13 Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks

How to survive bear or shark attack? What should you do if you are bitten by a snake? We've gathered 13 easy tips that will save your life if you do meet a wild animal. Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brightside/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brightgram/ SMART Youtube: https://goo.gl/JTfP6L 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: http://www.brightside.me/

13 Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 36446

Shark videos 7 years ago 42,209,197 views

How to survive bear or shark attack? What should you do if you are bitten by a snake? We've gathered 13 easy tips that will save your life if you do meet a wild animal. Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brightside/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brightgram/ SMART Youtube: https://goo.gl/JTfP6L 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: http://www.brightside.me/

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Most popular comments
for 13 Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks

BRIGHT SIDE - 7 years ago
Hey guys! Which dangerous wild animals live in your area? Which one did we forget to mention?
Azad Khan
Azad Khan - 7 years ago
Ms Isis
Ms Isis - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE you forgot to mention the whales
Радостин Лазов
Радостин Лазов - 7 years ago
Sharks, bees and bears
goon thug
goon thug - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE the bear !
Bts Trash
Bts Trash - 7 years ago
ItZ Just David!
ItZ Just David! - 7 years ago
ItZ Just David!
ItZ Just David! - 7 years ago
ItZ Just David!
ItZ Just David! - 7 years ago
ItZ Just David!
ItZ Just David! - 7 years ago
ItZ Just David!
ItZ Just David! - 7 years ago
Andrés Flores
Andrés Flores - 7 years ago
Sok Heang Him
Sok Heang Him - 7 years ago
Destiny Burks
Destiny Burks - 7 years ago
tina maedche
tina maedche - 7 years ago
Alyssa da roleplayer And more Fun! E.
Alyssa da roleplayer And more Fun! E. - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE Well it's not Wild but it's a moscito
Sirvi Naresh ART
Sirvi Naresh ART - 7 years ago
nagaraju peduri way
nagaraju peduri
nagaraju peduri - 7 years ago
That One Weird Girl
That One Weird Girl - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE chiwawas
Deez 2112
Deez 2112 - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE wolves live in the forest by my house
Rebecca Onchaga
Rebecca Onchaga - 7 years ago
Aligator turtle snapping turtle
DisturbingPeace1 - 7 years ago
Cristin Atok
Cristin Atok - 7 years ago
Sirvi Naresh ART
Sirvi Naresh ART - 7 years ago
Samantha Milton h
Samantha Milton
Samantha Milton - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE is ho ya
Theemreldcreeper 101
Theemreldcreeper 101 - 7 years ago
Snakes and kangaroos
DeLanna Hinson
DeLanna Hinson - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE Omg great info
Sirvi Naresh ART
Sirvi Naresh ART - 7 years ago
RadKalinowski - 7 years ago
doodle blob
doodle blob - 7 years ago
Do Komodo dragons
Angelica Ferreira
Angelica Ferreira - 7 years ago
Cedric Porter
Cedric Porter - 7 years ago
Yoran Rock
Yoran Rock - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE you got the bear wrong experts advice people not to play dead since bears sometimes tend to eat a dead body
Sucheta Panjwaniswat
Sucheta Panjwaniswat - 7 years ago
opdracht meneer
opdracht meneer - 7 years ago
Funnel web spider
Snake Eyes
Snake Eyes - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE in New England, I have bears, coyotes, puffer fish, and a couple species of viper snakes.
Mampuia Khawlhring
Mampuia Khawlhring - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE a wild hog and bear
Abdulmohsen. B
Abdulmohsen. B - 7 years ago
Meme Person With A BOOWTLEG PEEKACHEW - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE Ticks,wasps,bees, sneks,killer crocs,And sadly, ST (Donald Trump)
Gymnastic Girl
Gymnastic Girl - 7 years ago
nicole Taylor
nicole Taylor - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE Panthers too
nicole Taylor
nicole Taylor - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE cyotes video was awesome
Dean Nicholson
Dean Nicholson - 7 years ago
P Humble Cruz
P Humble Cruz - 7 years ago
Alexis Rogers
Alexis Rogers - 7 years ago
Good job
Peter Micheal
Peter Micheal - 7 years ago
Balto Fan
Balto Fan - 7 years ago
We have wolves near here...
Santa Claus
Santa Claus - 7 years ago
You guys choose Bright Side? I'mma join Dark Side
Lebogang  Tebele
Lebogang Tebele - 7 years ago
Eleven 11
Eleven 11 - 7 years ago
richa ghimire
richa ghimire - 7 years ago
vince kwong
vince kwong - 7 years ago
The VeganWing
The VeganWing - 7 years ago
Stevie Wonder foxes arent dangurus in denmark
it's pancake girl! make a pancaked day
it's pancake girl! make a pancaked day - 7 years ago
You forgot every animal
it's pancake girl! make a pancaked day
it's pancake girl! make a pancaked day - 7 years ago
Aj H
Aj H - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE what about mountain lions or a moose
salty guurrl
salty guurrl - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE there are bears in my area
tony Nguyen
tony Nguyen - 7 years ago
Marco Recinos wwq
tony Nguyen
tony Nguyen - 7 years ago
Elephant their cool tho
Moto Flys
Moto Flys - 7 years ago
Boris Nadj
Boris Nadj - 7 years ago
Aleksandar Vucic and his brother
Skyla Brewer
Skyla Brewer - 7 years ago
Well different types of bears require a different approach. Black bears and grizzlies are very different
Susan Falls
Susan Falls - 7 years ago
Jon Snow
Jon Snow - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE the only dangerous wild animal in my area is my ex
Allie Mastay
Allie Mastay - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE snakes and bees
Chloe Spragg
Chloe Spragg - 7 years ago
HopefulShadow LOL
Jahleil Lark
Jahleil Lark - 7 years ago
Thijs Reus
Thijs Reus - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE the wolf
Kevin Santana
Kevin Santana - 7 years ago
shaik hussain. Yes
shaik hussain
shaik hussain - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE you try this first
Kevin Santana
Kevin Santana - 7 years ago
Sam Star
Sam Star - 7 years ago
pumas, black bears, wolves
Lalaloopsy Princess
Lalaloopsy Princess - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE bees and., idk
Preeti Premi
Preeti Premi - 7 years ago
U forgot to mention u only.
Fun Folks
Fun Folks - 7 years ago
Freya Watt
Freya Watt - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE, I have snakes (such as adders or grass snakes
HOW TO - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE you forget the most dangerous animal

MrPogz Zamora
MrPogz Zamora - 7 years ago
Stevie Wonder wow
Anes Jrumapea
Anes Jrumapea - 7 years ago
Grayson Senter
Grayson Senter - 7 years ago
Ricksteph Baez
Ricksteph Baez - 7 years ago
BRIGHT SIDE a dog was tring to attack a cop on my yard
idahoan dude
idahoan dude - 7 years ago
You're truly going to get someone killed with your advice on the bear. You're supposed to make as much noise as possible and stand your ground while looking as big as possible. If you still get attacked, never lay down! Instead gouge at the facial region, especially the eyes.
Conservative Hamster
Conservative Hamster - 7 years ago
if a kangaroo attacks you, the way to solve this is by taking it on and fighting back
spicychickennuggett 1
spicychickennuggett 1 - 7 years ago
Sorry if I'm being rude but some of the info you've given is false
Special Agent Gibbs
Special Agent Gibbs - 7 years ago
Disliked due to the fact you referred to snakes venomous trait as "poisonous"
bagman gaming
bagman gaming - 7 years ago
Some bears eat dead animals do not play dead!
bagman gaming
bagman gaming - 7 years ago
Aim at the eyes or the gills? Like punch it?
KittieWaWa - 7 years ago
You sound so happy to be recording this video
Alva Wright
Alva Wright - 7 years ago

10. comment for 13 Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks

CoolBoyMike Gaming
CoolBoyMike Gaming - 7 years ago
Did you know that a blue wale is the biggest animal
TheExpertz_ - 7 years ago
I was watching a Mortal Kombat video on my iPad. Auto play was on. I fell asleep and woke up to this. o_o
Mahmoud Abouseria
Mahmoud Abouseria - 7 years ago
How to survive your parents?
Reaper Downrange
Reaper Downrange - 7 years ago
Its more of a by the situation when it comes to animal attacks coydogs n coyote
Candra Schatz
Candra Schatz - 7 years ago
Why was i scared while watching this?
Esther Carver
Esther Carver - 7 years ago
Vinegar also helps with jellyfish stings.
Bunny Girl
Bunny Girl - 7 years ago
Wolves are in my area
Unknown Gamer
Unknown Gamer - 7 years ago
He forgot, I think I've heard howls. Coyotes, I think
Juanita Blanco
Juanita Blanco - 7 years ago
Bobcats they are f!!!!!! Crazy
Amaya K .
Amaya K . - 7 years ago

20. comment for 13 Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks

Carol - 7 years ago
Most of this videos say " Don't run " but in the moment you are in danger the first thing you do is scream and run
Harsha Agousta
Harsha Agousta - 7 years ago
I can conform that most of these tips are true through personal experiences. (with lion, snake, and gorilla)

Little correction:
some snakes are VENOMOUS not poisonous, snakes are quite delicious when you have nothing else to eat in forest.

Also if you get bit by snake on leg, try to tie your top calf with rope tightly to disturb the blood flow, this will slow the poison to spread.
Zosia V.
Zosia V. - 7 years ago
There isn't 150 different known species of sharks there is 440 not very accurate at all.
Dellena Ender dragon
Dellena Ender dragon - 7 years ago
U don't clime up a tree
Deyawn - 7 years ago
I watched this video a bit too late as a interior crocdile alligator is chomping on my lower part of my body
Dellena Ender dragon
Dellena Ender dragon - 7 years ago
Roxy Nialja
Roxy Nialja - 7 years ago
The worse are some human beings. They're the most unpredictable
Omar Alotaibi
Omar Alotaibi - 7 years ago
5:49 then what do we do
Omar Alotaibi
Omar Alotaibi - 7 years ago
5:19 what if I cant climb a tree
Omar Alotaibi
Omar Alotaibi - 7 years ago
4:03 the elephant will crush the stone or tree..

30. comment for 13 Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks

Daniel - 7 years ago
I'm here because just in case, right?
Kaitlin M
Kaitlin M - 7 years ago
For the kangeroos all you have to do is stay out of its territory
Hass The Gamer
Hass The Gamer - 7 years ago
yeah just hide behind a rock the elephant wont crush you and the rock on your head
TheKingDagon108 - 7 years ago
If it's a black bear dont you want to look big and shout a lot, im pretty sure playing dead only works for brown bears
Aloan Moreira
Aloan Moreira - 7 years ago
what about dogs
Big Gus
Big Gus - 7 years ago
The real champion in death by animal is the mosquito
Amaan Ali
Amaan Ali - 7 years ago
Im just thinking that if I come across a bear and I have the chance to run I should curl into a ball?? What if it kills me when I’m pretending to be a ball
Julian Jubian
Julian Jubian - 7 years ago
Some of these facts are fake so research even more if u need to
ShumaiAxeman - 7 years ago
Wow, a 100,000 a year to snakes?!?!
Timothy Yeav
Timothy Yeav - 7 years ago
How do I protect myself from a raging feminist?
Javaughn Jean
Javaughn Jean - 7 years ago
I’m in a bear cave now he took me home as one of his kids what do I do ?
Nancy Isidore
Nancy Isidore - 7 years ago
Is this things real
apple saya
apple saya - 7 years ago
.21,019 ...
CainCalcar - 7 years ago
This is so bad. Check your facts bright side. Wolves haven't caused any deaths for over a 100 years.
wilczor Dolar
wilczor Dolar - 7 years ago
Tytuł polski ale nie polki film
The Mwikey
The Mwikey - 7 years ago
It talks about the Kangaroo one jokingly and even has the size of the kangroo so wrong. That kangroo will most likely tower over you or be wider than you.
Erin Keeney
Erin Keeney - 7 years ago
Just saying so many sharks have been eating humans or attacking us so much that they have loved and want human blood
Zoe Booth
Zoe Booth - 7 years ago
Terrible video
RyanJayPlayz - 7 years ago
Nah Dont Listen It Will Bot Work.How Could You Know Every Behaveior of the animal you encounter
Andrew Lawrence
Andrew Lawrence - 7 years ago
If you get bit buy a snake you get a cloth or material and rap around your leg to stop possible poison from going to your heart

50. comment for 13 Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks

Andrew Lawrence
Andrew Lawrence - 7 years ago
100,000 snake deaths? In Australia you very rarely hear about snake deaths
ali yalcin
ali yalcin - 7 years ago
best way is put u finger in the black place of his eye
Fun Unlimited 575
Fun Unlimited 575 - 7 years ago
Thx, now I know a lot
Vasunith Parashar
Vasunith Parashar - 7 years ago
None of it will work actually
Damian Cooper
Damian Cooper - 7 years ago
3:43 "Female Elephant mothers"
Ulrich Kemp
Ulrich Kemp - 7 years ago
What will happened if you are face to face to a lion but you don't have a jacket?
Kattriella Draws
Kattriella Draws - 7 years ago
I don't think any snakes are poisonous, but some of them are VENOMOUS. There is actually a difference. Poisons are ingested, while venoms are injected.
Kawaii Cats
Kawaii Cats - 7 years ago
Australia probably has all of these dearly animals xD
Kawaii Cats
Kawaii Cats - 7 years ago
Deadly* lol
Lord Sango
Lord Sango - 7 years ago
those numbers are deceiving. most people have never encountered most of those animals. snakes on the other hand are everywhere and almost everybody runs into snakes. in fact i sense a snake behind these videos. lol.
Emmanuel A.
Emmanuel A. - 7 years ago
He forgot to mention that when ur done getting attacked you should drink ur slurp juice
notbot totally
notbot totally - 7 years ago
Me: Pulls out a gun and fires like a mad man
kaylynn stichmann
kaylynn stichmann - 7 years ago
MasonMix - 7 years ago
i hate ducks
Tiffany Rhoton
Tiffany Rhoton - 7 years ago
Thank you
Rainingfire85 xbx1
Rainingfire85 xbx1 - 7 years ago
Omg your thumbnail is so faaaaake if you pretend to be dead the shark will rip you up for food
Erin Liu
Erin Liu - 7 years ago
what if you can’t climb a tree
ChickenGamer - 7 years ago
I disagree with the bees and clothing. Bees are attracted to flowers because of their scent and bright colors, so if your where a white or yellow shirt then bees are gonna check it out, but if you where dark clothes, they have less interest in you.
Kitteh Cat
Kitteh Cat - 7 years ago
Or just bring a Steel knight armor with reforsement on your every trip
Neil Neienry
Neil Neienry - 7 years ago
0:55 the champion should be human beings
Cole Cady
Cole Cady - 7 years ago
i was wearing all black and i never got stung
Alan Bleakley
Alan Bleakley - 7 years ago
Mosquito is number one, many, many times over. This is useful to know.
Domingo Hsiao
Domingo Hsiao - 7 years ago
I am scared
Mu Naw
Mu Naw - 7 years ago
You forgot chicken
Caitlin Phillips
Caitlin Phillips - 7 years ago
Before this video
^ - ^
After this video
Caitlynn's Channel
Caitlynn's Channel - 7 years ago
What if there's no stones and trees
julliene Cabarles
julliene Cabarles - 7 years ago
Or sleep
Omaria Spencer
Omaria Spencer - 7 years ago
I just ate a burger
fewpoundcory - 7 years ago
The last part of the lion defense sounds very similar to what Trump did to get elected president. I also perceive him as an irritating presence.
Kennadi Faulcon
Kennadi Faulcon - 7 years ago
I'm writing the hole thing my goal is to get it done
Jonathan Allard
Jonathan Allard - 7 years ago
Thank you! Now I'm ready for 3 months camping on an Amazon river raft.
jayden profetto
jayden profetto - 7 years ago
1:04 thiccums
Brad Taylor
Brad Taylor - 7 years ago
Snakes don't have teeth
destiqy - 7 years ago
you’ll most likely never encounter 9/10 of these in the wild
destiqy - 7 years ago
i don’t live near any of these so
destiqy - 7 years ago
are you sure these deaths aren’t exaggerated?
Wolfy Playz
Wolfy Playz - 7 years ago
J Lammy
J Lammy - 7 years ago
Pretty sure you are supposed to run in a straight line away from a crocodile...
Gam3r B0i
Gam3r B0i - 7 years ago
Wow... happy music while talking about how many people die a year. Thanks BRIGHT SIDE? Wow..... just wow.
X MLG x Bean X
X MLG x Bean X - 7 years ago
I meet lions on the daily.
Dank Memeage
Dank Memeage - 7 years ago
Yeah cause I'm gonna punch a shark in the face
Appanna Sami
Appanna Sami - 7 years ago
Jacqueline Gibson
Jacqueline Gibson - 7 years ago
Hey guys will a video of how to survive with out a home?
StikBot Animations _Jk
StikBot Animations _Jk - 7 years ago
Actually the bear one I learned from the loud house because when Clyde an Lincoln were in the woods away from their family Clyde fell asleep on a bear then the bear started to growl then Lincoln said "quick play dead"
Ana Fernandez
Ana Fernandez - 7 years ago
Princess cm zcbit dBm ug t how ytd chk 7c tc
CJ Leach
CJ Leach - 7 years ago
The tip on the snakes won't work for all types, i.e. water moccasin are very aggressive and the stomping could cause them to charge you, because it typically doesn't take much to set them off.
Matthew Spivey
Matthew Spivey - 7 years ago
You never stated that you should also call 911

Also, when there is a snake bite, don't apply a tourniquet. Tourniquets are for worst case scenarios and should never be used as a option. You should really just was the bite and call 911, you cant really do anything else
Lily Mullins
Lily Mullins - 7 years ago
But ti not so bad ok
Yoshi United
Yoshi United - 7 years ago
Josh Allen
Josh Allen - 7 years ago
Nice video! One recommendation.

#3 says "Bears" but it's referring to Grizzly bears. If it is a Black Bear you're suppose to seem more threatening using your coat to appear larger and by yelling.
Bob Gillan
Bob Gillan - 7 years ago
Once Again: WHY is every character drawn in these riddles White?! Do you think you’re making children’s books in 1951?
No modern company is this blind to normal diversity anymore. C’mon BRIGHT SIDE smarten up!

100. comment for 13 Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks

Panther Lords
Panther Lords - 7 years ago
Just sayin, the bear thing doesnt always work, bears are hunters and scavengers. When there isnt much to eat, they will eat jst abt anything, dead or alive.
backsoon 2010
backsoon 2010 - 7 years ago
How can you type that you died? Typing in heathen?
Outcast Wolf
Outcast Wolf - 7 years ago
backsoon 2010 haha lol true
Awesome Tracky Gamer
Awesome Tracky Gamer - 7 years ago
On the bear one couldn’t you stand still until it finds you not a prey so walks away?
backsoon 2010
backsoon 2010 - 7 years ago
Dude bright side lie because they made a video about losing body parts and said thumbs up hope you don't lose your thumbs. How would you lose your thumbs? Silly bright side!
Gabriela Souza
Gabriela Souza - 7 years ago
E mentira desse tubarão ele sente o cheiro de sangue fresco
Salma Rivas
Salma Rivas - 7 years ago
Mejor no salgo de mi casa :'v
Mees K
Mees K - 7 years ago
there are multiple kinds of bears i dont know what spiecies of bear is was but that one you have to punch in the face hard xd
Fun Love
Fun Love - 7 years ago
The snake is nastyyyyyyy
Argon Gas
Argon Gas - 7 years ago
Where is Tiger?
M&V Movies
M&V Movies - 7 years ago
Human obedience class! Taught by: Mr. Gorilla

“Now students, it’s important to be obedient when in the wild because predators may attack. So we will learn sit. To sit you must put your rear end on the ground or a chair. If the animal likes the way you sit it will not attack. Tomorrow we Will be learning the ‘handshake’ tomorrow. Have a nice day!”.
Natalie Tait
Natalie Tait - 7 years ago
Oh you know just gonna grab my jacket and fling it around in front of a lion
Tim Boersma
Tim Boersma - 7 years ago
Gorilla's scare me the most
Tim Boersma
Tim Boersma - 7 years ago
'Luckily, only 20 shark species attack humans' has to be the most reassuring thing I have ever heard
Mackensey Alexander
Mackensey Alexander - 7 years ago
CloakedProphet - 7 years ago
What about wasps
RARE GAMINGZ - 7 years ago
De Lilly's !
De Lilly's ! - 7 years ago
Ik ben Nederlans like als je ook NL bent
pablo ledesma
pablo ledesma - 7 years ago
No entiendo inglés
Beth Potter
Beth Potter - 7 years ago
If you encounter a bear, do not listen to this video. If it is a brown bear, play dead. If it is a black bear, try to loo bigger than you actually are. If it is white, you're done for. Use this rhyme- If it's brown lay down, if it's black fight back, if it's white goodnight.
Talpos Filip
Talpos Filip - 7 years ago
Against bears you can run downhill because their rear legs are shorter than the ones on the front so it will fall if they go directly downhill... they need to go zigzag,while you dont
Chad Kenworthy
Chad Kenworthy - 7 years ago
Bees don't bite. just sayin
David Stroka
David Stroka - 7 years ago
I am sorry to bother you but where have you got this sources Just asking if I encounter a dangerous situation is it 100% sure that I should do this?
SpiritedDancer17 - 7 years ago
I was always told that bees are attracted to bright colors...
BethPlayzMSP - 7 years ago
Why aren't camels on this list... ;-;
The Super Adam Gamer
The Super Adam Gamer - 7 years ago
Its no real!!!!!!!
Xyanic - 7 years ago
lol Sharks can't smell human blood
Jasmine Frades
Jasmine Frades - 7 years ago
The snake is a cobra
Dan Sibayo
Dan Sibayo - 7 years ago
Carry an extra teeth to depend yourself wherever you go.
Jack SpinoRex
Jack SpinoRex - 7 years ago
Just climb a tree when you see a bear
Jack SpinoRex
Jack SpinoRex - 7 years ago
3:00 That guy is just attacking that lion unprovoked he's the true monster here
Madz Wonderchild
Madz Wonderchild - 7 years ago
i live in denmark why tf am i watching this XD
Ricky Koon
Ricky Koon - 7 years ago
Yeah of couse play dead infront of the bears...Who made that up? The bears?
Aurimas zelvys
Aurimas zelvys - 7 years ago
How do you escape a car because i keep getting hit bye them
Ignis Umbra
Ignis Umbra - 7 years ago
you dont curl into a ball unless youve been caught. stand your ground. bears often bluff charge you. any bear hears a loud noise will be dissuaded from attacking. they teach you this in college :I
Oliver Ruut
Oliver Ruut - 7 years ago
But how to escape from your ex?
Outcast Wolf
Outcast Wolf - 7 years ago
Oliver Ruut lol
Punisher Is Back
Punisher Is Back - 7 years ago
Again these animals are not usually violent if you just leave these animals and their territory alone they will leave you alone I hate it when people don't take this in consideration and just say animals like these are violent
HyperAktive - 7 years ago
The reason so many die to elephants is because of poaching
Wagwan Luca
Wagwan Luca - 7 years ago
This is crazy, thank you so much for this video I watched it a few months back and I didn't think much of it but I have come back to say it has saved my life twice! This is MADNESS. You may not believe this but I was in Egypt with my family and I got attacked by a crocodile, I ran in zigzags and I got away. And then in February when I go to Austria every year I went off piste through some trees and fell in to a tree hole where the snow doesn't build up. Then out of nowhere a brown bear came out towards me and I curled up into a ball and after a couple of minutes which seemed to last forever it was gone.
Ingeborg Kristiansen
Ingeborg Kristiansen - 7 years ago
complex suspect sure gender prefer diamond clock.
Sarah Jane Devin
Sarah Jane Devin - 7 years ago
You are good
Huawei IPad
Huawei IPad - 7 years ago
Uyyyyyuy i y
Luke Ryder
Luke Ryder - 7 years ago
I live on a farm the thing about bulls is B's
Jennifer Bliss
Jennifer Bliss - 7 years ago
Bob vv
Jasio JASIO - 7 years ago
Jasio JASIO - 7 years ago
mTube - 7 years ago
Really excellent tips
Sales ShedFinder
Sales ShedFinder - 7 years ago
Or you could hide in one of these. www.shedfinder.com/inventory
Andrew Nguyen
Andrew Nguyen - 7 years ago
Mary Mwangi
Mary Mwangi - 7 years ago
Whag if it doesn't work
Sun Flower
Sun Flower - 7 years ago
I am never going to remember all these different things." It's a bear!! What was I to do? Use a jacket and growel, or pretend to be small and cough? Hm... Yikes! I'm dead!!"
BashfulArk 8066
BashfulArk 8066 - 7 years ago
In Thai land I got stung by a jellyfish
Outcast Wolf
Outcast Wolf - 7 years ago
BashfulArk 8066 ooooooh that sucks
TheGamerBG BG
TheGamerBG BG - 7 years ago
Oooo! Yes 100000... Whatever say
Just Marijn
Just Marijn - 7 years ago
I thought a musquito
Izzora R
Izzora R - 7 years ago
Punch the kangaroo
Kidazq King
Kidazq King - 7 years ago
Hasan Kilany
Hasan Kilany - 7 years ago
thanks for the advise especially the last one {bee}
Castle of MusicTM
Castle of MusicTM - 7 years ago
hi...! This my new channel give up a subscription for new music....surely u will like it?
Omayra Pantoja
Omayra Pantoja - 7 years ago
is cuit lallon
Gege - 7 years ago
2:04 wait this guy offered me to fight a Shark

Jecklyne JR
Jecklyne JR - 7 years ago
Thanks for infomation....
U r the best
Koen's Travels
Koen's Travels - 7 years ago
Tip 14: stay indoor
Bunny Rabbit
Bunny Rabbit - 7 years ago
Koen's Travels lol
Thea Ravn
Thea Ravn - 7 years ago
Best tip, dont go out in nature
Koen's Travels
Koen's Travels - 7 years ago
Best advice ever haha start talking to the Lion :D
Kenz Wiffen
Kenz Wiffen - 7 years ago
Koen's Travels show me that you know is your name when you and me is saying that know me .. .nn
Koen's Travels
Koen's Travels - 7 years ago
Yeah but it sounds so funny :D
lol - 7 years ago
Idk how that makes sence like lions usually attack groups of animals and are still attack but won’t attack one human who is smaller
Særún Birta
Særún Birta - 7 years ago
How did you make this video? Did you use some app ore did you draw this yourself?
EpicFox GT
EpicFox GT - 7 years ago
I escaped a hippopotamus with you tips Thank You!!:-)
Outcast Wolf
Outcast Wolf - 7 years ago
EpicFox GT uhhhhhhhh a HIPPO? mk then XD
Fani poju
Fani poju - 7 years ago
OMG thank you so so much i almost died.for a snake and i followed these tips and is stayed alive and again thank you
shukriyah logan
shukriyah logan - 7 years ago
Abgetaucht - 7 years ago
ما يخصك انته وياه
ما يخصك انته وياه - 7 years ago
Guillermo Da Silva Domingo
Guillermo Da Silva Domingo - 7 years ago
It’s better not to do a tourniquet, because if it is not well done you can lose your leg
arcrocanthosaurus pictures
arcrocanthosaurus pictures - 7 years ago
13 stay out of the water
George wolfor
George wolfor - 7 years ago
What about wolves?
Mike McGomer
Mike McGomer - 7 years ago
Watch a grizzly bear run down an Elk at 40 mph. and know you'll never get away.
ankur sharma
ankur sharma - 7 years ago
just tell me how to escape dogs' attack :|
Chara Dreamurr
Chara Dreamurr - 7 years ago
This channel keep making my brain say “this channel wants people to die”
Keagan Le Roux
Keagan Le Roux - 7 years ago
You never put salt water on a jelly fish sting you put vinigar on the sting salt water is so bad
PrimalRenegade17 - 7 years ago
Shouldn't wash the snake bite. Venom left on the surface of the skin can be used to indetify the snake thus you can be admistered the correct anitvein (if required).
Gurung Maila
Gurung Maila - 7 years ago
Haven't meet wild animal because i am a kid XD
Luke Magor
Luke Magor - 7 years ago
Drop bears?
cristy knapp
cristy knapp - 7 years ago
Playing dead only works on brown bears. If you are being attacked by a black bear you need to do whatever is necessary and you're capable to do to survive.
Abdulla Alansari
Abdulla Alansari - 7 years ago
you dident talk about wolf
Don quixote Doflamingo
Don quixote Doflamingo - 7 years ago
nothing of all this will worked you will die anyway :D
Kyle Rayner
Kyle Rayner - 7 years ago
Poisonous or venomous?
Tiggaboy - 7 years ago
You guy’s kangaroos are not killers
Outcast Wolf
Outcast Wolf - 7 years ago
Tiggaboy I can kick you if it thinks. you want to hurt her joeys
SkullBoy666 - 7 years ago
reality your not helping but I thank you for this video the reason your not helping is when this problem comes across them, they fear they don't think not looking back at a shark will help and will run or swishers from what your true facts are saying
Nikola Tasic
Nikola Tasic - 7 years ago
Guys just catch the kangaroo in a head lock...
Lumopanda - 7 years ago
3:05 act big ? you know lions have been known to hunt elephants.
Michał De Moor
Michał De Moor - 7 years ago
I think you meant that snakes aren't venomous not poisonous
The Jay squad
The Jay squad - 7 years ago
Thank you
Cesar Alonso
Cesar Alonso - 7 years ago
I like how they play happy music lol
John Mark Cagatcagat
John Mark Cagatcagat - 7 years ago
So most animals in this vid are fast so what if usain bolt was being chase
Hamza Ali
Hamza Ali - 7 years ago
ralph p
ralph p - 7 years ago
I learned mosquitoes have more deaths.
Besides, aren’t we the wildest animals ourselves? We are responsible to more deaths of our species and to other animals as well.
jimmy bass
jimmy bass - 7 years ago
Forensics files
jimmy bass
jimmy bass - 7 years ago
Trick my truck
Ryan Kane
Ryan Kane - 7 years ago
Since when are gorillas "the king of the jungle"? Wasn't that always the lion?
Grace Lumbris
Grace Lumbris - 7 years ago
Rhinos might be fast but the triceratops is more fast
Outcast Wolf
Outcast Wolf - 7 years ago
Grace Lumbris triceratops lived 56 million years ago. I don't think it matters that they run faster but hey thx for the info.
n0tfr0mth1sw0rld - 7 years ago
Its wrong to wash the wound with water if bitten by a snake. The doctor can't make a test on the poison and don't know which antivenom to inject you.
Rajarshi Ghosh
Rajarshi Ghosh - 7 years ago
Thanks friends
SnakeNetherEye - 7 years ago
Gg snakes...

Apparently I love snakes so much.
Smxh :3
Smxh :3 - 7 years ago
Like I’m gonna stay infront of a shark tryna bite me
Mhmd Daffa
Mhmd Daffa - 7 years ago
Calon sarjana?
Animal Athlete
Animal Athlete - 7 years ago
Caden Holmes
Caden Holmes - 7 years ago
im sorry made this comment part way through this video
Caden Holmes
Caden Holmes - 7 years ago
Cookie_Crumblez - 7 years ago
"Give us a thumbs up for worrying about your well being" -_-
unlyricallyrics - 7 years ago
Yeah I'll just stay inside
GamerDragonz 1
GamerDragonz 1 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the info as a
Soon as i watched this 5 days later i encountered a snake and it worked
Woburn TCG
Woburn TCG - 7 years ago
What about the elephants break down the tree
nick manalo
nick manalo - 7 years ago
if a hippo try to attack DONT shoot it with a gun their skin is very thick enough to stop a bullet it will just make them more angry
Szymon Mikolajczyk
Szymon Mikolajczyk - 7 years ago
Nice video

Read More
berry schilder
berry schilder - 7 years ago
like what you see this in 2020
Weyn Animation
Weyn Animation - 7 years ago
Wow I think I see people in vid even if they stop they still die in sharks
AxeRoyale - 7 years ago
9:26 What if hes/her Skin color is black/Brown and not white like Bees are racist
Franksta281 - 7 years ago
Ummm if u get caught by a shark , your blood will spread all over its face and attract more sharks. Making it much much harder to survive.
Liam Devleeschauwer
Liam Devleeschauwer - 7 years ago
Bears dont attack me am nice to animals
Darcy Miller
Darcy Miller - 7 years ago
Thank you for this information I know about bears have lots of information about that and Bear attacks
sam diete
sam diete - 7 years ago
Snake statistic is wrong
SpartanMatt117 - 7 years ago
The first song that comes up... what is it called? I hear it everywhere! lol
Tyler B
Tyler B - 7 years ago
Honestly a great video to watch and I learnt a lot about these animals
Maddog Norway
Maddog Norway - 7 years ago
Bear eat You When You play dead like fish
Laci Maleski
Laci Maleski - 7 years ago
I am allergic to bees so thanks.
Filip GT
Filip GT - 7 years ago
Antoinette Johnson
Antoinette Johnson - 7 years ago
Moutain Lions & Cyotes!
MADDEN MOBILE GOAT - 7 years ago
That alligator or crocidile one is fake ive been to 7 zoos and asked if i were to get chased by one do i run in a zig zag or a straight line they all say straight line
Lawn Man
Lawn Man - 7 years ago
Sawyee Kwan
Sawyee Kwan - 7 years ago
What is the bear is hungry so when u play dead u mightlook like free food
Ella Shield
Ella Shield - 7 years ago
7:45 Actually never wash the venom off, it helps the hospital identify what snake bit you so they can get the right anti venom, instead just apply pressure and an ambulance. Just so you know.
sheepy093 - 7 years ago
If you get bitten by a snake you don't wash the bite. The hospital can swab the bite area and use any venom left behind to identify what species of snake has bitten you and give the correct antivenom
TheDoge Dogey
TheDoge Dogey - 7 years ago
No offesnse wolves are my friend
Bubble Nugget
Bubble Nugget - 7 years ago
Bees dont bite you they sting you
Bridie Stokes
Bridie Stokes - 7 years ago
my brother saw the shark after i was attacked he told my parents and called 911 then i wasnt able to swim because my arm and legs were bit off so the ambulance had to get me
jeddog marland
jeddog marland - 7 years ago
Biggest lie ever
Bridie Stokes
Bridie Stokes - 7 years ago
i was actullaly almost killed by a shark it bit my legs and one of my arms off ;-;
J - 7 years ago
Richard El Diablo
Richard El Diablo - 7 years ago
You use vinegar on jelly fish stings idiot
Remy Scarborough
Remy Scarborough - 7 years ago
Umm... should you actually run in a zig-zag?
Ms Understood
Ms Understood - 7 years ago
You forgot about coyotes
Ms Understood
Ms Understood - 7 years ago
I forgot about coyotes
Kapteeni Kalsarikänni
Kapteeni Kalsarikänni - 7 years ago
8:02 in Finland we have bear runs in summer.
game changers anderson
game changers anderson - 7 years ago
It was nice
TSDonny - 7 years ago
Another way to outrun a Rhino is to run in zigzags
Enzo gamer TV
Enzo gamer TV - 7 years ago
I live in A.Z. I am sure I won't see a rino crock or a lion
Aldadhel Lami
Aldadhel Lami - 7 years ago
Cayla345 - 7 years ago
ecks dee
ecks dee - 7 years ago
snakes aren't poisonous they are venomous
Dead Heaven
Dead Heaven - 7 years ago
Charlie - 7 years ago
Playing dead only works with grizzly bears, black bears are actually much more intelligent and don’t fall for that. Should probably make sure people understand that because black bears are more common in the US then grizzlies.
Lachlan Macfarlane
Lachlan Macfarlane - 7 years ago
if you watch this video then get bitten by a snake you will not be having a good time that is not the way to treat snake bite
Alexis Coats
Alexis Coats - 7 years ago
What if you are in the wild and don't have clean water to rinse out the snake bite
Javier HK'S
Javier HK'S - 7 years ago
Porche Gilmore
Porche Gilmore - 7 years ago
what about rats
Chace Terry
Chace Terry - 7 years ago
The bull is so rough bulls won’t attack you unless it see as a threat and only few breads attack motion so you could get someone killed ,,,
Sydney Ford
Sydney Ford - 7 years ago
As far as bears go, the appropriate action depends on what species it is. With some you should play dead, with some you should run. If you live, or are visiting an area where you believe you may be in danger of running into a bear (e.g. a National Park) do your research on what bears live there, and appropriate responses. :)
Tater Tot
Tater Tot - 7 years ago
Rip harambe
Amber Browder
Amber Browder - 7 years ago
Why would I look at a sharks eyes when it's trying to eat me that's scary
Ritesh khatiwada
Ritesh khatiwada - 7 years ago
i heard that bulls are color blind. So, there is no point in waving a hat
Tanner Mcfalls
Tanner Mcfalls - 7 years ago
Copperhead rattlesnake
Nugget4life - 7 years ago
Peeing on the sting from a jelly fish does work
Bayturtle 12
Bayturtle 12 - 7 years ago
This chanell is BRIGHT because it gives so much GOOD information.
Nick Blue
Nick Blue - 7 years ago
He is lying
Jesus Rivera
Jesus Rivera - 7 years ago
Sarina Smith
Sarina Smith - 7 years ago
Eduardo Toaza
Eduardo Toaza - 7 years ago
Santiryna Sonis
Santiryna Sonis - 7 years ago
So lei
Araly Ochoa
Araly Ochoa - 7 years ago
Black widow
Brissa Mendoza
Brissa Mendoza - 7 years ago
oh never mind. you did gorilla. i just thought it was the end of the video
Brissa Mendoza
Brissa Mendoza - 7 years ago
you forgot gorilla
Brissa Mendoza
Brissa Mendoza - 7 years ago
thanks for helping i really appreciate it
FaZe Slitherio
FaZe Slitherio - 7 years ago
Let me say that Bees are racists
Random Gaming
Random Gaming - 7 years ago
6 deaths from a shark is wrong it’s like over 100
sean cosgrove
sean cosgrove - 7 years ago
Or you could just carry a gun.
Peter James
Peter James - 7 years ago
and people complain when a lion dies
Felix Lopez
Felix Lopez - 7 years ago
Luni lopez plays
Luni lopez plays - 7 years ago
Awsome thanks for the life tips
Connor Eisele
Connor Eisele - 7 years ago
his voice is aids
Dylan-iwnl - 7 years ago
no snakes are poisonous only venomous :)
Jessie Sims
Jessie Sims - 7 years ago
1:09 that girl thiccc
Andrian Mellendrez
Andrian Mellendrez - 7 years ago
The spider pls
Jin Yu
Jin Yu - 7 years ago
so you want me to try to punch a shark under water?!
Gamer Guy
Gamer Guy - 7 years ago
where do dingos stack on the list?since iv dealt with them be4.
Sky Loves LPS
Sky Loves LPS - 7 years ago
All of them are my pets
Carson's World
Carson's World - 7 years ago
Did u should’ve put bears in there
tio del sicario jit
tio del sicario jit - 7 years ago
I tried this

Now I'm at the hospital
Kayla - 7 years ago
What about the seabear?
Abdul and hamza Vlogs
Abdul and hamza Vlogs - 7 years ago
Thanks it really helped me
Mad¡ha A.
Mad¡ha A. - 7 years ago
6:13 pardon me but isn't the ocean a giant saltwater body
Matthew Bischoff
Matthew Bischoff - 7 years ago
That thumbnail is wrong because if your bleeding they WILL eat you
Terry T
Terry T - 7 years ago
Snapping Turtle
Hotchettoman93 - 7 years ago
Ugandan knuckles
Jordyn Wolf
Jordyn Wolf - 7 years ago
Madhav Vinod
Madhav Vinod - 7 years ago
Juan & Diego GAMERS Just for ur information Black Bears Won't leave you alone even if you pretend to be dead It only Works with the Brown ones
Marvin Horn
Marvin Horn - 7 years ago
Engineering fear reading break native strongly responsible ill trouble bite shirt
Carolina Panthers Fans
Carolina Panthers Fans - 7 years ago
Amberhaven86 - 7 years ago
LMAO ITZ DR. TROLL - 7 years ago
The whole zig zag thing with alligators isn’t actually supposed to work
JulianneThePotato Playz
JulianneThePotato Playz - 7 years ago
The Notorious Pineapple
The Notorious Pineapple - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for saving pepole
Diamond Streak
Diamond Streak - 7 years ago
My wife died when she did you're advice
Aliyu Umar
Aliyu Umar - 7 years ago
This video is must MUST DOWNLOAD to keep in HAND always especially whenever you're travelling!
E. Freed
E. Freed - 7 years ago
it worked for the lion
Aliyu Umar
Aliyu Umar - 7 years ago
Haha... Don't try to escape from sharks... LOL. You won't even know when your adrenaline will make you panic.
elsy matute
elsy matute - 7 years ago
Tip 14:Don't go outside and STAYINSIDE KIDS
Nan Tookate
Nan Tookate - 7 years ago
Now I know what to do with my kids went I grow up. Stay indoors that right my friend I won't let kids do out ALONE where trees are.
Arlena DiAngelo
Arlena DiAngelo - 7 years ago
You forgot to do one on wolves. They are not cruel/ viscous unless you enter their territory but it doesn't make sense to do one on sharks but not on wolves since shark death count is lower than wolves.
swaggerxranger - 7 years ago
Tip:14 Don't go out
Ruan Pablo
Ruan Pablo - 7 years ago
Don't jump in a lake while being followed by bees, they'll wait for you outside the lake, they know that sometime, you'll need to breath...
destiny bryson
destiny bryson - 7 years ago
i go camping quite a bit so i will definately be using any that i get a chance to use
Lewis Christie
Lewis Christie - 7 years ago
Sos rong person bro
Super Elite !!!!
Super Elite !!!! - 7 years ago
THANK YOU SOO MUCH I MEAN IT I WAS ATTACKED YESTERDAY But I'm in the hospital But HEY You saved me really I appreciate it
Lewis Christie
Lewis Christie - 7 years ago
Mother fucka
Kate Van Hoven
Kate Van Hoven - 7 years ago
Clinton Clinton
Clinton Clinton - 7 years ago
I hate it
Lps Twinkle-star
Lps Twinkle-star - 7 years ago
And u bright side
Lps Twinkle-star
Lps Twinkle-star - 7 years ago
Ok. Thx
Recall Niwomm
Recall Niwomm - 7 years ago
Me bit by 2 types of jellyfish
tallbound - 7 years ago
Breanna Layne
Breanna Layne - 7 years ago
Sharks are scary.
Breanna Layne
Breanna Layne - 7 years ago
I hate sharks
Klaudia Bieniek
Klaudia Bieniek - 7 years ago
I tried with the lion and i died
Marill Lover21
Marill Lover21 - 7 years ago
You for got the ostrich
Sara Ferme
Sara Ferme - 7 years ago
if bull,lion,bear etc. is running at me i will die before he gets me...
Marilen hernandez kaguitla
Marilen hernandez kaguitla - 7 years ago
I belive you
Khloe M.Martinez
Khloe M.Martinez - 7 years ago
You just forgot about the whoof
Dustin Carpenter 2023
Dustin Carpenter 2023 - 7 years ago
and my sisters lol
Kewl Youtuber
Kewl Youtuber - 7 years ago
*watches video* *goes to sleep* *has nightmare about snakes* *remembers 0 SURVIVAL TIPS.* *dies in dream*

Gee, this video sure helped!
אילן אינהורן
אילן אינהורן - 7 years ago
Sho Zin
Sho Zin - 7 years ago
This voice and music, is this channel targeted to 8 year olds?
theͥ Joͣkͫer
theͥ Joͣkͫer - 7 years ago
Imagine you are swimming and suddenly you see a great white shark swimming at you, trust me you won’t stay calm underwater and look in his eyes.
Jasmine Blacklock
Jasmine Blacklock - 7 years ago
A shark can smell blood up to one Mile
1pecwonder - 7 years ago
Running in a zig zag is exactly what the alligator handlers told me not to do when I went to an alligator farm. They say that the best thing is to make sharp turns, but if you run in a zig zag and the alligator runs straight it will outrun you and then eat you.
Omar Paradis
Omar Paradis - 7 years ago
TheLordrain12 - 7 years ago
Hey you forget humans humans ar dangerest animal even danger for earth
Jeffy Harambe
Jeffy Harambe - 7 years ago
the shark causes 5 deaths a year not 6
Macy's Magical world
Macy's Magical world - 7 years ago
Good itvies
Amra Kamberi
Amra Kamberi - 7 years ago
Lucy Brown
Lucy Brown - 7 years ago
Mollykinns Ilter
Mollykinns Ilter - 7 years ago
I was stung by a jellyfish more than twice and once it was in many places on my leg and foot. I was holding a young kid who was kinda like a little sister to me and then I got stung and I stayed calm but when we got out of the water, I told my mum and we drove to the pharmacy and I was so freaked out!
295Phoenix - 7 years ago
Playing dead only works with grizzly bears, not other species. A black bear will just eat you.
Ava Milne
Ava Milne - 7 years ago
Zoologist: Maintain eye contact and slowly back away.
Bright Side: flail your arms around and make noise.

Ang Xin Ying
Ang Xin Ying - 7 years ago
If a crocodile is biting you, u hold the nose, it will open its mouth for air then like the video said try not to make any sounds and swim away
Ricardo Marez
Ricardo Marez - 7 years ago
If I'm ever in a life or death situation with a dangerous animal, I'll remember this happy little video
Marius Schwartz Grathe 4A Rosendalskolen
Marius Schwartz Grathe 4A Rosendalskolen - 7 years ago
You just saved my life by a Shark attack
Ismahan Mukhtar
Ismahan Mukhtar - 7 years ago
the things people do for likes.... i am dead
Coisas da Nandinha
Coisas da Nandinha - 7 years ago
Jayanta Kumar das
Jayanta Kumar das - 7 years ago
Armondo Lazzeri
Armondo Lazzeri - 7 years ago
How about the bird of prey like cassowary 1.never RUN 2.do not fight they could just kick you with their claws just find a plank or other things to cover you
Maverick Edison Castillon
Maverick Edison Castillon - 7 years ago
I hate snakes anyways
Evil King
Evil King - 7 years ago
the worst tips ever
applying the tournicet will even worse the situation it ll stop the blood circulation you need to wash the wound and make your way to a hospital and try to remember the way the snake looks to make it easier to find a cure
Parker Wright
Parker Wright - 7 years ago
tony the cocktail
tony the cocktail - 7 years ago
What about sharks?
KutieKitty YT
KutieKitty YT - 7 years ago
i love wolves but when i meet one i want to be protected
rozhna ahmad
rozhna ahmad - 7 years ago
Elijah Banaag
Elijah Banaag - 7 years ago
Elijah Banaag
Elijah Banaag - 7 years ago
TJ! VJ! - 7 years ago
Tip 14: Bring a phone wherever you go
7mo0d 662
7mo0d 662 - 7 years ago
Tip 15: play fortnite
Frastle - henlo
Frastle - henlo - 7 years ago
How could even a snake be the most dangerous animals?

Fact : sharks, are the most feared human predator while, everyone is feared at the depth of the sea because the lowest depth
may actually see a megalodon which the megalodon extincted.
Wong X
Wong X - 7 years ago
That's not how you survive a shark attack just run
Bvbblexz _
Bvbblexz _ - 7 years ago
Video starts 1:19
Omni Troll
Omni Troll - 7 years ago
don't run when you see a bear or he will shout "why are u running" then ask "do you know de wae?
Lars Bjørstad
Lars Bjørstad - 7 years ago
my friend tried to play dean in front of a bear once. yeah...... he's dead now
stephen Kinsey
stephen Kinsey - 7 years ago
How tf am I gonna fight a shark?
Maria Burca
Maria Burca - 7 years ago
Maria Burca
Maria Burca - 7 years ago
Guys this is fake like if a shard comes after you you have to stand still never try it
far7a 2022
far7a 2022 - 7 years ago
\ €(. = ابلثبِِبعتتنلقف٧هنغققثزشوعق٧ب،عفلقصشبل
Urban Farm
Urban Farm - 7 years ago
HayleyBloxyGamer101 - 7 years ago
How to survive with a cassowary
kenneth oncada
kenneth oncada - 7 years ago
Nice video
Laura Wilson
Laura Wilson - 7 years ago
and a dangerous animal where I live there are mozzy, dogs, wasps and thats it
Laura Wilson
Laura Wilson - 7 years ago
what happens when you meet up with a cheetah you obviously cant outrun them their to fast
tanya velastegui
tanya velastegui - 7 years ago
the bear one literally saved my life thanks so much!
idevzz gt
idevzz gt - 7 years ago
I died trying this
Lisa Villarreal
Lisa Villarreal - 7 years ago
LORD BACON - 7 years ago
i died at the part where he said the elephant is getting ready to crush you lol XD said it so nonchalantly
I make prank calls to radio programs. Play them on my page!
I make prank calls to radio programs. Play them on my page! - 7 years ago
How about how to deal with complicated women waters the
Yekaterina Sitnik
Yekaterina Sitnik - 7 years ago
Well we are not going to see these animals! (1.0%)
Aesthetic kitten
Aesthetic kitten - 7 years ago
I'm never gonna remember these
Mikaela Kiser
Mikaela Kiser - 7 years ago
Brooke Rose
Brooke Rose - 7 years ago
Aurora North
Aurora North - 7 years ago
I love how the background music is all genteel and calm while telling me ill be killed
NitroPlayz YT
NitroPlayz YT - 7 years ago
This video saved Me!I was with a snake in my backyard 3 months ago, I did what this said, and I survived, I did get bitten, but I'm alive..I subbed and liked!
Little Man hoe
Little Man hoe - 7 years ago
All those animals should join forces and destroy all humans
numbers kenkanek
numbers kenkanek - 7 years ago
Hola estoy pidiendo ayuda para mí canal porfavor ayudenme asubir de suscriptores se llama numbers kenkanek
Goku ssj10000
Goku ssj10000 - 7 years ago
Thousands of people died while I wrote this comment
Yosi summer fun and singing
Yosi summer fun and singing - 7 years ago
That last one about the bee's all my clothes are black but I'm lucky never get hurt by them
Dragon Kitty02
Dragon Kitty02 - 7 years ago
Megan Kuhlmann
Megan Kuhlmann - 7 years ago
Bruh bees don’t bite they sting and a bee is not a animal
Crazy Creeper
Crazy Creeper - 7 years ago
Lol. My class went on a field trip and my classmates kept on running from bees and some of the bees kept on circling me and I did absolutely nothing. No one got stung though. I was even wearing black.
Denise O'Hagan
Denise O'Hagan - 7 years ago
moli fofana
moli fofana - 7 years ago
I love you so much and I love how you been doing this
ThatComedyGuy - 7 years ago
Usain bolt must be offended by the bear one...
Adam Smithee, Jr.
Adam Smithee, Jr. - 7 years ago
What about mosquitoes, those can be pretty dangerous.
Shadow's Vlogs
Shadow's Vlogs - 7 years ago
When the Bear Run do not play dead this will make the bear eat you as you're pretending to be dead it thinks you're already dead so I will just eat you Epic how to sead be safe
Uri Yair
Uri Yair - 7 years ago
Holiss amigos regaló like
Brooke Olivieri
Brooke Olivieri - 7 years ago
And Strikers are BIG!
Brooke Olivieri
Brooke Olivieri - 7 years ago
A Striker (if you ever find one run as fast as you can!)
The ODer Stopper S
The ODer Stopper S - 7 years ago
( Hi am a bull I never run at you because you have the color red on I do it because I hate you) XD
Kevin Nguyen
Kevin Nguyen - 7 years ago
So I got to get the high ground to avoid a hippo.
Miranda Xox3
Miranda Xox3 - 7 years ago
My sience teacher told me this
Chloe Myers
Chloe Myers - 7 years ago
Ethan Wild
Ethan Wild - 7 years ago
Or just carry a .500 mag
dwarf LM mba
dwarf LM mba - 7 years ago
Baby Jayleen
Baby Jayleen - 7 years ago
Queen Rose
Queen Rose - 7 years ago
I wound dig
darren timothy
darren timothy - 7 years ago
Sophia San Filippo
Sophia San Filippo - 7 years ago
My family and I were in Florida one time and my dads cousin is in the military and some kid starts falling down this cliff where a bunch of crocodiles were my dads cousin thinks fast and saves this kid from death!
Bailey Johnson
Bailey Johnson - 7 years ago
The bear one is 2 words give them fish and back away slowly 39 miles and run, next is playing dead and the bear might toss you around but don’t make a noise or pinc or move cuz that will hurt done.
Princessshir101 AJ
Princessshir101 AJ - 7 years ago
coyotes live in my neighborhood
Guest and Bamp Lover
Guest and Bamp Lover - 7 years ago
I thought the Mosquito or the Tsetse fly would win the death statistic would win at 500,000 deaths. :P
Ben Ghalili
Ben Ghalili - 7 years ago
Xcccoco to
Nicola Sanchez
Nicola Sanchez - 7 years ago
How do we know this works and we won't get hurt or more serious
God master Bill
God master Bill - 7 years ago
Number 14 stay Indoor
MajesticEeveeGalaxy - 7 years ago
Extra animal tips:
~don't wear dresses with flowers around bees...(I learned that the hard way)
~if you plan on hiking in an area common for bears, get a big bell and attach it to the back of your backpack. This will let the animal know to stay away, the only reason they attack you is because they are startled by your presence...
Shimei Benisrael
Shimei Benisrael - 7 years ago
Why do I feel like all these tips won’t work
potato plebs
potato plebs - 7 years ago
The only reason the numbers are so big is because we hurt or attack them we do the same if hurt or feel threatened
Tina Young
Tina Young - 7 years ago
I’m scared of wild animals
Anna Banana
Anna Banana - 7 years ago
Elephants can't have that much kills
Jodi Johnson
Jodi Johnson - 7 years ago
No way
Jenicka Rodriguez
Jenicka Rodriguez - 7 years ago
but what if the bear eats you if you're dead anyway?
Nick X
Nick X - 7 years ago
Hey I got beat up by kangaroo entire time it had me in a uppercut hold i was coughing not sure
Ernie Grunn
Ernie Grunn - 7 years ago
Animal's love me so ... they will not eat me
Andrey Barsukov
Andrey Barsukov - 7 years ago
I live in Canada and there are wolfs
Pavel Cucor
Pavel Cucor - 7 years ago
First thing you have to do when encountering bear is look to the ground and slowly back away, not roll into a ball, that would be suicide. Most of the times, the animal you encounter is more scared than you are, so keep that in mind.
ddjdjdjdjddjsk Wksksksks
ddjdjdjdjddjsk Wksksksks - 7 years ago
Michaela Pino
Michaela Pino - 7 years ago
none of these are true
smith lovy
smith lovy - 7 years ago
Gorillas shouldn't be on this list. Let alone #2.
Keely Ward
Keely Ward - 7 years ago
what would you do if a black bear was after you and thank you for telling me now i know what to do wen i am older.
Dancer Emily
Dancer Emily - 7 years ago
The most dangerous animal that lives is a snake so that was super helpful
Elke & Elena
Elke & Elena - 7 years ago
The bear thing, isn't it like make a lot of noise with black bears and stay still when there's a brown bear or the opposite?
Mr. Mackey
Mr. Mackey - 7 years ago
If you see a gorilla approaching towards you in a aggressive manner, just say NOOOO!!
Krista Corzine
Krista Corzine - 7 years ago
I’m mostly scared of snakes, sharks, and bees or any insect of that source.
peterzilla 123
peterzilla 123 - 7 years ago
Why so much views? -_-
Victoria Barber
Victoria Barber - 7 years ago
Kyle Razalan
Kyle Razalan - 7 years ago
Bees: Dont wear black but go to dark places
Franciscca Algustajhhh
Franciscca Algustajhhh - 7 years ago
Kyle Razalan
Kyle Razalan - 7 years ago
The dangerous animal in my area is my mother
N BlueRussianCat
N BlueRussianCat - 7 years ago
1. More tip with alligators and crocodiles: if they bite you put your fingers in their nostrils. They will have to let you go so they can breath.
iiiSlaymimi plays roblox and more iii
iiiSlaymimi plays roblox and more iii - 7 years ago
So if I'm in the wild and have no clothes on will I still be attacked cause I'm black (attacked by bees)
Yolo360SwaggerM8 :3
Yolo360SwaggerM8 :3 - 7 years ago
Bears will eat you even you were playing dead
Vidc0n AJ
Vidc0n AJ - 7 years ago
None of these animals live in my country oh my god.
itsTwinkle - 7 years ago
Look don’t pretend to be dead for the bear bc the bear will just eat you bc it’s going to think that you are dead so it eats you more easily soooo u just tryna be dead just makes it easier for the bear to eat you
Remington 870
Remington 870 - 7 years ago
Everything that was recommended were kids videos for me.
James Scherpenberg
James Scherpenberg - 7 years ago
Do killers bees or dangerous birds
The Plush Guys
The Plush Guys - 7 years ago
Bright side has blood on their hands.
Jaclyn Nguyen
Jaclyn Nguyen - 7 years ago
U forgot bears
Kaylee Tran
Kaylee Tran - 7 years ago
Hey! This helped me in the forest while I was camping for my hiking! It saved my family and I from being eliminated. Thanks. -Kaylee
wojtek leszczynski
wojtek leszczynski - 7 years ago
and like if you wacht this in 2018!!!
krisztina Maroy
krisztina Maroy - 7 years ago
Watch *
Nicula Andrei
Nicula Andrei - 7 years ago
People stay away from wild animals pl they are not cute they are deadly 1 rule dont put yourself in danger
kyron surridge
kyron surridge - 7 years ago
ill set on the Marth of the alligator to stop it to bitt me
AJP 001
AJP 001 - 7 years ago
On number 11 what if you don't have a jacket
Elizabeth Soule
Elizabeth Soule - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Soule
Elizabeth Soule - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Soule
Elizabeth Soule - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Soule
Elizabeth Soule - 7 years ago
Tyler Adams
Tyler Adams - 7 years ago
foxes and dears
Sierra Cavin
Sierra Cavin - 7 years ago
Sierra Cavin
Sierra Cavin - 7 years ago
How do I look massive I weigh 70 pounds I have problems (no I’m not and adult yet )
Dakota Garnhardt
Dakota Garnhardt - 7 years ago
This is so cool
Martin Allard
Martin Allard - 7 years ago
In school I saw an
Martin Allard
Martin Allard - 7 years ago
BranBoss24 - 7 years ago
Good tips, but snakes don't follow you.
Cristiano Conceicao
Cristiano Conceicao - 7 years ago
Wild animals are so cool and awesome
Gavin Crumley
Gavin Crumley - 7 years ago
Easiest way is just to bring a gun
Janet Soto
Janet Soto - 7 years ago
Now i know how to be safe for animals
Ricardo Filipe Raposo
Ricardo Filipe Raposo - 7 years ago
I did do for a bear becuse i Saw one
Kennedy Wicks
Kennedy Wicks - 7 years ago
You could do mountain lions or pandas
Norah waleed
Norah waleed - 7 years ago
Good you told me how to be away from bees because their are bees in my garden
Ava 1212
Ava 1212 - 7 years ago
Luckily I only live somewhere with wolves and snakes but I have only seen 2 snakes in my life and one of them wasnt even in my state
Bob Anna Wiley
Bob Anna Wiley - 7 years ago
About the shark what if my mom want me to go to shore to go home?
I really liked this video because now I now how to protect myself from Wild animal attacks.
Vishal Yadav
Vishal Yadav - 7 years ago
I am ambushed by a dog
Lolly Pop
Lolly Pop - 7 years ago
Hi I like it
Hayley - 7 years ago
Cordismarie Willy
Cordismarie Willy - 7 years ago
Make Not3s
Sp1r1t_0f_L4ur3l - 7 years ago
yeah, info on the animals people are most afraid of are often misleading
Maya Lassiter
Maya Lassiter - 7 years ago
You forgot a ... bear and bobcat
Maya Lassiter
Maya Lassiter - 7 years ago
I LOVE ANIMALS can you make a vid how to survive in The wilderness with untamed animals and get them to trust you
WHAT A APP - 7 years ago
Monkey should be also there
LegoExpertGaming 1999
LegoExpertGaming 1999 - 7 years ago
I hate sharks
Pavel Suk
Pavel Suk - 7 years ago
The most dangerous is mosquito. Or in my country only humans.
And based on your advice there will be many more dead people.
Fernando ZIlla
Fernando ZIlla - 7 years ago
Thank you so much when I meet up with a snake I remembered what you said
Roblox Gamer64655561222
Roblox Gamer64655561222 - 7 years ago
You sound like Buzz The Youtuber
Dipo Sabungan
Dipo Sabungan - 7 years ago
I dont
Dipo Sabungan
Dipo Sabungan - 7 years ago
I see all animals and i done die
Hungry Shark
Hungry Shark - 7 years ago
you forgot Jared from subway
ملك الشاشة
ملك الشاشة - 7 years ago
تبادل اشتراكات اهلا وسهلا
Tammana Tammana
Tammana Tammana - 7 years ago
Snakes is dangerous
Ellie Storer
Ellie Storer - 7 years ago
Trinity Xoxo
Trinity Xoxo - 7 years ago
Oml i have a pet snake XD
MAHAMED HASSAN - 7 years ago
mines is a sncke i almost deid
MAHAMED HASSAN - 7 years ago
oh god i have nightmares ;/
Herobrine Killer
Herobrine Killer - 7 years ago
that's really amazing but

how is it possible to meet those animals when we are home?
Oriond34 Mega
Oriond34 Mega - 7 years ago
Godangit Disney you have killed people by making animals look peaceful
Anti Slx
Anti Slx - 7 years ago
:-). (sorry for my English)
zachariah Kane
zachariah Kane - 7 years ago
Bees "bite". Oh. Really. Good vid though.
Atanu Roy
Atanu Roy - 7 years ago
Mosquito sabse dangerous hai
Adellyn Miller
Adellyn Miller - 7 years ago
Tics are dangerous
Jonathan Wilson
Jonathan Wilson - 7 years ago
StationZeroOne - 7 years ago
2:14 ok sir... pretend to be drunken like that guy
danny fraser
danny fraser - 7 years ago
danny fraser
danny fraser - 7 years ago
Jeanette Mager
Jeanette Mager - 7 years ago
A deer
Epic Skylander
Epic Skylander - 7 years ago
This is very important, It really looks interesting.. But is it True? I dont want to loose my life trying to see if its true or not! So NO WAY! :/ LOL
horse lover
horse lover - 7 years ago
U for got about dogs horses dolphins badgers and cows
choiceofmusicROCK - 7 years ago
there are certain species of bears that if will attack you if you play dead

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