Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary

We found the great white shark in the waters of the south coast of Australia, a crowded fed by waters from the Antarctic ice continent life. With its two-ton, this great wild predator prowls the Australian beaches in search of its most coveted prey, the sea lion. We dive on the Australian continent to see the beautiful and varied creatures that hide in its waters feared of the white shark. ▶ SUBSCRIBE! Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday! ▶ Documentary "Australia. The Great White Shark " The waters that bathe the south of Australia are a link preserved from a former union whit the Antarctic. For the sharks, this is a region of plenty. The basic design of their bodies is 300 million years old, and is literally perfect. But only one of them is called Death. Beyond the reef lies the kingdom of the great killer, the vast blue, the cold waters which are tinged with red when hunger demands. The great white shark, two thousand kilos of savage strength at the service of a mouth. A prodigious animal which, after hundreds of year of blind terror, we are now learning to admire. As we move further up the west coast of Australia, and approach the Tropic of Capricorn, corals are more in evidence, and start to form reefs. The coral reef is a very different ecosystem from that of the cold waters of the south. The coral reef is like a gigantic self-contained organism, in which energy passes from one layer to the next, with just two essential ingredients - the sun and the sea. The corals are specialists in poor waters like these, provided they are clear. We arrive in the dominions of the great white shark, the dark blue waters. And here, a tragedy, repeated every year, is about to occur. The sea lions sense that the breeding season is approaching. Along the coast of southern Australia and Tasmania, they begin to gather near suitable places, playing and swimming with their characteristic skill. The great white sharks like nothing better than a fresh fur seal – warm red meat, covered in delicious fat, clean and easy to digest. But the great white shark comes to its annual rendezvous with the seal cubs. All it need do is approach the colony, and wait for its chance. This individual is eight metres of sheer fury, and almost two thousand kilos of expert hunter. Though it is a fish, its blood is ten degrees centigrade warmer than the surrounding water, so its muscles perform better in attack. It detects the electrical fields generated by its victims, and it is equipped with a system of navigation based on the earth’s magnetic field. Its sense of smell is infallible, and the muscles around its eyes are warmer than the others, to give it optimum sight. The black legend of the white shark has been forged on the basis of exaggerations. Its fame as a monster, devourer of men, is far in excess of the reality. But, for decades, it has served as an excuse for uncontrolled fishing. Their impressive appearance made them the most sought after of all fisherman’s trophies. In reality, attacks on humans are rare and, strangely, many of the victims survive. Like these three mutilated men, who know spend their lives killing the white sharks that attacked them. The white shark possesses the curiosity of all prowlers. We now know that the white shark only attacks men by mistake or in self-defence, when in these cloudy waters it mistakes them for its normal prey, the sea lions. It is so elusive that, in seas where there are now hardly any seals, and the white sharks eat other prey that don’t resemble man, not only are there no attacks, but people don’t even suspect they exist. This fantastic animal is a symbol of the sea in which it lives, a sea which we are threatening, a much more deadly threat than the great white. It is relatively easy to defend the great white, but there are 350 other species of shark increasingly threatened over-fishing, with virtually no one paying any attention to their plight. No one knows how many answers lie in these waters, but one thing is certain, in the deep, vast blue, in the salty abyss in which all these creatures live, only one is king. Carcharodon carcharias, the white death. ▶SUBSCRIBE | ▶FULL DOCUMENTARIES | ▶ WILD ANIMALS DOCUMENTARIES | ▶FACEBOOK | ▶TWITTER | ▶TUMBLR | Thumbnail By Elias Levy (Great White Shark) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1112

Shark videos 9 years ago 1,444,435 views

We found the great white shark in the waters of the south coast of Australia, a crowded fed by waters from the Antarctic ice continent life. With its two-ton, this great wild predator prowls the Australian beaches in search of its most coveted prey, the sea lion. We dive on the Australian continent to see the beautiful and varied creatures that hide in its waters feared of the white shark. ▶ SUBSCRIBE! Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday! ▶ Documentary "Australia. The Great White Shark " The waters that bathe the south of Australia are a link preserved from a former union whit the Antarctic. For the sharks, this is a region of plenty. The basic design of their bodies is 300 million years old, and is literally perfect. But only one of them is called Death. Beyond the reef lies the kingdom of the great killer, the vast blue, the cold waters which are tinged with red when hunger demands. The great white shark, two thousand kilos of savage strength at the service of a mouth. A prodigious animal which, after hundreds of year of blind terror, we are now learning to admire. As we move further up the west coast of Australia, and approach the Tropic of Capricorn, corals are more in evidence, and start to form reefs. The coral reef is a very different ecosystem from that of the cold waters of the south. The coral reef is like a gigantic self-contained organism, in which energy passes from one layer to the next, with just two essential ingredients - the sun and the sea. The corals are specialists in poor waters like these, provided they are clear. We arrive in the dominions of the great white shark, the dark blue waters. And here, a tragedy, repeated every year, is about to occur. The sea lions sense that the breeding season is approaching. Along the coast of southern Australia and Tasmania, they begin to gather near suitable places, playing and swimming with their characteristic skill. The great white sharks like nothing better than a fresh fur seal – warm red meat, covered in delicious fat, clean and easy to digest. But the great white shark comes to its annual rendezvous with the seal cubs. All it need do is approach the colony, and wait for its chance. This individual is eight metres of sheer fury, and almost two thousand kilos of expert hunter. Though it is a fish, its blood is ten degrees centigrade warmer than the surrounding water, so its muscles perform better in attack. It detects the electrical fields generated by its victims, and it is equipped with a system of navigation based on the earth’s magnetic field. Its sense of smell is infallible, and the muscles around its eyes are warmer than the others, to give it optimum sight. The black legend of the white shark has been forged on the basis of exaggerations. Its fame as a monster, devourer of men, is far in excess of the reality. But, for decades, it has served as an excuse for uncontrolled fishing. Their impressive appearance made them the most sought after of all fisherman’s trophies. In reality, attacks on humans are rare and, strangely, many of the victims survive. Like these three mutilated men, who know spend their lives killing the white sharks that attacked them. The white shark possesses the curiosity of all prowlers. We now know that the white shark only attacks men by mistake or in self-defence, when in these cloudy waters it mistakes them for its normal prey, the sea lions. It is so elusive that, in seas where there are now hardly any seals, and the white sharks eat other prey that don’t resemble man, not only are there no attacks, but people don’t even suspect they exist. This fantastic animal is a symbol of the sea in which it lives, a sea which we are threatening, a much more deadly threat than the great white. It is relatively easy to defend the great white, but there are 350 other species of shark increasingly threatened over-fishing, with virtually no one paying any attention to their plight. No one knows how many answers lie in these waters, but one thing is certain, in the deep, vast blue, in the salty abyss in which all these creatures live, only one is king. Carcharodon carcharias, the white death. ▶SUBSCRIBE | ▶FULL DOCUMENTARIES | ▶ WILD ANIMALS DOCUMENTARIES | ▶FACEBOOK | ▶TWITTER | ▶TUMBLR | Thumbnail By Elias Levy (Great White Shark) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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Most popular comments
for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary

Pleasant Grove
Pleasant Grove - 6 years ago
Thank y'all my peeps! Came down to make sure this was about the great white because I ddnt want to waste an hour and it looks like my feelings are right! No sharks, so thanx again!
DVSCYCO INYOU - 6 years ago
At 33:48 The Narrator, states that the Whale Shark colossus 80 meters in length??? Thats 240+ feet!!! How can that be??? When a Blue Whale reaches 30 meter, approx 100 feet??? And it is the largest mammal on earth... Who caught that ??? Someone is paying attention !!!
Dimorac - 6 years ago
4:55 Tappy Tappy Tap Tap Tappy Tap!
Richard Morgan
Richard Morgan - 6 years ago
Click bait and too many adds!
Spoony Love
Spoony Love - 6 years ago
Someone please tell me I'm not the only one waxing my dolphin to those titties with the puffies and red paint at four seconds in!
rene meyer
rene meyer - 6 years ago
very facinating doc about sewweed.
ANGY PEREZ - 6 years ago
I only see a great white shark only five or less times
DJFoxGirl 15
DJFoxGirl 15 - 6 years ago
Rosie Begrie
Rosie Begrie - 6 years ago
False title ... Great White Shark had to wait until near the end!

10. comment for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary

jules giddings
jules giddings - 6 years ago
What is this 'White death' bullshit? Sharks have to survive like the rest of us. They are only dangerous to humans when desperate for food or feeling threatened.
M.D.S.B Filmz
M.D.S.B Filmz - 6 years ago
The worst documentary ever
United We Stand
United We Stand - 6 years ago
National Geographic says when the great white shark has killed people quote 'Its a case of mistaken identity' unquote. Sorry NG that's Nature.
Richard Graham
Richard Graham - 6 years ago
The narrator describes the continent as a large articulated lorry - Jesus, at least get someone that can actually pronounce the word!
Kerwin Smyth
Kerwin Smyth - 6 years ago
27 minutes and not one shark
Johann Tempelhoff
Johann Tempelhoff - 6 years ago
"the open ocean is almost a desert, with nothing to eat and no one to eat is." WHAT?
Italolatin7 - 6 years ago
A nother click bait tittle for a boring video. It has NOTHING to do with great white sharks.
Mick Dunn
Mick Dunn - 6 years ago
Mick Dunn
Mick Dunn - 6 years ago
România Pitorească
România Pitorească - 6 years ago

20. comment for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary

România Pitorească
România Pitorească - 6 years ago
perhaps the animal that I admire the most
Starla Morgan
Starla Morgan - 6 years ago
I enjoyed the video. But needs a new title. Not much footage of the great white.
Tomas Abrahamsson
Tomas Abrahamsson - 6 years ago
Best documentary music I ever heard.
Sean McNamara
Sean McNamara - 6 years ago
a 50 minute doco on GW Sharks that begins at the 37:00 minute mark, & briefly talks about them for 12mins
paul mckarns
paul mckarns - 6 years ago
WORSTXB1PLAYER Tyler Tee H C - 6 years ago
Narrated by Garth Meringhe or Matt Berrrrrrry.
Skwintz - 6 years ago
Fuck whoever posted this video. I hope you lose your job.
Skwintz - 6 years ago
My favorite part was when there was no great white shark in a video titled great white shark
Ken Kline
Ken Kline - 6 years ago
Professional narrators are supposed to have pleasing voices, not irritating voices where you strain to understand each word and wonder is this an accent or a speech impediment?
Paula Mescolin
Paula Mescolin - 6 years ago
this is very cool

30. comment for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary

gelosan09 - 6 years ago
where's the madehrpaking sharKKKKKKKKKKKKK?????????????
Joshua Lundblade
Joshua Lundblade - 6 years ago
you have to understand the sharks environment in order to understand the shark lol and this is free so u really cant complain about it
CAndiron - 6 years ago
Haha. At ~5:35 he made a mistake. He said seagulls fertilize the water with their "excrement rich nitrogen". I think he meant "nitrogen rich excrement".
Emmanuel Samaras
Emmanuel Samaras - 6 years ago
Great video and documentary on sea life. More informed now than actually diving to see these creatures. Thank you for posting
Christopher Klymson
Christopher Klymson - 6 years ago
You guys: Great White Shark even humans will eat their own kind when starving don't be stupid...!
"Stop programing our children"
With fantasy sciences
Thank you
cosmic fire
cosmic fire - 6 years ago
Skip to 44mins to see a shark they say is a male? It's a female you idiot! Learn what you are making a "Documentary" on! Typical bullshit from media...
alexmini123 - 6 years ago
did yall see the intro and the .5 second of tribal titty
Zack Joseph
Zack Joseph - 6 years ago
3,500,000,000,000 years these people are crazy evolution is full of crop, they even say dolphins are descended from MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you people hearing this?
H3n3rz - 6 years ago
This guys voice is annoying
Nixon Enzo Saab and Tyss
Nixon Enzo Saab and Tyss - 6 years ago
The music is too much and at 22min and 41 sec they still havent talked a bit about the great whites.....disappointing
geo con
geo con - 6 years ago
Down below , like is very hard for everyone ! LOL
geo con
geo con - 6 years ago
Discovered by science , Only recently .....LOL !
dj17q - 6 years ago
Obviously uploaded by a friggin yank!!!! Too busy self absorbed with the holy crap of Bible...
Rodcel Genandoy
Rodcel Genandoy - 6 years ago
Worst docu. Its too long for the vid.
Faithful-Honest&True - 6 years ago
The Number 10 with 16 Zeros after it is how many seconds there are in 13.7 billion years, 10 with 80 Zeros after it is how many Atoms (Particles) there are in the Known universe, the Chances of one Protein Strand with 113 left handed amino acids in it (Life can only exist with left handed amino acids) The chances of that 113 amino chain with 20 different amino's forming into a Single protein strand is One Chance in 10 with 195 zero's after it.

Now bear in mind that when Amino Acids bond they use a peptide bond as they bond they release water, this creates hydrolysis which is water cutting, so it will split the Amino peptide bond apart again, also Amino acid chains can't form in water because water is also a Solvent, in nature all Amino's are right and left handed naturally, So to get all 20 left handed amino acids required for life to form then bond with peptides the problems of hydrolysis and water solvent probs, to get all these amino's in the same place at the same time in primordial slime which is water, then get them to bond together with the above problems with peptide bonds to form a protein then get multiple proteins to join together to form the first single Celled Organism then magically come to life from Electricity from lightning is one chance in 10 with 40 thousand Zero's after it.

This has been very simplified all the processes that are required for this would take pages to write out, I mean you need DNA which is the instructions that are required to then fold that amino acid protein chain into a usable protein on and on and on the complexity goes.

Yet evolutionists still want to believe in the Religion of Evolutionism, Yes it takes far more Faith to believe life popped into existence all by itself by chance than it Does to believe in the Birth Death and Resurrection of our Creator the Lord Jesus Christ, Who Breathed life into Adams nostrils and created all life.

Remember that the creation was perfect with no death or disease before Adam Fell from Grace by his sin of eating from the tree which God had told him not to eat, Adam only had one Rule to follow he couldn't even do that, of course God knew at the beginning of creation this would happen he also saw every person that would come to him and reject him he saw it all every second every detail till the end of days, God created time itself, so he lives outside time, we're stuck in time not God, God knows every detail he knows the day of your death he knows how you died he knows whether you joined him in heaven or went to Hell right from the first split second of creation.
Faithful-Honest&True - 6 years ago
There are hundreds of Amino Acids but only 20 are used in life, only left handed amino acids are used in Life not one right handed amino acid in our bodies, 20 different Amino Acids that String together to make a Protein, There is 500 Amino Acids in a Protein, confusing I know but this is the Science, There is between 100 Thousand to 500 thousand different Proteins in the Human Body something between those numbers, More confusing I know but this is the ACTUAL Science,, The Average Protein is 400 to 500 Amino Acids Long, Thats only the Average Protein.

My point is this, A single celled organism has about 16 thousand different Proteins in it, Each Protein is about 400 to 500 Amino Acids long, Strung together with 20 Basic Amino Acids, Each one of these Amino Acids has to be in a Perfect Sequence or the Protein Falls apart and Fails, there is 16 thousand different perfect sequences of Amino Acids in each single celled organism, Each Protein also has to be in a Perfect Sequence, if just one of these Amino Acids is out of place the Protein Fails, of just one of the Proteins is out of sequence the Organism Fails, The Total possible combinations of all this is Absolutely Staggering, a mind boggling number,, What Do you think the Chances of a Single celled Organism getting all those Amino Acids and proteins to gather then coming to life by chance Are,, You Guessed it Absolutely impossible!! Also you have to consider all of the Amino Acids have to be Left Handed Amino Acids,, The chances of this Forming in a Primordial Swamp of Slime and Water, with no Ozone to Protect them from UV radiation because plants hadn’t evolved yet, to make Oxygen, that makes Ozone, Also the other toxic chemicals that are produced in the Process of Forming amino acids Destroy amino acids, There is So many levels of Complexity required to do all this Evolution Fails on so many levels,, But Evolutionists will believe in the Religion of Evolutionism because One they’re Ignorant and Two they don’t want there to be a God that they’re accountable too.

Some Mathematics on the subject.

Its estimated that 10 with 80 zero’s after it, is the number of atoms in the known universe.

The Probability of a single Protein Forming Is considered to be one chance in 10 with 200 zero’s after it.

The probability of a single Cell forming By itself is one chance in 10 with 40,000 zero’s after it.

Any Number bigger than one chance in 10 with 50 Zero’s after it the Probability of that, is considered impossible.

One chance in 10 to the Power of 50 is the Maximum Law of Probability, any number higher than this scientific Law is considered impossible. That is a Scientific Law like when you drop an Apple it will fall that is the Law of Gravity.

Once again. its Estimated that 10 with 80 Zero’s it is how many Atoms there are in the known universe…. Hemoglobin has 539 Amino Acids in it lined up in a Perfect Sequence, The Chances of just one Hemoglobin Arranging itself by Chance, is one chance in 40 with 630 Zeroes after it, also consider this, there are about 200 thousand hemoglobin in one red blood cell, the complexity is staggering.

Evolutionists Please tell me how one Single celled Organism with all this Arranged itself by chance. A Single celled organism has about 16 thousand different Proteins, each Protein has on Average 400 to 500 Amino Acid chain Sequence, The chances of This Arranging itself into a perfect sequence from scratch starting with just Chemicals in Water, that was washed out of Rock into the Primordial Ooze, then Coming to life is 10 with 40 thousand zero’s after it.

They say that the first single celled organism must have only been a few base pairs of information long LOL!! Funny because its so ridiculous a few base pairs pffft, anyway every fossilized bacteria they have found match up with living bacteria alive today, also the smallest bacteria they have found is 530 thousand base pairs of information long, which is devastating for evolution.

They have Got Bacteria to Reanimate from 3.8 Billion year old Rock, Even One million year old rock Would be impossible for bacteria to Come back to life, Yet a billion plus year old Bacteria incased in rock that old Reanimated, Collagen Can’t last more than 999 thousand years and that is under Pristine Storage conditions Perfect temperature No Oxygen perfectly controlled environment, Tell me when that ever happens in Nature, in the natural world you would be looking at just a few thousand years Preservation of Collagen, Laboratory and Forensic field studies show this Repeated and confirmed Studies that shows Collagen can’t last millions of Years, DNA can only last about 6 million years under perfect conditions stored in liquid nitrogen in a Lab, in a Natural setting DNA Would only last thousands of years , Yet Billions of years old bacteria came to Life (The Age of the rock is a Lie)

They have also found soft tissue in 50+ Dinosaur bones and 2 mummified Hadrosaurs Since 1911 which are mostly soft tissue unpermineralized/unfossilized, Oh Boy Evolutionists live in la la land then accuse Christians of the same thing.

EVILution is straight from Satan himself, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ God Almighty The Death & Resurrection and you will be saved.
Faithful-Honest&True - 6 years ago
The Evolutionists have many plausible Theories on how single celled organisms developed into more complex Cells then into multi Celled Creatures, and i mean some really good ideas, what they don't have and never will have is plausible Theories on How the First cells appeared, You can feel the Dark spiritual forces dragging you into their way of thinking while the Evo's harp on about the evolution of single cell to multi Cell organisms,, But they will never be able to explain how DNA appeared or how chemicals from rocks made Amino Acids then how those Aminos joined together then you need that DNA to give the instructions to put it all together, its the old chicken or the egg argument, one pin Head of DNA that's about a 2 millimeter pile of DNA has enough information in it that if you wrote the information into books those books would reach all the way to the Sun, or all the information in one human Cell was written into books you would need 1000 Novel sized books, and there are between 35 to 100 trillion cells in the human body, also they have now discovered that 90% of the so called junk DNA is not junk it has a purpose it won't be long and they will know that 100% of our DNA is needed that its not junk left over from evolutionary processes that are not needed anymore, But children are still taught in the textbooks that we only use about 2% of our DNA, without Creation Science kids that don't hear the counter arguments against EVILution the majority of them will be lost to Satan,, Creation Science needs to be mixed with a healthy dose of Scripture to ram the point home that evo scum don't have any answers that they only appear to have the answers because of All the satanic LIES they put into peoples heads, if I knew this stuff before I was brainwashed with EVILution I never would have been dragged into it in the first place, if Darwin knew this stuff he would have been a Bible Preaching Christian, Darwin thought Cells were just little globs of slime with a membrane, its easy to imagine non living chemicals making something like that, Not so easy when you see the Extreme complexity of life, That our Lord Spoke into existence. Like Charles Lawson says Words are Powerful things, a few words can make you feel loved or a few words can also cut into your heart with pain,, evolution is the most depressing idea ever thought up, no wonder Atheist evolutionists pick up guns and go on mass shooting sprees, thinking you're nothing but an Animal that crawled out of slime then just waiting to die and it all be over is the most depressing mind warping garbage anybody can think.
James Mara
James Mara - 6 years ago
More clickbait bullshit! 37:27 you will see one, look fast!
Musiq4lyfe! - 6 years ago
Title should be called SHARK-BAIT !!! SMH
ltuomela - 6 years ago
Ok 6 minutez into this and no talk about
Terence Hill
Terence Hill - 7 years ago
lucky I read the comments before watching - so I give this one a skip.
Andhy-James Whittle
Andhy-James Whittle - 7 years ago
Excellent insight into the Sea life, Great Whites, Dolphins, Manta rays, Sea Cows, Seals,  Corals etc,  Mainly off the Coast of Australia, As well as A Mention of Other Locations The Great White is Found Includes  South Africa & The Mediterranean Sea - Off the Coasts of Spain, Italy & North Africa & the rest of the Med, FABULOUS INSIGHT INTO The Great White Shark & other sea creatures ..  :-)

50. comment for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary

DARTH MONG - 7 years ago
Somewhere out there, Chandler Bing is feeling misled and disappointed.
SHRI Krishna COIMBATORE - 7 years ago
Paradise Australia
SHRI Krishna COIMBATORE - 7 years ago
Earth paradise Australia
joeyjefforson - 7 years ago
Is this narrated by Daniel Craig?
david groves
david groves - 7 years ago
thought this was about bloody great white sharks what is this shit then
Wolf y Lobo
Wolf y Lobo - 7 years ago
What a crap video - click bait - not a shark in sight
Beth Anderson
Beth Anderson - 7 years ago
The beginning was basically the narrator telling us 1 thing in 50 different ways....
Ryan M
Ryan M - 7 years ago
hahah love youtube not only do i skip one Ad but now i get to Skip 2 Ads wow you guys are making this into a game arent ya.....:)
MrDb - 7 years ago
the gramma in your description screams english is your third language. why do you put your planetdoc stamp on every video when clearly everyone of the docs on your channel have been made and are clearly copyrighted by other filmmakers, such as bbc, nova, natgeo etc? its as if you are claiming ownership of videos you don't own, so that if someone else steals what you have stolen, it will have your stamp on it on someone else's channel. That's pretty sleazy. not giving proper credit where it's due, and not claiming they are for educational purposes.
Leone Furlan
Leone Furlan - 7 years ago
good white shark documentary!!! Im 50% into the video and still not 1 white shark shown...
John Donahue
John Donahue - 7 years ago
How racist!  How come we never hear about the Great BLACK shark?    ;-)
Ocean Pictures
Ocean Pictures - 7 years ago
One of my dreams is to go diving with great white sharks so I can film them in the open ocean, but I don't want to be inside a cage to do it. Great documentary, I enjoyed it quite a bit and I was wondering what kind of camera and lighting setup was used?
frank bevan
frank bevan - 7 years ago
should be called --make up stuff about sharks
Firefly - 7 years ago
It's so annoying to listen to this guy talking, it's as if he made it a goal to stretch each word into the other, so that eachblockofnarrationisspokenasonelongwordwithamelody. Really irritating...
sparty pants
sparty pants - 7 years ago
This is a documentary about Australia history lol and its ocean life oh and a shark
2Newbs Studios
2Newbs Studios - 7 years ago
this dudes voice is depressing
Vintage - 7 years ago
360p club
fredlet g
fredlet g - 7 years ago
the mispronunciations started to really bug me....sigh
Polly g
Polly g - 7 years ago
Julia McDonald-Carberry
Julia McDonald-Carberry - 7 years ago
Title is inappropriate & misleading. Great White's are obviously not the subject of this program. If you want to watch a video about Great White's, don't watch this one. On the other hand, if you want to watch a generic video about the ocean habitat in the specific location, this is a good one & thorough.

It's all over the place.
kurt santos
kurt santos - 7 years ago
Where's the sharks
stacy skywatch
stacy skywatch - 7 years ago
Plane doc not a ball,, flat water flat earth,,
Polly g
Polly g - 7 years ago
tropickman - 7 years ago
Great narration...
Ben Wa Balls
Ben Wa Balls - 7 years ago
Liz Tukenmez
Liz Tukenmez - 7 years ago
Every part of the ocean IS inhabited with life...phytoplankton and zooplankton. The first two things on the oceans' food pyramid. Geeze...consult an oceanographer before you write the script.
Liz Tukenmez
Liz Tukenmez - 7 years ago
You are partially right...I forgot to include bacteria and viruses. My major in college was geology, and I took a few classes in oceanography...just for fun. While I was an undergrad, I also completed a 16 week independent study and contacted several other scientists around the world about their research, was granted access to NOAA's database, and studied each zone of the ocean. There is life everywhere, even in the harshest environments. What is your background? I don't mind discussing this topic with someone who has a background in the sciences, but I'm not getting into an argument with a troll.
Danny Branderson
Danny Branderson - 7 years ago
You are wrong
Amelia Moore
Amelia Moore - 7 years ago
Brandon Martinez
Brandon Martinez - 7 years ago
yoo whats good my man.
Agent_Orange - 7 years ago
That shark is not eight metres long. Bollocks!!! That would be 26 ft! Almost Megalodon size... Oh, and by the way... DON'T CALL THIS DOCUMENTARY THE GREAT WHITE SHARK... it's only in it for a short time. Like Clickbait... Call it "Learn stuff about corals and seals and shit..."
Titan Army
Titan Army - 7 years ago
How can you make a documentary and mispronounce every single australian word?
joe peters
joe peters - 7 years ago
Louis Reacts
Louis Reacts - 7 years ago
you guys know you can report a video for a misleading title right? im reporting it and you should too because the video comes from an australian reef documentary, yeah okay great whites make an appearance and live here but not about them
lüttn piet
lüttn piet - 7 years ago
wasted my time
Che E.
Che E. - 7 years ago
Ashley Wood
Ashley Wood - 7 years ago
20 minutes in and still no mention of a shark and I finally scroll down to the comments just to realize they never do -_- I'm over this video lol.
tropickman - 7 years ago
The doc has nothing to do with the owner of this channel naming this video with click bait name.. There are plenty of shark video around..
BIG JOCK KNEW HE KNEW - 7 years ago
Ashley Wood how old are you were you from
Ashley Wood
Ashley Wood - 7 years ago
John Moffat Awe, thank you!
BIG JOCK KNEW HE KNEW - 7 years ago
Ashley Wood your beautiful
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows - 7 years ago
15 minutes in and still nothing about sharks at all. Learn to label your videos appropriately or get off the internet.
CNN NBC MSN Are Fake News
CNN NBC MSN Are Fake News - 7 years ago
I thought this video is about great white sharks but all i see is great white fucking lies !
Meemivelho - 7 years ago
what the... 10 minutes.... why
julian neave
julian neave - 7 years ago
Thought my phone was giving me a low battery warning at about 7:10
Will Austin
Will Austin - 7 years ago
"Shit sandwich"
Will Austin
Will Austin - 7 years ago
Where is the shark wtf? ? Jumped the shark
vitaleysimonovich - 7 years ago
where is the sharks
andrew neubeck
andrew neubeck - 7 years ago
Title should be called "gay, a life untold, until now"
Mind Haxer
Mind Haxer - 7 years ago
Great whites rare? Not anymore, they are quite common down in South Australia
Mind Haxer
Mind Haxer - 7 years ago
Dude Im just saying that where Im from there are heaps.
Laura Horvitz
Laura Horvitz - 7 years ago
Yes dummy they are getting rarer and rarer.....thanks to fishing, and fin soup !
Jon Stride
Jon Stride - 7 years ago
Great White Shark ?
Jerome Beaule
Jerome Beaule - 7 years ago
People who make up fake titles to bring in views need to get into a car with their entire families and have a head-on collision at 70mph.
bn khaled
bn khaled - 7 years ago
Shark my ass
roninpainbringer - 7 years ago
orcas love their liver tho...AMIRITE?
Rhiana Limpus
Rhiana Limpus - 7 years ago
57rooi - 7 years ago
In Africa there are elephant.....herds in Zimbabawe, one or two left in south eastern Mozambique, maybe a dozen over the width of Botswana.....they don't intermingle, they run as a community, are Whites doing the same over breeding areas, are certain males or females migrating to particular areas to breed with a chosen few, thus establishing pre determined migratory paths or selected partners.
Getting so fed up with all the bullshit these so called Experts are trying to force down our throats. There's very little research done on the southern coast of Madagascar.... vast seal and game fish grounds there, plus the awesome Benguela currents on the east coast.
Spent 50 years in Africa, seen stuff that would make a lot of people sit up and pay attention
theslipygravity - 7 years ago
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100. comment for Australia. The Great White Shark | Full Documentary

Joyce Boyd
Joyce Boyd - 7 years ago
Why do people complain so much? If you don't like the video or the name of it, go and make your own with plenty of Great Whites. So sick of people complaining.
Sakura Haruno
Sakura Haruno - 7 years ago
matt williams
matt williams - 7 years ago
Fuck change the title cunt
The Juice
The Juice - 7 years ago
CLICKBAIT cock sucker.
They do not even mention sharks until the video is OVER.
Peter Ramadge
Peter Ramadge - 7 years ago
40 minutes before you even see a shark
TripleTreuViet - 7 years ago
one of the best doc. he has another one on Sri lanka
Mike Alnsnesr
Mike Alnsnesr - 6 years ago
Julia McDonald-Carberry
Julia McDonald-Carberry - 7 years ago
Rachael P
Rachael. Fearing sharks is irrational. We aren't their preferred food. Don't base your opinions on the shots of baited sharks. If you listen to the narrator, he explains very accurately why the Great White is behaving as it is in the documentary.

Man is very rarely on the menu of any Great White & the majority of attacks are carried out by young, inexperienced sharks transitioning from fish to mammals high in blubber as their main source of nutrition. If you've ever visited the ocean or spent much time in it, you have probably been observed by numerous sharks of various types including juvenile Great White's & perhaps even a few mature ones. We are so clumsy & make so much noise in the water if we're swimming on the surface it would be virtually impossible not to attract sharks of many types. The chances of you being bitten or eaten by a shark are so slim it's virtually a waste of energy to even think about it. However, to lessen the chance of being attractive to or confusing sharks into biting you, it's a good idea to follow some basic rules that teach caution & common sense. Also, we must remember the oceans are a wilderness no different than the plains of Africa or the plains forests all over the world where wolves, mountain lions, grizzly bears, tigers, leopards, etc... live & hunt. We need to realize we're not the top of the food chain when we venture into regions uninhabited by man or sparsely inhabited by man & treat the oceans with proper respect. It is, after all the sharks' home & we're only visitors to a habitat hostile to us in the extreme. Great White's like all sharks are now seriously endangered & absolutely necessary for healthy oceans, which we humans cannot survive without.

It's far better to try to see them as the fascinating & incredible predators they are versus harbouring terror of them as a creature hunting or even interested in man as a food source. Typically, surfers are the most often attacked by Great White's due to the activity they do, the board they lay on & wetsuits they wear making them resemble seals or dolphins in the surf. Usually the attacks don't result in the victim being consumed as we're not the shark's normal prey & it realizes it's mistake. Being bitten by any shark, however, can result in massive blood loss & that is reason people sometimes die.

If you don't spend time in the oceans, you need have no fear of sharks. If you do wish to spend time in the oceans, you should never be alone & should do it underwater as a diver versus on the surface, while following guidelines for caution & your enhanced safety. Unless you experience sharks underwater as a diver, you cannot appreciate their beauty, grace & skills as hunters. Seeing Great Whites any other way it isn't possible to see them behaving naturally. Seeing Great White's baited so people cage diving can view them is not seeing them behaving naturally.

If you truly want to overcome your fear of sharks, you need to join a reputable dive group, take instruction & begin diving with the group in the company of sharks so you gain a better understanding of them & more comfort in proximity with them.

Of course, there will always be some elements of danger when you enter the ocean wilderness but, your chances of being bitten or eaten by a shark are slim to none, if you learn all you can & follow the rules.

Though the entire documentary doesn't focus solely on Great White Sharks watching the last 10 minutes of it a few more times, while listening "carefully" to what the narrator says during the Great White footage at the cages & boat may be a good start for you. Then, watching videos specifically made by shark divers & shark scientists rather than sensationalised ones of shark attack stories may give you more realistic information & view of all sharks including Great White's.

Good luck. I hope you can overcome your terror of our oceans' amazing & necessary predators. They're not just mindless killers of man. They need all of the help we can give them so they survive in abundance & keep our oceans healthy & populated with the wonderful fish & other seafoods we enjoy eating.
Row Deo
Row Deo - 7 years ago
Narrator came back from the dead: Sounds Like actor James Masion--who cares about the show I ove his soothing voice!!!
nuXx - 7 years ago
Great white shark ? Not really.
mysticoversoul - 7 years ago
matthew cosgrove
matthew cosgrove - 7 years ago
absolute crap. factually wrong, not 8 meters length. some coastal scenes not australia as portrayed.
Roger Roach
Roger Roach - 7 years ago
clickbait shitter
INDICELT - 7 years ago
I enjoyed it. Educational.
matthew grieves
matthew grieves - 7 years ago
The most action was in the into. There were three different boobs
Sh4fKid - 7 years ago
Why u show rude parts
very good program
Petr Kotlitel
Petr Kotlitel - 7 years ago
can you eat those?
Ayrton Senna Fan
Ayrton Senna Fan - 7 years ago
39 minutes to see the first shark! Unbelievable
Jamil Shah
Jamil Shah - 7 years ago
btw wtf was this BS? Title says shark where d flook is shark. i am reporting u.
Jamil Shah
Jamil Shah - 7 years ago
portraying The majestic Shark as a bloodhound is just wrong.
Freehardy - 7 years ago
i'm absolutely convinced this is somewhat spoof. whilst it seems a factually correct documentary, the language used and tone is really quite funny.
Lil Skies is my dad
Lil Skies is my dad - 7 years ago
Nah m8 I don’t fuck with sharks
Mark Wheeler
Mark Wheeler - 7 years ago
Omg I can't watch this I don't want monster Hunter I can't stand that over dramatic shit but this is taking the piss so slow n boring! Can't anyone make a good interesting white shark documentary!?
unbelievabubble - 7 years ago
There was literally no footage of Great White shark, most misleading title ever..skip-skip-thumbs'down.
teenie neenie
teenie neenie - 7 years ago
NWW! ( Not Worth Watching). If the "tinkley piano music doesn't lull you to sleep, the narrators voice will!
Billy James
Billy James - 7 years ago
Where the sharks at cock sucker
Jacob Zondag
Jacob Zondag - 7 years ago
25:40 Wow!
Anton Smuts
Anton Smuts - 7 years ago
Bijay Singh
Bijay Singh - 7 years ago
The documentary should be called the biodiversity of the South Australian ocean. 30mins into a 49min video and NOTHING about any shark, let alone a Great White!
二宮章子 - 7 years ago
Do not remember your hometown.
Everything is nostalgic. 芦田川にはもう鴛鴦が来ているかな。
retroflection - 7 years ago
hardly any white shark footage in this documentary...ridiculous!!!!!
Regressive Leftist
Regressive Leftist - 7 years ago
this is not a documentary of Great White sharks but about the eco-system of Australia's coasts. Either way, a very interesting and fascinating documentary.
Fly house of truth
Fly house of truth - 7 years ago
I thought the US was a racist country, but in Australia, even their fish have to be white and a white shark is just great.. Great White Shark, OK i'm done flapping my "Jaws"
teenie neenie
teenie neenie - 7 years ago
Baxter Babes
Baxter Babes - 7 years ago
False advertising. F U. Shit stinking c##t
Suzanne Ito
Suzanne Ito - 7 years ago
Click bait. Nothing to do with white pointers.
KA M1st
KA M1st - 7 years ago
YouTube needs to have a setting where you can take your click back.
Tou Xiong
Tou Xiong - 7 years ago
r00t hkr
r00t hkr - 7 years ago
This documentary fucking sucks.
jeff love
jeff love - 7 years ago
Boring as fuck
tan breezy
tan breezy - 7 years ago
Where's the fucking shark??
Alexia Plays
Alexia Plays - 7 years ago
mschrismtl - 7 years ago
Where are the Shark's??
maidmoira - 7 years ago
looks like my deck!
247th - 7 years ago
This documentary is poorly written and horribly named ...
neckarratte - 7 years ago
Jamie Barbi
Jamie Barbi - 7 years ago
Other than a glimpse of a Great White Shark at the beginning it took until about 36 minutes into a 50 minute programme for us to actually get to the star of the show
Freehardy - 7 years ago
this is really good. i'm convinced it's a spoof. there are so many weird and funny uses of language and tone. 20.17 "following the underwater tracks of the munta rays and sea eagles" it's very subtle as it's all factually correct but the language and tone is definitely for fun. it's hilarious and i don't care there are no great whites in it. many people have missed what's going on here. the stuff about dolphins and the the dugong "which has it's own style" is brilliant.
Jamie Osborne
Jamie Osborne - 7 years ago
For example, "this individual is 8 metres of sheer fury" at 39:25
X Gen
X Gen - 7 years ago
Good documentary, inaccurately titled though. The narrator sounds like James Mason.
Marc Skid
Marc Skid - 7 years ago
narrator has the voice of a hypnotist 5 min in started nodding off.
Rasmus Lykke
Rasmus Lykke - 7 years ago
I dont really care what it think I am when it bites , you just go hug the sharks while i have me a cold one safe on land .
AudiowaveformTV - 7 years ago
I'm not an expert, but I'd say the Orca (killer whale) is the king of the ocean. Theres video footages of them hunting Great Whites and eating them.... Shame that was only found out years after this documentary was made.
jc2007rose - 7 years ago
25 minutes no talk of the great white. This sucks
Alex - 7 years ago
Is that Brian Bedundy narrating this?
kieran shooter
kieran shooter - 7 years ago
Nice to know little finger is into sharks.
Alan Prokes
Alan Prokes - 7 years ago
What deceitful rubbish. It is not about Great Whites at all. It looks like Planet Doc has joined the lying ranks of the MSM .
احمد الجهني
احمد الجهني - 7 years ago
sharks are rock!!
Renée Lawler
Renée Lawler - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but I have to point it out... 'Everyone come check out the "ANTAR-TIC!"'
Baaahahaha. You'd think if you were going to commentate a DOCUMENTARY you would at least know how to speak properly. It's ANTAR-C-TIC you utter idiot! LMAO
SyntaxErrorXoXo - 7 years ago
Could they make this any more boring, and it is not about the fcking shark is it..?
dawoodwaris - 7 years ago
23.30 Spotted a whale
Genesis Gaming
Genesis Gaming - 7 years ago
im @ 9:12 , and 1 time a shark :P thumbs down lol , you ruined my dinner ...
Mudder Fukker
Mudder Fukker - 7 years ago
THis video is about the Sea Life around Australia. Great White section starts @ 38:55 .
Somber Skye
Somber Skye - 7 years ago
Sam Oxley
Sam Oxley - 7 years ago
don't u just love Australia
toni henry
toni henry - 6 years ago
Sam Oxley yes we do love home its beautiful best country in the world
AdrianoCROST - 7 years ago
Terrible documentary. Talking about everything except sharks. I hate this type of documentaries.
Shahzad Chaudhry
Shahzad Chaudhry - 7 years ago
can i have a grate white shark toy pleas
Turbzy - 7 years ago
i just wasted my fucking time learning about sea plants and seeing not one fucking shark, clickbaiting fuck
Tim Osman
Tim Osman - 7 years ago
Did i missed the shark? because i only saw a few glimps of a shark
Cornelius Bannister
Cornelius Bannister - 7 years ago
Kobe brought me here
Nils Kovamees
Nils Kovamees - 7 years ago
This documentary was mostly on the inhabitants of Australia's coast.
Mike l
Mike l - 7 years ago
is it me or does his voice annoy you so much im now going to turn this shit off !!
whatido120 - 7 years ago
sharks eat people to I seen videos where a body is not found at all so a shark is hungry it will eat anything is sees
matt campbell
matt campbell - 7 years ago
cheers to bob Smith no not to watch this
johnrb88 - 7 years ago
False title, awful narration and misleading information. Give this a wide berth and save your time.
Noel Hoxha
Noel Hoxha - 7 years ago
Very interesting
IPOMonster - 7 years ago
What fucking bullshit. THis documentary should be called "Bullshit".
victor girardi
victor girardi - 8 years ago
5mins of shark at the end... bullshit!!!
Fido Starman
Fido Starman - 8 years ago
The main character of the doc turns up almost at the end, and I wanted to see much more action and blood in the waters. Finding Nemo was more entertaining than this.
Jay Raval
Jay Raval - 8 years ago
SHIT DOCUMENTARY do not whatch.
axel rivas
axel rivas - 8 years ago
Gay as ads
Grin Reaper
Grin Reaper - 8 years ago
This should be called "The Great clump of Seaweed" because thats about all he talks about for the first 15min i gave up after that.
Phil007 - 8 years ago
What a shit documentary...
Zeedoctour - 7 years ago
^^^ What a shit person ^^^
Maysn Prucha
Maysn Prucha - 8 years ago
Just wasted 50 min of my time learning about algae and fish instead of sharks... (thanks Obama)
tyson1ize - 8 years ago
the narrator misread a 5 as 8 mtr lol ...bullshit doc!!!
Evan Staley
Evan Staley - 8 years ago
Love the context building. i can appreciate this beautiful and mysterious animal more fully knowing how it fits in to the larger scope : )
Oscar Taylor
Oscar Taylor - 8 years ago
What a great documentary about the Australian waters, is not only about the graeat white shrak.. .wrong title but I love it.
koekoek - 8 years ago
Those fucking Albert heijn commercials bore me to death
Luke Prochnik
Luke Prochnik - 8 years ago
he says this great white is 8 metres! lol....fucking dick! what is it about 40 foot? 5-6 meters tops for a great white
regan222 - 7 years ago
According to the article sited both of these claims have since been debunked. The Port Fairy shark jaws were found and recalculated to about 5 meters. The other shark was mis-identifed and was most likely a basking shark which commonly grows to that size.
Laurie LLSK
Laurie LLSK
Laurie LLSK - 7 years ago
Luke Prochnik 8 metres = around 26 feet, not 40 feet.
Not sure when this documentary was made and after the movie Jaws was made untold numbers of sharks were killed for absolutely no reason except that they were there. At that time, to there were many enormous sharks as they never stop growing. Now, the huge sharks are few in numbers to thanks to man. The sharks will reach those lengths again now that they are protected. It's not out if the question for this shark to be that length.
muses2murder - 8 years ago
There is something errily porno, or at least sultry, about this narrator and score. Whisper in my ear sweet narrator, whisper about stromatolites and dolphin enlightenment.
Kidzeegames - 8 years ago
excellent collection of videos
OnlyUseMeEquip - 8 years ago
wtf is with the 80's porno music soundtrack,
JJ Helna
JJ Helna - 8 years ago
Shark is wonderful on the grill with butter and lemon.
Mix92x - 8 years ago
I fucking love sharks I wish I was one
gabrielle lynn
gabrielle lynn - 8 years ago
MrJontheStallion - 8 years ago
this doesnt even talk about sharks. die.
Nikolas Konstantinidis
Nikolas Konstantinidis - 8 years ago
Good documentary. But, honestly, the title doesn't reflect the content of the video. A better name would've been something like "Australia's marine ecosystem". Nevertheless, it's an informative and nicely made documentary. As soon as I realized it's not really about great white sharks, I enjoyed watching it.
Conor - 8 years ago
I want my 47 minetes back smh shark starts at 47
Vegemite Sandwich
Vegemite Sandwich - 7 years ago
Conor that's 47 'minetes' you could have spent learning how to spell 'minutes'.
John Miller
John Miller - 8 years ago
Instant gratification crowd : SHUT UP!!
These documentaries aren't lickety split, no problem type of filming....let's see you do better!!!
You think that when a scuba diver with heavy equipment and lighting, that the creatures living beneath the sea are like "here I am, make sure you get my good side"???
carol cats
carol cats - 6 years ago
Ya, documentaries like these are hard to make, but they shouldn’t have clickbaited. And great whites might be hard to film, but there was hardly any information about them mentioned too
Joshua Lundblade
Joshua Lundblade - 6 years ago
when you learn about an animal don't you wanna learn what they eat and how they survive and everything else you learn it as a whole not in part
dillon chapman
dillon chapman - 8 years ago
Yeah, its a documentary about Great White Sharks, not the coral reef of Australia. I can understand not getting enough footage of the sharks, but that doesn't mean make an entire documentary about something that doesn't show up, and is barely even mentioned, until the end.
John Miller
John Miller - 8 years ago
+lavern barnes there's people bitching about how there's not enough footage of sharks......that's the "?".
lavern barnes
lavern barnes - 8 years ago
Alan Kaplan
Alan Kaplan - 8 years ago
Bull Shit....
jinxgirl5 - 8 years ago
This was less a Great White documentary and more a general documentary on the Australian coast. I like documentaries so I wasn't too put out, but a change of the title is probably in order on this one...
Stephen Taylor
Stephen Taylor - 8 years ago
It's great to see good video of the place I have dived so often. In Australia, the Great White Shark is known as a White Pointer, and nicknamed 'white death'.This not just another blood filled shark film.There is a great deal of information about the Great Southern Ocean and southern Australia's coastal waters. it is 'softly presented', unlike the Shark Week scare videos. The Great White Shark is not all that is shown, but also in the environment in which it lives and the history of their seas.
bladerunner900 - 7 years ago
Theodore Robinson

Why dont you.....cull.......yourself?
Samantha Shea
Samantha Shea - 8 years ago
obvious troll is obvious
Gav May
Gav May - 8 years ago
36:00 they talk about great whites if your interested
Hay Irving
Hay Irving - 8 years ago
I enjoyed the video, however I feel the sea lions/seals and seabirds, plus even the sea weed, earned equal right to the film as the Great White. I found the bit about the sharks not liking the texture of humans interesting though. Very well worded documentary.
Beau James
Beau James - 8 years ago
what a con job. everyone make a note and block this shite
helthuismartin - 8 years ago
Jie Wang
Jie Wang - 8 years ago
where is the shark?
Michael Bird
Michael Bird - 8 years ago
i puted fums down for all nasty comments how ya like that ;D haha
Michael Bird
Michael Bird - 8 years ago
I like it and stop saying nasty comments about this ;c
Michael Bird
Michael Bird - 8 years ago
o.o fasanating ;D
Binny Falco
Binny Falco - 8 years ago
I am through more than half of the film and there is no shark. Fucking hate bate and switch. Downvote.
e schwarz
e schwarz - 8 years ago
Maybe the sharks limited appearance was part of the point:; these apex predators vital to ecosystem health (all that other footage) are threatened, becoming dangerously sparse potentially crashing entire ecosystems (this domino process could have showed more clearly). the doc also portrays a more accurate realistic picture of these sharks; statistical dangers etc; unlike so many other vids capitalizing by generating extremely exaggerated fear.
Bruce Perkins
Bruce Perkins - 6 years ago
U sir have an enlightened
&informative mind which is able discern what this doc is
all about, UNLIKE some of the other so called commentators& for that i salute u
Zen Starwalker
Zen Starwalker - 8 years ago
I didnt realize 20 seconds of shark footage meant shark doc. lmfao
Dr m
Dr m - 8 years ago
Fuck me I'm 24mins still no payoff, then they show dolphins, where are the bloody GWs. I want death incarnate.
ste atz
ste atz - 8 years ago
I'am not scared of great white shark anymore
Stefan F
Stefan F - 8 years ago
Found this documentary interesting but not a lot on the white shark. Perhaps it should be renamed; or is the intent of tagging this a white shark documentary to get people to watch?
Christine A
Christine A - 8 years ago
thank you guys for your comments!! I'm like 3 min in and thinking this is so boring! Wanted to see sharks not a lesson on the ocean.
Debi Jones
Debi Jones - 8 years ago
this sucks!!
Amazing Miniz
Amazing Miniz - 8 years ago
I just waste 30 min of my life that i will never get back agian, thanks for nothing!
Bullshit titel ! ! !
Dubstar23 - 8 years ago
there is a brief cameo of only 1 shark in the first 40 minutes of this documentary....
schwartz wolfe
schwartz wolfe - 8 years ago
Change the title to this video, talking about sea weed and coral reef
Kyleigh Ferguson
Kyleigh Ferguson - 7 years ago
schwartz wolfe I know right
Aaron Lapaul
Aaron Lapaul - 7 years ago
So sharks have nothing to do with the sea and coral reef? Fml
TripleTreuViet - 7 years ago
dafuc u talking bout?! his voice its soothing his doc is second best to Sir David Attenborough
gabrielle lynn
gabrielle lynn - 8 years ago
I this. tis. is. fac
NeverEnding Superiority
NeverEnding Superiority - 8 years ago
I was just saying through the whole video "ok cool but where's the Sharks"
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt - 8 years ago
I was going to say the same thing
Gemini_ SS8812
Gemini_ SS8812 - 8 years ago
Gianni Makridis
Gianni Makridis - 8 years ago
32 min :( should have read the comments earlier ... I was hanging to see a great white!
Dr Wolf
Dr Wolf - 8 years ago
omg thank you
hello there
hello there - 8 years ago
37: 10 - 46:21 Great White Shark
Nahum F
Nahum F - 8 years ago
thank you
CaptainTruth - 8 years ago
sharks dont show up till the last 9 minutes.
Matthew Gaythorpe
Matthew Gaythorpe - 8 years ago
The biggest Great white Shark/White Shark was In the 1870s, a 10.9 m (36 ft) great white captured in southern Australian waters, near Port Fairy, and an 11.3 m (37 ft) shark trapped in a herring weir in New Brunswick
Lee Taylor
Lee Taylor - 8 years ago
This documentry should be called a rare glimpse of a great white shark.
Nixon Enzo Saab and Tyss
Nixon Enzo Saab and Tyss - 6 years ago
Lee Taylor that is sssooooo funny!! Totally and unfortunately true though XD
Giasepi Delarosa
Giasepi Delarosa - 7 years ago
Or the elusive great white, stage fright of the..........
new caledonia #2
Julie Hare
Julie Hare - 7 years ago
Lee Taylor nbnbjbmbmbnbmb,non,n,utctykukcttcykuctktkity
Enzo Zaffino
Enzo Zaffino - 7 years ago
Lee Taylo
Emily Quintero
Emily Quintero - 7 years ago
The Judo Maniac
The Judo Maniac - 7 years ago
You never see the bloody great white shark
Maanav Yashroy
Maanav Yashroy - 7 years ago on!!!
lubna althaher
lubna althaher - 7 years ago
Lee Taylor تقرر
Julie Sprik
Julie Sprik - 7 years ago
Lee Taylor No shit,all I have seen is plants.Bye!
Ben Ringenberg
Ben Ringenberg - 7 years ago
Lee Taylor hilarious
James Berry
James Berry - 7 years ago
That and 50 minutes of really bad elevator music.
monkey CHEESE
monkey CHEESE - 7 years ago
didn't see many white pointers in this video but sure did learn a lot about Australian ocean life.
KillerGuy - 2 .0 Jason
KillerGuy - 2 .0 Jason - 7 years ago
John Pannell
John  Pannell
John Pannell - 7 years ago
Max Bolhuis ,they'
DeathRowTomato - 8 years ago
How would you write a 50 minute documentary about 1 fish?
gabrielle lynn
gabrielle lynn - 8 years ago
you. man. tis. fac
Henk Shumin
Henk Shumin - 8 years ago
This is got to be the worse G W doc.
DAVE GALLOWAY - 8 years ago
From the Producers of Bullshite; bringing you a Misleading Title......NOTHING to do with Whites. Just say NO to Crack Planet Doc. :-)
alex radu
alex radu - 8 years ago
37:18 for great white
Frampa - 8 years ago
Not much about Great White! just Ads!
michael majewski
michael majewski - 8 years ago
wtf where's the killers
Remi Tomsa
Remi Tomsa - 8 years ago
Beautiful .
Ville John
Ville John - 8 years ago
It only took me 10 minutes watching this video to fall asleep LOL.
CRAB JAB - 8 years ago
Worst documentary I have ever seen.

THERE IS NO GREAT SHARKS IN THIS TILL THE VERY END. Never watching another from this channel.
sparty pants
sparty pants - 7 years ago
CRAB JAB its a good docunentary in its own right about the Australian eco system and marine life but yeah the title had me expecting this to be about sharks but once I accepted there probably wouldn't be much I enjoyed this for what it was. They should rename it tho
Nahsti - 8 years ago
For those poor souls struggling to understand this is a Documentary not a compilation of Great White Sharks biting stuff in half, from the start he explains where it all starts, how everything works together to make it all work for the GWS not just the GWS eats seals derp derp nom nom. Full of history and understanding of the way it all comes together not just a feeding frenzy.
Cam Rosie
Cam Rosie - 8 years ago
Most boring narrator award goes to the chap doing this, accompanied by some sort of hypnotherapy music and lack of actual sharks until 40 mins in - absolute trash.
jutubaeh - 8 years ago
+cameron rosie + 18:44 romans -.-
Jaws Shark
Jaws Shark - 9 years ago
This "documentary" is crap. 40 minutes in before any real talk about the great white shark. From the title one would think that you would not spend 40 minutes listening to jib jab about old explorer boats wrecking on a coastline, plankton, seaweed, it goes on and on. They talk about everything BUT sharks. The makers should be embarrassed about this 50 minute disaster. I mean, were they too afraid to actually go out and film sharks? Did they buy stock footage and could only afford less than 10 minutes of shark video? This isn't even a documentary. You learn nothing. They go from place to place, talk about this and that, with no connection whatsoever. YouTube should pull this for misrepresentation.
Herpaderp Derp
Herpaderp Derp - 9 years ago
this vid suck all the cocks
phipshave - 9 years ago
They Attack human because human provoked them.. These human are ass hole!
Kobi - 9 years ago
WTF where is the sharks??? a load of fucking bullshit
Rod Arthur
Rod Arthur - 9 years ago
2000kg on this planet King Bobby where have you been hiding mate,some of the big males are between 5-7 metres and over 2000 kg get your facts right bucko.
maverick buckley
maverick buckley - 9 years ago
Biggest male ever recorded was 18feet So 5.4metres. But they average 12-14 feet. The females..well now you're talking! Several gave been measured at 20 -23feet even by the fork. The girls average 14-17 feet grown.
kuwait85 - 9 years ago
calm. Peaceful doc. But def not about sharks.
ColaKhanable - 9 years ago
This is a terrible documentary
1988Steez - 9 years ago
Thought: Besides, Jaws, there aren't - any - good shark movies out there. :(
Timothy Good
Timothy Good - 7 years ago
Deep blue sea wasn't all that bad
king bobby
king bobby - 9 years ago
Male white sharks over 2000kg ?not this planet
king bobby
king bobby - 9 years ago
Male white sharks over 2000kg ?not this planet
山下オリバー - 9 years ago
Ever notice how the larger sharks are the most beaten up? Those are the females. Females always get really battered up and are larger than males. If you see a relatively smooth looking White, it's probably a male. Just look for claspers.
MegaBspark - 9 years ago
lame doc.
Kristian Brittain
Kristian Brittain - 9 years ago
How the heck is this about great white sharks (other than the last 10 minutes). Not exactly an informative, groundbreaking documentary about the creature that we are all watching it with the intent of seeing.
The narrator is really frustrating and uneasy on the ear.
Honestly, it was not only disappointing, but boring too with too many shots of a sea lapping the shore and fairly inane and generic shots of landscape which had no relevance or purpose (from what I could see).
Some of the shots of the other sea life were pleasant but nothing previously unseen in any other documentary about similar topics.
Grossly mislabelled and average in content. Don't bother!
Gracelyn Nichols
Gracelyn Nichols - 9 years ago
BORING!!! The beginning is so boring and the narrator is really annoying
90's Best of R&B Slowjams
90's Best of R&B Slowjams - 9 years ago
Always love this narrator. What's his name?
saltyspitoon - 9 years ago
This really sounds like Liam Neeson
Kirsten I. Russell
Kirsten I. Russell - 6 years ago
I think it sounds like a relative of James Mason--a nephew, perhaps. That voice could very easily imitate James Mason asking Cary Grant in NORTH BY NORTHWEST: "Games? Must we?" Or asking Arlene Dahl in JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH, "Madam, you are wearing stays, are you not?"
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 9 years ago
28 mins in still no sign of great white shark this documentary is dull like dish water . and wots with this piano music why not the expert on this kind of music it sounds horrible & misplaced .
Scott Harris
Scott Harris - 6 years ago
Bob Smith g
Scott Harris
Scott Harris - 6 years ago
Bob Smith y GGP gggggpgpggpggc
Scott Harris
Scott Harris - 6 years ago
Bob Smith Duff gchtl

Off cf CBGB CVCC dye
Bruce Perkins
Bruce Perkins - 6 years ago
U r lost in ur mind
Ayyyish - 6 years ago
dh 82 has
Ayyyish - 6 years ago
dh 82 p
Ayyyish - 6 years ago
Bob Smith has
AllEyezOnMe AA
AllEyezOnMe AA - 7 years ago
did any of you fools even watch ? from 2 min on you see the GWS...
xavier d
xavier d - 8 years ago
+dh 82 (dh82) 2 minutes and 25 seconds? watch that and lemme know if that's a great white or not please? cuz it sure ain't a dolphin.
dh 82
dh 82 - 8 years ago
+xavier d​ obviously you haven't watched the whole video. I would say think before you speak but you can't even watch before you comment.
xavier d
xavier d - 8 years ago
Well you must be a blind cunt then.. I saw 2 not even 3 minutes into the video
Orehrepus - 8 years ago
37:12 is the first sighting XD
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 9 years ago
+dom inic lol
dh 82
dh 82 - 9 years ago
so I´m watching this 4 weeks later. After 30min I´m like.. hang on, there`s no sharks here. God dammit it got me again!!
DiGiTaLdAzEDM - 9 years ago
+Bob Smith I actually think the documentary is a very interesting look at the ocean of this area--but, also agree that the title is misleading to say the least.
dh 82
dh 82 - 9 years ago
+Bob Smith Thanks for comment! I´ll watch something else
Rich Guitard
Rich Guitard - 9 years ago
Turned it off after about 15 minutes. Boring narration, annoying background piano music, and no great whites. Inaccurate title.
bradbbs - 9 years ago
With the El Nino coming this summer you would have to be crazy to go in the water. Remember last El Nino? The Great Whites had a feast on humans
For Real
For Real - 9 years ago
The narrator guy's voice is so freaking irritating. This documentary is not about "The Great White Shark". It's mostly about the environment. Don't waste your time if you looking for great white shark action.
Pauly Beals
Pauly Beals - 6 years ago
Know yourself
Calam Transgression
Calam Transgression - 6 years ago
Bruce Perkins yes I do and if you watched what I recommended then you would too! And this video is an insult to all us Australian and half of the footage is copied or brought to make a knock of documentary this video footage is not there's and is a shortened version with a horrible voice over
Bruce Perkins
Bruce Perkins - 6 years ago
U don't know what you are talking about, it is talking
About the great white from the beginning,
Àlys Grant
Àlys Grant - 6 years ago
For Real, I don't believe it was supposed to be an action movie, but an educational step into nature and their world. I like his voice and accent. A different voice, into a different world. Probably made by a British or Australian company.
Calam Transgression
Calam Transgression - 7 years ago
What the national geographic the predator if you want big sharks and a megaldon
Trepimero - 7 years ago
His voice is fine to me. But I'm dissapointed to see very little sharks.
Juraci Pereira
Juraci Pereira - 7 years ago
Wall i not irritation easy en sorry for your business behavior
Pavel Vasilev
Pavel Vasilev - 9 years ago
Why the fuck this movie is called "The Great White Shark". I saw great whites only in the last 10 min. I wasted my time because of the wrong title.
Steve Fayers
Steve Fayers - 8 years ago
And you wasted more time ranting into the dark( sorry on YT). If stupid is as stupid does then wasting time must be a wasters thing
Luke Dowdy
Luke Dowdy - 9 years ago
+Pavel Vasilev I bet it was called Australia and whoever posted it put Sharks in the title themselves.
Dan Szymanski
Dan Szymanski - 9 years ago
8 metres long?
regan222 - 7 years ago
I claim BS. 8 meters is 26 feet.
Kev Clive
Kev Clive - 7 years ago
and it was an 8m male?... unlikely as most of the "giant" sharks in other documentary series have been females.
Kev Clive
Kev Clive - 7 years ago
Dan Szymanski yes exactly what I thought! they just happened to be filming the biggest great white ever recorded on film...hmmmmm
Dan Szymanski
Dan Szymanski - 9 years ago
8 metres long?
Zeedoctour - 7 years ago
18 meters
COOL O'She'a
COOL O'She'a - 9 years ago
LKNANML - 9 years ago
Well made doc but poorly named. Lots of good footage but the sharks don't show up till around the 40 min mark.
Kaculinka Sramkova
Kaculinka Sramkova - 7 years ago
LKNANML je to nejhnusnější video®
Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith - 9 years ago
+Misaka Mikoto lol same thing I said!
Kevin Burris
Kevin Burris - 9 years ago
+lknanml I thought the same LOL good doc of sea life... but where is the "Great White shark's" at >_> XD

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