Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba

#SharkCat, Duckling, Pit Bull Sharky & Roomba! .."Just layer upon layer of surreal video. No narration. No teenager giggling behind the camera. No added animation or dumbass text laid over the video. Just a person who knew that they were filming pure, simple comedy gold..." [CRACKED.COM] Shark and Duckling! Happy Halloween from Roomba Cat Max-Arthur! Kitty VS Duck. Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duckling While Riding A Roomba 'To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, please email Viral Spiral (' Let's Be Friends!!! SHARKY the American Pit Bull Terrier: FACEBOOK : TWITTER : (Instagram - new still) pitbullsharky (at) MAX-ARTHUR the Snowshoe Cat: HELEN aka texasgirly1979: --- Videos in the end: Roomba Drivers Cat VS. Baby Chick. Snowshoe Siamese mix RoombaCat Max-Arthur Easter Cat on Roomba ATTACKS Dog pit bull Sharky. PART 2 Amazing! Dog, Cat and Chicks celebrate HALLOWEEN! Pit Bull Sharky & RoombaCat Max-Arthur Halloween Roomba Cat and Dog pit bull Sharky! (Full) +++ Cat and Dog Cuddling. Pit Bull Sharky LOVES Snowshoe cat Max-Arthur Doggy Back Ride & Slide! PitBull Sharky, Chicks & Bunny CAT and DOG: Who LOVES Who More? Pit Bull Sharky and Roomba Cat Max-Arthur. Good Night! Snoring Pit Bull Sharky with Calm Bunny. DOG & RABBIT. Pit Bull Sharky as the KILLER WHALE. Shark Dog! AVATAR Dog: pit bull Sharky and Chicks!! CREEPY!!! Happy Halloween! ;) *** Cat Sits on Dog pit bull Sharky. Funny Bossy Kitty! Adorable! Pit Bull CLEANS Baby Bunny (Cottontail Rabbit) in HD. Bunny & Dog Guinea Pig LOVES DOG Pit Bull Sharky. **** Pit Bull Sharky with 2 Month old Chicks in $8.99 Doggie Pool. Hilarious! Iguana LOVES Dog Pit Bull Sharky. Happy MOTHER'S Day! shark costume, hammer head shark, dog cat baby duck Oh, Internet. You're wildly addictive; extremely informative; often dangerous; and usually pointless. a cat dressed in a shark costume riding a Roomba while chasing a duckling. Eventually, a dog in a hammerhead shark costume makes an appearance. Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba Shark and Duckling! Happy Halloween from Roomba Cat Max-Arthur! Cat in Shark costume chases Duck Cat On A Roomba Chases A Duck, Cat Rides Roomba Wearing Shark Costume, Max The Roomba Cat, Roomba Cat Funniest story ever written of my video! THANKS read the #7: Since I started writing this article, this video has picked up some pretty good steam on traffic, but I'm keeping it anyway because it's so goddamn surreal. And no matter what traffic it's already accrued, it's never going to be enough to satisfy my inner sense of justice and karma. At first, it's two pets: a cat and a duck. The duck is walking all around the kitchen, like "Sup? I'm a duck. Just hangin' out and doing duck shit." Meanwhile, a cat dressed in an itty-bitty shark suit sits on a Roomba and rides around like it ain't no thang. And right off the bat, we get a sequence that looks like a robotic cat-shark is hunting its unsuspecting duck prey. Duh dun ... duh dun ... duh dun duh dun duh dun ... For a little over two and a half minutes, it's that. Just layer upon layer of surreal video. No narration. No teenager giggling behind the camera. No added animation or dumbass text laid over the video. Just a person who knew that they were filming pure, simple comedy gold... read more:

Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1661

Shark videos 12 years ago 10,233,557 views

#SharkCat, Duckling, Pit Bull Sharky & Roomba! .."Just layer upon layer of surreal video. No narration. No teenager giggling behind the camera. No added animation or dumbass text laid over the video. Just a person who knew that they were filming pure, simple comedy gold..." [CRACKED.COM] Shark and Duckling! Happy Halloween from Roomba Cat Max-Arthur! Kitty VS Duck. Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duckling While Riding A Roomba 'To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, please email Viral Spiral (' Let's Be Friends!!! SHARKY the American Pit Bull Terrier: FACEBOOK : TWITTER : (Instagram - new still) pitbullsharky (at) MAX-ARTHUR the Snowshoe Cat: HELEN aka texasgirly1979: --- Videos in the end: Roomba Drivers Cat VS. Baby Chick. Snowshoe Siamese mix RoombaCat Max-Arthur Easter Cat on Roomba ATTACKS Dog pit bull Sharky. PART 2 Amazing! Dog, Cat and Chicks celebrate HALLOWEEN! Pit Bull Sharky & RoombaCat Max-Arthur Halloween Roomba Cat and Dog pit bull Sharky! (Full) +++ Cat and Dog Cuddling. Pit Bull Sharky LOVES Snowshoe cat Max-Arthur Doggy Back Ride & Slide! PitBull Sharky, Chicks & Bunny CAT and DOG: Who LOVES Who More? Pit Bull Sharky and Roomba Cat Max-Arthur. Good Night! Snoring Pit Bull Sharky with Calm Bunny. DOG & RABBIT. Pit Bull Sharky as the KILLER WHALE. Shark Dog! AVATAR Dog: pit bull Sharky and Chicks!! CREEPY!!! Happy Halloween! ;) *** Cat Sits on Dog pit bull Sharky. Funny Bossy Kitty! Adorable! Pit Bull CLEANS Baby Bunny (Cottontail Rabbit) in HD. Bunny & Dog Guinea Pig LOVES DOG Pit Bull Sharky. **** Pit Bull Sharky with 2 Month old Chicks in $8.99 Doggie Pool. Hilarious! Iguana LOVES Dog Pit Bull Sharky. Happy MOTHER'S Day! shark costume, hammer head shark, dog cat baby duck Oh, Internet. You're wildly addictive; extremely informative; often dangerous; and usually pointless. a cat dressed in a shark costume riding a Roomba while chasing a duckling. Eventually, a dog in a hammerhead shark costume makes an appearance. Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba Shark and Duckling! Happy Halloween from Roomba Cat Max-Arthur! Cat in Shark costume chases Duck Cat On A Roomba Chases A Duck, Cat Rides Roomba Wearing Shark Costume, Max The Roomba Cat, Roomba Cat Funniest story ever written of my video! THANKS read the #7: Since I started writing this article, this video has picked up some pretty good steam on traffic, but I'm keeping it anyway because it's so goddamn surreal. And no matter what traffic it's already accrued, it's never going to be enough to satisfy my inner sense of justice and karma. At first, it's two pets: a cat and a duck. The duck is walking all around the kitchen, like "Sup? I'm a duck. Just hangin' out and doing duck shit." Meanwhile, a cat dressed in an itty-bitty shark suit sits on a Roomba and rides around like it ain't no thang. And right off the bat, we get a sequence that looks like a robotic cat-shark is hunting its unsuspecting duck prey. Duh dun ... duh dun ... duh dun duh dun duh dun ... For a little over two and a half minutes, it's that. Just layer upon layer of surreal video. No narration. No teenager giggling behind the camera. No added animation or dumbass text laid over the video. Just a person who knew that they were filming pure, simple comedy gold... read more:

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Most popular comments
for Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba

Chance Wine
Chance Wine - 7 years ago
The movie jaws
unwanted angel
unwanted angel - 7 years ago
The sharks are looking at an appetizer. They know to wait for a meal they can share.
Kim Jameson
Kim Jameson - 7 years ago
Now there's something you don't see every day.
Paulo Santos
Paulo Santos - 7 years ago
Why.. Why the hell did I watch this... And enjoy the cat riding that shit... Quite relaxing I'm ashamed to say.... Lol lol... Loved it
marna bianca T80
marna bianca T80 - 7 years ago
Lovely animals
Brian Roush
Brian Roush - 7 years ago
So darn precious and sweet.
Kaylie Power
Kaylie Power - 7 years ago
I saw this one on tv
Tuula Kautiainen
Tuula Kautiainen - 7 years ago
Kissa ja koira on aivan surkeena mut ankanpoikanen vaan tepastelee.
Nefarious Cookie
Nefarious Cookie - 7 years ago

10. comment for Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba

jconearth - 7 years ago
dog is a Hammerhead shark !
kcargh - 7 years ago
what the fack hahahahaha
Blake Walsh
Blake Walsh - 7 years ago
Zachary Adelante
Zachary Adelante - 7 years ago
Its funny and I see you on NAT GEO WILD
Nurse Benny
Nurse Benny - 7 years ago
I love the doggie in the shark costume. LOLOL
Mark Moody
Mark Moody - 7 years ago
That is funny as heck
Sally Semrau
Sally Semrau - 7 years ago
Adorable. Dog looks like he was placed in a cone of shame.
Whitney Jones
Whitney Jones - 7 years ago
I love animals!
mrsmyoui - 7 years ago
KKKKKKKK parece eu
i am sadAF
i am sadAF - 7 years ago
Cato does an drifto

20. comment for Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba

Ploppy Ploppy
Ploppy Ploppy - 7 years ago
Just surreal and in love with the cat and dog and duck friends .
Kat35 Lulu
Kat35 Lulu - 7 years ago
My house is never this fun,
WAYWARD SON - 7 years ago
Wai a u ronin?
Five o'clock somewhere
Five o'clock somewhere - 7 years ago
freakin awesome!
Crulnagash - 7 years ago
Is he considered a landshark, or a catfish lmao
Andrew Salmon
Andrew Salmon - 7 years ago
Green Green
Green Green - 7 years ago
This is possibly the funniest thing ever
Gotham Networks
Gotham Networks - 7 years ago
How does the Roomba handle fresh hot duck turds?
FourthDerivative - 7 years ago
The future is now
Albert John Paul Schepis
Albert John Paul Schepis - 7 years ago
This is hysterical!  I bought one of these for cheap at a thrift store and can't wait to see which of my cats will be the champion rider.

30. comment for Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba

Matthew Lee
Matthew Lee - 7 years ago
I just hope the animals were paid decently.
silver cat
silver cat - 7 years ago
The cat kind of help clean your house while the duck chase after the cat in a shark custom
Sekk Like
Sekk Like - 7 years ago
the duck takes a shit
Yellow Mistake
Yellow Mistake - 7 years ago
rlwieneke - 7 years ago
those animals couldn't survive on their own.
Amelie Villaflores
Amelie Villaflores - 7 years ago
I would love to see a documentary about this.
Mark D'Angelo Colorado Springs Mountain Biking
Mark D'Angelo Colorado Springs Mountain Biking - 7 years ago
I have no idea how you get that ct to stay on that thing but its really cute.
Yellokitti63 - 7 years ago
Wait- 1,000 people did not like this? The cat and the duck apparently did, so what is the problem?
KadoBR 1237
KadoBR 1237 - 7 years ago
Top 10 Anime chases
lorycat 2_0
lorycat 2_0 - 7 years ago
Poor dog
Kinkerdoo - 7 years ago
Those animals have way too much patience! I would have said "Duck it!"
Mega Dooche
Mega Dooche - 7 years ago
I love this cat
Justin Case
Justin Case - 7 years ago
The ending couldn’t have been more perfect all three just hanging out
Mai - 7 years ago
This would be the first thing I'd show to aliens
Diana - 7 years ago
Unbearably. Cute
CHRS - 7 years ago
Why Is THIS RecoMMEnDeD?
Lucicleide Silva
Lucicleide Silva - 7 years ago
Q fofura
help - 7 years ago
You mess with da roomba prepare to meet your doomba
Witch One
Witch One - 7 years ago
I want a duck.
Witch One
Witch One - 7 years ago
That cat is a beast.

50. comment for Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba

M Graf
M Graf - 7 years ago
Planet earth must be so proud of us.
Alexander Carballo
Alexander Carballo - 7 years ago
So cute!!!!!!
Kyle McAndrews
Kyle McAndrews - 7 years ago
I want to see the video of the person filming this while doign so.
patiently88USA - 7 years ago
megatriple - 7 years ago
this is the glorious internet in 2017
Morris Falker
Morris Falker - 7 years ago
No Jaws theme song ?
Fairy Filio
Fairy Filio - 7 years ago
All I have to say is poor animals
J. Montrice
J. Montrice - 7 years ago
Chris F
Chris F - 7 years ago
OMG i can't decide which animal is funniest! Thank you, I will watch this every day!
johnnyp pi
johnnyp pi - 7 years ago
The cat's tail seems to be acting as a rudder.
E S - 7 years ago
Not strange at all.
RStaR RaptoR
RStaR RaptoR - 7 years ago
Why the duck??!?!?!?!??? Best video ever by the way.
Marissa Makenzie
Marissa Makenzie - 7 years ago
how many gallons is your tank?
Adi Jordan
Adi Jordan - 7 years ago
Lol this a funny video
Alexander Molina
Alexander Molina - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh! No wonder this video has ten million views. The actors are simply amazing,and cutest actors ever ! Who could imagine,a cat and a pit bull playing the part of the sharks,and Ducky as himself,LoL !
elliana ramirez
elliana ramirez - 7 years ago
really funny
zebra3stripes - 7 years ago
"I figured if I went trick-or-treating dressed like this I might get tuna instead of Snickers."
B. Walker
B. Walker - 7 years ago
WTF has the world come to.
Gabriel Buchbinder
Gabriel Buchbinder - 7 years ago
This is the best thing ever.
Raymond Kitchen
Raymond Kitchen - 7 years ago
If I had to explain online to someone, I'd just show them this video.
emmo 19
emmo 19 - 7 years ago
Five corners
Five corners - 7 years ago
thank you mark manson
Tryfield Animas
Tryfield Animas - 7 years ago
i hope Tweety is still alive
SCHRODINGER’S CAT - 7 years ago
Jun hee Bae
Jun hee Bae - 7 years ago
That's something I would do if I had 4 legged animals, not turtles
David Kinkade
David Kinkade - 7 years ago
Roomba dies at 1:30
Gergely Maár
Gergely Maár - 7 years ago
The title of this video is very accurate!
ferrarigirl666 - 7 years ago
Looks like a goose
ChrisBrengel - 7 years ago
Brilliant! The title says it all!

OMG! When the roomba stops, the cat gets up and looks at the camera ! A few seconds later the dog sits down and keeps looking at the camera ! The duck looks at the camera ! This is way creepy...
Lola mo
Lola mo - 7 years ago
Lol this is epic on so many levels.
First a cat on a Roomba
Second, a cat wearing a shark costume on a Roomba
Third, a cat wearing a shark costume on a Roomba chasing a duck
Fourth, a cat wearing a shark costume with a duck and a dog wearing a shark costume
Uncharted for life
Uncharted for life - 7 years ago
The dog is wearing a shark costume too lol
Yan Allenay
Yan Allenay - 7 years ago
So Cute!!! Like if you view in 2017 xDD ( sorry im not speak english u.u)
Bo Otten
Bo Otten - 7 years ago
Do you know we have an advertisement in Holland that uses your cat?! :D you can find it on YouTube: Tele2 presents - hoe dan. I thought you would like to know :P I love your friendly animals
Jude Angione
Jude Angione - 7 years ago
What a laid back trio of animals.
Amaravi - 7 years ago
Gary DiPiazza
Gary DiPiazza - 7 years ago
"Today I found out" sent me
Padmavasani Kumaravel
Padmavasani Kumaravel - 7 years ago
idhu chase ahh
Madison quartz
Madison quartz - 7 years ago
if you love sharks so much just buy one.
Cat Puppy Is Coot
Cat Puppy Is Coot - 7 years ago
how can an simple cat in a shark video have so many views
I love cats
I love cats - 7 years ago
The new Jaws movie looks amazing
Allen Hampshire
Allen Hampshire - 7 years ago
This too cute!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss Moxie
Miss Moxie - 7 years ago
OLEG YouTube
OLEG YouTube - 7 years ago
mick hanks
mick hanks - 7 years ago
this is what my life has come to
Cee Cee
Cee Cee - 7 years ago
This. Is. The. Internet.
Christine Tiger
Christine Tiger - 7 years ago
So funny! I'm binge watching cats riding a roomba lol
Israel Peralta
Israel Peralta - 7 years ago
The dog is like "someone please put me out of my misery."
Zeekly614 M
Zeekly614 M - 7 years ago
The part when it just stops. Hahaha , dying laughing.
Bill Murray
Bill Murray - 7 years ago
So damn funny! Thank you made my day! Love kitties, they make the world smile! Rubber duckie is not bad as well!
Silly Fool
Silly Fool - 7 years ago
Poor cat, bad human.
Silly Fool
Silly Fool - 7 years ago
Those animals were so unhappy forced to be in front of camera.

100. comment for Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba

dankmemesforedgyteens - 7 years ago
Welcome to the Internet

I shall be your guide.
Zack Halladay
Zack Halladay - 7 years ago
I didn't know I needed this until now.
Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees - 7 years ago
duck: chase me Daddy
duck: quack?
Maria Paula Silva
Maria Paula Silva - 7 years ago
Jason Voorhees www
Raj Cha
Raj Cha - 7 years ago
Hi Santiago how can you have so talented mind can you give some ideas for me. Were you talented at math
EscapeTheCommute - 7 years ago
What the heck have my eyes just witnessed??!!!?
元・海外旅行ツアコンの「添乗員ノート」Chi-yu - 7 years ago
Very nice♡ Shark the cat attacks!
Martin_ Leong
Martin_ Leong - 7 years ago
the cat found free transport thanks to that it's lazy
FreedomFrankie - 7 years ago
cat @ 1:38 looks to the camera and says "is the scene over yet?"
anonymous -
anonymous - - 7 years ago
Elon Musk doesn't read books anymore - he watches such cat videos on youtube.
tio karoly
tio karoly - 7 years ago
Steelcrafie 007
Steelcrafie 007 - 7 years ago
Tu as le canard qui fais c besoin à un moment
neilcoo - 7 years ago
This is literally my most favourite video on the internet ever.
Kelly Foltz
Kelly Foltz - 7 years ago
The cats so cute
wozardofiz - 7 years ago
tenthconcept - 7 years ago
I've come to the conclusion that my life is stressful because I don't take the time to observe small things in life. How much for the cat, dog, duck and all costumes and accessories?
XatxiFly - 7 years ago
Is the duckling imprinted on the cat?
Wank Yiffer
Wank Yiffer - 7 years ago
It's the roomba and's it going to be your doomba
Wank Yiffer
Wank Yiffer - 7 years ago
What does elon musk have to do with this?
John Street
John Street - 7 years ago
Very funny and cute. Maybe one day the Shark Vacuum Cleaner Company will call you to hire you soon. :)
Penhiu Beck
Penhiu Beck - 7 years ago
Kitty cat: Hey~you quack~ quack, get out my way, do not stop the traffic!! ヾ(≧ ω ≦*)ノ
john doe
john doe - 7 years ago
All this, yet no lasers...
minagelina - 7 years ago
I love howthe cat doesn't even get phased by banging into the wall, lol!
feline groovey
feline groovey - 7 years ago
An absurdist masterpiece for the ages.
Ben Hakak
Ben Hakak - 7 years ago
wtf I'm I doing with me life?!
Mitteilungsbedarf - 7 years ago
Why do you dress your pets?
Gaara Sama
Gaara Sama - 7 years ago
The only animal that looks like it is enjoying this is the duck. <.<
Sheryl Sadohara
Sheryl Sadohara - 7 years ago
Now I have to go out and buy a Roomba so that my cats will be happy. They are missing so much.
alt-MGTOW - 7 years ago
This could very well be, the meaning of life!!
Mitchy The Creeper
Mitchy The Creeper - 7 years ago
crashcourse brought me here.
Miss0909 - 7 years ago
i muted this and played the jaws theme music. bwa ha ha.
Kat Eisenman
Kat Eisenman - 7 years ago
Thanks for the belly laughs.
Debbe Long
Debbe Long - 8 years ago
Blake Hamman
Blake Hamman - 8 years ago
Cawfee Dawg
Cawfee Dawg - 8 years ago
I think the the duck is chasing the cat and roomba
Anna Dicks
Anna Dicks - 8 years ago
the essence of youtube
Sue Kaufmann
Sue Kaufmann - 8 years ago
OMG. The death stare at the end: awesome.
Lese39 - 8 years ago
okay, i've seen it all... again
tyler burgess
tyler burgess - 8 years ago
new trend. right here
Kristin Dewey
Kristin Dewey - 8 years ago
Keep them coming Helen!!!! These videos are tooooo funny!!!
Giuliano di Staulo
Giuliano di Staulo - 8 years ago
We've got a SHARK, we've got a DUCK, we've got a roomba KING!
Giuliano di Staulo
Giuliano di Staulo - 8 years ago
The battle of California!!!
Giuliano di Staulo
Giuliano di Staulo - 8 years ago
… Welcome to the Internet. I'll be your guide…
Mikko Jnen
Mikko Jnen - 8 years ago
I love the tail, cleaning the rest
Chicken Lizard
Chicken Lizard - 8 years ago
the dog was like I don't want to be here
KJ Andy-O
KJ Andy-O - 8 years ago
Looks like the dog was very hungry for duck at the end. Licking his chops and all. LOL!
Nigel Round
Nigel Round - 8 years ago
Creacher Creature
Creacher Creature - 8 years ago
I wonder what goes on in that cat's head
Giuliano di Staulo
Giuliano di Staulo - 8 years ago
Hahaha, this is purely the definition of awesome!!
Nelly Holguin
Nelly Holguin - 8 years ago
cat shark + duck + shark dog! perfect mix!
sofa the satan
sofa the satan - 8 years ago
[]HĒŁŁ [] KNĪGHT [] - 8 years ago
Derek Richards
Derek Richards - 8 years ago
This is awesome. ty for sharing!!!
Heh. . .
Heh. . . - 8 years ago
FemMorpheus - 8 years ago
i dont know that its fair to claim that kitty shark onba roomba is chasing. i think the duckling is more trying to get in the way. but, no matter how the hairs are split, this is friggin' awesome.
bella g
bella g - 8 years ago
sharky is humiliated look at his face lol he hates that costume lol
Juan Stevan Chávez Carvajal
Juan Stevan Chávez Carvajal - 8 years ago
hello a tv chanel
Benjamin Donahue
Benjamin Donahue - 8 years ago
This is the best video on the internet
Melina Eunice de Martinez
Melina Eunice de Martinez - 8 years ago
que tierno
peter parker
peter parker - 8 years ago
I don't know why i am here, I just know I don't want to leave
Ssredwolf gamer
Ssredwolf gamer - 8 years ago
kill the duck
A - 8 years ago
Elon brought me here
DJBawss - 8 years ago
my right ear is really enjoying this
Poncenby Smithe
Poncenby Smithe - 8 years ago
Incredible cinematography
RedYellow Blue
RedYellow Blue - 8 years ago
Woke up this morning to this exact thing happening in my kitchen. Had to go to Youtube and see if this had happened before. Glad I'm not alone.
Brandon - 8 years ago
Wow your pets are so cute
Youtube User
Youtube User - 8 years ago
This video is halarious!
Troy Maris
Troy Maris - 8 years ago
Darth Vader has devolved.
Katie Hall
Katie Hall - 8 years ago
dude just dude.
Cory in the closet
Cory in the closet - 8 years ago
mrrickstur - 8 years ago
lol cuteness overload xD
undeadgaming - 8 years ago
Your poor animals.
Abhishek Raut
Abhishek Raut - 8 years ago
Elon Musk brought me here. Seriously.
Lunrfrost - 8 years ago
0:57 the duck takes a shit lol
Gunnar Thorsen
Gunnar Thorsen - 8 years ago
Isn't it great when pets spontaneously do things like this? :)
Lee-Ann Hopkins
Lee-Ann Hopkins - 8 years ago
beautiful video
MitchChaCho - 8 years ago
Now I've seen everything
Mary Fletcher
Mary Fletcher - 8 years ago
Now the dog has on a hammerhead shark costume, I'm dying!!!!
Ben Samuels
Ben Samuels - 8 years ago
What's cooler than being cool? Ice cold!

No, wait - CatShark is cooler than cool.
Ellie Jones
Ellie Jones - 8 years ago
i love sharks... hence my name... but this is super funny and very amusing!
Salty Viper
Salty Viper - 8 years ago
Elon Musk brought me here
EDGE OF TIME - 8 years ago
50/50 reddit
Trish - 8 years ago
Trish - 8 years ago

Hannah K
Hannah K - 8 years ago
Too funny!!!
Crusader1815 - 8 years ago
"Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba"... no one has ever said that before!
Shawn Jones
Shawn Jones - 8 years ago
Have you burned up the motor by adding such weight to it? Youve like tripled its designed carrying capacity
Don113 - 8 years ago
one of the purest videos on the Internet.
Wolverine 7777
Wolverine 7777 - 8 years ago
cats love that drone
Ben Samuels
Ben Samuels - 8 years ago
Sharks. Cats. Dogs. Ducks. And a roomba. This is the reason Youtube was invented. And it makes me feel happy to be alive.
Gem Gemmity
Gem Gemmity - 8 years ago
This is a very pure video
mshara1 - 8 years ago
Adam Curtis and Colonel Gaddafi brought me here.
André Silva
André Silva - 8 years ago
mark aaron
mark aaron - 8 years ago
Cut it out. Haven't you ever been told that when every conceivably possible event has taken place, the stars will fall from the sky and the universe will disappear in a puff of smoke?
Lesseo - 8 years ago
Thats a headline i never thought id read...
Wirmish - 8 years ago
The duck defecated on the floor at 0:58 !
Ben Samuels
Ben Samuels - 8 years ago
That is what the Roomba is for, duh!
Misszumicat - 8 years ago
the dog looks really unhappy...the cat's not that happy either. :(
Kieran Smith
Kieran Smith - 8 years ago
The content we need
Bertha Martin
Bertha Martin - 8 years ago
the kitty is cute....but I do hope you take back this poor duckling back to his mother, and please do not do that again...that is animal abuse....I'd rather see the kitty ALONE riding the zoomba....
Chakky-P - 8 years ago
This is the most internet thing I have ever seen.
Melissa Earle
Melissa Earle - 8 years ago
Now please
Melissa Earle
Melissa Earle - 8 years ago
My dad out of control neston please 9999 call berzehill road
Granulated - 8 years ago
takes an hour to scroll down to the comments !
Nonon Jakuzure
Nonon Jakuzure - 8 years ago
What in the watch did I just fuck
Wolverine 7777
Wolverine 7777 - 8 years ago
a fuking retarded filming his duck
Melissa Earle
Melissa Earle - 8 years ago
Silly cat poo
KattyOwO - 8 years ago
sooooooo cute!!
MCS Jake
MCS Jake - 8 years ago
soo cute
kate shanaman
kate shanaman - 8 years ago
im not even suprised phil has liked this
June Lynn
June Lynn - 8 years ago
My daughter introduced me to your video last night....I could not stop laughing the whole way through it....absolutely hilarious !!
Sunny Nyx
Sunny Nyx - 8 years ago
where can I find this exact costume for my cat?
Wolverine 7777
Wolverine 7777 - 8 years ago
on a cat mall
pokinatcha punx
pokinatcha punx - 8 years ago
Give the duck a shark outfit you monsters
Rothsheckel Silverman Sheckelburg Goldstein
Rothsheckel Silverman Sheckelburg Goldstein - 8 years ago
Science has gone too far
gunfuego - 8 years ago
The title should be " Your Point Is Invalid" LoL
Andrew Sieff
Andrew Sieff - 8 years ago
This video should be playing on a loop in a MoMA!
kristin lee
kristin lee - 8 years ago
That is so cute I can barely stand it. that cat likes the Roomba and the costume. animals are so precious. love this!!
Cheryl Maloney
Cheryl Maloney - 8 years ago
this is the cutest ever!
RyPie - 8 years ago
TheFanguy123 - 8 years ago
Weirdo Phil fans
; eb
; eb - 8 years ago
im not even surprised that this is on phils liked videos tbh
Lon_es - 8 years ago
That dog wanted to die.
girls only!
girls only! - 8 years ago
rob morse
rob morse - 8 years ago
This video should be beamed into space to confuse aliens!!!
Jasmine Arroyo
Jasmine Arroyo - 8 years ago
That's racist
frontier cat
frontier cat - 8 years ago
Dicks out for Harambe
Lexi Johnson
Lexi Johnson - 8 years ago
Am I the only one wondering why the duck doesnt have an outfit on?
Don Tsuchiyama
Don Tsuchiyama - 8 years ago
I think the dog wants to eat the duck.
Artma - 8 years ago
When the cat is on the Roomba suddenly it begins the song of: they se me rolling... they hating. Also at the end the dog and the cat looks like they were plotting something.
crankthatdank meme
crankthatdank meme - 8 years ago
Philllllll this is cute thank you
Anthony Caban
Anthony Caban - 8 years ago
Lots to think about here. Thanks for the upload.
livekaloo - 8 years ago
ahahaha i'm crying
Caroline Howard
Caroline Howard - 8 years ago
it looks like the cat the duck and the dog were posing.
E Sell
E Sell - 8 years ago
Think this is my all time favorite video. Hands down.
justinne - 8 years ago
+Soniya G it's a cold hard joke hun :)
Soniya Kiti
Soniya Kiti - 8 years ago
+justineisnotonfire thank you..
well we dun need to know tv stars to live.. ;)
i hv my own life that is awesome
justinne - 8 years ago
+Soniya G look up amazingphil, if you don't know him, you haven't lived
Soniya Kiti
Soniya Kiti - 8 years ago
who is Phil?
shutupurgonnamakeit - 8 years ago
This is why I love the internet.
Wank Yiffer
Wank Yiffer - 7 years ago
I like it because of porn
Wolverine 7777
Wolverine 7777 - 8 years ago
youre cute
Wolverine 7777
Wolverine 7777 - 8 years ago
shutupurgonnamakeit - 8 years ago
Wolverine 7777 Wouldn't have seen this without it and it has funny stuff like this.
shutupurgonnamakeit - 8 years ago
Wolverine 7777 Wouldn't have seen this without it and it has funny stuff like this.
Wolverine 7777
Wolverine 7777 - 8 years ago
Julie is in too many fandoms
Julie is in too many fandoms - 8 years ago
How does Phillip even find this stuff?!
Soniya Kiti
Soniya Kiti - 8 years ago
+Phanic! At The 5sos Blackery ok.. :)
thank you.. sure il check out...
Julie is in too many fandoms
Julie is in too many fandoms - 8 years ago
+Soniya G it's amazingphil. This was in his likes playlist. You should check him out, he's a great youtuber :D
Soniya Kiti
Soniya Kiti - 8 years ago
who is Phillip??
everybody is talkin about him
TheEditingOlive - 8 years ago
I can understand why Phil liked this...
slick ruler
slick ruler - 8 years ago
Poor animals.
Ghostiiee - 8 years ago
I'm not even gonna question why this was on phils liked list. I'm just gonna go with it.
Rebekah Coyle
Rebekah Coyle - 8 years ago
Maddie :3
Truf Williams
Truf Williams - 8 years ago
lol, how can their be over 1400 thumbs down...idiots
Foxtrot1213 - 8 years ago
and I thought I saw everything online till I saw a cat dressed as a white shark sitting on a vacuum cleaner chased by a duck and accompanied by a dog dressed as a hammer shark.
I need a drink
Judyta Podeszwa
Judyta Podeszwa - 8 years ago
the is bird abuse !! fuck u and fuck that stupid cat
Cole Stringer
Cole Stringer - 8 years ago
Elon Musk sent me here
Kay Deem
Kay Deem - 8 years ago
This is awesome! These animals are so loved and clearly feel incredibly safe with their human <3 Super cute!! :-)
Tobey Anne Russell
Tobey Anne Russell - 8 years ago
Vanillaraccoon - 8 years ago
This is adorable!!
Deborah Driscoll
Deborah Driscoll - 8 years ago
Just wondering what sad fucking group of people disliked this video....smh
Ayka Reydel
Ayka Reydel - 8 years ago
I found our that phil loves cats
The Asian Jerry 21234
The Asian Jerry 21234 - 8 years ago
Ash Linz
Ash Linz - 8 years ago
Phil what are you doing
Generalissimo X
Generalissimo X - 8 years ago
soon the robot and cat will merge into some type of super cyborg creature...CATBOT WILL DESTROY US ALL!
Wulfi Channel
Wulfi Channel - 8 years ago
Mix Master
Mix Master - 8 years ago
this was hilarious af, someone please do a voiceover version of this. Has to be one of the most original and unique vids I've seen this side of YT
Mix Master
Mix Master - 8 years ago
u need some benny hill music in the background
TaeIsOkay - 8 years ago
Phil why are you like this?
Your daily gassed jew
Your daily gassed jew - 8 years ago
D: poor kitten XD 0:33 He needs some milk
My Name Is Chef
My Name Is Chef - 8 years ago
No clickbait
jonathan meler
jonathan meler - 8 years ago
poor cat
TheLandLord23 - 8 years ago
it not duck, it ducking dubm dumb. i think im sloowly turing in to a cat meow meow
NRNO Kropboom
NRNO Kropboom - 8 years ago
so cute!!
Rin Ng
Rin Ng - 8 years ago
the cat and dog looks nervous around the baby duck they were both licking their lips
ComputerCat777 - 8 years ago
what is life
Teddy Awesome
Teddy Awesome - 8 years ago
XPERTGAMER599 - 8 years ago
50/50 anyone
Swooping Bears
Swooping Bears - 8 years ago
He just made it up.
Anthony Allegar
Anthony Allegar - 8 years ago
hellokitty8471 - 8 years ago
Hasan Doğu
Hasan Doğu - 8 years ago
NSlider88 - 8 years ago
Sena - 8 years ago
i laughed during the entire video thank you so much for deciding to share this beauty to the world. please tell all your pets i say hi
Travion James
Travion James - 8 years ago
Where can I purchase the same jacket
Brooklyn Bradshaw
Brooklyn Bradshaw - 8 years ago
I got so scared that the the duckling would be ran over when it got to close
Okie Rebel
Okie Rebel - 8 years ago
excuse me, but that's a mighty fine ride you have there. can you spare a moment to talk about what afflack can do for you?
Visuvh - 8 years ago
Actually the duck is making sure nothing bad happens!
Officer Mc Duck, kepping all yer pussies safe.
Cat Warriors
Cat Warriors - 8 years ago
I also like the dog a lot!
Jeff Baker
Jeff Baker - 8 years ago
+DIYworld They're both so cute....
Jeff Baker
Jeff Baker - 8 years ago
His expression is priceless.
Cat Warriors
Cat Warriors - 8 years ago
Meo Cover Home
Meo Cover Home - 8 years ago
that amazing :) so cool !!! I subbed me and you sub me back to see more ok :)
WoZuiAiL - 8 years ago
Jon - 8 years ago
RIP Sharky :( He's so cute
Bloozbee - 8 years ago
This is like a porn title...
Endi Pons
Endi Pons - 8 years ago
Janus ! You're all going to die !
Aaron Barrett
Aaron Barrett - 8 years ago
The crowning achievement of our species
Josey Wales
Josey Wales - 8 years ago
Congratulations , I saw your cat/shark/roomba video clip used on a commercial. Maybe shark week??? Not sure? Crappy memory on certain things. Hope they asked your permission and you got payed for letting them use your clip.
Delta Blosssom
Delta Blosssom - 8 years ago
cat version of we dem bois
alexxphan - 8 years ago
phil wyd
Lulle Loca
Lulle Loca - 8 years ago
i really love all of your videos♡best regards from germany to your pets and your family!
iliketrains0pwned - 8 years ago
This has to be internet in it's purest form.
eyeless Jack angel
eyeless Jack angel - 8 years ago
that's so funny
lecsus - 8 years ago
0:58 To see a duck shitting tha floor
TheXV22 - 8 years ago
This has 9 million views!??
ocularis73 - 8 years ago
At 1:56 this cat is thinking "I have the instincts of a predator. I should be devouring this duck, but instead I'm forced to wear ridiculous costumes and ride around for the amusement of humans. (Sigh).. Oh well.. At least I'm not an alley cat."
Wolverine 7777
Wolverine 7777 - 8 years ago
Aks shah
Aks shah - 8 years ago
dear toby
dear toby - 8 years ago
......thanks philly
ChildProtection Academy
ChildProtection Academy - 8 years ago
super cute. I love how the cat just loves the roomba.
ThatNerdGirl 7
ThatNerdGirl 7 - 8 years ago
I typed cat and shark into the search bar hoping to see something like a kitten playing with a dogfish. Instead I found this and from the title alone I had to see it! xD
Koukonei - 8 years ago
Thanks Phil
Koopaswag - 8 years ago
Delta airlines brought me here if ou ve see there safety video
baconbob - 8 years ago
I like it when the duck makes his little poopy
Adam Hall
Adam Hall - 8 years ago
A society is measured by how well it treats its animals, you are awesome. The world needs more people like you.
Soniya Kiti
Soniya Kiti - 8 years ago
goku - 8 years ago
They look totally bored at the end of the vid.
"See what I have to endure to get my food..."
Leo Saucedo
Leo Saucedo - 8 years ago
If you look closely they are not sharks. Its a cat and a dog dressed up.
Carmela De Stefano
Carmela De Stefano - 8 years ago
the cat is so enjoying this!
Forever, The End.
Forever, The End. - 8 years ago
Best video ever.
EJ Estonactoc
EJ Estonactoc - 8 years ago
that was hilarious
Punished Chen
Punished Chen - 8 years ago
this video is no-bullshit, exactly what it says on the page name. i wish politicians were like that.
FreedomFrankie - 7 years ago
"Humans in suits force other humans to pay taxes and use stockholm syndrome to make them like it"
Paul Escamilla
Paul Escamilla - 7 years ago
Wrong. The duck is chasing the cat.
Corinne Powers
Corinne Powers - 8 years ago
I wish the NEWS was like this! "So and so politician GOES COMPLETELY INSANE because they retweeted some garbage" like fuck off they're just tapping buttons on their phone like an idiot, they didn't go COMPLETELY INSANE you asshats!
boysponge705 - 8 years ago
Me too
Yukari - Sama
Yukari - Sama - 8 years ago
Jerah DeLaCruz
Jerah DeLaCruz - 8 years ago
That pit bull looks really enthused
Icey embrace
Icey embrace - 8 years ago
this is the best thing that ever happened! I can die happy now.
Chris Long
Chris Long - 8 years ago
That cat is so crazy!
William Crohan
William Crohan - 8 years ago
The internet is an amazing place
Ben Caunt
Ben Caunt - 8 years ago
who hasn't seen this video?
junior fio
junior fio - 8 years ago
Cat: It's time to catch a duck.

(Jaws theme song starts playing)

Baby Chick: HOLY SHIT!!!!! RUN AWAY!!!!!!
HobiWinchester - 9 years ago
Umm Phil?
Ben Sokolow
Ben Sokolow - 9 years ago
Elon Musk sent me here. Why? Because he's awesome, that's why.
Br00dje - 9 years ago
random animals walking around in shark costumes. wtf is my life
Christeroph - 9 years ago
Now this is the type of quality content I came here for.
Ciel Ac
Ciel Ac - 9 years ago
Im here from Phil
juan carlos espinosa bernal
juan carlos espinosa bernal - 9 years ago
muy bueno
Ted Flob
Ted Flob - 9 years ago
I like how at one point it looks like all the animals look back at the owner in those costumes like wtf have you done to us? we look ridiculous. 1:35
Welcome To The Mayday Parade
Welcome To The Mayday Parade - 9 years ago
1:29 the cat's tail tripped the duckling lol
kyle lorenzo
kyle lorenzo - 9 years ago
this must be the cooolest cat in all the world
First Last
First Last - 9 years ago
does roomba pick up cat hurl?
6maxwell99 - 9 years ago
Ah too much. Ha ha
Mr. CatHazBuRgErZ
Mr. CatHazBuRgErZ - 9 years ago
I'm calling the Animal Elite Force right now
Cherry Berry48
Cherry Berry48 - 9 years ago
aww the cat was patiently waiting for it to come back on, and the doggy awwww
Ashley Davis
Ashley Davis - 9 years ago
Very cute!
Naima Ramiréz
Naima Ramiréz - 9 years ago
Dang, that thing is noisy.
Juergen Maier
Juergen Maier - 9 years ago
mrs. farooqi
mrs. farooqi - 8 years ago
+TexasGirly1979 that's what I wanted to say that in fact the cute duck was chasing the cat. Good luck with your pets
TexasGirly1979 - 9 years ago
+Aaditee Kulkarni yup. ducks like to follow their mom, since this duck was left by chicken who sit on the egg and I put under the light after and helped him hatch... he really didn't have real mom who cared and took over. so he thought humans are friends/parent and humans pets too
mictwisted65 - 9 years ago
welp that's something you don't see every day
KaedinKane - 9 years ago
deeply disappointed at the lack of Jaws theme music.
DragRaceTV - 9 years ago
+KaedinKane copyright
KaedinKane - 9 years ago
+KaedinKane OMG theres a Dog in a hammerhead suit too?!
C. Potter
C. Potter - 9 years ago
Duckling makes something for the Roomba to clean up at 1:00
Denae Kilgore
Denae Kilgore - 9 years ago
that duck is toooo cutw
Wolverine 7777
Wolverine 7777 - 8 years ago
what's cytw
Denae Kilgore
Denae Kilgore - 9 years ago
Cory Frederick
Cory Frederick - 9 years ago
The part at 1:35 cracks me up! They're like, "yeah, we do this all the time". And I LOVE the duck just walking around in circles. No wonder you have 9 million views!
J Stodghill
J Stodghill - 9 years ago
TheFish Man
TheFish Man - 9 years ago
Why is the duck not dressed up as a shark?
Kathe Lorenzo
Kathe Lorenzo - 9 years ago
to put more vide tender by fi I like
funny bone
funny bone - 9 years ago
THIS ALWAYS MAKE MY DAY LOL btw how did you get that cat to sit on there
Bobzeda - 9 years ago
+hamsteraj all cats seem to love roombas.
Nexuluz - 9 years ago
Stop smoking.
Puff Puff Pass
Puff Puff Pass - 9 years ago
Paul Augustin
Paul Augustin - 9 years ago
I came upon this video by clicking on the same link that Elon Musk himself posted, my life is complete now. Next stop, getting my own rocket company!
Dj fandrus
Dj fandrus - 9 years ago
Thank you, Board Game Online
Gold ATG
Gold ATG - 9 years ago
Where can I buy the costume?
Titus Veridius
Titus Veridius - 9 years ago
Oppressive feline power structure exercising robotic privilege to solidify the feline cultural narrative while establishing normative trends to sensationalize police on shark violence through the wearing of their skins, and demonstrating the existence of a clear feline-duck rape culture. I need some muscle to get this video out of here. Down vote now!
Ella x
Ella x - 9 years ago
Omfg Phil
Edward Suarez
Edward Suarez - 9 years ago
Can't wait for the video where the pit gets fed up and eats the duck and the cat. Poor thing looks miserable.
Böser Doktor
Böser Doktor - 9 years ago
help! It's Jaws!
amekanasai - 9 years ago
is the tail cleaning or dropping hair or both
EASYTIGER10 - 9 years ago
I keep worrying the cat's tail will get sucked into the Roomba
Mr. CatHazBuRgErZ
Mr. CatHazBuRgErZ - 9 years ago
Me to •,_,•
Sydney Black
Sydney Black - 9 years ago
Wow there are 1,000 losers out there with no sense of humor or personality how can you unlike this its adorable
Missbeepage - 9 years ago
Dankuz M33mus Maximus
Dankuz M33mus Maximus - 9 years ago
+Missbeepage Oblivions being trollled.
argo09 - 9 years ago
the duck just poo in 0:59 ! :)
ocularis73 - 8 years ago
+argo09 The cat shark scared the crap out of him!
tringkles - 9 years ago
Definitely can believe that Phil watched this... ^-^
tringkles - 8 years ago
+Sakura Senpai yeah he watched this
Welcome To The Mayday Parade
Welcome To The Mayday Parade - 8 years ago
She's talking about Phil Lester. He's AmazingPhil on YouTube.
Kyle Demoderpifnlikskin
Kyle Demoderpifnlikskin - 8 years ago
+GamerOfSkills philip carvel?
tringkles - 8 years ago
+GamerOfSkills OMFG
Fafner - 8 years ago
+DanAndPhil AreAmazinglyNotOnFire who's phil?
Welcome To The Mayday Parade
Welcome To The Mayday Parade - 9 years ago
+DanAndPhil AreAmazinglyNotOnFire I must say, your username is absolutely beautiful.
Anzil Ferreira
Anzil Ferreira - 9 years ago
+DanAndPhil AreAmazinglyNotOnFire Rightt
Slime Lich
Slime Lich - 9 years ago
Patrick Ikose
Patrick Ikose - 9 years ago
why didn't you do the Jaws theme music?
Sandra Zecevic
Sandra Zecevic - 9 years ago
what a time to be alive
Amanda Taylor
Amanda Taylor - 9 years ago
LOL im so confused!!!!!!!
Allie Labarre
Allie Labarre - 9 years ago
I'm surprised the duck wasn't dressed up like a shark as well.
Nurse Benny
Nurse Benny - 7 years ago
Allie Labarre the duck should have been dressed up as dory or nemo. LOLOL. Fish are friends, not food. LOLOL
ICallsEmLikeISeesEm - 9 years ago
I can't even stop my cat from fleeing in terror from the room when I wheel a standard vacuum cleaner into it, let alone stick her in an adorable shark costume and plop her onto a moving Roomba in pursuit of a duck.
taemin invented dancing
taemin invented dancing - 9 years ago
This is what Phil does in his spare time apparently
HelensVlogs - 9 years ago
BlazeIOS - 9 years ago
Elon Musk approves.
Dawn Martin
Dawn Martin - 9 years ago
This is, quite honestly, far more interesting than anything I could watch on tv right now.
Wet Manko
Wet Manko - 9 years ago
They see me rolling ....
Izak Teahan
Izak Teahan - 9 years ago
Vid of the year!
Lap Nguyen
Lap Nguyen - 9 years ago
Im suprise the cat and dog didn't chew up the little duck.
Lemmurrituals - 9 years ago
Your cat likes this? I'm staring at my cat literally laying there in a dress.
Cat Python
Cat Python - 9 years ago
Poor duck
Spencer Mayfield
Spencer Mayfield - 9 years ago
hahaha the animals look so unamused by all of it. just a straight "fuck humans" look on all of their faces.
GamesAndElectronica - 9 years ago
+Spencer Mayfield Yeah, human humour is incomprehensible to animals. I just hope she doesn't force them to wear those costumes often. It must be very warm for them.
Brad Cooke
Brad Cooke - 9 years ago
I saw you on TV
Yana Simons
Yana Simons - 9 years ago
Phil wtf
tilly0191 - 9 years ago
i thought i'd seen it all on you've been framed funniest animals but i was wrong pmsl
Justin sh
Justin sh - 9 years ago
1:54 "in the arms of an angle........"
Calum Chandler Milln
Calum Chandler Milln - 9 years ago
reddit 50/50 brought me here.
Bee R
Bee R - 9 years ago
These are the types of things Phil watches at 2 in the morning.
Tylerama - 9 years ago
This never gets old :-)
*indie blue skies*
*indie blue skies* - 9 years ago
Um Phil??? Should we be concerned about you??...
nightcore jess
nightcore jess - 9 years ago
Watch the cats tail it is just dragging lol
Darth Boss
Darth Boss - 9 years ago
this is beautiful xD
sapphire storm
sapphire storm - 9 years ago
i want a shark cat
Wesley Dickhaut
Wesley Dickhaut - 9 years ago
reddit 50/50...I thankfully won hehehee
cartoonglutton326 - 9 years ago

This video makes none.
Jenna Weaver
Jenna Weaver - 9 years ago
Wow I had no idea the Roombas were so loud!
georgeNconrad - 9 years ago
This is the best.
Susie Dupuy
Susie Dupuy - 9 years ago
never gets old
Taylor Renea 〈3
Taylor Renea 〈3 - 9 years ago
I'm here because of phil.... wtf phil
john smith
john smith - 9 years ago
The cat is like "This costume fits my personality just nicely"
lvsitiwdr - 9 years ago
Lauretta Gifford
Lauretta Gifford - 9 years ago
Where can I buy that cats outfit???
Tijana Pejovic
Tijana Pejovic - 9 years ago
Ok is it me, or this cat is giving to the dog "back and silent treatment"...??? Hahahahaha, seams like she/he is upset and poor dog is trying to meke her/him forgive him 1:34 :-).
Ethan Jordan
Ethan Jordan - 9 years ago
How could anyone not like this video?
reepeach - 9 years ago
this is so something Phil would watch of course he liked jt
Nomzilla - 9 years ago
They should just repurpose the Roomba as cat transportation
Crystal Hendrix
Crystal Hendrix - 9 years ago
There are 1402 people who dislike this. Apparently, there are 1402 who have no soul.
ghettofreeze - 7 years ago
I have no soul, but I liked the video anyway!
DJ Jennings
DJ Jennings - 9 years ago
+Crystal Hendrix I think it's just one guy who reeealy doesn't like it
JessieJoystick - 9 years ago
How do all these great things happen simultaniously XD
yixsito - 9 years ago
Oh Phil, you and your cat videos...
saintdarthcoder - 9 years ago
I was kind of hoping to see the Roomba pick up the duck poop. The sadface on that poor dog. :(
Mr1987Joe - 9 years ago
LMAO! So random! This woman cracks me up!
gregory bresiger
gregory bresiger - 9 years ago
Alejo Salah Abdeslam
Alejo Salah Abdeslam - 9 years ago
Alejo Salah Abdeslam
Alejo Salah Abdeslam - 9 years ago
Alejo Salah Abdeslam
Alejo Salah Abdeslam - 9 years ago
Valerie Ghassemy
Valerie Ghassemy - 9 years ago
more daily cuteness please!!!
Nitruix - 9 years ago
How still it is afterwards...
NicDevlin74 - 9 years ago
the cat is starting to get a little annoyed... you see his tail thrashing toward the end. Cats are funny, they jump up on and In everything.
Grave Grabbers
Grave Grabbers - 9 years ago
This is one of the most random things I've ever seen! Well done!
Boo Boo Orlowski
Boo Boo Orlowski - 9 years ago
Lmfao this video is my fave video of all time!! I love your animals!!!!!
phillycrown311 - 9 years ago
the laws of nature have made a glorious exception on this otherwise normal day.
Name Surname
Name Surname - 9 years ago
Lol, Elon Musk brought me here.
Booligoosh - 7 years ago
TheXV22 - 8 years ago
+Derp665 how?
Suraj Rao
Suraj Rao - 9 years ago
Same here xD
Nat Comeau
Nat Comeau - 9 years ago
+Derp665 same
Jam Guy
Jam Guy - 9 years ago
How does it know where to go if we don't push it!
christinegreywolf - 9 years ago
The poor dog is like... geesh I am suffering here in this silly costume, lol.
Mitchell Findley
Mitchell Findley - 9 years ago
Sephiroth - 9 years ago
I wonder if this woman shit texasgirly dress her kids Luke that andò male them doping that things. You should be condamned forma animali torture bitch!!!
RainNBlood - 9 years ago
Helmut Rubio
Helmut Rubio - 9 years ago
lol!!! wtf hahahahah
Jessie Burnett
Jessie Burnett - 9 years ago
lol my cat would eat that duck
Mikamii - 9 years ago
cat magic.
festive frank iero
festive frank iero - 9 years ago
phil... cx
LemonCurry 1
LemonCurry 1 - 9 years ago
Elon Musk brought me here
Savannah Lewallen
Savannah Lewallen - 9 years ago
lol It so cute
Sir.Jimmy Rustlington
Sir.Jimmy Rustlington - 9 years ago
Sanity check complete.

Unseen - 9 years ago
thank you reddit
Lance Steel
Lance Steel - 9 years ago
The strength of hardwired imprinting.

A duckling imprinted upon a cat in a shark costume riding a Roomba, just like in the wild. ;)

Very cute video!
Profitkid - 9 years ago
I dont know what inspired these videos, but they're great.
hh1974 - 9 years ago
I never tire of watch The Cat over the vacuum...hahahaha
Jodie and Ian
Jodie and Ian - 9 years ago
lmao amazing... watch my kitten on my channel 6 months old and crazy lol
rachel stewart
rachel stewart - 9 years ago
This is such a classic. I donT even get why this is so funny. But it is. :)
Emanuel Berrum
Emanuel Berrum - 9 years ago
0:58 "Clean this shit up"
LYNX NORWAY - 9 years ago
I have no idea, i just lost it when i saw that dog.
JackM12345100 - 9 years ago
+LYNX “elP” NORWAY Yeah the dog took it in an unexpected direction.
quillber - 9 years ago
Everything I hoped it would be
Brad Putney
Brad Putney - 9 years ago
My all time favorite YouTube video. I even called it out several times in the webinar that I was a panelist on this week.
Julia Stockschlader
Julia Stockschlader - 9 years ago
That was so cute more please
Michael Silvia
Michael Silvia - 9 years ago
That's Max Arthur! He's so cute!
محمد نور
محمد نور - 9 years ago
Fabiola Carrizosa
Fabiola Carrizosa - 9 years ago
One of the all-time classics
SundaeSunday - 9 years ago
Very Specific title there!
Cee Cee
Cee Cee - 7 years ago
bonus: no clickbait!
Jihad Vinyl Boy
Jihad Vinyl Boy - 9 years ago
+SundaeSunday What breed is Max Arthur?
Jemma Kennedy
Jemma Kennedy - 9 years ago
I'm here because of Phil
Peter Pansen
Peter Pansen - 9 years ago
If there are Web Oscars, this needs one.
SharkyCat - 9 years ago
funniest cat video ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robert Tolhurst
Robert Tolhurst - 9 years ago
1:17 Watching again for the greatest film entrance since Sean Connery in "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves"...
lyncanteven - 9 years ago
ofc phil liked this
Musik Time Machine
Musik Time Machine - 9 years ago
oww how cute!i would like to kick the owner in the butt!
alcaponed16 - 9 years ago
This is one patient cat.
Frosty - 9 years ago
Dan Kaminski brought me here.
Miel Mani
Miel Mani - 9 years ago
What kind of drugs are these animals on?  They are WAY too calm!
Official Silke F
Official Silke F - 9 years ago
On internet you find every shit you can imagine and every shit that you can´t imagine. But this here is complete new level.
Kirk Douglas
Kirk Douglas - 9 years ago
Way too sweet! hahaha
Pete Lowe
Pete Lowe - 9 years ago
its so lol lol
Lola Mavrik
Lola Mavrik - 9 years ago
this reminds me of my cat, riding on things
she rode on the vacume last week
she is brave
Levi1208 - 9 years ago
welcome to the interwebs
Edmunds Sondors
Edmunds Sondors - 9 years ago
The animals are depressed and uncomfortable. Using someone for your own joy against their will is wrong:(
Orson in charge
Orson in charge - 9 years ago
little duck " can has a go ?"
shark cat " noe "
Slightly Further Away Jack
Slightly Further Away Jack - 9 years ago
Wtf phil
614streets - 9 years ago
This is how a cat's mind works. RANDO
J o n a t h a n
J o n a t h a n - 9 years ago
poor dog looks humiliated.
The Junks
The Junks - 9 years ago
So this is why cats domesticated themselves... so human would dress up them up a shark and let them ride a roomba
Chady Lakkis
Chady Lakkis - 9 years ago
Hey Texas, I just wanted to let you know that I never monetized my use of your video (in fact I have never done that with any of my videos) and I credited you in it from day one. I just wanted to make something funny to share with people and I enjoy doing Photoshop work. Cheers!
focus51 - 9 years ago
I described this video to my Doctor , and now I'm in a rubber room .
Becca Wonka
Becca Wonka - 9 years ago
This is probably the best pet video ever. BRAVO!!
David Robinson
David Robinson - 9 years ago
i love that shark costume the cat wears
David Robinson
David Robinson - 9 years ago
i just love this video lol
Marscia Martinez-Mendoza
Marscia Martinez-Mendoza - 9 years ago
Ritchie D
Ritchie D - 9 years ago
This is so absurd it's addicting.
Benjamin X. D.
Benjamin X. D. - 9 years ago
I love this cat!
mantas kaupas
mantas kaupas - 9 years ago
Dafuq did i just watch? I mean its so weird i couldnt even switch it off. Wtf ?
Meilani Cheung
Meilani Cheung - 9 years ago
They should get the duck a Donald Duck suit cause isn't Donald a sailor? XD This was hilariously cute.
Unlucky Fat Guy
Unlucky Fat Guy - 9 years ago
This should be the opening video to the interenet
totesMagotes83 - 7 years ago
You've been frozen for 30 years, let me catch you up... first: The internet...
Bo Otten
Bo Otten - 7 years ago
In Holland we show this on television in a commercial XD
blighter84 - 7 years ago
Tryfield Animas
Tryfield Animas - 7 years ago
i agree :D (y)
feline groovey
feline groovey - 7 years ago
Eric Stefko
Eric Stefko - 9 years ago
+Unlucky Fat Guy friggen great comment !!!!
Rigby45228 - 9 years ago
I love it it's funny
fenderstratguy - 9 years ago
There needs to be an Academy Award for the weirdest youtube videos that are funny
Sydney Davis
Sydney Davis - 9 years ago
i have a feeling that the tail is gonna whack him instead of the roomba
Наталья Тищенко
Наталья Тищенко - 9 years ago
pablodelgado - 9 years ago
This is one of the most amusing videos I've seen in ages. Especially the video title lol :-D the sheer randomness of it :)
UH LAPIDOT - 9 years ago
My favorite part is when the duck pooped XD
Aaron Moses
Aaron Moses - 9 years ago
Cat is tail-buffing the floor after it gets swept.
TwoDogOrganicNursery - 9 years ago
I'd like to have this going on in our kitchen!
Natalie McCue
Natalie McCue - 9 years ago
I love all your videos. I think you bought a very expensive riding toy for your pets!! lol
Otto Marks
Otto Marks - 9 years ago
sigh what am i doing with my life
Otto Marks
Otto Marks - 9 years ago
Benghine Mohamed
Benghine Mohamed - 9 years ago
GameoverCats - 9 years ago
Play this video with the Benny Hill theme. thank me later
sueishere25 - 9 years ago
Oh my gosh, your furbabies are adorable. Sharky, (is that his name?) doesn't even care about the duck. Love it!!!!
Raul Escobar
Raul Escobar - 9 years ago
Illuminati!!!!!!!! if you follow his trial it make a triangle. ... hahaaha jk
Swami Joy
Swami Joy - 9 years ago
TexasGirly1979: I agrees with your description 100%!!
Charlie Martin
Charlie Martin - 9 years ago
Dennis Hartnett
Dennis Hartnett - 9 years ago
This hurts my head, but I love it - It's the only thing that makes any sense.
Kiki ferguson
Kiki ferguson - 9 years ago
i like how the dog and cat are just calm with their costumes on and the duck is just waddles so carefree.^w^
samuel gino
samuel gino - 9 years ago
Akula kotick  xotchas gosinick, sabaca Kracivaia tosha.
ChickenVille - 9 years ago
Ha the duck should hop on the cat's back lol
Houd Khan
Houd Khan - 9 years ago
Class Punk
Class Punk - 9 years ago
The study of evolutionary psychology.
iDeal Gamer
iDeal Gamer - 9 years ago
lol ! Cat Wearing A Shark Costume. cute
RigoStarr - 9 years ago
Michelle Mac
Michelle Mac - 9 years ago
That is the most laid back cat I've ever seen. :)
Dennis Matthews
Dennis Matthews - 9 years ago
This is the best video on the internet. period.
mya bolk
mya bolk - 9 years ago
I love how they take turns chasing each other
ElectronAsh - 9 years ago
Casual duck-poop at 0:57 FTW.
Pri Bri
Pri Bri - 9 years ago
I've just watched a cat dressed as a shark on a roomba and a duck for 1:33mins. And it was great.
alexander joseph
alexander joseph - 9 years ago
Thanks John!
disklosr - 9 years ago
You can now safely log off from the internet once and for all. You've watched everything that can possibly be watched and can rest assured you didn't miss anything on the inter-webs.
Jose Pallares
Jose Pallares - 9 years ago
myles christian
myles christian - 9 years ago
I've got to that weird part of YouTube agian
Reinjecto - 9 years ago
fake, of course
willku9000 - 9 years ago

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