Baby shark attack

baby shark feeding in Pulau Payar Malaysia. For licensing inquiries, please contact RockHouse Images at:

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Shark videos 17 years ago 13,880,761 views

baby shark feeding in Pulau Payar Malaysia. For licensing inquiries, please contact RockHouse Images at:

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Most popular comments
for Baby shark attack

dianna rosales
dianna rosales - 6 years ago
Baby shark dadoo Doo Doo doo dooo
cool boi
cool boi - 6 years ago
They are grown now I'm sure they will remember you
Yasmin Solis
Yasmin Solis - 6 years ago
Jason Woodsock
Jason Woodsock - 7 years ago
it's not shark freck them... hmmmm. not shark unlike unsubscribed.
CastWaterArt Channel
CastWaterArt Channel - 7 years ago
I could hear the jaws theme when i saw the shark then suddenly
Baby shark doo doo doo!
Lexus Edith
Lexus Edith - 7 years ago
Gets bit by a shark > stays in water.
Pound - 7 years ago
baeeee bieeee shark dooo dooo dooo dooo doo
PETER PETER - 7 years ago
onebaddj - 7 years ago
If this is a shark attack then every mother bit during breast feeding has been attack by her baby.

10. comment for Baby shark attack

imladyt - 7 years ago
That baby knew and warned...
Leprechaun Fucker
Leprechaun Fucker - 7 years ago
The shark could smell her fishy pussy
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago

david evans
david evans - 7 years ago
Stupid but I liked it
ollyworld - 7 years ago
sweety is pretty careless ...oh a sharky just bit bite is from mum sharky!
cris jensen
cris jensen - 7 years ago
Stop ... If you can... Share the link ... Check us out, we are legit. I'm a teacher/Father of 4/and now farmer too:) Trying to buy the land near our small farm before it becomes hunting land too close to our house! Please check me out... want my kids raised with a real work and farming experience... Share ... and THANK YOU!!!
Special K
Special K - 7 years ago
Hey I know, stand in the water after getting bit by the shark!!!!!
daniele pellole
daniele pellole - 7 years ago
max cavalera? max cavalera? max cavalera!
yarabbi şükür baboş
yarabbi şükür baboş - 7 years ago
Why life vest?
artemisjackson1 - 7 years ago
Little tiny fish attract bigger fish... always

20. comment for Baby shark attack

TA 5
TA 5 - 7 years ago
Hardly an 'attack.' It was only going after the food thrown in the water by some stupid individual.
TheGamingLofty Mlp
TheGamingLofty Mlp - 7 years ago
Saifulizal 4241
Saifulizal 4241 - 7 years ago
Chezka Tan
Chezka Tan - 7 years ago
Larrt Rawls
Larrt Rawls - 7 years ago
Wearing a life vest in two foot of water , Pussy Wash D C
Chaboii Leopold
Chaboii Leopold - 7 years ago
dundundundundundun here he comes >:3c
Restoration 1
Restoration 1 - 7 years ago
it still has teeth!!
Rodrigo Garcia
Rodrigo Garcia - 7 years ago
Lol the shark was like "GIMME THAT!" also, it wasnt a big bite so dont post any dramatic comments
NegroKetchum - 7 years ago
I like how the cameraman looks at the shark and doesn't say a word lmao
Thomas Morman
Thomas Morman - 7 years ago

30. comment for Baby shark attack

Attack Dog
Attack Dog - 7 years ago
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo
Khawar Iqbal
Khawar Iqbal - 7 years ago
Nabataku - 7 years ago
can you believe this video is 9 years old? Whoaaaa. Cool stuff.
myeork - 7 years ago
baby shark do do do do do do
danny boyo
danny boyo - 7 years ago
They probably smell blood, if you know what I mean ;-)
RoyalTurd2 - 7 years ago
Wow this video was made when I was 1
ivan salazar
ivan salazar - 7 years ago
Hard to believe there are people who are so completely unaware of their surroundings!
sayasukalike - 7 years ago
I think baby shark do do do
Bob Warren
Bob Warren - 7 years ago
Just how STUPID can anyone get?
Cryptic Cowboy
Cryptic Cowboy - 7 years ago
Heh ♡
NELSON X - 7 years ago
Good thing it didn't have a LASER on its head.
ihza farhan
ihza farhan - 7 years ago
Baby shark dudududududu baby shark dudududududu baby shark
Jdc - 7 years ago
blue tiger 235
blue tiger 235 - 7 years ago
Where is the baby shark
Warda Hawsawi
Warda Hawsawi - 7 years ago
Is she blind?!!
Srikanth Venkat
Srikanth Venkat - 7 years ago
stop feeding wild animals. what is the point of so many years of evolution if we cannot even use our brains.
Jose Maria Torres
Jose Maria Torres - 7 years ago
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo
Professor YG
Professor YG - 7 years ago
Baby shark dudududu
Gradma shark dududu
sirtalis69 - 7 years ago
What a bunch of fucking idiots! Why would you deliberately wanna create a feeding frenzy when they're reef sharks around? Despite their smaller size, when in a frenzied state, they can definitely take a chunk outta a bare leg or other body parts. She's lucky that when that shark rushed in to get that food, it's snout only bumped her hand. Had it latched on to her finger.... goodbye digit!
Romelia Polly
Romelia Polly - 7 years ago
I think you need to take some time and go to Unflexal to learn about workouts.

50. comment for Baby shark attack

Spinx Y
Spinx Y - 7 years ago
earthy1025 - 7 years ago
Matt Lee
Matt Lee - 7 years ago
do baby sharks attack or they bite like why
ffp08 - 7 years ago
why is she wearing a life vest in 3 feet of water ...
Tintin Fan
Tintin Fan - 7 years ago
they don't even look like sharks to me
Xyrent - 7 years ago
That was a baby blacktip shark, the woman was in a lot of danger. Baby blacktips are known for having extremely poisonous toxins and being notoriously violent. Trust me, I know my shit, I'm a youtube commenter.
dragon potato
dragon potato - 7 years ago
That's not a baby shark that's an adult
Nando 2801
Nando 2801 - 7 years ago
"Breaking news, lady was attacked by a 6 foot great white shark while feeding fish, reports says the shark jumped and attacked her, but she managed to survive"
ihopeshe hasspaghetti
ihopeshe hasspaghetti - 7 years ago
I saw no attack here
Ben Grim
Ben Grim - 7 years ago
a nice place to go vacation wonder where they at
Chrispy Chrispo
Chrispy Chrispo - 7 years ago
If you feed fish by hand you can expect a few fish to accidentally mistake your fingers for food
Salena Grace
Salena Grace - 7 years ago
But with a baby there is a mama
Komsel Indonesia
Komsel Indonesia - 7 years ago
She smells pussy
oak mitchell
oak mitchell - 7 years ago
is there really people this damn stupid! well I used to wade fish in the ocean,so I guess the answer is yes.
Hulk - 7 years ago
Now, you are the food, bitch!
Ron Douglas
Ron Douglas - 7 years ago
get your butt out of the water beetch.
Wolf Pack
Wolf Pack - 7 years ago
Nothing ButGame
Nothing ButGame - 7 years ago
Elvira Peschel
Elvira Peschel - 7 years ago
nie im leben Haie
Sabrina Chew
Sabrina Chew - 7 years ago
I ♥️❤️ sharks
mishal almishal
mishal almishal - 7 years ago
it's all fun till someone gets his fingers chopped then make a big drama out of it and sue the institution and the shark and the whole sea!
Sid Knee
Sid Knee - 7 years ago
In Perth Western Australia the so called Premier Colin Barnett condones Shark Culls. They use drum lines and they catch and kill every species of Shark by drowning them. Sharks are fast becoming extinct and this will have a detrimental effect on the Oceans. China emits so much pollution into the Oceans surrounding them it's created massive Jellyfish blooms that eat every fish egg in sight.
The Oceans currents flow from China past Japan and has totally wiped out fish stocks off Japan (Japan slaughter Dolphins year round to try and protect fish stocks) and in turn they advocate for massive Ship Trawler Factories which nett Dolphins, Sea Turtles, Sharks etc etc who all die by drowning in the massive nets.
Tasmania approved such Trawlers to fish in Australian Waters which caused massive protests. (Tasmania still clear fell old growth Forests and it was the Tasmanian Government who paid a bounty to kill the Tasmanian Tiger until they were extinct only lifting the bounty in 1980 despite them being extinct for 40 years).
Australia also allow Japan to Harpoon Whales in Sanctuary's in the Southern Ocean, Australian Waters.. Soon the Oceans will die and it's said in the near future plastic will weigh more than the entire Oceans inhabitants.
Angela Carmelli Sodusta
Angela Carmelli Sodusta - 7 years ago
The big shark be like: "No one can have it!!thats mine!!"
Knight Branded
Knight Branded - 7 years ago
Lucky you didn't loose a finger or two.
I'm a Memer
I'm a Memer - 7 years ago
Omfg the shark bit her in the water
There first reaction
J Bolo
J Bolo - 7 years ago
No tits = no like
julzhickman - 7 years ago
poor amelia
MW - 7 years ago
That's not a shark attack you idiots! The baby black tip reef shark was dashing for food. The subject line is click bait!

There are thousands of these small black tips close to the beaches all over the Indian Ocean. Although they are pretty much harmless to humans one should never ever feed fish in the sea, never!
Emma Rose
Emma Rose - 7 years ago
Not sharks
MrRdbrig - 7 years ago
some people are born stupid...some develop stupidity....end result is the same
Desmascouz 2k17
Desmascouz 2k17 - 7 years ago
The cutes attack ever
2centavos - 7 years ago
I thought it was dangerous to be amongst baitfish because sharks might come calling.
MrRednexus - 7 years ago
damn, didn't go into her nana
Deon Van der Westhuizen
Deon Van der Westhuizen - 7 years ago
Sharks are super fast.
PawsTheWolf - 7 years ago
you'd be able to say you were swimming with 100's of sharks. savage
Angelu Quijencio
Angelu Quijencio - 7 years ago
They smell that pussy.
SkyEpicGamer - 7 years ago
geek gamer
geek gamer - 7 years ago
Vinícius de Andrade
Vinícius de Andrade - 7 years ago
a shark entered her vagina
MADISON_CHEER - 7 years ago
if there are baby sharks there are momma sharks
Paul . Alexeyenko
Paul . Alexeyenko - 7 years ago
Its always PETA disliking animal videos
James Ringo
James Ringo - 7 years ago
that was sick
webbertools - 7 years ago
at least one or two, went into the pussy :-)
Dragon Born
Dragon Born - 7 years ago
oh my god that is sow cool
Andrew Star life
Andrew Star life - 7 years ago
That was cool, would of been really fun :)
Anthony Burgos
Anthony Burgos - 7 years ago
where the sharks in beach
0raivec - 7 years ago
It's a bad idea to stand in a school of fish in the ocean.
Nikhil Pandey
Nikhil Pandey - 7 years ago
that's not shark it's black pussy fish
Henry Meguess
Henry Meguess - 7 years ago
I think she was lucky it was a small shark
Nicole Princess Uy Bayot
Nicole Princess Uy Bayot - 7 years ago
The girl who get bit by a shark she deserves it
Nicole Princess Uy Bayot
Nicole Princess Uy Bayot - 7 years ago
Because she said one by one

100. comment for Baby shark attack

valdezorbust - 7 years ago
selfan4evr - 7 years ago
Hey, don't laugh - even a newborn shark is a perfect miniature replica of an adult, teeth and all, and can do some serious damage. Don't be fooled by its size.
Reydi Israel Ramirez Rodriguez
Reydi Israel Ramirez Rodriguez - 7 years ago
move bitch get out da way...
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
Big sharks can still lurk in shallow waters..
nhlpa17 - 7 years ago
Video should be titled 'Dumb fucks caught on camera'
HO-OH Productions
HO-OH Productions - 7 years ago
I guess the was like the fuck out of my room I'm playing Minecraft!!!
Jed Goldbell
Jed Goldbell - 7 years ago
Why don't they eat her or try to breed with her? That's what I do when a female enters my pond.
Most Interesting
Most Interesting - 7 years ago
Hi Hater
Hi Hater - 8 years ago
back to the kitchen ladies
Casey O'Connor
Casey O'Connor - 8 years ago
Hello Max. My name is Casey O'Connor and I am a segment producer for a Shark Week show called "Sharktacular" produced by Pilgrim Studios. We are interested in possibly airing this video on our program. Can you please contact me at ASAP so I can give you the details? Thank you!
Lion of Mgtow
Lion of Mgtow - 8 years ago
"Sharka Punchu!!!!"
Jja88 Jacson
Jja88 Jacson - 8 years ago
Jhomer Untivero
Jhomer Untivero - 8 years ago
JMont - 8 years ago
wade lebron
wade lebron - 8 years ago
"Theres a shark" alrite lets throw more bait in her face
Just Jay
Just Jay - 8 years ago
gets sniped because overused meme
Big Tex
Big Tex - 8 years ago
So technically she's a shark Attack survivor....
Yucel Uzlu
Yucel Uzlu - 8 years ago
kaçacak amina görecen ondan sonra
#amazing and Awesome
#amazing and Awesome - 8 years ago
Tane Nicholas
Tane Nicholas - 8 years ago
good job
Collins Ongaya
Collins Ongaya - 8 years ago
Why are they down votes? The video showed what the title says -_- were people expecting the lady to lose a finger? Lmao.
Dritan Marku
Dritan Marku - 8 years ago
Tam Huynh Hong
Tam Huynh Hong - 8 years ago
Is it real shark anyway so I could know got it!!.
Maaz Ahmed
Maaz Ahmed - 8 years ago
that is not shark
pool shark
pool shark - 8 years ago
probably lucky she didn't lose some fingers...
Philamerica Ball
Philamerica Ball - 8 years ago
wow! uploaded on my birthday
MrBridges88 - 8 years ago
Better safe than SORRY:(
Wendigxo Penta
Wendigxo Penta - 8 years ago
Das ist so klickgeil
red 1980s toyota 4runner with stripes
red 1980s toyota 4runner with stripes - 8 years ago
what a babe! and brave too
SweetGameplays - 8 years ago
they think they bit you hsha
game play for you
game play for you - 8 years ago
thats funny moahahahahaha
Mondragon Aquatics
Mondragon Aquatics - 8 years ago
Allan - 8 years ago
MrBridges88 - 8 years ago
Better get your dumb ass out of that water if there's baby sharks swinging around,, momma there somewhere.
Tessa Bakker
Tessa Bakker - 8 years ago
Sharks don't take care of their kids. If you see a baby, chances are that mom and dad are both hundreds of miles away in different directions.
MrMindchasm - 8 years ago
Possibly the dumbest thing ive read today.
Kris Pender
Kris Pender - 8 years ago
what kind of sharks rrrr they that's a lot of them soooo cute but when they get bigger look out shark week lol actually not who gets bitten by sharks
Tina Huston
Tina Huston - 8 years ago
Does she think that shark couldn't take a serious chunk out of her?
Wordsmith Gobshite
Wordsmith Gobshite - 8 years ago
We're gonna need a smaller boat!
Christopher Wonsor
Christopher Wonsor - 7 years ago
Stumack - 7 years ago
One of the funnyest youtube comments i ve ever read xD
Jonny Zen
Jonny Zen - 8 years ago
i chuckled out loud for a good thirty seconds, comments are The Man.
gwenmay garcia
gwenmay garcia - 8 years ago
that is not shark thats fish
seaweedkid - 8 years ago
Wordsmith Gobshite that was a good one
Cherryl Gibson
Cherryl Gibson - 8 years ago
JJDBaca - 8 years ago
HA! I see what you did there.
Por cyberclasher FC
Por cyberclasher FC - 8 years ago
feeding bread to wild fish cause massive effect on environment...
Alpha - 8 years ago
get rekt
Leon Wi.
Leon Wi. - 8 years ago
and then mom came back...
mas tic
mas tic - 8 years ago
mas tic
mas tic - 8 years ago
Allen Coulson
Allen Coulson - 8 years ago
Well thank you, seriously thank you. When I saw the small fish I assumed the title was just a way to get quick views and while the shark was only in for a few seconds, you didn't lie or have big bold lettering so for that, I thank you
Korea Minion
Korea Minion - 8 years ago
u mom!! /DESLIKE!!
dj ender's Video
dj ender's Video - 8 years ago
there's no papa and mama
Xander Jacobson
Xander Jacobson - 8 years ago
why is she wearing a fucking life jacket in 3 feet of water
ArattaTube - 8 years ago
Now you know how dangerous it is if its a full grown shark.
The FNaF Plush Crew
The FNaF Plush Crew - 7 years ago
ArattaTube the only reason it did that was because the pups (baby shark) knows how to take care of itself when first born and will go hunt for small fish
Magdalena Moss
Magdalena Moss - 8 years ago
If you are feeding fish, and the shark gets attracted to the flapping of the fish on the water, then it's not the sharks fault. That is making yourself seem like food to them.
Rosalinda Lopes
Rosalinda Lopes - 8 years ago
m kwks 11
Yoda Troll ಠ_ಠ
Yoda Troll ಠ_ಠ - 8 years ago
Full growns don't bite that much
Konsta40 - 8 years ago
I can say, It's not ATTACK, You are feeding them so...... ._. Look the hand.
Héctor 2000
Héctor 2000 - 8 years ago
adorable :D
shelley noname
shelley noname - 8 years ago
ahhhh, isnt it proven that sharks attack mostly in 3 feet of water????dumb ass!
JODORAMBAM - 8 years ago
One time i went to Myrtle Beach and a baby tiger shark got stuck on the sand and my dad threw it back into the ocean
Raj Patel
Raj Patel - 8 years ago
Sharks cause global warming.
CA Hansen-Toth
CA Hansen-Toth - 8 years ago
Cute Babby Shark
Ashley Rose
Ashley Rose - 8 years ago
i love sharks i like any dangerous animals
YoUng FrEsH MnM
YoUng FrEsH MnM - 8 years ago
DAMN...She lucky!!!!!!!
sytze-jan smit
sytze-jan smit - 8 years ago
black tip reef sharik if i amk right
Stevie Adams
Stevie Adams - 8 years ago
Maria Araceli Peligrino
Maria Araceli Peligrino - 8 years ago
not shark
Ethan Nelson
Ethan Nelson - 8 years ago
I think the shark she was feeding was a nurse shark
Jason Sullivan
Jason Sullivan - 8 years ago
there is a video on your channel that my company is interested in making a paid offer to work with. Do you have an email where I can send my company info and more details?
Max Cavalera
Max Cavalera - 8 years ago
Jason, you can email me to Thanks
Tiger Mir
Tiger Mir - 8 years ago
i wish there were real freshwater sharks around 15-18 inches long so i can put them in my tank
BurnRoddy - 8 years ago
He wanted to get some punani for himself.
Christina Rodriguez
Christina Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Dwan Felix
Dwan Felix - 8 years ago
I hate sarks
Yoda Troll ಠ_ಠ
Yoda Troll ಠ_ಠ - 8 years ago
What are Sarks?
MoBench25 - 8 years ago
WATCH "Squirrel Jumps on dOG head" part 1-2-3
MoBench25 - 8 years ago
When there's Babies there's a Mother !
Laskovy May
Laskovy May - 8 years ago
fishes doesnt hawe mothers
minecraft netherrack
minecraft netherrack - 8 years ago
They grow up so Fast :D
Heradio Hechuk
Heradio Hechuk - 8 years ago
B H - 8 years ago
Mc Christian Windows xp Drawings
Mc Christian Windows xp Drawings - 8 years ago
if we will add a shark in Minecraft 1.10? woolloll and add a meat to tame a shark? who like the new mob guys? if you like it I will tell our team.MOJANG AB
Cris Sevieri
Cris Sevieri - 8 years ago
who else thought the shark was attacking the girl?
Mohammad Lahluh
Mohammad Lahluh - 8 years ago
Stupid people
KRISTO fishhunter
KRISTO fishhunter - 8 years ago
Nice vidéo!!!! I "like" and I subscribe!to wach mine:   you can also subscribe if you want  ;-)  (from french fisherman)
O8SOL3TE - 8 years ago
Most likely not a baby shark. Looks like a blacktip, they're small sharks and are scared shitless of humans. I'd say this is a young adult and if it were a baby the mom wouldn't be far.
BIGTKILLA 420 - 8 years ago
Omg its jaws (#he adorable)
Athenathe SheWolf
Athenathe SheWolf - 8 years ago
Look at him go! So fast!
budfr - 8 years ago
baby shark attacks Latin whale.
heidi Holiday
heidi Holiday - 8 years ago
Beyond Stupid.
urbano oliveira filho oliveira filho
urbano oliveira filho oliveira filho - 8 years ago
Matt Williams
Matt Williams - 9 years ago
Get out of the ocean immediately. Stop holding food in the ocean.
ya tøp mcr p!atd stranger things meme
ya tøp mcr p!atd stranger things meme - 9 years ago
The baby shark is so cute!I wouldn't even be mad.
Mr. L
Mr. L - 9 years ago
Meagan Allen
Meagan Allen - 9 years ago
Jimmy Dorsey
Jimmy Dorsey - 9 years ago
This woman is so foolish. I'm thinking maybe she didn't see the little shark. But you have her friend on top filming and both are laughing when the small fish are scattering. She must be from the Middle East!
Band Geek
Band Geek - 7 years ago
Jimmy Dorsey That was a reef shark, they can't really do any harm since their mouths are small and they usually only eat small fish as you saw. Most likely she's not from the Middle East or she'd be screaming there was a shark. She's probably dealt with sharks before since she's surprisingly calm.
Arisra Melendez
Arisra Melendez - 9 years ago
Those are not sharks
ShitYouNotSorky - 9 years ago
Hmmm... Why is she wearing a life vest
Maeve Garvin
Maeve Garvin - 9 years ago
Maeve Garvin
Maeve Garvin - 9 years ago
i Peck
i Peck - 9 years ago
thats tru
guinea gaming gaming
guinea gaming gaming - 9 years ago
where is this place????????
Max Cavalera
Max Cavalera - 8 years ago
Late but sure ;)
Jason Le
Jason Le - 8 years ago
Lol still replying to comments 8 years later. Props
Max Cavalera
Max Cavalera - 8 years ago
Pulau Payar Malaysia, near Langkawi
FedorMachida Last
FedorMachida Last - 9 years ago
blonde ch1ck at the end was pretty hot.
Sune Bjørndalen
Sune Bjørndalen - 9 years ago
Want to make money online? This is not like the standard get rich today thing. Nope. You actually have to work for your money. Makes it funny right? Work for money online. Yes that is possible. Go to this site and read more. No the link I'm putting here is not the site of the money-making. Just a better description on how this thing works out :)
cv jgu
cv jgu - 9 years ago
ini bukan ikan hiu
Mark Atkin
Mark Atkin - 9 years ago
There are over 500 species of shark. Some are totally harmless to humans. Others are very unpredictable and aggressive. To generalise about how dangerous sharks are is ridiculous.
Brad Darb
Brad Darb - 7 years ago
All sharks are dangerous Mark; remember you can drown in only 2 inches of water!
DoomXP - 9 years ago
Whos watching this in 2016?

H Se
H Se - 8 years ago
Not me
Aslam Janzz
Aslam Janzz - 8 years ago
me tooo bro
harmonies world
harmonies world - 8 years ago
i am
The Hip Bros
The Hip Bros - 8 years ago
Hunter Stokes
Hunter Stokes - 9 years ago
+GT. DoomXP ME
Meilin Adamski
Meilin Adamski - 9 years ago
It's a lemon shark
Nick Blomquist
Nick Blomquist - 9 years ago
what a man found in his chicken at kfc
SomaSaysMeep - 9 years ago
The shark's like, "Surprise, motherfucker!" XD
PLO 8 - 8 years ago
oh a nother one who can read animal thoughts. could you write a book about your talent?
just another weeb
just another weeb - 8 years ago
Shadowkey392 - 8 years ago
"MY fish, motherf**ker!"
Stewie Hitler
Stewie Hitler - 8 years ago
Shark is like "bitch, fuck off my territory".
DoodleKaboodle - 8 years ago
the shark's also like, "some fries, mother fucker!"
Shane Keelinghamm
Shane Keelinghamm - 8 years ago
+SomaSaysMeep That shark has good aim her finger was inches from the bait XD
栗きんとん - 9 years ago
Severn Belle
Severn Belle - 9 years ago
LOL. Lil' dude is practising. Wait till you go back next year ;)
M Smith
M Smith - 9 years ago
+Severn Belle LoL totally
Haley Rogers
Haley Rogers - 9 years ago
Thank you for not having a misleading title like all these other annoying people on youtube.
paestel - 9 years ago
Xbalanque84 - 9 years ago
Preshus babbees
Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki - 9 years ago
baby shark was like more for me lady was like im so blind I don't see shark
Andrew B.
Andrew B. - 9 years ago're welcome.
newlife - 9 years ago
+Andrew B. ikr shes hot
Ðj John
Ðj John - 9 years ago
such a stupid bitch
verrrr1 - 9 years ago
Can someone please tell me the name of these cute little stripe fishes?
Max Cavalera
Max Cavalera - 8 years ago
sergeant major fish
Mystical Hope
Mystical Hope - 9 years ago
I love how they are having so fun!!! :D
Darth Bane
Darth Bane - 9 years ago
Die you filthy bitch die! lol
thuy nguyen
thuy nguyen - 9 years ago
0. Nf
fuckoff - 9 years ago
see? even sharks hate women
Cheetos Christ
Cheetos Christ - 9 years ago
¨Did it hurt? Did it hurt?¨

motherfucking shark just swam past her come the fuck on
smart451cab - 9 years ago
I hope Becky didn't develop an unreasonable fear of sharks after this experience.
Seems like she took it in stride though.

The few previous comments I've read on this post are pitiful. So sad that every video leads to such juvenile bouting about.
Vytis Katinas
Vytis Katinas - 9 years ago
____━━____━━╰O--O-O--O ╯
save the endangered nyan cat by copy and pasting this over youtube
OptimusXArcee TFLover
OptimusXArcee TFLover - 9 years ago
Shark : GIMME
CappinKiwi - 9 years ago
yes definitly an "attack" it was trying to eat the fish, not you, a baby shark would never take on someone her size.
ssfbob456 - 9 years ago
It's the most adorable shark attack in history!
TheMelonSellerYT - 9 years ago
It's a black fin shark little one too
Nevaeh Fields
Nevaeh Fields - 9 years ago
yall have to stop cursing shut up yoh
Ashley McGowen
Ashley McGowen - 9 years ago
she heard someone say shark
josie - 9 years ago
Those are fish
Lynn - 9 years ago
Sometimes i wonder how people could be so stupid...
Even if it's a baby shark, it can still snap off your fingers.
LoveWhoYouLove - 9 years ago
Wow I'm sorry but she's crazy, ok even if it's a baby THERES MORE THEN ONE ok it's common sense that a baby wouldn't be by its self ok yeah some sharks swim alone but not the babies , and plus it may be a baby shark, but they still can do some tough damage .... People these days don't think straight
Juan Jose Medina
Juan Jose Medina - 9 years ago
+LoveWhoYouLove ok
Shinkansen - 9 years ago
Later, at the bar... 'It was a 6 metre giant I tell you. There I was in the jaws of a monster with nothing but my will to live and the strength to fight. Bartender, another rum and 1 more for my friends....
Shinkansen - 8 years ago
Newblox Studios
Newblox Studios - 9 years ago
BULLSHARK and yall crazy i saw that thing a long time ago before she reacted and who ever threw food in there is a dumbass to
Malec's Child
Malec's Child - 9 years ago
Monte Alto
Monte Alto - 9 years ago
Kora Zukai
Kora Zukai - 9 years ago
Who doesn't love a baby shark~?
Blueberry Pie
Blueberry Pie - 7 years ago
Kora Zukai Just kill it before it grows up.
The Blind monk Nidalee
The Blind monk Nidalee - 7 years ago
its not run its Swim ...
hayden- roblox and more
hayden- roblox and more - 8 years ago
everybody loves a baby shark but when it grows to adult everybody says run it a shrks it going to eat you run run run run get out of the water
Louis Cipher
Louis Cipher - 9 years ago
Holy shit, she is missing 2 fingers !!!!
Carl Straw
Carl Straw - 9 years ago
quality content
ilargia - 9 years ago
i see theses all the time...
teabing - 9 years ago
is it bad that i want a pet shark
Redthewolf •w•
Redthewolf •w• - 9 years ago
lemuel gayle
lemuel gayle - 9 years ago
IF you saw the shark in the water eating food why would you throw it close to the women
Ismadi Hatra
Ismadi Hatra - 9 years ago
Lemon shark, and that A-hole who put her down there and threw that food. Stupendously putting her at risk.
Tom Thomas
Tom Thomas - 9 years ago
hot on dock
Eleazar Ramirez
Eleazar Ramirez - 9 years ago
Did you guys hear that?! The shark said Allah Akbar!
fabian Zamora
fabian Zamora - 8 years ago
isha jawara
isha jawara - 9 years ago
its like there fish
Michael Joplin
Michael Joplin - 9 years ago
She's got guts! I would have shit myself... Literally shit myself!
Math Dealer
Math Dealer - 9 years ago
1/10 not enough jaws
Cretium - 9 years ago
They saw the shark coming and they didn't do anything?
Brad Darb
Brad Darb - 7 years ago
Sure they did, they chummed the water even more ...
Azazel Acheron
Azazel Acheron - 7 years ago
NO, it's not dangerous to her, as you could see from the video.
Arfamis Stoat
Arfamis Stoat - 9 years ago
+Cretium She was in no real danger, even if it did try to bite (which is overwhelmingly unlikely) it wouldn't do any serious damage. Let's be honest, look at the cute little bugger, you just can't be scared of that.
joe mamma
joe mamma - 9 years ago
That shark is a sav
sea cucumber
sea cucumber - 9 years ago
This world always seizes to amaze me
TriniCrew - 9 years ago
JIMMY HOPKINS You can correct your mistake now, No need to leave it up there .
sea cucumber
sea cucumber - 9 years ago
+grievous549 are you being serious? just calm down you grammar nazi
sea cucumber
sea cucumber - 9 years ago
sori :c
DieFlabbergast - 9 years ago
+JIMMY HOPKINS *or even "ceases" (but I think you mean "will never cease to amaze me"). But, judging from your photo, you are a dog, so that's pretty good English for a non-human :)
grievous549 - 9 years ago
+JIMMY HOPKINS seizes? Do you have any idea what that even means or are you trying to spell ceases and you're actually just too stupid to know the difference? Are you kids actually getting more and more stupid as the years go on?
Yo Da
Yo Da - 9 years ago
Wow, that's some stupid people. The very reason sharks are sharks is that they won't accept being betas, so this reaction should come as no surprise. Damn
Thomas & Friends Is Awesome!
Thomas & Friends Is Awesome! - 9 years ago
Ugly Loser
Ugly Loser - 9 years ago
Man, If I was a shark, I would attack that thing in the middle, at the middle.   ;-P
Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor - 9 years ago
If that shark were about 10 times bigger she and the lady on shore would not be smiling quite as much.  I don't think the girl in the water even saw the shark.  The shark was hunting the smaller fish the whole time she was feeding the other fish.
Avapuppy8 - 9 years ago
Jeason Risbourque
Jeason Risbourque - 9 years ago
I like
Jeason Risbourque
Jeason Risbourque - 9 years ago
C est nul
Bambi Kill
Bambi Kill - 9 years ago
Fucking idiots... Who the hell throws food into the water when they see that their buddy has a baby shark near? It could have bit her. Not that the damage would have been serious but she could have gotten nasty cuts and in worst case scenario permanent damage to her fingers... It wouldn't have attacked otherwise but obviously it will go for the food, which was close to her hands... I've bathed with baby black tips and they are curious but won't touch you so there is nothing to fear otherwise.
If I was that chick, I would've smacked the others silly when I got up.
THE realist
THE realist - 7 years ago
MC, you deserves to be eaten by a big shark, like Daddy shark or Mommy shark
Bambi Kill
Bambi Kill - 9 years ago
+MC&ROBLOX Tutorials Well, obviously, since a human is quite a bit larger and stronger than a baby shark.
(And I've worked with a lot of "dangerous" animals so I don't personally fear any - even if I respect them and their teeth/claws/venom/massive force/whatever the risk might be. I'm also a happy amateur fisher, so yeah, I've clubbed my fair share of fish.)
But why would you want to kill a shark unless it's trying to kill you?
I don't think that any lover of wildlife and nature, would.

But YOU trust ME - a shark is way faster than your punch ;D And even if you'd punch it to death, you would do so with a severely bleeding hand. Even if the teeth are small, they are razor sharp.
L30 - 9 years ago
+Bambi Kill bruh you can knock that shit out with a punch... trust me, If you can make a marlin go to sleep with a metal stick that little crap will die from a punch
dumpster - 9 years ago
It's like they're little bread piranhas
Gracie A
Gracie A - 9 years ago
but not was GOOD video
Gracie A
Gracie A - 9 years ago
there was no shark I think
KupKakes - 9 years ago
Are you blind? 0:44
How To Make Sushi
How To Make Sushi - 9 years ago
Ambitious shark
Michael Bulkley
Michael Bulkley - 9 years ago
Ok that Shari did nothing the human scar es it
Expand Carp
Expand Carp - 9 years ago
Dem Cichlids.
NoahOfCourse YT
NoahOfCourse YT - 9 years ago
faaxn - 9 years ago
it's so fun there, the snorkelling of the boat is fun before you go to the baby sharks
Dee Ann
Dee Ann - 9 years ago
People fucking around like this and it is all fun until they lose a hand.
Arturo Enriquez
Arturo Enriquez - 9 years ago
the sharks looks cute they don't hrut
Lord Chimp
Lord Chimp - 9 years ago
Stop fish feeding
Cosmic MLP
Cosmic MLP - 9 years ago
Did it ever bite you?And please people language.I'm just ten
Carrot - 9 years ago
omg that baby shark like yo gimme that bread ill punch ya
Double Moustache
Double Moustache - 9 years ago
These sharks are too cute..
romila cer
romila cer - 9 years ago
i'm wondering why they swim and they already know that there is sharks
Sadman nahian
Sadman nahian - 9 years ago
Khakipola pagol
Lazar - 9 years ago
Kinder Surprise Unboxing
Kinder Surprise Unboxing - 9 years ago
Great !
Tan D
Tan D - 9 years ago
Run for your life, mama gonna come and we'll be watching this video on Liveleak.
Jason Moore
Jason Moore - 9 years ago
+Beach Ball It's a joke buddy.
tetsuo - 9 years ago
+Tan D lol mama shark is probably miles away, sharks seperate from their mums at birth.
Nikkimuffin Animations
Nikkimuffin Animations - 9 years ago
Higtex 98
Higtex 98 - 9 years ago
+Gary Mongero dont copy
geovanie flores
geovanie flores - 9 years ago
lol hell no man. i caught a baby hammer head fishing but never went for a swim with one XD
Alejandra Morales
Alejandra Morales - 9 years ago
Alejandra Morales
Alejandra Morales - 9 years ago
You better get out. And never go back.
Star Washington
Star Washington - 9 years ago
that hurts
Karina Hernandez
Karina Hernandez - 9 years ago
Apricock - 9 years ago
Wait...were they throwing food or cigarettes in the water???!!
Always Navarro
Always Navarro - 9 years ago
I think they threw those I'm there too. I seem yellow and white in the plate thrown Maybe it was cigs
Khofam HeyItzKhofam
Khofam HeyItzKhofam - 9 years ago
Wild Naber
Wild Naber - 9 years ago
I love sharks
tigerwoman484 - 9 years ago
It didn't attack, it was hunting for fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mohd hafiz
mohd hafiz - 9 years ago
Dragon - 9 years ago
ATTACK MY SHARK ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TryMeNinja // TMN
TryMeNinja // TMN - 9 years ago
holy shit
christhecarpenter - 9 years ago
Another stupid human, laughing at her own stupid behavior.  she could have lost a finger, hand,or had an artery sliced open, people are so dumb.
dangboof - 9 years ago
try not to bleed on the baby sharks plz becky =x
phelps280 - 9 years ago
They think she's mom
NewState Funk
NewState Funk - 9 years ago
So precious
Just a Bot
Just a Bot - 9 years ago
Moi - 9 years ago
OMG SO CUTEEE! The sharks are adorable!
Can I have it?
Ben David
Ben David - 9 years ago
can we take a moment to appreciate how hot that chick at the end is
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 9 years ago
Some people are just simply stupid.
Azazel Acheron
Azazel Acheron - 7 years ago
MOST species of sharks won't attack people.  Lemon sharks aren't aggressive, as you can see from the video.
Galaxy Blue
Galaxy Blue - 7 years ago
bobbie joe shmo shut up
Lucas Kim
Lucas Kim - 8 years ago
The biggest injury you'd ever get from a baby Reef Shark is probably a small scissor-like cut on your finger. Minor injury only :p
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 8 years ago
But were they swimming in a bait ball while the sharks were feeding?? That is my point here.
Lucas Kim
Lucas Kim - 8 years ago
Bobbie, I'm gonna have to disagree with you. I have seen divers swim with sharks in real life and the sharks have shown absolutely no interest for the divers, both in the open ocean and aquariums.Want a real animal to fear? Mosquitos. My mom caught Dengue when I was a child. You can guess what she had to go through next.
Lukelaluke123 - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shame bait* bait*
BassHeadsProduction - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo some people aren't pussy bitches chased away by a shark smaller than a subway sandwich
ljeonjko - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo autistic much?
Nazi Nuts
Nazi Nuts - 9 years ago
+Kenzodoesgaming sorry, im typing fast.
You Leh
You Leh - 9 years ago
+dank nuts do you meant to say that or tath
Nazi Nuts
Nazi Nuts - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo its discovery they are earning money for tath.
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 9 years ago
I also showed you video evidence of how things can go without any provocation, much less putting food in the water and being surrounded by bait fish. In case you missed it the black tip just barely missed his bite. So take your own advice.
Nazi Nuts
Nazi Nuts - 9 years ago
+grievous549 agreed
grievous549 - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo You know the shark didn't even bite her right? There are safe areas where you're not going to come across bull sharks. Just keep on pushing that stupidity level, you're looking at video evidence and still you deny. How often do you move forward without listening or thinking? 
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 9 years ago
+grievous549 Then go in the ocean dump chum around you and make a video we ALL would like to see!
grievous549 - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo Except you're overlooking the number one fact here. In the video, NOTHING BAD HAPPENED. You're like one of these idiots "oh if a meteor hit at that moment then she'd sure look like an idiot!" you're such a fucking moron. 
Nazi Nuts
Nazi Nuts - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo btw i did watch video and discovery is lying and bitching about how sharks are bad to earn more money. its rare to shark attack ppl and like i said they are killing by mistaking.
Nazi Nuts
Nazi Nuts - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo i had nothing wrong with spelling.
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 9 years ago
If you are so smart and I am so dumb. Watch the video and see who is right. By the way, learn to spell.
Nazi Nuts
Nazi Nuts - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo​ are you really tath dumb? I didnt watch vid and i dont want to. Sharks never was agressive they just killed humans by mistake and humans is killing MORE sharks then sharks killing humans.
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 9 years ago
Really? Tell that to this guy --> watch?v=WGk83ovkzeI
Nazi Nuts
Nazi Nuts - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo dude sharks arent even tath agressive, did you came from america?
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 9 years ago
+grievous549 go back to playing with your mini sausage. 
grievous549 - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo
Tiny little baby shark that didn't even hurt her fingers. See I have reality on my side because we saw WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED as to where you have your petty feelings to back you up "oh it could have been worse" but it wasn't you stupid shit.
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 9 years ago
+grievous549 1. sees a shark and continues to frolic among the bate fish = stupid. 2. said shark nearly bites off her fingers and she remains frolicking among the bat fish = stupid.
grievous549 - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo Nothing bad happened at all. How do you classify their fun as stupid? When the fact is NOTHING BAD HAPPENED AT ALL. You're just a disgusting filthy hippie that hates all interaction with animals, take a fucking shower you filth.
mooncraze yt
mooncraze yt - 9 years ago
+bobbie joe shmo nah it is a baby can hurt bad
afallenangel100 - 9 years ago
IHazDiamondz - 9 years ago
Its cute until mama gets home from work...
brettfavreify - 9 years ago
Baby sharks with razor-like teeth, all in good fun.
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
That will teach you.  Don't play with sharks, as if they are harmless toys!
awesome bro
awesome bro - 9 years ago
The FUCK??? Did you not here your kid say mama sharks
Cheryl Skelly
Cheryl Skelly - 9 years ago
Shark : hi wanna be friends no ok
woff woff
woff woff - 9 years ago
you kill baby shark.. all go to funeral... then nuke
cancerous YouTuber
cancerous YouTuber - 9 years ago
It's normal for sharks to eat fish
Kedamono - 9 years ago
Most of them were striped harmless tropical fish.
Retro DeVille
Retro DeVille - 9 years ago
Nice video. Use this promo code to get your first ride free with Uber: 4LQYO
sevenblue71 - 9 years ago
she was lucky for not losing their fingers
IM ETHAN BRADBERRY - 9 years ago
Dude I dgaf that she got niped or what ever but EMAGERD BABY SHARK SO CUTE
Komand - 9 years ago
the shark didn't punch you stupid fucking fags it headbutted her
Dick Hertz
Dick Hertz - 9 years ago
Almost got her nip
mouthfulloffeces - 9 years ago
This is the reason they sew that "net" into men's swim trunks . . . . .  so the little sharks don't bite your bits off!!!!
Arms ofAudio
Arms ofAudio - 9 years ago
Crazy fact about vending machines and shark attacks
Kyle J
Kyle J - 9 years ago
Was the shark trying to go after the woman or just the food in her hand?
Amber Dariano
Amber Dariano - 9 years ago
Hbu just message me
Ugly Loser
Ugly Loser - 9 years ago
+Amber Dariano.....hahahahaha, !    ....text me ;-P 
Amber Dariano
Amber Dariano - 9 years ago
+Ugly Loser um ya??? I'm sure I can
Ugly Loser
Ugly Loser - 9 years ago
+Amber Dariano     You Said: no problem i love sharks and i always try to help others learn more abut them ...I Said: Yeah but, can you teach about the birds and the bees to  a loser ???
darkchamberofdark666 - 9 years ago
+Kyle J_Sharks don't go after humans, unless they mistake them for another animal.
Kyle J
Kyle J - 9 years ago
+Amber Dariano I like them, too. But killer whales are my favorite apex predators of the ocean.
Amber Dariano
Amber Dariano - 9 years ago
+Kyle J no problem i love sharks and i always try to help others learn more abut them 
Kyle J
Kyle J - 9 years ago
+Amber Dariano That makes sense. Thank you.
Amber Dariano
Amber Dariano - 9 years ago
+Kyle J by the look of it just the food and at first it seemed as if the Juvenal blacktip reef shark was after the small fish. Sharks eyes roll back before they attack and the shark may have been after a fish and her hand was in the way
Walla Walla Bing Bang
Walla Walla Bing Bang - 9 years ago
baby sharks are cute af
Blue Sky
Blue Sky - 9 years ago
Even little sharks have very sharp teeth, and can do considerable damage to human flesh.
peter schiller
peter schiller - 9 years ago
Ohhh...soo cute, the baby shark wants to eat my hand.
Samuel.Y龙哥 - 9 years ago
Lol as our local people call that shark YOU BODO SHARK! (You Stupid shark)
and it's full growned (kinda) by the way i think they are cookie cutter sharks(maybe made fishermen mad) to be real about that but still YOU BODO SHARK!!!! (my buddy caught 3 in a net  XD
Arfamis Stoat
Arfamis Stoat - 9 years ago
+Dsteam Samuel Based on the black first dorsal fin with a light border, I'm 99% certain that's a Blacktip Reef Shark, not a cookie cutter. So it isn't fully grown.
DeadFuryGamingVLOGS - 9 years ago
This wasn't a SHARK attack.
This was a laugh attack.
Miki Seius
Miki Seius - 9 years ago
The main reason for stupid tourists getting attacked by sharks is stupid tourists feeding the bait. There is a reason for them "dont feed the fish" signs.
Kenneth Moreno
Kenneth Moreno - 9 years ago
start them young   :)
King of Perfection
King of Perfection - 9 years ago
This vid is cool. I love sharks and shark attack videos. Sharks are beautiful and cool animals despite the fact that I am scared like shit when meeting the shark. I have science experiments channel for adulst in youtube, however I would love to have shar attack channel in the future. Thanks for this vid :-)
E I N S - 9 years ago
hahaha let's all laugh a small shark attacked her. hahahah that's so funny you can loose a finger in a second hahahahah yes, keep staying in that water with that shark hahaha that's so funny hahahahah why don't we throw in some pirahna also those fish are small they cannot harm anybody
Gavin Dyer
Gavin Dyer - 9 years ago
its funny that a baby shark would attack
Liza Cruz
Liza Cruz - 9 years ago
I don't get it .
Di̶metraxi̶a - 9 years ago
XD that is cute
Di̶metraxi̶a - 9 years ago
then attack XD
bodus - 9 years ago
Too greasy of a meal for mama shark.
Chris D'oulmeth
Chris D'oulmeth - 9 years ago
holy fuck its fast!
fernanda10 fernanda10
fernanda10 fernanda10 - 9 years ago
t mac
t mac - 9 years ago
baby shark cute. but the problem with baby shark: mama shark close by.
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
no she isn't sharks leave their young when they are born and even if this sharks mom was still around she's only be 5 feet.
Kyle The Crusader
Kyle The Crusader - 9 years ago
I don't think mother sharks stick with their babies. if they do at all, it isn't long lived.
SexyStereo - 9 years ago
Thug Life you dont mess with a baby shark food! xS
Ashley Rivera
Ashley Rivera - 9 years ago
That didn't attack you , it ate what you were holding in you hand
Terry Newcomer
Terry Newcomer - 9 years ago
And some people wonder why they got bit by a shark . Hello your standing in the middle of the dinner
afip4n6doc - 9 years ago
dum.............dum..............dum dum, dum dum, dum dum, dum dum
Noodle - 9 years ago
0:41 Some one cummed in tah waterxD
Hazel Necklace
Hazel Necklace - 9 years ago
When the baby first appeared, the song that plays when Jaws pops up started playing in my head XD
Anthony Wall
Anthony Wall - 9 years ago
Ryan Pollock
Ryan Pollock - 9 years ago
there fishes and there only attacking u cause ur feeding them...
EarthWindAndWhat - 9 years ago
U should watch the whole video..
fiestacassarole - 9 years ago
Sorry but damn that blonde girl is beautiful
Jihad James
Jihad James - 9 years ago
I would have caught that little guy in mid air, then held him up like a trophy in the nba finals.
D Cunningham
D Cunningham - 9 years ago
Someone was hungry. Looked more like a lemon shark to me, and that's an adult size.
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
Judging from the black tip on the fin, I would say that's a baby Blacktip Reef Shark.
J K - 9 years ago
i feel like the shark was thinking, "This will be some good practice"
joecugo - 9 years ago
Fucking white people you can't take them anywhere
Manuel Alves
Manuel Alves - 9 years ago
So cute!
TheFuzzieWuzzie - 9 years ago
Sharks like snacks, too.
Eagle Maniac
Eagle Maniac - 9 years ago
They are not even sharks
Eagle Maniac
Eagle Maniac - 9 years ago
Oh yeah I see thx for the tip
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman - 9 years ago
+greensteve Did you not watch the whole video? There's clearly a baby shark that jumps towards her hand, trying to catch a fish.
Arcade Menace
Arcade Menace - 9 years ago
Infinity Love
Infinity Love - 9 years ago
+Arcade Menace haha
Sarah Dracula
Sarah Dracula - 9 years ago
it was just a baby i t can't do any harm it doesn't know how
Kara Peters
Kara Peters - 9 years ago
You people are fucking idiots watch a damn shark documentary on shark attacks
Kara Peters
Kara Peters - 9 years ago
+star and fox no i mean like.. people who have commented on this video don't understand those things lol i don't fear a shark attack bc i hardly go to the ocean
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
+Kara Petersthat's a baby black tip.they only get 5 feet and they mainly feed on fish.also sharks attacks are rare and you have more to fear from vending machines and falling coconuts then a shark.
Laurel Cook
Laurel Cook - 9 years ago
It's like, "Feed me, dammit!"
Lizardsaurus - 9 years ago
Blacktip reef shark is my favourite! :D
Arni j 2
Arni j 2 - 9 years ago
Ten million that was not even an attak
Dennis - 9 years ago
I saw two biggy fisheeessss I screamed so loud I ran then it was a damsel fish embarrising
Unknown Account
Unknown Account - 9 years ago
Karkuss Flesh
Karkuss Flesh - 9 years ago
Zzzz... Huh, oh, the videos over.
Pigranny - 9 years ago
Are those even baby sharks?
Pigranny - 9 years ago
Oh thank u,I didn't notice that
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman - 9 years ago
Well, there is obviously a baby shark near the end of the video.
Pigranny - 9 years ago
I did
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman - 9 years ago
+Chubby Gamer Did you even watch the whole video, m8?
stoneeh - 9 years ago
Pretty decent average video. Now why again does this have 10 million views?
bluerosehunter - 9 years ago
So cute!!
Dalton T
Dalton T - 9 years ago
shark: ey gimme some of dat lmao
Belinda Jelly
Belinda Jelly - 9 years ago
It was a baby black tip reef shark
pin point, dead center, spot on
pin point, dead center, spot on - 9 years ago
Her poon must smell fishy!
Fish were attracted to the stench!

Best Comment!

MHM EEKK - 9 years ago
Whale, your puns sure sucked, you beach.
Lord Lightskin
Lord Lightskin - 9 years ago
You better get out that damn water. Momma shark show up and this video gonna be alot shorter
fuckoff - 9 years ago
but more entertaining :D
Arfamis Stoat
Arfamis Stoat - 9 years ago
+gedanken welten Actually, it's likely that most sharks do give birth to live babies, I'd probably say most of them a ovoviviparous (egg hatches in womb) rather than being oviparous (laying eggs), but, then again, I'm no expert.
Arfamis Stoat
Arfamis Stoat - 9 years ago
+Forte195 Sorry for commenting on an 8 month old comment, but I just want to clear a few things up. It's true that sharks don't raise their young, but to say they're "primarily solitary creatures" is also wrong. You can't really group all sharks together like that, it's would be like saying "the mammals do this", which would imply the same thing applies to mice and whales. Many sharks are social, the one in this video, for example, looks like a blacktip reef shark, which tends to be found in groups.
grievous549 - 9 years ago
That's just your own ego stepping in. You assume everyone's going to get your sarcasm when there's no implication of sarcasm there. I've seen people more than stupid enough to believe sharks take care of their young so believing you were one of those really isn't far fetched at all. I hate stupid people, they're like roaches, they're everywhere and they get in the way. Merry Christmas though, have good times with the family.
LoveWhoYouLove - 9 years ago
Don't you got a sense of humor, and what the fuck is up with all you guys being such assholes on YouTube when people joke around, it's fucked up
LoveWhoYouLove - 9 years ago
It was a fucking joke, can you not be such a asshole calling me out like that, I was joking damn , I know the baby leaves their mother at birth fuck
grievous549 - 9 years ago
You're joking right? You understand that sharks separate from their young right? How stupid are you to just sit around talking out your ass when you clearly don't know a thing about the subject you're talking about?
LoveWhoYouLove - 9 years ago
Actually it depends on the type of shark and habitats their in... Just saying
LoveWhoYouLove - 9 years ago
That's exactly what I'm saying... Baby shark or not, sharks are never away from others for long ESPECIALLY A BABY
Lord Lightskin
Lord Lightskin - 9 years ago
+grievous549 but but but ok....
grievous549 - 9 years ago
+TrollzandLollz Why is it when you idiots know so little you talk like big men? You're a fucking idiot.
NoahOfCourse YT
NoahOfCourse YT - 9 years ago
tetsuo - 9 years ago
+TrollzandLollz lol mama shark is probably miles away, sharks seperate from their mums at birth.
gedanken welten
gedanken welten - 9 years ago
+TrollzandLollz Since noone mentioned it yet: not all sharks even give birth to a full fledged baby. Most of then actually lay an odd shaped egg and vanish, so the mother doesn't even see her child. Many other fish do the same.
Lord Lightskin
Lord Lightskin - 9 years ago
+Pink Diver you're :)
hermionejane2004 - 9 years ago
+Itz Williz there's are all kinds blues mackos the oceanic thresher white tip thats just to name a few
hermionejane2004 - 9 years ago
+TrollzandLollz im sorry but from the moment the shark is born its on its own if it stuck around mom it would be lunch
zemeon2 - 9 years ago
+Pink Diver Derp
Pink Diver
Pink Diver - 9 years ago
No mom sharks abandon their kids at birth sorry but your wrong
Amithrius - 9 years ago
+Itz Williz Only the tip
Apollo Shiro
Apollo Shiro - 9 years ago
Wow....I didn't know sharks were black too.

XD I'm black and just had to make the joke
Amanda Dorothy Anderson
Amanda Dorothy Anderson - 9 years ago
+TrollzandLollz zemeon2 is right, they do abandon their babies, but also, this was a black tip reef shark and they only grow to be about 5 feet on average so it could nip ya if it wanted to, but nothing serious!!
Forte195 - 9 years ago
+Nick Armstrong the same reason why various other animals do it, they just dont raise their young. Sharks are primarily solitary creatures and are quite vicious, they would eat their own young if they became an annoyance
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 9 years ago
+zemeon2 do they all abandon their kids ? if so then why? and do they sometimes eat them since they obviously give no fwk about them.
zemeon2 - 9 years ago
+TrollzandLollz No, sharks abandon their kids.
Eli Palomo
Eli Palomo - 9 years ago
You just because they are baby's doesn't mean they have no teeth like a razor. Lol she's lucky that that shark didn't bite her finger off.
Flying-Experience - 9 years ago
OH my goodness...imagine multplying that by a few thousand pounds!!
Smedley Butler
Smedley Butler - 9 years ago
+Amanda Dorothy Anderson do you like the black tip? I mean, 5 feet is pretty big....
Amanda Dorothy Anderson
Amanda Dorothy Anderson - 9 years ago
+seatgurus actually, that was a baby black tip reef shark and they only get up to about 5 feet on average.. but i do get what youre saying :)
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 9 years ago
Now that's a dream come true
Superjayjaysaiyn - 9 years ago
rise my little fishies rise
LegendaryH1tman - 9 years ago
Either stupid or that woman has some balls hiding. Could of lost a finger lol
Zachary Frieben
Zachary Frieben - 9 years ago
AWwww! He's cute! 
Connor Williams
Connor Williams - 9 years ago
shes lucky to be alive those sharks are some of the most dangerous sharks to ever live they send great whites running for the hills
Nathan C
Nathan C - 7 years ago
Connor Williams Its a black tip reef shark! And is NOT a man eater
pika kittygurl
pika kittygurl - 9 years ago
asdf30111 - 9 years ago
+Connor Williams I heard megalodon died out cause of them.
jodie orag
jodie orag - 9 years ago
thats amizing
TheBudgetGunCollector - 9 years ago
Id love to have sharks that small in a modern style salt water aquarium.
JoelTenn100 - 9 years ago
Seriously guys, that's actually it's normal size, and those types of sharks wont attack you, they cant even kill you if there was 5 of them surrounding you
Leo Jacobson
Leo Jacobson - 9 years ago
oh the absolute horror. how terrified i am. poor her. I GOT BIT BY SHARK FUCKING 9 TIMES THE SIZE GET OVER IT!
Dome Corral
Dome Corral - 9 years ago
A baby one
Dome Corral
Dome Corral - 9 years ago
Nvm she almost got bit by a shark
Dome Corral
Dome Corral - 9 years ago
AWWW it's baby baby sharks u bitches! They are surrounding her MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!!get it bitches shark attack
Titi Starr
Titi Starr - 10 years ago
that is a small black tip,they bump before attack
Wali Khan
Wali Khan - 10 years ago
If one fish slipped in her vagina then........
Al Dentay
Al Dentay - 10 years ago
"Throw some more at her!"
Panthergotpower !
Panthergotpower ! - 10 years ago
Lol cool
tripjet999 - 10 years ago
I'm so glad this didn't show an actual baby being eaten by a shark.
POINT BLANK QUEEN aka Damian Paniki
POINT BLANK QUEEN aka Damian Paniki - 10 years ago
cute baby shark
coby norton
coby norton - 10 years ago
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman - 9 years ago
+coby norton You didn't watch the whole video, I'm guessing.
coby norton
coby norton - 10 years ago
Andrew Levinson
Andrew Levinson - 10 years ago
what kind of shark is this?
Anna Manoulidou
Anna Manoulidou - 10 years ago
try piranha feeding next time
Shadowwolf 795
Shadowwolf 795 - 10 years ago
Aaaawwww so cute
iHyperzxx - 10 years ago
I have to admit the shark was cute
Dylan Wabasha
Dylan Wabasha - 10 years ago
that son of a Bitch lied -.- it hit her hand well rubbed -.- fake its not a attack wait yes it is because gurls are weak leans 
Pacifico Police Deparment
Pacifico Police Deparment - 10 years ago
that is dangirus i never came out off the resturnt
Fou Lee
Fou Lee - 10 years ago
they look like convicts.
fenne merckens
fenne merckens - 10 years ago
a attack? really? i have seen a shark bite after a attack this is not that big of a deal believe me i know
Iggy35 - 10 years ago
Awesome :)
Misty Cameron
Misty Cameron - 10 years ago
Aren't baby sharks
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
One baby shark
Otto von Chesterfield, Esquire
Otto von Chesterfield, Esquire - 10 years ago
0:44 Mother fucker hit warp speed! God damn!
Wyser Wiler
Wyser Wiler - 10 years ago
they kid even yelled shark and she still didnt listen?
creativecompanion - 10 years ago
Luis Medina
Luis Medina - 10 years ago
Max & Mom
Max & Mom - 10 years ago
lol, if she got bit hard she wouldn't be laughing.
Michaeljack - 10 years ago
Cute little shark, about as dangerous as Schnappi!
Kiericks Castro
Kiericks Castro - 10 years ago
kerrisa roseway
kerrisa roseway - 10 years ago
she mad
Candi Soda
Candi Soda - 10 years ago
LOl i'd be such a dick and throw a bunch of blood in the water
Mandar Sane
Mandar Sane - 9 years ago
sharks are evolved to detect fish blood from hundreds of feet away. human blood agitates them slightly, but we are not their primary prey. as such, we're largely left alone unless there are no other food sources available. in the same way most people would never consider eating roaches, but if that's all we had to eat, we'd tolerate it before starving. sharks are the same way. 

baby sharks might be little, but you should still take great caution around their mouths. their teeth are smaller but are still serrated and can do a lot of mechanical damage to your hand if you happen to accidentally put it in the shark's mouth. enough bite force and you could lose your hand entirely. although that's really unlikely. 
NoahOfCourse YT
NoahOfCourse YT - 9 years ago
+Mochaka Boom lol
Candi Soda
Candi Soda - 9 years ago
+dumpster yummy
Candi Soda
Candi Soda - 9 years ago
+Amber Dariano Oh :).. I learn something new every day
Amber Dariano
Amber Dariano - 9 years ago
+Mochaka Boom its believed that the ladies menstrual blood does not affect sharks
Anisina Anisina
Anisina Anisina - 9 years ago
This is a baby black tipped coral reef shark. It has no harm to human :D
Candi Soda
Candi Soda - 9 years ago
+Brie Summers Hm I ask if any ladies out there whether their litto friend is visiting.

Lol that one is a thinker, so I won't blame you if you don't get it =P
E I N S - 9 years ago
+Mochaka Boom yours?
Candi Soda
Candi Soda - 9 years ago
+Mandar Sane I did not now that, hm I learn something new everyday ^^
Mandar Sane
Mandar Sane - 9 years ago
+madness1383 actually, a baby shark has the ability to take your hand off. if someone throws fish blood in the water, the shark would go nuts. and your extremities could pay the price for it. now, if human blood was thrown in, nothing would happen. the shark would become slightly agitated at the microscopic change in water temperature and then go back to being calm. it's fish blood that would cause problems.
​​​ ​​​​​​ ​ ​​​
​​​ ​​​​​​ ​ ​​​ - 9 years ago
+Mochaka Boom I'd be horny and throw my dick in the water.
POA s - 9 years ago
+Mochaka Boom That's a little sinister don't ya think?
Candi Soda
Candi Soda - 10 years ago
+madness1383 Lol but I'm hoping what they say is true and that big sharks can smell blood miles away
madness1383 - 10 years ago
Baby shark bites can barely even pierce your skin
Terron Miles
Terron Miles - 10 years ago
when the little girl yelled "shark" I still shit my pants lmao
Brannon Huron
Brannon Huron - 10 years ago
Man who is that smoking blonde at then end of the video ?
Kawaii Unitato
Kawaii Unitato - 10 years ago
OMG that baby shark was so cute. I've seen one at the beach. It was on land  so i had to put it back in water.:)
Wafflekin Syrup
Wafflekin Syrup - 10 years ago
Travo With Us
Travo With Us - 10 years ago
Wow, how old are they?
robson henrique
robson henrique - 10 years ago
Kkkk.peixe comilao.
Nomadcreations - 10 years ago
Yes Adenine, Mom Sharks Abandon  There Young bcz They Are Already Self Food Sustaining  & Cognitively Functional.  This Black Was originally Attracted To The Small Fish Lunch But tried the Human Possible main Course (?)  & Little Shark may have Have Bigger shark Following It But Realized Too Shallow Of water..
doggiesarus - 10 years ago
Way too many ingredients! All you need is a pan, and a cake! Pan-cake!
Evan Gilmore
Evan Gilmore - 10 years ago
still better than jaws 3
Brainmeat - 10 years ago
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo...
Sillyguydefender - 7 years ago
coolio 1700
coolio 1700 - 9 years ago
+XxRosexX Envy same
Little Midgets
Little Midgets - 9 years ago
grandma shark DOO DOO do do de do grandma shark..
DylanHD - 9 years ago
+Little Midgets grammpa shark, do do do do do do grammpa shark
Little Midgets
Little Midgets - 9 years ago
DylanHD - 9 years ago
Mummy shark do do do do do Mummy Shark...
Little Midgets
Little Midgets - 9 years ago
Nikkimuffin Animations
Nikkimuffin Animations - 9 years ago
Infinity Love
Infinity Love - 9 years ago
I can't belive somebody still watches this
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 9 years ago
I totally thought the same thing hahaha
Infinity Love
Infinity Love - 9 years ago
+Billy Joe Cobra I literally only came here because i was watching that video and then this popped up in the suggestions.
nOok Av
nOok Av - 10 years ago
¨so there are obviously sharks near this woman that I;m casually filming.better throw some more food in there¨
dreakheart - 10 years ago
that girl is so F***ing dumb 
komal thompson
komal thompson - 10 years ago
DerpyNinja - 10 years ago
DerpyNinja - 10 years ago
So she is feeding herself to them
lockudlad - 10 years ago
Moral of this story.....don't fuck about with Sharks....even little ones. lolol
SavageJim01 - 10 years ago
Lame. No sharks!

I want my 1:05 of my life back!
Trevor Young
Trevor Young - 10 years ago
You must not have watched it through. Or maybe you were expecting something larger to appear? Either way, the shark was there. What do you think darted towards her?(Most likely unintentionally, just trying to get a fish its own size)
T Wilson
T Wilson - 10 years ago
Idiot. Yeah it's all fun and games till the shark bites one of your fingers off!
Thea Khan
Thea Khan - 10 years ago
I wish i was vacationing rite now.
Pangkles - 10 years ago
You can't really call that an attack can you, though? XP
Nikkimuffin Animations
Nikkimuffin Animations - 9 years ago
Pangkles - 9 years ago
+IceHauk It didn't bite her. It sorta just hit her hand. But she had food in her hand, so I don't really consider it an attack.
Pangkles - 9 years ago
+Valken K
Valken - 9 years ago
It was rape!
Pangkles - 10 years ago
+Anna Cornykova I would have to resist the urge to try and handle it. :P It looks very fun.
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
I would have freaked out, lol.  Cute little bugger though!
Juan Tello
Juan Tello - 10 years ago
"MOVE, BITCHES!!" -Shark, probably
BennyS - 10 years ago
Chum the waters
Nobody - 10 years ago
it looks like a baby black tip shark
Okami Hanzo
Okami Hanzo - 10 years ago
This is not an attack this is a pup wanting food lol dumb nerds.
RandomnessTube - 10 years ago
wow that thing was fast
Fried Kitten
Fried Kitten - 10 years ago
that baby shark is sooo cute!
TheCharmanderPlays - 10 years ago
Omg Omg this is so funny and when the girl is saying "Momma" "Momma" "Shark!" when its like a little tiny nugget
Brucey - 10 years ago
it was trying to mate
mer hoh
mer hoh - 10 years ago
i like this man he throws with shark food on his wive
Marc Williams
Marc Williams - 10 years ago
That's not a shark.
apink holic
apink holic - 10 years ago
Arturo  Hndz
Arturo Hndz - 10 years ago
CIMI island
Cristi Voss427
Cristi Voss427 - 10 years ago
The deet da dee that threw stuff in the water and then the shark cams is a big deet da dee...u could have gotten her(girl) hurt. Use ur head a little better next time, b4 u but someone in possible danger or worse. No offense, but really.
ivan alvarado
ivan alvarado - 10 years ago
That was adorable. ..and the way the lil baby shark taught her a lesson about nature ...priceless
ŸÜÑG DÅGGËR DÏÇK - 10 years ago
Skyy Games
Skyy Games - 10 years ago
Gay fish <3
Emai Palon
Emai Palon - 10 years ago
they are cute sharks but when it's adult it's too dangerous 
Mightiflier - 10 years ago
All that thrashing from the pan fish was all that little shark could take. 
Internet Tough Guy
Internet Tough Guy - 10 years ago
Should have thrown chum at her. Would've been more fun to see what happens.
TheCharmanderPlays - 10 years ago
LOL that would've been funny a bunch of baby sharks nibbling on her!
Ruth Simpkins-Morst
Ruth Simpkins-Morst - 10 years ago
That was cool, but kinda scary! 
Bruno Cunha
Bruno Cunha - 10 years ago
Tá Rindo , Quase perdeu o dedo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
lindy chao
lindy chao - 10 years ago
Putin Vladimir
Putin Vladimir - 10 years ago
This is not a shark. The fish is called Pichka fish and it's look- a-like shark.
Seth Brandon
Seth Brandon - 10 years ago
As a shark lover, this is adorable.
LowerTheBoom - 10 years ago
I want to see more of the hot chick at the very end at about 1:03

Can you please upload another video with more of the hot chick.
Ghost Pirate
Ghost Pirate - 10 years ago
i catch that MOTHERFUCKER and put in my fish tank 
Aden Wachtel
Aden Wachtel - 10 years ago
Brissa and Alyssa's life
Brissa and Alyssa's life - 10 years ago
i thought it would be SERIOUS but everybody makes mistakes
Diamond Louis XIV
Diamond Louis XIV - 10 years ago
hey babe, don't panic or anything but there is a shark behind you...
John Adrian
John Adrian - 10 years ago
nice beach :)
Jetta Driver
Jetta Driver - 10 years ago
Am I the only one who noticed, when there's a shark in the water, some jerk throws a handful of bait in the water around her!?!?!?
Nomadcreations - 10 years ago
Yes Thank You, Jesus For Also seeing Taylor Swifts malfunction as a Off shoot Vid Suggestion, What Difference Does it Make (The vid Suggestion)? It's boring Back Side Anyway.      As For Mommy Shark Near by, Wait & See... Sharks Are Born Hungry & Swiimming, As As The Jaws Famous Shark Remark:  All They Do Is Swim & Eat!!! & If A Mommy With The Munchies Or Any Shark Might Be following it As Lunch Time  Oderve', & In This case people As "Dessert".  Sharks  Don't care What Brand of Red Meat, As Long Its Meat/food.... 
Hugh Manatee
Hugh Manatee - 10 years ago
Except of course for the fact that a) sharks abandon their young and b) this is probably an adult black tipped reef shark. They don't get much bigger than that.
undeadpresident - 10 years ago
the shark must have got confused and thought her hand was not her hand but another fish to eat.
Hugh Manatee
Hugh Manatee - 10 years ago
It doesn't look like it bit her. My guess is that it saw the fish going fro the pieces of bread being thrown into the water and attacked the ball of feeding fish. It bumped into the woman by accident.
kiran gul
kiran gul - 10 years ago
i think its real
Malieka Jadey
Malieka Jadey - 10 years ago
The amount of imbeciles in the comment section is overwhelming....
Jesus Osuna
Jesus Osuna - 10 years ago
Why the hell is Taylor Swift's wardrobe malfunction in suggested?
yo ,max, I love your band soulfly!
Holly Yu
Holly Yu - 10 years ago
its actually a lemon shark
RyuSanSama Sanchez
RyuSanSama Sanchez - 10 years ago
+AdenineMonkey actually it's pretty easy. or did you forget you can pause the video. you already figured out that their in malaysia. what're you watching on a potato?
dunebasher1971 - 10 years ago
+AdenineMonkey Judging by the prominent black tip on its dorsal fin, it's a juvenile blacktip reef shark.
Hugh Manatee
Hugh Manatee - 10 years ago
It's almost impossible identify the species based on this video, but since this was shot in Malaysia it's probably not a lemon shark.
Neelam Khilwani
Neelam Khilwani - 10 years ago
Jen Sinclair
Jen Sinclair - 10 years ago
Um, is that a good idea? For ANYone?
Danika The Wild Cat Cronqwist
Danika The Wild Cat Cronqwist - 10 years ago
wow,love that little Sharky
Elka Vasileva
Elka Vasileva - 10 years ago
hahahahahahahahaha,this little shark was like: "Excuse me,can I enjoy the party??Wow,a piece of food???Is it for me????Thank you alot....."
big log
big log - 7 years ago
Not sure if the shark actually thought that much.
markyncole - 10 years ago
Even if it is a small one it's STILL a shark
no nono no no
no nono no no - 10 years ago
Was that a shark attack it did not seem like it
anon amouse
anon amouse - 10 years ago
i woulda grabbed that muvva and thrown it like a boomerang
Herobrine Sayshi
Herobrine Sayshi - 10 years ago
I wuld run right out as soon as i saw it O.O
RunningOnTheSides - 10 years ago
those  aint sharks stuiped your in kindergarden fucker
Takara Smith
Takara Smith - 10 years ago
I give it an A+
jurmongler - 10 years ago
Alison Bleiweiss
Alison Bleiweiss - 10 years ago
eww cigarettes in there eww
Alex Silbaugh
Alex Silbaugh - 10 years ago
Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen - 10 years ago
That's hilarious. Feed the SHARKS!
russel peters
russel peters - 10 years ago
Shark punch her right in a pussy..
The Vapologist
The Vapologist - 10 years ago
@NikkiDumee-Bovendeerd You didn't watch the video then did you dumbass XD
Purple Kitti
Purple Kitti - 10 years ago
That would have made me nervous. XD
YaoiAngel00 - 10 years ago
It looked cute :P
peter MCD
peter MCD - 10 years ago
Stupid idea!!!!!......
Jasmine Winchester
Jasmine Winchester - 10 years ago
There are baby sharks holy fuck ppl are so dumb
C. Shearin
C. Shearin - 10 years ago
Hell yeah! It's always a brilliant idea to stand in the middle of a school of baitfish and hand feed them in shark waters!
C. Shearin
C. Shearin - 10 years ago
Hell yeah! It's always a brilliant idea to stand in the middle of a school of baitfish and hand feed them in shark waters!
Xenon - 10 years ago
and then the big ones start coming in..
Fred Suero
Fred Suero - 10 years ago
stupid bitch stays there are that danger . she deserves to be eaten alive
JUST Darren
JUST Darren - 10 years ago
that was a black tip reef shark
Jinx Jackson
Jinx Jackson - 10 years ago
It's a whole platter of cookies, pick one!
JUST Darren
JUST Darren - 10 years ago
+Jinx Jackson I hope it is a tollhouse 
Jinx Jackson
Jinx Jackson - 10 years ago
Smart gorilla, you get a cookie
Woodnote - 10 years ago
Cute :3
Im Addin It To My Playlist Animal Moments
arun muthu
arun muthu - 10 years ago
where was this  ?
Tee Bee
Tee Bee - 10 years ago
PCShogun - 10 years ago
Little bugger was quick!
Mel Bell
Mel Bell - 10 years ago tipped shark....highly aggressive when introduced to food...did they miss the fin? SMH. You people need to watch Tanked. 
Nikki Dumee-Bovendeerd
Nikki Dumee-Bovendeerd - 10 years ago
That aren't baby sharks omg dum ppl
Just tropical fish xD
Squeak "The Almighty" - 10 years ago
Yes there are small tropical fish, but if you look closely there is a baby shark.
Abdul Uddin
Abdul Uddin - 10 years ago
+Zan Küntlich
"there" works -__-
David Nguyen
David Nguyen - 10 years ago
correction That isn't a baby sharks omg dumb people, it's just a tropical fish
conclusion -> +Nikki Dumee-Bovendeerd  is a dumbass
Ernest Marshall
Ernest Marshall - 10 years ago
was that a leopard shark?
ersatzelvis - 10 years ago
Black tip.
Brandon Mooberry
Brandon Mooberry - 10 years ago
Just after reading all of these comments, mother sharks do not care for their young so  there isn't a bigger one looking for its kid.
Mashari AlRasheed
Mashari AlRasheed - 10 years ago
if they were Asian family they would've made a soup outta that baby shark !
zemeon2 - 9 years ago
+John Smith china is not all of asia :/ nor is korea.
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
+John Smith
Please don't be the ugly American.  It makes the rest of us look bad.
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
and I'm sure not all Chinese eat shark fin soup.  He's rude.
imking2Aj - 10 years ago
John Smith
John Smith - 10 years ago
Korea is gonna take over the global economy? How will Chinese economy pass USA? There is like no indications of that. USA economy is WAY bigger and a lot of big companies in china are run by Americans and Europeans. No clue where you get your information LOL.
boxedfish - 10 years ago
+Jimipedia And not all Chinese eat sharks! 
trollzor360 - 10 years ago
+Jimipedia I wish I could go there I would've get myself some fish
instakill90 - 10 years ago
+Jimipedia wow hahaha i trust your judgement :) 
instakill90 - 10 years ago
+Jimipedia yeah but theres a heck of a lot of you! heheheheh
Susana Sidoravicius
Susana Sidoravicius - 10 years ago
Ok that women is half trusting half stupid because a big shark would usually be behind a small 1.... So I guess sheeee is lucky there wasent
Online Gaming Junior
Online Gaming Junior - 10 years ago
I want a pet like that! :D
Trevor Phillips
Trevor Phillips - 10 years ago
Well well baby shark attack moma shark for fun
Syncx3 - 10 years ago
Sharkie bit me again!
GeOrGeHaFofcOfee - 10 years ago
get the fuck out of the water?
Der Adler und seine Falken
Der Adler und seine Falken - 10 years ago
"NOM NOM!!!" said the baby shark "I kike the white meat!"
smoothz01 - 10 years ago
I go from motorcycle videos to watching some malaysian women tickle fish. Ohh the wonders of youtube.
Matt Heven
Matt Heven - 7 years ago
Lol same xD
Hug -A- Bull
Hug -A- Bull - 8 years ago
lol, tickle fish.....
Sharad Shrestha
Sharad Shrestha - 10 years ago
Exactly what happened to me
Awkward Italian Girl
Awkward Italian Girl - 10 years ago
She's obviously not Malaysian ffs.
19Luke89 - 10 years ago
Tickle fish lol
DarkovSun - 10 years ago
stupid humans
Mark Jackson
Mark Jackson - 10 years ago
i like how to person recordin didnt say shxt about the shark . Smh
javel - 10 years ago
Vik869 - 10 years ago
Pants there better not to shoot

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