5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened

Dark5 presents 5 stories of the most unbelievable real life shark attacks that actually happened. Subscribe for new Dark5 ►► http://bit.ly/dark5 Watch More Dark5: http://dark5.tv Like Dark5 on Facebook ► http://bit.ly/Dark5FB Follow Dark5 on Twitter ► http://bit.ly/Dark5Tweets

5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2252

Shark videos 8 years ago 3,340,334 views

Dark5 presents 5 stories of the most unbelievable real life shark attacks that actually happened. Subscribe for new Dark5 ►► http://bit.ly/dark5 Watch More Dark5: http://dark5.tv Like Dark5 on Facebook ► http://bit.ly/Dark5FB Follow Dark5 on Twitter ► http://bit.ly/Dark5Tweets

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Most popular comments
for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened

Dabasaurus J.C
Dabasaurus J.C - 7 years ago
a few .50 cal MG's woulda done the trick..
Ausin Bentley Chappin
Ausin Bentley Chappin - 7 years ago
damn sharks killed a woman in front of her kids F#@! Dem Sharks
Shark attack
Shark attack - 7 years ago
um did any one see a girl swiming in the water'
Lynn Kayee
Lynn Kayee - 7 years ago
Screaming over the Jersey one getting killed by a broken oar as people patrolled with guns and dynamite!
Nicholas Death
Nicholas Death - 7 years ago
Sharks broke open their cages. That’s BS! why didn’t they sink? They soldiers would have drowned if they were inside a cage thrown overboard.
joe arias
joe arias - 7 years ago
Seems like animals had their fair share of casualties during WWII between the 3 shark stories in this vid to one of the worst recorded crocodile attacks eating an estimated 1000 Japanese soldiers, to stories of wolves and the Russians, Tigers and the South Pacific, snakes, poisonous insects and mosquitos also in Asia and Elephant stampedes in North Africa.
Serena beers
Serena beers - 7 years ago
I watched this cuz i thought it was gonna show a shark attack on tape
Serena beers
Serena beers - 7 years ago
Btw you can punch/kick the shark In the nose and it'll leave
sandara - 7 years ago
As opposed to five unbelievable shark attacks that didn't happen.
TheEmeraldTV - 7 years ago
Hey kid, tell your parents to buy you a bigger boat

10. comment for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened

J Chung
J Chung - 7 years ago
J Chung
J Chung - 7 years ago
J Chung
J Chung - 7 years ago
I wish your dead
J Chung
J Chung - 7 years ago
Im not gonna Watch your ulgy vids
J Chung
J Chung - 7 years ago
You are poop
J Chung
J Chung - 7 years ago
Mark Solarz
Mark Solarz - 7 years ago
Upwards of 1000 japs were driven into the mangrove swamps.......there perhaps 1000s of saltwater crocs stalked,even climbed trees to get the trapped MEN! Respect people! War IS HELL!
DJ Day
DJ Day - 7 years ago
I am so interested in sharks
TheEmeraldTV - 7 years ago
Sharks don't eat peole
TheEmeraldTV - 7 years ago
A shark struck someone. Is shark lightning?
TheEmeraldTV - 7 years ago
Lol 4 is so fake

20. comment for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened

AngryKitty - 7 years ago
This was a particularly great video. Your music really sets the mood. Oh and the weapon I’d want to use against a shark is a wasp knife.
Loni Marshall
Loni Marshall - 7 years ago
love to watch this stuff
Gabriel R
Gabriel R - 7 years ago
I hate sharks
Matt Johnston
Matt Johnston - 7 years ago
Dark5, nice choice of music for background.
RavnDream - 7 years ago
"Durrrrrrrr sharks don't eat people! Sharks are completely harmless and friendly! Sharks are more afraid of you than you are afraid of them! Sharks eat seaweed and tofu!" Omg vegans shut the fuck up.
Roman Hamm
Roman Hamm - 7 years ago
Them Japs are next level fucked up.
Naruto One
Naruto One - 7 years ago
Im really scery wen sharks attacks me:(
Sum Mors
Sum Mors - 7 years ago
I expected stories of sharks eating people, not gunmen shooting sharks. Gawd.
Jarrett Isaacs
Jarrett Isaacs - 7 years ago
Who else thought the music was annoying
Ashlyn Daulton
Ashlyn Daulton - 7 years ago
I scared now

30. comment for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened

Douglas Ripsom
Douglas Ripsom - 7 years ago
I know this is late, but has anyone yet mentioned the Matawan Creek maneater?
Robinson Paonam
Robinson Paonam - 7 years ago
O my God
Haylee Harris
Haylee Harris - 7 years ago
Nothing tap it on the nose
Maggie Foster
Maggie Foster - 7 years ago
I dig the music.
Christopher Colón
Christopher Colón - 7 years ago
Is there a source for the image at 2:40 uncensored?
Tra Rob
Tra Rob - 7 years ago
If elected president i promise to deport these sharks back to mars
Darryl Bernard
Darryl Bernard - 7 years ago
New Jersey was probably two sharks,not one. A Great White at the beach and a bull in the creek. Great Whites have never been known to spend much time at all in even brackish water.
Nate - 7 years ago
Lol bro
Steve Guzman
Steve Guzman - 7 years ago
Holy Fucking Saakee that Pig Basket thing was hardcore
Millie Sykes :3
Millie Sykes :3 - 7 years ago
Most sharks only attack if you give them a reason to.
Fina Ventura
Fina Ventura - 7 years ago
I don't like reading
Rusty Patterson
Rusty Patterson - 7 years ago
When I heard that sharks may go extinct I think it's a good idea they have no place on earth with humans in fact all animals that deadly should be caged up and used for food
John Beattie
John Beattie - 7 years ago
It is said.....? Was it a medieval legend?
Suzette Randall
Suzette Randall - 7 years ago
Get a Narrator. Having to read is a pain because I listen while doing chores and click out of sites that want to make me read when I'm busy.
Suzette Randall
Suzette Randall - 7 years ago
I did click out, I stated that quite clearly without being rude & I offered the reason, for their consideration. Looking at the dislike numbers I'm certainly not the only one who feels this way; although I did not click 'dislike', recognizing different styles in videos. It wasn't necessary for some sjw with remedial reading skills to involve themselves.
Angel Storm
Angel Storm - 7 years ago
Shark fan of the sea
Shark fan of the sea - 7 years ago
looks at watch. OH BOY LUNCH TIME
Iam Brazzy
Iam Brazzy - 7 years ago
Kill anything that harms us on purpose not just for fun
Allison Wallace
Allison Wallace - 7 years ago
It was not a Great White at the Jersey Shore. It was a Bullshark. They why it was able to attack in the river.
Randolph Mantooth
Randolph Mantooth - 7 years ago
Cuz sharks are naughty by nature not cause they hate ya
Frederick Kasanda
Frederick Kasanda - 7 years ago
The Japanese were ruthless back then, why can they unleash there furry the way they used to do back then on North Korea. What happened?

50. comment for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened

Jacobus Stefanus van der Vyver
Jacobus Stefanus van der Vyver - 7 years ago
All of these were believable and non interesting- dislike
Millionaire Souls
Millionaire Souls - 7 years ago
What's that song?
Kanzler Marsekal Ibrahim
Kanzler Marsekal Ibrahim - 7 years ago
Shark is not real i think
DoubleRagnarok -
DoubleRagnarok - - 7 years ago
Sharks can do nothing, or leave you a bloody mess...
Thesillypunner Stop motion and more!
Thesillypunner Stop motion and more! - 7 years ago
At least put happy music >:/
Linda Isabel Vasquez
Linda Isabel Vasquez - 7 years ago
Their nose is the weakest part of a shark so if you are attacked by a shark if you can hit him hard on the nose.
Jrplayz - 7 years ago
Face revel
CecileToldHarpo2 BeatmyAss
CecileToldHarpo2 BeatmyAss - 7 years ago
cydneedmeds s
cydneedmeds s - 7 years ago
ocean man, take me by the hand
Drake Mallard
Drake Mallard - 7 years ago
The 1916 attacks were NOT a Great White! They were one or more Bull Sharks!!!!
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
The ocean attack on Charles Bruder was almost certainly a sizable great white. The Matawan Creek attacks were a bull shark.
M Smith
M Smith - 7 years ago
What a terrible vid in every way. Oh..Dark5, that's why it's shit.
1scott921 - 7 years ago
Much more gruesome would be a video about worst human attacks on sharks.
Damien Stepick
Damien Stepick - 7 years ago
Your info on Jersey shore is wrong. Shark was most likely a Bull Shark as several attacks happened inland where it's fresh water.
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
Creek attacks were a bull shark but at least one of the ocean attacks (Charles Bruder) was a sizable great white.
Bryan Oatman
Bryan Oatman - 7 years ago
off the point at twin harbors, Catalina island, back in the early 80"s,, I. was abolone diving, when something caught my eye! It was about a 7 foot white shark coming at me, I had my back to the rocks,. but I had no where to go, ass it came at me I jabbed at the shark with my abolone iron, it veered away, I saw it drift off, so I surfaced, used the rocks as cover and got out of there! Moral of the story, I was 20 years old, but I didn't panic! I panicked afterwards thinking, I could've been din din, and no one would have known! Don't ever swim alone!
waqar khan
waqar khan - 7 years ago
who should I be live  shark expert saying shark we are not there food source or these people who are saying the shark do attack us for no reason
Ma Sato
Ma Sato - 7 years ago
Is the third story real? Sounds a lot of trouble to kill the prisoners. Don't the Japanese troops have better things to do??? And if the cage is locked, the soldiers inside would be drowned in 3 mins and the shark horror is kinda meaningless
CRAZYR071166 - 7 years ago
Number 2 shark in the old newspaper is NOT a great white.
Silent Reaper
Silent Reaper - 7 years ago
an animal that can swim right up to you without you hearing or seeing it is creepy as hell
Jennifer Brewer
Jennifer Brewer - 7 years ago
I wonder how many survivors of the Cape San Juan sinking were hit by that dumb ass door gunner.....
Alex Tanaka
Alex Tanaka - 7 years ago
Number 4 is something I don't consider possible. A great white could not swim in shallow water and sharks hate the taste of human flesh in fact the only reason shark attacks happen is because sharks mistake humans for turtles or seals because of their poor eyesight. The shark would not come back for leftovers since again they hate human flesh.
The injuries could have been exaggerated and it could have taken place in deeper water. So either this is fake/exaggerated or it's real and I have made a fool of myself. Still I feel awful for her family if this is real and please If I said anything wrong please correct me in the replies and please no hate comments.
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
Number 4 is proven fact. Great white sharks can and do come into shallow water and they have totally eaten people on a number of occasions, particularly off Australia and South Africa where they are not spoiled in huge fat rich elephant seals. I have footage of the witnesses being interviewed following the Shirley Durdin attack, talking to shark legend Valerie Taylor in 1985. This footage was in the 1985 documentary In The Realm Of The Shark.
Witness Keith Coventry said to Val Taylor:
"The shark just came in and just.....ate her...totally gone...there was nothing left. Nothing. It was just...incredible""
The boat captain who tried to recover the top half said:
" her legs flew in the air. There was blood everywhere. I saw the torso. It had no head and just one arm on it. The shark came back and took it and I could see it chomping on this girl as he was going down".
I can name at least a dozen totally consumed victims of great whites besides Shirley Durdin. Nick Peterson, Tyna Webb, Lloyd Skinner, Brian Guest, Cameron Bayes, Jevan Wright, Michael Docherty, Teresa Cartwright, Jarrod Stebhens, John Ford, Geoff Brazier, David Weir.
Please don't believe everything the tree hugging greenies tell us. While it's true that sharks don't target us as part of their normal prey, they can and do sometimes eat us.
Erik Brantly
Erik Brantly - 7 years ago
Your USS Indianapolis numbers are incorrect. Out of approximately 1100 men, just over 300 survived.
mattski73 - 7 years ago
The music made my ears bleed.
KB Daily
KB Daily - 7 years ago
well done video. it is the history of 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened.
Christine Pahnke
Christine Pahnke - 7 years ago
sharks were created by God also!
Landon Brumbaugh
Landon Brumbaugh - 7 years ago
1 year baby
TADionysus - 7 years ago
number two is wrong it was not a great white 5 of the victims were killed in a river they thought it was a great white but it was a bull shark since its the only shark that can survive in fresh water since the kid that was killed was in fresh water miles form the beach
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
2 of the attacks took place in the ocean and a sizable great white was responsible for at least one of those (Charles Bruder). The creek attacks were for sure a bull shark though, yes.
Lucy Fur666
Lucy Fur666 - 7 years ago
Question. How do you out swim a shark???Answer. You DONT you just swim faster than the next guy!!!!!!
Becky Andrews
Becky Andrews - 7 years ago
Hoang Nguyen
Hoang Nguyen - 7 years ago
Is there actually any damn footage.
Mohammad Abdulsattar
Mohammad Abdulsattar - 7 years ago
I see the shark in sea
Silver Gamer
Silver Gamer - 7 years ago
He bled to death on a hotel desk rhymes
Jean Baptiste
Jean Baptiste - 7 years ago
I hate swiming
M R - 7 years ago
Jersey!!!! WHOOHoo!!!!
Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally - 7 years ago
Bull crap, Sharks will eat people
Princess Poop
Princess Poop - 7 years ago
Oh my God. #3 is terrifying.
Mystic_Glaceon - 7 years ago
This is why I fucking hate the ocean. It's just pure liquid death. Anyone else hate the ocean?
NoName - 7 years ago
The New Jersey shark attacks were caused by a bull shark, great whites don't live in the Atlantic near beaches
Paula Soveral
Paula Soveral - 7 years ago
I don't actually believe the 4th story... the shark came back for left overs? Sharks don't like human meat. They only bite because either they're hunting and confuse us with other sea creatures, or if they're feeling threatened...
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
Number 4 is proven fact. I have footage of the witnesses being interviewed talking to shark legend Valerie Taylor in 1985. This footage was in the 1985 documentary In The Realm Of The Shark. Witness Keith Coventry said to Val Taylor:
"The shark just came in and just.....ate her...totally gone...there was nothing left. Nothing. It was just...incredible""
The boat captain who tried to recover the top half said:
" her legs flew in the air. There was blood everywhere. I saw the torso. It had no head and just one arm on it. The shark came back and took it and I could see it chomping on this girl as he was going down".
Great white sharks have totally eaten people on a number of occasions, particularly off Australia and South Africa where they are not spoiled in huge fat rich elephant seals.
I can name at least a dozen totally consumed victims of great whites besides Shirley Durdin. Nick Peterson, Tyna Webb, Lloyd Skinner, Brian Guest, Cameron Bayes, Jevan Wright, Michael Docherty, Teresa Cartwright, Jarrod Stebhens, John Ford, Geoff Brazier, David Weir.
Please don't believe everything the tree hugging greenies tell us. While it's true that sharks don't target us as part of their normal prey, they can and do sometimes eat us.
Dark Shadows Alpha
Dark Shadows Alpha - 7 years ago
Sharks are definitely one of the most dangerous creatures!
- International Weeb -
- International Weeb - - 7 years ago
This is why I'm terrified of the ocean,it's pretty and all till you get eaten by thousand toothed carnivore
Anna Bluryys
Anna Bluryys - 7 years ago
Are (SHARK) a dangerous animal
Yosh - 7 years ago
They should make a movie out of a lot of these
Luis G.
Luis G. - 7 years ago
Could do without the annoying music
Oscar Ramirez
Oscar Ramirez - 7 years ago
I am a shark Hunter i help kill the ones in populated waters and I always hear that killing sharks is bad even if I have a permit but boy I'm glad I do I never witnesed a shark attack and I hope that at the age of 27 I never do
MMCH - 7 years ago
I love the music in this one
KWAII#GIRL0764 lolcake123
KWAII#GIRL0764 lolcake123 - 7 years ago
Why do sharks have to kill its so not fair
Tired of being stared at
Tired of being stared at - 7 years ago
They probably slashed them before they threw them overboard. The blood would attract the sharks. Wam bam thankyou jaws
TG Blue
TG Blue - 7 years ago
I Would Choose my ex as a Weapon!
Icicle Popplio
Icicle Popplio - 7 years ago
Sharks are peacefull exept if its hungry or provoked!! don't kill them there living things that never attacks when not provoked just like us!
Jesse Guzman
Jesse Guzman - 7 years ago

100. comment for 5 Unbelievable Shark Attacks That Actually Happened

BlueplanetAJ - 7 years ago
I'm never going to the beach again
Sam Smith
Sam Smith - 7 years ago
You've gotta be an idiot to swim in Australian waters
Glitter - 7 years ago
Slanteyes should be rounded up and forced to live with liberals.
this is a real plz reply me
melissa millan
melissa millan - 7 years ago
Nice and cool
Kawaiiprincess2345 - 7 years ago
#4 was reallllllyyyy fucked
up! What would u guys do if u saw your mom or spouse get torn in half??? I would TOTALLY freak,probbaly pass out, Or even die right there on the spot,u never know.
Hunter Dixon
Hunter Dixon - 7 years ago
t2wo meny werds
Säde - 7 years ago
An experiment was made and it proofed that sharks dont actually like the taste of human meat. Because of their poor eyesight sharks think that people are penguines or turtles wich both are a part of their apetite. I'm not wondering why sharks accidentally attack people, if someone came to my home wearing speedos I would propably attack them aswell. Sea is their home. People are their guests. So please respect the ocean and its animals.
OCDTraci - 7 years ago
Tell that to the people who were actually devoured by a shark.
Iam Brazzy
Iam Brazzy - 7 years ago
Säde Auvinen honestly your so stupid animals aren't humans therefore they aren't on the same scale as us but we still shouldn't just go harm them but If they harm us we don't just stand there we fight back
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
Great white sharks have totally eaten people on a number of occasions, particularly off Australia and South Africa where they are not spoiled in huge fat rich elephant seals.
I can name at least a dozen totally consumed victims of great whites besides Shirley Durdin. Nick Peterson, Tyna Webb, Lloyd Skinner, Brian Guest, Cameron Bayes, Jevan Wright, Michael Docherty, Teresa Cartwright, Jarrod Stebhens, John Ford, Geoff Brazier, David Weir.
Please don't believe everything the tree hugging greenies tell us. While it's true that sharks don't target us as part of their normal prey, they can and do sometimes eat us.
katina.svenska - 7 years ago
we are just a bit of food and warm blooded at that
Laila Davis
Laila Davis - 7 years ago
2centavos - 7 years ago
I doubt the prisoners in the cages were "eaten alive." First of all, the cages were presumably closed/locked. Secondly, they would have drowned long before the sharks "broke open the cage." Sounds a bit sensational. This is the best shark attack music I have heard!
Michael Hodges
Michael Hodges - 7 years ago
sharks don't attack they don't know what you are so they will taste you they mean no harm (by killing you they don't mean any harm) -_-
Corey Perez
Corey Perez - 7 years ago
thats why i stay on land
Jaak Bezuidenhout
Jaak Bezuidenhout - 7 years ago
So if there is a Polio epidemic you have to go swimming in the sea? Will this heal the Polio? Amazing!
LTG - 7 years ago
so uncool...sometimes nature..sometimes.
KOB KOB - 7 years ago
I hate fish now, all fish. I let my goldfish drown as punishment for his species actions
Shipmaster Jul M'dama
Shipmaster Jul M'dama - 7 years ago
The Japanese one happened because the sharks felt threatened and thought the soldiers would attack them.
Amber Caldwell
Amber Caldwell - 7 years ago
Eudaldo del Valle
Eudaldo del Valle - 7 years ago
Jersey attacks are believe to had done by a bull shark .
Anthony Scherer
Anthony Scherer - 7 years ago
Sharks are blind so they think people are fish or seals so they eat you and whoever you're going to blame, blame it on God for creating sharks
Angel Mcfadden
Angel Mcfadden - 7 years ago
So when you eat a chicken,you 'attack' it.Sharks are predators,we're meat,nothing personal,it's just lunch.But,we still slaughter them by the tens of millions every year and they kill a few of us.Who's the most vicious predator in reality?
Young Adoe
Young Adoe - 7 years ago
the fuck
Jade Chalmers
Jade Chalmers - 7 years ago
Jade Chalmers
Jade Chalmers - 7 years ago
Travis Konkle
Travis Konkle - 7 years ago
they can not see that well in water
wayofthecass - 8 years ago
I'm sure I read the Jersey Shore shark was a bull shark and not great white.
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
Creek attacks = bull shark.
However, at least one of the ocean attacks (Charles Bruder) was a great white.
Moh Lighting
Moh Lighting - 8 years ago
i love shark
Meine Ehre heißt Treue
Meine Ehre heißt Treue - 8 years ago
Of the Indianapolis’ original 1,196-man crew, only 317 remained. Estimates of the number who died from shark attacks range from a few dozen to almost 150 it’s impossible to be sure. Kind of sad that you want to tell everyone 583 died from shark attack only with no other causes. As the days passed, many survivors succumbed to heat and thirst, or suffered hallucinations that compelled them to drink the seawater around them—a sentence of death by salt poisoning.
chris bastin
chris bastin - 8 years ago
Man dude the Japanese were vicious. I was actually in history class last week reading the book and I read that before ww2 when they invaded Manchuria that they bayoneted the babies and threw them in boiling water.
Sen-Yuan Li
Sen-Yuan Li - 8 years ago
This first story is mostly bullshit. If there were two packs of 25+ sharks, then there's absolutely no way enough sharks were swimming so close to the surface that the bullets could penetrate them. Bullets don't travel very far in water, even a sniper round won't make it too terribly far, and loses all of it's penetrating power in a VERY short distance. I'm sure parts of the story are true... but which parts? When there are sections that are just completely made up, how do you decide which parts to believe? I stopped watching after the first bullshit story.
Amu Jag
Amu Jag - 8 years ago
Karl Brind
Karl Brind - 8 years ago
What absolute shit and most annoying music ever! !!!!.
Johnna Alston
Johnna Alston - 8 years ago
that's very sad and I herd this music
Cleofe Galario
Cleofe Galario - 8 years ago
Lola Oneill
Lola Oneill - 8 years ago
can sharks be pets
BusterSibs - 8 years ago
WTF?! You don't have to kill the poor sharks! They too are just trying to survive!
Tamás Nyapi
Tamás Nyapi - 8 years ago
What is the music??
Glenn Welbourn
Glenn Welbourn - 8 years ago
I thought that the New Jersey attack was caused by a bull shark seeing that they are the only ones that can live in fresh water.(I remember the picture of the lady aiming her rifle.)
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
The creek attacks were a bull shark but at least one of the ocean attacks (Charles Bruder) was a great white.
Leo Sua
Leo Sua - 8 years ago
PlayerSevenfold - 8 years ago
am i the only one who is sad becuz they killed the shark ? :D :D :D D:
sharks don't like human flesh thats why most people survive shark attacks.
Blake Sward
Blake Sward - 8 years ago
its realy cool
Sproti Gaming
Sproti Gaming - 8 years ago
Damn they are dangeres and I would never dive with a shark
Nazrul Nasir
Nazrul Nasir - 8 years ago
i came for the video not faking pic and text u fvkin nigger
kiara carballo
kiara carballo - 8 years ago
by looking at what they do is discusses
harri hiltunen
harri hiltunen - 8 years ago
terrible video...
Itz Flicka HD
Itz Flicka HD - 8 years ago
i unsubbed you dont even talk you would do way better if you talked in your videos like mr nightmare
Salvatore Natoli
Salvatore Natoli - 8 years ago
un video di merda
daffodill mohd
daffodill mohd - 8 years ago
anoying music
luna. katerin ducuara. echeverri
luna. katerin ducuara. echeverri - 8 years ago
no. teodio. teamo
Zeina Chahine
Zeina Chahine - 8 years ago
i hate shark attaks
Faramarz Shafiei
Faramarz Shafiei - 8 years ago
snorlax gamer
snorlax gamer - 8 years ago
Cheshire Kitten
Cheshire Kitten - 8 years ago
I thought it was a bull shark that was responsible for the jersey shore attacks
NathanCAY1010 - 8 years ago
the music for this video made it more creepy in my opinion
Jojo - 8 years ago
I would love a under water powerful gun
Stephen Mcdonnell
Stephen Mcdonnell - 8 years ago
BallofShish Shiberball
BallofShish Shiberball - 8 years ago
number 4 is the scariest
Richard Shanor
Richard Shanor - 8 years ago
i dont believe your jounalism. if you cant get basic sentence structure and story continuity correct, why on earth would i "like" you product?
freyasartorius - 8 years ago
this is why i stay at home tbh
Abigail Carter
Abigail Carter - 8 years ago
I hate when people kill sharks! They mistaken you for something else or there hungry and u happened to be in there way
Giovanni Rodriguez
Giovanni Rodriguez - 8 years ago
911 what's your emergency a shark is trying to eat me ok I'm going to hang up nooooooo
202CONMAN202 - 8 years ago
Your good at making videos but you should put videos of the sharks
Emily Taylor
Emily Taylor - 8 years ago
do you want to be atakted
Cristina Sarmiento mosquera
Cristina Sarmiento mosquera - 8 years ago
like quien hable español
sam schlenk
sam schlenk - 8 years ago
Dude that was great
*BeautyTheBeast* - 8 years ago
Geeez that's fucking raunchy
Thomas Houston
Thomas Houston - 8 years ago
#1 is basically not true. The men drowned and then the sharks ate them. White tips don't get big enough to devour people nor are they aggressive.
Brent Wiechman
Brent Wiechman - 8 years ago
Cecilia Crawford
Cecilia Crawford - 8 years ago
shit I wouldn't go in a ocean full of sharks for all the money in the world
Ezio Mantegazza
Ezio Mantegazza - 8 years ago
Ho visto morire un mio grande amico stava facendo lo sci d'acqua in au ,stralia e un certo un grido lacerante e un mucchio di sangue. sono arrivati i soccoritori ma non c'era +nullax il mio migliore amico.(io odio tutti i tipi di squali specialmente trigre bianco pinna bianca
addesso giusticate voi visto che li difendete così tanto
Melinda Merced
Melinda Merced - 8 years ago
my little brother loves sharks
Oink ards
Oink ards - 8 years ago
That's just nature being nature.
Zeyad elabbasy
Zeyad elabbasy - 8 years ago
and gun
Zeyad elabbasy
Zeyad elabbasy - 8 years ago
GreatChild999 - 8 years ago
Ghalib Haqbeen
Ghalib Haqbeen - 8 years ago
scott left
scott left - 8 years ago
first australian case of devouring.....DO YOU RESEARCH IDIOT......plenty over the years pal.....worst was a huge tiger that had a dead woman in its jaws swiming just below the surface in sydney harbour in 1944.....while a soldier on leave was floating in an innertube in the next bay.....WELL DOCUMENTED....The first was a guy who dived into sydney harbour and vanished.....shark sighted.......
1967.....OUR FRIGGIN PRIME MINISTER VANISHED OFF SWANSEE......they found nothing there......so no confirmation.
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
Yep. Norman Girvan was eaten in the 1930s I believe and there was also the case off Townsville in 1983 when a Tiger shark ate 2 from a boat sinking. Linda Horton and Dennis Murphy. Ray Boundy survived to tell the story. On the other hand I don't know if even a very large Tiger shark could eat 2 people.
MRG1687 - 8 years ago
I was going to call bull on this list of the USS Indianapolis wasn't #1. It's nice to see that research was actually done for these lists.
Miahorseriding - 8 years ago
Miahorseriding - 8 years ago
Victor Moreno jr.
Victor Moreno jr. - 8 years ago
xXshewolfDragoness I know the second one got me to
Cristopher Hiesler
Cristopher Hiesler - 8 years ago
Epic but I like the story line, normally I would complain there is no video footage!
chicpaola1 - 8 years ago
The most dangerous and brutal animal are humans . We kill more people in one day than these sharks have killed throughout their lifetime .
Marea Neagră
Marea Neagră - 8 years ago
Mincraft Pro
Mincraft Pro - 8 years ago
I lost my arms from 4 sharks
Louise Melia
Louise Melia - 8 years ago
Fuck you bich
Louise Melia
Louise Melia - 8 years ago
asdf jklö
asdf jklö - 8 years ago
Next: The 5 Deadliest Feminist Attacks
skyler isabella
skyler isabella - 8 years ago
they should have not shut the Sharks the sharks are actually harmless if you look at the great whites they're actually blind they don't mean to kill people they can't see you they think that you're there you're prey so maybe think about it sharks and then kill them by Radisson
Paul Fradd
Paul Fradd - 8 years ago
Samuel you mean I survived a shark attack right
The Kiki J Experience
The Kiki J Experience - 8 years ago
8472312166 call me
Taylor Srb
Taylor Srb - 8 years ago
I was watching Christmas videos ,how did I get here ?
Billy Fisher
Billy Fisher - 8 years ago
Jersey shore was a bull shark not a great white
Amber Somers
Amber Somers - 8 years ago
I wish that sharks could have more than 1 or 2 baby sharks at a time and that they could get pregnant a lot more so even with the senseless murder of sharks there wouldn't be so many on the endangered list long live sharks (great whites or soooooooo cute!!!!!!!)
G. Lee
G. Lee - 8 years ago
I'm never swimming again
Pavlos drouliskos
Pavlos drouliskos - 8 years ago
i stay on land to.
Lynch Agri videos
Lynch Agri videos - 8 years ago
was the jersey shore shark attacks not done by the bull shark ?
Phantom PlayZz
Phantom PlayZz - 8 years ago
my worst fear in the intire world are sharks i hate them sooooo MUCH
Alan Thomas
Alan Thomas - 8 years ago
Distracted bu the awful "off key" music!
Kimberly Vo
Kimberly Vo - 8 years ago
I had a sunken ship and their was a shark but Jeff the police deid
tara shaw
tara shaw - 8 years ago
Sorry but i dont believe that sharks broke open the cages!! give me a break!
Animal lover101
Animal lover101 - 7 years ago
They were made out of bamboo
None None
None None - 8 years ago
tara shaw you can watch videos on YouTube of the sharks getting stuck in the cage which means the sharks can eat them and I'm sure if there's enough sharks it's possible to break through the cages
The Mean Green Pepper
The Mean Green Pepper - 8 years ago
Jaws was actually based off a bull shark in Matawan New Jersey who came from the Atlantic and swam up to a river where kids were playing and slaughtered them.
darrin goodbrand
darrin goodbrand - 8 years ago
best weapon against the shark would be the mother in law the shark wouldn't hang around lol
Bud Savoie
Bud Savoie - 8 years ago
"Pack" of sharks?  shouldn't the word be "school"?
domong mateo
domong mateo - 8 years ago
andykiwi - 8 years ago
You've just gotta pat them nicely and they slowly mellow out and become really nice sharks to play with...
razedWrong - 8 years ago
The uss Indianapolis was make into a movie and the guy on jaws when they were on the boat showing off scars talked about being on the Indianapolis ship.
ronald krusch
ronald krusch - 8 years ago
razedWrong @
Johannes Dolch
Johannes Dolch - 8 years ago
The fact that you have to go back to 1942 should tell you something i.e. that shark attacks are very rare. Never mind that at the same time over 60 Million people where killed. Not by sharks but other people.
Sgtgewart smith
Sgtgewart smith - 8 years ago
at 3:10 the p.o.w.'s look suspiciously german
Goatrix - 8 years ago
WOAH! Dark5's youtube channel has grown a lot... last time i visited his channel he had only 300k subs
Soulo_Guero - 8 years ago
I think #1 is a new movie starring ... Nic Cage.
Darren McKenzie
Darren McKenzie - 8 years ago
The bit with all the blood wasn't in the video, there wasn't enough blood. Wheres the blood please?
lilou - 8 years ago
omgg nn
The Inner Middle Show
The Inner Middle Show - 8 years ago
why tf did I just watch that
kepala gundul
kepala gundul - 8 years ago
This is horrible. Now I am more afraid to swim on the beach.
Gait Ramseur
Gait Ramseur - 8 years ago
Only fuckin white people
Nicholas Dickens
Nicholas Dickens - 8 years ago
Of the 579 men who died most drowned, died of exposure or their wounds and the sharks probably ate no more than several dozen survivors. Sadly a good dozen or more were killed by delusional sailors or committed suicide.
Nicholas Dickens
Nicholas Dickens - 8 years ago
I thought that no one believed this BS about the Japanese in WWII anymore. Yes they were brutal and twisted and sick but they didn't throw people in cages into shark infested waters.
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
The radio was destroy on the Juan in order to prevent it from being captured by the Japanese.
Moo01100 - 8 years ago
Take some solace in the fact that for every shark that kills a human, humans kill a hundred thousand sharks. For thier fins mostly.
The Le family
The Le family - 8 years ago
DeadlyChinchilla - 8 years ago
The radio had to be stopped because it was a time of war, you think?
99fruitbat - 8 years ago
DeadlyChinchilla Thinking due to the war there was maybe some reluctance to give out exact co-ordinates ... not wishing to provide enemy with information . Just a guess .
Big John
Big John - 8 years ago
I caint read, what did it say? anyone?
Steph Is Here
Steph Is Here - 8 years ago
Annoys me why we think it's ok to kill a shark after its eaten a human. ? We can't control something so will kill it. Brilliant.
Radders_ - 8 years ago
never swimming again... anywhere
safina ashraf
safina ashraf - 8 years ago
THIS IS REAL SHARK ATTACK BUT ITS NOT BRUTAL i was swimming then i saw a shark biting my leg the shark was powerful i was having fat ratio thank god it leaved me alone
hannah riley
hannah riley - 8 years ago
It amazes me that people enter their territory then complain about the repercussions ?!! Their only doing what their naturally programmed to do
Samuel dean R. Guiron
Samuel dean R. Guiron - 8 years ago
oh my god
Samuel dean R. Guiron
Samuel dean R. Guiron - 8 years ago
That weapon is so very attacks scary Great white shak or shark or vig shark ever the MEGALODON oh my god
David Walker
David Walker - 8 years ago
this clip was shit
Arman Popal
Arman Popal - 8 years ago
Adam Ismail
Adam Ismail - 8 years ago
Irfan Michelin
Irfan Michelin - 8 years ago
Greg Davies
Greg Davies - 8 years ago
RIP Shilrey Durdin, got ripped in 2 and decapitated in only 2.1m of water by a GREAT WHITE, they don't usually go in so close to shore. And her husband and kids got to watch the whole thing....SHITTTT!
Angie Bailey
Angie Bailey - 8 years ago
People who think this is news are ridiculous......sharks are my love, they scare me....but they are also wild animals! Give me a god damn break, sharks are fierce, wild, and precious, and key to sustainability to the oceans eco systems. Watch them hunt and love it, surf at your own risk!!! Humans don't deserve or own the rights to anything, let alone the vastness of the seas and its predators. Long live my shark darling, keep them safe, they need their fins and deserve evolutionary status well beyond man kind.........
Rubens Neto
Rubens Neto - 8 years ago
My words after watching this video... gruesome, gory, dread, nightmarish ...
mark jones
mark jones - 8 years ago
oh shit i aint going out tomorrow even though i live 100 miles from the sea,i just can't take the risk.
GIGAeXPLOREyt HD - 8 years ago
Daisy Gallero
Daisy Gallero - 8 years ago
I hate Sharks
PlasticCover GT
PlasticCover GT - 8 years ago
Fvck shit shark
Max Annison
Max Annison - 8 years ago
Number 2 was made into jaws
shahid khan
shahid khan - 8 years ago
Those dirty animals got eaten by sharks ... WHAAAAAAT?!?!
Chris - 8 years ago
Why are the gory bits blurred out? This video is a waste of time.
David Almanza
David Almanza - 8 years ago
how are you doing this
FY MT - 8 years ago
camilasgomez - 8 years ago
Damn the 3rd one is fucked up.
Omar Ouss
Omar Ouss - 8 years ago
Raul Izquierdo
Raul Izquierdo - 8 years ago
pcdoctorchile2 - 8 years ago
where's the videos? ohhh is a fantasy historie.. thank..
Wesley Hall
Wesley Hall - 7 years ago
pcdoctorchile2 f facade
Jamie Lorber
Jamie Lorber - 8 years ago
i had a shark miss my foot that was off the rear of our boat. he struck the boat. almost got me and he swam around the back of the boat long enough for me to grab my 12 guage. shot him in the head from about 7 feet away. he spazzed out in a wild circle as he descended into the depths. no more foot biting buddy.
Brucey - 8 years ago
whats the name of the song please anyboyd know?
Hästpatrullen Sisters
Hästpatrullen Sisters - 8 years ago
Kimberly Dominique
Kimberly Dominique - 8 years ago
if it were not for a pod of dolphins I would have surely passed on as a great white swam right next to me in Oceanside. Ca. about five years ago. Now full of hammerheads and mako sightings. I sure miss swimming!!!
elmercorn - 8 years ago
sharks do not tear open cages for human flesh, what a way to waste your time on hippo shit!
Tayyab Mohammad
Tayyab Mohammad - 8 years ago
Yasmine Houidi
Yasmine Houidi - 8 years ago
I fucking hate sharks, the sight of them alone is so scary... I hope they all die.
Alex Tanaka
Alex Tanaka - 7 years ago
Humans kill more sharks than they do.
MEMNON WARRIOR - 8 years ago
This dragon ball Z ass soundtrack
Pembe Dondurma
Pembe Dondurma - 8 years ago
The worst thing on this world only a human !!! More scarier more bloody More racist . Remember A World war , Nucleer Bombs in Japan and 1 million people died in Iraq ,300.000 child died in Syria . I think sharks are Wild animals in this nature ... Only eats for Living ! Human kills other humans , they are bombing killing with the army , even chopping them with the a knife remember #Burma Maynamar , in Africa African cristians kills African Muslims More bloody More scarier ... Burn them a live why we blame THE animals . They dont know How to the rape ! If you want to see bad creature on this earth look the mirror ! I love animals and babys they are born without sins . They are innocent , I love sharks too They are animal
Mukesh Kumar
Mukesh Kumar - 8 years ago
Jatziri Acosta
Jatziri Acosta - 8 years ago
Alan Kaplan
Alan Kaplan - 8 years ago
whats with the fake blood faking the bloody scenes ? you fucked up a good clip, definitely wont be watching any of your uploads
Kristythepistol - 8 years ago
I like the history facts but really people the chances of being attacked by a shark are miniscule. They are amazing and beautiful creatures!
Maribel Carrillo
Maribel Carrillo - 8 years ago
estupido porque tienes dinero crees qué todos te reímos tus payasadas no tienes educación ni respeto
redlion fire
redlion fire - 8 years ago
most people like shark,what an idiot...
LilFuzzyDog Msp
LilFuzzyDog Msp - 8 years ago
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh so scary not scary
The U.SS Indianapolis
Makwa Bellanger-Rook
Makwa Bellanger-Rook - 8 years ago
at timestamp 1:26 the fourth man from the left looks a lot like John Cena
Seth Winters
Seth Winters - 8 years ago
They should make a movie based on the U.S.S Indianapolis. The full event with the Japs shooting at it and the people stranded in the ocean
The Patrol
The Patrol - 8 years ago
O my god
張敏 - 8 years ago
Alvin2000ish - 8 years ago
went out with Karla Durdin,daughter of Shirley for a brief period when I was 19...she was understandably quite a bit messed up mentally from the ordeal 12 years on...
Leonel Catacora Catacora
Leonel Catacora Catacora - 8 years ago
lo q has publicado es cualquiera weada. menos video. una mrda
pokemon 123
pokemon 123 - 8 years ago
Is it or #2 made jaws seen real
Hazموفكخعلخعملكخب5خطغبلت،تزلم،لعخطف Hazm12
Hazموفكخعلخعملكخب5خطغبلت،تزلم،لعخطف Hazm12 - 8 years ago
Hazموفكخعلخعملكخب5خطغبلت،تزلم،لعخطف Hazm12
Hazموفكخعلخعملكخب5خطغبلت،تزلم،لعخطف Hazm12 - 8 years ago
Robert Arnold
Robert Arnold - 8 years ago
Really eerie music! This will be playing in my head next time at the beach or on a deep sea fishing trip.
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
do not swim in perth western Australia. Garentee death by Great White most dangerous beach on the planet
Martееn Feodorovich Muravyav
Martееn Feodorovich Muravyav - 8 years ago
Music sucks
Guy Smiley
Guy Smiley - 8 years ago
Wrong about #2. It was bull sharks and no one killed a juvenile white shark with an oar. and it NEVER attacked any boat. Over exaggerated the hell out of that one.
O :
O : - 8 years ago
Sinjinbin 64
Sinjinbin 64 - 8 years ago
On number 4 why try and save the leftovers? Kids havent seen enough morbid extreme killing of their mom only to see her upper bloody torso hauled in?
Soap Mactavish
Soap Mactavish - 8 years ago
fuck you to all people who commented here making fun of the videos..i hope all of you will experience this idiots
Original Juice
Original Juice - 8 years ago
and fuck anyone who chooses to abandon proofreading before posting comments that contain grammatical issues
sabrina_likeszMusically lol
sabrina_likeszMusically lol - 8 years ago
sabrina_likeszMusically lol
sabrina_likeszMusically lol - 8 years ago
i play roblox and i have robux
Mr Unlucky
Mr Unlucky - 8 years ago
Mr Unlucky
Mr Unlucky - 8 years ago
The best weapon o its rpm or RPG in my head :/
Dave Schozer
Dave Schozer - 8 years ago
#2, is the Inspiration for JAWS ! That Shark in reality, was a Bull Shark.... Great Whites, Can't live in Fresh Water, Bull Shark can !
Phanom VT
Phanom VT - 8 years ago
I hate shark
Cole Whitehead
Cole Whitehead - 8 years ago
A spear
Lord Maverick
Lord Maverick - 8 years ago
Number 3 on the list, pig basket atrocities is a soothing balm to my heart. Those Japs thoroughly humiliated the invading Whites didn't they? Lol. Get used to the concept of white wounding. Whites will and must suffer untold humiliation for imposing their degenerate culture on others. Fvcking scum of human race
sam the pepper
sam the pepper - 8 years ago
Calm down Mr amazing fluorescent hip hop
Bill Ford
Bill Ford - 8 years ago
Where do you think this took place?
Johnny Random
Johnny Random - 8 years ago
Jesus just imagine what Shirley's wife and kids were watching from shore imagine your loved one being ripped open and devoured by a shark
yadigs12 - 8 years ago
fuck me what a way to go
evolved monkey
evolved monkey - 8 years ago
Well at least she didn't suffer that much, I heard that story on the 80's, she was cut in half in just one strike, i think that the shark even decapitated her right away, poor woman and poor family assisting that.
carl justpot
carl justpot - 8 years ago
Emily Lovett
Emily Lovett - 8 years ago
Sharks are amazing creatures but dang they can be killing machines
Steve Fox Jr
Steve Fox Jr - 8 years ago
what is the name of the song in the video??
Chedi Daneil
Chedi Daneil - 8 years ago
wow that's scary
How I DIY - 8 years ago
an a chainsaw if you've seen the Sharknado series
Jason  Eppley
Jason Eppley - 8 years ago
@1:36 that looks like John Cena to the left of the man in the blanket
Raptor Man
Raptor Man - 8 years ago
With the first vid. The gun they showed wasnt a browning. I think it was a dshk
Chance Collins
Chance Collins - 8 years ago
What's the song?
Petronius Arbiter II
Petronius Arbiter II - 8 years ago
The shark responsible for the 1916 Jersey Shore attacks was never positively identified as being the one Michael Schleisser caught. Many authorities believe the actual rogue shark in 1916 was more likely a bull shark, not a great white.
Hezze - 8 years ago
The music...
J.R. Johnsen
J.R. Johnsen - 8 years ago
i cant take it
Mathisi 2006
Mathisi 2006 - 8 years ago
Rain Wolf
Rain Wolf - 8 years ago
That jumpscare at the end!
Creeperslayer1234139 - 8 years ago
The USS Indianapolis was really sad the captain got blamed for getting the ship destroyed and famies from the poeple whk died sent hate letters and his wife made sure that he didn't see them but soon she died and he got the letters and he grabbed his gun went onto his porch and killed himself.
Joshua Duque
Joshua Duque - 8 years ago
The music is creepy like if you agree *hides somewhere safe
owen Higginson
owen Higginson - 8 years ago
this is why I don't got swimming at the beach or ponds
jerome5ify - 8 years ago
lloyd skinner in 2010 was killed in the same manner than shirley durdin in south africa
JJ Valencia
JJ Valencia - 8 years ago
Roger - 8 years ago
Dark 5, a young great white had nothing to do with the Jersey Shore shark attacks. 2 of the attacks happened in brakish waters. Where only BULL SHARKS can inhabit. Great Whites at that time were mainly open water sharks, not being drawn coastal due to the over fishing we have nowaday.
Mr. Mopar
Mr. Mopar - 8 years ago
2 years ago I was out at the jersey shore tubing and I fell off along with my friend who was tubing with me. My aunt snapped s picture while we we're swimming towards the boat. When we saw the picture a fin was sticking out of the water about 15 feet behind us. We showed my uncle who knows a lot about sharks and he said it was a bull shark.
Jenny Ferrer
Jenny Ferrer - 8 years ago
Oh my goodness
Slither gragasin
Slither gragasin - 8 years ago
who are survived in a shark attack my first time in the beach i never seen the shark
P's Toys
P's Toys - 8 years ago
burnt DNA
burnt DNA - 8 years ago
Dhruv Chauhan
Dhruv Chauhan - 8 years ago
Wow. The music is perfect.
Aidan Keogh
Aidan Keogh - 8 years ago
Moral of the story is to stay away from the f*cking ocean.
Juli Lara
Juli Lara - 8 years ago
beat there fucken ass up
Renee Waring
Renee Waring - 8 years ago
More information about the Indianapolis.  It was on a secret mission that would end the war and was torpedoed after the war was over.  They didn't radio for help because of the nature of their mission they were on radio silence.  That's why it took 4 days for them to get rescued.  The captain was charged and found guilty because he didn't radio for help.
NASCAR Crashes 2018
NASCAR Crashes 2018 - 8 years ago
01:35 the guy on the left side of the screen looking towards the camera, doesn't he look like one of the guys from the Sonic commercials?
Jennifer Parker
Jennifer Parker - 8 years ago
My Dad was on the H.M.S. Repulse that was torpedoed in WWII. After the ship sank, most of the losses were to sharks. It must have been dreadful..... Brave, brave men. My Dad was 19.
PinkasBrown44 - 8 years ago
Why didnt the husband jump in to help?
OCDTraci - 8 years ago
Holy shit the music was on point with this one!
Dongaling G
Dongaling G - 8 years ago
Boo, no live attacks. Bunk as shit!
WoWFiend2005 - 8 years ago
Ready to eat, no seasoning required.
william redfern
william redfern - 8 years ago
Zach Powers
Zach Powers - 8 years ago
All sharks should be dead
Charlie Power
Charlie Power - 8 years ago
a rpg
Arjay Pogoy
Arjay Pogoy - 8 years ago
so like around 1000+ people were eaten out of billions of people were eaten by sharks.
ChiChin Preston
ChiChin Preston - 8 years ago
Sharks sharks sharks beware of sharks sharks just going with the beat in the beginning xD
Bitch Goranski
Bitch Goranski - 8 years ago
Man I love sharks. Big fishy death friends
StudiosOfAwesome - 8 years ago
Worst video to watch on a liner in the Pacific...yet the best music to listen to
KharnakPVP - 8 years ago
A Great White in 7 Feet of water, rips a girl in half?
KharnakPVP - 8 years ago
And a 20ft great white is probably around 6-7 feet in diameter I would expect. So how did this shark even maneuver with no depth to swim within? I am just wondering about that. If someone can point out how that can happen, Id like to understand it
The Squirrel
The Squirrel - 8 years ago
this music reminds me of Tombii and the cursed pigs theme song..
oh - 8 years ago
Well, shit
Akadanationbeentrill - 8 years ago
Y'all should start narrating these vids
BLAM! - 8 years ago
You are more likely to get hit by 20 km asteroid then get eaten by a shark
Richard Clark
Richard Clark - 8 years ago
The ad before this video, Snowden, cold chills anyone?
Tikho - 8 years ago
No, if you're getting attacked by a shark most likely it's your fault for going into their territory. Also you're more likely to be killed by lightning or an asteroid than a shark.
Bern - 8 years ago
Lemme just watch this before I go to the beach yeah Bern great logic
Andrea Gabbi
Andrea Gabbi - 8 years ago
fa cagare
Berly Tannyono Putra
Berly Tannyono Putra - 8 years ago
wow finally Dark5 mentioning my hometown, Surabaya
Mario Mirdita
Mario Mirdita - 8 years ago
Why dont we kill this shit beings??
Hoa Sam
Hoa Sam - 8 years ago
that's why I hardly make it to the beaches or the ocean now because of sharks.
codename_ATL - 8 years ago
John Cena @ 1:28????
Daniel Embree
Daniel Embree - 8 years ago
Shooting sharks from the air? That's one helluva sport
Zombie 9221
Zombie 9221 - 8 years ago
why dont you talk
Lowlyf Fangirl
Lowlyf Fangirl - 8 years ago
The music reminds me of the old final fantasy games when we had the monster fights when roaming the woodlands outside the villages etc.
Bearded Forever
Bearded Forever - 8 years ago
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies,
Farewell and adieu you ladies of Spain;
For we've received orders to sail to old England,
But we hope in a short time to see you again.
Hexa Dex
Hexa Dex - 8 years ago
ofc most shark attacks happened in Australia..
3:20 is fucking sick in their head, fucking humans, God what did you fucking create here!!! Didnt you have enough time to create something better than us!!!!!
Mr. Aziz
Mr. Aziz - 8 years ago
Man, I if would be Shirley's husband, I would buy me a gun and a boat and waste all of these fucking sharks.
Shannon Kobayashi
Shannon Kobayashi - 8 years ago
the Jersey incident was a bull shark not a great white.
Shannon Kobayashi
Shannon Kobayashi - 8 years ago
the Jersey incident was a bull shark not a great white.
Akio Kuro
Akio Kuro - 8 years ago
Wait a minute..did it just say that a dude killed a great white shark WITH A FUCKING BROKEN OAR? The used rifles, dynamite, steel nets only for some guy stab the fucker with a stick.
Akio Kuro
Akio Kuro - 8 years ago
Wait a minute..did it just say that a dude killed a great white shark WITH A FUCKING BROKEN OAR? The used rifles, dynamite, steel nets only for some guy stab the fucker with a stick.
Bianca hernandez Alejandrina
Bianca hernandez Alejandrina - 8 years ago
very good condition
Mumbo Slick
Mumbo Slick - 8 years ago
Fuck the Japanese. That is so wrong.
Eti Tanu
Eti Tanu - 8 years ago
fNeLHaLibE - 8 years ago
Their fins sure are delicious.
Sandra E. Perez
Sandra E. Perez - 8 years ago
They were vicious shark attacks., To humans.
Chicago Fossil And Bone Collector.
Chicago Fossil And Bone Collector. - 8 years ago
In the world of scary, I can't think of anything more horrendous than being stranded in the sea, without any lifeboat. Just you, the sea, and everything in it that's capable of destroying you.
Trappy6T - 8 years ago
I watch this just before im about to go to South Padre Island
Ts K
Ts K - 8 years ago
I"m reading the comments here and to all you pathetic weeabos and other anime loving fags defending Japan, Ya'll faggots would have been the first ones to be tossed into shark by the Japanese for your extreme faggotry.
Ej Fox
Ej Fox - 8 years ago
is this true?
Trooper Bias
Trooper Bias - 8 years ago
Subscribe? This is a disappointment and hard to hold the attention.
Calvin James
Calvin James - 8 years ago
why am I watching this right before going to the beach
Douglas Barker
Douglas Barker - 8 years ago
jersey shark wasnt a great white it was a bulk shark as a couple of the attacks happened up a fresh water river....and the lady bitten in half by a 20ft great white in 7ft of water? come on...
Jazzy YT
Jazzy YT - 8 years ago
Anyone else hiding in the comments?
Thomas Patterson
Thomas Patterson - 8 years ago
The Jersey shark was a bull shark moron, A White can't and has never been actively(still alive) in fresh water
lay lah
lay lah - 8 years ago
JESUS CHRIST i fucking love sharks
Brett Baxter
Brett Baxter - 8 years ago
I thought Jersey 1916 was a Bull Shark.
ZeSnOwyBoIDoN - 8 years ago
an a rill life sherk
ZeSnOwyBoIDoN - 8 years ago
lalala I'm scerd
MeTaLdUdE02 - 8 years ago
july of 1945? that was jaws! the indianapolis delivered the bombs that hit japan. this was in august of 1945.
Frankpolly - 8 years ago
catalina is a great aircraft and the pilots and crews are always the best, being there to help anyone in the water.
KingFluffs - 8 years ago
No mention of the lagoon infested with sharks on Palmyra Atoll?
Depressed Wuffer
Depressed Wuffer - 8 years ago
I watch Dark5s videos for two main reasons... to be scared, or to listen to the kick ass music that is always being played...
Giantepik R
Giantepik R - 8 years ago
10000 nuclear warheads
CannibalisticUnicorn - 8 years ago
LOVE the music, but even with all these man-eating sharks I still love these beautiful creatures.
Chrono Girl
Chrono Girl - 8 years ago
Sharks are necessary in nature. Making them go extinct would be very damaging to the planet and consequently to us.

But come on, Mother Nature, couldn't you have created a less creepy and psychopathic predator?
holykiller1191 - 8 years ago
I saw a documentary once on number 2 that scared the shit out of me. It was on shark week a couple of years ago.
Devon Soccer
Devon Soccer - 8 years ago
This fourth one is bullshit a shark can tell when the flesh isn't a seal or fish etc. it wouldn't feed on the remains
W1se0ldg33zer - 8 years ago
"anyway... we delivered the bomb" ~ Quint.
Missionary of the Adepta Sororitas
Missionary of the Adepta Sororitas - 8 years ago
In the movie Jaws, one of the characters recanted number 1. I had no idea it actually happened.
MidgetPally521 - 8 years ago
wasn't #2 the inspiration for Jaws?
Alt Empire
Alt Empire - 8 years ago
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes an appearance at 1:27.
irmaos craft
irmaos craft - 8 years ago
Tuy. hj.cuchiCCCB44vxpp4poro1
Soumyadeep Banerjee
Soumyadeep Banerjee - 8 years ago
I thought sharks were vicious predators but they are scaredy chicken puk puk pukaak!!!
GrimmBoid Jones
GrimmBoid Jones - 8 years ago
Link to the song?
Fritz - 8 years ago
note to self: never go back in time to 1943 and join the US navy...
max fluffybottom
max fluffybottom - 8 years ago
if my brother got eaten by a shark I would jump in and die with him and have a watery grave with my brother
max fluffybottom
max fluffybottom - 8 years ago
I would die with my brother if so we would reunite in heaven
max fluffybottom
max fluffybottom - 8 years ago
2.21 as it left only dureas headless torso bobbing up and down lol!!!!!!!
Rich Brake
Rich Brake - 8 years ago
and sharks don't like to attack humans eh??? yea right
rabid pandaren
rabid pandaren - 8 years ago
I'm calling bullshit on some of the attacks... White tips are hardly man eaters. Sharks eating humans almost never happens and they tend to avoid eating their own species, but other species of shark can be fair game.
Jack Hanson
Jack Hanson - 8 years ago
Uncommon, unlikely, but not impossible. Just because a majority doesn't do something does not mean a minority is going to do the same.
BrenttFease - 8 years ago
Was #2 the inspiration for Jaws?
XboxMarche - 8 years ago
#5. sharks absolutely would not swim through oily water, i know this isnt the point of the story but i thought i would point this out, they have very sensitive senses and would not do this
#4. this one is just a legit lie. it is possible she was killed by a great white shark but not at this depth and absolutely not in that manner
#3. the real monster here is people :(
#2. literally the jaws movie
#1. the sharks most likely directly killed very few of these people, most of them most likely drowned due to exhaustion and were eaten post-death
source: marine bio major and common sense
What The F Blog
What The F Blog - 7 years ago
XboxMarche great whites have been caught on camera swimming in just a few feet of water so I'm sure 7ft would be nothing for it.
Also...what are your credentials Mr. Shark Expert? And I'm sure they wouldn't choose to swim through oily water but I'm sure if food (the soldiers) was readily available there's probably nothing that would stop them ;-)
XboxMarche - 8 years ago
+Oliver Hackett yeah i figured it was related
it was too coincidental otherwise
and as for #4 happening im sure the attack did take place
i was just saying that the description of the event was fictional
either the brutality of the attack was greatly exaggerated or it took place in a much greater depth of water
a shark could not generate that kind of force in an attack in such shallow water
just trying to debunk this kind of stuff before people get too afraid to go knee deep in water at the beach lol
XboxMarche - 8 years ago
+Jack Hanson im sure the attack did happen but being attacked with "such force that she was torn in half" was mainly what i was calling out as fiction
sharks absolutely can generate tremendous force during attacks, especially great whites
but for the story to claim that such an attack happened at such a shallow depth is pure fiction
either the attack happened much further out where the water was much deeper than the story claims or the description of the attack itself was exaggerated due to the shock the witness must have been in
Tikho - 8 years ago
Just letting you know, #2 is the inspiration for the Jaws book, which later inspired a movie. And yeah #4 did happen.
Jack Hanson
Jack Hanson - 8 years ago
Your comment peaked my interest, so I decided to go looking for answers. Specifically for #4. I searched online and from what I read, it seems like that attack actually happened. I don't know if it was a great white shark per se, but it definitely left only a headless torso. Please feel free to correct me if you learn otherwise.
Electro Fan
Electro Fan - 8 years ago
wonder that is what gave the Idea for Jaws about the one shark attack on jersey shore
Digital West
Digital West - 8 years ago
the only one on this list I found interesting was the 2nd one....
Matthew G
Matthew G - 8 years ago
apparently vendin machines kill more people than sharks.
Jp Shankle
Jp Shankle - 8 years ago
So 3 out of 5 of the most brutal sharks attacks in history were all cause by the Japanesse in ww2, just goes to show you just how brutal the japs were during ww2,
Velga Al Rasyid
Velga Al Rasyid - 8 years ago
Seriously man, super dark. This tops that one about Chernobyl and the ransom notes video, fuck.
kingjaffad - 8 years ago
How come the thumbnail keeps changing? First it was a picture of what I believe was a goblin shark,then it was a photo of someone firing a machine gun at a shark and now it's a shark's dorsal fin in bloody water.
James O'Callaghan
James O'Callaghan - 8 years ago
Sharks are sexist and racist they mostly eat white men:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2012058/Men-times-likely-attacked-Great-White-shark-women--fascinating-fishy-facts.htmlThen again it could just be that White men are more likely to have swimming habits that increase their likelihood of being shark food.
James O'Callaghan
James O'Callaghan - 8 years ago
+Dragon Dreams But why do they eat White MEN specifically and rarely White women?
Richard Weed
Richard Weed - 8 years ago
So, Dan.  Who do think will take the regionals this year?
Lt Colonel Nikolai Petrovich Radchenko
Lt Colonel Nikolai Petrovich Radchenko - 8 years ago
This is why I enjoy shark fin soup so much ! I'll have seconds ! and thirds too ! You eat my kind I'll eat yours to extinction !
Lt Colonel Nikolai Petrovich Radchenko
Lt Colonel Nikolai Petrovich Radchenko - 8 years ago
Sesame uchiha
Sesame uchiha - 8 years ago
Man you're sick
Slyguy threeonetwonine
Slyguy threeonetwonine - 8 years ago
And I'm just sitting here wondering why after however long "Jaws" has been out that people still venture into the water.
EeveeFall - 8 years ago
i imagine the reason this video came out was because its revelant to the movie that just came out, the shallows. kinda like when xmen came out and there was a video about real life mutants. i like it its awesome. also the movie the shallows was pretty damn good, that seagull was awesome
Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller - 8 years ago
I cant watch past number 4.
jihadthat777 - 8 years ago
Ahh the USS Indianapolis...proof of what massive worthless cunts the US Navys top brass could be.
wishinifishin517 - 8 years ago
yup, its good to live on the great lakes
arghidontknow - 8 years ago
What an awesome video!
Klaudtine Thavonekham
Klaudtine Thavonekham - 8 years ago
CrazyPlayer - 8 years ago
2# case uncensored pic source?
Xiaolin Pettit
Xiaolin Pettit - 8 years ago
Pretty sure it was a photoshoped picture of a shark that they put red and tan pixels in its mouth.
Martin sd
Martin sd - 8 years ago
Damn that music. I pity the sharks, they are amazing but killed in millions each year.
Crap sucks
Crap sucks - 8 years ago
A nuke inside megaladon
tkdpharmboy - 8 years ago
And in seven minutes, Dark5 did a better job than all of Shark Week. Such fascinating, awesome animals to be respected.
Jynn - 8 years ago
Just a side note that the Jersey Shore attacks are now thought to be committed by a bull shark, not a great white (Great whites dont' travel into fresh water or shallow water, but bull sharks will)
César Orrego
César Orrego - 8 years ago
This is my favorite video of Dark5
Lonely Guy
Lonely Guy - 8 years ago
I want Donald Trump is a weapon to fight back the sharks
Tyler Crying Head
Tyler Crying Head - 8 years ago
nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
JUMPMAN 23 - 8 years ago
if megalodans were there they'll be really fucked.
Fred - 8 years ago
I'd say the best weapon against a shark is probably a kamikaze ( bomb vest) or a C4 charge.
The Great Gell
The Great Gell - 8 years ago
Love the people in every ww2 movie (that takes place in the pacific theater) who get pissed off when they see American troops treating the Japanese like shit. No mercy was shown to the American/other allied troops either
Manny P
Manny P - 8 years ago
cool, happy July 4 everybody.
gamemastermatt - 8 years ago
number 3 was a little "overboard"
Black Purple
Black Purple - 8 years ago
Best weapon against a shark? Gun which you can use to shoot yourself so that the shark gets pissed off for not getting to kill you and ends up having alcoholism and loses its family
Midnight Ace
Midnight Ace - 8 years ago
Damn.... these are sad stories, but number 4 really is sad, hope the children are doing okay :(
Loser Fat
Loser Fat - 8 years ago
I'm not racist or American but the Japanese are rude as hell, I don't think Obama should've been the one apologising
Turul Szervác
Turul Szervác - 8 years ago
Did you even listen to his speech? He didn't apologize
Vishal Harihar
Vishal Harihar - 8 years ago
Cull the fukin sharks
harry balls
harry balls - 8 years ago
I masturbated to these erotic  fish stories
VEssex - 8 years ago
A reason why I don't swim on a beach.
Kyle - 8 years ago
What about the massive shark storm that happened is Los Angeles a couple years ago ??
Odin The All Father
Odin The All Father - 8 years ago
all hail thy lord and saviour the beibs amen.
Donna hopkins
Donna hopkins - 8 years ago
Lord Bieber
large amounts jr
large amounts jr - 8 years ago
+large amounts jr four*
large amounts jr
large amounts jr - 8 years ago
+JokeHunter sharknado was a great movie. its for of em so far lmaoooo
JokeHunter - 8 years ago
Shark storm..?

Please..This better not be from your imagination after watching sharknado.
Piano Otoko
Piano Otoko - 8 years ago
If you're interested in the USS Indianapolis story, check out "Out of the Depth" it's written by one of the survivors. It's a great book
NinjaRodent - 8 years ago
I've heard of several stories about Allied sailors getting attacked by sharks during the Pacific theater but never any about the Japanese sailors . Surely they had their fair share of massive shark attacks.
Cybermat47 - 8 years ago
Sharks that enjoy the taste of Human flesh are rare, but terrifying.
Bob TheBuilder
Bob TheBuilder - 8 years ago
The gruesome image of the girl Dunkirk or whatever was blurred? Youtube policy or what?
Bob TheBuilder
Bob TheBuilder - 8 years ago
Rednecksith5 - 8 years ago
#3: Ah yes, just one more horrific, inhuman atrocity committed by the Japanese. Yet for some reason, our idiot in chief decided that he should apologize for our human rights record. My memory's a bit fuzzy, but can someone recall the last time we dumped wounded soldiers into shark-infested waters? Or how about the last time we used POWs or captured civilians as fodder for experiments involving STDs, limb reattachment / regrowth, and the like? And I really don't remember the last time our soldiers raped pregnant women before cutting out their babies and trying to catch them on bayonets.

Oh wait, we don't do things like that, as a general rule. We've had a few incidents of soldiers acting on their own doing things to prisoners, but in each case they've been prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of the law (or military code). Shit like #3 was government-sanctioned cruelty. As was the rape of Nanking. As was Unit 731 (and others).

To my knowledge, the Japanese government has never once apologized for what they did, yet the USA has repeatedly apologized for the atomic bomb, despite the fact that in the end, using nukes saved countless lives which would have been taken in conventional warfare.
Turul Szervác
Turul Szervác - 8 years ago
Did you even listen to Obama's speech? He DIDN'T apologize. And America benefited from Unit 731; they gave the doctors immunity in exchange for their data and even allowed them to continue research in America. And Japan DID apologize. Kakuei Tanaka went to China in 1972 and apologized to Mao Zedong. Mao told him Japan didn't need to apologize since the Japanese invasion allowed the Communists to win. And if you think America's military is so innocent, then maybe you should look up Camp Sumter, Camp Douglas, and the Savannah Campaign.
Trevor Walker
Trevor Walker - 8 years ago
Have you ever heard of the Joyride boat that sank in South Africa in 2014? The legendary great white known to locals as Submarine systematically attacked a wrecked ship, with video footage of the entire situation. It's currently on Hulu's shark week, under Shark of Darkness. It's definitely a very intense episode.
FishTank Productions
FishTank Productions - 8 years ago
They took a tragic incident and twisted it into a cheap way to make money.
Vasi27 - 8 years ago
#2. I know it sounds grandiose to say that a Great White killed all the victims buts thats not true, The first two victims were killed in the ocean yes, But three of the victims were killed in Matawan Creek, Which is fresh water. The only shark capable of going and staying in freshwater for a long period of time is a Bullshark. So we have 2 separate sharks with 2 separate kills or, We have a Bull responsible for all. This is the story that was the inspiration for Jaws
Bob TheBuilder
Bob TheBuilder - 8 years ago
And Bull sharks kill more people than any other shark.
TheShadowParliament - 8 years ago
I remember hearing once the film "JAWS" was based on the 1916 incident in New Jersey. I've actually seen sharks with my own eyes, they are powerful and must be respected. They've been around for millions of years. There is a reason for that.
Shadowgrace760 - 8 years ago
But the real scary thing is that more sharks are killed by humans than humans are killed by Sharks. You wouldn't want to no longer have shark would you ?
TraciPeteyforlife - 8 years ago
Fuck japan for all of ww2.
TraciPeteyforlife - 8 years ago
Fuck japan for all of ww2.
7elinan - 8 years ago
I thought sharks (at least great whites) didn't see humans as edible?
Bob TheBuilder
Bob TheBuilder - 8 years ago
Not if you're splashing around, leaking blood, or making yourself appear small.
R Cortez
R Cortez - 8 years ago
"FUCK" ocean waters for now
Chaos_ 82
Chaos_ 82 - 8 years ago
I would like to point out that not all the deaths in New Jersey were due to a white shark. If memory serves me right, we had 2 victims die via another shark in (Forgive my spelling) Madewan Creek. A fresh water creek, in which a Great white can't survive, but a Bull Shark certainly can.
Bacon Pancake
Bacon Pancake - 8 years ago
A very creepy person
A very creepy person - 8 years ago
My weapons against sharks is staying the f*ck away from water.
Aesthetical - 8 years ago
number 2 probably inspired the movie jaws
Starblind11 - 8 years ago
Phillip, number 2 is the fourth one in the video, not the second. It counts down from 5.
themadrapper101 - 8 years ago
damn they are struggling to come up with the right vision to re-make Jaws huh... you know its bound to happen most likely.
Phillip Mejia
Phillip Mejia - 8 years ago
Jaws came out in 1975, Shirley was killed in 1985
Hlpatel Patel
Hlpatel Patel - 8 years ago
OCDTraci - 8 years ago
It has to better than Mein Kampf. Just sayin' ;)
C t g s l a y e r
C t g s l a y e r - 8 years ago
+Adolf H. I guess.
Adolf H.
Adolf H. - 8 years ago
+C t g s l a y e r to each their own
C t g s l a y e r
C t g s l a y e r - 8 years ago
+Adolf H. (Der Führer) no it doesn't.
Adolf H.
Adolf H. - 8 years ago
It inspired Peter Benchley to write the book that inspired the movie, both called Jaws. Don't bother getting the book, it sucks.
Jose Olivos
Jose Olivos - 8 years ago
Great vid
Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara
Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara - 8 years ago
MIDI song.
Kimberly Ramos
Kimberly Ramos - 8 years ago
number 2, jersey shore was actually a bull shark, not a baby great white.
KoolBreeze420 - 8 years ago
#2 Is what inspired the movie Jaws. The war ship shark attacks is also mentioned in jaws.
Catur Amin
Catur Amin - 8 years ago
@Ewing Hd
Angel Valdez
Angel Valdez - 8 years ago
calling it. number one Sharknado. holy shit my phone actually has that in the dictionary lol.
EVOIDZ - 8 years ago
Dude #4 is so fucked up like really in front of the family and torn in half?
Mang IX
Mang IX - 8 years ago
#1 and #3 were fucking terrible, not just because it was a brutal shark stack, but because had humans not intervened, it would've been avoided. Fuck the old Japanese. They're fine now, but I have no regret for bombing the shit out of them.
Shruk - 8 years ago
I would have beaten up those sharks with my bare hands because i'm a youtube commenter and I can do anything.
Очень добрый парень
Очень добрый парень - 8 years ago
This is exactly why I don't feel bad for the Japs who were hit by nuclear bombs. They didn't even protest the war crimes, disgusting.
Bryan McHugh
Bryan McHugh - 8 years ago
sharks are FUCKED up!!
Oliver Aaron
Oliver Aaron - 8 years ago
Ironic with all the anime fans defending the comments hating on the Japanese, they're just as aggressive as well!
Stefen Lopez
Stefen Lopez - 8 years ago
Why don't we just try to kill all the sharks in the world? What do they benefit for us?
FishTank Productions
FishTank Productions - 8 years ago
If you get attacked, your fault. You're in their territory. But if sharks start popping up in your house and shit, feel free to kill them.
Ready for Ghostastic
Ready for Ghostastic - 8 years ago
Not really, they are like us, eating for survival.
Stefen Lopez
Stefen Lopez - 8 years ago
+Rick L There still assholes
Rick L
Rick L - 8 years ago
A quick Google search says that "Sharks play a very important role in the oceans in a way that an average fish does not. Sharks are at the top of the food chain in virtually every part of every ocean. In that role, they keep populations of other fish healthy and in proper proportion for their ecosystem." There you go.
Julian Frank
Julian Frank - 8 years ago
What video editing software do you use?
sea man
sea man - 8 years ago
well ..... they needed some bigger boats
Sammit - 8 years ago
Got a Starbucks and started drinking it while watching the video.. I love sharks but that was not a good idea
Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas - 8 years ago
gotta say of all dark 5 videos this was the most terrifying one.
hackerism1 - 8 years ago
fucking japanese
Wancroc Slayer
Wancroc Slayer - 8 years ago
About the story n4, there is a similar case where the swimmer/surfer is eaten alive, look for an Australien guy cut in half by a great white of 5 meters named Brutus on Google.
602crusher - 8 years ago
double captioning. really necessary?
Striker 1015
Striker 1015 - 8 years ago
cant believe the japanese did things like these
Jonathan R.
Jonathan R. - 8 years ago
+Dark 5 you need to do a correction on this video, in 1916 in New Jersey it was a Bull Shark not a Great White, hollywood is the one that turned it into a Great White. I do not know where you got your facts but they are drastically incorrect and I can prove it
SNAKE DΞLTA - 8 years ago
love the channel but the music choice isn't good on this one
Matthew Choder
Matthew Choder - 8 years ago
I feel like this Jap convo got wayyy outa hand
CLOROX BLEACH - 8 years ago
this music is so intense
WhiskeyBrewer - 8 years ago
Thank music was fucking intense
Emperor Krell
Emperor Krell - 8 years ago
Once I managed to catch a hammerhead shark while fishing, it must've been only around 2-3 feet long and my mom wanted me to release it, I made the shark dinner instead of it turning us into dinner
Tabtv - 8 years ago
2:30 dark5 you savage
František Vtelenský
František Vtelenský - 8 years ago
Comments section... Oh, gosh. Humans kills more than 100 millions sharks per year and no one bats an eye. But when shark kill 10 people by accident per year, everyone loses their minds. People do insane things, people are evil, people kill each other for money, cars, or just for fun. We. People. Not sharks. Ocean is home for sharks, NOT for us.
Cat Simson
Cat Simson - 8 years ago
Spearmann66 - 8 years ago
I wonder whatever happened to the Kampetai members who were involved with the POW shark slaughter? I hope they were convicted guilty and executed at the 1946 Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal.
Brothers Jackson Videos
Brothers Jackson Videos - 8 years ago
Crazy stuff
hobgoblin1216 - 8 years ago
Many people here are abusing the Japanese, but they are least concerned how their own ancestors treated Africans, Asians, Indians and other non white people. No one is perfect. There are good and evil people in every race, religion or ethnicity. This happened more than 75 years ago. Today, it is a different world where people unite to defeat evil.
Moneygetjealous - 8 years ago
Fuck me. Imagine you watching your wife snorkeling or your mom and a freaking great white came out of nowhere and attacked her and next you just see half of her body floating. Damn I don't know how him and the kids ever recover from that.
Bill Rhodes
Bill Rhodes - 8 years ago
WAR REAPER104 war gamer
WAR REAPER104 war gamer - 8 years ago
lots of hate towards japs here
silly willy
silly willy - 8 years ago
I am pretty sure , gernades will make these things die , The problem is it will kill other men with it lol.
Shaw Tucker
Shaw Tucker - 8 years ago
I used to play rhythm guitar for the Pig Basket Atrocities.
TrumpCat - 8 years ago
2:39 Why Blur out the seal ? you trying to hint that its a person? lol seriously
TrumpCat - 8 years ago
LOL read a spam comment and they actually made a good argument, not sure why it was tagged spam -
Chrono Girl+
 "Even if it was just a seal, it is pretty disturbing to see it being torn apart. Which is why it was blurred out".
How is this spam they answered the question and convinced me of thier arguement :?
Rommel - 8 years ago
+Adachi Cabbage Shut up Adachi
Mellow - 8 years ago
+Adachi Cabbage not as bad as seeing a dead person
Adachi Cabbage
Adachi Cabbage - 8 years ago
You want to see a decapitated seal? You gross man.
max fluffybottom
max fluffybottom - 8 years ago
maybe it was a person
Mellow - 8 years ago
+LiveIs2Evil +1
vyceland - 8 years ago
It doesn't have a seal of approval...
Phantasm - 8 years ago
dank 5
ben garcia
ben garcia - 8 years ago
Dont take this video and think sharks are menaces really they aren't and all these attacks were accidents as they dont have good vision and thought the people were seals
Mark Bauz
Mark Bauz - 8 years ago
Sharks be like: Itadakimasu!
Anonymous - 8 years ago
Number 3 is just plain brutal and inhuman.
Erik Santana
Erik Santana - 8 years ago
If it is said that those who didnt drown were eaten by sharks then how does anybody even know about it
Yolfir - 8 years ago
imagine getting grabbed in the ribs by shark and getting crushed by teeth especially if you are ticklish there
mtaylor935mt - 8 years ago
Dark5 your videos are getting harder and harder to believe. Sharks breaking open metal cages??? Impossible.
Alex Topalis
Alex Topalis - 8 years ago
shit happens
Todd Farley
Todd Farley - 8 years ago
one more reason to never go to the ocean
Luis Mercado
Luis Mercado - 8 years ago
Possibly the scariest topic and song combo, I was shivering
Romantis Anon
Romantis Anon - 8 years ago
Just in time for Shark week! Yay!

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