Baby shark attack
Shark videos 17 years ago 13,880,761 views
baby shark feeding in Pulau Payar Malaysia. For licensing inquiries, please contact RockHouse Images at:
Shark videos 17 years ago 13,880,761 views
baby shark feeding in Pulau Payar Malaysia. For licensing inquiries, please contact RockHouse Images at:
32,528 likes 51,599,147 views 17 years ago
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498,307 likes 42,209,228 views 7 years ago
How to survive bear or shark attack? What should you do if you are bitten by a snake? We've gathered 13 easy tips...
103,725 likes 34,883,952 views 9 years ago
Minecraft has a brand new Minecraft Roleplay and that is the Jaws Movie Roleplay! The Minecraft Jaws Movie has Joe...
110,635 likes 32,953,033 views 10 years ago
Minecraft has never seen a Minecraft Animation like this before! This is the Minecraft Jaws Shark Attack Animation!...
44,825 likes 28,705,100 views 14 years ago
READ THIS FIRST!!!!!! You may not understand this rough edit, so if you feel the need to say something stupid that...
48,995 likes 27,168,827 views 11 years ago
A powerful testimony about how God used dolphins to save this mans life from a near death shark attack.I love you...
32,528 likes 51,599,147 views 17 years ago
For more utterly stupid clips please subscribe!
498,307 likes 42,209,228 views 7 years ago
How to survive bear or shark attack? What should you do if you are bitten by a snake? We've gathered 13 easy tips...
103,725 likes 34,883,952 views 9 years ago
Minecraft has a brand new Minecraft Roleplay and that is the Jaws Movie Roleplay! The Minecraft Jaws Movie has Joe...
110,635 likes 32,953,033 views 10 years ago
Minecraft has never seen a Minecraft Animation like this before! This is the Minecraft Jaws Shark Attack Animation!...
44,825 likes 28,705,100 views 14 years ago
READ THIS FIRST!!!!!! You may not understand this rough edit, so if you feel the need to say something stupid that...
48,995 likes 27,168,827 views 11 years ago
A powerful testimony about how God used dolphins to save this mans life from a near death shark attack.I love you...
The "Baby shark attack" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Baby shark doo doo doo!
10. comment for Baby shark attack
20. comment for Baby shark attack
30. comment for Baby shark attack
Gradma shark dududu
50. comment for Baby shark attack
The Oceans currents flow from China past Japan and has totally wiped out fish stocks off Japan (Japan slaughter Dolphins year round to try and protect fish stocks) and in turn they advocate for massive Ship Trawler Factories which nett Dolphins, Sea Turtles, Sharks etc etc who all die by drowning in the massive nets.
Tasmania approved such Trawlers to fish in Australian Waters which caused massive protests. (Tasmania still clear fell old growth Forests and it was the Tasmanian Government who paid a bounty to kill the Tasmanian Tiger until they were extinct only lifting the bounty in 1980 despite them being extinct for 40 years).
Australia also allow Japan to Harpoon Whales in Sanctuary's in the Southern Ocean, Australian Waters.. Soon the Oceans will die and it's said in the near future plastic will weigh more than the entire Oceans inhabitants.
There first reaction
There are thousands of these small black tips close to the beaches all over the Indian Ocean. Although they are pretty much harmless to humans one should never ever feed fish in the sea, never!
100. comment for Baby shark attack
gets sniped because overused meme
motherfucking shark just swam past her come the fuck on
Seems like she took it in stride though.
The few previous comments I've read on this post are pitiful. So sad that every video leads to such juvenile bouting about.
____━━____━━╰O--O-O--O ╯
save the endangered nyan cat by copy and pasting this over youtube
Even if it's a baby shark, it can still snap off your fingers.
If I was that chick, I would've smacked the others silly when I got up.
(And I've worked with a lot of "dangerous" animals so I don't personally fear any - even if I respect them and their teeth/claws/venom/massive force/whatever the risk might be. I'm also a happy amateur fisher, so yeah, I've clubbed my fair share of fish.)
But why would you want to kill a shark unless it's trying to kill you?
I don't think that any lover of wildlife and nature, would.
But YOU trust ME - a shark is way faster than your punch ;D And even if you'd punch it to death, you would do so with a severely bleeding hand. Even if the teeth are small, they are razor sharp.
Can I have it?
Tiny little baby shark that didn't even hurt her fingers. See I have reality on my side because we saw WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED as to where you have your petty feelings to back you up "oh it could have been worse" but it wasn't you stupid shit.
and it's full growned (kinda) by the way i think they are cookie cutter sharks(maybe made fishermen mad) to be real about that but still YOU BODO SHARK!!!! (my buddy caught 3 in a net XD
This was a laugh attack.
Fish were attracted to the stench!
Best Comment!
That's just your own ego stepping in. You assume everyone's going to get your sarcasm when there's no implication of sarcasm there. I've seen people more than stupid enough to believe sharks take care of their young so believing you were one of those really isn't far fetched at all. I hate stupid people, they're like roaches, they're everywhere and they get in the way. Merry Christmas though, have good times with the family.
You're joking right? You understand that sharks separate from their young right? How stupid are you to just sit around talking out your ass when you clearly don't know a thing about the subject you're talking about?
XD I'm black and just had to make the joke
baby sharks might be little, but you should still take great caution around their mouths. their teeth are smaller but are still serrated and can do a lot of mechanical damage to your hand if you happen to accidentally put it in the shark's mouth. enough bite force and you could lose your hand entirely. although that's really unlikely.
Lol that one is a thinker, so I won't blame you if you don't get it =P
I want my 1:05 of my life back!
Can you please upload another video with more of the hot chick.
Im Addin It To My Playlist Animal Moments
Just tropical fish xD
"there" works -__-
conclusion -> +Nikki Dumee-Bovendeerd is a dumbass
Please don't be the ugly American. It makes the rest of us look bad.
and I'm sure not all Chinese eat shark fin soup. He's rude.
Korea is gonna take over the global economy? How will Chinese economy pass USA? There is like no indications of that. USA economy is WAY bigger and a lot of big companies in china are run by Americans and Europeans. No clue where you get your information LOL.