Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving
Shark videos 9 years ago 9,932,555 views
While shark cage diving, our cage was attacked by an 11.5 foot Great White shark. The round buoy attached to the side of the cage was bent in half. Some of the lining of the outside blue barrier bar was bitten through as well. It was quite the up close and personal experience! This was a trip I went on during one of my days off from volunteering at Cango Wildlife Ranch. The video was shot with a GoPro Hero 4 wide angle. The shark was even closer than he appears. I apologize for the shakiness..... and my friend's screaming. Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom
10. comment for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving
20. comment for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving
look at the shark he is smiling
30. comment for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving
ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston.
And so nevermore shall we see you again.
Get ready for attacks in 2016
50. comment for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving
I bet this shark got lured with food or blood.
That makes them associate food with humans which makes the sharks being more attracted towards humans as they expect them to have food.
If they don't have food however, like divers and surfers most likely don't then well... they can serve as food themselves, according to shark logic.
But what does that matter, right? You girls were having a great time! :D
Yep, exactly. It just seems dangerous, but if you're careful, it's basically harmless as long as the cage you're in is strong enough, haha.
100. comment for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving
-Hippies bitching about animals rights and how sharks are not dangerous at all
-People complening about how the girl's yelling was annoying
-Shitty jokes
Enjoy your stay, and remember, don't be original !
sure man
GOD sent His Son Jesus Christ to GIVE us eternal life.
He will also heal your body!
(pls excuse grammar fails, i am german)
Dieu a envoyé son Fils Jésus-Christ pour nous donner la vie éternelle.
Il sera aussi guérir votre corps!
Kiss me!
Why didn't you people let the shark in and eat you??
Peta will know about this.
A proper way to observe these amazing creatures is deeper down, without lure thrown in the water.
Check out images and pictures from the Nautilus Explorer as a great example on how it should be done.
Every year thousands of humans trap themselves in these little cages, then end up starving or drowning to death.
We need more heroes like this shark to try and help them.
Share to raise awareness of these freak accidents, like if you cry every time.
They are awesome animals
they will bite anything just by curiosity ,great footage ,but C'mon take that Attack from the tittle and enjoy this incredible creature
I love it
That Beast Give You Show Of a Life Time !!
:) que tengas un buen dia
"No Bruce, humans are friends not food"
-Brick Tamland
You, sir, win at life. Lol. a safe distance.
I loved shark so much, I had all the merchandise and movies
I pray to shark every night before bed, thanking him for the life I have been given
''Shark is love'' I say, ''shark is life''
My dad gears me and calls me a faggit
I know he was just jealous of my devotion for shark
I called him a cunt
He slaps me and sends me to sleep
I'm crying now, my face hurts
I lay in bed and it's really cold
Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
It's shark
I am so happy
He whispers into my ear ''this is my sea''
He grabs me with his powerful shark flippers, and puts me down onto my hands and knees
I'm ready
I spread my ass-cheeks for shark.
He penetrates my butthole
It hurts so much but I do it for shark
I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
I push against his force
I want to please shark
He roars a mighty roar as he fills me with his love
My dad walks in
Shark looks straight in the eye and says ''It's all over now''
Shark leaves through my window
Shark is life, Shark is love.
thank you
repenting of my sins wont help me now
wow you literally just commented NO COMMENT in a box saying ADD A COMMENT on a website where people's remarks are called COMMENTS.
Why do people do this?
Nearly everyone knows it's sherk is love shrek is life
and that I don't own it
plis senpai
dunt b so meen
high 5
it's a magical every night
shark makes it magical
i will nevr dissapoint u agin
I also spelled ''gears'' instead of ''hears''
''take it from behind''
is it just me or is it what it is
But I couldn't possibly kill such an amazing person such as myself
we shall forever remember you
visit my channel for cute and sexy asian girl
Free you first eat you later..
No matter what video i watch, i see your comment.
"Fuck this I'm out."
Wat a nice shark
-Bullshit, Circa Dawn of Bullshit
I think of it this way- a dog chases and grabs after a stick thrown for it, and a shark grabs on to a cage thrown next to it.
And for the record, this is what you want to happen when you pay hundreds of dollars for a cage diving expedition so that it's worth your money.
Les requins tuent moins que La chute de noix de coco et moins de 10% de leurs attaques sont dangereuses ,il faut arrêter avec cette couverture médiatique qui les fait passer pour plus dangereux qu'ils ne le sont et plutôt concentrer les médias sur leur sur exploitation complètement inexplicable et inutile car des milliers de requins sont jetés à l'eau a l'agonie sans pouvoir se déplacer et juste avec l'éperon coupé !
Est ce juste sachant que eux nous ,sur les rares attaquent qu'ils commettent ,nous morde souvent par erreur ou part peur ?
Alors au lieu de focaliser les gens sur leur danger pratiquement inexistant on ne ferais pas mieux de les protéger ?
i guess he didn't like it in the end
Relax people, its girls having fun. Its just a fucking shark. Nothing happened. Stop trying to be offended.