5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened
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Dark5 presents 5 stories of the most unbelievable real life shark attacks that actually happened. Subscribe for new Dark5 ►► http://bit.ly/dark5 Watch More Dark5: http://dark5.tv Like Dark5 on Facebook ► http://bit.ly/Dark5FB Follow Dark5 on Twitter ► http://bit.ly/Dark5Tweets
10. comment for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened
20. comment for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened
30. comment for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened
50. comment for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened
The injuries could have been exaggerated and it could have taken place in deeper water. So either this is fake/exaggerated or it's real and I have made a fool of myself. Still I feel awful for her family if this is real and please If I said anything wrong please correct me in the replies and please no hate comments.
Witness Keith Coventry said to Val Taylor:
"The shark just came in and just.....ate her...totally gone...there was nothing left. Nothing. It was just...incredible""
The boat captain who tried to recover the top half said:
" her legs flew in the air. There was blood everywhere. I saw the torso. It had no head and just one arm on it. The shark came back and took it and I could see it chomping on this girl as he was going down".
I can name at least a dozen totally consumed victims of great whites besides Shirley Durdin. Nick Peterson, Tyna Webb, Lloyd Skinner, Brian Guest, Cameron Bayes, Jevan Wright, Michael Docherty, Teresa Cartwright, Jarrod Stebhens, John Ford, Geoff Brazier, David Weir.
Please don't believe everything the tree hugging greenies tell us. While it's true that sharks don't target us as part of their normal prey, they can and do sometimes eat us.
"The shark just came in and just.....ate her...totally gone...there was nothing left. Nothing. It was just...incredible""
The boat captain who tried to recover the top half said:
" her legs flew in the air. There was blood everywhere. I saw the torso. It had no head and just one arm on it. The shark came back and took it and I could see it chomping on this girl as he was going down".
Great white sharks have totally eaten people on a number of occasions, particularly off Australia and South Africa where they are not spoiled in huge fat rich elephant seals.
I can name at least a dozen totally consumed victims of great whites besides Shirley Durdin. Nick Peterson, Tyna Webb, Lloyd Skinner, Brian Guest, Cameron Bayes, Jevan Wright, Michael Docherty, Teresa Cartwright, Jarrod Stebhens, John Ford, Geoff Brazier, David Weir.
Please don't believe everything the tree hugging greenies tell us. While it's true that sharks don't target us as part of their normal prey, they can and do sometimes eat us.
100. comment for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened
up! What would u guys do if u saw your mom or spouse get torn in half??? I would TOTALLY freak,probbaly pass out, Or even die right there on the spot,u never know.
I can name at least a dozen totally consumed victims of great whites besides Shirley Durdin. Nick Peterson, Tyna Webb, Lloyd Skinner, Brian Guest, Cameron Bayes, Jevan Wright, Michael Docherty, Teresa Cartwright, Jarrod Stebhens, John Ford, Geoff Brazier, David Weir.
Please don't believe everything the tree hugging greenies tell us. While it's true that sharks don't target us as part of their normal prey, they can and do sometimes eat us.
However, at least one of the ocean attacks (Charles Bruder) was a great white.
addesso giusticate voi visto che li difendete così tanto
1967.....OUR FRIGGIN PRIME MINISTER VANISHED OFF SWANSEE......they found nothing there......so no confirmation.
Farewell and adieu you ladies of Spain;
For we've received orders to sail to old England,
But we hope in a short time to see you again.
But come on, Mother Nature, couldn't you have created a less creepy and psychopathic predator?
#4. this one is just a legit lie. it is possible she was killed by a great white shark but not at this depth and absolutely not in that manner
#3. the real monster here is people :(
#2. literally the jaws movie
#1. the sharks most likely directly killed very few of these people, most of them most likely drowned due to exhaustion and were eaten post-death
source: marine bio major and common sense
Also...what are your credentials Mr. Shark Expert? And I'm sure they wouldn't choose to swim through oily water but I'm sure if food (the soldiers) was readily available there's probably nothing that would stop them ;-)
it was too coincidental otherwise
and as for #4 happening im sure the attack did take place
i was just saying that the description of the event was fictional
either the brutality of the attack was greatly exaggerated or it took place in a much greater depth of water
a shark could not generate that kind of force in an attack in such shallow water
just trying to debunk this kind of stuff before people get too afraid to go knee deep in water at the beach lol
sharks absolutely can generate tremendous force during attacks, especially great whites
but for the story to claim that such an attack happened at such a shallow depth is pure fiction
either the attack happened much further out where the water was much deeper than the story claims or the description of the attack itself was exaggerated due to the shock the witness must have been in
Please..This better not be from your imagination after watching sharknado.
Oh wait, we don't do things like that, as a general rule. We've had a few incidents of soldiers acting on their own doing things to prisoners, but in each case they've been prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of the law (or military code). Shit like #3 was government-sanctioned cruelty. As was the rape of Nanking. As was Unit 731 (and others).
To my knowledge, the Japanese government has never once apologized for what they did, yet the USA has repeatedly apologized for the atomic bomb, despite the fact that in the end, using nukes saved countless lives which would have been taken in conventional warfare.
Chrono Girl+
"Even if it was just a seal, it is pretty disturbing to see it being torn apart. Which is why it was blurred out".
How is this spam they answered the question and convinced me of thier arguement :?