5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro
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stand up
omg I,ll hit him and scare him
ahhh he is killing me
2 hours later: doctor: I am afraid it is a paper cut
10. comment for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro
beep beep beep beep "omg Mike!jadh4ifkps"
20. comment for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro
30. comment for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro
Me: well freak
Lets jump into a lions den,,,
50. comment for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro
gets out, asks his gf if she wants to join him,
gets denied, STILL gets back in the water for the sake of it!
I would've had a panic attack the moment I saw the great white
and sunk to the bottom of the ocean.
Me: are yall gonna do something while this shark is destroying your inflateble (sorry for bad spelling lol) boat?
100. comment for 5 Horrifying Shark Encounters Caught On GoPro
Shark: I just want to be your friend
If i actually did encounter a shark, like these clips, I would paddle to shore as quickly as I possible could. After, of course, having entirely emptied my digestive system, via an enormous shitting of my pants.
Fun fact: 5 people die a year from shark attacks
.. humanity does more than that. Its kinda sad.
1. Kayaks have a double paddle
2. canoes are better
3.kyaks are for noobs
4. kayaks are for noobs
5.kayaks are for noobs
6.kayaks are for noobs
7.kayaks are for noobs
8.kayaks are for noobs
9.kayaks are for noobs
10.kayaks are for noobs
EDIT: at the beginning it stayed still
I respect that
EDIT:My dream is to swim with sharks
Shark: Oh...This...Tastes...Better...Than...Seals...You...Have...Anymore...Boat...Like...This.
People On Boat: Fuck of you little shark ass
Next time shoot the fuckin thing. Kinda like using a fly swatter on a pesky fly, only use a .44 magnum.
An inflatable boat in Great White shark territory is the behaviour of outrageously stupid individuals. They probably baited the shark with whale oil for film appeal. Why else would the white shark bite the pontoon unless assumed was a whale carcass?
Fishing from a kayak in shark-infested waters, drawing the interest of a hammerhead, which are indomitable mooches, batting at it with a paddle, as if will take the hint and go away. Where's a Poseidon Adventure tidal wave when you need one to wash this fool kayaker 500m inland on their ass?
Scuba diving with ultra territorial bull sharks. The fool trying to operate the GoPro and spear against a shark that can bite his arms off. Has his priorities arse backward. Perhaps the twit should stick with the indoor pool.
Sharks should be given a healthy respect and super wide berth, never encountered or messed with. Let them be.
"I'm not gettin in."
so you are telling me you would not freak out and self defend if it happened to you? What are you gonna do? Pet it? Say hi to it? Swim with it? I am all for protecting animals and our environment. But your comment is ridiculous and will put so many people in danger if they actually believe wild animals will never harm humans. The hammer head will be just fine even With a few smacks. Even if you do hurt it, are you seriously telling me you are willing to risk (not saying it's necessarily hostile) your life rather than selfishly try to attempt keep your life or be afraid of it? Get real...
But still i would be shitting my pants if a shark got that close
5. It's biting into your inflatable raft, you morons. But by all means, go ahead and get that shot, because you wanna make sure you get those likes on youtube!
4. The moment anything comes charging at you and gives you a test bump, it's time to get out of the water, asshole. He just let you know that you're back in the food chain.
3. I see something big enough to eat me, again, like #4, it's time to get out of the water, not try and get more shitty camera shots of your flippers and selfie pole.
2. You're fishing in a kayak. Hammerhead comes along and stay around your boat, your fishing line, and you decide to just keep hitting it in the hopes it might go away, which it doesn't. Dude, you just don't get to go fishing that day. Reel it in and head to shore. You're done.
1. Hey let's keep throwing the camera in the water so we can film a very dangerous and unpredictable animal, which by our behavior it proves we have no inkling of an idea or respect of what this thing is capable of. I was cheering for the shark to pull one in at one point.
...as i start to follow... him
Back down.... just why..?
Well you did just hit him like 20 times before sooo