5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1
Shark videos 9 years ago 10,365,913 views
These are some of the most horrific shark attacks caught on tape, from sharks that attack surfers to divers, from great white sharks to bullsharks. Please subscribe; http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=dorsetghostuk Some more awesome videos. 5 More Most Horrific Great WhIte Shark Attacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf3L9idUvIA 5 Deadly snake Bites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL7ZTpAbB8A 5 most creepy unsolved mysteries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1olzGmZt-4 5 most Horrifying science experiments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izg0hqM7rGI 5 Most Mysterious Lost Worlds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkRSdXvHJMQ 5 most amazing angels caught on tape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swYowKVPeoo 5 most disgusting parasite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLmTBCWI3rY If you have a true terrifying story that you want us to make a video on, then you can contact us at; dorsetghostinvestigators@rocketmail.com Please follow us on Twitter; https://twitter.com/dorsetghost Please like our Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dorset-Ghost-Investigators/259833150723729?ref=bookmarks Please add us on Google+; https://plus.google.com/+dorsetghost/posts Music credited to http://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b Music also credit to: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)". Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Licence for Images in video: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
Man kills shark. Shark kills men. (Who started?) repeat
LOL yeah that isn't fucked up or anything.
10. comment for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1
To Quote the Big yun "where were you when you were bitten by this shark? Oh, in the water!" We kill hundreds of thousands a week and when they all are gone the sea eco system will die and then so will we! Nice shark!
20. comment for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1
30. comment for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1
1. Don't punch them in the nose, this is a myth and will only make the shark angry. Punch the shark in the eyes or gills, these are the most sensitive spots.
2. While trying to swim away from what could end up deadly with a shark, don't turn your back while swimming, the shark will see you as prey trying to get away. Slowly swim backwards till the shark is not interested anymore, or when you have found land.
3. Don't do anything dumb, like risk your life and stay there so you can get views.
4. If you have any cuts, nose bleeds, or anything that makes you bleed, cover it up. The shark will grow more hungry smelling blood.
5. Unless the shark is a bit of a distance, try not to scream. This will make the shark see you as scared prey.
Some of these tips may vary depending on what breed of shark it is, or how big/deadly it is.
Also i don't want to seem like a begger, but can this please get likes? I never get likes :(
Bad seeing
50. comment for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1
I have swam with bulky tiger and great whites and still have all limbs|! stop this revolting attack on sharks !! its because idiots like you publicise such events that the sharks are suffering !! get a life and stop living in your parents basement!! save the sharks
100. comment for 5 Horrific Shark Attacks Caught On Tape #1
Video: "the shark has one thing on its mind and it's you*
Me: ?
Also, the American equivalent of the Navy Seals is the Navy Seals.
No fucking joke, bull sharks are found in rivers and lakes all the time. So forget everything you thought you knew about freshwater being safe to swim in.
Shows a bunch of still images
Fucking seriously?
So dont whine about These 5 incidents
In the ocean lol
That makes no sense at all there is no pattern
Sharks don't actually attack people. They are very curious about what you are doing and if they bite you its because they think you could be a threat and are testing you. They don't like the taste of human flesh to them its very gross. They usually just lightly bite and swim away.
Sometimes they are really curious and follow you to see what you are doing.
Check out my channel "Ocean Chan" for weekly freediving vids - the sea is worth exploring - and sharks really dont want to eat people - https://youtu.be/7pjZtcalxok
Humans kill 11,000 sharks every hour.
Be afraid not of the sharks, but of the humans, for we are the most horrific creatures in the solar system.
12 shark attacks happen a year
12,000 sharks are killed every hour
It's their home.
Folks, do NOT bother watching this! It's all unwatchable, unclear blurred images & STILLS of video footage, it's called sensationalism, minor incidents blown WAAAY out of proportion in hopes to get more viewers.
You'll be pissed at yourself for the time wasted watching NOTHING, the pain of the narrators simply AWFUL accent/articulation, & for being deceived.
Avoid at all costs & go back to ur porn or whatever it is u normally indulge in . . .
damn nature... you're scary
Roses are red
violets are blue
i got 5 fingers
the middle one is for you!
Really? Wow...ain't I smart!! Brutal Bear Attack..."where were you attacked"? "In the woods"! Really...imagine that!! Brilliant!!
2. Tiger
3. Bull
Btw this happened in Egypt (The red sea)
She answers its not us its man