35ft Great White Shark Lurking in 'The Kill Zone' | Super Predator

Dave is searching for evidence for an enormous predator that he believes is lurking by Bremer Bay, Australia. Subscribe to Discovery UK for more great clips: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=DiscoveryTV Follow Discovery UK on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DiscoveryUK

35ft Great White Shark Lurking in 'The Kill Zone' | Super Predator sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2414

Shark videos 7 years ago 2,536,786 views

Dave is searching for evidence for an enormous predator that he believes is lurking by Bremer Bay, Australia. Subscribe to Discovery UK for more great clips: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=DiscoveryTV Follow Discovery UK on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DiscoveryUK

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Most popular comments
for 35ft Great White Shark Lurking in 'The Kill Zone' | Super Predator

Christian Chavez
Christian Chavez - 6 years ago
Had to be an Orca that killed that greatwhite shark.
Eddie83 - 6 years ago
Killer whale most likely ate the shark
Jorg Schroeder
Jorg Schroeder - 6 years ago
It Is a Megdalon Shark and they do exist , off the coast of Sinaloa and off the Baja peninsula of Mexico they have also eaten a whale in half found on the beach -Legends of these monster sharks exist .
The Ocean are so deep and you prove to me they dont Exist .!!
Shota Ninjia
Shota Ninjia - 6 years ago
You can't tell me its a 35 foot Great White Shark it's not possible
OG Gangstaaa
OG Gangstaaa - 6 years ago
Fuuuck I live in Perth
Ali G Gamer
Ali G Gamer - 6 years ago
So in 3:52 you see a killer whale, killer whales are bigger than great whites and hunt whales and have been known to kill hreat whites if hungry or protecting them selfs. So it is probably just a killer whale!
Jerry James
Jerry James - 6 years ago
Kasi Dash
Kasi Dash - 6 years ago
if you guys wonder what's the real thing have alook at this shark ^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CiD28dVLVQ
Zack Johnston
Zack Johnston - 6 years ago
Why is it so crazy that big sharks could still be around lol. FUCKING idiots!!!

10. comment for 35ft Great White Shark Lurking in 'The Kill Zone' | Super Predator

sugaish - 6 years ago
Image how scared the first person to see a whale was
Chad Zambezi
Chad Zambezi - 6 years ago
The end part where the shark is attacking the submersible is super cool. Something straight out of Jaws, where its still attacking while it sinks to the bottom. Imagine being in there!
Cleesen Cookie
Cleesen Cookie - 6 years ago
Oh my god what if someone had been in that yellow thing, jesus
bnenomore - 6 years ago
That bite was granulated in a long time ago, when it was much smaller. Ridiculous
Jacolby Cantu
Jacolby Cantu - 6 years ago
Just very good
Jacolby Cantu
Jacolby Cantu - 6 years ago
That what's y'all think they are just hiding
Simon Willems
Simon Willems - 6 years ago
Disability place adult gqlsvb remember northeast initiative toss visitor general joy experience care
jeffery williams
jeffery williams - 6 years ago
Can I have my seven minutes back?
Serkan AKIN
Serkan AKIN - 6 years ago
Where is 35feet shark?
Evana loves phsy
Evana loves phsy - 6 years ago
Damn aussies

20. comment for 35ft Great White Shark Lurking in 'The Kill Zone' | Super Predator

jeffery thecanadian
jeffery thecanadian - 6 years ago
Megalodon evidance
RTC1655 - 6 years ago
What bunch of bozos. Dumb & dumber
InfernoSquad _RBLX
InfernoSquad _RBLX - 6 years ago
Killer whale??
I ain't tellin U my name
I ain't tellin U my name - 6 years ago
Ever heard of a killer whale you morons hahaha
Marcel Dingemanse
Marcel Dingemanse - 6 years ago
Looks like damage from a ship!
N3ONSWITCH - 6 years ago
welp this is my home I'm not going in the water ever again xD
Lauren Alexandra
Lauren Alexandra - 6 years ago
So there's no part 2? Really? I feel teased.
Rainbow Locust
Rainbow Locust - 6 years ago
It's a megalodon
Rack - 6 years ago
Dave:we need to get to the bottom of this me: it’s a fucking 35 foot shark
StardustAshley - 6 years ago
What happened???? Was there a big shark or no?

30. comment for 35ft Great White Shark Lurking in 'The Kill Zone' | Super Predator

StereoThrilla - 6 years ago
such bullshit
kphfun1 - 6 years ago
I had a school teacher back in the 70's who flew a PBY in the South Pacific during WW2, he said many times they would see sharks so large basking that they thought it was a submarine while out on patrols.
There's some big ones out there no doubt.
5min Tuber
5min Tuber - 6 years ago
maybe the device went down ...? Maybe this device was eaten by another fish? But who would remember that ...
Evan J
Evan J - 6 years ago
47 meters down
August Serena
August Serena - 6 years ago
It was bit probably when it was younger as the mark could have grown with its size
themadrapper101 - 6 years ago
35 ft. Would be the same size as the shark in Jaws 3 and 10 ft. Bigger than the shark from Jaws..
Celena Yukine
Celena Yukine - 6 years ago
People are so scared of sharks. I can admit im scared but what people fail to notice that they only will attack if you either; aggrivate them or if they're really hungry. And if they are hingry the will try and find food that they wont kill them.
H S - 6 years ago
I think it’s Jaws.
Kobaspire - 6 years ago
Not buying it
Em1s Lord
Em1s Lord - 6 years ago
Stoopid hoomans
Amina Riaz
Amina Riaz - 6 years ago
How would shamu keep up with this sharks it got nothin on this one
KyberDragon !
KyberDragon ! - 6 years ago
Tizona Amanthia
Tizona Amanthia - 6 years ago
is... there another part to this? or was the rest of the like...1 hour "presentation" full of waffling, chaff, filler, repitition, dramatizations, computer generated graphics, and...basically they don't find any sharks larger than 16' or so.
Skrillix Wolf
Skrillix Wolf - 6 years ago
No Thanks!
T Dawg
T Dawg - 6 years ago
Any one else think that the shark didn’t bite through the rope and they just ditched it because they shit a brick?
Tom Payton
Tom Payton - 6 years ago
Clickbait it was 15 ft
5winder - 6 years ago
Leviathan's gotta eat... he's a big-ass lizard. I can't wait until he torches Japan... to fulfill their "Gojira" prophecy.
MrTeleiomenos - 6 years ago
discovery is a master in making smthing out of nothing.
manila oil
manila oil - 6 years ago
A great white cannot be 35ft only 27ft
Brad Carter
Brad Carter - 6 years ago
big great white, but that's no 35 footer lol

50. comment for 35ft Great White Shark Lurking in 'The Kill Zone' | Super Predator

Big tiddie Goth GF
Big tiddie Goth GF - 6 years ago
You're mum gey lol
Aska Gamer
Aska Gamer - 6 years ago
Its a fucking megalodon . How do u even prove that megalodons are extinct when 95% of the ocean isnt discovered yet
ShapirosYarmulke TM
ShapirosYarmulke TM - 6 years ago
It could be that the tag just fell off whilst the shark dived, and then a smaller fish ate it. The big bite mark though?? Could be a massive predator or could be a defect from birth.
Courtney MacLaren
Courtney MacLaren - 6 years ago
Mike A.
Mike A. - 6 years ago
Title should be great white bites yellow shit box
AnOn MeRc
AnOn MeRc - 6 years ago
If your gonna tell me that Megalodon is indeed extinct then how in the hell are you going to explain to me that we haven’t gone to the full depths of the ocean!? I understand that water pressure is an extreme circumstance to follow when building a vehicle to take you down under thousands of pounds of water pressure but seriously! We’ve explored more of space in the last decades than we’ve discovered about the ocean in the last centuries! So if you plan on telling me this shark is not a Megalodon I want you to give me the cold Hard facts that prove you right... see what I did there? No? Ok.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
Why should we even have to explore "the full depths of the ocean"? with regards to C. megalodon?
j walker
j walker - 6 years ago
I don't want to hear the labor, just show me the baby.
GamerKing224 - 6 years ago
There is no proof that megalodons (sorry if I spelled that wrong) are exstinct, after all, we've only explored like 6% of the ocean
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
I don't suppose you can provide credible sources to back your claims up?
GamerKing224 - 6 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present I don't know when these events happened but a few years ago, a very large shark tooth was found which they say was almost the size of a meg tooth. Also around that time back a few years ago, there was camera footage of a possible meg near Japan.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
You need evidence for its survival not its extinction. Be that as it may, we have the fossil record, no credible sightings of a shark which should be easily observable, no carcass, no fresh tooth, no carcass from a prey item, no reason to believe this shark adapted to such depths like no other shark after it, plenty of evidence that all its predecessors, its prey and most rivals died out long ago as well...The detailed mapping o fthe ocean floor (your 6%) doesn't do anything towards meg's survival or conceilment...
AHEAD INK - 6 years ago
Awesome video!
KeAundra Davenport
KeAundra Davenport - 6 years ago
Is this real, or not? Even so, what really happened to that 9 ft shark being swallowed whole? Did they really falsify something like that? COULD they really falsify something like that?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
Here's what the scientists who tagged the shark and analyzed the data have to say about it all: https://blog.csiro.au/busting-the-megalodon-myth-did-a-3m-shark-get-eaten-by-an-even-bigger-shark/
jason waddle
jason waddle - 6 years ago
Legend has it that Steven Seagal attacked this whale upon the closing of his favourite buffet restaurant.
Seb A
Seb A - 6 years ago
Clickbait, no 35ft shark, just lots of speculation and bullshit. 20sec clip at the end of a 15ft shark.
william skrainski
william skrainski - 6 years ago
This is retarded,,,the thing got bit when it was young.....who funds this idiot?
venomstriker - 6 years ago
When the shark was tagged and then eaten alive not that long after by a huge shark could the tag be tracked and u track the shark that at the other shark?
Burdie Birdie
Burdie Birdie - 6 years ago
Basically the reason no one Goes to war with australia... they play with great whites from monday til friday and still find time to wrestle a crocodile while going to a mate’s bbq
drrsc - 6 years ago
that bite in the whale's back was likely from a killer whale, not a freakishly large great white.
Todd Schultz
Todd Schultz - 7 years ago
Thant was fucking. Wast of time
J Thom
J Thom - 7 years ago
That'll teach it to trust free eats. . .
Aniket Sengupta
Aniket Sengupta - 7 years ago
Even if the whale was young and the bite mark enlarged with its growth, it would have still taken a BIG shark with some ATTITUDE to take a chunk of live whales who usually travel in groups.
Craig Sinclair
Craig Sinclair - 7 years ago
6:15 "(The shark is) just sitting their, looking at it! Aw Yeaah!" (almost like we kinda expected that, because we stuffed the f*cking TENT over the buggy full of bloody fish)... 6:25 "She gapes her mouth at the machine! It's a signal of caution, and curiosity..." (or because it's full of chopped up fish). "It's got the buggy!" "She's really close to the boat!" (possibly because you filled the water with bloody chopped up fish). Add the the footage to a completely unrelated video of a whale that got bitten by shark as a baby, and voila! MEGALODON CONFIRMED!
Annette Fawcett-Jones
Annette Fawcett-Jones - 7 years ago
Oh God did he get out alive.
Bane Duritsky Haley
Bane Duritsky Haley - 7 years ago
One word..........megalodon!!!!! I mean this shark frees up to 52 feet!!!!!!
pepe lopez
pepe lopez - 7 years ago
it was a Orca
SAINTS NATION - 7 years ago
Ummm Whales and sharks fight... And sharks do fight crocodiles also FACTS the research is out there
Forest_gravy - 7 years ago
You, swam with strength
You, loved with grace
You, touched us all
With your expressionless face

Doby, oh Doby, I'll never forget thee
Liam Sargable
Liam Sargable - 7 years ago
Kool and wow
Two Reliable Guys
Two Reliable Guys - 7 years ago
I totally agree with no chance at all of a megalodon. I’ve seen attempts of people trying to make an internet hoax that megalodon is real—all been proven wrong by Billschannel and Chewy Piranhas #ChewyPIRANHA#BFF
Two Reliable Guys
Two Reliable Guys - 7 years ago
I have an OBVIOUS suspect for the WHALE— A pod of Killer Whales
Two Reliable Guys
Two Reliable Guys - 7 years ago
What if the shark was deformed and the mouth is too big and the shark is smaller?
Two Reliable Guys
Two Reliable Guys - 7 years ago
I watch other videos about that shark and I found out it couldn’t have been an orca because they wouldn’t go as deep as the “Mystery” Predator which by the way, is another larger great white, I discovered after more research on YouTube.
Kids Arcade Room
Kids Arcade Room - 7 years ago
Oh wow
isacc - 7 years ago
I should become a whale research investigator so I can bullshit and get paid for it
Buzz B
Buzz B - 7 years ago
I believe life under the water is 10x more fascinating than anything above the waves.
UKN K - 7 years ago
Best job ever.. Respect
JamRangga - 7 years ago
Damn click baited
eugene Morrill
eugene Morrill - 7 years ago
Turn off the damn music. Its unnessary and distracting. Good video which I enjoyed .
Justin Harrold
Justin Harrold - 7 years ago
Over 75% of our oceans are still unexplored. I larger than average shark being our there somewhere...more than probable. Not surprised motherfuckers.
Perseus - 7 years ago
Well this was clickbait...
Kur Norock
Kur Norock - 7 years ago
Let me guess, they didn't find a 35 foot shark.
Jajie Razi
Jajie Razi - 7 years ago
she smart. wow
khabib record
khabib record - 7 years ago
There using a fucking bumper car 2 go in the water.
Maafa 1619
Maafa 1619 - 7 years ago
It was bitten when it was much smaller. The bite grew as the whale did.
Sarah Miller
Sarah Miller - 7 years ago
that is not a great whites bit.
Pixie - 7 years ago
Pretty sure if a shark that size wanted the whale dead it would be dead
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 7 years ago
I'm gonna take this opportunity to sell my socks.
Double u x 3 dot not a virus is free socks dot com slash my mothers titties are milky and delicious
Porn & Coco
Porn & Coco - 7 years ago
Well that's a bloody lie!
SHARK BITE - 7 years ago
Lucky they didn’t get in that then.
Fastjoe Corrigan
Fastjoe Corrigan - 7 years ago
30 million years old what a joke... The sun would have burned out by then
Fastjoe Corrigan
Fastjoe Corrigan - 7 years ago
I knew there was no 35-foot shark.. just imagine if it was close to 30 foot and it hit that yellow machine..
Chris RBLX
Chris RBLX - 7 years ago
Thats the month and year I was born! Sep, 2003

100. comment for 35ft Great White Shark Lurking in 'The Kill Zone' | Super Predator

mahi zen
mahi zen - 7 years ago
ovibously the whale got hit by a propeller or something man made
whiteboy magic
whiteboy magic - 7 years ago
That was cool how that sheshark came by and sank your guys ship......its cool to see animals like that live up to their name......she put on a good show
Aiden Whitson
Aiden Whitson - 7 years ago
It's a megladon that survived
Joseph Materese
Joseph Materese - 7 years ago
No such animal as 35 feet
Arntor 1184
Arntor 1184 - 7 years ago
What kind of clickbait trash.
Storm Rider
Storm Rider - 7 years ago
how stupid this guys are lol... this bite looks very old, seems whale got bitten from so long... may be before it become fully grown size... legend brain here with me baby...lol
Carson Link
Carson Link - 7 years ago
And I’ll bet you some how aliens were involved too
Amelia Gaddum
Amelia Gaddum - 7 years ago
Fucking Bruce he wasn’t bleeding doe
Parallaxus - 7 years ago
These "non-fiction" shows promoting the probable existence of a megalodon piss me off because they know full well that the shark that was eaten while it was diving was eaten by an orca as the tag's thermometer showed the temperature go way up after it was attacked, but they pretended like that was just another part of the mystery, that it probably wasn't an orca, as an orca's body temp was signifcantly higher than the temp of the water and shark (all the while knowing full well that when you averaged the whale's temp with the water temp, it would give the exact temp the thermometer gave, but they left that part out). And they knew that the pygmy blue whale's injury is that big because it was likely done while the whale was young and much smaller, thus growing into a bigger looking, but healed over wound. It's intentional deceit on a national television level to get ratings.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
The pseudo-documentary from Discovery Channel you have in mind is either: Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives (2013); Megalodon: The New Evidence (2014) or Shark of Darkness - Wrath of Submarine (2014).

This documentary (and its predecessor) is not affiliated with those pseudo-documentaries, but is based on highly questionable information making them just as untrustworthy.

Many people (falsely) speculated a megalodon was responsible for eating the tagged shark. The filmmaker Dave Riggs never suggested it. You can see the first documentary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8dFMWmYuVo&t=483s In that programme it was concluded a 16 ft white shark was responsible. In the one this clip is from, Super Predator, Riggs postulates larger unknown white shark reside in Bremer Canyon.
Parallaxus - 7 years ago
OHHHHH, I'm sorry! Wow, wow wow wow. I was totally in the wrong there. I appreciate the thorough info. Not only was I wrong about thinking this was from the megalodon show on discovery that I saw (that irritated me), it seems I was wrong in my deduction that the tag thermal reading, being between that of the orca's body temp and the ocean water meant that almost certainly an orca ate the shark. Although, even though I don't remember the numbers now, ... I could swear I did the research and the math myself, at the time, and found that the temp that the tag showed was almost exactly the same as averaging the temperature at that water depth with either the body temp of an orca, or the stomach temp of an orca.
So this documentary is some sequel to the megalodon show, and the guy has changed his mind and no longer thinks it exists?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
"These "non-fiction" shows promoting the probable existence of a megalodon piss me off...."

This documentary does not promote the idea of megalodon's probable existence. Even in the clip (3.14) Dave Riggs clearly denies such an idea. He postulates a subspecies of larger white shark.

"...because they know full well that the shark that was eaten while it was diving was eaten by an orca as the tag's thermometer showed the temperature go way up after it was attacked..."

An orca's temperature would be around 35-36°C, as it is a mammal. The temperature recorded by the tag was around 25-26°C, the usual stomach temperature of a white shark.

" It's intentional deceit on a national television level to get ratings."

That does seem to be the case here.

Here's a short rundown, as all videos and media reports on this case contain false information:

1. In September 2003, during a shark tagging event in Australia, a 3m white shark was tagged with a pop-up tag by scientists from the organisation CSIRO.

2. The filmmaker Dave Riggs was hired to film this event.

3. A few months later the tag was found washed up on the beach and sent back to CSIRO.

4. Data from the fully functioning tag revealed that: a.) the shark took a normal, uneventful dive to 570m; b) about a week later the temperature rose to around 25-26°C/78° F (the usual stomach temperature of a white shark) and remained that way for about two weeks; c.) the tag failed to register sunlight in that time, d.) the tag kept on recording the swimming behaviour (typical for a white shark), until it surfaced and washed ashore.

5. Dave Riggs interpreted the data differently, becoming obsessed with the story for the next ten years until his first documentary Hunt for the Super Predator in 2014 with Smithsonian Channel. This clip is from the sequel Super Predator from 2015.

6. All media reports and videos are (loosely) based on Dave Riggs' version of events.

7. This is the (unheeded) response of CSIRO, the organisation that tagged the shark, to all the speculations about this incident: https://blog.csiro.au/busting-the-megalodon-myth-did-a-3m-shark-get-eaten-by-an-even-bigger-shark/ In all likelihood another white shark bit off the pop-up tag and ingested it. This explains the temperature and the swimming behaviour of the animal that had ingested the shark's tag (and not necessarily the tagged shark itself)
MoldyVidz - 7 years ago
Couldent it be a large sleeper shark? they live super deep and are really big.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
No, depth isn't an issue as the tag was ingested a week after the dive occurred and sleeper sharks are not endotherm.
Bill Dargel
Bill Dargel - 7 years ago
And if I don't believe in this sh#t I probably won't believe in the dragon documentaries I've seen lately.
GX2 Fishing
GX2 Fishing - 7 years ago
That false there was no 300 million or what ever u did
martin moosleitner
martin moosleitner - 7 years ago
the wund on the wale is all healed . a wound like thattales a long time, and changes shape in that time. u can cut its size almost have boys...
TheQuietLife - 7 years ago
loyal American
loyal American - 7 years ago
this is bs... killer whale maybe but no shark... male killer whales get to 35 feet and 30,000 pounds... killer whales are the boss of the oceans not sharks
Max Monti
Max Monti - 7 years ago
could of been a croca
Christian Pelkey
Christian Pelkey - 7 years ago
okay but this whale could be 100 years old which means the shark that took that bite could be long gone by now. and if the whale was bitten at a young age, the wound would just grow with the whale. meaning it couldve been like a 10 foot great white 80 years ago when this whale was only 30 feet long. right
shotgun _12_3
shotgun _12_3 - 7 years ago
Why bullshit about the length
Alucard - 7 years ago
0:12 oh a message in steam bye.
Luuk gmail
Luuk gmail - 7 years ago
Cant it be a bitemark from when the whale was younger. That it just grew with the whale
xInfinityBear - 7 years ago
Did they seriously bring up a Megalodon from this? Wow.
Marven S
Marven S - 7 years ago
For those who wanna watch the Episode
Check the link here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2vt9wh
Anna Ganser
Anna Ganser - 7 years ago
It’s got to be a megladon for sure only 5% of the oceans have been explored
ArtificiallyFlavord - 7 years ago
3x the length of my bedroom?
Idk about that one.....
Rich Letts
Rich Letts - 7 years ago
Did I somehow miss the 35' shark?
Wonder\/Whack - 7 years ago
It can be a Orca.
huabamane2 - 7 years ago
Seems fairly obvious to me that the what was attacked when it was smaller. Once it grew, the bite mark grew with it.
armpitfuzz - 7 years ago
holy bat crap... An estimated 5 foot gob span, I'm only 4 foot 11 inches, he could just slurp me up through a straw !
Dane Jensen
Dane Jensen - 7 years ago
Did it bite it? Really?
Jakita Saint-Trelour
Jakita Saint-Trelour - 7 years ago
it isnt 100% proven the megalodon is extinct though, its a theory but unproven.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Science doesn't go about disproving the existence of certain animals. If somebody wans to make the case this shark still exists, they need to do a lot better than merely speculate or live in denial.
Charles Moore
Charles Moore - 7 years ago
Using rope instead of cable is a tried & true "Great TV" Hollywood move. Surely they also slathered the submersible with a clear Hollywood fish paste for maximum effect.
Itz_Sizzle Lol
Itz_Sizzle Lol - 7 years ago
Rip boat
Michael Ward
Michael Ward - 7 years ago
Shark 1 : Researchers 0
random guy
random guy - 7 years ago
That's almost as big a semi-adult megaladon
Maui Randall
Maui Randall - 7 years ago
That's like the clickbaitest of titles I've ever seen
I mean you literally lie in the title and your discovery!
Just goes to show all these documentary channels are turning towards clickbaity reality shows cuz that's where the lowest common denominator lurks, its one of the reasons I don't watch this channel anymore after being a big fan as a child you punish me, waste my time so you can sell ad space when all I want to do is learn
John Jacob Cortez
John Jacob Cortez - 7 years ago
don't worry guy's it's not a mystery because i ate the shark alive
Tom rizzo
Tom rizzo - 7 years ago
Yeah okay 35-foot
Sl4yerkid - 7 years ago
how can you assume that it's only one bite from the shark.
Sl4yerkid - 7 years ago
no proof that the shark 'died alive' or even that it died at all..
Tia Smith
Tia Smith - 7 years ago
There's only one explanation for it MEGALAGONS STILL EXISTS
Dav3 - 7 years ago
So sad how even discovery is now bullshit dramatic trash clickbait lies
Dr. Phill On pills
Dr. Phill On pills - 7 years ago
Idk Maybe a normal shark took multiple bites
NoNameLol - 7 years ago
Megalodon still exist in the deepest ocean under dark areas. They can survived for months without food and they are not many left but a few of them one of them is 240ft long. But the one that buy the Whale is a kid megalodon.
TheCoolBlackGuy - 7 years ago
Click bait crap. You should be ashamed of yourself.
MyLifeForAuir87 - 7 years ago
Adoring Fan
Adoring Fan - 7 years ago
Everybody saying it was a killer whale that's possible but a shark is possible to
Hudson Moyle
Hudson Moyle - 7 years ago
I live in Perth
Ry Guy
Ry Guy - 7 years ago
i cant hear anything on youtube at the moment can anyone help
Boanerges the Anti-Catholic
Boanerges the Anti-Catholic - 7 years ago
These idiots and their catholic religion fueled lies. The Coelacanths were extinct until they were found still living. The Megladon can still be alive; these ass hats either haven’t seen it or won’t admit to seeing it. Stupid ass Catholics perpetuated the ball-tard globe earth theory to fit with their sun-god-centric world view that’s been around since long before jayeeeeezeus. The Coelacanths wasn’t extinct like supposed scientists said it was, Megladon is a big Great White, Dinosaurs are just really old lizards, and the earth is flat.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
You are seriously comparing a coelacanth to a megalodon and even bringing in theology? lmao
Saffy Duffy
Saffy Duffy - 7 years ago
What if the whale got the bite when it was young and smaller and then the scarring has grown with it
Kyle Gradwell
Kyle Gradwell - 7 years ago
The answer is simple...the Whale was attacked when it was still a calf. It would have been much smaller and the bite would have been proportional to an average great white. As the whale grows older and larger, so does the bite mark...they arent idiots, they know this, but being logical and telling the truth doesnt sell as well as a mystery...
avda Greenslade
avda Greenslade - 7 years ago
35ft? what a load of shit
JERES Trinidad
JERES Trinidad - 7 years ago
Mini megalodon maybe
Savage Apple
Savage Apple - 7 years ago
Carson Balfour
Carson Balfour - 7 years ago
I am on my bothers account
Carson Balfour
Carson Balfour - 7 years ago
I am afraid of sharks my name is Keely Starr Balfour
Otasaka - 7 years ago
It was a beaver.clearly.
SORE LOSER LIBERAL - 7 years ago
0:29.. Not a murder mystery, Killer whales prey on Great White Sharks..
Jan parchanski
Jan parchanski - 7 years ago
Could be injury(the whale) from a propelor
Creepy - 7 years ago
To catch a predator
panagiotis exis
panagiotis exis - 7 years ago
that is not submarine ! and submarine ist the only 35 feet great White you ashols
Ridzky Asdi
Ridzky Asdi - 7 years ago
4:31 the aquaman
Qasim Hussain
Qasim Hussain - 7 years ago
They are so cute on the outside but the inside.... Evil rises...
εὐφορία - 7 years ago
So they are looking at a bite mark on a whale that grows really big. What if when this whale was smaller, it was bitten by a decently sized shark, and managed to escape, and now still has the bite mark?
Matt West
Matt West - 7 years ago
It's called an Orca
Broly Sucks Wang
Broly Sucks Wang - 7 years ago
Major click bait title here. No Great White that's near that size has ever been caught, and even most of the unreported large great white sightings are much smaller than that. More discovery channel fantasy nonsense. Remember when Shark week was based around facts and cool experiments? The implication there's a mega shark that took this bite, when everyone knows Orcas exist, is ridiculous.
Logan Speight
Logan Speight - 7 years ago
It’s only natural that a shark that big is out there. Probably multiple like it. As humans we’ve barley touched the ocean so I’m definitely not surprised if there is a species of shark that big
Nono Nonot
Nono Nonot - 7 years ago
15', thumbs down
Chris Nielsen
Chris Nielsen - 7 years ago
god, discovery is pathetic. constantly making these sharks out to be murderous killers, when they aren't.
Dean - 7 years ago
35ft my ass
LEZLIE WIAZOWSKA - 7 years ago
Why don't scientists clean up the oceans so the poor marine life doesn't have to swim around in a human garbage dump. They pretend to care about the marine life. They are just terrorizing the sharks with their "studies" that are essentially useless. Lobby multinational Satan worshipers to stop drudging for poison oil, stop making plastic and nuclear energy like FUK U SHIMA that destroys the oceans and planet. EPA scientists are useless. It does not take a rocket scientist to see what they should be doing . PROTECT THE ANIMALS FROM POISONING. Orcas have NO BIRTH RATE...NOT REPRODUCING. STUPID scientists floating around tracking animals tagging them and attaching some EMP device that drives the poor animal nuts.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
What a load of nonsense...
Stuhnism - 7 years ago
If it has had years to heal that means it would have been smaller when the whale got bit make the shark smaller
Tommy Croissant
Tommy Croissant - 7 years ago
95% sure that was a killer whale bite
Nicholas Farrer
Nicholas Farrer - 7 years ago
Who knows guys the ocean is a big place and we have only explored 4% of it haha
Misunderstood78ca - 7 years ago
If that shark was as big as u say that tail would be gone!
Shanae Myob
Shanae Myob - 7 years ago
35ft shark... what a load off bullshit.. that shark is not 35ft lol The shark in jaws was only 25foot... this really is a stupid named video
Stuart Wilson
Stuart Wilson - 7 years ago
The whale got bitten as a baby and the scar grew with it
DingleBungus - 7 years ago
35ft shark lul yeah ok, maybe it was a 35ft mermaid?
JJ Gamer
JJ Gamer - 7 years ago
I ain’t ever going in the sea again
arnold diaz
arnold diaz - 7 years ago
it got bitten young so it grew out its huge scar.
arnold diaz
arnold diaz - 7 years ago
unless they prove it was bitten recently as a full sized mammal.
Br0wn Dynamite
Br0wn Dynamite - 7 years ago
Only approximately 5% of our oceans has been discovered. It honestly could be anything even a new species of some sort
Dale - 7 years ago
Sorry to ruin the fantasy, but basically the info is pretty straightforward.

It was almost definitely a white shark that ate the tag. They're claiming it ate the entire 9foot white shark which is ridiculous. They tag the dorsal fin and when big whites attack smaller whites the liver and the dorsal is where they attack. So the smaller shark could have very well survived if a big shark just took a bit at it's dorsal and managed to get the tag, or it did kill the 9 footer but it certainly didn't have to swallow it whole.

The temp recordings on the tag match the stomach of a white shark so orca is ruled out and it stayed deep for a long time so doubly so no orca.

A white shark anywhere from 10-20 feet long was the most likely culprit.
Arch. Benjie
Arch. Benjie - 7 years ago
The answer is megalodon ok thats solves the mystery
Strange Reviews
Strange Reviews - 7 years ago
Does anyone know if Kurt Jenner is related to Bruce Jenner?
AsHDro1d - 7 years ago
I would've learned more if I just had a wank
Paul Cooper
Paul Cooper - 7 years ago
35ft my arse
Nathan Ford
Nathan Ford - 7 years ago
Carl Sison
Carl Sison - 7 years ago
whale shark?
Tribe Benjamin
Tribe Benjamin - 7 years ago
By killer whales ...what else.
GrCE Wolfie
GrCE Wolfie - 7 years ago
I find it funny cause they just want found new remains of a Meglodon that was only estimated to be 8 thousand years old
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Can you provide a source for your claim?
Vladimir_Bone Spur_tRump
Vladimir_Bone Spur_tRump - 7 years ago

Call us when you "discover" something.
mat dinkleburg
mat dinkleburg - 7 years ago
well good thing they werent in tht lol
Dylan Roberts
Dylan Roberts - 7 years ago
To be fair, we haven’t explored the entire ocean yet, so we have no clue just how big a great white shark can truly get.
I’m taking this video with a grain of salt.
PolarBearBella - 7 years ago
U r lieing dummy's
Balthazar GdP
Balthazar GdP - 7 years ago
or... the beacon alone has been ate or just drifted away.
Mike McCourt
Mike McCourt - 7 years ago
What? Those zip ties oughtta hold up...
Kimber Lee
Kimber Lee - 7 years ago
Could the whale have received the bite as a juvenile?
Andrew Young
Andrew Young - 7 years ago
utter Bollocks no 35ft great whites sharks exist.
MisterZhivago WheelieMaster
MisterZhivago WheelieMaster - 7 years ago
Ben Hall
Ben Hall - 7 years ago
trolling...the whale probably hit the back of a propeller more likely....
Ben Hall
Ben Hall - 7 years ago
Valerie Freeman
Valerie Freeman - 7 years ago
So no 35 ft great white shark lurking? That's why i won't subscribe. Assholes.
Austacker - 7 years ago
What in the actual fuck is this shit? 1/2 a video talking about a 'possible' 'maybe' 35 foot killer shark. 2nd half showing a 15 foot shark eating marine equipment.
I want my 7:36 wasted watching this crap back thanks. What a waste of time!
Chris de Jong
Chris de Jong - 7 years ago
killer whale?
Powder Puff
Powder Puff - 7 years ago
Click bate
Evil Conduct
Evil Conduct - 7 years ago
Why dont u leave them alone ?
Titus Monk
Titus Monk - 7 years ago
Meg my ass
nikos12 adidas
nikos12 adidas - 7 years ago
Adam Burgess
Adam Burgess - 7 years ago
Megaladon is still living
Adam D
Adam D - 7 years ago
Metric!! In Australia we use metric what's with the feet!
David Mathes
David Mathes - 7 years ago
the whale was probably bitten while it was a calf and the scar grew with the whale, you can tell it isnt fresh, scientists huh, oh It said FOX shark expeditions expert, so Fox alternative facts sure 35 feet....make it 40!
David Mathes
David Mathes - 7 years ago
35 ft my ass lol more like 18 ft at best
Janakma Jana
Janakma Jana - 7 years ago
What if it has been discovered but no one knows cause they eat them
Swish It!
Swish It! - 7 years ago
PERTH? DID YOU JUST SAY PERTH!? i am moving to mars right now
Abhik Debnath
Abhik Debnath - 7 years ago
The whale's wound is completely healed. it could be an event that may have taken place years ago when the whale's size was smaller. So why take the bite size now and estimate? Also, in the sea most of the big predators bite and eat. Therefore, the nine footer could have survived a bite from a 15 footer that took off the sensor and eaten that portion whole instead of the theory of a humongous behemoth present deep down. It may be possible that there are such predators but always praying for a Megalodon to be true just makes these assumptions sound childish.
skullkiller 5555
skullkiller 5555 - 7 years ago
Matt Brisebois
Matt Brisebois - 7 years ago
What if the whale was bitten while he or she was a baby
NA NA - 7 years ago
FACT: Only a 2X larger size shark or MEGA Shark or Ancient Unknown Deep Creature can eat a 9 foot shark!
Scott Rock
Scott Rock - 7 years ago
It's to the point where you can't believe a damn thing coming from The Discovery Channel because of their stupid Mermaid and Stupid Megladon shows. And yeah I know they both came from the Animal Planet buy who owns the Animal Planet?? That's right Discovery Channel does
Robert Cornelius
Robert Cornelius - 7 years ago
Peter Cavellini
Peter Cavellini - 7 years ago
Conjecture, that’s all it is,and until one is actually filmed and not a CGI’d like most of the alleged posts on here , this Myth will still be a Myth!
Lucinda May
Lucinda May - 7 years ago
I am scared of so many sea animals and sharks will always be one!
Rudro Lahiri
Rudro Lahiri - 7 years ago
hb Killer Whale
quentmclaine - 7 years ago
um in the video they said 15 feet long the title says 35 feet anyone else notice that
Fvkin Amazed
Fvkin Amazed - 7 years ago
Killer whale, orca
Adam Tate
Adam Tate - 7 years ago
Kellie Davalos - Poneyfeathers
Kellie Davalos - Poneyfeathers - 7 years ago
Hungry shark.
Kellie Davalos - Poneyfeathers
Kellie Davalos - Poneyfeathers - 7 years ago
Did anyone consider if the whale was bit as an adolesent, the shark was probably not a huge monster....? The whale would have grown and the bite zone appears bigger.
J&S Gaming
J&S Gaming - 7 years ago
If it was a killer whale it had to be much smaller
Kevim Simoes
Kevim Simoes - 7 years ago
fairly cut bean light entrance soccer garlic sister bit.
Kryptie - 7 years ago
This is why I don't go in the ocean anymore
Kryptie - 7 years ago
Is this a fake documentary
dan Gregory
dan Gregory - 7 years ago
Most misleading video I've seen
dan Gregory
dan Gregory - 7 years ago
Could of happened young and as the whale grew it healed leaving a large scar. Now if the bite were fresh that big I could see where you would think the shark would have to be that big. Everything on tv like YouTube is just to draw someone in to watch but it's always it may be or it could be but you can what if all day can't you
pee tree
pee tree - 7 years ago
Maybe the whale was attaked at a young age and grew with the wound
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon - 7 years ago
The shark is just fucking playin.. DISLIKE
Alvin McDole
Alvin McDole - 7 years ago
Where's the 35ft. Great white? What a gyp. Totally misleading title.
tsunaamii - 7 years ago
how can he say definitively that Megalodons are gone and dusted? People have discovered previously thought extinct animals in deep forests/rainforests/islands that were previously untouched by humans... and we still don't know what more than 90% of our planet's oceans hold-- I think it's stupid to say 100% that it ISN'T a Megalodon because they've been deemed 'extinct'.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
"It was LITERALLY said years and years ago, that we know less about our own oceans than we do about the Universe"

I take it, this was meant as an answer to my question " What are you basing these 90% on? " Yes, I can understand the memory can be a tricky thing. Did you come up with the percentage yourself then? Or are you in fact referring to the detailed mapping of the ocean floor? (where these percentages usually come from) If so, may I ask what the detailed mapping of the ocean floor has to do with megalodon's conceilment and survival?

" All of what you said is all well and good."

In what way? I asked you questions with regards to your statements. 1.) Why should this shark be the exception to the rule? 2.) why would any of these animals be comparable to the greatest shark that ever lived? Could you please answer those questions.

The main question now , after reading your latest contribution, would be to ask: Why even presume this shark is dwelling in the depths of the abyss? You seem to try and answer that here, (after repeatedly assuming it could live and remains in the Abyss for no apparent reason):

"So unless you're 100% certain there are no Megalodons (which mind you if giant squids live in the abyss, that would be an AMAZING source of food for the Megalodon. Which may have even evolved to be able to function in the abyss in the millions of years it's been on this planet due to it's food source being more abundant there after it's original hunting grounds was no longer under water.)"

I am not quite sure I understand this somewhat garbled message. Could you please rephrase your argument?

"please do not make definitive statements that make the act of scientific study look like a wishy-washy half-assed profession."

Well, as you think so highly of the scientific process, please refer me to any scientific paper that argues or suggests megalodon is or could be still alive. And, whilst you are at it, please refer me to any other scientific paper on megalodon you have read to date , if time allows. Thanks.
tsunaamii - 7 years ago
Dude. It was LITERALLY said years and years ago, that we know less about our own oceans than we do about the Universe. All of what you said is all well and good. But it's not hope, it's scientific doubt. There's no PROOF the Megalodon is or ISN'T extinct! MY point, was he shouldn't definitively state in a scientific documentary that it IS GONE.

Has he gone into the black abyss that no man nor machine has gone before and studied the entirety of the ocean floor and below for fossils to be able to say 100% that the Megalodon is extinct?

That answer is easy. NO. No he has not. The fact that you fail to recall that our oceans are way more vast than what we've ever seen... literally proves that you're not a person of science otherwise you wouldn't discredit the possibility as that man did.

Until we've scoured the entire ocean floor and studied absolutely every inch of the abyss, it isn't HOPE that will continue me and other's thinking this way. It will be the scientific facts that WE JUST DON'T KNOW.

It's stupid statements like what that man said and what you're saying that first said "Pluto isn't a planet, it's an asteroid" then "no wait, it's a planet" then "no wait it's neither, it's a "dwarf planet". So unless you're 100% certain there are no Megalodons (which mind you if giant squids live in the abyss, that would be an AMAZING source of food for the Megalodon. Which may have even evolved to be able to function in the abyss in the millions of years it's been on this planet due to it's food source being more abundant there after it's original hunting grounds was no longer under water.) please do not make definitive statements that make the act of scientific study look like a wishy-washy half-assed profession.

"Until otherwise proven, science will never dismiss all possibilities"
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
"how can he say definitively that Megalodons are gone and dusted?"

A number of reasons, starting with the fossil record, the lack of credible sightings, lack of other evidence (single fresh tooth, whale carcass with huge bite marks, etc), lack of impact on the eco-system such a large apex predator would have and so on. Then there are all its extinct predecessors (no one talks about as they don't know the names), its favourite prey and even its rivals - all gone the way of the dodo. Why should this shark be the exception to the rule?

"People have discovered previously thought extinct animals in deep forests/rainforests/islands that were previously untouched by humans... "

And why would any of these animals be comparable to the greatest shark that ever lived? It is no good just counting the hits and ignoring the misses either.

"and we still don't know what more than 90% of our planet's oceans hold"

What are you basing these 90% on?

"-- I think it's stupid to say 100% that it ISN'T a Megalodon because they've been deemed 'extinct'."

Hope dies last. if anyone wants to argue these shark may still exist they'll need a lot better arguments than the Lazarus taxon and doubt.
YVNG CARL JVNG - 7 years ago
a couple of brits are outsmarted by a big fish. colour me surprised..
dj kslay
dj kslay - 7 years ago
so u mean 15 ft you fucking cunt
Jesse Martin Soller
Jesse Martin Soller - 7 years ago
Is 35 ft for great white big enough for a megalodon?
JimmyD7707 - 7 years ago
I'm on swim team and I'm already afraid of sharks. This didn't help
Randall Anderson
Randall Anderson - 7 years ago
this is so stupid. if the whale was bitten when it was a baby the predator would not need to be very big at all. these scientists need to make money so they make 35 ft. long sharks and giant gorillas called big foot so they can make videos
The Question
The Question - 7 years ago
The whale could’ve been bit from a different angle
Jaley_gaming _onYT
Jaley_gaming _onYT - 7 years ago
I’m 15,8 jk I actually don’t know but I’m only 9..
Robbie Ferguson
Robbie Ferguson - 7 years ago
Seems like the most likely and plausible answer is a Killer Whale in both cases.
funmod gaming
funmod gaming - 7 years ago
where is this 35foot shark?
funmod gaming
funmod gaming - 7 years ago
a 21-26 feet shark could do this sort of damage and dive aswell as a octupus or squid i dony remember which lives where
XGuitarGamingX - 7 years ago
no 35 ft shark
im annoyed
XGuitarGamingX - 7 years ago
this is cxlickbait
Seek N Destroy
Seek N Destroy - 7 years ago
And they say sharks only attack things that move in the water..... I'll stick to dry land, thanks.
LP Tekkers
LP Tekkers - 7 years ago
Cool video
BradleyDavid 182
BradleyDavid 182 - 7 years ago
Its Submarine!
dj hardcore
dj hardcore - 7 years ago
the biggest whale penis was 35 ft...hard.
Ben Rehbeck
Ben Rehbeck - 7 years ago
Joe Ezetta
Joe Ezetta - 7 years ago
The bite mark on the whale is totally flawed. They are not considering that the bite could of happened when the whale was a baby.
lobomuerto11 - 7 years ago
Downvote for misleading title.
Minecraft gamer Roblox- and more
Minecraft gamer Roblox- and more - 7 years ago
That’s rare
Paula Jewitt
Paula Jewitt - 7 years ago
It got bitten when it was a calf and grew with the bite.simple
Camouflage Man
Camouflage Man - 7 years ago
its probably a hump back whale
Thomas Adams
Thomas Adams - 7 years ago
I think this is about submarine the great white shark. But we can't trust discovery anymore because of megeladon
Lucinda Holland
Lucinda Holland - 7 years ago
Um just a speculation but what if a great white did bite that pygmy whale when the whale was a juvenile. And the whale just grew and it looks like a huge bite
Amanda Mayoli Alayon
Amanda Mayoli Alayon - 7 years ago
The end reminded me of the scene in Armageddon when they were pulling bits of the space buggy "your not gonna need one of those"
"What's that a$1000 ice cream scoop" lol.
PES-create - 7 years ago
Great whites do not grow to 35 feet...the longest ever recorded are around 20 - 23 feet and even those are debatable. Basking sharks get that big and whale sharks are even bigger...both are harmless to humans. That 'bite' was probably an injury caused by something else, a boat perhaps or a killer whale maybe who do get that big.
Tahlia. Unicorn
Tahlia. Unicorn - 7 years ago
Why does all these types of sharks videos have to be where I live
Anja The Chocoholic
Anja The Chocoholic - 7 years ago
Sharks are kinda cute...
T.E. Gilsrud
T.E. Gilsrud - 7 years ago
Anja The Chocoholic thank you!!! All my friends are terrified of sharks (because I live in Minnesota US) because they have never seen one except for at sea world but I was born in Florida and lived there for a while so I was 6 months old the first time I saw a shark and 2 the first time I swam with one and 2 1/2 the first time I pet one so I'm not scared of them
Alex Schloesser
Alex Schloesser - 7 years ago
Maybe next time, but a camera on it.
Valentino D
Valentino D - 7 years ago
what a bs video
Gabriel Cundari
Gabriel Cundari - 7 years ago
why are you using ropes instead of chains...
FLAT EARTH - 7 years ago
Blank C7
Blank C7 - 7 years ago
Maybe the mega shark is in the Mariana Trench the deepest point of the Oscan!
forrest gump V
forrest gump V - 7 years ago
Not true, the bite was received when the whale was young and grew bigger as it did. Is there anyone with common sense here ?
Brian Hart
Brian Hart - 7 years ago
The depiction of megalodon in this video is inaccurate. Scientists have recently proven they had feathers, which isn't shown here.
the quietrioter
the quietrioter - 7 years ago
love how these people completely dismiss the possibility of megalodon still existing when we've barely explored 3% of the ocean and have no actual understanding of any of its habits aside from common diet. we discover new species all the time so who's to say an apex predator with no natural enemies that has been proven to still have lived only 10,000 years ago doesn't still exist today. certaintly ignorance on their part in my opinion.
Katrina Thysse
Katrina Thysse - 7 years ago
Click bait!
Legitdark Hammer
Legitdark Hammer - 7 years ago
Good day mate
Benjamin Maddox
Benjamin Maddox - 7 years ago
"Your dingy is mine now Hoomans."
Kekoa Fleming
Kekoa Fleming - 7 years ago
Seems to be a flaw in their logic. The bite in the whale did not necessarily occur when the whale was fully grown/at its current size, so taking the radius and assuming that is the size if the jaw of the predator seems far fetched.
Connor&Maddy Ggames
Connor&Maddy Ggames - 7 years ago
If something with a five foot bite radius ate the shark then I bet he’ll die
Misfits miami
Misfits miami - 7 years ago
Imagine if that was a cage with people in it!
ROMAK 47 - 7 years ago
AlphaPig VLOG
AlphaPig VLOG - 7 years ago
whats going to happened to the subrurin
Benjamin Myles
Benjamin Myles - 7 years ago
Nasty fuckers they are
LιGнT - 7 years ago
Biggieboss power
Biggieboss power - 7 years ago
That shows how clever that Animal is cutting the robe if some Human where in this little Ubot he would be fucked up and eaten alive
Janice Van Horn
Janice Van Horn - 7 years ago
That Jesus dude at 4:32 is hot!
Ms. Dark Smile
Ms. Dark Smile - 7 years ago
Its a megalodon or bloop
Numis Collector
Numis Collector - 7 years ago
Nah, it must be a killer whale.
Mischa Mackenzie
Mischa Mackenzie - 7 years ago
Whyyy in Australia
Lonnie H
Lonnie H - 7 years ago
This shark is very mischievous lmao
Myclass Sir
Myclass Sir - 7 years ago
He should of called it 'The fun zone'
Dan Bugenhagen
Dan Bugenhagen - 7 years ago
Holy cow, is that bite mark in that whale actually real? Or is it more spoofs from discovery channel?
Stotty01 - 7 years ago
Possible suggestion... that whale was born with that defect? Or it was bitten when it was much younger and smaller, and has since grown as the bite mark’s expanded?
But we do like to believe there’s some ancient huge mega shark lurking around.
Soulmanliy - 7 years ago
Your gonna need a bigger boat....
Chance1957 - 7 years ago
Discovery Channel is such a horrible exploitive channel. What a bunch of nonsense.
UNLEARN THE SYSTEM - 7 years ago
Your kidding yourself if you think that megladons are extinct. Science tells us a bunch of bullshit it's a guessing.... Just like the Coelacanth ...found fossils and tell us they died out millions of years ago but yet still swim around in our oceans
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
"Your kidding yourself if you think that megladons are extinct"

What makes you think that? 99% of all animals have died out. There is nothing unreasonable to assume this large shark died out, same as all its predecessors, its prey and even rivals.

"Science tells us a bunch of bullshit it's a guessing...."

Could you please provide the scientific citations and sources you have used to come to this conclusion? Thanks

"Just like the Coelacanth ...found fossils and tell us they died out millions of years ago but yet still swim around in our oceans."

Is that the only reason you think coelacanths are comparable to megs? Because they also lived millions of years ago and were declared extinct, you think meg's chances of adaptation and survival are equally good and reasonable? Why?
Zac Lance
Zac Lance - 7 years ago
Lol the whale could have been a calf when it was bitten and would have grown and the bite mark would have grown with it
SHREKYBOY 26 - 7 years ago
Nicholas Prescott
Nicholas Prescott - 7 years ago
Oh yeah also...35 feet, strong bite force, orca. Ez
Nicholas Prescott
Nicholas Prescott - 7 years ago
35 ft. Bullshit
Charles Noon
Charles Noon - 7 years ago
As much as I'd like to think it was something big... Isn't it a lot more likely that another shark or fish saw the sensor waving around on the sharks back and just swallowed the sensor? It would sure look like a trapped fish being dragged along, just like sharks eating fish off fishing lines...
Deniz Metin
Deniz Metin - 7 years ago
There is no proof that the Megalodon is extinct and a Great white up to 35 feet? I don't think thats possible. If it was a shark it will be a Megalodon. They can grow up to 100 feet. + We have only discovered 5% of the ocean so what are the other 95%
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
By all means, please provide evidence (like a credible source) for these supposed jaws that were found. I'll gladly look into it, DeRed777. By the way, don't forget the rest of my prior comment, will you?
Deniz Metin
Deniz Metin - 7 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present hahahahaha there were Jaws found that could make a MEG 100feet long
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Well, people don't need to go about disproving the existence of something, it is quite the other way around. The current consensus is that megs grew to about 60ft, possible 65 ft, not 100 ft. Are you aware that the 5% refers to the detailed mapping of the ocean floor? Could you please explain how the detailed mapping of the ocean floor would be of importance to meg's survival and conceilment? Thanks.
Zachary Howell
Zachary Howell - 7 years ago
Most likely a killer whale bit it
Phil Giellea
Phil Giellea - 7 years ago
Click Bait
mrzack888 - 7 years ago
fuk that shark
Don Burson
Don Burson - 7 years ago
Why couldn't it have been attacked when it was an adolescent whale or could it have been bitten by a killer whale?
a rainbow Fishy
a rainbow Fishy - 7 years ago
It was jaws
Domenic Torreto
Domenic Torreto - 7 years ago
'This requires planning and innovation'....and a massive set of fuckin' balls!!!
Bernard Wilkinson
Bernard Wilkinson - 7 years ago
There's a massive shark out there!!!! or something did this when the whale was a juvenile!!!! Hmmmm
RNG zus
RNG zus - 7 years ago
couldve been a killer whale.
Warren Adshead
Warren Adshead - 7 years ago
Try orca
Dallon Ghan
Dallon Ghan - 7 years ago
Umm. It was not 35ft. It was 15
Prettykitty 17
Prettykitty 17 - 7 years ago
Only 5% of the Ocean has been uncovered so it could be a megolodon
Leland Matt
Leland Matt - 7 years ago
whata waste of 7 mins.
Sesaphim - 7 years ago
killer whales are likely candidates as well
محمد عنتر
محمد عنتر - 7 years ago
There was no 35 foot shark in this video, fuck you.
Kaiser Norman
Kaiser Norman - 7 years ago
Fish are friends, not food
Ask Kvam
Ask Kvam - 7 years ago
Unawnsered question. Who filmed underwater?
vincent mak
vincent mak - 7 years ago
The shark: I did it on purpose!
StrateUpJee - 7 years ago
A 35 ft Great White is impossible, this video is click bait
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 7 years ago
I love Calzones
Christian Gutierrez
Christian Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Orca ate the 9ft Shark, and I know forsure theirs 30-40ft Great Whites their has to be, somewhere In the Deep Blue.
Aaron Almendarez
Aaron Almendarez - 7 years ago
We could be lowking at a hyuge shak
GENJI SHIMADA - 7 years ago
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 7 years ago
Javier Perwz
Javier Perwz - 7 years ago
Where are all the people from peta. I. Never see them protesting crocodiles piranhas orcas to great whites they do the same things
Douchebags Refuted
Douchebags Refuted - 7 years ago
That whale bite could've happened when it was much smaller and it just looks like something big bit it because the whale has grown alot.
DreadPirateRoberts - 7 years ago
How did they know the shark got eaten alive ?
Grant Pantling
Grant Pantling - 7 years ago
could that mark come from when the whale was younger? with a normal sized shark
Pranay Francis
Pranay Francis - 7 years ago
who was the aquaman looking guy
Pizza Island
Pizza Island - 7 years ago
why the frick would you go swimming in water that is called the frickin ‘kill zone’ like... wth
gavino - 7 years ago
yeah no beach for a year now
MrHumatang - 7 years ago
there is no 35ft shark in this video, ur trollin for views Discovery. Bring back Sourcefed!
I.C.E Agent MAN
I.C.E Agent MAN - 7 years ago
Obviously the tagged shark connected boats to food so it was easily tagged by it coming up to the boat my theory is it did the same thing and was killed for it's fins or thrill kill
Aden Matthews
Aden Matthews - 7 years ago
Maybe it's a megalodon
NBD Merks
NBD Merks - 7 years ago
Could it not just be a male orca whale
digitalbath - 7 years ago
ran over by large ship. prop did it
Boylan hot designs BHD
Boylan hot designs BHD - 7 years ago
would the scar grow with the whale... ? ie... bit when smaller?
Zody Kelley
Zody Kelley - 7 years ago
The really big Great Whites stay away from people.
Tyrant Lizard King
Tyrant Lizard King - 7 years ago
35ft great white? HA yea right
Syntax Remix
Syntax Remix - 7 years ago
Just got click baited so hard by Discovery feelsbadman
Phillip White
Phillip White - 7 years ago
Wank, wank, army tank!
bernard vorce
bernard vorce - 7 years ago
The largest great white ever recorded was 21 feet at 2 1/2 tons. 35 feet is complete rubbish.
mcfish - 7 years ago
Well don’t go swimming
David Price
David Price - 7 years ago
First of all, Sharks don't glide on top of the water with their financial sticking out. Orcas and mantas might be what you see if you're seeing a final out of the water, maybe even a whale, but sharks attack from BELOW
B Mallard
B Mallard - 7 years ago
Time wasted on conjecture. Thanks. Shit repost.
Frank Calisch
Frank Calisch - 7 years ago
Umm... the whale was probably attacked as an adolescent and the scar from the bite grew with the whale.
Bianca Gallagher
Bianca Gallagher - 7 years ago
Well considering we are "rediscovering" sea creatures that we thought were long extinct and have only explored about 5% of the ocean, means we can't completely disregard the possible existence of megaladon.
JKF Killer
JKF Killer - 7 years ago
Wat if it's a Infint megladon
J. S.
J. S. - 7 years ago
Damn even discovery out here click batting, this video should of been named "sunken sumergible during shark search"
FUCK GOOGLE - 7 years ago
Ummm, where the fuck is the "35' great white"? Fucking click bait! I'll never click on another discovery vid again. Some of us have principles!
Shafin Mahmud
Shafin Mahmud - 7 years ago
It was 15 feet not 35
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
How do you know it was 15ft?
Chris Died
Chris Died - 7 years ago
maybe that injury happened when the whale was way smaller morons
James Jamerson
James Jamerson - 7 years ago
I live in Perth. I am never swimming in the ocean EVER again.
mikedehoogh black flag race photos
mikedehoogh black flag race photos - 7 years ago
Well what the hell did they THINK was gonne happen? Duuh.
Rizzle Dizzle
Rizzle Dizzle - 7 years ago
Why don't they just ask the whale what bit it? Why do they have to make this so complicated ?
chris huss
chris huss - 7 years ago
35' shark????
This is my life
This is my life - 7 years ago
Hey Discovery channel, you remember when you used to have really cool science programming? Not this fantasy wank bullshit? I do, and it was awesome. Can we get back to real science sometime?
HenrikLordOfMemes - 7 years ago
Anyone else get goosebumps?
ED MAGIC - 7 years ago
For the thing that took that bite out of the whale, that little submersible isn't a submarine. It's just a lure for the beast their looking for.
John Paul
John Paul - 7 years ago
Mark Marsh
Mark Marsh - 7 years ago
Surprising that Discovery UK would produce click bait bullshit like THIS. .... The giant chunk "bitten" out of the whale was obviously caused by a collision with a curved-hull speed boat. .... This bullshit documentary is playing to the idiots who believe The Megalodon Hoax. .... The largest shark ever measured was a 37 foot Great White. .... This is a really low level garbage "documentary," using the term VERY loosely), but Discovery also airs totally idiotic Ghost Hunting programs don't they?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Oh, what a shame. I had rather hoped for a new source that hadn't been refuted by Randall in 1987. I don't suppose you could tell me the publishing date of your copy? Thanks.
Mark Marsh
Mark Marsh - 7 years ago
Yes. .... Guiness Book Of World Records.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Can you please cite a credible source for that 37 foot white shark? Thanks.
Lt. COD - 7 years ago
Discovery with the clickbait
Richard Pembroke
Richard Pembroke - 7 years ago
Possibly the Japanese had a bite?
Russell Hayward
Russell Hayward - 7 years ago
I like how he immediately said it couldn't have been a megalodon because it's extinct.
Calvin smith
Calvin smith - 7 years ago
There isn’t a megalodon in the ocean , that whale got hit with a propeller of some kind guy’s . And that tracking device has probably failed most likely. You’re grown men not children lol
Jiang Dashan
Jiang Dashan - 7 years ago
More bullshit and fiction from discovery Channel or should now call it Disinfo Channel UK/US/CANADA/AUSTRÁLIA?
Kenneth Lukens
Kenneth Lukens - 7 years ago
It looked like a happy puppy dog playing with a toy! I laughed so hard at the dramatic attempt to make it look like a "Jaws" like attack.
vdubwinkie - 7 years ago
No such thing as a 35 ft great white. 35 ft is close to megalodon territory
R1j0hn - 7 years ago
Fucking CLICK BAIT... No 35 ft shark, just a 15 footer.
ICE BLADE - 7 years ago
I'm convince! Those bitches will (try) to eat anything.
Aaron Humphrey
Aaron Humphrey - 7 years ago
The thumbnail is fake bc when sharks attack they have a white eyelid like sheet over they're eyes
smalltownmoto 1
smalltownmoto 1 - 7 years ago
That could have happened when the whale was young thus as the whale grows so does the bite
toby - 7 years ago
it's more realistic that the whale got bitten while it was younger and that the bite mark grew bigger while the whale was growing to it's full size, or am i wrong?
toby - 7 years ago
juan castellanos What, doesnt it make sens? Just as if you get a scar when you're younger or a tatoo it will get bigger the more you grow
juan castellanos
juan castellanos - 7 years ago
toby uhg
L-boogie the man
L-boogie the man - 7 years ago
y cant it be a Belladonna if a Galatea and the treetop have lived that long y cant a meglodoan
Thomas Healy
Thomas Healy - 7 years ago
Killer whales eat great whites. Case solved.
AnarKlay - 7 years ago
Fuck you for the clickbait title. Pretty sure this was on shark week and they concluded it was an orca.
GaVoor Gaming
GaVoor Gaming - 7 years ago
Sims 3 Forever Dude
Sims 3 Forever Dude - 7 years ago
The only Shark that could've done it, is Megalodon. Megalodon was the biggest known Shark to ever live. That guy who said that it wasn't Megalodon wasn't necessarily correct. Megalodon has not been proven to be extinct, as less than 3% of the entire ocean has been explored. I believe that it was Megalodon.
GJ D - 7 years ago
So much speculative BS. A large great white of any size needs to feed on seals and such and so it needs to come to the surface and does not make it's living in the dark depths. These so called experts are simply fantasizing and playing up the mystery factor. Misleading and at times down right ridiculous.
Isabelle Wittwer
Isabelle Wittwer - 7 years ago
Don't orcas eat calf blur whales/large whales? Couldn't this whale have been bitten by an orca while young and the scar spread as the animal grew?
Joseph Materese
Joseph Materese - 7 years ago
There is no such thing as a 35' white shark
J Lee
J Lee - 7 years ago
Guys I just got $1643on my paypal from this tool without paying anything:(just go to) ~> freepplmoney.win/?tGi9sK
BlessedJaguar75 - 7 years ago
Wouldn’t that be a Megalodon? That’s a little big for a great white. Ik he said there’s no way, but that thing’s bigger than Jaws
van castro
van castro - 7 years ago
Such a waste if time for Drama.. its a "killer whale"... orca... stop the drama...
Dilana Karatas
Dilana Karatas - 7 years ago
My soul would leave my body if I was so close to that giant sushi
HerpMahDerpFlurpleDumunumuh - 7 years ago
Im 5:41 into it , and I'm willing to bet 100$ they just lost that lil yellow sub in the killzone XD
HerpMahDerpFlurpleDumunumuh - 7 years ago
This is what u want? - this is what u get!
This is what u want? - this is what u get! - 7 years ago
Yeah maybe JUST MAYBE it was bitten while it was young..!
Konig Corvus
Konig Corvus - 7 years ago
A boat or ship did that to the whale's tail. These guys are not using the scientific method, therefore they will not discover the truth.
MrMossi10 - 7 years ago
95% of our oceans are unexplored I will never rule anything out when it comes to the deep blue!
Sean Little
Sean Little - 7 years ago
Orca makes way more sense than a 35 ft great white
Shanananananan Dlan'E
Shanananananan Dlan'E - 7 years ago
You sunk my battleship!
Drowsy Waters
Drowsy Waters - 7 years ago
The wanker lost the submersible? -- Jacques Cocteau he's not.
Julia McDonald-Carberry
Julia McDonald-Carberry - 7 years ago
Why does the come on for this video state the shark is 35 ft long? BS & sensationalism. This is why sharks are in trouble all over the world & our oceans are in peril. Shame on you people for pandering to peoples' fear & hatred of sharks.
General Zod
General Zod - 7 years ago
I still remember when discovery networks still had good programming. They made educational programs fun & interesting.
Discovery, Animal planet, History channel etc. They were all good. Now, they're all unwatchable nonsense. CEO of discovery networks: i hope bad things happen to you!
Ralph Sadio
Ralph Sadio - 7 years ago
Lol liar its not 35 feet not even half it says its over 15feet lol
zooknut kr
zooknut kr - 7 years ago
Sharks don't get that big 35 ft that's a lie just makes for good story
mikesteelheart - 7 years ago
FitzRoyce from Jaws 3: "That would mean a shark of 35ft in length..."
Bill Angelos
Bill Angelos - 7 years ago
Sensationalized and total shit. They say that this great white was eaten whole, never say why they think that. They then show a whale with what looks like a chunk bitten out of it and spend a while talking about how there must be a massive shark somewhere. I guess maybe they ruled out that as a much smaller whale it had this bite happen to it, and as it grew up the missing section grew in proportion to the rest of the whale, making what was at the time a fairly small bite look like something much bigger? Yea, I don't think discovery is the kind that would lie to drive ratings (except those times when they did).
Bullworker64 - 7 years ago
Did the Mermans do this?
sbk 360
sbk 360 - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat !
ROBERT T - 7 years ago
Discovery channel slides a couple notches more, down the integrity scale.
LX Forde
LX Forde - 7 years ago
WHAAAAT?? Shark eats submersible / but we didnt see the end, of .......???
Chris Garcia
Chris Garcia - 7 years ago
Or maybe the whale got bit when it was younger and the bite mark grew with the whale ? Think about it
Tim Lombardini
Tim Lombardini - 7 years ago
Awww, sharky just wants to be petted. lol
John Dearing
John Dearing - 7 years ago
The comments are funny to read. With only roughly 5% of our oceans explored science has no idea what could or not possibly be swimming in them. There are some shark species that are believed to live up to and past 200 years growing larger the whole time. I really love how people think that we know everything there is to know about our world.
Rocky's Rants
Rocky's Rants - 7 years ago
Clear was an old injury sustained as a baby which grew with the whale.
zven gally
zven gally - 7 years ago
When people make plans, god laughs.
Sharkie - 7 years ago
U sure that’s 35ft?
Easyrider Pappy
Easyrider Pappy - 7 years ago
It is Obvious that bite mark is from when the whale was young.. It would take years for that to heal over just as it has... These so call scientist was wishing in one hand and you know what is going to fill it and its not chocolate pudding. Idiots
Adminbrallan Gaming
Adminbrallan Gaming - 7 years ago
It could be a killer whale
Cherrybomb510 - 7 years ago
henryboy arizona
henryboy arizona - 7 years ago
what about an Orca??
knightryderbelow - 7 years ago
The whale was bitten by a killer whale! They do that when the kill the younger whales to eat!
TheShadowInmate - 7 years ago
there is already recorded a great white that is 37ft long... so 35ft is not impossible at all
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Where has this great white been recorded?
As Dyer
As Dyer - 7 years ago
just make all the shark extinct so that no more lives lost because of this shark..
adrift - 7 years ago
Jennifer Beasley
Jennifer Beasley - 7 years ago
Maybe it was an Orca. It would make sense if so expecially if it was a female protecting her baby
tigress63 - 7 years ago
LOL - likely Japanese or Chinese boat that made the initial shark disappear - something huge eating a large shark alive - give me a break!  You can tell by the rest of it they're retards
Mike Croxson
Mike Croxson - 7 years ago
I'm never going in the ocean again that could sink a small boat
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka - 7 years ago
If these guys study unknown dog attacks on humans they just blame a really big pitbull.
HYDROPHILIK - 7 years ago
Great video! You will like a drone video we posted on our channel of SHARKS & Tarpon feeding together right near the beach!!
MarlonLouis M.L.
MarlonLouis M.L. - 7 years ago
lol they believe there theories to be actuallu true, false belief and influencing it upon others is ignorant. Could have done more research/analysis it could have been more than one shark to induce such a damage on a whale. Or it really can be a gigantic megaladon.
DJTube - 7 years ago
I imagine the 35 ft shark as a new species of shark called the great black it’s a completely Jet Black shark that lives in the kill zone and I’m shifting my pants
Tanmay Animations
Tanmay Animations - 7 years ago
Its a fucking orca
ilhan mikhail
ilhan mikhail - 7 years ago
Maybe its spongebob
Charles Moore
Charles Moore - 7 years ago
Sponge Bob would've never stopped feeding. No bitten whale, no Sponge Bob, no show.
Mobile legends Player-Youtuber-Not Prp
Mobile legends Player-Youtuber-Not Prp - 7 years ago
Spongebob is in mariana trench
Faudy TO
Faudy TO - 7 years ago
ilhan mikhail LMFAO
nate jonson
nate jonson - 7 years ago
The most recent Megladon could have lived with early man 10k years ago. They have teeth that have been carbon dated just over 10k years old. Not 2million
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Can you please provide a credible source for the claim that megalodon teeth were carbon dated to be 10 tsd years old?
Dave Love
Dave Love - 7 years ago
I think it was bitten at a young age and grew up with the missing chunk. So it would appear to be amplified as an adult.
Caroline 2017
Caroline 2017 - 7 years ago
that shark was very interested in that submersible.
halfcab81 - 7 years ago
That's one big shaack.
Glenn A.
Glenn A. - 7 years ago
To hell with that!!!! I truly believe that Megalodon still exists!!!!
JakePlays - 7 years ago
Lmao a sharks calling card I could only imagine
Zoe x
Zoe x - 7 years ago
How can you say that megladon is extinct when we have only discovered 5% of our oceans ?
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Because it is irrelevant how much of the ocean floor we have mapped to a certain degree in comparison to the moon or mars. If this shark would still be around today, we'd know about it.
gaming everything
gaming everything - 7 years ago
35 foot shark not real
Richard Conner
Richard Conner - 7 years ago
random crow
random crow - 7 years ago
there was a shark that was really big and it swam all the way down the country then it swam over florida and now its near st. pete thats near where i live it happened in the winter of 2018
Shadley Bam
Shadley Bam - 7 years ago
What the fuck! This was clickbait!
Sanzzz - 7 years ago
tubz89 - 7 years ago
Extinct between 2 and 10 million years ago.. Give or take a year
Jacob Fisher
Jacob Fisher - 7 years ago
I hate when videos lie in their titles why promise me a 35ft shark when you can't deliver
ros1tony - 7 years ago
It was a sperm whale.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
What was?
Stryder46 - 7 years ago
I'd be willing to bet it was from Orcas.
Lesley Sweeting
Lesley Sweeting - 7 years ago
Sure wish this video was mine, I could delete Anto's comment then and get rid of all of Dave's nastiness!
Elliott Readings
Elliott Readings - 7 years ago
Fake the official report estimated the cannibalistic shark to be 16ft not 35ft.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
There was no "official report" that claimed it was a cannabalistic 16 ft shark! In fact if you want any sort of official statement try this: https://blog.csiro.au/busting-the-megalodon-myth-did-a-3m-shark-get-eaten-by-an-even-bigger-shark/

This clip is simply from another documentary by filmmaker Dave Riggs and it is a sequel to his first one In search for the Ocean's Super Predator, where he came up with the claim of a 16ft cannablistic shark.
MegaLegoguy182 - 7 years ago
Adriana Pérez
Adriana Pérez - 7 years ago
That's quite the shark aye
CCphotography - 7 years ago
1st hint....there are no 35 ft great white sharks...
Connor Pierce
Connor Pierce - 7 years ago
That's a smart shark. Goes for the sub's propulsion, then severs the line connecting it to the boat.
Repla Tablet
Repla Tablet - 7 years ago
So you were on pursuit of 35ft shark and you chickened out when you saw 9ft..
STHS boys
STHS boys - 7 years ago
Are Em
Are Em - 7 years ago
What if that whale was attacked when it was younger? Watching a video about a shark that they don't even have proof of
Enrique Diaz
Enrique Diaz - 7 years ago
when they talked about the pygmy while bitten

I was here like....

hmmm what if it was bitten while younger when it was half the size lol
jasper mcmillan
jasper mcmillan - 7 years ago
B S.! These wildlife docudramas usually consist of lotsa frosting but no cake!
junglist jadi far
junglist jadi far - 7 years ago
It's all a bit fishy to me
57rooi - 7 years ago
Another video full of misleading bullshit. This Dave character wouldn't be looking for a 7 metre specimen, he'd better hope he doesn't bump into what he's looking for with gear like that...what's he think he's fishing for.....salmon...???
So unrealistic and adrenalin junkie based....
Lesley Sweeting
Lesley Sweeting - 7 years ago
Happy New Year every1
green machine
green machine - 7 years ago
the 9ft shark was almost certainly killed by a killer whale, they hunt great white sharks
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 7 years ago
Not in this case though. Recorded temperature (~78°F) and recorded diving behaviour of animal that ingested the tag disqualify orca.
Cronoviajero - 7 years ago
Why every piece of technology has to be yellow now days? Yellow is also known to attract sharks.
JarmanVI And minecraf
JarmanVI And minecraf - 7 years ago
Some megalodon’s are still alive
Rick V
Rick V - 7 years ago
Discovery channel is starting to come up with fictional fairytale BS such as megaladon mermaids etc. It's all been debunked. It's all fake
Frag Cellar
Frag Cellar - 7 years ago
so then not a ships prop .. but a giant imaginary shark.

derp science
brandon caleb
brandon caleb - 7 years ago
I just saw a 40 foot great white yesterday. Then I rode it. Then my dragon ate it.
ravingrabbids72 - 7 years ago
Killer whale
ravingrabbids72 - 7 years ago
It was bit when it was a pup and has grown 50 ft since lol
AESCULAPTORmark3 - 7 years ago
"we need to get to the bottom of this." why?
If the whale was bitter by a small shark when the whale was younger and smaller, would the bite scar grow ? As the whale grew
Tom B
Tom B - 7 years ago
That bite is more than old how old is the whale ? How much does a whale grow in 10 years ? The stretched out diameter of the bite can be easily explained by skin stretching as the whale grew
Tom B
Tom B - 7 years ago
Even the way the rake marks from the teeth are angled would lead to this conclusion
THE DUDES - 7 years ago
No deep blue is 35 also the largest shark other than megalodon
Levon Anderton
Levon Anderton - 7 years ago
megalodon could be alive still we know more about space than our own oceans
cipher88101 - 7 years ago
Good luck retrieving that fellas
QUONTUM LEEEP - 7 years ago
Nobody would be more surprised if this was true than the dumb fucks making this show.
Ayushman Srivastava
Ayushman Srivastava - 7 years ago
it would be Orcas
Amy Herrmann
Amy Herrmann - 7 years ago
When did Discovery jump the shark with these obviously fake 'documentaries?'
Fat Boy
Fat Boy - 7 years ago
that is if the whale is actually 65 ft. What do they measure the whale against? This is all speculation. Do you really think the whale would escape a giant shark?
J M - 7 years ago
Robert Blackford
Robert Blackford - 7 years ago
Click bait.
Pierre - 7 years ago
How about the whale got attaked by a regular shark while it was young..?
William Boyer
William Boyer - 7 years ago
Wasting money and time. There is no shark that big. They only make these videos to lure imbeciles like me to watch.)
Malphaze - 7 years ago
It was a Giraffe that killed it. Nasty creatures..
Ai Estrada
Ai Estrada - 7 years ago
the shark was eaten by a larger predetor
Cubamus Prime
Cubamus Prime - 7 years ago
Maybe an Orca killed it?
Abdul Karim
Abdul Karim - 7 years ago
This is so Fake everybody knows that the Shark is dead
El Chapθ
El Chapθ - 7 years ago
Could we just empty the whole ocean just boil all the water drain the ocean lol make it evaporate
Gaz Girl
Gaz Girl - 7 years ago
35 ft great white I’m sure it was .fuck people will believe anything they see or hear
peak kite
peak kite - 7 years ago
It was Just a big orca bro
Super Creep
Super Creep - 7 years ago
Carmine212 - 7 years ago
35ft? No it wasn't. Clickbait type zhit right here.
Claudio Macari
Claudio Macari - 7 years ago
Could be some sort of giant squid maybe. I'm not sure though.
KingSlayer SethR
KingSlayer SethR - 7 years ago
4:02 “How are we going to get out safe?” Me: You can’t idiot
Nomad -81-
Nomad -81- - 7 years ago
I was actually attacked by a great white. My friend and I were on a dock fishing. We attached a roast beef to a tire that was chained to the dock and threw it out. Anyways, a white shark grabbed it and while it was swimming away the chain broke the dock and dragged me out to sea. When I was swimming back to shore, I could see the dock turn around and come straight for me. Thank god I got back to friend and he was able to pull me out just in time.
Jay_ Hawk
Jay_ Hawk - 7 years ago
I’m not saying we should do it but... genetic modification. Great white shark.
Daniel Mariscal
Daniel Mariscal - 7 years ago
Megaldon is still alive because we only explored like 95 percent of the ocean
Roxie Rennel
Roxie Rennel - 7 years ago
I like sharks...
Fudge Froggit
Fudge Froggit - 7 years ago

(yes i said skark)
Who are you I’m happy
Who are you I’m happy - 7 years ago
this is my worst nightmare because I'm a surfer
awais Ahmed
awais Ahmed - 7 years ago
What if its a new breed of a megladon and a great white shark , near the end of the megladon time and the start of the great white population
Elijah Rodriguez
Elijah Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Kill me no
gottacme - 7 years ago
Couldn't the whale have had the bit on the tail at a much younger and smaller size, which would still show as a scar?
Price - 7 years ago
I don't think that is a bite wound. Whales can't survive that kind of bite. Bleeding doesn't stop! Plus the location of the wound! It is tail! What kind of brave shark can bite that big animals tail! They could be killed by one slap of the whale's tail! In addition, I never hear there exist a 35 ft long great white shark.
R Stac001
R Stac001 - 7 years ago
Ppl face it megladons still exists
Jacob Beaty
Jacob Beaty - 7 years ago
I mean killer whales are pretty big too
BEAST MODE - 7 years ago
Killer whale
Eric V.
Eric V. - 7 years ago
35' am I the only one who thinks these characters are stoned out of their damn minds!?

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