5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro

Today we look at 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro 2016 If you enjoy Top 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro Please Like, Comment and Subscribe for more Horrifying Videos. We will be uploading Top 5 Shark attacks Caught On GoPro. Subscribe for more Top10s - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQiwdqoPFHE6IWORhZQ3RrQ?sub_confirmation=1 (Twitter) https://twitter.com/WeWantMoreFacts (Snap Chat) WeWantMoreFacts What Do You Want To See Next Comments Below. We aim to bring you facts and crazy thing we think you would not know, Movies,Cartoons,Games,Real life stuff and much much more. Outro Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd1U-7n0Z3Y (Check out some previous videos) TOP 10 UNEXPLAINED MYSTERYS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fvj5bgEqRV0 TOP 10 POKEMON GAMES OF ALL TIME! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1qEtCBPW0A TOP 10 COLDEST PLACES ON EARTH! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_l0oo1kkJE TOP 10 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT GTA 5! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNmPpkzj1g4 TOP 10 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT DRAGON BALL SUPER! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONdpImPM3Ak TOP 10 MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84Y4kSsABfk TOP 10 AMAZING THE SIMPSONS FACTS! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPQrDFDkBB8 TOP 10 AMAZING DRAGONBALL/Z/GT FACTS! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frs9xJLYAmA Thanks for the help of -

5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13800

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Today we look at 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro 2016 If you enjoy Top 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro Please Like, Comment and Subscribe for more Horrifying Videos. We will be uploading Top 5 Shark attacks Caught On GoPro. Subscribe for more Top10s - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQiwdqoPFHE6IWORhZQ3RrQ?sub_confirmation=1 (Twitter) https://twitter.com/WeWantMoreFacts (Snap Chat) WeWantMoreFacts What Do You Want To See Next Comments Below. We aim to bring you facts and crazy thing we think you would not know, Movies,Cartoons,Games,Real life stuff and much much more. Outro Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd1U-7n0Z3Y (Check out some previous videos) TOP 10 UNEXPLAINED MYSTERYS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fvj5bgEqRV0 TOP 10 POKEMON GAMES OF ALL TIME! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1qEtCBPW0A TOP 10 COLDEST PLACES ON EARTH! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_l0oo1kkJE TOP 10 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT GTA 5! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNmPpkzj1g4 TOP 10 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT DRAGON BALL SUPER! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONdpImPM3Ak TOP 10 MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84Y4kSsABfk TOP 10 AMAZING THE SIMPSONS FACTS! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPQrDFDkBB8 TOP 10 AMAZING DRAGONBALL/Z/GT FACTS! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frs9xJLYAmA Thanks for the help of -

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Most popular comments
for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro

OfficialBrianna - 7 years ago
OfficialBrianna - 7 years ago
If a shark is ready to attack you, don’t swim away because they would see you as prey. Look directly at their gills and eyes and very slowly swim away without loosing eye and gill contact. Until the shark looses interest.
Joey vs. Horror
Joey vs. Horror - 7 years ago
I went to the Georgia aquarium to swim with the whale sharks and the Black tip reef sharks and they were all surprising friendly
GUFFmaster97 - 7 years ago
This shit gives me hella anxiety man
julian h
julian h - 7 years ago
When a shark jus swims up and starts biting tf out your boat either spear it or shoot it thats my motto
Jacob Runge
Jacob Runge - 7 years ago
when i went diving with sharks, they were not scary until they head straight to you. Its like the whole worlds stops for and goes into slow motion. there magnificent creatures
Courtney Sullivan
Courtney Sullivan - 7 years ago
omg a 1 foot shark is going to kill me!

stand up

omg I,ll hit him and scare him

ahhh he is killing me

2 hours later: doctor: I am afraid it is a paper cut
princesskiana21 - 7 years ago
This is fucking horible why do u guys act so shocked at shark attacks when you are doing this?why dont u ever just leave mother nature and its creatures alone.
Sonny Asa
Sonny Asa - 7 years ago
Guy in the kayak is my fucking idol hahahahah

10. comment for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro

Allison L. Canyon
Allison L. Canyon - 7 years ago
video 1 begins

beep beep beep beep "omg Mike!jadh4ifkps"
casey wojciechowski
casey wojciechowski - 7 years ago
Worst music ever.
Bella's Big Adventures
Bella's Big Adventures - 7 years ago
#2 Geez.....I felt so bad for the hammerhead. He was just saying "Hi", and that's coming from me who actually HATES sharks.
Anthony Gambino
Anthony Gambino - 7 years ago
In number 3 I might have done the same thing he did by following the shark under water. He has a boat nearby though. If I had a boat nearby I would get in it. But if one wasn’t nearby I would follow the shark because I would like to know it’s location at all time. I would not want to have my head above water then stick it under to see the shark right next to me or 20 feet away when I thought it was long gone.
loren ervin
loren ervin - 7 years ago
I'll had to carry a pistol
loren ervin
loren ervin - 7 years ago
you know that damn shark can flip that damn Banana boat
AmiShark6 - 7 years ago
I have seen a salmon shark in canada while whale watching
The Geeky Nerd
The Geeky Nerd - 7 years ago
Number 2 had me dying of laughter, he just keeps hitting it XD bahahah
James Ellis
James Ellis - 7 years ago
That hammerhead really wanted some canonist for lunch :) or he was just lonely and wanted a friend
Brisa Rodriguez
Brisa Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Hey why was the guy hitting the hammer shark

20. comment for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro

Clark Jones
Clark Jones - 7 years ago
white people are so dumb and always talk about IQ
Jake MCPE - 7 years ago
Alexia Yarbrough
Alexia Yarbrough - 7 years ago
If the guy in #2 would stop messing with it and try to paddle to shore maybe it wouldn't be that hard
PsyintZ - 7 years ago
Hammerheads are the assholes of the sea.
deviljho - 7 years ago
EndermanGamer 26 S u r v i v a l
Makeup_Mir - 7 years ago
#2 pissed me off he was just curious don’t need to be beating him
Red Dragon
Red Dragon - 7 years ago
The one at 5:38 gives me so much anxiety!!!! Imagine a shark in the water while you're on a boat that can easily tip over. That guy was lucky it didn't go under!!!!
Olivia Crowell
Olivia Crowell - 7 years ago
Stormie Oconnell
Stormie Oconnell - 7 years ago
This is so scary lol
SOPE_ ONER - 7 years ago
#5 typical Americans just letting doing nothing

30. comment for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro

Chloe Vlogs
Chloe Vlogs - 7 years ago
Why is everyone so shocked to see a shark in the water??
Kyle Balthis
Kyle Balthis - 7 years ago
The spear on #3 I feel like would have done nothing if the shark would have swam at him at full speed.
BabeKabil - 7 years ago
First false
Grace Simpson
Grace Simpson - 7 years ago
Sharks are my biggest fear but for some reason I always watch these videos
Blitzen - 7 years ago
2 is just like “damn I’m just looking”
Hulk Trash
Hulk Trash - 7 years ago
The pussy at #2 should have just enjoyed it. They were small and posing no threat.. he’s just a bitch.
Sam Spiegel
Sam Spiegel - 7 years ago
SOUPRUN01 - 7 years ago
That's a hammerhead shark, which are not dangerous? I dunno I'm making that up.
Winster Chesty
Winster Chesty - 7 years ago
I mean, am I the only one that finds sharks super cute? Like, don't get me wrong, they're scary as shit and you wouldn't find me going willingly into the water with one, but it's not their fault they're scary. I dunno, there's just something about them that's super fucking cute.
Che E.
Che E. - 7 years ago
Whyyy?? wtf is point in going searching for sharks to fucking kill them??? oh do you feel justified over a defenseless animal compared to himan weapons??? fkn pos
wweoldschool - 7 years ago
Hammerhead just wanted a friend
Leonardo Miguel
Leonardo Miguel - 7 years ago
Number 3 made a good call going back to the boat becouse he was being lured great whites are smart , number 2 is the example of survival instinct in action if he missed one of those taps it would be the end for hiim and the shark kept pressuring him to do a mistake. Number 1 wath the ... that thing if it opened is mouth it could swallow a human in one bite.
Mario Munoz
Mario Munoz - 7 years ago
Shirt fighting games
Myztik Styliztik
Myztik Styliztik - 7 years ago
Omg this like one of my worst fears
Marianne Plays
Marianne Plays - 7 years ago
The last one I kept thinking the guy kept jumping in the water every time the camera underwater too dang close to the great white!
möm Mömi
möm Mömi - 7 years ago
Ella Sanford
Ella Sanford - 7 years ago
Me: well freak
T Hurley
T Hurley - 7 years ago
People are thick as sh1te!
Lets jump into a lions den,,,
Zara Jayde
Zara Jayde - 7 years ago
Number 1 gave me so much anxiety
Vannovuth Thai
Vannovuth Thai - 7 years ago
wtf why would i watch this...knowing my phobia for water and shark...wtf.....XD

50. comment for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro

Shunna States
Shunna States - 7 years ago
2 was out to far!!!
Kylie Lord
Kylie Lord - 7 years ago
Sharks are just very curious animals and don’t know how powerful and harmful they can be, they are a big fish just more powerful then the rest. Don’t get me wrong they can be hungry or angered to the point where they will try to eat you, or they just think your a seal.
IceOne - 7 years ago
Im the first shark that appears on the video..
Savanah Frura
Savanah Frura - 7 years ago
Savanah Frura
Savanah Frura - 7 years ago
I’m always scared from the ocean I DONT wanna even swim there when I was 3 years I saw scary shark attacking a man so I didn’t wanna even want to swim a bit
Sterase94 - 7 years ago
#2 Damn that shark was not learning at all lol. Fuck going out on a kayak though..
Cyril Gamez
Cyril Gamez - 7 years ago
Yep totally #3. Definitely a spear is good.
SloOoM 12
SloOoM 12 - 7 years ago
0:51 and they watching him drowning the boat
Camlyn Pensis
Camlyn Pensis - 7 years ago
hammer head crazzy
Kasari - 7 years ago
That's a brave ass dude in #3. Sees the great white,
gets out, asks his gf if she wants to join him,
gets denied, STILL gets back in the water for the sake of it!
I would've had a panic attack the moment I saw the great white
and sunk to the bottom of the ocean.
Kasari - 7 years ago
Fine. It was "ballsy"
77madman - 7 years ago
Bravery is often confused with stupidity, and getting back in the water with a white, even with a spear, was stupidity.
Geoffery Hall
Geoffery Hall - 7 years ago
#2respect i would scared as crap
Tommy Morgan
Tommy Morgan - 7 years ago
my dad gotten eaten alive by a shark in the early 90s.
Jaylen Clark
Jaylen Clark - 7 years ago
6:01 my biggest fear when I am at the beach...you just see a fin sticking out of the water
INSANITY WOLF - 7 years ago
#3 tho damn
Cinnamon's Life
Cinnamon's Life - 7 years ago
Bad vid
Musicality Life
Musicality Life - 7 years ago
That sure is scary.. building my anxiety up for nothing
Mary Antonio
Mary Antonio - 7 years ago
5:40 why did that shark keep following for so long even after getting smacked a hundred times? Those hits probably didn't hurt it either, because sharks just have so much thick cartilage. Makes me wonder if the shark just doesn't know how to attack something like that. If it knew it could just jump at the guy, grab him and pull him in, it would be over. I wonder if he'd just do it then.
Cytron1515 - 7 years ago
#1 reminded me of 2016's The Shallows where that great white was feeding off the dead whale.
SubZeroo7 - 7 years ago
the attack on the Hammerhead shark is way to much
Keanu Dunne
Keanu Dunne - 7 years ago
Bra who tf sees a shark and decides to jump in the water to see it more when this thing wanna kill u
MusicNerd1998 - 7 years ago
The background music for number one tho.
Johnnie Harts
Johnnie Harts - 7 years ago
See Channel 5.... For SHARK !!
vengefuldirector - 7 years ago
I love sharks
music. ly
music. ly - 7 years ago
Number4 is not a ahark
Hannah.g Vlogs
Hannah.g Vlogs - 7 years ago
Hammerheads have no record of ever hurting anyone
Hannah.g Vlogs
Hannah.g Vlogs - 7 years ago
Poor little hammerhead!!!! He was. Never going to hurt that dude
kawaii_fluff - 7 years ago
I am absolutely deathly terrified of sharks why am I here
Surpreme Thieves
Surpreme Thieves - 7 years ago
#2 sounded like he got the shark good
Darrell Twisselman
Darrell Twisselman - 7 years ago
If sharks here are scary, how scary are they in Russia
Darrell Twisselman
Darrell Twisselman - 7 years ago
#2=whack a shark
2 awesome girls YouTube !
2 awesome girls YouTube ! - 7 years ago
#2...,don’t hit the shark try to scare it off first all your doing is hurting it!!
Ben Sanchez
Ben Sanchez - 7 years ago
your all bitchs
Katie Harvey
Katie Harvey - 7 years ago
I got here from reggae shark lol roar xD
LPS Diss Productions
LPS Diss Productions - 7 years ago
Who likes the sound when the camera gets on the water?
CocoTheAmberWolf 399
CocoTheAmberWolf 399 - 7 years ago
Everyone: (takes pictures and sends on instagram)
Me: are yall gonna do something while this shark is destroying your inflateble (sorry for bad spelling lol) boat?
CocoTheAmberWolf 399
CocoTheAmberWolf 399 - 7 years ago
I think sharks are pretty cool, not all sharks kill they eat: fish, sea walrus, mermaids, dolphins and killer whales also know as a orca whale, but sharks only attack whenever there is no food or they are mad or they are really hungry
Cassidy Samuels
Cassidy Samuels - 7 years ago
This is so funny it’s so fake that it’s funny
RAW070 w
RAW070 w - 7 years ago
I wouldnt even sell my kayak after clip 2. Just leave it at the beach. Im done fishing
veeti ihalainen
veeti ihalainen - 7 years ago
Sandra Pennells
Sandra Pennells - 7 years ago
Same videos all the time trying to find new ones I haven’t seen
GrandTheftAutoFive - 7 years ago
#4 fake slow motion stopped
Lititia Jackson
Lititia Jackson - 7 years ago
Why on EARTH did the guy in number 3 follow the shark back down? Idiot, just asking for trouble
notNqmed - 7 years ago
#2 tho
Alcatel Onetouch
Alcatel Onetouch - 7 years ago
I'm going to kill myself
Maria Cecília Dias
Maria Cecília Dias - 7 years ago
lol that's why I stay on the pools. No boats (titanic, honey) and no sea (sharks, duh). People tell me I'm "so white!" but I'm like "BITCH YEAH DUH"
kevinfu20 - 7 years ago
Why didn't you put the source links in the video description you scumbag.
Pasquale Prata
Pasquale Prata - 7 years ago
Wow, being a sub going out for shark hunts looks dope. But look at how dark the water was in Nr.3, imagine if they're way bigger sharks around, you wouldn't even notice them... Scary
Michael Carter
Michael Carter - 7 years ago
Don't touch it Because I respect mother nature.
Stella4eva - 7 years ago
Number 2 pisses me off even more than the rest. It's a hammerhead for fucks sake, it's not going to hurt you! That's just animal abuse.
Gemelly BFFs
Gemelly BFFs - 7 years ago
2#was a hammerhead shark

100. comment for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro

Killer Gamer xx
Killer Gamer xx - 7 years ago
3 was like a horror movie it’s dark and that shark was big as f*ck
Katie Jane 98
Katie Jane 98 - 7 years ago
Oh wow you’re so cool and badass for using a giant paddle to harm a tiny shark
ChimeraBlitz007 - 7 years ago
You basically stole other people's videos, layered obnoxious music over and didn't even give credit to the original source -.-
mclovin. get on my level scrubs
mclovin. get on my level scrubs - 7 years ago
fuck the ocean
mclovin. get on my level scrubs
mclovin. get on my level scrubs - 7 years ago
5. those idoits just let the shark bite their boat!
Naj No
Naj No - 7 years ago
Number 2
Shark: I just want to be your friend
Naj No
Naj No - 7 years ago
Number 2 you spin me right around baby right around
Kaylee McKinney
Kaylee McKinney - 7 years ago
the guy in video number 2 just needs to leave instead of repeatedly hitting the sharks. lol hes an idiot for not just leaving the spot he was in.
Mckenna Dolan
Mckenna Dolan - 7 years ago
Mckenna Dolan
Mckenna Dolan - 7 years ago
SkillzHubYT - 7 years ago
Is it just me or does anyone else think that these sharks are cute
KeithH02 - 7 years ago
when I was a child we went on holidays often, and even getting out of swimming pools (?!) i got out as fast as I could due to having seen Jaws. A couple of times swimming in the sea / fishing in a small boat I panicked from just seeing a shadow, my imagination telling me I would Jaws' next meal.
If i actually did encounter a shark, like these clips, I would paddle to shore as quickly as I possible could. After, of course, having entirely emptied my digestive system, via an enormous shitting of my pants.
Colette Samek
Colette Samek - 7 years ago
maybe if you didn't fucking paddle the shark like 79840750329857309 times then he would have gone away bish
Jack Lawhorne
Jack Lawhorne - 7 years ago
smart people
Debra Davis
Debra Davis - 7 years ago
TheRichest - 7 years ago
Enjoy "10 CRAZIEST Things SWALLOWED By A Shark!"
Michael Song
Michael Song - 7 years ago
#4 is the closest one. #2 was a pretty close call, too. The rest were crap.
Salty Kid
Salty Kid - 7 years ago
No1 was fake
Jonathan Parker
Jonathan Parker - 7 years ago
I rather risk alligator or snake encounter than be all alone in the middle of the ocean surrounded by unknown creatures that may attack and eat me
hoe for exo
hoe for exo - 7 years ago
Now watch me avoid swimming or going on a boat in the ocean for like a year
drama queen Rachel
drama queen Rachel - 7 years ago
Are they on drugs why would they even go on the freaking water I know I would not no way
Wildflower419 - 7 years ago
people like this are so fucking stupid lmao if you’re in the open ocean miles away from shore in a KAYAK, ALONE, you’re just retarded. You’re pretty much asking for this to happen to you if you’re this stupid.
Itz Fenris
Itz Fenris - 7 years ago
that first one tho
Nikita Hanes
Nikita Hanes - 7 years ago
oh my, these sharks. I do love sharks
Fun fact: 5 people die a year from shark attacks
.. humanity does more than that. Its kinda sad.
Nick Wolhuter
Nick Wolhuter - 7 years ago
stupid ass hammerhead
Tom Ebbs
Tom Ebbs - 7 years ago
17:34That is Deep Blue, one of the friendliest sharks in the pacific...people don't know why she's so docile, notice that she doesn't bump the boat or try leaping out to attack. This is a shark that has been fed constantly by fishermen over 3 years and divers who brought cow meat to see how sharks would take it and they have become more docile...she rarely comes up and you should count yourself lucky she's one of the Shiest great Whites out there
Tom Ebbs
Tom Ebbs - 7 years ago
15:30 notice there are now two of them'Ahaha yeah bitch and there's more of my homies on the way we'll see how tough you are with that paddle in your banana boat now bitch'
Tom Ebbs
Tom Ebbs - 7 years ago
06:53 Jesus what a prick hammerheads don't attack humans, the little guy just wants to say 'Hahlo' XD
Ylva Rasmussen
Ylva Rasmussen - 7 years ago
Let's go near the very bitey razor-toothed giant murder fish in our inflatable boat, what could possibly go wrong?
Gravity 1162
Gravity 1162 - 7 years ago
#2, I'll crap my pants just there
warlordx25 - 7 years ago
This is 5 videos of NOPE
Randyhall85 - 7 years ago
"I follow the shark down". ok dude, what the fuck?
Madeline Hansen
Madeline Hansen - 7 years ago
Am I the only person who wants to go diving with sharks ? Am I also the only one who is not scared of the ocean?
James Foutch
James Foutch - 7 years ago
for the people that cant tell the dfference between a kayak and a canoe
1. Kayaks have a double paddle
2. canoes are better
3.kyaks are for noobs
4. kayaks are for noobs
5.kayaks are for noobs
6.kayaks are for noobs
7.kayaks are for noobs
8.kayaks are for noobs
9.kayaks are for noobs
10.kayaks are for noobs
Shark Martin
Shark Martin - 7 years ago
Today I was swimming with a grey tip reef shark as it mauled a huge fish and they wrestled for a minute while I was in the water ten feat away on the sand bar
Frans La Frans
Frans La Frans - 7 years ago
The bro in the kayak... I would peddle like hell... use my arms as a windmill.... like Goofy in a Walt Disney cartoon
Thunder Beam
Thunder Beam - 7 years ago
pee on it to show dominance
NIKS_YT - 7 years ago
Number 3 is fake great whites can’t stay ina one place, they will lose balance
EDIT: at the beginning it stayed still
ethan Stratton
ethan Stratton - 7 years ago
NIKS_YT and die because they need to move to breath
Wonwonz - 7 years ago
They can stay still just cant breathe is what i learnt but you learn something new everday
Moviemaster 22
Moviemaster 22 - 7 years ago
N_Tube didn't no that cool yeah it did stay still
Okami Jubei
Okami Jubei - 7 years ago
#1 is quite a close up and surprise the shark didn't bite the camera. Though at the end, the shark will feast
Mike Highlife
Mike Highlife - 7 years ago
Spookiest part is that first shark in the beginning biting the boat looked like he knew was he was doing! Probably has sunken some poor basterds before for a snack!
Theroaringlion - 7 years ago
Anyone that goes swimming in shark infested waters deserves to get fucked up. Th epitome of stupidity
Michael Deloin
Michael Deloin - 7 years ago
no hammer heads r very teratorial.tiger sharks and white tips r mean as hell
NatiEstelle - 7 years ago
#2 oh heck no!!! I would flip out! Much closer !!
Novelist 65
Novelist 65 - 7 years ago
These are idiots in no real danger torturing animals for no reason other than to get their 18:32 on the internet.
Adit Yayanwar
Adit Yayanwar - 7 years ago
Lo ada hiu ayo dah kita pergeh
Thomas Vandiver
Thomas Vandiver - 7 years ago
Learn to trim video!!!
The gaming slime
The gaming slime - 7 years ago
on #1 I was more scared for the gopro than the human
joseph montague
joseph montague - 7 years ago
Still to this day from JAWS 1975, putting down sharks as horrifying because of their looks....especially the great white, he's just curious and he just wants to say hi, that one biting the raft is just like a dog showing off, you guys could've petted him and he would've loved it....sharks are nit horrifying, no animal is except man
PlainTees 1
PlainTees 1 - 7 years ago
Just a teen hammerhead at least, wouldn't do much with hitting it.
Ram Regeran
Ram Regeran - 7 years ago
bro i have hella anxiety
BlueBear YT
BlueBear YT - 7 years ago
5:35 i thought that was a videogame or something
Blitzen - 7 years ago
#3 shark probably thinks the boat is a giant seal
TheBiohazardPro - 7 years ago
#2 that was stupid hammer heads are friendly he was checking him out and that guy pissed him off
joshua ewers
joshua ewers - 7 years ago
Number 4 scared me
Kyle Bruhn
Kyle Bruhn - 7 years ago
Damn this made my balls go more into my stomach than the Polar Plunge, scary shit.
Sierra Reedy
Sierra Reedy - 7 years ago
if a shark ever comes close or tries to attack hit it's noes it's a weak sport they're awfully sensitive there
Christina Dobbins
Christina Dobbins - 7 years ago
right before 8:00 till however many seconds after when the suns reflection obstructs his view the anticipation is so intense it feels like an eternity. that would make a cool game at a Dave and busters like place you sit on a kayak inside of a small room with a paddle that has sensors in it and whack the sharks away one of those virtual reality games like the good ole roller coaster one at magic mountain but interactive insted
Christina Dobbins
Christina Dobbins - 7 years ago
I've seen the hammer head whack a mole before dude has huge balls!
Christina Dobbins
Christina Dobbins - 7 years ago
that first one they should have punched that shark on the nose as hard as they could before it popped their boat or at least left manageable holes. I'm surprised they got back to land lucky guys. who takes an air powered boat on the ocean anyways
Phu Q
Phu Q - 7 years ago
Sharks are so dumb
King CaNine
King CaNine - 7 years ago
some of these remind me of far cry
Peter Lohnes
Peter Lohnes - 7 years ago
The hammerhead spooked me out the most. Was a little too persistent
jen nes
jen nes - 7 years ago
Dopei - 7 years ago
For number one, that guy was over reacting. Like, the Bull Shark and Tiger Shark are the most aggressive and can attack for no reason, but that was a Great White Shark. Great Whites do not attack humans for no reason. (Unless, the think you are a seal, which in that case, is VERY rare.)
Porbeagle  Master
Porbeagle Master - 7 years ago
1:35 the shark was just saying hello
akomahusay - 7 years ago
These sharks are cute!
Mr. Bones
Mr. Bones - 7 years ago
Either that or it's just a hammerhead pup.
Mr. Bones
Mr. Bones - 7 years ago
#2 poor bonnethead shark at least i think that's what it is.
Rebecca Reyes
Rebecca Reyes - 7 years ago
This is why i am scared of the ocean
Elvyngrath - 7 years ago
Click bait
KenzPlaysGames 21
KenzPlaysGames 21 - 7 years ago
Idk why I'm watching this bc idk why I get anxious when I see a deep ocean, it just makes me sooo anxious
Grace Chagnon
Grace Chagnon - 7 years ago
It scares the crap out of me when I see my shadow in the ocean, it's gray and it is a big enough size to bite my leg off
yg.Añgēłïñā ._.
yg.Añgēłïñā ._. - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who HATES the sound of a go pro under water
Tareq dwikat
Tareq dwikat - 7 years ago
Cool dude
Potato unicorn
Potato unicorn - 7 years ago
Kids that's why you should swim in at the pool XDDD
Jordan Berry
Jordan Berry - 7 years ago
That guy was swimming with that great white......NEGATIVE!!!!!!
Razor _ Destroyer
Razor _ Destroyer - 7 years ago
See in 6:10 to 6:14 this proves u the Earth is circle
Bianca Anahi
Bianca Anahi - 7 years ago
AmericanGirlHairstylesTM - 7 years ago
Pengu - 7 years ago
number 2 xD
Ariel Shalev
Ariel Shalev - 7 years ago
Nice video
ImEyem - 7 years ago
0:34 - yeah... at that moment I'da done pissed myself. ;-;
Titty Kitty Cookie
Titty Kitty Cookie - 7 years ago
#2 should be eaten by 20 sharks, nibble by nibble... asshole
Jodie Helpe
Jodie Helpe - 7 years ago
Anybody else petrified of sharks but force yourself to watch these videos because you feel it's an irrational fear? And then regret it deeply in all of five seconds? Legit in the second clip flung my phone out of my hand it came well quick! Bugger that shit for a giggle!
T Streeter
T Streeter - 7 years ago
Man, I'd beat the shit out of one of those sharks. You don't impress me, just a glorified guppy fish. I am the top of the food chain bitch, not you.
Stoner Watch
Stoner Watch - 7 years ago
T Streeter You are not on the earth anymore my friend. The sea has a different food chain
T.B.T 57015
T.B.T 57015 - 7 years ago
T Streeter You are one confident mother fucker.
I respect that
Mike-N-Spike - 7 years ago
i heard that strong magnets can be used as a shark repellent
Savannah_and _Maddie253
Savannah_and _Maddie253 - 7 years ago
Saya tidak suka kamu
swamp fox
swamp fox - 7 years ago
was sitting here waiting for that kayak to flip. lol
Lauren Gibson
Lauren Gibson - 7 years ago
I be so scared watching these shark videos I sometimes feel like a shark is gonna pop up in my room somehow
Faber Dacoda
Faber Dacoda - 7 years ago
U can die fuckers
ChelseaCharlton - 7 years ago
I thought the thumbnail was cute ngl
Lunatic Freakmutt
Lunatic Freakmutt - 7 years ago
why do i like sharks??))
Jaqui Lannette
Jaqui Lannette - 7 years ago
why am i watching this if i have thalassophobia , so much anxiety right now
Jaqui Lannette
Jaqui Lannette - 7 years ago
watching #2 gave me so much anxiety
Potato Milk
Potato Milk - 7 years ago
I felt bad for teh shark
AUDREY TATRO - 7 years ago
did thay die
Some Person
Some Person - 7 years ago
Number 5: I'm gonna just set here and record when we can possible die out I. The ocean.......... also number 2 I think the baby hammerhead shark was pretty cute also back to number 5 the shark looks pretty funny and cute just like the hammerhead shark
outdoor adventure
outdoor adventure - 7 years ago
Nr. 1 is like the movie ,, the shallows,,
Bunnyman525 - 7 years ago
Number 5 was like jaws all over again
Sophie Earl
Sophie Earl - 7 years ago
Number 2 gave me anxiety
Abigel Venus
Abigel Venus - 7 years ago
I was scared for my life watching this. Dont ask why
Seth Seth
Seth Seth - 7 years ago
love how yr teaching the wrong things about theses animals
narrys_underwearx IG
narrys_underwearx IG - 7 years ago
Props for your if you actually watched #2 without skipping cuz hell I didn't
Versace _Plug
Versace _Plug - 7 years ago
Who else loves bone chilling videos like this?
Nicki Dingoflamingo
Nicki Dingoflamingo - 7 years ago
Number 2 was a savage hammerhead hahaha it liked to get hit hahah
Saul Hype
Saul Hype - 7 years ago
ƪ (‾ε‾“) ʃ Why .......
Sally Snake Lover
Sally Snake Lover - 7 years ago
Horrifying?I call it cute.
EDIT:My dream is to swim with sharks
Caryn - 7 years ago
I was just waiting for the shark to take a bite of the guy's oar
Bridgette McTigue
Bridgette McTigue - 7 years ago
dannybflat - 7 years ago
Toss him a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich!
cookies and crem o
cookies and crem o - 7 years ago
Number 4 the shark looks so fake
Ryan Hill
Ryan Hill - 7 years ago
Shut the fuck up and roll footage
Gunnar Gunther
Gunnar Gunther - 7 years ago
Does anybody know the song name of the last clip? :)
Gréti Hurrikán
Gréti Hurrikán - 7 years ago
Why are you hit this shark? You go here where this shark this was a shark's place
shona Bennett
shona Bennett - 7 years ago
Don't mess with sharks
Alvin Kertanegara
Alvin Kertanegara - 7 years ago
Poor guy on the second list. He's just alone, and the sharks kept getting back LOL.
Savage YouTuber and South Park Fan
Savage YouTuber and South Park Fan - 7 years ago
I'm never going to beaches again...
RangerOfAlcyone - 7 years ago
Anti-Whites cannot hide, everyone sees White Genocide!
Mads - 7 years ago
#5 seems very tame. Just a shark playing with his new chew toy.
Alex - 7 years ago
Is 2 in the canaries?
Matatachu !
Matatachu ! - 7 years ago
The fourth video is fake if you pause the video right when the shark passes the guy look at it's eye and body
Tezza Flows
Tezza Flows - 7 years ago
ugh yep alright.....the d**khead on the kayak......jeesh of course the Hammerhead is interested in you, you kept slapping the water & making noise. Pity it didn't take a chunk out of your kayak lol
Gamental - 7 years ago
Song at 1 sorta sounded like ten thousand gusts by disturbed
DriveLongRoad - 7 years ago
I have no compassion for people who go into the habitat of the sharks and wonder then that the sharks show up.
SlickShark - 7 years ago
They may seem scary but they are not as bad as they look.
Louie Hill
Louie Hill - 7 years ago
Anyone know the song on #1
G Campbell
G Campbell - 7 years ago
#2 this guy is an asshole first he beats on the hammer head sharks and wonders why they are circling him and he is in a kayak rowing into shore and he is not making any progress this guy deserves to be bitten what a idiot if this was a great white he would be dead by now!
Skelzore - 7 years ago
Watching him bop that little hammer head is the greatest thing I've seen.
jaz agca
jaz agca - 7 years ago
Your too close to a shark and he doesn't even notice u, Well WHAT THE HECK JUST FILM EM ANYWAYS AND GET EATTEN YAY
Anna Kate
Anna Kate - 7 years ago
Sharks are adorable
Austin M
Austin M - 7 years ago
#2 I was just sitting there waiting for the shark to randomly come up in front of the boat and shred that shit
Richard Zhen
Richard Zhen - 7 years ago
OMG those sharks are so cute
Ethan pakira
Ethan pakira - 7 years ago
I root for the sharks...
Lots0fLollies - 7 years ago
Kinda wish the idiot in the kayak fell in after watching his video
Chad Plunkett
Chad Plunkett - 7 years ago
Who is brainchild thought they'd go film great white sharks in a rubber dinghy that sharp will disrespect everything in the ocean including you and your GoPro and your boat as you can tell
andrew the og gansta
andrew the og gansta - 7 years ago
for every 1 human killed by a shark million and millions of sharks are killed by humans.
tom freighter
tom freighter - 7 years ago
I wanna hit the guy in the kayak the same way...two reasons. Cuz he unnecessarily hit a shark who wasn't out to get him and two because he's the kind of fuck that says shit like he beat up a shark and wanted to probably tell all his Bros and cuz he just looks like the kind of guy u wanna hit over the head with ores..fuck that guy
Blorgus - 7 years ago
I love sharks
Priscilla Haystone
Priscilla Haystone - 7 years ago
OK IF U KNOW ME U KNOW I HATE SHARKS! There all i dream about when i have bad dreams, THere my horror movies and i dont even like swimming in the lake cuz i think a shark will appear under me, NUMBER 2!? WTF Hell no
Gengardevoir Rivera
Gengardevoir Rivera - 7 years ago
The guy for #2 is so hot.
DuelWheeling C
DuelWheeling C - 7 years ago
Clip 5
Shark: Oh...This...Tastes...Better...Than...Seals...You...Have...Anymore...Boat...Like...This.
People On Boat: Fuck of you little shark ass
Dana Easley
Dana Easley - 7 years ago
number 3 shark is a porbeagle
laughthis138 - 7 years ago
Don't smack the water to scare away sharks to them it sounds more like a dinner bell
ERICK CASTILLO - 7 years ago
who else was scared watchinh
kat c
kat c - 7 years ago
Hammerheads aren't even violent. All he's doing is being a jackass by stabbing them. They're only attracted to the kayak because of his bait.
Jemma G
Jemma G - 7 years ago
Am I the only one (while watching number 2) thought 'Poor shark'?
deviljho - 7 years ago
Jemma G nigga u gay
Yaboi Jordan
Yaboi Jordan - 7 years ago
The first one was an exploratory bite, it's the batshit crazy bull sharks you gotta worry about
Kyle Mitchell
Kyle Mitchell - 7 years ago
So the #2 guy says "he's not leaving he's still here" as if he wasn't the one to enter the shark's territory. How about a shark walk in the the middle of new York city and say that these humans aren't leaving, they're still here, would that make sense to you.
Justsomerandomweeaboo - 7 years ago
this is the reason I have nightmares about sharks
Skii manskii
Skii manskii - 7 years ago
Forgive me. I might be ignorant towards shark defense but what the fuck are those little prong sticks going to do to a 15-20 foot 2500-3500lb great white shark!?! Besides make it definitely kill you.
C Sheets
C Sheets - 7 years ago
Kayaker = Tasty meat on the half shell for a shark.
L Jeffcoat
L Jeffcoat - 7 years ago
Why in the hell would you paddle a plastic kayak that far out & fish???
Chris Roulo
Chris Roulo - 7 years ago
This is why I only swim with my dude Willy and his friends orca bodyguards
Rvxn - 7 years ago
Fishing in a kayak Bitch please
My Name Jeff
My Name Jeff - 7 years ago
This is why I don't swim in the ocean
Ironjagg - 7 years ago
Carry a flamethrower instead of a twig with a fork at the end next time
Jayk Anderson
Jayk Anderson - 7 years ago
What if that hammer head was just trying to earn you about a upcoming shark invasion of the mainland
Alia Orth
Alia Orth - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who could not stop laughing at the guy in the kayak bashing his paddle into the shark?!
AidentSnyder - 7 years ago
That hammerhead was a persistent fella.
Anina Brand
Anina Brand - 7 years ago
shark munching on a dinghy burger hahahaha
Ron Mexico
Ron Mexico - 7 years ago
2:17 that shark is high af
JR_91 - 7 years ago
Cant get white people to come to south side Chicago but they do shit like this #whitepeoplecrazy
Sally Sanchez
Sally Sanchez - 7 years ago
my worst fear are great whites omg
LPSwolfygurl - 7 years ago
Sharks are so categorized into, "Dangerous" and "Want to eat you". Sharks are not really like that, in fact they don't even like to eat us. Some times they are hungry and mistake us for fish or something they actually enjoy. They mistake us for these things because they don't have very good eye sight. And it's actually very rare to have a shark attack. You're actually more likely to die from a lightening bolt than a shark. If you do come across a shark that looks like it is going to attack then just hit it in the nose or eyes, if you do they won't attack you. Yeah, either way it's still dangerous to be around a hungry shark. But it does make it a little better to know that eating you is not their true intention or want. And they just want to eat fish.
JellyCat Short Films
JellyCat Short Films - 7 years ago
Who else kept on turning their phone around when the camera flipped...
Dre Sted
Dre Sted - 7 years ago
Inflatable boat while fucking with sharks. Genius.
FranchiseSIX5 - 7 years ago
Where was the "horrifying" part?
Tylers Nason
Tylers Nason - 7 years ago
you @BriannaWhite0006 need stop all tht bad drug habits and listen lil bro this change into violent depressed episodes mood swings when ur emptying I knew different perso
Narwal Covers
Narwal Covers - 7 years ago
Number 4 scared the crap out of me
Narwal Covers
Narwal Covers - 7 years ago
And number 1 The shark could've eaten the freaking camera
Dan Puckett
Dan Puckett - 7 years ago
Anybody else just a little vexed that the guy on the kayak is holding the paddle the wrong way round?
Lysmatic Studios
Lysmatic Studios - 7 years ago
(sees great white in water)- first instinct- LETS JUMP IN!
Timothy Sweem
Timothy Sweem - 7 years ago
These were all very boring and not even close to being horrifying
Kennas Videos
Kennas Videos - 7 years ago
the guy on #2 really didn't need to keep hitting that shark..it clearly didn't mean any harm, it was just swimming around him..it was probably curious as to what he was doing in the water
Kennas Videos
Kennas Videos - 7 years ago
Bogi Bogart that may have been so..but who cares why would you take such a fragile boat to an ocean like that..that's an obvious suicide
Bogi Bogart
Bogi Bogart - 7 years ago
Sharks circle their prey in order to find out where they can attack from. Hammer heads are extremely aggressive. It was in no way curious what he was doing in the water. If he didn't hit it, it for sure would have tipped the kayak and attacked him.
Jennifer McMillan
Jennifer McMillan - 7 years ago
Why hit them ? Were they aggressive before you bopped them on their heads ?
Tyger Potter
Tyger Potter - 7 years ago
hammerhead whackamole... sorry... scary to the person it happened to, I know, but rather funny to watch on YouTube.
Superzilla2000 - 7 years ago
Thank you for not having a dumbass thumbnail
orasis - 7 years ago
We go boating in the Shark's kitchen and then call it an 'attack' ... rofl.
Viedr Fremr
Viedr Fremr - 7 years ago
Back! Back ! i say
MeltyHeads - 7 years ago
awesome vid
MusicInMe - 7 years ago
all this video needs next is intense climactic music
MusicInMe - 7 years ago
bald cunts
V Burgess
V Burgess - 7 years ago
Losing filming and very much disrespectful of the sharks. Thumbs down.
myviews - 7 years ago
don't believe scientist when they say sharks are harmless not true sharks are design for one thing and that can't be ignored people stop thinking it's ok because its a rush it's not safe stay a way from them
ovuvuevuevue enyetuenwuevue ugbemugbem osas
ovuvuevuevue enyetuenwuevue ugbemugbem osas - 7 years ago
myviews they're designed for what? and no one has ever said that they're not dangerous
Wes Anderson
Wes Anderson - 7 years ago
Sharknado lol
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 7 years ago
I just came for the anxiety attack
Guillermo - 7 years ago
Smh white people do shit like this but roll up their windows and lock their doors driving through the hood.
Jared Depew
Jared Depew - 7 years ago
this is terrifying, truly scarier than any movie or book ive read
SuburbanHobbyist - 7 years ago
I wouldn't say these encounters were "horrifying". More like just 5 sharks caught on camera.
Hawaiianbandit - 7 years ago
Number 2 that dude is a pussy and he deserves to get eaten by a shark, hammer heads are rare sights mainly not aggressive so if your wondering for why it kept swimming around was he probably had his bait or just recently caught a fish
Iqbal Firismanda
Iqbal Firismanda - 7 years ago
fucking 3
mara brewster
mara brewster - 7 years ago
Are people really just spearing sharks on purpose. Honestly leave them alone that's why you should get bit hoe. There dangerous like don't follow the sharks let them do them like damn
Melon Man
Melon Man - 7 years ago
Wow pretty horrifying
Illia Maliukh
Illia Maliukh - 7 years ago
Класна пісня
jon gatdula
jon gatdula - 7 years ago
at :35 dat shark is like wiggling
Screw my Life
Screw my Life - 7 years ago
Who else is at the beach
headtotows toes
headtotows toes - 7 years ago
5:34 thats why I fresh water fish. after the first circle i would have been "bye you can have the fish" and I thought number4, 3 and 2 was more horrifying then 1
Gale X
Gale X - 7 years ago
I not u
Gale X
Gale X - 7 years ago
Wow u would not do any of these things
Nora Nela
Nora Nela - 7 years ago
Number 5 was best horrible...nuber 2.was funny
Phil - 7 years ago
If you go shark spotting in an inflatable boat then take a puncture repair kit
Phil - 7 years ago
We need a bigger kayak!
Dominic Beaudoin
Dominic Beaudoin - 7 years ago
14:13 "Just beat up a shark... how was YOUR day?"
Alan Vang
Alan Vang - 7 years ago
awe, poor little hammerhead. Hope it's doing fine
Adam Karacay
Adam Karacay - 7 years ago
Always bring a harpoon and a 12 gauge shot gun when going out to sea
Aj A.
Aj A. - 7 years ago
4 cant hold a camera to save his life
Robert Gantry
Robert Gantry - 7 years ago
Would a water0tight taser work under water?
Robert Gantry
Robert Gantry - 7 years ago
To the kayak man:
Next time shoot the fuckin thing. Kinda like using a fly swatter on a pesky fly, only use a .44 magnum.
Jason Bell
Jason Bell - 7 years ago
Is it me or are these people completely idiotic Darwin Award short listers? I didn't plan on being here, the video just popped up.

An inflatable boat in Great White shark territory is the behaviour of outrageously stupid individuals. They probably baited the shark with whale oil for film appeal. Why else would the white shark bite the pontoon unless assumed was a whale carcass?

Fishing from a kayak in shark-infested waters, drawing the interest of a hammerhead, which are indomitable mooches, batting at it with a paddle, as if will take the hint and go away. Where's a Poseidon Adventure tidal wave when you need one to wash this fool kayaker 500m inland on their ass?

Scuba diving with ultra territorial bull sharks. The fool trying to operate the GoPro and spear against a shark that can bite his arms off. Has his priorities arse backward. Perhaps the twit should stick with the indoor pool.

Sharks should be given a healthy respect and super wide berth, never encountered or messed with. Let them be.
VirtuoSoundz City
VirtuoSoundz City - 7 years ago
This is why I only swim in pools
Kalanen Shoden-Wulf
Kalanen Shoden-Wulf - 7 years ago
Did anyone else feel like water was getting in your ear at 1:29
Tyler Dowd
Tyler Dowd - 7 years ago
19 minute video for 5 clips wtf
MLD-RN 1974
MLD-RN 1974 - 7 years ago
Omm nom nom nom
Kacper here
Kacper here - 7 years ago
1 ja a creazy
kezeldah lmao
kezeldah lmao - 7 years ago
ok that first one was kinda cute though
RtB68 - 7 years ago
"2" was actually kinda good. It would have frightened me to bits.
Timo - 7 years ago
Watching this one hour before going surfing
MishuTaste - 7 years ago
If I was diving in the ocean, and a big ass shark was swimming toward me, I'd shit my pants.
Sam - 7 years ago
why would ANYBODY go in water that isnt clear??
emmsxoo - 7 years ago
why would you use an inflatable boat when you know there are sharks? IM SIGHING
Anthony Plummer
Anthony Plummer - 7 years ago
Sharks don't eat helicopters
D34THL355 - 7 years ago
Hammerhead approaches, "What're ya doin in my waters?"
Imma Pineapple
Imma Pineapple - 7 years ago
All I thought for the kayak one, was wut would happen if he capsized xD.

sheryl miller
sheryl miller - 7 years ago
and the kayak moves pretty slow... i would never go out into the ocean in a kayak. lol sharks eat kayaks..., pontoons, surfboards... etc etc... ill take a LARGE charter boat to fish thanks,
Flyingdutchy33 - 7 years ago
Just watched #5, but before continuing, please tell me everybody on board died and they just happen to find their gopro washed up ashore next to some mangled bodies, because we're seriously cheating on natural selection if they still live.
Ceeej - 7 years ago
"Ally! Come here!"
"I'm not gettin in."
Nicholas Boyd
Nicholas Boyd - 7 years ago
What was that weird thing at the end
Joey Orlando
Joey Orlando - 7 years ago
Hammerhead be like Cash Meh in Dah Water How Bow Dah?
Ihuhbjg Fjyfjvjhj
Ihuhbjg Fjyfjvjhj - 7 years ago
I'm sorry, but people are just freaking stupid!! A kayak IN the ocean?? Really???
Gia - 7 years ago
They weren't horrifying (clickbait much?) but nonetheless I enjoyed it :)
Chelsea Powell
Chelsea Powell - 7 years ago
Damn he bit the boat
Sarah Xo
Sarah Xo - 7 years ago
Guy in #2 is a moron. You're in the ocean mad cause there's sharks around? So when you find me on your couch eating from your fridge don't dare be mad at me
Tom L
Tom L - 7 years ago
16:42 - the misses catches you checking another woman out in the supermarket
franjovideos - 7 years ago
#2 is gonna need a bigger boat ...
Leenzial Conner
Leenzial Conner - 7 years ago
I wish that Hammerhead are that Mofo!! THEY ARE AGGRESSIVE!! Get it?? Idiot!!
Leenzial Conner
Leenzial Conner - 7 years ago
Meant * ate that Mofo!!
Key Strix
Key Strix - 7 years ago
"Yeeeaaaah! I kicked a hammerhead's ass! .......Oh shit I think he heard me."
Jessi Ramirez
Jessi Ramirez - 7 years ago
1:10 already horrified
Jeff - 7 years ago
That is exactly why I stay the fuck out the ocean!!!! No fucking thank you I'm good
iPad Gamer
iPad Gamer - 7 years ago
Why would u hit the shark??? Poor shark.
The Life As Kayley
The Life As Kayley - 7 years ago
first shark was so cute
Bubba D
Bubba D - 7 years ago
I think it's safer swimmin with bull legged women..
Sean Crawford
Sean Crawford - 7 years ago
i take it that was his last time kayak fishing?
Scott Merryman
Scott Merryman - 7 years ago
Yo, were the hammer heads a threat? You beat the shit out of them for their curious nature lol
blankleadcruisinmissknots - 7 years ago
sadly too many persons upon earth and her waters having neither respect for her nature and no wisdom as to what the living beings appearing in their home to address ...see or help them to get back into balance with REALITY! nothing "horrifying " other than the offenses being levied against nature...especially fisherman abusive dude with provoking hammerhead... you clearly have time enough to know better....
Guinny Piggy
Guinny Piggy - 7 years ago
Ok, the sharks at #1 and #5 looked kind of cute to me... Don't judge me
Bugs Modig
Bugs Modig - 7 years ago
More like 5 clips from a bunch off idiots teasing those marvelous animals...So weak!I'LL KICK YOU ON THE NUTS FOR WASTING MY TIME.
Yaikun - 7 years ago
1:06 ASMR
Stephen Ingraham
Stephen Ingraham - 7 years ago
Shark bait, hoo ha ha!!
Monsieur Candie
Monsieur Candie - 7 years ago
This is why i dont fuck with the ocean
Oscar Cazares
Oscar Cazares - 7 years ago
I think what's crazier than the actual sharks is these freaking white people ! Haha
Serpent Yama
Serpent Yama - 7 years ago
Why you would keep in the water if theres a tiger shark in the water logics
Rashedul Islam
Rashedul Islam - 7 years ago
those people are totally bullshit who gone under the water
Ladonna Caldwell
Ladonna Caldwell - 7 years ago
I will YG yh TT the gvpvovgvvvivvvovoggvvovovovovovogo hpvpvhlyppvvvy
Sean Jackman
Sean Jackman - 7 years ago
thats 20 minutes of my life i will never get back, what a waste
Lucky5114 Animal Jam
Lucky5114 Animal Jam - 7 years ago
mila - 7 years ago
#5 was actually so cute lmao
Bdog Taylor13
Bdog Taylor13 - 7 years ago
Ivium - 7 years ago
fact: hippos kill more than 3000 persons a year while sharks kill less than one
YB -young blood
YB -young blood - 7 years ago
6:00 asassin's creed black flag
DD J-W - 7 years ago
Ocean? More like NOcean!
SmithsChips - 7 years ago
just me or i get anxiety from watching these
Smalls *
Smalls * - 7 years ago
The shark following the kayak dude wasn't trying to harm him. Sharks naturally swim around boats and they're not gonna try to lunge out at you and attack you. They're not malicious man eaters
ZDY - 7 years ago
for people saying dumb things like "why you hit the hammer head he just want a friend" or similar
so you are telling me you would not freak out and self defend if it happened to you? What are you gonna do? Pet it? Say hi to it? Swim with it? I am all for protecting animals and our environment. But your comment is ridiculous and will put so many people in danger if they actually believe wild animals will never harm humans. The hammer head will be just fine even With a few smacks. Even if you do hurt it, are you seriously telling me you are willing to risk (not saying it's necessarily hostile) your life rather than selfishly try to attempt keep your life or be afraid of it? Get real...
YEZ - 7 years ago
Rowan Butler
Rowan Butler - 7 years ago
#2 should've expected it to happen, have you ever heard of yummy yellow???
Dan Anthony
Dan Anthony - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure that sharks not your bro ! bro !
muziqizmylfe86 - 7 years ago
why are they in the water with these animnals
Jim Green
Jim Green - 7 years ago
#2 You're already shark bait and you're bringing in/reeling in more shark food? The Hammerhead is following you back into shore.
Nicole Paul
Nicole Paul - 7 years ago
olivier191001 - 7 years ago
dommage que le requin marteau ne t' ai pas bouffer pauvre con
Whyme? - 7 years ago
The no2 vid was cheeze. This dude wobocombo the fuck at of that shark
L. asiia
L. asiia - 7 years ago
The crazy thing is on the 5 one they don't try to stop it they just record
carl aiello
carl aiello - 7 years ago
Get to the point eat him all ready !
LoveForPetrol - 7 years ago
@4:16 "As I follow him back down..." fuck all of that bro, get the hell out of dodge.
Fluffy Jr
Fluffy Jr - 7 years ago
Number 2 was just wrong! What did that poor hammer head do to you?! That man deserves to get eaten.
Mekenna Louisa
Mekenna Louisa - 7 years ago
In the 2nd one the hammerhead was like,"Get back here u giant yellow banana, let me eat u!"
Devin 0704
Devin 0704 - 7 years ago
when the last shark cam at the camra i was say ima bout to smack the fuck out of u
xXThunderSwordxX - 7 years ago
a shark is bitting your draft with its sharp teeth popping it and u just sit there watching.Peoples stupidity these days
Pryxer - 7 years ago
Shark #2 only wanted to cuddle and play a bit... Poor boy
camron fisher
camron fisher - 7 years ago
Meanwhile in shark world went to watch some shark tube he find top 10 human encounters
Ugly Casanova
Ugly Casanova - 7 years ago
But how is #1 better than #2? Dude was just dipping his stick into the water...Hammerhead put on a serious chase.
Stewart Russell
Stewart Russell - 7 years ago
"Pretty sure I just kicked a hammerheads ass" as he continues to paddle towards home.
Christoffer Boman
Christoffer Boman - 7 years ago
Number #5, the first one, is "Om...nom...nom...nom...nom...nom...nom...nom..."
runwild42 - 7 years ago
there is a whole lotta nope here!
Limit - 7 years ago
I didn't see the shark on the third one
Jmichael Isbell
Jmichael Isbell - 7 years ago
"YOU go in the rubber boat, rubber boat goes in the water. Sharks in the water, our shark"
Venomous Toxins
Venomous Toxins - 7 years ago
S McDermott
S McDermott - 7 years ago
I'm not having a go or preaching but I don't think if your going to go in the sea where sharks live that you should hit them with poles or paddles, it's like climbing into the lion cage at the zoo and poking him with a stick, they eventually will want to kill you, and you couldn't blame them
GandaPain - 7 years ago
Saw this on top five worst top five lists
xtremecyclesports - 7 years ago
I like how they just sit there and let him chew on the inflatable. lol
Paul North
Paul North - 7 years ago
They really need to learn the definition of horrifying......these shark encounters are anything but horrifying.......a little unnerving at best but definitely not horrifying. Unless you have a shark phobia.
SWEETMCKAY - 7 years ago
#3 gave me the most anxiety
Jade Johnson
Jade Johnson - 7 years ago
Jade Johnson
Jade Johnson - 7 years ago
Jade Johnson
Jade Johnson - 7 years ago
first ones various fr
Potato Face
Potato Face - 7 years ago
That guy in the kayak was probably making the shark mad by hitting it
sgonzaro - 7 years ago
Number 3, spearfishing with bottle, very good......
Sophie Slimes
Sophie Slimes - 7 years ago
Sharks are so smart the first shark knew it could take out there ship of it bite the ends
Billie Boag
Billie Boag - 7 years ago
4 was just the shark having a look at him, it wasnt going to attack it was just being curious.
But still i would be shitting my pants if a shark got that close
ratmaster rat
ratmaster rat - 7 years ago
it should have shown 47 meters down XD
Mother of a cat
Mother of a cat - 7 years ago
oceans are these animals world .. leave them alone or fucked up bu them !
gary999t - 7 years ago
oh man
KingofPros 21
KingofPros 21 - 7 years ago
I wish I was on the boat at number one. Punching a shark is a great story
De Jo
De Jo - 7 years ago
number 2 was insane! dude was wayyyy far out from shore, wtf?!?
Révélator studio
Révélator studio - 7 years ago
fou lui la paix crétinus
Stephen Physick
Stephen Physick - 7 years ago
This is the reason that I won't go in any sea
Oreo Time
Oreo Time - 7 years ago
Fucking finish Number two who have been here for five years oh no it's just paused still really slow though
Samantha Cruz
Samantha Cruz - 7 years ago
i hope whoever commented feeling bad for the shark gets fucking attacked by one, it's like feeling bad for a fucking murderer , sharks are dangerous you dumb fucks!!! why tf feel bad
Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan - 7 years ago
I literally went kayaking today and all I could think about was a shark swimming around me, and now I watched 2 and it could've happened
Martina Viera
Martina Viera - 7 years ago
The second one gave me too much anxiety
BH Wraith
BH Wraith - 7 years ago
If i were these guys if cut myself cuz everyone knows blood scares sharks away
PR0SN1P3R4L1F3 - 7 years ago
The music in the first one should be NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOOOOOOOPEEEEE
Anthony Gene
Anthony Gene - 7 years ago
They should make this illegal
1234Molotov - 7 years ago
#2 should just go back to shore. Splashing around is just going to make the sharks think he's wounded prey whether he hits them or not. He'll be shark poop someday.
Felix M.
Felix M. - 7 years ago
The intro sound is the biggest horror :D
BlueCatGames _YT
BlueCatGames _YT - 7 years ago
BlueCatGames _YT
BlueCatGames _YT - 7 years ago
When the shark bit the boat I said to my self welp it was nice knowing the guy look on the bright side he made a mini titanic but Witt a shark
Theperfectcoconaut - 7 years ago
Wow scientist say shark don't like eating people cause sharks don't like human blood oh yah right
Sabrina Woria
Sabrina Woria - 7 years ago
FUCK Everyone who goes in the ocean for no reason to bother sharks and pokes them with a fucking stick
Dakota Neubert
Dakota Neubert - 7 years ago
dude that hammer head was literally playing with you.
Parsons - 7 years ago
#2 he does not like me, if you poke me in the head I wouldn't like you Ether stupid
Jacquiline Knight
Jacquiline Knight - 7 years ago
why did I come here I have such fear of the depths to be fair I thought it was just gonna be reefs D:
Glo o63 breezy
Glo o63 breezy - 7 years ago
in number 2 i would hate to be in that position
Brygetee Michelle
Brygetee Michelle - 7 years ago
Zach Samuels
Zach Samuels - 7 years ago
Dude the last one was straight out of The Shallows
Tom H
Tom H - 7 years ago
Number two clip you are a dumbass, why didn't you just leave???
Brennan McDonoiugh
Brennan McDonoiugh - 7 years ago
WhosTheMaster - 7 years ago
Exactly why I said F_ _ _ the beach this year. All those sharks showing up earlier here out west, no bueno señior.
Old & Historical Buildings USA
Old & Historical Buildings USA - 7 years ago
I'd deploy my brown shark repellant.
Kyle Nichols
Kyle Nichols - 7 years ago
shark attack nom nom nom
GENESIS420 - 7 years ago
#2 id like to know how many fish they ate of his before he started beating the shit of them hammer heads we all know that the chowdah head is along time enemy of the hammer head .heet!
The FUSS - 7 years ago
Okay, every one of the people taking these video shots, I would have NO sympathy if they would've died. Nothing but Darwin nominees in these vids.
5. It's biting into your inflatable raft, you morons. But by all means, go ahead and get that shot, because you wanna make sure you get those likes on youtube!
4. The moment anything comes charging at you and gives you a test bump, it's time to get out of the water, asshole. He just let you know that you're back in the food chain.
3. I see something big enough to eat me, again, like #4, it's time to get out of the water, not try and get more shitty camera shots of your flippers and selfie pole.
2. You're fishing in a kayak. Hammerhead comes along and stay around your boat, your fishing line, and you decide to just keep hitting it in the hopes it might go away, which it doesn't. Dude, you just don't get to go fishing that day. Reel it in and head to shore. You're done.
1. Hey let's keep throwing the camera in the water so we can film a very dangerous and unpredictable animal, which by our behavior it proves we have no inkling of an idea or respect of what this thing is capable of. I was cheering for the shark to pull one in at one point.
Headshot Master
Headshot Master - 7 years ago
The stupidest thing u can do is go to see sharks wit a inflatable boat then jump in teh water wit shark you have your death wishes
Carol Stevens
Carol Stevens - 7 years ago
I would have taken out my magic marker and drawn a mustache and glasses on the first shark so all the other sharks would laugh at him.
Rebecca Zauch
Rebecca Zauch - 7 years ago
I hate sherks :(
airplanepilot18 - 7 years ago
lmao. at 14:45 he calls the shark "bro" lmfaooo :D
Oliver Austin
Oliver Austin - 7 years ago
you need to talk louder and make the music quieter
Bodenlose Dosenhose
Bodenlose Dosenhose - 7 years ago
The hammerhead just keeps coming back. What a sharkhole. Dude is like "For fuck's sake, go away! I got nothing for you. You're more annoying than Jehovah's witnesses!"
Warcrafthan - 7 years ago
where are they in the #1 video/last video? the water is so calm
Shannon Oshea
Shannon Oshea - 7 years ago
I have a kayak like that and you're sooo close to the water and so vulnerable! Also, scientists have shown that sharks are attracted to the color yellow.They towed different colored dummy boards and overwhelmingly the sharks attacked anything colored yellow or, second, anything shiny. Yet they still make wetsuits with yellow accents and yellow kayaks and surfboards. Do NOT wear yellow or shiny stuff in the ocean!!!!! - a warning from a biologist
Mark Rosado
Mark Rosado - 7 years ago
This is why I enjoy pond fishing
Saimon Dude
Saimon Dude - 7 years ago
Она им лодку грызёт, а они смотрят...
vinnykster - 7 years ago
Very entertaining to say the least! Watching these reminds me of watching the VHS/VHS2/VHS Viral found footage compilations. Very cool stuff. Make some more :-)
vinnykster - 7 years ago
Kayaking with Hammerheads? Really??
Agape Happy
Agape Happy - 7 years ago
waw that shark at nr five is a true killer white
KateTheWolf! - 7 years ago
I think the scariest video I've ever seen of a shark encounter is when this guy went cliff diving and when he resurfaced all of his friends at the top of the cliff were screaming and pointing, "shark!!" And it was swimming up to him
KateTheWolf! - 7 years ago
And it was a great white...
vinnykster - 7 years ago
I gotta get a Go Pro! I'm not getting in the water with sharks tho.
Julio Édgar Ávila Rodríguez
Julio Édgar Ávila Rodríguez - 7 years ago
Joao Cruz
Joao Cruz - 7 years ago
2) maybe just curious
supernova girl
supernova girl - 7 years ago
the fkn gay background music ruined it nice one
SquirrelSquatch - 7 years ago
The guy in #3 looked down and then looked up and that thing was right in his face
Dirk Zivinsky
Dirk Zivinsky - 7 years ago
Fuck the ocean
JOE SANTANA - 7 years ago
DANM that shark savage
mshmrlw - 7 years ago
Thats really horrifying for sharks to encounter humans
Cheyenne Gainer
Cheyenne Gainer - 7 years ago
Is the last one a female pregnant shark because it looks like it's pregnant.
Max F
Max F - 7 years ago
6:00 thats animal abuse
Stephanie Mayer
Stephanie Mayer - 7 years ago
wish i was a shark you bloody assholes
Warren Lightning
Warren Lightning - 7 years ago
All those dumb azzes need to stay out of sharks homes / territories , stop molesting them. Spend time with your families on land.
Kendallium - 7 years ago
#2 I would be dead the shark caught on to his game and went in fast then swerved out of the way luckily the man still hit it, I would not!!!
Haitani - 7 years ago
12.775 sharks didn't like this
KAI-POOL - 7 years ago
You copycat.A different youtuber made the exact video
Karen Nobles
Karen Nobles - 7 years ago
Dont let that shark intrupt your adventure time man, your so cool!smh
Timothy Green
Timothy Green - 7 years ago
"As i follow him back down... i start to question whether that was a good idea"

...as i start to follow... him
Back down.... just why..?
Tyra Lindsey
Tyra Lindsey - 7 years ago
Some sharks are scary
Robert Weaver
Robert Weaver - 7 years ago
Dude in kayak has bait out on reel. That's why the shark is following. Reel your shit in.
Sage the Dog
Sage the Dog - 7 years ago
Person: Woo the water is great, oh hey.. What's that? HOLY SHIT ITS A SHARK Shark: IM COMING FOR DA BOOTYEH
james buie
james buie - 7 years ago
I'd be paddling like a mother fucker
Asabove Sobelow
Asabove Sobelow - 7 years ago
Kayaker paddle's for eternity and still goes nowhere!
Chaii Valencia
Chaii Valencia - 7 years ago
The first hsark looks verrry cute and looks like a babyshark
Ava Peterson
Ava Peterson - 7 years ago
I felted bad for the hammerhead shark he just kept getting hit and hit and hit like if you agree
Fat - 7 years ago
Watch out guys we have a lot of shark experts in the comments
Planet of the Atheists
Planet of the Atheists - 7 years ago
Hey let's go film Great Whites, which boat shall we use? How about the inflatable one, what could possibly go wrong??
Sarah Barton
Sarah Barton - 7 years ago
Number 4 looked like a bull shark
Monica Taddei
Monica Taddei - 7 years ago
ok I think the shark was kinda cute who is with me no one or is it just me ????
ethan Stratton
ethan Stratton - 7 years ago
Monica Taddei I do
Monica Taddei
Monica Taddei - 7 years ago
No one or just me huh ?????? ☺
Stupid movie trailers
Stupid movie trailers - 7 years ago
I'm scrolling through the comments waiting to see a person say it's wrong to hit a shark
hannah massey
hannah massey - 7 years ago
of course i would watch these videos before going to the beach
Dumbledore's Sister
Dumbledore's Sister - 7 years ago
I really dont like adrenaline maniacs. They are so fearless that this fearless can kill them.
TällästäVideoo Tänään
TällästäVideoo Tänään - 7 years ago
#1 started like "peep peep peep peep peep" :D
Hayley Donovan
Hayley Donovan - 7 years ago
I'm like the solo scared of sharks
abc abcd
abc abcd - 7 years ago
I'm so scared of sharked
Khaki_ 323
Khaki_ 323 - 7 years ago
that hammer head got fucked up lmao
Yaya Living
Yaya Living - 7 years ago
2 the shark was curious, lol
Bluupz Bluupz
Bluupz Bluupz - 7 years ago
"I'm looking for Ray Finkle" sees shark "And a clean pair of shorts"
Alpharius Omegon
Alpharius Omegon - 7 years ago
More like 5 horrifying human encounters
Lucile Paulet
Lucile Paulet - 7 years ago
"He does not like me at all"
Well you did just hit him like 20 times before sooo
Georgia Trujillo
Georgia Trujillo - 7 years ago
I do not want to go swimming anymore
Elizabeth Huntington
Elizabeth Huntington - 7 years ago
We need sharks in the water they keep the ocean balanced
hotwheel - 7 years ago
#2 hammerhead was hungry and rogue
Mario Gutierrez
Mario Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Wait up, I thought sharks didn't purposely target humans as prey??? All this talk about them confusing us for seals and what not...those sharks knew those people weren't seals and kept trying to make them their dinner 0_O
tracy abildgaard
tracy abildgaard - 7 years ago
Mario Gutierrez they were all spear fishing and the guy on the kayak was fishing. They smelt the fish and came to investigate the smell. A great white attacks from the bottom and when they circle you that's just them being curious knowing they smell food but it doesnt sound or look like food. They will take a test bite, unfortunately their test bites are so massive it can be fatal.
Balor's Curse
Balor's Curse - 7 years ago
Would love to make soup of these divers, filthy cunts with their spears and prods.
Andrei Shevchenko
Andrei Shevchenko - 7 years ago
This hammerhead was like Putin, follow and kill you even in the toilet
Luminous Games
Luminous Games - 7 years ago
I hate swimming or snorkeling in deep deep water were you can't see the bottom because never know what might come up and get you like look at 3 you can see the shark and it goes a bit deeper and boom it gone
Lonzo Ball
Lonzo Ball - 7 years ago
Burnintreez321 - 7 years ago
It was cool watching that white shark in the last video feeding on Robin Quivers floating out in the water.
beemerchef27 - 7 years ago
lol lets go hang out with great whites in an inflatable boat...
Neu Dii
Neu Dii - 7 years ago
I think I'd panick and probably die if no. 2 happened
Rob Clark
Rob Clark - 7 years ago
That thing died when they dragged it backwards in the sand filling it's half dead gills with sand lol smh....
Kenneth Thompson
Kenneth Thompson - 7 years ago
Y'all gots to be crazy!! Who follows a shark? Sheeiiittt child support ain't even looking for a shark why are you, lol!!!
James Pelton
James Pelton - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ the kayak video was so long and stupid. we get it went in to shore for 10 mins
James Pelton
James Pelton - 7 years ago
god sharks scare the piss out of me
J Jim
J Jim - 7 years ago
I'm so fucking terrified of the ocean, I refuse to swim where I can't see what's around me, scary as fuck
GracieAndLexie Slime
GracieAndLexie Slime - 7 years ago
Symphony Zyroid ikkkkr
Jayden Lee
Jayden Lee - 7 years ago
Just like my mom I'm 16 I love the ocean I swam there once
deBomb Gams
deBomb Gams - 7 years ago
Symphony Zyroid ikr I hate water in general because an eel fucking slid across my leg and I almost shit myself
Apus100 - 7 years ago
shark defends his fishing area

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