Best Shark Attack Video
Shark videos 14 years ago 28,705,099 views
READ THIS FIRST!!!!!! You may not understand this rough edit, so if you feel the need to say something stupid that has already been said by another, click this link to a better video for you. or go directly to "Shark Attack Edit for Stupid People." Tarpon fishing under Long Key bridge near Duck Key, Fl. After a 20 minute fight with a tarpon, a 14 foot long hammer head shark attacks and eventually eats the tarpon. We tried our best to protect the tarpon by running it down and creating as much noise and bubbles to confuse the shark and hide the tarpon. After a quick release, the shark returns and I aggressively circle the tarpon as the shark slices at it boat side. After about 5 hits, the shark wins and swims off with the tarpon in its mouth. Moments later, half of the 65lb tarpon floats up and I grab the remains to add to the documentation. The shark returns on a high speed pass and bumps the boat with significant enough force to make Julie scream. I give up on the carcass and Corey gets his hands on it just as the hammer head shark strikes again, this time claiming the remains of his dinner. As this massive shark rolls into a dive, Corey gets a tail grab before it is all over. Conservative size estimations are 14 feet long at about 400lbs. This is the best shark attack footage I have ever seen. This was recorded in HD and is available for resale.
10. comment for Best Shark Attack Video
But accidents do happen.
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100. comment for Best Shark Attack Video
He bit Kathy !
Quick, call the Coast Guard and tell them to come risk their lives to help save us from the stupidity shark !!
I am shure thumbs up record is coming.
Instead, this cats already over inflated ego just surpassed the national debt in size . . . .
Though I still stand by what I wrote in the second paragraph.
Btw why did you say "not that he is wrong" Everything he said was ridiculous.
That guy was a fucking idiot for putting his hand in the water waiting for the shark to snatch it like that, I mean if he had lost his hand I wouldn't have felt sorry for him - but that doesn't mean he, or any of them deserve to be killed!
Also, I don't judge other people on their food choices. It's really boorish.
Dont say "wake up and go vegan" when you dont know your facts. I'm not bashing vegans I'm just saying you should learn more about human evolution before you try to argue something.
One day I hope they will understand :\
Rewatch and pay attention.
Because you're an asshole. Not just to me, you've commented negatively on other people's comments as well; it seems as though you enjoy making other people feel like shit. One day, you'll get tired of being alone and you'll become a half-decent human.
Well then. That was rude. Do you feel better now? And by the way, that's been a saying for a long time.
(if my english is a little bit wrong, please understand, I'm from Germany)
Dumb idiots.
are you crazy or what what do you mean with cute ??? that animal is a killer ( very dangerous )
( I know cause I've done it ) & the moment I see, Or think I see a shark... I start thinking about how deep the ocean is, And how many sharks might be below, And how my boat is the only thing at the surface for miles.
Think out box !
"typical stupid american assholes FFS, I'm getting to old for this shit."
best shark attack video your ass...
I thought they were kinda bad ass.
Only whites are this stupid
There is no point to it and it just make the shark scared and in shock depending on what species and age.