Baby Shark Song | Sing and Dance | Animal Songs for Children | ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Baby Shark Song Lyrics: Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do Baby shark, do do do do do do Baby shark, do do do do do do Baby shark, do do do do do do Baby shark Mommy shark, do do do do do do Mommy shark, do do do do do do Mommy shark, do do do do do do Mommy shark Daddy shark, do do do do do do Daddy shark, do do do do do do Daddy shark, do do do do do do Daddy shark Grandpa shark, do do do do do do Grandpa shark, do do do do do do Grandpa shark, do do do do do do Grandpa shark, do do do do do do Grandpa shark Grandma shark, do do do do do do Grandma shark, do do do do do do Grandma shark, do do do do do do Grandma shark, do do do do do do Grandma shark Lovely Day do do do do do do Lovely Day do do do do do do Lovely Day do do do do do do Lovely Day Off to the beach do do do do do do Off to the beach do do do do do do Off to the beach do do do do do do Off to the beach On the boat do do do do do do On the boat do do do do do do On the boat do do do do do do On the boat Let's jump in do do do do do do Let's jump in do do do do do do Let's jump in do do do do do do Let’s jump in Cute little fish do do do do do do Cute little fish do do do do do do Cute little fish do do do do do do Cute little fish Eight legged octopus do do do do do do Eight legged octopus do do do do do do Eight legged octopus do do do do do do Eight legged octopus Feel so cold do do do do do do Feel so cold do do do do do do Feel so cold do do do do do do Feel so cold do do do do do do Feel so cold What did we see? do do do do do do What did we see? do do do do do do What did we see? do do do do do do What did we see? That's a shark do do do do do do That's a shark do do do do do do That's a shark do do do do do do That's a shark So many sharks do do do do do do So many sharks do do do do do do So many sharks do do do do do do So many sharks Let's swim fast do do do do do do Let's swim fast do do do do do do Let's swim fast do do do do do do Let's swim fast Swim faster do do do do do do Swim faster do do do do do do Swim faster do do do do do do Swim faster Back to the boat do do do do do do Back to the boat do do do do do do Back to the boat do do do do do do Back to the boat We are all safe do do do do do do We are all safe do do do do do do We are all safe do do do do do do We are all safe Don't panic do do do do do do Don't panic do do do do do do Don't panic do do do do do do Don't panic We don't harm do do do do do do We don't harm do do do do do do We don't harm do do do do do do We don't harm We are your friends do do do do do do We are your friends do do do do do do We are your friends do do do do do do We are your friends Have a nice day do do do do do do Have a nice day do do do do do do Have a nice day do do do do do do Have a nice day Buh Buh Bye do do do do do do Buh Buh Bye do do do do do do Buh Buh Bye do do do do do do Buh Buh Buh Bye =============================================== Video: Copyright 2017 ChuChu TV® Studios Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2017 ChuChu TV® Studios ChuChu TV ®, Cutians ®, all the characters and logos used are the registered trademarks of ChuChu TV Studios ===============================================

Baby Shark Song | Sing and Dance | Animal Songs for Children | ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21238

Shark videos 7 years ago 16,725,965 views

Baby Shark Song Lyrics: Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do do Baby shark, do do do do do do Baby shark, do do do do do do Baby shark, do do do do do do Baby shark Mommy shark, do do do do do do Mommy shark, do do do do do do Mommy shark, do do do do do do Mommy shark Daddy shark, do do do do do do Daddy shark, do do do do do do Daddy shark, do do do do do do Daddy shark Grandpa shark, do do do do do do Grandpa shark, do do do do do do Grandpa shark, do do do do do do Grandpa shark, do do do do do do Grandpa shark Grandma shark, do do do do do do Grandma shark, do do do do do do Grandma shark, do do do do do do Grandma shark, do do do do do do Grandma shark Lovely Day do do do do do do Lovely Day do do do do do do Lovely Day do do do do do do Lovely Day Off to the beach do do do do do do Off to the beach do do do do do do Off to the beach do do do do do do Off to the beach On the boat do do do do do do On the boat do do do do do do On the boat do do do do do do On the boat Let's jump in do do do do do do Let's jump in do do do do do do Let's jump in do do do do do do Let’s jump in Cute little fish do do do do do do Cute little fish do do do do do do Cute little fish do do do do do do Cute little fish Eight legged octopus do do do do do do Eight legged octopus do do do do do do Eight legged octopus do do do do do do Eight legged octopus Feel so cold do do do do do do Feel so cold do do do do do do Feel so cold do do do do do do Feel so cold do do do do do do Feel so cold What did we see? do do do do do do What did we see? do do do do do do What did we see? do do do do do do What did we see? That's a shark do do do do do do That's a shark do do do do do do That's a shark do do do do do do That's a shark So many sharks do do do do do do So many sharks do do do do do do So many sharks do do do do do do So many sharks Let's swim fast do do do do do do Let's swim fast do do do do do do Let's swim fast do do do do do do Let's swim fast Swim faster do do do do do do Swim faster do do do do do do Swim faster do do do do do do Swim faster Back to the boat do do do do do do Back to the boat do do do do do do Back to the boat do do do do do do Back to the boat We are all safe do do do do do do We are all safe do do do do do do We are all safe do do do do do do We are all safe Don't panic do do do do do do Don't panic do do do do do do Don't panic do do do do do do Don't panic We don't harm do do do do do do We don't harm do do do do do do We don't harm do do do do do do We don't harm We are your friends do do do do do do We are your friends do do do do do do We are your friends do do do do do do We are your friends Have a nice day do do do do do do Have a nice day do do do do do do Have a nice day do do do do do do Have a nice day Buh Buh Bye do do do do do do Buh Buh Bye do do do do do do Buh Buh Bye do do do do do do Buh Buh Buh Bye =============================================== Video: Copyright 2017 ChuChu TV® Studios Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2017 ChuChu TV® Studios ChuChu TV ®, Cutians ®, all the characters and logos used are the registered trademarks of ChuChu TV Studios ===============================================

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Most popular comments
for Baby Shark Song | Sing and Dance | Animal Songs for Children | ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Kenneth Cote
Kenneth Cote - 7 years ago
My one-year-old granddaughter loves your videos. need more videos like this one soon. I watched all the others with her about 1 million times please help. LOL . She hasn’t seen this one yet but I bet you she’ll love it and let you know later.
pesamino vaitele
pesamino vaitele - 6 years ago
5 year old sister loves watching this she watches she watches it all the time and she loves watching ChuChu TV
Ahmed 2012
Ahmed 2012 - 7 years ago
I love chu chi tv
mushira dedrani
mushira dedrani - 7 years ago
My daughter loves to hear n sing chu chu tv rhymes :) thanx
Md. Taiful Hossain Khandaker
Md. Taiful Hossain Khandaker - 7 years ago
I love the baby shark... So cute little shark.. but I love the all chu chu tv songs... but....... all the shark is nice... good job...
maser gamer
maser gamer - 7 years ago
Animals for Kid
Animals for Kid - 7 years ago
Great videos. My kids enjoy the Shark song
Rock Star Tae Kwon Academy BLACK BELT
Rock Star Tae Kwon Academy BLACK BELT - 7 years ago
Nicole Philip
Nicole Philip - 7 years ago
my five month year love this

10. comment for Baby Shark Song | Sing and Dance | Animal Songs for Children | ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

suriya anwar
suriya anwar - 7 years ago
my baby loves your videos...need more
M Mukhtar
M Mukhtar - 7 years ago
Love it❤️
SAHIL SULTAN - 7 years ago
My small cousin sister will see only your videos make more videos
himanshu kumar
himanshu kumar - 7 years ago
Glovielyn Pellerin
Glovielyn Pellerin - 7 years ago
I love chu chu tv
Samiya Ali
Samiya Ali - 7 years ago
Wow wow wow wow
Mameaw Mameaw
Mameaw Mameaw - 7 years ago
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww Loveeeeeeeee
kk sim
kk sim - 7 years ago
Best rhyme i have seen ever
rajesh mehrotra
rajesh mehrotra - 7 years ago
Santha Wanan
Santha Wanan - 7 years ago
My tripled babies 2 years this song.. thank you so much ^♡

20. comment for Baby Shark Song | Sing and Dance | Animal Songs for Children | ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Senait Berhe
Senait Berhe - 7 years ago
My son loves this song a lot
Senait Berhe
Senait Berhe - 7 years ago
My son loves❤️
Sunita Karki
Sunita Karki - 7 years ago
so cute
Elpidio Perez
Elpidio Perez - 7 years ago
looking at the video is awesome
sweet cute
sweet cute - 7 years ago
Nice video do do do do do do
Macey max
Macey max - 7 years ago
my little sister rlly love this video <3
jeeson tadle
jeeson tadle - 7 years ago
chuchu tv your the best
Mohdy Nizam Uddin
Mohdy Nizam Uddin - 7 years ago
lamadelaine1 - 7 years ago
i love it
นิ่มนวล จับเกตุ
นิ่มนวล จับเกตุ - 7 years ago

30. comment for Baby Shark Song | Sing and Dance | Animal Songs for Children | ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

chandra gunawan gunawan
chandra gunawan gunawan - 7 years ago
Aisha Lopes
Aisha Lopes - 7 years ago
Baby shark do do do do do do
Baby shark do do do do do do
Baby shark do do do do do do
Baby shark!
Like i love all your videos too
Hermes Paris
Hermes Paris - 7 years ago
I love this version
Russia Bel
Russia Bel - 7 years ago
My son loves all of your songs ..especially this one
Neha Thakur
Neha Thakur - 7 years ago
Hi me, my husband and my 17 months old baby boy we love the way you guys released the videos but please help me with all the water animals and tamed animals.
Angel Baldovino
Angel Baldovino - 7 years ago
Baby shark do do do do
Nanet Azucena
Nanet Azucena - 7 years ago
paul si
paul si - 7 years ago
Kelsie Walker
Kelsie Walker - 7 years ago
My son loves it
Soraya Allakarami
Soraya Allakarami - 7 years ago
Very nice
KARZAN ZAHER - 7 years ago
Fernanda Ortiz Rodriguez
Fernanda Ortiz Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I love chuchu shark baby old famili
Rhain santos
Rhain santos - 7 years ago
Nice one:)
ayan omar
ayan omar - 7 years ago
baby sister sleeps watching this
Saima Kouser
Saima Kouser - 7 years ago
Waooo v nice
Riki Mahoney
Riki Mahoney - 7 years ago
Thank you my dear
Bedo Bash
Bedo Bash - 7 years ago

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About Baby Shark Song | Sing and Dance | Animal Songs for Children | ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

The "Baby Shark Song | Sing and Dance | Animal Songs for Children | ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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