9ft Bull Shark Spotted In Florida 'Backyard'

9ft Bull Shark Spotted In Florida 'Backyard' WATCH on our Barcroft TV Website: http://www.barcroft.tv/stunned-florida-resident-films-shark-swimming-in-backyard SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj UNSETTLING video footage shows a shark prowling in the BACKYARD of one stunned Florida resident’s home. Dick Frey, 69, shot the frightening footage two week's ago from his home in Bonita Springs. In the video, the nine foot bull shark is spotted swimming close to the docks through the channel just outside his building. Videographer / Director: Dick Frey Producer: Samantha Grillo, Chloe Browne Editor: Kyle Waters For more compelling footage of the amazing side of life: FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - https://www.Facebook.com/BarcroftTV TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - https://www.Twitter.com/Barcroft_TV WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft TV site - http://www.barcroft.tv/

9ft Bull Shark Spotted In Florida 'Backyard' sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1814

Shark videos 9 years ago 6,290,394 views

9ft Bull Shark Spotted In Florida 'Backyard' WATCH on our Barcroft TV Website: http://www.barcroft.tv/stunned-florida-resident-films-shark-swimming-in-backyard SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj UNSETTLING video footage shows a shark prowling in the BACKYARD of one stunned Florida resident’s home. Dick Frey, 69, shot the frightening footage two week's ago from his home in Bonita Springs. In the video, the nine foot bull shark is spotted swimming close to the docks through the channel just outside his building. Videographer / Director: Dick Frey Producer: Samantha Grillo, Chloe Browne Editor: Kyle Waters For more compelling footage of the amazing side of life: FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - https://www.Facebook.com/BarcroftTV TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - https://www.Twitter.com/Barcroft_TV WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft TV site - http://www.barcroft.tv/

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Most popular comments
for 9ft Bull Shark Spotted In Florida 'Backyard'

Izom - 7 years ago
holysh.t i love florida- but ill stay in the pool !!
James Brady
James Brady - 7 years ago
Honny... Quick... Get the laserbeam helmet...I'm gonna be a supervillan.
Peanut_Butter 90
Peanut_Butter 90 - 7 years ago
I love Sharks!!!
emerald scarlet
emerald scarlet - 7 years ago
I'd get in with it.
Lol just kidding, I'd probably just sit by the water and observe it.
SURENITY ! - 7 years ago
Those are deadly!!
Ashman-Rodgers Sebastian
Ashman-Rodgers Sebastian - 7 years ago
OfficialRayRay - 7 years ago
Talk about sleeping with the fishes!
DeMarcos A Ross, Jr
DeMarcos A Ross, Jr - 7 years ago
Tyler Meeds
Tyler Meeds - 7 years ago
I would have gotten my line wet that

10. comment for 9ft Bull Shark Spotted In Florida 'Backyard'

Joeys Father
Joeys Father - 7 years ago
Lmao rich assholes now claim oceans, rivers and canals their "backyard" smfh...
Tiffany McConkey
Tiffany McConkey - 7 years ago
Bull sharks tend to give birth in the canals to better the survival rate of their young
Mike L
Mike L - 7 years ago
Used to live on a saltwater canal in Merritt Island Fl., but never saw a shark. I feel so deprived.
Celia Campbell
Celia Campbell - 7 years ago
En ese sitio es donde hay más tiburones
Weird Khidd
Weird Khidd - 7 years ago
what kind of dog is that
Chad Peralta
Chad Peralta - 7 years ago
He’s back for a feeding.....
Nardi Stevens
Nardi Stevens - 7 years ago
If i was ever a shark i would be a bull shark becauce they can swim in salt water and fresh water or a great white
Harry Meadows
Harry Meadows - 7 years ago
Wen i heard 9ft bull shark I was like wow that's bigger than me
madtrappa - 7 years ago
3ft bull shark
the punisher
the punisher - 7 years ago
Wow now u have become a bond villian

20. comment for 9ft Bull Shark Spotted In Florida 'Backyard'

Linda Vazquez
Linda Vazquez - 7 years ago
I would do what sam said
Linda Vazquez
Linda Vazquez - 7 years ago
I would what aam said
Life is so much more Than just a relationship
Life is so much more Than just a relationship - 7 years ago
Ahhh omg so crazy to see sharks in oceans
Wade Cartwright
Wade Cartwright - 7 years ago
Your backyards the ocean pal some people's kids
Stryker Hendricks
Stryker Hendricks - 7 years ago
One question... how did the shark get in the pool in the first place?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
James C
James C - 7 years ago
New title.human found in sharks backyard..news tonight.lololol.
Wazerkus - 7 years ago
hmm, thats a Sandbar Shark and most likely 7 1/2 - 8ft.
Ratungo - 7 years ago
Just shoot it with a 12 gauge.
Darren Green
Darren Green - 7 years ago
looks more like a 3 foot thresher shark
bianchi1885 - 7 years ago
"9 ft"?? Maybe 6 feet long.

30. comment for 9ft Bull Shark Spotted In Florida 'Backyard'

jonathan parker
jonathan parker - 7 years ago
Bull sharks and great whites are most deadly toward humans so let’s go swimming XD
Defend the truth
Defend the truth - 7 years ago
This video is anwer of "Why Tommy Vercetti is can't swimming?".
ZuZu TheTrashGod
ZuZu TheTrashGod - 7 years ago
Dude, what did you expect, it's the ocean, there are sharks in the ocean...
tibby11 power
tibby11 power - 7 years ago
To me that's a welcome visitor
Rifle Twist
Rifle Twist - 7 years ago
That is what you call a Pure Punk!
Shawn Stromdahl
Shawn Stromdahl - 7 years ago
That condo is next to a open pass to the gulf that is full of Snook and Redfish. I paddleboard in that area all the time. It is a beautiful area. I'm sure if you look on Youtube you will see that a Bullshark from Florida has posted a video of a tourist from Michigan holding a camera near the water.
Saltwater Angler
Saltwater Angler - 7 years ago
what is the big deal the shark isn't in your living room it is in the water where it belongs
Jace Anderson
Jace Anderson - 7 years ago
Where i live the only thing in your yard is deer turkey skunk coyote fox and raccoon. And I don’t even live on a farm
Mel Eisele
Mel Eisele - 7 years ago
I want to keep it
AjaniAndGreg - 7 years ago
NinjaGamer 443
NinjaGamer 443 - 7 years ago
U don’t own the ocean tho lol
NinjaGamer 443
NinjaGamer 443 - 7 years ago
But that’s were they live?
XxGianna_ andsofiaplayzxX
XxGianna_ andsofiaplayzxX - 7 years ago
OMG I LIVE in Bonita springs hehe....
Kali Nicole
Kali Nicole - 7 years ago
And the guys backyard is the ocean
Kali Nicole
Kali Nicole - 7 years ago
Technically it is not unwelcome because it lives in the sea
Themochibear :3
Themochibear :3 - 7 years ago
GeorgiaIsOnMyMind - 7 years ago
Ah nice; now if only my neighbor had been out swimming, it would've been perfection. sigh
Tainted Love
Tainted Love - 7 years ago
I would literally get my suitcases and get the hell out.
Meme Queen
Meme Queen - 7 years ago
I just clicked this video after I played Hungry Sharks....
*DOGGY DOGO* - 7 years ago
thank god im nowhere near water

50. comment for 9ft Bull Shark Spotted In Florida 'Backyard'

Cody Vandertogt
Cody Vandertogt - 7 years ago
Bro who cares come to aussie and u will know alllll about it specially the great whites
Erik Bates
Erik Bates - 7 years ago
Perfect angle to shoot it with a rifle.
Reginaldo Martins
Reginaldo Martins - 7 years ago
Cool girl lol
Cool girl lol - 7 years ago
it looked scary
Catching Dinosaurs
Catching Dinosaurs - 7 years ago
my aunt has a house on a canal in florida there was a huge bullshark that would go down that canal about every night easily over 400 pounds or more.
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 7 years ago
Why is the shark an "unwelcome visitor?" Don't get me wrong...I can't stand PETA tree-huggers, but.....the shark is exactly where it's supposed to be. #britishjournalistssuck
Infinite Design LLC
Infinite Design LLC - 7 years ago
I have been there many times
and never have I seen a shark there in my life. (but I would love to take a dip)lol
Paul Pflaum
Paul Pflaum - 7 years ago
Bull sharks are a shark known to be in more "bad moods" (will attack) that all other sharks. They also are able to adapt their osmoregulatory processes to survive in a broad range of water salinities, from the salt water of the ocean to the freshwater of a lake. In the organism, (the shark) the external environment and the internal environment of the organism are separated by a membrane across which substances can move. It has membranes internally that will allow it to live in either waters. If you're in fresh water downstream from water that came from the ocean as salt water..........and up where you are swimming it is fresh water, bull sharks can be in that fresh water you're swimming in. Attacks in the 20's in New Jersey proved that......and Bulls have been seen a few hundred miles up the Mississippi River.
Life Tourist
Life Tourist - 7 years ago
I shark in the ocean? Who would've thought
nobody fromnowhere
nobody fromnowhere - 7 years ago
If you put it on a leash are you required to pick up the poop?
Blurgh Gitty
Blurgh Gitty - 7 years ago
For some reason I expected it to be a shark in someone's pool after a flood or something like that. This is idiotic, that's the ocean.
Abigail De Paz
Abigail De Paz - 7 years ago
Ems Miranda
Ems Miranda - 7 years ago
How they gothere so whatttt
Ella Tuqi
Ella Tuqi - 7 years ago
Tim Wolf
Tim Wolf - 7 years ago
Harpoon it, shark steaks anybody?
TAPP Channel
TAPP Channel - 7 years ago
this is great :) Thats a huge of shark!!! :)
Modplank - 7 years ago
it's a really BIQ SHAQ lol
Kelly Sanna
Kelly Sanna - 7 years ago
This is what I say OMG
Mr M clark
Mr M clark - 7 years ago
Welcome to my city!!!Ft Myers Naples n Bonita stand up!!Lol
mile high Mary Jane
mile high Mary Jane - 7 years ago
Well all of the ocean is the sharks home so he's just chillin around his place lol
Jemmy TM
Jemmy TM - 7 years ago
Cute dog
alidaygo619 - 7 years ago
J. T.
J. T. - 7 years ago
What the hell. Sharks were here before us, so we are unwelcome.
Red Devler
Red Devler - 7 years ago
What do they expect with a garden that big and your house being next to the ocean
imateapot51 - 7 years ago
The only place I would ever swim in Florida is at an indoor pool. Gators , crocs , bull and tiger sharks. Not for me. I will take the chlorine.
Sebastian Contreras
Sebastian Contreras - 7 years ago
Roses are red violets are blue your mom is pretty so why aren't you
Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy - 7 years ago
Dumpster Fire
Dumpster Fire - 7 years ago
I’m confused the houses were built in the sharks home, it’s not an unwelcome guest
Mason Dile
Mason Dile - 7 years ago
Troy Addict
Troy Addict - 7 years ago
...better then a great white
skira 1,0026
skira 1,0026 - 7 years ago
I wouldn't mind to see it being back there because we took animals homes so he's just going for a nice swim there
Swnsasy _
Swnsasy _ - 7 years ago
Yep, Bayshore this happens all the time.. When they flooded, there where sharks on the road..
Flabby Beef 35
Flabby Beef 35 - 7 years ago
Listen people tell trump to build a under water wall those illegal shark immigrants
April J
April J - 7 years ago
Bull shark can swim in both fresh water and salt water.
I Am Chosen
I Am Chosen - 7 years ago
ToFester - 7 years ago
The shark is where it's suppose to be.
lastman lll
lastman lll - 7 years ago
Damn nature you scary!
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
People fishing has absolutely nothing to do with the rise in shark sightings they put a neighborhood on the gulf coast the sharks are doing what they do absolutely normal..... stupid city laws and regulations!
iduwte a
iduwte a - 7 years ago
Dude there is a shark at your backyard
Me : REALLY? Grab a baseball bat and ready to dive in
The dude: dialing 911
Me: take the phone and threw it in the water no Jacob,this is my destiny to fight with shark
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 7 years ago
take a.22 or some gun and blast its dorsal fin.. it will get th message
Sierra.Taekwondo.85 - 7 years ago
What kind of Gold Fish is that?
Disinf3ctant - 7 years ago
To all the fuckwits saying it's the sharks territory I hope you get a bite taken out of you by your local region's largest predator. Everywhere is wilderness until you claim it. Ecosystems are about prying open a niche for your species to live in by dominating everything else thats there to begin with. You should all go live like scavengers in the bush, always watching your back for anything with larger teeth. I'll enjoy being human and live wherever I want, cheers.
sillieww - 7 years ago
NO surprise at all, there're very common here.
hockeyplayer0241 - 7 years ago
Unwelcome? Unwelcome are the people
Sergeant Wailor
Sergeant Wailor - 7 years ago
Go to hell its the sharks back yard
Ali Khan
Ali Khan - 7 years ago
The unfortunate thing is that the shark meat is not so tasty so he got away. Haha . Had he been a tasty fish things would have been very different.
Nathan Smith
Nathan Smith - 7 years ago
Only in florida
JennyPlays - 7 years ago
meanwhile in the sharktube:
Humans spotted in the shark's neighbourhood!
J Cheek
J Cheek - 7 years ago
That's not their backyard, it the ocean! Idiots!
sarada uchiha
sarada uchiha - 7 years ago
and also that didn't look like a backyard plus you live in Florida near the ocean so yeah

100. comment for 9ft Bull Shark Spotted In Florida 'Backyard'

Jacqueline Womack
Jacqueline Womack - 7 years ago
How..Plus how do u not expect sharks you have a FUGEING BEACH HOUSE DUMMY
Calvin Litt
Calvin Litt - 7 years ago
I miss Steve Irwin ....He wouldve hopped right in wrestled that big b!tch down brought it out the water, Gave us a crazy amount of facts about it and its environment, kissed it on the nose and let it go. Then later when no one was watching the shark wouldve came back and they wouldve had a beer on the beach Aussie style. Damnit Steve Irwin come back!!!!!!
Nic Davies
Nic Davies - 7 years ago
that shark is not 9ft lol
XxbeastassasinxX 101
XxbeastassasinxX 101 - 7 years ago
BULL SHI- ........I mean shark :) family friendly
C T - 7 years ago
Ask yourself this question about SouthFlorida BullSharks..
' Does the tourist city/town want the public to know about any Bull SHark Attack?"
*Now ask yourself if a shark that Targets human children does attack= does it make the news if it isn't on a crowded beach??

It's unfortunate that the truth hurts. IT DOES!!
The truth is they target us and esp our children as food. No mistaken identity, no confusion, just we are there & they are hungry and that's that.....
foxhound jr
foxhound jr - 7 years ago
his back yard lol that the sharks home
RainyComic2712 ProPlayerPvP
RainyComic2712 ProPlayerPvP - 7 years ago
Sharkanado :v
basant vimal sharma
basant vimal sharma - 7 years ago
It's not nine feet it's eight feet ten inches.dont lie.
bye now
bye now - 7 years ago
that music... chances are this shark was just chilling in some nice warm water, looking for a few fish to eat, and exploring... but that music... what is this, anti-shark propaganda?
Sean Quinn
Sean Quinn - 7 years ago
Lol you're shocked there is a shark in saltwater?
jgmotorsports101 - 7 years ago
I would pull out the senator and catch him.
soundjam Lyrics
soundjam Lyrics - 7 years ago
I live in fl
Justice 777
Justice 777 - 7 years ago
She is beautiful
Kawaii_popcorn - 7 years ago
Was it just me or did I see another one off in the distance .
Kawaii_popcorn - 7 years ago
Was it just me or did I see another one off in the distance
scoutmaster33 - 7 years ago
M80, rock, electrical tape, lighter..... Fishing for those with ADD.
Corinne McLeod
Corinne McLeod - 7 years ago
OMG a shark in the water? Really?
anonymous_bmx_and_stuntrider anonymous
anonymous_bmx_and_stuntrider anonymous - 7 years ago
That debo that his hood
daconverse - 7 years ago
The audacity of people. The narrator said it's their backyard. People don't live in water. That's the sharks home.
Colby Collett
Colby Collett - 7 years ago
I'd grab my rod
Cristiano Euronaldo
Cristiano Euronaldo - 7 years ago
your in the sharks house now
Edson Ibarra
Edson Ibarra - 7 years ago
Why make the video liek some way... scary?
james84 -
james84 - - 7 years ago
Peter Debeer
Peter Debeer - 7 years ago
500 magnum should help
William Neigum
William Neigum - 7 years ago
Nah you in his neighbourhood
Gamorco Perkūnas
Gamorco Perkūnas - 7 years ago
Unwelcome guests? you sounded so moronic there. Who is actually the unwelcome guest there? Obviously not the shark who's main habitat is the sea.
Mr. Was geht sie das an
Mr. Was geht sie das an - 7 years ago
Might be sharknado
The Reneeinator
The Reneeinator - 7 years ago
Why is this so supprising? I see shot like this on the daily.
P a s s i v e
P a s s i v e - 7 years ago
Command Lion
Command Lion - 7 years ago
Should have tossed in a Toy Poodle for scale. In the matter of science, of course.
Ben Brinks
Ben Brinks - 7 years ago
Bull sharks are kinda mean. Even I admit that. And I personally love sharks.
Sam Janke
Sam Janke - 7 years ago
In his back yard, its in the canal, god the news dramatics everything
Elyssa Cameron
Elyssa Cameron - 7 years ago
Who would let it live there and Just not get close but always throw dead chicken meat into the water to feed it ...I would I love animals so I would
Sea - 7 years ago
So fake
J Brand
J Brand - 7 years ago
9 ft. of BULL
The Legend Gamers
The Legend Gamers - 7 years ago
when the sharknado ends¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jon Snow
Jon Snow - 7 years ago
I read the comments below..."Idiots comment on YouTube who would have thought so.." By the way there are sharks in saltwater canals and the video shows Intraoastal waterways not the ocean as well. Where are humans sharks are not welcome. neither idiots like you guys.
That guy
That guy - 7 years ago
Woulda grabbed my .45
Aria NZ
Aria NZ - 7 years ago
Everyone is saying the same thing "it's his backyard" "he's the unwelcomed viditor" "a shark in the ocean? How shocking is that" .... I tell you what monkeys, stop restating the obvious and take this L
Christian Oja
Christian Oja - 7 years ago
Ignorant people giving sharks a bad name.
True GameZ
True GameZ - 7 years ago
Please sub
Alistar James
Alistar James - 7 years ago
this guy's voice is annoying
Angie & Charli
Angie & Charli - 7 years ago
Dumbasses they are explaining how close it is to shore u faggots.
Midzy - 7 years ago
its the shark's backyard not a human's
Dylan Eves
Dylan Eves - 7 years ago
Unwelcome, as if we have more of a say on what goes in the ocean than one of the predators that lives in it
Abigail Sockeye
Abigail Sockeye - 7 years ago
fake news
KixIzNext - 7 years ago
I know right but it does look like a big arse pool
Suga is my city
Suga is my city - 7 years ago
This is the ocean not ur backyard idiot
Patty C
Patty C - 7 years ago
Psh I thought they meant someone's swimming pool or something.
Evolved Turtle Productions
Evolved Turtle Productions - 7 years ago
I'm gonna go live in my neighbor's home now. When he comes home from work, I'm gonna tell him to GET LOST, this is MY home punk!
brian jenkins
brian jenkins - 7 years ago
They look just like hot girls of Florida!
Ryan Kotarski
Ryan Kotarski - 7 years ago
I live in ft myers
Lyara Kadence Princess meekis
Lyara Kadence Princess meekis - 7 years ago
brian garcia
brian garcia - 7 years ago
I live in florida noooo
Shadow guy
Shadow guy - 7 years ago
Do he poops?
Edit: thank you for no likes rekt lol
Awesome Trees
Awesome Trees - 7 years ago
'Unwelcome guests' oh congratulations you figured out sharks live in the sea
J Vocals
J Vocals - 7 years ago
So glad I don't have that problem
Mike Recoil
Mike Recoil - 7 years ago
blamminsuskaz pimp
blamminsuskaz pimp - 7 years ago
Get out of my backyard bullshark
Mika Manning
Mika Manning - 7 years ago
Nope bye
Kyla Diaz
Kyla Diaz - 7 years ago
Nice dog
Chase Lackey
Chase Lackey - 7 years ago
oh no you live by the ocean, sharks shouldn't live there.
Chase Lackey
Chase Lackey - 7 years ago
oh no you live by the ocean, sharks shouldn't live there
Kenny Munoz
Kenny Munoz - 7 years ago
That'd be so cool to see id try to fish it
Nicholas Gonzalez
Nicholas Gonzalez - 7 years ago
What do the white people expect you built your homes on its home the open water hes going to swim around the neighborhood you dumb cunts . If you dont like it snag hookem or shoot his ass n eat him that simple stop complaining bitches
disturbed3330 - 7 years ago
It just wanted someone to get in an swim with it.
Ash A
Ash A - 7 years ago
That's horrific
June Norris
June Norris - 7 years ago
how did it get in
24surf - 7 years ago
I Spotted 1k haters wtff!!!!
Pusheen Plays
Pusheen Plays - 7 years ago
Pfft what the hell its an ocean for god sake people
lisa childers
lisa childers - 7 years ago
A back yard is a yard=grass that was ocean
Jeffrey vergakis
Jeffrey vergakis - 7 years ago
Ok 5ft bull shark
Surfer Boy
Surfer Boy - 7 years ago
No the great white shark is the most dangerous sharks and they are not unwanted they are misunderstood cut it some slack we kill 4x as many of them cuz we don't really get killed they use there teeth as fingers so we don't get bitten we get scratched
Mechanical Eng
Mechanical Eng - 7 years ago
iiMinikupquake - 7 years ago
What breed of dog is this?
Maddie .-.Equestrian5
Maddie .-.Equestrian5 - 7 years ago
Ugh this makes me so mad. The sharks are not unwelcomed. The water is there home and there living and swimming in there homes. We people are the unwelcomed guests!
Bsharporbflat - 7 years ago
Well maybe you should go back to your planet
Gaby Alvarez
Gaby Alvarez - 7 years ago
Hunter's Homemade
Hunter's Homemade - 7 years ago
I've visited Florida and there are alot of sharks, honestly it's pretty cool
Ftttp London
Ftttp London - 7 years ago
if I saw that in my backyard I'm moving out in one sec
Philip Miller
Philip Miller - 7 years ago
The guy talking sounds like danbull to me
Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan Knuckles - 7 years ago
I live in florida and now im scared to go swimming
Noh Mercy
Noh Mercy - 7 years ago
what a pussy recording from the balcony i would of jumped in the water and knocked it out
Mario dud
Mario dud - 7 years ago
OMG There's a shark in the ocean?!???!!???!!!!? NO WAY (being sarcastic)
Damjan Krivokapic
Damjan Krivokapic - 7 years ago
kill em all
Jovan Bahat
Jovan Bahat - 7 years ago
Why are you so pissed off by a shark? It doesn't make noises or disturb I think having shark would cool and cool to feed it
I luv unicorns
I luv unicorns - 7 years ago
That can't be in Florida Florida oceans r the safest oceans in the world trust me I live there and one time we saw a bunch of dolphins were swimming in striat line like they were protecting us but when I mean a lot there was like 300
Christi Harrison
Christi Harrison - 7 years ago
i thought the great white shark was the most dangerous
Jenaya Gardiner
Jenaya Gardiner - 7 years ago
un welcome guests ha? i thought they were here millions of years before us
spicykimchi1 - 7 years ago
Unwelcome? This is fucking cool. I wish that I had bad-a$$ bull sharks outside of my home.
Jonathan Sheneman
Jonathan Sheneman - 7 years ago
You should always have a BB gun on hand for just this reason.
John Hussey
John Hussey - 7 years ago
Wow so amazing! A bull shark in Florida? No way
Madeleine Flesch
Madeleine Flesch - 7 years ago
Huh? backyard?
Brandi Renee
Brandi Renee - 7 years ago
Crix Macea
Crix Macea - 7 years ago
What do you expect?
Samuel Logar
Samuel Logar - 7 years ago
You know you can swim with hungry shark but only once in your life
Riley Shaw
Riley Shaw - 7 years ago
How Did A Shark Get Into A Swimming Pool In The Backyard?
stonedog23 - 7 years ago
Imagine a shark in the warm waters of Florida, wow!
FishBayVI420H20 - 7 years ago
Everyone that lives in florida is already fully aware of what lives in the water behind their houses.
Destinee - 7 years ago
tf you mean "unwelcome visitor"??? It's just trying to swim in its natural habitat
Destinee - 7 years ago
It's swimming in its natural habitat. Leave it alone.
Sara Ellis
Sara Ellis - 7 years ago
California he said it was a spring not ocean
Ronda Rousey
Ronda Rousey - 7 years ago
And some say sharks don't even swim near the coast.............

Kat - 7 years ago
I get excited when deer come into my backyard. But this is just awesome!
missprizzy1 - 7 years ago
well that is where they live so......
Summer Moon
Summer Moon - 7 years ago
Your back yard is their home
twojstary - 7 years ago
so fucking dramatic!
Rudy c
Rudy c - 7 years ago
Where's my ex wife when I need her.
grandmas ballsack
grandmas ballsack - 7 years ago
just give him a pat on his back or his nose, thats alll he wants - water dogs
Jordan Evans
Jordan Evans - 7 years ago
Lionk2002 !
Lionk2002 ! - 7 years ago
All animals are welcome guests they aren't destroyingour homes we are destroying theirs
Morgan Fugate
Morgan Fugate - 7 years ago
President Pixel
President Pixel - 7 years ago
Hmm a shark........time to invite that neighbor I hate over for a pool party
Harley The Gecko Animals
Harley The Gecko Animals - 7 years ago
I live in Florida and would never consider these guys as unwelcomed guests, that is their habitat that the humans took over. Smh
TJ McMahon
TJ McMahon - 7 years ago
If that was me I'd have the AR so far up his gills...
The Last Greaser
The Last Greaser - 7 years ago
I would have shot the fucker
Alajaih brown
Alajaih brown - 7 years ago
AbbieMcDonald - 7 years ago
if you don't annoy the poor things they won't annoy you
Francis White
Francis White - 7 years ago
Yeah, em, actually the residents are in the SHARKS BACK YARD!!!!
Moss Pat
Moss Pat - 7 years ago
I catch the fucker, cut its fins, sell it in the black market.
Scott Watkins
Scott Watkins - 7 years ago
Jump in you old farts.
Beth Velasquez
Beth Velasquez - 7 years ago
l thliy megalodon
Anthony Carson
Anthony Carson - 7 years ago
If you're in the water with a bull shark.. you're the unwanted guest..
OmgPandaLoverX - 7 years ago
Catalina Matus cortes
Catalina Matus cortes - 7 years ago
Madeleine Flesch
Madeleine Flesch - 7 years ago
What do they mean, "backyard"
Midnight_stars - 7 years ago
Boo it's a Oachen idiot
xxxyogirlxxx MSP
xxxyogirlxxx MSP - 7 years ago
roses are red violets are blue i got clickbaited and so did you
Laura Hitchcock
Laura Hitchcock - 7 years ago
He's in his habitat so if you don't like where the shark is then move#STUPIDHUMANS
Mimipinks - 7 years ago
We are the unwelcomed tho
LpsFantasy Films
LpsFantasy Films - 7 years ago
If anything we are the "unwelcome guests" in the ocean :/
J Day
J Day - 7 years ago
fucking love it
MaC's Animated Film
MaC's Animated Film - 7 years ago
may tagalog ba dito Kasi parang he said isang
Halofan 1172
Halofan 1172 - 7 years ago
lucky I love sharks
Goldaze - 7 years ago
thats actually really cool :)
Tayah Deer
Tayah Deer - 7 years ago
Tayah Deer
Tayah Deer - 7 years ago
7saany - 7 years ago
sooooo these people decide to live on the beach but dont want them there? yea try not to fish on the shore people!
Jesse21 - 7 years ago
prowling? frightening maybe. But prowling? wtf? stop demonizing them. They do live in the ocean. But hey anything for views right. you guys suck.
jan mac
jan mac - 7 years ago
summon the sea pandas
Jocelyn Linan
Jocelyn Linan - 7 years ago
Who would a thought there would be a shark in the ocean?! Idiots saying there unwelcome, where else can they go?
Jamecia - 7 years ago
By the title I thought it got in someone's pool or something
Ross Mitchell
Ross Mitchell - 7 years ago
of course they dont want bullsharks were they swim and fish bullsharks are the most deadly to humans..
Soumeymey Bun
Soumeymey Bun - 7 years ago
Grande ???
Grande ??? - 7 years ago
What the fuck is this? It's a fucking shark and that's his fucking habitat not your backyard you moron.
Aklak Ahmed
Aklak Ahmed - 7 years ago
shoot the bastard
Wᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ Dᴇᴀᴅ
Wᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ Dᴇᴀᴅ - 7 years ago
In case people are still confused, sharks aren't violent. Some may attack, but that is only if they feel you as threatening or think you are a sea lion. Once they realize you're not, they are more likely to back off. The ocean is THEIR home. We've invaded it countless of times taking their food and leaving behind oil spills and worse. No wonder they're swimming closer to home. They have no other place to go.
Daniel Wachtler
Daniel Wachtler - 7 years ago
Luke Freitag
Luke Freitag - 7 years ago
This is bull
bri 2005
bri 2005 - 7 years ago
Cuauhtemoc Ramos
Cuauhtemoc Ramos - 7 years ago
fuck FL is all about Cali
Violet Roy
Violet Roy - 7 years ago
I hope no harm is done to the poor animals all to appease humans who think they're entitled to all territories. Disgusting.
Emmy - 7 years ago
Shark swimming in habitat: just swimming in the ocean where I belong!

People building house: Let's build a house by the ocean! Let's see what happens!

1 year later


Thomas - 7 years ago
9ft bull shark spots dumb human in FL, backyard
Snowball 25860
Snowball 25860 - 7 years ago
That's a werid looking dog
Lexi Vlogs
Lexi Vlogs - 7 years ago
12k likes 1k comments and ZERO VEIWS
that's right no veiws...
Mason Theurer
Mason Theurer - 7 years ago
fishing doesnt attact sharks any closer than they already were
Mason Theurer
Mason Theurer - 7 years ago
get the fishing rod
Emilys Barton
Emilys Barton - 7 years ago
"His home" no the humans home is the one built out of wood on land. The water IS the sharks home. Yes you may technically "own" that spot and it's "your backyard" but it's still nature and living in a spot like that you should expect to see animals. Smh humans think they own everything
Marcel Wiśnia
Marcel Wiśnia - 7 years ago
Marcel Wiśnia
Marcel Wiśnia - 7 years ago
marky mark
marky mark - 7 years ago
English invaders think everything is theirs.
Justine - 7 years ago
sorry but isn't not a bull shark is a grey shark for me
AbsenThunder 84
AbsenThunder 84 - 7 years ago
why didn't give him food? that is disrespectful
dropbeat noztrad
dropbeat noztrad - 7 years ago
sebrofcram - 7 years ago
it's rare for a shark to appear by the shallow parts of the water thats why its considered something like a danger
Emily the Brave 87631
Emily the Brave 87631 - 7 years ago
The shark is soooo cute
NoPain NoGain
NoPain NoGain - 7 years ago
I'd kill it, plenty of meat there.
They aren't endangered so why not? enough meat for months.
Pikachu Zaaba1234
Pikachu Zaaba1234 - 7 years ago
more be careful if want to swimming in ocean
PIGSTER84 - 7 years ago
Shiiii whys there a shark in the ocean?
Manny wit dat hoodie
Manny wit dat hoodie - 7 years ago
get the shotgun and blast hes head open end of story real quick...
bahrul bahar
bahrul bahar - 7 years ago
What's wrong with that? Ocean is their habitat
OceanBlue - 7 years ago
Not safe for children and pets!... At least a fence needs to be built!
Joe B E.
Joe B E. - 7 years ago
baby shark tho
Puas Sapnu
Puas Sapnu - 7 years ago
When you in yo house but yo momma tell you to go outside cause you playing to many video games
Stephen Phoenix-Roberts
Stephen Phoenix-Roberts - 7 years ago
Bull sharks like going in to shallow waters to ride breaking wave on beach it scary and yes they are dangerous.
Kevin Ou
Kevin Ou - 7 years ago
Dangerous shark in the world ? False
Camiel08Erin11 - 7 years ago
Isn't the ocean for sharks and other creatures that are unfuckable with?
Moderation - 7 years ago
What do you mean "backyard" this is my uncle chuck Norris backyard
Maile Diaz
Maile Diaz - 7 years ago
Brody White
Brody White - 7 years ago
lol the sharks neighbourhood and has been long before people lived in Bonita Springs
Iron Jobi
Iron Jobi - 7 years ago
Yum Yum shark steaks.
Albert Samuel
Albert Samuel - 7 years ago
I wonder what America looked like before immigrants start arriving and built residential areas
GD Akhila
GD Akhila - 7 years ago
for some reason i find it cool .-.
Mac Hawkins
Mac Hawkins - 7 years ago
He is British people
ice gamer gaming
ice gamer gaming - 7 years ago
umm quick fact great white could be 10 to 11 and whale shark could be at 40 to 60
ice gamer gaming
ice gamer gaming - 7 years ago
King Rat
King Rat - 7 years ago
Ohhh... a Bull Shark is a person in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood...
Mike Herpich
Mike Herpich - 7 years ago
ugh. humans-.- .... God forbid it swims in its own habitat lol. technically we are the ones living in their backyard since we drove em out by plotting homes and deforesting and raising land near oceans....but yeah the animals are the ones invading right
Koamrarl Gmuedller
Koamrarl Gmuedller - 7 years ago
hunt him! kill him..
Matthew Meek
Matthew Meek - 7 years ago
Thats a reef shark not a bull and it isnt 9 foot
No Name
No Name - 7 years ago
people are so dumb. salt water = sharks
Negocios 15
Negocios 15 - 7 years ago
VakP79 - 7 years ago
Let's go for a swim people...
91clarie - 7 years ago
Humans are the unwelcomed visitors here. or on earth in general. Bet mother nature can't wait to finally get rid of us.
Richard top angler
Richard top angler - 7 years ago
i wish i had this problem
Yamaha Life
Yamaha Life - 7 years ago
oooo a bullshark in a canal how crazy better film it lmao..this is common as fuck not news worthy. id be more interested in all the mass shootings rather then wildlife doing wildlife shit.
Henry C
Henry C - 7 years ago
Funny how this commenter says residences found sharks in "their" backyard. Idiot, the ocean IS the shark's home. Why don't the residences stop living so close to the shark's home?
Anneth Murrieta
Anneth Murrieta - 7 years ago
m0rgoth xsK
m0rgoth xsK - 7 years ago
too many dangerous animals in florida, snakes, alligators, sharks, fuck that..
Ofc Sds
Ofc Sds - 7 years ago
yoo dony worry donald trump is gonna build a wall xD like if u agree

ik i ask for likes cuz i know i wont get one
JK LIFE - 7 years ago
You do know that people are polluting the oceans so why wouldn't the sharks come closer toward the better part of the ocean
Francis H
Francis H - 7 years ago
question how did that bullshark got in the pool in the first place?
Monika Wheeler
Monika Wheeler - 7 years ago
Swimming with the devil
csuci119 - 7 years ago
Not cool smh
Ben Carter
Ben Carter - 7 years ago
9ft? Looks about 6 max
mickey martin
mickey martin - 7 years ago
He smells snowbird!
Viiki Fin
Viiki Fin - 7 years ago
So good
Dumbo Octopus
Dumbo Octopus - 7 years ago
Mom, it followed me home, can we keep it?
Florian Reimer
Florian Reimer - 7 years ago
a shark in the Ozean oh My god
SoloRizing - 7 years ago
knowing me id probably feed it.
drummer cat explosive
drummer cat explosive - 7 years ago
u oh
Name - 7 years ago
I think there's something wrong with his dog
Ramsey Blair
Ramsey Blair - 7 years ago
We're having shark tonight
Tyler Diaz
Tyler Diaz - 7 years ago
Ramsey Blair how was it?
Ricardo Huante
Ricardo Huante - 7 years ago
nooo your in the sharks back yard
Richard Davis
Richard Davis - 7 years ago
What a load of rubbish. That Bull shark is no where near 9 foot. Compare the animal next to the electrical socket. That shark is more like 4 feet.
Fior Crussett
Fior Crussett - 7 years ago
the shark ocean, human in pool
Fior Crussett
Fior Crussett - 7 years ago
what a shark
Sincere One
Sincere One - 7 years ago
I would've kept it has a pet
A Shark
A Shark - 7 years ago
What's the problem? It's a shark in the ocean? Where he lives...
Mac Hawkins
Mac Hawkins - 7 years ago
"Unwelcomed guest" it's in its natural habitat dumb Brit we are the unwelcome guests
Death Song Gaming
Death Song Gaming - 7 years ago
Bull sharks can also swim into freshwater
Mariella Taia
Mariella Taia - 7 years ago
I'd feed when my parents arent watching
Jesse Kretkowski
Jesse Kretkowski - 7 years ago
I'm gonna build a house on a volcano and when it erupts, I'll be all....WTF man, thats my house, the city needs to plug it!!!!
Ezzeii - 7 years ago
holy shit 9ft bullshark swimming in somebodys ocean backyard!!! great news
Greolista Greolista
Greolista Greolista - 7 years ago
remember GTA vice city
Mel Makavali
Mel Makavali - 7 years ago
this will be silly if these sharks are not killed...
SealAngel - 7 years ago
How dare they be in the ocean!
Gabrielle Pinepaw
Gabrielle Pinepaw - 7 years ago
"The unwelcome guests."

*Walks around my house.
*Sees somebody filming me.

RLN1972 - 7 years ago
I heard that there was even some sand found on the beach!!
RLN1972 - 7 years ago
holly shit balls!!! a shark? bahahahahahahahahahah
Colonel Reb
Colonel Reb - 7 years ago
Does that body of water lead to the ocean? Yes. Do the people who live there know they live next to a body of water that leads to the ocean? Yes. Are sharks in the ocean? Yes. Is this surprising? No. Why are people freaking out? People are so fuckin' stupid to be surprised by this.
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 7 years ago
Unwelcomed guests?! Sharks live in the ocean you fucking idiot. People swimming in the ocean are unwelcomed guests. I swam with Bull sharks, they're not dangerous, lol. People need to get educated bout sharks cause their education comes from hollywood movies.
Sakura Christine Ito
Sakura Christine Ito - 7 years ago
Now you know where to push someone you don't like...
Tyler Woody
Tyler Woody - 7 years ago
Can you eat it?
capt Bluto
capt Bluto - 7 years ago
call chief brody we have another shark problem...
YaboiDrizzyDrew - 7 years ago
Wow, I can't believe they saw a shark swimming in the ocean... unreal!
Chris Chu
Chris Chu - 7 years ago
They were there first. Humans are the invaders.
Your average piece of Bread
Your average piece of Bread - 7 years ago
Oh hey I was just in Florida.
leon voulgaris
leon voulgaris - 7 years ago
He s cute :)
JOANZ - 7 years ago
"9 ft"
Richard Helliwell
Richard Helliwell - 7 years ago
Only dangerous if you get in the water. It's not as if they are going to jump out and join you for cocktails is it?
Colleen Yopp
Colleen Yopp - 7 years ago
warnutztheloser - 7 years ago
I swim There all da Time
SD. - 7 years ago
I think you should say the Humans are the unwanted visitor rather than the shark. We explore on their territory not vice versa.
bradbbs - 7 years ago
Put backyard in ocean, claims to have shark in backyard.
Amy Nguyen
Amy Nguyen - 7 years ago
That's it's home! The ocean! What now u own the ocean? I would watch this majestic creature in its own habitat. People already rule almost all of the world now u want to rule the oceans too! Geez greedy ppl!
Roach - 7 years ago
I'd feed that thing .Maybe it'll come back and be a wild pet.Sharks are cool.lol.unwelcome guest in it's own habitat...you ever wonder what animals think??
trashi momi
trashi momi - 7 years ago
How did i get from betta fish care to 9ft sharks in my backyard?! 0_o
ITS RAW!!! - 7 years ago
Gavinador - 7 years ago
Should have thrown a steak a him
ClAMPGODAOX xxxtentacion
ClAMPGODAOX xxxtentacion - 7 years ago
a bull dhark haves spots
Comfort Lining-Thermoplastic Denture Adhesive
Comfort Lining-Thermoplastic Denture Adhesive - 7 years ago
Yeah and FYI bullsharks swim in the rivers in FL to!
motivation_is_everything - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who wants to jump on the back of a shark and ride it??
LazyStatic - 7 years ago
The shark realised it was florida and said fuck this im out.
Mark Savage
Mark Savage - 7 years ago
bull shark steaks brah!!!! yummm
acidexpierence - 7 years ago
lurking in his neighborhood? more like the sharks fucking home and habitat that humans invaded.
bighands69 - 7 years ago
Good let's start culling them as they clearly are a danger. LIberals "you cannot murder a poor shark". Well they do make a good lunch.
King Green
King Green - 7 years ago
Deurk Digler
Deurk Digler - 7 years ago
no problem i'm black. sharks love white meat.
SAMREZ-55 - 7 years ago
animals are Wonderful !! a Gift from God !
MELON LORD - 7 years ago
"Bulls shark are considered the dangerous shark in the wall"

Me:umm hello? What about the great white the megaladon who once was the biggest and dangerous shark in the world what about that huge ass reef shark that I forgot it's name it's obviously not the most dangerous unless your stupid enough to go near it >~< never go near a bull shark there a bit too curious about human beings and would bite them with out knowing if dead once dead they probably think your a snack >~<
Roger Barlow
Roger Barlow - 7 years ago
so sweet
j ross
j ross - 7 years ago
" 9' " sure!!! *actual size - 7''
Crazy Gecko Lover
Crazy Gecko Lover - 7 years ago
Ummmm SHOOT IT!!!!!!!!!
Jossua Garcia
Jossua Garcia - 7 years ago
The owners of these houses are super rich. Of course they're suprised!
shubumjeet rakhra
shubumjeet rakhra - 7 years ago
This is why I live in Canada. Safe in my Igloo. Far from sharks.
RHYS Fagan
RHYS Fagan - 7 years ago
we get bullsharks at the creek from my house
Nichole Rogel
Nichole Rogel - 7 years ago
Good place to throw your worst enemies and watch in amusement on how they wailed in the water. ⊙▽⊙
Matt Allen
Matt Allen - 7 years ago
Welcome to Florida. We have sharks come to our backyards. Alligators occasionally roam the streets more than Jehovah Witnesses do.
Jerry Yawning
Jerry Yawning - 7 years ago
fuck the rich bastard. Let the bull shark kill these bastards.
Motoroil - 7 years ago
"Bring awareness to" sickening PC language.
Jenny doetgamen
Jenny doetgamen - 7 years ago
can everbody help me to the 50 subscribes
bystander2009 - 7 years ago
i would name the shark chuck
Bruno R Fontana
Bruno R Fontana - 7 years ago
Unwelcomed? Pfft. If that was my place that shark would be more welcome than most of my relatives.
Connor Weiss
Connor Weiss - 7 years ago
that's be cool
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 7 years ago
the #1 dangerous shark in da world..they the most aggressive shark...they can swim in fresh water up to rivers to
Kebzay - 7 years ago
Sharks are not mean leave them alone
T Brown Records
T Brown Records - 7 years ago
A Reason To Play
A Reason To Play - 7 years ago
good i fly in summer to florida. And yes i go in the water:)
That´s cool video
kara s
kara s - 7 years ago
There he is!
Qween Chloe
Qween Chloe - 7 years ago
Idiot no.2:hey man let's go take a dip

Idiot no.2:oh yeah sure man it's not like the shark is gonna attack us
Karyn Campbell
Karyn Campbell - 7 years ago
Lmao, unwelcome guest?? It's swimming in it's natural habitat.
runway heading
runway heading - 7 years ago
How did a shark get in the ocean! Ignorant and simple people. Wake up! Sharks will go where they darn well please. You go in the ocean, you take the extremely small risk of encountering a Shark! I see them nearly everyday. They swim in and around me while surf fishing. They might as well be guppies. I know they will not bother me as long as the water is relatively clear and there isn't a lot of bait in the area. They are magnificent, creations of God and should be highly respected and cared for. Ignorance is the main problem
musicmojo100 - 7 years ago
You mean it's high tide and the shark is curious about all the electrodes pertruding from one place
julien bonnamour
julien bonnamour - 7 years ago
Donald Trump la clairement identifié, c'est un dangereux requin venu du Mexique et en plus de façon illégal...
Most Satisfying
Most Satisfying - 7 years ago
Omg their like imiagrents get them out let's build a wall
Gen X Murse70
Gen X Murse70 - 7 years ago
0:12 Those hideous strings the homeowner put out on his dock, are far more of an eyesore than any bird sitting there!
aye bro
aye bro - 7 years ago
Florida is the Australia of America
Kirby Everyman
Kirby Everyman - 7 years ago
1 millionaire in Bonita Springs recorded 1 bull shark in an area where no one ever swims.
undertale roblox fnaf minecraft sucks
undertale roblox fnaf minecraft sucks - 7 years ago
look at the description, it says dick frey 69
Shaun - 7 years ago
Un welcomed??! That's their fricken home dumbass and it's not their backyard, it's the ocean
Robert Lee
Robert Lee - 7 years ago
was expecting a shark in a swimming pool lol
Vanessa Rodaje-Agrade
Vanessa Rodaje-Agrade - 7 years ago
Robert Scott
Robert Scott - 7 years ago
He's just looking for a kid to
snack on.
The Combine
The Combine - 7 years ago
i would have jumped on it
IamSilverfoxy - 7 years ago
Never 9ft!
MY LEG! - 7 years ago
Chris Florez
Chris Florez - 7 years ago
I killed plenty in Far Cry 3
Tim - 7 years ago
Van - 7 years ago
PK PK - 7 years ago
I was kayaking today on holiday in the Keys, there was a ~2m (5-6ft.) Hammerhead Shark that swam under my Kayak by about 5m under. I really feel like spearing one, not sure if legal though.
dave m
dave m - 7 years ago
Thumbnail baited us in again. I was One of them that thought the shark was in a swimming pool. Not going to lie. Guilty
colonel radec
colonel radec - 8 years ago
just put a damn fence up in the water, then you can swim all you want lol
chris bastin
chris bastin - 8 years ago
"An unwelcome visitor in their backyard" bitch that's it's home??? Wtf are you saying
Chris Chris
Chris Chris - 8 years ago
How many people get killed on the road ? move on its a shark... it is not your backyard. We do share the planet with many animals
Nicholas Shah
Nicholas Shah - 8 years ago
Move. Now
KellyThePinkFox Roblox
KellyThePinkFox Roblox - 8 years ago
SpOt ThE DiFfReNcE!
KellyThePinkFox Roblox
KellyThePinkFox Roblox - 8 years ago
spot the diffrence
getcha sum
getcha sum - 8 years ago
everyones so quick to stick up for it, until your doggy or kitty bonzo decides to go for a dip, or your toddler takes a walk to close and slips in, then would he be a welcomed guest, and an amazing friend who is simply enjoying the spoils of his property??? fuckin retards its the most agressive shark in the ocean, and its in 4 feat of water upstream
Dale white
Dale white - 8 years ago
A Liberal takes a video....a Conservative shoots the shark...and its steaks for dinner
Michael r
Michael r - 8 years ago
I live in Florida
ELITE-DELTA -117 - 8 years ago
Just don't disturb it. We already have fucking Chinese finning them all...
FaithOFury - 8 years ago
Unwelcomed? UNWELCOMED?! He is swimming in his habitat! (sorry im assuming your gender, bull shard) YOU'RE the ones trespassing!
mark Luther king
mark Luther king - 8 years ago
when it said "backyard" I laughed.its their natural habitat not ours. it was Never ours to take
Hurley Cape town
Hurley Cape town - 8 years ago
Maybe its you who's in its backyard.
s0ad29 - 8 years ago
Jump on that sharks back and have a good time! It's baiting for attention just like me
Xiao Hei
Xiao Hei - 8 years ago
I would dip my foot in the water and jiggle it, wait till it comes to attack, then pull my foot out. Fun way to pass time.
Ballitstic Viking0
Ballitstic Viking0 - 8 years ago
I'd make a spear and kill it. Free food.
Mizzou Rah
Mizzou Rah - 8 years ago
Uhhhh no. That isn't someone's back yard. That's the SHARK'S back yard that their yard happens to border. It's the ocean. There are sharks...get over it.
YUGO BOSS - 8 years ago
They gonna need a bigger yard
YUGO BOSS - 8 years ago
Baby jaws is back
erin chrey
erin chrey - 8 years ago
erin chrey
erin chrey - 8 years ago
erin chrey
erin chrey - 8 years ago
Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson - 8 years ago
5.5 foot in length, at longest!!!!
Patrick - 8 years ago
Ma, where's my fishing pole????
Okapi - 8 years ago
I would keep him! Wonderful creature!
bakedwithrealchez - 8 years ago
it's not a backyard... it's the ocean.
Truman Johnson
Truman Johnson - 8 years ago
Damn illegal sharks coming here and stealing all of our jobs.
mathias martiney
mathias martiney - 8 years ago
Shark fin soup!!!!!!!
kgouge - 8 years ago
"it's not snowflake"
Carmine Ziccarelli
Carmine Ziccarelli - 8 years ago
.50 bmg rifle that is all..
David Motesa
David Motesa - 8 years ago
Remember the legend
Remember the legend - 8 years ago
why are they complaining that's fucking bad ass, I would love to have a shark in my backyard
Mac Hawkins
Mac Hawkins - 8 years ago
Who else would invite there enemies over for a spring
gamertagcaleb - 8 years ago
Yes I understand that it is the sharks natural habitat, but people need to understand that this is one of the most dangerous sharks in the world, they take most things and they eat them as long as they see it is a worth it meal. Sharks ain't common in a small place like this. People also say "then don't let your child swim there" is there any signs that you see notifying about sharks, they could of let someone swim there before the shark came, and I guarantee you your minds will
Change when that person was attacked but maybe not, you might just again without thinking say " dumb humans swimming in a sharks territory" and again, no soul knew a shark lived there in that small area of water. Yes sharks can live in small places but usually people get angry and scared for no reason, then they kill every single one of them.
Homemade noob
Homemade noob - 8 years ago
What is the big deal just don't swim
SecretDT - 8 years ago
Awhhh I hope no one tries to kill the shark or hurt it
BassAssassin Team
BassAssassin Team - 8 years ago
TP995 - 8 years ago
This guys accent was the most annoying fucking thing I've ever heard
Catwoman - 8 years ago
wow a shark in the ocean how wierd
Erin Taylor
Erin Taylor - 8 years ago
Bulls are bad dudes
sevenrats - 8 years ago
Never swim in the inter-coastal waterway.
Aussie Observer
Aussie Observer - 8 years ago
Stop posting cliche comments about sharks being in the ocean. We know sharks are in the ocean, of course. Does that mean people aren't allowed to post videos of their own personal shark sightings? Fucking douchebags, grow a brain and stop copying everyone else's comments to be cool.
redneck359 shooting gaming
redneck359 shooting gaming - 8 years ago
if i owned the property I would bowfish them
lawgurlforyou - 8 years ago
where else would you find  a shark? ina sand box???
Lana Del Taco
Lana Del Taco - 8 years ago
thats the fucking ocean?
Mark Rezk
Mark Rezk - 8 years ago
Can we get a human to jump in so I can get a comparison?
Thomas Owen
Thomas Owen - 8 years ago
sharks are a natural part of this ocean and I love sharks my teacher's favorite animal is sharks my whole class of sharks I think sharks are awesome I really want to see a shark in person but I don't want to get so in that case I watch cool videos on YouTube YouTube is awesome!
Soleil knowsitall
Soleil knowsitall - 8 years ago
Sharks in an ocean? Never heard of it before?
Wish I was sleeping
Wish I was sleeping - 8 years ago
If that was my house and that shark came into MY backyard I would shoot it with a shotgun!
jimmyaz101 - 8 years ago
You do live on the beach.
TroyFPV - 8 years ago
Unwelcome visitor? interesting..
Leanne Brown
Leanne Brown - 8 years ago
You build housing and roads through a jungle that is what happens. They're more entitled to be there than us. Self entitlement from the human species as always.
Kevins Knives
Kevins Knives - 8 years ago
Wow, shark... in Florida? Why am I just hearing of this? Next they'll be telling me that we have alligators! There's already rumors of pelicans and flamingos! And most of these sightings are from people who're very knowledgeable in Florida wildlife having just moved here from Joi-zee.
KINgUCHENDU - 8 years ago
How do you know its nine feet? did you measure it????
Chris Carter
Chris Carter - 8 years ago
That's typical here in Florida lol.. sharks all the time by the sea wall's smh
Your Shite
Your Shite - 8 years ago
Dude no way there's a shark swimming in the ocean!
Monica Bitch
Monica Bitch - 8 years ago
you have these assholes crying save the sharks ..now who is going to save us ..
Katy Baby
Katy Baby - 8 years ago
Great that's by the beach we are always at
yo ya
yo ya - 8 years ago
i killed direct if i saw this in my backyard
HYDROPHILIK - 8 years ago
Great video! We captured some great 4K drone footage of sharks approaching surfers which we posted on our channel
Gary V
Gary V - 8 years ago
I swear people are so stupid. Why the fuk u so surprised to see a shark lol
M VGA - 8 years ago
As if Florida wasn't shitty enough, now this.
Comrade Spinosaurus
Comrade Spinosaurus - 8 years ago
it will be sayed "unwelcomed" if he step to the grass
Country boy zach
Country boy zach - 8 years ago
I'd catch it and eat it
1_ Fishin'_ Magician
1_ Fishin'_ Magician - 8 years ago

Lake George, NY
Mogamed Ali
Mogamed Ali - 8 years ago
need donate to kids, card nomber 4272 2904 9862 4055
Stussy o:
Stussy o: - 8 years ago
kill it
Jarrad Weston
Jarrad Weston - 8 years ago
Most dangerous? Haha, come to Australia and go out at dusk and tell that to a seven metre great white while it eats you alive.
Caleb Guidroz
Caleb Guidroz - 8 years ago
Tell me when you see a 7 meter great white whilst swimming
Trombonebone - 8 years ago
Highest testosterone levels of any animal, even more than lions and African bush elephants. They're very aggressive.
brianna#1 barrera
brianna#1 barrera - 8 years ago
how did the shark get back there???
Chris Rose
Chris Rose - 8 years ago
Boy that funny looking dog sure knows how to swim
Oxox Monsterhighoxox Pop
Oxox Monsterhighoxox Pop - 8 years ago
Megalodon are most dangerous
Kerlem - 8 years ago
The only problem with videos like this is that it encourages pretentious, self-righteous idiots to make the fatuous "we are the invaders" declaration.
Anonymous Lel
Anonymous Lel - 8 years ago
you know this wouldn't be a problem if humans didn't move everywhere and fuck with nature
Anonymous Lel
Anonymous Lel - 8 years ago
Jen Amirghol um ok
Jen Amirghol
Jen Amirghol - 8 years ago
skank hunt42 developers are also the antichrist
Anonymous Lel
Anonymous Lel - 8 years ago
why would they be unwelcome its the fucking ocean the only people who are guest are the dumb fucks who moved their
Bary Baragon
Bary Baragon - 8 years ago
that is extremly terrifying being so close to a large predator and all, but if you idiots want to protect families and pets, or feel the shark is an intruder to that area by simply swimming through
put a damn net around your property
CazzSDMF - 8 years ago
kill it
nobody fromnowhere
nobody fromnowhere - 8 years ago
A Shark? In the Gulf? WTF???
PutrIsCool - 8 years ago
Why didn't they go down there?
PutrIsCool - 8 years ago
I Trigger Jews I meant on the grass.
Fez - 8 years ago
They entered our territory, we kill them. We entered their territory, they kill us, fair game.
Tony Stank
Tony Stank - 8 years ago
Who needs a shark tank when you got sharks swimming in your backyard
mattloveOHIOST5 - 8 years ago
Bonita springs Florida? Oh god I was just jet skiing there like 4 days ago...
Adam Greene
Adam Greene - 8 years ago
that shark is NOT 9ft long. Compare the size of the shark to the electrical outlets at 0:28  ...idiots
Caleb Guidroz
Caleb Guidroz - 8 years ago
I'm stupid?? Ok
Adam Greene
Adam Greene - 8 years ago
right, because it looks "several feet lower" than the wall....you're stupid
Caleb Guidroz
Caleb Guidroz - 8 years ago
Bud. The water lever is several feet lower than the outlet. Youre special
Piggy Oink Oink
Piggy Oink Oink - 8 years ago
"like a Hollywood B-movie" Dude, there are like a bajillion shark-b-movies out there...Mega Shark, Sharktopus, Sharknado...cinema just NEVER tires of them.
Jessica Vagg
Jessica Vagg - 8 years ago
Bull sharks aren't the most dangerous sharks great white sharks are
Christopher Kemmer
Christopher Kemmer - 8 years ago
Shark: hi i am just your backyard neighborhood
Robert Hernandez
Robert Hernandez - 8 years ago
this would be so cool to see
Coin Operated Girl
Coin Operated Girl - 8 years ago
how they gonna say it's the residents back yard o.o... like this isn't the sharks natural habitat and isn't its HOME.
Johnny Foster
Johnny Foster - 8 years ago
Ask scientist moderate react crime partly nation disappear horn.
Chewbecca101 - 8 years ago
This shark looks tame. Its behavior generally happens because it has been lured in frequently and now expects something. I don't mean "puppy" tame, I mean man has been scheduling him, like idiots do with so many species around the world. This poor shark is probably going to be killed for doing nothing but what it was conditioned to do.
Jay Rod
Jay Rod - 8 years ago
I'd throw a poke ball at that motherphucker
Abby Blevins
Abby Blevins - 8 years ago
I stayed at those hotels omg aaaa
Joey2015 - 8 years ago
"Just when you thought it was safe to swim in your own Backyard" that is why I'm glad I live in NY
Chase Wong
Chase Wong - 8 years ago
Shoot that thing already
Haris Malo
Haris Malo - 8 years ago
lol XD you must not swim or you die
Katia Philippou
Katia Philippou - 8 years ago
Cup Cake
Cup Cake - 8 years ago
I would love to be sitting there watching it and learning how it lives. oh how that would be amazing, instead people kill them
Zelmarie Jacobs
Zelmarie Jacobs - 8 years ago
im sorry but bull sharks are bot dangerouse at all the only eat small ocean creatures and are considerde harmless
DravenSpinningBlades - 8 years ago
Zelmarie Jacobs completely false; bull sharks happen to be the most dangerous shark species in the world with one of the highest human body counts amongst sharks.They are none to be the cause of most aggravated attacks and will eat almost anything ,but these sharks won't kill humans out of hunger and mostly kill for territorial purposes and just straight up aggravation
The Prancing Pony
The Prancing Pony - 8 years ago
"Unwelcome visitor in their backyard"
I'm sure the shark feels the same way especially since the ocean isn't yours and their the intruder!
jonathan parker
jonathan parker - 7 years ago
TheMaskedGamer there***
Kali Nicole
Kali Nicole - 7 years ago
The Prancing Pony that is how I feel about that
Oh BuddyBoi
Oh BuddyBoi - 7 years ago
Meme Queen
Meme Queen - 7 years ago
The Prancing Pony lmao yeah, that's a good point tho. XD.
Nathan Irizarry
Nathan Irizarry - 7 years ago
The Prancing Pony exactly dumbass the people are being the intruder which is what you suggested when you wrote that you act like you’re smart but you’re not the context doesn’t agree with the verb
The Prancing Pony
The Prancing Pony - 8 years ago
Nope, it IS their. The backyard is a possession, it belongs to them therefore it is theirs. They're is they are e.g. They're going to the mall.
They're=people doing something
TheMaskedGamer - 8 years ago
The Prancing Pony *they're
Katrina Bell
Katrina Bell - 8 years ago
How big does the shark grow up to
Eternal Night
Eternal Night - 8 years ago
looked like a thresher shark cause of the tail fin

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