark encounters are more common here than in other parts of the world. Due to the position of the continental shelf, swimmers and surfers are in close proximity of deep waters where these potential predators cruise. 6. Fletcher Cove, California Fletcher Cove may be picturesque, but it is also the scene of 142 unprovoked shark attacks, including some recent fatalities. Scientists are convinced that the fish-strewn waters in this region are ideal feeding grounds for large predators like the great white. 7. Reunion Island, Indian Ocean This island has had more than 10 attacks in a recent two-year period, three being fatal. This has prompted island officials to close the beaches to swimmers and surfers. Experts aren’t sure why the sharks are biting people with greater frequency. 8. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Since 2005, there have been more than fifty attacks. In fact, researchers have claimed that South Carolina’s waters are just as dangerous as Florida’s when comparing the swimmer-to-attack ratio. Their waters are attractive to species like tiger sharks and bull sharks. 9. Coffin Bay, Australia The name says it all. Don’t swim here unless you fancy a meeting with a great white. Recently an abalone diver was attacked and killed by two great white sharks. His body was never recovered. 10. Surf Beach, California A nineteen-year-old surfer was attacked and killed a few years ago by a great white shark believed to be 18 feet in length. The waters here are home to seals, which attract great whites in large numbers.

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Most popular comments
for 10 Most Dangerous Beaches for Deadly Shark Attacks

KATHRYN EVANS - 6 years ago
OMG I went fletcher cove 3 weeks ago!
maleka58 - 7 years ago
Bull sharks live in rivers, lakes and bodies of fresh or brackish water! so it would l be the same as swimming in the sea.   Bull sharks are said to be one of the most aggressive sharks due to the amount of testosterone they have.   They are the only shark with a special gland that allows them to do this.
maleka58 - 7 years ago
The first item you posted on Brazil shows an inaccurate shark attack that happened in the Bahamas to a marine biologist! working in the middle of a big school of bull sharks. His leg Got bitten? I wish people would not post stuff that makes people terrified of sharks! I have swum with them in various places and still here to tell the tail!!!! They are awesome, graceful, intelligent creatures. If you go to all the places you mentioned there are always sharks swimming around. If they really decided to attack humans we would have no people in the sea, which is, of course, their habitat. We love going into the sea but should also respect it. People attack and kill more that one million sharks to one human accident!!! Most people who are bitten die of shock and bleeding, not being eaten!   A shark uses it's mouth which has sharp teeth as it's hand and a small bite can cause a lot of damage! they do not like the taste of humans which is why the usually spit us out. The only really dangerous place on your list where you only want to dip your toe in the water safely is the Reunion Islands. There are signs all over the place with pictures of sharks and signs saying No swimming or surfing! Scientists do not understand the reason there are so many sharks and shark attacks there! People if you have never swum with a shark, try it, you may be surprised how much you enjoy it. Jaws has lot to answer for!!
Maulin Agrawal
Maulin Agrawal - 7 years ago
There are more tiger sharks than great whites in Hawaii
bigSMOKE - 7 years ago
I’ve been to myrtle beach every summer for the last 5 years and seen tons of jelly fish, and multiple sharks, only 1 I was swimming very close to
Joanna Elizabeth
Joanna Elizabeth - 7 years ago
IEatChildren Q
IEatChildren Q - 7 years ago
This year I'm going to Florida. And trust me, you won't even see my dead in the sea, only pools xD
Jedi Mindtrick
Jedi Mindtrick - 7 years ago
Not really sure why you are showing footage of shark expert Eric Ritter being bitten by a Bull Shark in the Bahamas in your first segment that you say is about Brazil
scarlet ives
scarlet ives - 7 years ago
1. is ridiculous

10. comment for 10 Most Dangerous Beaches for Deadly Shark Attacks

LJ F - 7 years ago
North coast of NSW Australia wins hands down.. ita a breeding ground/ nursery there with all the inlets etc.. very scary
Eric Darts
Eric Darts - 7 years ago
fuck this ive got a swimming pool
TêvEŕøasțiőn exe has stopped working
TêvEŕøasțiőn exe has stopped working - 7 years ago
10 people died from shark attacks every year
Robin Strutt
Robin Strutt - 7 years ago
any sharks in south france?
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
They are saying deadly sharks attack man on Myrtle beach and New Smyrna beach.
Fardin Mahzoob
Fardin Mahzoob - 7 years ago
They are the destination tips for beach shark attacks.
brett jackman
brett jackman - 7 years ago
the worst,worst,place in the world ,beach wise,to risk your luck is CACTUS Sth Aus...........World class waves but infested with whites.
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 7 years ago
You sound like the Geico gecko from Geico.
Mohammad Sahidullah
Mohammad Sahidullah - 7 years ago
The shark attacks became from the most dangerous beaches.
Mohammad Sahidullah
Mohammad Sahidullah - 7 years ago
I have never bitten by a shark at the beach.
TricksWith Twins
TricksWith Twins - 7 years ago
I've been to South Carolina mettle beach I went deep I didn't get but not even fatal !
Sachin Parekh
Sachin Parekh - 7 years ago
At the beach

20. comment for 10 Most Dangerous Beaches for Deadly Shark Attacks

Sachin Parekh
Sachin Parekh - 7 years ago
I actually live in New South Wales and I have been to a deep end there were no sharks
Emma’s Stuff and more
Emma’s Stuff and more - 7 years ago
I'm WACHING this in 2017
Martin Van Luyn
Martin Van Luyn - 7 years ago
These statistics must be way out of date. Western Australia has had about 10 attacks in 2 years. THEY ARE GETTING VERY HUNGRY!
Titan Shifter
Titan Shifter - 7 years ago
Go to Jesus before it's too late. You can be justified before your Creator, through Christ's sacrifice which is the atonement for your sin when you went against God's word/laws. The payment is ready, but you have to accept the payment..
Nathan Charlesworth
Nathan Charlesworth - 7 years ago
Your profile shows your brain
Good Muslim
Good Muslim - 7 years ago
Titan Shifter take your prayer somewhere else
Good Muslim
Good Muslim - 7 years ago
Titan Shifter prophet isa is the messenger of allah not a god
Raven James
Raven James - 7 years ago
what does a big fish or shark have to do with religion. sharks are a part of evolution.
Livy RedPanda
Livy RedPanda - 7 years ago
What the heck!?!?
Titan Shifter
Titan Shifter - 7 years ago
The prayer for life:
Dear God, I admit I am a sinner,
I believe your Son, Jesus Christ was crucified and
bore my sin debt, He payed my sin debt in full, I ask you
to forgive me my sin based off HIS sacrifice, I ask you
God to come into my life, and guide me, Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, you are saved. You may not
have felt something, or maybe you did. Some people do,
some don't. Doesn't change that they are saved. What will
determine if you feel something is if you trust in God,
read the Bible, and pray. :) I'll see you in Heaven if you
prayed that prayer and are willing to follow God from now
Trust in The Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation.
Glory be to God, not me.
Suzan Ismail
Suzan Ismail - 7 years ago
how did i come from watching room deco ideas to this???
Gladiador Baiano
Gladiador Baiano - 7 years ago
I am from state of Bahia, North-east Region of Brazil and here the shark attacks are extremely rares. The last shark attack happened in 2005.
panda unicorn putri
panda unicorn putri - 7 years ago
It is hoax or no
Robert Shava
Robert Shava - 7 years ago
AE G - 7 years ago
Last time I got bit big big shark so creepy
guillermo magana
guillermo magana - 7 years ago
They bite people because they think we are seals there blind doi

30. comment for 10 Most Dangerous Beaches for Deadly Shark Attacks

Amanda Smith
Amanda Smith - 7 years ago
sharks are dangerous you never want to swim with a shark
Adam - 7 years ago
Lucas R. was the 19 year old killed October 23, 2010 and another one on a guy named Francisco S. October 23, 2012 Look at the two dates of the attack. Same beach. Same day (exactly 2 years apart). Is it the same shark? Does he/she come back every 2 years? It's most likely a pregnant female because surf beach has been a hangout for them cuz of the 2 year migration period.
JEFF THE EAGLE - 7 years ago
AcTiVe Volcano
AcTiVe Volcano - 7 years ago
I'm glad that live in a place that doesn't have sharks
Livy RedPanda
Livy RedPanda - 7 years ago
AcTive Guy me too
Mohammad Sahidullah
Mohammad Sahidullah - 7 years ago
The shark was swimming on the most dangerous beach.
Mohammad Sahidullah
Mohammad Sahidullah - 7 years ago
There a tips about country beaches on deadly shark attack.
Gabi Armoa
Gabi Armoa - 7 years ago
Like si hablas español y no entendiste nada
Anton N
Anton N - 7 years ago
me too
Busyro Amir
Busyro Amir - 7 years ago
Jamaica You Said You Got Bit By The Sand Shark But Did It Hurt?
muslim cunt
muslim cunt - 7 years ago
He is now passed away you should be careful
Bella Barton
Bella Barton - 7 years ago
I love sharks they are so cool.
thaylon lopes
thaylon lopes - 7 years ago
Hasgjrcje?? No! Jsfjkirdaxc simm...jsdbjkedg BOLSONARO!!! Hsdghjjrf yes!!!
Alanfnafticeye Spear
Alanfnafticeye Spear - 7 years ago
Great white sharks rather eat seealse and sea lions than hummon it doesn't deserve to die becalse they mad take people as sea lions
Nathan Hill
Nathan Hill - 7 years ago
Sharks are terrifying, the big ones are meant to stay way out, yet in
they come, I'm certain why the experts are confused.
Alexandra Garibay
Alexandra Garibay - 7 years ago
A shark bite my cousin
Alexandra Garibay
Alexandra Garibay - 7 years ago
Olivia B sorry
Livy RedPanda
Livy RedPanda - 7 years ago
Alexandra Garibay a shark killed my grandma
Chace-C-Games - 7 years ago
I only swim in pools I only cover my feet in the ocean if it go to my knees I say.......NOPE IM WALKING HOME MUM
TheLssgssJ J
TheLssgssJ J - 7 years ago
Shark wins FATTLITY!
Aleese Turner
Aleese Turner - 7 years ago
Kid- Jaws I can handle that movie because I know that as long if I'm on land I'm safe

*girl holds up sharknado movie cover

*curls up in a ball crying with a girl patting him

Girl-Its ok

Kid laughs like crazy
Bunker Bunt
Bunker Bunt - 7 years ago
I ate a diver last week ... and he gave me gas 1:30
Bunker Bunt
Bunker Bunt - 7 years ago
Sorry, time tag applies to another vid
Livy RedPanda
Livy RedPanda - 7 years ago
Bunker Bunt what the frig?
vegyess - 7 years ago
no Mexico?
Lilly luvs polarbears
Lilly luvs polarbears - 7 years ago
wow my beach came 3d i am not suprised

50. comment for 10 Most Dangerous Beaches for Deadly Shark Attacks

Panda Gamesss
Panda Gamesss - 7 years ago
Kimberly Clements
Kimberly Clements - 7 years ago
The Bella And Joanie Show
The Bella And Joanie Show - 7 years ago
I was in South Carolina myrtle beach and nothing has happened supposedly recently
Amy Lancastet
Amy Lancastet - 7 years ago
If there are pariahs in a lake I am not going to swim in lakes because I am only 9
Denise Hudrisier
Denise Hudrisier - 7 years ago
im scard
AlphaWolf GamerGirl
AlphaWolf GamerGirl - 7 years ago
I went to Florida and we were swimming I refused to go out passed where it passed my knee bc of sharks!!!
Mr Perfect
Mr Perfect - 7 years ago
Please tell me where the thumbnail is from.
OwnLawyer - 7 years ago
I go to myrtle beach every summer, in fact I'm there right now!
Loaded Pirate
Loaded Pirate - 7 years ago
The sign says danger
so why the fuck you people risking your life you people are truely inslolents fuck for sure
Basic Emo
Basic Emo - 7 years ago
You forgot every other beach in Australia
Dimitrije TV
Dimitrije TV - 7 years ago
Would you rather fight Hamerhead shark or tiger shark
jkh - 7 years ago
Shout out to New Smyrna Beach Fl.
Emoji Girl
Emoji Girl - 7 years ago
I've only been bit bye minnows and went too Murtel beach were going too Denver in the fall
Kawaii Unicorn
Kawaii Unicorn - 7 years ago
Well fuck I live in South Carolina WISH ME LUCK TO LIVE WHEN I GO TO THE OCEAN
The Dire Wolf
The Dire Wolf - 7 years ago
Who would go to coffin beach it's a sign that your gonna die.
KittyKitten Reyes
KittyKitten Reyes - 7 years ago
I was born in California.....
oof - 7 years ago
i think one kind of shark swins in a lake or am i stupid
Ameer Husseinali
Ameer Husseinali - 7 years ago
If I saw a shark I would be like just kill me I can't do anything about it
valeria rios osornio
valeria rios osornio - 7 years ago
Ameer Husseinali boiiiiii
Johanitta Vayaboury
Johanitta Vayaboury - 7 years ago
i live in reunion island it's good
phantom of fire gaming
phantom of fire gaming - 7 years ago
u stole this video
valeria rios osornio
valeria rios osornio - 7 years ago
Donald Trump ur not donald trump stupid
王宇哲 - 7 years ago
Maili Gymnast
Maili Gymnast - 7 years ago
Ive been to velseyland and I live in nsw Australia and I've never seen a shark. But my mom did in velseyland
Thonh Tran
Thonh Tran - 7 years ago
Not good recording
mehdi akbary
mehdi akbary - 7 years ago
gusmonster59 - 7 years ago
Don't blame the sharks. You are the intruder when you swim or surf in their territory. you know, the ocean.
Taj Carrillo
Taj Carrillo - 7 years ago
We want 15 biggest living casos
Mr57ride - 7 years ago
NSW is a state not a beach
Carolyn Shearer
Carolyn Shearer - 7 years ago
Billy Ray cyrux
Random Person
Random Person - 7 years ago
I have been to coffins bay and we were jetty diving we also saw stingrays so close to shore and a shark
Yoshi KartFan101
Yoshi KartFan101 - 7 years ago
fuck this is ofger[-nr[d54\
Rachel Langman
Rachel Langman - 7 years ago
I live in south africa and got bitten by a great white ouch plz 12 likes
Raven James
Raven James - 7 years ago
no you didn't
kitten lady
kitten lady - 7 years ago
Rachel Langman fake
Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson - 7 years ago
Yeah fuck off that's the biggest shark in the world it would of grabbed you by then
kbreezy da beast
kbreezy da beast - 7 years ago
Fuck off mate
Josh Delagrange
Josh Delagrange - 7 years ago
If no one witness a shark attack then it's harder to prove or even verify that shark is involved.The bottom line is if there is signs posted sightings and frequent shark attacks,if those people ignore the warnings then get attacked then it's their fault for not heeding the warnings.These clips are just random clips from other videos that don't represents the area.I was at Myrtle Beach I seen a shark far enough I could tell it was a 20 foot great white shark by it's dorsal fin.
Adam Mullins
Adam Mullins - 7 years ago
There are def. sharks near the Garden City pier just south of Myrtle Beach... you can see them all the time. I've surfer near the pier there and have seen a shark relatively close to the shore, too. That was also near the pier. Stay away from fisherman etc and you should be good.
hugo castets
hugo castets - 7 years ago
The most dangerous beaches are in La Réunion
Awesome gammer
Awesome gammer - 7 years ago
These sharks are not scary
Alexander Turbett
Alexander Turbett - 7 years ago
Sameer13 Dhanaraj
Sameer13 Dhanaraj - 7 years ago
M too
Samantha zuniga
Samantha zuniga - 7 years ago
I was going to go to myrtle beach but never mind
TheLegendary Twins
TheLegendary Twins - 7 years ago
Why are sharks even real?!?!
Pritpal Tak
Pritpal Tak - 7 years ago
Mauppmaupp Mauppmaupp
Mauppmaupp Mauppmaupp - 7 years ago
I've got bitten my a cub:baby bear
Wolf Pretator
Wolf Pretator - 7 years ago
SHARKS ARE SOO CUTE. Only Great Whites...
Faye Mathis
Faye Mathis - 7 years ago
That's y I don't swim in the ocean
Fbbaaa 123
Fbbaaa 123 - 7 years ago
i go to myrtle beach and South Carolina all the time.... I've only seen jellyfish and dolphins now I know that I'm not swimming ever again
Gun Master
Gun Master - 7 years ago
Sharks don't mean to kill you they just think we're seals and we are to boney to be bitten
Benny _max169
Benny _max169 - 7 years ago
Uhhh I'm at australia
Shark in Austraila
The cruffel sisters sisters
The cruffel sisters sisters - 7 years ago
I'm NEVER going to the BEACH or LAKE AGAIN!!!!
Cody Russell
Cody Russell - 7 years ago
i went to mytle and me and my grandpa were swiming by a shark but nun of us got hurt
Halsey Fan827
Halsey Fan827 - 7 years ago
Subscribe to Pandy Donut

100. comment for 10 Most Dangerous Beaches for Deadly Shark Attacks

Jennifer Parker
Jennifer Parker - 7 years ago
I got bit by a great white he bit my leg off
Tim Panda
Tim Panda - 7 years ago
The rivers are full of bullsharks here in Australia, iv seen many fishermen catch them everywhere in nsw and queensland
Milena Ariza
Milena Ariza - 7 years ago
I'm at new symrana beach and I I'm not gonna get on the water now
Zanyzo22 - 7 years ago
Humans kill more people than sharks! What do you expect, we are in their home afterall.
redheadwithbedhead -_-
redheadwithbedhead -_- - 7 years ago
I practically live on Myrtle Beach. I can actually walk there from my house and I go there almost everyday, and there are attacks every few years but other than that then it's okay.
Yaretzi reyes Rodriguez
Yaretzi reyes Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I'm going to Virginia Beach next weak and lm scared to go now because maybe l find a shark
Raven James
Raven James - 7 years ago
you'll be fine
Abigail M
Abigail M - 7 years ago
Yaretzi reyez omg I live in vb there are barely any sharks and I've never heard of a shark attack there in my lifetime
Raymond Camilleri
Raymond Camilleri - 7 years ago
hope your alright jamaica
Sandwitch Chan
Sandwitch Chan - 7 years ago
One time I went to myrtle beach and got stung by a jellyfish
Scooby Doo's Mystery Mate ?!?
Scooby Doo's Mystery Mate ?!? - 7 years ago
Wow I only ever go to myrtle beach
Livy RedPanda
Livy RedPanda - 7 years ago
I only ever go swimming near nova scotia
Amanda Yokoyama
Amanda Yokoyama - 7 years ago
Brasil aparecendo aí!!!!
HighRevRyan - 7 years ago
Myrtle beach is North Carolina.
Randzi - 7 years ago
my cousins live down there

fun fact baltimores not in maryland it's in new york
Randzi - 7 years ago
it's definitely not
ktlynmariesmith - 7 years ago
HighRevRyan, no, it's South Carolina. My mom was born there.
Maddie Glenn
Maddie Glenn - 7 years ago
HighRevRyan oml ur really stupid Myrtle beach is South Carolina
Brandi Hoffman
Brandi Hoffman - 7 years ago
so so sorry
Brandi Ingram
Brandi Ingram - 7 years ago
I live in South Carolina and myrtle beach is where we go in the summer
guizampier lokao
guizampier lokao - 7 years ago
Que medooo!!!!
Layley Oliver
Layley Oliver - 7 years ago
Sharks won't bother you if you don't try to bother them. Most attacks are on surfers because they look like seals and if you just get away and don't go in on them, they won't hurt you.
brett jackman
brett jackman - 7 years ago
no,most shark attacks happen on swimmers and divers and you are a little off for saying that shark attacks are mostly provoked..Do not urinate in the water,dont swim /surf/dive at dawn or dusk,rivermouths or around areas assosciated with high white,tiger,bronze or bull shark numbers......Once I soor your avatar and name I really toned down my reply.....I grew up surfing the south of Australia and I can tell you that every single attack,fatal or not ,that I personally know about was unprovoked....They do mistake us for a higher fat content meal though as you stated...
Raven James
Raven James - 7 years ago
i hope your not swimming around seals, which is something that can attract great white sharks.
Livy RedPanda
Livy RedPanda - 7 years ago
Layley Oliver we heard you the first million times!!
brett jackman
brett jackman - 7 years ago
hah hahahahaha idiot.....................
Livy RedPanda
Livy RedPanda - 7 years ago
Sasha Barnes that's mean, don't be a bully
Filip Truszkowski
Filip Truszkowski - 7 years ago
Sandeep Barrun
Sandeep Barrun - 7 years ago
i am going reunion island in this year so so creepy
slime lover
slime lover - 7 years ago
i have been to myrtle beach when a shark attacked a person
Lulugangeo4ever Free tayk
Lulugangeo4ever Free tayk - 7 years ago
today I'm going to Myrtle Beach SC
Fletch Vlogz
Fletch Vlogz - 7 years ago
Fletcher co we was in this video
Fletch Vlogz
Fletch Vlogz - 7 years ago
I'm kinda famous my names fletcher
Adi Chandra
Adi Chandra - 7 years ago
idiot people ,they know so many shark in the water , but they keep swim
Stacey Boden
Stacey Boden - 7 years ago
I was swimming in the ocean at Myrtle Beach
Justin Smith
Justin Smith - 7 years ago
I've never seen a shark near Cardiff (fletcher cove)
Austyn Black
Austyn Black - 7 years ago
I live in south California
The Eevee Girl
The Eevee Girl - 7 years ago
Yayay there are no sharks in canada ( there are 0% in french side )
Bethany Jay
Bethany Jay - 7 years ago
Thank you for warning me I have been to myrtle beach though so that was a surprise for me
Eva Thomlison
Eva Thomlison - 7 years ago
I do think that there is such a mega shark.
Lionel Mr Biz
Lionel Mr Biz - 7 years ago
humans are more dangerous than shark. look the film "shark water" if you want to know reality.
Jesse Rhudy
Jesse Rhudy - 7 years ago
I'm at myrtle beach write now getting ready to go parraselling
Kaidono Gaming
Kaidono Gaming - 7 years ago
I'm at Myrtle Beach...
katie Call
katie Call - 7 years ago
I'm going to New Smyrna in 5 days
SVTCO - 7 years ago
I don't get why people don't just dive deeper than the shark can instead of trying to surface and bob on the water where it can chew on you from underneath.
DragonEchoGamer - 7 years ago
Duda Obrien Br
Duda Obrien Br - 7 years ago
pernanbuco brazil ;-; tubarão do nordeste e foda
vamos ver
vamos ver - 7 years ago
Lokinha Games Br pelo menos um breve nesses comentários
Magdy Issa
Magdy Issa - 7 years ago
Lعokinha Games Br حظج
Marcio Sobel
Marcio Sobel - 7 years ago
Nossa ;-; Meu estado foi o primeiro :v
Wow ;-; My state was the first :v
Mico Carlo Adrian Ruiz
Mico Carlo Adrian Ruiz - 7 years ago
actually 1:38 that shark ignored the human, ive watched that video months ago
احمد الهادى
احمد الهادى - 7 years ago
لااله الا الله محمدرسول الله
MartinHD - 7 years ago
of course
Steven White
Steven White - 7 years ago
Sharks have become protected in many areas. The more they are protected the more of them there is going to be, all competing for the same food. Sharks are often lazy opportunists. More humans, believing sharks are just big pets, are in the water. You go in the cage; cage goes in the water; shark in the water; our shark. Result...shark attack. Farewell and ado to my fair Spanish Ladies...
Tamouree Jordan
Tamouree Jordan - 7 years ago
2:08 radiation poisoning inhibits the proper functioning of the mebdulla oblongata, resulting in more instinctual agression. There you go and I'm not even a scientist, how the fuxk could I know?
154angel154 - 7 years ago
Thiago ventura de sousa
Thiago ventura de sousa - 7 years ago
Pernambuco is the state. The attacks occour in Recife and Jaboatão dos Guararapes.
bobo Marley
bobo Marley - 7 years ago
Tracey Lynn c Falconer
Tracey Lynn c Falconer - 7 years ago
stay out of the water.
Austin Lookabaugh
Austin Lookabaugh - 7 years ago
Tracey Lynn c Falconer
Outcast Outdoors
Outcast Outdoors - 7 years ago
Keep overfishing and your ocean privileges are revoked.
NBA lap
NBA lap - 7 years ago
NBA lap
NBA lap - 7 years ago
Judy Wilson
Judy Wilson - 7 years ago
Thanks for the awesome wisdom
Fedor Speztna
Fedor Speztna - 7 years ago
Worst pile of bullshit and misinformation on sharks ever. From images that have nothing to do with the whiny voice over, to actual grouper swallowing a spearfisher woman's catch, this is complete crap.
Raven James
Raven James - 7 years ago
it's not misinformation, there have been shark attacks before.
Josh Delagrange
Josh Delagrange - 7 years ago
Taylor mostly likely an eyewitness seen the attack if not then.There is no way to verify or confirm that shark attacked the guy.If drowned then sharks would eat his body.After all sharks will eat anything in the ocean.
Gregory Tea Fawcett
Gregory Tea Fawcett - 7 years ago
That is the point Taylor, they make this bullshit up as click bait for their pathetic excuses of a video like this one.
Taylor Bryant
Taylor Bryant - 7 years ago
Gregor Speztna if they didn't recover the one guy's body, how do they know it was a shark attack at all, much less the species?
Business Cat
Business Cat - 7 years ago
THANK YOU finclap
Dylandaboss DSS
Dylandaboss DSS - 7 years ago
SenneffRules - 7 years ago
This video has so much misleading data it's ridiculous first of all fletcher cove hasn't had multiple fatalities there have only been two fatalities total in San Diego for the past 65 years. 147 attacks at this beach? What the hell are you smoking? Try less than five this beach shouldn't even be included in this list and while you're at it why don't you actually name the species of the Sharks? Instead of being so general horrible video incorrect data should be taken down
Mehitabel - 7 years ago
Chumming should be banned. It teaches sharks to associate humans with an easy meal.
Marko Blagojevic
Marko Blagojevic - 7 years ago
the first the last
the first the last - 7 years ago
Yeah, darude sandstorm
Legos Lawss
Legos Lawss - 7 years ago
Steven White how would you know... oh my god......
Steven White
Steven White - 7 years ago
Humans are an easy meal.
Logan Firby
Logan Firby - 7 years ago
Call Me Crazy im going too bro
Logan Firby
Logan Firby - 7 years ago
WinyVeil Tv im going tomorrow bro
KING - 7 years ago
Pro tip / tutorial, feed sharks fish while swimming with t hem, make sure you have comrades that can help you and be on alert, as long as the shark is calmed and don't take you as a enemy you 're all good and you can even touch the shark without it becoming hostile.
galaxypanda 7
galaxypanda 7 - 7 years ago
I live in south Carolina
Jojo - 7 years ago
There is no cage diving in Port St Johns
alma Lamsat
alma Lamsat - 7 years ago
hiunya jahat2 ya
Eben Lim
Eben Lim - 7 years ago
Ok Thank you for the information
Megan Springer
Megan Springer - 8 years ago
I'm in Myrtle Beach now on vacation for the weekend
Purple killerYT
Purple killerYT - 8 years ago
Daniel Marcoulis
Daniel Marcoulis - 8 years ago
love the miss used video clips
Slapped By Salmon
Slapped By Salmon - 8 years ago
there hasnt been a attack at bondi in 70 years i believe
SoulBrother - 8 years ago
Herp derp, Lets start with number 1 derp herp
toontownmikey - 8 years ago
Thx Man :)
divdiv - 8 years ago
i live in south africa close to biggest shark atraction in world.When swimming you can count at least 20 3m plus great white sharks in the surf
the first the last
the first the last - 7 years ago
divdiv I saw a sand dollar once
Livy RedPanda
Livy RedPanda - 7 years ago
divdiv omg I am never going to Africa again!!
Randzi - 7 years ago
though ppl in africa didn't have any education guess i was wrong
Yazmin Hernandez
Yazmin Hernandez - 7 years ago
divdiv just
The Nerdy Derper 1237
The Nerdy Derper 1237 - 8 years ago
D E P R E S S I O N - 7 years ago
The Nerdy Derper 1237.
shampaingel - 8 years ago
I saw a teeny tiny shark in Maryland (shockingly)
Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson - 7 years ago
Randzi - 7 years ago
i live in baltimore
Sasha Barnes
Sasha Barnes - 7 years ago
shampaingel - 8 years ago
I used to want to go to Myrtle Beach. Suddenly I don't want to anymore.
ÉricK GDS - 8 years ago
Nicole Cook-Enzler
Nicole Cook-Enzler - 8 years ago
Why I don't like the beach
Crazy_TheUnknown Lasting
Crazy_TheUnknown Lasting - 8 years ago
They are not the most deadliest though.. You gotta meet humans! Clearing forests, polluting air and reply what else harm that humans can do :/
Legoguy112 - 8 years ago
I live in New South Wales, in Wollongong and never seen a shark
themadrapper101 - 8 years ago
go in the ocean and actually look for one I'm sure you'll find it.
lina and the gamers
lina and the gamers - 8 years ago
Quad Films
Quad Films - 8 years ago
I live in New Smyrna beach... and surf there almost every day. I've seen plenty of sharks but I've only had a hammerhead follow me while on a kayak.
Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson - 7 years ago
I've almost got attacked by a great white it is scary as shit I was surfing then a great white came good thing I got to land on time
adrian pronuevo
adrian pronuevo - 7 years ago
Quad Films v
shannonnon ppowell
shannonnon ppowell - 7 years ago
Quad Films well I was almost bit by s bull shark in FL if someone didn't pull me away
Steven White
Steven White - 7 years ago
You can walk across a highway with your eyes closed and not get run over. The more you do it the odds of you getting mashed keep going up.
Jenna Moser
Jenna Moser - 7 years ago
Quad Films my cousin lives there and she lost a leg
Ron Lockhart
Ron Lockhart - 8 years ago
I was once eaten alive by a 20' great white shark, and I don't blame the shark at all. I love those beautiful animals and, indeed, I am among the most proactive pro-shark people on the face of this earth. These beautiful animals deserve our respect and our protection.
Simon Read
Simon Read - 7 years ago
salmon croll bellend
Slapped By Salmon
Slapped By Salmon - 8 years ago
Ron Lockhart wtf you were eaten alive how are you commenting this dumbass
Kofukufufu - 8 years ago
Am so thankful to have always had a pool.
GracieCake - 8 years ago
I have swam in the ocean in Florida
the cow says moo
the cow says moo - 7 years ago
wow you special little snowflake you must be so proud that you swam in Florida
GracieCake - 8 years ago
But I could get away faster than SOME ppl
Its ya girl tortor
Its ya girl tortor - 8 years ago
You can't swim faster then a shark. lol
GracieCake - 8 years ago
Thank Godzilla I'm on swim team XD so I can swim fast XD
Vega lee
Vega lee - 8 years ago
just take your ass to a public pool you're welcome
Jessica Comfort
Jessica Comfort - 8 years ago
you think that the sharks are horrible but then again if you were a shark you would do the same thing to survive
TheHiglandsGamer - 6 years ago
Jessica Comfort sharks do not always attack to survive they are just teritorial
Raven James
Raven James - 7 years ago
Jessica Comfort: i don't think it's so much survival if a shark bites you, it's more curious than anything else. sharks are attracted to blood and sound especially vibration. there very sensitive to vibration, so i think the reason people get bit sometimes is because there being aroused and over excited. there attracted to vibration, so there gonna investigate wherever the sound vibration is coming from. i use to live in North Carolina and i've gone to the ocean a couple of times. but i never got bitten by any shark, but i don't usually go very far i stay near the shore. most of time i just go in and cool myself off and relax. btw you have the same name as my girlfriend, but not that it matters.
Johnny Rosel
Johnny Rosel - 7 years ago
this dumb ass little kids scientists, proved that they think we're seals
Livy RedPanda
Livy RedPanda - 7 years ago
They don't mean to attack us, they think our boats or us are seals so that's why they attack us, that's what I think and btw I read this in a book sooooooooooo
James Turpin
James Turpin - 7 years ago
Jessica Comfort thats True
Fatema Mustafa
Fatema Mustafa - 7 years ago
Jessica Comfort ky6ytthjfffffgjt65guec
Sasha Barnes
Sasha Barnes - 7 years ago
We are not sharks SO SHUT UP
kkarx - 7 years ago
You think that homocidal maniacs are horrible but then again if you were a homocidal maniac you would do the same thing. :F
Lolcake x
Lolcake x - 8 years ago
well were not sharks so. yeah....
Billie Henderson
Billie Henderson - 8 years ago
Billie Henderson
Billie Henderson - 8 years ago
John Drew Friend
John Drew Friend - 8 years ago
There are certain sharks that swim in lake water buddy ( bull shark)
Duncan Hawksworth
Duncan Hawksworth - 8 years ago
I going on holiday about 20 km south of second beach.
BOOGIE NIGHTS - 8 years ago
a Shark!!! sun over a bich!!!fuck sirt!!!
fuck Shark!!! fuck whale!!!!
Its ya girl tortor
Its ya girl tortor - 8 years ago
WTF? What? lol
Fletch Vlogz
Fletch Vlogz - 8 years ago
Fletcher cove my name is fletcher
Jamaica - 8 years ago
I've been bitten by a small sand shark and now I only swim in lakes.
skeletor197 - 6 years ago
Jamaica me too
maleka58 - 7 years ago
Bull sharks live in lakes too!   They have a special glad to adapt to salt, brackish or fresh water.   Lots of people are attacked in these areas as they are not expecting it.
maleka58 - 7 years ago
So does Africa and it has lots of deserts!  but they still have lots of bull shark attacks there.   Bull sharks inhabit most rivers.   But not cold ones :)  and there have​ been bull shark attacks in that area!   sorry!
maleka58 - 7 years ago
It is normally people to blame even indirectly!   I don't think sharks are monster though they are just a top preditor. Having swum and filmed with them in various places I know they are not mindless killers and are fascinating to watch.  It's so annoying when you try to film them and the swim away!   far to fat to keep up LOL.   Putting bait in the water brings out the aggression in sharks and should not be allowed in areas where people swim!
maleka58 - 7 years ago
Hey a sensible educated answer :)
maleka58 - 7 years ago
Bull sharks though!
Titian Gaming G
Titian Gaming G - 7 years ago
Shaun Halls he is in AZ no bull sharks!
Titian Gaming G
Titian Gaming G - 7 years ago
Jasmine Singh not in arizona! Thats in South America and Australia
Titian Gaming G
Titian Gaming G - 7 years ago
Made in America and thristy rattle snakes!
Titian Gaming G
Titian Gaming G - 7 years ago
Jamaica oh now youll be bit by a poisons snake!
Nur Syafikzam
Nur Syafikzam - 7 years ago
I never get bitten by any shark , but watching this video make me only swim In pool
Raven James
Raven James - 7 years ago
i've been to the ocean a few times living in North Carolina, but i've never been bitten by a shark. i think sharks are sensitive to strong vibration and sound, i think that's why people get attacked sometimes. i sure as hell wouldn't wanna get bitten by a great white. when i go in the water, i don't go that deep. i just go in enough to cool myself off and chill.
Shaun Halls
Shaun Halls - 7 years ago
Bull sharks can go in lakes
Jake Middleton
Jake Middleton - 7 years ago
Jamaica I
Jojo Cost
Jojo Cost - 7 years ago
and leeches
Don Real
Don Real - 7 years ago
Jasmine Singh
Jasmine Singh - 7 years ago
In lakes their are piranhas
Over Cod Gamer
Over Cod Gamer - 7 years ago
Jamaica "
Alpha Wolpie
Alpha Wolpie - 7 years ago
I only swim in pools *sees pirannah movie*(dunno the spelling)ok im just gonna swim in my bathtub :|
battlefield videos Peterson
battlefield videos Peterson - 7 years ago
I feel bad jamaica
battlefield videos Peterson
battlefield videos Peterson - 7 years ago
Yeah I only swim in lakes to
Marlene Salcedo
Marlene Salcedo - 7 years ago
There's snakes in lakes and rivers
The Dire Wolf
The Dire Wolf - 7 years ago
Jamaica m
Pritpal Tak
Pritpal Tak - 7 years ago
Maatta Miah
Maatta Miah - 7 years ago
Jamaica u can get bit by a gator and a crocadile believe me it may be wrose
Ben Hwang
Ben Hwang - 7 years ago
Jamaica did it hurt. Wow are you ok
Ben Hwang
Ben Hwang - 7 years ago
Jamaica wow!
Holly Young
Holly Young - 7 years ago
Jamaica I fell so bad for you
Mayur Thakor
Mayur Thakor - 7 years ago
Jamaica xxx
Made in U.S.A
Made in U.S.A - 7 years ago
theabstrakt84 In Arizona? Not unless he's got some beach front property there.He said in AZ.He isn't attached to any salt or bracchus water I know Bull sharks can adapt to fresh water.But c'mon people he's surrounded by desert.
Jayden Ellul
Jayden Ellul - 7 years ago
Jamaica i am so sorry for you
Girly_Gamer - 7 years ago
Jamaica me
theabstrakt84 - 7 years ago
sharks can enter lakes too
Donald J
Donald J - 7 years ago
These increasing incidents of violent and deadly shark attacks are all because tourist boaters are putting a lot of blood in the water near prime beaches, which attracts the big blood thirsty monsters expecting to eat something squirming and meaty.. Now big sharks expect easy food where boats and swimmers are.. I think that governments should assemble class action lawsuits against baiting sharks.. Now, because of those sight seer businesses most ocean beaches aren't safe to swim in anymore.. Those shark tour businesses should pay for the injuries and losses incurred from their baiting those monsters to swimmer's beaches.. All such shark baiting near beaches should be illegal.. The shark baiters should be legislated to bait sharks a minimum of least one hundred miles away from all beaches...
Jose Silva
Jose Silva - 8 years ago
Burger King French Fries
Burger King French Fries - 8 years ago
Lonely Hearts Club I Go To Myrtle Beach , South C.
shampaingel - 8 years ago
Jamaica watch out for bull sharks. They can adapt to freshwater unlike most sharks and will swims thousands of miles upstream
Jamaica - 8 years ago
+DestinationTips It was more embarrassing than painful. I didn't know I was bit. I was body surfing and I kept crashing on the sand. I thought it was another sand burn. However, the life guard had to clear the beach because my butt was bleeding from the bite. I think everyone on that California beach that day hated me.... LOL
Jamaica - 8 years ago
No alligators in Arizona lakes..
sophia bellini
sophia bellini - 8 years ago
Um how bout Alligators?
Destination Tips
Destination Tips - 8 years ago
Damn sorry to hear it, that must of really hurt! o_O
PixlrEdn - 8 years ago
see's the 2nd one Well im moving CYA GUYS
PixlrEdn - 8 years ago
sees the 5th IM MOVING OUT OF THAT PLACE.Finally im at kempsey
Shelly Moore
Shelly Moore - 8 years ago
I'm going myrtle beach South Carolina next year I'm scared now
Raven James
Raven James - 7 years ago
you'll be fine, just don't swim to far and you should be fine.
Beanna Mariee
Beanna Mariee - 7 years ago
Only if ur scooba diving doe
Beanna Mariee
Beanna Mariee - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore I go there every year lol
Madelyn L.
Madelyn L. - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore I Go To The Same Beach!
Thinking to infinity
Thinking to infinity - 7 years ago
I'm in Myrtle Beach SC rn
The Dire Wolf
The Dire Wolf - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore watch out for jellyfishes and sharks
KittyKitten Reyes
KittyKitten Reyes - 7 years ago
I feel bad for u
Loren Wojdyla
Loren Wojdyla - 7 years ago
I also went out neck high
Loren Wojdyla
Loren Wojdyla - 7 years ago
I already went chances are very slim all u will see are jellyfish and crabs
Thinking to infinity
Thinking to infinity - 7 years ago
Macy Fisher I'm going to be there in 3 days
Thinking to infinity
Thinking to infinity - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore going in 3 days..
may fish
may fish - 7 years ago
I agree
may fish
may fish - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore, i am in myrtle beach and i am terrified
hassan joulale
hassan joulale - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore me too
Sherry Langston
Sherry Langston - 7 years ago
There are only sharks in the deep water
Fbbaaa 123
Fbbaaa 123 - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore I go there all the time OMG
Cody Russell
Cody Russell - 7 years ago
dont wory if you don't. go to far out youll be okay
James Elgie
James Elgie - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore omg i did to!!!!!!!!!
ShadleSisters Toys
ShadleSisters Toys - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore I literally just got back but I was fine thankfully
Sandwitch Chan
Sandwitch Chan - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore I got stung by a jelly fish there once
llamadrama player
llamadrama player - 7 years ago
Nicolas Palmisano I will be your friend
Ahmud Fadhil Doomah
Ahmud Fadhil Doomah - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore v
Vincent VanMeter
Vincent VanMeter - 7 years ago
Destiny Smith im here now haha
Kaidono Gaming
Kaidono Gaming - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore I'm there now
Brenda Castro
Brenda Castro - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore I'm there rn
Chara Dreemurr
Chara Dreemurr - 7 years ago
Shelly Moore I'm going today but it's pretty rare to be attacked in Murrow beach
Kimberly Frady
Kimberly Frady - 7 years ago
I went last summer to North Myrtle beach it was okay I never saw a shark or anything I got out pretty deep too. I am kind of scared now
Gmach - 8 years ago
I'm going in 2 weaks
Ted Sullivan
Ted Sullivan - 8 years ago
Your fatal shark attack stats on Hawaii are very wrong. The last two fatal attacks that happened in the U.S. we're from the tiger shark, and both were in Makena beach, Maui.
The Latin Miracle
The Latin Miracle - 8 years ago
I swim in South Carolina and Florida beach
Kierra Monique
Kierra Monique - 8 years ago
I'll never go to Myrtle beach again
Raven James
Raven James - 7 years ago
i can see why.
Livy RedPanda
Livy RedPanda - 7 years ago
Kaidono Gaming oh my god if I saw a shark I'd literally freak out and scream
Kaidono Gaming
Kaidono Gaming - 7 years ago
there really aren't any sharks unless you go out deep. I've bodyboarded there several times and been fine. I'm going to today too. I've seen sharks out deep and I just recommend you don't swim around the pier.
Kaidono Gaming
Kaidono Gaming - 7 years ago
Kekester 784 no, there really aren't any sharks unless you go out deep
Shakester71 - 7 years ago
You can goto Myrtle Beach again, just stay out of the water.
Califa's Balls
Califa's Balls - 7 years ago
Kekester 784 i was there 2 weeks ago and the beach is ok the water still cold but am going back again in july
Kiisyo YT
Kiisyo YT - 7 years ago
Kekester 784 I'm going in 1 week for April vacation. WHYY DID I WATCH THISSS
Gmach - 8 years ago
I'm going in 2 weak s so wish me luck
Jakhari Broussard
Jakhari Broussard - 8 years ago
19 my son
JesusChristNeverLived - 8 years ago
Jaws is real lol
Michelle Hamby
Michelle Hamby - 8 years ago
God is all forgiving, and I hope 1 day u will see that. Put your soul in Gods hands he will see u in heaven. I will still pray 4 u and your soul......
Michelle Hamby
Michelle Hamby - 8 years ago
God is all forgiving, and I hope 1 day u will see that. Put your soul in Gods hands he will see u in heaven. I will still pray 4 u and your soul......
JesusChristNeverLived - 8 years ago
+Michelle Hamby
Fuck you and fuck your God. Nobody died for my mere sin of being a human. Now go and read the bible!
Michelle Hamby
Michelle Hamby - 8 years ago
Why do u have that id Jesus Christ did live he died for yours and my sins. U should b greatful that he and his father gave u life. I will pray 4 u tc Byee...
Michelle Hamby
Michelle Hamby - 8 years ago
Why do u have that id Jesus Christ did live and died for yours and my sins. U should b greatful he and his father gave u life. Ill pray 4 u. tc  byeeee....

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