Bull Shark vs Crocodile Attack

Bull shark attacked, killed & eaten by a Huge Saltwater Crocodile. Among the Deadliest Animals in the World, the crocodile enjoys shark for dinner. But which animal is more deadly, a shark or a crocodile? We are going to look at the facts of each animal and then you guys can decide which one is more dangerous overall. The topic came up when these photos appeared online from Australia as a tourist witnessed a saltwater crocodile getting the best of a bullshark in the East Alligator River in Kakadu National Park Both of these fearless predators are unique because they can live in both Salt and Freshwater. The saltwater crocodile obviously won this battle, but does that mean that saltwater crocodiles are more deadly than the bull-shark? Let's compare SIZE! Nile Crocodile & the Saltwater Crocodile are the biggest and most dangerous of their respected species. With the Saltie being the Biggest of All Reptiles with a maximum size believed to be 23 feet and 4,000 pounds. The record for the biggest crocodile in the world was Lolong, (RIP) at 21 feet, 2300 pounds. Of the 500 shark species, only about 10 are really any threat to humans. The great white being the biggest and most powerful with tales in history claiming a great white being 37 feet long and over 10,000 pounds, however 24 feet and 5,000+ pounds may be close to the truth. Attacks on Humans? Every year, there about 100 shark attacks on people with less than 15 deaths worldwide. Crocodiles however, killed an average of 2,500 people every year, making them 167 times more dangerous than sharks. So that makes the crocodile much more dangerous to humans... but the question is... if you take the biggest baddest Great White Shark vs the Biggest Baddest Saltwater Crocodile... Who would win in a fight? Let's Connect -- http://www.facebook.com/epicwildlife -- http://gplus.to/epicwildlife -- http://www.twitter.com/epicwildlife -- http://www.pinterest.com/epicwildlife -- http://www.epicadamwildlife.com/ More Shark & Crocodile Videos -- Lolong Worlds Biggest Crocodile http://youtu.be/3QjPKeDvwD0 -- Giant Crocodile Attacks Fisherman http://youtu.be/LAHsT_bd5Ow -- Shark Attacks Texas Teen http://youtu.be/nsQIEjqbIlg -- Worlds Biggest Shark Megalodon http://youtu.be/zeQMqUMvIeY

Bull Shark vs Crocodile Attack sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9233

Shark videos 11 years ago 13,051,545 views

Bull shark attacked, killed & eaten by a Huge Saltwater Crocodile. Among the Deadliest Animals in the World, the crocodile enjoys shark for dinner. But which animal is more deadly, a shark or a crocodile? We are going to look at the facts of each animal and then you guys can decide which one is more dangerous overall. The topic came up when these photos appeared online from Australia as a tourist witnessed a saltwater crocodile getting the best of a bullshark in the East Alligator River in Kakadu National Park Both of these fearless predators are unique because they can live in both Salt and Freshwater. The saltwater crocodile obviously won this battle, but does that mean that saltwater crocodiles are more deadly than the bull-shark? Let's compare SIZE! Nile Crocodile & the Saltwater Crocodile are the biggest and most dangerous of their respected species. With the Saltie being the Biggest of All Reptiles with a maximum size believed to be 23 feet and 4,000 pounds. The record for the biggest crocodile in the world was Lolong, (RIP) at 21 feet, 2300 pounds. Of the 500 shark species, only about 10 are really any threat to humans. The great white being the biggest and most powerful with tales in history claiming a great white being 37 feet long and over 10,000 pounds, however 24 feet and 5,000+ pounds may be close to the truth. Attacks on Humans? Every year, there about 100 shark attacks on people with less than 15 deaths worldwide. Crocodiles however, killed an average of 2,500 people every year, making them 167 times more dangerous than sharks. So that makes the crocodile much more dangerous to humans... but the question is... if you take the biggest baddest Great White Shark vs the Biggest Baddest Saltwater Crocodile... Who would win in a fight? Let's Connect -- http://www.facebook.com/epicwildlife -- http://gplus.to/epicwildlife -- http://www.twitter.com/epicwildlife -- http://www.pinterest.com/epicwildlife -- http://www.epicadamwildlife.com/ More Shark & Crocodile Videos -- Lolong Worlds Biggest Crocodile http://youtu.be/3QjPKeDvwD0 -- Giant Crocodile Attacks Fisherman http://youtu.be/LAHsT_bd5Ow -- Shark Attacks Texas Teen http://youtu.be/nsQIEjqbIlg -- Worlds Biggest Shark Megalodon http://youtu.be/zeQMqUMvIeY

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Most popular comments
for Bull Shark vs Crocodile Attack

Bora A
Bora A - 7 years ago
I think Crocodile will win
PsyKode - 7 years ago
all mother fuckers bitches with their click bait titles. i dont see any fight. where is the shark vs croc? i dont see any fight between them
Josh Lambert
Josh Lambert - 7 years ago
Your statistics are flawed. It's a fair bet that the only reason that there are more human deaths by crocodile is because humans and crocs cross paths more often. That doesn't mean the croc is more deadly to humans than the shark, it only means that the shark has far fewer opportunities to eat a human than the croc.
Carl Games
Carl Games - 7 years ago
who bite first
godzilla 2018
godzilla 2018 - 7 years ago
I think crocodile is better
Anonymous alien
Anonymous alien - 7 years ago
Crocodiles be like: "I don't care who the biggest fish in the pond is, I am a whole different monster"
lozza ellis
lozza ellis - 7 years ago
what an arsehole!!!!!!!
Mr Happy Badger
Mr Happy Badger - 7 years ago
Wouldnt you rather upload quality material and get praise instead of hate?
bobby harvill
bobby harvill - 7 years ago
Nothing in nature is more dangerous than a woman with your credit card! She makes them both look tame.

10. comment for Bull Shark vs Crocodile Attack

bobby harvill
bobby harvill - 7 years ago
I guess if you wear a leather outback hat, people will think you know what you are talking about. Lol
finn bell
finn bell - 7 years ago
earrings are gay, mate
DieselFuel001 - 7 years ago
man, you're annoying
blue widow
blue widow - 7 years ago
People saying orcas are apex I don't think so. A giant squid would kill all 3 of them
Mr C
Mr C - 7 years ago
Crap post.
Ibrahim Goma
Ibrahim Goma - 7 years ago
the one who eats healthy food would win :D
Artas1984 - 7 years ago
Meanwhile in Russia...
matt R
matt R - 7 years ago
Look at how a great white attacks prey and tell me if you think a croc could survive that
rizki Jagat
rizki Jagat - 7 years ago
Im waiting the great white fight dude !!
Bashton Gamer
Bashton Gamer - 7 years ago
I would say the crocodile because of the crocodile depends on work in the waters in there are multiple species like the saltwater crocodile so I’m saying the crock water

20. comment for Bull Shark vs Crocodile Attack

Jeremiah Rosas
Jeremiah Rosas - 7 years ago
Your mom would win in a fight
Ishrak Hussain
Ishrak Hussain - 7 years ago
Depends on the individual .
Jaymark Hassan
Jaymark Hassan - 7 years ago
Lo-long is Found In my Hometown...
Leon Mead
Leon Mead - 7 years ago
So who won?
Family Vlog with Lliam
Family Vlog with Lliam - 7 years ago
Crocodile is more dangerous because they also go on land and the chomp force is really really strong
Petar Šestar
Petar Šestar - 7 years ago
Croc will win on land :P
Don Boss
Don Boss - 7 years ago
CNN NBC MSN Are Fake News
CNN NBC MSN Are Fake News - 7 years ago
fake and gay
Bryan Dean
Bryan Dean - 7 years ago
The croc would because if the great white tryed to bite the croc the croc would switch direction and bite the great white which would would attract more sharks and the great white would die from being prayed on by the other sharks.
This is my opinion.
christopher james
christopher james - 7 years ago
But aren't Hippos more dangerous than Crocodiles?

30. comment for Bull Shark vs Crocodile Attack

K Medi
K Medi - 7 years ago
the legend of SURA-BAYA city
Dave mills
Dave mills - 7 years ago
Welcome to Oz. We got shit that'll kill ya just by lookin' at ya
Orion Sagano
Orion Sagano - 7 years ago
there really should be a channel blacklist
yetitv Pandey
yetitv Pandey - 7 years ago
Bogle Brown
Bogle Brown - 7 years ago
Grimmi Hoover
Grimmi Hoover - 7 years ago
Fuck you for not showing the real fight >.>
Grimmi Hoover
Grimmi Hoover - 7 years ago
I was expecting to see a fight. Instead I got a guy talking but no action. Ugh... -.-
Brians Art for Animals
Brians Art for Animals - 7 years ago
croc has tougher skin..shark has awesome teeth..but I wouldn't want to mess with either of them
Musical Diary
Musical Diary - 7 years ago
Crocodiles are certainly more dangerous to humans. A saltwater croc can beat a bull shark but not a great white.
its me NELSON!
its me NELSON! - 7 years ago
Click bait
Abobakr Obaid
Abobakr Obaid - 7 years ago
The shark strong than the crocs
Ollie marin
Ollie marin - 7 years ago
The croc would definetly kill a shark easily
Simone Koh
Simone Koh - 7 years ago
Put on a few clips which is not related and talk about it.....pathetic
한유신 - 7 years ago
gretchen mreminting
gretchen mreminting - 7 years ago
I DO KNOW: I never wish 2 meet-up with either, thank you!!............ ;oD
Luis Crespo
Luis Crespo - 7 years ago
throw him in the water to referee - click bait garbage
Samad Saad
Samad Saad - 7 years ago
Corodile is attack great White shark is finished
Autobot AvengerXL5
Autobot AvengerXL5 - 7 years ago
I vote for Saltwater Croc. Because it has a bite force of 7,700 PSI. That’s more powerful than the bite of a Great White Shark.
Efficient_Gamer - 7 years ago
Randall Kowalik
Randall Kowalik - 7 years ago
No, that doesn't look fake at all.

50. comment for Bull Shark vs Crocodile Attack

esbee87 - 7 years ago
Hey shit cunt how about you remove this terrible video.
covington race
covington race - 7 years ago
Sarcosuchus Vs megalodon
Darwins De Jesus
Darwins De Jesus - 7 years ago
Dane Daniel
Caveman SpongeBob
Caveman SpongeBob - 7 years ago
rose are red, I got click baited, so did you and 8 thousand other people
Jay Dogg
Jay Dogg - 7 years ago
Dumbass your mom is
Danny O
Danny O - 7 years ago
Well look at the size of that croc compared to that shark... I would've bet on the croc too... What attacks humans more plays no role in determing which of the two would win a fight
Skindoggiedog - 7 years ago
Terrible delivery, mate. You can't just talk like you're reading off a piece of paper. You've got to practise until it sounds like you'd naturally talk about these things.
QueazyBreaks9254 GWS
QueazyBreaks9254 GWS - 7 years ago
Great white will win.
Curtis Stares
Curtis Stares - 7 years ago
Shark would win
fuclrum82 - 7 years ago
THERE IS NO VIDEOBut there's pictures, more than likely stolen stocks.
And some annoying guy flapping his face hole
craig howard
craig howard - 7 years ago
Oh they'res bigger Crocks than 21' out there no doubt!
The Undertaker
The Undertaker - 7 years ago
Crocodiles is more dangerous
rh1507 - 7 years ago
I think it matters on the location.
Nicolò White
Nicolò White - 7 years ago
The great white would win surely..
greg greg
greg greg - 7 years ago
this pricks a complete fucktard.
the only thing that threatens a big croc is a bigger croc
Amol Ngemu
Amol Ngemu - 7 years ago
Good so taste .. i want both in my dinner plate
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 7 years ago
Raver Crushrenada
Raver Crushrenada - 7 years ago
sharks don't hunt animal larger than seal.
SUPERMAN38315 - 7 years ago
Where's the fight?
Devin Heiner
Devin Heiner - 7 years ago
Crocodile allday
Georg Wilde
Georg Wilde - 7 years ago
Animals dont fight. They survive, eat, procreate and propagate their dna you moron.
Shamma Alketbi
Shamma Alketbi - 7 years ago
Salt water crocodile
Rachel Hensby
Rachel Hensby - 7 years ago
Moss Pat
Moss Pat - 7 years ago
Pffff! Both shark and croc don't stand a chance against the average chink. Bastards eat every damn thing tho!
Ur mom gay
Ur mom gay - 7 years ago

It has legs so it can go on land and call it's army
Mel Ba
Mel Ba - 7 years ago
Crocodiles everytime. It's a question of armor. The skin of a crocodile will beat out the speed and maneuverability of a shark every time.
Connor Watson
Connor Watson - 7 years ago
Melba Marie I agree but a shark can still bite through croc
Royce Machado
Royce Machado - 7 years ago
Who would win between shark, crocodile and my pet GOLDFISH?
tom d
tom d - 7 years ago
How high r u?
Jake master 771
Jake master 771 - 7 years ago
I think the croc would win
Keke - 7 years ago
Which animal is the deadliest? Humans.
FozzE - 7 years ago
i think greatwhite
wildernessman - 7 years ago
The shark could grab the crocodile and bring him out in the water and drown him but it really depends on who bites first
chinu .b
chinu .b - 7 years ago
fuck and get lost
Stephen Hicks
Stephen Hicks - 7 years ago
slide show videos showing bugger all. YAWN FUCKING YAWN.
Alex - Chan
Alex - Chan - 7 years ago
Rubbadubbers episode: Terence's Mighty Shark Dinner
Lawrence Ruata
Lawrence Ruata - 7 years ago
we don't want to listen ur explanation. we just want to watch the video only
Thijs Moerland
Thijs Moerland - 7 years ago
A crocedile (i cant english) wins he had really tough armor like skin
Gabe Lee
Gabe Lee - 7 years ago
hey dumb ass the worse one is Bull shark by far.go study and learn.
Wesley Oliver
Wesley Oliver - 7 years ago
They would both lose.
Peter Flannery
Peter Flannery - 7 years ago
dick head get your facts straight
Walsh - 7 years ago
The crocodile in the picture is Brutus, which has been known to kill many bull sharks. At least 3.
DEdens1525 - 7 years ago
Shark hands down.
Gurwinder Dhillon
Gurwinder Dhillon - 7 years ago
I think the shark would win
Michael Schwager
Michael Schwager - 7 years ago
Stupid comparison. Both Bull, Great White and the Salty can easily kill a human.
Who cares which one is more dangerous to the other?
spectrumlocalb191 - 7 years ago
Who cares deuce bag.
Black Sabbath XXX
Black Sabbath XXX - 7 years ago
Where's the fight?
Zahheer Hassan
Zahheer Hassan - 7 years ago
crdolile it's got sharp teeth and dangerous
Serious Banana
Serious Banana - 7 years ago
JD X - 7 years ago
Bullshark average length: 2,5-3m.

Saltwater Crocodile average length:
4-5m. max 7. And Armored 60% of his body.

jayden francis
jayden francis - 7 years ago
i think the shark will win cuz they have easier jaws to munch and bite and the bull shark has an stronger bite force than the crocodile so i vote 10 for the great white shark and the bull shark

100. comment for Bull Shark vs Crocodile Attack

Jennifer Martinez
Jennifer Martinez - 7 years ago
Galeno Delmar
Galeno Delmar - 7 years ago
When is this guy going to fuck me? Fucking woof! ;-)
Smoke N' ride
Smoke N' ride - 7 years ago
Rly nigga
MaidenAirTM - 7 years ago
crocs peform badly vs other predators
Haseeb Okasha
Haseeb Okasha - 7 years ago
TigrisdeGallia - 7 years ago
This guy vs the dislike button
Max Bendle
Max Bendle - 7 years ago
Very misleading. Not impressed
Mir Kuza
Mir Kuza - 7 years ago
Brodie Goodwin
Brodie Goodwin - 7 years ago
Jimmy Ponciano
Jimmy Ponciano - 7 years ago
You're so awesome
godsladybug24 - 7 years ago
as much as I love my sharks I think the crocodile would because sharks have to keep moving to stay alive crocodiles don't they usually take their victims and stuff them down under a log so they can do the role and take the shark and drown it
Christa Paulette Besonia
Christa Paulette Besonia - 7 years ago
it's just a bull not a great white
Mileena Monsta
Mileena Monsta - 7 years ago
the crocodile is a in water in on land creature it could grab you while you're on land sharks live in water all their lives so of course a crocodile kills more people than sharks
Annie San Juan
Annie San Juan - 7 years ago
David Laurance
David Laurance - 7 years ago
this guy's a fucking dumb ass
Melanosuchus niger
Melanosuchus niger - 7 years ago
The two cannot be put together in a fight without the odds being in one or the others favour since there is no environment in which the saltwater crocodile and great white shark live in that the other can live in just as well. In the Ocean the shark has greater maneuverability and does not need to breathe. In a river the croc has greater element of surprise and the shark would be unable to survive so its probably a draw.
Jason Thomas Biggs
Jason Thomas Biggs - 7 years ago
it depends on the size and area to decide a winner. in the river crocodile should win but out at sea a shark would win.
Jeff Darnell
Jeff Darnell - 7 years ago
The Orca....its kill them all...
Jeff Darnell
Jeff Darnell - 7 years ago
Well look how big the Croc is!! Damn...
Prestige OfUsa
Prestige OfUsa - 7 years ago
Everyone Wants To Know The Meaning Of Life Dude Not Just You.
NutriSophic - 7 years ago
Who came here for a practical and got nothing more than theory...
Brady Dzanaj
Brady Dzanaj - 7 years ago
let's switch it with replacing the shark with Jaws
عباس البصراوي Abas. Ali
عباس البصراوي Abas. Ali - 7 years ago
hgjhbjj ggf invite
NS Promio
NS Promio - 7 years ago
but sad thing is no one even arranging a fight between these two beast ...... i wanna see a fight
NS Promio
NS Promio - 7 years ago
shark definately
TheBlackFrog79 - 7 years ago
0:55 - 0:59 best part of the video
Dirtradamus - 7 years ago
depends on the depth of water . ...Shallow water I'll take the Croc......Deep water the Shark
GK Royal Flush
GK Royal Flush - 7 years ago
the title is bull shark vs crocodile than at the end you want us to decide from a great white vs a crocodile?
Alejandro Canterok90o
Alejandro Canterok90o - 7 years ago
Justin Metcalfe
Justin Metcalfe - 7 years ago
Ravishankar Kamalachandra
Ravishankar Kamalachandra - 7 years ago
TheSydguy30 - 7 years ago
Crocs are smarter than sharks. Plus a Crocs body is a hell of a lot more armored than a sharks is.
MrRouge6 - 7 years ago
clickcunt. souless leech
D.B. Cooper
D.B. Cooper - 7 years ago
your mother would win between a shark and croc
Udonknowmeatall Headbangersball
Udonknowmeatall Headbangersball - 7 years ago
Neither would be in the others' habitat. Dumb scenario. And your had makes you look stupid.
Amir Hadzi
Amir Hadzi - 7 years ago
GREAT WHITE would slice it . its its territory in the deep. 10 feet only
pureU4EA - 7 years ago
clickbait cunts
Devon Mcneal
Devon Mcneal - 7 years ago
who gives a shit!!
Robbie Keene
Robbie Keene - 7 years ago
crocs eat man sharks
shea walker
shea walker - 7 years ago
ive uncoverd the trooth grate white is a megiladon but not that big and not that much food
Sydney Osland
Sydney Osland - 7 years ago
just because the croc attack a human doesn't mean the croc was at fault it was more of the croc protecting its territory instead of it going out of its way to kill someone. Also Crocs don't want anything to do with humans they just want to be left allown.
Carter Yasutake
Carter Yasutake - 7 years ago
clickbait bullshit...
OGANATOR 1 - 7 years ago
Great white would win
Pattern 144
Pattern 144 - 7 years ago
Dude buy a fucking mic already gottdammm
Pringles - 7 years ago
The crocodile would because the crocodile has the death spin and it could drag it to land and injure it while on land a suffocate the shark and if the shark is luck could death grab the croc and just snap it's spine so it drowns
Jeremy Acidera
Jeremy Acidera - 7 years ago
it depends were there fighting
AFC Esto
AFC Esto - 7 years ago
hey asshole your smell like toilet your annoying and sounds like you need a dog to bee in your mouth lol
Peter Paech
Peter Paech - 7 years ago
Crocodile easily
KEIZER Presents u
KEIZER Presents u - 7 years ago
Sault croc would win agiainest bull sharks but great white shark would win
JaimeTheGamer - 7 years ago
I don't know
Ram Runner
Ram Runner - 7 years ago
I think it would come down to where the fight happened in deep water no doubt the great white has it. Shallow water crock might have advantage.
twist - 7 years ago
this video is fucking pointless
Julie Carlos
Julie Carlos - 8 years ago
I think croc would win because he or she could do the death roll and if sharks flip over it immediately falls asleep and the croc could eat it
Effram Coleman
Effram Coleman - 8 years ago
crocodiles do a death row if the great white gets turned upside down it goes to sleep around the crocodile to enjoy sharks soup
Cody Norton
Cody Norton - 8 years ago
Shark all day. The Saltwater croc does not stray far from the beach, and it swims like a lizard, notably the Komodo Dragon. Sure they can go coast to coast, but they dare not swim into the vast sea nor do they swim quickly. Crocs lay in wait near shore lines for pray to come take a drink of water, and lunge to capture. Other than that even a saltwater croc can't do much in open water. A shark, even a bull shark, would see the crock swimming in his territory, come from underneath, and attack fiercely where their top armor has no effect.. Deep enough water, which is where this fight would happen, the shark wins 9/10.
Marc Robertson
Marc Robertson - 8 years ago
what's up with the bull sharks tail?
Professor Emil
Professor Emil - 8 years ago
Kill yourself.
Scott Redford
Scott Redford - 8 years ago
The hat and the blue screen just take away any credibility this guy had
Parody Kids
Parody Kids - 8 years ago
Croc is bigger
Chazz A
Chazz A - 8 years ago
So basically I clicked this video for you to ask me the same question I had before I watched this..
steelnation - 8 years ago
crocodile have armored skin
salty beanboy
salty beanboy - 8 years ago
It's so simple the crocodile would win every time, all you have to do to get a shark away from you is hit it in the nose
Halo3 Mvk
Halo3 Mvk - 8 years ago
cocodrile Is a dangerous thing in the planet
IceFreeze - 8 years ago
Me Me
Me Me - 8 years ago
Your stoned as fuck. Either that or your stoned as fuck
Sajid Sheikh
Sajid Sheikh - 8 years ago
white shark would kill a big salty provided the excpetion for some big salt water crocodiles exceeding 11 metre(lake mandanal phillipenes,bhitarkanika national park,India,Not officially recorded).
I think orcas would be more deadly rival for even biggests of the salties as some orcas reach 9.5 metres on records.
ImcjeXL - 8 years ago
R.I.P Bull shark
GhostboyYT FAN
GhostboyYT FAN - 8 years ago
Lawrence Kedz
Lawrence Kedz - 8 years ago
Sorry, but I just won't talk to a butthead!
ivanwesteurope - 8 years ago
I would beat that fucking crocodile to death.
Marko Tek
Marko Tek - 8 years ago
7k dislike
Simona Vainuleviciute
Simona Vainuleviciute - 8 years ago
wat da fuck video is that?
Anthony Hargis
Anthony Hargis - 8 years ago
A twenty foot crocodile versus a seven foot bull shark is someone's idea of a "fair fight?" ROFLMAO

Let's put the crocodile in deep water, then through in a twenty foot great white. It will be interesting to see what really happens.
Sam Fisher
Sam Fisher - 8 years ago
A video with ken burns photo slideshows
Javiz Lopez
Javiz Lopez - 8 years ago
my Dick is stronger
hiphopmusicallday - 8 years ago
people kill more crocodile than they kill us but on sum real shit i dont fuk with crocodiles at all even shark
Andy van Laar
Andy van Laar - 8 years ago
I vote the crocodile. Crocodiles have stronger biteforce. Are more Agile and in the water and have armored pantser on his back where a bullet can't even penetrate through. The Shark could win if it charges and launches from under him because the belly of the croc is softer then his pantser armor. But still the croc would win imo.
Just Kylie
Just Kylie - 8 years ago
The host looks high as fuuuuck.
William Devito
William Devito - 8 years ago
dumb worthless video
Neil Sparrow
Neil Sparrow - 8 years ago
Live to Ride
Live to Ride - 8 years ago
Your a clickbait son of a bitch with a gay ass channel
Bernievids - 8 years ago
Well I have not seen any BULL SHARKS taking any Saltys lately. Just saying.
Dennis Morris
Dennis Morris - 8 years ago
that's the most racist thing I've ever seen
Dance hall Troll
Dance hall Troll - 8 years ago
Fuck off and stop posting fake videos you fucking used tampax
bigoneish - 8 years ago
you should get someone more interesting to talk
Njel Malak
Njel Malak - 8 years ago
Definitely unlike this motherfucker wasted 1.49 mins of my life..smh..
151Gattlin - 8 years ago
Your bloodshot eyes are pretty deadly lol. ;)
Pienimusta - 8 years ago
Who would win? Orca ;D
Lukas Cielocaminante
Lukas Cielocaminante - 8 years ago
firstname lastname
firstname lastname - 8 years ago
Really depends on where they are and how long ago did the crock take a breath, if it doesn't run out of air and the shark can't get under it the croc just just has to tear off a fin and the shark won't be able to swim right, and if it bites its gills
EdiBlazE - 8 years ago
Very good question...maybe we should ask captain insano
Myron Carheel
Myron Carheel - 8 years ago
Croc will win
charizard boss617
charizard boss617 - 8 years ago
Myron Carheel if a crocodile had enough power then maybe
luck luckie
luck luckie - 8 years ago
bait but ok lets play like this was a good video for a sec you would think. the shark on average is gonna be bigger than the croc the sharks at 5000 pounds i dont think crocs are more than that but the crocs lems legs tail just seems like the shark has. a easy target to lock on too in open waters the shark will release like a missle 30 miles and hour in open water he will hit something i promise you
CroCoDile Designs
CroCoDile Designs - 8 years ago
ayman bacha
ayman bacha - 8 years ago
me cago n tu puta madre falsante de mierda
The Greatman
The Greatman - 8 years ago
Nice hat , who are you trying to look like
White Wolf
White Wolf - 8 years ago
GREAT WHITE SHARK will destroy any CROC!!
Michael Scott
Michael Scott - 8 years ago
We don't have alligators in Australia dickhead educate yourself! -.- alligators are dopey cunts compared to a salt water crocodile
Mike Chiliberti
Mike Chiliberti - 8 years ago
what if the megalodon was still real
Imsman Trojan Souljah
Imsman Trojan Souljah - 8 years ago
click bait
joseph montague
joseph montague - 8 years ago
LOLONG the biggest, you got your head up your ass
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez - 8 years ago
i say aligaitor and my freind says shark
lucian utley
lucian utley - 8 years ago
the wind not ft
lucian utley
lucian utley - 8 years ago
ive seen a saltwater crocadial close up it was bhind glass trying to eat biting the window and cracking if. ht
samdroidva - 8 years ago
aint no way a croc could beat a Great White in the water, aint no fuckin' way.
Dan Bruffell
Dan Bruffell - 8 years ago
click bate... still photos.... yawn
Cocopop 18
Cocopop 18 - 8 years ago
Worst video with the worst person iv ever seen in my life. fuck off
Lucidrequiem - 8 years ago
You are the Keanu Reeves of commonly known animal facts.
Matt Chan
Matt Chan - 8 years ago
What a croc of shit
Jordan Holland
Jordan Holland - 8 years ago
jesus huerta
jesus huerta - 8 years ago
I say crocodile would win
greetrigh28 - 8 years ago
The crocodile will always win the fight. They are programmed, without provocation, to attack anything that moves in the water. Whereas sharks do the normal circling before launching an attack. The shark would always lose to a crocodile, unless it could attack first. I would always side with sharks in this battle....but I guess that means, I would be rooting for the loser. Damn!!!!!
alan stefan
alan stefan - 8 years ago
I will win as I will kill them at wt fucking bazuka hahahah
Tristen Sanders
Tristen Sanders - 8 years ago
Randy Layhey
Randy Layhey - 8 years ago
shut the fuck up!
Beau Delos Santos
Beau Delos Santos - 8 years ago
Both animals are deadly idiot epic wildlife
fifa forever
fifa forever - 8 years ago
Bullshit video
Pierre Lam
Pierre Lam - 8 years ago
Click bait
Baller Dj
Baller Dj - 8 years ago
I know right
Midwest Outdoor
Midwest Outdoor - 8 years ago
not to be mean, but i have to ask. what happened to your accent?
Midwest Outdoor
Midwest Outdoor - 8 years ago
sorry just realized there are two diffrent people.
lightning9 - 8 years ago
that's a pretty small shark...if it were a great white or tiger shark of the same size, then it'd be a proper match..
Downrange Cash2
Downrange Cash2 - 8 years ago
Really depends on the environment. If they are in open water then the croc can't win, but if they are in the shallows or a river then the shark is dead. One thing to take into account is the fact the crocodile has to go to the surface to breathe
IROMAS ¹⁵⁹ - 8 years ago
Tom Kim Didn't they just say that
Tom Kim
Tom Kim - 8 years ago
Downrange Cash2 very true but it depends on which angle their in open ocean or not
Mina Sanchez
Mina Sanchez - 8 years ago
SneeSnoo45 - 8 years ago
Although they would never meet, Crocodile would definitely win. Sharks don't have bones, they have cartilage which is softer and could be crushed by the bite force of a Croc, plus the croc is way more aggressive and dangerous. I feel like the shark might have a chance, but just maybe. Crocodile would have to win.
Fernando 111
Fernando 111 - 8 years ago
Fernando 111
Fernando 111 - 8 years ago
You h gril tthat love c and s
player 360
player 360 - 8 years ago
Jeff O
Jeff O - 8 years ago
Shark would win
Jeannie Shears
Jeannie Shears - 8 years ago
the shark is more cool
Huginmunin 85
Huginmunin 85 - 8 years ago
trottel du
ThomasLMusic - 8 years ago
Claiming a croc is more dangerous then a shark because of the amount of deaths per year is like saying cars in the city are more dangerous then cars on the highway because more people get hit by cars in the inner city. Completely false due to the amount of people who are likely to come in contact with both dangers. The only way to truly tell which animal is more dangerous would be to put a set amount of humans in direct contact with both animals and see how many die and how many survive. This guy is a fucking moron.
Danny Visser
Danny Visser - 8 years ago
meet adapt period rape guard describe burden.
paul harris
paul harris - 8 years ago
ivan rangelov
ivan rangelov - 8 years ago
Why does the look in his eyes make me afraid to sleep tonight
Swift Wave
Swift Wave - 8 years ago
Are u bills son haha
Man like Mike
Man like Mike - 8 years ago
No fight u fucking prick
Edward Ster
Edward Ster - 8 years ago
doing that a shark has to move at all time in order to breath all the crocodile has to do is grab it and do its death row and that's it
Lloyd Boyd
Lloyd Boyd - 8 years ago
Where's the fight d*ckhead
Abid Baloch
Abid Baloch - 8 years ago
great white shark is the baddest animal in the world he can kill a octupos and dolphin just like the megalodon
sounds like fishing
sounds like fishing - 8 years ago
my money is on the croc but a larger bull shark will be strong enough to kill a large croc to but it depends on how smart the bull shark is
11viewer77 - 8 years ago
I think it depends on the environment where the fight would take place. In the open sea the shark would probaby win, due to his agility, but if the fight takes place in limited waters, I would bet my money on the crocodile.
Asphalt Ricky
Asphalt Ricky - 8 years ago
Dear unloader. I know you don't read or give a shit about these comments. But if you do, and in case you didn't know already....... I'm keeping my opinion of you to myself lol
KevinWorm - 8 years ago
A large great white would kill a large croc as bite force is probably that bit stronger and jaw diameter is bigger than a croc's. My money would be on the great white. Orcas are still the most formidable predators due to their size, power and extreme intelligence
friday the 13
friday the 13 - 8 years ago
KevinWorm your an idiot a bit stronger. ha ha boi no great whites don't even have the strongest bite of the sharks let alone a salty. and mm they have found great white in the bellies of a salty
Rita Smidtiene
Rita Smidtiene - 8 years ago
how do crocodiles kill us so much like if you are on land and see one you can just run away because they have such short legs but a shark if you see one it would be hard to get away because swimming is slower than running
Hugh - 8 years ago
Fuck you, you ugly indiana jones wannabe
KidPersepolis - 8 years ago
clickbait prick
TheDjentlemanIR - 8 years ago
you can't have a title like that, pictures and that description without the video itself. Come on dude, learn how to youtube
la nw
la nw - 8 years ago
Makotroid - 8 years ago
Large great whites are documented as shy and reclusive, preferring to strike SMALLER prey with ambush tactics from deeper water. (Orca's have taught white sharks to be wary of other large predators.) Then there's the crocodiles preference for shallow water ambush... making this scenario, highly unlikely.
anja šušić
anja šušić - 8 years ago
Dr. Ornery
Dr. Ornery - 8 years ago
My Beta (Chinese fighting fish) could eat them both.
Isabella Lara
Isabella Lara - 8 years ago
just take a big ass salt water crock and a big greatwhite shark in a giant tank and let them go ham
Isabella Lara
Isabella Lara - 8 years ago
just take a big ass salt water crock and a big greatwhite shark in a giant tank and let them go ham
Sandra Evans
Sandra Evans - 8 years ago
croc would win
Krislee Villanueva
Krislee Villanueva - 8 years ago
I like the most biggest shark of all time "MEGALODON"
DarkfredMLG -
DarkfredMLG - - 8 years ago
those 7,083 dislikes are from sharks
Birdy eats a pea
Birdy eats a pea - 8 years ago
genesis abenir they are outraged and want a refund. With extra chum on the side.
Jessie _
Jessie _ - 8 years ago
genesis abenir no I thought I was gonna see a battle and I didn't this was click bate so he would get views
leandra2288 - 8 years ago
remember that tv show that showed the hippo vs bull shark and nile crocodile vs great white? good times
Joseph Vickers
Joseph Vickers - 8 years ago
I'd imagine the results would be entirely dependent on the terrain. In deep oceans the shark is more likely to win, but in a shallow river where it has less room to maneuver that croc is getting some shark fin soup for sure.
Mikey - 8 years ago
Statistics are a bit off i would bet on the croc deaths.
Kevin Rush
Kevin Rush - 8 years ago
Young Balky
Young Balky - 8 years ago
Sharks kills more humans
Fendi Towikromo
Fendi Towikromo - 8 years ago
Shark is more deadly
Maximillion Roivas
Maximillion Roivas - 8 years ago
Who would win?

Donald Trump. More deadly than the deadliest animal on Earth.
Logan James
Logan James - 8 years ago
I want his hat
charizard boss617
charizard boss617 - 8 years ago
great white shark would destroy the croc
continental-survivor - 8 years ago
Booooo click bait ass mutherfucker
Kevin K
Kevin K - 8 years ago
Absolute click-bait.
Jason Staubitz
Jason Staubitz - 7 years ago
dagadouga dhd
Jason Staubitz
Jason Staubitz - 7 years ago
dagadouga - 7 years ago
Amr adib on 27may
BestboysGaming YT
BestboysGaming YT - 8 years ago
Clic bait look at the thumb
Jay Swavely
Jay Swavely - 8 years ago
McDonald's Farmer
Sandy Isaka
Sandy Isaka - 8 years ago
Crocodile because it's has a lager mouth then a shark and a shark has a big mouth but not that big as a crocodile
Juju k12 Juju
Juju k12 Juju - 8 years ago
Cant tell maybe that shark was weak.
Meseret Isaak
Meseret Isaak - 8 years ago
The pussy cat will claw both fishy and meow out of the fussiest way the usual pussy...
Hayden Yancy
Hayden Yancy - 8 years ago
this is not real I can tell right now that bullsharks do not live in saltwater, real answer:clearwater(not the place)
ProtossX - 8 years ago
i dunno we should put a great white shark vs salt water crocodile in a park an see who wins
Neash Krishna
Neash Krishna - 8 years ago
He just asked who would win lol an yeah they could meet up one day haha
SPIDERMAN superhero
SPIDERMAN superhero - 8 years ago
noukhan chommany
noukhan chommany - 8 years ago
just saying crocs got the death roll dough
l33fox - 8 years ago
Shark without a doubt it's made for killing as where the croc is made for survival!
Cashout 2k17
Cashout 2k17 - 8 years ago
Cringe is to strong
CHRIS FLYNN - 8 years ago
He said a 37 foot great white would be about 1000 pounds???.....ummmm noooo....Try like 3,000 and 5,000 pounds there chief
GregoCatal - 8 years ago
"Which animal kills more humans?" African Elephant.
griimlock - 8 years ago
having a shark vs a Croc ain't really fair. there 2 completely different animals in 2 completely different habitats which if the Croc was in deep open water the Croc ain't got a chance but if a shark got banked or forced to go into shallow waters then the Croc would have it so it literally depends on the animals circumstances at the time besides they wouldn't engage with each other unless they where forced to go face to face
roboytoaight - 8 years ago
I think you might be basing your statement off of that show where they hypothetically matched up a Great white vs a Salty. This is a bull shark. Respectively, I think it's safe to say that regardless of water depth or just about any other cirumstances, if the two did meet, that croc is MUCH more likely to have a quick meal. If a bullshark on average is around 8 ft and and 300 lbs and a salty on average is around 18 feet at 1000 lbs, seems like physics can answer this one pretty easily. And yes, I do agree typically big carnivores wont engage with each other but again, I think a salty would probably consider a bull shark prey before considering it competition. Sorry to be "that guy", just voicing an opinion.
Miguel valverde
Miguel valverde - 8 years ago
i thought it was a video of a crocodile vs a shark
MarkoMankid - 8 years ago
so its supposed to be submarine and brutus
sherona phang
sherona phang - 8 years ago
BuckleLord - 8 years ago
I just want to watch the video of them fighting this guy is annoying as fuck
The Greenman
The Greenman - 7 years ago
This guy has has the crazy eyes - much like "overly attached girlfriend".
Chayenne Kortram
Chayenne Kortram - 7 years ago
fuck you dick
Kane Limburg
Kane Limburg - 7 years ago
fuck off u drop kick
Valayar Checkpost
Valayar Checkpost - 8 years ago
+MY MASTER whip's me! lol dont talk about ur dad that way.
MY MASTER whip's me! lol
MY MASTER whip's me! lol - 8 years ago
+Valayar Checkpost and so are you you fucktard.
Valayar Checkpost
Valayar Checkpost - 8 years ago
Ur still an old school moron
BuckleLord - 8 years ago
+Valayar Checkpost ... don't even know how to respond. half the audience here clicked this to watch a fight not some guy talking. :/
Valayar Checkpost
Valayar Checkpost - 8 years ago
annoying af, not annoying as fuck u old school moron
calvin eulalio
calvin eulalio - 8 years ago
The Killer Whale would kill them both...
iiTwistedXx - 8 years ago
Karla Ruiz
Karla Ruiz - 8 years ago
I love crocodiles and sharks! ❤
they are so beautiful
Downrange Cash2
Downrange Cash2 - 8 years ago
Karla Ruiz yeah very beautiful. I love crocodiles. I swam with sharks once too, and it was a great experience. Of course when they are very very hungry and you are in the water, well, you're fair game. Not that humans taste good
Alex Blake
Alex Blake - 8 years ago
Lol beautiful fr. But beautiful until one gets a hold of you.
PewDiePie’s Chair
PewDiePie’s Chair - 8 years ago
You and me have different definitions of "beautiful"
thesmokegamer 563
thesmokegamer 563 - 8 years ago
a megalodon is biggest not great white
flukeman022 - 8 years ago
+genesis abenir Whale Shark is the biggest but when it comes to predators Great White is the biggest.
DarkfredMLG -
DarkfredMLG - - 8 years ago
the megalodon got extinct so the title has been given to great white
flukeman022 - 8 years ago
was biggest so that makes great whites the biggest shark
Excaliber4Gaming - 8 years ago
A shark can bite thru a turtle's she'll so I say it can bite thru a crocs hide!
Williams Daren's
Williams Daren's - 8 years ago
marc verus
marc verus - 8 years ago
no compared to sharks (think of the great white) a nile crocdile would be a nice meal for the shark, but some now may think: but crocodiles have a hard bag to bite, thats right! but a great white can easly bite metal for sure so 1 bite 1 kill for the shark, but other sharks.....their just crocdile food XD
Mister Krabs
Mister Krabs - 8 years ago
I'd win
Austin Laughland
Austin Laughland - 8 years ago
Is it just me or does this guy seem a little baked ?
Joshua Fox
Joshua Fox - 8 years ago
that's like asking which is sharper a butter knife or a razorblade:/ great whites and bulls are from different world's lol
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 8 years ago
fuck you, faggot
Nick Ambrose
Nick Ambrose - 8 years ago
Hard to say. Imagine the carnage of that battle though. It'd be a fuckin bad one!
TheClash YT
TheClash YT - 8 years ago
Nope the megalodon or whatever it's called is 5 times bigger than the great white shark so it's 98% better than the great white shark cause it's the biggest shark on earth that ever live singed the 18's hundreds
Gone Forever
Gone Forever - 8 years ago
Verikron Wasn't the biggest croc that ever lived sarcosuchus?
Kimmy Kakes
Kimmy Kakes - 8 years ago
And your point?
SneeSnoo45 - 8 years ago
It's related to Caiman actually
SneeSnoo45 - 8 years ago
Actually megalodon was bigger, and had a stronger bite force, but the biggest prehistoric croc, Purussaurus would probably kill it anyway.

Megalodon bite force: 108,514 N – 182,201 N (11-18 tons of force)

Purussaurus: 69,000 N (around 7 metric tons-force)
Tom Kim
Tom Kim - 8 years ago
FaZe Gamerz2.o it's the biggest shark but over all the crocodile would win in today's match up and plus the megalodon was smaller than. most prehistoric crocs
SneeSnoo45 - 8 years ago
You said it lived since the 1800's even though It lived millions of years ago, and it doesn't matter. They died out millions of years ago.
TheClash YT
TheClash YT - 8 years ago
Sorry but it's still the biggest shark ever even though it's extinct idiot
Kimmy Kakes
Kimmy Kakes - 8 years ago
Bigger makes it a better hunter?
Tom Kim
Tom Kim - 8 years ago
FaZe Gamerz2.o megalodon doesn't exist anymore dumb fuck and plus there was a species of crocodile family that grew to 60 feet
Gone Forever
Gone Forever - 8 years ago
FaZe Gamerz2.o Yeah it's extinct lol
Kimmy Kakes
Kimmy Kakes - 8 years ago
Hahaha Hey Skippy if the Megalodon is so great then why did it go extinct lol
Christian Saldana
Christian Saldana - 8 years ago
Crocs don't encounter sharks but alligators sometimes do, at least in the coasts of the southern states. I live in Texas and hear about alligators in the estuaries attacking and eating sharks all the time and sometimes alligators are spotted floating in the ocean.
Chloe Bugs
Chloe Bugs - 8 years ago
Croc would when
sevens7 - 8 years ago
I got the video I'm about to post you'll be surprised
John Allan
John Allan - 8 years ago
georgef35 - 8 years ago
dislike for misleading my time.
Quisha Oladosu
Quisha Oladosu - 8 years ago
Bunk - 8 years ago
Forgot to mention the crocodile has a bite force of over 5000 pounds T-Rex had 6000-7000 great white only has 600 pounds bite pressure.Crocodile has a bite force of over 2200+ kg. which is equal to a weight of a bus.
Willy Andre Mosheim
Willy Andre Mosheim - 8 years ago
Gone Forever
Gone Forever - 8 years ago
Dervint Yeah but still sarcosuchus was 12 meters and t rex was 12 meters too and sarcosuchus never stopped growing until it died imagen that it didnt die
Bunk - 8 years ago
+Nitsuki AMV's Actually spinosaurus had a lower bite force than a TREX, spinosaurus was actually meant to be a fish eater so its snout and jaw was evolved to eat fish rather than crush bone and kill dinosaurs like TREX's jaws and head was evolved for.
Gone Forever
Gone Forever - 8 years ago
Dervint but have you looked up sarcosuchus the biggest croc that ever lived and May had Daily battles with the spinosaurus the biggest carnivorous animal that ever walked the earth much bigger then an T rex?
Quantrindic - 8 years ago
I looked that up and Google says the T-rex's bite is far, far greater than a croc's
Muddassir Ghoorun
Muddassir Ghoorun - 8 years ago
put them in the same aquarium n do a test
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 8 years ago
jaguars kill caimans (like crocodiles )seems like crocodiles are killed by much predators
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 8 years ago
Who kills the shark?orcas and bigger sharks (megalodon )
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 8 years ago
anaconda kills crocodiles , other crocodiles kills crocodiles goliat tiger fish kills crocodiles
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 8 years ago
Great white kills crocodiles
Savelina Alo
Savelina Alo - 8 years ago
Look all here you dump ass white how come tbe lake take over the open sea shark teeth more sharper than crocodiles one bite from grate white shark that's it yr done n shark teeth have many layers
Jesus Higareda
Jesus Higareda - 8 years ago
Your video only had simple Google facts and I didn't learn anything from your video, what a waste of my precious time.
Nate W
Nate W - 8 years ago
I hate sharks, and now I hate Crocadiles. I feel like Stirling Archer
L. S.
L. S. - 8 years ago
I personally think that the great white shark would win in a fight, it's much more powerful and faster, but crocodile's are badass too!
caden Davis
caden Davis - 8 years ago
crocodile would win
Liam Bennett
Liam Bennett - 8 years ago
and the crocodiles skin if thicker
Liam Bennett
Liam Bennett - 8 years ago
the crocodile would win because of its bite and its the sharks sensitive nose
Hung P
Hung P - 8 years ago
"The baddest" ?! You mean the worst?
Ty Cheatham
Ty Cheatham - 8 years ago
the KN Crocodile they have the strongest bite force in the world and their a lot quicker than sharks
David De La Cruz
David De La Cruz - 8 years ago
yeah maan fill the water with bait and see who kills each other lol maybe theyllbe beatfriend s yall niggas bitches lol
The Sexy APE
The Sexy APE - 8 years ago
+charlie c hahaha no one responded to your ignorance. Dumb shit
Kenan Mammadov
Kenan Mammadov - 8 years ago
I think the croc would be more difficult to penetrate. It is covered by thick layer of scales and is also made up of bones, unlike the shark which consists of cartilage
Cyanne Hilmer Miguel
Cyanne Hilmer Miguel - 8 years ago
charlie c
charlie c - 8 years ago
At least they didn't shoot the croc like they did harambe. Always colored assholes pulling off shit like this. Inferior afroasians
foxytheyoutuber with speingtrap
foxytheyoutuber with speingtrap - 8 years ago
i haven't even seen the video and the answer is crocodile
Michael Wittemann
Michael Wittemann - 8 years ago
It all depends. If the great white is alone it could be very close and depends on the environment. If the shark is in hunting mode or not. But if the croc is not alone the croc would win. But if the shark wasn't alone the shark. It's a hard choice but I think the shark would have a small advantage against the croc because crocs need to come up for air once in a while.
Esmeralda Chavarria
Esmeralda Chavarria - 8 years ago
Crocodile kills more pepole
David Garcia
David Garcia - 8 years ago
crocodile because it has one of the most powerful bites ever
Zero Wolf
Zero Wolf - 8 years ago
This shit was a waste of time.
Zero Wolf
Zero Wolf - 8 years ago
This shit was a waste of time.
Zero Wolf
Zero Wolf - 8 years ago
This shit was a waste of time.
Caiden Kokaram
Caiden Kokaram - 8 years ago
Crocodiles kill more people
De Angelo Ayin
De Angelo Ayin - 8 years ago
your right dude
De Angelo Ayin
De Angelo Ayin - 8 years ago
I think the great white would win
steelersguy74 - 8 years ago
Realistically speaking, it's a malformed question. Those two species are highly unlikely to encounter each other.
Miranda Winters
Miranda Winters - 7 years ago
jmd2789 A hippo would rip a Bullshark apart.
jmd2789 - 8 years ago
steelersguy74 No it wasn't. And a great white would sodomize a crocodile if they crossed paths.
steelersguy74 - 8 years ago
jmd2789 You're missing the point, the question wasn't bull sharks vs Nile crocs, it was great whites vs salties.
Paul Bailey
Paul Bailey - 8 years ago
jmd2789 MO
jmd2789 - 8 years ago
steelersguy74 Just google the Zambezi river in Africa. It's loaded with bull sharks, crocs, and hippos. Bullsharks usually win, so honestly i dont know why people still make videos debating this subject. You can find many videos of crocs, and even hippos, getting spooked and trying to get the hell away from the bullsharks. And all the locals who live there fear the bull sharks the most of all the predators in the river. Followed closely by hippos.
Hypnodelica - 8 years ago
In Australia you get both Saltwater crocs and Great White Sharks but the Crocs live exclusively in the north and the Sharks are only found in the south - it's a country the size of a continent and they never meet.
steelersguy74 - 8 years ago
Salties are tropical. Great whites are not.
kurojin97 - 8 years ago
Yes they do. That's why they're called Saltwater Crocs. They habitually venture into the ocean to hunt for food. However a large salty and a large great white may not encounter one another, and if they did they'd probably avoid any risk of injury because of the obvious potential of life threatening damage they'd sustain.
steelersguy74 - 8 years ago
+Hypnodelica yes.
Hypnodelica - 8 years ago
The question he asked was about Saltwater Crocs and Great White Sharks - and they don't inhabit the same turf at all...
Bryce Harper
Bryce Harper - 8 years ago
you would think, except it is widely know that bullsharks are able to go from salt water to fresh water and vice versa and they travel up the amazon and other rivers frequently
Sky Fall
Sky Fall - 8 years ago
That wins
Sky Fall
Sky Fall - 8 years ago
A crocashrkidila
Aj_Sully22 - 8 years ago
Depends on what territory they are in a lake or the ocean it will basically come down to the territory.
PUBG moments
PUBG moments - 8 years ago
if I'm not wrong the shark win cuz has you know crocodile are not fast then sharks and if they shark wen't to the crocodile home to croc will win cuz the water is not deep and if the croc wen't to the deep blu sea the shark will win so I think they are good
Isabella Kwiatkowski
Isabella Kwiatkowski - 8 years ago
the great white shark eats more people.I think....
killoreo - 8 years ago
no match dude. the great white shark, a fish, lay down deep down and torpedo up for an attack. while the croc, a reptile, are most times partially submerged hanging out at surface of water. When shark attacks. the croc, won't know what hit em.
Voldebutt - 8 years ago
Whats deadlier? well lets see, how many people have survived shark attacks? and how many have survived croc attacks?

Yea....When as the last time you heard someone surviving a crocodile attack?
Gone Forever
Gone Forever - 8 years ago
Voldebutt great whites weak spot is their nose and Crocodile have the most powerful jaw power in the animal kingdom
Pennywise poop eater
Pennywise poop eater - 8 years ago
somebody punched and they survived
Depth Pieces
Depth Pieces - 8 years ago
+Robert Emerson no they don't. Sharks one bite and go because they don't see us as food. They rarely hold
Robert Emerson
Robert Emerson - 8 years ago
+Nullzei 1v1er They also see everything as food and they are smarter.
Depth Pieces
Depth Pieces - 8 years ago
That's because Great Whites usually only attack when they mistake people for seals so they bite and quickly release. Obviously some people bleed out from the one bite but most don't. Crocs on the other hand see us as actual food
dillon Brist
dillon Brist - 8 years ago
gtfo awful video title fake click bait
MagmaPlayer ROUSSETT
MagmaPlayer ROUSSETT - 8 years ago
i think the salt water crocodlie would win
Sen Haku
Sen Haku - 8 years ago
And that means that crocs have the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom!
Sen Haku
Sen Haku - 8 years ago
Oh and I almost forgot a crocodiles bite force is almost twice as strong as great whites!
Sen Haku
Sen Haku - 8 years ago
I know that sharks can't survive with its belly up and crocodiles do the death roll which means spinning around there prey so I say crocs
Anisha Mehta
Anisha Mehta - 8 years ago
At 3:55 just another teen making a dumb decision!
Ethan Foster
Ethan Foster - 8 years ago
croc but sharks scare the shit outa me , i think i was eaten by one in a past life
him bob
him bob - 8 years ago
click-bate shit
edd st Actitud Caribe
edd st Actitud Caribe - 8 years ago
killer whale
yen ha
yen ha - 8 years ago
......croc.....can do a death roll
yen ha
yen ha - 8 years ago
And also have 1 of the strongest bite force
Levi Stephen
Levi Stephen - 8 years ago
Great White Shark
Gordon Eggroll
Gordon Eggroll - 8 years ago
Crocs win because they have super sharp teeth and killed more people then the shark
EM7 1996
EM7 1996 - 8 years ago
Gordon Eggroll yes but ppl encounter crocs more often..crocs lurk in swamps/rivers etc where ppl canoe / fish...sharks usually in deep sea in middle of nowhere, and usually ppl will be on a big safe boat in middle of deep sea...so crocs definitely get more chances to attack us.. as for which would win...I don't know, I think in deep sea a shark wins everytime, but if in shallow waters like a swamp / river the Croc wins..it'd be interesting tho,the Croc would have to be very very big to compete with a great white...
J.J. Redick
J.J. Redick - 8 years ago
this dude high af
El rey De copas
El rey De copas - 8 years ago
the great white shark because first it is way bigger and heavier second it has sharper teeth
Justin Mcintosh
Justin Mcintosh - 8 years ago
Jose Orozco
Jose Orozco - 8 years ago
woaaah the dislike button worked!!! what a bullshit ass video !!!
Cashis Green
Cashis Green - 8 years ago
Crocodiles can also walk on land which can use advantage on people that can get killed therefore crocodile is more likely to be dangerous because they can walk and breath on land.
David Judson
David Judson - 8 years ago
there was a great white head in a croc shoamsa
David Judson
David Judson - 8 years ago
shark can drown if you rush to much in there they will drown
attilathehun0 - 8 years ago
Crocs kill more people than great white sharks, because crocs fresh and salt water and land.
Samuel Lianfr
Samuel Lianfr - 8 years ago
I would choose sharks
Philip Cannon
Philip Cannon - 8 years ago
cross will win every time believe me
Jun Hong
Jun Hong - 8 years ago
The crocodile won becuz it has a very strong limb dislocating bite force and when it bites ot spins and breaks limbs easily so no doubt that the croc won easily (the croco also has a strong exo skeleton as a skin)
Quandarius Adams
Quandarius Adams - 8 years ago
Croc will win
RISE OF GABRIEL - 8 years ago
why would you say crocodile vs bullshark attack .when it's just you talking about the actual attack. the footage would be better would it not since you advertise it like that.waist of time and data all this is
Yadira Burgos
Yadira Burgos - 8 years ago
Cíarán Murtagh
Cíarán Murtagh - 8 years ago
Sharks are part of some saltwater crocodiles' diet. BTW bull sharks are way more aggressive than great white sharks.
Jimmy Capone
Jimmy Capone - 8 years ago
This is Julianna yeadon teacher mr Jenkins the class clown$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Jimmy Capone
Jimmy Capone - 8 years ago
Sorry I did not spell crocodile the bull shark was die so the crocodile come eat it
Jimmy Capone
Jimmy Capone - 8 years ago
The bull sharks was die so the aliterate come eat it so that
Jimmy Capone
Jimmy Capone - 8 years ago
I think both
DudeGuyMan - 8 years ago
this guy is an idiot
THE BATMAN - 8 years ago
croc ask gustave or chopper RIP lolong
PotatoGod 265
PotatoGod 265 - 8 years ago
it's very rare for a shark and a croc to fight each other
Guilherme Alexandre
Guilherme Alexandre - 8 years ago
o tubarão já, tava morto kkk
Jusca Vali
Jusca Vali - 8 years ago
nu credam să ezista asa cieva mostri
JC BALAGTAS - 8 years ago
rodger cavnar
rodger cavnar - 8 years ago
Jonathan Handel
Jonathan Handel - 8 years ago
if their in water deep enough the crocodile has no chance assuming the shark could puncture it's skin (or hits it straight from underneath.
Jonathan Handel
Jonathan Handel - 8 years ago
EnlightenPanda - 8 years ago
if peta and vegans were given the choice to engineer the first vegan crocodile, but before they can do so they must sacrifice 100 human babies to their vegan overlord, they probably would.
LpsAwsomeNinja Here
LpsAwsomeNinja Here - 8 years ago
I like crocodiles
DrasticSea - 8 years ago
BALAKEplayz killer
BALAKEplayz killer - 8 years ago
sharks are the badest
because it kills more humans and crocs live mostly in darwin
Johnboy Lawrence
Johnboy Lawrence - 8 years ago
Ov crock wins any way 2 strong
rumble fish
rumble fish - 8 years ago
depends on where they are. in the open sea, a great white would easily outmaneuver any crocodiles. but in shallower waters the crocodile has the advantage.
Sen Haku
Sen Haku - 8 years ago
As I said earlier crocs do death rolls which are the Sharks biggest weakness!
Allicsirp Auom
Allicsirp Auom - 8 years ago
Imran Ali
Imran Ali - 8 years ago
Actually if the Croc uses his signature move which the Croc will do because the croc will use everything in his arsenal and when it uses the death roll, the shark will pass out and don't tell me the Shark will kill the crocodile before that happens
ino mbo
ino mbo - 8 years ago
Sweet heart a fully grown great white will fuck up the biggest croc in a open sea. There won't be any chance!
tysswe1 - 8 years ago
Bull shark Swimming up a river: Man im so lucky being a bullshark, to swim in the ocean AND in rivers...muuahahahahaaa....What de f...

Crock: Surprise mutherfucka....thought the dinosaurs were dead did you bitch? Let me bang bro!

Shark: God damnit, millions of years and these dickheads are still here deep inside the rivers. I will catch you later bitch, you be expecting me.

Crock: Dont worry, i will be right here laying on the beach enjoying the sun. So when your back in the neighborhood, give me a call. And let me bang bro.
Jim B
Jim B - 8 years ago
37 feet and 1000 lbs.....? thqat would be 15,000 lbs you stupid shit
sevens7 - 8 years ago
Alex Mercer
Alex Mercer - 8 years ago
This is much like Eurofighter Typhoon vs Dassault Rafale.
Grey - 8 years ago
Your a moron, nice hat jabroni
OLI DAVIES - 8 years ago
Brutus would fuck the shark up
Patrick Thompson
Patrick Thompson - 8 years ago
Tsunami2016 - 8 years ago
Croc. Saltwater are the biggest of the crocs. Plus, they have the easy death roll on all animals. Crocs have more of an advantage in rivers and oceans. That's why you can find Saltwater Crocs everywhere in Florida.
The SkullDuggery
The SkullDuggery - 8 years ago
That Salty Crocodile needs some pepper.
KillerDenzell_11 Builders Killers Master
KillerDenzell_11 Builders Killers Master - 8 years ago
packers 1236765
packers 1236765 - 8 years ago
croc cause one bite in the head dead
jatin Saini
jatin Saini - 8 years ago
Saltwater crocodile is real king of sea
Ben Allen
Ben Allen - 8 years ago
Megaladon swallows a salt water crocodile whole, sharks win
Larnciel darknciel
Larnciel darknciel - 8 years ago
that will never happened unless you put them together in a tank. in the wild one of them will get punked  by the other one and go away.
Kevin Gamez
Kevin Gamez - 8 years ago
Stuart Garwood
Stuart Garwood - 8 years ago
crocs because of bite force and quickness of strike
ツItachi - 8 years ago
wins I mean
ツItachi - 8 years ago
if they were in the ocean where the shark has alot of room to swim not near land the shark would do alot of damage and I it depends what kind of shark it is if it is a lemon shark the croc would win if it's a great white I think the great white would win it could go in deep and sneak up on the crocodile or allagator I the middle of its body and boom the great white wis
Jeanne Igao
Jeanne Igao - 8 years ago
A Great White Shark
icee youhh
icee youhh - 8 years ago
Croc for sure..sharks are soft..crocs are hard..u do the math
The unexpected spanish inquisition
The unexpected spanish inquisition - 8 years ago
Crocodiles can move swiftly in water, giving them a chance dodging an attack
from the shark, thus enabling it to attempt a death roll, if it succeeds the shark dies, if not the shark will most likely pass out from being upside down, so the croc can kill it, if it fails completely, the shark has a chance, but crocs don't give up so 85% croc win, 15% shark win
DylaN TayloR
DylaN TayloR - 8 years ago
Malachi Blair
Malachi Blair - 8 years ago
Idk..... bull shark is just a large toothed fish against that death roll
In giving you receive help the homeless
In giving you receive help the homeless - 8 years ago
+Juan banuelon it can bite it into pieces and then eat it
In giving you receive help the homeless
In giving you receive help the homeless - 8 years ago
This is a very tough one but I say saltwater crocodile I mean a shark would just bite it and a crocodile would doge that and can bite it on the shoulder and do the death roll even though a shark is a water animal it can still drown
tofuw - 8 years ago
This is the same guy who went busto in Thailand!
Christobal Martinez
Christobal Martinez - 8 years ago
That s inposinle
klutz395 - 8 years ago
Meanwhile, in Australia...
LancePlays // Lance
LancePlays // Lance - 8 years ago
i choose megalodon
LANCEitzMe - 8 years ago
I swear the rednecks are the ones who kept getting eaten by the crocs and alligators
Obey Mixo
Obey Mixo - 8 years ago
should've compared them in more detail than just length...
Super Lawmaking
Super Lawmaking - 8 years ago
The saltwater crocodile has the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom!
mauigio - 8 years ago
You will taste man flesh!!!
Jojje Mathioudakis
Jojje Mathioudakis - 8 years ago
Giantboy 222
Giantboy 222 - 8 years ago
Shark win
justin schroeder
justin schroeder - 8 years ago
depends on location does the great white have enough water for the fly shark attack Imo if that was the case that's definitely a kill shot 5k shark hitting croc at 20-30 mph game over now shallow water where the shark would be screwed a croc would probably win
4Nick3 - 8 years ago
Crocs can move a lot better in the water and will rip its fins of, my chances go to the croc
dezfprez - 8 years ago
Яссэр Абухарба
Яссэр Абухарба - 8 years ago
The great white shark no doubt !
Judah Beast
Judah Beast - 8 years ago
Like you christion!
Melina Webb
Melina Webb - 8 years ago
Great White shark will kill more people
Jo1t axb
Jo1t axb - 8 years ago
A fight between the salty and a great white hmmm mmm mmm mmm I say my favorite of the to the SALTY 10 to 9
Christian Hernandez
Christian Hernandez - 8 years ago
depends who attacks first
dogeman 101
dogeman 101 - 8 years ago
crocodile will win the resen why crocodiles have stronger teeth and trust me I have been bit bye both some how escaped them I was dragged to the hospital and I got stiches it hurt I was near death be very careful with them u will sometimes ecsape sometimes u won't lessons today is stay away from them or u will sometimes die and sometimes u will live don't over think it or try to run strait from a crocodile cus crocodiles are fast sharks are fast swimmers that's why I was bit bye shark and crocodile in one day I alen padilla be safe and be brave bye beware of crocodiles and sharks just was going to tell u all that bye guys
Nathan Williams
Nathan Williams - 8 years ago
just letting you know man u said 1000 pounds when u meant 10000
kieran544 - 8 years ago
that bull shark looked beached also the water might have been too shallow for shark to manuvere
JAMES KANG - 8 years ago
Salt water crocodile
Don P
Don P - 8 years ago
croce against great white Detroit Lions for the superbowl... #letsgo
Chris Kinn
Chris Kinn - 8 years ago
This isn't a Mike Tyson vs. Muhamed Ali kind of question. This is more apples and oranges. Great White Shark vs. Saltwater Croc. Sharks have evolved over the last 450 million to be apex predators in the oceans in open water. Crocodilians have evolved since the Triassic period which was roughly 250 to 200 million years ago as very successful ambush predators utilizing where water meats land to ambush prey, with the occasional fish being in their diet too. So let's just for the sake of argument say there are two of similar weight and length. It really comes down to their respective environments. Great White on land or trapped in shallow water= Croc wins. Croc out in open water invading a great white's territory? =It's crocodile steak for dinner. Their respective environments although water based are still to different.
KrazyCroc !
KrazyCroc ! - 8 years ago
I think crocodile would win
Richard Baum
Richard Baum - 8 years ago
Boing Neeno
Boing Neeno - 8 years ago
Eh, it goes both ways, really. But you can't assume one is more powerful than another just because a large adult croc kills a small juvenile shark and vise versa.
Octavian Caesar Hibernicus
Octavian Caesar Hibernicus - 8 years ago
click bait!
Ruah Arebi
Ruah Arebi - 8 years ago
Laden Rodriguez
Laden Rodriguez - 8 years ago
a great white has a bigger mouth there for more damage per bit and at 5,000pounds it would be hard for the crock to use it's deadly death roll. there are more crock attacks on humans because we are more then lickly to be in their environment, the ocean is like another entire planet so I'll give it to the great white.now would be different for the bullshark
Lester Garcia
Lester Garcia - 8 years ago
sharks are more dealt be careful in the beach
Anas Ramzi
Anas Ramzi - 8 years ago
Jay TheDemonWolf
Jay TheDemonWolf - 8 years ago
Man a pick the crock because it has feet brah
big spider ya
big spider ya - 8 years ago
Jonathan Lopez
Jonathan Lopez - 8 years ago
that was awesome because a shark like the mako is fast
Emilio Galderisi
Emilio Galderisi - 8 years ago
Crocodiles are stronger, have bigger head and have thicker skin crocodile would win
Marc Robertson
Marc Robertson - 7 years ago
Emilio Galderisi a croc doesn't stand a chance against a large shark in the ocean.sharks have far superior senses,speed,agility,stamina and far more devastating bite designed to bite large chunks off at a time.a croc is a ambush predator perfect for taking small sharks in the river out the water.wouldnt last long against a tiger shark never mind a great white
Emilio Galderisi
Emilio Galderisi - 8 years ago
+Boing Neeno mate I still think crocodile would win
Boing Neeno
Boing Neeno - 8 years ago
+Emilio Galderisi Crocodiles are definitely not stronger. Stronger bite force? Yes. But sharks are 80% muscle, and their teeth and bite is potent enough to render a croc's tough skin useless.
patrick connors
patrick connors - 8 years ago
Yeah I'm voting for trump...... Oh wait a minute , how the fuck did I get here
Matt Spangler
Matt Spangler - 8 years ago
yen ha
yen ha - 8 years ago
+Jus-In-Roll which one the shark and which one the croc?
Jus-In-Roll - 8 years ago
Because trump and obama is fighting in the video!
TMHackzYT - 8 years ago
ritto joseph
ritto joseph - 8 years ago
how abt Sarcochucus versus Megalodon...???? whom do u thnk vil win.....???????
I am the pizza cat :D I am the pizza cat :D
I am the pizza cat :D I am the pizza cat :D - 8 years ago
Megalodon ( shark )
Ben Phillips
Ben Phillips - 8 years ago
Great White would kill Croc but a Killer Whale would take them both out
Cody L
Cody L - 8 years ago
crocodile. they're more agile, have thick, tough skin that some bullets can't penetrate, plus they twist.
Kemuel Pineda
Kemuel Pineda - 8 years ago
Grimthegamer jose
Grimthegamer jose - 8 years ago
megladon would win
Dave Stastny
Dave Stastny - 8 years ago
crocodile croc wouldwhen
PROZ X EYEBALL - 8 years ago
Crocodiles are better than sharks
Ruben Pacheco
Ruben Pacheco - 8 years ago
Trevayne Rose
Trevayne Rose - 8 years ago
the. great. wite
Megan Tsunami
Megan Tsunami - 8 years ago
Croc <3
Juan - 8 years ago
What about Anaconda vs Shark vs Crocodile? (with the same weight)
Yoldy Martin
Yoldy Martin - 8 years ago
I know a 24 and a half meter long croc
Denise Stilwell
Denise Stilwell - 8 years ago
Chaonaine Grace
Chaonaine Grace - 8 years ago
I really don't know but I wouldn't want to go anywhere near either of them
Ingur Lund
Ingur Lund - 8 years ago
Biggest ever Saltie 2360 pounds 21 feet (Lolong). Biggest ever Great White 5000 pounds 21 feet (Deep Blue).
Red Quoll
Red Quoll - 8 years ago
Lolong pfft you never heard of "KRY's, The KING of the Savanah?" There are 8 meter crocs in the Gulf of Carpentaria for sure !
Gerardo Quintana
Gerardo Quintana - 8 years ago
Dew Wae
Dew Wae - 8 years ago
Croc because i have seen crocs take down elefants lions and buffalos
Plavatro - 8 years ago
Whachu gon catch, these hands? Or these fins? Croc wins.
Fraser Davis
Fraser Davis - 8 years ago
Well the salt water crocodile has a much stronger bite so I say the crocodile
chinowallo - 8 years ago
Kedamono - 8 years ago
the great white is the saltwaters bitch
Removal Storage
Removal Storage - 8 years ago
Garbage Video
Thefnafplayer3000 - 8 years ago
Megalodon vs sarcosuchus
Doktor Genius
Doktor Genius - 7 years ago
Snack for Megalodon.
KyberDragon !
KyberDragon ! - 7 years ago
Thefnafplayer3000 Yaaa
FTS 15
FTS 15 - 7 years ago
Megalodon wins easily due to size. But SWC will win great whites nowadays
Ca C
Ca C - 8 years ago
Destroy them all, especially if you are reporting that they kill humans. What is so fascinating about those ugly animals? Kill them all.
Charles Long Jr
Charles Long Jr - 9 years ago
Worst damned fight I've ever seen. I just lost all respect for sharks and crocodiles. They were both too scared to even show up. Terrible fight promoter too. Don King you are not. Am I missing something? Oh yea, I am missing the fight. WTF.
Sean Bettison
Sean Bettison - 7 years ago
Charles Long Jr yeah the dudes a fuckwit but that photo is real a croc killed a bullshark and pulled it up on the river bank and ate it
Lynsey Spye
Lynsey Spye - 9 years ago
Cork adiull
lil_carbiine - 9 years ago
before even watching this crocodile all the way
Darwin Mob
Darwin Mob - 9 years ago
You're wrong mate. This video is on the Adelaide River, not far out of Darwin, NT, Australia.
Phuoc Le
Phuoc Le - 9 years ago
because crocs do the
death roll
Brynnen Moore
Brynnen Moore - 9 years ago
Great White vs Brutus
BlueAtomic - 9 years ago
Asian Elementals
Asian Elementals - 9 years ago
Crocodile rule
3 Minutes Man
3 Minutes Man - 9 years ago
i dont know man but i am sure my grandma would win the fight.
NLB - 9 years ago
great whites r the type to talk mad shit and hype. They are broke boys but say they rock designers, and that shit dont sound right
NLB - 9 years ago
Basiclly while the shark is fake tough and talk tht good shit, they r bitches if they get into a fight wit a bigger animal like an orca. But the saltwater croc is a badass mofo thatl scrap anyone tryna beef with him or his nigga steve irwin. The Croc rides for his niggas and dies for his niggas. He fucks with savages them fuck bois cant hang, u can find crocs posted up on Frank Block with their fuckin gangs.
KanadianSpaceProgram - 9 years ago
Are alligators included with the croc related deaths?
KanadianSpaceProgram - 8 years ago
+TheEnragement Child Because that's totally what I asked, whether or not he said crocodile. You're so helpful. Everyone must like you.
TheEnragement Child
TheEnragement Child - 8 years ago
He said crocodiles not alligators..... Holy sweet dildos
CesarEstevao - 9 years ago
The Shark!!!
Christian Okadigbo
Christian Okadigbo - 9 years ago
Your mum
baloler 985
baloler 985 - 9 years ago
it depends on where they fight
Christhal Ramos
Christhal Ramos - 9 years ago
Vince Acuesta
Vince Acuesta - 9 years ago
I think lolong would win because the crocodile has harder skin and scales and the shark not that much but strong but I still think the biggest crocodile would win.
KILLERSPIDER 11 - 9 years ago
I don't know it depends if the crocodile turns the the great white shark over on its belly it could win for the shark if it goes under the crocodile and bites it stomach the cricket will be dead so there is 50 50 for both animals
Yato-chan PokéGod of Calamity
Yato-chan PokéGod of Calamity - 9 years ago
I don't get it? Despite the fact about the crocodile, it has no throat to swallow food.... Or is it like closed until it opens to swallow food?
Xto TheM
Xto TheM - 9 years ago
i come here to see Bull Shark vs saltwater crocodiles
HI FAGGS 818 - 9 years ago
My opinion is a crocodile because they have a stronger bite
єvєrчday αtrσcítчTM
єvєrчday αtrσcítчTM - 9 years ago
Most crocodiles live in rivers. Secondly, crocodiles have no natural predators in rivers, unless they cross paths with a hippo or a big cat like a lion, and in which case the crocodile will usually cowered down from the fight anyway. Plus crocodiles usually eat tiny river fish and land animals. They're not used to fighting marine predators. And on top of that they're ambush hunters. So unless Great White Sharks grow four legs and learn to drink water from riverbanks, I don't really see crocodiles beating them in a fight anytime soon.
Boris Bryce
Boris Bryce - 9 years ago
it probably be the crock because depending on the jaw span and teeth the croc would win it also could out manover the shark
David Fox
David Fox - 9 years ago
A whale shark as they could swollow the crocodile whole! Lol
Phuoc Le
Phuoc Le - 9 years ago
croc are deadly then sharks because crocs
kill more people
Honors - 9 years ago
Bull Shark is more effective in water but the Croc can also be in land

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The "Bull Shark vs Crocodile Attack" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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