Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving

While shark cage diving, our cage was attacked by an 11.5 foot Great White shark. The round buoy attached to the side of the cage was bent in half. Some of the lining of the outside blue barrier bar was bitten through as well. It was quite the up close and personal experience! This was a trip I went on during one of my days off from volunteering at Cango Wildlife Ranch. The video was shot with a GoPro Hero 4 wide angle. The shark was even closer than he appears. I apologize for the shakiness..... and my friend's screaming. Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1428

Shark videos 9 years ago 9,932,555 views

While shark cage diving, our cage was attacked by an 11.5 foot Great White shark. The round buoy attached to the side of the cage was bent in half. Some of the lining of the outside blue barrier bar was bitten through as well. It was quite the up close and personal experience! This was a trip I went on during one of my days off from volunteering at Cango Wildlife Ranch. The video was shot with a GoPro Hero 4 wide angle. The shark was even closer than he appears. I apologize for the shakiness..... and my friend's screaming. Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

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Most popular comments
for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving

Happy Man
Happy Man - 7 years ago
The Shark have failed his mission to silence the most annoying screaming bitch in the universe.
bob bob
bob bob - 7 years ago
I would absolutely scream like the a PUSSY!!!!!!
crystallinesheen - 7 years ago
So awesome! This is incredible footage, don't waste it on YouTube!
ShopkinsLPSKids Play
ShopkinsLPSKids Play - 7 years ago
he knew the food waz in de cage
echo ghost
echo ghost - 7 years ago
i feel bad for them
PLATOON72 - 8 years ago
Stupid Yelling Yankee Bitches... I'd punch them in their faces so badly to make them shut up. I can feel the adrenaline imagining to punch them with all my might making their heads bouncing on the cage; then.... ahhh silence, we can enjoy the shark!!
its leah2325
its leah2325 - 8 years ago
The shark says please let me in I just want to join the fun
J MB - 8 years ago
If in doubt punch it on the nose
PhantomMatrix - 8 years ago
I thought sharks could chew through steel? what happened?
Lianna 9375
Lianna 9375 - 8 years ago
PhantomMatrix I think the shark is weak

10. comment for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving

Tom Nguyen
Tom Nguyen - 8 years ago
mother nature is scary y'all
Philip Oladipo
Philip Oladipo - 8 years ago
Sharks actually just think humans are trapped and are trying to help. They appreciate the free food used to lour them!
Link_ 82
Link_ 82 - 8 years ago
Asian Aiden
Asian Aiden - 8 years ago
"Boost to break"
Electric Reactions
Electric Reactions - 8 years ago
I was so scared
JTNugget - 8 years ago
You can't blame him, he's just hungry.
_rmaze_ Quiambao
_rmaze_ Quiambao - 8 years ago
its surreal
SamVision - 8 years ago
Great Whites don't attack people.
KrishKrusher - 8 years ago
in their eyes we are food..barely edible untasty food
godiskungen27 - 8 years ago
Yeh sure ask the guy swimming in South Africa oh no remember he got dragged out bitten in half never seen him since and yes that beach now closed
PhishFood - 8 years ago
I agree they don't attack people, but they attack when they can't find food but people. Like if you are stranded in a beach and the only food is a banana, just eat it for survival, like what sharks do for survival.
John Doe
John Doe - 8 years ago
poor shark just wanted to play.. I feel his pain "OH HUMANS! PLAY WITH ME!!!"
Christian Valletta
Christian Valletta - 8 years ago
Electric Reactions
Electric Reactions - 8 years ago
He wants to play with their blood
gguthrie3 - 8 years ago
23-26secs. Check the power and force of the Shark bashing and smashing into the cage! Mad!

20. comment for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving

Rob Myers
Rob Myers - 8 years ago
that's a lot of NOPE right there.
thatstheguy07 - 8 years ago
*Lamest. shark attack video. Fixed that for you.
digital wayfarer
digital wayfarer - 8 years ago
Sharks are curious animals, and they investigate things by... biting them. You can tell that shark wasn't seriously trying to rip open the cage.
Wolfgang Rittner
Wolfgang Rittner - 8 years ago
so fake!
look at the shark he is smiling
Bob Dillinger
Bob Dillinger - 8 years ago
why is that dumb cunt screaming? does she not know what they're doing there?
Charles K
Charles K - 8 years ago
Monsters are real
DhDeadMan - 8 years ago
James Fielding
James Fielding - 8 years ago
Aint these nigga ever seen Jaws
Smoke Weed
Smoke Weed - 8 years ago
James Fielding ain't this kid never not using nigga word in everything? Stfu
KatieLooLo 101
KatieLooLo 101 - 8 years ago
To Be Honest At The Beginning I Was Peeing But Then I Found The Shark Was Actually Quite Cute! :)
Konstantinos Savvoulidis
Konstantinos Savvoulidis - 8 years ago
why the water is green?
romanek shark
romanek shark - 8 years ago
that make grassy bottom

30. comment for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving

3rd World Man
3rd World Man - 8 years ago
Dang! That s**t be REAL!
stealth reporter
stealth reporter - 8 years ago
0.56---"The show is over ladies."
Rognvaldr - 8 years ago
Shark tried to free people from locked cage.
RedNeck_RattleSnake VLOGS/ENTERTAINMENT VE - 8 years ago
he feel your fear vibe
Elliot Nikols
Elliot Nikols - 8 years ago
What kind of a cage was that?The shark could clearly bent the cage's protective bars by simply pushing them.
Professor Fuzzymuffins
Professor Fuzzymuffins - 8 years ago
Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you
ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston.
And so nevermore shall we see you again.
Magnificum Imperium
Magnificum Imperium - 8 years ago
The white shark tours in Australia and South Africa are causing sharks to associate boats with food.
Get ready for attacks in 2016
Johan Maud
Johan Maud - 8 years ago
I went on that shark tour:-)
Le Feu aux poudres
Le Feu aux poudres - 8 years ago
Humanity is stupid. People are stupid. "Oh my god oh my god" Where is your fucking god in all that shit?! FUCK YOU.
R.C Jones
R.C Jones - 8 years ago
Sharks Are Awesome!
Aero Crafts
Aero Crafts - 8 years ago
I felt sorry for the shark...Shark:Oh poor human! Her fellow friends dropped you here! Ill help yah!!!(Tries to open the cage)(Gurls Screamed)Shark: Are they scared? Sorry...(Walks away and cried)Thats why the ocean is salty ....
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
"dont worry im here to save you"--shark
The Geekazoid
The Geekazoid - 8 years ago
Damn the power of these beautiful creatures is immense imagine those jaws clamping down on someone's waist GOODNIGHT...
Makayla p
Makayla p - 8 years ago
if that happend to me I would be like wtf its gonna eat me get me outta here its gonna eat me and I would be crying with bloody murder screams
Tom Carr
Tom Carr - 8 years ago
"You go inside the cage . Cage goes in the water . You go in the water . Sharks in the water . Our shark . Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies . Farewell and adieu you ladies of Spain . For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston and so nevermore shall we see you again."
RL@VD - 8 years ago
mon dieu ce que c'est drôle !!
Billy Ray
Billy Ray - 8 years ago
MoDz ToxicZz
MoDz ToxicZz - 8 years ago
funkmasterjee - 9 years ago
Awwwww he just wants to play
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
looks like he's drunk to me....
Terryvad - 9 years ago
Best Shark Attack video title said...Well I only see a small white Shark biting a metallic cage, with an hysteric women inside.

50. comment for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving

Travel-Nomad - 9 years ago
So lucky to get that shot! Well done :)
RavioliRavioli - 9 years ago
That thing is so small.
Galaxy Gaming Wolves
Galaxy Gaming Wolves - 9 years ago
Grass Concept
Grass Concept - 9 years ago
How the fuck can they be laughing at something like that? and how come nobody bothered to help pull him up wtf
wolf - 9 years ago
OMG!!! What incredible footage!!!
Raining Insanity
Raining Insanity - 9 years ago
wow from wat I no sharks r usually not that aggressive towards cages...well I sure hope they weren't after the people
elliecheeseburger - 9 years ago
Wow that's so scary
Orca369 - 9 years ago
Amanda Jayne
Amanda Jayne - 9 years ago
If you don't want to hear the screams mute the sound. Problem solved. Thanks for the video! I'm actually doing this in a few months so excited
Leto85 - 9 years ago
Attractions like this makes sharks attack small boats, surfers and divers more often.
I bet this shark got lured with food or blood.
That makes them associate food with humans which makes the sharks being more attracted towards humans as they expect them to have food.
If they don't have food however, like divers and surfers most likely don't then well... they can serve as food themselves, according to shark logic.

But what does that matter, right? You girls were having a great time! :D
Tommy Petersen
Tommy Petersen - 8 years ago
awesome point!! These people think they are not harming the shark but they are in fact conditioning the sharks to come closer to humans because ad you say, they will associate human contact with food. And of course people make money from this
Meh! At The Disco
Meh! At The Disco - 8 years ago
+Rhig Ganomie it's fine
Rhig Ganomie
Rhig Ganomie - 8 years ago
+Ella Blue yeah I must have been having a bad day to leave a comment like that lol, but I just disagreed because a boat is way too big to be confused for a seal, but kayak makes sense, sorry Thea, much love to u :)
Meh! At The Disco
Meh! At The Disco - 8 years ago
+Rhig Ganomie that's true though. surfboards, kayaks, small boats, etc. do resemble seals and other types of fish from below so sharks are just following survival instincts and eating it
Rhig Ganomie
Rhig Ganomie - 8 years ago
+Thea Rose what kind of crack are u smoking
Thea Rose
Thea Rose - 9 years ago
Sharks only attack in confusion or/and curiosity because from below the boats may look like seals or fish
Bitch I will fucking wrangle your asshole
Bitch I will fucking wrangle your asshole - 9 years ago
Thank god no one was killed!
Shamiel Kirsten
Shamiel Kirsten - 9 years ago
You wont find me in one of those cages
Jasmine V
Jasmine V - 9 years ago
SweetChoco MCPE Gamer
SweetChoco MCPE Gamer - 9 years ago
my hungry shark be like.. :-D
Mary Ann LaCroix
Mary Ann LaCroix - 9 years ago
Paiger Danger
Paiger Danger - 9 years ago
im never doing that
Thundery Lolo
Thundery Lolo - 9 years ago
Javilatinman romano
Javilatinman romano - 9 years ago
fuck sharnedo!!!
Vivi Sengkey
Vivi Sengkey - 9 years ago
What Is That?
Shaun Gordon
Shaun Gordon - 9 years ago
I would be petrified that it would break the cage open. I know it can't, but your mind goes crazy in this situations
Lucian Bartus
Lucian Bartus - 9 years ago
I'm ashamed to say I fainted at the beginning and woke up when the clip ended...let the nightmares begin!
divitmusic - 9 years ago
Sharks was sick of the smell and sound of dumb bitches in its water. Fuck your cage! I'm gonna chew through it.
StrootleCat Friskey Felines
StrootleCat Friskey Felines - 9 years ago
poot shark he tried i was hoping he was going to get a meal
MrFalliorsLife - 9 years ago
You may think I'm stupid, but I honestly would try to put the shark's belly while he was busy doing that. I mean come on, how many people get a chance to pet a shark?
Mert Yurek
Mert Yurek - 8 years ago
+MrFalliorsLife Rofl, what? You can pet sharks.
MrFalliorsLife - 9 years ago
Yep, exactly. It just seems dangerous, but if you're careful, it's basically harmless as long as the cage you're in is strong enough, haha.
RavioliRavioli - 9 years ago
It wouldn't be very dangerous, as Sharks can't swim backwards. It would have to swim forward, turn, and lunge to bite you.
ldc - 9 years ago
+Thomas Andrews LOL whatever
Thomas A
Thomas A - 9 years ago
+Rosey Me Well, i mean, getting in a shark cage at all probably isn't the smartest idea. But I figure while I'm there, might as well :P
Thomas A
Thomas A - 9 years ago
+ldc Maybe, maybe not. Guess it would depend on what mood I'm in, lol.
ldc - 9 years ago
+Thomas Andrews easy to say that watching a video but if you were in the cage for real I guarantee you would be in the opposite corner of the cage from where the shark was even if it couldn't hurt you in that position you would be too scared to try to pet the fucker don't go saying silly shit
Thea Rose
Thea Rose - 9 years ago
+Thomas Andrews as much as I would love to do that, I am not entirely sure of that is the smartest idea someone has come up with
Thomas A
Thomas A - 9 years ago
+ldc I mean, it can't swim backwards, so once it's head passes, I technically wouldn't be in any danger. At least any more danger than I already would be in the cage, which I wouldn't go in the cage to begin with, just saying if I was I would :P
ldc - 9 years ago
Like fuck would you
Nadeem Sarwar
Nadeem Sarwar - 9 years ago
poor teeth :(
Bailey Burgess
Bailey Burgess - 9 years ago
good video I Don't know if it's real or not
Fabisch Factor
Fabisch Factor - 9 years ago
Leon Breet
Leon Breet - 9 years ago
where in south africa
Wolf and Soda
Wolf and Soda - 9 years ago
"Oh, no! There are land-walkers trapped underwater in a cage! Don't worry, land-walkers, I'll save you!"
peter kaizer
peter kaizer - 9 years ago
very nice:).
Dr Dickinson
Dr Dickinson - 9 years ago
what the Fuck is wrong with them.
John l
John l - 9 years ago
What did the cage look like after that lol
Vic Vance
Vic Vance - 9 years ago
It would have been great if the shark ripped them to pieces.
jcs112000 - 9 years ago
Pauvre bête, elle doit être victime de la faim.
Cursedfenix - 9 years ago
Gábor Vág
Gábor Vág - 9 years ago
0:56: F*ck this shit, I'm off to Narnia.
Roman Siraj
Roman Siraj - 9 years ago
sharks don't give a fuck anymore if your a seal or human it will eat u
Johan Syffert
Johan Syffert - 9 years ago
Whoever took this video has some big brass balls.... I would have jumped out of my wet suit, through the cage and right into the boat.
shane mccarthy
shane mccarthy - 9 years ago
shit these poor girls are drowning i better get them out of there.
Novitatis Veritatis
Novitatis Veritatis - 9 years ago
I would tried to punch him and take home a teeth of his for souvenir
CoRKA97 - 9 years ago
Fuck that
IQFREAK - 9 years ago
aww he just wants to play~
Taiga *dabs*
Taiga *dabs* - 9 years ago
Why they be screaming
1ChampagneSupernova1 - 9 years ago
The power of a great white,awesome,love em!
Prince Vegeta
Prince Vegeta - 9 years ago
they should have pet it
Hamdan Bartawi
Hamdan Bartawi - 9 years ago
I think the shark was trying to blow, but the teeth got in the way!
lima mike
lima mike - 9 years ago
Il l'ont chérché , on ne dit pas les tonnes de sang et de reste d’animaux qu'ils ont déversé pour les attirer , et le fait que le requin réagisse comme ça , c'est que pour lui il est au abord d'une carcasse sanguinolente dont il peut se délécter , c'est pourquoi il mort la cage , tout ces sens lui disent qu'ils au milleu du bon repas !
peaches n creme
peaches n creme - 9 years ago
Am i the only one that saw at 0:05 the shark ate something..? A human..???
Dawnxtr - 9 years ago
wow I wanna try that Whoa if that Shark broke that I'm Done
Max Chan
Max Chan - 9 years ago
Nice.... I just love sharks

100. comment for Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving

Roberts Jansons
Roberts Jansons - 9 years ago
Why is this a thing?
Nicholas KING
Nicholas KING - 9 years ago
Seriously, just imagine the cage opening bending a little more...good luck
ARVIN - 9 years ago
Poor shark was starving :'(
Magical Sloppy Fun
Magical Sloppy Fun - 9 years ago
I know hey would have gave him some meat or some shit
Timmy Hernandez
Timmy Hernandez - 9 years ago
I would've pet the shark
Morfh - 9 years ago
This is not an attack though...
Alexander Higgins
Alexander Higgins - 9 years ago
The shark bent the wires to the cage.
KleineHansel - 9 years ago
You got your money's worth.
YumYumGiveMeGumGum - 9 years ago
If that was Megaladon these girls would scream like there's no Tommorow
Timara Kinney
Timara Kinney - 9 years ago
I feel like sharks are just like sea cats. biting stuff until they get attention lmao
amina yusuf
amina yusuf - 9 years ago
Omg! .......the only time humans remember god...........the only beasts in this planet seems to be humans. ...why don't you just leave other species alone. ..
john hilson
john hilson - 9 years ago
heeeeeeresssss bruccccy
Free Bird
Free Bird - 9 years ago
scientists say that rusty metal give off a certain emf that can attract sharks hence the reason why they bite cages that are rusty or they bite on the rusty spots. i found it interesting in this film if u pause it where the shark bites the cage is indeed rusty and it appears other sharks have bit on the same place. check it out by pausing it a couple of times and look for the rusty spots on the cage.
foregin swagger
foregin swagger - 9 years ago
shark:i just want to help u out of the cage :(
Jean Panachay
Jean Panachay - 9 years ago
Welcome to comment section ! on the menu today we have :
-Hippies bitching about animals rights and how sharks are not dangerous at all
-People complening about how the girl's yelling was annoying
-Shitty jokes
Enjoy your stay, and remember, don't be original !
kenti55 - 9 years ago
+Jean Panachay Thanks alot, saved me some time !:)
MKHsma - 9 years ago
Fool of a human That poor Shark was just trying to save you from being locked in a cage underwater... With it's big sharp teeth.
maverick buckley
maverick buckley - 9 years ago
AAwww, all she wanted was a cuddle!!  'Let me in!! I just want a kiss ..honest!!'
Neisha _
Neisha _ - 9 years ago
I would have fainted
danielshwarts Xx_dankputin
danielshwarts Xx_dankputin - 9 years ago
The Great White Nope.
Phantasy Star Ifrian
Phantasy Star Ifrian - 9 years ago
It just waned a hug o:
Gary Pelaez
Gary Pelaez - 9 years ago
no wonder great white sharks always missing teeth, they arnt sapose to bite metal cages all the time. i guess they learn as they get older
Vagabond 1983
Vagabond 1983 - 9 years ago
It's a shame to witness such whores survive the attack.
Ruth Blagden
Ruth Blagden - 9 years ago
shit, meet pants.
TheFebruaryFlower - 9 years ago
I'd be the same if I couldn't get to my dinner...
Ink Lead
Ink Lead - 9 years ago
FUUUUUCK THAT thank you very much!
The Big Dawg
The Big Dawg - 9 years ago
So you went shark cage diving, presumably with the waters chummed, and acted surprised a shark showed up?

Miss Milkshake
Miss Milkshake - 9 years ago
This is why sailors didn't want women on board.
Eve Yitagesu
Eve Yitagesu - 9 years ago
Her screams make me wish the shark did take a bite out of her ugh so annoying.
TessieTelevision - 9 years ago
not for a gazillion dollars... nope nada... not going to happen..... no way.....
LordOfNothingreally - 9 years ago
Get me the fuck outta the water!!!!
Katojana Aleksielsis
Katojana Aleksielsis - 9 years ago
Ohey there. Would you like to talk about our lord and savior Davy Jones?
Lisa S
Lisa S - 9 years ago
You'd see little uh.. chocolate candy bars floating in the water if I had been there......
TheMichiQuinn - 9 years ago
Shark: Get out of my neighborhood punks!
bec goesbananas
bec goesbananas - 9 years ago
Stupid cunts need to stop using the word attack. He was just being curious and investigating what was going on. What was he supposed to use, his hands?
snakeu - 9 years ago
i agree too, and why the screams?
NorthWriter - 9 years ago
I love it.  Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp, and then, BOOM!  It's gone like a phantom.
JOSHUA TREE - 9 years ago
Thank god it wuz not a Megalodon
Ashley Nagel
Ashley Nagel - 9 years ago
I bet he was just flossing his teeth on the cage bars.  XD
TelePhotoLens - 9 years ago
the fuck is his problem
bloodlucky - 9 years ago
heeeeeres brucey!
Sofie Ross
Sofie Ross - 9 years ago
oh my god,thats so amazing!!!! where did you guys do this? :D id love to do it!
Elias Kassab
Elias Kassab - 9 years ago
+Ramy Kassab bet3ida?!
Bradly oconnor
Bradly oconnor - 9 years ago
how is that a shark attack no one got bitten or harmed you were in a controlled environment a great white cant get through a cage like that
Joshua Furman
Joshua Furman - 9 years ago
Tomáš Novotný
Tomáš Novotný - 9 years ago
hungry and crazy shark :D
Broward County
Broward County - 9 years ago
that was a nurse shark there the most aggressive
bloodlucky - 9 years ago
+Broward County
sure man
Broward County
Broward County - 9 years ago
+bloodlucky thanks for replying to my ignorant comment
bloodlucky - 9 years ago
+Broward County that was not a nurse shark. at all.
Alexis Scott
Alexis Scott - 9 years ago
michaelisrael66 - 9 years ago
Lets face it gential men Hes not looking for women with good taste,hes looking for women that taste  good.
James McCord
James McCord - 9 years ago
Sharks like bite bite bite... Fcukkkk this Shiiiiiiit I'm done, swim aways..
Alex Penney
Alex Penney - 9 years ago
He just wanted a hug
Kaleb Harris
Kaleb Harris - 9 years ago
That is one big shark
ابوايوب عبدالرحيم
ابوايوب عبدالرحيم - 9 years ago
هذمن فضلاالله وان تعدونعمة الله لاتحصوها
Avalasia Love
Avalasia Love - 9 years ago
Either they're covered in blood, or he's really hungry.
dudyorz - 9 years ago
sharks like fish
Chris Jones
Chris Jones - 9 years ago
Best shark vid ever
Caspar McLeod
Caspar McLeod - 9 years ago
The shark wanted to see what the cage tasted like. Fair enough too. Strange object in it's home, it wanted to see if it could eat it. It couldn't, so it swam away. They do the same with people, and they swim away after the first bite(usually) because they hate the taste of us.
Brandon Chong
Brandon Chong - 9 years ago
I have always had a dream about going cage diving with great white sharks. After watching this video, i'm not so sure anymore...
iiPlayCoD - 9 years ago
Its hungry for some pussy
TheTubePortal - 9 years ago
Why were they freaking out? Isn't this exactly what they expected and perhaps even wanted to have happen?
Miguel Olavarría
Miguel Olavarría - 9 years ago
Como le encanta al ser humano retar el mundo animal marino.
casey G
casey G - 9 years ago
Awesome!!!!!! One of the best cage videos out there!
Arms ofAudio
Arms ofAudio - 9 years ago
Crazy fact about sharks
Arms ofAudio
Arms ofAudio - 9 years ago
ich binich
ich binich - 9 years ago
Aaaaaaaand that's why you don't bait sharks (or any predator... for that matter) just to see them up close. This guy was promised food... It's not his fault that after the first appetizer you were the only thing edible around.
Julien F
Julien F - 9 years ago
big one...i love these creatures...but don't give him a peace of meat before because after he become crazy and he think the blue plastic on the cage is meat
Jaime Garcia Ortega
Jaime Garcia Ortega - 9 years ago
These inspired me to buy a rocket launcher.
Luiz Otávio Cardoso
Luiz Otávio Cardoso - 9 years ago
O +LubaTV me trouxe aqui.. Mais quem??
Big Sauce
Big Sauce - 9 years ago
I thought the shark was kinda cute. I don't know why
HarpsiFizz - 9 years ago
At the end the shark was like "Fine, I ain't wanna eat you anyway; I ain't even mad. Y'all ain't worth it."
Dust Liu
Dust Liu - 9 years ago
Alaa S4444
Alaa S4444 - 9 years ago
Its you take a video wow
LeeLam - 9 years ago
Jordan Dixon
Jordan Dixon - 9 years ago
Wow! I get creeped out just by watching this!
Sam Haucward
Sam Haucward - 9 years ago
One day, one of those "cages" will have a malfunction and that day i hope all those dumb people keep filming.
Frodo Baggins
Frodo Baggins - 9 years ago
I would have blown that fish out of the water and then BBQ.
Icicle Fledglings
Icicle Fledglings - 9 years ago
So... high pitch shrieking works as a powerful shark repellent? Good to know. Round up the b!7ch35 we're going surfing at Skeleton Bay.
Funnynthings - 9 years ago
Stupid kid, hope they've all died!
jamesmola2 - 9 years ago
Thanks god mick fanning wasn´t attacked by this shark today :O..
may the wind be in your face
may the wind be in your face - 9 years ago
Tell the wenches to shut up next time.
Edward Boland
Edward Boland - 9 years ago
Wow a shark tried to eat the cage.
Altug Sozalan
Altug Sozalan - 9 years ago
Realy determined shark
Matt Ragusa
Matt Ragusa - 9 years ago
Just like Hooper....
Shawn Trady
Shawn Trady - 9 years ago
GOD sent His Son Jesus Christ to GIVE us eternal life.
He will also heal your body!
Swizlee - 9 years ago
Sharks are criminals, monsters, no mercy, and have a bad reputation, which if true, is that they are the most spectacular animals aquatic
Swizlee - 9 years ago
Oh shit, mother of god. Open the door and you dead. Mierda, madre de dios. Abre la puerta y estas muerto.
TutoLab - 9 years ago
Go ahead sharky...we all want you see eating these screaming bitches
Alan Deans
Alan Deans - 9 years ago
After seeing her picture, I'm with the shark - I'd have done anything to get to her, she's gorgeous !!
Frisby2007 - 9 years ago
I think it just went away after it smelled the amount of piss that girl left in the water from her shrieks.
Mr. Mayhem
Mr. Mayhem - 9 years ago
Well I know if I ever go cage diving with sharks, I won't be using the company in this video because they use guitar strings as cage bars.
Mr. Mayhem
Mr. Mayhem - 9 years ago
Damn shark was just showing off for the ladies.
Re1ni - 9 years ago
the shark didn't want to attack the person in the cage, but the cage itself, because he might not knew it and so attacked it.
(pls excuse grammar fails, i am german)
Im Zeigen
Im Zeigen - 9 years ago
He probably came for the smell of blood and most likely left for the smell of shit
Leandro Aude
Leandro Aude - 9 years ago
Wait: is he the long-gone software businessman, Steve JAWS? No, seriously, next time fetch a harpoon, stick, lance, crowbar or something alike to peek the shark with it, Hillary. And probably you already know it,but be careful in not carrying with you anything brightful, and dont forget covering your unhealed wounds. Sharks can detect them from miles away.
GENEFGMK - 9 years ago
Yeah Nope! Cage diving not for me.
Erik Iacopelli
Erik Iacopelli - 9 years ago
N thats the fastest way to shit ur pants
Eduardo Cassiano
Eduardo Cassiano - 9 years ago
just punch it in the nose, like Popeye would do.
pab games
pab games - 9 years ago
Georgina Wiersma
Georgina Wiersma - 9 years ago
A shark does not 'attack the cage' nor does it want open it It is attracted by the electrical field of the metal, and the only way it can examine it, is by biting it. You are not doing sharks a favour with your video.
Lee Woolsey
Lee Woolsey - 9 years ago
What a thing to do for fun!
Leo Alvarez
Leo Alvarez - 9 years ago
Yep, I would DEFINITELY need a change of underwear
Yira Ahava
Yira Ahava - 9 years ago
indy daship
indy daship - 9 years ago
Oh my god soooo adorable, reminds me of my dog, some how
Thomas Lee
Thomas Lee - 9 years ago
ahhah ahahahhha
supereece9000 - 9 years ago
when it's happening i would probably be terrified beyond all belief, after it's done and i'm back on dry land i'd probably think that was the most amazing experience i'd ever have in my life.
Carlos Fernández
Carlos Fernández - 9 years ago
SiXiS4 - 9 years ago
Ak 47 would solve the problem
Zangempi - 9 years ago
Wow that shark want to taste South African meat.
Brett Walter
Brett Walter - 9 years ago
Sharks have great gums. I chew my headphone cord wrong and my gums bleed, but this shark can chomp on steel bars like it's nothing. (yes i floss, no it doesn't work)
Audemosha - 9 years ago
I'd punch it in the face just to say I did so.
Robin Minkler
Robin Minkler - 9 years ago
Shark PMS? (I'm sure the screaming didn't help matters)
Kyaw Paing Htut
Kyaw Paing Htut - 9 years ago
Poor misunderstood shark...he just wanna save those poor girls trapped in the cage :'(
Ash Chu
Ash Chu - 9 years ago
Love studying these guys they are amazing!
Ingram Mill
Ingram Mill - 9 years ago
I would've shit myself
nunereclipse - 9 years ago
Where's Chief Brody when you need him?
rtswift - 9 years ago
i wonder if one of the girls had an open cut or was on their period?
Omar Jamal
Omar Jamal - 9 years ago
Ryu stille I'm not taking ur advice cuz I'm one of his subscribers
uthamanj - 9 years ago
I don't care what anyone says.......that was FREAKING AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!
Celofanta Gamer
Celofanta Gamer - 9 years ago
mindmineral - 9 years ago
I wonder if the shark smelt blood.. or poo. Or maybe both... Piles!?!
Zilla - 9 years ago
If that was me a whole lot of water around me would turn brown
Lauren Rauch
Lauren Rauch - 9 years ago
I honestly don't find the screams annoying, this is justifiable for screaming lol how many of us can say we've been in this situation? Scary but intriguing!
wingweaver0272 - 9 years ago
Ahmagad a shark outside of this shark cage!!! AAAAAAAAAAH I thought we were going to see mermaids not this!
kentheman5 - 9 years ago
2 words , FUCK DAT!
juan cozar
juan cozar - 9 years ago
Lintang Calista
Lintang Calista - 9 years ago
This is like me trying to open a jar of pickles..
Clay - 9 years ago
fuck that shit. he couldve tore that cage apart if he kept trying. this is why im scared shitless to swim in the ocean anymore
Oother - 9 years ago
that experience is totally unreal
Xxdragón07xX - 9 years ago
Haru Eren
Haru Eren - 9 years ago
Oh my gosh
wldTraveller - 9 years ago
And that's why they put you in the cage!
nastia mateu
nastia mateu - 9 years ago
Mi madre
Effe Nell
Effe Nell - 9 years ago
Shark: '' Don't worry ladies! i'll let you get out from there ''
Leo Ionita
Leo Ionita - 9 years ago
They're laughing... if only that cage was built in China :)
olier1 - 9 years ago
cute pet, I`d like to get one
TheGaoNan - 9 years ago
i felt sick watching this, the only thing i fear is sharks :S
Madison Wooden
Madison Wooden - 9 years ago
Miguel Angel
Miguel Angel - 9 years ago
PredatorRayified - 9 years ago
How can a shark breath when there so much water inside its mouth
BBC Mike
BBC Mike - 9 years ago
What an absolutely amazing experience.
Spencer - 9 years ago
That's awesome
Avril Gonzalez Taibo
Avril Gonzalez Taibo - 9 years ago
El tiburón solo quería ayudarla a salir de la jaula :v
remixedv - 9 years ago
LittleWeirdo - 9 years ago
GUYS actually sharks have sensors in their noses which are really sensitives to some metals, like the one used to build this cage. That's why he tries ti chew it :)
Ryan Muhe
Ryan Muhe - 9 years ago
That was a fucking stupid fish hahaha.
Lucas Nicoara
Lucas Nicoara - 9 years ago
He was smiling at you! ;)
Oscar Lopez
Oscar Lopez - 9 years ago
+AlphaSniper97 que te apuntas?
That Gaming Guy
That Gaming Guy - 9 years ago
comment ''Unicorns'' if you were brought here by annoying orange
SonicDashie759 - 9 years ago
+Mr Roblox Unicorns...somewhat. I just remembered that this video was on the Annoying Orange. Does that count?
Kex Finnur
Kex Finnur - 9 years ago
That Gaming Guy
That Gaming Guy - 9 years ago
+Isak Magnusson is love shrek is life
Kex Finnur
Kex Finnur - 9 years ago
KingCKID _ GAMER - 9 years ago
Joshua Snow Hansen
Joshua Snow Hansen - 9 years ago
WesPolly 64
WesPolly 64 - 9 years ago
That's like me when I try to open a fuck tight jar of peanut butter. I feel the shark's pain and annoyance.
boss_blas - 9 years ago
Baia caxo d tivuron ermanooo!
Arby Hyde
Arby Hyde - 9 years ago
Hungry fish
Sylvia Cooper
Sylvia Cooper - 9 years ago
I really don't want to be here doing this sort of thing please stop annoying me with your silly cages it makes me very angry!
Ced Rolyes
Ced Rolyes - 9 years ago
Dieu a envoyé son Fils Jésus-Christ pour nous donner la vie éternelle.
Il sera aussi guérir votre corps!
Lana Del Taco
Lana Del Taco - 9 years ago
Lemme kiss you human
Kiss me!
Léa Ch
Léa Ch - 9 years ago
Diving with shark is ok. But there is a big difference between diving on a spot where there are sharks and if you're lucky you will see them AND be in a cage and attract/tease  sharks with meat or whatever on a rope in order to make them approach. It's like feeding them, there are not pets or dog you can coax with food.  Of course he attacked... This is really stupid.
How2productions ltd
How2productions ltd - 9 years ago
That's just a baby, amazing what a wide-angle lens can do. Still scary.
Memboi - 9 years ago
Poor shark his tooth broke off :c
DR.R.N. Mishra
DR.R.N. Mishra - 9 years ago
लक्ष्य प्राप्ति के लिए एक बार फिर बराबर प्रयास करते रहना सार्क का गुण धर्म है ।
XaviSlumber - 9 years ago
Sarah276602 - 9 years ago
What were they thinking! Going underwater with that giant cannibal fish. They would've been eating alive in the water.  An act of recklessness.
Secret Society
Secret Society - 9 years ago
Nice close up. He must use close-up tooth paste. Oh come on, just a kiss, just a little kiss...
merriltheperil - 9 years ago
ah hope it doesn't break its teeth!
Bobzeda - 9 years ago
He's going to hurt his teeth doing that....
Nigel Perren
Nigel Perren - 9 years ago
You're a pretty lady Hillary (if that is your picture) I expect that shark fancied you! Although humans and sharks are not compatible species genetically, you do look good enough to eat! - not that I'm a cannibal
CE - 9 years ago
nope nope nope
PiehardGamer - 9 years ago
Bushido Beats TV
Bushido Beats TV - 9 years ago
Hey guys! I am an emerging hip hop producer. It would mean alot if you could check out my mixtape. Thanks!
Vindictive Beauty
Vindictive Beauty - 9 years ago
Leon - 9 years ago
lutenault dang
lutenault dang - 9 years ago
Well don't go in where we don't belong...
StephenAndrew777 - 9 years ago
You should have reached out and punched it in the beak. It's a dick move but his intentions were much much more heinous. I can just tell.
киса Воробьянинов
киса Воробьянинов - 9 years ago
вроде  уплыла  можете  вытряхивать  из  плавок
Path - 9 years ago
If you listen closely you can hear the jaws music playing
John Moore
John Moore - 9 years ago
0:55 "This meat is too loud..." * Leaves *
calibomber209 - 9 years ago
He just wants to play!
vito1555 - 9 years ago
che mi ridono quelle capre!!
Gavin Knoell
Gavin Knoell - 9 years ago
Shut up
Roo Tooru
Roo Tooru - 9 years ago
Poor sharky poo.... :( did you give it a lollipop after?
- Ice_Nine_Carl -
- Ice_Nine_Carl - - 9 years ago
How can the shark not make a noise? A giant beast doesn't even go rawwwr! Or growl ...... Sharks growling WTF? XD
- Ice_Nine_Carl -
- Ice_Nine_Carl - - 9 years ago
Awwww can I stroke him?
Footy Lover859
Footy Lover859 - 9 years ago
Om nom nom
Ash Fermant
Ash Fermant - 9 years ago
Plot twist, shark tryin to free the human
Andrea Jack
Andrea Jack - 9 years ago
This is amazing!  What an experience.  Some call me crazy, but I would LOVE to do this.
Unitedmc 101
Unitedmc 101 - 9 years ago
ok first of all if  a stranger walked into your home would you be happy about it? no you wouldn't the shark is doing what any human would do get the hell out of there and why is she screaming the shrks nose clearly blocks it from harming her and shes cage diving what the hell did she expect to meet bloody santa down there and go on a magical adventure
zubzerostuff - 9 years ago
Omfg this is animal abuse!!!
Why didn't you people let the shark in and eat you??
Peta will know about this.
Jonathan Modoh
Jonathan Modoh - 9 years ago
In Japan, shark gets eaten
brent seano
brent seano - 9 years ago
Associating humans with food is always a good idea... and they wonder why there are more and more attacks
Salah Abdeslam
Salah Abdeslam - 9 years ago
he just wants to play..
courtney xx100
courtney xx100 - 9 years ago
You should have video it a little longer
OxyD_MonsterS OxyD
OxyD_MonsterS OxyD - 9 years ago
OxyD_MonsterS OxyD
OxyD_MonsterS OxyD - 9 years ago
Pas mal
alex liu
alex liu - 9 years ago
so cool
I lack Intelligence
I lack Intelligence - 9 years ago
Is it me or do great whites look like cats?
Clive Haselhuhn
Clive Haselhuhn - 9 years ago
In Australia we fuckin RIDE these
Крокодил Зеленый
Крокодил Зеленый - 9 years ago
по моему им там весело! Акула вас предупредила, дурочки..
A&D - 9 years ago
fjvideo - 9 years ago
Here's a more accurate description.  While out trying to attract sharks to catch on video, we caught this shark on video.
arvin_unoxx - 9 years ago
666Muller666 - 9 years ago
First off, this is not a shark attack (it's natural behavior if the animals are stressed out), it's what happens when you support these horrible Great White excursions where they lure the sharks to the cages by tossing food in the water next to the boat, thus getting the sharks on edge and stressed.

A proper way to observe these amazing creatures is deeper down, without lure thrown in the water.
Check out images and pictures from the Nautilus Explorer as a great example on how it should be done.
Steve Q
Steve Q - 9 years ago
Shark misread the memo. The tourists in the cage were not from Finland. Last time he orders Shark Fin Soup.
Muffin Rocks
Muffin Rocks - 9 years ago
The sad story of a gentle giant who tried to help some humans out of a cage they were stuck in, but couldn't.
Every year thousands of humans trap themselves in these little cages, then end up starving or drowning to death.
We need more heroes like this shark to try and help them.
Share to raise awareness of these freak accidents, like if you cry every time.
Drake Wilson
Drake Wilson - 9 years ago
Here's bruccieeeeee!
John Crawford
John Crawford - 9 years ago
That's a good one lmfao
lazy Fingers
lazy Fingers - 9 years ago
They are awesome animals
they will bite anything just by curiosity ,great footage ,but C'mon take that Attack from the tittle and enjoy this incredible creature
Kaleo Kaiwi-Lehano
Kaleo Kaiwi-Lehano - 9 years ago
Mjrm Games
Mjrm Games - 9 years ago
اشترك بقناتي
Mountain Lion
Mountain Lion - 9 years ago
sharks hate shark cage
Alexis Katzman
Alexis Katzman - 9 years ago
Dios creo a sus animales para demostrar su poder y sus infinitas ideas d vida en la tierra.este video demuestra un ves mas el poder de su creación.
ImY0urNightmar3 - 9 years ago
This isn't a attack its a shark feeling to see if the new thing is food it checks for a bit then goes away if it was going to attack it would have came back or just not left t was just using its teeth like we use our hands.
บัญชา นาคศิริ
บัญชา นาคศิริ - 9 years ago
JCManny - 9 years ago
It was so close to biting the screaming bitch that way she would have a reason too
JCManny - 9 years ago
Why is Shakespeare writing about sharks over here haha
Moozy Mathers
Moozy Mathers - 9 years ago
Sharks are so cute and yet so creepy, jeeeeeeeeez!
jacob thorsen
jacob thorsen - 9 years ago
jacob thorsen
jacob thorsen - 9 years ago
Vlacho Rodriguez J
Vlacho Rodriguez J - 9 years ago
Noooo parce yo me muero del susto!!!
Not Liam Neeson
Not Liam Neeson - 9 years ago
Poor misunderstood shark just wanted to cuddle and make friends
buzz kirschner
buzz kirschner - 9 years ago
holy moly i'd scream too
Yanni Delvalle
Yanni Delvalle - 9 years ago
That poor shark man he was just being laughed at by a bunch of women in a cage man he went to being a bad ass shark to a jellyfish real quick
شادمهر سهیل نژاد
شادمهر سهیل نژاد - 9 years ago
I love it
zman random
zman random - 9 years ago
Chris - 9 years ago
Click on my channel to watch a funny video of Tom Arnold recalling a funny story about Terry Bradshaw.
Purgasus - 9 years ago
You ever wonder if they're trying to help?
bashar taha
bashar taha - 9 years ago
For that reason i don't get in the water.!
Oscar Montiel Zavaleta
Oscar Montiel Zavaleta - 9 years ago
Auxilio auxilio un tiburón nos ataca, lo grabare pal feis.
Charmified - 9 years ago
That's very scary!
spazvapes - 9 years ago
Hot blonde girl taking on a great white shark without completely losing her shit. Thats pretty attractive to me
Bruce John Wayne
Bruce John Wayne - 9 years ago
That was great footage!!!
jior6 - 9 years ago
You'll neva get dis, you'll neva get dis!
mario cardabollo
mario cardabollo - 9 years ago
Don't worry. If you are ever a castaway, it'll take care of you.
MrJdth7 - 9 years ago
Next time Feed that Shark !!!!
That Beast Give You Show Of a Life Time !!
jesus labra
jesus labra - 9 years ago
Majestuosos,maravillosos...Los tiburones solo pueden averiguar cosas de los objetos mordiendolos. Son como nosotros de niños.
jesus labra
jesus labra - 9 years ago
+Teresa Pacheco :)
yung yong tere
yung yong tere - 9 years ago
+jesus labra gracias :)
jesus labra
jesus labra - 9 years ago
+Teresa Pacheco Gracias! El mas lindo dia para ti! Con aletas!
jesus labra
jesus labra - 9 years ago
+miguel valencia Jejeje,asi es !
yung yong tere
yung yong tere - 9 years ago
+jesus labra yo lo vi en las noticias
:) que tengas un buen dia
miguel valencia
miguel valencia - 9 years ago
+jesus labra Queria un saludo :)
alfred bellic
alfred bellic - 9 years ago
That shark is cute.
Robin - 9 years ago
Screaming? They must not like that blue foam thing on the cage lets naw it off and make humans understand that we aren't monsters rather heroes!
Emile Gerber
Emile Gerber - 9 years ago
Yeah and then next time he sees someone in a wetsuit without a cage it's gonna be allot easier.
DANA Y - 9 years ago
pfftt....shark cage.....all i'd need is a gun, matches, 2 sticks of dynamite, piece of paper and pen:  Write suicide note, light dynamite & shoot myself in the face.  Shark 0, me 1.
Damien McManus
Damien McManus - 9 years ago
I wonder if they'd still be filming while being eaten alive.That'll be the sequel I guess.
خشايار پاپری فرد
خشايار پاپری فرد - 9 years ago
ent escmgoner. Norris
ent escmgoner. Norris - 9 years ago
Probably mad cause you invited him then locked the door... Dick
ent escmgoner. Norris
ent escmgoner. Norris - 9 years ago
Wow... the shark tried so hard... least you can do is give him an arm
mike Salford
mike Salford - 9 years ago
F that !
Qhalo Alva
Qhalo Alva - 9 years ago
There is more of a chance of you attacking a shark than a shark attacking you. More people get attacked by dogs than by sharks
Batman - 9 years ago
He just wanted to play...
Crying Angel
Crying Angel - 9 years ago
IS THIS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!
Dominick Triolo
Dominick Triolo - 9 years ago
I'd be peeing my pants if I was there.
LunaTheLlamaLord - 9 years ago
Sharks are cool and did anybody get hurt if so grabs a knife ill stab a bitch
Viktor & Filips Äventyr
Viktor & Filips Äventyr - 9 years ago
Where are his two buddies? He needs them to tell him
"No Bruce, humans are friends not food"
Alejandro Rojas
Alejandro Rojas - 9 years ago
The shark was like: "Hi, do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and Savior Megalodon?"
Darkness1984 - 9 years ago
Awww dont you know? He thinks youre a seal and just wants to say hello!
Clown Killa
Clown Killa - 9 years ago
As pretty as you are in your picture, I would probably try to gnaw on you too
iRedwan !
iRedwan ! - 9 years ago
How Cute
Nick Surles
Nick Surles - 9 years ago
Geoffrey Su
Geoffrey Su - 9 years ago
Stupid bitches.. so retarded
jurassicparkman 2284
jurassicparkman 2284 - 9 years ago
Cool video
Emiliano Hernandez
Emiliano Hernandez - 9 years ago
I read somewhere their periods attract sharks. Sharks can smell the menstruation!

-Brick Tamland
Chief Wiggum
Chief Wiggum - 9 years ago
+Emiliano Hernandez Why the fuck doesn't this comment have any likes?
You, sir, win at life. Lol.
Arianna Howardson
Arianna Howardson - 9 years ago
+Emiliano Hernandez But... You don't bleed when you're in water? Period wise I mean. It stops bleeding through when you're submerged in water.
zamana qaraab
zamana qaraab - 9 years ago
zamana qaraab
zamana qaraab - 9 years ago
nice daring girls if i were they i was definately go unconciouse
zamana qaraab
zamana qaraab - 9 years ago
hahahah how can u even think so .a shark is saving them from the cage
Lol Moleop
Lol Moleop - 9 years ago
It just wanted to give you a hug.....
The Looper
The Looper - 9 years ago
Gdag Gdag
Kieran - 9 years ago
"Don't mind me, annoying screaming ladies. I'm just sharpening my teeth."
witch, please
witch, please - 9 years ago
Nature is beautiful... a safe distance.
TomorrowLand - 9 years ago
But why didn't you tickle his belly?!
Jeannick19 - 9 years ago
I know this isn't the biologist wiki, but it seems people can't actually study why animals behave the way they do. This cage has wires in it, and the elevtric current running through them stimulates the GW's Lorrenzini ampulae, which causes the shark to take an interest in the CAGE, not the content (
Cell Membrane
Cell Membrane - 9 years ago
This is so fucking epic :D
Primal 420
Primal 420 - 9 years ago
Aww its just a must be teething thats why its chewing on the cage.
Yolo Av
Yolo Av - 9 years ago
stupid cunts stfu
Batman Super Heroe
Batman Super Heroe - 9 years ago
Realmente aterrador invadir el espacio natural de los escualos y acusarlos de atacar brutalmente si ellos solo ven una deliciosa comida
mystrodds - 9 years ago
No need to panic!!! He's just flossing his teeth.
Félix R.A.
Félix R.A. - 9 years ago
You give it a bait and now you wonder why he wants in by yelling like hell? So, if I get it right, the point was to give internet a good screaming? Annoying in every ways.
evon noy
evon noy - 9 years ago
white girls..
Steve Shaw
Steve Shaw - 9 years ago
Must of been pms'ng.
Laura Tak
Laura Tak - 9 years ago
Ils ont été un peu le faire chier et l'exciter avec un appât, quand même ; des crétins, encore et toujours
Sports Bros
Sports Bros - 9 years ago
If you subscribe to me I will subscribe to you
nello - 9 years ago
he just wants to play
David Gates
David Gates - 9 years ago
The shark thought yummy look a snack!!
David Gates
David Gates - 9 years ago
You ever put money in a vending machine only to have your snack get stuck at the drop??
Aissu Stitchyheart
Aissu Stitchyheart - 9 years ago
My urge to poke the shark would be too great.
Corsair - 9 years ago
holy fuck
Willee - 9 years ago
That's how i feel when i can't get the bag of chips open...poor guy.
acrymo - 9 years ago
I was only 9 years old
I loved shark so much, I had all the merchandise and movies
I pray to shark every night before bed, thanking him for the life I have been given
''Shark is love'' I say, ''shark is life''
My dad gears me and calls me a faggit
I know he was just jealous of my devotion for shark
I called him a cunt
He slaps me and sends me to sleep
I'm crying now, my face hurts
I lay in bed and it's really cold
Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
It's shark
I am so happy
He whispers into my ear ''this is my sea''
He grabs me with his powerful shark flippers, and puts me down onto my hands and knees
I'm ready
I spread my ass-cheeks for shark.
He penetrates my butthole
It hurts so much but I do it for shark
I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
I push against his force
I want to please shark
He roars a mighty roar as he fills me with his love
My dad walks in
Shark looks straight in the eye and says ''It's all over now''
Shark leaves through my window
Shark is life, Shark is love.
ShopkinsLPSKids Play
ShopkinsLPSKids Play - 7 years ago
and i thought ive read all the weirdest things on the internet...
acrymo - 8 years ago
+Jack the Gestapo guess i learn something new everyday

thank you
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
+Akiko Sama hmmm, I'm thinking what am I supposed to say sharks got two penises which called claspers, good luck have fun
acrymo - 8 years ago
+Jack the Gestapo yeah i regret my decisions

repenting of my sins wont help me now
Jack the Gestapo
Jack the Gestapo - 8 years ago
+Akiko Sama lol what is this i dont even
acrymo - 9 years ago
the mindfuq is real
bryson heath
bryson heath - 9 years ago
+Khai Nguyen (SGMeatBall)
wow you literally just commented NO COMMENT in a box saying ADD A COMMENT on a website where people's remarks are called COMMENTS.
Why do people do this?
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Bearded Corgi alrite
evanhairgelion - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama  Ok. But iI'll fuck shrek first.
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Bearded Corgi id rather fuck you and shrek
evanhairgelion - 9 years ago
Meh, I'd rather fuck shrek.
Khai Nguyen
Khai Nguyen - 9 years ago
well erm....... no comment
acrymo - 9 years ago
+A. Polaris a better love story than twilight dats for sure
A. Polaris
A. Polaris - 9 years ago
... What the fuck did I just read?
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Gianna Hallenbeck the beauty of yt
empty - 9 years ago
This is beautiful
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Khai Nguyen indeed
Khai Nguyen
Khai Nguyen - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama what have been seen cannot be unseen
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Stephen Tuplin Yw
Stephen Tuplin
Stephen Tuplin - 9 years ago
Thank you for this.
acrymo - 9 years ago
+mauricemojo234 damn dat high drunkard
acrymo - 9 years ago
+mauricemojo234 Uncle Tommy roars a mighty roar
Spencer - 9 years ago
Dude you just made this weird
TheShyRage - 9 years ago
Sharks don't roar that is how I know this isn't real
acrymo - 9 years ago
+mauricemojo234 Dammit, Tommy tricked me again
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Bushido Beats TV the ocean is a dangerous place my frand
Bushido Beats TV
Bushido Beats TV - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama Ayyyy great story. But you could have made it better at the end with "Its all OCEAN now"
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Walkingtaco99 I never said it's mine?
Nearly everyone knows it's sherk is love shrek is life
and that I don't own it
plis senpai
dunt b so meen
Walkingtaco99 - 9 years ago
And you took credit smh
Walkingtaco99 - 9 years ago
Nice job on copy and pasting shrek is love shrek is life you weeaboo
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Master Of Bodyshots it'z kk hawt stuff
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Megax Punch no shet sherlock
high 5
My favourite marine animal is the Banter-Ray
My favourite marine animal is the Banter-Ray - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama k i em sori bbq grill
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Falangeveneta It was a magical night
it's a magical every night
shark makes it magical
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Olena Cantrell Indeed my friend.
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Master Of Bodyshots I spelled it ''faggit'' on purpose, plis understand senpai
i will nevr dissapoint u agin
I also spelled ''gears'' instead of ''hears''
Falangeveneta - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama ahahahahah, a shark should visit you every nite.
My favourite marine animal is the Banter-Ray
My favourite marine animal is the Banter-Ray - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama "I was only 9 years old" I'm pretty sure you still are if you can't spell the word "faggot" correctly.
DaNZi - 9 years ago
Erik Arce
Erik Arce - 9 years ago
Hahahahahah guys he trolls you this is from a shrek parody "shrek is love" shrek is life". XD good one
Jeannick19 - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama I'm sure.
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Jeannick19 i see
Jeannick19 - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama It is what it is, it's not just you. anywayz
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Jeannick19 u wot m8
''take it from behind''
is it just me or is it what it is
Jeannick19 - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama Ok, sry I take it back. We shouldn't kill women that take it from behind, they're just too rare and valuable. And don't kill me, because I'm an amazing person too.
Doaa The Dickest of Dickheads.
Doaa The Dickest of Dickheads. - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama Dammit
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Awesome Mintz because logic
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Jeannick19 I would gladly kill you<3
But I couldn't possibly kill such an amazing person such as myself
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Gerard Champagne Yus yus, ty ty
Gerard Champagne
Gerard Champagne - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama Very Impressive. Well done.
Jeannick19 - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama Kill me. Kill yourself.
Doaa The Dickest of Dickheads.
Doaa The Dickest of Dickheads. - 9 years ago
Why didn't I fucking expect this.
acrymo - 9 years ago
+evon noy rest in peperoni 
we shall forever remember you
evon noy
evon noy - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama LOL, IM DEAD
acrymo - 9 years ago
+Munchito696 ily2
Munchito696 - 9 years ago
+Akiko Sama I don't even know what to say about this...
GirlChannel - 9 years ago
nice video.
visit my channel for cute and sexy asian girl
smage85 - 9 years ago
With all that screaming, the shark most certainly was only trying to help a damsel in distress.

Free you first eat you later..
7orqu3 - 9 years ago
Go home shark ur drunk
Alain Bruno
Alain Bruno - 9 years ago
I would have died of a heart attack if I was in that cage.
ShopkinsLPSKids Play
ShopkinsLPSKids Play - 7 years ago
Sifo Giorgi
Sifo Giorgi - 9 years ago
+Alain Bruno wtf!!???
No matter what video i watch, i see your comment.
michaelisrael66 - 9 years ago
+SWE Krebster I would liked to have jamed my fingers in his noise and slapped him across the face a couple of times really really hard then quickly retreat to the middle of the cage. But then again im a big chicken , sorry for waisting every ones time.
SWE Krebster
SWE Krebster - 9 years ago
+Alain Bruno I would've just punched it in the nose, But in a panicked state you never know
Mewtheed - 9 years ago
+Alain Bruno Good Idea, Shark aren't interested in dead meat.
EM Gaming
EM Gaming - 9 years ago
I would be enjoying having something to brag about
ryandc ranchdel
ryandc ranchdel - 9 years ago
+Alain Bruno put a shirt on you!!
miguel let
miguel let - 9 years ago
+Alain Bruno i hate sharks
chris friemiento
chris friemiento - 9 years ago
+Alain Bruno i peed on myself just watching it on youutube lol
Luke 03
Luke 03 - 9 years ago
Why scream? do you think the shark will be like "Oh they are scared, Ill just swim off and leave them alone.."
Jenny Brock
Jenny Brock - 9 years ago
Good afternoon to you too...
Beno Tsintsadze
Beno Tsintsadze - 9 years ago
That fucking cage looks so weak... Look at those skinny bars... Half of them are bent. A prisoner could of escaped from that cage
dbanks39120 - 9 years ago
So everyone missed the shark week episode where you find out the surprising fact that sharks don't have invisible elfen lied hands and gotta use there mouths to check and see what shit is
TheGamingChamp3 - 9 years ago
If it was a great black shark tho he would've gotten shot
Kaila Crozier
Kaila Crozier - 9 years ago
Mudkip4916 - 9 years ago
Thats scary!!!!!!!!
Paul Naude
Paul Naude - 9 years ago
The beginning shows the shark with the bait it had just swallowed and it had just finished chewing on it when its nose fell onto the cage and the soft rubber / neoprene of the corner of the cage. so it decided to test it by gnawing on it. It definitely didn't intentionally attack the cage.. Media hipe !  The rubber gave it reason to give it a good munch.. I don't think it will do it again after testing the post and that incessant high pitched disturbing manic squealing. Someone should have put a sock in her mouth.
SonarFX - 9 years ago
The quality of the video or the camera was excellent, is that a gopro hero 4?
Badoori9 - 9 years ago
When she started screaming I actually wanted the shark to eat her
שרה  עמרם
שרה עמרם - 9 years ago
Mariusz Długokęcki
Mariusz Długokęcki - 9 years ago
Co sraczka była ?
Carlos A
Carlos A - 9 years ago
Gonzalo Vazquez
Gonzalo Vazquez - 9 years ago
Why screams? What do you expect in that cage?
812gorod - 9 years ago
...ну вот...очередные кандидатуры на съедение животными..из природы очень не экологично устраивать аттракционы...тем более кричать О МАЙ ГОД...да твой))) Он все создал. И даже акула -одно из Его воплощений ....
Dg Visual
Dg Visual - 9 years ago
Volunteering at a wildlife ranch? Is this your concept of wildlife and what you can do for them? Wrong way…
Adoring Fan
Adoring Fan - 9 years ago
Its not a shark attack if your bait it
Landon Francis
Landon Francis - 9 years ago
i hate the ocean because there might be fucking sharks or megladon........SO FUCK THAT
Olivia de Bruyn
Olivia de Bruyn - 9 years ago
Awesome creature and people are uneducated about them.  It is a wild animal if you go cage diving expect the unexpected.  On my to do list.
Faisal Chapra
Faisal Chapra - 9 years ago
Good try dangerous moment.
施志威 - 9 years ago
I would punch her face if I were you..
Lauren Rauch
Lauren Rauch - 9 years ago
I don't know what all the hustle and bustle is about...he clearly just wanted to play. Ya know maybe play some fetch with the buoy...or a limb.
Tara LS
Tara LS - 9 years ago
It must be a great experience but tbh why do people do this? First its not safe and secondly its like teasing the sharks. It was obviously pissed off.
Christina Chhoeun
Christina Chhoeun - 9 years ago
Your not scared
Pay Dro
Pay Dro - 9 years ago
Maybe she was on her period....?
castlevania82 - 9 years ago
Can the women just shut the F up!!!!!
OVDOalmighty1352 - 9 years ago
tivook - 9 years ago
See girls, don't enter shark waters when you're on your period.
Paul Worsham
Paul Worsham - 9 years ago
"Keep hands and feet in the ride at all times"
dav mv
dav mv - 9 years ago
He just wants a hug
swalker0731 - 9 years ago
The things people do...I mean why would someone do this
BlacKingler - 9 years ago
That shark needed a pat
Adira Rizka
Adira Rizka - 9 years ago
proving this cage is save Hahaha
Pat Loro
Pat Loro - 9 years ago
This kind of video is pitiful (Ho my god...sigh). Sharks don't ever attack maliciously, some men's give him meat only for make money. sharks are an endangered species, they need our help not stupids videos for the buzz.
Saptarshi Roy
Saptarshi Roy - 9 years ago
Shark was like
"Fuck this I'm out."
Joe Mama
Joe Mama - 9 years ago
The Lyrics are NOM NOM NOM NOM
beckett Beckett
beckett Beckett - 9 years ago
Hungry little fella
MrYour101 - 9 years ago
It smelt the Starbucks.
Princ3ss life
Princ3ss life - 9 years ago
Looks like me when I can't bite some hard candy I just leave it and walk away in the end!
VR6 Doug
VR6 Doug - 9 years ago
Maybe the shark was thinking. Oh no! there's a human stuck in this cage. Dont panic, I will get you out. I am shark!!
isabella edmiston
isabella edmiston - 9 years ago
If I were in that cage I would be like. "FUCK THIS IM OUT"
MrRednexus - 9 years ago
Dam dude you should of given him a hand for trying
j. wick
j. wick - 9 years ago
That thing is a beast! A good 12-14 ft
Yesenia Garza
Yesenia Garza - 9 years ago
i think of bruce from finding nemo .
Jameson Koolio
Jameson Koolio - 9 years ago
what a bunch of pussies!! if that was me i would not have been in fear one bit
Loupy kami
Loupy kami - 9 years ago
+Jameson Koolio It's clear who the dumbasses are.
Jameson Koolio
Jameson Koolio - 9 years ago
Sharks don't have ears dumbass...
GBThreeCount - 9 years ago
Sharks don't have ears dumbass...
anonymous - 9 years ago
Whatever I bet if you where In the cage you would've screamed until the shark bleed from its ears
Wolf - 9 years ago
Jared Cat
Jared Cat - 9 years ago
Those sharks are powerful creatures, bad things happen when they put humans and finding food together.
Marlon Crisostomo
Marlon Crisostomo - 9 years ago
alduin first born of akatosh
alduin first born of akatosh - 9 years ago
Is wrong for cheering for the shark ?
alan30189 - 9 years ago
Stay underwater with the camera where the shark is!
Whipped Dream
Whipped Dream - 9 years ago
Cute shark XD
adianet - 9 years ago
The shark is trying to help the people get out of the cave thing
Danny Hartanto Djarum
Danny Hartanto Djarum - 9 years ago
boobeebah13 - 9 years ago
at 0:48 i'm not sure if they were laughing or crying...
Seth Vdb
Seth Vdb - 9 years ago
Somebody was on thier period
gothatway09 - 9 years ago
White people.  You don't even have to see the people in the cage, everyone knows automatically it's only white people that would get in the water with a shark.  No other race, ethnic group does that but White people.
Santiago Naranjo
Santiago Naranjo - 9 years ago
Hungry Shark... Real life edition
Cynthia - 9 years ago
:08 That sound when the shark jams his snout against the cage!!! I don't believe any professional movie sound effect expert could do one bit better.
Ailinh Nguyen
Ailinh Nguyen - 9 years ago
Sad Samurai
Sad Samurai - 9 years ago
When sharks sense fear, they will attack whoever is feeling scare. That's why you're not supposed to be panicking like that.
Cool Dude
Cool Dude - 9 years ago
Don't sharks have to keep moving forward?
Pumpernickle Pickle
Pumpernickle Pickle - 9 years ago
mmm human meat. Now if I can just get passed these fucking steel bars... Fuck it! I will just get a seal:( I really could've gone for a human arm, and leg. Next time.
Illogical Craftsman
Illogical Craftsman - 9 years ago
I always find it funny when people say shark attacks are rare. The main point being we don't live in the sea!!
Creb_ Boyz
Creb_ Boyz - 9 years ago
RecklessInsomniac - 9 years ago
0:08 that squeaking noise of his nose on the metal is wonderful.
Matthew McGuirt
Matthew McGuirt - 9 years ago
Just when you're getting over your fear of sharks...
Julie J
Julie J - 9 years ago
It sounds like a one direction concert
Zachary Lanier
Zachary Lanier - 9 years ago
Damn nature you scary!
John Crosetto
John Crosetto - 9 years ago
Family Guy's shark attack was way better.
Enzo R. Castillo
Enzo R. Castillo - 9 years ago
ROYAL PHYZ - 9 years ago
I think the shark is tryna safe the people/person in the cage

Wat a nice shark
Catt Napp
Catt Napp - 9 years ago
Must have been one hungry shark to be trying so hard. Glad it didn't make it. :)
NewSpongbobSucks - 9 years ago
shark: "pardon me my good sir, but would you be so kind to get in my belly"?
RJ o.o
RJ o.o - 9 years ago
That's why you don't go in a shark cage while you're on your menstrual cycle.
um no
um no - 9 years ago
God, people are so fucking stupid.
mojtapa Al-iraqe
mojtapa Al-iraqe - 9 years ago
TheBig Phenom
TheBig Phenom - 9 years ago
He was like "get in my mouth"
Seb J. Whoever
Seb J. Whoever - 9 years ago
Aw c'mon, he's just playing. :)
Tubby The Worm
Tubby The Worm - 9 years ago
YellowPaint100 - 9 years ago
Thank God for YouTube & Nat'l Geographic, now I don't have to pay for a vacation to go & try something crazy (this is close enough).
Nikolai Sumcad
Nikolai Sumcad - 9 years ago
I want that shark's dentist.
Jim Kerner
Jim Kerner - 9 years ago
Silly ass- what did you expect!
Shownomercy67 - 9 years ago
HONEY, WHERE IS MY Shotgun (nod to incredibles)
maddenchamp7751 - 9 years ago
He was most likely frightened this woman was drowning and was simply trying to help!
KASHA TAURIAC - 9 years ago
Comedown The UFC
Comedown The UFC - 9 years ago
I have already made him this kind of attraction but without the cage in the Bahamas. It is very terrible ! But not with a great white shark in the water.^^
iTouchin - 9 years ago
"Remember, it's afraid of you just as much as you are of it."

-Bullshit, Circa Dawn of Bullshit
Attilius - 9 years ago
Why do girls always scream it's very annoying.
hahayeahman - 9 years ago
looks like fun......( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sir KringeAlot
Sir KringeAlot - 9 years ago
The shark just wanted some puss...
Jesse Reinosa
Jesse Reinosa - 9 years ago
Holy f*ck!  I would need a fresh pair of swimming trunks if you catch my drift....
Pigeon - 9 years ago
That's not an attack...
I think of it this way- a dog chases and grabs after a stick thrown for it, and a shark grabs on to a cage thrown next to it. 
And for the record, this is what you want to happen when you pay hundreds of dollars for a cage diving expedition so that it's worth your money.
BioHazardousRock - 9 years ago
I kinda want to.. Touch it.
Riddarstolphe - 9 years ago
dafuq did you do to piss it off that much?
Pierre Begley
Pierre Begley - 9 years ago
This is not a Shark Attack. I would pay just to do what they've just done. It's a shame people still believe they are killers. Even though we humans kill about 20 million sharks every year.
Marine Pamplemousse
Marine Pamplemousse - 9 years ago
Je suis française et ne supporte pas que l'on puisse faire passer les attaques de requins (touristique en plus) pour quelque chose de dangereux !
Les requins tuent moins que La chute de noix de coco et moins de 10% de leurs attaques sont dangereuses ,il faut arrêter avec cette couverture médiatique qui les fait passer pour plus dangereux qu'ils ne le sont et plutôt concentrer les médias sur leur sur exploitation complètement inexplicable et inutile car des milliers de requins sont jetés à l'eau a l'agonie sans pouvoir se déplacer et juste avec l'éperon coupé !
Est ce juste sachant que eux nous ,sur les rares attaquent qu'ils commettent ,nous morde souvent par erreur ou part peur ?
Alors au lieu de focaliser les gens sur leur danger pratiquement inexistant on ne ferais pas mieux de les protéger ?
Samaila Idrees
Samaila Idrees - 9 years ago
Wow wow did is so wonder
Kevin Durant
Kevin Durant - 9 years ago
That shit is scary as hell.
Fooly Cooly
Fooly Cooly - 9 years ago
fuck. that.
Александр Потапов
Александр Потапов - 9 years ago
Мать моя женщина!!!!!
nobody in no body
nobody in no body - 9 years ago
too bad the shark didn't got them - fucking idiots, it's their own fault. Feeling sorry for the shark,for no one else.
Cowzai - 9 years ago
Awwww just like a dog chewing on a bone!!
VSG Steve
VSG Steve - 9 years ago
Alex Armani
Alex Armani - 9 years ago
Hungry shark evolution Now on android store shd eat those humans Damn FRESH MEAT
shadesboy1 - 9 years ago
How is this an "attack" video? Isn't this what you payed for? you were kinda asking for it,
Anya Roxane
Anya Roxane - 9 years ago
the way he tries to chew the metal is adorable :3
i guess he didn't like it in the end
unscarred - 9 years ago
I'd be so tempted to touch it.
W4L3 - 9 years ago
I reminded me so much of one of my exes when he tried to kiss me @_@ how disturbing :/
Marcos F. Molina
Marcos F. Molina - 9 years ago
People in this comments are so stupid and mean hahahaha.
Relax people, its girls having fun. Its just a fucking shark. Nothing happened. Stop trying to be offended.
MyShowBro - 9 years ago
He must have been teething
Pancake 52
Pancake 52 - 9 years ago
Those screaming people probably drove the shark away.
Still Jill
Still Jill - 9 years ago
..... and they wonder why sharks associate blood and people (and screaming) with FOOD.
Cascaded Volcano
Cascaded Volcano - 9 years ago
Solo July
Solo July - 9 years ago
bubbygfox - 9 years ago
People ask me why I don't like going swimming. This shit right here is why. Fuck that you can have your water bruh. I'm happy with the sun and shit.
Thang N.
Thang N. - 9 years ago
It just wants to give you a kiss
Reggie Noble
Reggie Noble - 9 years ago
That's a mean muhfukka
rulorosama - 9 years ago
Adrenalina al 150%
DPOH Productions
DPOH Productions - 9 years ago
Cant touch that!
Tin Švagelj
Tin Švagelj - 9 years ago
Chill out, he was just cleaning his teeth after a meal....

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