Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary
Shark videos 9 years ago 1,444,435 views
We found the great white shark in the waters of the south coast of Australia, a crowded fed by waters from the Antarctic ice continent life. With its two-ton, this great wild predator prowls the Australian beaches in search of its most coveted prey, the sea lion. We dive on the Australian continent to see the beautiful and varied creatures that hide in its waters feared of the white shark. ▶ SUBSCRIBE! Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday! ▶ Documentary "Australia. The Great White Shark " The waters that bathe the south of Australia are a link preserved from a former union whit the Antarctic. For the sharks, this is a region of plenty. The basic design of their bodies is 300 million years old, and is literally perfect. But only one of them is called Death. Beyond the reef lies the kingdom of the great killer, the vast blue, the cold waters which are tinged with red when hunger demands. The great white shark, two thousand kilos of savage strength at the service of a mouth. A prodigious animal which, after hundreds of year of blind terror, we are now learning to admire. As we move further up the west coast of Australia, and approach the Tropic of Capricorn, corals are more in evidence, and start to form reefs. The coral reef is a very different ecosystem from that of the cold waters of the south. The coral reef is like a gigantic self-contained organism, in which energy passes from one layer to the next, with just two essential ingredients - the sun and the sea. The corals are specialists in poor waters like these, provided they are clear. We arrive in the dominions of the great white shark, the dark blue waters. And here, a tragedy, repeated every year, is about to occur. The sea lions sense that the breeding season is approaching. Along the coast of southern Australia and Tasmania, they begin to gather near suitable places, playing and swimming with their characteristic skill. The great white sharks like nothing better than a fresh fur seal – warm red meat, covered in delicious fat, clean and easy to digest. But the great white shark comes to its annual rendezvous with the seal cubs. All it need do is approach the colony, and wait for its chance. This individual is eight metres of sheer fury, and almost two thousand kilos of expert hunter. Though it is a fish, its blood is ten degrees centigrade warmer than the surrounding water, so its muscles perform better in attack. It detects the electrical fields generated by its victims, and it is equipped with a system of navigation based on the earth’s magnetic field. Its sense of smell is infallible, and the muscles around its eyes are warmer than the others, to give it optimum sight. The black legend of the white shark has been forged on the basis of exaggerations. Its fame as a monster, devourer of men, is far in excess of the reality. But, for decades, it has served as an excuse for uncontrolled fishing. Their impressive appearance made them the most sought after of all fisherman’s trophies. In reality, attacks on humans are rare and, strangely, many of the victims survive. Like these three mutilated men, who know spend their lives killing the white sharks that attacked them. The white shark possesses the curiosity of all prowlers. We now know that the white shark only attacks men by mistake or in self-defence, when in these cloudy waters it mistakes them for its normal prey, the sea lions. It is so elusive that, in seas where there are now hardly any seals, and the white sharks eat other prey that don’t resemble man, not only are there no attacks, but people don’t even suspect they exist. This fantastic animal is a symbol of the sea in which it lives, a sea which we are threatening, a much more deadly threat than the great white. It is relatively easy to defend the great white, but there are 350 other species of shark increasingly threatened over-fishing, with virtually no one paying any attention to their plight. No one knows how many answers lie in these waters, but one thing is certain, in the deep, vast blue, in the salty abyss in which all these creatures live, only one is king. Carcharodon carcharias, the white death. ▶SUBSCRIBE | ▶FULL DOCUMENTARIES | ▶ WILD ANIMALS DOCUMENTARIES | ▶FACEBOOK | ▶TWITTER | ▶TUMBLR | Thumbnail By Elias Levy (Great White Shark) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
10. comment for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary
20. comment for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary
30. comment for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary
"Stop programing our children"
With fantasy sciences
Thank you
Now bear in mind that when Amino Acids bond they use a peptide bond as they bond they release water, this creates hydrolysis which is water cutting, so it will split the Amino peptide bond apart again, also Amino acid chains can't form in water because water is also a Solvent, in nature all Amino's are right and left handed naturally, So to get all 20 left handed amino acids required for life to form then bond with peptides the problems of hydrolysis and water solvent probs, to get all these amino's in the same place at the same time in primordial slime which is water, then get them to bond together with the above problems with peptide bonds to form a protein then get multiple proteins to join together to form the first single Celled Organism then magically come to life from Electricity from lightning is one chance in 10 with 40 thousand Zero's after it.
This has been very simplified all the processes that are required for this would take pages to write out, I mean you need DNA which is the instructions that are required to then fold that amino acid protein chain into a usable protein on and on and on the complexity goes.
Yet evolutionists still want to believe in the Religion of Evolutionism, Yes it takes far more Faith to believe life popped into existence all by itself by chance than it Does to believe in the Birth Death and Resurrection of our Creator the Lord Jesus Christ, Who Breathed life into Adams nostrils and created all life.
Remember that the creation was perfect with no death or disease before Adam Fell from Grace by his sin of eating from the tree which God had told him not to eat, Adam only had one Rule to follow he couldn't even do that, of course God knew at the beginning of creation this would happen he also saw every person that would come to him and reject him he saw it all every second every detail till the end of days, God created time itself, so he lives outside time, we're stuck in time not God, God knows every detail he knows the day of your death he knows how you died he knows whether you joined him in heaven or went to Hell right from the first split second of creation.
My point is this, A single celled organism has about 16 thousand different Proteins in it, Each Protein is about 400 to 500 Amino Acids long, Strung together with 20 Basic Amino Acids, Each one of these Amino Acids has to be in a Perfect Sequence or the Protein Falls apart and Fails, there is 16 thousand different perfect sequences of Amino Acids in each single celled organism, Each Protein also has to be in a Perfect Sequence, if just one of these Amino Acids is out of place the Protein Fails, of just one of the Proteins is out of sequence the Organism Fails, The Total possible combinations of all this is Absolutely Staggering, a mind boggling number,, What Do you think the Chances of a Single celled Organism getting all those Amino Acids and proteins to gather then coming to life by chance Are,, You Guessed it Absolutely impossible!! Also you have to consider all of the Amino Acids have to be Left Handed Amino Acids,, The chances of this Forming in a Primordial Swamp of Slime and Water, with no Ozone to Protect them from UV radiation because plants hadn’t evolved yet, to make Oxygen, that makes Ozone, Also the other toxic chemicals that are produced in the Process of Forming amino acids Destroy amino acids, There is So many levels of Complexity required to do all this Evolution Fails on so many levels,, But Evolutionists will believe in the Religion of Evolutionism because One they’re Ignorant and Two they don’t want there to be a God that they’re accountable too.
Some Mathematics on the subject.
Its estimated that 10 with 80 zero’s after it, is the number of atoms in the known universe.
The Probability of a single Protein Forming Is considered to be one chance in 10 with 200 zero’s after it.
The probability of a single Cell forming By itself is one chance in 10 with 40,000 zero’s after it.
Any Number bigger than one chance in 10 with 50 Zero’s after it the Probability of that, is considered impossible.
One chance in 10 to the Power of 50 is the Maximum Law of Probability, any number higher than this scientific Law is considered impossible. That is a Scientific Law like when you drop an Apple it will fall that is the Law of Gravity.
Once again. its Estimated that 10 with 80 Zero’s it is how many Atoms there are in the known universe…. Hemoglobin has 539 Amino Acids in it lined up in a Perfect Sequence, The Chances of just one Hemoglobin Arranging itself by Chance, is one chance in 40 with 630 Zeroes after it, also consider this, there are about 200 thousand hemoglobin in one red blood cell, the complexity is staggering.
Evolutionists Please tell me how one Single celled Organism with all this Arranged itself by chance. A Single celled organism has about 16 thousand different Proteins, each Protein has on Average 400 to 500 Amino Acid chain Sequence, The chances of This Arranging itself into a perfect sequence from scratch starting with just Chemicals in Water, that was washed out of Rock into the Primordial Ooze, then Coming to life is 10 with 40 thousand zero’s after it.
They say that the first single celled organism must have only been a few base pairs of information long LOL!! Funny because its so ridiculous a few base pairs pffft, anyway every fossilized bacteria they have found match up with living bacteria alive today, also the smallest bacteria they have found is 530 thousand base pairs of information long, which is devastating for evolution.
They have Got Bacteria to Reanimate from 3.8 Billion year old Rock, Even One million year old rock Would be impossible for bacteria to Come back to life, Yet a billion plus year old Bacteria incased in rock that old Reanimated, Collagen Can’t last more than 999 thousand years and that is under Pristine Storage conditions Perfect temperature No Oxygen perfectly controlled environment, Tell me when that ever happens in Nature, in the natural world you would be looking at just a few thousand years Preservation of Collagen, Laboratory and Forensic field studies show this Repeated and confirmed Studies that shows Collagen can’t last millions of Years, DNA can only last about 6 million years under perfect conditions stored in liquid nitrogen in a Lab, in a Natural setting DNA Would only last thousands of years , Yet Billions of years old bacteria came to Life (The Age of the rock is a Lie)
They have also found soft tissue in 50+ Dinosaur bones and 2 mummified Hadrosaurs Since 1911 which are mostly soft tissue unpermineralized/unfossilized, Oh Boy Evolutionists live in la la land then accuse Christians of the same thing.
EVILution is straight from Satan himself, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ God Almighty The Death & Resurrection and you will be saved.
50. comment for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary
It's all over the place.
Getting so fed up with all the bullshit these so called Experts are trying to force down our throats. There's very little research done on the southern coast of Madagascar.... vast seal and game fish grounds there, plus the awesome Benguela currents on the east coast.
Spent 50 years in Africa, seen stuff that would make a lot of people sit up and pay attention
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100. comment for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary
They do not even mention sharks until the video is OVER.
Rachael. Fearing sharks is irrational. We aren't their preferred food. Don't base your opinions on the shots of baited sharks. If you listen to the narrator, he explains very accurately why the Great White is behaving as it is in the documentary.
Man is very rarely on the menu of any Great White & the majority of attacks are carried out by young, inexperienced sharks transitioning from fish to mammals high in blubber as their main source of nutrition. If you've ever visited the ocean or spent much time in it, you have probably been observed by numerous sharks of various types including juvenile Great White's & perhaps even a few mature ones. We are so clumsy & make so much noise in the water if we're swimming on the surface it would be virtually impossible not to attract sharks of many types. The chances of you being bitten or eaten by a shark are so slim it's virtually a waste of energy to even think about it. However, to lessen the chance of being attractive to or confusing sharks into biting you, it's a good idea to follow some basic rules that teach caution & common sense. Also, we must remember the oceans are a wilderness no different than the plains of Africa or the plains forests all over the world where wolves, mountain lions, grizzly bears, tigers, leopards, etc... live & hunt. We need to realize we're not the top of the food chain when we venture into regions uninhabited by man or sparsely inhabited by man & treat the oceans with proper respect. It is, after all the sharks' home & we're only visitors to a habitat hostile to us in the extreme. Great White's like all sharks are now seriously endangered & absolutely necessary for healthy oceans, which we humans cannot survive without.
It's far better to try to see them as the fascinating & incredible predators they are versus harbouring terror of them as a creature hunting or even interested in man as a food source. Typically, surfers are the most often attacked by Great White's due to the activity they do, the board they lay on & wetsuits they wear making them resemble seals or dolphins in the surf. Usually the attacks don't result in the victim being consumed as we're not the shark's normal prey & it realizes it's mistake. Being bitten by any shark, however, can result in massive blood loss & that is reason people sometimes die.
If you don't spend time in the oceans, you need have no fear of sharks. If you do wish to spend time in the oceans, you should never be alone & should do it underwater as a diver versus on the surface, while following guidelines for caution & your enhanced safety. Unless you experience sharks underwater as a diver, you cannot appreciate their beauty, grace & skills as hunters. Seeing Great Whites any other way it isn't possible to see them behaving naturally. Seeing Great White's baited so people cage diving can view them is not seeing them behaving naturally.
If you truly want to overcome your fear of sharks, you need to join a reputable dive group, take instruction & begin diving with the group in the company of sharks so you gain a better understanding of them & more comfort in proximity with them.
Of course, there will always be some elements of danger when you enter the ocean wilderness but, your chances of being bitten or eaten by a shark are slim to none, if you learn all you can & follow the rules.
Though the entire documentary doesn't focus solely on Great White Sharks watching the last 10 minutes of it a few more times, while listening "carefully" to what the narrator says during the Great White footage at the cages & boat may be a good start for you. Then, watching videos specifically made by shark divers & shark scientists rather than sensationalised ones of shark attack stories may give you more realistic information & view of all sharks including Great White's.
Good luck. I hope you can overcome your terror of our oceans' amazing & necessary predators. They're not just mindless killers of man. They need all of the help we can give them so they survive in abundance & keep our oceans healthy & populated with the wonderful fish & other seafoods we enjoy eating.
Everything is nostalgic. 芦田川にはもう鴛鴦が来ているかな。
Baaahahaha. You'd think if you were going to commentate a DOCUMENTARY you would at least know how to speak properly. It's ANTAR-C-TIC you utter idiot! LMAO
Not sure when this documentary was made and after the movie Jaws was made untold numbers of sharks were killed for absolutely no reason except that they were there. At that time, to there were many enormous sharks as they never stop growing. Now, the huge sharks are few in numbers to thanks to man. The sharks will reach those lengths again now that they are protected. It's not out if the question for this shark to be that length.
These documentaries aren't lickety split, no problem type of filming....let's see you do better!!!
You think that when a scuba diver with heavy equipment and lighting, that the creatures living beneath the sea are like "here I am, make sure you get my good side"???
Why dont you.....cull.......yourself?
&informative mind which is able discern what this doc is
all about, UNLIKE some of the other so called commentators& for that i salute u
Bullshit titel ! ! !
THERE IS NO GREAT SHARKS IN THIS TILL THE VERY END. Never watching another from this channel.
The narrator is really frustrating and uneasy on the ear.
Honestly, it was not only disappointing, but boring too with too many shots of a sea lapping the shore and fairly inane and generic shots of landscape which had no relevance or purpose (from what I could see).
Some of the shots of the other sea life were pleasant but nothing previously unseen in any other documentary about similar topics.
Grossly mislabelled and average in content. Don't bother!
Off cf CBGB CVCC dye
About the great white from the beginning,