5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1

These are some of the most horrific shark attacks caught on tape, from sharks that attack surfers to divers, from great white sharks to bullsharks. Please subscribe; http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=dorsetghostuk Some more awesome videos. 5 More Most Horrific Great WhIte Shark Attacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf3L9idUvIA 5 Deadly snake Bites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL7ZTpAbB8A 5 most creepy unsolved mysteries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1olzGmZt-4 5 most Horrifying science experiments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izg0hqM7rGI 5 Most Mysterious Lost Worlds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkRSdXvHJMQ 5 most amazing angels caught on tape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swYowKVPeoo 5 most disgusting parasite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLmTBCWI3rY If you have a true terrifying story that you want us to make a video on, then you can contact us at; dorsetghostinvestigators@rocketmail.com Please follow us on Twitter; https://twitter.com/dorsetghost Please like our Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dorset-Ghost-Investigators/259833150723729?ref=bookmarks Please add us on Google+; https://plus.google.com/+dorsetghost/posts Music credited to http://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b Music also credit to: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)". Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Licence for Images in video: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7334

Shark videos 9 years ago 10,365,913 views

These are some of the most horrific shark attacks caught on tape, from sharks that attack surfers to divers, from great white sharks to bullsharks. Please subscribe; http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=dorsetghostuk Some more awesome videos. 5 More Most Horrific Great WhIte Shark Attacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf3L9idUvIA 5 Deadly snake Bites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL7ZTpAbB8A 5 most creepy unsolved mysteries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1olzGmZt-4 5 most Horrifying science experiments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izg0hqM7rGI 5 Most Mysterious Lost Worlds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkRSdXvHJMQ 5 most amazing angels caught on tape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swYowKVPeoo 5 most disgusting parasite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLmTBCWI3rY If you have a true terrifying story that you want us to make a video on, then you can contact us at; dorsetghostinvestigators@rocketmail.com Please follow us on Twitter; https://twitter.com/dorsetghost Please like our Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dorset-Ghost-Investigators/259833150723729?ref=bookmarks Please add us on Google+; https://plus.google.com/+dorsetghost/posts Music credited to http://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b Music also credit to: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)". Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Licence for Images in video: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

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Most popular comments
for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1

Artsy Em
Artsy Em - 8 years ago
Man kills sharks. Sharks kill man. Man kills lion. Lion kills man. Man kills snake. Snake kills man. Man kills dog. Dog kills man. Do you see a pattern here?
Angel heaven
Angel heaven - 7 years ago
Yes I do.
u wot m8
u wot m8 - 7 years ago
i see vegan logic/autism
sammy skates
sammy skates - 7 years ago
Artsy Em it’s just as scary
Aybo1000 - 7 years ago
Yep because species act as one entity and retaliate, are you mentally retarded?
Jay C
Jay C - 7 years ago
JayHackzWZW actually nature does.
Sword 4 Life
Sword 4 Life - 7 years ago
Just here to inquire if Kim Land and Vidar Jensen sent out their wedding invites yet. :-)
Devan McClaine
Devan McClaine - 7 years ago
That never happened under Obama...thanks, Trump
Alyssa Aceves
Alyssa Aceves - 7 years ago
Artsy yes I do
dinah259 - 7 years ago
Artsy Em in America you kill shark in Russia shark kills you
Jaime Ynfiesta
Jaime Ynfiesta - 7 years ago
Wolfgirl 23
Dr. Benoit
Dr. Benoit - 7 years ago
Artsy Em are you implying some revenge theory for animals or that humans shouldn't mess with said animals because non of these people in the video were harming sharks most weren't actually aware of the sharks presence and the others were studying them which could actually help sharks.... You are an idiot
Dr. Benoit
Dr. Benoit - 7 years ago
You're dumb
SilverAmerican - 7 years ago
There is no pattern... animals are animals and will eat/kill humans because of survival. Humans will do the same to animals. Its how nature works
Caden Saunders
Caden Saunders - 7 years ago
Humans are assholes?
Meinardo Jr Andres
Meinardo Jr Andres - 7 years ago
The pattern is everything
t3r3nc3gv1 - 7 years ago
Rip woman
Whitney Briggs
Whitney Briggs - 7 years ago
Artsy Em I don’t know what your talking about
Haley shelton
Haley shelton - 7 years ago
Artsy Em we do it to them they do it right back
Michelle Ponce
Michelle Ponce - 7 years ago
Artsy Em lol yeah
Team Lighting Fire Water
Team Lighting Fire Water - 7 years ago
Artsy Em yes
Moises Figueroa
Moises Figueroa - 7 years ago
All animals that inhabit a specific area to settle down and live in are territorial, more so if their exposure to human beings are limited. You also have to consider the aggression level of the animal, it's not about what they eat. And let's not go down to snails. Big difference comparing large animals to small ones. But take Bulls, Elephants, and Rhinos. They are substantial in size and have definitely killed people. Smaller? Sure. There are llamas, sheeps, and goats that have also killed people. Mountain Goats are notorious for killing hikers or people wandering in mountainous regions. While, yes, they are aggressive, but they are a good example of a non-territorial animal. Territorial animals mark their surroundings, and goats tend to roam, even if they temporarily inhabit an area for a brief amount of time.
Moises Figueroa
Moises Figueroa - 7 years ago
That knowledge is only passed down if it is a social creature, which a shark is not. And that requires a certain level of intelligence to have that level of understanding. Mankind's biggest threat (in terms of sharks) are the aggressive ones. Bull shark, tiger shark. The great white often just confuses people for seals, or decides to give them a taste because they seem so foreign. But they often times release the person because they don't like the taste of human flesh.
kevin hammans
kevin hammans - 7 years ago
jaggededges - 7 years ago
Artsy Em yup shit happens
wolf runner
wolf runner - 7 years ago
Vidar Jensen that's a lie an animal would More likely attach a threat so go face any animal even a small dog as a big bad threat and it will not for safety don't bother it I swim with sharks there gentle but if you show fear or act like a threat it's going to play threat back
wolf runner
wolf runner - 7 years ago
Artsy Em ya I do leave them alone and they will leave us alone
Sydney RedGem
Sydney RedGem - 7 years ago
Artsy Em Yes I think that you've made it crystal clear that there is a pattern
Emily Wemily
Emily Wemily - 7 years ago
uh ok
Cherrylene Ingles
Cherrylene Ingles - 7 years ago
Man is logical, sharks rely on their natural instinct. Man educated, sharks not. Man is intelligent, sharks are intelligent.
Rachel Hagins
Rachel Hagins - 7 years ago
Arphy TheFruit
Arphy TheFruit - 7 years ago
no i dont nerd
Eziekle Crafts
Eziekle Crafts - 7 years ago
thitn - 7 years ago
Oh dear god, please be a troll race baiting
thitn - 7 years ago
Are you stupid? Everything kills everything, even a mice will defend itself if no other options, a goose will chase you and a cow could give you a kick that kills you. Its survival of the fittest and it has always been like this.
Anthony Thomson
Anthony Thomson - 7 years ago
God creates dinosaur, God destroys dinosaur. God creates man, man destroys God, man creates dinosaur. Dinosaur eats man, woman inherits the Earth
Alex Wilde
Alex Wilde - 7 years ago
Artsy Em - Did your brain hurt coming up with that little droplet of wisdom. Man goes to bed, man gets up in the morning......
Arphy TheFruit
Arphy TheFruit - 7 years ago
Andrew Sallee
Andrew Sallee - 7 years ago
Your just that one asshole that tries to argue with everything on youtube. lol I actually feel bad for u. Keep on being weird!!!!!!!!!!
co122189 - 7 years ago
You should put White before every man there...dont try to act like other people dont care about nature...thats you you dont respect shit...here add this one White man enslaves Black man.White man kills Black man.Black man kills White man. White man says he's racist...
Beth Heasley
Beth Heasley - 7 years ago
Vidar Jensen actually herbivores can be very agressive sometimes, imagine a rhino or something like that.
idk go away
idk go away - 7 years ago
David Moya
Hannah Roberts
Hannah Roberts - 7 years ago
Artsy Em I don't get it
David Moya
David Moya - 7 years ago
dudes honestly it puts a great smile on my face when a tree hugging asshole loses a limb , that's what they get for fucking around In there territory same thing goes for assholes that decide to live in hurricane or tornado land I really hope you get cleared out for Being that stupid! in fact it's not punishment enough
Luke - 7 years ago
Sorry but even if man stopped killing sharks and lions and snakes, they would still attack. Thats probably one of the stupidest patterns i've probably ever seen.
The Fame
The Fame - 7 years ago
I don't get it. There's a difference between being instinctual and being an asshole
winter white
winter white - 7 years ago
Artsy Em good thing I'm a woman :) lol
kailee lenae
kailee lenae - 7 years ago
Artsy Em no. Humans kill animals because they're disgusting. Animals kill humans because they need it to survive.
i SOULS - 7 years ago
People do plenty to get attacked, going in the water (sharks home) is reason enough. You want someone in your home ??
i SOULS - 7 years ago
Yah we're all animals
Yesli Cornelio
Yesli Cornelio - 7 years ago
Lopez Varzaga
Lopez Varzaga - 7 years ago
Talking Animals! idiot if we leave them alone we would be a food to them fucking dumb use your brain
XFlame DesignsX
XFlame DesignsX - 7 years ago
Emma Parker
Emma Parker - 7 years ago
Artsy Em yes animals get revenge
Becca Clark
Becca Clark - 7 years ago
People that kill it's not nice
QuickStrike0065 - 7 years ago
Vidar Jensen, and you are 100% positive that you are not missing the point and think that humans should kill animals if need be and nothing else? If it is killing them for food, then that is natural and I agree with this particular point. However for our cause it is not natural because of the way that we do it.
Corwin Kelly
Corwin Kelly - 8 years ago
There is no moral order to nature. Animals (apart from humans) generally don't kill out of anger or spite. To presuppose some righteous retribution enacted by animals is just silly, wild animals kill out of hunger and in order to protect themselves, not for vengeance. Animals won't stop killing people because we don't kill them, apart from perhaps a few highly intelligent non-predatory species. I don't know how true it is but I've heard of a species/group of elephants that exhibit violence towards humans which is attributed to the poaching of their ancestors. This may be completely apocryphal but even if true such institutional memory is not common.
Cassie google account Llama
Cassie google account Llama - 8 years ago
Artsy Em yes
Becca Clark
Becca Clark - 8 years ago
Artsy Em: no
DHScherocha - 8 years ago
There's no pattern, just animals killing other animals. Minus weapons, man isn't exactly at the top of the food chain. We don't have large mass and razor-sharp teeth, or incredible muscular builds and power, or large claws, or deadly venom. Your comment almost implies that animal attacks on man are in retaliation, but with billions of people covering the planet and a host of other deadly animals, there are invariably going to be attacks in both directions. I know you're trying to be profound but in reality you're talking out of your arse.
Knex Plex
Knex Plex - 8 years ago
Ghost Angel
Ghost Angel - 8 years ago
Artsy Em just like they kill everything else
Ghost Angel
Ghost Angel - 8 years ago
Artsy Em all those animals killed us 1st lol
Kimmie Superstar
Kimmie Superstar - 8 years ago
Yep,man is the most dangerous and especially destructive creature. We owe it to God and the planet to make the wrong things right doing what we can to conserve what's left and show some appreciation before we are extinct.
MediaReview - 8 years ago
+deep The pattern here is persistent human stupidity.
Arahorn - 8 years ago
It's more like, Shark kills man, man kills one million sharks. Snake kills man, man kills one millions snakes, etc .
Karen Bailey
Karen Bailey - 8 years ago
Yes I See a pattern, humans are thick!
Rian ines
Rian ines - 8 years ago
Artsy Em f we would not hurt them, they will not hurt us? but that was natural for them, the killer instinct
Angel Guerrier
Angel Guerrier - 8 years ago
Artsy Em I see it
Potato Tomato
Potato Tomato - 8 years ago
Chompchomp212 fuck you u probs can't hunt for shit you sexist dog
CeCe Kitty
CeCe Kitty - 8 years ago
Hey, that is not true. You probably can't even hunt Bro.
Chompchomp212 - 8 years ago
Women can't hunt.
Zalion Gamin
Zalion Gamin - 8 years ago
yep that's dumb though
Pro gamer Perryman
Pro gamer Perryman - 8 years ago
Artsy Em yes same
Yagiz Oksum
Yagiz Oksum - 8 years ago
Artsy Em wtf
panda slimzzz
panda slimzzz - 8 years ago
Kariel Corrales
Kariel Corrales - 8 years ago
Artsy Em no
Virenking809 - 8 years ago
Man = mankind = human = Male and Female.
H I - 8 years ago
Artsy Em what about woman
H I - 8 years ago
Artsy Em no
Siena Davis
Siena Davis - 8 years ago
Artsy Em hi
Virenking809 - 8 years ago
+Zaira Larsen Yep
Zaira Larsen
Zaira Larsen - 8 years ago
+Virenking809 Oh I see now! Thats very true.
TheDorianTube - 8 years ago
Good thing that quantities are left unknown huh? lol
Virenking809 - 8 years ago

Man kills shark. Shark kills men. (Who started?) repeat
Omegacraftman381 - 8 years ago
Artsy Em what is the pattern m8?
Zaira Larsen
Zaira Larsen - 8 years ago
Artsy Em i dont get it..
Tenniele Bent Palmer
Tenniele Bent Palmer - 8 years ago
Stannis The Mannis hhhchvhvj
Stannis The Mannis
Stannis The Mannis - 8 years ago
Human race is yuck. A disgrace. Now the next big question is why does everything seem to filmed with a fucking potato?
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 8 years ago
Thats why when something kills man, man dont care
Robert - 8 years ago
A man-made myth has nothing to do with earth, predator or prey.
LMAO0O0O0 - 8 years ago
The pattern is that's the way God made this place, predator and prey.
Lily msp/more
Lily msp/more - 8 years ago
Artsy Em ye man kill aniaml kill man
Judy Thornton
Judy Thornton - 8 years ago
Artsy Em yea
xPrincessDoomx - 8 years ago
LOL yeah that isn't fucked up or anything.
Robert - 8 years ago
It just means that man should stick to just killing man.
xPrincessDoomx - 8 years ago
True but when animals can and will attack if provoked or hungry, man is dumb enough to be around them AND provoked them. Fuck that. There's a reason why they're called wild animals and not wild men.
GrantM4054 Gaming
GrantM4054 Gaming - 8 years ago
Artsy Em ya dude ur stupid if we killed all sharks then there wouldn't be any shark attacks
Aliema Stories Roblox and More
Aliema Stories Roblox and More - 7 years ago
And kids. Thats why you should not go to the beach in shark day
DRI77Y - 7 years ago
Daeci King
Daeci King - 7 years ago
As someone who has encountered a shark in water I can say they are some kind of savage beast. They are beautiful creatures doing what is natural and following their instincts. A shark had the chance to attack me and my two younger siblings but instead swam around my leg (I stayed calm and didn’t move) and then he swam on his way. Bc we aren’t food but we are some living breathing creature in their water so why wouldn’t they be curious?
Gunner Bradford
Gunner Bradford - 7 years ago
I had a bull slam me when I was 12 in Gulf shores Alabama. He came back 2 more times before trying to force his way past my board I used as a sheild. I will never forget the hitting force, the sandpaper skin or its superior power as the thing thrashed in the water next to me. Always respect wildlife and habitat. and be aware.
Abu 'Afak
Abu 'Afak - 7 years ago
@0:41 Mutiliated?
Uno - 7 years ago
Sharks are adorable with those big eyes but the inside is terrifying
Erik Blanton
Erik Blanton - 7 years ago
Its like growing up in a rough neighborhood, watch your back and protect yourself
Erik Blanton
Erik Blanton - 7 years ago
Pretty much kill or be killed when u enter that kind of water lol

10. comment for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1

Erik Blanton
Erik Blanton - 7 years ago
First off lol...Sharks are stone cold killers along with orcas. They eat and kill anything. Divers need a very long knife kept on them at all times
TJ Anderson
TJ Anderson - 7 years ago
Here's a thought. DON'T INVADE THEIR HOME / natural habitat and you'll be fine.
Michele Ellis
Michele Ellis - 7 years ago
What happened to this poor shark that got stuck in the cage?
Gunners and Ali
Gunners and Ali - 7 years ago
ANDREW MILLS - 7 years ago
You my friend are a massive idiot!
To Quote the Big yun "where were you when you were bitten by this shark? Oh, in the water!" We kill hundreds of thousands a week and when they all are gone the sea eco system will die and then so will we! Nice shark!
Louise France
Louise France - 7 years ago
Very poor narration! Don't give up your day job!!!!!!
Kody Marshall
Kody Marshall - 7 years ago
This is why you carry a water sealed Glock 10mm. Then bam top of the food chain again
Lizzy L
Lizzy L - 7 years ago
sharks are just curious. we’re literally invading their territory and then we blame the sharks. they think we’re seals.
Popcorn Island
Popcorn Island - 7 years ago
Paul De Gelder is one of the worlds top shark supporters and loves to study and swim with them.
Popcorn Island
Popcorn Island - 7 years ago
They don’t want to kill you, they are just curious on what you are doing in their turf.

20. comment for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1

Popcorn Island
Popcorn Island - 7 years ago
On average sharks only kill 6 people a year
Niki Simons
Niki Simons - 7 years ago
I watched 47 meters down it was not that scary but it was really cool
Tina L
Tina L - 7 years ago
Im glad its not any sharks here in norway
MONICA GONZALEZ - 7 years ago
Angel heaven
Angel heaven - 7 years ago
The thing is they get egotistical and think there bullet proof,having knowledge does not help you from a hungry or aggressive animal, we hurt them kill them and annoy them no wonder they hurt humans.
Candor - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure the picture you have on 3:26 is of a Maco, not a Bull Sharr.
Zahra Shirmomhamadid
Zahra Shirmomhamadid - 7 years ago
omg scary
Flexispank - 7 years ago
"The American 'equilavent' of the Navy Seals", so that'd be the bloody Navy Seals then, you plank!!!
Hans Erik Stokvik
Hans Erik Stokvik - 7 years ago
jay D
jay D - 7 years ago
I think bull sharks are more powerful than Great whites. Even though Great white is bigger and heavier I think a bull shark can brutally fuck great white shark. Bulls are beautiful animals with exceptional body to even survive in Rivers. I love Bulls they are sweet.

30. comment for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1

Slime&Challanges - 7 years ago
Tide Pods
Tide Pods - 7 years ago
wheres the blood and guts???
Dhanjay figuracion
Dhanjay figuracion - 7 years ago
no i did not mine every one sorry guys
Dhanjay figuracion
Dhanjay figuracion - 7 years ago
loser every one
Dhanjay figuracion
Dhanjay figuracion - 7 years ago
i like that shark its human the humans eat by a shark is ok in this video hahahahahahahahaha losers
CadenKrana - 7 years ago
Sharks eat sea lions. So sharks see a person swimming around in the water they think it’s a sea lion. The only reason why sharks don’t “eat” the person, instead they only bite you, is because they then know that it is not what they want and then let go
Sabrina Dixon
Sabrina Dixon - 7 years ago
Fake ass discovery
ICAS Company
ICAS Company - 7 years ago
Joseph Fleet
Joseph Fleet - 7 years ago
American equivalent to navy seals?? Navy seals are American
Damaris Ruiz
Damaris Ruiz - 7 years ago
That is scary that would hurt so bad
MissSaintG - 7 years ago
“It was a bull shark”. Proceeds to show photo of a mako. Lol.
Jacob Middleton
Jacob Middleton - 7 years ago
Bull shark is most aggressive
Kevin Copeland
Kevin Copeland - 7 years ago
1 min video stretched to 6 mins
XsparxLY - 7 years ago
I am here to provide you with tips to survive a attack of a shark, or how to get away safely from a shark up close.

1. Don't punch them in the nose, this is a myth and will only make the shark angry. Punch the shark in the eyes or gills, these are the most sensitive spots.

2. While trying to swim away from what could end up deadly with a shark, don't turn your back while swimming, the shark will see you as prey trying to get away. Slowly swim backwards till the shark is not interested anymore, or when you have found land.

3. Don't do anything dumb, like risk your life and stay there so you can get views.

4. If you have any cuts, nose bleeds, or anything that makes you bleed, cover it up. The shark will grow more hungry smelling blood.

5. Unless the shark is a bit of a distance, try not to scream. This will make the shark see you as scared prey.

Some of these tips may vary depending on what breed of shark it is, or how big/deadly it is.

Also i don't want to seem like a begger, but can this please get likes? I never get likes :(
whale shark's are really giant
Teigan Cousins
Teigan Cousins - 7 years ago
one time at the beach I was 4 and I was imangining then I heard scream I was I water then looked down saw a bullshark I cried I have a hole in my leg know
Laly Ross
Laly Ross - 7 years ago
Que se jodan por hacerse los artistas
Dean Turner
Dean Turner - 7 years ago
First one is utterly stupid
JK! Jaiden and Kylie
JK! Jaiden and Kylie - 7 years ago
Not true sharks have
Bad seeing
Cod Boss
Cod Boss - 7 years ago
Iswamnear a shark in a beac

50. comment for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1

Damian Garza
Damian Garza - 7 years ago
Leave Britney Alone!

Bater flip
Bater flip - 7 years ago
Oh noooooooooooo kills
Robert Dyer
Robert Dyer - 7 years ago
sharks dont mean to eat us they think we are seals :)
Rebecca Stack
Rebecca Stack - 7 years ago
Five terrifying shark attacks...balanced by "oh" 7 to 10 million human attacks on sharks each year; which, are even more terrifying because they are definned and die a slow death by drowning since they can no longer swim. I think videos like this perpetuate the idea that sharks are somehow evil and loathsome. In conclusion, the guy in Attack #5 claims (in a separate Goggle entry) that he does NOT blame the shark that attacked him because we are NOT food for sharks...he was just in the wrong place in the wrong time. Next time you put together a video showing how horrible sharks are why don't you also demonstrate how bad we are. Sharks primarily maim; man kills.
charlie frazier
charlie frazier - 7 years ago
Keep your azz out of dangerous places smh
simon t
simon t - 7 years ago
complete scare mongering and so rare >
I have swam with bulky tiger and great whites and still have all limbs|! stop this revolting attack on sharks !! its because idiots like you publicise such events that the sharks are suffering !! get a life and stop living in your parents basement!! save the sharks
Victor Eduardo
Victor Eduardo - 7 years ago
Don't go to a place full of sharks. Simple.
Frankie Brooks
Frankie Brooks - 7 years ago
you pronounced equivalent wrong haahahaa
Jason Gibbons
Jason Gibbons - 7 years ago
Devan McClaine
Devan McClaine - 7 years ago
alfie jameson
alfie jameson - 7 years ago
the last video isn't a video, its pictures....
Amanda Yan
Amanda Yan - 7 years ago
A bit boring
A Link In The Comments
A Link In The Comments - 7 years ago
"Shark Expert" Eric Ritter should have known not to stand in water infested with 7 foot long sharks....
Viking Simon
Viking Simon - 7 years ago
Don't want to be a meal for a shark? Keep out of the bloody water, it isn't rocket science. Some of you are so thick.
Marylou42 - 7 years ago
No mercy for the shark attack victims ...no mercy AT ALL !!!!!!
nathan brady
nathan brady - 7 years ago
On behalf of the UK, we apologise for the thick fuck narrating this
Shane Cole
Shane Cole - 7 years ago
Left his calf mutiliated ?? What
Chris Estes
Chris Estes - 7 years ago
that's the real jaws hitting the cage yikes
EleanorMay - 7 years ago
This is why I don’t go to the beach
Barbara Dyson
Barbara Dyson - 7 years ago
I suppose it would be easier to first ask the sharks if you could swim in their territory before assuming you are king of the chain. you play with fire then you are likely to get burnt by it.
Dean Flanagan
Dean Flanagan - 7 years ago
Go to 3:01 and listen to “equivalent”
TheAwesomeGamer - 7 years ago
I was swimming in misquamicut beach. I jumped off texting boat and that's when i looked up to see a great white shark. I was terrified but i knew how to handle it. I curled up into a ball syndicating that i was scared if it and it swam off. Lucky to escape with my life I told my parents and we went to the life guard to tell him something important. We told him that the shark that almost took.my life had been chasing our boat all the way down to the beach. Everybody panicked and instead of just deciding to get out of the water they decided to stay in the shark infested water and flail around like maniacs. There was 1 death that day and I have never been back to that beach.
Jason Tebbetts
Jason Tebbetts - 7 years ago
I have but they were trained I love sharks their my favorite animal I am only eight years old but I still love them
Maria L. Rapaglia
Maria L. Rapaglia - 7 years ago
d dalton roc'zombie
d dalton roc'zombie - 7 years ago
Hey, accent boy. we have ALL SEEN THESE VIDS BEFORE! I nick name you Sir. ReRun Boy!
SUGA SUGACORN - 7 years ago
Im not swimming in see EVER AGAIN!
PotatoChannel YT
PotatoChannel YT - 7 years ago
Sharks don't eat you.They only eat you when you have a wound (also pinch a shark on the snout)
Rae Carney
Rae Carney - 7 years ago
the shark that bit the lease in the beginning. if it was my camera I'd be pissed it scratched it lol
Hannah_Chanelle12 - 7 years ago
Love90 - 7 years ago
Stay out of the ocean!!!! Human beings are not meant to be there!!!
이찬걸 - 7 years ago
toooo many sharks human must reduce them.
Counslender Lista
Counslender Lista - 7 years ago
hungry shark evo :V
Kasso Music
Kasso Music - 7 years ago
dumbass is where he shouldn't be...he should be at Starbucks with the rest of his type......
Daniul Smith of BAWSTILLE
Daniul Smith of BAWSTILLE - 7 years ago
That last guy had yellow. Yellow is known as "yum Yum" and The white shark is pretty DANGEROUS. Not agressive(depending on why it would attack in the first place). But I do know the shortfinned Mako has a mean side.
Daniul Smith of BAWSTILLE
Daniul Smith of BAWSTILLE - 7 years ago
Sharks usually accidentaly attack. Their mostly on accident or their provoked. And sometimes its even a experiamental bite.
Alyssa Hudson
Alyssa Hudson - 7 years ago
Alyssa Hudson
Alyssa Hudson - 7 years ago
Gray White
Yannick F.
Yannick F. - 7 years ago
we need to kill them all till no one is more alive
Jeed92 - 7 years ago
listen to the first 10 seconds, then pause and run your imagination.
Shameless - 7 years ago
I’m 11 and I’m a diver and I also know that you have more of a chance of winning the lottery than getting eaten by a shark FOR GODS SAKE ITS THEIR WORLD NOT YOURS
McAllister Pulswaithe
McAllister Pulswaithe - 7 years ago
I imagine it would be vewy scawy and howwific. A lot of Brits pronounce their r's like w's. It sounds like a speech impediment, and sometimes it is. How stwange.
Hack World
Hack World - 7 years ago
tiger sharks and bull sharks are man eaters and the most dangerous sharks
angie cates
angie cates - 7 years ago
I was born in Florida on the beach, I’ll rip parts of your body off before anyone will ever throw me in the ocean. Not a chance in hell. I’d go out for a family member and that’s it. You are on your own out there........As a child I can remember being hit in the leg more times than I can count. Once I got smart enough to know the dangers I stopped going in more than a foot and I’m still looking around. Being IN the water is no fun if you have felt or seen what I have. One day they are gonna find a monster bigger than we have ever seen.
zog noty
zog noty - 7 years ago
not horrific at all.you have 100x more achance to get shot in the usa.LEAVE SHAHK ALONE MORON!
Justgamer88 Justgamer88
Justgamer88 Justgamer88 - 7 years ago
Sharks friendly not agrasife
gooni goo goo
gooni goo goo - 7 years ago
get a speech therapist
Picka girl
Picka girl - 7 years ago
Well way I see it is enter ocean then you trust passing threw there home they where there first
vphathom - 7 years ago
Bull shark is the most abundant aggressive sharks that man should be made aware of I have been diving since I was 18 years old, I am now 52 years old , I  have over 5000 dives experience  the gulf of Mexico ,  San-Diego California  I also lived and dive in the Marshall Islands the Pacific realm seems to be the most aggressive  area.. eye contact while scuba diving keeps them at bay just don't turn your back on sharks, while they are in visual range they are kind of like a aggressive dog  don't turn away from them
Evil Warrior
Evil Warrior - 7 years ago
sharks are just misunderstood like if you agree
HexagramMan - 7 years ago
Sharks dont like how people taste. They are always near in the ocean but they dont really care about you. Most "attacks" are just test bites

100. comment for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1

LJ F - 7 years ago
Bullsharks- the most aggressive and only one to live in salt and fresh water. We have them everywhere here in our rivers. They are no go zones. Ever water skiers and kayakers are being attacked!
RelativeBadger - 7 years ago
2:59 'The Amewican Equilavent' - LOL!
James Gretsch
James Gretsch - 7 years ago
I've been in a shark cage in Hawaii and I can tell you that the shark cage in the second incident in the video looks cheap and nothing like I was in.
Krissy Schoppert
Krissy Schoppert - 7 years ago
why cant that shark do the world a favor and eat MPA the narcissist scuba instructor pedo miliiwright. dont take your teenage daughters to ASD.
Madden Master VIDS
Madden Master VIDS - 7 years ago
That is a mako shark
Derek Keenan
Derek Keenan - 7 years ago
Derek Keenan
Derek Keenan - 7 years ago
Who pronounces “mutilated” like “mutiliated”?
Conner S
Conner S - 7 years ago
Now how the fuck Is There a picture of a man obviously running with one fucking leg ?
GTR MAN - 7 years ago
I saw a man eating shark.He had chips with it.lol
Jim Thomas
Jim Thomas - 7 years ago
Bull shark by far the most aggressive , but the great white is the most powerful
Lysergic 209
Lysergic 209 - 7 years ago
How's this dumbass got nearly 10 mil views when it sounds and looks like he made it for his media class at school?
DorsetGhost Mysteries
DorsetGhost Mysteries - 7 years ago
How dare you.
Nicholas Lindsey
Nicholas Lindsey - 7 years ago
This is what i say on test when i dont study
Pianist - 7 years ago
Nope sharks dont attack that often if we people kill more sharks than sharks kill people every year people kill 100 million sharks and sharks every year kill 0-1 people sharks balance our food source in the water so yeah science
Alex Robloxian
Alex Robloxian - 7 years ago
Haley Yeakley
Haley Yeakley - 7 years ago
I think The Megalodon is the Most Dangerous Shark.
Haley shelton
Haley shelton - 7 years ago
You're wrong sharks don't just eat us for a meal we are the problem. We get in their territory they attack. We need with them in their territory they attack. It's not them wanting to eat us, it's us disturbing them day to day. These sharks are trying to prove a point and if we keep doing these things over and over again their point is not being proven. Get the point people it's human kind doing the bad in the case of this video not the sharks
George Spottiswood
George Spottiswood - 7 years ago
...........the most dangerous sharks around are the ones in the water...............
Diane Berg
Diane Berg - 7 years ago
The shark has me on its mind? ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
PixiDust forever
PixiDust forever - 7 years ago
I love sharks
Piper Unicorn
Piper Unicorn - 7 years ago
Me: looks up shark attack videos "this should be interesting.
Video: "the shark has one thing on its mind and it's you*
Me: ?
Titan Dragon
Titan Dragon - 7 years ago
Over 70 million sharks are killed worldwide by humans each year, a vast majority lost to the horrific "shark finning" trade. Cutting the fins off live sharks and then leaving them to die a slow and painful death. All for some worthless, tasteless shark fin soup. I think the Sharks have more to be concerned about then we do. Approximately 75 attacks per year of sharks on humans vs 70 million shark deaths caused by humans. You do the math
Abby Fupfer
Abby Fupfer - 7 years ago
Was in a shark tank and saw a couple sharks at the age of 8
xisobelx373 - 7 years ago
Bull and lemon sharks. I think it's the bull (??or lemon) that can go from salt to fresh water? ? PLUS super aggressive?? Ugh. So nightmarish. I think we should respect sharks and let it be. Quit going in trying to see them. F.that. it's too alien underwater, leave it
Dejia Stewart
Dejia Stewart - 7 years ago
Only white people I swear
lillithremedy - 7 years ago
Poor sharks, just stop fucking with them
Gareth Pugsley
Gareth Pugsley - 7 years ago
This is crap saying about bull sharks then showing pic of mako.
Gareth Pugsley
Gareth Pugsley - 7 years ago
This is crap saying about bull sharks then showing pic of mako.
Isabela Bishop
Isabela Bishop - 7 years ago
I’m pretty sure the reason shark attacks on diving cages are so bad is because sharks can’t swim backwards so the only way out of that situation is swimming forward and thrashing until freedom
adam bryan
adam bryan - 7 years ago
O to the m to the g i can,t watch this
ami reifenstein
ami reifenstein - 7 years ago
uuummm some of these dont have a tape or clip
Syed Haider
Syed Haider - 7 years ago
man eating sharks
Mona Liza
Mona Liza - 7 years ago
Paul is a gangster!
Ashlyn Daulton
Ashlyn Daulton - 7 years ago
I am scared
Unstable Wun
Unstable Wun - 7 years ago
best vid ever top notch,i didnt know they lived in water.
Bacon SoGood
Bacon SoGood - 7 years ago
Dicks out for "mutiliated" and "equilavent".

Also, the American equivalent of the Navy Seals is the Navy Seals.
ICY VLAJ - 7 years ago
Pause the video click here ——> 2:51
Wildman Samurai
Wildman Samurai - 7 years ago
This is why I don't go near the ocean
sandi chief
sandi chief - 7 years ago
man kills dinosaurs, dinosaurs eat man
ace fernandez
ace fernandez - 7 years ago
Sharks r hungry if they see ur stupid ass In the water... u looking like a juicy steak. Cleshayyyyyy but fax
gold playerone
gold playerone - 7 years ago
he forgot he clip at 5:12
Umina Beach
Umina Beach - 7 years ago
thats really scary..
Apples - 7 years ago
I grew up in Florida, and bull sharks are the only sea animal that truly terrifies me. They're extremely aggressive and can LIVE IN FRESHWATER.

No fucking joke, bull sharks are found in rivers and lakes all the time. So forget everything you thought you knew about freshwater being safe to swim in.
Domixss - 7 years ago
Says bull shark>shows mako
Art Ramki
Art Ramki - 7 years ago
clip 2, the poor shark got stuck and upside down :((((((((((
mikey YT
mikey YT - 7 years ago
Shit audio m8
Violett LaCroix
Violett LaCroix - 7 years ago
Sharks aren't trying to kill us they just ether think we are seals or they want to know what we are! The bites they give are called exploratory bites. Pretty self explanatory. So they do not want to eat us. And It was their ocean first! Screw you!
Davinder Yadav
Davinder Yadav - 7 years ago
This vedio is amazing
Davinder Yadav
Davinder Yadav - 7 years ago
DON'T PANIC. STAY CALM. - 7 years ago
Poor Fellas, too bad none of them used the ONLY proper technique to get rid of sharks…
Earthlink oo
Earthlink oo - 7 years ago
nothing about open ocean looks fun, sounds fun or would be fun AT ALL. Thank god I'm landlocked.
Ricky Dean
Ricky Dean - 7 years ago
Bull sharks
Walmir cardoso
Walmir cardoso - 7 years ago
https://goo.gl/V2F1do This creepy video is about to be wiped out from youtube every day do not let watch - Top secret ovnis U.S project
Taco Master11
Taco Master11 - 7 years ago
Well, for your information, sharks don't mean to hurt us. They think we are sea creatures, that are pretty much highly-deformed. And they're colorblind. And they mistaken out swimming supplies as fish parts.
Mark Turnbull
Mark Turnbull - 7 years ago
That first video in just a few feet of water by that bull shark what it did to his leg with a small bite was crazy Hollywood would struggle to get a leg looking like that .
wolf runner
wolf runner - 7 years ago
I personally wouldn't mind if.a shark killed I mean it's sad but it's life they don't even eat people probably just curious or tasting or something but don't got to kill them back what's the point you certainly won't go to heaven with the act of revange and then your going to be hurt
Youtube By Ian
Youtube By Ian - 7 years ago
Bull sharks are the most aggressive but I think great whites are the most terrifying (and awesome).
Barry Fee
Barry Fee - 7 years ago
Stop making videos you are embarrassing yourself
Chris Gayler
Chris Gayler - 7 years ago
I have a idea stay out of the water and you won`t be attacked
Dallen TheGamer
Dallen TheGamer - 7 years ago
hehe, that's why I will never ever go to the beach
Andrea De La Fuente
Andrea De La Fuente - 7 years ago
Hello? Your an idiot. You know better than to get in the water with sharks! Was it for ratings? Stupid!!
Benjamin Dover
Benjamin Dover - 7 years ago
"Let's look at the footage."

Shows a bunch of still images

Fucking seriously?
FallenJedi - 7 years ago
He said the shark that attacked Paul was a bull, then he puts up a picture of a mako...dumbass
Calam Transgression
Calam Transgression - 7 years ago
The one in Sydney Australia with the navy happened at night the video you showed was not the real footage
Tina Huston
Tina Huston - 7 years ago
I don't know why but I don't consider attack number 1 to be an attack because the dumb mother f*&^er was standing there surrounded by sharks. What the hell did he expect?
An Ega
An Ega - 7 years ago
The attack left his calf Mu-til-iated?
Best twins 523
Best twins 523 - 7 years ago
This is why I'm scared of the ocean
Jack Stanton
Jack Stanton - 7 years ago
Guy is definitely autistic
beaconinthedark - 7 years ago
She didn't break free, her leg was severed.
Darry - 7 years ago
Stupid CUNTS why the fuck would you want to go in water were SHARKS are,deserve all you get.
Peter Palmer
Peter Palmer - 7 years ago
That's why I will never set so much as a toe in the ocean. The first guy wading amongst sharks got exactly what he deserved.
lynn aldinger
lynn aldinger - 7 years ago
Voice from Real Parananormal Activity?
Gagandeep Singh Happy
Gagandeep Singh Happy - 7 years ago
Rob Bakker
Rob Bakker - 7 years ago
Cieanna Kosatka
Cieanna Kosatka - 7 years ago
We are not on sharks minds just saying. They think that we are an animal like birds sitting on water and some other creature. Well usally windes up being us.
Jujubar Williams
Jujubar Williams - 7 years ago
That first one, Ritter, was an idiot (and Phd.). He was trying to prove his "hypothesis" to a local news reporter (who got in the water too?) that if you remain calm and don't show fear around sharks, they will not attack you. Kind of like the old "don't show fear" around aggressive dogs theory. Did I mention he had a Phd? He just disproved his own hypothesis. Sadly, he would not let go of that theory years later. Shark religion. Don't do it. They have brains the size of a walnut.
2011yourlife - 7 years ago
Dont wait till its to late for you, because Jesus Christ loves you very much repent of your sins and ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you! the bible says in romans chapter 10 vers 8-13 says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God and it is by confessing with your mouth that YOU ARE SAVED
Andries Saaiman
Andries Saaiman - 7 years ago
One thing that everyone forgets to notice is that each of the people was bitten once and then the shark disappeared sharks arent after humans its merely a case of mistaken identity if sharks were after humans none of those people would have survived an attack
Tracy/Nicholas Woodstock
Tracy/Nicholas Woodstock - 7 years ago
Most shark attacks are actually the shark misunderstanding the victim as there prey.
Jaak Bezuidenhout
Jaak Bezuidenhout - 7 years ago
Say it with us: 'equivalent'
MrAlexjandro23 - 7 years ago
Bullshit...i ❤️ sharks
Joel Colon
Joel Colon - 7 years ago
My new nightmare thanks alot ;-;
kassie zogas
kassie zogas - 7 years ago
I'm still terrified a shark will be in the swimming pool.
Skippy the punk
Skippy the punk - 7 years ago
If you're such a Navy Seal with demolition, underwater attack, navigational capabilities then where is your KNIFE? U.S. ARMY. Navy faggott
Ellie Colombo
Ellie Colombo - 7 years ago
Guy:he was bit by a bull shark... Guy: shows a picture of a shortfin mako... Me: OMG THAT IS A MAKO YOU IDIOT IM NO FAKE SHARK FAN!! MY GOSH CHECK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU POST A VIDEO
Grejegando - 7 years ago
I once attacked and bit a shark out of curiosity. Didn't like the taste so I stopped chasing him. Then he uploaded the clip on SharkTube and warned about the dangers of human beings and got many likes for it. He was a smart one that fella.
Andrew Cook
Andrew Cook - 7 years ago
most dangerous shark is the tiger shark except for over a million years ago which was the megaladon.
Bass Mainer
Bass Mainer - 7 years ago
Can't fucking stand this guy's voice.
NO aus W W
NO aus W W - 7 years ago
Sharks dont like human meat...
FUCKtheJEWS - 7 years ago
‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ヽ(°□° )ノ︵‿︵‿︵‿  HELPME
Mare Vare
Mare Vare - 7 years ago
Less wash te hip
Jeanna Gammelgaard
Jeanna Gammelgaard - 7 years ago
"a 14 foot shark suddenly attacks her from behind" can we just take a second to think about this. you didn't see a 14! foot shark.
Dough Nuts
Dough Nuts - 7 years ago
"She broke Free" no you don't break free from a Great White, they let you go.
I am a man and I'm a poof80808
I am a man and I'm a poof80808 - 7 years ago
I hate these ugly bastards!!
Tacodog 76
Tacodog 76 - 7 years ago
"Shark", it is a fun word to say.
Herbin' Avenger
Herbin' Avenger - 7 years ago
Why would they super impose an image of a Mako shark over the film of the Navy diver who was attacked by a bull shark? The Bull shark is the most dangerous because of it's aggressive nature, habit of hunting near shore and river mouths, even swimming hundreds of miles up rivers being able to live in fresh water. I've been in the water in proximity to Tiger, Bull, White tip reef, Black tip reef, Grey reef, and Great Hammerhead sharks. There where likely others I never saw.
Rob Ashworth
Rob Ashworth - 7 years ago
great sleeping aid
Stallion - 7 years ago
that was a mako shark with big black eyes
Gabrielle. Haire
Gabrielle. Haire - 7 years ago
I usually like your videos dude but damn. Why all the wrong and misguided info....
Mohecin Takouit
Mohecin Takouit - 7 years ago
look what a small shark do to a diver!
James Briggs
James Briggs - 7 years ago
What fucking awful commentary! You really need to brush up on your pronunciation. I don't even mean your Dorset accent, I mean things like equivalent and terrifying. Also, it's evident that you know bugger all about sharks (e.g. superimposing a picture of a Mako when talking about a Bull) and you're just maintaining people's irrational fear of them. I've dived alongside a Hammerhead on the GBR and many Reef sharks around the world... they're amazing creatures!
roman l
roman l - 7 years ago
I like how it says horrific shark attack but there is a whale shark on the cover.
Jasmine Forwood
Jasmine Forwood - 7 years ago
Anyone else watching this in 2017?
danilo osiris
danilo osiris - 7 years ago
Shark party !!!!!
Thanks.A. Lot.Alyssa
Thanks.A. Lot.Alyssa - 7 years ago
Oml that 1st one was soo gorey.. i didnt think it woukd show blood. >~<
desastermaster2010 - 7 years ago
This Erik Ritter is an "expert" ? Really? To me he looks more like an attention-seeker ! Walking among a pack of Bullsharks in shallow water.....Who would have guessed, one of the sharks could take a bite?? Surprise!!!!
Ian Lee
Ian Lee - 7 years ago
Did both of them escape in the second one.
siioHD - 7 years ago
These types of videos would be better if you all didn't add the shitty music to it.
hannah roe
hannah roe - 7 years ago
u don't' know your sharks - #notabullsharkpicture
Rogelio  Ponce
Rogelio Ponce - 7 years ago
Rogelio  Ponce
Rogelio Ponce - 7 years ago
Celeste Yergensen
Celeste Yergensen - 7 years ago
the bull shark is
Dr Exe
Dr Exe - 7 years ago
you jst dont fk with sharks
The ForgottenWell
The ForgottenWell - 7 years ago
Fuck sharks
Computer studies
Computer studies - 7 years ago
I think they should be attacked! you know why? because these people know that its really dengerous and horrible to go in thier property and they know that they are wild still they wanna let the sharks to lick thier ass
Riekus de waal
Riekus de waal - 7 years ago
where's all the footage from jaws or deep blue sea? XD
babi Azevedo
babi Azevedo - 7 years ago
they are tottaly nuts! jesus
Gemelos Gemelos
Gemelos Gemelos - 7 years ago
Pura mamada
Nebo Nano
Nebo Nano - 7 years ago
When you get a video of Aquaman riding a great white post it, till then keep this morbid stuff to yourself, this kind of stuff is sick.
Kani Fuker
Kani Fuker - 7 years ago
You're British yet you can't even pronounce simple words from the English language. What the fuck is equilavent?.
hans peter
hans peter - 7 years ago
And how much sharks get killed every Year? MILLIONS
So dont whine about These 5 incidents
Turts Eats Food
Turts Eats Food - 7 years ago
"one of the most forocious sharks in the water". What, as opposed to out of the water?
hoosierhiver - 7 years ago
Attacks on people who are spear fishing are not considered unprovoked attacks and are not listed as shark attacks.
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 7 years ago
king nick
king nick - 7 years ago
Exactly why I don't go
In the ocean lol
john Mutton
john Mutton - 7 years ago
why would anyone want to swim were there are sharks? Humans top of the food chain?
Carl D
Carl D - 7 years ago
yeaaaa!!!! lets swim with the sharks bruh!!!! lol
Jackass Jack
Jackass Jack - 7 years ago
Anyone notice they all white
Jennifer Costa
Jennifer Costa - 7 years ago
I don't believe that but it made me scared
Eziekle Crafts
Eziekle Crafts - 7 years ago
Kent Layton
Kent Layton - 7 years ago
To see a Hammerhead just 50 feet away in 80 feet of water off Cuba scared the shit out of me, but when back in the dive boat and letting it sink in made me want to dive again and watch the grace of these creatures...if you haven't done, try it, but safely
John F Willis
John F Willis - 7 years ago
What the hell is a " DOIVER"...mate? lol
thecocksaysmoo - 7 years ago
I had a shark encounter. I was swinging at Myrtle Beach SC. I felt what I called a big fish bump my leg hard. Two seconds later the entire beach was screaming SHARK & pulled me & my mother out of the water. Pretty close.
Klara Bit
Klara Bit - 7 years ago
Wow cool i love it
Angel Bratprince
Angel Bratprince - 7 years ago
In my opinion the most dangerous shark to people is the bull shark
jim Haut
jim Haut - 7 years ago
I think a shark is waiting for nuttyahoo! Lmao
Phillip Carn
Phillip Carn - 7 years ago
Where do they get these people who give the commentaries? - this guy can't even pronounce the words correctly if they contain more than two syllables.
DorsetGhost Mysteries
DorsetGhost Mysteries - 7 years ago
We did speak normally, but then Youtube sent us for speech therapy, it's ruined us now.
Bethani Green
Bethani Green - 7 years ago
Sharks are beautiful animals and an be interesting
Justin. T Rimjob
Justin. T Rimjob - 7 years ago
Imagine the amount of clicks and hits if somehow, some way they were to capture Whoopi Goldberg or Joy Behar being attacked by sharks? I'd sit here all f'n day and 'view' it over and over... hahah
Lilsis Msp
Lilsis Msp - 7 years ago
The Genius Gamer
The Genius Gamer - 7 years ago
Tbh, if you think it is ok to be within 2000 meters of a killing machine. Then you deserve to be attacked
Theron Nelson
Theron Nelson - 7 years ago
I can't stand this guys accent I can't even watch this video I don't like people with English accents they sound annoying
Craft Brothers
Craft Brothers - 7 years ago
Sharks are just misunderstood animals. . . You bother it it eat u or it's just pretty hungry
Jim D
Jim D - 7 years ago
Good video
Alex Wilde
Alex Wilde - 7 years ago
Did someone dieded. I no like blooded bits.
Alana Downie
Alana Downie - 7 years ago
hahaha "tewiffying" was this made by a 3 year old? Even then im sure a child could differentiate between sharks better than this mongo.
Alana Downie
Alana Downie - 7 years ago
Your pronunciation makes you sound like a phwucking twat, and completely ruins the footage.
Deadsy Padilla
Deadsy Padilla - 7 years ago
most attacks happen in less than 6 feet of water. But in open ocean sharks don't feed as much..so they are more aggressive.
Piombo Caldo
Piombo Caldo - 7 years ago
Freeway Godzilla
Freeway Godzilla - 7 years ago
The sharks thought all these people were seals. Lmao!
Diss Tracks LIT
Diss Tracks LIT - 7 years ago
There's a harmless whale shark on the thumbnail
Zombie Pro
Zombie Pro - 7 years ago
Great white or bull
Hitler Re-carnation
Hitler Re-carnation - 7 years ago
Too blurry.
trevor7039 - 7 years ago
I was in the ocean of Florida I got attacked my a bull and lost my right leg
Henristrelinha - 7 years ago
Beeeeeeech! I live for his accent.
Makenna Alvelo
Makenna Alvelo - 7 years ago
Dis is Lila. Lila is a great white. Great white sharks are going extinct around the world and who's stopping people from harming them? No one. 1 like = 1 prayer
Muskie Samurai
Muskie Samurai - 7 years ago
I caught a freshwater shark on a dildo. I posted the video on my page.
Angel Horn
Angel Horn - 7 years ago
A lot of sharks are very misunderstood.
Gavin Sinclair
Gavin Sinclair - 7 years ago
you could have at least shown a.picture of a Bull shark not a Mako, Deerrrrr
Eliel the best Torres
Eliel the best Torres - 7 years ago
Amazon card
Michaela Bicknell
Michaela Bicknell - 7 years ago
Artsy Em
That makes no sense at all there is no pattern
faz1991 - 7 years ago
the narrator, will forever be in my nightmares
Jade Navarro
Jade Navarro - 7 years ago
There was so many things wrong with this video
Candida Rivera
Candida Rivera - 7 years ago
well i dont mind that she almost died us humans puts oil in the water and we also take thousands of thousands of fish out of the water and we steal 5 million pounds of water each year and we put machines that palloutes the water and we invade their homes for like gold or swimming and the can only sense moving things so of course their going to come kill because bro they dont live that long they need food and we are takeing it we should the water illegal and we kill sharks take their babies put the babies in a very freaking small box with water see how long it can last with out food that.means we are killing the babies then go back with the machines find another pregnet shark from that creature put out of the water put a tag on it that means it has a traker and camera in it stab a hole in its fin but the string inside it the string is connected to the tag let it free wait untill it has babies then we go back out with the machines gets the babies kills 20 of the sharks with harpoons to know how the meat taste like gods food food from the heavens we kill then all out take their meat and eat it the but if not we will rip their flesh off for clothes take the babies research how long it live or something.so yea humans are freaking poop holes to the sea
Darryl Bernard
Darryl Bernard - 7 years ago
panic!at the 21 beebos for a so called marine biologist you can't spell worth a damn. I call fraud.
Venomoid9700 - 7 years ago
It's people like you and videos like this that give sharks a bad name. They are acyually quiet gebtle creatures that are beautiful. Not just ferocious and blood hungry. Also, shark attacks are way more rare than 75 a year and most are provoked or a case of miss identify
Silo Cy Ciscron
Silo Cy Ciscron - 7 years ago
i could go with out the shitty commentary
Joseph Shrewsbury
Joseph Shrewsbury - 7 years ago
This guys sounds like the guy version of the little girl in the first resident evil movie
Kennedy Frasier
Kennedy Frasier - 7 years ago
for god sake its a shark habitat obviously u have at least 73% chance of being bitten!!
Kennedy Frasier
Kennedy Frasier - 7 years ago
for god sake its a shark habbit obviously u have at least 73% chance of being bitten!!
Kennedy Frasier
Kennedy Frasier - 7 years ago
for god sake its a shark habbit obviously u have at least 73% chance of being bitten!!
NiggaWithARocket Launcher
NiggaWithARocket Launcher - 7 years ago
"The shark only has one thing on its mind, and that's you" Its funny because it's not true
María Román Roche
María Román Roche - 7 years ago
I saw a baby shark before
Laura J
Laura J - 7 years ago
George Cyburt
George Cyburt - 7 years ago
Why do all of these British guys suck at making informative videos? This is terrible.
SACTICAL BAG - 7 years ago
Remember during that " Awwww shit " moment you have about 2 secs to get to shore or back on boat .
Jmichael Isbell
Jmichael Isbell - 7 years ago
"Shark expert" who stands there among a known, very aggressive shark species. Expert? Yeah.
April Myers
April Myers - 7 years ago
i liked and subscribed
Nicodemus Meechee
Nicodemus Meechee - 7 years ago
"The American "EQUILAVENT" of the Navy Seeohs"
The Mean Green Pepper
The Mean Green Pepper - 7 years ago
In my opinion the bull shark is worse than the great white. The bull is wildly unpredictable and can change from salt water to fresh water environments. The story of Jaws is based off a bull shark that swam up a river in New Jersey and attacked a group of kids playing.
Darryl Bernard
Darryl Bernard - 7 years ago
The Mean Green Pepper it was more likely that 2 sharks were involved. There were 2 fatalities at beaches near the creek a few days before all hell broke lose in that creek,and they did catch a great white with human remains in its stomach afterwords so it looks like a bull in the creek and a white at the beach. Just weird that it happened so close together.
Flash Logan
Flash Logan - 7 years ago
Mandy Olsen
Mandy Olsen - 7 years ago
sharks don't like hurting humans. it's always an accident. their vision isn't so great.
tony666 - 7 years ago
Matityahu BenAvner
Matityahu BenAvner - 7 years ago
What is the name of the used songs?
Skullie - 7 years ago
great white is the scariest
Tashaly Sepulveda
Tashaly Sepulveda - 7 years ago
omg i watched that episode of shark week when it came out!!
doodle berry
doodle berry - 7 years ago
why can't sharks be extinct :( it gets me nervous doing my favorite hobby (surfing) knowing a shark can be under me any minute
Sugar ASS
Sugar ASS - 7 years ago
doodle berry sharks are part of the food chain.. they deserve to live more than us humans
Never keep your eye off a shark or a mountain lion.
Isabellla - 7 years ago
I've seen the first so many times and it still fucks me up
Shane Frazier
Shane Frazier - 7 years ago
Billie Henderson
Billie Henderson - 7 years ago
sharks machinez
Peter Edwards
Peter Edwards - 7 years ago
Fuck me, oi do not loike baying bitten bah shoikes.
Vain Evil
Vain Evil - 7 years ago
Anyone here from apex?
heyilikekpop - 7 years ago
sharks scare me so much why am i watching this lol
Seanus32 - 7 years ago
Oceans - for sharks. End of!
Omegasutoraiki _
Omegasutoraiki _ - 7 years ago
Doesn't anyone know that if a shark actually attacked people they would be dead no matter what.
Sharks don't actually attack people. They are very curious about what you are doing and if they bite you its because they think you could be a threat and are testing you. They don't like the taste of human flesh to them its very gross. They usually just lightly bite and swim away.
Sometimes they are really curious and follow you to see what you are doing.
Zach Dalehite
Zach Dalehite - 7 years ago
I'm honestly not even afraid of sharks. I mean, statistically speaking, you're more likely to be killed by Hillary Clinton than you are a shark! HA
Dalton Turner
Dalton Turner - 7 years ago
The reef shark is the most dangerous cause there able to get close to shore and there super intelligent and when they see us splashing around in the water they attack cause they think its prey that's hurt easy food for them sometimes they attack in groups cause they also travel in groups
An Enraged Pig
An Enraged Pig - 7 years ago
we will and always will be on top of the food chain
Kallaki - 7 years ago
I mean no thats not the only thing on their minds because humans arent that special but okay.
Cavaliersfan 25
Cavaliersfan 25 - 7 years ago
If I see a shark. I'll do a HIGH pitch scream. I CANNOT do sharks
The official Taylor peralta
The official Taylor peralta - 7 years ago
There is a new movie called 47 meters below. It's about these two girls are in a shark cage thing in the ocean. The cable breaks. They fall down to the bottom. One of the girls gets eaten. One of them survives. It's scary.
cheeseball 47
cheeseball 47 - 7 years ago
It's a mako, dude.
Bryce A.
Bryce A. - 7 years ago
Actually it's not "rare" at all to get shark attacks on tape. Most of them happen in the deep ocean by thrill seekers and people stupid enough to think they can swim in shark infested waters, and of course they always have cameras and gopros. Sharks rarely attack beach goers, swimmers especially people so close to the shore. I hate to say it but the deep ocean is not a place for humans, when you jump into the ocean unprotected you instantly lower yourself on the food chain.
kingbongson - 7 years ago
Jeff O
Jeff O - 7 years ago
Why are all clips filmed with a potato?
Z Girl
Z Girl - 7 years ago
3:28 Talks about Bull Shark, shows Mako Shark instead
Chief Grimm
Chief Grimm - 7 years ago
I was at the beach and I seen a hammerhead shark in the water... and I ran out screaming.. I'm just glad to didn't get me....
imygirl - 7 years ago
I would fart and it would stink so the shark would faint yes sucess
Bswank Done
Bswank Done - 7 years ago
1:15 was that fucker smiling?
MonkeyDog20 - 7 years ago
I'm in cape San Blas and a couple days ago there was a MASSIVE bull shark around 10 feet away from me. Tigers or bulls are the most dangerous sharks. I dive with sharks a lot though.
Ocean Chan Freediving
Ocean Chan Freediving - 7 years ago
It's actually pretty amazing to have the chance to see a shark in the wild.
Check out my channel "Ocean Chan" for weekly freediving vids - the sea is worth exploring - and sharks really dont want to eat people - https://youtu.be/7pjZtcalxok
KHewitt Home
KHewitt Home - 7 years ago
Sorry but you said the american equivalent of the navy seals, im a brit and the seals are american, you means the SAS i guess.
James Briggs
James Briggs - 7 years ago
Worse. He said the American equilivant of the Navy Seals. Double whammy.
Lindsay Charlotte
Lindsay Charlotte - 7 years ago
If you're going to show images of a bull shark, make sure it's a bull shark and not a Mako. Makos are much more scary looking because of their big black eyes, but that doesn't mean you can scare people into thinking bulls are scarier than they really are. Sharks are naturally peaceful creatures. Bulls, tigers and whites are known to kill more humans but it''s still mostly accidental.
Rarrr Sharkattack
Rarrr Sharkattack - 7 years ago
Rarrr Sharkattack
Hansi - 7 years ago
Rarrr Sharkattack
Rarrr Sharkattack - 7 years ago
Der legendäre Shark-Peter :D
Hansi - 7 years ago
Gnadenlos ehrliche Autisten
AlexandrusMegus - 7 years ago
Sharks kill 5 humans per year.
Humans kill 11,000 sharks every hour.

Be afraid not of the sharks, but of the humans, for we are the most horrific creatures in the solar system.
BRADLEY COWSILL - 7 years ago
Know ur statistics guys
12 shark attacks happen a year
12,000 sharks are killed every hour
NeXXt Turbo
NeXXt Turbo - 7 years ago
Sharks are so cute ☺️ butt i think bull shark is the most dangerous
Itz MACE - 7 years ago
most dangerous shark megalodon
socially awkward goats
socially awkward goats - 7 years ago
I love shark attacks there the bomb
landon heller
landon heller - 7 years ago
i am jacking off to this
Ong Seong Woo bestfriend
Ong Seong Woo bestfriend - 7 years ago
fking show us the video alrd,talk so much bullshit,hope your father die
Keegan Kurtis
Keegan Kurtis - 7 years ago
keep making shark fin soup
Keegan Kurtis
Keegan Kurtis - 7 years ago
kill all the sharks
Benjy Zafod
Benjy Zafod - 7 years ago
dude learn to read and talk before you make videos my god did you even go to school lol
Infinite Dab
Infinite Dab - 7 years ago
I have been bitten by a shark it was a great white I was bit on the chest and my chest all most came of
roxxerface - 7 years ago
they arent all caught on tape asshole.
Luisa Bautista
Luisa Bautista - 7 years ago
Everytime I watch a video or something about sharks they say this shark is one of the most scary, big, ferocious etc shark ever. Is there a shark that isn't described as that? Or is it just to make people scared?
Solana Valdez Ono
Solana Valdez Ono - 7 years ago
The shark just wanted a hug in the second clip
Solana Valdez Ono
Solana Valdez Ono - 7 years ago
When a shark expert gets attacked by a shark which he is supposed to be an expert on
Dane Van Pelt
Dane Van Pelt - 7 years ago
This video sucked balls
Christina McIntosh
Christina McIntosh - 7 years ago
I like how you tell what happened to them with supporting photos before showing the footage. I don't like the empty feeling of wondering if the human or animal survived or not. Thanks for doing that.
Kelvin Lamont
Kelvin Lamont - 7 years ago
Sharks only see you as a seal or wounded animal. They are not just bloody killers dumbass.
Nevada - 7 years ago
How to get your video demonetized
Brain Tumor
Brain Tumor - 7 years ago
3:00 Equilecant?
Ratcat17 - 7 years ago
Not rare in Australia - happens all the time.
#Perfect Sisters N and T
#Perfect Sisters N and T - 7 years ago
Spark The Fox
Spark The Fox - 7 years ago
once i was swimming in the ocean, pretty young, when something bumped my leg. i was barley close to the shore- when i looked at my leg, there was a dorsal fin: one thing was going through my head: "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" when i got a brain wave, "nose. PUNCH IT IN THE NOSE, IDIOT!" i screamed to myself. I raised my fist, and with as much possible force, punched the shark as hard as i could straight in the nose. I never went swimming in the ocean ever again...
Curtis 187
Curtis 187 - 7 years ago
Close the tip you fucking assholes!
FULL RETARD - 7 years ago
How can you get millions of views if you misspell a most common name like Paul or if you are unable to pronounce equivalent?? Dafuq dude. That's quite pathetic.
Teri Michelle Medellin
Teri Michelle Medellin - 7 years ago
fuck you price of shit bullshit
Teri Michelle Medellin
Teri Michelle Medellin - 7 years ago
Zes - 7 years ago
not horrific
shannon pachuta
shannon pachuta - 7 years ago
Some Milk
Some Milk - 7 years ago
Some Milk
Some Milk - 7 years ago
Bruh that shark at the end looks so fucking evil
Gaia Elkington
Gaia Elkington - 7 years ago
I am psychologically petrified of sharks to the extent of swimming pool fear as a child but have swum intentionally with a whale shark off Baja Mexico on an ecological project and unintentionally with a basking shark off Scotland. While diving off Mexico we got pulled in and told to get out out of the water as there was a Great White in the area. My sister also had a similar experience with makos. For me the terror of sharks is the strike from the deep. Diving really helps people who are frightened to understand that this is a world we are placing ourselves into. Once underwater seeing barracudas and other 'dangerous' fish was less terrifying and even being called out wasn't a panic. If we live on the surface and expect to be in charge of course we will feel threatened by beings that have existed for 3 million years, doing their stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtv4uh53vYs
Wuera Forever
Wuera Forever - 7 years ago
Stay out of the water.
It's their home.
eleanor chambers
eleanor chambers - 7 years ago
Did you know that sharks only attack you because they are either protecting their babies(cause your too close to them) or because they think your going to attack them so they attack you to protect themselves
Destyni_ Raine
Destyni_ Raine - 7 years ago
no....u keep repeating a bull shark is the most furotious but it's the tiger shark they are the most aggressive.nice video though
Nature girl
Nature girl - 7 years ago
Bull shark is the worst
ABBEY and LEXY GO FNAF - 7 years ago
Animals are the best no I have never been in the water with a shark and I think the very few megaladons are super dangeres
BRUH LiSHOUS - 7 years ago
Who else hiding in the comments coz they're terrified
kckarma007 - 7 years ago
just show the damn video. no stills, no blah blah
MaddyTin - 7 years ago
My dad was diving and the dive group came across a bull shark and is swam past not doing anything to harm the divers. The dive group has come across sharks before and evan whale sharks (not with my mom dad me or my sister in the other sharks and whale but I've seen pics lol) Also the first and second has an explanation 1st the video shows the shark bump into the mans leg and then bite, oceanologists have confirmed that the shark was chasing a small fish and the fish went in-between the mans legs. 2nd To get the sharks close to the cadge the people on the boat have meat on a chain and lure the shark over. this was explained in an article about the so called 'attack' and the shark swam fast thinking it was going to have to chase the meat. It slammed into the cage and got stuck. When you see the scuba diver swim out of the cage he makes it to the boat and the other diver does to. the shark didn't evan try to attack them seeing as it was stuck. People on the boat helped the shark out and no one was hurt! Yes, i know sharks do attack the odd human but, sometimes videos make the shark encounters much more attack then they are!!!
freyasartorius - 7 years ago
3:19 that was me
freyasartorius - 7 years ago
and that my friend, is how you hit on people
Muriah Rocha
Muriah Rocha - 7 years ago
What if sharks could talk? You bet they'd say mmm I'm hungry teehee
Marco Graziani
Marco Graziani - 7 years ago
Mosquitos are the most ruthless animals vs man
Steve			 Fox
Steve Fox - 7 years ago
it would be nice if just one brit posted a video that dont sound like hes on day release from a care home so the world dont think were all simple!
Damn Bastard
Damn Bastard - 7 years ago
Humans are killing each other more than nature is killing us.
Ciana Harrison
Ciana Harrison - 7 years ago
great white sharks
EdZoPrE - 8 years ago
Humans kill sharks as well! They are not bad.
Ricardo Pahlad
Ricardo Pahlad - 8 years ago
praat nederlands
Carmen Mondragon
Carmen Mondragon - 8 years ago
To me, Its Great White It used to be megalodon but they are extinct
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 8 years ago
3:31 is a pic of a Mako not a Bull
Katie Taranchuk
Katie Taranchuk - 8 years ago
1 Video 100 Subs
1 Video 100 Subs - 8 years ago
My grandpa was killed by a great white shark in front me ):
Mike Flaherty
Mike Flaherty - 8 years ago
in the thumb nail the shark was a type of shark next to the whale shark species.....that doesnt attack humans infact CANT
D Grundman
D Grundman - 8 years ago
God, I hope my comment gets stickied to the top:

Folks, do NOT bother watching this! It's all unwatchable, unclear blurred images & STILLS of video footage, it's called sensationalism, minor incidents blown WAAAY out of proportion in hopes to get more viewers.

You'll be pissed at yourself for the time wasted watching NOTHING, the pain of the narrators simply AWFUL accent/articulation, & for being deceived.

Avoid at all costs & go back to ur porn or whatever it is u normally indulge in . . .
New York Sailing Center
New York Sailing Center - 8 years ago
Why do you show a faded image of a mako shark in the background when you say the Aussie military diver was attacked by a bull shark?
Rachel Simms
Rachel Simms - 8 years ago
wale sharks are harmless
worldbecca - 8 years ago
what annoys me is that at most of these or like at 2:39 the man is just recording watching her slowey almost die and not even help like wtf this maybe a "cool" video but its not worth ppl dieing
Buckeyefan31x Go Bucks!
Buckeyefan31x Go Bucks! - 8 years ago
video sucks
pocketbookEra - 8 years ago
Lesson in video #1 is no matter how professional you are, don't dare to have a little chitchat when you're surrounded by sharks.
Sir Tickle
Sir Tickle - 8 years ago
Bull shark is the most dangerous because of how aggressive it is.
Karl Brind
Karl Brind - 8 years ago
God you have the most annoying voice ever! !!!!!.
Nate River
Nate River - 8 years ago
Your pronuntiation is the worst thing I've ever heard
Name Change 94
Name Change 94 - 8 years ago
That cage looked like it was made from tin foil and duct tape
polar bear
polar bear - 8 years ago
no more shark no more shark attacks.
polar bear
polar bear - 8 years ago
no more shark no more shark kill anything.
Paul Dalton
Paul Dalton - 8 years ago
Great to see our fishy friends enjoying themselves.
Superficial Serpent
Superficial Serpent - 8 years ago
I hope the shark is okay.
Allison Chau
Allison Chau - 8 years ago
Le Molstern
Le Molstern - 8 years ago
i would shit my pants if a shark would be even 100 meters from me
Jojo Carrillo
Jojo Carrillo - 8 years ago
. .
christy's life
christy's life - 8 years ago
i think the great white is the most dangerous shark
Fabian - 8 years ago
The pictur in no. 4 was a mako, not a bull shark ...
Chris Pitts
Chris Pitts - 8 years ago
you fuckin suck ass stop makin vids ur voice irritates my gooch
Landy82c - 8 years ago
你要高空墜下, 還是 低空飛過, 還是 不飛空等, 飛上頂峰..........etc
Landy82c - 8 years ago
死亡的方式 有很多種。我只是認為 你會 選擇 最低風險 最好的下台階
M.R Steengrei
M.R Steengrei - 8 years ago
Trumpianic white tip , , , is the most dangerous type.
indigo calz
indigo calz - 8 years ago
Bull shark more like ball shark lol
Shaun mcinnis
Shaun mcinnis - 8 years ago
Why do they continue to make shark cages out of coat hangers..
Jenna Zara
Jenna Zara - 8 years ago
lilmisscoopie - 8 years ago
Oh come ON. Hungry shark? You know they don't see us as prey, right? Shark attacks are cases of mistaken identity or just curiosity (unfortunately with teeth...). Let's not bolster the crappy stereotypes that these threatened creatures face.
Splitzerx Gaming
Splitzerx Gaming - 8 years ago
Bull sharks aren't one of the most ferocious sharks in the ocean it's like the fifth
AMG or BUST - 8 years ago
you can't call any of this footage
FUßBALLTV - 8 years ago
I meet a shark
Fiorella Garcia
Fiorella Garcia - 8 years ago
Luke Chater
Luke Chater - 8 years ago
kathy rupe
kathy rupe - 8 years ago
they had a film why did they not help him bogus
joseph channing
joseph channing - 8 years ago
great white sharks are very powerful
joseph channing
joseph channing - 8 years ago
how do they attac
the dude
the dude - 8 years ago
Eric hey lets stand here in the shark infested shallows. Friend: ok ! Awwwww! Ive been bite... friend: you said you wanted to stand here.....i think Eric is up for membership in the Mensa
Aziza Ahmed
Aziza Ahmed - 8 years ago
hello there
hello there - 8 years ago
I talked to a shark once. People thought I was crazy.
trash - 8 years ago
Why I never swim at beaches
G allan
G allan - 8 years ago
America's 'equilavent' to Navy SEALS. Where do I start with this? Sigh
Lewis Allan
Lewis Allan - 8 years ago
I have been in with small sharks
TheSerial KillerGardfield
TheSerial KillerGardfield - 8 years ago
holy lasagna nipples this gave me chills
Roseanne Woods
Roseanne Woods - 8 years ago
I dddddddoooooo
Kal_El1 sweeney
Kal_El1 sweeney - 8 years ago
you my friend are an idiot
Crystal Howell
Crystal Howell - 8 years ago
def the megaladon
Michael Byrd
Michael Byrd - 8 years ago
Crystal Howell megaladons dont even exist any more dumb ass
Jesse de Jong
Jesse de Jong - 8 years ago
Oh come on, we all know that hungry sharks have a fat and juicy seal on their mind, instead of some boney swimmer.
Jesse de Jong
Jesse de Jong - 8 years ago
Oh come on, we all know that hungry sharks have a fat and juicy seal on their mind, instead of some boney swimmer.
Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally - 8 years ago
Scientists or just damned idiots?
Fi-Sky Gamer
Fi-Sky Gamer - 8 years ago
Can you talk properly whilst talking over the video, thanks.
Official Rain
Official Rain - 8 years ago
don't fuck around with animals... easy as that
damn nature... you're scary
Kody Marshall
Kody Marshall - 7 years ago
Fuck nature. I am man. Nature is my bitch
Jay C
Jay C - 7 years ago
Official Rain YOU* scary
Lucy - 8 years ago
Dear Shark
Roses are red
violets are blue
i got 5 fingers
the middle one is for you!
rtoabra100 - 8 years ago
Did you just fucking say mutiliated?
Levi Clarke
Levi Clarke - 8 years ago
this is the worst footage quality I've ever seen
FSAUDIOGUY - 8 years ago
@1:13 I will stand in a group of Bull Sharks, then I will get most of my leg bitten off. Then I will call this a "Brutal Shark Attack"!
Really? Wow...ain't I smart!! Brutal Bear Attack..."where were you attacked"? "In the woods"! Really...imagine that!! Brilliant!!
Jackie Evans
Jackie Evans - 8 years ago
well who stand in water when there sharks about. Bit silly
Brielle Schell
Brielle Schell - 8 years ago
Rob Walker
Rob Walker - 8 years ago
"equwilivent" !!!
Rohexian - 8 years ago
Artsy Em
Rohexian - 8 years ago
Rohexian - 8 years ago
ghost mysteries I agree
Rohexian - 8 years ago
I agree
Michael Gallo
Michael Gallo - 8 years ago
Faith Potato
Faith Potato - 8 years ago
At 3:26 I don't think that's a bull shark I think that's a Mako shark
Nightingale Amadeus
Nightingale Amadeus - 8 years ago
That's why I don't swim in the ocean.
FIFO566 - 8 years ago
That's a MAKO SHARK.
I & me
I & me - 8 years ago
When sharks see humans ,they're like "Ohh look free MecDonalds
quit - 8 years ago
nice Video very interesting
Katirina Ross
Katirina Ross - 8 years ago
Why at 2:07did they not try to save the shark???? The poor thing...
Talia .Belle
Talia .Belle - 8 years ago
1. Great White
2. Tiger
3. Bull
Peugeot 406
Peugeot 406 - 8 years ago
You sound fucking annoying.
Darrell Mcdonald
Darrell Mcdonald - 8 years ago
I think here in Florida, the bull shark for sure is the worst. Very territorial. They come up in our rivers and lakes, and streams and brackish water is not even an issue for them, they can be a real nuisance.
Jermaine Benson
Jermaine Benson - 8 years ago
dumb fucking people. WTF would you endanger yourself like this?
Elisha Sharma
Elisha Sharma - 8 years ago
youre small and shit
Elisha Sharma
Elisha Sharma - 8 years ago
youre a fucking disgrace
Elisha Sharma
Elisha Sharma - 8 years ago
youre shit
zeemah abdulrahman
zeemah abdulrahman - 8 years ago
OMG like now i'm scared to go into the swimming pool
Aaron - 8 years ago
I have came face to with a great white shark once
Asjuniii Kid
Asjuniii Kid - 8 years ago
stupid white people
Michael Byrd
Michael Byrd - 8 years ago
Abyssinian guy rasist
DJ D - 8 years ago
This footage is about as clear as the UFO sightings...
funny dx moments
funny dx moments - 8 years ago
I been in water wid sharks swimming round me & non of them attacked me
Bree Clarke
Bree Clarke - 8 years ago
yes black and whits tips, also great nurses
rebecca allen
rebecca allen - 8 years ago
sick video
Alexander Bagares
Alexander Bagares - 8 years ago
Sharks are evil
sarah Linnea
sarah Linnea - 8 years ago
Alexander Bagares they are intelligent,and they don't actually eat humans
Alexander Bagares
Alexander Bagares - 8 years ago
Why do you think sharks are not evil?
Alexander Bagares
Alexander Bagares - 8 years ago
sarah Linnea
sarah Linnea - 8 years ago
Alexander Bagares no
paul edwards
paul edwards - 8 years ago
went swimming with a great white..got bit...jumped in sea with bull shark..got bit..sharks swimming around lets go in with them... why hasnt the government told the public that sharks have teeth and can bite?are the illuminati in league with big fish oil ?it is often said that if sharks lived on land and had legs they would still enjoy eating people...did aliens make them from seaweed and cockleshells...ancient alien theorists say yes.!! ..
Wayne Baker
Wayne Baker - 8 years ago
50 years ago as a 12 year old kid I speared a shark. A 2m tiger, only winged it, and it went into a frenzy. Freed itself from the Speer and attacked me. Swam at my leg jaws agape, and I spread my legs to prevent pain and the shark swam between them. Scraped my skin gently. A caress in comparison to what may have been. I have not quite recovered. Bewildered at those who experienced a much worse outcome.
Andrew Hall
Andrew Hall - 8 years ago
I would shit in my pants.
JakeTheRipper 73
JakeTheRipper 73 - 8 years ago
I have no pity for Mr. Ritter. He got in water teeming with the nastiest shark known to man, and somehow thought it would go off without a hitch. riggghhttt.
FlashySenap - 8 years ago
The most dangerous shark is a really hungry one. and I've cage dived with great whites... in reality they're actually pretty cute and their behavior reminded me of cats :p
CARSAIG FILMS - 8 years ago
75 attacks per year? That's bullshark mate
michi veritas
michi veritas - 8 years ago
What a fucking nugget! Sack the commentary, mate... You just sound like an arse.
Dead men tell no tales 1914
Dead men tell no tales 1914 - 8 years ago
Was number 4 filmed with a prawn cracker?
K Russell
K Russell - 8 years ago
4 reminds me of Jaws
Isabela Cortes
Isabela Cortes - 8 years ago
The Lone Ranger
The Lone Ranger - 8 years ago
we need to rid the whole ocean of sharks before they "MURDER" someone else...it's not like invading someones home at all, shark attacks are TOTALLY different, we are humanitity, the supeerior speshies, god made us in his image on the 7th day like the great bible says and it up to us to lord over and kill animals for fun. these animal loving snowflakes will burn in hell for not wanting to kill off these vile beasts
The Lone Ranger
The Lone Ranger - 8 years ago
(yes, that was a pisstake, i hope you wing nuts are offended)
Wayne Davis
Wayne Davis - 8 years ago
5 seconds in and stopped the vid. His voice made my ears bleed.
Kara Greene
Kara Greene - 8 years ago
yeah I actually have a friend that got attacked by a bull shark, I pulled her out of the water
Trump supporter
Trump supporter - 8 years ago
white people always get attacked by animals
Zalion Gamin
Zalion Gamin - 8 years ago
bull shark most dangerous
kIDZ ARE BOSS Lol - 8 years ago
William Sollory
William Sollory - 8 years ago
This narrators voice is so gay
Poppy Solway
Poppy Solway - 8 years ago
I have been attacked by a great white I was on holiday at Spain and I went really deep and then it was underneath mean then I went up and screamed then it swam really fast to me the it bit a chunck of my leg but my leg is still growing but I have a fear that is a beach I will never go swimming again
Kacy W
Kacy W - 8 years ago
Ok The stories might be real but the footage of them are definitely not
Nitty Gritty
Nitty Gritty - 8 years ago
you fookin priss stop talking and play the fookin thing ya wank
Melissa Linnartz
Melissa Linnartz - 8 years ago
Tiger sharks are the most dangerous shark
GuccizBud - 8 years ago
This isn't so much 5 shark attacks caught on tape as it is just 5 shark attack stories, but more importantly :  when you splice together a group of video clips that don't all have the same aspect ratio, as is the case here, you should create the montage in a way that allows for the differences so that you don't get ridiculously stretched out faces and people like in the middle of this. You can add black bars left and right (or top and bottom) on the clips that require it to preserve a normal looking appearance, and you can do this in the very same program that you used to put this montage together in the first place … every video editor has that ability, even simple, free ones.
T1R3D - 8 years ago
Wen i waz a kId mommi says alweys film i n a potat0
Jaebird 2323
Jaebird 2323 - 8 years ago
Swag Bros
Swag Bros - 8 years ago
Sydney Bishop
Sydney Bishop - 8 years ago
See when it's eyes aren't all the way black you know you're fine but when that great white motherfucker is full on supernatural demon eyes, you know you got 2 seconds to get the flipper fuck out of there.
Treeizure - 8 years ago
That's a whale shark on the thumbnail. They are harmlesss
panda slimzzz
panda slimzzz - 8 years ago
dang what the heck
Mr Melee
Mr Melee - 8 years ago
The "American 'Equilivant' " of a navy seal, ahaha. Navy Seals are only in America bro. Sorry to "Mutiliate" your dreams or whatever the "equilivant" is.
david white
david white - 8 years ago
yes artsy em the pattern is your obsessed with DEATH
Chelsey Hernandez
Chelsey Hernandez - 8 years ago
ohhh that's hurt
Mick D
Mick D - 8 years ago
In 2001 I was at the beach at Crash Boat Beach in Puerto Rico while living there. I was out in the ocean boogie-boarding and just swimming out too far after that, just trying to have fun. A Bull or Tiger shark swam underneath me by just a few feet. It was about 8' long. I'm glad I wasn't a good meal at the time. The beach also has a few smaller hammerheads (not really dangerous at all) and a ton of barracudas. The barracudas are actually a more serious threat there by a long shot. They are attracted to shiny things and can easily take a huge chunk out of the arm or even leg of a full-grown adult.
Korean Vaporeon
Korean Vaporeon - 8 years ago
1:36 let's WOTCH the CLERP.
david white
david white - 8 years ago
I got attacked by a SHARK once but LUCKY for me it was only a LONE SHARK from the PAWN shop because he was angry because I sold him a broken TV, I havnt been back into a pawn shop since that day
titam bros
titam bros - 8 years ago
i hate when someones talking about an animal but the picture is a completely different type it frigin anoys the craaaaaap out of me
Lee Cosmic
Lee Cosmic - 8 years ago
Shark lovers are fucking psychotic dude... these comments.
Savage Dawgs Highlights
Savage Dawgs Highlights - 7 years ago
Yeah I really don't get it lol I'm fascinated by sharks, one of my favorite animals on the planet...but at the end of the day if someone gets attacked I'm not gonna side with the damn shark lol yeah, illegal fishing and killing of some of them? Wrong all day long. And if you're in a pool of them and you die? No sympathy from me. But I won't go to the lengths of some of these people that act like fish is better than man.
The Lone Ranger
The Lone Ranger - 8 years ago
well, being the little recluse i am, and not being a right wing people loving socialist cunt like you, i beg to differ
Alexis Toxqui
Alexis Toxqui - 8 years ago
Dozen or less
Alexis Toxqui
Alexis Toxqui - 8 years ago
Lee Cosmic humans kill more sharks annually than sharks kill humans. We kill them by the thousands while they kill us by the tens
Ana Mira
Ana Mira - 8 years ago
YES I have been in water with a freaking shark, when i was 11 y/o! I was snorkeling in a coral reeve far out (where boats were) and it was like an end of a cliff underwater which was very deep waters beyond the cliff. And I was swimming by the end of the cliff and decided to go a little further and I was staring into the ocean and I though it was creepy. I thought to me myself ''what if a shark appears out of there''... it was so blue and it was foggy although it was tropical water... but i guess that's what its like with all waters. AND it was like I KNEW something was swimming behind the deep waters because just a minute after a goddamn shark appeared, it was fucking staring at me with its yellow glowing eyes... I kid you not, about 5 meters away from me it wasn't that far away. For a second I was like wtf is that, then I recognized specifically the tail as I had learned that sharks tails are vertical. I was so chocked I could barely think straight except for me ending up as dinner. So I was swimming away from it in panic mode. And when I had been swimming for some time lol I looked under the water to see if it was after me or still there... it wasn't. It had swam away and was probably scared too. So nope... not gonna ever happen that I'll be swimming with sharks after I already experienced it lol. Not much big of a deal for me at least. Although if I never experienced this I would maybe be interested in being in the same waters as sharks, for the experience and adrenaline. But I'm good now lol I'm not seeking after such an experience again.
Btw this happened in Egypt (The red sea)
Troll Team6
Troll Team6 - 8 years ago
3:35 talking about a Bull shark and fades in a stock photo of a Mako http://www.fossilguy.com/gallery/vert/fish-shark/isurus/6246008099_d57e1ee6b8_o.jpg lol
Anthony Jones
Anthony Jones - 8 years ago
Ayo stay out there water u won't b bit
Richard Reddish
Richard Reddish - 8 years ago
what are these words he's using in his commentary?????
MrNudgit45 - 8 years ago
I thought you said 5 attacks caught on tape.... wheres the footage for all of them it's just naff photos wth bad commentary
mike Lazembie
mike Lazembie - 8 years ago
sharks eyes are actually blue...or u might say "Bwue" bcuz u speak like a 2 yr old. i didnt "soobskwibe"
LightAbyssion - 7 years ago
mike Lazembie You type like a 2 year old.
Linda f
Linda f - 8 years ago
mike Lazembie damn who hurt u lol
peerman2006 - 8 years ago
I'm a shark and I think sharks are terrible.
Look Busy! Videos
Look Busy! Videos - 8 years ago
Imagine that but how about closing eyes first.. That monster
Mini Pony
Mini Pony - 8 years ago
Is that a whale shark in the thumbnail? Bad knowledge. Whale sharks are not likely to attack. They are more known to knock over or bump over boats.
Ryan G.
Ryan G. - 7 years ago
Mini Pony They have no teeth.
Lord of the wings The Starving RAT
Lord of the wings The Starving RAT - 8 years ago
i have lived and worked on the water my entire life and I can say that most sharks when hungry will at least take a few bites.offshore if the wind is calm your chance of survival is very low.
sparkle sparkles
sparkle sparkles - 8 years ago
I've been in hot waters with a few loan sharks in me life.
MrArbeter - 8 years ago
An alien comes down and asks a women why do you species kill so much ?
She answers its not us its man
turbotim129 - 8 years ago
"One of the most ferocious sharks in the water" is it only me who's wondering what the most ferocious shark out of water is?
Brandon Foxworth
Brandon Foxworth - 8 years ago
Sharks don't mean to attack u they just think ur a seal or they are scared!
MichaelFennYT - 7 years ago
i call bullshit
soflo23 - 8 years ago
It seems like a lot of these stupid Australians don't know how to respect the ocean. God, what an ignorant nation of people.

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